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1000/0 CANADIAN SINCE 1 9 8 2 . WWW.COMMONGROUND.CA I S S U E 1 6 5 • APRIL 2 0 0 5 • FREE

Bill Hicks • Economics of social change • Michel Odent birthing humanity • Fair trade
Neem win • Eckhart Tolle • GMO-free PEI • Byron Brown • Nutrient depletion • Pride
• Education to
Consumers and

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APRIL 2005 • 03mmonGround• 3
CommonGround ISSUE 1 6 5 A P R I L 2 0 0 5 IN T H I S I S S U E
Publisher & Senior Editor • Joseph Roberts ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Michael Odent birthing humanity—Thom Evans 1.1
Graphic Design • John William
Accounts • Jim Duff
Aisle Six at Story Slam—Magpie Ulysses 9 Drug induced nutrition depletion—Dalia Taher 16
Contributors • Robert Alstead Bill Hicks standup political philosopher—Geoff Olson i o The case for a GMO-freePEI—Marya Skrypiczajko 18
Byron Brown • Guy Dauncey
Thomas Evans • Ilona Hedi Granik Blossoms or bombs—Ishi Dinim 2 9 Eat your way to health —Vesanto Melina 19
Chantal Harvard • Vesanto Melina
Geoff Olson • Organic Consumers Filmmaker peers in to abyss—RobertAlstead 2 9 The cancer epidemic: part 1—Guy Dauncey 20
Gwen Randall-Young • John Restakis
Marya Skrypiczajko • David Suzuki
Eckhart Tolle • Magpie Ulysses
Contact Common Ground:
Phone: 604-733-2215 F a x : 604-733-4415 Economics of social change—John Restakis 6 Enlightenment rising above—Eckhart Tolle 12
For out of area advertisers
call t o l l -free 1-800-365-8897
Pride: the seven deadly spins—Geoff Olson 8 Emotional peace—Gwen Randall-Young 13
Let's trade fair— Chantal Harvard 15 Freedom from the inner critic—Byron Brown 17

Common Ground Publishing Corp.

Vancouver, BC V 5 V 4G4 Canada
ISSN No. 0824-0698 Europeans block biopiracy of neem CLASSIFIEDS 30
Copies printed: 6 8 , 0 0 0
Over 250,000 readers per issue —Organic Consumers Association 5 ZODIAC 30
Survey shows 3 to 4 readers/copy.
Annual subscription is $6o (US$5o) for Climate science keeps ticking— David Suzuki 21 DATEBOOK 31
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All contents copyrighted. Written permission from the
publisher is required to reproduce, quote, reprint, or
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Furthermore, health-related content is not intended as
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l00% owned and operated by Canadians.
Published 12 times a year in Canada.
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What's this
new health dt
Cover Photograph image by Phil Borges;
"Dolkar 5; Tashi 6. D o l k a r and Tashi live in the
system about?
Tibetan children's village in upper Dharamsala, India
along with 2,000 other Tibetan children that have
been orphaned or sent out of Tibet by their parents.
I was told that Dolkar was an extremely sensitive
child but has adapted rather well since her arrival
at the children's village over a year ago. Tashi who
was orphaned as a baby has come to be known as the
joker of their class." Phil Borges, is an internation-
ally acclaimed photographer and author, whose more
than 15-year career has been devoted to the welfare of
indigenous and tribal people throughout the world.
Bridges to Understanding is an interactive online
classroom program that connects youth in indigenous
communities throughout the world with their urban
counterparts in North America. Volunteers are trained
to mentor students in the skills of digital photography
and storytelling. Borges created Bridges in order to
support the voices of indigenous youth, and to give
students from all backgrounds an opportunity to teach
one another about their cultures. Information about
Bridges and its mentorship program available at www.

4 • CommonGround• APRIL 2005

European patent office blocks CULTURE

biopiracy of neernfromtheOrganicConsumers Associatio

Tn a landmark decision March 8, the decision falls on March 8, International solidarity: With the people of developing tual achievements of the South. We were
1 European patent office (EPO) upheld Women's Day. countries definitively earning the sover- able to establish that traditional knowl-
a decision to revoke in its entirety a pat- Denying the patent means uphold- eign rights to their natural resources and edge systems can be a means of establish-
ent on a fungicidal product derived from ing the value of traditional knowledge with our colleagues in the NGOs, who ing "prior art" and thus be used to destroy
seeds of the neem, a tree indigenous to for millions of women not only in India, fought with us against this patent for the the claims of "novelty" and "inventive-
the Indian subcontinent. but throughout the last 10 years. A n d ness" in these biopiracy patents. This
The historic action to halt biopiracy South...This v i c - third, coming as i t now becomes case law, but the historic
resulted from a legal challenge mount- tory is the result of does on International pre&dent must be further developed and
ed 10 years ago by three opponents: extremely long soli- Women's Day, this transposed into overall international legal
the renowned Indian environmen- darity. It is a victory is also a victory for frameworks so that this type of theft is no
talist Vandana Shiva, Magda Aelvoet, of committed citi- women. The three longer possible:'
then MEP and president of the Greens zens over commer- people who success- The case was so clear that the technical
in the European Parliament, and the cial interests and big fully argued this case board of appeals needed only two hours
International Federation o f Organic. powers." against the might of to reach a decision to dismiss the appeal.
Agriculture Movements (IFOAM). Magda Aelvoet, the US administra- The opponents to the patent were
Their joint legal opposition claimed Belgian minister of tion and its corporate legally represented throughout the 10 year
that the fungicidal properties of the neem state a n d f o r m e r allies, were women: battle by Dr. Fritz Dolder, professor intel-
tree had been public knowledge in India health and environ- Vandana Shiva, Linda lectual property with the faculty of law
for many centuries and that this pat- ment minister, was Bullard and myself. It at the University of Basel, in Switzerland.
ent exemplified how international law president o f t h e can also inspire and Dr. Dolder explained that a reformulated
was being misused to transfer biological Green Group in the help people f r o m claim submitted by the patent holders as
wealth from the South into the hands of a European Parliament developing countries part of their appeal was rejected on for-
few corporations, scientists, and countries when the original who suffer the same mal grounds. Subsequently, the main
of the North. March 8 the EPO dismissed opposition was submitted. Just after the kind of theft but did not think it was pos- body of the patent was tested with regard
an appeal by the would-be proprietors, the ruling, she commented, "Our victory sible to combat it." to novelty, disclosure, and inventive steps
USA and the company Thermo Trilogy. against biopiracy is threefold. First, it is Linda Bullard, former president o f and revoked irrevocably. This is the first
Dr. Vandana Shiva, who travelled from a victory for traditional knowledge and the International Federation of Organic time that the EPO has legally concluded a
India to be present at the hearing, com- practices. This is the first time anybody Agriculture Movements (IFOAM), stated, biopiracy case."
mented, "What a lovely celebration for has been able to have a patent rejected on "We are deeply gratified that through our
the women of India that this long-awaited these grounds. Second, it is a victory for case the EPO has recognized the intellec- neetntree030905.cfm

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APRIL2005 • Common Ground•5

The economics of EDUCATION

social change
by John Restakis

. s r e l y has there been a time when tionships that is broader, more not. only delivers the highest per capita
uch profound changes have become humane, and more capable of income in Italy, but thanks to its. 15,000
so deeply embedded in our society. We, distributing economic benefits co-operatives, the lowest unemployment,
live in an age when traditional certain- fairly while preserving a sense the best social safety net, and the highest
ties about the role of government, about of human solidarity and com- the part of unemployed workers in that quality of life index in the country.
work, about human relations, seem to munity. country to resurrect the thousands of fac- There are countless other examples of
be reinvented and recast according to The cornerstone of a viable alternative tories that had been bankrupted and then • how people and their communities have
the whims of a force which is operat- to corporate capitalism and its fixation on abandoned by their previous owners. This decided that economic power can just as
ing beyond anyone's control or consent. economic hierarchy and unfettered indi- is a country that was once touted as the easily be employed by average citizens as
Everywhere i t seems, every- golden example of capitalism by the traditional elites. Today, the co-
thing is being reduced to the in Latin America. That is, until operative movement worldwide is the
value o f a commercial com- the practices of a corrupt elite most enduring economic alternative to
modity. conjoined with the policies of capitalism, with over 1/4 of the world's
But it is also clear that more the IMF to generate the world's people receiving everything from health
and more people, from all largest- ever bankruptcy of a care and housing, to fair prices for their
walks of life, are searching for national economy in 2001. coffee and cocoa. For millions, co-ops are
real alternatives to the direction With unemployment h i t - their only access to the market.
in which our society is heading. ting record highs and the bank In Canada today, there are 12,000 co-
People are thirsting for positive accounts of citizens frozen, a operatives with 15 million members in
change. mass movement demanded communities from coast to coast. Many
At the heart of this desire economic reform, and local of these co-operatives were the economic
for change is the feeling that control over the levers of eco- engines that developed local economies,
our economic institutions are nomic power. And one of the from agriculture on the prairies to the
beyond our control. Thai deci- most powerful symbols of this fishing industries in coastal communities.
sions that affect our lives every resistance was the recovered Today, 40 cents of every dollar earned
day are made not for our benefit, factories movement in which by a farmer comes by way of a co-opera-
but for the benefit of the pow- 200 factories were expropriated tive. There are still nearly 1,000 communi-
erful and the privileged. And by their workers and turned ties in Canada where credit unions arc the
that the social values that are the lifeblood vidualism is co-operation and the eco- into worker-owned co-operatives. These sole financial institutions.
of community are constantly corroded by nomics of reciprocity. co-ops became the means by
an ideology that says all things are subser- I have been a co-op activist and orga- which workers could stake a legal
vient to the market. This simplistic "econ- nizer for 10 years. And I believe there has claim to their work and show that
omism" is not only deeply flawed and pro- rarely been a time when the values of the there was another, more creative,
foundly destructive; it has also assumed co-operative movement were more rele- and democratic response to plant
the trappings o f an infallible dogma. vant than they are today. And if the co-op shutdowns than passive accep-
( model has served as a powerful and prac- tance.
asp?title=262) tical ideal in the past, it has even more to Today, many of these factories
Perhaps the most dangerous outcome offer for the future. are beginning to show profits in
of the triumph of corporate capital and For those o f us who believe that a exactly the same markets that
the ideology of unfettered commercialism more humane world is possible, it is our previous owners had abandoned.
is the erosion of people's capacity to imag- responsibility to show what such an alter- (Editor's note: This movement
ine an alternative. When the local hospital native might look like. What does it mean inspired Naomi Klein and Avi
or sawmill is shut down, or the encroach- to build a co-operative future? Lewis's documentary The Thke)
ments of globalization undermine local The glimmerings of such a future are Another example that has In BC alone, there are more than 700
culture and community, we'are told there present and thriving all around us, both gained international attention is the co- co-operatives and credit unions with
is no alternative. This is the way of the at a global level and in our own commu- operative economy of Emilia Romagna in one in every four people as members.
world. Adapt, or perish. nities. northern Italy. Using co-operation as their Collectively, the co-op movement in BC
But alternatives do exist that embody Recently, I was in Argentina to learn foundation, the people of this region have employs 13,000 people and holds $20 bil-
an approach to economics and social rela- more about the phenomenal efforts on generated a powerhouse ,:conomy that lion in assets.

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6 • ComrranGrount • APRIL 2005

In all these enterprises, whether they Unlike that age however, people today More and more, consumers today are And so the new role of co-operatives
provide jobs for workers, distribution expect more. They expect that corpora- making economic choices in their identity is to show how enterprises, owned and
of produce for farmers, or home care to tions should behave responsibly to com- as citizens in a human community, both operated by those who use them, can sat-
seniors, the members own and operate munities, respect the environment, and locally and globally. And it is in this ten- isfy both the demands of the marketplace
these co-ops to serve their interests and treat their workers fairly. It is no longer sion between consumer individualism on and the human needs of people in com-
the interests of their communities. enough that quality products and services the one hand, and the desire for fairness munity.
So the alternatives to corporate capital are made available on the market. People and community on the other that the That is a real alternative for a humane
are already with us. Which is not to say care how those products came to the mar- opportunity for building a co-operative future.
that capitalist firms don't have a funda- ket, and whether workers or children were future rests.
mental role in our economy. It's only that exploited in the process. The mass boy- Co-ops offer the most convincing John Restakis i s executive direc-
they are not the only kind of enterprise cotts of corporations like Nike and Nestle alternative to consumer alienation that tor of the BC Co-operative Association
that can succeed in the market, despite are proof of this. I know of.
the best efforts of right wing ideologues
to make it appear so.
For those of us who believe that co-
operation and mutual benefit is a supe- "How Often Do You Hear Yourself
rior alternative, the challenge is to find
new ways in which the co-operative
form can meet the changing conditions
Saying: "NO, / Haven't Done It Yet:
of economies while responding to the
evolving needs of people, both as citizens
and as consumers.
I've Been Meaning To!"
Learn The Secret Psychology Of Eliminating Procrastination FOR GOOD!
And, just as the displaced work-
ers of Argentina decided that by acting Their minds are a hodge-podge of half baked ideas and 'we've Stephan Stavrakis ,Mcht, Mnlp
together they could turn an economic been meaning too's". They think of a thousand "schemes" to Canada's TOP Mental Strategies Coach
tragedy into a story of triumph, so too make money quickly—but DO nothing about them. Thoughts
Will teach you how to:
the thousands of mill workers, fisher- flash in and out of their brain with the speed of lightning. New • Develop a laser-like focus.
men, and health care providers can look ideas rush in pegged, crowding out old ones before they have • How to setup your mind to
to co-operative solutions as a way o f taken form, shape or completion. Get things done, quickly and
running enterprises where maximizing efficiently.
profit isn't the only objective. There are They are SCATTER-BRAINED...
• Why intensity is key to eliminate
many examples of viable enterprises that Their mind is like a powerful automobile running wild—destroy- procrastinatiOn.
are shut down because they don't deliver ing their hopes and dreams, their POSSIBILITIES! They wonder • How motivation can be created
the bloated returns expected by inves- why they don't get ahead and never get anything done. They instantly even if you don't feel Stavrakis Mp
tors. For workers, these same enterprises like it!
.ffpuptif our mind lo
cannot understand why others, with less ability, pass them in trt accompltsh anything!"
could provide decent employment while L . t o pot your mind to
producing needed goods or services to the prosperity parade.They pity themselves, excuse themselves,
and sympathize with themselves. Here's what one of Stephan's clients said:
their communities.
This is a lesson that needs to be And the great tragedy is that they have every quality that leads "MynegaitVe feelings, which /used to suffer from, seem
relearned by British Columbians who to success--intelligence, originality, imagination, ambition and absurd now and / rea/4/ tee/ funny about the whole situ-
have come to believe that the workings completion! Their trouble is that they don't know how to USE ation. / n o w get things done the way/ want them and as
of the market are somehow beyond their their brain properly. fast as / wan/ to do them."
control. Or, that the only responses to - Kim Botu
Their mental make-up needs an OVERHAULING...
plant shutdowns are passivity, protest or
the hope that some benefactor will ride There are millions like them—failures, half successes—slaves '7 expetk•enced complete freedom and con/Vence
to the rescue. to those with BALANCED, ORDERED MINDS. It is a known in doing things quMfry that requtivo'se/f -asser-
Co-operatives remain a potent tool fact that most of us use only one-tenth of our brain power. The t/On on my part. / i n able to assert and defend my
for economic and social reform. And other nine-tenths are dissipated into thousands of fragmentary rights and boundaries ap,oro,ortatety without 8/7X/:
although we live in a different age than thoughts, in day dreaming, in wishing.We are only paid for ONE- sty or stress. / wffl gladly refer anyone t o you.
the industrial revolution when co-ops
TENTH of what we possess because that is all we USE. We also You have my hfghest pass/Me recommendatteh"
were created to address mass unemploy-
accomplish things with the same ONE-TENTH. - Christopher Streicher LLB, MBA
ment and consumer and worker exploi-
tation, the fundamental issues are still We are hundred horse-power motors delivering only ONE-
with us: unaccountable economic power, TENTH of the total horse power we possess!!! Stephan Stavrakis will present:
monopoly, unethical behaviour, and the The reason most people fall miserably below what they dream
manipulation and exploitation of con- of attaining in life is that certain mental faculties in them BE-
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APRIL2005 • CommonGround•7
The word "sin" itself is of Indo-European longer functioned as the sole Arbiter of

