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F e a t u r e s
on e n t s
R e v i e w s
10 H o m e recording with Kurt Swinghammer 35 S i P i x Pocket Printer
14 S o u n d i n g off: Multimedia speakers 4 4 E v o l u t i o n Music gives you a basic music studio
25 O n l i n e and legal music coming to Canada 56 I n D e s i g n lets you get into design
26 D i g i t a l audio formats made easy 58 E x t i g y : Audigy goes outside the box
28 M e t r o n o m e Canada: The city of music 58 A u d i o t r o n : MP3 at home
30 H o w to get rid of that useless CD pile responsibly
30 E v e r y t h i n g old is gold again C r e a t i v e T e c h
32 M a k i n g music from a Net connection 40 D i g i t a l Shots: Imaging software for you
41 P o r t a b i l i t y possibilities for your data
R e g u l a r s 4 2 P u b l i s h i n g for fur and profit
6 Letters 43 M u s i c a l Odyssey: Quantization and MIDI
8 N e w s Briefs
5 9 T h e World is my Cubicle by Alan Thwaits C y b e r p l a y
6 0 L i n f i e l d ' s Line by Kevin Linfield 46 C y b e r b r i e f s
63 M a c R a n t by David Rosen 48 B o s s around a starship crew
6 4 K i d s : Be your own expert 50 N A S C A R game more than driving circles
65 K i d s : Clicking's where this game's at 53 G a m e On! by Marc Saltzman
70 M u c h profile: Namugenyi Kiwanuka 52 W W II sims: Lots of reading, little action
54 P l a y along on the PGA Tour with Tiger Woods
55 R e n e g a d e shines in multiplayer mode

t o r o n t o c o m p u t e s !
20 0 2
How good is your groove? Enter our Cool Tunes Contest and find out. See page 16 for details.
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c a n a d a c o m p u t e s . c o m A P R I L 2 0 0 2 T O R O N T O C O M P U T E S ! 7
r r i e W S b r i e f s) Rogers makes another boo-boo
ByCHRIS TALBOT Simple - a static IP address so people kept the lead until the end. There were mage, archer or dwarf — and answered
can find you at the same place every 25 teams participating in the competi- questions to prove their might and met-
As if Rogers hasn't annoyed their cus- time they want to download something. tion. tle at computer games. After that, they
tomers enough since the change from If Rogers set up their high-speed service The SPAR Aerospace Award is being asked their friends t o enter (earning
the @Home cable service to their own to change IP addresses more often, users retired after this year's competition. points for doing so). The gamer with the
brand (poor service being at the top of would find i t nearly impossible to run Next year marks the 10th anniversary of most points by 11:59 p.m. on March 31
many users' complaint lists), the compa- servers o f f their desktop machines the Canada FIRST Robotic Games, and a will w i n a n Alienware Aurora DDR
ny once again took action to make their through the cable modem. new award will be unveiled for it then. Gaming System. Five runners-up w i l l
competitors' services look more and receive a n graphics card
more enticing. Rule of the robots Canada bitten by the Siege bug powered by NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4600
A threatening e-mail was sent out to The Canada FIRST (For Inspiration As this issue hits the streets, Microsoft GPU combined w i t h a SoundBlaster
thousands o f users suspected o f using and Recognition o f Science a n d Canada's Dungeon Siege Recruitment Audigy Gamer Soundcard. Also, up to
the Rogers high-speed Internet service Technology) Robotic Games, a competi- Drive Tournament and Contest is about 42 others will receive a Dungeon Siege
to run servers (such as file transfer pro- tion where high school students com- to come to a close. prize back, including a cloth map of the
tocol servers). While many of those who pete as teams to build robots, was held Garners across the country logged Kingdom o f Ehb, a Dungeon Siege T-
received the e-mail probably were cul- between February 28 and March 2 at onto to shirt and a Dungeon Siege strategy
prits, many were legitimate users who Humber College's Athletic Centre i n register f o r the contest. Each person guide.
had done absolutely nothing wrong. Toronto. chose the character that best suited their Microsoft's Dungeon Siege w i l l b e
Their only crime was using the Internet Turner Fenton Secondary School o f personal strengths and skills — warrior, available for purchase in April. •
service they had paid for. (Rogers, where Brampton t o o k h o m e t h e S PA R
would you like to put the other foot?) Aerospace Award (SPAR is best known
According t o Rogers, this a l l hap- for the Canadarm used on space shut-
pened because the company decided to tles) in this year's competition for their
try t o crack down o n users running robot, affectionately known as Clyde.
servers on the high-speed Internet serv- During the regulation heats, the Turner
ice, which is not allowed under usage Fenton team assumed first place and
contracts. Rogers seems to
think the problem is a seri-
ous one; it stated a figure
that one percent o f i t s
users make up for 30 per-
cent of the traffic.
Rather than badgering
its customer base a n d
scaring people away t o
competing h i g h - s p e e d
services, Rogers c o u l d
solve this problem itself if
it really wanted to. Here's
a quick summary o f the
solution: W h a t d o y o u
need to run an FTP server?

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Montreal - Q u e b e c - Hull - O t t a w a - To r o n t o APRIL 2 0 0 2 T O R O N T O COMPUTES! 9

Home recording with Kurt Sillighammer7
By NESTOR GULA is able to bounce and squash tracks to get a good sound it will take a lot of
together just like he used to do on a processing power." True to his approach
Kurt Swinghammer likes to create in four-track porta-studio. of using the computer as a hard disk
the comfort of his home. The Toronto- Besides the older synthesizers and other recorder, he rarely plugs his guitars
based musician and visual artist has electronic instruments, Swinghammer has directly into the computer interface. "I'll
divided his funky apartment into an old Atari computer standing promi- run it through my amp to get the sound
roughly three equal parts - a graphic nently in the midst of all his recording of the amp and the atmosphere of my
studio, a music studio and a living gear. "I've had the Atari since 1989 or so. room. My guitar, amp and this room
space. He has been practicing home I use Notator for sequencing." He bought will give a sound that's not quite like
recording for about 25 years, during it brand new and is still a big fan of this everyone else's. If everybody has the
which he has recorded and released seemingly ancient computer. "It's never same plug-ins and effects, things tend
eight cassettes and four CDs. He has crashed. A lot of people think it's obso- to sound the same."
also composed and recorded music for lete but the program is fantastic. It does Swinghammer has not been enam-
many movies and television shows, all the sequencing that you'd ever want oured by the loop recording that is so
including the theme to CBC's Smart to do." He explained, "I know how to use prevalent in digital recording. "I record
Ask and Marketplace and the movie it very well. I don't want to get some- just like I would be using a tape deck. I
The Cockroach That Ate Cincinnati. thing new just so I can read the manual tend to go for performance because
"My first recordings were on a tiny so I can do exactly what I'm doing right often if you play some part from top to
reel-to-reel," he reminisced. "When I now." bottom, you'll make some boo-boos and
was about 18 I borrowed a four-track He'd had other Macs before he bought it's usually these bits that-are interest-
and caught the bug doing that." He the G4. He tried remixing his Vostok 6 ing," he explained. 'entioa

later bought a Tascam 244 four-track, album on an older Mac 8100 (the first The worst part about digital recording
which he described as a "fantastic work series of Power PC). The computer kept at home is the mouse, according to
"My guitar, amp and I horse." "I would make elaborate pro- getting bogged down. "That's when I Swinghammer. This is worst during the
ductions by sub-mixing many tracks." realized that computers are perishable," all-crucial mixing down phase, when
He released about six or seven cassettes said Swinghammer, laughing.
this room will give a in the 1980s.
all the recorded tracks are combined to
two stereo tracks. Unlike with a tradi-
For Swinghammer, MIDI gear came in tional mixer, where you can manipulate
sound that's not quite at the cusp -of the '90s along with an Recording at home presents many many sliders with all your fingers, a
ADAT system.-An ADAT system is a challenges. One is the seeming miles, of mouse only lets you do one at a time.
like everyone else's. I l l modular digital recording system still
using tapes, VHS tapes, on which you
cables involved in hooking everything
together. For Swinghammer, keeping
"I'm confident that by next year the
manufacturers will realize that there are 1
could record up to eight tracks. He had cables tidy is not an Issue. "It's like how thousands and thousands of musicians,
everybody has the two of them, allowing him a total of 16 do you keep spaghetti straight on a like me, who are recording at home,
tracks. That system lasted about five or plate," he said, pointing to the jumble of and will start to produce inexpensive
same plug-ins and six years, according to Swinghammer.
He recorded his CD Vostok 6 (released
cables that lies below his keyboard. "I've
never dealt with it elegantly because you

in. 1999) with the ADAT system. always have to repatch the whole time.
effects, things tend t Every once in a while I will tear every- Swinghammer is a proudly independ-
thing down and put it up again." ent artist and is not signed to a major
sound the same." He got an Apple Macintosh G4 and To avoid noise from the computer's record label. As with all independent
the Pro Tools recording system in fan - unwanted noise being the bane artists, there are always problems in
November 2000. "I was waiting for the of every musician - he came up with getting the CDs to the stores. His Vostok
price to get to the point where it did an ingenious solution. "People would 6 album was released on Ani
not seem to be a ridiculous amount of usually .build elaborate contraptions to DiFranco's Righteous Babe records
cash," he said. He recorded his latest muffle the noise. I just drilled a hole label. His other works are available at
CD, Black Eyed Sue (released in 2001) through the floor and put the computer Maple Music (www.maplemusiccom), an
on this system. He is currently working in the basement." The cable between online store for Canadian artists, main-
on the score for a National Film Board the monitor and computer is really taut. ly independent but also featuring
documentary about Marshall McLuhan, "The computer is tucked right: under the albums from Cowboy Junkies, Blue
to be narrated by New York-based floor," Swinghammer said. "I was really Rodeo and Gord Downie from The
musician/performance artist Laurie lucky that it worked out. If it would . Tragically Hip.
Anderson. have been another two inches, I would "They carry only Canadian content
Swinghammer chose the Pro Tools sys- not be able to do it." and it is a great resource," said
tem "because of how it dominates the Although his studio is filled with Swinghammer. "They sell merchandise
film world," he explained. "A feature seeming exotic instruments spanning and get a really good response." He's
film I did a couple of years ago had to some three decades, he has a very prac- not interested in selling things through
be done in Pro Tools Every film project tical view of them. "I see these instru- his own Web site (www.swinghammeccom).
I've done since then has been delivered ments as tools. I'm not a collector or "I'm just not interested in licking
on ProTools and it makes it a lot easier anything." He also does not hike a lot of envelopes," he explained. There's also
for everybody involved and saves lots the frills, plug-ins and effects that are the problem of taking credit cards. "It's
of money." Although it only allows for available with most recording software. an elaborate process that costs money.
24 tracks of recorded audio "I prefer outboard gear for processing That's like a job. My job is to make
(Swinghammer has the light version) he sound like delays and such. I find that music." •
TORONTO C O M P U T E S ! APRIL 2 0 0 2 c a n a d a c o m p u t t s . c o m
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Sounding off:
Multimedia speakers
By SEAN CARRUTHERS number of other Yamaha-based soundcards and
Creative's Audigy Platinum also contain optical outs.)
A lot of pundits have predicted that the computer
will soon take over as the principle home entertain- Altec Lansing ATP 4
ment device, i f it hasn't already. It's pretty easy to From:Altec Lansing Technologies Inc. Creative Inspire 5.1 5300
understand why. The emphasis of multimedia features
on the home PC — MP3 audio, DVD movie playback Estimated price: $240 (converted from US$150)
and immersive gaming — are all key selling points for Altec Lansing speakers are always interesting
new computers. because they often skew slightly from traditional
The irony is that when you buy a new PC, the stan- design. This 4.1 set is a bit different, too, with a skin-
dard speakers are generally fairly mediocre, even ny upright portion on each satellite speaker, with the
when the soundcard is quite good. If you're planning base of the speaker wrapped around a "down-firing
to use your computer for gaming or DVD playback, mid-bass driver" (meaning that the speaker points
it's definitely worthwhile to invest the extra money in down at the desktop, which can act as an extra res-
a reasonably good speaker set because the results can onator). As with many of the Altec Lansing sets, the
be absolutely stunning. volume and tone controls are built into the base of the
For years, the standard speaker set has been a pair front right speaker.
of low-wattage white plastic specials, perfectly good The sound on the set is quite good. At 80 watts total
for general use, but not something that you'd mistake output power, the set is reasonably loud for a small
for quality. A lot of speaker sets now include a sub- workspace or room in the home. There can be a bit of
woofer for better bass performance, and there's a a muddy sound when you crank the volume and bass
growing trend towards multi-speaker sets for surround up to the top, but we found that you can clean it up a
sound in both games and movies. lot by lowering the bass level slightly, or if you're
feeling ambitious, by finding a way to raise the satel-
What do the numbers mean? lite speakers slightly to bring the cones away from the
Many speakers available today are listed with an x.1 desktop a bit. The most serious issue we have with the
number (2.1, 4.1, 5.1, 6.1 or 7.1), which i,ndicates the speakers is the digital volume/bass/treble adjustment,
configuration of the speakers, with the .1 always which is done by spinning a knob around and around
meaning the set includes a subwoofer. A set designat- (several times around to go from minimum to maxi-
ed 4.1 will contain four satellites (left and right front, mum). It's not that serious, though — you can get used
left and right back) and one subwoofer. These sets will to it quite easily, and the speaker set sounds good
be good for the majority of games and movies. enough that you don't even think about it too much.
Audiophiles and serious movie freaks may want to go
for a set designated 5.1 instead, which also adds a Creative Inspire 5.1 5300
front centre channel for added definition. (True freaks From: Creative Labs
may want to opt for a 6.1 or 7.1 set, but they're more
expensive and may be overkill for most computer sys- Estimated price: 5150
tems, even i f you can find applications that will take Already noted for its Cambridge Soundworks divi-
full advantage of the 6.1 or 7.1 configurations.) ' sion (and its exceptional quality), Creative's decision
If you like your audio loud, the wattage rating is to release a speaker set under the Creative banner
worth paying attention to when making your choice. again may seem a bit like backtracking. Face it,
Without getting into the minutiae, the basic rule is that
continued on page 18
a higher wattage rating means a louder set and (gener-
ally speaking) cleaner reproduction -of the signal at the
same decibel level. This month we've looked at speaker
sets ranging from 48 watts through to 400. If you're
not going to be blasting the sound at full volume all
the time, a 48-watt set should be perfectly adequate. If
you aren't happy until the walls are shaking, you
should look at something with a higher rating.
This month the majority of the testing was done on a
PC containing a 1.2GHz AMD Athlon and 256MB of
DDR SDRAM. Creative Labs kindly provided us with a
SoundBlaster Audigy X-Gamer card, which ensured a
clean audio signal throughout (the card has a signal-to-
noise ratio of >100dB, the cleanest consumer-level card
currently available; see for more details).
For the Yamaha set, we also cracked out the Guillemot
Maxi Sound Fortissimo, which has an optical output. (A
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signed application must accompany each entry.
Contestants must submit all entries in MP3 format
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Compositions previously recorded and released
will he disqualified. Compositions using samples of
previously recorded material will be disqualified
unless accompanied by a release waiver from the
original artist

2. This contest is open to amateur unsigned acts.

All genres of music will be considered. Employees
and families o f Toronto Computes!, i t s parent
company, subsidiaries and affiliates a r e n o t
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4. The first place wiener will have first choice from
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vnvw.yamahasca have the remaining prize. Honourable mentions will
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5. By submitting compositions and the signed entry

form to this contest the entrant claims that their
composition is original work and he/she holds all
rights t o the composition. The contestant also
agrees t o give Toronto Computes!. i t s parent
companies and subsidiaries the non-exclusive right
HONOURABLE MENTIONS to use the compositions for future advertising and
publicity p u r p o s e s w i t h o u t a d d i t i o n a l
compensation for a period of two (2) years from
the date of the contests closing date.

7. All entries must be postmarked by 5 PM EST

August 2, 2002. Winners will be chosen by August
16, 2002. Winners will be contacted f o r their
choice of prize. Results will be announced in the
September issue of Toronto Computes!

8. All decisions of the fudges are final.

Name. E - m a i l : E q u i p m e n t used t o record

Address: A g e : C o m p o s i t i o n :
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Sounding off: Multimedia speakers while there was a tiny bit of distortion great value at $150, especially when (In other words, crank this one up to
continued from page 14 in the bass at full volume, it was fairly you consider the great sound quality. the max and you'll be looking for a
though.- Creative has excellent brand minimal. The bass control is located on new apartment pretty quickly.)
recognition, and the Cambridge the subwoofer cabinet, which means Logitech Z-560 For both music and gaming, this set
Soundworks reputation for quality may once you set it you won't change it by From: Logitech is ace, and the most amazing thing is
also translate into "pricey" in the mistake when you're reaching for the that it comes in at about the same
minds of potential buyers. The volume. (It also unfortunately means Estimated price: 5300 price as other sets with lower wattage
Creative-branded Inspire line is, suit- that if your subwoofer is hidden under a At 400 watts total power, dropping ratings. If we have a major complaint
ably, a more value-oriented line of desk you may need to excavate to the Z-560 into your PC workspace may about this set, it's that the bass can be
speakers, though the quality is still - change your bass setting.) be overkill, but it's glorious-sounding overwhelming - even at the lowest
there. This set is an analogue 5.1 set Those looking for a step up may THX-certified overkill. It's a 4.1 set, setting, you can still feel the subwoofer
with 48 watts total power. want to consider the 80-watt 5700 set, which means no centre channel for pumping (t)lere's a reason why there's
As you'd expect for a speaker set with which also features digital input and your DVD movies, but it's a small a metal grill on the back of the sub for
this rating, it's not overly loud but it's Dolby capability, but that move will omission overall - the sound is excep- heat dissipation). You may want to set
certainly loud enough for most homes. cost you $450. Most will be extremely tionally clear and exceptionally loud, the sub on a foam pad if you've got
Cranked, the set holds up fairly well and happy with the 5300s, which are a and it features absolutely monster bass. continued on page 22

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S AT: 1 0 : 0 0 - 1 8 : 0 0 • SAY:9:30.18:00 1 - I t t p : / / w w w - i c c t - c a SAT:9:30.18:00
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S U N : 11 : 0 0 - 1 7 : 0 0 SUN:11:00-17:00


POWER P4 $ 1 4 2 9 * 15 SAMSUNG 570V LCD $ 5 2 5 * 15 SAMSUNG 151S LCD $538
I N T E L P4 1. 8 G H z F S B 400 A M D AT H L O N X P 1700+ P C -266 (1.47GIAUD0
* 17 SAMSUNG 753DF $ 2 2 8 * 17 SA G 750 $198 M S I K I T 266 P r o 2 M / B
ASUS P 4 T- E M / B
256MB R D - R A M * 17 KDS XF-7P F L AT $ 2 2 3 * 19 G 9 $299 256MB PC2100 D D R - R A M
AT I R A D E O N 7000 3 2 M B D D R * EPSON C4OUX $ 6 0 * SAMS M L -12 229 GeForce2 M X 4 0 0 6 4 M B
60GB H D D ATA-100 & L 4 4 F D D 40GB H D D ATA-100 & 1.44 F D D
* L E X M A R K Z 2 2 ( A F T E R $30 Rehste)$41 * SAMS M L -1250004 269 16BIT P C I S/C (ON B O A R D ) p i " 1
3 0 0 W AT X M I D LougBody P4 C A S E ! S t
16X D V D & 24X10X40 C D - R W * L G 24X10X40 RETAIL $ 1 3 7 * S.B. LIVE u d i g y OEM 5.1 $92 AT X M I D T O W E R 300W LONGL / g .
Digital S/C (ON BOARD) & 10/100 P C I N I C * L G 16X DVD-ROM $ 7 7 * USR 8000 4PORT ROUTER $115 16X D V D & 24X10X40 C D - R W
10/100 N I C & K / B & S C R O L L M O U S E
K/B & S C R O L L M O U S E & S P K IDL96-q1 * TYAN TIGER 200 DUAL/RAID $ 3 3 5 * SOHO 8PORT 10BASE HUB
$28 17 F L A T S C R E E N M O N I T O R

TORNADO $769 GRAND P4 $ 1 9 3 9 GRAND XP $ 1 9 3 9 SUPER PLAY $ 8 2 9

I N T E L P H I lGzh I N T E L P I V 2.0GHz A M D AT H L O N X P 2000+ P C -266 A N D O A M D T-B 1.4Ghz FSB 266 AMDZI
ASUS TUSL2-C M/B ASUS P4B266 & 5 1 2 M B D D R - R A M M S I K 7 T 266 P r o 2 M / B ASUS A7N266-E t h l O r .

256MB PC-133 SD- R A M GeForce2 M X 4 0 0 6 4 M B 512MB P C 2 I 0 0 D D R - R A M 1 0 0 256MB Pc2100 D D R - R A M

AT I XPERT2000 Pro 3 2 M B 4XAGP 40GB H D D 7200RPM ATA133 AT I R A D E O N 8500 6 4 M B D D R D/H GeForce 2 M X V I D E O CARD(oN BOARD)
40G HDD ATAI00 /1.44 FDD 300W P4 LongBody M I D CASE " v 40GB H D D 7200RPM ATA133 & 1.44 F D D < 6 > 40GB H D D ATA100 / 1.44 F D D
AT X M I D TO W E R 300W 1.44 F D D & 16X D V D - R O M a l p 16BIT P C I S/C (ON BOARD) 16X D V D - R O M
I6X D V D - R O M 10/100 P C I N I C AT X M I D T O W E R LongBody 300W 4 = 1 1 A T X M I D T O W E R 300W E m i g
16BIT PCI S/C 15 S A M S U N G 151S L C D M O N I T O R M . 24X10X40 C D - R W & 10/100 N I C 16 B I T P C I S/C (ON BOARD)
56K V.90 FA X M O D E M
103 & S C R O L L MOUSE & S P K Ir-Y7.1. I K/B & S C R O L L M O U S E & SPK
15 S A M S U N G 151S L C D M O N I T O R
10/100 N I C (ON BOARD)
K/B & S C R O L L M O U S E & S P K
pile),,,e,$ 6 2 9 1 0
$445 $659 $ 4 3 9 ( w i T H INSTALLATION) iliv"- $829
c e l e r o t t u n e f i l
I N T E L C E L E R O N 950 • - - - rr I N T E L P4 I . 6 G H Z FSB400MH I N T E L P4 1.6GHZ FSB 4 0 0 M H 7 f t r i I N T E L PIII-933 p e n I N T E L P I V 1.6GHz
ASUS T U S I - M M / B ECS P4S5A M / B ECS P4ITA2 4XAGP 2USB A M D I ASUS T U V 4 X & 128MB PC-133 ASUS P4B & 256MB SD- R A M PC-133
128MB PC-133 & 5 2 X C D - R O M 128MB D D R PC-2100 I28MB RAMBUS PC-800 AT I X P E R T 2000 3 2 M PRO GeForce2 M X 4 0 0 6 4 M B PURE
SIS 6 3 0 E T AGPset (oN Ramo>) ECS SIS 305 3 2 M B A G P / 5 2 X C D - R O M .thin 20GB H D D ATA-100 & 1.44 F D D 20GB H D D ATA 1 0 0 & 1 . 4 4 F D D
20GB H D D ATA-100/1.44FDD 20GB H D D ATA-100/1.44FDD AT X M I D T O W E R 300W 300W P4 LongBody M I D C A S E
$ 3 6 9 ( v v r n i INSTALLATION)
A T X M I N I T O W E R 300W AT X M I D T O W E R 300W 52X C D - R O M 52X C D - R O M
A M D A LT H L O N 1 . 4 G H Z + T t V O L 6 10/100 N I C
10/100 N I C (ONBOARD) 16BIT P C I S/C (ON BOARD) 10/100 N I C
256MB SDP -RAM C -133 K/B & S C R O L L M O U S E & S P K
,E/B & M O U S E & SPK 1 0 / 1 0 0 N I C (ON BOARD) K/B & M O U S E & SPK

