2005-07 Common Ground

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CommonGro STVwon fair vote

West Coast Poetry

coming to town

Susan Musgrave and 40 more poets in Vancouver for Canada's largest poetry festival
Codex cramps vitamins • US invaded Iraq, Iran next • Teflon trouble
Organic rules! • Unknown soldier stops the world from blowing up
• Te s t e d
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The Arthritis Foundation, a mainstream advoca-
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tedly preliminary, but it's intriguing.
SANIe may have other benefits as well. Studies
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AUGUST 1 2 - 1 4 , 2 0 0 5
IMAGES T H E A , t t ifitASkitNYES



8 8 8 . 7 7 7 . 5 9 8 1 prophets@greatmystery.org
visit: greatmystery.org
CommonGround ISSUE 1 6 8 J U LY 2 0 0 5 IN T H I S I S S U E
Publisher & Senior Editor • Joseph Roberts
Graphic Design • John William
Contributors • Robert Alstead
Crystal Andrus • I. Patrick Boyer ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT HEALTH
Stewart Brinton • Guy Dauncey • Ishi Dinim
Johnny Frem • Ilona Hedi Granik Story Slam—Summer's song— Stewart Brinton 9 The trouble with Teflon —Tyler Bradley 32
Arne Hansen • Carolyn Herriot
West Coast Poetry Festival—Sonya Weir 5 Guardians of biodiversity—Marya Skrypiczajko 18
Paul Loeb • Vesanto Melina
Geoff Olson • Gwen Randall-Young Summer lovin' — Robert Alstead 29 Food and fitness for sexy seniors —Vesanto Melina 18
Marya Skrypiczajko • David Suzuki
Eckhart Tolle • Sonya Weir Joy—Crystal Andrus 29
Contact Common Ground:
Phone: 604-733-2215 F a x : 604-733-4415 Unspun heroes— Soviet saved world—Geoff Olson 7 SPIRITUALITY
For out of area advertisers
call toll-free 1-800-365-8897 Double 6o probably unconstituticTal—J. Patrick Boyer 6 Bodily emotion—Eckhart Tolle 12
Advertising: admin@commonground.ca
Editorial: editor@commonground.ca Iraq question or US demand—Paul Loeb 1 5 The waking dream—Gwen Randall-Young 13
CommonGround Publishing Corp.
NEW OFFICE: Friendly advice — Ishi Dinim 3 1
204-4381 Fraser St. RESOURCE DIRECTORY 22
Vancouver, BC V5V 4G4 Canada
ISSN No. 0824-0698
Copies printed: 68,000 Why organic?—Carolyn Herriot 17 ZODIAC 30
Over 250,000 readers per issue
Survey shows 3 to 4 readers/copy. When the gas runs out— Guy Dauncey 20 DATE BOOK 31
Annual subscription is $6o (US$50) for
one year (12 issues). Single issues are Car industry lied to us— David Suzuki 21
$6 (specify issue #). Payable by cheque,
Visa, MasterCard, Interac or money order.
All contents copyrighted. Written permission from the WWW.COMMONGROUND.CA
publisher is required to reproduce, quote, reprint, or
copy any material from Common Ground. Opinions
and views expressed in the articles do not neces- BPA
sarily reflect those of the publishers or advertisers.
Common Ground Publishing Corp. neither endorses
nor assumes any liability for any and all products
or services advertised or within editorial content.
Furthermore, health-related content is not intended as
medical advice and in no way excludes the necessity
Canada. H.A.N.S.
of an opinion from a health professional. Advertisers
are solely responsible for their claims.
l00% owned and operated by Canadians.
Published 12 times a year in Canada.
Weacknowledge the financial support of the
Government of Canada, through the Canada
Magazine Fund, toward our editorial costs.
Publications Mail Agreement Nodloonvi
Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to N...
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email: editor@commonground.ca
Printed on recycled paper with vegetable-
based inks.

According t o photographer Barbara
Pedrick, who shot our cover photo, it took
a crew of eight to conduct the shoot of
Susan Musgrave at Cloverpoint. Susan's
friend, the poet Linda Rogers, took care of
two Sofies, her own granddaughter Sofie
and Susan and Stephen's daughter, also
named Sofie. Pedrick's assistant held the
reflector, and various family and friends
held back the hordes attracted t o the
famous car. Throughout, Susan kept
getting out of the car and re-gluing figures.
Photo copyright Barbara Pedrick, 1997.
Email bpedrick@pacificcoast.net, v i s i t
www.paciflccoastnet/-bpedricki, or call

4 • CommGround.JULY 2005
Poetry fest ARTS
by Sonya Weir
C can McGarragle, artistic director for In one camp were the well-known, textu- attendance of 110 to 130 people per day.
Lithe West Coast Poetry Festival, tells ally-based poets, often the recipients of He anticipates an even larger attendance WEST COAST
a great joke about poetry, acknowledg- a Governor General's Award, and in the this year. In promotional writing about
ing friend and colleague Graham Olds other, the lively, unorthodox, spoken word the festival, McGarragle has said: "The POETRY IN MOTION
with t h e l i t t l e artists, who used West Coast Poetry Festival is the single
gem. As operator metaphor and lit- largest poetry event in Canadian history, by Johnny Frem
of the Vancouver erary devices to but its roots can be traced back to a single
Poetry Slam, Olds tell their stories. thing. The genre of poetry itself, which has The Canada Council dispatches a jet
has a n in-depth The problem given us plenty and asked nothing save an moving writers across the country.
knowledge o f the lay in the spoken open ear, is the motivating force behind Troupes of performance poets, who
world of perform- word artists not the festival's walk to fruition." share cars to tour festivals, mark
ing poets, a n d being taken seri- The festival celebrates some of the fin- Vancouver in their itineraries from
has wryly noted: ously by the textu- est voices in the Canadian poetic tradition July7 to 10.A beat-up jalopy adorned
"Poetry is the low- ally-based poets. with a diverse range of genres and cul- with plastic toys waits for the ferry
est paid artistic On the other side, tures. The 2005 festival combines spoken over from Vancouver Island. From
expression; mimes the conception word and traditional poetry, exposing the all over, as the heat of summer rolls
get paid more and Montreal's Alexis O'Hara existed that you continued on page 8 in, so too does some of our greatest
they have nothing can't teach an old poetic talent. For four days at three
to say:" While it's a great joke, unfortu- dog new tricks. Mc r a g l e approached venues, the second annual West
nately, too many poets would agree. fellow classmate Mi hael Campbell with Coast Poetry Festival showcases an
Sixteen months ago, while taking Prof. his idea for a poetry festival, and the two eclectic sampling of the many ways
Derksen's English lit class at Simon Fraser collaborated to make it a reality. Ultimately, words and sounds can blow your
University, it occurred to McGarragle Campbell assumed the role of production mind. Whether straight from the
that Canada didn't really have a "single, manager, McGarragle became the artistic page or live on stage, this festival
poetic event that was worthy of the talent director, and even Prof. Derksen took to has everything - more than 40 poets
that our country fosters:' The 29-year-old the stage for the inaugural event. from Canada and the US, all entirely
McGarragle had the "nebulous little idea" McGarragle shares that he was really free. For more information on the
to bring together what he calls the two dif- Surprised at the speed that the fund- single largest poetry event in our
ferent genres of poetry at work in Canada. ing came through for the first event last young nation's history, go to www.
According to McGarragle, the animosity year. He was also thrilled with the public's wcpf. ca or call 604-782-1666.
between the two groups was pretty intense. response, noting an "awesome" average Spoken word mama Sheri-D Wilson

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JULY 2005 • COmMCIMOUnd • 5

Unspun heroes CULTURE
by Geoff Olson

n the efforts of one anonymous indi- Wars speech earlier that year gave every attack by firing off most of their inventory not a man given to measured reflection
vidual act for the greater good in the indication the US/Soviet antiballistic mis- of atomic weapons—which would certain- about the actual threat from communism.
far off future? Can a single person, at sile treaty was heading for history's dust- ly spell the end for western civilization, if He was a man who speculated openly
the right place at the right time, catalyze bin. It seemed the Reagan administration not most of humanity. Nuclear deterrence about trees causing pollution, and the
change on a historic scale? In this series we had little or no concern about the fallout worked, seemingly: US and Soviet lead8rs biblical end times. Within the Kremlin,
look at individuals, some known, but oth- —literally and figuratively—from what had a thermonuclear gun to each other's the politburo's aging cold warriors may
ers relatively unknown, who accomplishedmany scientists on both sides of the Iron head. But the times had changed. The oval well have debated if they shouldn't shoot
great deeds, far beyond what they may first, before this brylcreemed ham actor
have thought possible themselves. Their had a chance.
accomplishments in the arts, sciences, In this overheated climate, close calls
in the political sphere, or in the service involving escalating nuclear conflict were
of global peace or justice, have not just inevitable. How close, we only came to
burned paths for others to follow; they know in retrospect, after the Russians'
have inspired others to set out and create 1998 declassification of an incident 15
paths of their own. years earlier.
Deep inside Serpukhov-15, a secret
September, 1983. Michael Jackson's bunker somewhere in the Soviet Union,
Thriller is still on the charts. Jane Fonda's military officers regularly monitored
Workout Book tops the bestseller lists. the regime's early warning satellites.
NBC's Saturday Night Live is showing On September 26, 1983, Serpukhov-15
promise with funnier material. In British rotated its officers, putting Lt. Colonel
Columbia, labour unrest is paving the Stanislav Petrov in charge of the ballistic
way for the province-wide "Solidarity missile early warning system (BMEWS)
strike." South of the border, the "act- command and control post. Petrov was
ing president" Ronald Reagan is high in not the regular duty officer at the bunker.
the saddle, and musing publicly about a A 2003 report in The Moscow News, notes
Rube Goldberg-like missile defence sys- that he "was to man a shift at the control
tem in outer space. panel in that capacity twice a month, just
Few people know how close the world to keep his skills from getting rusty?'
came to nuclear war that month. Even Petrov had been told repeatedly by his
fewer know about the one person who superiors that the United States intended
very likely saved humanity from catas- to overwhelm Soviet forces with a massive
trophe at that time. nuclear strike. It was his duty to push the
On September 5, a Korean airlines jet, button at the first sign of an attack. And
with many Americans aboard, disap- he knew that duty well; Petrov had written
peared over Sakhalin, a Soviet island just the manual instructions for what to do in
north of Japan. Reagan responded with just this event.
his description of the Soviet Union as an The system at Serpukhov-15 relied
"evil empire." The KGB communicated on human monitoring of the satellite
to its Western operatives, warning them imagery, but the Soviets, concerned with
to prepare for possible nuclear war. It's human fallibility, added a computer sys-
The man who saved us all. tem to warn of potential threats, while
now thought that throughout 1983 the
Kremlin assumed the United States and its Curtain regarded as a dangerously desta- office was now occupied by a former film minimizing human interference. On the
NATO allies were planning a nuclear first bilizing extension of the cold war into actor who once costarred with a chim- night of September 26, the Soviet's elec-
strike on the Soviet Union. space. panzee, a man who had a gig during the tronic Golem alerted Petrov and his fel-
With the US-led NATO organizing a The doctrine of mutually assured McCarthy era as Hollywood's most prom- low colleagues to an apparent launch from
military exercise that centered on using destruction (MAD) had seemingly acted inent redbaiter. the US mainland. Petrov sat watching a
tactical nuclear weapons in Europe, these to keep the peace for decades. The US and Throughout the cold war, US officials huge screen displaying satellite imagery
fears may have been excessive, but they USSR both pursued a cold war policy of inflated intelligence estimates of the "mis- of North America, when "an alarm at the
weren't entirely irrational. Reagan's Star responding to the first signs of a nuclear sile gap"—and the former governor was continued on page 33

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JULY2005 • CorntnonGround•7
continued from page 5 was impressed when he pulled a quote by
festival-goer to a wide variety of innova- Robert Frost: "Using free verse is like play-
tive artists. Forty-six poets are featured ing tennis with the net down." I say, "Let
this year, including George Elliot Clarke, the games begin:'
Shane Koyczan, Susan Musgrave, Roy Mild The West Coast Poetry Festival is spon-
and many more. In keeping with
the spirit of generosity and diver-
sity found in great literature, all
events are free to the public.
McGarragle is passionate
about the medium of spoken
word, citing Ivan Coyote as the
best storyteller he has ever had
the occasion to hear, and he also
feels that Vancouver is a "pillar
of the spoken word community
in Canada." McGarragle sees
himself being involved with run-
ning festivals for the next eight
years or so. After that, he is astute
enough to realize that the next Slam champion Shane Koyczan
generation will undoubtedly be more in sored by the Vancouver Public Library,
touch with the pulse of spoken word than the University of British Columbia,
he will be. Much to his credit, McGarragle Simon Fraser University, Canada Council
is pretty much in touch with the contem- for the Arts, ESU,SFSSand the Dominion
porary and classic poetry scenes, and I Hotel.