Pride origin, going back 5,000 years, which is everyday lives. Protestantism transformed
as far back as etymologists can trace any the individual's relationship with God to a
word with assurance. In a 1989 interview more personal dynamic, in which a deity
THESEVEN DEADLY SPINS CONTINUES on the CBC Ideas series, Cambridge uni- could be gloried through Good Works
versity theologian Don Cupit explained and the acquisition of personal wealth,
by Geoff Olson the beginnings of "sin." further pushing the individual to the cen-
"People are told not to cross over lines. ter of all things.
Greed drives the desire for profit at any cost. Envy is a mainstay So many of the oldest words for sin in Science delivered the coup de grace.
of the fashion industry, and marketing as a whole. Anger is sub- the Old Testament, for example, imply The stiff Aristotelian universe inherited by
tly exploited in the Army of One fantasies of video games and trespassing, transgression, overstepping Christian clerics, where change was equat-
the mark, crossing a boundary that you ed with corruption, was shattered into
recruitment advertisements. Pride fuels the "high self-esteem" shouldn't have crossed in some way. When pieces by a succession of thinkers, from
bandwagon. In the era of hypercapitalism, these and most of you violate a line or boundary in that way, Galileo to Einstein. There have been obvi-
the other so-called deadly sins have been rehabilitated by the itthat creates a condition of ritual impurity ous gains from this intellectual freedom
you'ye got to purge by some kind of (and especially freedom from the guilt
market as positive, even praiseworthy, states of mind. "Sin" has sacrifice or compensation, and it's from and fear pitched by the church), but at a
been spun. Hence, what I call The Deadly Spins. that primitive origin that the doctrine of price. The individual has been reduced to
sin develops..." a free agent adrift in a dynamic, but fun-
Cupit holds that the Judean concept of damentally meaningless, universe. A cos-
Aafew years back I ran into a friend of It's obvious that a certain measure of sin was elaborated further by Christianity mos where morality is as relative as the
friend at a social event. I asked how self-interest and self-regard is necessary to into the idea "of the universeasa hierarchy, observer's point of view offers freedom,
things were going. "Great," he responded. function in the world. What's not quite as a divine order, rank above rank, and sin but it is largely the nightmare freedom of
"I've only got seven left." An awkward obvious is that too much pride or "vain- becomes a matter of not keeping to your the void.
silence followed. "Uh, seven what?" I The irony is that over time one set of
asked. He slowly brought his hands up chains—dogmatic, anti-intellectual—was
to chest level, flipping me the, bird in exchanged for another set—individualis-
stereo. "Excuse me?" I replied. With a tic, technocratic, and materialistic. Science
thin smile, he repeated the gesture. I and spin entered into a Luciferian rela-
burst out laughing. "Very diplomatic!" I tionship, pitching a new kind of fear and
said, slapping him on the back and then limitation to the citizen-consumer, with a
walking away. mass market responding to newly-created
Later I learned this fellow was refer- desires. From the early twentieth century
ring to seven more episodes of a televi- on, psychology, organizational manage-
sion series he was producing for a cable ment, and the dark arts of public relations
sports network. As far as I could tell, he combined to valourize the individual,
wasn't drunk. He was simply offended by even while making him or her greater prey
my lack of awareness of his monumental to the hypnotic forces of mass persuasion.
multimedia work, and had no reluctance There was—and is—much to enjoy from
in communicating this. A little man with the triumphs of hypercapitalism, but the
a Napoleon complex, and a show that deal has a dark side. From the Aztec col-
everyone should know, he was sending me lapse to the Belgian Congo's slave trade to
amessage of social expendability. Simply the resource wars of the present day, the
put, our respective professions didn't West has bought its pleasures largely on
intersect, and there was no purpose.— no the back of others, in places where market
utility—in his treating someone outside forces have meant more stick than carrot.
his sphere with respect. I could be safely Today the citizen/consumer of the West
written out of his script. has become the deciding unit of social
I discovered later from others who measurement, and pride is no longer con-
knew him that this encounter was consis- sidered a sin. Quite the opposite; it's just
tent with his character. This guy certainly another word for high self-esteem—the
didn't have any problem with self-esteem. more the better, in theory. As I noted ear-
In fact, he could have used rather less of lier, a certain healthy amount of pride,
it, and a more realistic assessment of his the defining trait of the ego, is necessary
talent. I'd like to think of him as a bit of to mediate the world. But it's all the nega-
an anomaly, but the sad truth is he's just tives attached to the ego—fear, envy, and
another example of a personality struc- greed—that fuels the money culture of
ture that has gained some authority in the glory" can kickstart a fair bit of bad behav- proper place in the scheme of things." mass desire. Community gets reduced to
past few decades. After years of valouriz- iour. Pride can lead to envy if you fmd you Over the past 500 years, the western isolated atoms of consumption, resonat-
ing the individual, telling him or her to are not acknowledged or rewarded in the world's attitude toward pride, and our ing to advertising's ceaseless signal: "me:'
"look out for number one," to "go for it" same manner as others. Envy can in turn place in the universe, became less damn- Yet in most cultures throughout history,
and to "just do it," we're now seeing the lead to anger and melancholy, which may ing and much more dynamic. This trans- "looking out for number one" would land
result: the ascendance of the just-short- feed greed as you try to fill a hole in the formation is central to the construction the true believer into a hut on the outskirts
of-sociopathic personality. The mental soul with money and material goods. And of the modern secular psyche. During the of the village, or even outright ostracism
state at issue here is overweening pride. should any of these gambits fail to caulk Renaissance, humanist scholars rediscov- from the rest of the tribe. Too much pride
Arrogance. the opening, there's always the other vices ered the ancient Greek conception of the is toxic to the social mix of indigenous
"Superbia, ira, invidia, avaritia, acedia, that may act as a temporary stopgap. autonomous individual as the measure of people, but here is the irony: it is the very
gula, luxuria." "Pride goeth before a fall." The line all things. A hugely liberating social trans- foundation for consumer culture. This is
Pride, or superbia, tops Pope Gregory's refers to the worst career move in religjous formation swept across a continent still the psychopath writ large, the idiot mon-
Latinate list of the deadly sins. I n the hit literature, described in the Book of Isaiah. reeling from the plague and feudalism's ster that is ravaging the biosphere and
parade of crimes against body and spirit, Lucifer, first-born of the angels, was pow- collapse. The rise of mercantilism, free- threatening our future survival.
pride beats out envy, anger, greed, sloth, erful and beautiful, but also proud and ing believers to pursue personal wealth Ironically, the finger-waving acquain-
gluttony, and lust. The last of two, glut- presumptuous. He aimed too high and without guilt, allowed the rise of a secular tance mentioned at the beginning had
tony and lust, are mere carnal sins. They defied God, who banished the original money-economy in which the individual no shortage of self-esteem. In fact, you'd
are sins of the flesh—the body or lower rebel angel from heaven. Lucifer's crime was central. be more likely to call him boastful and
self. Superbia, or pride, is the top sin of the in challenging God was the defining sin of The Catholic church, which historian arrogant—qualities that aren't necessar-
higher self; or soul. Pride's transgression the Judeo-Christian universe. The sin of Lewis Mumford once described as the ily a hindrance to success. Society often
is to make your own ego a, personal god. pride, of ego. "tomb built on the body of Christ," no continued on page 31

8 • M O M • APRIL 2005
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F r i e n d s tell me I should write more wonder what it means for my grandma to
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Apparently it depends who you're ask- Yep, my grandma's been getting picked up
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looking at the canned
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mini skirt, army boots der what it means My grandma's a bit

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would slap the shit out
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be sexy...Yep, m y to worry, adding that,
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ping on two old ladies as grandma's been get- century never looked so
they squabble over the ting picked up at the good and with tits still as
last can o f mushroom high as yours..."
soup. supermarket. "Oh my, oh my God!"
Then I hear, "Margie, (Yeah, back t o that
I'm just going to aisle two to get some of smut and diplomacy thing.)
those stimulated bacon bits..." But you see: my grandma has been con-
If anything makes me laugh, it's lan- cerned from day one with me. Maybe it's
guage play like this, but now they're look- because I had a mother from the seventies,
ing at me like I'm some kind of freak. who taught me the appropriate words for
I already know what dinner conversa- my anatomy.
tion will be: Or maybe it has something to do with
"Oh Georgie, I was with Margie down this story in my family about a trip across
aisle six, and all I said was I was going to the country when I was two. The train
get some of those stimulated bacon bits, pulled into a station and the conductor
you know, the ones you like, and then this said:
atrociously rude girl in these black boots "We'll be in Regina for about 20 min-
was laughing hysterically, I thought she utes,"
might be crazy, you know, they just let And I started yelling, "Vagina! Vagina!
them free these days. We're going to.. ,?"
"But Margie says, 'It's okay, she's prob-
ably a lesbian anyway:"
At which point my grandma leaned
over to my mum and said, "See, I told you
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off to theology school. Often though, I
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continued to page 31

APRIL 2005 • CommonGround • 9

Bill Hicks stand-up CULTURE
political philosopherbyGeoff Olson
CC r rhis house notes with sadness the onto disc—and "burn" is the best word to
1 10th anniversary o f the death describe Hicks, a comic who'll a fire under MORE HUMOUR FROM HICKS
of Bill Hicks, o n February 26, 1994, the asses of comedy clubgoers expecting
at the age o f 33; recalls his assertion one-size-fits-all gags from a high-school- I'm so sick of arming the world and
that his words would be a bullet in the educated comic. He burned bright, and then sending troops over to destroy
heart o f consumerism, capitalism and he burned fast. A drawling, brawling critic the fucking arms, you know what I
International College of
the American dream; and mourns the of all that white-bread America routinely mean? We keep arming these little
Traditional Chinese
passing of one o f the few people who blinds itself to, he lives on today on the countries then we go and blow the
Medicine of Vancouver
may be mentioned as being worthy of Internet, a blackfly preserved in the amber shit out of them. We're like the bullies
ARewarding Career in inclusion with Lenny Bruce in any list of of cyberspace. (A Google search of his of the world, you know. We're like Jack
unflinching and painfully honest politi- name yields 251,000 hits.) Palance in the movie Shane...Throwing
Natural Health Care! cal philosophers„" How big is his posthumous following? the pistol at the sheep herder's feet:
- Stephen Pound, British MP, 2004. On the anniversary of his death last year, "Pick it up." "I don't wanna pick it up
Diploma programs towards: I'm watching a ghost — and a damn there were anniversary parties in London mister, you'll shoot me." "Pick up the
funny one as far as ghosts go. A pudgy- and Belfast, and comedy club salutes in his gun." "Mister, I don't want no trouble
• Doctor of TCM faced Texan, comic Bill Hicks puffs on a Texas hometown. A biography has been huh. I just came downtown here to
✓Licenced Acupuncturistcigarette and paces the stage, launching written (American Scream by Cynthia get some hard rock candy for my kids,
into a tirade against his nation. Outrage True), and the label Rykodisc is adding some gingham for my wife. I don't even
,/ Licenced Herbalist building, the black-garbed comic berates to the Hicks legacy with new concert CDs know what gingham is, but she goes
his US audience for their inferior grade and rare material. New DVD material of through about io rolls a week of that
✓Licenced TCMP eight education, and past performances is stuff. I ain't looking for no trouble mis-
. •
spits venom about the slowly being released. ter." "Pick up the gun." Boom, boom.
Oz-like public rela- Born i n Valdosta, "You all saw him. He had a gun."
1 Year Certificate Program tions machinery that Georgia, and educated
fronted for the "fascist" in the Southern Baptist What do atheists scream when they
✓ Chinese Tui-Na & Reflexology Ronald Reagan. faith, the young Bill come?
Much of Bill Hicks's Hicks moved with his
Classes Start: late eighties and early
nineties material has
family to Houston,
hometown of the Bush
"Oh come on, Bill, they're the New
Kids, don't pick on them, they're so
May 2, 2005 an eerie relevance dynasty. H e began good and they're so clean cut and
today. "You know we doing comedy rou- they're such a good image for the chil-
armed Iraq," he told tines in his bedroom, dren." Fuck that. When did mediocrity
Financial assistance may be available. the audience in a 1992 repeating WoodyAllen and banality become a good image for
We accept transfer credits. routine preserved on lines. By the age of 14 your children? I want my children to
the CD Revelations. "I he was performing listen to people who fucking rocked.
Accredited by the Private Career Training
Institutions Agency of British Columbia wondered about that at a Christian camp I don't care if they died in puddles of
too, you know dur- —which gave him the their own vomit. I want someone who
ing the Persian Gulf interesting experi- plays from his fucking heart.
war those intelligence ence o f self-censor- 0•+++...

reports would come ship in his early teens. A lot of Christians wear crosses around
PaA their necks. Do you think when Jesus
out: "Iraq: incredible -According to an article
CLINIC OPEN TO TIH PUBLIC weapons— incredible weapons." How do on Hicks on Wikipedia, "his parents took comes back he ever wants to see a
you know that? "Uh,. well...we looked at him to a psychoanalyst at age 17, worried fuckin' cross? It's kind of like going up
.1 Teaching Clinic to Jackie Onassis with a rifle pendant
the receipts." about his behaviour, but the psychoana-
Free Consultation, "I'll show you politics in America;' he lyst could find little wrong with him." on."
Very Low Cost on Treatments. added. "Here it is, right here. 'I think the In 1978, the Comedy Workshop opened
puppet on the right shares my beliefs: 'I in Houston, and Hicks started performing You know the world's 12,000 years old
✓ Professional Clinic
think the puppet on the left is more to my there while still in high school. In his first and dinosaurs existed, they existed
Dr. Henry Lu. liking: 'Hey, wait a minute, there's one brush with the big time, the 23-year-old in that time, you'd think it would have
Dr. Laina Ho, DTCM guy holding out both puppets!"' Texan landed an appearance on the talk been mentioned in the fucking Bible
We treat pain, gynaecological Once describing himself as "Chomsky show Late Night with David Letterman in at some point. And lo Jesus and the
with dick jokes," the motormouth Texan 1984. Impressing the host, Flicks did 11 disciples walked to Nazareth. But the
disorder, allergies, arthritis, de-
reviled comics who blunted their edge more appearances on the,show, all well- trail was blocked by a giant brontosau-
pression, other chronic conditions received. As his star rose, Ilicks's drug rus... with a splinter in his paw. And 0'
to become court jesters for the throne of
and much more. commercialism. He hated the sell-outs consumption increased. By 1986, he was the disciples did run a shriekin': "What
who offered the rubes inoffensive humour in bad financial straits, but an appear- a big fucking lizard, Lord!" But Jesus
Free about airline flights, cats and McDonald's. ance on Rodney Dangerfield's Young was unafraid and he took the splinter
Info sessions on programs: Shills like Jay Leno came under his with- Comedians Special in 1987 revived his from the brontosaurus's paw and the
ering attack for urging "bovine America" flagging career. Moving to New York City, big lizard became his friend. And Jesus
April 7, 14, to inhale more Doritos. He frequently Hicks performed nonstop and quit drugs, sent him to Scotland where he lived
in a loch for oh so many years invit-
21, & 28 pleaded with people working in advertis-
ing or marketing to kill themselves for the
leaving cigarette smoking as his only vice,
which figured prominently in later skits as ing thousands of American tourists to
2:00 - 4:00pm good of the species. Although his material he baited non-smokers in the audience. bring their fat fucking families and their
was always blue and often misanthropic, it Starting with an appearance at the fat dollar bills. And oh Scotland did
Call: 7 3 1 - 2 9 2 6 was more shock than shlock. The frequent Edinburgh Fringe, Hicks became a fixture praise the Lord. Thank you Lord, thank
comparison of Hicks to Lenny Bruce still in the comedy scene across the pond, where you Lord. Thank you Lord.
201-1508 West Broadday, holds. And like Bruce, Hicks would even- he was hailed as a prophet of American N

Vancouver B.C. V4f 11119 tually outwear his welcome in his home- excess. His British audiences had the Ever met one, no! Ever seen one, no!
land. benefit of cultural distance from Hicks's But they're all over the fuckin' world,
Email: How did I conjure up this clown? topical targets, but his US audiences had putting Bibles in hotel rooms! I'm Through an online file sharing network, no such chicken-wire for the soul. His gonna capture a Gideon.
I found enough of his routines to burn. continued on page 33

10 • commonGround • APRIL 2005

Michel Odent birthing humanity
by Thom Evans

M i c h e l Odent has revolutionized one. Modern medical protocols and inter- —mad cow and hoof-and-mouth disease.
our understanding o f birth and ventions perpetrated during this sensitive Now the threat of an avian flu pandemic
its role in the overall fabric of human- time span, especially at the time of birth,
fills the news. Industrialized childbirth has
ity. Beginning as a surgeon overseeing a are having a serious and negative impact not yet experienced such a catastrophic
small clinic and birth centre in a village on what he has come to recognize as fun- crash, but it leads Odent to pose to the
just outside of Paris in the early 1960s, he damental "episodes" necessary for our very proponents of the modern modality of
became a leading obstetrical revolution- survival. He is taking this primal research medical childbirth "Which disaste,r are we
ary, actually referring to himself for a and correlating it to behaviour and atti- waiting for?"
time as a midwife. tudes such as violence and drug addiction Odent is not even remotely against
Tens of thousands of births later, he in adulthood. knowledge or science, quite the opposite.
maintains the professional notion that Disruption and intervention of the nat- Knowledge and science feeds his position.
an obstetrician should see an average of ural birth experience is not new to culture He has experienced so many births. He
1,000 births per year to be considered a or history, but the onset of the industri- follows all the studies. An extensive data-
fully experienced specialist. He is consid- alization of this process is what has esca- base is available for perusal at www.birth-
ered the pioneer. of home-like birthing lated the severity of its impact. "The more
centers. It is Odent who inspired water- a society needs to develop the human Odent maintains that a woman at the
birth, recognizing the remarkable comfort potential for aggression, the more aggres- innermost core in her being knows how
gained by labouring women using baths sive are the rituals and beliefs that disturb
and pools of warm water to relax and feel the physiological process of birth:'
to give birth. She simply needs the privacy ❑ Acupuncturist
and intimacy required to feel safe and
secure. There is a parallel to the industrializa-
Now a master in his seventies, he cur- tion o f agriculture as well. The techno-
secure. At the heart of his science is the ❑ Herbalist
complex but primal release of hormones
rently studies and dis-
cusses radically the way
logical and economic interweaving with our state of mind- and ❑ TCM Practitioner
The more a society interests involved i n emotions — instinctive urges that have
humanity develops the pharmaceuticals a n d predicated our survival throughout time. ❑ Doctor of TCM
"capacity for love," espe- needs to develop the medical research are also "The scientification of love is the most
cially in the moments
surrounding birth. His
human potential for the players in transgenic
crop manipulation and
vital aspect of the current scientific revo-
lution. We have to develop respect for
discoveries have impli- aggression, the more the chemicals o f agri- Mother Earth; we are learning how the FREE
cations covering almost
aggressive are the business. We now can capacity to love develops. It is a landtnark
every facet of civilization.
Odent states: "Today the
splice a fish gene into
rituals and beliefs a tomato, potato seed
in the history of mankind, something
we might compare with the discovery of
ultimate priority is not
to transform farming or
that disturb t h e isfrom grown f o r industry
germ plasma, and
The hormones released during labour
to moderate the emission physiological process terminator technology are the same as those found in all of our
of greenhouse gasses. It
of birth. designed to make seed sexual activities and are consistent within Reserve your seat now!
is to make possible the infertile and therefore mammals, coming exclusively from the
❑ Apr. 14 C I Apr. 28 CI May 12
advent of another vari- suicidal is the current primitive part of the brain. In particu-
ety of Homo. This variety of Homo — the path of our industrial agribusiness food
authentic Homo sapiens — must be able supply. The chemical fertilizers, insecti-
lar, endorphins are clearly linked to our
capacity to transcend pain with the feel- 604.433.1299
to invent new strategies for survival at a cides, herbicides and fungicides, as well as ing of euphoria and pleasure, as well as
time when the limits to the domination of preservatives, colourings and flavourings, oxytocin, the love hormone. When we feel
nature become obvious. She must be able poured on the planet in the hundreds of inhibited, threatened, afraid, or when the
to wonder how the respect for Mother millions of gallons annually and in con- neocortex is stimulated, an entirely differ-
Earth develops. He must be able to par- centrations o f ingestion equaling our ent infrastructure is accessed. Adrenaline,
ticipate in a dialogue between humanity entire body weight every 10 years. They commonly referred to as the fight or flight
and Mother Earth, which implies a cer- are transferring at dangerous levels into hormone, takes over.
tain degree of unification of humanity. In breast milk, and interfering with the hor- Any number o f factors can inter-
other words he/she must master the ener- monal balances of the mother and fetus. fere with the flow of the love hormones "PCU has proven that
gies of love." Growth hormones, antibiotics and the designed to encourage ease of birth and they are really serious
Odent is founder of the Primal Health like are common in the production of mother/infant bonding. Simply nudging about quality TCM
Research Centre in London, England, animal products. Odent points out in his the labouring woman's thinking brain by instruction - I made
where he is studying what he calls the book The Farmer and the Obstetrician that asking unnecessary or untimely questions the right decision!"
"primal period," the development o f mega disasters have already occurred in is considered risky stimulation to Odent.
:Andrea Hansen
human life from conception through age agribusiness due to this industrialization continued on page 14