17 SAMTRON 76V $ 1 9 9
11111:EINall a i l dm0:lc,T4M
52X SONY $41 SOCKET 370
20 GB M A X T O R 5 4 0 0 rpm $98 $117 A T I XPERT 2000 32MB PRO (Original) $ 5 3
17 KDS XF-7P $ 2 2 9 52X LG I D E C D - R O M $38 ASUS TUV4X U D M A 1 0 0
40 GB M A X T O R 5 4 0 0 rpm $113 $142 A T I A-IN- W RADEON 7500 $ 2 5 0
17 LG 775FT 1280X1024 0.24 $ 2 8 3 52X CREATIVE CD-ROM $44 ASUS TUSL2-C i815EP
61 GB M A X T O R 5 4 0 0 rpm $139 $88 A T I A-IN- W RADEON 8500 $ 4 8 6
17 LG 795FT 1600X1200 0.24+ $ 3 5 9 16X LITEON DVD $79 ASUS TUSI-M A L L -IN-ONE
81 GB M A X T O R 5400 rpm $192 $335 AT I R A D E O N 7000 32MB DDR $ 9 8
17 VIEWSONIC E 70 f 0.25 $ 2 6 5 16X LG DVD $79 TYAN TIGER 200 DUAL/RAID
120GB MAXTOR 5400 rpm ATA133 $312 ATIRADEON 7000 64MB DDR TV/OUT $125
17 VIEWSONIC G75F 0.25 1600X1200 $303 160GB MAXTOR 5400 rpm ATA133 16X SONY DVD $83 SOCKET 4 2 3 (P4)
$410 ATIRADEON 7500 64MB DDR Retail $ 1 9 0
17 NEC FE700+ 0.25 $ 2 8 2 16X TOSHIBA DVD $86 ASUS P 4 T $168
19 VIEWSONIC P1790 0.25 $536 20 GB M A X T O R 7 2 0 0 rpm 2 M B $111 ATIRADEON 8500 64MB DDR D/H $ 3 6 8
40 GB M A X T O R 7 2 0 0 rpm 2 M B 16X PIONEER DVD (TARN') $85 ASUS P 4 T- M $185
19 VIEWSONIC G9OF 0.25 $452 $129 ASUS V7100Magic 32M Pure /TO $70/$80
60 GB M A X T O R 7 2 0 0 rpm 2 M B $165 16X PIONEER DVD (SLOT) $95 S O C K E T 478 (P4)
19 VIEWSONIC E9OF 0.23 $405 LS 120 FLOPPY $89
19 SAMSUNG 9 5 0 B 0.22H $299 80 GB M A X T O R 7 2 0 0 rpm 2 M B $213 ASUS P4T-E R D R A M WOA $233 ASUS V7700Ti 64M DDR Pure VX $185
19 SAMSUNG 955DF 40 GB I B M 7 2 0 0 rpm ATA 1 0 0 ZIPDRIVE INT 100MB/250MB $ 6 3 / $ 1 0 8
$363 $144 ASUS P4T-E R D R A M WA $241 ASUS V7700Ti 64M DDR Deluxe $250
19 NEC FE 950+
60 GB I B M 7 2 0 0 rpm ATA 1 0 0
80 GB I B M 7200 rpm ATA 1 0 0
$179 ASUS V8200 T2 GF3 64M Pure
$225 ASUS V8200 T2 GF3 64M Deluxe
19 NEC FP 955 $565 $313
120 GB IBM 7200rpm ATA 1 0 0 $430 EPSON INKJET C4OUX $60 ASUS P4S-333 WA $150 MATROX G450 D/H 32MDDR
19 S O N Y 0 4 1 0 R $679 EPSON InkJet C60 ($20 REBATE) $133 $133
100 GB W D 7200 rpm 2 M B $315 ASUS P4S-333-M W/AL $118 MATROX G450 D/H 32MDDR T/0
19 S O N Y G 4 2 0 S $709 $143
EPSON InkJet C80 $248 ABIT BL7 / RAID $199 / $233 MATROX G550 D/H 32MDDR $ 1 4 9
$545 SCANNER EPSON Stylus Photo 1280
EPSON Stylus Color 1 5 2 0
INTEL D 8 5 0 M V
$272 / $306 MATROX G550 3 2 M D D R 170 $ 1 5 9
15 NEC 1550V TFT LCD $529 ACER 4 3 0 0 0 / 5 0 0 0 U $69/$99 $228 PowerColor TNT2 32M / TV OUT $ 5 2 / $ 6 9
UMAX 3450 6 0 0 X 1 2 0 0 $182 PowerColor GF2MX400 64MB 170 $ 1 1 9
17 VIEWSONIC VE 170 TFT LCD $1029 CANON S300 $133
CANON N640EPX $94 ASUS A N 133-C $141 ABIT GF2mmoo64merrvour $ 1 0 6 / $ 1 1 6
18 NEC 1830V TFT LCD $1199 CANON S800 $445
CANON D660U/670U $179/$134 ASUSA7A266 $127 PINE 32MB PCI TNT2 M64 RE $ 5 7
CANON LBP-1760 $729
CANON N1240U / D2400UF $268/$625 ASUSA7V266-E/RAID $199/$229 P I N E 3 2 M B A G P T N T 2 M 6 4 R E
L E X M A R K Z 2 2 ( A F T E R $30 rebate) $ 4 3
EPSON 1250 / PHOTO $130/5173 ASUS A7N266 (AUDIO) /-E $251/$289 $49
L E X M A R K Z 3 3 ( A F T E R $30 rebate) $ 7 6
$16 EPSON 1650 / PHOTO $262/5335 ABIT KR7A / RAID $210/ $255 PINE GF2 Mx200 32MBW/TvOut
LEXMARK Z 4 3 $ 1 1 5
56K A O P E N V.92VOICE/PCI $36 EPSON 2450 PHOTO $545 LEXMARK Z53 $ 1 5 3
MSI K 7 T 266 P R O 2
MSI K 7 T 266 PRO2-RU
56K USR 2 9 7 7 HDW PCI O N
56K USR 2 9 7 6 HDW PCI W/ V
HP D E S K J E T 2200
YAMAHA 2 0 X 1 0 X 4 0 IDE RETAIL $ 1 7 5
SONY 24X10X40 $ 1 3 0
56K HP U S B EXT $52 16BIT SOUND CARD PCI $12 H P LASERJET 1200 $ 5 6 9
Altec Lansing AVS200 $20 PLEXTOR 2 4 X 1 0 X 4 0 IDE RETAIL $ 2 1 5
H P LASERJET 2200D $ 1 1 6 5
H P P1000 $ 2 8 9
Altec Lansing AVS300
Altec Lansing AVS500
LG 24X10X40 W/SW $ 1 2 5
SMART LINK 10/100 NIC $11 S.B.128BIT P C I $29 B R O T H E R MFC 3100 (MT) $ 2 7 2 LG 24X10X40 W/SW Retail $ 1 3 7
CAMBRIDGE F P S 1000 $60
D-LINK DFE-538TX NIC $18 S.B. LIVE 5.1 O E M $46 B R O T H E R HL 1230 1 2 p p m $ 3 0 8 NEC 16X10X40 CD-RW $ 1 2 0
CAMBRIDGE F P S 1 6 0 0 $75
3 COM 10/100 NIC(3C905C) $52 S.B. LIVE Audigy OEM 5 . 1 $92 B R O T H E R HL 1440 $ 4 3 5 LITEON 24X10X40 IDE $ 1 2 5
CAMBRIDGE (Inspire2.1 )2400 $ 5 1
LINKSYS BEFSR41 R O U T E R $126 S.B. LIVE Audigy M P3+ 5.1 $132 B R O T H E R HL 1450 $ 5 2 6 LITEON 32X12X40 IDE Retail $ 1 5 3
CAMBRIDGE (Inspire5.1)5300 $ 1 2 1
LINKSYS WIRELESS ROUTER $258 S.B. LIVE Audigy X-GAMER 5.1 $ 1 3 2 B R O T H E R HL 1650 $ 8 0 6 CAMBRIDGE (Inspire5.1)5700 $ 3 6 8 LITEON 40X12X48 IDE Retail $ 1 9 9
USR 8000 4PORT ROUTER $125 S.B. LIVE Audigy PLATIUM 5.1Retail $266 S A M S U N G ML-12100.rmt SSG MUM $ 2 2 9 A L L B R A D O S N O P R O D U C T N A M E S A R E T R A D E M A R K S O R R E G I M E R E D T R A D E M A R K S O F N O S E R E S P E C T I V E C O M PA N I E S A L L P R I C E S

D-LINK 5 P O RT S 10/100 H U B $79 S.B. LIVE Audigy PLATIUM 5.1EX Re $ 3 3 5 S A M S U N G ML-125007rca 191918) $ 2 6 9 A N D C O N F I G U R A T I O N S A R E S U B J E C T T O C H A N G E W I T H O U T N O T I C E O R O B L I G AT I O N . A L L P R I C E S A R E A L R E A D Y 414 C A S H D I S C O U N T E D .

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5 5 0 A l d e n R d . , U n i t # 11 0
Markham, Ontario L 3 R 6A8
Te l : ( 9 0 5 ) 4 7 0 - 1 4 2 5 Fax: ( 9 0 5 ) 4 7 0 - 9 5 5 8
C O M P U T E R I N C .
M O N . - FRI. 9 : 0 0 a . m . - 6 : 0 0 p . m .
S A T. 1 0 : 0 0 a . m . - 2:00 p.m.
> D U R O N 2 0 0 M H z ( R E TA I L )
ASUS CUV266 w r n i i n m s Dm) 149 5,400RPM V I E W S O N I C 17" E70) 2 3 1
A S U S C U V 4 X - L S (VIA) 4 9 9 S O C K E TA .(n V I E W S O N I C 17" E 7 0 M ) 2 9 1 H P 1 0 0 0 ( l O p p m / 1 2 0 0 dpi) 3 5 9
ASUS TUA266-WOA 1 3 9 A M D DURON 1000 9 9 2 0 . 0 G B ( 2 0 0 E B , ATA 1 V I E W S O N I C I 7 " E755 2 7 1 H P 1 2 0 0 (15ppm/1200 dpi) 5 7 9
A M D DURON 1200 1 3 6 0 . 0 G B ( 6 0 0 A B , ATA 1 I I
9 3159
09 V I E W S O N I C 17" E70F1... 2 7 1
A S U S TUS - C 1 5 9 A N D DURON 1300 1 5 9
1 2 0 . 0 G B ( 1 2 0 0 A B , ATA 1 0 0 HP 1 2 0 0 N (15ppm/1200 dpi) 8 4 9
A S U S T U S L 2 (AUDIO) 2 0 9 V I E W S O N I C 17" E7OFB) 2 7 1
7.2008PM V I E W S O N IC 17" E 7 5 F ) 2 9 1 HP 1 2 2 0 ( 1 5 p p m / 1 2 0 0 dpi) w/scanner7 4 9
ASUS TUV4X 1 3 9 > A LT H O N MP 288MHz
A S U S T U V 4 X (AUDIO) 1 4 9 20.0 G B 12001311 11 9 V I E W S O N I C 17" G 7 0 F ) 2 9 1 H P 2200D (19Ppm/1200dpi) 1 1 8 9
S O C K E TA 40.0 G B 4 0 0 B B 139 V I E W S O N I C 17" 87705MFI 301 HP 2 2 0 0 D T ( 1 9 P p m / 1 2 0 0 d p i ) 1 4 0 9
MSI 6309 1 1 9 AT H L O N MP 1800(1.4SM)2 7 9 3 1 1
MSI 8368 60.0 GB 6 0 0 8 8 189 VIEWSONICI7"
AT H L O N M P 1 8 0 0 (imam) ....... 3 0 9 8 0 . 0 G B 8 0 0 B 5 209 V I E W S O N I C 17" 'G7OMB) 3 0 1 H P 220013N / DTN (19ppm/1200dpi) .. 1 6 5 9 / 2 0 7 9
AT H L O N MP 1900(1.800Hz) . 3 5 9 100.0 G B c1000 131 299 V I E W S O N I C 17" P F 7 7 ) 5 2 1 H P 3200 (9ppm/600dpi) ALL (NONE8 7 9
ABIT KG72 1 9 AT H L O N MP 20000.6701W4 3 9 100.0 GB 1 0 0 0 J B . 8 M 8 ) 349 V I E W S O N I C 17" E90)PF775)
ABIT KG7-LITE2 0 9 6 42' H P 3200M (9ppm/600dpi)ALL IN ONE 1 0 1 9
120.0 G B 1 2 0 0 B B ) 329 V I E W S O N I C 191' _ 3 '
ABITKG7-RAID 2 7 9 V I E W S O N I C 19" E 9 0 F ) 4 0 ' H P 41001 N (25ppm/1200dpi) 1 6 2 9 / 2299
> A L T H O N X P 2 8 8 M H z ( R E TA I L ) IBM D E S K S TA R 7.200RPM
ASUS A7M266-D3 6 9 S O C K E TA V I E W S O N I C 19" E9OFB) 4 0 ' H P 4100TN / DTN (25ppm/1200dpi) 2 6 6 9 / 3 0 7 9
A S U S A 7 N 2 6 6 - C - WA 1 9 9 40GB r 7 N 9 2 0 1 159 V I E W S O N I C 19" G 9 O F I 4 5 ' H P 5000 / N (16ppm/1200dpi) 2 2 9 9 / 3 2 1 9
AT H L O N XP 1700+ (1.47014)2 0 9 60GB 0 7 N 9 2 0 9 189 V I E W S O N I C 19" 0G9s07F9B0)-2) .. 4 8 '
A S U S A 7 N 2 6 6 - WA 2 5 9 AT H L O N XP 1800+ (1 .53G1-142 2 9 H P 5 0 0 0 G N (16ppm/1200dpi) 4 0 4 9
A S U S A 7 V- 2 8 8 - E - A A 2 0 9 80GB 0 7 N 8 0 8 4 239 V I E W S O N I C 19" 4 5 '
AT H L O N XP 1900+ (1.6GRz) 2 6 9 429 V I E W S O N I C 19" G9OM) 5 0 ' H P 8150 (32ppm/1200dpi) 3 1 9 9
A S U S A 7 V- 2 6 6 - E - R A I D 2 3 9 AT H L O N XP 2000+ (157GI-1.4 .... 3 6 9 120GB ( 0 7 N 8 0 8 6 ) V I E W S O N I C 19" pGF970,0MlB)) 5 50' H P 8150N (32pprn/1200dpi)
ASUS A 7 V- 3 3 3 - WA 2 2 9 AT H L O N XP 2100+ (1.73Gliz). 4 3 9 V I E W S O N I C 19" 4 ' 3 7 9 9
A S U S A 7 V- 3 3 3 - R A I D 2 5 9 V I E W S O N I C 19" P 9 5 F 6 7 ' H P 8150081(32ppm/1200dp0 4 5 8 9
MSI K7N420PRO2 3 9 > I N T E L 1 0 0 M H z ( R E TA I L ) 20.4GB 6 L 0 2 0 . 1 1 1 139 V I E W S O N I C 21" 7 9 '
SOCKET370 40 9 G B # 6 L 0 4 0 J 2 149 V I E W S O N I C 21" E220o ) 8 4 '
MSI K 7 T- T U R ( 6 3 3 0 ) 1 3 9
INTELCELERON950 1 2 9 60.0GB # 8 L 0 6 0 J 3 179 V I E W S O N I C 21" VIDEO C A R D S
MSI K7T266P 0 2 (6380) 1 6 9
INTELCELERONTOGHz 1 3 9 80.0GB # 6 L 0 8 0 J 4 229 V I E W S O N I C 22" 2P22 2 0 58F6) 1 1 9 1
MSI K 7 T 2 6 6 P R O 2 - R U (8380) 1 9 9 INTELCELERON1.1GHz 1 4 9 A S U S
T YA N 5 2 4 6 0 3 1 9 5.40012PM V I E W S O N I C 22"
T YA N S 2 4 6 2 U N G 7 5 9 INTELCELERON1.3GHz 1 9 9 120.0GB (7740120.16,ATA133) 299 S A M S U N G 17' (700N F) 3 3 V 7 1 0 0 PRO GEFORCE2 MX400 32MB PURE1 0 9
T YA N 5 2 4 6 6 N 3 6 9 160.0GB (#40150J8ATA133) 439 S A M S U N G 17" T O S
S H U T T L E AK-31 V E R 3.1 1 5 9 2 2 v 7 1 0 0 PRO GEFORCE2 MX400 64MB PURE1 2 9
> I N T E L 1 3 3 M H z ( R E TA I L ) S A M S U N G 17" ( 5 3 1 D 3 25
SOCKET 423 (PENTIUM P O - S O C K E T 370 EXTERNAL1394 V7100 PRO GEFORCE2 MX400 32MB PURE (TV 0 0 ) 1 2 9
A S U S P 4 T- M - WA - W L 2 0 9 SAMSUNG 17*(755DF 309
INTELP3-1000EB 2 2 9
A S U S P4T 1 8 9 I N T E L P 3 - 11 3 0 E 5 2 6 9 S A M S U N G 17" (7001FT ) 3 4 9 V7100 PRO GEFORCE2 MX400 64MB PURE (Tv burnt 49
80GB ( # X 0 1 F W R A 0 8 0 ) 4 3 9
SOCKET 478 (PENTIUM IV) 1 8 9 INTELP3-1260E8W/512K 3 5 9 160GB ( # X 0 1 F W R A 1 6 0 ) 5 8 9
S A M S U N G 19" (90081F) 5 5 9 V7700 GEFORCE2 Ti VX 64MB PURE ........ . . . . . . 1 9 9
S A M S U N G 19" ( 9 0 0 I F T ) 5 3 9 V7700 GEFORCE2 TiVX 64MB DELUXE2 3 9
P4B266-C-WOA1 8 9 > 4 0 0 M H z ( R E TA I L ) S A M S U N G 19' (9506) V8200 GEFORCE3 Ti200 64MB PURE2 4 9
A S U S P 4 8 2 6 6 - WA 2 4 9 SOCKET423 S A M S U N G 19" ( 9 5 5 0 F ) V8200 GEFORCE3 MOO 64MB DELUXE2 9 9
A S U S P 4 5 3 3 3 - WA 1 8 9 NTEL P4-1.7GHz2 8 9 S A M S U N G 21" ( 11 0 0 P + )
NTELP4-1.8GHz3 4 9 80GB ( # Y 0 1 F W R A 0 8 0 ) 4 3 9 S A M S U N G 22" 1 2 0 0 N F ) V8200 GEFORCE3 Ti500 64MB PURE4
13776899999 9 9
A S U S P 4 S 3 3 3 - V M - VA 1 4 9
A S U S P 4 T- E (AUDIO)2 6 9 NTELP4-2.OGHz5 9 9 V8200 GEFORCE3 T1500 64MB DELUXE5 5 9
MSI 8398- A R 1 7 9 O C K E T 478
N T E L P 4 - 1 . 6 A G H z w/512K 239
20GB IST320410A1
5.400RPM LCD
MS18398-ARU 2 2 9 A77 T E C H N O L O G I E S
MSI 6528LE 1 5 9 NTEL P4-1.7GHz 299 40GB S T 3 4 0 8 1 0 A 129 SAMSUNG
1 9 159
N T E L P 4 - 1 . 8 A G H z w/512K 339 60GB S T 3 6 0 0 2 0 A S A M S U N G 15" ( 1 5 0 M P ) 9 0 9 RADEON ALL-IN-WONDER 7500 64MB A G P 2 7 9
MSI 6547- U LT R A 1 2 9 NTEL P4-1.9GHz 429
S H U T T L E AV- 4 0 1 7 9 80GB S T 3 8 0 0 2 0 A 2 2 9 S A M S U N G 15" ( 1 5 0 T ) 7 5 9 RADEON ALL-IN-WONDER 8500DV 64MB A G P 4 9 9
N T E L P 4 - 2 . 0 A G H z w/512K 599 S A M S U N G 15" (151B) 6 7 9
-40R 1 N T F I P d -9 9 A ( : A 1 9 1 ( RADEON 7000 64MB AGP1 2 9
7.200RPM S A M S U N G 15" 1 5 1 P RADEON 7000 32MB PCI1 1 9
SOUND C A R D S 20GB S T 3 2 0 0 11 A 1
40GB S T 3 4 0 0 1 8 A 1
1 8 0 5 7
S A M S U N G 15" ( 1 5 1 5 ) .
9 9
6 4 9 RADEON 7500 64MB AGP2 0 9
REY-TECH C R E AT I V E L A B S 60GB S T 3 6 0 0 2 1 A 1 7 9 S A M S U N G 15" ( 1 5 1 S S 6 0 9 RADEON 8500 64MB AGP2 7 9
MID TO W E R (300W)4 9 BLASTER 128 (PCVOEM)3 9 80GB S T 3 8 0 0 2 1 A 2 2 9 S A M S U N G 17" 1 7 0 M P 1 5 8 9
FULL T O W E R (300W) 9 9 Hard Drive Cooling i t 2 9 TV WONDER VE (PCI)6 9
BLASTER LIVE DIGITAL 5.1 (OEM) 5 9 S A M S U N G 1 7 11 7 0 11 . . . . . . 1 3 2 9
S A M S U N G i r 1 7 1 8 ...... 1 1 5 9 XPERT 2000 PRO 32MB OEM AGP6 9

\'‘ $ 5 99So„„
ENUGHT S A M S U N G 17"(171M ) . . . . 1 7 4 9
# 7 2 3 7 MID TO W E R whztrahn5 9 BLASTER AUDIGY X -GAMER1 3 9
7.200RPM S A M S U N G 17" 1 7 1 S ) ...... 1 0 3 9
S A M S U N G 17" 1 7 1 S S ) 1 0 9 9 '
ANTEC BLASTER AUDIGY PLATINUM ORD 2 6 9 S A M S U N G 18" 1 8 1 . . . . . . . 1 5 4 9
S X 1 0 3 0 3 0 0 W / 1 0 B AY 1 6 9 BARRACUDA (Ultra 160) S A M S U N G 19" 1911'))) 1 8 9 9
SX1040 4 0 0 W / 1 0 B AY 2 2 9 18.4GB ( S T- 3 1 8 4 3 8 LW ) 2 7 9 S A M S U N G 21" 2 1 0 T
S X 1 2 4 0 4 0 0 W / 1 4 B AY
SX14408 (400W/14BA ) 6 9 9
2 5 9 AMERICAN POWER UPS 181.6GB ( S T- 11 8 1 6 7 7 LV ) 2 2 7 9 S A M S U N G 24" 2 4 0 1 ' 41197259 CDR- W & D V D
SX630 3 0 0 W / 8 B AY 1 2 9 (Backup/Recharge/Power Cap.) C H E E TA H 10,00CRPM VIEWSONIC J I N T E L C E L E R O N 9 5 0 C P U ( R E TA I L )
S X 6 3 5 3 5 0 W / 8 B AY 1 5 9 BACK-UPS V I E W S O N I C 15' (VE150) 5 7 9 J GIGABYTE GA-6VEML MOTHERBOARD
SX830 3 0 0 W / 8 B AY 1 5 9 1 8 . 4 G B ( S T- 3 1 8 4 0 6 LW ) 3 2 9
B K 5 0 0 M C (10/7H R/300W) 1 8 9 V I E W S O N I C 15' ( V E 1 5 0 M ) 6 8 9 J 2 - U S B , 1 - S E R , 1 - PA R , 1 - V G A P O R T S
SX840 4 0 0 W / 8 B AY 2 0 9 3 6 . 4 G B ( S T- 3 3 6 7 0 6 LW ) . . 4 9 9 V I E W S O N I C 15' ( V E 1 5 0 M B ) 6 6 9
B K 6 5 0 M C (14/111-1R/400W) 2 5 9 7 3 . 4 G B ( S T- 3 7 3 4 0 5 LW ) 1 1 4 9 J 128MB S D I M M (133Mhz Speed)
B A C K - U P S PRO V I E W S O N I C 15" 8 1 9
LIAN L I ( L I A N - L I . C O M ) V I E W S O N I C 15" G 1 5 0 1 3 ; 6 6 9 J 1 . 4 4 M B PA N A S O N I C F L O P P Y D R I V E
PC60USBAlumunum 2 3 9 B P 2 8 0 S (23/4H R/180W) 1 8 9 1 8 G B ( S T- 3 1 8 4 5 2 L 4 0 9 V I E W S O N I C 15" G 1 5 1 ) 6 6 9 J S E A G AT E 40GB (7200RPM)
PC86USBAluminum 2 5 9 BP350UC(22/7HR/220W) 2 1 9 W A R ( S T- 3 3 6 7 5 2 LW ) 6 6 9 V I E W S O N I C 15" ( P 1 5 0 M ) 8 2 9
BP420S(13/4HR/260W) 289 J LG COMBO DRIVE:
PC65USBAluminum 2 4 9 V I E W S O N I C 15" 5 0 0 7 7 9
PC07USBAluminum 1 8 9 BP500UC(13/7HR/315VV) 239 1111komazarano7ama.-M V I E W S O N I C 17" 1 7 0 1 0 3 9 (CDR/W 24x8x32 / 8X DVD)
PC68USBAluminum 2 5 9 BP650S (13/4HR/410W) 389 LACIE V I E W S O N I C 17" E 1 7 0 ) 1049 • VIEWSONIC 1 7 " MONITOR (E70)
c(r701 : ( 1 n u m 3 3 9 BP1000 (16/3HR/670W) V I E W S O N I C 17" ( V E 1 7 0 M ) 1 2 1 9 J SiS300 GRAPHICS VIDEO (ON BOARD)
6 V I E W S O N I C 17" ( V E 1 7 0 M 8 ) 1 2 4 9
EhLeITIOM.-1111:1:1 r a i l S M A R T- U P S 10GB (4200RPM)4300134 3 2 9 VIEWSONICI7" VG171) 1 2 1 9
• 10/100Mbps LAN (ON BOARD)
SU420NET(15/5HR/390W) 319 20GB (4200RPM)#3001353 7 9 V I E W S O N I C 1 r V G 1 7 11 3 ) 1 2 6 9
ANTEC V I E W S O N I C 17" , V G 1 7 1 3 1 - 2 6 9 U M I D T O W E R C A S E ( 3 0 0 WAT T / AT X )
SU620NET(13/5HPJ260VV) 419 30GB (4200RPM)#3001364 7 9
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S U 7 0 0 N E T (18/3H R/450W) 489 40GB (4200RPM)#3003535 7 9 V I E W S O N I C 18" V G 1 8 1 ) 1559
SU1000NET(20/4HR/670VV).... 8 9 9 48GB (5400RPM)#3001668 9 9 V I E W S O N I C 18" P 1 8 1 ) .. 2 3 9 9
P P 5 1 0 D (510W) 1 8 9 SU1400NET(24/5HR/950VV).... 9 0 9 MOUSE P S / 2 (OEM)
FIREW IRE dEEE1394&USB) V I E W S O N I C 19" , 0 1 9 1 ) 1 5 7 9
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E G 3 6 5 P - V E F M A (350W)8 9 20GB (7200RPM)#300-1492 9 9
S U 3 0 0 0 N E T (18/5142/2250W) .... 2 0 9 9 V I E W S O N I C 20" 6/P2' 01MB 2779 J 2 Y E A R S PA R T S A N D L A B O U R L I M I T E D
E G 4 6 5 P - V E (450W) 1 0 9 4 0 G B (7200RPM)#3001503 4 9 V I E W S O N I C 20" ( V P 2 0 1 M ) 2 7 7 9
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ELERON P E N T I U M P E N T I U M P E N T I M A M D • Custom quotes available.
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discounted plus surcharge.
A/tec L a n s i n g A V S - 2 0 0 S p e a k e r s
VIEWSONIC • Prices subject to U ro ye without notice.
Logitech F i r s t M o u s e + (w/scroll)
• Al products come with t h e i r r e s p e c -
J Logitech I n t e r n e t K e y b o a r d • 1 9 " (G90F)
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1359 1459 1759 1859 1749 tive
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• tra.erna • r a • e names are use. to r n n es C 'ming names o e r r p c s. t o y c o m p u t e r t i c a r m s any in res a s or trade na
2 0 TORONTO C O M P U T E S ! A P R I L 2 002
14 Years in Business
5 5 0 A l d e n R d . , U n i t # 11 0
Markham, Ontario L 3 R 6A8
C O M P U T E R I N C .
4 L I G H T S N O R T H OF S T E E L E S
1 B L O C K W E S T OF W A R D E N
M O N . - FRI. 9 : 0 0 a . m . - 6:00 p . m .
Te l : ( 9 0 5 ) 4 7 0 - 1 4 2 5 F a x : ( 9 0 5 ) 4 7 0 - 9 5 5 6 S AT. 1 0 : 0 0 a.m. - 2:00 p . m .
CD-ROM DRIVES H E W L E T T PA C K A R D KODAK S E A G AT E T O S H I B A ( w w w. t o s h i b a . c a )
S O N Y 52x (EIDE) 5 9 HP D E S K J E T 3 5 0 C 3 6 9 DX3215 Z O O M 2 6 9 EIDE
HP D E S K J E T 6 5 6 99 S AT E L L I T E P R O S E R I E C
CORE-WRITERS HP D E S K J E T 8 4 5 C 1 3 9 DX3500 Z O O M 309 TA P E S TO R E 8 G B ( S T T 2 8 0 0 0 A - R F T )2 8 9
EIDE 6000 (P3-1.0G/256/206/14T/0V0/98)2 6 6 9
HP D E S K J E T 9 2 0 C V R 1 5 9 DX3600 Z O O M 399 TA P E S TO R E 2 0 G B ( S T T 2 2 0 0 0 0 A - R F T ) 4 2 9
A O P E N CD2440JL(24X10x40) 1 4 9 399 S C S I 6000 (P3-1.0G/256/20G/14T/DVD/W2K)2 7 9 9
LG GCC-412013 ( 1 2 X 8 ) w / d v d 1 4 9 HP D E S K J E T 9 4 0 C V R 2 3 9 DX3700 Z O O M
HP D E S K J E T 9 6 0 C a e 2 7 9 TAPESTORE8GB(STT28000N-RFT) 3 2 9 6000 (P3-1 13G/256/30G/15T/DVD/98) 3 1 1 9
LG G C E 8 2 4 0 B ( 2 4 X 1 0 x 4 0 ) 1 3 9 DX3900 Z O O M
HP D E S K J E T 9 9 0 C S E 4 1 9 TAPESTORE20GB(STT220000N-RFT)4 9 9 6000 (P3-1.13G/256/30G/15T/DVD/w2k) 3 2 4 9
HP D E S K J E T 9 9 5 C 5 4 9 BATTERIES (NiMH) 2 5 3 9 D AT 24GBEXT. (STD624000N-SB) 1 1 9 9
3 2 x 1 0 x 4 0 8' M B BUFFER•B NPROOF
U HP D E S K J E T C P 11 6 0 5 6 9 D AT 2 4 G B INT. (STD224000N-SB)9 9 9
D A T 2 4 G B EXT. (STD624000N-RFT)1 3 9 9
C D - R W • 6000KB/S HP D E S K J E T C P 1 7 0 0 699 3490CT(P2-700/12820G/1137/98) 2 7 9 9
HP D E S K J E T C P 1 7 0 0 P S 8 4 9 C A N O N D I G I T A L C A M E R A S D A T 2 4 G B INT. (STD224000N-RFT)1 2 1 9 3490CT(P2-700/126/20G/11.3T/W2K)2 9 3 9