"The Universe itself; blessed and graced,
is the proper starting point for spirituality
... Ours is a time of emerging awareness of
the interconnectivity of all things. Mysti-
cism is all about interconnectivity. Thus
WEST COAST POETRY FESTIVAL 2005 ours is a mystical time." M a t t h e w Fox
Thursday July 7th
The Vancouver Public Library, 350 West Georgia Street TheRev.Dr.MatthewFox,apostmoderntheologianandordained
.7:00 PM Opening Ceremonies: bill bissett, Susan Musgrave priest since1967, is president of the Wisdom University, and co-
The Lamplighter Pub, 210 Abbott St @ Water director of the Naropa Oakland MLA in Oakland, California. Au-
.9:00 PM Tons of Fun University: Mike McGee, Shane Koyczan, C.R. Avery thor of 26 books, including: Creation Spirituality, Original Bless-
Friday July 8th
ing; Creativity: Where the Divine and the Human Meet, and his
The Vancouver Public Library, 350 West Georgia Street
.6:00 PM Redress: Roy Miki, Larissa Lai, Goh Poh Seng
most recent, A New Reformation.
.7:30 PM Sirens:Sheri-D Wilson, Evelyn Parry, Oni the Haitian Sensation
.9:00 PM This is Definitely Not Rap Music:
Alexis Oara, Wayde Compton, Jason DeCouto and Hilary Peach
Earth Revival: A Cosmic Mass
Saturday July 9th An Interactive Experience o f the Sacred
SFU Harbour Centre, 515 West Hastings Street through Ritual, Dance, Music & Story
.1:00 PM Girls Night In: Daphne Marlatt, Sharon Thesen, Di Brandt, Betsy Warlai July 7, doors open 7:15pm, Christ Church Cathedral
.2:00 PM Teen Angst Poetry Night: Hosted by Sara Bynoe
.3:00 PM Pandora's Collective Workshop
www.cosmicmass.ca for more info
.4:00 PM The CFSW Preview: Kevin Matthews, Darek Dawda, Randy Jacobs
.5:00 PM SFU Spotlight: Matt Nashlenas, Sandra Pettman, Colette Gagnon Science„ Mysticism and Faith:
.6:00 PM fish Review: George Bowering, Fred Wah, Jamie Reid
The Lamplighter Pub, 210 Abbott St @ Water
The Cosmic Christ in Post-Modern Times
.8:00 PM Music by Bent Tail July 4 - 8, 8:3o - 11:3o am at VST
.9:00 PM Dry Sad Poetry: Fernando Raguero, R.C. Weslowski, Martin Van Steinburg,
T-Paul Ste Marie, Al Mader and more Free Public Lecture
Sunday July 10th July 5, 7:3o pm, 'Canadian Memorial United Church
SFU Harbour Centre, 515 West Hastings Street
.12:30 PM Young Women: Chrystalene Buhler, Emily Campbell,
Nola Semczyszyn and Kim Shaughnessy VST's Chalmers Summer School course with Matthew Fox,
•1:00 PM Boys Night In:Tim Bowling, rob mclennan, Matt Rader $315. Registration required. www.vst.edu for more information.
.2:00 PM Open Michelle: hosted by Graham Olds
.2:30 PM SFU Poetry Student Spotlight: Lori McNulty, Linda King, Vicki Grieve InSscttliouol ofteoT6oho eolo ,
o f t Vancouveriamers
.3:30 PM Foreign Exchange: Karen Finneyfrock, Christa Bell, Jack McCarthy Iona Drive,
.5:30 PM Crossover:Christian Bok, Stuart Ross, MaryLou Rowley, Chrystalene Buhler V S V a n c o u v e r , BC, V6T1L4.
-7:30 PM The Three Georges:George Stanley, George Elliot Clarke,George Bowering 604-822-9815. www.vst.edu
For more info visit www.wcptca or call 604-782-1666

8 • ComMaiGiani • JULY 2005

Summer's song If you'd like to meditate deeper than a Zen
monk, literally at the touch of a button, this may
beone of the most important messages you will
STORY SLAM WINNER FOR JUNE everread.Here is why.
Based in part on Nobel Prize-winning research
by Stewart Brinton on how "complex systems" (human beings, for
instance) evolve to higher levels of functioning, a
Shyh-Charng Lo was an artist who personal growth program has been created
was barely making a living. utilizing a powerful audio technology called
The Summer Song became a A precise combination of audio signals gives the
magical melody; when I played it brain a very specific stimulus that creates states of
beautiful women appeared out of deepmeditation — andcausesthe creation of new
nowhere and smiled fetchingly. FREECD and Report Reveals... mind-enhancing neural connections between left
Children loved to dance to it. The and right brain hemispheres.
Summer Song had a compelling
charisma and in the fall of the year, TheMost Powerful NowaNewCDandReport Reveal
• The scientific evidence proving how Holosynce
October first, on my birthday, I
recorded it and burned a CD. I also Personal Growth neurochemicals
increases the production in the brain of many vital
that can slow aging and increase
wrote a letter to Shyh-Charng Lo
telling him about The Summer Song and Stress • How to achieve super-deep meditation, at the touch of a
button. •
and thanking him for his inspira- •• How to dramatically reduce stress.
few years ago in June, half-starved tion. On October 7, I took the CD
nd light-headed, with my saxo- and the letter down to Art Beatus Gallery
Management • How to create remarkable emotional changes at the
deepest level.
phone in its case strung across my shoul- to be delivered to the artist as a gift of
der, I found myself descending a dimly . appreciation.
ToolOnEarth and •• How to improve your health.
How to heighten your creativity and problem-solving
lit staircase and I slipped on something That evening I had a dinner engagement
oily and toppled. Trying to keep my in staid Point Grey. Being a hardscrabble HowThis Miracle• How to boost your intelligence.
• How to have more restful sleep.

saxophone from dropping, I twisted and East Vancouverite I rarely get over to Point • How to increase your focus, concentration and learning
pulled a groin muscle. After a sleeplessGrey. The day was warm and overcast. I Audio Technology ability.
• How to enhance your memory.
night I went to my doctor, who told spent the afternoon prowling the neigh-
me I would have to avoid lifting heavy bourhood, playing my harmonicas. At
objects for three months. My tenor saxo- one point I sat on a memorial bench at
WillHave You • How to have more happiness and "flow" in your life.
• How to heal mental and emotional blocks.
The complete educational report on this amazing
phone weighs 10 pounds (25 pounds in the Point Grey United Church. I was fac-
its case). Suddenly I .was forbidden to ing the sidewalk playing a bluesy tune. An
Meditating Deepernew technology and Holosynce CD, worth $19.95,
are FREE to Common Ground readers for a
touch it. Asian man stopped, listened and smiled. It
I am a musician: I must play music, was Shyh-Charng Lo. I knew this because ThanaZen Monk limited time.
Call NOW for your FREE CD
so I rekindled my love affair with the I remembered his photo in the gallery
harmonica. I hadn't seriously played the catalogue. I called out to him: "Are you in17 Minutes or and Report toll-free (24 hrs)
harmonica for seven years. Previously I'd Shyh-Charng Lo?" 1-800-710-1804
played blues harp for 20 years, but after He was flabbergasted. "How do you Less, Guaranteed www.magicalmindonline.com
playing in too many dingy clubs where know my name?" he gasped.
the bartender made more on tips than the "Well," I replied, "I created a harmonica
entire band and dealing with band mem- tune because of one of your paintings
bers who were talented drunks and drug at the Art Beatus exhibit last summer. I
addicts, I sold my equipment and quit would like to play it for you."
the blues scene. To quote New Orleans He walked over to me and his eyes
pianist Doctor John: "Music of itself is brimmed with pleasure as I played The

Café &
sacred. Music's of the spirit, business is of Summer Song. When I finished he said,
the meat world. There ain't no connection "Do you know what day this is? It's my
between the two." birthday!"
The harmonica became my summer The SummerSongwas now The Birthday
long meditation. One day I found myself Song. I marveled at the serendipity. Two
in the alcove in front of Art Beatus Gallery. artists had connected: both middle-aged,
With its window panes and pebbled con- their birthdays a week apart (I am a year
Pie Sho
crete flooring it provided a resonant older) both immigrants (I am from the
chamber that amplified the harmonica. US and he is from Taiwan) and 'both
I stared through the window at a paint- struggling determinedly with their art. We
ing by Chinese artist Shyh-Charng Lo. It clasped hands and said good-bye. I am
was a pastoral setting with lush foliage in sure he has never forgotten that moment
the foreground and distant mountains and every October 7 on his birthday .1 Vancouver's First Truly Organic Café.
framed by sky and water. The oil painting imagine Shyh-Charng Lo playing his CD
shimmered with the heat and humidity of The Summer Song and smiling.
Eat In or Take Home
of summer. It reminded me of my child- NEW: Veggie Pot Pie, Turkey Pot Pie
hood when I would head down to the Stewart Brinton is a writer of poetry and
lake with fins and goggles and inner tube, prose and also a skilled musician, the center- • Yummy vegetarian soup • Brewed chai hot or iced & 100%
ready for a day of water sports. The paint- piece of his life being the saxophone, which & farm fresh salad Organic Fair Trade coffee & tea
ing inspired me and an upbeat melody is his daily meditation. He will send you a •Authentic thin crust Italian • Brunches on weekends 11-4
emerged. I called it The Summer Song. free audio-copy of The Summer. Song i f you Pizza: wheat & spelt crust • Open 11-9 Mon-Sat • 11-8 Sun
Hour after hour I played The Summer email stewbaba@shaw.ca. Story Slam is held • Organic fruit pies & desserts
Song, fashioning and refashioning the on the second Wednesday of every month
melody, frequently returning to Art at Our Town Cafe, 245 East Broadway at
Beatus Gallery to stare at the painting in Kingsway. Please spread the word about this
the window. I went inside and perused audience-judged competition for performed W+E
3598 West 4th Avenue
*Building est1927
the exhibit of Shyh-Charng Lo's paint- five-minute stories to comics, actors, writ- S
ings. All his paintings were pastoral and ers, storytellers, incorrigible liars and racon- W.4th Ave. cm Aphrodite's
atmospheric, reflecting painstaking effort. teurs. The winning story is published here Banyen * Café &
The prices were low. Only a few had a red each month. Contact Johnny: 604-254-0355 Books Pie Shop Next to Banyen Books
dot indicating they were sold. I sensed that or boltsoffiction@hotrnail.com.
JULY 2005 • CornmonGround• 9
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Fall 2006 - Get started with Module 1 the 1998 election o f President and formal practices. Spatial programs like the 1950s, designed by Venezuela's Paris-
Sept 15-18 or Sept 29-Oct 2 Since
S H u g o Chavez, there has been a major urban and rural land reform, land titles, trained architect Carlos Raul Villanueva,
shift in national politics i n Venezuela, and urban agriculture are tied to health- and the current urban restructurings driv-
and Venezuelan soci- care and educational en by the dynamic of formal and informal
Standing in Contribution: ety is undergoing a programs, which pro- processes, are central to our research in
ATrainers Training process o f recon- Venezuelan society i s vide an infrastructure Caracas.
struction made b y Working collaboratively for the past 10
Learn what exceptional trainers the people. Building undergoing a process of and formalized social years, we focussed on the field of architec-
for informal practices
already know now. on Henri Lefebvre's reconstruction made by services for the coun- ture and urbanism, exploring the condi-
August 3-10 intensive The Production o f .the people. try's impoverished. tions of urban life in relation to the distri-
Space and his seminal Yet, as part of what bution of power. We investigated the possi-
Coaching Discovery concept t h a t every
society produces its own space through
Chavistas c a l l t h e bility of visually interpreting and critically
commenting on urban and architectural
July 19 Evening - only $39

its own spatial practice, i n the series structures in terms of their potential for
Coaching Forward of works entitled Caracas, Hecho en extensive social change. The exhibition is
August 27 & 28 - only $199 Venezuela; we emphasize processes o f a result of our six-month urban research
the production of the city by looking at project, carried out in Caracas in 2003,
Erickson is PCTIA Accredited.
specific sites and modes of production. in which we examined how architecture,
Financing is available for some courses. In Caracas, a city embedded into the urban structures, and entire territories
global oil economy, yet with a history of in Caracas have been appropriated, "re-
radical politics, we witnessed forms of territorialized," and transformed by the