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APRIL 2005 • COmmonGround • 1 1

exists. Only past and future are consid- sciousness. We need to go on to the next
ered important. This total reversal of the stage now as a matter of urgency; other-
truth accounts for the fact that in the ego wise, we will be destroyed by the mind,
mode the mind is so dysfunctional. It is which has grown into a monster. I will talk

rising above always concerned with keeping the past

alive, because without it - who are you?
It constantly projects itself into the future
about this in more detail later. Thinking
and consciousness are not synonymous.
Thinking is only a small aspect of con-
to ensure its continued survival and to sciousness. Thought cannot exist without
by Eckhart Tolle
seek some kind of release or fulfillment consciousness, but consciousness does not
there. It says: "One day, when this, that, or need thought.
S o the single most vital step on your izes an addiction? Quite simply this: you the other happens, I am going to be okay, Enlightenment means rising above
journey toward enlightenment is this: no longer feel that you have the choice to happy, at peace." Even when the ego seems thought, not falling back to a level below
learn t o disidentify from your mind. stop. It seems stronger than you. It also to be concerned with the praent, it is not thought, the level of an animal or a plant.
Every time you create a gap in the stream gives you a false sense of pleasure, pleasure the present that it sees: It misperceives it In the enlightened state, you still use
of mind, the light of your consciousness that invariably turns into pain. completely because it looks at it through your thinking mind when needed, but in
grows stronger. the eyes of the past. Or it reduces the a much more focused and effective way
One day you may catch yourself smil- Why should we be addicted to think- present to a means to an end.. an end that than before. You use it mostly for practical
ing at the voice in your head, as you would ing? always lies in the mind-projected future. purposes, but you are free of the involun-
smile at the antics of a child. This means Observe your mind and tary internal dialogue, and there is inner
that you no longer take the content of Because you are identi-
No-mind is conscious- Ob, you ll see that this is how stillness. When you do use your mind,
your mind all that seriously, as your sense fied with it, which means ness without thought. it works. and particularly when a creative solution
of self does not depend on it. that y o u derive y o u r The present moment is needed, you oscillate every few min-
sense o f self from the Only in that way is holds the key to libera- utes or so between thought and stillness,
Isn't thinking essential in order to sur- content and activity of it possible to think tion. But you cannot find between mind and no-mind. No-mind is
vive in this world? your mind. Because you the present m o m e n t consciousness without thought. Only in
believe that you would creatively... as long as you are your that way is it possible to think creatively,
Your mind is an instrument, a tool. It cease to be if you stopped thinking. As mind. because only in that way does thought
is there to be used for a specific task, and you grow up, you form a mental image have any real power. Thought alone, when
when the task is completed, you lay it of who you are, based on your personal I don't want to lose my ability to ana- it is no longer connected with the much
down. As it is, I would say about 80 to 90 and cultural conditioning. We may call lyze and discriminate. I wouldn't mind vaster realm o f consciousness, quickly
percent of most people's thinking is not this phantom self the ego. It consists of learning to think more clearly, in a more becomes barren, insane, destructive.
only repetitive and useless, but because of mind activity and can only be kept going focused way, but I don't want to lose my Excerpted from The Power of Now by
its dysfunctional and often negative nature, through constant thinking. The term ego mind. The gift of thought is the most Eckhart Tolle, $14 US, $15.75 Canada,
much of it is also harmful. Observe your means different things to different people, precious thing we have. Without it, we trade paperback, published b y N e w
mind and you will find this to be true. It but when I use it here it means a false self, would just be another species of animal. World Library and Namaste Publishing
causes a serious leakage of vital energy. created by unconscious identification with o r
This kind of compulsive thinking is the mind. The predominance of mind is no more www.namastepublishing.corn. A l s o
actually an addiction. What character- To the ego, the present moment hardly than a stage in the evolution o f con- available at local and online bookstores.

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No phone calls please. Only selected persons will be contacted.


Andrew Weil, M.D., is a world-renowned leader

and pioneer in the field of integrative medicine.
Natural Strategies For Healthy Aging
This lecture is free. T h u r s d a y , April 21, 2005
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RSVP - at 1.866.304.0611 by April 14. Limited seating, first come, first serve.

12 • CORM°GIOIA • APRIL 2005

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Go slowly, breathe, and smile,
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APRIL2005 • CommonGround•13
continued from page 11 first impressions of the world the child tion in a given culture's birthing rituals, ffict with some of the routine procedures
Harsh sounds and bright lights are others. is arriving into are also encoded in this the higher the rates of violent crime, drug of industrialized birth often find them-
Even creating an inhibition of shyness or process. Any disruption, Odent has docu- addiction, and psychological pathologies. selves leaving midwifery, or are forced to
embarrassment by being observed changes mented, has lasting effects on the individ-. These are the statistics. Certain places in go underground, causing further unnec-
the chemistry. This is escalated manifold ual and society as a whole. the world now have the number of caesar-essary stress and danger to the natural
when you venture into epidural adminis- "As a traveller... • e a n section surgeries process of birth.
tration of chemical pain killers, monitor- staying. in a city, I
ing, machines going bleep, and full anes- need to know how
The scientification of love ing 80 percent of all iesMichel
performed reach- Odent believes these discover-
represent a scientific turning point in
thetic caesarean surgery surrounded by safe the place is. Can is the most vital aspect births. In Canada the shaping, and even the survivability, of
strangers in masks and uniforms. I walk the streets after we are hovering humanity. Healing our attitudes toward
According to Odent, these disruptions sunset? I just look at of the current scientific at around 25 per- ourselves and to each other in harmony
—when performed unnecessarily—have - local birth statistics. revolution...something cent and climbing, with our environment — this is where
far greater impact than merely the imme- My rule o f thumb despite the legaliza- we find our true disposition as human
diate discomfort of the baby or mother. is that the rates of we might compare with tion of midwifery in beings, beginning at birth. This is birthing
Whatever is happening to the mother is criminality are cor- the discovery of fire. some provinces. humanity.
also happening to the fetus. The complex related with the rates Legislated mid-
design of how birth is supposed to unfold of obstetrical inter- wifery has tended Dr. Michel Odent will be in Vancouver
has many key functions for survival. The vention...I'll be extremely cautious in in varying degrees toward the industrial April 26th — 28th, 2005 for a Public
natural flow of endorphins and oxytocin places such as Sao Paulo, Mexico City, medical model, and has placed the ancient Gala presentation followed by a two day
experienced by the uninterrupted mother Rome or Athens where the rates of cae- and once independent craft of midwifery conference entitled Birthing Humanity.
are fed to the baby as well. This stimulates sarean sections are astronomical...I'll under the control of the mainstream and For more information you can go to
the bonding process, releases the placenta be more relaxed on the streets of Tokyo, medicated industrial/medical profession., o r contact
and fosters the infant's vigor for finding Stockholm, or Amsterdam?' This has left the art of midwifery, certainly or phone toll free
and latching to the nipple. The essential The higher the rate of major interven- on this continent, fractured. Those in con- 1-888-853-5841.

Soul Life
your soul's purpose and
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Call 604-879-9770
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14 •Commonround• APRIL 2005
L e t ' s t r a d e f a i r b y Chantal Havard

F r o m May 1 to 15 2005, National Fair representatives and the banana plantation

Trade Weeks will be celebrated all management. A portion of this premium
across the country. Those two weeks, is designated for business support, which
happening for a fourth year, are aimed at ensures that workers are paid adequate
increasing awareness about fair trade and wages. The remaining premium is used for
its impact, by organizing information, projects determined by the workers' union,.
education and tasting events, as well as just as a co-operative does in a small-scale
cultural events. The slogan chosen this production.
year is: "Small act, big impact!", because Benefits for plantation workers: fair
as citizens and as consumers, what we trade ensures that plantation-owners can
buy has an impact: on the producers, on and do provide fair wages to their workers.
the environment; and on the economical Several recent media stories have told of
models we wish to support. To buy a fair banana farm workers in Central and South
trade certified product is to support fair America who have been intimidated and
and good working and living conditions even attacked for trying to unionize. Fair
for producers i n developing countries. trade standards ensure that management
But let's start at the beginning. respects the rights of workers to be part of
What exactly is fair trade and how did it unions.
start? Fair trade was born some 50 years ago Benefits for worker health and the envi-
in Europe as an alternative and a response ronment: fair trade certification requires
to the international trade system's inca- that producers use sustainable agricultural
pacity to address the needs of poor people practices which protect workers and the N e w eastside l o c a t i o n :
in developing countries. It is both a citizen environment. On most non-fair trade and 1 2 0 4 C o m m e r c i a l D r.
and consumer's movement, as it enables non-organic banana plantations, danger-
people from the North
(at William St.)
ous pesticides are used
to make a difference in throughout the grow- Va n c o u v e r
lives of people from the FAIR TRADE CERTIFIED
ing and harvesting pro- 604-323-9233
South, by choosing to cess. International stan- TEVN THOUSAND
buy products that have dards for pesticide use For more store locations:
been fairly traded. The are often disregarded by www. Ten Thousand Villages. corn
main players in the fair plantation owners and
trade sector have agreed
on this common defini-
unknown to workers.
Neurological disorders
tion of fair trade: including muscle pains,
"Fair trade is a trading nausea, and dizziness;
partnership based o n organ damage to eyes, ACADEMYOFCLASSICALORIENTAL SCIENCES
dialogue, transparency liver, and lungs; and
and respect, which seeks even sterility in male 314&5 Year *Chinese Herbology
greater equity in inter- workers are ailments ChineseMedicineDiploma Programs •Tuina Massage
national trade. It con- that banana f a r m - •Diet
tributes to sustainable ers and workers face NEXT ENTRY SEPTEMBER 2005 •Qigong
development by offering because of exposure to For calendars and applications call 1-888-333-8868 •Westem Medicine
better trading conditions to, and securing these chemicals. Fair trade certification Component
*Chinese Language
the rights of, marginalized producers and ensures that farmers adhere to all national Component
workers-especially in the South. Fair trade and international legislation regarding the FinancialAssistancemaybeavailable Transfer CreditsAccepted rtmA
organizations (backed by consumers) are use and handling of chemicals, and that
actively engaged in supporting producers, the most dangerous are not used at all. 303 Vernon Street, Nelson, BC Canada V1L 4E3 • Email • Fax 250.352-3458
in raising awareness and in campaigning Although it is not a formal requirement,
for changes in the rules and practice of most of fair trade certified bananas and
mangos are also certified organic.
conventional international trade."
Why is fair trade certification impor- What is TransFair Canada? NORDIC PUT NEW LIFE FORCE
tant? (The banana example) TransFair Canada is the only indepen- LIVING WAT E R SYSTEMS INYOUR WATER
Benefits for small-scale producers: dent, not-for-profit certifier for fair trade Get healthy water in your home.
Without direct access to buyers in north- products in Canada. TransFair is one of Far beyond what any filter can do.
ern markets willing to pay a fair price, the 17 members o f FLO International Restores and energizes your water via a
small-scale banana farmers receive only (Fair Trade Labeling Organizations), the double vortex flow form process.
a fraction of their harvest's worth. In fair worldwide standard-setting and certifying Proven in Europe, since 1985.
trade, the producers are organized into organization. TransFair Canada has two VA N C O U V E R T O L L FREE
1Drop of Water Before & After
democratically-run co-operatives and main areas of activity: the certification of ' t h e O r i g i n a l Wa t e r R e v i t a l i z e r ' 604 • 990 • 5462 1 • 888 • 644 • 7754
receive a fair price for their crop, no mat- products and public education work, in
W W W. A L I V E WAT E R . N E T • R E S E A R C H • FACTS• T E S T I M O N I A L S
ter how the market fluctuates. These mini- order to increase awareness on fair trade
mum prices vary by country and organic and build the market for products.
status, and are designed to cover the costs Fair trade labelling began in Canada in
of sustainable production and provide a 1996. Coffee was the first product made
decent standard of living for their families. available and is still the most widespread. Infrared S a u n a
In addition, small farmers receive a fair Fair trade certification monitors the flow
trade premium on top of the selling price. of fair trade goods from producers to final Relax while having a healthy sweat at a lower more
comfortable temperature than in a conventional sauna.
Co-operatives use this fund for business package, through a process of reporting
Detoxification of toxins and heavy metal. Pain
and human resource development, as well and auditing. It also guarantees that all relief from arthritis, fibromyalgia and other chronic
as social and environmental projects. trading partners comply with standards pain conditions. Bum 600 calories in 30 minutes.
Benefits f o r l a r g e r plantations: and that producers from developing coun- Easy in-home assembly with no plumbing required.
Plantations also receive the minimum fair tries really do benefit. Different sizes available.
trade price which covers basic production Standards set by FLO might differ
and labour costs. The fair trade premium slightly depending on the product and S o f t H e a t 6 0 4 - 9 3 6 - 1 7 6 6 or 1-888-291-6544
goes into a fund managed jointly by union continued on page 32
APRIL2005• commonGround•15
Erickson College b y Dalia Taher

Expandyour skills, G o o d nutrition and a healthy life-

advanceyour career,goodstyle are basic necessities for lasting
health. Both require a serious per-
find success. sonal commitment. Unfortunately, with
today's high stress and polluted environ-
... discover the power of ment, many of us do get sick.
Formulas designed to Millions of prescriptions are written
solution focused coaching.every day, ranging from your typical anti-
biotic to anti-cancer medications. People
target the unique nutritional demands Coaching Forward
trust their doctors and therefore dutifully
fill their prescriptions. We trust the medi-
of a contemporary lifestyle. A2-day interactive coach training cal system and expect that the medication
will make us better and not worse.
experience - easy and elegant
methods for powerful solutions. There is a lot of documented informa-
tion out there on how medications work,
April 23 & 24 or June 18 & 19 the side effects, interactions, contraindica-
Formulated by renowned Naturopathic Doctor only $199 tions etc. What has received little research
Mikhael Adams B.Sc., N.D. Coaching Discovery up until now is the way a lot of medica-
tions can alter the body's ability to digest,
An evening workshop for absorb, make, transport, metabolize or
solution focused coaching eliminate nutrients. Depleting the body
and communication. of vital nutrients causes medical com-
plications. Very often, a patient is then
May 17 6:30-9:30pm only $39 prescribed an additional medication to
counteract the new set of symptoms.
Considering that the general North
The Art & Science American diet lacks the minimum serv-
of Coachiing ing requirements of fruits and vegetables,
it is even more important that we supply
ICF Accredited Coach Training Program our vitamins and minerals from some
Distinguish yourself good source supplements.
Make a difference with To put the importance o f vitamins
and minerals in perspective, think about
solution focused coaching the construction o f a new building.
Summer Intensive format Carbohydrate, protein, fat and water are
comparable to the building materials.
starting June 2 or July 7 Vitamins and minerals are comparable to
the architect, contractors and construc-
Standing in Contribution: tion workers. Without vitamins and min-
erals, our bodies cannot synthesize new
Trainers Training cells, build new tissue or produce energy.
Deliver powerful training - learn There are approximately 1,000 com-
what exceptional trainers monly prescribed drugs and many over-
already know the-counter medications that deplete one
August 3 - 10 or more nutrients in the body. Commonly
prescribed drugs that deplete nutrients
Erickson is PCT1AAccredited. include oral contraceptives, estrogen
Financing is available for sow courses.
replacement therapy, anticonvulsants,
anti-diabetics, anti-hypertensives, anti-
inflammatories, anti-ulcer medications,
cholesterol lowering drugs, anti-depres-
sants, sedatives and antibiotics. Antacids
and laxatives also remove essential nutri-
E R I C K S ents. The problem of nutrient depletion
C O L L E E affects the health of millions.
ENTN So, what do drugs deplete? Cholesterol
A HUMAN DEVELOP lowering drugs, especially lovastatin, sim-
C O M PA N Y F O R 2 0 Y EARS vastatin and atorvastatin interfere with
the body's synthesis of a critical coen-
Phone: 604-87-5600
Pr&C email: info@eric
zyme called CoQ10 which is essential for the heart's health. Older people in good
health already have difficulty making
2021 Columbia St., Vanco uver, BC, CoQ10 so there is a real danger when this
Canada V5Y. 3C9 population is prescribed cholesterol-low-
w w w. p r o g r e s s i v e n u t r i t i o n a l . c o m ering drugs. While their cholesterol count
w w w. e r i c k s o .edu may be going down, their heart's ability to
function is seriously compromised.