441E110 $159 HP DESKJET 1220CA

P/N:GCE-83M HP D E S K J E T C P 1 7 0 0 0
HP D E S K J E T 2 2 0 0
5 4 9 P O W E R S H O T A 3 0 3 6 9 D A T 40GBEXT. (STD6401LW-R) 1 8 4 9
7 4 9 P O W E R S H O TA 4 0 4
1 1


D AT 4 O G B I N T. (STD2401LW-R)1 6 4 9
TA P E S TO R E 8 G B ( S T T 6 8 1 U - R ) 4 6 9
4000 (P2-750/256/200/12T/DVD/98)3 4 9 9
4000 (P2-750/256/20G/12T10V011V2K) 3 6 3 9

PLEXTOR x 1 0 x 4 0 2 3 9 H P DESKJET2250 9 7 9 8 9 9 TA P E S TO R E 2 0 G B ( S T T 6 2 0 1 U - R ) 499 T EC RA S E R I E S

P L E X T O R (40x10x40) 2 6 9 HP D E S K J E T 2 2 5 0 T N 1 1 4 4 11 99 5 3 9 TA P E S / C A R T R I D G E S
YA M A H A 3 0 0 E V K ( 4 x 1 0 x 4 0 ) 2 4 9 HP D E S K J E T 2 5 0 0 C P O W E R S H O T S110
DGD125P(DDS-34MNV125) , . . . . 2 2 . 9 9 9000 (P3-933/256/20G/14T/DVD/98) 3 9 2 9
HP DESKJET 2 5 0 0 C . • 1 5 5 9 P O W E R S H O T S300 9000 (P3-933/25620G/14T/DVDN2K)4 0 5 9
HP D E S K J E T 2 5 0 0 C M 2 1 1 9 619 DGD150P(DDS-34MM/150)4 9 9 9
SCSI DGD15CL(DDS4MM/CLEANING) 1 9 . 9 9 9000 (P3-1000/256/30G/14T/00RW-0V0/98) 4 5 4 9
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MFC8500 6 0 9 9000 (P3-M-1 2GHz /512/40G/14T/
YA M A H A C R W - 7 0 (12x8x24,USB)399 B R O T H E R MFC9700 8 9 9 C L I C K S M A R T 510 2 0 9 QTR-4/NS-203 9 . 9 9 / 59.99
YA M A H A 3 2 0 0 I X V K (24x10x40) 4 4 9 E P S O N Q U I C K C A M PRO 3000 1 3 9 CDRW-DVD/98)4 9 9 9
YA M A H A 3 2 0 0 U X V K (24x10x40) 4 1 9 S T Y L U S C60
259149 Q U I C K C A M TRAVELLER 179 NETWORK PRODUCTS 9000 (P3-M-1 2GHz/512/40G/14T/
YA M A H A a m n s x v K 2rivt0w40) 4 0 9 S T Y L U S C80 CDRW-DVD/VV2K) 5 1 3 9
I I I WAWA D I A S T Y L U S C8OVVN 9 I B M 340MB 1 9 9 3 C O M 5 Port Hub 10/160 CVS (3C19261)7 9
9000 (P3-M-1.2GhLT/512/40G/14T/
STYLUS 1520 879
EDE 1359 I B M 1.0GB 8 4 9 3 C O M 8 Port SWITCH 10/100 D/S CDRI/VDVD/XPPRO) 5 1 3 9
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P I O N E E R D V D 4 1 6 X ( T R AY ) 9 9 S T Y L U S P H O TO 820 19 COMPACT 3 CFLASHOCARDMI 16 Port Hub 10/100 D/S (3C167546)2 2 9
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PIONEER DVR-A03 o t t u S T Y L U S P H O T O 1280 68919 L E X A R (HO88IESTSERIES4X) D L I N K USB Dual Port PCI Card (DSB-500)5 9 (-) 9
1 • : A
HP n v n i nrti inkm.invinrn_kivin RSIA) S T Y L U S P H O TO 2000P
CANON 32MBUptoestester than regularflashcards .... 49 D L I N K 7 Port USE Hub (DSB-H7)8 9
JEWEL CASES 5200 S 3 0 0 1 0 9 / 1 4 9 64MB Upto4. fasterthan regular flashcards6 9 D U N K 1 6 Port Hub 10/100 ( 0 5 H - 1 6 ) 2 4 9 700MEMMIN 2x-32x
S 85 02 0
0 1/ S 7 5 0 8 9 128MB Uplo4x faster than regularflash cards 1 0 9 L.,__DINK 8 Port Switch 10/100 (DSS-8+) .. 8 9
0.25 S
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/ 42579
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0 9
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4 9
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SPEAKERS USR 5 6 K EXT V.92 1 3 9 5 9 D L I N K Router 7 Pat (DI-707) 1 9 9
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INSPIRE2400 t-cXAm(PROFESSIONALSERIES lax) L I N K S Y S Voice Router (BEFN2PS4)2 0 9
INSPIRE 2600 109 PALM M 1 2 5 299 192MBuptol5ifasterthenregulartleshoards
L I N K S . 2Y39 S Router 3 Port (BEFSRU31)1 7 9
I N S P I R E 4.1 4 4 0 0 7 9 399 256MBUgomxfasterthanregularneshcerds
L I N K S . 309
Y S Router 4 Port (BEFSR41)1 3 9
PALM M 1 3 0
I N S P I R E 5.1 5 7 0 0 DIGITAL3 7 9 PALM M 5 0 0 4 2 9 3 2 0 M B Upto16xteiter ten regukarSaab oards.479_LINKSYS Router 8 Port (BEFSR81)2 3 9 A l l
I N S P I R E 5.1 5 3 0 0 1 2 9 PALM M 5 0 5 499 5 1 2 M B upoifixleseerthenreguladieshowe T 7 U L I N K S Y S Router 1 Port (BEFSR11)1 1 9 MICE -
PALM M 5 1 5 559 64011/113Upiolexiestwiranreglarkinhcards 9 0 9 L I N K S Y S WIRELESS 4 Port (BEFW1164) 2 9 9
A LT E C LANSI NG ACS- 4 8 IWSUBI 1 3 9 CASIO E-125 4 4 9 L E X A R BRAND N E T G E A R Router4 Port (RP-114)1 3 9
A LT E C LANSING ADA-890,59MS) . 3 9 9 C A S I O ,-1.1 500 ZAQ yyy N E T G E A R WIRELESS 4 Port (MR314) 3 5 9
A LT E C L A N S I N G AV S 2 0 0 osasl 2 9
A LT E C L A N S I N G AVS3001354%5) 4 9
MmiamtoirasztuatIMIN ADAPTERS
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A LT EC L A N S I N G AV S 5 0 0 as.,a, . 6 9 H E W L E T T PA C K A R D 3 C O M 3C905 T X (PCI)5 9

16MB3 9 D U N K 10/100 DFE-538-TX (PCI) 2 9 MOUSEMANVVHELLOPT1CAL8 9
A LT E C L A N S I N G 21002.14.w., 1 5 9 H P S C A N J E T 2200C (use) 1 1 9
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A LT E C L A N S I N G 641 .............. 329 6 4 M B 7 9 G V C 1 0 / 1 0 0 ( P C l / N P 0 3 1 9 ) 1 9 FEELMOUSE5 9
HP S C A N J E T 4 4 7 0 C COBB/PAR) 2 1 9 128MB1 1 9 LINKSYS PCI 10/100 (LNEtoo-Tx)3 9
HP S C A N J E T 5400C (USB/PAR) 2 6 9 SMC 1244-TX 10/100 (PCI)V V W V V TRACKRAI I MARBLE MOUSE4 9

SCSI C O N T R O L L E R S HP S C A N J E T 5490C (USB/PAR) 5 2 9 3 2 M B 4

HP S C A N J E T 7400C (use)6 4 9 64MB6
DLINK 5610-10/100 (DMF-560TX)2 0 9
D U N K 10/100 DFE-650-TX 7 9

HP SCANJ ET 7450C (use)8 9 9 128MB9 9 DLINK CARDBUS DFE-68OTXD6 9

ADAPTEC Smart Media USBReader ...... ............ ....59 DL INK C A R D B US D F E - 6 9 0 T X D 6 9 INTELUMOUSE3.02 9
- H P S C A N J E T 7490C (USB) .. 1 1 8 9
AVA - 2 9 0 6 ( R E TA I L ) 8 9 39S C A N M A K E R 3630 (USB) 9 9 CARD GVC 10/100 (NP0335)5 9 INTELLIMOUSEOPT1CAL1.1 5 9
A H A - 2 9 3 0 U (PCl/RETAIL) 1 16M84 9 49 WIRELESS NETWORKING
USB 2.0/1394 CARD 64MB9 9 DLINK Wireless PCI Card (DVVL-500) 1 7 9
19160KIT(RETAIL) 339 S C A N MAKER 4800 (USB) 1 5 9
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29160 (OEM / CABLE ) 379 f u l l "legal s i z e s c a n n i n g 1 9 9 g rVa -T44.1
. . . - . .a- •. . .. ..•1= al. ma
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C A N O S C A N N640P 1 0 9 L I N K S Y S WIRELESS PCI CARD (WMP11) 1 5 9 M I C R O S O F T
C A N O S C A N D660U 1 9 9
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1 3 9 C A N O S C A N D1230U 3 6 9

FA S T R A C 100 C A N O S C A N N1240U 2 2 9 MS NATURALELITE (PS2)4 9
FA S T R A C 100 P R O TX4 KIT 5 6 9 C A N O S C A N D 1 2 5 0 U 2
SUPERTRAC.sxaoco)7 0 9 C A N O S C A N D1250U2F 279 email:
S U P E R HOT SWAP 1 3 9 CANOSCAN 024000F 459 sales@greytech corn
Gray-Tech reserves the right to withdraw pricing, products. o r services without notice. G r e y -Tech assumes no responsibility for errors in content or pricing *Limited time offers 21713414

Carladacomputcs.corn A P R I L 2002 T O R O N T O COMPUTES! 2 1

Sounding off: Multimedia speakers theatre speakers are very pricey, so the Yamaha has been a mainstay in the but it certainly does the job — i f you're ;
continued from page 18 closest most of us will PC speakr world, but has mostly in a small apartment, it will be more
neighbours that you don't want to Monsoon speakers is in the comput- focused on two-speaker sets, The TSS-1 than adequate. When cranked, there's a
bother. Each of the speakers connects er/multimedia world. The MH-505 is is the company's 5.1 set and is available tiny bit of distortion with exceptionally I
to the subwoofer via wire with exposed Monsoon's more value-oriented 5.1 set, in both black and white. At 48 watts low bass noises (we got some clipping
ends just like on a component stereo, and it comes in at 85 watts output RMS, it's not one of the louder sets, but When playing Hoist's The Planets, espe-;
which means you can replace the wire power RMS (120 watts max). Like its it's one of the more versatile, featuring cially midway through track 7 when thel
fairly easily if you want longer or bet- louder and more expensive siblings, both analogue and digital inputs (in bass notes on the organ kick in).
ter-shielded cables. The speakers come the Mil-505 set uses Monsoon's flat- addition to the two standard 11B-inch Switching from analogue to digital
with mountable-metal bases, which can panel style Planar Focus Technology. plugs, the back of the amplifier unit boosts the volume level slightly and
be removed using the included hex Overall, the sound is a bit flatter than also sports an optical connector and a clears up the sound substantially. At
key, and reoriented. the other speakers we looked at this coaxial RCA-style connector, and the set lower volumes, the sound quality is a-
Another minor complaint is that the month — they didn't have the same ships with the connector cables, too). okay, and if you're not after raw power
connectors to the PC are hardwired room-shaking bass — but the sound The amplifier unit is slightly more the versatility of the inputs makes this
into the back of the speaker control was exceptionally clear all the way up complicated than the other sets this set a very attractive choice.
pod, and the ends that connect to the to full volume. At that point, any dis- month. In addition to the great big
PC have a right-angle connector, which tortion introduced into the sound will volume knob at the bottom, there are Editor's Choice
could be a problem i f you have anoth- likely be a limitation of the soundcard also smaller knobs for centre, surround Because of the range
er card under or above your sound —we got a bit of distortion using the and subwoofer. There are also buttons of wattage ratings and
card. Those complaints are all fairly older Yamaha-based card, but the at the top for switching between because it's a mix of 4.1
minor, though: The sound coming out SoundBlaster Audigy was still excep- speaker modes (digital vs. analogue, and 5.1 systems, it's pret-
of these speakers is nothing short of tionally clear. One of the nicest fea- Dolby mode where applicable), for test- ty hard to say one is neces-
jaw-dropping, especially if you like it tures on Monsoon sets is the well- ing the speaker position and for mut- sarily better than the other. For those
loud and booming. placed mute button, allowing you to ing. A bit more confusing is a little who just want the sound at reasonable
kill the sound instantly. selector switch on the back of the box volumes, all of them are great. The
Monsoon MH-505 Those looking for room-shaking bass for selecting the number of speakers Creative offers exceptional value, the
From: Level 9 Sound Designs won't find what they need here, but attached to the system, which seems to Altec Lansing and Monsoon sets are those looking for excellent clarity will partially duplicate the button func- very clear and the Yamaha set is
Estimated price: $290 (converted from US$180) love this set. tions. The amp unit can be laid down incredibly flexible. We're giving the
Monsoon Audio does work in three or stood on end and comes with a nod to the Logitech Z-560 set, though,
major categories — automotive, home Yamaha TSS-1 small bracket for angling the front end for exceptional clarity and quality,
theatre and multimedia speakers. The From:amaha Canada upwards, i f desired. even though it came in at about the

automotive speakers are fairly specific As you'd expect from a 48-watt sys- same price point as many of the other
to certain models of cars and the home Estimated price: $299 tem, the system isn't exceptionally loud, less powerful sets. •


2000 (airlift"
TORO NTO S t e e l s Ave
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ve. A
C t
3560 Victoria Park Te m p o E m_F:1 1_7 us 1 1 - 8
4300 Steeles Ave E22
: 4 1 6 - 4 9 2 1 6 0 0 =Finch Ave g. S AT: 1 2 - 6 T:905-4151182 steel: Ave.
FUJITSU UFEBOOK E6555 $ 1 8 9 9 1 1
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ATX300W CASE 18BIT 3D PCI SOUN F111750MH7/128M6/306/5614104" TFT INTELPI11850MHZ/128MB/30G/DVD-CDRW COMBO
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1 9 5 1 . 2 5 SVGA MON/TO
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1 7 " SVGA MONITOR (1920X1440 21" SVGA MONITOR
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Price Only Effiective Between Apr 01 -15 7 0 0 2

Main boardoillp Video Ca CDR C D R W & DVD Sound Card Monitors

E a W M venom
IUSIM Socket370 MlcroATX 1 0 3 Forty XPERT 2000 Pro 32MB $ 4 6
Lilt: 3=U L., pumuR Creative PCI 128 oem
17" E700B 1280 2 5
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P4S333 Pen.4 Socket478 1 7 2 Samsung 48X IDE CD Rom 2 AudIgy 5.1 oem 106 17" 774FT 1280 .24 272
RADEON 7000 64MB AGP 8 7 LG 52X IDE CD Born 17" 776FM 1280 .24 280
P4TE Pen.4 Socket478 2 6 5 RADEON 7500 64MB AGP 1 4 0 Audkly MPS +9 144
P46266 Pen.4 Socket478 2 5 7 A M C 20x10x40 CD-RW IDE [120 Audigy Gamer 144 19" 9008 1600 .25 392
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A7V266EAA Socket A 1 2 A-I-W 7500 64MB AGP 2 6 0 Audit" Platinum 286
A7V266E Socket A 9 LG &MB 24810840 CD-RW IDE 132 Aurligy Platinum eX 359
A7N266 Socket A 2 6 3 INMUL BOX LG 83208 32x10x40 CD-PIN IDE 152
A7N266E Socket A 2 9 9 IV Wonder USB Edition 129 SONY 24x10x40 CD-RW IDE 142

Yamaha CRY13200EVX CD-RW IDE
Plextor 40x12x40 CD-RW IDE
Network Products 17" 7505 1280 .27 1211
RADEON 8500 64MB DDR 308 Plextor 12x10x32 CD-RW SCSI 377 17" 7530F 1280 .20 252
K7SEM-266 Socket A 100 A-I-W 7500 64MB DDR A M C 16X DVD IDE 76 D-Link 19" 955DF 1600 .20 389
K7AMA Socket A 90 283
Sony 16X DVD IDE 89
K7SSA Socket A 95 LG 816088 16X DVD IDE 9 D-Unk 530TX Ethernet 10/1008T $ 2 2
K7S6A Socket A 122 PINE Pioneer 16X DVD ME(Tray) D-Link 713P VAreless Router 3 0
P4VMM Pen.4 Socket478 145 TNT2 M64 32MB PCI Pioneer A03 DVD-Ram IDE 8
P4S5A Pen.4 Socket478 136 GeForce2 MX400 64MB 1 0 8
P4IBAS Pen.4 Socket478 130 G.Force3 T5 64M8/1V Out
tt o

EP1004P 4-port USB Hub 5 3 4

GsForce4 MX440 64148/TV Out 1 7 4 505ST 5-port 108T Hub $ 3 4 17" E701 1280 .25 278
Speakers 50818-port 1081 Hub 17" E751 1600 .25 295
H a r d Drive CHAINTECH 805X-R 5-port 10/10013T Hub 5 9
808X-N 8-port 10/10081 Hub 7 6
19" E90 1600 .27
19" E901 1600 .25
GeFoice31120012BMB/TV Out $280 AOpen MS-805 Speakers 19" G90f 1600 .25
SBX-362 Flat Spk w/Sub EP428X PCMCIA 10/100 Lan
olglr.I GeForce4 MX44064144111111 Out $176 15" VG151 LCD
20G8/7200 200BB 1126 Mich:dab M200 Spk w/Sub SO TV Tuner VB5OHRTV 164
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120GB/7200 1200BB
Scanner rtyz:q D5108NA 8-port 10/100 Hub 1 1 8
FS105NA 5-port 10/100 switch 8 6 128
AVS-200 7W Speakers FS108NA 8-pod 10/100 switch 19" G420S 1880 .24 1751
Oustek AVS-300 7W w/Sub DOI Idkl• 1 0 / 1 0 0 Router 1 3 2 15" SOMM5113 LCD $716
120008 600x1200dp148b8 $77 AVS-500 14W w/Sub 79
10GB/5400 2B010H1 100 1200CU 600x1200dpi 48b8 $100 621 2.1System w/Sub 215 BJ t _declare-
20GB/5400 213020111 110 2 1 0 0 8 w / S y b N E C
40GB/5400 4K040H2 126 Aces 4. 2 2 . 1 S y s t e m w/Sub 153 BEF-SRU31 3-port Router 1176
61GB/5400 96147H8 159 4100 4.1System w/Sub 237 BEF-SR41 4-port Router 138 17" AS70 1280 .27 229
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160GB/5400 4G160J8 9 1240UT 1 U S B $184 W O R M = 11117W0111101M 19" AS90 1600 .26 359
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60GB/7200 6L060J3 181 InspIre2.1 2600 w/Sub [ 113
7 WMP11 PC1 Network Card 1 5 6 15" LCD1550V-BK 96
80GB/7200 6LC1110J4 230 C a n o n Insplre4.1 4400 w/Sub WUSB11 USB Network Adapter 1 3 9 15" LCD1550X 14
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Internal Retail Box Compaq Presarlo715CA A S 0 1 . 2 0 1 9 1 4 . 1 . 1 F T 2 5 6 M b 5 9 K / L a n 20GO/D61)+CDRW 8 2 2 4 9
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$ 3 1 9 1
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7 9

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4 9
Hard Delves D-Link O M P - C 1 3 1 0 0 C D M P S P l a y e r 5 1 6 9 32Bit Sound - MS Windows XP Lava U S B 2 . 0 P C I D u a l Port5 2 5 Network
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$ 1 5 8 9 .1 $ 2 8 9 }
A N a g . , 1000Mbs C o p p e r j r i t e 3 0 2 T R A . . . . . 5 1 4 9
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9 1 C A S E S & P O W O R 3 0 0 M 3 0 0 9 9 0 10/100Mos PCI 3 0 8 0 1 6 9 8 0 $ 1 4 9
M W 51001 1 W I t 2 0 11 a 0 G e . . . . . . . . 0 2 9 / 9 W 4 0 0 kkeoek X12051_ 1 2 0 0 2 4 0 0 4 5 k 1 11 9 9 _ 5 4 4 0 .
P04002/110 056226051394 10.2 / 20.20a...$360 /429 b i o m e , VOLOPL 060x1200 3$86PPod . . . . . 3211
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Online and legal music coming to Canada
By DAVID ROSEN Moontaxi's streams "will
provide three personalized
Next month, two online music channels in which
music services will open their individual tracks are ran-
digital doors in Canada, domly presented to listen-
allowing customers to listen, ers," explains van der
download and even burn Plaat.
music tracks for a fee. Unlike A second component of
some of the existing organi- Moontaxi's service is
zations, which play fast and called Music Locker. Here,
loose with copyright agree- music lovers can pick 100
ments and music licensing tracks from the company's
laws, PressPlay and Moontaxi playlist and then create
will give Canadians legal (but virtual. CDs in which the
strictly controlled) access to specific artist, track and
digital music. play order are specified.
Los Angeles-based According to van der
PressPlay, owned by music Plaat, you will be able to
giants Sony Corporation and change the content of your
Vivendi Universal, offers sub- Music Locker at any time.
scribers access to a broad cat- Thus, i f you fancy listen-
alogue of music through ing to a (virtual) CD of
streaming and downloading - - Beethoven one week and
and allows "portability" Bach the next, you simply
through CD-R burning. change your Music Locker.
According to the company, However, Moontaxi — a
the service will give cus- company partially owned
tomers access to a vast online by EMI Group — has no
library including music from immediate plans to offer
Sony, Vivendi Universal and downloads. "We won't be
EMI Recorded Music. offering downloads for at least six
Several independent labels such as Madacy, months," explains van der Plaat. "We
Matador, Navarre, OWIE, Razor Et Tie, have to deal with the current restrictions of
Roadrunner, Rounder and Sanctuary have also the music companies. Six months from
signed on with PressPlay, citing the need to now, the entire landscape will have proba-
gain access to the same online music market bly changed and so we'll be looking at
as the major record companies. other services."
In partnership with Canada's Sympatico-
Lycos, PressPlay will offer its subscription Other labels
service to Canadians who want to listen to an Of course, Sony, Vivendi Universal and
array of rock, pop, jazz, country, hip-hop and EMI Group aren't the only musical games
REtB songs on demand. Rumoured to cost in town. The other two major labels — AOL
$9.95 per month (the company had not final- Time Warner and Bertelsmann AG — are
ized prices by press time), the Canadian ver- also involved in online music distribution.
sion of PressPlay will let customers access The problem for Canadian music lovers is
streamed music much like digital cable sub- that MusicNet, a company owned and con-
scribers currently listen to music channels trolled by these two labels (and EMI
over their home TV. Group) has no immediate plans to move
But the estimated $9.95 a month will just get you costs US$19.95 per month, allows 750 streams, 75 north of the border.
access to streaming music; it won't let you download downloads and 15 burns. PressPlay's Platinum Plan Will paid, legal online music distribution ever take
the actual music file, nor will it allow you to burn costs US$24.95 and lets customers stream 1000 music off, especially since many music lovers have already
tracks with your PC or Mac. To get this increased tracks, download 100 of them and burn 20 tracks onto downloaded millions of illegal songs? It will, i f you
functionality, you'll have to pay an additional (and, as CD-Rs. believe a recent survey from Jupiter Media Metrix.
yet, undisclosed) monthly fee. However, when the Citing a huge market for legal downloadable music,
PressPlay service was launched in the United States a Moontaxi - no counting, no downloads the market research company projected US$1.6 billion
few months ago, four tiered price plans were A Toronto-based startup called Moontaxi thinks it in worldwide online music sales this year, and a
announced. has the answer to PressPlay's complex model of whopping US$6.2 billion by 2006.
In the U.S., PressPlay's Basic Plan costs US$9.95 per counting tracks. When Moontaxi's service launches Naturally, only time will tell i f this forecast is cor-
month, and allows 300 streams and 30 downloads. next month, Co-CEO Derek van der Plaat says it will rect, but many in the industry are cautiously opti-
The Silver Plan costs US$14.95 and lets customers charge only $5.99 per month for unlimited access to mistic. •
stream 500 tracks and download 50. Under the Silver streamed music in a variety of genres. Clive Hobson, spokesman for Sympatico-Lycos
Plan, customers can also burn 10 tracks (of the 50 Initially launching with classical and jazz music explained, "it's a huge market ... but how the Canadian
downloaded) onto a CD-R. The company's Gold Plan (and adding additional genres at a later date), market will shape up, remains to be seen." •
Digital audio formats made easy

By GEOFF MARTIN MP3Pro player. This extra information

effectively doubles the perceived audio
When it comes to audio formats, MP3 quality o f a digital file, which means
is still the king, at least as far as being that a regular MP3 encoded at 128Kbps
able to trade and download them with a could b e stored as a n MP3Pro f i l e
decent level o f selection. But truth be encoded a t 64Kbps. Even w i t h such
told, MP3 doesn't offer the best com- excellent savings o n storage space,
pression ratio out there, nor does it offer however, the MP3Pro format has suf-
the best audio quality. So, f o r those fered from little o r no publicity and
seeking better compression ratios, better poor adoption rates.
audio quality or a comfort level some- Finally, any true audiophile worth his
where i n between, what follows is a or her salt i s currently evangelizing
brief rundown of the alternatives. about t h e Monkey's A u d i o f o r m a t
Of all t h e alternative formats o u t (, which i s likely
there, the one that might have the best the best format for people who, well,
chance o f taking t h e digital audio don't like their audio "monkeyed" with.
throne away from MP3 is AAC (www.aac- Billed as a "lossless audio compressor,", which stands for Advanced el from it. Not content with alty-free format. The royal- Monkey's Audio boasts a compression
Audio Coding. The AAC format was its headlock on the browser ty-free consideration is a big one, rate of nearly 4 to 1 in some cases, with
introduced by Dolby Laboratories at the and operating system industries, since the Fraunhofer Insitute now no loss in sound data, which means that
2001 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Microsoft didn't waste much time i n wants to charge a royalty fee for all you could decompress a Monkey's file
Vegas, and Dolby claims that while its developing the WMA format and is now products that use its MP3 technology — back into a digital copy that is identical
AAC files sound better than MP3 files pushing the technology wherever it can a story that could get very messy i f the to the original. As the format's site sug-
encoded at similar bit rates, they are get a foot in the door. On the bright Institute ever decides to make good on gests, "think of it as a beefed-up Winzip
also up to 30 per cent smaller, which side, the format boasts smaller file sizes its threats. As i t stands now, the Ogg for your music."
means faster downloading time and less than MP3s with equal sound quality; Vorbis format continues t o improve Whatever choice y o u make when
time to rip an audio CD into AAC for- but on the dark side, the format features thanks t o i t s grassroots developing you're encoding your own digital music
mat. Of particular interest to the record- copyright protection t h a t i s o f t e n community, with compression rates get- files, you must first accept that for now,
ing industry, the format also comes with unwieldy and i t i s still incompatible ting better while t h e audio quality MP3 is still the most widely accepted
built-in copyright protection, where with certain operating systems (read: remains steady. format, and so for the least headaches,
necessary. Dolby recently introduced a Linux), as well as many portable music One of the newer formats is MP3Pro it's still the best option. It works seam-
new AAC consumer encoder, which puts players. Until some o f these issues are (, another lessly across all platforms, i t works on
the power to record files in the AAC for- worked out, all the muscle of Microsoft innovation o f the Fraunhofer Institute, nearly 100 per cent of portable players,
mat into the hands o f consumers, and won't be enough to take WMA to the in c o n j u n c t i o n w i t h T h o m s o n and it has the widest selection of songs
this encoder is built into the newest ver- top. Multimedia. MP3Pro files look and act available for download. But for those
sion o f Liquid Audio software (www.liq- Ogg Vorbis ( i s the same as a regular MP3 file, and your looking for better quality or smaller file another format getting the attention of regular audio player w i l l p l a y a n sizes, MP3 is quickly beginning to look
Next is the Windows Media Format, or many audiophiles, and not just because MP3Pro file just like any regular MP3. like the tyrannosaurus rex o f the audio
WMA (, w h i c h of its unusual name. Unlike MP3, which But the files are embedded with extra world: It's sitting at the top of the food
was born when Microsoft was forced to is a patented audio format owned by the high frequency information and you'll chain, but we all know it's eventually
sit back and watch the start of the MP3 Fraunhofer Institute i n Germany, Ogg only get the added benefits of this extra headed for extinction.
revolution without making a plum nick- Vorbis is a completely open-source, roy- digital info i f you play the files in an May the best format win! •