urbanism that are the engine of a greater people who live in them.
social transformation. This transforma- Caracas, Hecho en Venezuela runs
tive urbanism is both spatial and social, until September 11 at the Charles H.
E R I C K S O N and in this city which is spatially divided Scott Gallery, Emily Carr Institute, 1399
by class, social conflicts are marked by Johnston Street in Vancouver. The exhi-
C O L L E G E territories. Bolivarian Process (or, bition includes pho-
The lines drawn by architecture, which commonly, "el p r o - tography, video, and
delineate class struggle, are porous cesso"), these reforms In Caracas, a city spatial- billboard projects. A
C O M PA N Y F O R 2 0 Y E A R S
because formal and informal practices cut and programs are not ly divided by class, social 48-page, full-colour
Phone: 604-879-5600 throughout this city of five million. Formal solely administered artists' book, co-pub-
' PPSEC email: info@erickson.edu
practices that pass through institutions, and executed f r o m conflicts are marked by lished with Revolver
companies, and governmental structures above by governmental territories. —Archiv fur aktuelle
2021 Columbia St., Vancouver, BC, are not the right of only the powerful, and structures, but are at Kunst, w i l l accom-
CanadaV5Y 3C9 informal practices, such as street vending the same time forceful- pany the exhibition.
and self-organized house construction on ly initiated from below by collective com- Gallery hours: Monday to Friday, noon to
the city's hills, are not merely the cultural munity organizations, which have existed 5 pm and Saturday and Sunday, 10 am to
www.erickson.edu domain of the weak. The production of for decades. The relationship between the 5 pm. Admission is free. Visit the Bitter/
space is intertwined with both informal historic modernist housing projects from Weber website at www.lot.at
10 • commonGround • JULY 2005
continued from page 6 time" was proclaimed to apply through- the results of the mandate from the peo-
doctors went on strike had already been out British Columbia. In this, BC point- ple, not a radical idea for a party leader
acted out in British Columbia in the ed the way again, and the provinces of in a democratic society, and he did not
1930s. The intense contests between the Alberta and Saskatchewan subsequently change the rule. Following his election
Liberals, Conservatives, citizens, the medi- held direct votes on a common plan for as premier, a committee of the legislature
cal community and insurance companies setting the clock. In all three provinces,- was given the mandate in 1992 to study
over who would pay for medical services, the rule to determine the outcome was 50 the details and recommend specific leg-
and how, is a big and revealing chapter percent plus one. islative measures for initiative and recall.
in BC's political history. The controversy By 1991, British Columbia voters again The provisions were duly enacted and are
over health care, with which we are still went to the polls to cast ballots on issues law today.
embroiled, was embraced by the 1937 BC that set them ahead of and apart from By 2002, another major ballot question,
referendum. It took place in the depths of other parts of Canada — initiative and this time on aboriginal treaty rights in land
the Depression, and was an integral part recall. The "initiative" is the legislated claim negotiations, brought with it a lot of International College of
in the decades-long right of citizens to controversy and even a court challenge. (I Traditional Chinese
process of clarifying Under the Charter i n our cause o r initiate remember it well because I was called by Medicine of Vancouver
the issue and estab- a referendum o n the Crown to give expert testimony about
Constitution, a law that cur- an
lishing public policy issue for which referendum law and British Columbia ARewarding Career in
on paying the costs tails the rights and freedoms they can generate democratic practices and norms.) That
of people's medial enough public sup- referendum is still fresh in most people's Natural Health Care!
services. When the
of citizens can only be sub- port as shown by a memory, so we can skip the details, except
ballots were tallied ject "to such reasonable lim- petition signed by to note that as exceptional as the whole Diploma programs towards:
on June 1 , 1937, the required num- matter was, nobody thought to change the
some 116,223 British its prescribed by law fin this ber of voters. The 50 percent plus one rule because it was so
✓Doctor of TCM
Columbians h a d case, the amendment to the "recall," is triggered deeply established. ✓Licenced Acupuncturist
voted for the Health when a requisite So, why did BC face a new rule for a bal-
Insurance Act, while BC Referendum Act to change number o f voters lot question on modifying the way the elec- ✓Licenced Herbalist
80,982 opposed it. A the 50 percent plus one rule sign a petition on toral system works? The rule was changed
large majority had a stated reason as by the Campbell government sponsoring
✓Licenced TCMP
approved the health to the double 60 rule] as can to why their elected an amendment to the Referendum Act
plan proposal, far in be demonstrably justified in a representative in the and passing it into law in the legislature
excess of the going 1 Year Certificate Program
British Columbia with its majority who are all members
rule that it only took free and democratic society." Legislature should elected under a different electoral system
✓ Chinese Tui-Na & Reflexology
50 percent plus one be recalled and a by- than the one being proposed. Under the
to carry. At the same time, the Liberal gov- election take place for a replacement MLA. Charter in our Constitution, a law that
ernment whose own legislation on health Both measures had been intrinsic parts curtails the rights and freedoms of citizens Classes Start:
insurance had initiated the public debate of the populist direct democracy move- can only be subject "to such reasonable
was re-elected. This meant it had a double ments in Canada and the United States a limits prescribed by law [in this case, the September 5
mandate to deal with the health insurance century ago, and were revived in the early amendment to the BC Referendum Act to
question, because the Liberals had explic- 1990s as a manifestation of citizen disil- change the 50 percent plus one rule to the
itly pledged to honour the outcome of the lusionment with politics and disengage- double 60 rule] as can be demonstrably Financial assistance may be available.
balloting. Yet the re-elected government of ment from established party political pro- justified in a free and democratic society." Weaccept transfer credits.
Premier T. Dufferin Pattullo chose instead cesses. When Social When the courts Accredited by the Private Career Training
to wait, neither enforcing nor replacing the C r e d i t P r e m i e r The democratic right of British interpret this, they Institutions Agency of British Columbia
1936 act for the public health insurance R i t a J o h n s t o n Columbians to vote in refer- look t o the laws
program. The overwhelming mandate announced the two- and norms o f "a
the people had given the government to question referen- endums is granted by statute free and democrat-
proceed was ignored. The Liberal premier dum, NDP leader enacted by the legislature in ic society." British PcTiA
of the day had changed his self-imposed Michael Harcourt Columbia as a free
rule. Citizens felt they had been used and said it was unnec- accordance with the constitu- and d e m o c r a t i c CLINIC OPEN TO THE PUBLIC
abused. essary because the
By 1 9 5 2 a n o t h e r i s s u e B r i t i s h government could
tion of the province. Once that society f o r more
than a century has
✓ Teaching Clinic
Free Consultation,
Columbians share with others across this simply introduce the right is granted by law, even conducted referen-
Very Low Cost on Treatments.
vast northern transcontinental country, legislation and get
the problems of time zones and time sys- on with it. "Citizen
though i t is not one o f the dums on the legal
requirement o f 50 ✓ Professional Clinic
tems, had generated so much controversy initiatives and recall explicitly enumerated demo- percent plus one Dr. Henry Lu. Ph.D.,
it could only be resolved at the ballot box. should have been
The choice between shifting to daylight incorporated i n
cratic rights in the Charter, it being the threshold
for approval. The Dr. L a i n Ho, DTCM
saving for part of the year, or staying on the Referendum does exist as a right democratic right of We treat pain, gynaecological
standard time for all 12 months, pitted Act that the Social British Columbians disorder, allergies, arthritis, de-
urban dwellers who liked daylight saving Credit government passed last year?' said to vote in referendums is granted by stat- pression, other chronic conditions
against rural folk who did not. Farmers Harcourt in September 1991. The NDP ute enacted by the legislature in accordance and much more.
claimed to be losing two hours work- supported direct use of the legislature to with the constitution of the province. Once
ing time per day. Desiring to resolve the enact changes to the provincial democrat- that right is granted by law, even though Free
controversy once and for all, the British ic system, according to the rule of a con- it is not one of the explicitly enumerated
Columbia government submitted a bal- stitutional legislative democracy. The vote democratic rights in the Charter, it does Info sessions on programs:
lot question on the subject to voters, took place, however, and the governing exist as a right that can only be subject to
along with another ballot question on rule in that arena, of course, was 50 per- "such reasonable limits as can be demon-
July 7 & 21
the still controversial liquor question, in cent plus one. Although the government strably justified in a free and democratic 2:00 - 4:00pm
conjunction with the provincial general itself was defeated, British Columbians society?' To argue otherwise is to change
election on June 12, 1952. Some 290,353 were unequivocal about enhancing the the rule about changing the rules. A court
people voted in favour of daylight saving, democratic infrastructure of the province. ruling in response to a citizen-based chal-
and 231,008 voted against. Even as they In favour of recall were 1,058,137, against lenge to the double 60 rule is not the next
Call: 731-2926
reached the polling stations many citi- were 248,432, with 128,171 rejected bal- thing Premier Campbell would hope to 201-1508 West Broadway,
zens could still not make up their minds, lots. Counting only the valid votes cast, see, but the prospect is not unimaginable.
evidenced by 20,828 voters rejecting their 80.99 percent of the citizens approved It needn't be this way. I n British Vancouver B.C. V6J 1W8
time question ballot. With a favourable recall. Of the valid votes cast for initiative, Columbia the process involving the Email: info@tcmcollege.com
vote, and the farmers having had their day the second question, the number was even Citizens' Assembly deliberately studying www.tcmcollege.com
in an open contest over the best public higher at 83 percent. During the election, voting methods followed by the_ May 17
policy for the province as a whole, "fast Harcourt had indicated he would follow continued on page 14
JULY 2005 • COMMODROIN • 1 1
Bodily emotion SPIRITUALITY


by Eckhart Tolle

Iwas going to ask: What about positive deeper level. So you need to become fully row, or it will leave you, so its absence will genuine, something incorruptible, can be
'emotions such as love and joy? conscious of your emotions and be able to give you pain. And what is often referred felt. But they will only be glimpses, soon
feel them before you can feel that which to as love may be plea- to be covered up again
They are inseparable from your natural lies beyond them. Emotion literally means surable and exciting through mind interfer-
state of inner connectedness with Being. "disturbance?' The word comes from the for a while, but it is an Even within a "normal"ence. It may, then seem
Glimpses of love and joy or brief moments Latin emovere, meaning "to disturb?' addictive clinging, an addictive relationship,that you had something
of deep peace are possible whenever a gap Love, joy, and peace are deep states of extremely needy condi- very precious and lost it,
occurs in the stream of thought. For most Being or rather three aspects of the state tion that can turn into there can be momentsor your mind may con-
people, suchgaps happen of inner connectedness its opposite at the flick when the presence of vince you that it was all
rarely and only acciden-Real love doesn't make with Being. As such, of a switch. Many "love" an illusion anyway. The
tally, in moments when you suffer. How could they have no opposite. relationships, after the something more genu-truth is that it wasn't an
the mind is rendered This is because they initial euphoria has ine, something incor- illusion, and you cannot
"speechless," some- it? It doesn't suddenlyarise from beyond the passed, actually oscillate- lose it. It is part of your
times triggered by great turn into hate, nor doesmind. Emotions, on the between "love" and hate, ruptible, can be felt natural state, which can
beauty, extreme physical other hand, being part attraction and attack. be obscured but can
exertion, or even great real joy turn into pain. of the dualistic mind, Real love doesn't make you suffer. How never be destroyed by the mind. Even
danger. Suddenly, there are subject to the law could it? It doesn't suddenly turn into when the sky is heavily overcast, the sun
is inner stillness. And within that stillness of opposites. This simply means that you hate, nor does real joy turn into pain. As hasn't disappeared. It's still there on the
there is a subtle but intense joy, there is cannot have good without bad. So in the I said, even before you are enlightened —other side of the clouds.
love, there is peace. unenlightened, mind-identified condi- before you have freed yourself from your
Usually, such moments are short-lived, tion, what is sometimes wrongly called mind—you may get glimpses of true joy,. Excerpted from The Power of Now by
asthe mind quickly resumes its noise-mak- joy is the usually short-lived pleasure side true love, or of adeep inner peace, still but Eckhart Tolle, $14 US, $15.75 Canada,
ing activity that we call thinking. Love, joy, of the continuously alternating pain/plea- vibrantly alive. These are aspects of your trade paperback, published b y New
and peace cannot flourish until you have sure cycle. Pleasure is always derived from true nature, which is usually obscured by World Library and Namaste Publishing.
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12 •CormonGround• JULY 2005
The waking SoulLife •

a a 1\ H o p e f r i d g e

U N I V E R S E W I T H I N b y GwenRandall-Young
Readings Provides employment
services to people negati-
THEREADING COVERS: vely impacted by substance
Men are disturbed not by things that ness and our perceptions that create the
happen, but by their opinions of the things drama around such events. yoursoul'spurpose and misuse who are clean and
that happen. For example, a vehicle crosses over sober and ready to begin
—Epictetus (55-135) into your lane, causing you to brake to =`-') mission this lifetime
training and or employment
avoid a collision. Commonly, when this •talents, abilities in the next 3 months.
Epictetus wrote those words such a happens, the thought is that we have • significantpast lifetimes
long, long time ago, and we are still been "cut off." An angry reaction may •blockspreventing expres- Services offered include:
trying to really grasp the truth of this follow, as though the driver purposely sion of yourhigher Self •Vocational assessments
concept. committed an act of aggression against •your spiritual guides
• in depth Intuitive readings •Job search strategies
Imagine you are dreaming a bad dream, us. In truth, the other driver may not • Recovery compatible "Back
and while in the dream you are frightened have shoulder 'checked, and may have .4: a n d chakra readings are also
or frustrated, but a part of you knows it been unaware that you were there. The
available by appointment to Work Action Plans"
is a dream, so does not really worry. Yet, act may have been careless, to be sure,
you keep slipping back into the dream, but with nothing personal intended. The
For More Information
forgetting it is a dream, more personally we take Call 604-879-9770
and reacting emotion- If we are being blamedit, however, the stronger Lee Sosnowsky • No Fee Service •
ally as though the dream will be our reaction.
or attacked unfairly, (604) 913-6743
events are really happen-
ing to you.
Life is a little like
The same is true with
we still need not take a job loss, or the ending
of a relationship. Even if,
that. On one level we it personally, for then in these events, we were
know the truth of what it is really not so much personally attacked or

RAEin weit-leiny Vancouver

Epictetus has said, and blamed, we still have a
yet we still get drawn about us as what is choice about the opin-
into the "dream" of ego going on in the other ion we hold of the event.
perception, believing it If there is any truth in
is the external events that person's " d r e a m " what we are being told, Center
have disturbed us. Ego about us. we can choose to take SPECIAL The Art and Science of
has all kinds of reactions that learning and move Medicinal Bathing
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Following on the heels of these reactions about us as what is going on in the other your body & 35th Ave.
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July 30, 05 • Aroma Dynamed dry sauna Sat. 9am-6pm
reactions may be directed script, and it may not her being. The peaceful
inwards towards the self, warrior remembers that
and may include self- coincide with ours. everyone is playing out

Dahn Energy
deprecation, or attempts their script, and it may
to comfort or numb the feelings, such as not coincide with ours. When it does
using prescription or recreational drugs, not, we bless the other, and move on.

alcohol, over-eating, over-spending, pro- In extreme cases,we may have to file a
miscuity and other self-destructive behav- wrongful dismissal suit on the way out,
iours. sue for divorce, or lay charges. A peace-
In the night dream, there are no external ful warrior is not a wuss. Still, we can do More Than Just Yoga...
adversaries. The drama playing itself out it without the drama, and without tak-
is between different aspects of our psyche, ing it personally. We can do it without Classes combine:
even if the dream seems to be about oth- feeling victimized, or concluding that *Brain Respiration *Yoga *Workshops
ers. We take ownership of our dream, and the world is unfair. *Energy Meditation *Chakra Breathwork
(hopefully) do not go about confronting If we choose to have the opinion that
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in our dream the night before. remaining in a place of integrity, inner energy check-up - $20 (40 min)
This is because we do not take the peace and equanimity, regardless of
dream personally, and further, because we what happens, and that the greater the North Vancouver 604-988-7499
know that we scripted the whole thing. challenges, the deeper the wisdom we #202-1075 Marine Dr. @ Lloyd
We may not fully realize that, as we say are required to access—then what is or Kitsilano 604-714-0074
I "had" a dream, rather than I "made" a there to be disturbed about? #105-1765 West 8th Ave.
dream, but deep down, our subconscious Gwen Randall-Young is an author and
created the cast and the script. psychotherapist in private practice. For Burrard
The same thing happens in waking life, information about Dancing Soul: The www.dahnworld.com
albeit somewhat differently. True, events Voice of Spirit Evolving, or her other
actually happen, and people really do books, tapes or new healing CDs go to www.brainrespiration.com
say things. However, it is our conscious- www.gwen.ca or gwendall@shaw.ca