1 6 • COmmoneouRd • A P R I L 2005

the inner critic VANCOUVER

A Compassionate Confrontation of Self-judgment
Through the Diamond Approach"
"The judge is the force in you that con- upon the recognition of your essential
stantly evaludes and assesses your worth nature and the development of your abil- With Byron Brown
as a human being and thus limits your ity to be authentically yourself.
capacity to be fully alive in the present Disengaging from the judge thus serves
moment." * two functions: to free you from the con-
—Byron Brown finement of old-, limiting patterns and
beliefs and, at the same time, to demand
Disrobing the "judge" and exposing the that you actively practise living in a way Recognizing, appreciating and disengaging from the
truth of your nature as a living soul is a that eliminates the need for the judge. You inner critic or judge is a vital step
journey of liberation. As you come to rec- cannot simply throw off a structure that toward regaining the freedom and vitality of the human soul
ognize that you are in a prison guarded by has defined and supported you unless you
the judge, you appreciate the soul's pow- have something more effective to replace May 6 Friday 7:00-9:30pm and
erful longing for freedom. Every external it with. May 7-8 Saturday/Sunday 10am — 5pm
form of bondage in human history reflects You must learn to function, interact, Plaza Hotel, 500 W 12th at Cambie, Vancouver $235
the psychic confinement of the soul result- and make choices freed from the stan-
ing from ignorance and unquestioned dards of the judge, which means living
beliefs. You are a slave to your own ideas in alignment with the truth and real- Byron Brown has been an ordained teacher
of who you are and how you need to be. ity of your own life at the present time. o f the Diamond Approach® since 1990.
The ability to defend against the judge's This creates a living conscience that is He teaches internationally and his book,
attacks and disengage from its activ- not based on rules. Such a conscience Soul without Shame was published in 1999
ity offers you the possibility of discover-allows the fullness of your living soul to
ing who you are, independent of ideas. express itself. This happens when you by Shambhala.
Actively standing up for the truth of your have transformed the self-centeredness of
experience breaks the habitual patterns of instinctual impulses, the self-destruction
To register or for more information
your familiar identity. Where expectationsof compulsive patterns, and the rigid-
and standards ruled, there can be open- ity of internalized authority. This is not contact Judith Bradley 604-251-9034
ness and allowing. Fear of retribution can a small task. It is the work of learning to
give way to self-trust and curiosity. From be a responsible, mature human being.
hopelessness and defeat can arise accep- You cannot plan how to do it, you cannot
tance and cpnfidence. only read about how to do it, you cannot
And truth guides the journey. In com- simply follow someone else's instructions.
bination with the grounding and practi- You must learn how to live spontaneously " W h e n our son was recovering
cality of your personal will, truth acts as by recognizing and following the guid- from his anxiety symptoms,
an objective conscience for action in the ance of what you know to be true. we realized that our bodies
world. One of the original functions of the * other terms for "the judge" include are our h o m e s where
judge was to act as your conscience. The inner critic, super-ego or inner judge.
judge learned standards of right and wrong Excerpted from Soul Without Shame by all of our memories
from parents and society. Then by using Byron Brown, 1999. Reprinted by arrange- and emotions live.
guilt and shame, it helped you as a child ment with Shambhala Publications, Inc. Through p h y s i c a l ,
to behave and act appropriately accord- www.shambhala.corn
ing to that moral code. Unfortunately, Soul Without Shameuses the Diamond
emotional and
this process suppressed your spontaneity, Approach of A. H. Almaas to understand spiritual balance
aliveness, and instinctual power in order the inner judge and gives concrete exam- they become
to make you socialized and acceptable. ples and practical techniques grounded in resources through
You needed the judge's firm support and a uniquely integrated spiritual approach.
direction as you developed your own abil- which the world
ity to perceive, evaluate, and understand. Byron Brown is presenting a workshop is experienced—
However, the outcome of that develop- on Soul Without Shame at the Plaza 500 in pleasure as well as pain. 7
ment was not grounded in your true Hotel in Vancouver, May 6-8, as part of
nature. As an adult you have continued to a series of events presented by Diamond
rely on the judge's internalized standards Approach Vancouver. For more informa-
of right and wrong. Only true maturation tion contact Judith Bradley 604 251 9033,
can replace the judge with a living con-
science. This capacity of the soul depends or

Folic acid is a nutrient that is often

depleted by drugs. It can be depleted by
fatigue and elevated levels of homocys-
teine levels, a serious risk factor for heart
some 30 different types of drugs from
aspirin and magnesium-containing ant-
Magnesium deficiency can be the result
' Is to stronger medications such as
-'s, cardiovascular drugs,
of using oral contraceptives, estrogen
replacement therapy and corticosteroids.
or log on to
" IDS and oral con-
'v the most
Deficiency of this mineral can exacer-
bate osteoporosis, cognitive function and
can trigger heart attacks, hypertension
continued on page 30

APRIL 2005 • COritfln GOV • 1 7

drive o r g a n i c s The case for a
Eat healthyy o u ' l l feel great!!!
GMO-free PEI
Guayakiitash Yo g i teas THE ORGANIC WAY
Org Yerba mate Organic teas Pleasure &wellness teas by Marya Skrypiczajko

$ 6 . 9 9 16ct
ProductofU S.A
$2.9918ct$3.49 16ct
ProductofU.S.A P r o d u c t of USA
A n t i - G M O campaigners from across happen. Progressive thinkers are encour-
North America have been congre- aging a shift toward more diverse crops of
gating on Prince Edward Island for the a higher quality that garner a higher price
last month to voice their opinions i n in the market and would not be as easily
favour of legislating PEI as the first trans- undercut by the big producers.

[V itasoy G o d
l en Temple YU genic-free province in Canada. After sev- According to the Prince Edward Island
eral years of pressure from island citizens Certified Organic Producers Co-op, "...
Orgsoy Peace cereals Orgrice&soybeverages
beverages and lobby groups opposed to growing the production of certified organic prod-
genetically modified crops on PEI, the ucts and high quality processed products

$ 2 . 3 9 946m1 $3.49 397g

provincial government has begun pub- in a GMO-free jurisdiction is the best way
$ 1 . 9 9 946m1 lic hearings to decide whether or not to ensure the future of PEI's agriculture
GMOs should be banned. If the ban does industry?'
Productof U.S.A Productof U.S.A Productof U.S.A
become law, PEI could be a trendsetter Co-op members also say a GMO ban
worldwide. on PEI will benefit tourism on the island.

Chosin9 Earth Balance In 2004 Premier Patrick Binns, a small- With ecotourism on the rise, a GMO-free
So Nice Soygani
organic scale farmer himself, announced that a PEI could attract those tourists who value

Orgfreshsoy beverages)
overconventibuttery onalspread
-Non dairy standing committee on agriculture, for- dining on locally produced transgenic free
estry and the environment would begin foods in restaurants and B&Bs.
public hearings i n February 2005 on Others who spoke out against GMOs
$ 3 . 4 9 1.891j p rosdu
ucssth ep
l s
o I $3.29 454g whether or not PEI farmers would be have reminded the public that biotech-

Productof Canada tain„,....nadustlap., allowed to grow GE crops. Such an enor- nology companies are in it only for the
mous turnout of both those in favour money. How can these companies do
and those opposed to the idea has forced any good with the inherent health and

C-ocoaCamino)agricullural integrity!
the hearings to continue through March. environmental risks of their products?

Endangered Speci4 Simultaneously, an economic analySis Furthermore, the anti-GMO side points to
of the viability of PEI going GMO free Percy Schmeiser, the Saskatchewan farmer
Orgfairtradechocolate' Eat healthy Chocolate bars has been undertaken
and results w i l l be
who was successfully
sued by Monsanto for
announced i n May. More and more countrieshaving its GM canola
$3.49100gbarsiyou'll feel$2.49 80g While an overwhelm- worldwide are imple- growing on his prop-
ing number of people erty even though he
Productof U.S.A
III roductof U.S and organizations are menting strict regulations
speaking out against on transgenic foods and Some came f r o m
had not planted it.

Organci Meadow Soy Delicious'

Barbara's Baker
GMO crops being
grown o n PEI, the an increasing number of main road where tests
provincial govern- North Americans have showed the highest
spilled seed along a

Orgfruit sweetened
Orgice cream Cheese puff s&bakes ment maintains i t contamination. Other
frozen desserts is taking a cautious made their own decisions

$6.992L $1,99 198g

fields were hit with

2.99 500d
Productof Canada ProductofUSA ) Productof U.S.A
approach and its deci- not to eat GE foods
sion will be market-
transgenic pollution
from w i n d - b l o w n
Proponents of the ban point out that Of course, some PEIers are in favour of
as a GMO-free island, PEI will be able to planting GM crops. Those opposed to the
Imagine foodsRizopia Yves corner a growing part of the international legislation note that most produce grown
market that does not want: GMO-con- on PEI is exported to the USA where there
Soups& brothsOrgrice pastasOrgcanned beans taminated food products. More and more is no anti-GMO legislation and so feel
countries worldwide are implementing there is no threat to their market. They see

$ 3 . 9 9 946m1
4 9 454g
$1.99 398m1
roductof USA
strict regulations on transgenic foods and GMOs and attendant dangerous chemi-
an increasing number. of North Americans cals as a tool to keep them competitive in
have made their own decisions not to eat their market and deny any health or envi-
GE foods, thus creating a niche market ronmental risks.
for both conventional and organic foods. There is no middle ground i n the

Kettle Seventh Generatio These consumers feel the health and envi- debate. It is heated, it is personal and it is
ronmental problems are too many and emotional. The public hearings will con-
we should not gamble with something so tinue until all opinions have been heard
Orgseed spreadsKrinklecutchips Liquidlaundry detergen risky. and then the issue is expected to go to the

$2.99125g$4.99454g$3.99 16ct
',,Product of Canada \ p r o d u c t Of U.S.A P r o d u c t ofU S.A
As an island, PEI has a natural advan- legislature in the fall of 2005. If the GMO
tage that it has a great buffer zone from ban is implemented, PEI will quickly
other areas that do grow GM crops. It is become a world leader and an example for
believed that most pollen cannot be car- other areas wishing to keep their land and
ried that far on the wind. air GMO free.
l pricing in effectfrom April 2nd until April 26th PEI is small potatoes on the interna-
tional food market. Island farmers have a
Free1hour customer parking hard time competing with the large-scale Marya Skrypir7
1045 Commercial Drive ( 6 0 4 ) 6 7 8 9665 producers who benefit from economies of BC the 0 ,
scale, and not all of their crops even make Ors*- •
7 d a 's a week r o m 9 a m t o 9 rm it to market. Some sort of change needs to

18 • conmormound• APRIL 2005

Eating your way
to health
by Vesanto Melina MS, RD

( - N u r perceptions about d i e t a n d Cleveland cardiologist Caldwell Esselstyn,

V health have undergone remarkable who teaches how to make yourself "heart- Safe, Simple, Natural
transformations during the past half- attack proof?' A presenter who combines
century.. scientific expertise, motivation and glow-
Fifty years ago, the hot topics in nutri- ing health is dietitian Brenda Davis, co-
tion were protein-calorie malnutrition, author of three books, Defeating Diabetes,
deficiency diseases, and the recent dis- Becoming Vegetarian and Becoming Vegan;
covery of the last of the thirteen vitamins. her talk is called Constructing the Optimal
Today, while undernutrition continues Diet. As fourth speaker, my topic is food
to be a tragedy for one in six humans, an sensitivities. The cost of attending this
equal number are overweight, and one- forum is just $5. (Health professionals
third of these are obese. should note the sessions on April 8.)
In North America, our malnutrition is For a tasty way to boost your intake STNsFATS
taking a peculiar form. We stuff ourselves of vegetables and legumes, try this pasta
with calories, animal protein and fat, and sauce. It is made with red lentils, the
supplements contain- fastest cooking of all
ing whichever vitamin, Legumes • have a n legumes; they cook in
mineral, or dried extract 20 minutes. The fla-
(powdered algae, shark amazing nutritional vour develops best by
cartilage, or bee prod- profile, high in protein, simmering for an hour
uct) has made recent or more. If your family
headlines. For many, low in fat, and rich in is just getting used to
one fourth of our calo- the fiber-containinglegumes, start with 1/2
ries come from sugar cup of lentils; for added
and another 40 percent carbohydrates protein, use more.
from fat, much of that
saturated and transfats. Chunky red lentil tomato sauce From Hair Grow Technology Inc.,
Yet intakes of vegetables and fruits, the From Becoming Vegetarian by Melina amazing research comes BIO-FEN
most nutrient-rich foods on the planet, and Davis, Wiley Canada, 2003. 1310-FEN i s a B -Complex Vitamin
are sadly lacking. Legumes have an amaz- 4 cups water Supplement with non-medicinal herbal
ing nutritional profile, high in protein, 1cup red lentils ingredients. BIO-FEN i s manufactured
low in fat, and rich in the fiber-contain- 1 l a r g e onion, chopped in Switzerland and has been sold in
ing carbohydrates that help us to maintain 2-3 c l o v e s garlic, minced Europe for the last 15 years.
our blood glucose, However, many people 1 l a r g e carrot, sliced diagonally
would have trouble naming five legumes, 1 s t a l k broccoli, chopped
and to use them in creating a delicious 1cup sliced mushrooms
meal is beyond comprehension. (See i f 1/2 cup green pepper, diced
you can list five; then check the end of this 1 s m a l l zucchini, sliced or grated
artide.*) 28 oz can stewed tomatoes
What happens when we stuff ourselves 28 oz can tomato sauce
with calories, yet build our diets from 2 tsp. each, dried basil and oregano (or
non-nutritious foods? The outcome is evi- 2 tbsp fresh)
dent in our medical clinics and hospitals:
cardiovascular disease, cancers, diabetes,
2 tbsp. tamari or Bragg Liquid Soy
2 tbsp. Cooking wine (optional)
New From
hypertension, strokes, and obesity. Every
part of our body is impacted when cells
2 tbsp. miso (optional)
Place all ingredients in saucepan or
Hair Grow
fail to receive the hundreds of protective crock pot; stir. If using a saucepan, bring
phytochemicals found in unrefined plant ingredients to boil, then turn heat down Technolosy
foods. Our food choices are the key fac- and simmer sauce for about an hour. If
tor in reducing our risk for these disabling using crock pot, cook on low for six to
diseases. How could it be otherwise? eight hours, or on high for about four
I f you would like to combine a spring- hours. Serve with your favourite pasta. Nourish your hair and scalp with B10-FEN''
time visit to the beautiful Okanagan with Leftover sauce freezes well. revitalizing s h a m p o o a n d B I O - F E N - '
an informative, and inspiring event relat- Makes 11 cups (six hearty servings). stimulating conditioner.
ed to nutrition and health, here's a bar- Per serving: calories 158, protein: 9 grams;
The shampoo and conditioner contain a
gain. Attend the Okanagan Health Forum fat: 1 gram, carbohydrate 34 grams, iron
uniqueformulation of pure botanical extracts.
between April 8 and 10. www.okanagan- 2.7 milligrams, calcium 113 mg. For best results use 810-FEN Capsules with You'll have a chance *Legumes are plant foods that grow in
the BIO-FEN " revitalizing shampoo and
to hear Dr. Colin Campbell, author of pods; they include Anasazi, black, cran-
stimulating conditioner.
The China Study whose research has berry kidney, lima, mung, navy, pinto, red
made headlines in the New York Times. and white beans; garbanzo beans (chick-
Campbell discovered that adding even peas); soybeans; lentils and peanuts.
small amounts of animal products to a Vesanto Melina is a registered dietitian; Available at Health a n d N u t r i t i o n Stores.
simple plant-based diet increased one's risk author and consultant www.nutrispeak. For the s t o r e nearest you call:
for coronary artery disease and cancer, and corn. Her next food and nutrition work-
established the links between casein (milk shop in the lower mainland will be a spring 1-866-424-7745 o r visit: w w w. b i o f e n . c o m
protein) and cancer. A second speaker is cleanse on May 7.