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ASUS P4S333-M M.B. INTEL P-41.6 478GHZ INTEL P-4 1.6 478GHZ
128 MB PC133 SD RAM 128 MB PC133 SD RAM 256 MB PC2100 266 DDR RAM 256 MB PC2100 266 DDR RAM 256 MB PC2100 266 DDR RAM
40GB ATA 100 HDD 40GB ATA 100 HDD 40GB ATA 100 HDD 40GB ATA 100 HDD 4006 ATA 100 HDD/ 1.44FDC
52X CD-ROM / 1.44FDD 52X CD-ROM / 1.44FDD 52X CD-ROM / 1.44FDD LG 24X10X40 CDRW / 1.44FDD LG 24X10X40 CDRW 16X SONY DVD
AMD DURON 1.1: 479 AMD XP 1800+: $609 AMD XP 1800+: $729 XP1900/2000:$999/1099P4-t7/1.8: $759/5799 P4-1.7/1.8: $909/949 P4-1.7/1.8: 6939/979
MAXTOR SOCKET A SAMSUNG ATI Radeon 7000 64M T/0 $ 75 16 B r PC SC $ 11 16X Sony $ 73
20GB 5400 / 7200 $ 99/$114 ECS K7S5A $ 86 17" 7505/753DF/700NF $199/229/319 ATI Radeon 7500 64M $129 S.B. 128 BIT PCI $ 29 16X Samsung $ 76
40GB 5400 / 7200 $112 / $129 ASUS A7VE-A $ 1 1 9 1 9 19' 95013/955DF/90ONF $317/365/535 ATI Radeon 8500 64m 5239 S.B. LIVE 5.1 oem $ 46 16X Pioneer $ 89
60GB 5400 / 7200 . $ 1 4 5 / $165 MSI K7T266 PRO2 4 NEC ATI ALL-IN-WON 7500 64M OEM $236 S.B. AUDIGY oem $ 92 CD-WRITER
80GB 5400 / 7200 $185 / $ 209 ASUS A7N266 1T FE700-. white/black $282 ATI ALL-IN-WON 7500 64M RETAIL $252 S.B. KIP3*RED(GAMER $133 24X10X40 LG $119
120GB 5400 $ 299 ASUS A7V266 / ER RAID $212 /$52229$919' FE950*white/black ATI ALL-IN-WON 8500 DV $ 5 0 9 S.B. PLATINUM RETAIL
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160GB 5400 $ 409 ASUS A7M266A / D 8 2 1 5 / $349 VIEWSONIC SPEAKER 24X10X40 Aopen $129
SOCKET 478 (P4) 17' E70f / 070f $ 2 6 5 15295 Geforce2 MX400 64NVIVOUT $ 79489 Cambridge SoundWork SW320 $ 49 24X10X40 Panasonic $127
40GB 5400 / 7200 $112 / $129 ASUS P4S333-M / P4S333 $125 / $159 17' E75f / G75f $ 2 8 0 1 $299 ASUS V7100 PRO64M/TVO $ 11 8 4 1 3 9 Cambridge INSP5300 $ 1 2 9 24X10X40 Plextor retail $199
60GB 5400 / 7200 $ 149 / $176 ASUS P4TE / WA $ 2 4 9 / $259 19' E901/ PF790 $ 3 9 9 $539 ASUS V770011Pure/Deluxe64M $1894229 Cambridge INSP5700 $ 3 7 9 32X10X40 LG $139
80GB 5400 / 7200 $ 179 / 2 1 9 ASUS P46266 $ 2 3 9 LCD ASUS V8200 12 Pure/Dee4m $249/5299 AEOn Lansing AVS300/500 8 4 9 / 5 5 9 32X10X40 LITEON CDRW $149
IBM MSI 6566-010 845 ULTRA-C $124399 15' SCEPTRE $499 ASUS V8200 64M PU/DE $ 4 2 9 4 4 9 9 CD-ROM 32X10X40 AOPEN $139
40GB / 60GB 7200 $ 139/8175 ECS P4VAD $ 1 2 2 15' NEC 1550V $525 MICROSTAR G-Force4 64m $ 1 9 9 AOPEN 52X / 56X $ 3 6 / 4 0 40x12x40 Plexlor retail $252
80GB / 12008 7200 $239 / 4 0 9 ECS P4S5A $ 1 3 5 15' SAMSUNG 151S $535 thridia Gforce4 MX440 64M DDR $189 LG 52K $ 39 SUBJECTCHANGEDWITHOUT NOTICE.
2 6 TORONTO C O M P U T E S ! A P R I L 2002
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Metronome Canada:
The city of music
By CHRIS TALBOT ments — past, present and future. becoming m o r e
"It's an initiative to integrate, educate, intertwined w i t h
After a decade o f gathering support, celebrate and promote a l l facets o f technology e v e r y
raising funds and drafting plans, John Canadian music," said Harris, president year. Those involved
Harris's dream of a national music sym- of Metronome Canada and the founder in the music industry
bol could make a significant leap for- of Harris Institute f o r t h e A r t s . and those who make
ward as early as July 2003 when con- Metronome's f o u r main focuses are music part o f their
struction o f Metronome Canada could business, education, performance and lives understand how
begin. After ground is broken, i t will celebration, he added. much o f an impact
take t w o years t o build Metronome Since the first letters requesting sup- technology has had
Canada on the waterfront at the base of port were sent out in 1993, 62 music-
Bathurst Street in Toronto. related companies have become patrons
Being billed as the world's first music of Metronome. According t o t h e
city, Metronome will grow out o f the Metronome Web site (www.meironome-
Canada Malting Silo Complex and will, 72 music-related companies
contain a music museum, an 800-seat have expressed interest in leasing space
concert theatre, offices f o r the music once it has opened.
industry, a music education centre, Metronome will occupy approximate-
music-related stores, restaurants, a ly 33,750 square metres (375,000 square
music-themed children's playground feet) o f space. The grain silos a t the
and a floating e x h i b i t celebrating Canada Malting Silo Complex will be
Yorkville Avenue o f the 196Os called re-used for Metronome (they date back
The Riverboat. I f everything goes as to 1928 and 1944), and the rest of the
planned, Metronome w i l l become a music city will be built around them.
symbol of Canadian music accomplish- The creation and recording of music is

Cost cutting.
Control. The Metronome Canada Timeline
March 17, 1993
John Harris sends out 150 letters proposing an
Integrated music complex and receives 87 posi-
tive responses.

on music in recent years. Aside from the August 12, 1993

Metronome Canada Foundation registered as a
debate about MP3 and digital music dis- non-profit corporation.
tribution, more complex and accessible
recording and mixing software applica- March 15, 1994
The design for Metronome by Kuwabara Payne
tions have become available. Digital McKenna Blumberg unveiled. The design goes
instruments are now the norm in much on to win a number of awards and is featured
of the music recorded today. I n some at an exhibition held in Barcelona, Spain by the
Union of International Architects In 1995.
cases, music is programmed, not per-
Slim down your monthly payments today. formed. September 10, 1995
Many musk-related companies (62 of them, in
If you have an outstanding credit card balance or a loan at a rate Mars too "The Metronome itself will be a tech- all) become founding patrons of Metronome
hefty, it's time to get motivated andshedthose excessive interest charges. nological hub f o r audio, video a n d Canada.
Comtech Credit Union has the perfect plan to help you"get fit" fast! telecommunications t e c h n o l o g i e s , "
October 6, 1997
With our Transfer-In application, we'll consolidate your current Harris said. "On top of that, part of the Metronome Canada Foundation's application
credit card debt or loans to our "lowest rate" Line of Credit. major exhibit, which is Canada's Music for a 99-year lease on the Canada Malting Silo
Museum, will honour and celebrate the Complex is approved.
It's a quick, simple way to improve your cash flow and save
hundreds of dollars a year! role that Canadians have played in cre- January 11, 1999
ating recording and broadcast technolo- Apublic awareness campaign Is launched.
,„ before APril 30,2002 an
APO' j f y to win o f lo$, a • y o
unautoniaticallY spo rt,c0S gies. So we not only intend to utilize August 20, 1999
quo' 4 ° Gift Certificates fr"' cutting edge technologies, b u t w e The Metronome Canada Pavillon Is featured at
intend t o celebrate the contributions the Canadian National Exhibition in Toronto.
If you're In a communication technology-related Industry, Canadians have made." July 1, 2003
benefit from a full service financial institution that
understands your specific needs. Call 1 - 8 0 0 - 2 0 9 - 7 4 4 4 or While some o f the complex will be This Is the earliest construction could begin on
,specifically f o r businesses, all o f the Metronome.
'Nopurchase necessary visit for an online application.
major exhibits are designed for the pub- July 1, 2005
lic. Harris said he expects Metronome to If ground is broken on July 1, 2003, this Is when
CREDIT UNION where your dreams m a t t e r Motrogome would hold its grand opening.
be a great tourist destination. 4'
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IDE 7200 RPM, ATAI100 : ( Please call for the current price, Med Tower 6 bays ATX 250W $ 60 I Please call for the current price, AOpen 56K Int V.90 wNoice PCI $ 42 D-Link PCI 10/100 BT card $ 25
Maxtor (Quantum') 20 GB $ 121 P4 Med Tower 6 bays ATX 300W $ 79 or refer to our WEB site AOpen 56K Ext V.90 Serial $ 89 3Com 3090510/100 BT Oak) $ 57
or refer to our WEB site. All retail SDRAM 128M, 133MHz $ 72
Maxtor 'Quantum) 40 GB $ 139 box Include Fan & 3 yr. warranty ) P4 Med Tower ATX 300W with USB $ 99 USR 56K Int V.90 PCI HW b u l k $ 75 3Com 3C996 100OBT Server Adapter $ 268
AOpen Full Tower 10 bays 300W $ 129 SDRAM 256M. 133MHz $ 124 USR 56K Ext V.92 $ 139 3Com 3C1646412 ports Switch $ 675
MaxtoruaQuantum) 60 GB $ 179 Celeron 950 MHz 1 2 8 K 5 115 SDRAM 512M, 133MHz $ 250
Maxtor G B 80 GB $ 235 Celeron' 1.0 GHz 2 5 6 K $ 122 In-Win P4 Case 300W $ 102 3Com 3C164686 ports 1000137Switch $1088
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Coleman 1.1 GHz 2 5 6 K $ 135
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VIDEO CARDS ntele Pro/100+ PCI (bait) $ 57
WD 60 GB $ 189 Celeronm 1,3 GHz 2 5 4 3 K $ 169 Rackmounts Chasis 4U P4 300W $ 280 All N Wonder (add-on PCI) r e t a i l 99 ntekePro/100+ SEC $ 69
WD 80 GB $ 245 ATX Power Supply 250W $ 37 DDR 256M, PC266 $ 165 Melo Pre/100i. Server $ 115
DDR 512M, PC266 $ 305 ASUS V7100 Pro Pure 6 4 M $ 142
WD 100 GB 3 2 5 Penhum01111.0 GHz 256K $ 225 ATX Power for P4 300W / 400W $ 49 /109 ASUS V8200 Ti200 Pure 6 4 M $ 285 ntel® Pro/1000T Desktop $ 155
WD120 GB $ $362 RAMBUS 64M 800MHz $ 50 ntel® Pro/1000 Server Adapter 2 8 8
Pentium® Ill 1.13 GHz 512< $ 325 RAMBUS 128M 800MHz $ 88 ASUS V820011200 Deluxe 64M $ 329
PentiumG1111.26 GHz 512K $ 379 I N P U T D E V I C E S All Xpen 2000 Pro 4X 3 2 M $ 62 Mello PCMCIA 10/100BT RealPort 1 7 3
FIREWIRE 1394: RAMBUS 256M 800MHz $ 170 rite/® Wireless Gateway $ 359
Pentium® III 1.4 GHz 512K $ 629 AOpen / Keytronic 104 keys KB PS2 $13 /15 ATI Radeon 7000SCRAMNo 64M $ 86
Maxtor 60 GB Ext 7200rprn $ 439 ATI Radeon 750000e weoex 64M retail 215 ntel® Wireless AP 2 PCMCIA $ 1 0 8 0
Maxtor 80 GB Ext 7200rpm $ 499 Pentium& 4 1.7 GHz 2561( $ 303 Logitech Wheel Mouse PS2 $ 15
ATI Rodeo) 8500 DOR* our64M retail 295
LAVA Rewire IDE Enclosure $ 145 PentiumOD 4 1.8 GHz 2 5 6 K $ 349 MS / AOpen 2-Button PS2 Mouse $ 8 SCANNERS / WEBCAM ATI NI-In-Wonder 7500 6 4 M retail 285 Unksys BEFSR41 4 ports switch $ 135
LAVAUSB 2.0 IDE Enclosure $ 145 Pentiume04 1.9 GHz 2561( $ 405 MSWheel Optical Mouse $ 27
0-Link DSB-C300 $ 107 ATI NI-In-Wonder 8500DV 64M retail 530 Unksys BEFSRU31 $ 179
Pentiunkte4 1.6 GHz 5 1 2 K $ 255 MS Internet Keyboard $ 33
HP ScanJet 2200C U S B $ 122 MSI GF2 MX200 Pro2 3 2 M $ 79 Unksys Wireless BEFW11S4 $ 275
SCSI 10000 RPM, Ultra 160: Pentium404 1.8 GHz 5121( $ MS Wireless Desktop (KB+Mouse)
355 MS Wireless IntelliMouse Cap $ 89 Unksys Wireless PCMCIA Card $ 149
$ 98 HP ScanJet 4400C USB/Parallel $ 153 MSI GF2 MX400 Pro TV-out 64M $ 119
Maxtor KW018L2 18G 1 315 Pennum094 2A GHz 5 1 2 f ( i 625 HP ScanJet 54700 USB/Parallel $ 425 Linksys Wireless USB $ 145
Maxtor KW036L4 36G 5 3 5 MSI GF2 TiVX200 DDR rvex64M $ 155
Pentlum64 2.2 GHz 5 1 2 K 9 4 5 HP ScanJet 74500 U S B I S C S I $ 899 MSI GF3 Ti200 DDR Vft/0 64M $ 255 Linksys Wireless PCI $151
Maxtor KW073L8 73G 1 1 4 5 Pentium04 2.0081z 423-pin 5 7 0 HP ScanJet 74900 U S B / S C S I $1259 Unksys Wireless Print Server $ 229
Seagate ST-318406LW 18G $ 315 CD / DVD I REWRITER
Seagate ST-3367061W 36.40 $ 545 Creative int IDE 52X CD-Drive $ 49 Netgear FS105 5 ports Switch $ 74
Seagate ST-3734051W 73G $ 1 1 6 5 LG int IDE 52X CD-Drive $ 43 MONITORS
I n t e l ® M O T H E R B O A R D S LG int IDE 16X DVD Drive $ 87 INKJET PRINTERS Acer V551 I F 1024 27 $ 1 9 Netgear FS108 8 ports Switch $ 115
NECAS70 1 r . 1280.27 $ 215 Netgear F$11616 ports Switch $ 232
SCSI 15000 RPM, Ultra 160: 0815EGEWU $ 155 LG int IDE 24 410 40 w/ software $ 135 HPDJ 656C U S B $ 99 Netgear 10/100912 port Print Server $ 179
Seagate ST-3184521W 18G $ 485 D8I5EGEWUL $ 175 LG int IDE 32x to w / software $ 155 HPDJ 845C U S B NECAS75F 1 T 1280.25 $ 2
$ 144
Seagate ST-3367521W 36G $ 815 D815EPEA $ 175 LG int IDE 12 [8 sz 8 X DVD $ 165 HPDJ 940CVR U S B NECAS95F 1 9 ' 1600 .25 $ 375 10/100 BaseT ( RJ45, 8 wire) Jack $ 1.5
$ 235
D815EEA2L $ 205 Pioneer int IDE DVD-R/RW seller waft $ 705 HPDJ 990C U S B NECAS125F 2 2 ' 1600 24 $ 78545Ethernet
$ 425 $545 Cable RG58/10/100137 0 . 2 2 / f t
Int IDE HD ATA/100 Removable let $ 29 Samsung int IDE 16X DVD Drive $ 82 NEC LCD 1550V 1 5 ' 1024 30
HP DJ 122000 U S B / P a r a l l e l $ 549 10013T 4 1101255 wt Connector $ 6 8 / 12
!Omega Int IDE 250M ZIP drive $ 119 08451-1V Pentium® 4 $ 985 Roxio EZ-CD creator V5.0 (bulk) $ 18 NEC LCD 1700V I T 1280 .26 $ 968 RJ45
HP CP1160 U S B / P a r a l l e l $ 559 key jack module for wall plate $ 5.5
Panasonic 1.44M floppy drive $ 16 08451-NI Pentium® 4 $ 205 Blank CD-R Sony 80 min. $ $1.3 Lexmark Jatprinter Z22 U S B $ 80 NEC LCD 1850E 1 8 ' 1280.28 $1295 Wall plate (1/2/4/6 holes) $ 2.2
Seagate Int 24G DAT drivecalrape $ 1 2 3 9 D845WN Pentium® 4 $ 195 Blank CD-RW Sony 74 mg. 2 , 9 Lexmark Jetprinter Z33 U S B $ 103 NEC LCD 2010X-P 2 0 ' 1280.31 $3259
Seagate Int 400 DAT drive wltape $ 1 6 5 5 D845WNL Pentium® 4 $ 215 Blank DVD-R DVD-RW Sony $ 20 / 33 Lexmark Jetprinter Z53 U S B $ 163 Samsung 750S 1 7 ' 1280 .24 $ 215
O845P1 Pentium& 4 DDR $ 204 Samsung 753DF I T 1280.20 S$259
IEEE 81-direction printer cable 6 ft $ 15
Adapter 2906 kit/ 2930U kit $ 791135 0845PTL Pentium® 4 DDR $219 Samsung 955DF 1 9 ' 1600.20 389 U n I n t e r r u p t I b l e P o w e r
Adapter Fireconnect 4300 kit (Wad) $ 9 2 0845B0 Pentium® 4 DDR $ 220 S O U N D C A R D / S P E A K E R Viewsonic E7OF 1 7 ' 1280.25 $ 283 S u p p l y ( U P S )
Adaptec 29160N Ultra 160 kit (ret4 $ 455 0845801 Pentium& 4 DDR $ 240 SB 16 PCI (bulk) $ 26 Viewsonic E90 1 9 ' 1600.27 $ 379 APC - American Power Conversion
LASER PRINTERS Vey/sonic G9OF 1 9 ' 1600.25 $ 469
Adaptec 39160 Ultra 160 kit (retail) $ 569 D850MD Pentium® 4 $ 225 SB Live Dolby Digital 5.1 (bulk) $ 49
Adaptec Raid 2100S 32M (retail) $ 599 0850MOL Pentium® 4 $ 242 SB Audio w/1394 (bulk) $ 96 HP1090 1 0 ppm 1 M $ 359 Vievesonic G810 2 1 ' 1600.25 $ 959 Personal 7 Outlet w/Modem $ 35
Adaptec Raid 2100S 32M let (retail) $ 689 D850MV Pentium® 4 $ 235 SBAudigy Gamer / MP 3. (retail) $ 137 HP 1200 1 5 ppm 8 M $ 579 Viewsorec P220F 2 T 1600.25 $1140 Backup-UPS 350 $ 139
SBAudigy Platinum (retail) $ 269 HP 2200D 1 9 ppm 8 M $ 1 1 8 8 Backup-UPS 500 $ 195
Adaptec Raid 3200S 32M (retail) $ 1 0 4 5 D850MVL Pentionasoft Backup-UPS Pro 500UC $ 229
Intel® Raid SRCMR $ 465 D850GB Pentium® 4 SBAudigy Platinum External (retail) $ 335
$242 25
$ 203 HP4100 2 5 ppm 16M $ 1 6 3 5
Intel® Raid SRCU32 $ 945 O85008AL Pentium. 4 8 Altec Lansing AVS200W $ 29 HP4550 1 6 ppm 64M Color $3195 S o f t w a r e (Microsoft OEM versions Backup-UPS Pro 1000 $ 549
Ntec Lansing AVS300W 3pcs Lexmark E210 12 ppm 4 M $ 299 must be purchased with Systems) Backup-UPS Pro 1400 $ 719
LAVA ISA I PCI printer card $ 28/49 MS Office XP Small Business OEM $ 280 Smart-UPS 700Net w/ Software $ 519
Prom se Ultra ATA1133 controller $ 79 S815EBM1 Server Board $ 249 Mac Lansing AVS500W 5pcs $ 69 Lexmark E320 16 ppm 4 M $ 460
SA12Server Board $ 645 Altec Lansing ATP4 5pcs $ 179 Lexmark T520 20 ppm 8 M 1 0 1 9 MS Office XP Professional O E M $ 515 Smart-UPS 1000 USB / RS232 $ 739
Prom se Pastime Kit $ 145 Norton Antivirus 2002 O E M $ 44 Smart-UPS 1500 USB / RS232 $ 965
ProMse Fasttrak100 TX2 Raid $ 159 STL2 Server Board Creative Inspire 4.14400 $ 85 Lexmark C720 24 ppm 32M Color 12965
Prom se Supertrak SX6000 Raid 5 $ 449 SDS2 Server Board $ 05500 Creative Inspire 5.15300 $ 139 QMS Magicolor 2200 DeskLaser 1 6 5 5 Windows XP Professional O E M $ 265 Smart-UPS Racirmount 2U 1000 $ 879 APRIL 2 0 0 2 T O R O N T O C O M P U T E S ! 2 9
How to get rid of that useless CD pile responsibly
By ANDREW MOORE-CRISPIN ping costs will be your responsibility. GreenDisk started as a service for soft- "As I'm fond of saying, ' i f you're no
GreenDisk i s o n e such company. ware companies concerned f o r their buying recycled, you're not really recy
So what do you do with those ISP CDs GreenDisk president and founder David intellectual property when getting rid of Beschen said.
that come in the mail or the "coasters" Beschen says they will accept all forms overstock o r redundant software, and Scientists are at work trying to figuri
that you made when you just couldn't of electronic media for recycling, from branched out into accepting recyclable out a way to recover polycarbonate of
wait to check your e-mail while you floppies to CD and DVD discs from com- media from the consumer level as well. high enough quality to be remade into
were burning a disc? panies or consumers. Magnetic media like floppy disks are optical media discs, Beschen said. "It ha
If you're like most people, you proba- Beschen says GreenDisk fills a niche degaussed a n d r e -sold u n d e r t h e to reach a certain level (of optical qual
bly throw them out almost as quickly as that is largely unexplored. GreenDisk label, and optical media is ity) or it won't be used."
you get them, perhaps after a quick and "If you want to recycle, that's great if chipped up and shipped out to compa- CD-ROMs and DVDs have to be of till
potentially i n j u r i o u s g a m e o f you have a million pounds of nies that de-metalize, and recover the highest optical quality, Beschen says
Frisbee. something," he said, "but polycarbonate for use in the automobile, but music CDs might be more forgiving
For the environmentally con- what i f you only have appliance and computer industry. Last year, GreenDisk diverted 20 mil
scious consumer, having CDs one?" GreenDisk also sells CD-R media i n lion units from landfill, "but in our peak
end up in a landfill is sim- GreenDisk will accept Canada and the U.S. The disc itself is not we did about 60 million," he said.
ply not an option. But what any quantity o f CDs made from recycled materials, but the GreenDisk can be contacted througl
can you do? to be recycled. jewel case and other packaging is. their Web site, •
Canadian companies that
recycle CDs on a consumer

