2005-09 Common Ground

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Co `operative evolution: Kropotkin vs Darwin • Get out of NAVA

Taste of Health October 1-2 • Celebrate salmon • Eckhart ....Tolle
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Publisher & Senior Editor • Joseph Roberts Donuts for doctors HEALTH
Graphic Design • John William
Contributors • Robert Alstead Buying the medical profession —Alan Cassels 6 Simplicity —Crystal Andrus 18
Crystal Andrus • Celia Brauer •Alan Cassels
Mel Clark • Guy Dauncey Fibre— just passing through —Vesanto Melina 21
Ilona Hedi Granik • Arne Hansen HABITAT
Carolyn Herriot • Myke Logan
Where have all the salmon gone?—Celia Brauer 8
Vesanto Melina • Geoff Olson SPIRITUALITY
David Orchard • Gwen Randall-Young
David Suzuki - Eckhart Tolle • Sonya Weir LETTERS 10 The way out of pain— Eckhart Tolle 12
Sales • Head office 604-733-2215
Vancouver toll-free 1-80o-365-8897 What is real?—Gwen Randall-Young 13
Victoria 1-866-985-9856 Hartley Berg CULTURE
Contact Common Ground: Vancouver Film Festival's new home—Robert Alstead 10 POLITICS
Phone: 604-733-2215 Fax: 604-733-4415
Advertising: admin@commonground.ca Kropotkin vs. Darwin Reclaiming democracy— Myke Logan 15
Editorial: editor@commonground.ca
CommonGround Publishing Corp. On co-operative evolution — Geoff Olson Let's get out of NAFTA—Mel Clark and David OrChard 16
204-4381 Fraser St.
ISSN No. 0824-0698 Healthy green lawns —Carolyn Herriot 17 CLASSIFIEDS 31
Copies printed: 68,000
Over 25%mo readers per issue Time-tested organic farming— David Suzuki 22 ZODIAC 31
Survey shows 3 to 4 readers/copy.
Annual subscription is $6o (US$5o) for Where will our food come from? —Guy Dauncey 22 DATEBOOK 30
one year (12 issues). Single issues are
$6 (specify issue #). Payable by cheque, ALSO
Visa, MasterCard, Interac or money order.
All contentscopyrighted. Writtenpermissionfrom the This month's Story Slam winner, Wanderin' Wind by faminie Hilton,
publisher is required to reproduce,quote, reprint, or
copyanymaterialfromCommonGround. Opinions and Off the Rails about the devastating CNR crash near Squamish
andviewsexpressedIn the articles donot neces- by Ame Hansen, appear at www.commonground.ca —U. 11 . i F i "
sarily reflectthose of thepublishers or advertisers.
CommonGroundPublishingCorp.neither endorses
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i00% owned and operated by Canadians. Canada H.A.N.S. MEMBER
Published 12 times a year in Canada.
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Printed on recycled paper with vegetable-
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Health Education Series 2005 - 01

Try searching the internet using the phrase "diabetes class "I am using it myself, with great benefit."
action". You will find more than 1 million websites. Then, try (Dr. M. Kuypers)
searching the internet using the words "diabetes side effects".
You will find more than 2.7 million websites. Billions of dollars "Everyone should know about this."
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Once you start using these drugs, you have to use more of
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them as your body develops resistance. A t some point,
(Dr. M.Sichel)
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many pharmaceutical drugs can causes diabetes itself. Many "Recommended by
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or Zoloft, or Paxil. Regardless of how you money by giving lunchtime talks to their rine reuptake inhibitor whose only rival, are critical of the way pharmaceutical
view the promotional tactics of drug com- colleagues. Unfortunately, few of those. so far, is Effexor, has been proven in a companies have shaped physicians' behav-
panies, serious clinical depression is, of KOLs come with unbiased opinions. recent clinical trial to show some efficacy iour. In 1998, in a high-profile resignation
course, an undeniable major health prob- In fact, when Dr Marcia Angell, former in treating the physical symptoms (e.g. from the APA, Dr. Loren Mosher called the
lem with sometimes devastating conse- editor of the New England Journal of fatigue, back pain and aches) that often American Psychiatric Association a "drug
quences. And some people do respond to Medicine, wrote her now famous article Is accompany depression. But in a crowded company patsy," adding, "Psychiatry has
SSRIs, some even miraculously. Academic Medicine for Sale?she expressed antidepressant market, your drug has to been almost completely bought out by the
Compared with the drug manufactur- alarm that in searching for potential con- do more than treat depression—it's gotta' drug companies?' The merchants of the
ers' marketing campaigns, which push the tributors for articles on depression, her do something else. But what? Associated chemical definition of mental illness rely
more lucrative chemical views of depres- journal could only find "very few" senior symptoms, that's what. on a key aspect in the practice of medi-
sion, alternative views of illness and treat- psychiatrists without financial ties to the Lilly has spent more than a year selling cine: the power of expert opinion. That's
ment get short shrift. And with drug reps pharmaceutical companies who make the hurt to physicians in journals such why you won't find many David Healys or
constantly parading in front of doctors, anti-depressants. as the American Family Physician with Loren Moshers speaking at an APA con-
the chemical views of illness are shaped A convention of psychiatrists gath- an ad that reads: "What did 69 percent ference where new depression niches four
and reinforced where nobody sees them ered for a scientific meeting offers the of patients diagnosed with dpression drugs like Cymbalta are being created and
—behind closed doors, or in clinic hall- ideal place to see how new definitions of say? I. hurt." An earlier two-page docu- promoted.
ways. With a ratio in the US of one drug mental illness are shaped. It is also where ment about depression, which seeded No one could argue that people suffering
rep f o r every opinion lead- the ground for Cymbalta, shows a bicycle acutelywith depression or mania shouldn't
four doctors, ers go to hear wheel with the slogan: "We're not rein- have the best treatment available. But how
and with drug ...I was watching Good Morning about the new- venting it. We're just taking a closer look." many people fit this description? It is a
reps averaging America this morning and they told est new thing. What is happening in the APA exhibit reverberating refrain in the disease-selling
one visit per day, The American hall, however, is exactly that: reinvention. business that there are huge—sometimes
per doctor, Joyce me, your weather report is brought P s y c h i a t r i c Drug companies are reinventing depres- grossly inflated—estimates of how many
is likely to see a to you by Paxil. Association sion by promoting niches which drugs in people are suffering from the disease, and
parade of reps. (APA) 2 0 0 4 the pipeline may someday fit, drugs that rather few whom are being treated. This
Why should we —David Antonuccio, clinical conference i n aren't even on the market yet. And they is the gap that propels the marketing of
be surprised that psychologist, University of NevadaNew York City are taking existing drugs and colonizing the disease by public and private agen-
the dominant is electric. More whole new areas of treatment. This drug cies. Promoters of the undertreatment
paradigm o f than 20,000 vis- is now good for agitation. This one works paradigm are found even among those
mental healthcare has largely been reduced iting health professionals and physicians well for pain. This one is for anxiety or without drugs to sell. The World Health
to the tweaking of neurotransmitters and from all over the world attend this annual tiredness. Lilly is looking to Cymbalta Organization states that 121 million
serotonin levels with patented drugs? scientific conference. This year it's entitled: to be its bedrock product in the depres- people worldwide are affected by depres-
Over half the drug marketer's budget is Psychotherapy and Psychopharmacology: sion m a r k e t . sion. It projects
allocated to detailers and free drug sam- Dissolving the Mind-Brain Barrier. In the Some analysts are an increase in
ples (over eight billion per year in the US). exhibition halls, thousands of doctors are already calling it It takes a lot of money to attract mental disor-
The cartons of free drug samples lugged enthusiastically enjoying the delights of the '`next block- 20,000 health professionals to a ders up from
around the US by more than 60,000 the drug company displays, gawking at the buster, antide- nearly 12 per-
detailers like Michael Oldani represent soaring high-tech screens promoting the pressant," and, no meeting, and most of the APA cent of all dis-
the promise not just of a gift of new prod- latest medications. It takes a lot of money doubt its alleged annual conference is underwritten eases worldwide
ucts— but of new knowledge. They are to attract 20,000 health professionals to dual action on to almost 15
effective because they tap into physicians' a meeting, and most of the APA annual emotional hurt by the drug industry percent by the
primal motivations—wanting to appear conference is underwritten by the drug and physical pain year 2020. The
on top of new advances in medicines and industry. A 10-foot square in the exhibit is the key marketing factor. There's no WHO uses the term "treatment gap," and
keeping patients happy with samples that hall goes for $2,400, and scientific sessions better way to get Cymbalta's sales curve points out that fewer than 25 percent of
show how much they care. But free sam- are for sale at around $50,000 each. This is climbing early than pounding that mes- those affected haveaccess to effective treat-
ples also enforce, promote, and reinforce the place where capitalism and healthcare sage into the physicians' heads— long ments. Other groups such as the National
the dominant view of disease that a drug meet. before the drug is approved. Institute of Mental Health say that one in
is designed to treat—in this case, the neu- At Eli Lilly's depression stand, yellow, Meetings like the annual APA fulfill a five adults in the US, or 22 percent of all
rotransmitter model of mental health. red, and purple lights flash the words crucial marketing role—part of a "pre- adults suffer from a diagnosable mental
As the world's biggest drug companies "Where does it hurt?" There are no obvi- launch awareness campaign."As Dr. David disorder in a given year.
battle over markets for their new antide- ous drug names. Why advertise without Healy notes in his latest book Let Them Eat What is lost in those statistics, howev-
pressants, key allies and key opinion lead- mentioning a specific product? Because Prozac, the market development for a drug er, is that they very much depend on the
ers are drawn from the field of psychiatry Lilly is advertising a disease, not a drug. doesn't just involve scientists, but depends diagnostic criteria used by researchers. In
(known as KOLs in the Marketing world) The "Where does it hurt?" sign flashes on public relations and communications Australia, professor Ian Hickie led a major
to help educate fellow doctors about both alternately with "What four little words companies. The goal is to make the new campaign which claimed that 30 percent
the drugs and the diseases. These KOLs could give your patient a better chance drug have impact and brand presence in of people who walked into doctors' offices
are often just ordinary members of the to achieve remission?" Lilly's new drug the mind of prescribers. David Healy is had an undiagnosed mental illness. As a
medical community who can make easy Cymbalta, a serotonin, and norepineph- one of a few high-profile physicians who continued on page 14

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SEPTEMBER 2 0 0 5 • G o m m • 7
F a l s e C r e e k b y Celia Brauer H A B I TAT

City of Vancouver Archives, Dist. N 15.1

I f you live in the False Creek district of drains, out o f sight, beneath the roads Trout Lake, beavers built dams. There was and rock cod. Sturgeon came into still side
Vancouver, you are accustomed to the and buildings. A scant 150 years ago, a large bog called the Tea Swamp, south waters to enjoy their warmth and calm.
urban landscape —paved streets, houses, this was a dense temperate rainforest of 15th, between Main and Fraser. Creeks Because of the rich intertidal life, thou-
businesses, industrial sites, and the ever- with numerous creeks that emptied into flowed from these marshy areas, swelled sands of migratory birds lived around the
present sound of traffic. When it rains, the ocean through rich tidal flats. It was with countless other small streams, and creek, and seals and orcas were often seen.
water is carried t o the sea i n storm home to First Nations people who had wound their way down to the sea. Salmon The First Nations used to say, "When the
lived in balance with the area's natural and trout thrived. At high tide, the penin- tide is out, the table is set."
abundance for thousands of years. Why sula of present day downtown Vancouver According to Major J.S. Matthews,
were the forests cleared? What happened was an island. The eastern end of False Vancouver's chief archivist at the turn of
You have a choice to the freshwater streams? I t could be Creek was a large tidal flat, fanning out the last century, False Creeltwas "...origi-
said that a different set of values came from a narrow isthmus of land at what is nally a narrow sylvan canal, where, at high
to the region by way of European settle- now Main Street. The shallows supported tide, the waters lapped the lower branches

Ta U
ment. The newcomers tended t o see abundant sea life such as oysters, clams, of towering trees, which lined its shores,
nature as inhospitable, something to be crabs, and mussels. The seawater was rich a placid marine corridor framed in forest
tamed. It took them only a few decades with oolichans, herring, perch, flounder, green:' False Creek's lost streams— where
to extract, process, and sell most of the
watershed's abundant natural resources.
Smoked Wild The idea of "natural capital" — the value eiO
Sockeye Salmon of nature as an essential part o f our
economy—had yet to become the signifi-
Venables St.
Prior St.
from the Taku River SV
cant issue that it is today. We now realize
CHOOSE.. that our communities can, and must,
to support efforts to conserve be friendlier to the ecosystem of which eN''
10million pristine acres of nature they are a part. Green spaces in an urban • 2.‘se. 2nd Ave. Railway Yards °
andwatershed in northern BC environment help freshen the air and Z J o n a t h a n \ \ k r e a t Northern Way I / Commercial Dr
to support BC's wild salmon industry filter polluted rainwater before it enters 61h Ave. . i i
Roaers China Creek
to support the Taku River Tlingit the water table and the ocean. We have Broadway Ave. Park
First Nation in its economic development come to understand the importance of H 12th Ave. ir: tz;,
andconservation initiatives preserving this rich natural inheritance Qbvaj., \ L
tcf Nanaimo St.
Available through Skeet a Ike's for future generations. 16th Ave.
sii Trout Lake
at these stores: To picture what the land around False et = = : ) , . . to te
air o r - l i r
C a p e r s • Choices • W h o l e Foods
• 5tongs • M e i n h a r d t s
Creek looked like 150 years ago, one
has only to visit the old-growth forest Pc
f ,
0 King dward Ave. 0
at Lighthouse Park, the clear waters of
Order ,,, f r o d a y Lynn Creek, the historic native village Bridge Street i n e
site at Jericho Beach, or the vast tidal flats iii )
Pure Organic of Boundary Bay. Then imagine a creek
C I E l?zuaeg h
Clround Pepper choked with the squirming red bodies of
hundreds of returning salmon. The water- Gardens

Pure Organic shed around False Creek was once dense Mountain
Maple Syrup with huge coniferous trees, some over 41S1 Ave Cemetery
1,000-years-old. Berry bushes of all kinds
call 1-888-551-TAKU (8258) flourished in the understory. Bears and
www.takuwild.com cougars roamed the woods, elk and deer
inhabited the grassy pastures. In marshy
areas near what are now Douglas Park and m g Old shoreline Ti day's shoreline A l l these streams are now underground.