Understanding the cancer ENVIRONMENT

epidemic - part
by Guy Douncey

friend of ours died last week, here understood the role of attitude, humour, 50. But it is also deeply troubling. With the it's one in eight
n Victori. She was in her early fif- stress, prayer, diet, and other things they exception of a small nod in the direction What is happening?
ties, and as lovely as they come. She was hoped would make a difference. She died of hazardous materials, it tells us that it's There are two levels we need to address
always contributing to the community peacefully, her husband beside her. As our fault if we get cancer. We smoked, we —the ecological level, inside our bodies,
in one way or another, helping the local deaths go, hers was a good one. didn't eat enough green leafy veggies, we where toxic influences are causing the can-
horticultural society, always with a big But why did she have to die? Every day, tanned too much, we watched TV when cers, and the human level, where political
smile. the obituary columns tell o f men and we should have been jogging. Guilt, guilt, and commercial influences are covering
She died after five years of battle, involv- women in their forties and fifties who are guilt. up the causes.
ing three major surgeries and three rounds dying long before their time, their hopes, And yet all over North America, people In the world of cancer, it is very hard
of chemotherapy. She was very positive careers and contributions unfinished, their are getting cancer who did none of these to establish proof. That needs a control
and heroic about it; her husband too. They children, partners, parents and friends left things. So are fish and animals, who don't group o f humans who have not been
to grieve. So what are they dying of that smoke or eat junk food. The beluga whales exposed to any toxins, which is impossible
makes me angry and upset, instead o f in the St. Lawrence are getting cancers, to find. We can do it with rats, but not
CANADIAN SCHOOL OF calm and peaceful? while their cousins in the open Atlantic with humans. What we can do, however,
NATURAL NUTRITION Cancer. A huge epidemic of it. When are not. is gather the weight of evidence, and come
Teaching the Medicine of the Future I give talks and workshops these days, There's another huge story that's not to a sensible, precautionary conclusion.
I often ask people to raise their hands if being told here. Dr. Sam Epstein, profes- On the ecological level, here's some of
they have a friend or family member who sor of occupational and environmental the evidence:
Diploma Program has cancer. Almost every hand goes up. It's medicine at the school of public health, In North America, homes that use
NATURAL really astonishing. University of Illinois Medical Center, is an chemical pesticides have a six-fold greater
We are used to hearing about the ecolog-
ical disasters that are befalling the world's
internationally recognized authority on
the toxic and carcinogenic effects of envi-
chance of children getting lymphoma.
If you create a map of the geographical
110LISTIC N U T R I T I O N I S T forests, oceans, and wildlife. We know, at ronmental pollutants in the air, the water hotspots in the USA for non-Hodgkiii's
some level, that it is the fault of human and the workplace. His work shows that lymphoma, the map follows the Great
and corporate greed, riding rough-shod since the 1950s, in North America, there Plains agricultural areas, which have the
over ecosystems with a "humans-rule- has been a 55 percent increase in cancer, highest level of pesticide use. Farmers
nature" attitude. when the statistics are standardized for the have a higher rate of non-Hodgkin's lym-
We don't often think of cancer as an fact that people are living longer. phoma, along with pesticide applicators,
ecological disaster. We are told that it is a Childhood cancer o f the brain and golf course supervisors, and Vietnam war
"lifestyle" disease. If we follow its "Seven nervous system, 40 percent increase veterans (Agent Orange). Dogs whose
PPSEC steps to health," the Canadian Cancer since 1975; male colon cancer, 60 percent owners use weedkillers in their back-
Society tells us, we will reduce our risk of increase; breast cancer, 60 percent increase; yards are twice as likely to get the canine
getting it: Don't smoke, eat healthy food, brain cancer in adults, 80 percent increase; version o f non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
FOR VANCOUVER UPDATES: be active, be sensible in the sun, follow prostate cancer, 100 percent increase; tes- Monsanto's herbicide glyphosate, also
WWW.CSNNVANCOUVER.COM ticular cancer, 100 percent increase; estro- known as Roundup, has clear links to
cancer screening guidelines, report chang-
"SUPPORTING LOCAL BC es in your health, and use caution with gen-receptor positive breast cancer, 135 non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
ORGANIC GROWERS" hazardous materials. percent increase; non-Hodgkin's lympho-
It's all very good advice, with the excep- ma and multiple myeloma, 200 percent Continued in May issue.
100-2245 West Broadway, Vancouver BC tion that mammograms as a preventive increase; testicular cancer among men Guy Dauncey is an author, speaker and
604-730-5611 w w w. c s n n . c a measure against breast cancer have been aged 28-35, 300 percent increase. In 1950, sustainable communities consultant who
shown to have no value under the age of one in 20 women had breast cancer. Now lives in Victoria.

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20 •Common010Und• APRIL 2005

Climate science
keeps on ticking
by David Suzuki

I f you didn't know what the Kyoto times right alongside legitimate climate ence should simply pick up a science jour- Of course, part of the problem is that
Protocol was all about a few weeks scientists or politicians. Over and over, nal. Or, to cut to the chase, read a short journalism is fueled by conflict, so report-
ago, you'd be hard pressed not to know they made bizarre pronouncements about article by the University of California's ers will often dredge up a crusty commen-
now. The international agreement t o how the science was uncertain and how Naomi Oreskes, published in the journal tator to make sure a story is "balanced!'
reduce the heat trapping emissions that humanity's hand in global warming could Science in December. Her analysis of all That may make for great TV drama, but
are causing global warming has been all not be proven. 928 peer-reviewed climate studies pub- it's giving industry and politicians an
over the news since it came into force in This continued insistence on "proof" lished between 1993 and 2003 found that excuse to drag their heels on taking action.
February. even in the face of overwhelming evidence not a single one disagreed with the general And heel dragging is hardly prudent in
Leading up to the big day, I expected to is simply bizarre. To scientific consensus light of the science.
Our climate is a very complicated sys-
hear from "both sides" of the issue in the
media—those who felt that the agreement
say that we don't know
enough about climate
Anyone who wants t o position change.
on climate
tem. We don't know everything about
was an important first step to address a change t o p r o m p t know the real story on the Yet in spite of this, how it works, but we're learning more
huge challenge for humanity, and those action is to say that and i n spite o f the each day. What we do know tells us that,
who felt that the targets would be too dif- the entire discipline of
current state o f climate thousands o f c l i - by dumping vast quantities of emissions
ficult to achieve in a short timeline. science, as we know it, science should simply pick mate scientists who into the atmosphere, we are disrupting
What I didn't really expect was how the should not be trusted. are working directly our climate in ways that may make it
"climate change isn't happening" people Uncertainty is inher- up a science journal. on t h i s issue a n d increasingly inhospitable.
crawled out of the woodwork, bleating ent in the scientific are very concerned The Kyoto Protocol, by itself, won't stop
about myths and conspiracy theories that process. Currently, the vast majority of about it, from whom did we hear as Kyoto this from happening, but it's the first step
somehow seemed to involve nutty left- scientific evidence tells us that human approached? A handful of pundits ped- towards an energy economy that could.
wing scientists, government bureaucrats activities are causing climate change and dling warmed-over opinion articles and That won't stop some people from
and the French. that i t could have very serious conse- half-baked interviews. Yes, good dialogue, bleating their conspiracy theories and
Ngvely, I had assumed that this discus- quences if we don't do something about it. discussion and debate are vital to journal- claims that everything is going to be just
sion was largely over, since these people Of course, the science could all be wrong ism, democracy and science. But it has fine. Given how disturbing the real science
had such little credibility,. But there they —but I wouldn't bet our future on it. to be informed dialogue, not conspiracy is, I sincerely wish they were right.
were, being interviewed on television, in Anyone who wants to know the real theories. And that is exactly what these Take the Nature Challenge and learn
newspapers and on the radio — some- story on the current state of climate sci- people are serving up. more at

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Yoga on 7th by Trinity Yoga, leading to a Yoga Alliance anatomy, leadership, voice quality, class
trinity 156 E 7th Avenue, Vancouver BC
Toll free 1-866-726-9262
Teaching Certification. The course includes
6 intensive days o f .interactive learning
composition, enhancements, and the history
and philosophy of yoga. This course is ideal
mind b o d y s p i r i t covering the fundamentals o f teaching for aspiring teachers or anyone intersted in
April 23-28th 2005 while deepening your understanding o f developing theif understanding of yoga.

APRIL2005 • ComMonGround• 23
E D U C AT I O N & C E R T I F I C A T I O N C O N T ' D

Become a competent, c o n f i d e n t our books, charts, and videos. Reflexology Technique April 18-19, Body Miracle
Reflexologist, learning from Yvette Full Time 5-month Diploma programs, Points May 10-12; Open House clinic -
Eastman. Touchpoint Institute is registered Day & Evening - Sept., Pawspoint Fri PM. Homestudy & Edmonton classes
with PPSEC and RRCO. Foot, Hand, Ear, Reflexology f o r Animals Apr.16,17. available. Request our catalogue. Visit:
Face & Body Reflexology available. Our Certificate Basic Practitioner's Complete, Phone:
programs are 85% hands-on, fun-filled, Reflexology May 21-23. Hand Reflexology 604-936-3227, Out-of-town, 800-211-3533
stress-free, complete & intense. Ask about Apr. 1 2 - 1 5 . E m o t i o n a l Freedom e-mail:

DISCOVERAWORLD OF COMMUNICATION Internationally Recognized Shiatsupractor®

E R I C K S O N .0,lisCrg4 Canadian College of
'Coaching Discovery Evening May 17 Shiatsu Therapy ttuu-nour Stuatsupractor Diploma Program-
C O L L E G E 'Coaching Forward Apr 23,24/Jun 18,19 t *Vancouver (604)04-0095 •Shiatsu Foundation Certificate Course
'The Art & Science of Coaching Summer '05 *NorthVan(604) 904-4187 Chair-Shiatsu Certificate Course
next courses starting June 2-5 or July 7-10 1,4 E-Mail: . Upgrading Program for Healthcare Professionals
THE BC N L P 'Trainers' Training Intensive August 3-10 T' Website: Registered with PCTIA.CSSBC accredited
For details call 800-879-6949/604-879-5600
Starting September 21105 *Also, eligible forUS(WA) Licensed Practitioner.

Professional Certification Program Enjoy a soul-satisfying massage career.

7 . — • This gentle, powerful approach t o
Chair Try this short, affordable massage training
Massage program. You'll love it or you don't pay!
CORE BELIEF making definitive, lasting and meaningful
Tr a i n i n g Certification recognized b y Canada's
ENGINEERING change has built an excellent reputation
largest massage association. Financing
Founder, Elly Roselle
across N o r t h America since 1985. Relax to the Max available. Classes start soon; private
Basic Course: October 2005 training available. Call 1-800-207-4013
PPSEC Registered Forty-day Intensive Course: January 2006 Presented by Massage International
(604) 536-7402 for a 24 hour recorded message.

Traditional Chinese Medicine. Doctor o f FREE: HOW TO GET A CAREER IN HOLISTIC

COLLEGE OF TCM, N.H.P. (Natural Health Doctor®) INFO If you believe in the power of touch, turn
Requires Dr. TCM prerequisite o r any KIT it into a career. Call today to become a
licensed health practitioner. Accredited by CANADIAN
212-4885 Kingsway PCTIA (PPSEC), AAMA, CNMC. ACUPRESSURE Registered Shiatsu Therapist or Jin Shin
Burnaby, BC COLLEGE Do Practitioner. C a l l 1-877-909-2244 or
PPSEC accredited
Tel: 604-430-5838

The NLP Institute Weare dedicated to providing a learning environ-

White Rock, BC ment which embraces traditional & contemporary
British Columbia methods of therapy to produce skilled, caring prac-
Empowering Your Future"'
May 14th, 15th, 2005 I n s t i t u t e of L
o203-45744 Goetz St. titioners. Courses in Aromatherapy, Reflexology,
Call: 604-536-4862 Holistic Chilliwack, BC: V2R 3P1 Shiatsu, Iridology & Holistic Practitioner.
Personal Coaching Studies b c i h s @ t e l u s . n e t Meets the standards of the BCAOAand NAHA. Accredited withPPSEC. 1-888-826-4722


C O A S TA L THERAPY. Offering quality home study
ACADEMY acareer or as an addition to existing skills. A place in my heart
Full -time three week intensive studies begin courses, for everyone from the enthusiast to
April 4 Self-Hypnosis Workshop April 16- the professional. Learn how to safely incor- My heart at peace
17 HypnoBirthing for upcoming parents- porate essential oils into your life to enhance That's what home means.
604-542-1914 April 7 for 5 weeks, one evening per week. your body, mind and spirit. Contact Beverley
at (604) 943-7476 E-mail: —Brenda Mallon
PPSEC Accredited.

H E A LT H & H E A L I N G

Ferlow Brothers is a 100% Canadian owned Wehave a pure and simple approach t o Consultant inquiries welcome.
Vancouverbased coinpany.Weare an innovator in manufacturing usingno mineral oil,artiiicial colour, Box 30099
the natural herbal and cosmetics industry, supply- artificial fragrances, or paraben preservatives. Our
FERLOW ing professionals with the highest quality non-toxic products are manufactured in small batches from
8602 Granville St.
Vancouver, BC V6P 6S3
y B O TA N I C A L S personal care and medicinal herbal products. We the finest organic, certified organic, or wild-crafted Tel. 604.322.4080
offer a broad variety of products including herbal botanical extracts to guarantee freshness and Fax 604.322.4081
creams, lotions, tinctures, extracts, vegetable oils, potency.Please call us for a consultant near you.
essential oils, soap,shampoo,and toothpaste. Ferlow Brothers Ltd.

EnjoyDeep Blissful Relaxation! Student Clinic: Tuesday evenings, sessions only Training
PACIFIC Reflexology is taught and practiced as a
potent, safe way to: free stress and tension,
$15. Revitalize yourself, you deserve it. Book
your appointment now!
Certificate courses prepare you to prac-
tice reflexology competently. $295. See:
relieve pain, improve circulation, and facili- "Recreational Reflexology" Video Guide Education Listing. Books, charts, "Maseur"
Institute of tate the body's healing processes. Gentle,
soothing stimulation of foot, hand or ear
Enjoy pleasurable, quality time with your fam-
ily and friends following expert guidance to
sandals and self-help tools available.
535 West 10th Ave. / Cambie Vancouver, B.C.
PPSECregistered.Mostcoursestax deductible
reflexes revitalizes your whole body. Private
Sessions: Enjoy the healthy benefits of thera-
foot reflexology sessions. Only $29.95 for end-
less enjoyment!
V5Z 1K9 (604)875-8818 Fax: 875-8868
peutic half-hour sessiorrs: $35.

24 • commonof • APRIL 2005

H E A LT H & H E A L I N G C O N T ' D

Elite TCM Centre SPECIAL OFFER $200 FOR 10 SESSIONS •Stress, depression, fatigue •Chinesemassage (Tui-Na)
Acupuncture a Herb°logyFREE CONSULTATION • Menstrual disorder/ pain, menopause, PMS • Foot massage (Reflexology)
• Neck/ shoulder/ back pain; sport injuries, work
BCRegistered Acupuncturist •Stomachache, digestive trouble, constipation, • Uplifting/ anti-wrinkle facial
BCRegistered Herbalist injuries, tendon itis, fibromyalgia diarrhea, skin diseases(acnes, spots)
30 Years Clinical Experience
(include face acupressure)
•Numbness, paralysis, stroke, arthritis, whiplash, • Weight loss, Bust Enlargement •Steam Bath (Essence)
Telephone 604-875-9222
#905-750W. Broadway, sciatica, gout, bone spur, degeneration • Acupuncture • Car accident pain, spinal twist / sprain
Vancouver •Headache, migraine, insomnia, allergies, asthma • Acupressure ICBC,WCB& Extended Medical Plans accepted.


• Doctor of TCM, -Gynecological disorders
Naturopatftic CIRIIC Woman's Health & Gynecology
Acupuncturist in
Chinaand Canada.
"Insomnia •Digestive disorders "Fatigue aturopathic PhysicianHomeopathy - Bowen technique - Nutrition
•Quit Smoking 'Headache 'Backache "Stress Hydrotherapy - Botanical Medicine
• Gynocologistfrom China. •Skin problems •Cosmetic Acupuncture Dr.Glenda Luton Accepting new patients - Families welcome
• Over20yrs experience.
• Instructor ofAcupuncture and 'Arthritis 'Weight Problems 'Chronic Pain #1114 - 1030 W. Georgia. 604-681-5585
managementto fityour needs
Chinesemedicine in Canada. 604-669-4333 5 0 4 -1160 Burrard Street

ACUPUNCTURE Special Package for

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Detoxamin chelation - 70% off I.V.
HERBAL MEDICINE Stopping Smoking and Weight Loss
Save money and time with the safer, less • Back pain • Arthritis • Insomnia • Fatigue
expensive and more convenient Detoxamin ANGELA LIU • Digestive disorders • Respiratory disorders
chelation suppositories (Ca-EDTA). One Doctor of Traditional
Chinese Medicine • Gynecological issues • Skin disorders
box (30 suppositories) is equal to ten I.V. Registered Acupuncturist Low-Cost Acupuncture Package
chelations. Guaranteed lowest prices. Retail
(wholesale): 604-605-3382 Chinatown Centre Medical Clinic
1 0 I V TREATMENTS ThainedinCanadaand China. #165 - 288 East Georgia Street, Vancouver

Shamanic Transformational Healing.

Shamanic Empower mind/emotions. Strengthen your
I offer healing sessions blending Reiki,
5 Element spirit with the loving compassion of the plant
1 p LOVE crystals & gemstones, channelling, sacred
Plant Spirit Healing spirit world. PLANT SPIRIT HEALING includes: HEALS sound, aromatherapy and colour healing.
Past Life Regressions and deep trance work
Jacob Unger Toxic Aggressive Energy Removal; Soul also offered. Ongoing workshops offered
604.418.9636 Recovery; Cutting of Psychic Ties; Shamanic Anne McMurtry, Ph.D in Reiki I, II & III, Crystal and Gemstone
Counseling. Also: Drumming, Chanting,
wnshamanichealinganfoDreaming, and Medicine Wheel Circles Reiki Master Training. Please call 604-734-8219

Authentic Hawaiian Lomilomi massage •Deep The The Alexander Technique is a method of
CRYSTAL, NATURAL tissue, Sports massage •Crystal & hot stone
therapy •Swedish, lymphatic drainage, re-
flexology. Workshops: *Authentic Hawaiian
mental and physical re-education which
teaches how to use our body to its best
advantage. Private lessons, workshops, and
A Place of
Healing ICBC& WCB Lomilomi April 15-17 *Crystal healing for Centre CANSTAT certified, PPSEC registered teach-
claims accepted your health & home May 15. Lomilomi not 604.737-2818 er training.
604 431 7474 1215Madison Ave Burnaby, BC only affects physical maladies it also includes #110-809 W 41st Ave. Vancouver
subconscious, emotional & mental aspects.