Everything old
level a r e seemingly n o n -
existent, or they at least don't
have Web sites.
A recent study f r o m RBC
Financial Group, conducted b y Ipsos- By HAROLD LASS tired piece o f technology t o others lengthy list of local area businesses that
Reid, says that around 50 per cent o f who'll appreciate i t ? N o t everyone will most likely give you cash for your
Canadian households have a PC. The Until recently I had a 386, a keyboard needs hefty amounts o f hard drive computer or components. And i f they
study also suggests that almost half of and some single density 3.5 inch drives space o r high speed processors. F o r can't, they'll take it off your hands.
the households with a PC also have a CD stashed in the basement. What are you word processing, for example, even a • PCUsed — They buy and sell used
burner. still hanging on to? According to Silicon PC 8086, Commodore o r PET antique computers and will even take a trade-in
That, combined with the multitude of Valley Toxics Coalition, what you're will do just fine. These folks would love if you're moving up in quality.
software o n C D , w h i c h eventually really stockpiling is a heap o f heavy to hear from you: • CPUsed — For all you Mac owners.
becomes redundant, makes for a lot o f metals — including lead, mercury, hexa- • Computers for Schools is looking • — Once you've
CDs sitting in landfill. valent chromium, cadmium and bromi- for organizations o r individuals t o registered with them, you can post a
Sony uses ultrasonic waves and sol- nated flame retardants — all highly toxic donate t o this program. It's Canada- sales listing of your own.
vents to remove and recover the gold to the environment, wildlife and human wide and they'll see to it that your com-
and dyes that make CD-R discs record- health i f mismanaged. So, how can you puter will find its way to a school where That ought to be enough to get you
able, for reuse. The polycarbonate that safely manage that ancient four-year- it will be put to use. started o n y o u r recycle quest. Just
the actual disc i s made o f i s also old pile of technology? • U of T SwapShop will pick up your remember, though, that there are better
reclaimed, but the process is apparently First, here's what not to do — don't computer i f it's reusable and give it a uses for neglected computers than hold-
only used in the Japanese plant in the ever bag your unwanted computer and new home. ing open doors or waiting on curbs for
event of a quality issue. peripherals and put the works out for • reBOOT Canada will also pick up trash pickup. That just doesn't com-
Dave Kundapur, continuous improve- garbage on the curb. We don't need to your computer ($25 charge) or you can pute.♦
ment manager with Sony Music Canada contribute more toxic trash to landfills. drop i t o f f and they'll rebuild i t and
says that if a CD on the line is flawed, it Environment Canada estimates that in redistribute it to a charitable organiza-
is sent out for secure disposal and recy- 2005, approximately 12,000 tonnes o f tion i n your community. They'll even
computer waste w i l l be generated i n issue you a tax receipt for the market
Kundapur says once the aluminum Beyond the Bluebox
Toronto, of which 7,000 tonnes will be value o f the donated equipment they
present in pressed CDs is removed, the suitable for reuse or recycling. It's up to accept.
polycarbonate "can be reused in head- us to contribute to the 7,000 tonnes. • Possibilities Project wants Macs
lights, taillights and other applications index.php
And there's a safe way t o d o i t . and PCs, no matter how old. Computers for Schools
where c o l o u r i s n o t important." Toronto, and most other municipalities, ope
However, because o f the high optical is equipped to dispose of your unwant- Cash i t in CPUsed
quality standards for CD manufacturing, ed high tech write-offs. For Toronto As admirable as recycling or donating eBay Canada
the recovered materials aren't reused by computer recycling drop-off locations may be, why not try to recoup some of
Sony Music to make CDs.
and times, visit the Toronto Recycling the big bucks you laid out in the first
Pilot projects are going o n i n the Web site. They'll consign your comput- place f o r that must have computer? PCUsed
States, but i t might be a while before er to hex heaven in an environmental- Here's how:
they are widely available, Kundapur said. Possibilities Project
ly friendly way. And i f you have any • eBay Canada — There's probably
He also says Sony is working toward exhausted laser printer toner cartridges, someone out there willing t o bid on sep1999/computers.html
"cradle-to-grave" manufacturing, where call LaserNetworks (416-363-7404) for reBOOT Canada
your once precious Pentium. Computers
products are taken back to the factory pickup. are hot items on eBay. Many go for Toronto Recycling
when finished their useful life, and around $300 including the monitor.
materials are reused and recycled. U of T SwapShop
Give it away • Beyond the Bluebox — Enter "com-
Some American companies will recy- But what's old to you may be gold to puters- in the search field o f this terrif- man/bignvast.htm#Computers
cle CDs on the consumer level, but ship- someone else. W h y not donate your ic city o f Toronto search engine for a
I thip.Wuritt

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Making music from a Net connection

By HAROLD LASS Net buys, sells and trades all types o f for the casual pianist. Their online demo the brain against dementia in old age."
musical instruments from cutting edge claims to have you playing in one day. See that) Because I really do play the
When I first picked up a banjo, home to vintage. They have a large selection Of course, for the full exposure to their five string banjo, definitely not profes-
computers, much less the Internet, did- and a full range of prices and quality. approach, there's a fee. sionally, I'm not demented — yet. •
n't exist. But now that both do, the N,et's Of course, the classifieds are some- Media Guitar Method produces a
the first place y o u should head t o times a rich source o f used musical series o f professionally endorsed CD
unleash your musical muse. instruments. Toronto's guitar tutorials. Their eMedia Guitar
First, the basics. You need an instru-
ment and you have several choices —
has a selection every now and then.
Super Shopper Classifieds also lists
Method I is packed with chord strum-
ming, playing melodies and fingerpick-
more I N F O
Childhood Musical Training...
new, used or rental. The best place to instruments for sale or trade. ing, a n d includes songs f r o m B o b
start i f you want to buy is eBay. You'll Don't forget the rent-to-own option. Dylan, The Grateful Dead and Steve Clever Joe's Musician's Resource Centre
find lots t o choose from, and since It's not a bad idea if you're not sure this Miller. The CDs come with a 30-day www.cleverjoe,com/index.html
many of them are unwanted cast-offs, is a l o n g term commitment. G a r y money back guarantee, which makes
the prices are good. Armstrong Woodwinds is one of a num- them a pretty safe venture. The prices Gary Armstrong Woodwinds
Musicians Buy Line sells (or trades) ber of places that offer this opportunity. are in U.S. dollars. Long & McQuade
everything from amplifiers and band Once you've become a musical instru- How about "live music lessons from
instruments to violins and woodwinds. ment owner, the next step is to squeeze your home, when you want with the Media Guitar Method
And most o f i t is pre-owned, so the notes out o f it that sound reasonably teacher o f your choice." So says the Musicians Buy Line
prices are reasonable. Since many of the close to pleasant. OnlineConservatory. A l l you need is a
sellers are i n the U.S., you'll need to OnilneConservatory
Always wanted t o play the piano? MIDI-compatible keyboard and a con-
convert t o Canadian dollars (use The Simple. I f you've got a piano or key- nection to the Net. You can even sign up Piano Lessons Unlimited
Full Universal Currency Converter) t o board gathering .dust, head over t o for a free trial lesson — no obligation.
know what the bottom line is. Richmond's Trading Post on the Net
Piano Lessons Unlimited and they'll There's a health benefit to all o f this
For a list of Internet links to Canadian show you how rhythmic patterns and musicianship, by the way. Aside from Super Shopper Classifieds
used a n d n e w musical instruments chords can unlock the keys instantly. the pleasure your playing may give you
The Full Universal Currency Converter
retailers, C l e v e r J o e ' s Musician's They compare their technique to play- (and others, hopefully), a Toronto group
Resource Centre is the place to go. ing the guitar. Very few casual guitar of researchers has set about ir, a longi- Toronto's
Don't let the name "pawnbroker" scare players read music. They play chords in
tudinal s t u d y t o demonstrate t h a t
you off. Richmond's Trading Post on the combination with basic rhythms. Same "childhood musical training may protect

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Polk AMR 70 2 . 1 Speakers 44W$ 9 5 Whether you have one machine for the used for fail-safe backup connections).
Polk AMR 90 4 . 1 Speakers 80W$ 1 1 5 kids and a different one for work, or Although the Barricade features four
Polk AMR 130 5.1 S p e a k e r s Digital 8 0 W $ 1 9 5 even i f you run a small home-based ports, it supports up to 253 computers
Polk AMR 150 4.1 S p e a k e r s Digital 1 1 4 W $ 2 2 5 / business, sharing your access can be a when used with additional hubs.
real boon. After looking into various
sharing solutions, I decided to go with Setup
the SMC Barricade. I found the Barricade quite easy to set
Creative Inspire 2400 2.1 Speakers 21W$ 6 5 up and get working under both Linux
Creative Inspire 4400 4.1 Speakers 41W$ 9 5 Features and W i n d o w s . U s i n g Netscape
Creative Inspire 5300 5.1 Speakers 48W$ 1 4 5 SMC promotes the Barricade as an Navigator, I configured the Barricade to
Creative Inspire 5700 5.1 Speakers Digital 7 9 W $ 4 1 5 "all-in-one networking solution f o r connect to my ISP. I entered my user
... .1 home and small-business users." This name and password, and then told it to
broadband router (with built-in switch) obtain all network parameters from my
W W W . o r t e c h . ca features f o u r ports and auto-senses ISP. Next, I had t o configure both
( 1 ) s3,40 7 0 2 8 3 8 1 0 1 0
whether your network is 10 o r 100 Windows and Linux t o w o r k w i t h
( ) SDCD 5 2 7 0 8 7 4 3 Z
1 1 1 - 1 1 1 , - , , . . , , . - . , - . 1 - . E 0 @ o z -1- c •-• . = Ar. F . Mbps. It has a built-in fire% all, a four- TCP/IP networking and search f o r a
1 E t ' 7 tzl C I 1..1 r.4 c.....ta S T E 4 . s 1 - i ; port hub, a parallel port print server DHCP (Dynamic Host Control Protocol)
ISIton• Hours: 9AM-7PM Mon-Fri , 1 OAA11-6PM SIMI t . , , , Is, ,s , 8 0 / 3 0 1 - in ,x, , 1=1 r2j I _ 4 . x 1 L . s,
... , . . . . . p , , • • , . . . . 4 e . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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720ORPittATA100, 2M $ 1 2 9 NvIdla INT2 32h4 M64 AGP 5 0 Creative Labs Inspire 2400 5 9 M o b ( 20Gla 7200RPM Ul OD 1 1 9 lhksys 4 Pat code fouler 1 3 9 SAMSUNG 19" FLAT 955DF $ 3 5 9 1 .
leftda Geforce2Mx200 32M 7 5 Creotee lobs mom 4400. 8 5
LG24s10x40 CORM Fable Geloroe2Mx400 64M 9 5 CP300160 labs D1T2500 Digtlal 3 7 5 Mandan 4000, 7200RPM U100 1 2 9 Unksys 8 Port cable Router 2 6 5 Flat Monitor, 1600 x 1280 Max. Resolution. 0.20mm HDPI
Nvidlo Geforce4MX440 64Mdck169 Logrech 5R-30 6 5 Malta 60Gb 720ORPIA 5133 1 7 5 Unksys 4 Port VPN Rode( 2 4 9
feditile.10Reirre,40dRI$125 1MS1Geforce4 lie440 64M DDR 179 Logitech Sokridman (1611-100 1 5 9 Made 8000 720ORPM 2 2 9 Unksw Wireless route seaport 2 7 9
Geforce2 6 4 M DDR Tylout165 logitech 1540 9 9 Quanum AS 20Gb. 7200RPM 1 2 9 Modems
LogitechOptical Mos. ;MSI Geforce2 MX4.00 64M w/tv 115 h h a i k e r i t g a r d 5 Cnionlurn AS 40Gle, 720:RPM 1 4 9 AOPen SV 56k V.90Voice PCI
MSI Geface3 TI200 64M tWout 239 ASS KR7A-Roict SocketA 010133 275 C D / O D D - R O M s
Optical Mouse Oh Scroll $ 2 0 Sound Cards A Open 5 6 4 c V.90Volce PC1 45
Atilt 1117-1 SOCket478 Rdrcrn 2 8 5 Acven 52X CD-ROM IDE 4 5 Smartilnk 56k V90 Voice PCI 23
Asus TUSL2-C FCPGA. Inte4815e 159 Creceve Labs 52X CD-ROM IDE 4 9 USRobotics 566 V.90 FON PCI Logitech
50SpindleBlank CD !Creative Labs SB 128 3
1CreatIve Labs SB Uvel 5.1 5 5
Asus TUV4X-E 370 V1A694x 1 3 5 Pioneer 16X DVD-ROrn IDE 8 9 aar
1-16x800461,700MB $ 2 0
,Cr Labs SB Audlgy Pirb3 1 4 5 Asus P4T-E Intel 850 P4 2 5 9
Crystal 32bit PCI 1 9 Asus 474266 Socket A 1 4 5 Toshbo 16X DVD-ROM IDE 9 5
Asus P48266 Socke1478 Rod 2 4 9 dean 16X DVD-ROM IDE 7 9
MBrother 1230 Laser Printer
EPSOn C40 Inket Paver
2M 3
6 9
1 5
LG16X DVD-ROM Asus P48266C Socket 478 P4 1 8 5 Samsung 16X 0143-ROM 8 5 Epson C60 Ink et Printer 1 4 5
Ito DaD, oar CO $ 8 5 Sornsung I r 750s .2713P 2 0 5 A.SuS 945333 Sock&476 50/DDR 169
Samsung 1 r 753DF .20HP Flat 235 CRBaconlan
HP Laserjet 1000 3 7 0
Samsung ML-1250 Laser BM 3 2 9
miordiessKeyboard&CordlessOpticalMouse,Silver Black
Samsung 17' 70CINF .25AG Rat 349 Asus A7N266 SocketA DOR 2 7 9 A0pran 24x1054174 IDE A n t r a 1 3 9 M o t e c m p a r a d e
Geforce4Mx444 64M Samsung 19" 95513F .20HP Rat 359 Asus A7V266-E SocketA Raid 2 4 9 Liteon 24x10440x IDE 1 2 9 128M SODIMM ram
11ri,44:.,,cf-,=,.,=,..A.Str,,sdrnsund19-90074F25AGRot549 Asus CUV4X-0 Dual Socket370 19 245 Yamaha 20x1040 IDE VS+. 1; 9 9 256M
2 5 SODIMM 1 tarn e v e oreeseresto 1
41e1.4.=1,11=M03.newrZlgrZ4241,1=4"...":.1.:"VtineAltigt,1=44,117,134"4=51e=ragrA7114,==7.1716,',==`,Xt7g=b,.'=.17,A1'.7.1r""'""" ' " " ' ' `r".'
To t a l Musick Plug N Scan Altec Lansing 56k V90 Diamond GVC K6-2 450 Mhz P 3 5 0 M h z
$15.99 Modem
$59- $79-
time: USB 1200 a ' $ 6 9 . 0 0
than 15 minutes 3COM Fax/Lan pcmcia $ 9 9 . 0 0 SOUND BLASTER L I V E P L AT I N U M $ 4 9 -
from the time I opened t h e box.
Hardware requirements are not any- IDP 573 IBM THINKPAD 600E COMPAQ 7800
thing different than what you needed MMX 233 PENTIUM H 366MHZ PENTIUM H 300MHZ
to connect to your ISP. Each computer 32MB SDRAM 96MB SDRAM 128MBSDRAM,100 ZIP
requires an Ethernet card with an RJ- 3GBHDD $ 5 9 9 . 0 0
24X CDROM $ 9 2 9 . 0 0 2 4 1 fCBDRIIOD MD $ 8 9 9 . 0 0 L ° I i GB CDROM
45 cable, and your Internet connection 1.44DRIVE OFF LEASE OFFLEASE LIKE NEW, 5 6 K MODEM L1KENEF 5 6 K MODEM
(xDSL or cable modem) attaches to the 12.1" TFT SCREEN 13.3" TFT SCREEN 14.1" TFT SCREEN
rear o f the Barricade. I moved m y 90DAY WARRANTY 90DAY WARRANTY 90DAY WARRANTY
inkjet printer to the Barricade's print
server to make i t easy to print from COMPAQ/DELL INTELCELERON 500 MHZ DELL
both L i n u x a n d Windows. Under PII 2 3 3 T O P I I 2 6 6 INTEL B P 8 1 0 MOTHER BOARD PH I 5 0 0
Linux, I just used the “printconf' util- 3 2 M B SDRAM PC 6 6
ity to configure a network printer, and 3.2GB H A R D DRIVE 2 0 G B U D M A HARD DRIVE 10GB H A R D DRIVE
under Windows I used the Barricade's CDROM DRIVE 1 . 4 4 M B FLOPPY DISK D R I V E CDROM DRIVE
1 . 4 4 M B FLOPPY AGP V I D E O
CD-ROM to install drivers, and then VIDEO CARD 4 0 X CDROM DRIVE
1 . 4 4 M B FLOPPY
configured m y inkjet as a network SOUND & SPEAKERS 32BIT SOUND SOUND & SPEAKERS
PS/2 1 0 4 KEYS
printer. Both operating systems have KB P S / 2 M O U S E
5 6 K V. 9 0 FAX M O D E M PS/2 1 0 4 KEYS
no problems printing, although the USED SYSTEMS PS/2 1 0 4 K E Y S KEYBOARD
KB P S / 2 M O U S E
Barricade's print server communicates I N T E G R AT E D M O T H E R B O A R D P 5 / 2 M O U S E , 1 Y R PARTS WARRANTY I N T E G R AT E D M O T H E R B O A R D
only one way, so my special Windows P R I C E S S TA R T I N G F R O M :

print software, which allows me t o

check t h e level o f ink, n o longer
works. Note that you should immedi- 90 DAY WARRANTY
ately upgrade the router's firmware to
the latest version to ensure all known D U R O N Systems Green Line Systems X P Systems
bugs are fixed. The default version 1.0 NOWNIDURON 850 GHZ -AMMATHLON K7-950 GHZ X P 1.6 GHZ
had a few minor issues, but the current MSI K 7 T T U R B O 2 M O T H E R B O A R D MSI K 7 T T U R B O 2 M O T H E R B O A R D
version 1.4 appears to have fixed all of 128MB SDRAM ATX M I D T O W E R 128MB SDRAM
the issues I had. Upgrading t h e 20GB HARD DRIVE 128MB SDRAM * 20GB HARD DRIVE
firmware is performed with your Web 3 2 M B AT I V I D E O Upgrade 1 . 4 4 M B FLOPPY Upgrade 3 2 M B AT I V I D E O Upgrade
browser after downloading the latest 52X CDROM D U R - 9 0 0 5585.00 3 2 M B AT I V I D E O K7- 1 . 0 $615.00 5 2 X CDROM XP- 1 . 8 $739.00
driver from SMC's Web site. SOUND CARD OB D U R - 9 5 0 $595.00 52X CDROM K7- 1 . 4 $700.00 S O U N D CARD OB XP- 1 . 9 $575.00
5 6 K V 9 0 FA X M O D E M SPEAKERS 3 P I E C E 5 6 K V 9 0 FA X M O D E M
Usage P 5 / 2 1 0 4 K E Y S KB P 5 / 2 M O U S E 5 6 K V 9 0 FA X M O D E M P 5 / 2 1 0 4 K E Y S KB P S / 2 M O U S E

Daily usage with the Barricade has I N T E G R AT E D S O U N D PS/2 1 0 4 K E Y S KB P S / 2 M O U S E I N T E G R AT E D S O U N D

proven to be a joy. I'm happy to have do,24 r

*FOR 1 2 8 D D R ADD $ 1 0 . 0 0

a strong firewall protecting my com- h. 0 1 i eD • eD• 0 0

unauthorized users (since they are on
24/7) and using the print server made Upgrade or Add : Gold Line Business Red Line Gaming
sharing my inkjet easy. The negatives
6 4 To 1 2 8 M B P C - 1 3 3 (UPGRADE)
1 2 8 TO 2 5 6 M B P C - 1 3 3 (UPGRADE)
TYAN S 2 0 9 0 M O T H E R B O A R D 4 7 8 INTEL D 8 5 0 G B PC- 4 0 0 M O T H E R BOARD 4 2 3
include poor logging capabilities, no 1 2 8 TO 2 5 6 M B D D R (UPGRADE) $65
ATX P 4 M I D T O W E R 3 0 0 W P S ATX P 4 M I D T O W E R 3 0 0 W P S .
1 2 8 TO 2 5 6 M B R A M B U S (UPGRADE) $65
ability to notify me i f problems arise 4 0 G B TO 4 0 G B 7 2 0 9 R P M (UPGRADE)
1 2 8 M B SDRAM MEMORY 2 5 6 M B PC- 8 0 0 RDRAM M E M O RY
and the Web-based online help is min- CDROM TO 1 6 X D V D - R O M (UPGRADE) $40
40GB U D M A 1 0 0 HARD DRIVE 4 0 G B U D M A 1 0 0 . HARD D R I V E u p g r a d e
imal (although the printed and PDF 2 4 X 1 0 X 3 2 LG CDRW (ADD) $135
3 2 M B AT I V I D E O U p g r a d e 3 2 M B AT I V I D E O P 4 - 1 . 7 $1225.00
SB L I V E 5 . 1 ( U P G R A D E ) ' $50
manuals are quite good). 1 7 " KDS MONITOR (ADD) $210
5 2 X LG C D R O M D R I V E P 4 - 1 . 7 $799.00 16X DVD-CDROM DRIVE P 4 - 1 . 8 $1249.00

3 2 B I T SOUND CARD P 4 - 1.8 $869.00 SOUND BLASTER LIVE 5.1 P 4 - 2 . 0 $1599.00

1 9 " CTX V S - 1 9 0 1 M O N I T O R ( A D D ) $325
5 6 K V. 9 0 P C I FA X M O D E M
Package 1 9 " VIEWSONIC P F 7 9 0 MONITOR (ADD)
5 6 K V. 9 0 P C I FA X M O D E M
P 4 - 2 . 0 $ 11 4 9 . 0 0
The package retails for $139.99 and WINDOWS MILLENNIUM (ADD) $109
PS/2 1 0 4 K E Y S KEYBOARD P S / 2 M U LT I M E D I A K E Y B O A R D

includes the Barricade router (measur- WINDOWS 2 0 0 0 PRO (ADD) $215

N O N - I N T E G R AT E D V I D E O A N D S O U N D
ing 18x10x3 cm), a power adapter, a W I N D O W S XP- H O M E (ADO) $150

35-page Quick Installation Guide, a

112-page Users' Guide, an installation
COREL OFFICE 2 0 0 0 ( A D D )
$749.00 $1175.00
CD (for setting up the print server
under Windows) and one Category 5
Fast Ethernet cable. More information V i s i t o u r s h o w r o o m f o r it s t o r e S p e c i a l s !

on this product can be found online at Mississauga • INC B N C S y s t e m s I n c . 7 2 0 5 T r a n m e r e
Steele Ave
D r . U n i t # 6

Visit our Website Today! . 4 0 7 ,

DI pa R d .

Drew Rd
uswEma, w w w . l b r i c c o n r i - c o r i a N 4 1 0 1
Ullo_ B N C
Bremelea Rd
Y e / . ( 9 0 6 ) 6 7 8 - 1 . 2 4 2 S a t u r d a y
Derry Rd.
F a x - . ( 8 0 6 ) 6 7 8 - 1 2 5 2 9 : 3 0 a r n - 6 : 3 0 p m 1 1 : 0 0 a m - 5 : 0 0 p m L T o r o n t o Int. A i r p o r t

canad c o m p u t e . c o m A P R I L 2 0 0 2 T O R O N T O C O M P U T E S ! 3 9
Digital Shots: Imaging software for you
By CHRIS TALBOT you'll need to purchase a scanner before Shop Pro and how to get Unless y o u a r e d o i n g
you can start manipulating photographs the most out o f the tools work that will be printed
Photography can be a fun and reward- on your computer. available. Written s o a in CMYK (professional
ing hobby, but getting out in the field beginner c a n read a n d printers u s e C M Y K ) ,
and shooting with your digital or 35mm Three popular options understand it, the manual Elements should be suffi-
camera until your heart is content is Paint Shop Pro 7 by Jasc Software is a also defines key terms used cient for your needs. The
only half of the fun. Most amateur pho- powerful application designed a n d in digital imaging, such as suggested retail price is
tographers' work ends when they drop a priced for the consumer. Currently sell- TIFF (tagged image file for- $149.99.
roll of film off to be developed or when ing f o r a suggested retail price o f mat), TWAIN (an industry
they transfer images from their digital $149.99, Paint Shop Pro can be found at standard f o r devices to Something to look'
cameras to their hard drives (or, better most computer software stores. The most communicate with imaging forward to
yet, to a backup medium like CD-R). recent version o f the software, Paint software) and AV I (audio In February, A d o b e
No matter whether you shoot film or Shop Pro 7 Anniversary Edition (mark- video interlaced). announced t h a t
digital, however, there is much more ing the software's first decade), was On the high end of imag- Photoshop 7 . 0 w i l l b e
you can do with your images after the released last year (see review in Toronto ing software i s Photoshop 6 . 0 from released in April. During a demonstra-
shooting ends— and it requires you to Computes! November 2 0 0 1 i s s u e , Adobe Systems, which makes a good tion o f a beta version o f the software,
have imaging software. All digital cam- - archived at claim for being the top producer of imag- an Adobe spokesperson showed how the
eras on the market come packaged with The software allows users to modify the ing software. Unfortunately, Photoshop's new Photoshop has been improved.
software to get images from the camera size, scale and, resolution o f the image, price is far out of range for the average Many of the enhancements are not for
to the hard drive, but they also have change i t from RGB (red, green, blue) consumer. Aimed a t the professional everybody, but for people who want to
software that allows users to do some colour mode t o greyscale (black-and- imaging crowd, Photoshop has a price tag retouch photographs, these tools could
basic manipulation of the images — re- white), add textures and effects, insert of $999.99. save hundreds of hours.
sizing, lightening, darkening, cropping text and crop the image, among other The learning curve for Photoshop is The healing brush is the most exciting
and changing the image's resolution. things. What I really like about Paint significantly higher than for consumer of the new tools. Similar to the cloning
Many digital camera manufacturers Shop Pro is the ease of use and the num- software packages, b u t t h e p o w e r tool, the healing brush can paint colours
have made deals with major producers ber o f effects that are included i n the behind the software itself is difficult to over top of surfaces but will not lose the
of imaging software that allow them to software. Users can add lighting effects, compete with. Photoshop allows users to texture. For example, it will allow users
bundle limited or full versions of soft- sunbursts, make the image look like i t modify images on the smallest scale. It to edit out wrinkles on a person's face
ware from companies like ArcSoft or was clipped out of an old newspaper or comes complete with a variety of tools, (this was shown during the demonstra-
ACD with their cameras. Whether it's change the outlining shape of the image palettes and effects that give users the tion).
basic image editing software or some- to, say, a pentagon (excellent for creating ability to optimize images for the Web, The natural media paintbrush allows
thing more complex, the average digital the impression of a framed image). change colour modes to and from RGB, users to work with digital re-creations
photographer will find everything need- In the past, I've used Paint Shop Pro CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) of chalk, pastel and other media that
ed bundled with purchased cameras. mainly f o r designing images for Web and greyscale, lighten, darken, crop and haven't had satisfactory results in imag-
Those who want to get more from sites, which i t handles superbly. There otherwise modify pictures. ing software to date. Colour correction
their hobby can use the software sold are tools included that will help Web For the consumer, Adobe released is a snap with the new auto correction
with digital cameras as a starting point, masters slice up images so each slice Photoshop E l e m e n t s l a s t y e a r . tool. Faded photographs can be scanned
but software on the higher end o f the can be used as a separate hyperlink on Essentially, Photoshop Elements i s a in and made to look like new again with
spectrum might be in order — and there Web sites. At one time, this was a time- scaled down version of Photoshop 6.01 a few simple mouse clicks.
are a l o t o f packages out there (too consuming and frustrating process. Most o f the tools are present and Adobe has also made the menus more
many to cover in only one column). I f The printed manual included with the accounted for, but the ability to work in intuitive and easier to understand for
you are shooting o n a f i l m camera, software explains h o w t o use Paint CMYK colour mode has been taken out. first-time users. •