8 • OnlIMGrOald • SEPTEMBER 2005

Letters prised not to see more coverage. greatly
commend your publication, not only for
choosing to write about it, but also for the
Deadly Spins Inspire Soul Searching
Thank you for the ultra-relevant and very
articulate series on the Seven Deadly Spins.
Lest We Forget excellent quality of the articles. Thank you Right on! Geoff Olson is a wizard of words
I picked up the Common Ground [August, for truly making the deaths of the thou- (akin t o Richard Corless, the long-time
2005] that had the burned tricycle from sands that died in Hiroshima and Nagasaki Time mag. movie critic), who has some very

Erickson College Hiroshima in 1945. Kudos for a really arrest- not in vain.
ing image for such an important story that Vivian Davidson
should never, ever, be forgotten. The Enola
insightful perceptions of the prevalent mind-
set of our warped consumer-driven pseudo-
culture. The good life has only produced an
"An underlying structural integrity Gay that dropped the first atomic bomb was Mad About Nuthouse amorphous breed of humanity caught up in
and order exist at the deepest level in fact a B-29, not a B-52 as mentioned on So Bill McNamara is never going to the its insatiable pursuit of needless amenities
of human experience." the cover. 1 thought you should know. nuthouse" again. Well, lucky him! He has a and ego-boosts that drive this artificial and
Dr. Marilyn Atkinson Paul Barriscale choice, presumably. But many of us don't. unsustainable mass culture. You have bril-
We suffer from mental illness, or our family liantly illustrated this modern reality with
Learn about the distinctions [We would like to thank the readers who members do. I found McNamara's article your very well crafted series that explores
of human understanding that will wrote to advise of the error on last month's The Nuthouse truly offensive. I strongly the modern psyche with amazing lucidi-
influence the reality of your world. cover. We actually did know that the Enola condemn his attitude toward the mentally ty. Your insights provoke some very much
Discover new levels of communication Gay was a B-29 (as noted in the sidebar on ill, and Common Ground for publishing it. I needed soul-searching to guide our reflec-
related to the new thought on page seven), however, with deadlines as they have a close family member who has spent tion beyond the labyrinth of today's frenzied
conscious & unconscious mind thinking. are, misprints sometimes occur. We apolo- some time i n Riverview. Schizophrenia pursuit o f mindless gratification. There is
gize for the error. CG] destroyed his promising academic and ath- a very relevant quote from George Bernard
Erickson College offers courses in letic career. It also ruined his physical health Shaw, who, I believe, said: "The reasonable
advanced communication & thinking I am a third year student at the University of and social life. Now tell me what's funny man will always seek consensus among diver-
technologies, distinct NLP & British Columbia. I would just like to take a about that. Mentally ill people, and their gent viewpoints. The unreasonable man will
NLP-based Modelling, 4-Quadrant moment to thank Common Ground for the families, all wish they could walk away stick to his own idea and will promote it
Thinking Approaches, the science very extensive and well-written articles in from the whole thing like McNamara did. above others: Whatever progress humanity
& art of successful coaching the August edition regarding the Hiroshima Maybe he should talk to some of them. If has achieved is due to unreasonable men."
and a wide range of specialized bombings. Few media offered any coverage he had written in the same way about vis- Please continue to be so unreasonable.
human development training. of it at all. Given how, in my opinion, it was ible minorities, he would have immediately Guy Paquette
one of the most appalling and notorious been identified as a racist.
JOIN OUR acts of war—and loss of lives— I was sur- Carel Moiseiwitsch, xxero@mac.com
September 7 - 7:00 pm
RSVP! Don't wait.
Online or call 604-879-5600 VIFF launches new film centre
Integral NLP Practitioner FILMS WORTH WATCHING
& Master Practitioner by Robert Alstead
7 weekends or daytime classes
Call for current dates. A f t e r years o f anticipation, t h e 40,000 VIFF Society members. (To see a the World, Common Ground) will bring his
Vancouver I n t e r n a t i o n a l F i l m film at the festival, you must buy a mem- latest film Roma to VIFF, tying in with a
Diploma in Coaching & Centre — the newest cinema i n town bership as most films are unclassified). planned retrospective of his work at VIFC.
Human Development —is finally opening its doors. As I write,
Your future. Your year. Create it now.
(convenient course schedule) there are a few loose wires and the
odd stack of building materials littering
The Art & Science of Coaching hallways and entrances, but Vancouver
Start Sept 15-18 or Sept 29-Oct 2 International Film Festival staff have
ICF Accredited Training moved into their salubrious downtown
residence at 1181 Seymour Street, and
COACHING FORWARD are gearing up for the fortnight film
feast starting on September 29.
October 26 & 27 $199 Festival director Alan Franey, whose
• An Introduction • office looks down o n the spacious,
Come see for yourself what it's about. curved lobby, is as excited as a new dad.
Discover, hove fun and get results. Understandably. The plush 175-seat cin-
Get details at www.erickson.edu & register online ema is extravagant by normal standards.
"The room is as large as many 500-seat
Erickson is PC IA Accredited. theatres," says Franey. The seats, "the pre-
Financing is available for some courses. mium seats in the world," were shipped in
from Paris. The 35mm, 16mm, and digi-
tal projectors came from Germany, "the
Mercedes Benz of projectors:' he says.
"The difference is that we've empha-
sized quality over quantity: that's true
E R I C K S O N in everything we've done. It's the exact
opposite sort of logic of most theatres,
C O L L E G E which is,`Get 'ern in! Get 'ern out! Distract
them with arcade games. Get as much of The Devil's Miner documents the life of 14-year-old Basilio Vargas,
C O M PA N Y F O R 2 0 Y E A R S their money at the concession stand as
a Bolivian silver miner of four years standing.
possible'... We encourage people to stay."
Phone: 604-879-5600 At a time when the public is turning its
back on the cinema for DVD, this kind With the festival still to get through, The first event to use the new centre will
Pi SW. email: info@erickson.edu
of luxury may rekindle people's appetite Franey expects that he won't be sched- be the annual Film and Television Trade
2021 Columbia St., Vancouver, BC, for the big screen experience. That, and a uling full VIFC monthly programs until Forum (September 28— 30).
diverse, international programme that will January 2006, but he will be using the As always, there's a strong quotient of
CanadaV5Y 3C9
be radically different from mainstream festival to "signal" what kind of program- documentaries at VIFF. Franey recom-
fare. As a non-profit, VIFF doesn't have a ming we can expect when VIFC is fully mends The White Diamond, by veteran
www.erickson.edu commercial remit, so Franey will be cater- operational. For example, Argentinian German documentarian Werner Herzog,
ing the year-round for his constituency of filmmaker Adolfo Aristarain (A Place in continued on page 33

10 • COMM Mind • SEPTEMBER 2005

Kropotkin vs. Darwin CULTURE 4Aa iv y,
byGeoff Olson
15,A ,A-
to select a Cossack regiment near the
C n the efforts of one anonymous indi-
idual act for the greater good in the
Factor in Evolution, a work that has mostly
disappeared down the Anglo-American Manchurian border. Kropotkin's choice of A = 0 ■
far o ff future? Can a single person, a t memory hole. Yet his ideas on the cooper- work locale surprised his superiors, who
the right place at the right time, catalyze ative nature of life on Earth, though radi- resisted his eccentric-sounding decision.
change on a historic scale? In this series cal in his time, have received greater sup- He reminisced later in life about how his
we look at individuals, some known, but port over the past 30 years. Life, it turns determination also had a political dimen- I n t e r n a t i o n a l College of
others relatively unknown, who accom- out, may even be more cooperative than sion. "Besides, I reasoned, there is in Siberia Tr a d i t i o n a l Chinese
plished great deeds, far beyond what they Kropotkin thought. an immense field for the application of Medicine of Vancouver
may have thought possible themselves. Born into the highest rank o f the the great reforms which have been made
Their accomplishments in the arts, sci- Russian aristocracy in 1842, Kropotkin's or are coming; the workers must be few ARewarding Career in
ences, i n the political sphere, o r in the future comfort seemed assured. His fam- there, and I shall find a field for action to
service of global peace or justice, have not ily had descended from the Rurik dynas- my tastes?' Successfully winning his choice Natural Health Care!
just burned paths for others to follow; they ty, which had governed Russia before of post in Eastern Siberia, he met with
have inspired others to set out and create the Romanovs. According to John R. General Kukel, head of the general staff, Diploma programs towards:
paths of their own. who was a personal
friend o f Bukunin,
✓Doctor of TCM
Some years back, an anarchist p h i - ✓Licenced Acupuncturist
television advertise- losopher who had
ments pitched the recently escaped ✓Licenced Herbalist
from p r i s o n i n
video collection The
Siberia. Kukel intro-
✓Licenced TCMP
Trials of Life, from the
PBS wildlife series. duced Kropotkin to
The ads promised Bakunin's wife, and
the three spent many 1 Year Certificate Program
"uncensored, shock-
ing, explicit footage" evenings talking long
✓ Chinese Tni-Na & Reflexology
of violent struggle into the night.
from a "savage and (Anarchism has
untamed realm," and connected i n t h e
popular imagina-
Classes Start:
offered teaser shots
of wild animals tear- tion with the image September 5
of the black-clad,
ing each other in two.
The n a t u r e - p o r n bomb- t h r o w i n g
narration made the lover o f chaos. I n Financial assistance may be available.
ads unintentionally fact, the foundations Weaccept transfer credits.
funny; purchasers of of anarchist thinking Accredited by the Private Career Training
the series were guar- embrace the idea of Institutions Agency of British Columbia
anteed to understand peaceful collectives
"why they call them living in decentral-
animals." (The ads ized systems; a rejec-
reminded me o f an tion of the top-down
old Monty Python PCT1A
models o f commu-
skit portraying lim- nism's central plan- CLINIC OPEN TO THE PUBLIC
pets locked in mortal ning and capitalism's
si Teaching Clinic
combat, w i t h John free market monop-
Cleese's voiceover olies.) Free Consultation,
announcing that "this In these years, Very Low Cost on Treatments.
pattern of aggressive czarist agents weren't st Professional Clinic
behaviour is typical particularly welcome
of these nature documentaries.") Bleibtreu's study of natural history, The in these far-flung areas o f the Russian Dr. Henry Lu. Ph.D.,
The notion that wild creatures do little Parable of the Beast, he came from a fam- Empire, so on his geographical explora- Dr. Laina Ho, DTCM
more than fight, feed and fornicate — the ily of six, with "a servant retinue of over 50 tions Kropotkin traveled alone and in We treat pain, gynaecological
gladiatorial concept of nature —has long persons including a tailor, a piano tuner, a disguise. In 1865 he undertook his most disorder, allergies, arthritis, de-
persisted in both popular and intellectual confectioner, and a band of 12 musicians; important exploration of Siberia, in the
pression, other chronic conditions
circles. It's a dog-eat-dog world out there. all serfs." company o f a zoologist and topogra-
But is that really so? Is brute competition In his early teens, Russian court society pher, travelling in an armed party of 10 and much more.
the sole evolutionary driver in the animal accorded Kropotkin the highest honour Cossacks and 50 horses. Mesmerized by
world — and by extension, our own — or available to a young nobleman— appoint- the theories of Darwin, he and his col- Free
do cooperation and collaboration play a ment to the czar's personal retinue o f leagues found an interesting divergence Info sessions on programs:
significant role? pages. During his studies at St. Petersburg between theory and observation. "We
We have all heard of Charles Darwin. University, he became fascinated by the were both under the fresh impression of Sept 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
Some o f us have even heard o f Alfred theory o f evolution, whiCh became for The Origin of Species, but we looked Sainly 2:00 - 4:00pm
Russell Wallace, the scholar who inde- him an "inexhaustible source of higher for the keen competition between animals
pendently came up with the theory of poetic thought, and gradually, the sense of of the same species which the reading of
evolution by natural selection. But few of man's oneness with nature, both animate Darwin's work had prepared us to. expect
us have heard of Prince Peter Alexeivich and inanimate." What the young prince ... even in the Amuri and Usuri region Call: 7 3 1 - 2 9 2 6
Kropotkin. Although reduced to a foot- considered "the poetry of nature" became where animal life swarms in abundance,
note in historical surveys of intellectual the philosophy of his life. facts o f real competition and struggle 201-1508 West Broadway,
thought, the czarist-era Russian nobleman In 1862, he finished his tour of duty as between higher animals of the same spe- Vancouver B.C. V¢J 1W8
and geographer made significant contri- a page, and had to choose a regiment in cies came very seldom under my notice,
Email: info@tcmcollege.com
butions to evolutionary theory, ecology, which he would be commissioned as a though I eagerly searched for them?'
and social criticism. In 1902, he gath- junior officer. His fascination with Siberia Kropotkin conceived a novel idea; the www.tcmcollege.com
ered these ideas together in Mutual Aid, a —its land, peoples and wildlife — led him continued on page 32

The way out of SPIRITUALITY

pain is acceptance
by Eckhart Tolle

T h e greater part o f human pain is and mind are in fact inseparable. Imagine moment, which only exists in the mind, unacceptable, unpleasant, or awful.It is as
unnecessary. It is self-created, as long the Earth devoid of human life, inhabited never in actuality. it is. Observe how the mind labels it and
as the unobserved mind runs your life. only by plants and animals. Would it still If you no longer want to create pain for how this labelling process, this continu-
The pain that you create now is always have a past and a future? Could we still yourself and others, if you no longer want ous sitting in judgment, creates pain and
some f o r m o f non-acceptance, some speak of time in any meaningful way? to add to the residue of past pain that still unhappiness. By watching the mechanics
form of unconscious resistance to what The question, "What time is it?" would be lives on in you, then don't create any more of the mind, you step out of its resistance
is. On the level of thought, the resistance quite meaningless. Yes, we need the mind, time, ,or at least no more than is neces- patterns, and you can then allow the pres-
is some form of judgment. On the emo- as well as time, to function in this world, sary to deal with the practical aspects of ent moment to be. This will give you a
tional level, it is some form of negativity. but there comes a your life. How to stop taste of the state of inner freedom from
The intensity o f the pain depends on point where they take The mind, to ensure that creating time? Realize external conditions, the state of true inner
the degree o f resistance to the present over our lives, and this deeply that the present peace. Then see what happens, and take
moment, and this, in turn, depends on is where dysfunction, it remains in control, seeks moment is all you ever action if necessary or possible.
how strongly you are identified w i t h pain, and sorrow set
your mind. The mind always seeks to in.
continuously to cover up have. Make the Now Accept—then act. Whatever the present
the primary focus of moment contains, accept it as if you had
deny the Now and to escape from it. In The mind, to ensure the present moment with your life. Always say chosen it. Always work with it, not against
other words, the more you are identified that it remains in con- "Yes" to the present- it. Make it your friend and ally, not your
with your mind, the more you suffer. Or trol, seeks continu-
past and future. moment. What could enemy. This will miraculously transform
you may put it like this: the more you are ously to cover up the be more futile, more your whole life.
able to honour and accept the Now, the present moment with past and future. insane, than to create inner resistance to
more you are free of pain, of suffering, An increasingly heavy burden of time has something that already is? What could Excerpted from The Power of Now by
and free of the egoic mind. been accumulating in the human mind. be more insane than to oppose life itself, Eckhart Tolle, $14 US, $15.75 Canada,
Why does the mind habitually deny or All individuals are suffering under this which is now and always now? Surrender trade paperback, published b y N e w
resist the Now? Because it cannot func- burden, but they also keep adding to it to what is. Say "Yes" to life, and see how World Library and Namaste Publishing.
tion and remain in control without time, every moment whenever they ignore or life suddenly starts working for you rather Available at local and online bookstores.
which is past and future, so it perceives deny that precious moment or reduce than against you. www.newworldlibrary.com
the timeless Now as threatening. Time it as a means of getting to some future The present moment is sometimes www.namastepublishing.com

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What is real? Soul Life .111111\iwi
Hope Iridge
by Gwen Randall-Young

the rest of our reality. To do that, we

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only realize that we were dreaming once kindness, compassion, and the high-
we awaken. It is then that we come to
the question of outer and inner reality.
As Wayne Dyer points out, what you see
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Gwen Randall-Young is an author
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SEPTEMBER 2005 • CommonGround • 1 3