JULY2005CommonGround• 13
continued from page 11 except on 50 percent plus one, and why in 1980 and 1995 on separating- from post system by launching the process that
ballot question on the single transferable would they change? Canada, needed only 50 percent plus one considered alternatives and gave British
vote it recommended was launched by Why, indeed, did Gordon Campbell approval. The Canada-wide referendums Columbians a ballot choice to retain the
Gordon Campbell. His commitment given change the rule? The premier had to on prohibition of liquor (1898), military present system or move to more propor-
in the prior election was duly honoured strike a deal with his cabinet and caucus conscription in wartime (1942), and the tional representation in the legislature.
during his first mandate. As Nick Loenen, to get support originally for his electoral Charlottetown Accord constitutional Electors in British Columbia last month
a persistent British Columbia advocate reform proposal — amendment of the package (1992), were each determined became the envy of other Canadians who
for proportional representation, noted province's Referendum Act to require with simple majorities, not a 60 percent feel frustrated by an electoral system that
more than a year ago, "Campbell was not double 60 approval for simply changing threshold, although the questions posed produces legislatures unreflective of the
pushed from behind. On this issue he led an electoral system. Last month's voting to voters were of profound consequence.way we vote.
his party, cabinet and caucus. His achieve- perversely showed that while 47 percent No other province or country imposes Just as French and Dutch voters in
ment is remarkable of the popular vote was enough to form a 60 percent approval requirement for recent referendums on a new European
That's an understatement. Across a government, 57 percent was not enough a referendum on electoral reform. PEI's Constitution sent a broad signal by voting
Canada other premiers and provinces to approve a change in the way the ballots coming referendum on electoral reform to reject the proposal, British Columbians
have been following Premier Campbell's get counted—at least once you've changed will entail a simple majority, which will be sent a clear (but in this case positive) signal
example and British Columbia's lead.: the rule about changing the rules. By all the case in Ontario and New Brunswick to the rest of Canada where referendums
In Ontario, Premier Dalton McGuinty's other standards, including the still opera- as their premiers learn from Gordon are pending or proposed for revamping
plan for "democratic renewal" includes a tional provisions of the BC Referendum Campbell's predicament and seek to avoid the.electoral system. The strong popular
citizens' assembly on electoral system the BC mistake. New Zealand adopted support of BC voters for electoral reform
change followed by a referendum. electoral reform when its referendum has impact far beyond the province's bor-
This is a direct copy from Premier passed with 54 percent. Ireland and ders. . .
Campbell, and on June 14 Ontario's Italy twice conducted electoral reform The present paradox is that the process
legislature enacted a law to set this pro- referendums requiring only the norm started by the Campbell government has
cess in operation. On Prince Edward of a simple majority. The list is long. hit this odd snag of its own creation—the
Island, Premier Pat Binns initiated a Just how perverse the British double 60 rule. That provision is no barrier
process for electoral reform that will Columbia mistake is comes across to action, however. While the Referendum
culminate in a referendum this year. in the numbers: while 47 percent of Act would have made it mandatory for the
In New Brunswick, Premier Bernard the popular vote was enough to form government to bring in legislation creat-
Lord is following suit. Ottawa and a government, 57 percent was not ing the single transferable voting system
Quebec are also on the move, in the enough to approve a change in the way if jugt,3 percent more had voted for the
same direction. All eyes have been on the ballots get counted. Political con- measure, absolutely nothing prevents the
BC. They still are—especially because ditions today have changed from the government from doing so now of its own
the province that initiated the cur- time Gordon Campbell first exercised volition.
rent Canada-wide surge in democratic leadership, stepping out in front on this Gordon Campbell started this current
renewal is also, oddly, home of the issue and having to bring along a reluc- phase of democratic renewal with his
double 60 rule. tant caucus. The BC experience, copied speech to the Liberal policy convention
On June 6, Fair Vote Canada elsewhere, has shown in the intervening in Kelowna on April 17, 1999. He will
president Wayne Smith urged New years just how ripe electoral reform is likely wish to see this long-needed reform
Brunswick's Premier Bernard Lord, Ens& for the picking. This was less evident to through to completion. He certainly has
who'd followed Gordon Campbell's most politicians a few years ago when solid arguments and impressive histori-
lead and is proceeding with a referen-
STV referen-dim caution gave birth to the unprecedent-cal precedents on his side, bolstered by his
dum on a mixed-member proportional Act on any question other than the elec- ed double 60 rule. own prior leadership on the issue.As with
voting system, to let 50 percent plus one toral system for MLAs, the unchanged Politically, the double 60 rule has any non-binding plebiscite (which in law
decide the outcome. Said Smith: "The gov- rule remains 50 percent plus one. become a python tightening around the is what most Canadian events of direct
ernment of British Columbia has put itself To repeat, the May 17 vote needing 60 government. It squeezes legitimacy from democracy have been, rather than legally
in an embarrassing position by having percent voter approval is a sharp contrast the very Campbell government, ensconcedbinding referendums) the premier can
an unprecedented double super-major- to earlier BC referendums on allowing in Victoria with a significantly lower pop- be guided by the results of May 17, even
ity threshold for their recent referendum women the right to vote (1916), a gov- ular vote, that sponsored it. It chokes off though he doesn't have to follow through
on electoral reform." The double refers ernment health insurance plan (1937), the electoral reform process which was on them.
to the need for a majority of constituen- Prohibition (1909, 1916, 1920, 1924 the child of that same government. The Perhaps what is strongly felt in British
cies to also approve, which overwhelm- and 1952), daylight saving time (1952), art of politics practised by leaders involves Columbia, even more than an affinity to
ingly happened. BC-STV was endorsed by recall and initiative (1991) and aborigi- knowing when to change with changed BC-STV or any other particular model, is
a majority of voters in all regions of the nal treaty rights in land claim negotia- times. The political risk faced now by the desire to move to a voting system that
province, 77 of the 79 ridings. tions (2002). Those ballot questions only Premier Campbell comes not from mak- will see the membership in the legislature
The "BC mistake" of the double 60 rule needed 50 percent plus one for approval. ing a change in the electoral system, but more closely mirror the way voters actual-
required to carry the referendum will It's the norm, bikh in BC and elsewhere. rather from failing to make it. ly supported candidates and parties at the
almost certainly be avoided elsewhere. Newfoundland's referendum in 1948 on Clearly Gordon Campbell understood ballot boxes. That, as Gordon Campbell
Nobody else has ever run a referendum joining Canada, or Quebec's referendums the antiquated nature of the first-past-the- grasped from the start, would bring us
Canadians closer, whether in British
Columbia br other parts of Canada fol-

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J. Patrick Boyer, QC, former MP, lawyer
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bookson direct democracy in Canada: Law-
and G r o u p Ketreats The Nat a l Making by the People, Direct Democracy

• C l e a n rs in Canada, and. he People's Mandate. His

new book on this subject, Forcing Choice,
*Weight loss* f *Rejuvenation* to be published this fall by Canadian Shield
Books, will explore British Columbia's rich
www.saltspringspa.com www.thenaturaicleane rs.com experience with referendums and political
choice. patrickboyer@sympatico.ca
British memo on Iraq more CULTURE

damning of US than ever b„,.,,o„

It's bad enough that the Bush adminis- resolution requiring that Saddam Hussein cation centres and mobile air-defence
tration had so little international sup- open the country up to inspectors. systems. The Pentagon's goal was clear: USABUILDS UP FOR
port for the Iraqi war that its "coalition I follow Iraq pretty closely, but was Destroy Iraq's ability to resist?'
of the willing" meant the US, Britain, taken aback when Charlie Clements, Why aren't we talking about this? As INVASION OF IRAN NEXT
and the equivalent of a child's imagi- now head of the Unitarian Universalist Scahill points out, this was a month before In 2002, Scott Ritter, a former top UN
nary friends. It's even worse that, as the. Service Committee, described driving in the Congressional vote, and two before weapons inspector in Iraq (1991-1998),
British Downing Street memo confirms, Iraq months before the war "and a build- the UN resolution. Supposedly part of came to Vancouver to speak out against
it had so little evidence of real threats ing would just explode, hit by a missile enforcing "no fly zones," the bombings the invasion of Iraq. In an article found
that it knew from the start that it was from 30,000 feet —What is that building?' were actually systematic assaults on Iraq's online at www.theinformationclearing-
going to have to manufacture excuses " Clements would ask. " 'Oh, that's a tele- capacity to defend itself. The US had never house.info he speaks out again.
to go to war. What's more damning still phone exchange:" Later, at a conference at - declared war. Bush had no authorization, What Paul Loeb describes in the arti-
is that it effectively began this war even Nevada's Nellis Air Force Base, Clements not even a fig leaf. He was simply attack- cle here is the same thing now begin-
before the congressional vote. heard a US general boast "that he began ing another nation because he'd decided ning to happen in Iran.
With Congressman John Conyers hold- taking outassets that could help in resist- to do so. This preemptive war preempted Says Scott: "This timeline of events
ing hearings, the media is finally starting ing an invasion at least six months before Congress, as well as international law. has ramifications that go beyond his-
to cover the Downing Street memo. This war was declared?' Most Americans don't know these pre- torical trivia or political investigation
transcript of a July 23, 2002 British prime
minister's meeting, whose legitimacy the This transcript...details. war attacks ever happened. There was little into the events of the past. It represents
coverage at the time, and there's been little a record of precedent on the part of
British government confirms, details their their response to the Bush since. The bombings that destroyed Iraq's the Bush administration, which must
response to the Bush administration's air defences were under the radar for both
intention to go to war against Iraq, no administration's intention the American media and. American citi- be acknowledged when considering
the ongoing events regarding US-Iran
matter how Saddam Hussein responded, togo to war against Iraq, zens. relations. As was the case with Iraq pre-
and even while claiming they were still If coverage of the Downing Street memo March 2003, the Bush administration
seeking peaceful solutions. "It seemed no matter how Saddam continues to increase, I suspect the admin- today speaks of 'diplomacy' and a desire
clear that Bush had made up his mind Hussein responded... istration will try to dismiss it as mere dip- for a 'peaceful' resolution to the Iranian
to take military action, even if the timing lomatic talk, just inside baseball. But they question. But the facts speak of another
was not yet decided;' states the document. Earlier this month, Jeremy Scahill wrote weren't just manipulating intelligence so agenda, that of war and the forceful
"But the case was thin. Saddam was not a powerful piece (www.timesonline. they could attack no matter how Saddam removal of the theocratic regime, cur-
threatening his neighbours, and his WMD co.uldarticle/0„2087-1660300,00.html)Hussein responded. They weren't only rently wielding the reigns of power in
capability was less than that of Libya, on the website of The Nation, describ- bribing would-be allies into participation. Tehran?'
North Korea or Iran:' As the document ing a huge air assault in September 2002. They were fighting a war they'd planned He goes on to outline US military
states, "the intelligence and facts were "Approximately 100 US and British plane long before. They just didn't bother to tell preparations in nearby Azerbaijan for
being fixed around the policy." flew from Kuwait into Iraqi airspace," the American public. intelligence gathering, direct action and
The document is damning, particularly Scahill writes. "At least seven types of air- • the mobilization of indigenous oppo-
coupled with the testimony of former Bush craft were part of this massive operation, The above is from The San Francisco sition to the mullahs in Tehran. From
ghost-writer Mickey Herskowitz (www. including US F-15 Strike Eagles and Royal Chronicle. Paul Loeb is author of The Azerbaijan, the US military is capable
commondreams.org/headlines04/1028- Air Force Tornado ground-attack planes. Impossible Will Take a Little While: A of much closer air strikes and much
01.htm) that Bush was talking about They dropped precision-guided muni- Citizen's Guide to Hope in a Time of shorter land routes for its next inva-
invading Iraq as early as 1999. But it's even tions on Saddam Hussein's major west- Fear (Basic Books), named the number sion. It's fine that we are aware of the
more disturbing as we start learning that ern air-defence facility, clearing the path three political book of 2004 by the History ongoing tragedy in Iraq, but while we
this administration began actively fighting for special forces helicopters that lay in Channel and American Book Association dwell on the post-war occupation there,
the Iraq war well in advance of the March wait in Jordan. Earlier attacks had been www.theimpossible.org/ www.soulofaciti- many are missing out on the next war
2003 official attack — before both the carried out against Iraqi command and zen.orgInewimplimpindex.htm/ You can crime about to be repeated by the Bush
October 2002 US Congressional authori- control centres, radar detection systems, read more about the Downing Street memo administration in Iran.
zation and the November United Nations Revolutionary Guard units, communi- at www.afterdowningstreet.org


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JULY2005 • Commalgouna•15
Kiss your vitamins goodbye
on the market, and drugs, which are gen-
by Dr. Carolyn Dean
The US delegation to Codex has just ented drug research." erally toxic, potentially deadly, and in need
I n my book, Death by Modern Medicine, issued a formal written statement to the Immediately following this announce- of lengthy evaluation before they were
using the allopathic medical industry's Codex Alimentarius Commission that the ment, millions of Americans learned how available to the public under prescription
own official reports, I document how United States, during the July 4-9, 2005 famed vitamin doctor Jonathan Wright's from a doctor.
784,000 people die every year in the meeting in Rome, will support compulso- patient-filled medical office was raided 2. DSHEA provides the FDA with
American medical system while follow- ry rules created by this international orga- the same month by nearly two dozen plenty of legal authority to remove herbs
ing doctors' orders i n a highly-regu- nization directly overruling US law regard- gun-toting, flak-jacketed, FDA agents or dietary supplements from the market,
lated allopathic system. The proof that ing access to vitamins. The US law that in the name of regulating supplements. providing the agencyhas plenty of real evi-
dietary supplements are safe and work is about to be vanquished is the Dietary Battering down an unlocked office door, dence of real harm to the public. The FDA
as expected is evidenced everywhere. Supplement, Health and Education Act these agents, backed by burly sheriff.'s also has the authority to limit the amount
Studies conducted all over the world of 1994. Codex is a joint venture between department deputies, lined up staff and of a supplement to low levels if the agency
have shown that supplements are actu- the United Nation's World Health patients against the wall, pulled IVs from has plenty of real evidence to prove higher
ally safer than food, and there is simply Organization and Food and Agriculture patients arms in the middle of treatments,levels are actually dangerous.
no hard evidence to show there is any Organization. (WHO/FAO) The World confiscated patient records, and took the The FDA and its Big Pharma backers
risk factor worthy of discussion, much Trade Organization (WTO) has already hard drive from the office computer, all have never liked DSHEA because these
less needing universal "risk assessment!' stated that it will enforce Codex "guide- because Dr. Jonathan Wrig -it was using products and the related natural healing
Yet, the US delegation, along with its Big lines" as the world standard for trade in nutritional supplements to heal very sick arts services often related to them are put-
Pharma backers are bound and deter- dietary supplements. This will mean that people who could not get he ,p from stan- ting the allopathic drug/surgical/chemical
mined that Codex force "risk analysis gradually, pill-by-pill, our access to the dard allopathic medical care. and medical industry to shame. Act now
assessments" upon the American dietary dietary supplements we depend on will As the story developed, it turned out to protect your basic right to maintain
supplement industry so they can bypass disappear. that this Gestapo-style raid was standard your health. Without health you have no
the expressed will of the American peo- For those not familiar with the Dietary operating procedure for the FDA, and as freedom.
ple. Supplement Health and Education Act the general public became aware of just
The real reason for promotion of "risk of 1994, it was passed because two and a how many doctors' offices, manufactur- Dr. Carolyn Dean is a medical doctor,
assessment" is based on two agendas: First, half million ordinary citizens wanted to ing companies, distributors, and health naturopathic doctor, herbalist, acupunctur-
to be able to strip the over-the-counter make sure that dietary supplements, such food stores had been assaulted by simi- ist, nutritionist, as well as a health activist
marketplace of everything but low qual- as herbs, vitamins, minerals, and other lar raids, the horror of all this forged a for health freedom as president of Friends
ity, low dose-level products that won't do food-based supplements, could stay on mighty health freedom army that resulted of Freedom International. Dr. Dean is the
much to support or improve health. And the over-the-counter market. Movement in unanimous passage of DSHEA. author of over a dozen health books, the
secondly, to set up the framework to allow to create this law, known as DSHEA, start- The idea of the law was two-fold: latest is Death By Modern Medicine. For
Big Pharma to take over the supplement ed when a 1992 FDA task force published 1. DSHEA was to make a clear distinc- further information or to sign up for free
market as a new form of drugs where a report announcing the FDA's desire to tion between food, which is considered email alerts contact www.friendsoffreedo-
prices can be jacked up outrageously and remove these products from the shelves as generally safe and did not need to have minternational.org or www.deathbymod-
doled out by doctors for a fee. they represented a "disincentive for pat- permission from the FDA to be allowed ernmedicine.com