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4e TORONTO C O M P U T E S ! A P R I L 2002 c a n a d a c o m p u t e s . co m
Portability possibilities for your data
By HAROLD LASS haul a stack o f stored data with us reflective layer - typically aluminum - data and is about the same size as a 1.44
wherever we go? There are better ways. allowing a laser beam to interpret the MB floppy.
Who says you can't take it with you? lands as ones and pits as zeros - i n The manufacturers o f MO disks are
With these removable media, you can. Zip and Jaz other words, binary code, the basis for Fujitsu, Maxell, Sony and Verbatim. The
The Zip drive, a popular alternative to all computer operations. Hot on its heels advantage o f MO removable media is
Diskettes the 1.44 MB floppy, increases the stor- is the DVD burner. DVDs hold more data that you can read, write and re-write to
By now, you've probably experienced age capacity o f those diminutive disks (as much as 4.7 GB) and consequently it instantly and reliably. The manufac-
the agony of lost data not backed up, as to 100 MB and 250 MB - quite an cost more money - especially the re- turers of this system promise safe stor-
well as the thrill o f restoring precious improvement. T h i n k t h a t ' s a l o t ? writable drives. age for a decade.
data you did back up - and usually in Iomega also makes a Jaz drive that When you burn your own CD, you Their main disadvantage, though, is the
that order. I f ever there was a com- holds 1 GB and 2 GB of data. Now that's don't press lands and pits into the plastic speed at which they back up and retrieve
pelling reason for the use of removable a lot. Like all specialty storage systems, disc. Instead, the disc is coated with a information because they access data
media, that's it. The simplest, cheapest they involve special hardware a n d photosensitive dye. When the dye is heat- sequentially; the drive has to search from
and most readily available removable diskettes. These drives range i n price ed (not really burned) at a spot by a write point A to B and so on, in sequence, which
media i s t h e ubiquitous 3 . 5 -inch from $112 to $240 - a relatively inex- laser (which is hotter than the read laser takes time. And i f you think things have
diskette. With it you can store data for pensive way t o hold a lot. But let's in a standard CD-ROM), it turns opaque gone about as far as they can go, Iomega
safety or for use on another computer. crank the storage dial up another notch. so that light is reflected at that location. will soon market its "Peerless" drive, which
But what if a file you need to copy to These opaque areas are interpreted as will be able to hold up to 20 GB of data!
diskette is larger than 1.44 MB, the max- CD/DVD burners ones and the unheated, dear dye areas as You really can take it with you. •
imum storage capacity of a high density CD storage is rapidly becoming the zeros. CDs are able to hold vast amounts
diskette? Well, you can "stretch" the preferred movable media and for good of data because these lands and pits are
capacity from 1.44 to 1.7 MB with the reason. CD "burners" - a misnomer, by microscopically small. They're not affect- M E I 1 N F
use of a handy utility, MariDisk. Problem the way - have plummeted in price. But ed by magnetism and are far more stable Com puterhopecom: Tape Drive ABCs
is, with the size of files these days, even more important is their storage capacity
and reliable than floppy diskettes. Iomega jar
1.7 M B may fall short. You can, o f - around 8 0 0 M B . Unlike f l o p p y
course, zip your data with WinZip and diskettes, which are coated with iron Magneto-optical (MO) and tape drives Iomega Zip
www.lomega.corniziprinne x.h tm 1
even span multiple floppies if the zipped oxide, conventional CDs consist o f Magneto-optical technology combines Ala riffisk
data still is larger than the capacity of "lands" (flat areas) and "pits" (depres- the properties of light and magnetism to 1 ihtm
one diskette, stretched or not. sions), which have been pressed into a create the data storage medium. A disk
Let's face it, though. Who wants to plastic disc and then coated with a cartridge can hold as much as 2.3 GB of

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Publishing for fun and profit
By CHRIS TALBOT and folded over t o create a booklet- zine dedicated to the nonsensical, start-
sized publication, zines are sold, traded ed a s a v e r y primitive publication.
Have you ever read a magazine and and collected b y people all over the Stories were typed in Word Perfect 5.1
said to yourself, "I can do better than world. Zine publishers, sometimes called for DOS and printed on a dot-matrix
that?" If you're still reading, the answer zinesters, have been around for as long printer. Illustrations were drawn b y
is probably "yes." as people have had access to printing hand. Everything was applied to paper
What kept you from publishing your presses, but the hobby really took o ff using rulers, exacto knives and waxing
own magazine? Lack o f knowledge? with the invention of cheap and acces- machines.
Lack of talent? Too costly? Couldn't do sible copy machines. To prove how ridiculous the content
it by yourself? Too corporate? It's not The zines of the 1970s (the height of was, stories were printed with bylines
easy o r cheap t o p u t something like the zine craze) were written on type- like Milky Puppy, Asphalt Bastard and
Toronto Computes! out on a monthly writers, laid out by cutting and pasting Corn Syrup. Gradually, Chapman and
basis. Deadlines, ad sales, copy editing, text and graphics, copied and then dis- his friends moved from the cut and
hiring freelance writers and photogra- tributed by snail mail, word o f mouth paste method t o desktop publishing years, such as Mike Gunderloy, the cre-
phers (and finding the money to pay and in public places. These days, most with Aldus PageMaker (now owned by ator and original editor o f the now-
them) — it takes a staff of skilled people of the work i s done o n computers. Adobe) and Quark XPress. YIP is still defunct Factsheet 5 (rumours exist that
to make it work. Desktop publishing and image manipu- being published, although on an irregu- Factsheet 5 has a new owner and will
Professional magazine publishing isn't lation software, word processors and lar basis. In the mid-1990s, Chapman resume publishing sometime soon).
for everyone. However, amateur pub- laser printers make it easy to put a zine started archiving YIP's stories, artwork Factsheet 5 was a popular zine dedicat-
lishing can be an easy and cheap hobby. together, but most would-be publishers and general insanity t o a. Web site ed to reviewing zines.
Known as "fanzines" o r "zines," ama- would prefer to work on a personal Web ( Some publications start small and
teur publications are labours o f love site than on a print zine these days. When asked to offer any general tips then try to build themselves up so they
that generate little to no profit (most However, there a r e s t i l l zinesters to the next generation o f zinesters, become accepted o n a larger scale.
generate losses), but give that desired around. Small press and zine fairs (like Chapman said, " I n terms o f printing, Lichen Literary Journal, published out
voice to editors and writers. I n many Canzine o r Word O n The Street i n ignore posted prices and negotiate the of Whitby, started up in 1999. Its team
cases, the text and graphics in zines are Toronto) prove the printed word is not lowest price per unit you can. Most of four editors publish issues of Lichen
too far o ff the mainstream to ever be yet dead. [copy shops] will negotiate in order to twice a year. According to Ruth Walker,
considered worthy o f publication i n Toronto's Jeff Chapman published his have regular business. Insist o n test one of the editors, one of the most dif-
typical magazines. first zine in 1991. He was still in high copies and refuse to pay for any results ficult things for a new publication is
Usually printed on 8.5x11-inch paper school. The first issue of YIP, a humour that are not what you desired." getting publicity, although trying t o
Chapman a d d e d t h a t publishers convince writers to submit work is also
should keep their time and effort i n a chore.
TM mind when setting a price. He said, When launching a new publication,
IT11311 HIM

"Your goal might just be to have as wide
an audience as possible see your work,
but this thrill probably won't last for
years, and i f you aren't being decently
there are a few things to keep in mind,
Walker said. Have a focus, maintain a
sense of humour and don't compromise
standards f o r friendship. L i c h e n
compensated f o r what you're giving launched its Web site i n January a t
people, you'll probably lose some o f
your motivation." The best advice t o t h e budding

ProfessionallyHosted Websites Motivation is a big problem i n the
DomainRNistrabon zinester is t o read zines. I n Toronto,
zine world. Typically, zinesters put their
r 1 1 0 UnlimitedEmailAccounts
sweat and blood into the first issue and
there are only a handful o f places that
carry self-published books and zines —
UnlimitedHits, Transfers
I MOTE Word l ClassSupport Desk
SanePay Set-up
create something they can be proud of.
After two or three more issues, the nov-
Suspect Video (605 Markham St. and
619 Queen St. West), The Beguiling (601

1111511116 FiberOpticOW Connections

24X7TollFreeTechSu • rt
Microsoft FrontPage
elty of zines wears off and they fade out
of the scene. Others stick i t out f o r
Markham St.) and Pages Books and
Magazines (256 Queen St. West). •

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TORONTO C O M P U T E S ! A P R I L 2002
Musical Odyssey: Quantization and MIDI 'U.
I -

ByNESTOR GULA involved a complicated step-writing ment. A low quantize setting will give a quantize level. This gets to be quite con-
system, whereby you enter the notes more lively and real-sounding rhythm fusing, but the beauty o f this is that
When learning about MIDI, there are a one a t a time according t o the beat pattern. when you do it properly you will have
lot o f new phrases and concepts t o count. This system is good for program- In the step-writing method, the user all the elements o f the rhythm pattern
learn. This i s occasionally frustrating ming rhythms f r o m existing music enters the note according to the quan- falling exactly where you want them to.
for musicians, as i t seems to be more scores o r creating very complex pat- tized time. Let's say you want to pro- The drawback with the whole quantize
technical than creative. It is not called terns. The quantize function works dif- gram one bar of a 4/4-time pattern. To system of ordering notes is that it makes
MIDI programming for nothing. Perhaps ferently in both instances. enter a 1/16 snare note on every second the music itself lifeless by playing iden-
one o f the strangest and initially most In the real-time method, the quantize 1/16 beat, you would set quantize at tical patters of seemingly equal and well
baffling phrases is the term quantize. function corrects you i f your timing is 1/16 and program the note on every mannered notes consistently without
Basically it means, that the rhythmic off. If you set your quantize filter at one- second beat. I f you want two quarter fail. This is what is sometimes unaffec-
values - the duration of a played note eighth note, all the notes that you hit will note high-hats to sound twice i n the tionately known as the "MIDI sound"
- of the MIDI information are rounded be moved to the nearest eighth note. pattern, y o u must leave the pattern, and w h y many traditional musicians
off to a set value, be it whole notes, six- Having the quantize set to one-eighth select the quantize level at one-quarter steer a clear path away from MIDI. It is
teenth notes, dotted notes, whatever. note also means that you cannot have and then re-enter the program to enter also why many MIDI experts seek to
Consequently, this system usually then more than eight beats in a 4/4 time bar. the new information according to the find a way to make MIDI sound more
"corrects" all the rhythmic information Slight syncopation and beat irregularities new quantize threshold. The fact that human.
in a given performance to have all the will be achieved i f you set the quantize the first snare drum was inputted a t A simple way to do this is to set the
notes line up evenly. Let me explain threshold to a lower level such as 1/32 or 1/16 will not affect any new informa- quantize level o f your MIDI recording
with a personal experience. 1/48. By setting the quantize level a t tion being programmed nor will it itself device, w h e t h e r d r u m m a c h i n e ,
My first encounters with the term 1/192 (on some machines this setting is be affected b y a change o f quantize sequencer or computer program, to the
quantize came when I bought a drum simply labeled as turning quantize off) level. 1/192 level and then record the pattern
machine. There were two ways to pro- my drum machine would record the pat- The function of quantize is to let you live. If you are recording a drum pattern
gram rhythms in this machine - this is terns exactly as I entered them. structure your notes i n a precise and that will be repeated often in a song, try
true of most drum machines. In the sim- By fooling around with the quantize pre-ordered manner. A drawback of the to record it as several beats long instead
plest method, you could write a one- to threshold, you could alter the feeling of step-writing method i s that you can of one beat. Recording several versions
99-bar rhythm pattern live in real time the rhythms. A high quantize setting only enter 1/16 notes when in the 1/16 of the same pattern and mixing them in
by tapping on the different drum keys at produced a mechanical/industrial quantize level. To enter notes of differ- a random fashion will also get rid of the
appropriate times. The second method rhythm with very little life or move- ent duration you have to set a different structured quantized MIDI sound. •


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19" G4IOR $ 6 9 5
SONY 24X10X40 CD-RW $ 1 3 5
YA M A H A 20X10X40 CD-RW $195
ATI RADEON 8500 6 4 M DUAL $299
ATI A L L -11.1W 128PRO 32M $ 1 7 9 4411=01M. USR 56K V.90 Hardware voice 5 8 9
USR V.90 EXTERNAL $ 1 9 5 401111211114.
AT X TOWER CASE 250W $ 3 5
19" G420S $ 7 3 5 LITEON 32X 12X40 CD-RW $ 1 7 5 ATI A L L -IN- W R A D E O N 32M S249 EPSON C4OUX (1440X720) $ 7 9 USR V.90 EXTERNAL Voice $ 2 0 5
17" LCD 171S $ 9 9 5 FLOPY DRIVE $ 2 0
17" 7 6 V $ 1 9 5
PLEXTOR 24X10X40 CD-RW $229
ATI A l l -in- w Rodeos 8500 64M $525
ASUS V7700-TI 3 2 M P/D $ 1 8 9 / 2 3 9
EPSON C60 (2880X720) $ 1 4 5
CANON 131C-2100 $ 8 5 44131121Ellw USB C A B L E
17" E70
17- E7OF
19" GOOF
19- 9 6 B
IT' 77A




ASUS V7700-TI M M P/D $ 2 3 9 / 2 8 9
ASUS V8200-T200 64M P/D $315/369
ASUS V8200-T500 M M P/D $499/559
CANON $200 (2880X720) $ 9 9
CANON S300 (2400X1200) $ 1 4 9
CANON 5600 (2400X1200) $ 1 9 5
Alter Lansing AVS 300 $ 5 5
Altec Lansing AVS 500 5 6 9
1 0

19" PF790 5 5 5 5 17" 719BF F L AT 5 2 3 5 SB LIVE VALUE 5.1 $ 4 9 MSI TI 64M DDR tvout/VIVO $175/19 OKIDATA OL 410E LASER $ 1 9 9 CREATIVE FPS 1000 $ 7 5 LOGITECH INTERNET KB $ 3 5
15" LCD VEI50 $ 5 7 9 19" 199F9 5 2 9 5 SB A U D I G Y W/I394VA S 9 9 MSI 11-200 M M DDR TVOUT $ 2 7 5 SAMSUNG M L -1210 LASER $ 2 9 9 CREATIVE FPS 1500 $ 1 0 5 Microsoft Natural / Internet KB $39

c o n a d a c O m p u t e s . c o m APRIL 2 0 0 2 TORONTO C O M P U T E S ! 4 3
3 Evolution Music gives you a basic music studio
w By NESTOR GULA its components work well disposal. Music Teacher is basic and
0 0 : 0 0 : 0 2 : 2 3 together. A nice bonus is Music Planet is more of a curiosity than
Many people like all-in-one pack- that you can hook it up to a real musical tool.
ages to give them easy solutions to the USB or the game port, The MK-249C keyboard can be used as
the tasks they have t o perform. meaning that older PCs a MIDI controller, sending MIDI infor-
Although these packages are fully ear al...•• without USB ports can use mation to other MIDI devices, but you
compatible within themselves, they this package. will need to buy a power adapter for it
on. s n o r n
are n o t always the best solution +.20 • The problem Lies in that to do so. When using it hooked up to the
because there are always compro- the software is quite sim- computer, the keyboard gets its power
mises made somewhere along the ple. In Sound Studio you from either the MIDI or USB cable.
line. The Evolution Music Creator can have 256 tracks o f The Evolution Music Creator Pro 49C
Pro 49C USB software/hardware kit MIDI b u t are limited t o USB k i t is an entry-level package for
falls directly into this slot. four t r a c k s o f people who want a complete kit in one
The package works well but there box. It works fine, but I suspect that
I I I purchasers of this system will soon
are some limitations. The main fea- 1.1 1 1 1
ture of this kit is the MK-249C key- opt for a better software package
board. It has 49 regular touch-sensi- with cooler and more diverse
tive keys, 12 assignable dials for real- sounds and better recording
time effect control, an assignable slider capabilities. •
and modulation wheel, USB and MIDI -95IX.055:5555.5=""
out port, 10 memories for storing presets
and octave up/down keys that will take
11%1 1= 4:1
the sound out o f the range o f human Evolution MK-249C
hearing. recorded $210.00
There are three software programs audio. So you are stuck
that come with this package — Sound using General MIDI sounds for all your
compositions. You can manipulate these Requirements:
Studio, which is basic sequencing and Windows 98/ME/XP/2000, 233MHz or higher
recording software; M u s i c Teacher, sounds with one or more of the 14 con- processor, 64 MB RAM, Windows compatible
which teaches piano playing; and Music creator. trols on the keyboard, but this still pales soundcard, DirectX, speakers
Planet, a n easy-to-use sample music The package loads without a hitch and to having really funky sounds at one's

B r i g h t O c e a n s I n t e r - Te l e c o m C o r p o r a t i o n Canada Branch A d d r e s s : 2 0 2 2 S h e p p a r d A v e . E a s t ( a t S h e p p a r d & B r i a n D r . ) — .