continued from page 7 Kahn (who takes Effexor). The seminar of people who may be undertreated for eral of New York State launched a lawsuit
paid consultant for drug manufacturer Depression in College: Real World, Real mental illness. But they question whether against GSK, alleging that the company
Bristol Myers Squibb, Hicide was using Life, Real Issues is held in order to raise antidepressant drugs are the best way to fraudulently withheld data about Paxil's
and promoting the use of an instrument awareness about depression and the drugs treat those people. Despite the enormous safety. He noted that by "concealing criti-
to diagnose depression—one of those to treat it. Featuring free screenings for popularity for SSRI treatments for "just cally important scientific studies on Paxil,
classic screening tools that seems to catch depression and celebrity speakers— be about everything," David Antonuccio, a GSK impaired doctors' ability to make the
nearly everyone, because the symptoms they Premier Campbell or Cara Kahn—it clinical psychologist and professor in the appropriate prescribing decision for their
are so common. A few years later when is all about creating impact. department of psychiatry at the University patients and may have jeopardized their
academic researchers rigorously evaluated Perhaps being screened for depression of Nevada, says bluntly: "The scientific health and safety."
Hickie's instrument, they found it totally will help some people, but critics say that data don't support that popularity. From With thousands of drug reps working
inadequate, and were disturbed by the such screening only provides a platform my perspective, there are alternatives that clinics, hospitals, and conferences world-
huge numbers of false positives— people for those who have something to sell. They are just as effective and even have some wide and drug-funded key opinion lead-
who ended up with a label for depression say that public health agencies are being advantages in terms of preventing relaps- ers working hotel meeting rooms, how
who weren't in fact depressed. duped when they sponsor and -promote es" can public health compete? How can we
Every October, National Depression screening for normal mental distress, and After nearly 20 years of such research, reclaim medicine from the marketplace?
Screening Day rolls across campuses, hos- that they are becoming unwitting medi- Antonuccio is among the world's experts Several years ago, Bob Goodman, a New
pitals, and schools all over North America, calizers of depression. Dr. Iona Heath, a on comparative efficacy studies, those York internist started nofreelunch.org, a
asking the question, "Are you tired? Sad? general practitioner in London, England, studies that compare drug to non-drug website dedicated to escaping the influence
Anxious? Stressed?" In BC in 2003, a maintains that the whole screening para- treatments in the treatment of depression.of practitioners. A group of physicians in
one-day conference entitled Untreated digm has never been evaluated, and there In an article in 1994, he published a study Australia led by Dr. Peter Mansfield also
Depression and Anxiety Disorders in the is the likelihood that pegging someone as that showed that non-drug treatments runs a website called HealthySkepticism.
Workplace, organized by the Canadian in need of medical help may unnecessa-such as CBT, talk therapy, and even exer- org, which exposes the problems with
Mental Health Association, was spon- rily drag them into the maw of the medi- cise, to be as effective in the short run, and market-based definitions of disease and
sored by the provincial health services, a cal system. While she says it's important possibly more effective in the long run treatment. Both Goodman and Mansfield
few banks and credit unions, and Wyeth, for doctors to diagnose and treat genuine than drugs. What happened next caught are of the opinion that prescribing under
Glaxo, Pfizer, Novartis—all manufacturers mental illness, she is concerned that too him off guard. "We got contacted by every the influence of marketing is like driving
of antidepressants. This year, they've cap- many people with ordinary life experien- media outlet you can imagine C N N , under the influence of alcohol.
tured media attention with the presence of ces are being offered a label and a drug, USAToday. People from newspapers and Some say that we get the medicine we
Premier Gordon Campbell, and what bet- including those who have lost a loved TV from all over the world were calling ask for. Antidepressants fit the single-pill
ter way to focus the attention of the media one, face the prospect of job loss, live in a us. And we were thinking: "What the hell solution that many of us expect, yet when
and the masses than to use the magnet of a damp cold home, or experience domestic is going on? All we were saying is therapy the definitions of disease itself are being
high-profile politician? His personal story violence. She writes in the British Medical seems to be as good or effective as the sold, and where the dangers inherent in
is tragic —his father, an assistant dean Journal that drugs in the using those pills are downplayed, how
of medicine at the University of British the question- The explanation of chemical imbalanceshort r u n , many physicians really have what they
Columbia, suffered from alcoholism, was naires used and appears need to help their patients get through
fired, and committed suicide in 1961. Yet by medical causing depression is little more than to be bet- particularly tough times?
this kind of story is a golden opportunity researchers a clever advertising gimmick which, ter i n t h e Meanwhile, Michael Oldani (who has
to raise the kind of media-piercing aware- to "diagnose" long r u n . " since gone on to better things) has noted
ness the sponsors want for their event. depression through marketing research, has been He m a i n - that a revolution occurred in the late 1990s
Using high-profile politicians to sell sick- are so broad proven to be an effective means of gettingtains t h a t when drug salespeople gained access to
ness is not new, and some might defend that t h e y there is no "script-tracking" software. No longer did
the practice, saying that raising aware- may wrongly consumers to reach for a bottle of Prozac, new science reps need to schmooze the office recep-
ness is vital to ensuring that people get label people or Zoloft, or Paxil. to dispute tionists like Joyce with apple fritters to
the help they need. In the case of Premier as sick far those initial find out what the doctor was writing.
Campbell, his personal story is used in too often. findings. In fact, he and his colleagues Now, with the help of computers, they
neither a crass, nor distasteful, manner, Heath takes the time to listen to her have been publishing variations of the could buy prescribing data, collected from
yet it is disturbing how easily such a story patients who, she maintains, largely reject same paper for the last decade. What pharmacies and tabulated, so that the reps
can legitimize and promote the benefits of the "culture of reductionism" which redu- he says is most disheartening—that this could actually focus on the high prescrib-,
depression "screening" and treatment. It is ces their complaints to a mere problem research can't seem to pierce the all-per- ers and gain even more "face time" to pro-
definitely a coup for the drug companies with neurotransmitters. She sees the vasive worldwide view of mental illness mote products. The fact that they now had
who—providing almost the only available doctor-patient relationship in terms that as chemically caused and treated. "Look, I the real details about a doctor's prescribing
treatments—can simply sit back and allow don't fit within the instant pill-for-every- was watching Good Morning America this habits created what Michael refers to as a
public figures to do their marketing for ill model, where patients are characterized morning and they told me 'your weather technology-induced "involution" where
them. Public facilities are being harnessed as broken, and the physician is there to fix report is brought to you by Paxil:" major companies could do even more of
to the cause. The BC Ministry of Health them. She sees medical care more as a dia- The culture of antidepressant use has What works: swarm prescribers with even
sponsors the annual Depression Screening lectic, a meeting of two experts: the doctor, been beaten into our collective conscious- more representatives and gifts.
and Education Day as part of National an expert on disease, and the patient, the ness.Adverse effects associated with those And despite the controversies, the
Depression Month. Among the event's expert on his or her own aspirations. The drugs, however, do not seem to get much mounting lawsuits, and the growing sense
"gold" sponsors is Wyeth, which makes a goal is to come to a mutual agreement on airplay. A growing chorus of people charg- of unease about medicating depression,
leading antidepressant, Effexor. This day is the extent to which patients want to medi- es that there are some serious downsides Zoloft generated $3.1 billion in sales in
designed to cast a wide net, and what bet- calize their lives. She also proposes treat- to the entanglement of pharmaceutical 2003.
ter place to stage the actual screening than ments from a larger bundle of solutions, manufacturers that are defining diseases,
Alan Cassels is a drug policy researcher
in the main building housing employees like prescribing exercise which she says and physicians who are writing prescrip-
of BC's largest government ministry? is "evidence-based," and shows benefit, tions. In early 2005, amid dramatic and at the University of Victoria. He has spent
emotional public hearings at the United most of the last 10 years studying how
Given recent government cutbacks and although it is not heavily promoted in the
downsizing, there is no doubt a higher- same way as the biochemical approaches. States Food and Drug Administration, clinical research about prescription drugs is
than-normal level of angst in government. She also gets people to write things down, Karen Barth Menzies, a Los Angeles attor- communicated to policy makers, prescribers,
to tell stories, and to take dancing classes ney, testified about the concerns relating to and consumers and has produced several
Hundreds pour in to get screened.
Wyeth's marketing has not only invaded —reverting to the traditional human solu- SSRI use in children. She cited evidence of full-length documentaries for CBC Ideas,
public health facilities, however. Effexor is tion of sublimation, the art of "distracting unpublished company trials, which failed including Manufacturing Patients, which
a relatively new treatment for depression yourself from the imminence of death and to show any benefit for several of the new deals with the subject of selling sickness.
and- in the same SRNI class as Lilly's for- suffering" pills. She noted: "The clinical research- Alan Cassels presents a free talk in
thcoming Cymbalta, whose maker has She is not alone in promoting the non- ers who did these trials on kids and the the authors' tent at The Word on the
been particularly interested in targeting medication approaches to treating human drug companies themselves, confirmed Street Festival, Sunday, September 25,
the 15 million American college students. distress. Some researchers might agree that there are multiple events of suicidal- 11:20 am, Library Square (at Georgia
Wyeth funds a series of special events on that perhaps screening is not such a bad ity caused by the drug." Several months and Homer). Book signing follows. For
campuses involving MTV stars like Cara thing, especially if there are large numbers after this testimony, the attorney gen- more info, visit thewordonthestreet.ca


Reclaiming democracy Is your
W a t happened t o democracy i n ince. As pointed out by J. Patrick Boyer in
h13C? Proportional representation MYTH: The counting system is too dif- the July issue of Common Ground (www.
—electing representatives in accordance ficult to understand. commonground.ca), British Columbians
with voter preference—is a central prin- FACT: I don't understand the algorithm have always passed referenda with simple
ciple in 90 percent of the world's major of my email program, the mechanics of majorities. Only political protectionism A "Registered
democracies. In those countries, citizens
believe that i f I 0 percent o f the peo-
my car engine, or the formula behind
gravity, but I trust that I can still receive
would explain opposing the will of the
people. While BC majority governments
ple vote for a particular party, it only spam in my inbox, drive my car, and fall are elected with less than 50 percent of the or "RN' is
vote, electoral reform stagnates with 58
makes sense that 10 percent of the seats
in parliament go to that party. Under
down the stairs. If you can list five things
in order of preference, you can understand percent of the vote. In Ireland, which has guaranteed to:
our current system, First-Past-the-Post your role in STV. a successful S W system in place, politi-
cians twice tried to pass referenda repeal-
(FPTP), that w i l l never happen. But, MYTH: BC-STV means more comput-
erized vote-counting. ing STV, requiring only 50 percent plus
Have an education,
we the people still hold the keys to the
political kingdom. FACT: In Vancouver, votes have been one vote to do so. which meets standards
The Citizen's Assembly on Electoral
Political change doesn't come easy. When scanned and tallied by computer since
Reform was one of the grandest experi-
established by the
the opportunity arrives, citizenry has the 1988. The paper ballots would remain as
responsibility to, as Gandhi put it, "Be the a verifiable record. ments in modern deliberative democracy. BC Alliance Of
change [they] wish to see in the world." At no other time have citizens been given Aromatherapy
The issue of proportional representation Simple majorities of 50 percent the opportunity to address and correct
electoral politics on behalf of a popu-
is still alive. Premier Campbell, opposition
leader Carole James, and the Green Party's plus one vote are the standing lace (without resorting to violence). The Be aware of all safety
Adriane Carr have all assured the public rule, and such a capricious Assembly — one man and one woman
from every riding, plus two aboriginals & health concerns
that electoral reform is still being pursued.
The Electoral Reform Amendment to the replacement o f democratic —were given a year to determine and associated with
Referendum Act shows the BC legislature principles is an abuse of the recommend a voting system, which rep-
resented all sections of the population. Essential Oils
still has the power to adopt BC-STV. A
clear majority of citizens—57.69 percent people's trust. An overwhelming majority (93 percent)
—want BC-STV. voted to recommend BC-STV to British
Some say implementing BC-STV now, MYTH: There will be too many candi- Columbians.
Be capable of preparing
after the referendum has "failed," would dates on the ballots. Nonetheless, BC-STV is not the only Aromatherapeutic
contradict democracy. Consider that for a FACT: Where STV is used, there were option. Far more democratic countries in Blends
moment. Forty-two percent of the people an average of seven choices where three the world use the mixed-member propor-
decide what's best for the majority; is this officials are being elected, and 15 choices tional (MMP) system. Katherine Gordon, to address
responsible for presenting the merits and
not a distortion of democracy? What if the
threshold had been set at 65 percent or 70
where six officials are being elected.
Though not an electoral conspiracy shortfalls of MMP to the Assembly, says
your concerns
percent? Democracy is rule by the people, (because the Assembly wouldn't have that although she favours MMP, her "fun-
not people following arbitrary rules. happened in the first place, if it was), the damental vote is for electoral reform." Find out more at:
While we're at it, let's debunk some double super-majority referendum con- Gordon voted under the MMP system in
other BC-STV myths. tinues to beg the question of why the dif- New Zealand, and like most of the prov-
MYTH: It's not the right system for BC ference in standards. Simple majorities of ince, knows FPTP "simply doesn't work."
FACT: It offers proportional representa- 50 percent plus one vote are the standing It's up to the voters to make the dif-
tion, local representation (as opposed to
toeing the party line), and greater voter
rule, and such a capricious replacement ference now, and to hold the politicians,
of democratic principles is an abuse of who promised electoral reform, account- 1-866-339-2226
choice. MLAs are accountable, there are
no safe seats. The Citizen's Assembly spe-
the people's trust. What is more frighten- able. Solutions exist: reintroducing the
ing, however, is that the people have yet to Assembly, gathering public support by
cifically tailored this system for the prov- respond to that abuse. continued on page 34



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SEPTEMBER2005 • comrnonsround• 15
Let's get out of NAFTA by David Orchard and Mel Clark
I n the flurry of outrage over the US turn away from the multilateral frame- hefty steel duties against Europe, Japan FTA Article 2106, NAFTA Article 2205,
refusal t o comply with the latest work of trade rules with the US and enter and a number of other steel exporters, Canada can, with six months notice,
NAFTA ruling on lumber, something into a bilateral one-on-one free trade Europe triggered the WTO retaliatory pro- withdraw from these agreements without
is missing. Editorials abound, former agreement (FTA) in the mid-1980s, that cess and the Bush administration backed penalty and without conditions. Our trad-
negotiators and promoters of NAFTA US industry saw its opportunity and used down. The same defences are available to ing relations with the US will then auto-
are talking tough. Others suggest ill-con- it. It has been using it ever since. Canada under the WTO. matically revert back to the GATT/WTO
ceived threats or demand that the prime Under the FTA and NAFTA, it is US Since signing the FTA and NAFTA, the framework of international law, which
minister talk to President Bush. law which now applies in countervailing, US has taken 10 trade actions against the will enable us to both maintain our insti-
Nowhere in these responses is there anti-dumping and related disputes with Canadian Wheat Board, Canada's largest tutions and trade profitably with the US.
a concrete plan of how Canada should the US. The dispute panels are limited to net earner of foreign currency, and we All of the intolerable NAFTA rights US
respond. deciding if the US has applied its own law now have US tariffs against our wheat companies now have over Canada—to sue
Lost in the cacophony of bluster is the fact correctly. Furthermore, the US can at any exports. the Canadian government, to overturn
that Canada is already part of a coherent time amend its trade law without Canada's In all the years of trading with the Canadian laws, to control our exports and
rules-based trade agreement with the US. agreement, and on lumber alone, it has US under GATT, the Americans never energy prices—would disappear. Chasing
It is called the World Trade Organization done so three times to Canada's great dis- launched a single formal action against the dream of a "special relationship" and
(WTO), formerly the General Agreement advantage. In other words, the FTA and the Wheat Board, because they knew they some kind of shortcut to "secure access"
on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and it has NAFTA, instead of giving us more secure could not win. to the US market is a dangerous delusion
the mechanisms already in place to enable US market access, unleashed the full force The essence of the FTA and NAFTA is which has cost Canada dearly.
Canada to emerge a clear winner from the •of US protectionism to be used against that they cede vital government powers
current situation. Canada in a way that was not possible to the US and the private sector that were To read more on NAFTA problems by
Founded in the late 1940s, the GATT/ under GATT/WTO. used to build an independent Canada. David Orchard see www.commonground.
WTO was for almost 40 years the primary As for the dispute settlement mecha- What the US wants out of the repeated ca
trade contract between Canada and the nism, touted repeatedly as the crown jewel challenges against Canadian lumber David Orchard is the author of The Fight
US. In all of that time, the US was never of the FTA, all agreements end when the exports is to wear Canada down until it for Canada—Four Centuries of Resistance
able to levy a countervailing or anti- negotiated means of resolution are dis- agrees to privatize its crown-owned for- to American Expansionism, and ran for
dumping duty on our exports of lumber. carded by either player. ests, opening them to direct US owner- the leadership of the federal Progressive
During those four decades, Canada traded The answer is not to shake our fists or ship. In grain, the US wants an end to the Conservative Party in 1998 and 2003. He
profitably, our standard of living rose, we shout meaningless threats at the US. The Canadian Wheat Board. This would see farms at Borden, SK davidorchard@sasktel.
won almost all our trade disputes with answer is to simply return to the safer, the Canadian grain trade move virtually net
the US—and Washington abided by the more effective, already existing multilat- overnight into US hands. Mel G. Clark was deputy chief nego-
rulings. By the mid-1980s, 90 percent of eral WTO franework. Under the WTO There is a simple way out, without blus- tiator for Canada at the Tdkyo Round of
Canadian lumber entered the US tariff we have all the levers to get back the $5 ter or insults. Canada does not have to GATT and Canada's chief negotiator for the
free and the duties on the remaining 10 billion the US has taken in lumber tariffs give up ownership of its forests, its indus- International Grains Agreement. Retired
percent were negligible. and to make sure it doesn't happen again. tries and its institutions. and living in Ottawa, he is currently writing
It was only when Canada decided to When the US not long ago threatened With a simple letter to the US, under a book on NAFTA's impact on Canada.

