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CSIT425 Fall2020 Joy

Assignment 3: 50 points – Due 11/22/2020

Memo: Summary Report: Final Project

To: Professor Joy
From: Your name

I would like you to write a professional memo to your supervisor (me) outlining your
contribution to the final project. It is common to have your direct supervisor be someone
different than your software project manager, as is the case here. In many cases members
of your team might even be reporting to different supervisors.

It is a very common practice where you will periodically meet with your supervisor to talk
about the your progress. In the working world as is the case here, these will be kept

As your supervisor, I want to know how you think the project went overall.

Part 1: What did you specifically contribute to the completion of the project. Only include
the things you worked on. I am not looking for general summaries of the project work flow.

Part 2: Answer the following questions

1. How did your team communicate with each other about the project?
2. Do you think this worked? Would you change anything about the team communication?
3. Who do you think contributed the most to the project?
4. Are you satisfied with the progress your team made during the semester and why?
5. If there was one thing you could go back and do differently, what would it be?

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