Finch ve.
M O N - F R I : 10:30-19:00 S AT: 11:30-16:00 S U N : C L O S E D
Tel: (416) 493-3300 HWY Brian Victoria
K E I T C o m p u t e r s E m a i l address: kelt_computer@on.aibn. cam H T T E : i l a m e b o c o . c o m . e n Fax: (416) 493-3308 404 Dr. Park
W e p r o m i s e i f any p a r t has a p r o b l e m i n w a r r a n t y we w i l l exchan_ge i t w i t h a n e w one i ..... isInsIcall a . a n i n o l y e a r w a r r a n t y on b a r d a n t s } e a r s l a b o r on s y s t e m .
brtepo r a Av e .
Intel Celeron 1G $ 4 1 9 Intel P I I I 1000 $ 5 9 9 Intel P4-1.6 $ 6 4 9 Intel P4-1.6G $ 8 8 9 Intel P4 1.6G $ 9 4 9 Intel P4 1.6G $999
r clereal.IG/1.2G/1.3G 5429/439/449 P3-933/1.1G/1.2G S589/6091709 P4-1.7G/1.8G 5 6 7 9 / 7 1 9 P4-1.7G/1.8G $ 9 1 9 / 9 5 9 P4A.70/1.80 $ 9 7 9 / 1 0 1 9 p4-1.7G/1 8 G 5 1 0 2 9 / 069
1.3-933/1G/1.IG /1.2G $409/509/519/619 felon/1GO IG/1 2G/1 1G M9/419/529/539 P4- I 9G/2G/2 2G 5809/949/1269 P4- 1 9 G / 2 G / 2 2G61049/1189/1509 P4-1 9G/2G/2 2G $1109/1249/1569 P4.1.9G/ 2G/2.2G 5 11 5 9 / 1 2 9 9 / 1 6 1 9
Houston M756 MB ASUS T U V 4 X M B ECS P4 M B ECS P4 M B ASUS P4B M B ASUS P4B266-C M B
128MB PC-133 SDRAM 128MB PC-133 SD RAM 128MB PC-133 SD RAM 256MB PC-133 SD RAM 256M PC-133 SDRAM 256M Pc2100 DDR R A M
64M VIDEO sharded/56K Modem Rive TNT2 32M 4X AGP Rive TNT2 32M 4X AGP ATI Redeem 64M Dual tv out ATI. Radeon 64M Dual tv out AT I Radeon 64M Dual tv out
20GB HOD ATA100 & 1.44M FD 40GB HDD ATA100 & 1.44M FD 40GB HDD & 1.44M FD&56k modem 40GB HD&1.44M FD&56K Modem 40C:B H D & l . 4 4 M FD 40GB HD & 1.44M F D & 5 6 K modem
52X CD-ROM & 180W SPK 52X C D - R O M & 180w SPK 52X CD-ROM & 180W SPK 16X DVD & 24:10s40 CDRW 16X DVD & 24x10z40 CDRW 16X DVD & 24z10x40 C D R W
16BIT sound card & network card 56K M O D E M &16BIT SOUND 16 BIT SOUND & Network card P4 CASE& 500w subwoofer P4 CASE& 500w subwoofer P4 C O L O R CASE&500w subwoofer
AT X M I D TO W E R CASE 300W AT X M I D T O W E R CASE 300W ATX MID TOWER CASE 300W 16 bit SOUND & Network card Digital SOUND &56K modem Sound Blaster Live 5.1
109 WIN98 K B & M O U S E & P a d 109 Win98 KB & MOUSE & Pad 109 Win98 KB&MOUSE&Pad Interact KB & Wheel Mouse & Pad Internet KB & Wheel Mouse & Pad Internet KB & Wheel Mouse & Pad
change araiaboard to AnisTUSI-M...+$50 cheese SDRAM to 25651+ 5 0 , 0 0 change Meinboare to Asia P45* 1 6 0 rhea:eV:0114MM 5 + ekagf.VDRAM la S l a l r $ 1 0 5 c h e w to DDR AM S56 M to 512M. , ± 111 t ,
AMD Duron800 $ 4 0 9 AMD TB 950 $ 4 9 9 A M D TB 1.333G $ 6 1 9 AMD X P 1800 $ 7 9 9 AVID XP 1800 $ 9 9 9 Intel P4 1.6G $ 1 0 9 9
poron850/900/950/165414/419/424/420 TB 1-1G/1.2G/1.3G/X71600 i412113915491589rB 9506/1 10/ L2G/X216005569/599/609/639
Tb950/ 1 IG/1 2G/1 3G $719/749/759/769TB 950/1G/1 2G/1.3G5929/959/969/979 p4-1 7G/1 8G 5 1 1 2 9 / 1 1 6 9
TB 950/1 10/1 2/1 5/1 5 54551575155514991229 XP1700/11100/1900/20005449/659/729/849XP1600/1700/1900/2000 5779/729/B79/979201410/1700/19011/2000 5979/929/1079/1179,
Duront100/900/950/1G 5459/169/471/479 ASUS A7VI33MB r e a .9G/2G/2.2G
5 1 2 5 9 / 1 3 9 9 / 1 7 1 9
Houston M810 MB ECS K7S5A MB ASUS A 7 V 2 6 6 4 MB ASUS P4T-EMB
ECS K 7 S 5 A MB 128MB PC- I 3 3 SD RAM 256MB PC-133 SDRAM 256MB DDR RAM Pc2100
128MB PC-133 SDRAM 256MB PC-800 RD R A M
128MB PC-133 sdram& 180W SPK RI VA TNT2 32M 4X AGP ATI Radeon 700064M tv out ATI. Radeon 7000 64M tv oat
64M Video sharded/56K Modem AT I Rodeo. 64M Dual tv out
20GB HDD ATA d i 1.44M FD Rive TNT2 32M AGP &1.44M FD 40GB ATA100 S 1.44M FD 40GB ATA100 & I.44M FFD 40CB ATAI00 & 1.44M FFD
40GB HDD ATA 100 & 52X CD-ROM 52X CD-ROM & 180W SPK I6X DVD &24X10X40 CDRW 40GHD & 1.44M FD&56K modem
52X CDROM & 180W SPK 16X DVD &24X10X40 CDRW 16X D V D & 24.101[40 CDRW
16Bit mound card di network card 16Bit Sound card & Network Card 16 BIT Sound Card&Network Card
56K MODEM pet &32 bit SOUND pct 56K Yoke FAX-MODEM Sound Blaster Live 5 . I & 5 6 K M O D E M P4 Color case &500Wsubwoofer
ATX Mid Tower Case 300W 56K Modem pci & ATX 300W CASE AT X MID TOWER CASE 300W AT X CASE 300W & 500W subwoofer Sound Blaster Live 5.1
109 Wio98 KB&Mouse &Pad ATX CASE 300W &HOW SPK
109 Win98 KB & Mouse & Pad 109 WIN98 KB & Mouse & Pad 109 Wine@ KB&MOUSE&Pad Internet KB & Wheel Mouse & Pad Internet K B & wheel mouse& pad
change maixboard to ECSK7SEM+ $ 4 0 change SDRAM to DDRAM * 4 / 0 ehawwwelebeerd re ARM 47A266..+$20 pi..ego SDRAM en ',DRAM s 2 A change meleboard to ASUS A7V266..+$19 rh..gAl MAI RI)RAMt V I I / + W A
15'NEC I 550V/17'NEC1700 5 3 9 / 9 6 9 MAXTOR ATI tv wonder/DV/usb 8 5 / 6 4 / 1 2 0 ExtaligLA
15' Samsung 1515 white/silver 559/569 20GB 5 4 0 0 m m m/720m 9 8 / 1 1 2 Nvidia Rive TNT2 32M 4xAGP 4 8 Socket 370 fP3-ctivrolll UPGRADE SYSTEM
ASUS TUV4X/TUSL2C 1 2 0 / 1 4 5 5131 6330 K7T turbo-limbed-Raid 1 1 9
MSI 6320 K7T266pro/6320Rraid 119/128 I n t e l P4 1.60 /Alma P4B MB3 9 9
17' Samming171S white/silver 9 7 9 / 9 9 9 40GB 540Orpn1/720Orpm 1 1 2 / 1 2 6 ATI Xpert128 16M PCI retail 6 9 ASUS TUSI-M(vga,audio,lan) 9 1
18'NEC 18500 1 1 9 9 60GB ATI Xpert2000 32M PRO 5 4 Soyo 7VBA+133 1 0 9 MSI 6380 K7T266pro2/RU 1 5 2 / 1 8 5 TB 1.333/Asus A7V133MB2 9 9
80GB 5400mm/7200pm 1 8 2 / 2 0 8 .
17' Aquaview 7GS 1 8 8
120013 / 1600B 540Orpm 2 8 8 / 4 0 5
ATIall-in-w Radeon7500 /retail 240/250 Houston 758(vga,aucho,modem.lan) 8 9 MSI 6373 K7N420pro,(0f2 vga,l,a) 2 3 2
A.S k 7
17' LO 700S/E700B 1 8 5 / 2 2 2 ATIall-in-w Radeon 8500 DVI 4 8 5 MSI 6309/6337 ' 1 0 6 / 1 4 9 AsusK7VOlot
17' Samsung 750S/ 75313F 1 9 5 / 2 3 2 SEAGATE ATI Radeon 7000 /retail 7 8 / 1 2 4 Socket 478 (P41 A) 1 5 9 Canon670U 1 A 9
17' Samsung 700NF 3 2 5 40GB 540Orpm/720Orpin 1 1 5 / 1 2 9 ATI Radeon 7500/retail 1 6 9 / 1 9 0 Asue P48(adr)/ P4T-E(rd) 1 7 6 / 2 4 6 Soyo 5EMA+ (socket 7) 79 Ater 4300 6 9
17' ViewsonicE70/E70P 2 3 5 / 2 7 0 IBM (7200,114)
490/69*° 1 3 8 / 1 6 7
ATI Radeon 8500/retail 2 9 9 / 3 7 0 Asus P4B266-C/P4B266(ddr) 1 7 6 / 2 3 6 *SOUND CARD* HP3400/4300/5300 1 3 5 / 1 8 9 / 2 6 5
Geforce2Mx200 64Mtv /Mx400tv 85/105 Asus P4S333M/P4S333(ddr) 1 3 5 / 1 6 9 PINE 326it PCl/ SB 128 PCI 1 2 / 2 3 Epson1250/1650/2450 1 3 6 / 2 6 6 / 5 3 9
17' Viewsonie075/P75( 2 7 2 / 2 8 8
17' NEC AS75F/700+ 2 3 5 / 2 8 1 CDROM&DVD* MSI Geforce4 MM ddr 1 6 2 Intel 850MD/MV 2 1 6 / 2 2 8 SB Live 5.1/Audigy 4 6 / 9 0 * P R I N T E R S *
19'Aquaview 9GS/LG E900B 2 8 9 / 3 5 5 FuturePower57/LG 52X 3 3 / 3 9 peas Geforce4 64M ddr 1 7 9 Intel 845 HV/WN/PT/G13179/183/193/199SB Audigy MP3+/X-Gamer 1 3 5 / 1 3 5 Canon 5200/500/600/800 99/209/259/449
19' Samsung 95013/955DF 3 0 8 / 3 6 7 Creative 52x/NEC
4 52X
2 / 4 5 Asus V7100 Magio32MpureSE/tvSE 71/82 74,16547/6391 1 1 3 / 1 8 9 SB live Platinum Audigy 2 6 8
Artec 16X /LG 16X DVD 6 7 / 7 8 Asus V7100 Magic 32M pure/t7 9 3 / 1 1 1 Epson CIO/COO/COO 6 5 / 1 3 9 / 2 5 9
19' Samsung 90ONF 5 3 6
19•Viewsonie B90/090( 3 5 9 / 4 2 8 Pioneer16X tray/slot 7 9 / 8 5 Asus V7100 Pro 32M pure/tv 1 0 1 / 1 1 8 ECS P4S5A/P4VXSD2 1 1 3 / 1 1 7 *FAX -MODEM*
ECS IASSMG(vga audio Ian) 1 3 9 Pine 56K V90/1NT/PCI 1 7 L
Lexmark Z22/33/43/53 85/115/174/220
*CD - W R I T E R * Asus V7100 pro 6451 pure/tv 1 2 4 / 1 4 2 locket A k 1 t 3 1 2 5 3 9
19' Viewsonic PF790/090f 5 4 9 / 4 5 8 BTC 12X8X32.16X10X41.1 8 7 / 9 9 Asus V7700 TIVX 64M pure/deluxe ' . OPEN 56K PCI SV/PM 7 3 / 3 9 1 1 P 650/850/950 1 2 9 / 1 5 9 / 2 5 9
19' NEC AS90/AS95F 3 2 2 / 3 5 9 1 8 9 / 2 4 1 USIt 56K SW/HW
LO 24x10x40/retail 1 1 7 / 1 2 4 Asus V7700 T164M pure/deluxe 258/275 5ASUS A7V133/A7V266 1 7 1 / 2 1 5 G55/C85(s11-16-"e) 5 4 9 / 8 1 9
19' NEC Fe950+ 4 6 5 ,„,, LO 32x10x40/retail ' 1 3 4 / 1 4 3 Anis V820012 64Mpure/deluxe 775/177 ASUS A7V266•Eirsid 1 9 6 / 2 1 0
* N E T W O R K I N G * 26/79HP Brother HL1230/1440/1450 309/439/529
19' SONY 0410R/0420S 6 1 1 9 ' ? ' Artec 24x10x40/Yamaha20810x40 109/174 A sus V8200 G3_64 r e / d e axe 4-4. 75195ASUSA7N266/A7N266-E 2 4 2 / 2 7 5 manned( 100/Dlink 100 1 5 / 2 0 Samsung ML 1020/1250 3 4 9 / 4 0 9
21' Samsung 1100p+ 7 5 5
22' NEC AS520/FE/ 2505- 7 1 5 / 9 7 5
Sony 1 fix10x40/24x10x40 1 1 8 / 1 3 0
Pleator 24)002E40/ 40X12X40 2 0 3 / 2 5 2 AlteeLansiogc w w
*5rg « ABIT KR7/KR7-raid 2 1 9 / 2 5 8 3COM 905BTX-NM 10/100
w 29/49/69 ECS K7S5A/K7S6A 9 0 / 1 0 9 open Sports HUB 5 9 49 All priccalrady 4% cash discount!
22' ViewsonicG810/G815 8 9 5 / 1 1 4 9 Philip 4x4x6(USB) 1 3 9 CambridgeFPS 1000 7 9 Soyo K7VTA-B . 9 0 3 COM Pirewall +4 ports Routers 1 7 9 All price subject to change without noticed.
22'Viewsonie P220f/P225f 1099/1199 p ' 1 175/311 dvdnv 4 9 9 Cambriad FPS2000/2500 1 7 9 / 2 7 9 Houston 1,1810(vga,audio,modem,lan) 95 17-1:nk Firewall+4 prots Routers 1 5 5
Ch in a Hong Kong Sao Francisco New York U z b e k i s t a n T o r o n t o 2 1 7 2 0 0 1 4
4 4 TORONTO C O M P U T E S I A P R I L 2 0 0 2 c a n a d a c o m p u t e s . c o m
El PC C h i p s M 9 2 5 L M R T for S o c k e t 478 C P U s
A s u s A 7 A 2 6 6 M o t h e r b o a r d for A M D Socket A C P U s
Asus P 4 8 2 6 6 Motherboard for Intel Pentium 4 C P U s 0 Abit 71-1711- R A I D Motherboard . 1 8 5 0 Chipset for P4
Or P C C h i p s M 8 1 0 L M f o r S o c k e t A C P U s or A s u s P4B Motherboard for Intel Pentium 4 C P U s or Asus A 7 V 2 6 6 - E M o t h e r b o a r d for A M D C P U s o r Ablt K R 7 a - 1 3 3 R M o t h e r b o a r d for A M D C P U s
El P a n a s o n i c - 1 . 4 4 M B H D F l o p p y Disk Drive El Therrnaltake Volcano 6C1.1+ Heal Sink/Fan for A M D C P U Thermattake Volcano 7 H e a t Sink /Fan f o r A M D C P U s T h e r m a l r i g h t SK6 Heat Sink & F a n for A M D C P U s
4 0 G b F a s t Ultra- 1 0 0 H a r d D i s k Drive 0 5 4 0 0 R P M El P a n a s o n i c 3 . 5 ' - 1 . 4 4 M B H D Floppy Disk Drive 2 Panasonic 3 . 5 ' - 1 . 4 4 M 8 H D F l o p p y Disk Drive El P a n a s o n i c 3 . 5 - - 1 . 4 4 M B H D Floppy D i s k Drive
2 1 2 8 M b S D R A M , P C / 1 3 3 M H z , 168PIn R A M M e m o r y 4 0 G b Fast Ultra- 1 0 0 Hard Disk Drive 0 7 2 0 0 R P M 6 0 G b Faat Ultra- 1 0 0 Hard Disk Drive 0 7 2 0 0 R P M 8 0 G b F a s t Ultra- 1 0 0 H a r d Disk Drive 0 7 2 0 0 R P M
El 2 5 6 M b S D R A M , P C / 1 3 3 M h z , 1 6 8 P i n R A M M e m o r y 2 2 5 6 M b DDR S D R A M , P C 2 1 0 0 R A M M e m o r y 2 5 1 2 M b Rambo% P C 8 0 0 , N o n - E C C M e m o r y for P4
Mid- To w e r 6 B a y AT X C a s e w / 2 5 0 W P o w e r S u p p l y
2 P r e m i u m 6 Bay Mid- To w e r AT X C a s e wrI 300W P.S. Enlight M i d - To w e r AT X C a s e w / 7 B a y s & 3 0 0 W P. S . o r 5 1 2 M b D D R S D R A M P C 2 1 0 0 M e m o r y for A M D
El On- B o a r d E I D E C o n t r o l l e r & Ultra/100 S u p p o r t
El O n - B o a r d E I D E Controller & U l t r a / 1 0 0 S u p p o r t El On- B o a r d E I D E Controller & U l t r a / 1 0 0 Support Enlight Mid- To w e r AT X C a s e w / 7 B a y s
2 2 - U S B Ports, 1 - 1 6 5 5 0 Serial Ports, 1 P S / 2 M o u s e
El 4- U S B P o n s , 2- 16550 Serial Ports, 1 P S / 2 M o u s e 2 4- U S B Ports, 2 - 1 6 5 5 0 Serial Ports, 1 P S / 2 M o u s e 2 Pentium 4 - 3 0 0 W AT X P o w e r Supply w/ 2 Fans
Port & 1- Bi-Directional Parallel Port
Port & 1 - Bi-Directional Parallel Port P o d & 1- Bi-Directional Parallel P o n 2 O n - B o a r d E I D E Controller & U f t r a / 1 0 0 Support
2 0 0 - B o a r d A G P 3D V i d e o w / 6 4 M b Butter El AT I R a d e o n 7 0 0 0 A G P Video w/ 32Mb & T V- O u t Ed A s u s v 7 1 0 0 / P r o G e F o r c e M X 4 0 0 w / 32Mb & T V- O u t 4- U S B Ports, 2 - 1 6 5 5 0 Serial Ports, 1 P S / 2 M o u s e
Z On- B o a r d PCI Stereo S o u n d w / Surround S o u n d 12 16X D V D - R O M Drive w/ 40X C D R O M support 2 Panasonic 24x10x40 C D - RW w/ Burn Software Port & 1-131-Directional Parallel Port
2 5 6 k F a x / M o d e m wr/ Voicemail, v.90, A M R S o u n d B l a s t e r PCI 1 2 8 Plug & P l a y Stereo Sound Card S o u n d B l a s t e r Live 5.1 P C I Stereo Soundcard El AT I All-In- W o n d e r Radeon 8500 DV w / 64Mb D D R
2 On- B o a r d PCI Full D u p l e x N e t w o r k A d a p t e r 2 C a m b r i d g e Inspire 2.1 S p e a k e r System w/ Subwoofer Aftec Lansing AV S 5 0 0 w/ 4 S p e a k e r s & S u b w o o f e r Plextor 40x / 12x / 40x C R - R W Drive.w/ Software
2 Fifty- Tw o S p e e d (52X) M a x E I D E C D - R O M Drive 2 Rockwell 56K Int. Vo i c e / F a x / M o d e m v.90 (PCI) El Supra 5 6 K Internal Vo i c e / F a x / M o d e m v. 9 0 (PCI) S o u n d B l a s t e r Audigy Value PCI Stereo Soundcard
K D S 1 T Digital .27dp S V G A C o l o u r Monitor Smartlink 10/100Mbit Full- D u p l e x PCI Network Card D- L i n k 10/100Mbit Full- D u p l e x N e t w o r k A d a p t e r (PCI) El Creative Inspire 5.1 5 3 0 0 w/ 5 S p e a k e r s & S u b w o o f e r
Mitsumi 1 0 4 E n h a n c e d Soft- To u c h W i n 9 5 K e y b o a r d 2 K D S 1 r Digita1.25dp Colour C RT Monitor, Perfectly Flat K D S 1 9 ' Digital M o n i t o r .26dp 1 6 0 0 x 1 2 8 0 NI, MPEr2 2 U S R o b o t i c s 5 6 K Internal F a x / M o d e m v. 9 0 (PCI)
L a b l e c Spin 5 0 Amplified P o w e r e d S t e r e o S p e a k e r s Mitsumi 104 Enhanced Soft- To u c h Win 95 Keyboard 2 Keytronic 1 0 4 E n h a n c e d Soft- To u c h W i n 9 5 K e y b o a r d 3 C O M 1 0 / 1 0 0 M b i t Full- D u p l e x N e t w o r k A d a p t e r (PCI)
2 Microsoft Compatible Serial M o u s e a n d M o u s e P a d Logitech Optical Mouse w/ Wheel & M o u s e Pad 2 Microsoft Wheel Mouse Optical M o u s e w/ Mouse Pad K D S Radius R a d 5 1 5 ' L C D Monitor, . 2 9 7 m m
R I M S W i n d o w s XP H o m e O E M w/ CD and Manual 2 M S W i n d o w s XP H o m e O E M w/ CD and Manual 2 MS W i n d o w s XP H o m e O E M w/ CD and Manual 2 Microsoft Natural Keyboard w/ E r g o n o m i c Design
2 3 0 Days Unlimited Internet A c c e s s w/ Internet Direct 7.130 D a y s Unlimited Internet Access w/ Internet Direct 2 3 0 Days Unlimited Internet A c c e s s w/Internet Direct Logitech I- F e e l M o u s e w/ M o u s e Pad
E6 5 Y e a r s L a b o u r & 1 Y e a r P a r t s W a r r a n t y El 5 Ye a r s L a b o u r & 1 Ye a r P a r t s W a r r a n t y El 5 Y e a r s L a b o u r & 1 Y e a r P a r t s W a r r a n t y Thermartake 8 0 m m S e c o n d C a s e fan
AMD D u r o n 950MHz$ 8 7 4 . 9 9 o r $32/mth 2 Arctic Silver III Thermal Heat Compound
AMD D u r o n 950MHz5 1 3 0 4 . 9 9 o r $48/mth AMD D u r o n 9 5 0 M H z $ 1 7 3 9 . 9 9 o r $58/mth
2 MS W i n d o w s XP Professional O E M w/ CD and Manual
AMD D u r o n 1.0-GHz.$ 8 8 4 . 9 9 o r $33/mth AMD D u r o n 1.0-GHz.$ 1 3 1 4 . 9 9 o r $48/mth A M D D u r o n 1 . 0 - 6 11 2 . $ 1 7 4 9 . 9 9 o r $58/mth
AMD D u r o n 1.1-GHz.$ 8 9 9 . 9 9 o r $33/mth 2 3 0 Days Unlimited Internet A c c e s s vr/ Internet Direct
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C a n a d a S U N D A Y C L O S E D
Fans Rush for
info online
who's watching
who? OFans are scanning the horizon for Rush's next album

By GEOFF MARTIN album later that day. This triggered an absolute feed- factors that affected the industry, such as critical
ing frenzy from fans all over the world and within fourth-quarter release schedules that were thrown out
One of Toronto's most popular exports has been several hours, the site's server suffered a seizure as a of whack in the wake of the September 11 terrorist
causing quite a stir on the Net recently, as the mania- result of the relentless door-knocking front Rush fans. attacks, but she couldn't resist the urge to place the
cally devoted fans of progressive rockers Rush have The site's Web master was forced to pull it offline. lion's share of the blame on MP3s.
been combing Web sites for any crumb of information Worse still, the entire episode appears to have been "When 23 per cent of surveyed music consumers
about the band's upcoming album, which is to be its a hoax, as no samples have been seen on the site to say they are not buying more music because they are
first in six years. date. Anthem Records, the band's label, have tried to downloading or copying their music for free, we can-
Message boards were all aflutter when a New Jersey satiate the fans' unquenchable thirst for all things not ignore the impact on the marketplace," Rosen said
deejay claimed to have the inside scoop on the band's Rush and recently confirmed that the reported album in a statement.
17th album, and told fans that it was to be called title and a subsequently leaked track list were correct Of course, it couldn't be that the music industry is
"Vapour Trails." Not long after that, another fan post- and launched a mysterious Web site at www.official- growing horrifically stale in the age of Britney Spears
ed a message to the popular Rush site www.r-u-s- At press time, the site featured nothing more and 'NSYNC, could it? One need only look to the stating that he had received an advance copy of than a stark black background and a simple black- snooze-inducing Grammy Awards last month for the
the album and that he planned to post samples of the and-white graphic portraying an eye looking back at answer - ratings for the event (which is supposed to
the visitor, perhaps to indicate that the band's mem- feature the very best the industry has to offer) were
bers have been watching its fans just as closely as down nearly 20 per cent over last year's totals. By
they're being watched themselves. those numbers, Rosen might want to think about
Anthem also announced that the first single from encouraging record labels to groom some innovative
the album, called "One Little Victory," would be new talent, rather than going after people who are
released to radio stations on March 29 and that the downloading copies of last year's hits.
rest of the album would hit stores on May 14.
If there are any fans so dedicated that they can't Copyright Board: Get your wallets out
wait that long, they can always spend their time plan- There are plenty of uses for recordable CDs other
ning for RushCon 2002, which is a Toronto conven- than burning illegal copies of music, but the
tion dedicated to Rush, its fans and its music, sched- Copyright Board of Canada wants to start charging
uled to take place in July. Few pop culture icons com- you a lot more for them, under the ignorant assump-
mand a following dedicated enough to inspire an tion that's all they're being used for.
entire convention, but Rush is apparently now in the Everyone who purchases a blank CD in Canada
impressive company of fellow rock band KISS and today already pays a 21 cent levy on each disc, but
Star Trek - you can find the proof at the Copyright Board is proposing to nearly triple that
amount for 2003-2004, raising the levy to 59 cents.
Time to get to work, Hilary The tax is currently paid at the manufacturing and
Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) distribution level, who then pass these costs along to
president Hilary Rosen is back to her constant whin- the consumer. The proceeds of the levy go to the
ing about digital music piracy, claiming that the Canadian Private Copying Collective ( and
record industry slid by up to 10 per cent in 2001, are then distributed to copyright-holding Canadian
thanks in large part to the scourge of MP3s. musicians.
Rosen revealed numbers showing that U.S. record The Copyright Board is also proposing a brand new
company shipments in 2001 had been reduced by 10.3 levy on portable MP3 players that would see a levy of
per cent over the previous year and that the total dol- $21 per gigabyte of storage, which would raise the
lar value of shipments had fallen by 4.1 per cent dur- price of a $599 Macintosh iPod by more than $100,
ing the-same period. The recording industry tracking and would jack the price of a 20 GB Creative Jukebox,
firm Soundscan also supported these numbers, show- which retails for about $600, by a staggering $420.
ing that sales of compact discs, the industry's most You can read the full proposal at,
popular format, were off by 5.8 per cent from the pre- and you can read up on the fight against it and sign a
vious year during the year-to-date ended February 17. virtual petition thanks to the Canadian Storage Media
Rosen acknowledged that there were likely other Alliance at •
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Boss around a starship cre

By ERIK SEBELLIN alter ego, the first-mate-turned-captain. The

game is rendered in full 3D, somewhat like
As much as we loved the Star Trek televi- Quake, but you don't actually move around.
sion series, we really hated the Star Trek In other words, you never leave the bridge,
games. Why? Because they were, without and in fact, never even leave your seat, mak-
exception, sadly lacking in quality. But, with ing for a predominately predictable view.
the most recent Star Trek video game, Star Your job is to tell your officers what to do.
' • = = = " e •
• Trek: Bridge Commander, things have finally For example, you can tell your navigation
started to improve. officer to set course or go to warp while you
You start out as the first officer of the USS can instruct your first officer to call Starfleet
Dauntless, a Galaxy class starship o f the or signal a red alert. How do you do this?
United Federalion o f Planets. Your ship is You simply look at the bridge crew you wish
ordered to the Maelstrom, a turbulent area of to interact with, left click and issue your
space fraught with subspace tears and other order. Your crew, in turn, talks to you (inces-
cosmic phenomenon. When the captain takes santly) to give you updates.
a shuttle to visit a new colony, the sun sud- Much of the game is like being in a Star
denly goes nova, the captain is caught in the Trek episode — you meet many races featured
A . , ' , c o r d VGA [ n n ¢ J
ensuing blast and you abruptly find yourself in the television series, you hear the great
in the captain's chair. orchestral score and sounds from the show
The game is played from the eyes of your •and you have the usual effects during cora-

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bat, such as a shaking bridge, explod-
ing consoles and dazed arid confused
crew members strewn about the floor.
But, unlike t h e television series,
game battle is a slow and considered
event, reminiscent o f submarine
Canadian Domain Name Services combat. For example, engaging i n
an evenly matched one-on-one bat-
tle, just you and another ship, can
take five minutes or more. (This type
of battle in a space fighter simula-
tion, t o contrast, can b e over i n
Why does battle take s o long?
Because you have to tell your crew
what t o do and manage your ship
resources. For example, you can tell
your tactical officer to designate spe-
cific ship systems to target, such as
impulse engines to prevent the enemy
from moving, or to target sensors to
make i t impossible for an enemy to
target you. A n d you must invest a
fair amount o f time juggling t h e
amount of power that is being fed to
Ifs like real estate different ship systems, target specific
shields on the enemy ship to disable
for the web. specific systems and manoeuvre your
ship to ensure your strongest shields
take the brunt o f the attack. And,
because combat is complex, it means
that the beginning player has a diffi-
cult learning curve to master.
While t h e ships are excellent —
nicely detailed, faithful to the televi-
a a a a a a
. .
or- a .
sion series and capable of displaying
Ommanamoopmer v s a a realistic damage — and the lighting
"""strivisominumouwwimir effects, especially during combat, are
quite good, the characters, unfortu-
nately, move like marionettes with
jagged heads and mouths that look
like the old, rough computer simula-
tions when they talk.
I f you love the show and you want
the incredible level o f involvement
and detail this game demands, then,
by all. means, buy a copy. If, howev-
er, you don't have the patience t o
agistration Services issue orders f o r everything y o u r
• .ca, .com, .net, .org bridge crew must do and you prefer
• .biz, .info, .name action over talk, you may wish t o
pass on this, the best of the Star Trek

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AS g a m e
more than driving
By NESTOR GULA you in the wall. There are six driving
lessons that give you the basics of driv-
Many people consider stock car rac- ing a NASCAR race car. The tutorials
ing to be rather primitive and boring. put you in the car and NASCAR cham-
Despite its huge popularity in the
United States, it has never really out-
grown its southern rural roots and been
embraced by the urban masses. For
many people, even race car fans, the
prospect of racing a relatively large
American car painted like a billboard
for 805 km (500 mi.) on an oval, even
if it is at speeds of over 290 km/h (180
mph), has no appeal. They think it's
Mickey Mouse. This is probably why
there are so few NASCAR racing games
on the market, but several Formula One
games to choose from.
Following in the footsteps of the suc-
cessful NASCAR Racing 4, Sierra
Entertainment has released NASCAR
Racing 2002 Season (NR2002).
Although not a great departure from its
predecessor, this game is updated with
the full 2002 line-up that includes new
drivers, cars, paint schemes and spon-
sors. Looking through the cars on
screen I was saddened to see that my
favourite NASCAR car was missing.
This is, of course, the car sponsored by
the makers of Spam and painted to pion Darrel Waltrip explains how you
resemble a can of Spam. Seeing it hur- should run each of the 24 tracks
tle around a racetrack always made me included in this game. Going to the
smile. I have yet to watch a NASCAR testing sessions is where you'll really
race to confirm its disappearance but I hone your skills. A great addition to
feel it should have been included for this simulation is the digital steering
sentimental reasons. The game does assistance that gives you the ideal line
have a paint shop where you could to take on the track and how hard or
paint an available car to suit your soft your foot should be on the gas
fancy, but the controls and execution pedal. A couple of single races and
are quite primitive and frustrating. you'll be able to start the championship
After an hour of fiddling I gave up and mode or even go for the free multiplay-
went back to doing what this game
does best — simulating stock car racing.
Far from being easy, racing on the
er option. In the latter, you can race
against up to 42 other competitors at
Sierra's free online service.
r NASCAR Racing 2002 Season
ovals is tricky business. While travel- NR2002 is developed by Papyrus MB memory and a 16 MB video card. $64.99
ling past a wall just inches away at Racing games, the developer of perhaps NR2002 lets you monitor the frame Sierra
unbelievable speed, it takes all your one of the best racing sims ever — rate while racing (great, another thing
concentration to keep focused on the Grand Prix Legends. True to their form, to distract you from driving) so you Requirements:
proper racing line. The key to good the developers did a great job with can adjust the game for performance Minimum: Windows 98/ME/XP, 450 MHz
processor, 64 MB RAM, 16 MB Direct 3D com-
i - - stock car racing technique is knowing NR2002. The graphics are stunning versus visuals to suit your system. patible video card, 8x CD ROM
when to floor the gas pedal, when to when displayed at 1024x768. NASCAR Racing 2002 Season is a
Preferred: Windows 98/ME/XP, 800 MHz
massage it, when to tap the brakes and Unfortunately, the game was happiest fun game for NASCAR fans and will processor, 128 MB RAM, 32 MB Direct 3D com-
,- how to gently coax a large, normally when I ran i t a t 8 0 0 x 6 0 0 , even though even be enjoyed by open minded race patible video card, DirectSound compatible
ill-handling car to go where you want it was being run on a Dell Dimension car fans who will learn that it's not sound card, DIrectInput compatible game con-
troller, 56 Kbps modem, 8x CD ROM
it to. Abrupt moves in NASCAR put 4300 with a 1.6 GHz Pentium 4, 512 that easy to drive stock cars well. •
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WW II sims: Lots of reading, little action
By CHRIS TALBOT effort and patience to master.
Unfortunately, I lacked both time and
Developed by SSI and released to the world by patience.
Ubisoft, two new naval simulation games can link up On the plus side, the manual that
via the Internet or through an intranet and let players comes with the game is much smaller
go head to head. than the one for Silent Hunter II,
Sold separately, Silent Hunter II and Destroyer weighing in at only 72 pages. Again
Command simulate naval warfare during World War II. the instructions for the training mis-
In Destroyer Command, players take on the role of a sions are in the manual. I'd hate to be
captain of a United States Navy destroyer on the open the player who loses the manual.
seas against German, Italian and Japanese forces. "Less reading, more playing" should
Silent Hunter II puts players in command of a German be the motto of every game producer
U-boat that goes up against U.S. and British ships. out there.
In single player modes, players can run through mis- Because of a destroyer's inability to
sions or launch into a campaign, but the two games dive, players have portholes and win-
can be used in conjunction with one another in online dows in most rooms, so they don't
naval battles. have to drive blind. This makes it
much easier to change direction, see
Silent Hunter II the water splash past and notice U -
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to boats sneaking up on you. However,
command a submarine? Silent Hunter II will give you the boredom I found playing Silent
that chance. Unfortunately, piloting a German U-boat Hunter II is in Destroyer Command, as
in a simulation isn't quite the same as what is seen in well. Most of the time, you're just
the movies. As the pilot, players will find they will be piloting the boat, which isn't a very
fighting boredom a lot more than they will fight other exciting thing to do.
Imagine being cooped up in a sardine tin for months The final word
on end and being completely blind every time your Maybe I'm not enough of a fan of
ship submerges under the water. Welcome to Silent simulation games to appreciate Silent
Hunter II. While the game is easy to install, the game- Hunter II and Destroyer Command.
play is complicated. The 195-page manual is a neces- Despite the complexity and difficulty
sity. Players are advised tb read the book from cover of the games, the gameplay itself
to cover and to keep it beside their keyboards in case seems sound. Persistence and patience
of emergencies. are assets, for sure.
To SSI's credit, the game developers obviously spent Some players might be attracted to
significant amounts of time researching naval warfare, the games by the multiplayer func-
German U-boats and American and British ships. The tions. After all, human opponents are
game is visually beautiful when you're staring at always more fun to play against than
something more than kilometres of ocean, but simula- computer ones. ♦
tion games try to re-create something — and the truth
is, commanding a submarine is nothing short of dull-
ness occasionally interrupted by combat.
When I first sat down with the game, I was happy to
find some training missions listed. Unfortunately, all
more I N F O
of the instructions for the training missions are in the Destroyer Command EVE®RYO E
manual. The training missions themselves are com- SSI/Ubisoft
pletely useless when it comes to helping players learn s4v,
to command the U-boat. I slowly discovered how to Requirements:
set a course, adjust the speed of the engine and dive Pentium II 266 MHz processor
below the waves. Unfortunately, the periscope still 64 MB of RAM
700 MB of hard disk space
confused me after I finally gave up on the training 8x CD-ROM drive
mission. Direct 3D-compliant 3D-accelerated video card
For players with a lot of patience and a lot of time with 16 MB of VRAM
DirectSound-compliant soundcard
on their hands, this game might hold some enjoyment.
Silent Hunter II
Destroyer Command 559.99
Compared to Silent Hunter II on a fun level,
Destroyer Command has something that Silent Hunter
II doesn't have — suspense. Somewhere out below the Pentium II 266 MHz processor
waves, there is most likely a U-boat loading a torpedo 64 MB of RAM
with your name on it. 650 MB of hard disk space
8x CD-ROM drive
Just l i k e i n t h e case o f the U - b o a t i n S i l e n t H u n t e r DirectX 8-compliant 3D-accelerated video card
II, the controls for the U.S. Navy destroyer in with 16 MB of VRAM
Destroyer Command are complicated and take time, DirectSound-compliant soundcard