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16 • commonGround • JULY 2005

Why organic? Is your
by Carolyn Herriot
A "Registered
O n the Garden Path began a year ago with Greetings From the Aromatherapist"
Garden Path, a weekly email newsletter sent to customers of The
Garden Path Organic Plant Nursery in Victoria. Each week Carolyn wrote or "RAC is
about what she was doing in the garden, the orchard, the greenhouse, with chanced 76a-by- guaranteed to:
seed saving and soil building, with the intention of helping gardeners of all
levels realize they can have the most healthy, productive and beautiful garden gchnologr
without resorting to substances harmful to humans, animals, wildlife, plants, Have an education,
worms or the myriad of soil-dwelling organisms. which meets standards
H yynath j Reloxation. r
I ' m an old-fashioned girl at heart, often now routine in the biotechnology of farming. I.-healing a n d T r a tr s f o r m a r e established by the
wishing I could turn the clock back to Pandora's box has been opened, and there's BC Alliance Of
slower and saner times. I especially feel no going back now, as these human-created Audio CDs
this when it comes to the modern prac- plant mutants have already cross fertilized Aromatherapy
tices o f farming and gardening. That's with wild plants of the same species. All CDs $ 20 + GST
because so many farmers and gardeners After millennia of miraculous evolution
surely Mother Nature knows best? Hers is a
have come to rely on huge inputs of syn- power and creation worthy of utmost respect,
(Shipping: $3 tint CD, 5 I ea. ack11.) Be aware of all safety
thetic chemical substances - herbicides, but this power is not respected by our cease- • Building Motivation & health concerns
pesticides and fertilizers, which we now less drive to exploit, control and replicate the
know cause havoc to the environment, mystical powers of nature. I t is with pure
• Coping With Loss associated with
to our health and to the delicate web of wonder, humility and boundless joy that, as • Feeling Good for New Moms Essential Oils
soil life. an organic gardener, I try my best to under- • Growing Younger
It's strange to think that only 70 years stand and co-create with Mother Nature, not • Heal Your Body
ago people relied on small-scale family work against her. • Healing Depression Be capable of preparing
farms, local markets and home gardens for Diversity rules in nature. Whether it comes
fresh fruits, vegetables and livestock. The to plants, animals, insects or microbes, or the • Healing Your Inner Child Aromatherapeutic
Victorians were judged at dinner parties for elements of rock, water and air, all exist in • Hello Sunshine! (For SAD) Blends
their prowess in the kitchen garden, where exquisite and vital interdependent relation- • Hypnosis for Weight Loss
both the food served ships with one another. to address
When I interplant veg- • Love Your Body, Love Yourself
and the decorative flow-
ers were held in great It is with pure wonder, etables with flowers, • No More Fear of Flying
your concerns
esteem. Nutritious veg- herbs and small fruits, • Peaceful Passage (For Child Birth)
etables, herbs, fruits and humility and boundless plants that attract pol- • Positive Thinking Find out more at:
flowers were produced joy that, as an organic linators and beneficial
without the inputs o f insects, all co-exist in • Raising Self-Esteem
synthetic chemicals that gardener, I try my best to perfect balance, taking • Releasing Anger
are depended upon today. care of pesky problems
Natural source materials understand and co-create as they arise. I love
• Releasing Anxiety
in excess, such as horse with Mother Nature, not knowing that the native
and cow manure, were bees, butterflies, hover-
• Releasing Stress
• Restful Sleep
the mainstay of small- work against her.
scale agriculture then.
flies and parasitic wasps
flitting about my garden
• Support for Healing Addictions www.bcaoa.org
are keeping everything • Thinking for Yourself
When I started my
(Empowerment for Youth)
first garden maintenance business, Forget- in harmony and balance. My role is only to
Me-Not Gardening Services, I was shocked attract them and encourage them to stick • Trusting and Following
to discover customers' sheds and garages full around by providing drinking water and
of toxic chemical products with names such plants to feed them.
as diazinon, 2,4-D, methoxychlor, malathion, Number one in my garden is feeding the
Your Intuition
• Your Authentic Self Graphic
benomyl and mecoprop. I was expected to soil, which nurtures the myriad of micro-
use these products routinely throughout the organisms that dwell in it. It's all about the
year, and was required to pass a.pesticide microbes, responsible for breaking organic
Children's Titles:
• Go Away Monster!
applicator licence test just to be a gardener. matter down into humus, and for making
The belief was that without these products a nutrients available to plants. I spend the
garden could not thrive. This is what initially dormant season; November to March, add-
(Calming Nighttime Fears)

• My Special Friends
(For Empowering Children)
led me to gardening organically, and then to ing natural amendments to the garden, so Web & Print
my passion for heritage plants and historic I can grow healthy plants resilient to pests To order, visit www.gwen.ca or send
gardening practices. and diseases. This means I rarely spend time cheque or money order to: We are looking for a dynamic
Modern farming also depends on such dealing with pesky problems, and have more person with artistic abilties
products to maximize yields for greater time to enjoy my beautiful garden. My hap- • Gwen Randall-Young and imagination to join
profits. It is not focused on soil health, piest times are spent hauling trailer loads of Common Ground.
plant diversity, seed saving or the protec- manure or buckets of seaweed. Whoever said 439 Village Drive, Sherwood
Park, AB, CANADA T8A 4K1 Work for a creative company
tion of wildlife. I t is only recently that the "the best things in life are free" was so right!
detrimental impacts of modern farming E-mail: gwendall@shaw.ca
dedicated to health, the
have even been acknowledged. Referred to From A Year on the Garden Path, A 52-Week environment, creativity and
as agribusiness, modern farming is clearly Organic Gardening Guide by Carolyn Herriot. Call Toll-Free 1-888-242-4936 personal growth.
disconnected from the natural cycles of life. $29.95. Earthfuture Publications, Victoria, BC.
Seasonal spraying of millions of gallons of Available from Banyen Books and Duthie Send resume:
pesticides over fields, into soil and onto food Books or www.earthfuture.com/gardenpath fax 604-733-4415, or email
leaves me with a feeling of deep despair. This
pales in comparison to the dread I feel about Carolyn will be doing a book signing at the first info@commonground ca
the genetic manipulation of plant genes and Organic Island Festival in Victoria, detail at
even worse, the exchange of genetic material www.organicislands.ca and on page 18 of this
between species from different kingdoms, issue of Common Ground.
iiviAniv.gwen.ca CommonGround
JULY2005 • lommoneround• 17
Guardians of pests. As well, organic farmers may grow
diverse plants, sometimes in specific com-
binations, to keep certain pests at bay.
government policy worldwide.
Unfortunately, agriculture and environ-
mental preservation are usually consid-

biodiversity Of course, some pests still do make it

onto the crops and organic farmers then
use natural processes, such as picking
potato bugs off plants by hand, to take
ered separately at government levels. Very
few governments promote organic agri-
culture and fewer still tie it to biodiversity.
Some European countries are exceptions;
THE ORGANIC WAY care of these problems. Similarly, organic in Sweden biodiversity is a certification
by Marya Skrypiczajko farmers do not spray herbicides allowing requirement for organic farms, in England
weeds to grow and flower, thus inviting organic farmers receive financial credits
'There is no question the biodiversity of tive impact on biodiversity. In Europe, a pollinators, such as bees, butterflies and for maintaining wild hedgerows, and in
1. Earth is in decline. Environmentalists study by BirdLife International linked beetles, into the garden. Unwanted weeds Italy biodiversity in agricultural tourism
and nature-lovers everywhere recognize population declines of over a third of spe- are then pulled by hand. This reliance on businesses is rewarded with tax breaks.
the urgent need to reverse this trend. cies to changes in this sort of land use. natural control methods maintains bio- Governments could also provide farm-
Defined as the variety and complexity But it does not have to be this way; diversity at the same time as not allow- ers with monetary compensation for the
of life on Earth or within a given habitat proper planning can reconcile human ing pest species resistant to the chemical loss of production area due to maintain-
at the gene, species and eco-system level, activities with the goals of biodiversity. On sprays to flourish. ing wild areas of land, they could fund
biodiversity is crucial on socio-cultural an agricultural level, the stewardship of Organic farmers also work to create educational programs on the ecological
and economic levels, as well as environ- biodiversity naturally falls to the organic healthy soil by mixing in compost, ani- services nature provides, and they could
mental. farmers whose holistic farming practices mal and green manure, by regularly aer- promote the role of organic farming in
Unfortunately, government policy embrace biodiversity for both philosophi- ating the soil and by crop rotation. This the preservation of biodiversity to a larger
worldwide has not addressed the preser- cal and practical reasons. process develops soil that naturally deters audience.
vation of biological diversity in the most The relationship between organic farm- disease and pests and that is structurally Finally, they should not leave the onus
efficient manner. Initiatives to maintain ers and biodiversity is symbiotic; organic stronger to prevent erosion. As well, they on organic farmers alone. These policies
biodiversity have focused on establish- farmers both use and preserve biodiversity plant seeds adapted to the local climate should also apply to all landowners, con-
ing protected areas, yet these areas cover by understanding the natural capacity of and resistant to local di-seases. ventional farmers, factories, office build-
a much smaller percentage of the Earth plants, animals and the landscape. Many Studies have shown that compared ings, hotels, resorts, fishery waters, forestry
than do agricultural areas—10 percent farmers will leave some of their land wild with conventional farms, organic farms lands and municipal parks.
versus almost 40 percent. Given that so to preserve the indigenous forest, wet- have more diverse and greater numbers Ultimately, the diversity of the landscape
much of the Earth is used for agricultural lands or grasslands which in turn provide of wildlife species. They have five times and wildlife benefits us on many levels.
purposes, a large percentage of species food and habitat to diverse species that are as many wild plants and 57 percent more The beauty and integrity of the planet is
must come into contact with these areas, beneficial to adjacent farmland as preda- species, 25 percent more birds, up to five maintained, the agricultural economy is
and thus agricultural land management tors of pests or plant pollinators. times as many spiders and insects, and a more stable in times of natural crises, and
has a great effect on the preservation or Thus, instead of applying chemical much greater variety of planted crops. the appeal of the natural landscape pro-
destruction. of biodiversity. insecticides that kill all species rather than Cohsidering the successes of biodiver- vides greater tourism appeal, thus benefit-
Since WW II, the use of chemicals in simply the few they are intended to eradi- sity within organic farming and the cost- ing local economies.
agriculture and the move from mixed cate, the arthropods, insects, birds and effectiveness of it in maintaining biologi- Marya is the author of BC the Organic
farming to monoculture have had a nega- reptiles living nearby can feed on plant cal diversity, the link should be reflected in Way. www.bctheorganicway.com

Organic Islands Promotions presents

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18 • CO= Mid • JULY 2005

Food and fitness OPPORTUNITY
for sexy seniors W o r k for a creative company dedicated to health, environment
and personal growth. We are looking for an experienced,
NUTRISPEAK dynamic person to join our Sales Team.
by Vesanto Melina MS, RD Please send your resume by email to

L i f e begins after your first half century. and my bone density is holding its own. No phone calls please.
For many of us, age 50 is not the end Ruth has actually shown improved bone
Selected persons will be contacted.
of the road; it's the beginning. I f you density since age 50, but she is a master
can relate t o this, consider what new athlete whereas I just potter along happily
ventures you have undertaken since you for an hour a day of some sort of exercise,
turned 50, 60, or 70.1 know a number of mainly weight bearing.
women who are having the best sex ever Many of us find that as we get older, we Extraterrestial Healing Clinic.Com
at this stage of life. They have linked up get fatter, at the rate of a pound or two a
with wonderful partners in creative ways year. How do we keep our weight in check? L o v e N A / a 11 - , s I n w i t h a n C T Doctar-
such as internet dating, working out at Plenty of options are advertised, though IndwIdual And G r o u p Sessions
the gym, joining volunteer groups, get- most are doomed to failure. Recorded S p e c i a l i z i n g in Te l e p h o n e A p p o i n t m e n t s
ting out to entirely new environments, attempts at dieting began a thousand
or by enlisting the support of friends. years ago when William the Conqueror C o n t a c t E T. R o n
A fun-filled and inspiring new book is found he could no longer ride his horse Medical University 5 3 0 - 9 1 8-9122.
Senior Fitness by Ruth because he was too fat. Ficct Ambassador c-thealingcli nic©Ljahoo.com
Heidrich, PhD (Lantern In m y o w n experi- He decided to try a fluid CiXPERFNCe.' 1 0 0 0 Y E A R S :N CUR r: TL;rz
Books, 2005, available at diet and stayed in bed
Banyen and other book- ence, making exercise drinking alcoholic bev-
stores). This particular a regular habit has erages instead of eating
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won eight gold medals annual participation A better choice is to • Foods • Molds • Dust • Pets • Medication • Insects • Tr e e s / g r a s s / w e e d s
in the Senior Olympics. center your meals on
Ruth had breast cancer in triathlons. Last year simple, natural plant
at age 47, made some life
style changes, and now
when my car died, I foods, plenty of them
raw. Here is Ruth's rec-
has been cancer free for decided not to replace ipe for health.
over two decades.
Ruth makes the point
it, and now use a bike. Recipe •
for health
that the top killers o f Though vegan, I make
Canadians are to a great
Head for a farmer's
market, choose organic
extent preventable by sure my calcium intake produce, wash it, cut it
changes in our diet and meets recommended up and enjoy it. (Keep
exercise habits. Even water and a picnic kit
impotence can be diet intakes, and my bone in your car.) Run, or
related, as a reduction in density is holding its power walk, to a near- Today more than ever people are becoming aware of the
blood flow to the penis, by berry patch. Eat the Pleiadian Energy that surrounds the Earth and ourselves.
common in men who own seeds in grapes, citrus,
have hardening of the and watermelons. Gorge This healing energy allows us to release Karma, old
arteries, poses distinct challenges when on strawberries straight up. It isn't neces- thought patterns, beliefs and judgements that blocks the
it comes to sex. Use of drugs including sary, or even beneficial, to make them into path to reconnecting with our authentic self.
tobacco and alcohol makes matters worse. strawberry shortcake. Drink plenty of
Being put on pharmaceutical drugs is the water. Ensure a reliable source of vitamin Pleiadian Light-Work Heating assists us with our
band-aid approach, not a cure for the B12. Instead of your morning coffee, have Spiritual growth and ascension, reconnecting us to our
underlying problems. Clearing the arteries, a tablespoon of organic blackstrap molas- Soul's Purpose.
which can be done by a clean diet, exercise ses in hot water. For breakfast, lunch,
and smoke-free lifestyle, is a potent solu- supper and snacks, choose fruits, vegeta- Shelley channels the Pleiadian healing energy which
tion. Many women sail through meno- bles, nuts and seeds that you enjoy plus clears Karma held on the physical, emotional, mental and
pause, barely noticing the change and mixed greens, tomatoes, carrots, broccoli,
spiritual levels. Pleaidian Light-Work Healing allows one
then proceed smoothly without a reliance cucumber, kale, bell peppers, fresh salsa,
on hormones such as horse estrogen. New avocado, kiwi, mangos, figs, blueberries, to connect to their highest self, giving access to discover
research is exploring the gentler effects of raspberries, strawberries, walnuts and your Soul's Purpose, Life's Task and Planetary Service.
similar plant estrogens derived from flax. ground flaxseed.
In my own experience, making exer- Distant Healing, Teachings & Office Appointments
cise a regular habit has proven benefits. Vesanto Melina is a registered dieti-
At age 50 I headed off for a 17,000 foot tian and author based near Fort Langley.
pass in the Himalayas with a few friends. She is co-author of Becoming Vegetarian,
At 60, I began annual participation in Becoming Vegan, Raising Vegetarian
triathlons. Last year when my car died, I Children, and the Food Allergy Survival 250-766-9368
decided not to replace it, and now use a Guide. For personal consultations call 604-
bike. Though vegan, I make sure my cal- 888-8325 (clinic) or 604-882-6782 (home
cium intake meets recommended intakes, office), www.nutrispeak.com