The body hasa deep intelligence and wisdom Reawaken your body's innate ability to heal
Transformational which we can learn from. In a safe & trusting itself, reduce stress and experience deep
relaxation with Reiki. Reiki is an ancient
Bodywork, environment, through touch and words,
Asian healing modality that uses universal
learn to release holding & accept yourself
in a deep way. "It's like coming home to energy to balance and harmonize us. To
Devaki Drache yourself." ROSEN METHOD Bodywork NicaleLafleche,BSW, CRA experience Reiki for the higher well-being
Practitioner, Registered Clinical Counsellor, RedMaster/TeacherI wiwireikiplusta of your mind, body and soul contact Nicole
Tel: 604.222.2054 • 604-742-1603/
25yrs. experience. today to schedule an appointment.

Dr. Peter Thou, a qualified MD & former

SKIN DISEASES! director of a hospital in China, specializes
Awaken and rebalance your energy body.
RegisteredDoctorof TCM in: Skin Diseases: eczema, skin rash, acne, Diane Rizun 604-530-9252 Journey to non-ordinary realms for healing.
FormerInstructorof TCM Surrender to higher will, shape your destiny.
atLangara College psoriasis, rosacea, shingles, herpes, vitiligo, ShamanlcHealer:of Alberto
plane wort, yellow spots, hives, allergic Villoldo's 'Soul Retrievals, Intrusion extractions, Illu-
23 Years Clinic Experience
ExtendedHealthCare Accepted contact dermatitis, neurodermatitis. CertifiedCounselor:of Duaneminations, Therapeutic and Healing Touch.
Vancouver: 604-876-8618 He also treats all kinds of pain problems. O'Kane's 'Workshops, Medicine Wheel teachings, pri-
#116 - 828 West 8th Ave Holistic Registered Nurse vate sessions, monthly groups.

Deep tissue release results in an expanded, ALDERGROVE

lighter, more alive state of being. Interactive Coion ( t r o t / t m " ( Vital Energy 27256 Fraser Hwy.
Jenny Lou Linley dialogue connects mind, body, spirit. 604-308-9476
Certified Movement awareness supports postural NEW WESTMINSTER MAPLE RIDGE
Hellerwork Practitioner changes. Good for injuries, carpal tunnel, tho- The Happy Colon 360-522 Seventh Street Exodus Colon Hydrotherapy
racic outlet, chronic back pain, joint problems, 604-525-8400 #201-20395 Lougheed Hwy. 604-465-8531
stress, tension, personal growth. A profound
experience! FREE 1/2 hour consultation.

APRIL2005 • 0:11=13tound • 25
EVANLY RAYS PSYCHIC ANSWERS... WE ARE Canada to pass and incorporate rules of ethics psychic relief. Spouse unfaithful... promotion
declined... too tired mentally to have fun. Try us
and find out why customers truly say Evanly Rays
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Balancing combined First choice of customers... rated the have a certified degree in Astrology. (A spirit, soul 18 + $2.99/min 24hrs
Your life's problems best every year since 1995 for most accurate pre- and scientific reading that is amazingly accu- Call 1-900-451-4055
correctly dictions. First and currently only company in rate). Relationships, careers, life depression, instant ALL CALLS CONFIDENTIAL


Granville Walk-Ins Welcome Every Day 11-5. ANNE McMURTRY. A N N E ' S ABILITY "It is wisdom to know
Across from The Keg, Marina side. opens a line o f communication between
1$16nd Ask f o r Chanel " t h e clairvoyent o t h e r you and your Spiritual, allowing others; it is enlightment to
P,b.gchic readers consult." Hundreds o f confirmed them to speak directly to you. To inquire know one's self."
testimonials in the lobby. call Dr. Anne McMurtry at 604-734-8219,
Studio VANCOUVER. See ad i n Health, Healing
—Tao Te Ching
Ph: 604-734-3354


Integrative IMAGINE a beautiful space that... SERENITY Specializing i n gourmet w h e a t -free,

Design Expresses the essence o f who you are NATURAL FOODS lactose-free and gluten-free meals and
and aspire to be... Nurtures your life... DELI/CAFE/CATER desserts. No trans-fats; local, organic ingre-
dients; free-range meats; wild fish. Always
Lucy L. Frank Functions smoothly to meet practical
Bachelor of Interior Design needs... and Utilizes existing furnishings 3347 WEST4TH AVE fresh and naturally made! Dine-in, take
whenever desired. * A f f o r d a b l e Fees* VANCOUVER, BC home or cater your special event. Come Kitsilano: ( 6 0 4 ) 738 - 6446 604-739-9777 visit! Mon-Sat 11-8:30 / 604-739-9777

Have a remarkable L O O K . F i r s t class
9ezand Sotaamee hair cutter. Gerard is trained i n Europe Dangerous Lose 10 to 30 inches in ONE hour...with
and uses Sacred Geometry by taking into our exclusive Body Wrap that detoxifies
Curves without dehydrating. Maximize your
consideration your life style and facial shape. Slimming Salon
2-Month Hair-loss prevention treatment! health with our Infrared Heat Therapy.
3915 Hastings Burn over 600 calories in 30 minutes.
No peroxide and No ammonia! Color with
Enzymes. Free Consultations! Ample Parking! Burnaby, BC appointment only. G i f t Certificates
3432 W. Broadway, Kits 604.732.4240 ; (604)298.4650 "L available.

Personal consultations with Registered Practical tips for pregnancy, chi dren, family Vesanto is co-author of bestselling "Becoming
Nutritional Dietitian Vesanto Melina. Create the diet to members, health concerns, weight manage- Vegetarian", "Raising Vegetarian Children",
Consultant best serve you and fit your lifestyle and pref-
erences. Insure meeting all your nutritional
tnent. New Saturday afternoon nutrition and
cookingclasses:Spring cleanse, May 7; Healthy
"Becoming Vegan", "Healthy Eating for Life
to Prevent and Treat Cancer", the new "Food
Vesanto Melina MS, RD needs by booking a personalized consultation: Delicious and Easy, June 4. 45 minutes east of Allergy Survival Guide". includes computerized dietary analysis, excel- Vancouver; $60 per session with abundant Phone 604-882-6782 (home office) or 604-
Call 604-888-8325 or lent recipes, menu, and easy nutrition for busy food, hands-on learning, and great fun. 888-8325 (Fort Integrated Health Clinic).
604-882-6782 people; helpful answers to your questions.

P S Y C H O L O G Y, T H E R A P Y & C O U N S E L L I N G

Integrative Difficult problems can be embraced with 35 years o f professional experience • Communication in Relationships
Therapy compassion, intention and direction. • Depression, Anxiety and Stress
and teachings o f s p i r i t u a l h e a l e r s
By gently letting go o f old patterns, in Asia, Mexico a n d t h e Aboriginal • Childhood Issues, including Abuse
Ralph Frank, M.A. you can experience the fulfillment o f community o f Canada. Psychotherapy • 'Health, Injuries and Personal Loss
Registered Clinical Counsellor new life choices. A practical method and life coaching are integrated with • Addictions and Anger
integrating m i n d , b o d y, emotions meditation, bodywork and a mindful
www.thera and s p i r i t f o r l a s t i n g change. approach t o w a r d s s e l f discovery. Kitsilano: ( 6 0 4 ) •738-6446

Therapy of the Only by Working with the Whole Person it is because you have not gotten to the uncovered and resolved. I f you are fed
Whole Person Can You Achieve Truly Permanent and root causes. Completion o f any problem up and want to do something radical
John Arnold Ph .D Effective Change. comes only when you have resolved your about your predicament, give me a call
issues physically, emotionally, mentally 604-261-2788 or visit my web page at
If problems and issues keep popping up and spiritually and the underlying rea-
604.261.2788 in your life and you are STILL STUCK, sons for repetitive patterns of behavior are

AREYOU READY You can overcome your limiting beliefs and Lorraine M i l a r d o Bennington, success help of the angels, transformations occur
FORA CHANGE? open up to your joy! coach, psychologist a n d hypnotherapist, gently and profoundly.
Hypnotherapy- Ancestral healing, Past life has been practicing hypnosis and astrol- Lorraine returns to Vancouver from ten
Lorraine Milardo Regression,Weight loss/Stop Smoking, Life. ogy for thirty years, and weaves these skills years living, working, studying shamanism
Bennington Purpose, Athletic Performance. into her coaching and counselling practice. and playing on Kauai and Maui.
M.Ed. (Counselling) Couples Counselling Astrology - Honoring Hypnotherapy opens u p the wonder and She can be reached at (604) 871-4342 or
Reg. Psychologist #815 your cosmic blueprint. wisdom of our subconscious mind. With the emailed at

26 • Command • APRIL 2005


FREE Discover your personal Strength - it lies in In a safe environment, learn to value your power, • Relationship (from romantic to roommates)
YOURSELF the coping style that has gotten you this far; and your vulnerability; change learned patterns; I have 20+ years experience as a thera-
shift depression to hope. Free yourself from allow wishes, hopes, and dreams to surface. pist with adults, adolescents, and couples.
Jaminie Hilton CALL ME FOR INFO ON EMDR Clinical Supervision Available.
RCC fears of unfamiliar feelings that block growth
Masters in Counselling, toward creativity and intimacy. Deepen and • Creative/Career Blocks • Addictive Behaviours For free initial consultation or information
Chemical Dependency enrich your connection with others. Create • Trauma/Abuse: Physical, Sexual, Emotional call: 604-802-4126, VANCOUVER
Certificate the life you deserve. • Depression • Anxiety • Grief/Loss

"All o f your symptoms - depressions, Learning to befriend these symptoms helps body and soul. Michael's commitment
Are u fears, cancers, relationship patterns, you discover the wholeness that is you. This is to guide you - gently and truthfully
u on bankruptcies and divorces - point to the friendship is what heals and restores the - toward restoring these natural rhythms
purpose? deeper purpose of your life."
Michael Talbot-Kelly, MH, MA
natural rhythms in your life. that allow you t o live your f u l l and
balanced life.
Holistic Psychotherapy Michael is a holistic psychotherapist who Registered Clinical Counselor has 25 years experience healing the mind, Call Michael: 604-317-1613

• Joy, ease and pleasure in life itself About Toni Pieroni: Along with my profes-
What is Freedom from the beliefs, feelings and
behaviours that result in emotional pain and •Aliveness and authenticity sional training and skill, I bring over 20 years
Possible? repetitive, reactive patterns that keep you Some issues dealt with:
• Emotional, physical and sexual abuse
of personal development experience. I offer
individual and, couple therapy. For further
stuck. Life's options open up as you learn to
respond rather than react, resulting in: • Addictive and obsessional behaviour information or for a free introductory session,
Toni Pieroni, M.A. • Healthy, intimate, satisfying relationships • Relationship issues and co-dependency phone 604-737-0168. Or visit our web address:
RegisteredClinical Counsellor
• More success in work and career • Anxiety and depression • Self-expression

Problems with sexual functioning, inhibitions,

At Wilms Counselling Services we recognize Bianca Rucker & Associates Inc. desire discrepancies, affairs, or communica-
long-term problems require long-term
solutions. We provide in-depth therapy tion conflicts? We provide sex therapy, mar-
for people dealing with a range of issues. riage counselling, clinical hypnosis. Extended
W i l m s
Counselling Services Change is difficult but infinitely rewarding, health coverage. #400 - 601 West Broadway
if you have considered making change call Sexual & Relationship Vancouver. Bianca Rucker, PhD 604-731-4466
604.733.9588 Therapy

Reach and expand your potential in all areas Learn to Em sower Yourself Feeling unfulfilled? Conflict/relationship
of your life. Since 1985 this gentle method problems? Suffering depression, anxiety,
Lana Rados stress, loss? Dealing with trauma, abuse, work
has proven exceptionally effective in chang- MA Clin.Psycli,, BCC. BCACC
ing automatic, self-limiting patterns and Wel3 It Criminal Injuries Board R . or health issues? Effective psychodynamic
CORE BELIEF enhancing Conscious Choice. E l l y Roselle 604-644-9874 treatment for life-long results. EMDR,
ENGINEERING offers private sessions and classes. CBT, Hypnosis. Become the happy person
(604)536-7402. Email: you are meant to be.

Unlimited Wisdom Make your life a recipient of Goodness,

Transform painful life patterns!
Lillian Kelly Relationships, Sexual issues, Trauma, Abuse, Services Beauty, Love and Abundance.
M.A., R.C.C. sin4 Santillana Support and guidance with:
24+ years experience Anger, Grief, Depression, Anxiety, Addictions.
Compassionate, Effective, Body-based ii)Creative Counselling "Career choices *Relationships
604-536-7770 Therapy! Move through to Love & Joy!. for Women •Self Esteem • H e a l i n g
Caring for: Children, Adults, Feng Shui Home Solutions 'Recovery
Be truly Alive! Fulfilled! Change happens through awareness!
Couples & Families 604-215-1942

Transform Curses If you want to recover the real self, reconnect with Past-Life Therapy
Into Blessings your energy and creatitvity, refine skills to realin- YOUR Di Cherry is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist.
Barbara Madani your goals and reinstate your personal power - G AT E W AY Member Canadian Hypnotherapy Assn.
request an appointment. We will transform curses TO THE
Registered Psychologist #335 into blessings using: • EMDR • Power Therapies 2678 W 11th Ave, Vancouver.
PA S T For information or appointments:
Vancouver 604 876-4313 • exploration of feelings and reframing beliefs
Past-Life Therapy 604-731-2646 or • goal setting and decision making

RELATIONSHIP ISSUES • SHYNESS • hynotherapy and EMDR.Reasonable rates. Louise

DEPRESSION • ANXIETY • ANGER • Evans,BA., MEd., Marriage and Family Therapist. "To understand is to forgive"
PostTraumatic Stress Disorder • Abuse • Sexual Metrotown andW.Broadway office. —French Proverb
Addiction • Effective treatment using counselling,604-522-0257


be wise As well as you, there are a quarter million Cozy, carpeted room, seats 40. Available 24 BC's best kept secret! 12 unique B&B rooms
other people reading Common Ground hours, seven days/iveek. Natural/dimmer light- await you i n our historic inn overlook-
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Canadian owned and almost twice the 535 West 10th Avenue (at Cambie) inspired vegetarian cuisine. On Highway
circulation of our nearest competitor. By HEALING ROOM: part/full time. Reasonable 8 - 3 . 5 hours n o r t h o f Vancouver.
advertising your product, service or event rates. Inner Garden Activity Centre, 535 West 1-877-354-1997
Call 604-733-2215 with us you will increase your success. 10thAvenue (at Cambie). (604) 875-8818.

APRIL2005 • commonGrouso•27
Rebirthing i s t h e process o f breathing Negative beliefs, sometime stored i n o u r Call A. G. Roberts, 604-322-0216
attentively. This attentive breathing technique subconscious since childhood or even birth,
is helpful in identifying our limiting beliefs. are acknowledged and naturally replaced Rebirther since 1980, Counselling Diploma,
consciously by more creative and liberating Master Practitioner in NLP
Although it can be learned quickly, it is very one. Rebirthing i s also well-known t o I have studied with John Grinder, Marilyn
powerful and safe. contribute i n o u r progress o f spiritual Atkinson and Marshall Rosenberg.

Science of Spirituality is a global, not-tor- Judy, 604-530-0589; Surrey: Saturdays 4:30- Talk: "Discover the Higher Purpose of L i f e
SANT profit spiritual organization under the lead- 6:00pm, (Hindi/Punjabi) Gursharan, 604- Wednesday, April 6; 3) Introductory medi-
RAJINDER SINGH ership o f Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj. 590-3924; A l l SOS programs are FREE tation class: Wednesday, April 20; Events 2
Please visit our website for more April programs-1) L i v e Internet Vi d e o & 3 both at The Community Centre @ 801
information about this dynamic path. Broadcast: Enjoy a talk by Sant Rajinder West 22nd Avenue (between Oak & Cambie,
SCIENCE OF Vancouver: Sunday mornings 9 - 11 A M , Singh, Sunday, April 3, [9 am meditation, 10 near VGH). 7:00 - 8:30 p m : Questions
SPIRITUALITY 809 W. 23rd Ave. (Entrance o f f Willow), am talk] - 809 W 23rd @ Willow. 2 ) Public or to confirm contact Judy: 604-530-0589.