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clippings will break down to feed soil take three weeks or more to sprout. Ideally,

Healthy green microbes. High populations of microbes seed in time for a good root system to have
breaking down organic matter should developed before the first hard frosts.
prevent a build-up of thatch. TIP: To keep birds away from a newly
seeded lawn, take a cedar stake about 18"

Need a lawn restoration?
About mid-fall, cut the grass realty short. long, and hammer a nail in one end, leav-
If there's a build-up of thatch (undecayed ing it to stick out. Make a small hole in
grass roots etc.), dethatch and aerate an aluminum pie plate. Tie the plate to
ONTHE GARDEN PATH the lawn, leaving the core plugs to break the nail with twine, allowing it to bang
by Carolyn Herriot down and feed the grass. Apply dolomite around. Hammer the stake into the newly
lime if your soil requires it. Lawns on the seeded lawn. Repeat this over the entire
O n the Garden Path began a year ago with Greetings From the wet, West Coast, where heavy rains tend lawn; the flashing of foil and banging of
Garden Path, a weekly email newsletter sent to customers of The to acidify the soil, usually need a yearly plates frightens the birds away.
Garden Path Organic Plant Nursery in Victoria. Each week Carolyn wrote application. Wait two weeks after liming Apply a mycorrhizal inoculant
(Mycorrhizal inoculants form extensions
about what she was doing in the garden, the orchard, the greenhouse, with the lawn to fertilize. Usea certified organic of
winter-wise lawn food high in phosphorus plant roots that are more efficient
seedsaving and soil building with the intention of helping gardeners of all and potassium. Phosphorus strengthens than the roots themselves), or spray with
levels realize they can have the most healthy, productive and beautiful garden grass roots. Potassium strengthens grass compost tea. Effective microorganisms
without resorting to substances harmful to humans, animals, wildlife, plants, blades and promotes general good health. re-establish a proper microbial balance
worms or the myriad of soil-dwelling organisms. Topdress with screened compost or a in the soil if microbes have been deci-
sandy garden loam. Over-seed with a grass mated by chemical fertilizers, pesticides,
nce the fall rains have started, it's Think of the lawn as a monoculture of mixture appropriate for both the amount or herbicides. Microbes do not regenerate
V the perfect time to feed the lawn. grass plants, which is exactly what it is. of light the lawn independently
Use a certified organic fertilizer high in Monocultures are completely unnatural, receives and traf- Monocultures are completely and must be
phosphorus and potassium to stimu- which is why we have to work so hard to fic conditions, reintroduced.
late root development, rather than one maintain lawns to look like perfect, green and keep well unnatural, which is why we have When spraying
high in nitrogen, which would stimu- rugs. A community of happy grass plants watered until the to worksohard to maintain lawnsthe lawn with
late lush, leafy growth just as we go keeps weeds, pests, and diseases at bay, grass seed has compost tea or
into the dormant season. Warm, moist so consider the needs of the individual sprouted. to look like perfect, green rugs. using a mycor-
soil activates myriad soil microorgan- grass plants that comprise the lawn. Keep TIP: A f t e r rhizal inoculant,
isms, which break down natural source the pH neutral—around 6.5—by apply- seeding, topdress with a layer of screened avoid chlorinated water, which destroys
ingredients and slowly release them as ing screened compost and dolomite lime compost—pure heaven for the lawn—and microbes. Use rainwater, or fill buckets
nutrients to grass plants. Avoid synthetic to raise the alkalinity when necessary. then roll over the area, which establisheswith city water and leave the chlorine to
lawn fertilizers with high N-P-K ratios Practise a lawn maintenance program good contact between the seed and soil. evaporate overnight before using.
(ratio of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), that includes regular aeration, dethatch- You can rent a lawn roller wherever you
and potassium (K) in fertilizers) as they ing if necessary, proper watering, seasonal rent aerators and dethatchers. Hopefully, From A Year on the Garden Path, A
destroy the intricate web o f soil life. fertilizing, and mowing with sharp blades it will rain just after the lawn is seeded, 52-Week Organic Gardening Guide by
Synthetic fertilizers also cause fast cel- at the correct height. All of these go a long and every day thereafter, because a newly Carolyn Herriot. $29.95. Earthfuture
lular plant growth, resulting in weak way to creating a healthy, green lawn. seeded lawn must be kept moist, and never Publications, Victoria, BC. Available at
tissues that are more prone to insect and When cutting, use a mulch mower that allowed to dry out. Grass needs warmth Banyen Books and Duthie Books or www.
disease attack. leaves grass clippings on the lawn. The and time to germinate, and some grasses earthfuture.com/gardenpath

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Simplicity H E A LT H

ucts, protein, and cooked foods. These are sprouts, bee pollen, ginseng, Nova Scotia
SIMPLY WOMAN! all difficult to digest, and you want to give dulse, green tea, gingko biloba, and grape
your system a chance to rest and heal. extract. In addition to your juices, be sure
by Crystal Andrus
The ideal technique for a successful to drink eight glasses of water every day,
detox is to drink fresh, raw, fruit and veg- however, do not drink unfiltered tap water.
M o s t of us are aware that toxins such normal. You need plenty of sleep at night etable juices. A good juicer can juice all You can also drink herbal, non-caffeinated
as nicotine and pesticides are pol- and solitary time in the morning. During of a fruit or vegetable (including rinds, green, licorice, or dandelion root teas.
lutants that cause harm to our bodies. the detox, focus on all the beauty and stems, peels, and seeds) to provide up to You may find that you experience some
While these are two of the most obvi- goodness that surrounds you. Take a break 95 percent of the plant's food and nutritive physical discomfort as your body begins to
ous and dangerous ones, toxins come in from the news as well; avoid newspapers,value. Numerous juices, and combinations purge toxins. While headaches are com-
many forms that are often overlooked. radio, and TV. Read at least one book or of juices, are available, and each affects the mon, resist taking a painkiller. You may
A toxic relationship or job can seri- story that is uplifting or empowering, digestive system differently. It's impor- also notice other side effects, such as bad
ously impair our immune systems and and try meditating — it tant to choose juices that breath. Just be aware that this is an indica-
cause damage to our bodies. Similarly, is the most effective way are appropriate for your tion that cleansing is occurring. Continue
too much stress and lack of relaxation to spark your intuition. Too much stress and specific needs. For weight to take your multi-vitamin/mineral, vita-
can put us into toxic overload, causing Elevate yourself to a high- lack o f relaxation loss, you can use grape- mins C and E, essential fatty acids, and
premature aging and an endless list of er level, and don't worry fruit and cucumber juices calcium/magnesium. After the cleanse, eat
ailments. if it sounds self righteous. can put us into toxic generously when com- only fresh and simply prepared foods for
In the right frame of mind, detoxifica- You are simply making the overload, causing bined with the juice of a the remainder of the week.
tion can truly be a time to connect with choice to eliminate nega- dark, leafy vegetable, such Exercise
your higher self. Stress reduction, ade- tive and energy-draining premature a g i n g as romaine lettuce. Celery, Throughout the three days, begin each
quate sleep, supplementation, bathing, things from your life, and
and meditation are also important. As electing instead to sur-
and an endless list spinach, and cabbage are day with yoga, stretching, a relaxing medi-
other great staple juices. tation, or a light cardio workout, but avoid
outlined in Simply...Woman!, a three-day round yourself with posi- of ailments. Although fruit and veg- any heavy workouts or weight training
juice detox can have your body singing to tive energy. etable juices don't always exercises.
the heavens. It is a very detailed process, so Nutrition compliment each other, Crystal Andrus's column is a condensed
don't attempt it unless you are prepared Leading into your detox, eat plenty of certain combinations are still delicious version of her book on personal transforma-
to encompass the entire experience. green salads and fresh fruits, and drink and healthy. tion. She is an authority on women's health,
Your three-day detox lots of water and herbal tea to mitigate. the You can also cleanse your body with one a sought-after speaker, and author of the
Choose three consecutive days that are discomfort of the body chemistry changes of the green drinks sold widely in health bestseller Simply Woman! The 12 Week
asstress free as possible. Try to do your initiated by the detox. During the three- food stores. Look for products that contain Body/Mind/Soul Total Transformation
detox over a weekend, or when you can day cleanse, avoid caffeine, alcohol, sugar, organic alfalfa, barley, wheatgrass, beet Program. www.hayho use.co m/ details.
get up and go to bed an hour earlier than salt, and red meat, as well as all dairy prod- root, spirulina, apple pectin, chlorella, soy php?id=2247.

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Fibre just passing H E A LT H

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provided four to six times as much fibre. 604-731-5885. Insoluble fibre functions as the roto-rooter Soluble fibre is primarily responsible for
You might wonder why this should pos- Vesanto Melina is a registered dietitian of the gastro-intestinal tract, clearing away these benefits. It coats the inner lining of
sibly matter. You might have also won- and author based near Fort Langley. She is toxic substances and excess cholesterol. Fibre the intestine, slows the emptying o f our
dered, what, exactly, fibre is and i f we co-author of Becoming Vegetarian, Food adds bulk to our stools and ensures that stomachs, and slow sugar absorption; in the
waste materials pass through quickly and process, it may reduce insulin needs. Soluble
need it to stay healthy. And if so, what are Allergy Survival Guide, Healthy Eating
for Life to Prevent and Treat Cancer, easily. In the process, the muscles that sur- fibre is thought to improve blood sugar con-
some good sources? round our intestine keep us fit and healthy. trol in people with diabetes and to reduce
Fibre, which provides plants their struc- Becoming Vegan, and Raising Vegetarian These actions help t o protect us against the risk of heart disease.
ture, is the part of the plant that we do Children. You can hear her speak at next diverticular, constipation, hemorrhoids, anal Helps you feel full
not digest. In contrast, the structure of an month's Taste of Health event. For personal fissures, colorectal cancers, duodenal ulcers, Fibre-rich plant foods are bulky, making us
animal's body is formed from the bones, consultations, call 604-888-8325 (clinic) or gallstones, and irritable bowel diseases. feel full after eating, and helping to control
which comprise its skeleton. Animal 604-882-6782 (home office). www.nutrisp- Helps keep blood lipids and blood sugar total food intake. As a result, high fibre
products are fibre-free. Depending on its eak.com under control and assists in maintaining intakes are linked to healthier body weights.
solubility in water, fibre is divided into
two categories. Most plant foods contain
both types, and generally, two-thirds to All listed brands are
three-quarters of our dietary mix is made Treat tired summer skin before it's too late!
up of insoluble fibre.
Insoluble fibre (celluloses, some hemi- For dry, rough and sunburned skin, Mayumi is super rich with cosmetically pure Squalane
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intestine's wet environment, these carbo-
hydrate materials absorb water without
becoming gluey. Most whole plant foods
are good sources of insoluble fibre; the
bran that forms the outer layer of wheat PURE
kernels is especially rich. SQUALANE O I L
Soluble fibres are gel forming; exam-
ples are pectins (they put the gel in jelly),
FROM JAPAN Be in charge
gums, and mucilages. Oat bran is a rich
source of soluble fibre, and when mixed
of yourself.
with water, it becomes sticky. Other good
sources are beans (think of the gummy
liquid in canned kidney beans), peas,
many fruits, barley, some vegetables (such
as okra), flaxseeds, and psyllium (used in RESCUE REMEDY
some cereals and bulk fibre laxatives).
A safe and natural method of healing for symptoms such as:
Diets centred on legumes (beans, peas,
and lentils), whole grains, vegetables,
and fruits are far higher in fibre than
those built on refined foods. The mix in
9/1, 14, 29
11am - 2pm
EMI Adults: Fear, worry, hatred and indecision
which interfere with the equilibrium of the
being as a whole.
an assortment of plant foods is far more
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and low self-esteem
Most Canadians get about 14-15 grams Spa Therapist Ewa.
of dietary fibre daily, approximately half
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Unfortunately, this is not enough to ifragrances. colorants
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4:30pm 1 2 p m
take full advantage of fibre's full range ingredients and finished pioducta
6pm 2 p m ale never tested on
of health benefits. Vegetarians consume animals.
approximately 30-40 grams of fibre a day, Store De
and vegans about 40-50 grams, intakes
that are reflected in reduced rates of colon
cancer among these populations.
People are often somewhat cautious
about increasing their intakes of fibre-
/4 Store Der's°\
L4om4141. 604.733.5323
1964 West Broadway 0 Maple
rich foods —beans, for example —owing
to their reputation in the aroma depart- Beauty Without Cruelty cosmetics
ment. Gaseous emissions, however, are
FREE Make-Up Demos!
not an essential effect of eating a fibre-
Come and see Rotel! No.1
rich diet. Populations around the world Vitamin / Health
Make Up Artist Rebecca. Supplement
eat fibre-rich diets without any negative Stole In
100at vegan and crueltrfree. flithadia
side effects. (For a more in-depth analysis N M natural cosmetics. Voncouvet
of international solutions to the gas crisis,
see next month's Nutrispeak column in
The Amaze Gel Demos
l i p w natural pharmacy
Common Ground.) At EarthSave's annual
Taste of Health event next month (Oct. Come see demos for amazing skin rejuvenation products!
ff 7
1-2), readers can explore delicious ways
SEPTEMBER 2005 • Commonenual • 2 1
Organic farming
the trial. Researchers measured the eco- sive (weeding by hand, for instance, as
nomic feasibility of each farming system, opposed to spraying with herbicides),
along with its environmental impacts, because consumers were willing to pay a
energy consumption, and other indicators. premium for organics, the profit margins

time-tested They found that for some crops, like corn

and soybeans, organic farming systems
produced the same yields as conventional
were often higher.
Arguing that certain organic tech-
nologies—the use of off-season crops,
SCIENCE MATTERS systems, but used 30 percent less energy, extended crop rotations, increased organ-
less water, and no pesticides. ic matter in the soil, and enhanced natu-
by David Suzuki In fact, during drought years, corn ral biodiversity—should be more widely
yields in the organic systems were 30 adopted, researchers concluded: "Some or
I t might seem like a hip new trend, but izer and pesticide run-off, to soil erosion, percent higher than those in the conven- all of these technologies have the potential
various forms of organic agriculture to reduced soil fertility. Today, new studies tional system. Researchers state that the to increase the ecological, energetic, and
have been around for some 6,000 years. show that organic agriculture can often organic systems were able to perform bet- economic sustainability of all agricultural
While organic farming almost disap- match, and sometimes exceed, yields from ter in drought conditions because their cropping systems, not only organic sys-
peared in North America during the conventional agriculture, while eliminat- soils contained much larger amounts of tems."
latter half of the 20th century, it has ing the need for pesti- carbon and organic matter. In other words, many organic practices
recently taken off as both consumers and cides and, at the same Increased organic matter also simply make sense, regardless of which
farmers have discovered the benefits of a time, conserving soil Long before scienceled to a more diverse mix of agricultural system is utilized. Far from
more holistic approach to agriculture. quality. could tell us why creatures in the organic being a quaint throwback to an earlier
Organic farming is rooted in ancient The Rodale farm- plots, including twice the time, organic agriculture is proving to be
knowledge that has been passed down ing systems trial is the certain f a r m i n g number of earthworms. In both a serious contender in modern farm-
through generations. Long before science longest running com- methods produced turn, increased diversity ing practices, and a more environmentally
could tell us why certain farming meth- parison of organic and helped reduce damage from sustainable system over the long term.
ods produced greater crop yields, organic conventional farming greater crop yields, insect pests, by introducing With consumers expressing a preference
farmers were learning what worked and in the US. For 22 years, organic farmers a greater number of natural for organics, and farmers realizing the
what didn't—the hard way—and sharing researchers have plant- predators. benefits, this is one trend that's likely to
their knowledge with others. ed crops at the Rodale were learning what In addition to the organic stay.
With the advent of industrial farming farm in Pennsylvania, worked and what systems having numerous *The Green Revolution, a term coined
and the Green Revolution*, organic farm- using a mix of conven- beneficial effects upon the in 1968 by William Gaud, director of the
ing was considered quaint or old-fash- tional agriculture and didn't environment—as one would USAgency for International Development,
ioned — something practised by hippies two organic farming expect—the researchers also defined a movement to increase yields
on communes, but certainly not by seri- systems: one uses animal manure for fer- found that the organic systems could be by using irrigation, pesticides, fertilizers,
ous farmers. But while the green revolu- tilizer, and the other is based on utilizing as profitable, if not more so, than the mechanization, and new crop cultivars.
tion initially produced higher crop yields, nitrogen-fixing legumes. Recently, the conventional systems. And although the Take the Nature Challenge and learn
it also created new problems, from fertil- journal Bioscience published a review of organic systems were more labour inten- more at www.davidsuzuki.org.