JULY2005 • CommonGtound•19
When the gas sustainable electricity. But it's a very inef- facing roofs are completely covered with
ficient way to make heat. solar hot water systems. During the sum-
How will we heat ourselves, when the mer, the heat that's gathered is pumped

runs out gas runs out? This is a huge unanswered 65 metres down into the ground with 100
question that no one wants to address. boreholes. It's insulated with a 3-foot layer
It's easy to design a zero-energy house. of foam, and when winter comes, it is
EARTH FUTURE.COM Make it passive solar in design to catch brought back up again to heat the homes.
by Guy Dauncey and store the sun's heat. Dig or drill down (www.sb.luth.se/—bon/anneberg.htm)
into the earth to make a ground-source In Okotoks, Alberta, a 52 unit solar-
t's not fun being cold. Your teeth chat- All I want is a room somewhere, heat system, and use solar photovoltaics to heated subdivision will be finished this
Iter, and your toes and fingers hurt. It Far away from the cold night air. power a heat pump to deliver the warmth fall: the first in North America. The heat
may be no coincidence that when recent With one enormous chair, to your home. Add super-efficient win- will be gathered on the garage roofs and
ice ages began to roll across the land- Ah, wouldn'it be loverly? dows, super insulation, and heat-recov- pumped underground, to be retrieved in
scape 400,000 years ago, we learned how Lots of choc'lates for me to eat, ery ventilators. Top it off with a solar hot winter. It's expensive, but it's doable, and
to make fire. Lots of coal makin' lots of heat. water system. with mass production, the price of solar
In theory, the sun gives us all the heat Warm face, warm 'ands, warm feet, But can we retrofit a whole city, to keep heaters will come down.
we need: 3,000 times more energy than we Ah, wouldn'it be loverly? its inhabitants warm? It's a very big ques- But what about our existing cities? The
use each day. But it's no use after sunset, (from My Fair Lady) tion. There are no easy answers, but there good news is that the sun shines every-
or when winter strikes. teaming how to are some tantalizing clues. where, and the ground exists everywhere.
tear a branch off atree anci carry its stored And then came natural gas, from plants In Zurich, Switzerland, engineers have With evacuated solar tubes, the sun's heat
solar energy into a cave must have been and tiny creatures which died and sank created a 200-metre length of sewer pipe can be gathered even under a cloudy sky.
brilliant. Later, we learned how to make to the ocean floor 300 million years ago. in which the bottom of the pipe acts as We could superinsulate and retrofit our
charcoal, burning the wood to get rid of How modern! How civilized! a heat pump. The pipe transfers the heat buildings for district heating systems, col-
the smoke, leaving a clean, glowing bri- But haw does this story end? North into a district heating system, which sup- lect solar heat off every available surface
quette. Charcoal burners were terrible America's natural gas has already started plies a third of the heat for 940 homes, (roofs, walls, car-parks), and pump the
forest destroyers, but we loved the result. to run scarce: we're on the dOwnhill slope saving 1,500 tonnes of CO2 a year. Where heat underground to retrieve in winter.
It kept us warm. of the supply. The entire world's gas sup- there's sewage, there's heat. (www.rab- Will it cost a lot? Yes. Will we decide to
For thousands of years, we hacked away ply will peak by 2020 and be gone by 2060, therm.de) do it? Yes. Which would you rather do? Sit
at the forests. Then sometime in the 12th assuming we're happy to liquefy it and In Sutton (outside London, UK), the with your teeth chattering all winter in a
century, in England, the firewood began ship it across the world in highly explosive Beddington Zero Energy Development house with no heat, or fork out for a per-
to run out. So people started using a nasty tankers. It'll be far too expensive for most heats 93 units of super-efficient, solar manent, sustainable, clean, silent, climate-
black substance called, sea-coal. It made of us to use long before that. buildings from a biomass cogeneration friendly solution?
such a smell that it was quickly banned, So what then: back to coal? With climate plant, using chipped tree trimmings that
but it was only a matter of time before change heating the oceans and burning would otherwise have gone to the landfill Guy Dauncey is president of the BC
everyone was using it Coal. Ancient sun- the forests? I don't think so. To firewood? (www.bedzed.org.uk) Sustainable Energy Association (www.
light from ancient trees and ferns. We had Not unless we -want to clearcut BC. So In Anneberg, in the city of Danderyd, bcsea.org), and author of Stormy Weather:
discovered fossil fuels. The city air was dis- what will we do? Electricity? Yes, it's pos- Sweden, engineers have designed a 90- 101 Solutions to Global Climate Change.
gusting, but oh, how warm everyone was. sible, assuming we can generate enough unit housing project where the south- He lives in Victoria. www.earthfuture.com


Place: Common Ground's new office

We all breathe it #204 - 4381 Fraser Street at 28th

Date: Thursday, July 28th
Time: 7:00 PM
We all want it


For information: Common Ground Special Events 604-733-2215 a i r commonground.ca

Common Ground invites you to attend the first meeting to organize the next big eve t, a Walk for Clean Air. This rs iii
honour of our country's endorsement of the Kyoto Protocol (with the next global me ting in Montreal this November),
Vancouver's commitment to clean air, and each of our own personal commitments to ke ping our common resouce, the air
we all breathe, healthy. Common Ground is initiating this event and welcomes other s onsors, organizers and volunteers
to come forward.
20 • O5fninOn05Und • JULY 2005
Car industry lies
to Canadians N U T R I T I O N A L T H E R A P I E S

by David Suzuki
Finally a line of supplements that
targets the unique nutritional demands
Canadians should be disgusted with Fuel efficiency has actually decreased in
their federal government, but not recent years because the industry is hell-
of a contemporary lifestyle!
just because of what has come out at the bent on selling bigger, heavier and more
Gomery inquiry. expensive vehicles that cost less to make,
No, Canadians should be outraged like SUVs. But you don't have to take my
because, once again, their government has word for it. Just look at a comprehensive
ignored the best interests of its citizens analysis by economists Roger Bezdek and
and refused to stand up to a corporate Robert Wendling published in American
dinosaur. That dinosaur is the automotive Scientist.
industry, and the recently announced deal Bezdek and Wendling point out that
to reduce emissions amounts to nothing average fuel economy for all new vehicles
more than another government subsidy has declined from 26.2 mpg (8.9 1/100
to prop up an industry that feeds off the km) in 1987 to 24.7 mpg (9.5 1/100 km)
health and pocketbooks of Canadians. in 2004. They then point to more than
The new agreement, wrapped in obfus- two dozen technologies identified by the
cating language about megatonnes o f US National Research Council as techni-
greenhouse gas emissions and navel-gaz- cally feasible ways to make cars more fuel
ing preamble after preamble, doesn't efficient today. They examine the costs
guarantee any improvements in fuel effi- of using these technologies and what it
ciency at all. In fact, it would mean for the
amounts to little more industry and the econ-
than a PR exercise for On paper, i t met those omy. Their input-out-
automakers and the targets. But in reality, the put analysis concludes
feds. that making cars burn
On top of everything, industry avoided them by less fuel would actually
it actually lies. Just look exploiting a loophole that create more jobs, save
at the many pream- money for consum-
bles: "And whereas the allowed it to build and ers and improve the
Canadian automotive
industry has shown
promote more and more economy, in addition
to reducing smog and
'inundated by renowned
good faith i n meet- fuel-guzzling light trucks, climate change. Naturopathic Doctor;
suitable for
ing its commitments
in other memoranda
which w e r e exempt ers,Good for consum-
good for jobs, good
Mikhael Adams B.Sc., N.D. vegetarians

of understanding and from the standard. The for health, this w i n

is currently party to
numerous successful
industry has also argued, should have been rela-
tively easy for the fed-
active agreements;" A threatened and whined eral government. Polls
lie. show that 90 percent
Way back in 1982, about the "impossibil- of Canadians want
the industry fought ity" of everything from more efficient cars
like mad to derail fuel and the vast major-
efficiency regulations smog-reducing catalytic ity doesn't believe the
that had already been converters to safety inno- industry's lies t h a t
passed by Parliament. making them would
Government caved in vations like seatbelts and be either too difficult
to the industry, which air bags. or too expensive.
promised to meet the California already
targets "voluntarily!' set the precedent in
On paper, i t m e t North America b y
those targets. But in reality, the industry enacting laws that require a reduction in
avoided them by exploiting a loophole greenhouse gas emissions from new cars,
that allowed i t to build and promote thus forcing the industry to improve fuel
more and more fuel-guzzling light trucks, efficiency. Instead, we've got a voluntary
which were exempt from the standard. agreement that guarantees nothing and
The industry has also argued, threatened again leaves enough loopholes to drive a t (CtUS,v
'rot, .
and whined about the "impossibility" of diesel Hummer through. Canadians are
everything from smog-reducing catalytic being played for dupes by the industry and
converters to safety innovations like seat- the feds are letting them get away with it.
belts and air bags. This industry lies. It lies and it lies and it
Here's another good one: "And whereas lies. And our government doesn't have the
the government of Canada acknowledges guts to stand up to it.
that the Canadian automotive industry
has made significant progress in reducing
greenhouse gas emissions and improving Take the Nature Challenge and learn iduairogressivenutritional.com
fuel efficiency since 1990;" Another lie. more at www.davidsuzuki.org
JULY 2 0 0 • C O M M Ground • 2 1
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22 • ComnonGtoitnd • JULY 2005


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Rebirthing i s a powerful easy t o learn New ideas pass through three periods:
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26 • CommonGround • JULY 2005

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1 9 6 2 K i n g s w a y ( a t Victoria) 6 0 4 . 8 7 3 . 2 4 4 0
2 8 • OCamonGrouno • J U L Y 2 0 0 5
Joy misery, and yet without it we die.
Take inventory this week, and make sure
eight hours of uninterrupted sleep every
night. A lack of sleep will increase your
you are getting your three meals and two susceptibility to illness and is linked to car
snacks every day, and not going more than accidents and industrial accidents. It will
SIMPLY WOMAN! four•hours without eating. make you irritable, exhausted and even
depressed. Sleep is also the time that our
byCrystal Andrus Cut back on alcohol anti-aging hormone is released. Without
I know how wonderful a glass of wine deep sleep we are inhibiting our growth
M a n y o f us are programmed to down if oxygen levels get too low on an can sound at the end of a long; stress- hormone thus speeding the aging process.
believe that we are selfish o r airplane. Weare instructed to put our own ful day, but it may actually be our worst If a lack of sleep is affecting your daily rou-
thoughtless if we take care of our own mask on first before helping our child. enemy. Alcohol is a depressant, not only tine and/or causing depression, please seek
needs. We struggle with all that we have If we aren't okay, we are useless to every- on our mood and energy level but also help from a medical doctor or naturopath.
to do, resentful and running on empty one else. This is about honouring and cel- on our metabolism. It dehydrates, caus- You honestly cannot feel joyous about life
most of the time, yet we refuse to do ebrating yourself, and life. Take time for ing water retention. It is very ageing, and when you are depleted and drained.
something proactive to change it. One exercise, for time alone and for personal because it is calorie-dense, it packs on the
thing we can do is simply learn to hon- development. I f you aren't living the life pounds quickly. Alcohol also depletes the Exercise
our ourselves and set reasonable per- you want, eventually all the other things body of vitamins C and B-complex. Plus, If you are not shedding the pounds, it
sonal boundaries. will fall apart anyway. it is deadly to the liver. Women are more is time, to become the cardio queen. Are
Setting boundaries is necessary in every likely than men to develop cirrhosis of you doing your optimal amount of car-
relationship. At work and with friends Nutrition the liver and other related diseases, and dio? Regardless of how many times you've
and family, all succeed better when we all Not many people can be exuberant because drinking is not as socially accept- been doing your cardio up until now, do
acknowledge and respect each others per- when they are famished. Just think of how .able for women, they are not as likely to it six times a week from now on at a hard
sonal boundaries. cranky we become when we have gone reach out for help. intensity for 40-45 minutes. While you are
Without them, marriages crumble, too long without eating. Whenever I think More importantly, realize that we only shaping and sculpting those muscles, you
friendships are ruined and children that maybe food isn't a necessity in our choose to numb that which we are afraid have to burn the fat. Cut back on your
become rude and impertinent. Devoid pursuit of joy, I look at what happens to of—what we can't face. If you are drink- carbs and increase your cardio. It works.
of personal boundaries, we can wound my normally joyous and happy children ing every day or need alcohol whenever
our spirit by mistreating our bodies with when they suddenly get hungry. We all a crisis hits, look within and embrace the
excessive food or medicine, drugs, alco- need to eat to feel strong emotionally and fact that life will never give you more than Crystal Andrus's column is a condensed
hol, or meaningless sex. physically, and although I do feel that a you can handle. Each time you rise above version of her new book on personal trans-
When I tell women to start making three-thy juice fast once or twice a year is your desire to drink you can find your true formation. She is an authority on women's
themselves a priority, many feel as though essential for optimum health, consistently strength, which has always been within health, a sought after speaker and author of
I've added one more task to their already going too long between meals cannot only you. the best seller Simply Woman! The 12 Week
daunting to-do list. However, this one is lead to bingeing, it leaves us feeling shaky, Body/Mind/Soul Total Transformation
necessary if you want a joyous and ful- miserable and very joyless. Isn't it ironic Get enough sleep Program. www.hayhouse.com/details.
filling life. It's like when the mask drops that too much food can bring us so much The average adult requires seven to php?id=2247

artists sfiare thoughts and ideas on their ing to the bicycle. A couple stood out for