"You cannot know the meaning o f your Experience S e l f Realizatior t h r o u g h 8:00 P.M. St. James Community Square
Sahaja Yoga life unless you are connected to the roots." kundalini awakening at one o f our Free 3214 West 10th Avenue, Vancouver Phone
Meditation Mediation Classes and start liv ng the life- 604-597-8440, 604-715-8888 Wednesdays;
As taught by —H. H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi style you deserve: Mondays; 7 : 3 0 P M 7:00 PM Guildford Library 15105 — 105th
John Braithwaite centre 145 West 1st Street Avenue , Surrey Phone 604-597-8440, 604-
H. H. Shri Mataji
Do you want to lead a happy and healthy life- North Vancouver P h o n e 604-980-8107 597-8311 Wednesdays; 1:30 P.M. Simon
Nirmala Devi style? If yes, please attend our free meditation Tuesdays; 7 : 0 0 P.M. 5707 — Gilpin Street Fraser University Room AQ 5008, Burnaby. classes as taught by H. H. Shri Mataji. Burnaby Phone 604-715-8888 Wednesdays; 6 0 4 - 5 9 7 - 8 4 4 0

April 6 M e d i u m s h i p D e m o n s t r a t i o n
11.1111111UZINSIAVIOILB 1II NU MIN tfili918 Yvonne Colasanti; A p r i l 13 Open Circle Make life a celebration. The Art of Living

International Spiritualist Alliance

IA - 320 Columbia St. New West.
Glenda McLeod; A p r i l 2 0 Mediumship
Demonstration B a r b a r a L e o n a r d ;
ART OF courses improve health and give greater
happiness by eliminating stress through a
April 2 7 C r o p Circles, Canadian inves-
tigator C h a d Deetken. $ 8 ( $ 7 m e m -
(LIVING powerful breathing technique that purifies
and rejuvenates the mind and body. Teacher trained by His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.
bers) SPECIAL E V E N T: U K M e d i u m w w w. a r t o f l i v i n g . o r g
HEALING: 7 PM EVENTS: 7:30 PM TO 9:30 PM Contact: 604.228.8728
Eileen Davies: F r i A p r i l 15: Mediumship
Demonstration $25; April 17 Sunday Service

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Vegetarian Restaurant Serving traditional Buddhist style vegetarian

NAAM " G r e a t The Naam Vegetarian Restaurant
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2582 West Broadway There is something to please everyone from EXPERIENCE THE EAST tainly is Kits. From plumbers to publish-
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Active meditation: 7:30pm Occasional free
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The Power of Positive Partying and many more. Info: / 604-628-86%

28 • eommonans • APRIL 2005

Blossom or bombs ART & CULTURE

by hid Dinim
ferable voting system. The referendum feelings as something separated from
needs 60 percent of voters to be in favor the rest — a kind o f optical delusion
i T h i s morning my friend woke me up "right," being scared to pursue my dreams, and requires 48 of 79 ridings to approve of his consciousness. This delusion
1 from a groggy sleep. He was at my discounting my ideas as unimportant; the the change as well. During this election is a kind o f prison -for us, restricting
front door and I buzzed him up. I quick- floor plans for a self-made creative pris- getting out and voting is more important us to our personal desires and to affec-
ly threw on some sweatpants, put some on. There is so much guilt around wast- than it ever has been and maybe ever will tion f o r a f e w persons nearest t o
chai on the stove and we sat down at the ing time, living a privileged western life, be again. We could set the trend by insti- us. Our task must be to free ourselves
table and talked about life. We discussed saying too much or not enough, or even tuting truly democratic political change in from t h i s prison b y widening o u r
earthbag houses, addictions, work, rela- thinking the wrong thing. As it turns out North America. circle o f compassion t o embrace all
tionships, and then he gestured through I have a very personal relationship with When I'm done dwelling on grief, loss, living creatures a n d t h e whole o f
the window, "You know all this is crap. the warden, and who better to deliber- and sickness I want to explode with love. nature i n its beauty. Nobody is able
What we need to do is make a sh_tload ate w i t h about an Not a cliche sex to achieve this completely, b u t the
of money, then go travel to some really early release? Then Today's problems cannot be thing. I w a n t m y striving f o r such achievement is i n
poor country and have them teach us I had a revelation,
something about life." an idea, that maybe,
solved by thinking the way every act to further
a creative end, a sup-
itself a part o f the liberation and a
foundation for inner security.
There's an Einstein saying that goes, just maybe, not pro- we thought when we createdportive sustaining - Albert Einstein
"Today's problems cannot be solved by ducing a n y t h i n g process. I'll just chill Yesterday we bowed for kings and bent
thinking the way we thought when we for a time would be them. out in my sweatpants our necks before emperors. But today we
created them." I find my mind racing, valuable. Going dormant for a period is and ponder a little while longer. kneel only to truth, follow only beauty,
wonderful and horrible ideas following a natural process, I don't always have to Web links: and obey only love.
each other: a new amaryllis growing in be go go go. - Kahlil Gibran
the sun, body parts scattered throughout On another note, no less important extra/stv_resources.xml Success is getting what you want.
a busy marketplace, children fervently than freeing oneself from bondage, is our Happiness is wanting what you get.
chasing a soccer ball, opulent petroleum upcoming provincial election. I see this - Dale Carnegie
lords operating with impunity, back and upcoming election as the most important Ishi graduated from Emily Carr Institute
forth like this all the time. I don't know if moment in recent Canadian political his- 03b.html of Art and Design in 2001, with a BFA
focusing in on one realm of thought for tory. We have the chance not only to vote Quotes:. major in photography. He makes films,
too long is... in a new government but we can actually A' human being i s a p a r t o f the collects cacti, and ponders many things.
It seems that over time I've been build- change the democratic process. We have whole, called by us, "Universe," a part Currently he is trying to figure out what to
ing invisible barriers. Criticizing myself an opportunity to vote on a binding refer- limited i n time and space. He expe- do with the rest his life. contact ishi@yahoo.
for not doing "enough," not doing things endum that would usher in a single trans- riences himself, h i s thoughts a n d ca waiting to hear echoes back...

German filmmaker naive to see past Hitler's status may seem al socialist ideology and terror. The film is

peers into the abyss a little hollow, considering how rabidly

anti-semitic her employer was. But her
uncritical eyewitness account, she only
left the bunker after Hitler's suicide,
littered with suicides, none more shocking
than when Magda Goebbels methodically
drugs and then poisons her six children
rather then let them live "in a world with-
FILMS WORTH WATCHING offers many intimate details about those out national socialism."
by Robert Alstead last days, down to Hitler's table man- We also see Berliners scrabble about in
ners and how she would sneak out for a the rubble for survival. Russian bombs and
M a k i n g a historical drama based on Bruno Ganz's performance as Hitler smoke with Hitler's devoted fiancé Eva soldiers bear down on one side and Nazi
truth is a tricky business. The ten- is a brilliant study of surface charm and Braun (Juliane Kohler) when the shelling lynch mobs ready to string up "deserters"
dency is to play fast and loose with the reserved friendliness, that can switch in a stopped. Smoking disgusted Hitler. who refused to join the Volkstorm are on
facts to jazz up the story. second to explosive vitriol and demonic Braun, wearing traditional folk dress and the other. This desperate last struggle is
Downfall, a dramatization of the last rage. It is strange that this brooding, iso- a brave smile, or madly rallying Hitler's poignantly conveyed in the story of a boy
two weeks of Adolf Hitler and the Third lated figure who haunts the dimly lit staff to party as the bunker shudders from soldier, Peter, whose veteran father urges
Reich, can't go there. Six decades on, the corridors of the bunker, one arm quiv- exploding shells, comes across as even him to quit the barricades and come
war seems more, rather than less, politi- ering behind his back from advancing sympathetic. Her relationship with Hitler home.
cally sensitive. Especially i f you are a Parkinson's disease, could command such is less as a lover than as a true believer. As Unsurprisingly, there is that sense that
German filmmaker. respect. Yet, when she confides to Junge history is written by the survivors. Albert
Oliver Hirschbiegel's film, set in large all i s clearly lost, That criticisms have been not long before her Speer, Hitler's favourite architect, survived
part in the claustrophobic confines of Hitler's staff still lack understandable. death, Hitler shows the war, and wrote about his experience.
Hitler's bunker as the Allies close in, inter- the temerity to speak more affection to his He is an ambivalent figure, despicable
prets events with rigorous attention to against him. Easier leaves you in abso- dog Biondi than to for his favoured status, but almost heroic
historical detail that is commendable. The to indulge his fantasy lutely no doubt about the her. when he disobeys Hitler's orders to follow
fact that it takes a German perspective, that he has armies to This disturbing a scorched earth policy at the end.
with a large German-speaking ensemble, wage war up above, chilling brutality o f his romance is brought Another subplot about Professor
is undoubtedly what make it so intensely than risk incurring reviled regime... painfully into focus Schenk, an SS doctor, who risks his life to
watchable. It's rare to see German film- his wrath. Such was when, kneeling at help the wounded has been criticized for
makers touch this subject. the myth and fear that surrounded Der Hitler's feet, she pleads that he spare her glossing his character. The man was linked
That criticisms have been leveled at Fuhrer. sister's husband, the careerist SS officer With medical experiments on prisoners in
the film because it doesn't highlight the Bernd Eichinger's screenplay is framed Fegelein. Hitler spits angrily that Fegelein Dachau.
gruesome reality of Hitler's "final solu- around the eyewitness account written is a traitor and must be shot. Braun wipes The film may have flaws, but still it
tion" is understandable. But in attempting by Hitler's last secretary, the late Traudl away the tears. "You are the leader," she remains a serious and compelling insight
to show the man behind the monster, it lunge, in Until the Final Hour. It draws suppliantly accepts. into this dark era in Germany's history.
leaves you in absolutely no doubt about also on Inside Hitler's Bunker by renowned The tragedy is that she is loyal, unques-
the chilling brutality of his reviled regime Hitler biographer Joachim Fest. tioningly so to the end, a tragedy that was A, resident of Vancouver, Robert Alstead
and of the man himself. Junge's suggestion that she was too shared by a generation weaned on nation- also 'writes for

APRIL 2005 • CCOMORGUR • 2 9

FOR ANIMALS at An Herbal Bliss Tea & Herb Co. cats. Great companions.
Gift to good loving home.

On Track Zodiac.
Emotional & Behaviour Therapy 604.222.8800
Animal Communication INTUITIVE READINGS Must stay together.
Energy Healing & Reiki 604-731-9964
Skin Allergy Hot Spots For personal issues,
604-945-0830 clarity & guidance RETREATS
Email: Tarot, channeled & pet readings . 30TH KOOTENAY LAKE TAI April 2005 by Ilona Hedi Granik Pearl 604-945-0830 CHI RETREAT AND TEACHER'S
Email: TRAINING, August 21-27,
EDUCATION 2005 (250) 352 2468,
ACADEMY OF REIKI SCIENCES -------, www. ARIES (March 21 -April 19) formation. You gave u p the illusion
Classes, Individual, Correspondence
Reiki I $175, Practitioner $275, HIGHER SELF Come out, come out, wher- of perfection. With plenty of room to
Advanced $395, Master $795. CHANNELLED READINGS
ever you are. All is revealed, breathe now, the idyllic scenario will
Manual/Diploma, Registered Clear Challenges in
Teacher (604) 739-0042 Relationships, Business & Creativity Classes, Individual, including your ability to hide. come into play. When the pupil is ready,
Katrice Correspondence., You are showing people who you are. Put the guide will show up with an arm full
EDUCATION 604-685-4143 Certification, Readings
LEARN THAI MASSAGE 604.739.0042 your best foot forward on the path toward of presence.
Certification-level 1 & 2 THERAPY your goals. You have stored your talents,
www.pathaimassageandstore. IRIDOLOGY
com 250-537-1219 Tried Everything? Still Not Well? THERAPYTOO PRICEY? but now they need to be expressed. SCORPIO (Oct. 23 - Nov.
Eyeanalysis, natural health Consider wonderful, powerful 21)
HEALING assessment 604-684-9755 Group Therapy. Dr. Simon Hearn,
Suffering from Tendonitis and Certified Iridologist, herbalist Registered Psychologist, facilitates TAURUS (April 20 - May 21) You may be feeling very
Carpal Tunnel Syndromes? You an ongoing, open-ended, Good things come to those powerful, yet your emotions
can be cured within three sessions MUSIC LESSONS supportive group. Thursdays 7-
. of treatments. Safe clinical-based PIANOLessons in Surrey 8:30 PM, $40 per session. 16th
who persevere. Don't watch could be volatile. T h e expression can't
non-surgical techniques developed Qualified Female Musician will and Granville, max 8 members; and wait, just get moving. The find an outlet. By all means try to soothe
by Dr. Guan, Bing Jun, RTCMP, teach your KIDSPIANO with Tender gay positive. Simon has nine years timing is right to lay a foundation that your spirit in any way you can. If your
Orthopedic Surgeon in China, love and Care at her place in group therapy experience: www.
Aspecialist in Skeleton- Fleetwood, Surrey REASONABLE For free screening will last for years. You :an reflect on way of meditating doesn't help, try a new
Muscular Disorders. Call for rates. Please Call 604-507-6874 interview, call 604- 732-5991. your abundance in the coming months. technique. You are like a wild stallion and
detail: 1-888-566-8668 MUSICAL WOMEN'S CIRCLES Nourish your body to bring out the best the one who needs to pull in the reigns.
HOME BUSINESSES INSTRUMENTS Healing, sharing, and rituals in you.
HEALTH & WELLNESS Indian instruments for sale: Traditional teachings
BUSINESSFROM HOME Harmoniums, Sitars, Tablas, School of Shamanic Studies SAGITTARIUS ( N o v. 2 2
Toll Free 1-866-616-9625 Dholaks, Tanpuras. Professional Thursdays in April 7pm GEMINI (May 22 - June 20) - Dec. 21) quality instruments directly Call 604-221-6637 With this cycle of new begin- Others will look to you for
IMMIGRATION imported from the finest highly YOGA
reputated manufacturers. Full nings you take a leap of faith. answers and solutions. Your
Authorized representative for selection of instruments and CERTIFIED PERSONAL . A s k for what you want. Your leadership qualities will be equal to the
Canadian immigration (CSIC accessories. Great for singing, YOGA TRAINER
Member) can help you move chanting and prayers Individuals / Couples natural divinity aligns with your desires. task. Every attention to detail will be your
permanently or temporarily to 604-581-8533 / 778-88J-3340 For Pain Relief I Private Sessions You have within your grasp all the neces- goal. You have worked hard for the place-
Canada. Family and spousal or Showroom: Sliding Fee Scale (604) 644-5646
sponsorships a speciality. Call 15168-Fraser Hwy, Surrey, BC sary tools. You have all the time in the ment you are in and it shows that you are
Ron at (604) 970-0629 or visit world. Be here now and walk peacefully. in the right place.

f 4 C A N C E R (June 21 - J u l y CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 - Jan.

continued from page 17 takes more than one drug which depletes
22) 19)
and strokes. the same nutrient. We have only been
An investigation i s under This is an excellent time to
Another very important mineral deplet- able to discuss the loss of a few nutrients
way. I f insecurity has been study or begin a new spiritual
ed by prescription drugs is zinc which can from medications. To ensure you are not
be depleted by corticosteroids, oral con- becoming nutrient deficient from your part of your life, it should soon slide off practice. Your focus is pinpointed, mov-
traceptives, oral estrogen, ACE inhibitors, medications, you need to educate your- your shoulders. Your moods flip from ing toward a center. People come into
diuretics and many others. Zinc deficiency self about what you are taking and how it one colour of the rainbow to the next. A your life as emissaries. You have awak-
affects the activity of almost all enzymes may affect the vital nutrients that are nec- rolling stone gathers momentum and you ened from a dream and now you feel the
in the body, as well as the synthesis of essary for the proper functioning of our are building an enduring resonance with Earth beneath your feet.
various hormones and insulin receptors. bodies. Seek information from knowl- your personal power.