Where will our

food come from? action. If Cuba can do it, what's to stop groviting organic crops. The shift entails
EARTHFUTURE.COM •rest of us? As the food crisis deepens smaller farms with more people working,
by Guy Dauncey aid the price of oil keeps rising, the cost a great benefit to rural life as homesteads
A food will go up, making it more attrac- grow into rural ecovillages. In Europe,
Peaches and blueberries, apples and natural gas for its synthesis from atmo- tive to grow local, organic food. As oil- several nations help farmers make the
plums, `tis the season of harvest and spheric nitrogen, and the world's gas driven cars and trucks disappear from our switch with an organic transition subsidy,
amply fed turns. But there's a cloud supply will peak by 2020, and disappear streets, making way for bicycles, biofuelled financed by a tax on pesticides and fer-
looming on the farming horizon that by 2060. Phosphate and buses, and electric vehi- tilizers. The yields from organic farming
we need to address, before it renders potash both require oil A recent eight-year cles, the air will become can be just as high as yields from chemi-
our harvest celebration considerably less for mining, processing, cleaner too, making cal farming, so there's no need to worry
celebratory. and trucking, and the study by a Universitypeople feel better about about declining harvests.
In the summer of 2003, when Europe world's oil supply will of Arizona archaeolo o,nwing food in the Finally, two other changes would make
sweltered through a month-long heat be gone by 2030. Most city. The next time you our food supply go much further. First, we
wave, Ukraine lost 75 percent of its harvest. pesticides are also made gist has documentedwander around your should stop wasting so much (and eating
Overall, Europe lost 32 million tonnes of from oil and gas. that more than 40 per- neighbourhood, make so much). A recent eight-year study by a
grain that summer, the equivalent of half Further, the water a mental note of how University of Arizona archaeologist has
the US wheat crop. As temperatures rise tables are falling in sev- cent of the food grown mach land could grow documented that more than 40 percent
because of climate change, we can expect eral of the world's grain- in the US is either lost food. It's everywhere! of the food grown in the US is either lost
to see similar losses. At the same time, our growing areas: the North Yet, in Victoria, which or thrown away. Secondly, if we stopped
population is growing by 74 million peo- China Plan; most o f or thrown away. prides itself on being eating meat, we could produce far more
ple a year, the equivalent of two additional India; and in the US, the the city of gardens, I food, since 'a meat-based diet requires
Canadas and two Irelands. southern Great Plains and the'southwest. estimate that only one garden in five has seven times more land than a diet based
For the past 50 years, modern farming No water, no food. Enough! This is the much beyond a lawn. on plaits. More than half of US farmland
has shown an amazing ability to increase kind of stuff that gives environmentalists When we grow food organically, there's is devoted to cattle. A meat-eater needs
production in pace with the growing pop- a bad name:—gloom, doom, and worst- no need for pesticides and fertilizers, and 3.25 acres of farmland. A vegetarian needs
ulation. However, from 2000 to 2003 it case scenarios. But let's assume there will the food is healthier, too. A recent study of 03 acres. A vegan needs 0.16 acres. I rest
failed to do so, and the world's food surplus be a global food crunch, as temperatures 180 farms in Britain showed that organic my case.
fell dramatically. Fortunately, in 2004 the rise, water tables fall, oil and gas become farms are also better for wildlife, with 85 Guy Dauncey is president of the BC
harvest bounced back with a record 2,049 too expensive to use, and the world popu- percent more plant species, 33 percent Sustainable Energy Association (www.
million tons, nine percent higher than in lation keeps rising. Where will our food more bats, 17 percent more spiders, and 5 bcsea.org). He leads a five-day workshop on
2003. We should not become complacent, come from, then? percent more birds. Spirit, Science and Evolution: The Great
however. Of the three fertilizers used in The answer lies in our own backyards, Could the prairies go organic? Of course Unfolding at Hollyhock, October 9-14.
chemical farming, nitrogen depends on and in a worldwide shift to organic pro- they could, and many farmers are already www.hollyhock.ca

22 • MonGround• SEPTEMBER 2005

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24 •CommonGround• SEPTEMBER 2005

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Founder, Elly Roselle a c r o s s N o r t h America since 1985.
Part-time classes starting September 10,
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FREE H O W TO GET A CAREER IN HOLISTIC Weare dedicated to providing a learning environ-

INFO H E A L T H IN LESS THAN 9 MONTHS. If ment which embraces traditional & contemporary
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B C N L P N L P Practitioner & Master Certifications courses,niERAPforY.everyoneOfering f r o m t o
You can straighten a tree
malithtye homeenthu stsiasutd
Weekend & Day Programs starting September
OPEN HOUSE the professional. Learn how to safely incor- w h i l e it olyis a young
I N S T I T U T E W e d . , Sept. 7 at 7pm RASP porate essential oils into your life to enhance plant
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E R I C K S O N F o r details call 800-665-6949/604-879-5600 at (604) 943-7476 E-mail: wcia@telus.net —Burundi proverb
C O L L E G E i n f o @ e r i c k s o n . e d u www.erickson.edu Website: www.westcoastarematherapy.com
SEPTEMBER 2005 • •
H E A LT H & H E A L I N G 1
Enjoy Deep Blissful Relaxation! Student Clinic: Tuesday evenings, sessions only Training
Certificate courses prepare you to prac-
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Enjoy pleasurable, quality time with your fam-
ily and friends following expert guidance to
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foot reflexology sessions. Only $29.95 for end-
less enjoyment!
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peutic half-hour sessions: $35.

Every moment Glutathione, the body's mas- Until recently there was no way to increase So if you want to fight disease, increase vital-
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Deep tissue release results in an expanded,

DR. LING X I A ACUPUNCTURE & CHINESE MEDICINE Jenny Lou Linley lighter, more alive state of being. Interactive
'Gynecological disorders dialogueconnectsmind,body,spirit.Movement
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Acupuncturistin , / -Insomnia -Digestive disorders -Fatigue Certified awareness supports postural changes. Good for
Chinaand Canada. -Quit Smoking -Headache -Backache -Stress Hellerwork Practitioner injuries, carpal tunnel, thoracic outlet, chronic
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I combine the deep-tissue "Raynor Technique"

GINA E. COOPER I offer healing sessions blending Reiki,
of therapeutic massage with the relaxing tech-
MOBILE MASSAGE niques of Swedish & Shiatsu to unlock & LOVE crystals & gemstones, channelling, sacred
"Serious Massage for
the Seriously Stressed"
manage deep-rooted tension, pain & stress. - HEALS sound, aromatherapy and colour healing.
Past Life Regressions and deep trance work
My objective is to work with you on an on-
going basis to first clear the body of tension, also offered. Ongoing workshops offered
Mon-Fri 9am-9pm then maintain the state of health, wellness & Anne McMurtry, Ph.D in Reiki I, II & III, Crystal and Gemstone
Call 604.868.3342 vitality. Practising massage since 1997. Training. Please call 604-734-8219
Reiki Master

Rebirthing is a powerful easy t o learn The
The Alexander Technique is a method of
process which liberates our body and mind
of self imposed limitations stored in our
mental and physical re-education which
teaches how to use our body to its best
subconscious. Freer, we progress spiritually. Technique
advantage. Private lessons, workshops, and
Rebirther since 1980, Counselling Diploma, Centre
CANSTAT certified, PPSEC registered teach-
Master Practitioner i n NLP, Provincial 604-737-2818 er training.
Instructor D i p l o m a 6 f , . * -322-0216 #110-809 W 41st Ave. Vancouver

The body has a deep intelligence and wisdom I can help rid your body of diseases. In most
Transformationalwhich we can learn from. In a safe & trusting Healing is cases they can be persuaded to leave.
Bodywork, environment, through touch and words, Possible! Diseases have a certain level of intelligence
learn to release holding & accept yourself which can be addressed.
Devaki Drache in a deep way. "It's like coming home to Cancer Through the magic of negotiation between
Tel: 604.222.2054 yourself?' ROSEN METHOD Bodywork Viruses Stephen and your body, healing is possible!
Practitioner, Registered Clinical Counsellor, For more information contact:
25yrs. experience. Stephen Chizik @ 604-526-2220.

Dr. Peter Zhou, a qualified MD & former Authentic Hawaiian Lomilomi massage.
SKIN DISEASES! director of a hospital in China, specializes
Certificate Courses
The timeless wisdom and grace of Hawaiian
RegisteredDoctorof TCM Part1 -$365
FormerInstructor of TCM
atLangara College
in: Skin Diseases: eczema, skin rash, acne,
psoriasis, rosacea, shingles, herpes, vitiligo, Hate Ota Nov 4 (eve),
5&6 (10am-5pm)
Lomilomi massage communicates deep within
the core of the self. Through breath, imagery
and movements of Lomilomi gain healing
2 3 Ye a r s C l i n i c E x p e r i e n c e plane wort, yellow spots, hives, allergic A Place of 1215 Madison Ave access to the inner links which connect each of
Extended Health Care Accepted contact dermatitis, neurodermatitis. Healing Burnaby, BC us, the environment and the Universal Spirit.
Vancouver: 604-876-8618 He also treats all kinds of pain problems. 6 0 4 431 7 4 7 4
CRYSTAL NATURAL Become a member of the Hawaiian Lomilomi
#116 - 828 West 8th Ave HEALTH STORE & Association. Contact Dean Kaimana Cormin,
http://drpeterzhoudtcm.tripod.com w w w. l o m i 4 l i f e . c o m MASSAGE CLINIC certified teacher by HLA.

2 6 • cornmonmat • SEPTEMBER 2005

H E A LT H & H E A L I N G C O N T D
After assessing the physical and subtle CLASSICAL HOMEOPATHY
energy of the body, Valerie's light, heart-cen- Create freedom in mind, body and emotions.
Valerie Kemp tred energetic touch, and soft, gentle dialogue Homeopathy can support and speed the You can straighten a
with the body, begins a journey of the soul to the healing process of other modalities such as
739-9916 root cause of the issue.Tissues and organs gently counselling, and naturopathic medicine. tree only while it is a
CRANIAL SACRAL surrender,' layers of emotions and memories If you are considering homeopathy, please young plant
& LYMPH DRAINAGE melt away, taking us to the pure essence of being call for more information.
THERAPY AND MUCH and vibrant health! Nowbooking appointments Jan Grue 604-897-8787 —Burundi proverb
MORE! for Sept.Pleasecall 604-739-9916 Certified homeopath (4 yr. program)

Granvillcz Walk-Ins Welcome Every Day 11-5.
Across from The Keg, Marina side.
opens a line o f communication between A child is not for one
bland Ask for Chanel "the clairvoyant other you and your Spiritual Guides, allowing
them to speak directly to you. To inquire person
readers consult." Hundreds of confirmed
P‘5ciehic testimonials in the lobby. call Dr. Anne McMurtry at 604-734-8219, —Burundi proverb
Studio Ph: 604-734-3354 www.psychicstudio.ca VANCOUVER. See ad in Health, Healing


Nutrition Treat yourself to a consultation with preferences. Insure that you meet your nutri- "Becoming Vegetarian", "Raising Vegetarian
Registered Dietitian and best selling author, tional needs by booking a personalized con- Children", "Becoming Vegan","Healthy Eating
Expert Vesanto Melina. Weight management, health sultation: includes dietary analysis, recipes, for Life to Prevent and Treat Cancer"
Vesanto Melina MS, RD concerns, food sensitivities, practical tips menu planning, and easy nutrition for busy
www.nutrispeak.com for pregnancy, children, family members, people (Wednesday clinic sessions $110,1on- Phone 604-888-8325 (Fort Integrated Health
Call 604-888-8325 or answers to your questions. Create the diet ger home office sessions $195.) Vesanto is co- Clinic, Wednesdays) or 604-882-6782 (home
604-882-6782 to best serve you and fit your lifestyle and author of the "Food Allergy Survival Guide", office).

P S Y C H O L O G Y, T H E R A P Y & C O U N S E L L I N G
FREE Discover your personal strength - it lies in In a safe environment, learn to value your power, • Relationship (from romantic to roommates)
YOURSELF the coping style that has gotten you this far; and your vulnerability; change learned patterns; I have 20+ years experience as a thera-
shift depression to hope. Free yourself from allow wishes, hopes, and dreams to surface. pist with adults, adolescents, and couples.
Jaminie Hilton fears of unfamiliar feelings that block growth CALL ME FOR INFO ON EMDR Clinical Supervision Available.
toward creativity and intimacy. Deepen and • Creative/Career Blocks • Addictive Behaviours For free initial consultation or information
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the life you deserve. • Depression • Anxiety • Grief/Loss www.jaminiehilton-counselling.ca

AREYOU READY You can overcome your limiting beliefs and Couples Counselling counselling practice. Lorraine gently guides
open up to your joy! Archetypal Astrology people in the process of transformation,
FORA CHANGE? Success Coaching Lorraine Milardo Bennington, success connecting to their higher self and reclaim-
Lorraine Milardo Hypnotherapy - Weight Loss/Stop Smoking, coach, psychologist and hypnotherapist, has ing joy and personal power. Lorraine has
Bennington Athletic performance, Blocks to Success/Fearbeen practicing hypnosis for over 30 years returned to Vancouver after 10 years liv-
M.Ed. (Counselling) of failure, Past life regression, Ancestral heal- and skillfully integrates hypnotherapy and ing on Kauai and Maui. (604)871-4342 or
Reg. Psychologist #815 ing, Anxiety, Phobias shamanic training into her coaching and transformance@mac.com

Therapy of the Only by Working with the Whole Person it is because you have not gotten to the uncovered and resolved. I f you are fed
Whole Person Can You Achieve Truly Permanent and root causes. Completion o f any problem up and want to do something radical
Effective Change. comes only when you have resolved your about your predicament, give me a call
John Arnold Ph.D.
issues physically, emotionally, mentally 604-261-2788 or visit my web page at
Therapist /
Counselor since 1975 If problems and issues keep popping up and spiritually and the underlying rea- www.members.shaw.ca/johnarnoldphd/
604.261.2788 in your life and you are STILL STUCK, sons for repetitive patterns of behavior are

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Are Mon
II fears, cancers, relationship patterns, helps you discover the wholeness that is is to guide you - gently and truthfully
bankruptcies and divorces - point to the you. This friendship is what heals and - toward restoring these natural rhythms
} purpose? deeper purpose of your life."
Michael Talbot-Kelly, MH, MA
restores the natural rhythms in your life. that allow you t o live your f u l l and
balanced life.
Holistic Psychotherapy Michael is a holistic psychotherapist who
www.mtkhealing.com Registered Clinical Counselor has 25 years experience healing the mind, Call Michael: 604-317-1613

Freedom from the beliefs, feelings and behav- • Joy, ease and pleasure in life itself About Toni Pieroni: Along with my profes-
What is iours that result in emotional pain and repeti- •Aliveness and authenticity sional training and skill, I bring over 20 years
of personal development experience. I offer
tive, reactive patterns that keep you stuck. Someissues dealt with:
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rather than react, resulting in: • Addictive and obsessional behaviour information or for a free introductory session,
• Healthy, intimate, satisfying relationships • Relationship issues and co-dependency phone 604-737-0168. Or visit our web address:
Toni Pieroni, M.A. • Anxiety and depression • Self-expression www.counsellingbc.comtlistings/tpieronilt
• More success in work and career
RegisteredClinical Counsellor

SEPTEMBER 2005 • m u m • 27
P S Y C H O L O G Y, T H E R A P Y A N D C O U N S E L L I N G
TRANSFORM "Nicklas's knowledge and approach to how Read the rest of this testimonials and others
we can free ourselves from the limiting pro- on The CD program that re-programs the
tional/mental, family, creative, health, career,
social, and so much more:
YOUR LIFE! grams from the past is liberating and incred- bright,
past without going over the past. Create a
healthy present and future:
FREE talks at: Indigo Books in N.
Nicklas Ehrlich ibly empowering for the average individual?'
B.A., B.S.W., M.S.W., R.C.C. Grace Cirocco: International Speaker and www.selfempowermenteveryday.tom Vancouver, Whole Foods W. Vancouver &
25 + years experience Best Selling Author of "Take the Step, the Read more testimonials on counseling/ other locations. Some coverage avail./ask
FREE i n i t i a l consultation Bridge will be There" coaching to remove blockages for all ages: about discounted rates (Some weekend &
Relationship, sexual, communication, emo- evening appointments available)

Bianca Rucker & Associates Inc. Problems with sexual functioning, inhibitions, Transform Curses If you want to recover the real self, reconnect with
desire discrepancies, affairs, or communica- Into Blessings your energy and creatitvity, refine skills to realize
Bianca Rucker tion conflicts? We provide sex therapy, mar-
R.N., M.A., Ph.D. riage counselling, clinical hypnosis. Extended Barbara Madani your goals and reinstate your personal power -
request an appointment. We will transform curses
health coverage. #400 - 601 West Broadway Registered Psychologist #335 into blessings using: • EMDR • Power Therapies
Sexual & Relationship Vancouver. Bianca Rucker, PhD 604-731-4466 Vancouver 604 876-4313 • exploration of feelings and reframing beliefs
Therapy www.biancarucker.com www.powerpsych.com • goal setting and decision making

Reach and expand your potential in all areas Learn to Empower Yourself Feeling unfulfilled? Conflict/relationship
of your life. Since 1985 this gentle method problems? Suffering depression, anxiety,
has proven exceptionally effective in chang- Lana Rados stress, loss? Dealing with trauma, abuse, work
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or health issues? Effective psychodynamic
CORE BELIEF enhancing Conscious Choice. E l l y Roselle 604-644-9874 treatment for life-long results. EMDR,
ENGINEERING offers private sessions and classes. CBT, Hypnosis. Become the happy person
(604)536-7402. Email: eroselle-cbe@msn.com you are meant to be.