Summer lovin' converging worlds and try to second guess me: Tom Schroeder's Bike Ride a rippling
what the next big thing will be. white-on-black, line-drawing animation
As well as the more conventional where James Peterson tells the amusing
FILMS WORTH WATCHING screening of short films by the CBC's late story of elation and deflation of cycling 50
byRobertAlstead night arts program/new media channel miles to see his girlfriend (you can view it
ZeD, you could also try out a prototype online www.ifilm.com/ifilmdetail/986192,
M I Summer of Love is a soft, sultry Everything's Gone Pete Tong is about a handheld digital tour guide that delivers although you don't get quite the full fluid
mirage o f a film about a love hedonistic DJ, who falls from grace when video clips to you by wireless as you move experience). Very different, but as memo-
affair between two teenage girls living he loses his hearing, yet finds redemp- around an environment, and visitors could rable, was Hiding From the Wind by North
in the hilly countryside of Yorkshire in tion, celebrates and sends up the rave also view some of the first Canadian video Vancouver documentary maker Bruce
the north of England. Mona, a working culture and the music industry hilari- clips made specially for mobile phones. Mohun. The short documentary follows
class lass, is fed up with her humdrum ously. The music's good too, if you like a This is still very much cutting edge stuff, Gabriola Island sculptor George Georgiev
life, especially after her reformed, born- bit of techno now and then. so the end product was far from stellar. as he prepares to take the record for the
again brother (Paddy Considine) decides With the handheld digital tour guide, fastest bike in the world. His machine, a
to convert the pub they inherited video clips would start freezing as sealed recumbent, looks more like a fish
from their parents into a religious you moved around because the sig- than a bike, and whistles as it touches
meeting area. When she wakes nal was not strong enough and as for speeds of 120-130 km/h. It drew gasps
one day after basking on the the phone video clips, well, it's a very of awe from the gathered audience of
heath, she finds the posh Tamsin small screen. Vancouver cyclists.
looking down on her from atop a As a new generation of handheld
horse and an unlikely friendship devices are released and telephone Looking forward
blossoms between the two. companies upgrade their networks The summer blockbuster season is
As in The Last Resort, director later this year and early next year, upon us. This month we have Spielberg's
Pawel Pavlikovski is a master at the quality of the video clips and the War of the Worlds (out now), Johnny Depp
conveying mood and story through quality of mobile content is sure to in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (15),
the texture and composition of the improve (at least for those who can sci-fi thriller The Island starring Ewan
moving image. The windswept pay the extra bucks). I'm sure that McGregor and Scarlett Johansson (22),
Yorkshire hills, the terraced houses, many readers have concerns about the and Terry Gilliam's The Brothers Grimm
dappled woods and shadowy inte- health implications microwave/cel- (29). In a different league, is the docu-
riors, help convey a warm summer Nathalie Press as Monaand Emily Blunt as lular networks have, but on the other mentary The Wild Parivts of Telegraph Hill
languor. Nathalie Press as Mona Tamsin in Pavlikovski's MySummerof Love. side of the coin the promised land of (15). I haven't seen it but the storyline of
and Emily Blunt as Tamsin put in wireless delivery will mean freedom "a homeless musician who finds meaning
impressive performances to create to roam rather than being shackled to to his life when he starts a friendship with
a palpable sense of intimacy and vulner- Resfest the office. At least, that's the theory. dozens of parrots" is intriguing to say the
ability. The short transition from bud- The second annual Resfest, which took least.
dies, through shared pain to romance place last month, is a new media festival Bike Ride
never rings hollow, and ensures the dark where filmmakers, multimedia design- Last month was Bike Month, and Robert Alstead also writes online for
denouement is all the more effective. ers, video games creators, and digital included a night of eclectic films all relat- www.iofilm.ca Email: robert@iofilm.ca

JULY2005 • commonGround• 29
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BODYHEART&SOUL YOGA $40/session. 16th and Granville, will spin the wheel i n your this is it. You have chopped
PRACTIONER Retreats with Elisabeth Michielsen
Fora consultation please contact September10 -16 "Coming Home" maximum eight members; gay favor. You are climbing up to another wood and carried water with the best of
PamelaRobinson at 604-856- SixDayRetreatonHomby Island. positive. Dr. Hearnhas ten years level of success. Ride the wave in total intentions. It's time to put that diligence
1883or E-mail: ryottl@telus.net August24 - September2 Yoga group experience:
Certificate inDynamicXuan Kong TeacherTraining Intensive www.drsimon.ca. abandonment because opportunity is to work. Your mind illuminates the idea
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that what you resist will persist. Besides,
magnetic pulse in your stride .
The channels are open for you to pull in
www.bestplace.ca/contact.html. &healing. donation. Vancouver necessary people who assist in your pro-
HealingCircles. 604.418.9636.
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you better know that you don't have to be
responsible for other people's business.
You are master and servant on the best
cess. The travel bug may also land you in
deep water. Soak up the rays.
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ment 604-684-9755 SAGITTARIUS ( N o v. 2 2 .
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If you feel more humbled late- At last you are able to relax.

ly, you got the message from You wanted more enjoyment
your intuitive nature to wake and now you shall have it. Making fast
ANNOUNCEMENT up to it. We go through these grandiose friends and a possible new mate will
dramas and then realize we didn't need make you come alive. Be mindful of what
to make choices from insecurity. Put you dream for as now as it comes to light.
your vision in front of you and let the Stay true to your goals.
past be the past. Move forward.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 — Jan.
Just look for the leaves. CANCER (June 21— July 22) 19)
GE NU INE If you are offered diamonds Fantasy plays a large part in
elm is Genuine Health H E A L T H will you cherish them? If you your life. Either you see only
ehn rebranding to Genuine Health reinforces their commitment to gain respect will you con- what you want to see or you invent the
helping people lead healthier lives tinue to earn it or let it slip away. The truth. In any case the possibility of con-
possibility to let things slip through your fusion may alter your perceptions. Try to
ehn inc. may not be a household word, but there are very few Canadians
hands may come up. Let opportunity in understand your reactions and stay clear
that haven't heard of greens+, the flagship brand that has led the way for elm's
success in the natural health supplements sector. although you may not see it when it's of things that sound too good to be real.
Their success is a testimony to their commitment to provide well-researched, right under your nose.
natural supplements that are truly effective, unique and relevant to Canadians AQUARIUS (Jan. 20—Feb. 19)
in improving their health and ability to enjoy an active lifestyle. LEO (July 23—Aug. 22) 1 . 1 111,. haveesibyloeoweightfeeggainmore couldsolid
The company will now be known as Genuine Health. Their new name You are mastering your emo-
reflects the fundamental philosophy and vision of the company's originators. tions and taking stock of your 4 You have embraced a feeling of
It better represents the results the products bring. life. With a good clear head fullness as a way toward alignment. Either
The logo is a stylized lower case 'g' with a leaf incorporated into the letter you may feel in control of your moods. way you are balanced by the earthiness
shape to give it a very distinct, fresh look. It will appear on all packaging and You retrieve parts of yourself that you you feel. Whether you ballroom dance or
other communication for the company. had tucked away or given away. You are skip rope, your heart is pumping nicely.
"Consumers will not only be able to find our products more easily, but we reclaiming your energy, becoming more

expect that the information on our labels will help them make quicker and fully responsible and aware. PISCES (Feb. 20—March 20)
more informed purchase decisions," comments Lisa Chisholm, Director of Self healing and any kind
Marketing, Genuine Health. VIRGO (Aug. 2.3—Sept. 22) of pampering are on the hit
Genuine Health, based in Toronto, has over 35 award-winning products
in various categories, from green foods, diet/weight management, and essen-
tial fatty acids to multi-vitamins and antioxidants. Each ingredient is sourced
worldwide and put through extensive testing. All products are manufactured
J As o n e seed somewhere parade now. It's all about you
grows, another life form is on and getting what you need. This is a time
its demise. The ebb and flow of great joy and prosperity for you. You
of life has captured your attention. You. seek to serve your highest good and your
with the strictest quality control procedures and have Good Manufacturing have optimism even while you witness body and spirit are happy for yOu.
Practices Licenses. 5% of the company's net profits go to support charitable leaves drifting on the river. Seems all too Ilona Hedi Granik is a clairvoyant consul-
activities such as the Change Canada Foundation. poetic while you understand that loss is
For more information visit www.genuinehealth.com. tant and author with 31 years of experience
natural and inevitable. Keep cherishing in astrology, multi-media art and healing.
the moment. Ilona23@shaw.ca

30 • 01t=Ground • JULY 2005

JULY 7-10 JULY 8, 9, 10 conducted by Dr. Paul T. P. Wong International Spiritualist THURSDAYS • Free Meditation workshop:
West Coast Poetry Festival Introduction t o F o o t and Ms. Nancy Fischer, July 22-24 Alliance #1A -320 Columbia Natural Spiritual Healing Experience kundalini awakening
A free showcase, an eclectic Reflexology commences Friday through Sunday at Coast Street, New West (Downstairs) or Progressive Counselling a t through Sahaja Yoga, as taught by
sampling o f word magic from Certificate Weekend Course. Plaza Hotel, Vancouver. Call 604- 604-521-6336 . Sunday Services GaiaGarden, Kitsilano. Effective, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.& enjoy
all over Canada. See programme Intro: $10. Course: S295.00 649-8289 or visit www.meaning. 11am . Rev. Joyce Tarvin 604- safe treatment for all illnesses, your Powers at our Weekly classes,
(page 8) Pacific Institute o f Reflexology ca for details. 433-6663 See resource directory. injuries, life situations. Free con- always free and open to all. 604
(604) 875-8818 www.isacanada.ca sultations available. SRMH Centre 597-8440 www.sahajayoga.org
JULY 9 JULY 23 1-604-740-0898
Shamanic D r u m m i n g Treating Trauma Workshop, MONDAYS A Course in Miracles drop
Chanting Circle 7pm.Vancouver Foundation O f T h e
Free acupuncture consul- Zen
for Therapists—learn the effective in study group, 7:30pm,517 E
Multi-Cultural Centre 1254W. 7th. Story Slam 9pm Our Town Cafe
Rewind Technique, widely used in
Practice Course.
tation (with acupuncture treat- 17th St. North Van. Suggested drop
Introduction to shamanic jour- 245 E. Broadway Actors, writers, the UK. For more details please ment only). Relieve stress and
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neying for insight, healing and comics, storytellers, incorrigible Church 409 E.Broadway Call
see: www.deborahfish.com and pain etc. Acuqimed Centre a t Call Susan 604 987-6985.
empowerment. Newcomvers pre- liars: audience judges 5 minute click on "Vancouver". Broadway Station. B.0 Reg. By 604 876-4349 t o register.
register 604.418.9636. Donation. stories. Win cash, get published in appt: 604-961-8834 www.newmoonbuddhist.org
Turtle Island healing Circles. Common Ground (page 9).
www.drumcirdes.com Just Dance. Evening of pas-
JULY 16,17 Satsang with Neelam who
Animal Healing Course. teaches with the blessing of HWL Reflexology Student Clinic sion and let go. Dance the
JULY 9, 10 rhythms of the world. 2nd and 4th
Diamond A p p r o a c h Learn how to give Natural Spiritual Poonja (Papaji) 7:30pm, Aug sessions - only $15. Evenings only.

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Oath to Self-Realization. Explores of Reflexology. 604.875.8818 - www.just-dance.ca
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Approaching 2012. Hear
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Vancouver. 604-730-8788. Mindfulness, a 3-day workshop (through self-inquiry) return your
wholeness. 5-7 pm. 317-1613.

Friendly advice CULTURE

by Ishi Dinim

D o n ' t be afraid. This could be the neys. We nodded our heads in support of onto a different subject. Needless to say dare already to challenge our government
single most important thing t o peace, economic and democratic reforms, I not so subtly badgered him for the rest to a trial of strength and bid defiance to
remember. No one is perfect There is sustaining our planet, and many other of the day about how a meat based diet the laws of our country. •
hope though, we can always improve. We progressive ideals. We reached a bit of an is probably the most harmful and easily —Thomas Jefferson
all pick our spots to shine and feel a loss impasse when the topic of vegetarianism changeable part of human life. Everything should be made as simple as
for a missed opportunity. The reason I'm recounting this conver- possible, but not simpler.
I think most humans have an innate The first one seems sim- sation is important. I assume that he felt —Albert Einstein
desire to do good things, bettering threatened that I might call into question A man gotta be balanced. You can't just
their own lives and those around them.
ple: think. Just take time a part of his way of life, just like how I feel be about the pleasures.
Sometimes figuring out the bestWay to do to think. However that when people criticize my modus operandi. —stic.man, Dead Prez
it is difficult. I've been trying to distill it all Believe me I am not beyond contempt: I
down into the ultimate simple idea to help works for you. All I ask is drive, eat seafood, dairy, and eggs, I watch Ishi graduated from Emily Carr Institute
my fellow human. But I couldn't, instead I that you do it carefully, TV and gamble. I drink fair-trade organic of Art and Design in 2001, with a BFA
came up with two and a bit. coffee in a reusable cup, and judge myself, major in photography. He makes films,
The first one seems simple: think. Just with equal parts imagi- him, her and them all day long. We all collects cacti, and ponders many things.
take time to think. However that works nation and self-reflec- rationalize our actions so that we can live Currently he is trying to figure out what to
for you. All I ask is that you do it care- with ourselves. As much as I want to do do with the rest his life. contactishi@yahoo.
fully, with equal parts imagination and tion. Oh yeah, also try the right thing, sometimes I don't and I ca waiting to hear echoes back
self-reflection. Oh yeah, also try to do it as to do it as long as you have to live with those results.
long as you remain conscious and for the What is the single most
rest of your life. It will reap great benefits remain conscious and for important thing that a pro-
gressive considerate person
in every area of your life; decision making the rest of your life. desiring to change the world GAMBIER ISLAND, B . 0
will become more difficult or less depend-
ing on the situation. can do? I don't know, you tell S E P T. 9 . 1 0 . 1 1 WORKSHOPS
I know, "Where does this guy get off came up. I held up a copy of a documen- me. Come join us for an intimate YOGA I
with his pedantic self-righteous paternal- tary that I wanted him to watch. He said, weekend of healing, movement *TPJ CHI
istic tone telling me how to live?" Well, "The people who made that movie prob- Link it up for free dots: and self-discovery. In the heart *INTUITION
it all fits into my second idea which also ably care more about those animals than www.meetyourmeat.com of Howe Sound surrounded by *CHINESE MEDICINE
has a hidden third idea, an invisible one, the homeless guy down the street from www.tribeofheart.org natural beauty and calm, this ART THERAPY
which I hope to possibly make visible by them." It was a good point, and quite pos- www.velolove.bc.ca ocean side retreat will be your
bundling. But now I digress. sibly a true one. I responded, "Well, they private sanctuary for renewal.
Last week before we went to work I was are giving a voice to creatures that can't Quotes: Take yourself away... *NURITION
chatting with my friend. We were getting stick up for themselves, and they're expos- I hope we shall crush in its WEEKEND RATE ONLY $325 ea
really inspired by sharing stories about ing an unseen side of our society." After a birth the aristocracy of our
people, films, and ideas in our recent jour- bit of an awkward silence we simply slid moneyed corporations, which www.ferngullyretreat.com 7 7 8 . 8 8 3 .
JULY2005 • CornmonGrotal• 31
The trouble with Teflon
by Tyler Bradley