Typical symptoms of deficiency include a edgeable professionals that specialize in f t 4 1 $ AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 - F e b .
weakened immune system, poor skin, hair medications and nutrition. LEO (July 23 - Aug. 22) 19)
and nails, anemia and even joint pain. From a balanced position you Organize your thoughts and
The likelihood of developing health Dalia Taher, BSc Pharm, is a certified seek what your heart knows clear the clutter in your living
problems is compounded when a person herbalist. at the deepest level. The truth space. Ready yourself to present your
is as plain as the nose on your face. If you ideas in concrete form. That foggy feel-
can convey the facts, that is exactly what ing can be stomped out. The time is
Coming to Our Senses: Mindfulness & Healing will come back- no mumbo jumbo. The approaching when you will need to walk
layers beneath beg for personal assess- your talk. Actions speak louder than inac-
Jon Kabat-Zinn ment. tivity.

author Wherever You Go, There You Are

April 15 Public Talk

Full Catastrophe Living
April 17 Workshop
VIRGO (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
You seek to find others who
understand you o r a t least
share a common interest. The
ety PISCES (Feb. 20 - March 20)
Hang in there Pisces, you are
almost out of the woods. Up
ahead the road is clear. You
CanadianMemorial Church Hellenic Centre longing for have for kinship and com- have been dutiful in eliminating your
munity will get the best o f you. You feelings of inadequacy. You have evolved
1806West 15th Avenue 4500Arbutus Street could even reach out and go beyond your to higher level of wisdom. Personal lib-
7:30pm • $15 9am - 5 pm $100 comfort level. These could be wild times erty is your new frequency.
if you allow for it.
Tickets & B a n y e n Books 604-737-8858 Ilona Hedi Granik is a clairvoyant consul-
LIBRA (Sept. 2.3 - Oct. 22) tant and author with 31 years of experience
> V i p a s s a n a BC, Banyen Books and Common Ground Your views o f relationships in astrology, multi-media art and healing.
have gone through a trans-
30 •CommonGround• ,APRIL 2005
List at: > Advertising > Datebook
Earth Energy Changes, with Diamond Approach Vancouver: Anne Fleming r e a d s f r o m 2005 Great Salmon. Send-off. International S p i r i t u a l i s t Meditation and Self:inquiry:
Mary Ellen Flora, 1:00pm. T h e a two-evening introduction. 6.30- "Anomaly" & Amanda H a l e Celebrate the return o f salmon Alliance # 1 A - 3 2 0 Columbia Have you lost the balance and
Ironworks Studio 235 Alexander St. 9.30pm at Unitarian Church, Oak reads from " T h e Reddening by releasing fry. Displays, refresh- Street, New West (Downstairs) rhythm in your life? Let stillness
You can re-learn to heal yourself a nd49th. $90.00 for both evenings. Path" Armchair chat and sneak ments and entertainment. All ages, 604-521-6336. Sunday Services (through self-inquiry) return your
and our world. Vancouver CDM Registration or info 604 251 9034 previews o f novels due out this free admission. 10:O0am-2pm 11am . Rev. Joyce Tarvin 604-433- wholeness. 5-7 pm. 317-1613.
(604) 730-8788. autumn 7:30 pm "Tigers", 2133 Stoney Creek Community School 6663
APRIL 5, 12, 19, 26 Granville St. - 2740 Beaverbrook Crescent,
Finding Purpose in Your Child's
APRIL 1 3 Burnaby Linda Corrin 604-664- THURSDAYS
Behaviour, Communicating with
Story Slam, audience-judged 8849 MONDAYS Natural S p i r i t u a l H e a l i n g
Your Child, Encouragement vs.
story competition 9pm (sign-up APRIL 21 Shambhala Buddhism O p e n or Progressive Counselling a t
7-9pm during "Word Whips" Our MDA o f BC F r e e presenta- House 7pm meditation instruc- GaiaGarden, Kitsilano. Effective,
Praise, Discipline as a Learning Tool
$15 per workshop Queen Elizabeth
Town Café, 245 E. Broadway tion b y D r. Christine Taylor MAY 17 tion, sitting meditation practice. safe treatment for all illnesses,
Elementary School, 921 on D e p r e s s i o n : P s y c h i a t r i c Coaching Discovery Evening. 8pm refreshments, Buddhist talk injuries, life situations. Free con-
Salter, NewWestminster4Tuesdays Acute Hospital Care. 7pm, 1950 Casual & informative - get an taste and/or video and discussion. Free. sultations available. SRMH Centre
APRIL 15 Windermere St. Wheelchair acces- of Erickson College's unique solu- Shambhala Meditation Centre, 1-604-740-0898
7-9:30pm. 604.525.7388 Walking the Labyrinth with Jerry sible. Call 604-873-0103. tion-focused coaching approach. 3275 Heather at West 17th.
APRIL 6 DesVoignes and the One Voice 2021 Columbia S t . Vancouver
The Only Path To Peace; Lecture Harmonic Choir St. Paul's Labyrinth 6:30-9:30pm $ 3 9 . To register: Free acupuncture consulta- FRIDAYS
and exhibit, Josephine Harrison, - 7-9pm 1130 Jervis St. By donation. APRIL 24 604-879-5600 tion (with acupuncture treatment Just Dance. Evening of passion
.unique textile collages and pho- Sacred chants/mantras, t h r o a t Full Moon Festival o f Wesak. only). Relief stress and pain etc. and let go: Dance the rhythms of
tographs 6:30pm, lecture 7:00pm singing. 7pm. Vancouver Public Library, 350 Acuqimed Centre a t Broadway the world. 2nd and 4th Fridays of
peace meditation. Potluck Rm. 604-872-7117 West Georgia Street, Peter Kaye JUNE 13-25 Station. B.0 Reg. By appt: 604- each month. 18 smoke & alcohol
Capilano Library, 3045 Highland Room. Free. Tara Canada: 604- Permaculture Design Course. 961-8834 free. 2114 West 4th www.just-
Blvd, Edgemont Village. 604 947 Liars of Orpheus, jamming with 988-TARA. Winlaw, B.C. Learn permaculture TUESDAYS
0926 your spoken words. 11pm after design principles & practical skills Reflexology Student Clinic ses-
"57 Varieties" open mike for all to implement ecological food pro-
APRIL 8 arts Butchershop Gallery, 195 E. APRIL 26 sions - only $15. Evenings only. By Are you interested in writing
Free information session o n ducing ecosystems. 250-226-7302 appointment. Pacific Institute o f
26th Ave. Tim Lilburn " A s Though W e h t t p : / / rich, meaningful and purpose-
Pranic Healing, 7-9pm. Location Reflexology. 604.875.8818 driven narratives? Then learn
Found Home" Poetry & armchair
TBA. F o r reservations call Jean chg. 8pm Our Town Cafe, 245 E. WEDNESDAYS to write from stillness. 7-9 am.
Robillard a t (604)325-7224 o r APRIL 16-17 Broadway Hawaiian Healing Night 7pm. Michael: 317-1613.
email Intuitive Living a n d Being. JUNE 24-26 Hawaiian g u i d e d Meditation,
APRIL 8, 9, 10 Access, develop and strengthen Chakra Workshop with Anodea Sharing t h e Aloha,and snacks
IntroductiontoFootReflexology your intuitive wisdom in this joy- APRIL 29, 30, MAY 1 Judith, a u t h o r o f "Eastern after, meet like-minded people
Introduction to Ear Reflexology and share. 55.00 donation. A t Free Meditation workshop:
commences Certificate Weekend ful residential workshop. S e l f Body, Western Mind". Contact
Realization Meditation Healing commences Certificate Weekend Hale Ola - a place of Healing 1215 Experience kundalini awakening
Course. Intro: $10. Course: $295.00
Course. Intro: 510. Course: 1295.00 Madison ave. Burnaby 604-431- through Sahaja Yoga, as taught by
Pacific Institute o f Reflexology Ceritre, Halfmoon Bay. 1-604-740-
Pacific Institute o f Reflexology 7474 Kaimana and Moanikeala Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.& enjoy
(604) 875-8818 0898
(604) 875-8818 SUNDAYS your Powers at our Weekly classes,
APRIL 9 The Centre for Spiritual Living always free and open to all. 604
Shamanic Drumming Chanting Shambhala Open House 7pm 597-8440
APRIL 18 Inspired b y t h e teachings o f meditation instruction, s i t t i n g
Meditation Circle: Learn the Fibromyalgia - t h e Journey MAY 1 Deepak Chopra and Louise Hay? meditation. 8pm refreshments, talk
journeywork way of the shaman for Toward Healing J o i n medical Kits Classics + Worlds Beyond You'll love our Sunday services, A Course i n Miracles drop in
insight, healing, and empowerment. and discussion. Free. Shambhala
herbalist Chanchal Cabrera as she presents chamber music with guest 11:00am. Children welcome. 1495 Meditation Centre, 3275 Heather study group, 7:30 pm, 517 E 17th
Newcomers welcome. Saturday discusses this debilitating condi- percussionist Themba Tana 4:00pm W. 8th Ave, Vancouver, 604-321- St. North Van. Suggested dmp in
7pm. Donation. 604.418.9636. at West 17th.
tion Vancouver Public Library, 3214 W. 10th Ave. 604-732-3990 1225 donation. Tuesdays & Sundays(all Alice McKay room. 7pm Free Susan 604 987-6985.

continued from page 9 pondering the fear of our own bodies and
"I know how good I got it the first
When all I want to say is "Yeah, but
grandma, you should see number five."
bemoaning the unfortunate truth that
the only words in the English language
available for such beautiful things still
sound dirty.
• Spring Cleaning Special!
Free w i n d o w cleaning f o r
regular customers
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(Like I said, that smut and diplomacy I'd love to know where the lines cross. I • R e a s o n a b l e Rates
thing.) want wisdom, but just as I turn to ask the
women, I realize they're gone: I think I can Serving Va n c o u v e r Since '86
So yeah, I'm in the grocery store, down hear them now somewhere down aisle 4. For a Free E s t i m a t e call
aisle six, in my pink skirt and my boots I heard there was a sale on tinned Jan G r u e a t
with my questionable button on my T- oysters.
shirt. And these two ladies are still staring
at me and these are the things I'm thinking or b y email a t
about: Magpie Ulysses is a performance poet and
I'm thinking about my bad language, writer raised in the Wild Yeeha of Alberta.
my grandma and her sexuality, the ebb She currently resides in Vancouver where she
and flow of generational realities and the runs an etiquette school for young ladies.
still taboo of coming across as slutty. I'm

continued from page 8 What do you tell someone who believes Vancouver
rewards those who convincingly carve out "me" to be the whole show? Do you tell
a false idol with the aid of a mirror.
(The self-aggrandizing hip-hop scene
them that if everyone else is thinking the
same thing, it can't be anyone's show? In
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APRIL 2005 • CommonGround • 3 1
continued from page 15 accepted by the certification committee, Choosing to buy certified products (such
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32 •CommonGround• APRIL 2005
continued from page 10 of Achy-Breaky Heart, Billy Ray Cyrus.
take-no-prisoners routines were meant If his material was exclusively critical or
to shock the audience out of their media- negative, the tough-minded Texan would
mediated trance: He explained his come- have been remembered as a talented, i f
dic philosophy to the New Yorker theatre one-sided, footnote in comedy history.
critic John Lahr in 1993. "The best kind of But a portion of his stage routine ven-
comedy to me is make people tured into territory no nationally broad-
laugh at things, they've never laughed at, cast comic has covered before or since.
and also take a lightlitto the darkened cor- The drug jokes shaded into routines about
ners of people's minds, exposing them to the human potential for love, transforma-
the light. I thought the whole point of it tion, and transcendence. A small but con-
was to make you feel un-alone." sistent part of Hicks's routine, his belief in
Hicks didn't suffer fools gladly, and the the unplumbed depths of our existence
feeling was sometimes mutual. After one was based in part on his readings of the
show in the early eighties; two unimpressed Swiss psychoanalyst Carl Gustav Jung. The
Vietnam veterans followed him outside anticorporate, antigovernment rants were
and broke his leg. "Sufficiently provoked, comic grenades tossed into the audience;
he would fire rounds of invective, his soft but the real bomb was Hicks's Gnostic
Texas accent hardening with contempt," nyuks about eternity and the soul. Though
writes Dennis Perrin in Flak magazine. The most of his material was dark, his "light"
article quotes a standard Hicks response to material was blazingly clear. •Full Marathon •Canada
hecklers: "Fuck you, you inbred, mouth- This wasn't quite what the two-drink •Half Marathon Kids MaraFun
reading, American Gladiator-watching minimum crowd was expecting. According •Wheelchair •Healthy Nutrition
cracker piece of shit! Evolve!" Perrin adds to an article in Stylus magazine, "right up
that the comic "warned those who heckled to the end he was balancing the paradox Full Marathon & Wellness Expo
him that he had 23 hours A day to,concen- of playing packed theatres in Europe and VANCOUVER INTERNATIONAL
'Era'te o n l A arsintieht§' ant/ "Web§ of con- coming home and confronting 100-200
spiracy," and so they would be no match seat venues full o f apathetic tourists."
for him duitink the 241h houi on-stage." Although his celebrity in the US had pla-
Hecklers rarely had come- teaued with all but a core
backs to that. On October 1, 1993, group of rabid fans, the May 1, 2005
Hicks f r e q u e n t l y panjandrums of the US
assailed television and Hicks p e r f o r m e d entertainment-indus-
the forces of mediocrity his twelfth appear- trial complex could not
that offered u p newly fail but notice this inter-
minted entertainers with- ance on the David national artist in their
out talent or fire. In one Letterman Show, and midst. "ExperienceCanada'sbiggestandbestmarathonwithout running"
scabrous Hicks routine, On October 1, 1993, • Start/Finish • CourseMarshals • FlagCeremony • Kids Events
singer John Davidson achieved the distinc- Hicks performed his • Water Stations • Expo • PastaParty • Medical • Medals
is raped by Satan and tion of becoming the twelfth appearance on Call:604-872-2928or registeronline.
spawns Debbie Gibson the David Letterman
and The New Kids on the first comic to be cen- Show, and achieved the
Block. By the time of his sored at CBS...where distinction o f becom- F R E E A D M I S S I O N
death in 1994, Hicks had ing the first comic to
Letterman h e l d be censored at CBS Ed Vancouver
honed his comedy into
lethal sharpness, using court a n d where Sullivan theatre, where Healthy Convention &
it as much as a scalpel as
a knife. The Letterman-
Elvis Presley w a s and where Elvis Presley
held court
Nutrition ' E x h i b i t i o n Centre
friendly jokes were side- famously censored
lined by material savaging
was famously censored
in 1956: "Presley was
&Wellness 999 Canada Place

the Bush 1 administration

and corporate USA.
in 1956. not allowed to be shown
from the waist down,"
E X P O APRIL 28-30, 2005
The drawling brawler questioned many wrote New Yorker theatre critic John Lahr, Thursday 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm Friday 10:00 am - 9:00 pm
of the comfortable middle-class beliefs of "Hicks was not allowed to be shown at Saturday 10:00 am - 7:00 pm
his audience about education, politics, tele- all."
vision, and drug use. "I've had some killer To Lahr, Hicks was' „was no motor- Free& informative seminars, action packeddemos& more.
times on drugs," he once told an audience. mouth vulgarian but an exhilarating Enjoy watching celebrity chefs at our celebrity cooking stage.
After ingesting a "heroic dose" of psilocy- comic thinker in a renegade class all his Checkwebsite for complete schedule of events:
bin mushrooms, the Baptist-baiting comic own." Not ready for prime time, in other
understood why this fungus in particular words, or late night television for that mat-
is against the law: ter. Hicks had obviously done something
"I laid in a field of green grass for four to offend the illuminati at CBS, though
Save-On-Foodsis concernedaboutyourhealthand well-being.
hours going 'My God, I love everything: his material had been pre-approved weeks Weinviteyoutomeetourteamofpharmacistsand registered
The heavens parted, God looked down and earlier. (Hicks had to supply the CBS hon- dietitians todiscussyourhealth.Ourhealthcareteam will provide:
rained gifts of forgiveness, acceptance and chos with a script weeks before taping). • Cholesterol Screening
eternal love from His unconditional heart, Never broadcast, this part of Letterman's • BloodPressure Monitoring
and I realized the true nature of my exis- October 1, 1993 show was unseen by the • • BodyFat Analysis
tence, of all our existence, is God's perfect huddled masses of late night television. • ANutrition Consultation
and holy sunship, that we are spirit, we are Letterman had been seen to laugh dur- • •
ing the set, and the word in the green room
• ALungFunction Assessment
not bodies, we are mind, we are thoughts
in God's mind, his beloved children, and was also good, writes Lahr. "A couple of
that has never changed, and anytime that hours later, Hicks was back in his hotel,
you look thtough the body's eyes you are wearing nothing but a towel, when the call
brightlife- save foods
seeing illusions... I'm glad they're (mush- came from Robert Morton, the executive
Global' / t e a
rooms) against the law, because imagine producer of the Letterman show, telling THEWESTIN BAYSHOREThe Province
how that would fuck up this country?' him he'd been deep-sixed." Although all , l 0 P L M A R I N A lowINVRoom R e•-•aGPLACE

Such psychedelic observations were the his material had been previously approved,
unexpected adjuncts to Hicks's routines someone stepped in and deemed his rou-
BC A A .
about hunting down and killing the singer continued next page
APRIL 2005 • CanmonGround • 3 3
tine offensive or problematic. Even up to just a ride? And other people have remem-
the end —especially at the end—Hicks's bered, and they come back to us, they say,
speech was far too free for the USA. `hey— don't worry, don't be afraid, ever,
(The suspect part of his set may have because, this is just a ride..? And we... kill
been his routine about pro-life organi- those people. Ha ha 'Shut him up. We
zations, where he encouraged have a lot invested in this ride. Shut him
lock arms and block cemeteries instead up. Look at my furrows of worry. Look at
of medical clinics. During the following my big bank account and my family. This
week's Letterman show, a commercial for just has to be real: It's just a ride. But we
a pro-life organization reportedly aired. always kill those good guys who try and
This provided ironic support for one tell us that, you ever notice that? And let
erfect pro supplement of Bill's main themes, that America was
being sanitized into mindlessness by cor-
the demons run amok. Jesus murdered;
Martin Luther King murdered; Malcolm
porate sponsorship.) X murdered; Gandhi murdered; John
Ily for women Within the year, the chainsmoking Lennon murdered; Reagan.... wounded?'
comic was diagnosed with cancer of the "But it doesn't matter because: It's just
pancreas. In one of his last appearances, a ride. And we can change it anytime we
"he was frighteningly skinny, wore a want. It's only a choice. No effort, no work,
patchy beard, tweed sport coat and saggy no job, no savings or money. A choice,
khakis," according to Jack Boulware in right now, between fear and love. The
Salon. "Three months away from dying, eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks
and he was going for it, still in the saddle, on your doors, buy guns, close yourself
riding the horse all the way down:' The set off. The eyes of love, instead, see all of us
included a scatological routine in a bath- as one. Here's what we can do to change
tub involving Rush Limbaugh, Barbara the world, right now, to a better ride. Take
Bush and Reagan. At the shtow's close, all that money that we spend on weapons
Hicks played Rage Against the Machine, and defence each year and instead spend
singing along with the chorus, "Fuck you, it feeding and clothing and educating the
I won't do what you tell me!" poor of the world, which it would many
But the dying comic's best stage ending times over, not one human being exclud-
Women's Protein PIusTM is preserved on the 1992 comedy album
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ed, and we could explore space, together,
both inner and outer, forever, in peace.
routine: Thank you very much, you've been great?'
"The world is like a ride at an amuse- And with that, Hicks turned to walk off
ment park. I t goes up and down and the stage. He imitated three gunshots into
round and round. It has thrills and chills the microphone, and pretended to fall
and it's very brightly coloured and it's very down dead. The lights went out, and the
loud and it's fun, for a while. Some people show was over.
have been on the ride for a long time and Geoff Olson is a Vancouver writer and
they begin to question, is this real, or is this political cartoonist.

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