Past-Life Therapy - • At Wilms Counselling services, we recognize

YOUR Di Cherry is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist. long-term problems require long-term

G AT E W AY Member Canadian Hypnotherapy Assn. — \ • (/), solutions. We provide in-depth therapy for
TO THE www.dicherry.com people dealing with a range of issues. Change
2678 W 11th Ave, Vancouver. Counsel ling Services„..,*/ is difficult, but infinitely rewarding. I f you
PA S T For information or appointments: . have considered making change then call
Past-Life Therapy 604-731-2646 or dicherry@telus.net 604-733-9588.
Change is possible


Practitioner's ROOM f o r RENT. Rent Central Seminar Room / Office Cozy, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder • Abuse • Sexual
BC's bestkept secret! 12 unique B&B rooms includes scheduling services. Looking for carpeted room, seats 40. Available 24 Addiction • Effective treatment using counselling,
certified practioners to rent space. Nutrition, hynotherapy and EMDR.Reasonable rates. Louise
await you in our historic inn overlook- hours, seven days/week. Natural/dim-
ing the Thompson River. Internationally Homeopathy, Herbal Medicine, Traditional Evans,BA., MEd., Marriage and Family Therapist.
mer lighting, parking, beverage facilities, Metrotown andW.Broadway office.
inspired vegetarian cuisine. On Highway Chinese Medicine, Ayerveda, Prenatal Care,
good energies. 535 West 10th Avenue (at 604-522-0257 www.louiserevans.com
8 - 3 . 5 hours n o r t h o f Vancouver. Energy Healing, Reiki, Massage, etc... Gaia-
Garden Holistic Centre, 2672 W Broadway Cambie) (604) 875-8818.
www.spencesbridge.ca 1-877-354-1997

Organic,ExoticGourmetWildMeat Burgers. wild boar, elk, muskox, caribou, mixed wild and apricot, buffalo smokies and veggie
Stormin' Norman's legendary burgers made meat, ground sirloin, organic beef, NY steak, dogs. Stormin' Norman's Spirit Grill Is a
with love since 1991 on Wreck Beach. Fully ribeye, lamb, rabbit, alligator, wild salmon, Slow Food Gourmet Restaurant. Ask about
licensed with live music Thursday through halibut, chicken breast and veggie. We fea- wholesale wild meat. Private parties hosted.
Sunday. Our 25 types of self-serve condi- ture whole wheat bakery• buns, home-cut
ments complement the best and biggest fries, poutine, veggie gravy; numerous exotic 1438 Commercial Drive, Vancouver
variety of meats in the world. Burgers cur- sausages: pheasant and pistachio, duck and 604-251-4644
rently available: buffalo, ostrich, venison, apple, venison orange and fennel, wild boar www.stonnin-norman.ca

"East Is East is a place where you are Savour an Indian culinary experience while
encouraged to talk to your neighbours.
This is definitely not the Ritz, but it cer-
enveloped in the mysterious ragas of clas-
sical Indian music. Winner of West Ender's
Silver Medal for Best Indian Restaurant
tainly is Kits. From plumbers to publish-
WITH YOUR TASTE BUDS ers, hippies to generation whatever, this 2004-2005. Delicious selection of vegetarian
3243 West Broadway 604-734-5881 place has special appeal." and vegan specialties. Open 7 days a week for
Chai Tea House Now Open Upstairs Owen Williams, Common Ground lunch & dinner. 2313 Main St., Vancouver
604.872.8779 www.nirvanarestaurant.ca

Best dosa in town. Specializes in South

FORAGE Join organic farmer Gary King and restaura-
teur John Bishop for an agri-culinary tour at
Indian and Sri Lankan cuisine and the
dosa listings alone are mind-boggling. &FEAST the Fall Feast in Cawston, BC. Arrive early on
the 4th & help John Bishop forage for food.
Everything from lamb t o chicken t o
beef to hot and spicy fish or plenty of WITHTHE Sumptuous meal served in Jenny's Garlic
Shed, 6pm. $225/per person includes B&B.

Serving Vancouver since 1985

vegetarian options. Open 7 days a week.
Special than for lunch.
4354 Fraser St., Van 604-873-9263
October 4-5
Travel planning available. Call Gary, 604-
538-3018. Email farmergaryeh@netscape.net

28 • 88161218nd • SEPTEMBER 2005


SANT Science of Spirituality is a global, not-for- New Sunday venue - 9100 Van Horne Way, Special September Birthday Celebrations
RAJINDER SINGH profit spiritual organization under the lead- Richmond (corner of Great Canadian Way Honouring Sant Rajinder Singh & Sant
ership of Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj. & Van Home - East entrance) Every Sunday: Darshan Singh; Saturday, Sept. 17th, 5PM
Seewww.sos.org for more information about LOAM Meditation, 11AM Satsang, free veggie Meditation: 6PM Celebration followed by
SCIENCE O F this spiritual path. All programs are FREE. Lunch 12:15; Contact: Judy 604-539-0589. • veggie meal St. Mark's Anglican Church 1805
SPIRITUALITY Larch (@ 2nd) Street, Vancouver

"Sahaja Yoga i s different from other "I have been practising SY for over 13 years and balanced. The biggest gift .I ever received
Sahaja Yoga Yogas because i t begins w i t h SELF and this became a way of life for me. Being a was self-realization and a chance to become a
Meditation REALIZATION. It is important for every- physician I had been absorbing Sahaj knowl- yogi-connected with my Own Spirit."
As taught by one to have that knowledge of the roots edge slowly but surely since all my questions, —Dr. I. Fadyeyeva, Business Development
within ourselves. Sahaja Yoga allows the indi- doubts amd dilemmas were answered. Manager, GN, Hearing Care
H. H. Shri Mataji
vidual to become his own Spiritual Guide." My life became rich o f people, love and FREE meditation classes. 604-597-8440,604-
Nirmala Devi optimism. My personality shifted from being 715-8888,604-726-8149 & 604-980-8107.
www.sahajayoga.ca —H. H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi shy, uncertain and fearful to optimistic, open www.sahajayoga.org 604-597-8440

I N T E R N AT I O N A L S P I R I T U A L I S T A L L I A N C E Sept. 7 - M e d i u m s h i p - U K M e d i u m Va l W i l l i a m s Make life a celebration. The Art of Living

I A - 320 Columbia Street, New Westminster
$25 per person i n advance o n l y
Details call Rev, Joyce Ta r v i n 604-433-6663
Sept. 14 - O p e n Circle - Glenda M c L e o d
ART OF courses improve health and give greater
happiness by eliminating stress through a
theisacanadaAvahoo.ca Sept. 21 - M e d i u m s h i p - L e s l e y Prentis powerful breathing technique that purifies
Sept. 2 8 - H y p n o s i s Exposed! - D i C h e r r y
M e m b e r s $7 * N o n - m e m b e r s $8
and rejuvenates the mind and body. Teacher
WEDNESDAY EVENTS 7:30 pm • 0S0 pm • HEALING 7 pm
A N N U A L GENERAL M E E T I N G trained by His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.
SUNDAY SERVICES 11:00 am- S e e DATEBOOK: Sundays
Sunday, September 25, 2005 at L 3 0 p.m.
w w w. a r t o f l i v i n g . o r g Contact: 604.228.8728

Vegetarian Restaurant Serving traditional Buddhist style vegetarian NAAM " G r e a t The Naam Vegetarian Restaurant
3932 Fraser food since 1960.Comesample over 200 vegetarian For years voted "Best Vegetarian" in the
( b i t r i g i & 2 3 r d Ave. dishes. Operated by Chef Ho formerly of Bodai. Food, Georgia Straight a n d i n Vancouver
Open 6 days a week from 11:00 am to 9:30 pm, Anytime!" Magazine's "Readers' Choice". Open seven

A 161
V a n c o u v e r A *-(6 closedTuesday. Rated Best Vegetarian Restaurant
0 Open days a week, 24 hours, licensed, wood fire-

Bodhi Choi Heung

in Vancouver Magazine's 9th Annual Restaurant
Awards. Call for reservations. 604-873-3848 24 Hours place, heated patio, live music at dinner.
2724 West 4th Ave. 604-738-7151.

The Meaning of Vegetarian Vancouver's largest vegetarian buffet

The Rainbow
Vegetarian Restaurant
It comes from the Latin Word "VEGETUS."
It means "Integrity, Healthy, Freshness,
MOO aed N a m Enjoy homemade vegetarian food at its fin-
est from our extensive hot and cold buffets.
273-7311 Energetic". Remember it and enjoy the flavour! 2582 West Broadway There is something to please everyone from
* 8 0 9 5 Park Road, Richmond, BC Try our delicious appetizers, soups, thick soups, Vancouver 604-737-7373 our international selection of tasty dishes,
11:00 am - 9:30 pm deluxe veggie dishes, hot pots, noodles, congee, Mon-Thurs 1 lam-9:30pm many vegan, wheat and gluten free, includ-
Closed lliesdays, except full moon day deep fried & sauteed dishes, and rice dishes. fi-Sun 1 lam-10pm ing our natural desserts. Eat in or take out.

We are located in historic Hammond featur- Healthy. Healing. Organic. Macrobiotic.

ing various quality crusty breads and organic Natural 1 G a r d e n Enjoy delicious food without refined sug-
hearty loaves. ars, meat, dairy, eggs and poultry. T r y
Soup, sandwiches, muffins, and more. More our non-dairy desserts, brown rice sushi,
choices and ordering on-line. Bancha tea, fresh spring rolls, real fruit
Best Bread Co. (604)465-4065 20635 Maple shakes...all made with healing & a healthy
Cres. @207th Maple Ridge www.bestbread.ca 3432 Cambie St 604-875-0233 lifestyle in mind. Wed - Sun 12—9 pm
Nextveganpotluck September 21st! www.naturalgardencanada.com Take-Out available.

Under our feet, water still flows system and goes directly into the Creek.
by Celia Brauer
The city is working on a 30-year plan to
T h e creeks that once flowed into False • Patronize environmentally friendly and trees. These reduce water usage and twin these pipes so they do not mix. Staff
Creek are still there; you just can't businesses in your area. maintenance, attract birds and helpful need to know we support this progress.
see them because they are hidden under- • Reduce, reuse insects, .and bring • Support o r join an environmen-
ground. If you live in the area, here are and r e c y c l e a s more biodiversity tal organization that is working in your
some ways you can help sustain the local much as possible. and tranquility to watershed. The following are some helpful
ecosystem. This includes water, the area.. connections: Community advisor, Burrard
• Use non-toxic, fish friendly cleaners green garden clip- • Follow the Inlet and Indian Arm; Fisheries and
when washing your car, and keep other pings, and small progress as t h e Oceans Canada, 604-666-0743; Rivershed
toxic substances off the street. The fish and large house- city of Vancouver Society of BC, 604-941-5937, www.river-
painted on many storm drains in your hold items. moves t o w a r d s shed.com; The Salmon Celebration, www.
neighbourhood are a reminder that they • Create a more separating t h e publicdreams.org
empty into fish-bearing habitat. Yes, there natural, n a t i v e sewer/storm run- Celia Brauer, a passionate advocate of
are still fish and other sea life in False landscape in your garden. Fill up large off system.. Today, during heavy rain- the environment, produced the original
Creek! grassy areas with native shrubs, flowers, storms, sewage overflows the present salmon illustration.

SEPTEMBER 2 0 0 5 • C o m p o u n d • 2 9
9/11— Bush knew -'www.takebackthemedia.com/true911.html