P C B , DDT, PVC and CFC are all acro- tory bodies passed over the chemicals that The most sobering fact surrounding
nyms that strike fear. manufacturers claimed were safe. the PFC debacle, though, has been the
Less well known from the "least want- Recent discoveries, however, show that systematic suppression of data collected
ed" list of toxins are the perfluorochemi- the truth behind PFCs is as contrary to the by DuPont prior to the EPA forcing it to
cals or PFCs. They are the latest collection chemical industry's collective assertions as disclose findings.
of man-made chemicals whose intend- is humanly and scientifically possible. Although not previously bound by law
ed functions, however benevolent and Many PFCs require the use o f per- to make employee medical records and
well intentioned, have fluorooctanc ic acid/C8 research archives public, or even open
become overshadowed Today, P F C s a r e (PFOA) and/or perfluo- to regulatory agencies, one would like to
believe that there is an overriding moral
by their inherent risks
and irrevocable ability
everywhere. T h e y rosulphonates (PFOS)
in their manufacture. obligation on the part of such corpora-
to do harm. are the stain repel- PFOA, as with all mem- tions to disclose details pertaining to haz-
Now Open Today, PFCs are every-
lent in your carpet, bers of the F'FC family, ardous materials that are in use within
our homes and in our everyday lives.
M o n - S a t 11 t o 5 p m where. They are t h e is highly persistent. For
stain repellent in your the water-repellent all intents and purposes, Presently, DuPont faces as much as a
carpet, the water-repel- it does not biodegrade, $300 million fine for decades of putting
lent membrane in your
membrane i n your at least not for tens o f PFCs on the market when it was unsafe
parka, the non-stick parka, the non-stick thousands of years. to do so. More than a slap on the wrist
coating in pans. But they PFOA is now under but consider that figure in relation to
Certtfiaie Oritcwtiv are also the most persis- coating in pans. But scrutiny as a toxin; i t DuPont's 2004 revenues of $27 billion.
Natural tent synthetic chemicals they are also the most has been observed as Whatever combination of censure, con-
an off-gas degradation demnation and forgiveness we decide to
Producer E Grocery in h i s t o r y — chemi-
persistent synthetic component From com- take with these corporations, the toxic
cals that are found in
facts and the chemicals remain. We're
more than 90 percent chemicals in history mon household items, stuck with PFOA and its off-gas siblings
of North Americans' and has been found in
blood, chemicals whose terminal break- both wildlife and human blood as well as for the long run. As the story develops,
ficmvoDelivery down components are implicated in birth human breast milk the world over. the most active role we can take at this
point is to better our understanding of
or defects, cancer, organ damage and respira-
tory failure.
In laboratory tests, PFOA exposure
has proven especially dangerous to the the chemicals to learn what it is we are
Comeetts-dvi,Stenv Perfluorochemicals were first made unborn. Extremely high mortality rates dealing with.
commercially available just over 50 years were observed in rats exposed to levels of Avenues to explore:
ago. Engineered for their water repellent PFOA that human children sometimes www.ewg.org The Environmental
qualities, low friction and strong chemical reach. PFC concentrations are especially Working Group has loads of info — see
bonds, PFCs such as DuPont's Teflon were high in children, whether as a result of especially: PFCs: A Family of Chemicals
rushed into the marketplace to capitalize higher exposure rates, or slower metabo- That Contaminate the World.
on their miraculous, space-age character- lism of the chemicals. PFOA and other www.cbc.ca
istics. PFCs are estimated to have a half-life of CBC Marketplace program from March
The perfluorochemical industry flour- four and a half years in the human body. 20, Something's in the Air.
ished. PFC makers like 3M and DuPont For PFOS, another toxic PFC, eight and www.enn.com Search: ski wax toxicity
enjoyed massive profits (and in many a half years is a conservative estimate put Google search: Toxic Teflon.
cases, continue to do so) while regula- forth by 3M. Email: tyler@hillbillywaxworks.com

Newsbite gen by Health Canada.

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SAVE $$$ prevent hundreds of thousands more BC toxic banned chemical formerly used to chinook) has already reached markets in
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32 • CCITIMG101110• JULY 2005
continued from page 7 ing the button, or by not passing the Sun. "If war had come, Soviet missiles nuclear missiles against, "rogue nations."
command and control post went off with report up to superiors. "Not 100 percent would have destroyed Britain entirely, at Thanks to US theocons taking instruction
red lights blinking on the terminal." sure. Not even close to 100 percent," he least half of Germany and France, and from Book of Revelations, nuclear war has
"It was a nasty shock," Petrov later later told reporter Mark McDonald for a America would have lost maybe 30 per- gone from unthinkable to thinkable.
recounted to The Moscow News. "EveryoneKnight Ridder news report. "Waiting the cent of its cities and infrastructure." That Recently the 66-year-old Petrov told the
jumped from their seats, looking at me. next 15 minutes to see what would hap- estimate is only for the one side's destruc- Christian Science Monitor that he wished
What could Ldo? There was an operations pen was most unnerving: Yes, terrifying. tion; the detection of a Soviet launch he could say there is no chance of an acci-
procedure that I had written myself. We Most unpleasant." by US satellites would have elicited an dental nuclear launch today. "But when
did what we had to do. We checked the Petrov and the officers present at the immediate, devastating response from we deal with space—when we [play] God
operation of all systems - on 30 levels, one bunker waited tensely. There were no the Pentagon. "This is the closest we've —who knows what will be the next sur-
after another. Reports kept coming in: All more signals of ICBM launches. No mis- come to accidental nuclear war," noted prise?" It's a sentiment the Crusade-mind-
is correct; the probability factor is two." ed warriors in the White House would do
Which is apparently the highest prob- well to heed.
ability the system would allow: near-cer- This is where Petrov's story moves into high farce. In the Can we always rely on a man of Petrov's
tainty. non-nuclear aftermath, a high-level commission headed forebearance, reserve and inner strength
Duty officer Petrov had a decision to each time the nuclear clock ticks one sec-
make, and very little time to make it. He by Col. Gen. Yuri Votintsev, commander _in chief of the ond closer to midnight? It's crazy to'expect
could push the button, initiating an irre- USSRmissile and air defence forces, investigated the officer'sany one individual in a sensitive position
versible chain reaction in a system geared to save humanity—though in this case this
to launch a counter-strike without human decision. Petrov later told The Moscow News that upon seems to be precisely what happened.
interference. Or he could report up the arrival at the headquarters, Votintsev had promised to In the end, the Soviet military nei-
command chain (the terminus being ther rewarded nor honoured Stanislav
General Secretary Andropov with his put him in for a decoration, but then "put the squeeze" on Petrov for his actions. It did not punish
nuclear briefcase), with any US missiles the lieutenant colonel. Votintsev wanted to know why the him either. But his once promising mili-
taking only 15 minutes to reach Soviet ter- tary career had come to an end. He was
ritory. It was impossible to analyze such a operations log was not filled in at the time. Petrov responded reassigned to a less sensitive position and
situation comprehensively within a mat- that he had a phone in one hand, for reporting the situation soon retired from the military because of
ter of minutes. All Petrov had to rely on stress. He and his sick wife moved to an
was his intuition, and,a growing suspicion up the command chain, and an intercom in the other, for apartment in Friazino, a town just out of
that things weren't right. "Missile attacks issuingcommands to subordinates. He was physically unable Moscow. A brief but significant eruption
do not start from just one base, he tea- of international interest in his story left
soned. He also was aware there were " lots to write anything at the time. him with "a clutch of business cards" from
of things a computer could mistake for a both Russian and foreign reporters.
missile launch.' siles rained down on the fatherland. He Bruce Blair, director of the US Center for According to an article last year in the
Working with questionable but possibly had made the right decision. Defense Information, of the September Moscow News, the initial resurgence of
correct information, the lieutenant colonel This is where Petrov's story moves into 26 incident. A quickly escalating nudear interest in Petrov's story did not exactly
deemed the signal a false alarm. But his high farce. In the non-nudear aftermath, exchange could very well have emptied or translate into quotidian terms. His wife
uncertainty only grew. The computer sys- a high-level commission headed by Col. destroyed each side's remaining arsenals. died, and at one point Petrov had to spend
tem indicated a second missile launch from Gen. Yuri Votintsev, commander in chief Reagan's "morning in America" would several months at home in bed, his legs so
the continental US missile fields toward the of the USSR missile and air defence forces, have been "mourning in America," reduc- badly swollen that he could not walk. "The
Soviet Union. Then a third missile, then a investigated the officer's decision. Petrov ing both nations, US and Soviet, to what only local doctor who makes house calls
fourth and a fifth. later told The Moscow News that upon writer Jonathan Schell described as a is a GP, but the retired lieutenant colonel
The alarms sounding in Serpukhov- arrival at the headquarters, Votintsev had "republic of insects and gras's." A subse- needs a cardiovascular specialist who has
15 were deafening. Lt. Col. Petrov stood promised to put him in for a decoration, quent nuclear winter, in which darkness to be paid, while Petrov's small military
watching a red button flashing "Start" in but then "put the squeeze" on the lieuten- would have fallen across the, planet due pension is his only source of income—his
bright lettering. Time was running out - ant colonel. Votintsev wanted to know to atmospheric dust, would likely have and his son's." As in most small towns in
he could not wait to confirm the launch why the operations log was not filled in spelled, the end for human civilization Russia, unemployment is high in Friazino.
by radar. Soviet land radar was incapable at the time. Petrov responded that he had and most lifeforms. His son, a programmer, cannot get a job,
of detecting any incoming missiles from a phone in one hand, for reporting the Lest we think this one mistaken launch and "the colonel can't get a job sweeping
beyond the horizon, which would only situation up the command chain, and an warning a total anomaly, it should be the streets, although he wouldn't have
have been useless information by the time intercom in the other, for issuing com- remembered the nudear weapons arsenals minded."
it was confirmed. He made his decision: Lt. mands to subordinates. He was physically are still on hair-trigger alerts. Throughout •Fortunately, Petrov is at last getting
Col. Stanislav Petrov would not press the unable to write anything at the time. the cold.war there have been at least nine some recognition and respect. Last May,
button. When asked why he hadn't filled it documented incidents of mistaken signals the San Francisco-based Association of
The mistaken signal had its origins in in later, when the alert was off, Petrov World Citizens honoured him with a small
the peculiarly Soviet means of detecting demonstrated a canny understanding of financial award of $1000.Arseny Roginsky,
ICBM launches. Instead of looking down military double-binds. He recounted the Throughout the cold war the director of Russia's human rights orga-
on the entire Earth's surface in the manner potential trap for Moscow News. "Oh, there have been at least nine nization, Memorial, congratulated Petrov
of US satellites, Soviet satellites of the time come on, I thought—just to end up in jail, on behalf of AWC in an awards ceremo-
aimed at an oblique angle, from a distance,when, in a reenactment of the incident, an.. documented incidents of mis-ny that took place at the offices of The
watching the line between the upper atmo- investigator would sit at the control panel, taken signals on both the US Moscow News.
sphere and outer space. This reduced the pick up the phone and intercom, and "All the 20 years that passed since that
chance of mistaking naturally occurring try to write in the logbook in real time? and Soviet sidewhen the ther-moment, I didn't believe I had done some-
phenomena for a missile launch. At sev- That would have been forgery, pure and monuclear sword came down thing extraordinary," Petrov told USA
eral miles above the Earth, missiles would simple." • Today in 2004. "I was simply doing my
appear silhouetted against the black back- Petrov received no commendation for upon all our heads (flights job and I did it well." "Foreigners tend to
ground of space. preventing World War III —just a dress- of geese in one incident, a exaggerate my heroism," he told another
The Soviet system was meant to nix ing down from his superiors. The officer reporter from Moscow. "I was in the right
reflections and refractions, along with a understood the tacit reason. If he was to Norwegian missile launch in place at the right moment." The man who
whole range of industrial and natural phe- be decorated for that incident, the blame another, a rising moon, etc.) saved the Earth prefers to think there was
nomena, as a false signal. But somehow would have had to fall elsewhere; "above nothing that extraordinary in his decision.
the sun, the satellite, and US missile fields all, those who had developed the BMEWS, He just followed his conscience, listened
aligned in such a way that sunlight reflect- including our renowned academicians on both the US and Soviet side when the to his intuition, and did the job he was
ed from high-altitude douds was electron-who had received billions and billions in thermonudear sword came down upon all assigned to do that momentous day in
ically interpreted as a launch. Petrov later funding." our heads (flights of geese in one incident, September 1983.
described the situation as "God's own joke What if he had decided otherwise? "If a Norwegian missile launch in another, a
out of outer space." the Soviet Union had overreacted, it could rising moon, etc.). Today the Bush admin- Vancouver writer and political cartoonist
At the time, Petrov was not at all con- have gone very badly, former KGB officer istration has reworked its nuclear response Geoff Olson can be reached at gefo@telus.
vinced he had acted correctly by not press-Oleg A. Gordievsky told The Baltimore to endorse using small-yield, tactical net
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