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Dated: 21st March 2020


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Assignment 1: Decision Making

This assignment is divided into two parts and should be done in pairs.

Refer to the decision making concepts you’ve studied in class, think of a situation where you
wanted to make a decision regarding purchase of a product/service and all the factors that
influenced your purchase. There are two parts of this assignment.

Part 1: Describe in detail about your personal decision making process for the
product/service you have chosen.
Stage 1: Need recognition

As we all friends have not met from a long time so we decided to have a lunch together which
essentially initiated a need to visit a restaurant. Before arriving to a final decision, factors that
were critical included a peaceful ambiance, delicious food, hygienic atmosphere, reasonable
cost etc.

Stage 2: Your information process

Choosing a good restaurant for lunch requires decision making at limited level so I started my
research by visiting the websites of different restaurants and browsing through the reviews of
people about that restaurants, then I visited an app named Savyour to check current offers for
different restaurants and took suggestions from my siblings and family members who have
visited that places earlier to have a better information about the restaurants to satisfy my
stated need.

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Stage 3: Consideration of alternatives choices to fulfill your need/want (the

choice set of products)

Considering all the sources which helped me to gather information, I selected different
alternatives to my consideration set.

First of all restaurants in my awareness set of alternatives were Xanders, Bar BQ Tonight,
Roasters, Kolachi, Ginsoy, Mc Donalds, LalQila Restaurant, BamBou, Sizzlers. Out of these
BamBou and Sizzlers ruled out to the inert set of alternatives as I was not able to recall these 2
restaurants during the process of decision making. All the remaining one were in the category
of Evoked Set because I was aware of all these and was able to recall these restaurants. From
the restaurants in the evoked set Kolachi, Ginsoy, Mc Donalds and LalQila were ruled out and
held in the category of Inept Set because these restaurants had less ratings for their lunch.
Then Finally Roasters, BarBQ Tonight and Xanders were qualified for the Consideration set
because of good reviews.

Stage 4: Your personal evaluation of alternatives (attributes, importance,

perception scores – use simple additive method). You can have as many
attributes and brands as you want.
Attribute Importanc Xanders Bar B Q Roasters
e Tonigh
Peaceful Ambiance 20 15 10 18
Hygiene 25 15 10 23
Delicious food 30 20 10 28
Price Factor 15 10 8 13
Quality of Service 10 5 7 8
Preference Score 100 65 45 90




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Bar BQ Tonight




Stage 5 & 6: Final choice and whether it fulfills your need

After applying Simple Additive Method, among consideration set of alternatives, the restaurant
which I finally selected for lunch with my friends was Roasters which had the highest value as
compared to Xanders and Bar BQ Tonight.

Part 2: Indicate any three potential marketing efforts by other similar brands that
could influence or shift your decision to an alternative product (another brand or
product similar to your choice).

The marketing efforts that could influence or shift my decision to another alternative place
could be:

Additional offers offered by alternative restaurant (buy a main course and get an ice-cream of
your choice free)

The presence of more theme based restaurants will create an exotic environment this will help
incline a lot of customers to not only have good food but also enjoy aesthetic ambiance.

If facilities like availability of Wi-Fi, good music etc. are also provided then it will grasp a lot of
customer’s attention and I will also try out that restaurant for sure.

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