List at: www.commonground.ca > Advertising > Datebook > Deadline Sept 15 for Oct issue
SEPT 8-14 SEPT 16 person includes bed and breakfast. NOV 5
7-day Advanced Chakra Wake up your senses with Travel planning assistance avail- DRU Y o g a W o r k s h o p
Workshop with Anodea Judith the sound and colour of the crystal able. Call Gary, 604-538-3018. Vancouver* Dynamic DRU Flow.
author of Eastern Body, Western bowls. Crystal Bowl concert with Email farmergaryeh@netscape.net 1.30 - 5pm, ThePeace Centre, 604-
Mind. Using yoga and experiential Evelyn Mulders and Pat Everatt. www bishopsandkings.com 876-5153. www.druyoga.com
work, we will move our way from 7:00 - 9:30 pm Evergreen
root to crown spending one day Cultural Centre, Coquitlam 604- OCT 6-9 SUNDAYS
per chakra. Contact Nathalie 927-6555. Tickets $27.50. DRU M e d i t a t i o n The Centre f o r Spiritual
ravenandthefrog@hotmail.com Retreat*Rivendell R e t r e a t Living Inspired by the teach-
604-272-4135. SEPT 16-18 Centre, Bowen Island. Access ings of Deepak Chopra and Louise
Mindfulness Based Stress the power of your natural state Hay? You'll love our Sunday ser-
SEPT 9 Reduction (M.B.S.R.) week- of fullness. Practical Details at vices, 11:00am. Children welcome.
Celebrate SFU 40th Anniversary end workshop with Dr. Eddie 604 922 4067. Email:susan. 1495 W. 8th Ave, Vancouver, 604-
Simon Fraser University kicks off a Berinstein. Formal and informal kulas@lifefoundation.org.uk 321-1225 www.csIvancouvercom
year of celebrations when it turns mindfulness practices includ- International Spiritualist
40 on September 9th. For more ing sitting, walking, loving kind- OCT 8
information about the anniver- ness and bodyscan meditation. Open House - Rosen Method Alliance #1A -320 Columbia
Bodywork and Movement, "The Street, New West (Downstairs)
sary, and a calendar of events visit Dayspring Retreat, Roberts Creek,
www.sfu.ca/40th_anniversary BC. 1-877-885-0179. Wisdom of the Body," 10:30 am- 604-521-6336. Sunday Services
3:00 pm. $5. Movement .Class: 11am . Rev. Joyce Tarvin 604-
11:00 am. Talk/Demo1:00 pm. 433-6663 See resource directory.
Brazil, spirits and healing. SEPT 17-18 & 24-25
Talk/slide show by Amy Blank, International School o f Sessions/reduced fee at 3:00 pm. www.isacanada.ca
energy-medicine intuitive. 7:30pm, Energy Medicine Level One Sam Graci in BC Sept. 19, Victoria; Sept. 27, Vancouver; Sept. 535 W. 10th Ave. 604-736-0406,
Ama VanDusen room, Vancouver Certified Professional and Personal 28, Langley; Oct. 5, Penticton; Oct. 30, Vancouver Health Show. 1-377-855-0179.. www.rosen- TUESDAYS
Public Library (350 Georgia St.), Training. Powerful, Exciting and Call 1-877-500-7888 for details. www.genuinehealth.comlevents.method-canada.com Reflexology Student Clinic
$5 donation. 604-872-5220. Inspirational, Hands-off Healing. sessions - only $15. Evenings only.
$650. Details: 604-638-5175, All seminars free except for the Vancouver Health Show. OCT 9 - 14 By appointment. Pacific Institute
SEPT 9, 10, 11 michaeldaltonbio@hotmail.com Spirit, S c i e n c e a n d of Reflexology. 604.875.8818
Introduction t o F o o t parking lot off Dean Park Road. - 84 Ave., Surrey. Both 7-9:00 pm. Evolution: The Great Unfolding
Reflexology commences SEPT 23 By donation. For more details visit Brian, 604-877-1467. www.earthfuture.com/syntropy/ A WEDNESDAYS
Certificate Weekend Course. *BHAGAVAN DAS* *Kirtan www.sierraclub.ca/bc. 5-day intensive workshop with Hawaiian Healing N i g h t
Intro: $10. Course: $295.00 Pacific Chants & Sacred Music* Stefan OCT 1-2 Guy Dauncey at Hollyhock, Cortes 7pm. Hawaiian guided Meditation,
Institute of Reflexology (604) 875- Cihelka tablas, Prashant John, Bhagavan Das Mysticism of "What the e=mc2 do we know Island. www.hollyhock.ca 1-800- Sharing the Aloha,and snacks
8818 flute, Richard Sales, guitar & Sound Bhagavan Nada Workshop about vibrational medicine?" 933-6339. after, meet like-minded people
vocals. Baha'i Centre, 5880 Main, & Yoga. Semperviva Yoga, Sky Vibrational Medicine workshop, and share. $5.00 donation. At
SEPT 9-11 7:30pm. $20 advance/$24 door. Centre, 2582 W. Broadway, 1-4pm. Evelyn Mulders, founder of the OCT 12 & 26, NOV 2 & 9
Ferngully Retreat 2005 on For tickets, see ad pg 19 $65. Tickets Banyen, 604-737- Kinesiology College of Canada. Creating Peace Through Dru Hale Ola - a place of Healing 1215
Gambier Island invites you for a 8858, Highlife Records, 604-251- $295.00, 9:30 - 3:30, location Yoga, 8-9:30 Masterclass, Gita, Madison ave. Burnaby 604-431-
weekend of healing.33 workshops, SEPT 22-25 6964, Semperviva, 604-739-2009. TBA, Vancouver, to register phone Meditation. ThePeace Centre, 604- 7474 Kaimana and Moanikeala
meals and transportation included DANCINGTHEBODY'S WISDOM 250-499-7771. 876-5153. www.druyoga.com
SEPT 26-27 Meditation & Self-inquiry:
for $325. www.ferngullyretreat. A movement therapy training Have you lost the balance and
com or call 778.883.7706 for those who wish to integrate- Two-evening introduction Taste o f Health Vancouver's OCT 15-23 rhythm in your life? Let stillness
movement into their work and to the Diamond Approach path, largest vegetarian festival. Rosen Method Bodywork (through self-inquiry) return your
SEPT 10-12 life. Catherine Fallis The Haven developed by A.H. Almaas. 6.30- Croation Cultural Centre, 3250 Intensive workshop with teachers wholeness. 5-7 pm. 317-1613.
BEAUTIFUL SILENT RETREAT Institute, Gabriola Is. 1-877-247- 9.30PM $90 for both evenings. Commercial Drive (at 16th), 10am- Bill Samsel & Marlette Berinstein.
for spiritual renewal and healing. 9238 www.haven.ca judithbradley@shaw.ca 604 251 6pm. Tickets $7. Children under 12 Demonstrations, movement, THURSDAYS
Mountains, oceans, gardens. Good 9034. & EarthSave members free. 604- hands-on experience, witnessing, Pranic Healing Clinics Non
food and comfortable accommo- SEPT 23-25 731-5885. www.tasteofhealth. discussion & sharing, $850, 535 touch energy healing. By dona-
dation. SRMH Centre, Sunshine Rediscover Your Wholeness. SEPT 28 - OCT 2 corn <http://www.tasteofhealth. West 10th Ave. Van. 1-877-885- tion. *In N. Vancouver: reopens
Coast 1-604-740-0898. Awaken and empower deeper Rosen Method Movement corn/> See ad pg 20. 0179. www.rosenmethod-canada.Sept 15th, Thursdays 10:00am-
body wisdom, and integrate workshop with teachersJulia com 2:00pm a n d 6:00pm-9:00pm.
Psychic Fair from 1 - 4:00 pm. your sexuality with spirituality. Martin & Aurelia Priotto. Relax, OCT 1-3 Pram Healing Centre, 204-133 E.
Sample our aura healings and Celebrating the Body Erotic for have fun & watch the barriers we Join Native American shaman OCT 16 14th, N. Vancouver.* In Vancouver:
mini-readings. Receive informa- Women • Sept. 23-25 • www. create against moving disappear. Jenny Ray for Stone Medicine, a DRU Yoga Workshop Port reopens Sept 13th Tuesdays
tion about your relationships, bodyelectric.org • Call Vera ®The Dayspring Retreat, Roberts Creek, 3-day stone massage workshop/ Coquitlam - Move with ease - flow 11:00am-3:00pm. St. George's
finances, spiritual purpose and Art of Loving 604-742-9988. BC.$525. 1-877-885-0179. retreat at Xenia on Bowen Island. with life. 604-936-3255. www. Place, 2950 Laurel St. *Meditation
morel CDM Psychic Institute, www.rosenmethod-canada.comFor more info, please call 604-671- druyoga.com for Planetary Peace at start of each
1114 W. Broadway, Suite 202, SEPT 24 4325 or email hazmatt@telus.net clinic. Last healing begins half-
Vancouver. 604-730-8788 Wolfsong autumn equinox/ SEPT 29 — OCT 14 www.stonespirittherapy.com OCT 23 hour before closing. 604-988-1102.
medicine wheel celebration.* Sat. Vancouver International DRU Y o g a W o r k s h o p wwwpranicheafing.ca
SEPT 13, 20, 27 & OCT. 4 Sept. 24, 7pm. Participate sing- Film Festival www.viff.org See OCT 2 Whiterock The dance between
Vancouver's 1 s t A n i m a l ing shared native sacred healing review pg 10. Celebrate Gandhi's birth- stillness & dynamism, 1:30 - 5, Natural Spiritual Healing
Wellness Lecture Series, Trout chants. Bring friends, drums, cedar day at SFU. Garlanding Peace Kent Street, 604-936-3255. www. or Progressive Counselling a t
Lake Community Centre, 3350 flute, didgeridoo, crystal bowls. SEPT 30 Ceremony, 6:45pm, Peace Square, druyoga.com GaiaGarden, Kitsilano. Effective,
Victoria dr. (Rm. 210), 7-9:00 Vancouver Multi-Cultural Centre. Introduction t o H a n d Science Complex. Cultural shows safe treatment for all illnesses,
Pm. $15/Session or $50/Series. Donation. Turtle Island Healing Reflexology commences & awards, 7:30pm. Refreshments, OCT 25 injuries, life situations. Free con-
Demonstrations a n d hands- Circles. 604-418-9636. www. Certificate Weekend Course. Intro: 9:00pm. A w a r d t o Micheal Silva M e t h o d F r e e sultations available. SRMH Centre
on knowledge. Massage, holis- drumcircles.ca $10. Course: $295.00 Pacific Clague. Info at www.gandhijay- Int-oductory Presentation. 7pm, 1-604-740-0898
tic Treatment, chiropractic care, Institute o f Reflexology (604) anti.com, or call 604 291-5855. UBCLibrary at Robson Square &
nutrition, homeopathy, communi- SEPT 25 875-8818. grahamaasfu.ca 3-Day Basic Seminar, Oct 29,30 ONGOING
cation, a n d more. Register at FOREST POLITICS Join Sierra and Nov 5th. 604-925-0816._
604-257-6955. Club's forestry specialist Justin SEPT 30 - OCT 1 OCT 4-5 infoOsilvamethod-canada.com Free Meditation workshop:
Cabo! for the inside scoop on how Free Feel Good Event Intro Join organic farmer Gary Experience kundalini awakening
SEPT 15 the government makes decisions & Lecture. VERIFIABLE healing King and restaurateur John OCT 29-30 through Sahaja Yoga, as taught by
Dr.Bright's update on bipolar about British Columbia's forests. the spiritual way through Bruno Bishop f o r a n agri-culinary Sandra Maitri Enneagram Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.& enjoy
disorder. Free event, 7pm at Sunrise Hear some fascinating tales of life Groenin9's teachings. Tune in to experience at their Fall Feast in Workshop Spiritual Dimensions your Powers at our Weekly classes,
Hall, 1950 Windermere Street. For as a forest manager and forest the healing stream. Vancouver and Cawston, BC. Arrive early on the of the Enneagram. Plaza500 always free and open to all. 604
information: 604.873.0103 o r policy advocate while exploring Surrey. Sept. 30: Central Library, 4th & help John Bishop forage for Hotel. 10:00 am—5:00 pm. $235. 597-8440 www.sahajayoga.org
mdabc@telus.net. John Dean Park. Meet in the main 350 West Georgia Street, Van. food. Sumptuous meal served in Registration: judithbradley@shaw.
Oct. 1: Fleetwood Library, 15996 Jenny's Garlic Shed, 6pm. $225/per ca <mailtoludithbradley@shaw. A Course in Miracles drop
ca>, 604-291-9033. Free book in study group, 7:30 pm, 517 E
talk Oct. 27, 7:30 pm, Vancouver 17th St. North Van. Suggested drop
Hindustani Songs with Reecha Tripathi Public Library. in donation. Tuesdays & Sundays
Call Susan 604 987-6985.
September 17, 7:30 pm, Surrey Arts Centre Theatre
Reecha Tripathi, 18, carries on the age-old tradi- in the classic Sangeet Natak Academy
tions of the Banaras Gharana, under the guid- Provincial Music Competition, and is
ance of Padmashri and Padmabhushan Girija currently working on a new CD com- Car Free Day
Devi. Tripathi's songs are an intricate reflection pilation, Meditation Mantras. On Thursday, September 22, Vancouver will
of the Banaras style of music. Shehas recorded six join 1,50o other cities and loo million people
albums and appears regularly on All India Radio.Tickets $20/$30/$40 available through the box worldwide in celebration of International Car
She was cited as Best Performer of the Year in office, 604-307-5838, or call Shashi at Free Day. See carfreedayvancouver.ca
the national and prestigious Sangam Kala Group 604-501-5566.
All-India Talent Hunt for four consecutive years

30 • m a m a • SEPTEMBER 2005
List at: kviNvi.cotiimongiound.ca Ailvertisin *.'Cbssifi
HOMEOPATHYCOURSES: Online TRIED EVERYTHING? Saturday, September 10, 7pm.
Foundation Course for beginners. STILL NOT WELL? Donation. Vancouver Multi-Cultural
Advanced courses and seminars. Eyeanalysis, natural health assess-
ment 604-684-9755
Certified Iridologist, herbalist
Centre. Sacred Fire Circle:
Saturday, September 17, 7pm.
Turtle Island Healing Circles.
On Track Zodiac
604 418.9636. www.drumcircles.ca
INSTITUTEOF HANDWRITING September 2005 b y Ilona Hedi Granik
Correspondence, Weekend INDIANINSTRUMENTSFOR SALE: Classes, Individual,
Intensives, International Harmoniums, Sitars, Tablas, Correspondence,
Certification, Manual/Diplomas, Dholaks, Tanpuras. Professional Certification, Readings.
Graphology Consultants, Intuitive quality instruments directly import- 604.739.0042
Readings. (604) 739-0042. L I B R A (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
ed from the finest highly reputated THERAPY ARIES (March 21 -April 19)T fhangeare
manufacturers. Full selection of T You have become attentive
Intensives, Individual, Distant. Reiki for singing, chanting and prayers YOUR NAME." Find out how knocking at your door. If you to your loved ones, and the
1$150, Practitioner $250, Advanced 604-581-8533!778-881-3340 others see you, and how to aren't paying attention, you enjoyment seems unlimited.
$350, Master $750. Sekhem- www.raagtaal.com or Showroom: effectively relate: consider sup- could miss valuable challenges. I f you Being more attuned to others has become
Seichim-Reiki $750. Manuals/ 15168-Fraser Hwy, Surrey, BC portive, open-ended group
Diploma, Registered Teacher CRA. are up for anything, it's coming your your strong suit. Gatherings and good
therapy. Registered Psychologist
(604) 739-0042. OFFICE SPACE Dr. Simon Hearn facilitates a way. You can stir the pot and create what times are on their way.
FENG SHUI group: Thursdays 7-8:30 PM, you want.
FT/PT rooms available in $40/session. 16th and Granville,
FENGSHUI AND DOWSING health centre. Great location, maximum eight members; gay SCORPIO (Oct.23 - Nov. 21)
FORPERSONSAND PLACES Metrotown area. Enquire at positive. Dr. Hearn has ten years TAURUS (April 20 - May 21) Do you feel as though you are
For that invisible thing 604-671-0711 group experience:
www.drsimon.ca. You will need to take things 1" trespassing, or walking on the
give Henry a ring
Henry Dorst, 18 years exp. RETREATS For free screening interview, step by step. Start at the begin- trust path? The sense that you
604-731-1061 30TH KOOTENAY LAKE TAI call 604 732 5991. ning and don't cut corners. don't belong may have a hold on you. You
henrydorst@hotmail.com CHIRETREAT AND TEACHER'S
TRAINING, September 21-27, WORK Finish what you have started, even if the could do well to seek guidance for any
IMMIGRATION 2005 (250) 352 2468, task is daunting. Climb that mountain; beliefs you have that hold you back from
chiflow@uniserve.com, www. OPPORTUNITY the perspective you gain will be most your true essence.
AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVEretreatsonline.net/kootenaytaichi
FORCANADIAN IMMIGRATION Want an additional income source? illuminating.
(CSICMember) can help you move Paradise Found Yoga Help others become healthier with
permanently or temporarily to organic food supplements and SAGITTARIUS ( N o v. 2 2
Fall Cleanse Retreat earn a good income. You'll receive
Canada. Family and spousal spon- Salt Spring Island . GEMINI (May 22 - June 20) - Dec. 21)
sorships a speciality. Call Ron at excellent training and coaching. Things look different on the
(604) 970-0629 or visit September 23 to 26 Free audiotape (800) 624-2081 If you move your body, you
paradisefoundyoga.com will create more energy. Put home front. Could be time
www.bestplace.ca/contact.html. 778-999-9642 (YOGA) TO PRACTITIONERS, on those walking shoes and for renovations or in-home changes at
AK Immigration Consultants SMALL BIZ OWNERS
(CSICmember) for all immigration SHAMANISM Who Want ToGETAHEAD FAST. get moving. There is clearly a need to some level. Either way, your spirit beck-
and educational visa needs Free How I DOUBLEmy PRACTICE's
consultion and assessment SHAMANIC eliminate toxic and stagnating thoughts. ons change. If you don't travel outward,
REVENUEusing a 3-STEP plan.
Contact Ajmer 604-598-8383 TRANSFORMATIONAL HEALING Introductory $60. Reg. $90. Seating Use this time wisely to gain more clarity you may do inner traveling. You seek
email: akconsultants@shaw.ca Overcome depression, soul wholeness. Take a ride of your choice.
disconnection, accident & post limited. Sept. 15, 6pm-8pm at Gaia about any lingering issues. Play to win.
abortion traumas. Jacob Unger Garden 2672 W. Broadway,
INTUITIVE Call now 778-889-8778 Health is wealth.
Plant Spirit Healing Practitioner CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 - Jan.
helps remove bad luck, evil, and HEALING CIRCLES DEADLINE FOR THE NEXT 0 4 CANCER (June 21 - July 22) 19)
reunites loved ones. Spiritual www.shamanichealinginfo Buy, buy, buy! You are enjoy-
cleansing and healing. ISSUE IS SEPT 15 While others are becom-
Call 1-803-796-8974. ing interested in new things, ing the pleasures of indulging
you may find you are not. in treating yourself well. It's a good time
This may be a time to relax and holi- to enjoy the pleasures of life. Shake the
day. Or perhaps become more reclusive money tree, and then replenish the roots
and enjoy some time alone. Recline and with water. Keep the flow going out and
unwind. You are an intuitive poet who coming in.
seeks solace in the garden.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 - Feb.
LEO (July 23 - Aug. 22) 19)
Are you being all that you If it's a new career you seek,
can be? Do you feel your you will need to carve a new
contribution is uplifting to path. The time is coming for a new direc-
others, or are you being self-centered? tion and you can feel it. Do a summary of
Feeling empowered is good, although what really makes you sing. Clear up the
you may find you would like to give your things that you don't want, and use your
Va n c o u v e r ' s F i r s t T r u l y O r g a n i c Café. life a new twist. Gratitude replaces an free will to change your future.
Eat I n o r Ta k e H o m e extra helping of dessert. Great leaders are
N E W : Ve g g i e P o t Pie, Tu r k e y P o t P i e gracious ones. PISCES (Feb. 20 - March 20)
• Yu m m y vegetarian soup - Brewed chai hot or iced & 100% Much patience i s needed a t
& farm fresh salad Organic Fair Trade coffee & tea this time. Although things
VIRGO (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
- Authentic t h i n crust Italian • Brunches on weekends 11-4
• Open 11-9 M o n -Sat • 11-8 Sun You literally could jump for have been exciting, you need
Pizza: wheat & spelt crust
• Organic f r u i t pies & desserts joy. T h e new enthusiasm to stay aligned with your goals. If you see
around you is infectious. You Buddha in your path, will you know him?
N feel rather grand and unusually fancy. It is time to step into the river.
W E 3 5 9 8 West 4th Avenue You are more committed to your inner Ilona Hedi Granik is a clairvoyant con-
"Building est.1927
allan_christianOtelus.net wealth and happiness. Fleeting love may sultant and author with 31 years' experi-
W.4th Ave. I= Aphrodite's
604-738-5879 stick around this time too. ence in astrology, multi-media art and
Banyen *cafe &
Books Pie Shop N e x t to Banyen Books healing. ilona23@shaw.ca

SEPTEMBER2005 • commonaound • 31
continued from page 11 inevitably straining potential supplies of violinist picked up the tempo, and the
driver of evolutionary advance was not food and space "required quite a leap of cherry-eater stopped chewing, the coast
so much competition within a species for imagination!' was clear. Kropotkin, in a long, green,
limited resources; it was through coopera- Independently of one another, Darwin dressing gown, ran for his life, later recall-
tion within a species to maximize survival and Alfred Russell Wallace came across ing a sentry so close behind that several
against harsh external conditions. their theory of evolution while reading times he flung his rifle forward trying to
The Russian scholar has been long dis- Malthus. The mutual revelations occurred give the prisoner a blow in the back with
missed as a footnote in biological think- the bayonet. Amazingly, the prince made
ing: a nave sentimentalist whose scientific it to a waiting carriage driven by a co-
thinking was coloured by his anarchist conspirator, and sped off to safety.
sympathies. But have Darwin's Writes Blieibtreu: "He shaved
own ideas a certain culture- his beard, and was provided
bound tint? His famous "aha" with an officer's uniform
moment came upon read- on the assumption,
ing the work of Thomas which later proved
Malthus, who correctly quite correct, that in
held that population despotic Russia, cus-
Now Open grows geometrically,
while food resources
toms agents, border
guards, etc. would
Mon- s a t 11 t o 5pm only grow arithmeti- be fearful of incur-
cally. Darwin conclud- ring the displeasure
ed that this mismatch of an officer by
leads to an inexorable delaying him with
struggle for survival by an overly scrupu-
living creatures. lous examination of
In a 1991 essay called his papers:'
Kropotkin Was No Crank, In disguise,ICropotIcin
Harvard palaepntologist arrived in London. He
Stephen Jay Gould noted travelled widely through
that Malthus "makes a far bet- Europe, agitating in his writ-
ter prophet in a crowded, industrial ings for various socialist and
country professing an ideal of open revolutionary causes. He narrowly
competition in free markets!' Malthus was escaped jail in France for his agitation,
less comprehensible to Russians. "He was and returned to London in 1886. Here he
foreign to their experience because, quite for both in the tropics, and no other area hooked up with James Keltie, assistant edi-
simply, Russia's huge land mass dwarfed on Earth is so packed with species, and tor of the British science journal, Nature.
its sparse population." For a Russian to so replete with bodies in competition. Unaware of his true identity, Keltie gave
see an inexorably increasing population According to Gould, "An Englishman the emigrant Russian work translating
who had learned the ways of nature in the items from foreign journals into English.
tropics was almost bound to view evolu- When Kropotkin received his own book
tion differently from a Russian nurtured on the glacial history of Eurasia to review,
on tales of the Siberian wasteland!' the jig was up, and the prince revealed his
Gwen The ideas of cooperation in the wild true identify to the editor.
fermented in Kropotkin's imagination as A particular essay by"Darwin's
Randaff-Yaung he made further explorations across the Thomas Huxley, caught his attention dur-
Chartered Psychologist
steppes. His discovery of the Franz Joseph ing this time. "Life was a continuous free
From the Author of
Growing into Soul: •
Land archipelago won him a worldwide fight," wrote Huxley, "and beyond the lim-
The Next Stage in Human Evolution reputation as a geographer, and nomina- ited and temporary relaxation of the fam-
tion for presidency of the physical geogra-ily, the Hobbesian war of each against all
Relaxation CDs for phy section of the Russian Geographical was the normal state of existence!' Huxley
Healing and Transformation Society. At the same time, he had fallen tempered these remarks to say that it is the
in with a group of intellectuals who gave duty of human culture to resist the brute
26 Titles i n c l u d i n g :
covert lectures to workers' groups. Using violence of the animal world, but the
• Releasing Anxiety
the pseudonym Borodin, Kroptokin Russian emigre was inflamed by Huxley's
• R e l e a s i n g Stress
dressed in peasant disguise while address-belief that the natural world is defined
• H e a l i n g Depression
ing meetings on political and scientific solely by struggle. Kropotkin believed this
• R e s t f u l Sleep
topics. The nobleman's paranoia found to be an extrapolation backwards from
• C o p i n g w i t h Loss
its real-world mirror in official suspicion. human militarism and misery to the natu-
• H e a l i n g Yo u r I n n e r C h i l d
The spellbinding lectures by this myste- ral world. Huxley's essay resulted in a pas-
SAVE $ 2 0 • H e a l Yo u r B o d y
• Releasing A n g e r
rious six and a half-foot tall figure elic- sionate series of rebuttals from Kropotkin
ited the interest of the secret police, who in the magazine The Nineteenth Century,
• Tr u s t i n g & F o l l o w i n g
Yo u r I n t u i t i o n
apprehended Kropotkin one night after which were eventually gathered into his
• Yo u r A u t h e n t i c Self
one of his talks. book Mutual Aid: A Factor in Evolution.
• H y p n o s i s for W e i g h t Loss
So began Kropotkin's stint in solitary Pegged as an anarchist philosopher,
confinement. For close to two years, he Kropotkin and his writings on evolution-
A u d i o CDs S h i p p i n g only had access to an inadequate prison ary theory have often been dismissed as
$ 2 0 COST S SI 3 per
for lst CD,
library to help preserve his sanity, along politically motivated. Yet Gould points
add. CD
with an exercise regime of his own mak- out that if the Russian savant overem-
F o r m o r e titles g o t o ing, which included walking a minimum phasized mutual aid, British evolution-
www.gwen. ca of five miles a day back and forth across ists surely overemphasized competition.
his cell. A bout of scurvy resulted in his (Certainly the debased message of a
To order. visit www.gwen.ca or send relocation to another prison, and then social Darwinism, which argued that the
cheque or money order to:
to the military hospital at St. Petersburg,weak are owed nothing by the powerful,
Gwen Randall-Young where he hatched his plans for escape. was not unwelcome to the elite of newly
439 Village Drive, Sherwood
Park, AB, Canada M A 4K 1
On the day of the attempt, a lookout industrialized Britain.) It's undeniable
installed at a room near the prison hos- that a one-size-fits-all reductionism,
E-mail: gwendall@shaw.ca
pital played a violin from his window. pushing the competitive aspect of the liv-
CallTon-Free 1-888-242-GWEN Another lookout sat eating cherries just ing world, helped paved the way for the
outside the prison grounds. When the continued on page 34
3 2 • COmmoneround • SEPTEMBER 2005
continued from page 10 He's noticing a new tone in some of the
about a project to explore the dense, US films, almost too subtle to put his fin-
tropical rainforest in the heart of Guyana ger on. He hesitates to call it shame. "An
using a jungle airship. The Devil's Miner is introspective, muted quality," he suggests.
another, which is about child silver miners
in Bolivia. Franey calls it "extraordinary...
amazingly shot." He also recommends
"I don't think it's just Americans. A lot of
young people have been humbled or put 0 Pffii6kNEFERRITWORLES.

slightly off step by political events... there

Mahaleo, about a Madagascan big band. seems to be a real sort of alienation, but
"It's got a very fine photographic eye, so almost a healthy alienation?' Examples are
you really feel like you are in Madagascar, dysfunctional family drama Forty Shades
and there's lots more happening than of Blue and Police Beat, about a Senegalese,
just the music." Sound like The Buena Seattle cop.
Vista Social Club? "It's way better?' insists On a lighter note, Vancouver-based,
Franey. writer-director Julia Kwan's Eve and the
He also loved Shape of the Moon (Stand Fire Horse is a humorous look at the spiri-
van de Maan), an intimate portrait of a tual quest of a troublesome, nine-year-
poor family in Indonesia. The film won old, and Bombon El Perro is a droll com- Mahaleo
the Sundance Film Festival grand jury edy about an unemployed gas attendant ( M a d a g a s c a r / F r a n c e / B e l g i u m , 102 min.)

award, although Franey is not sure that in Argentina whose life finds meaning
A p o r t r a i t o f seven m u s i c i a n s w h o g i v e v o i c e t o t h e desires a n d w a n t s o f t h e i r
everybody will appreciate it. "It makes you when he becomes the owner of a big, ugly c o u n t r y. M a d e b y a t r i o o f w r i t e r s a n d f i l m m a k e r s , i t is m o r e t h a n d o c u m e n -
much more worldly and empathetic, and dog. Fans of Francophone cinema can tary a b o u t music, b u t a statement o f a country's struggle. " O v e r and above the
your bullshit metre is improved, because catch period family drama CRAZY which s u b l i m e s o u n d t r a c k , w h a t w e d i s c o v e r is t h e M a l a g a s y p e o p l e , f i l m e d s t r a i g h t -
we hear a lot of stuff that we don't know has gone mad at the Quebec box office. f o r w a r d l y, w i t h t h e i r s u f f e r i n g a n d t h e i r h o p e . " —Le F i g a r o < M A M A L >
how to interpret in the Third World." Finally, US indie Keane has been creating G e n e r o u s l y sponsored by:
Monte Grande — What Is Life? about a massive buzz on the festival circuit and
Chilean neurobiologist Francisco Varela,
who spent his whole life working on the
sounds like one of those films where the
less you know beforehand, the more you
question of how body and mind exist as will appreciate it.
a whole, has a commendable scientific For pre-festival, family entertainment, Season of the Morse
(China, 105 min.)
rigour. Terry Gilliam's period fantasy The Brothers Set o n t h e e n o r m o u s o p e n l a n d s c a p e
Frangy has been impressed by the qual- Grimm is an enjoyable way to while away a of t h e M o n g o l steppes, t h i s d r a m a o f
ity of Central and Eastern European films, couple of hours. decline a n d f a l l p i t s t h e ancient lifestyle o f
a n o m a d i c people against the changing face
like Hungarian historical drama Fateless of modern China. N i n g Cai's directorial
(Sorstalansag), which he describes as VIFF (www.vifforg) runs September 29 debut i s a sweeping elegy t o a w a y o f l i f e
quickly disappearing beneath barbed wire and
"another film about the holocaust, but... to October 14. Robert Alstead writes for western tourists. < S E A S O >
really, really good." www.iofilm.ca

A n g r y Monk: Reflections o n T i b e t
(Switzerland, 97 min.)
Gendun C h o e p h e l w a s o n e a n g r y m o n k .
This d o c u m e n t a r y f r o m d i r e c t o r L u c
Schaedler ( M a d e i n H o n g K o n g , V I F F
97) e x p l o d e s t h e m y t h o f t h e p e a c e f u l l y
smiling h o l y m a n . C h o e p h e l l e f t t h e
monastery i n 1 9 3 4 a n d b e c a m e a r o g u e
figure w h o s e i n f l u e n c e c o n t i n u e s t o
reverberate i n t h e c h a n g i n g p o l i t i c a l
landscape o f the new Ti b e t . < A N G R Y >

Kekexili: M o u n t a i n Patrol
(China, 95 min.)
Ti b e t a n antelopes ( f a m o u s f o r b e i n g m a d e
into t h e s o c i e t y -lady s t a p l e S h a t o o s h
scarves) a r e t h e l i v i n g , b r e a t h i n g n a t u r a l
resource o f China's largest nature preserve,
a prize t h a t p i t s starving farmers-turned-
poachers a g a i n s t a p o s s e o f v o l u n t e e r
patrolmen desperate t o s t o p t h e slaughter.
Neither s i d e i s e n t i r e l y i n n o c e n t i n t h i s
e x t r a o r d i n a r y tale o f survival f r o m d i r e c t o r
L u Chuan. < K I N K E R >

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SEPTEMBER 2005 • Conmonaouna • 3 3
continued from page 32 theory to classical economic thinking.
monstrosities of eugenics and Aryanism. It has both endorsed and trivialized the
For Men & Women of All Ages! Even Darwin's better interpreters, like coercive character of capital-driven power
Huxley, unwittingly helped this legacy by relations.
playing up gladiatorial imagery in their Kropotkin wrote of the mindset of his
description of life. British colleagues in his 1902 magnum
The evidence supporting Kropotkin's opus, Mutual Aid. "They came to con-
thesis is now substantial. The many exam- ceive of the animal world as a world of
ples of mutualism and symbiosis are too perpetual struggle among half-starved
numerous to touch on here, other than individuals, thirsting for one another's
a few prominent examples from the very blood. They made modern literature
beginnings of life. Among the first spe- resound with the war cry of woe to the
cies of bacteria, it is now believed, three vanquished, as if it were the last word of
organisms living in cozy symbiosis as the modern biology. They raised the pitiless
cooperative precursors to animal cells' struggle for personal advantages to the
organelles—the nucleus, mitochondria, height of a biological principle which man
and centrioles. Another variety of cell must submit to as well, under the menace
began to live in association with organ- of otherwise succumbing in a world based
isms capable of photosynthesis, in turn upon mutual extermination."
evolving into plant cells with their light- His critique still stands, in a world
100%/CONTAINSNO munching chloroplasts. where leaders of state and industry wrap
Safe, Simple, Natural This kind of micro-cooperation persists the naked exercise of power in a thin veil
to this day. Some 40 species of bacteria of pseudoscientific platitudes (with the
810-FEN'"' strives to offer the highest and one-celled creatures exist in the guts occasional nod to fossil beliefs from the
quality. all natural product possible of termites. These creatures break down time of Moses). We continue to hear from
and to that end we have switched from the cellulose of wood, which the termite media sources that unregulated compe-
a gelatin base capsule to a vegetable cannot digest itself. It's an internal com- tition is an axiomatic good, and that all
base capsule. In addition, we have munity that has coevolved with termite manner of abuses of power (corporate,
eliminated soybean oil as the carrier for species, with a mutual payoff for the play- political, or personal) are no more than
ers. According to Betsey Dyer, a biologist accidental departures from an upward
the ingredients inside the capsule. from Wheaton College in Massachusettspath toward universal good. .
thus eliminating the hydrogenated fat quoted in Discover magazine, "symbio- Kropotkin returned to Russia in his
content; NO TRANS FAT. We, at Hair sesare the rule rather than the incception; final years, and died on 1921 in the city
Grow Technology Inc are excited organisms are always associated with other of Dmitrov. Disappointed by the failure
about this healthier change and we feel organisms?' These associations aren't lim- of the 1905 revolution, he remains to this
this will provide our customer an ited to small-scale endeavours, or even to day an ambiguous figure, his legacy dark-
animals: across the world, subterranean ened by a paradoxical refusal to disavow
even healthier product.
networks of fungal mycelia, miles wide, violence for achieving political aims.
share water resources with the root sys- The Russian scholar held that when
tems of trees in exchange for carbon com- hostile circumstances press upon the com-
pounds. Without a substantial level of munity, animal or human, they seem to
For best results „se Revitalizing Conditioner. collaboration between and within species, strengthen the communal bonds of coop-
whch Nor:e, synergist c.urVec.!c: t o help remove harmf.,; from the micro to the macro, life would eration. In our high speed, high.security
not likely have evolved much past simple world, with its terror alerts, data mining
o arc: a follicles. self-replicating strands of DNA. and erosion of privacy, it's a message that
Today's neoDarwinism — the "grand needs to be repeated. On the global scale,
synthesis" of Mendelian genetics and nat- cooperation is the only alternative around
ural selection—has moved away from the mutual extermination, and toward a
monolithic notion of "nature red in tooth more subtle and complex level of organi-
and claw?' Yet the dog-eat-dog idea still zation. Life is not a zero-sum game, and
persists within academic circles. It's even our moment in the sun doesn't have to be
Contains: unintentionally endorsed in standard col- bought at the expense of casting a shadow
lege biology texts, through minimizing the on others elsewhere.
• =enV..Drggk recent ideas on mutualism and symbiosis. Vancouver writer and political cartoonist
•w t i e Given this intellectual inertia, the gener- Geoff Olson is reached atgefo@telus.net
• r...• alization of hardcore competition from
nature to human culture—and spun as
• Hot seta, the machinery of civili7Pd advance—con
• Gt-)ge- tinues to persist in the popular imagina- continued from page 15
• Papiyarr-Pq tion. petition, or even recalling the entire matter
• R,-..seTiar,d Thanks to the philosophy of social before the BC public (and this time, level-
• Pro-',/,lar,,r, 65 Darwinism, white, well-bred intellectuals ling the playing field). British Columbia
• 'Aireatgern C.: at the turn of the century had discovered is so close to a revolutionary form of
that evolution's peak had turned out to be, representative government, as long as the
by happy coincidence, themselves. Darwin people are not thwarted again by apathy,
himself qualified his own thoughts on the disinformation, or antidemocratic restric-
struggle to survive to acknowledge the role tions.
of cooperation. Unfortunately, we have www.fairvotebc.ca
. largely inherited our ideas on competi- www.bc-stv.ca - citizen alumni
tion from the irresponsible extrapolation www.citizensassembly.bc.c.a
of one-sided ideas about survival in the www.fairvote.ca - petition fgr federal
wild, with poverty seen as the inevitable, electoral reform
if unfortunate, corollary of a universal law www.fairvote.org/pr/nations.htm - vot-
Available at H e a l t h a n d N u t r i t i o n Stores. in which the weak are winnowed out by ing systems for democratic nations
the powerful. By this logic, the latter are Myke Logan is a freelance writer hiding
For the s t o r e n e a r e s t you call: justified in grabbing what resources they on Pender Island, BC. He loves social jus-
1.866-424-7745 o r visit: w w w. b i o f e n . c o m can, while duking it out among them- tice and environmental issues, and is work-
selves. This spectral notion has haunted ing on a book about reclaiming democracy.
34 •CommonGround• SEPTEMBER 2005 everything from business management myke_logan@yahoo.com

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