52 TORONTO C O M P U T E S ! A P R I L 2 0 0 2 c a n a d a c o m p u t e s . c o m
Play along on the PGA Tour with Tiger Woods
By CHRIS TALBOT level (amateur, professional, t o u r and Golf commentators David score. Hopefully this is some-
championship), what the golfer looks Feherty and Bill Macatee add thing EA will f i x i n a future
The golfing season is just about to like and what kind of equipment he car- more realism t o t h e PGA patch, but for now, it's obvi-
start, and golfers of all calibre are itch- ries. environment through t h e i r ously annoying a lot of play-
ing to tee off. Although it's not quite the Simple to install and easy to learn, the on-going commentaries o n ers. For now, the way to avoid
same a s going o u t o n t h e course, game controls f o r Tiger Woods PGA each round of a tournament. this seems to be to stay out of
Electronic Arts' Tiger Woods PGA Tour Tour 2002 are keyboard- and mouse- the trees. Good luck.
2002 might keep you occupied until the driven. It will take some practice to get More Goodies Otherwise, Tiger Woods PGA
courses open up. Besides, how else will good at the game, but learning to drive, If this isn't enough for you Tour 2002 is a fun game that
you ever have the chance t o play a chip and putt will only take a few min- and you want more control only has a fraction of the frus-
round with the man who made g o l f utes. I n fact, t h e game i s s o self- over your golfing environ- tration I feel every time I pick
cool? explanatory that t h e manual hardly ment, the Course Architect up a real golf club. •
Even though the Toronto area has seems necessary, although the charts at tool allows players t o create a g o l f
some nice golf courses, wouldn't it be the beginning o f the manual detailing course of their very own. Unfortunately,
cool to play the greens at a famous club all o f the game control commands are the manual offers no detail on how to
helpful. The most important commands create a course, so you have to learn by
C u l T 11111 I N F O
used o n the PGA tour? The game's
course lineup includes places like Pebble are listed on the back o f the game's doing. I f you want to try other courses Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2002 EVERYON

Beach Golf Links, Poppy Hills, Spyglass jewel case for quick reference. but don't have the time to create your Electronic Arts
Hill and The Royal Birkdale Golf Club in There are nine game modes available - own, the Course Utilities tool will allow a w. or

England. practice, stroke, tournament, S k i n s you to import courses that other players games/tigenvoods2002/pccd.isp
Players can compete in matches and game, shoot-out, match play, foursomes, have made and uploaded t o Internet Requirements:
tournaments as professional golfers like fourball and multiple year PGA tour sea- sites. Windows 98/ME/2000/XP (95 and NT not sup-
One complaint that has been popping ported)
Tiger Woods, Justin Leonard, Brad sons. A caddy book option is available Pentium II 400 MHz or AMD Athlon 500 MHz
Faxon, Notah Begay III, Vijay Singh, to get the best tips and information on up on the EA Sports message boards is processor
Jesper Parnevik, Colin Montgomerie and how to make great shots. Players can transparent foliage. When stuck in the 64 MB of RAM (128 MB RAM for Windows
Lee Janzen; as one of several different also practice their swings at the driving trees (and even good golfers slice once 8a CD-ROM drive
amateurs; o r as a golfer they create range, chipping area, putting green and in awhile), many players have found 500 MB free hard disk space plus space for
using the golfer creation function in the practice holes. All this game needs is a that trees and bushes become transpar- saved games and Windows swap file
DlrectX 8.0a-compatible 8 MB video card
game. When creating a golfer, the game miniature golf area and i t would be ent and you don't know they are there DirectX 8.0a-compatible soundcard
lets players customize things like ability complete (that's a joke, kids). until they've cost you a stroke on your

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54 TORONTO C O M P U T E S ! APRIL 2 0 0 2
Renegade shines in MU Itiplayer mode
By ERIK SEBELLIN the camera angles the type you would guard will run toward
find in live-action dramas (such as in a the shooter, weaving
The plot o f the first-person shooter movie), but the characters move realis- left and right to make
Command E t Conquer: Renegade tically, just like real actors. himself harder to hit.
revolves around two factions - the GDI As the game unfolds, you get the Another n e g a t i v e
(Global Defense Initiative), an aggres- chance t o operate multiple vehicles, occurs when you die.
sive arm of the UN, and the Brotherhood including the NOD Buggy and Flame Every time you die in
of NOD, a terrorist organization bent on Tank, as well as the GDI Humnwee and the single player game,
world conquest. You play the game in Mammoth Tank. A l l the vehicles are you must wait during
one of three ways. First, you can play as easy to get and operate - you simply an immense r e l o a d our
Major Havok, an elite commando of the walk up to one, hop in and use your period, whether y o u
GDI, in a scripted campaign. As Major arrow keys and mouse to steer and aim. restart the mission o r
Havok, i t is your job to perform mis- In fact, despite the somewhat cartoon- restart from a loaded
sions, such as rescuing civilians, blow- ish, low budget feel o f the game, the game. Even worse, i f
ing up everything from enemy troops to graphics are quite fantastic. The charac- you did not have the
vehicles along the way. ters are animated beautifully, weapons forethought t o save
Second, you can play Renegade multi- offer some nice effects and the vehicles • midway t h r o u g h a
player online. In this team-based game, look great. mission, i f you choose
you choose a skin, align yourself with Unfortunately, as w i t h the original to restart, you will do
the GDI or NOD and try to destroy the Command Et Conquer, the enemy artifi- so from the start o f the mission -
other team's base. In the third option,
you a g a i n choose y o u r s k i n a n d
cial intelligence (AI) is dumb as a door-
knob. For example, in other first-person
incredibly annoying if you had the mis-
fortune to get yourself killed just before
more 1 N F
Command & Conquer: Renegade T E E N .
alliance, but this time, you play offline shooters, if you snipe one of two guards, the end. 559.99
against bots (computer-controlled char- the other guard w i l l often r u n and The bad news is that the single-player Westwood Studios
acters) for practice. •
sound an alarm. In this game, however, version o f Command a Conquer:
Totell the story, Command Et Conquer if you snipe one of a pair of guards, the Renegade is merely a ho-hum first-per- Requirements:
uses cinematics rendered with the i n - other just stands there as though noth- son shooter. The good news, however, is Windows 98/2060/MEM
Pentium 11-400
game engine. Westwood has a back- ing happened. However, o n the plus that the multiplayer version is so good, 950 MB hard drive space
ground filming l i v e actors and this side, i f a guard is shot from up-close - this is destined to be one o f the best 96 MB RAM
influence shows, because not only are 446 MB video card with hardware acceleration
so i t sees the shooter - the surviving games of this year. •

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InDesign lets you get into design
Itrubtur Ind sign Fite Edit layout T E S A U Structure THIN Hew. Itlislowr DerTools OA Held I S Fri 11.47:40 AM
By NESTOR GULA Adobe has three distinct DTP products,
6E3 ° E T I O N e 1 O U *tux fr
PageMaker, for the home and business
Desktop publishing on personal com- user, FrameMaker, for corporate pub-
4,+ netWorkm,l
puters has come a long way since its lishing needs and InDesign, for profes- Earth Friendly
Beerelong al my, •
humble roots in the mid 1980s. There sional designers. "•t"44"* El,
are a plethora of DTP software packages In the world o f professional page ! w a g . * leers


available to the computer user. Some design a n d layout Quark XPress i s

word processors and design software more-or-less the standard package. On a e m

packages also include DTP functionality. personal note, most magazines, includ-
But while even 10 years ago DIP meant ing this one, use Quark for the design d : w s w gt k r , 1 n : I

print this is not the case today. and layout. InDesign is Adobe's entry
Today, publishing means everything into this arena. The first two versions of s t d WI..1 0
r. k f 1 3 I r e 1 0
from print to Web to electronic methods InDesign, 1.0 and 1.5, did not set the
of delivering the message. Very often design world on fire, although many
the need is for the same information to graphic designers admired
appear in different formats. This need is
not exclusive to large corporations or
InDesign's i n t e g r a t i o n
with Adobe's Illustrator
high-end business users. Small a n d and Photoshop. These two InDesign 2.0
home-based businesses and even regu- programs, e s p e c i a l l y
lar computer users have the occasional Photoshop, are effectively
need to create the same documents in standards i n the publish-
multiple formats. ing world.
Adobe's InDesign 2 . 0 was released The integration between
near the end of January in a relatively these two programs and
low-key announcement. I t should be InDesign i s enhanced i n get i t ready for print. This is a great
the image first.
noted right away that InDesign is geared this version. You can now chunk of time in our production sched-
InDesign recog-
to be used by the design professional import Photoshop f i l e s ule. InDesign has a table function built
nizes Photoshop
and is not intended for the home user. without having to flatten in. I t imports styled Word and Excel
layers a n d a n y
transparencies in tables, as well as database files, strips
them. T h i s , i n them of unnecessary and confusing for-
( S TO R E H O U R S : M O N - F R I 1 0 7 P M , S AT 1 0 - 5 P M ) turn, allows the designer great leeway in matting and puts them into a table that
can be flowed, just like a text file, from

formatting images w i t h text because
hard clipping paths are not the only page to page. This might not be as sexy
way to go. The images can now be soft- as all the graphic manipulation that you
ly merged into, o r out of, the text. can do in InDesign but it sure is a great
mississauga-,;'.ii I C u l /I ...a n u [ t h y o r k ( a , t u r b o c o m . c a s c a r b o r o u g h @ t u r b o c o m ca solution to real world publishing prob-
Illustrator layers are also preserved.
MISSISSAUGA NORTH YORK S C A R B O R O U G H InDesign also contains a great set of its lems. You can even refine how the table
30 Eglinton Ave West, #19 6 9 8 1 Yonge Street 1 2 8 6 Kennedy Road, #2 own effects and transparency controls. looks by specifying row height and col-
(SWCorner or 5 Winton Ave Weer 6 Hu roninno I ( S E Corner or Yong° 8 Steeles) r e l e t w e e n FIleernere 6I norrenceI
Tel: (905) 277-3999 T e l : (416) 223-9608 T e l : (416) 701-9876 You can apply drop shadows, feather- umn width, applying colour fills to rows
Fax: 9 0 5 277-5999 F a x : 4 1 6 223-9260 F a x : 4 1 6 701-9862 ings to text or images. Special effects and columns and merging cells.
can be applied to objects by combining
intel AMD1m4401.
M S gadaplec I i r i itvI i)IA Ilti Windows blending modes with opacity settings.
These blending modes include Darken, I N F O
C- T -41D X P - 1 8 0 0 + SYSTEM INTEL P4- I600 SYSTEM Lighten, H u e , S a t u r a t i o n a n d Indesign 2.0
Luminosity. They work just like similar Adobe
modes in Photoshop. In fact, i f you are
$ 1 1 2 8 • 0 0 1 1 1 c v r m $ 1 1 7 8 . 0 0 $1,050
quite f a m i l i a r w i t h Photoshop o r S225 for Upgrade
AMEND XP processor 1800+ M H z Intel ® Pentium® 4 Processor 1.6 GHz
ECS K7S5A Socket-A Motherboard Northwood Socket-478 AT X M/B Illustrator you will have a jump start in Users of PageMaker 7 can upgrade directly
256MB PC-133 Memory (D DR Upgradeable) 256MB PC-133 Memory learning and mastering InDesign. from Adobe for US$299
40GB 7200RPM ATA/100 IDE Hard Drive 40GB 7200RPM ATA/100 IDE Hard Drive
1.44MB Floppy Drive 1.44MB Floppy Drive My f a v o u r i t e enhancement i n System Requirements:
24x10x40 IDE CD-RW Drive 24x10x40 IDE CD-RW Drive
AT I RADEON M M AG? Video Card ATI RADEON 64MB ACP Video Card InDesign 2.0 i s the tool that creates PC: Windows 98/ME/NT4.0 (Service Pack
6)/2000 (Service Pack 2)/XP, equivalent of
Network Ready 10/100 Connection Network Ready 10/100 Connection tables. For some reason tables have Pentium 2 processor or higher, 128 MB of
Keytronics 104 PS/2 Keyboard Keytronics 104 PS/2 Keyboard
Logitech® Scroll Mouse Logitech® Scroll Mouse always been a royal pain to create in RAM, 105 MB of available hard disk space, CD-
Deluxe M i d Tower with 300W P/S Deluxe Mid Tower with 300W P/S DTP programs. In the March 2002 issue ROM drive, Video card that supports 256-
AC97 18-Bit Sound Card AC97 18-Bit Sound Card colour at 1024x768 monitor resolution, 24-bit,
1050W PMPO Flat Speakers / Wooden Subwoofer 1050W PMPO Flat Speakers / Wooden Subwoofer of Toronto Computes! we ran a two- high-resolution display recommended,
Microsoft® WindowsXP Home Edition Microsoft® Windows XP Home Edition page table comparing different cell PostScript Level 2 or 3 printer for PostScript
phone packages. This table was origi- printing
SYSTEM CUSTOMIZATION / UPGRADES/ NETWORK SOLUTIONS Z nally created in Microsoft Word. Quark Macintosh: Mac OS 9.1/9.2x/OSX version 10.1,
24/10/40 CD-RW 60GB HDD GeForce 4 -MX Firewire Cards would not read the information so we Power PC G3 or G4 processor, 128 MB RAM
Eliminates . Ultra ATA-133 I E E -1394
E had to do many conversions to get the with virtual memory turned on, 240 MB of
- 7200 RPM 64 MB DDR / 4X AGP available hard disk space, CD-ROM drive, Video
Buffer Underrun Ofreleoe LepieP table i n proper shape. Although w e card that supports 256-colour at 1024x768
e 2-Port PCI 2-Port
drrtiaiL. Card PCMCIA Card never really kept a timer on the process, monitor resolution, 2 4 -bit, high-resolution dis-
play recommended, PostScript Level 2 or 3
M S $139°° . $1890° —M
, M4 $ 1 9 9 $49 $79 I would have to estimate about 10 hours printer for PostScript printing
5 6 TORONTO C O M P U T E S ! A P R I L 2002
Since i t s inception, InDesign has ability to save document's in many for- Adobe's Web design program GoLive. and has much more power and flexibil-
always had great typography tools. The mats. It will export a file to PDF (either No only is InDesign able t o save i n ity than any other DTP program I have
Paragraph Composition tool allows the Acrobat 4 o r 5) format, HTML docu- many formats but it will also open and ever used. However i t also requires a
reflowing of text to adjust the spacing ment, Postscript file, SVG (Scalable import documents from many sources. fairly state of the art computer to run it.
to get an even look for the text. Version Vector Graphic) and X M L (eXtended It will import most PDF documents and Incidentally, I tested it on a Mac iBook
2.0 has expanded support for OpenType Markup Language) document. The latter will open PageMaker 6.5 and 7.0 docu- running OSX and a Dell Dimension
fonts and even includes some o f these is the way publishing is perceived to be ments as well as documents created by 4300 with a 1.4 GHz processor.
fonts (Adobe Caslon P r o , A d o b e moving. X M L allows the tagging o f Quark XPress 3.3 and 4.1x. The latter is Unfortunately, InDesign w i l l not be
Garamond Pro, Caflisch Script Pro and objects and text and the importation of no doubt to attract Quark users and ease judged on its strength as a program but
some Japanese fonts, as well) i n the fully formatted text or objects into other the transition. its success in the market. Because it is
package. OpenType fonts give the user documents. Tagged XML items may be Will InDesign succeed i n becoming entering a mature marketplace it has to
many more characters (glyphs) i n a then moved about between different the standard for DTP? It is too soon to win converts as opposed to getting new
typeface than the 256 contained in nor- XML programs for reuse. A formatted tell. Quark is just releasing version 5.0. users. The market success o f InDesign
mal fonts. XML t e x t f r o m InDesign c a n b e Beta copies have been available for a 2.0 will depend on how many converts
Adobe sees InDesign's strength in its dropped, all formatting preserved, into while. InDesign is a very good program it gets. •


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ASUSTUV4XITLISL2-C $ 1 2 9 / 1 5 9 A T L A S 10K3 73G / 36G 5 1 0 9 5 / 4 6 5 Radeon 7500 DMA DDR DVI 5135 SAMSUNG 16X DVD IDE $79 090119' .218 18130 Flat $449 Photo 785EPX/C820 5275/209
A8/7711711/TRAID / 807 5 2 2 5 / 2 5 5 / 1 8 5 A R A 4 1 0 1 ( 3 186 /ATLAS V 180 $ 3 1 9 / 2 7 5 Redeoll 7003 64M SDR wITV $85 TOSHIBA 160 DUD IDE $89 PF790 19' 25-27/eg 16(0Flel $549 Photo 893/1280/2000P $409/679/1.155
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0 (7200, U100) TV Wonder PCIAJSES 589/129 PIONEER 16X DVD IDE $95 P220122" 25.48 1600 Flat $1089 520000300/5520 39N1391199
60/4020 U100) $ 3 1 9 2 9$17$1391120
31729 DV Worger PCI Firewire $69 $575 5750/9820/5900 5299/475/569
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$2091189 I B M
IASI 61906 KT3 Uttra /ARU 1 2 5169/215 0 0 / 8 0 1 3 (7200,11100) $ 4 4 0 5 / 2 3 9 V8440 GF4 114400 128M $ 4 8 9 ASUS 18x10.40CDRW IDE $115 SONY DaMjet 940CVF119003..992se 5229/285/419
ASS/ 845Ultraltal/K7N420D $ 2 2 9 / 2 4 9 606/400 (7200. 0100) $ 1 7 5 / 1 4 5 V13170 MX440 84M TVout $ 1 9 9 LG 24x10x40 CDRW IDE $125 5240/02208/02205 1 r .24 $399/475/515 Officejet V40/P5C7511/655X1 5279/329/455
TYAN SterASEWSZO7TICP3 $ 1 3 9 / 1 9 5 7 3 G / 3 6 G (U180, 15K, 4M) $ 1 2 4 9 / 8 6 9 V6200 GF3 T1200 64/4 Deluxe 5 2 9 9 LG 32A10-A40 U AW IDE $149 0.11090420$ 19' .241800 5839/728 Laseget 1000/1200/1220 5349/579/749
TYAN Tget1APx DualAMO $ 3 5 9 3 6 / 1 8 / 9 (U160. 10K. 411) 5 5 2 9 / 3 3 9 1 2 9 5 V8200 GF3 71200 641.I Pure AOPEN CRw2440 $145 6540/6500/0520P 21' .24 W5/915/1150 L30er.. 22000/22900174100 51179139511629
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g t u & R A M B a r r a c u d a ATA IV 80/60/40 $ 2 4 9 / 1 8 9 / 1 3 9 W1011/T GF2 M19400 64M SD 3 1 2 5 / 1 4 5 SONY 24810O0 CDRW IDE $135 M51/1361/M81 LCD Panel $689/1215/1759 Jet tinter 822/Z33/Z43/Z53 $79/10011101150
Cheetah X15 36/180313204M) 57791469
V7100/7 GF2 MX400 32M SD $ 1 0 5 / 1 2 5 PLEXTOR 24O040 IDE 10. $229 SAMSUNG 5210/0320/0322 Laser 5269/435/569
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PM1/4541126AG/1.13AG[5121g 5 5 8 9 / 3 6 5 / 2 9 5 W a g e Proloch
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3 9 1 8 0 9 5 8 M P 1 8 0 0 . 1 5 , 1 P 1 6 0 0 + $
%Pal:00./190001800T $ 3 6 9 7 2 7 9 / 2 2 9 19160 KK
3 5
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c a n a d a c o m p u t e s . c o m A P R I L 2 0 0 2 T O R O N T O C O MPUTES, 5 7
Extigy: Audio goes outside the box

a By SEAN CARRUTHERS The Extigy looks like a little home

audio component, b u t substantially
using i t w i t h a notebook, b e fore-
warned: It's not necessarily as portable
as you'd want. It's better to leave the
Are you resigned to the fact that your smaller. It adds two optical connectors,
notebook computer's audio isn't very jacks for line in, microphone and head- Extigy and speakers o n the desktop
good, and that you'll never be able to phone, MIDI in/out and SPDIF in. The when you take your notebook on the
use it to play all your MP3 files at your box i s designed f o r use with a 5.1 road and re-hook when you return. nection on your computer. It requires a
upcoming party? Upset that your home speaker set, which is great for gaming or How does i t sound? Well, pretty processor running at least 350MHz, but
PC has lousy onboard audio and no for DVD movie playback. The Extigy darned good. We tested i t o u t w i t h you'll probably want something faster if
slots available for a new and improved also comes with a remote control, so Creative's Inspire 5300 5.1 speaker set, you w a n t maximum performance.
sound card? Well, Creative Labs may you can change tracks or adjust the vol- and the audio quality was excellent. The Minimum m e m o r y requirement i s
have just the deal for you! ume from across the room. USB 1.1 connection did an excellent job 128MB, though you can squeak by with
Already famous for its SoundBlaster Even though it's smaller than a home of getting the data to the Extigy without only 64MB on a Windows 98SE system.
line o f audio cards, Creative Labs audio component (like an amp or cas- deterioration, and the only problem we As always, we'd recommend higher
recently announced the Audigy series of sette deck, for example), it's still going had was with digital audio extraction specs for trouble-free performance.*
internal cards. The cards improved on to take up some space on your desktop. from the CD player on our notebook.
the multi-channel sound already offered Though a bracket is provided for setting (As with any other computer product,
by the Live! series o f cards, increased
the signal-to-noise ratio to more than
the Extigy on the desktop vertically,
there will also be a bit of a wire tangle
you have to make sure all the rest o f
your components are up t o snuff to
more I N F O
SoundBlaster Extigy
100(113. Now, with the release o f the with the power cord and the connection ensure proper operation). From: Creative Labs
Extigy, Creative has brought the same to y o u r desktop and speaker set. I f The E x t i g y i s compatible w i t h httf://www.soundblasteccom
Estimated price: $250
quality t o your PC o r notebook i n a you're adding it to a desktop PC, that's Windows 98SE, 2000, ME and XP, and
design you can plug into a USB port. not necessarily an issue, but i f you are obviously; you'll need a USE 1.1 con-

Audiotron: MP3 at home

By S E A N CARRUTHERS component for a reason: It's supposed to you're concerned about security, t h e
be hooked up to your home stereo sys- Audiotron supports passwording, so you
If you're a rabid fan of digital audio, tem so that you can enjoy your MP3 can keep out people that shouldn't be in
there comes a lioint when you have so collection in the same place you enjoy your shared files. er currently features Shoutcast, Icecast
many MP3s that you want to start lis- your CDs and records. You can hook the One thing that's been added, since the and Windows Media streams). You can
tening to them at home as well as on the Audiotron to your home system using introduction of the Audiotron is support access these streams even when your PC
road. You've put the effort into collect- standard RCA connectors or you can use for streaming audio, allowing users to is shut down, as long as your home net-
ing them and ripping them, but you can the SPDIF digital output i f your stereo tune in to select Internet radio stations. work is still able to access the Internet.
only upload so many to the portable supports it. A remote control is includ- (Those of you who got the first edition It all adds up to an excellent way to
player, so why aren't you taking advan- ed. can f i n d a R O M update f o r t h e bring digital audio capabilities to your
tage of that library? To get the Audiotron to work, you Audiotron a t t h e Turtle Beach site, traditional home entertainment center.*
For a lot of people, it's probably that will need to connect it to at least one PC which will add this function.) You man-
they don't want to sit in front of the PC that's powered on and contains a shared age your radio stations using a Web
every time the urge to listen to music directory f i l l e d w i t h a u d i o files. T h e interface f r o m y o u r PC, a n d t h e
strikes. Turtle Beach recognized that Audiotron hooks to your home network Audidtron will pull down all relevant I N F
quite some time ago--it introduced the via 10/100 Ethernet or HomePNA tele- data from the Turtle Radio server. You Turtle Beach Audiotron
Audiotron home MP3 appliance back in phone networking a n d w i l l c r a w l can choose from a number o f stations From: Voyetra Turtle Beach
2000, and it's been going strong ever http://wirocaudiotronmet
through y o u r network looking f o r already listed, or you can add your own, Estimated price: $480 (US$299)
since. It's designed like a home audio shared directories with audio files. I f so long as they are compatible (the serv-

Cybralan Computer
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17 LEC Monitor MSI GeF2 TIVX 64M 009 TV $ 1 4 9
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5 6 6 F a x / Vo r c e M o d e m
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3 0 0 W ATX C a s e
11 U10040. • racNA. 6 rnentn warranty _ AUSU V7700116414 OOP Deluxe $ 2 8 5 t o m : I N . : r e . . . 0 2 n Ox40 5 1 6 9 K/B, M o u s e , SPK Win98 K18, Mouse. SPK D e n n s a s t i a t e i n e l K/B
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5 8
ORONT 0 COMPUTES! A P R I L 2 0 0 2 c a n a d a t o m p u t t s . c o m
It's not the big stuff...
Now, I have to emphasize that the fellow "Nah," said my cycling friend. "It's as response to my friend's comment because
who made this comment isn't your stan- bad as all the other computer technolo- I'd been looking in the wrong direction.
dard-issue, backward-looking Luddite. gies. Always screws me up. Never know My mistake was looking for something
He's well-educated and professionally where I stand." big and world-changing. Of course, com-
employed (an engineer, no less), and lives I was dumbfounded. A n d I found I puters have changed h o w the world
in the middle of the big city. He's bright, couldn't come up with any other examples works. Socially, economically and politi-
personable and up t o speed on what's of the blessedness created by computers. cally, the lives of the world's citizens have
going on in the world. And he's not some- That's partly because we were approach- been radically affected by the advent and
one who just makes noises — he means ing a huge hill. Time to buckle down and use o f the computer. B u t where the
On a long ride with my cycling club last what he says and says what he means. let legs and lungs and do the necessary changes really matter, I think, are in the
summer, the conversation turned to com- OK, I thought, this deserves a response. work. small differences, not the big ones.
puters. (We're talking a 600-km, 39-hour And w h o better t o o ff e r one t h a n We never got back to that conversation- A senior citizen doesn't have to venture
ride here, so there was a lot of time to me?Trouble was, I ' d been cycling f o r al thread. But I've wondered — and wor- out into a Winnipeg winter to do her
talk) about 10 straight hours at that point, and ried — about it ever since. Computer tech- banking. Rabid cycling fans i n Canada
The subject matter was pretty general, my brain wasn't working a t its usual nology has changed my life in so many can follow the action o f a road race in
mostly to-ing and fro-ing about how expansive, lightning-speed, cognitive best. ways that it staggers me to even think Spain in real time. New parents in Toronto
much better communication had become The only answer I could come up with about what things were like without a PC. can e-mail photos of the recent arrival to
among club members now that we had a was to suggest that, if nothing else, bank- And I constantly wonder at how the world the folks in Nova Scotia. People connect
club Web site and mailing list (wwarandon- ing was easier than it used to be in the I live in works so very differently because with other people, share thoughts and, for those who are interest- dark old days. Remember standing i n of the presence o f computers and their feelings, make plans and simply continue
.ed). I was mostly listening intently, curi- those awful lineups at your local bank corollary technologies. Good heavens, doing what they've always done. But it's
ous about what everyone was saying. It branch, I asked? Remernber trying to find think o f e-mail, i f nothing else! How all a little faster, a little easier and there-
caught me b y surprise when one club a time to visit the branch that was within about the magic even the numerically- fore a little more satisfying.
member opined that he didn't think com- "banker's hours"? Remember those weird challenged (such as yours, truly) can do I plan to convince my friend of this on
puters really made life easier for anyone. little passbooks, where all the vital infor- with a spreadsheet? How about being able one of this season's long rides.
It was a pretty bold statement, so I felt mation about y o u r meagre savings to search the Web for the meaning of a
obliged to follow it up. appeared i n smudged, indecipherable word, for stock market news, for pictures Alan Thwaits, a TC! Contributing Editor, is a freelance jour-
"No improvement at all?" I asked. print? Isn't the world a much more effi- of your mother-in-law's cat? nalist who writes about computer, communications, and
"Nope," came the reply. "They've just cient and pleasant place, I asked, because Over time, I realized that I hadn't been business technologies. He can be reached at praxis@path-
made life a lot more complicated." of the wonders of online banking? able t o come u p w i t h a compelling •

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Rounding out my Palm

PDA-based office environment
Keyboard Modem from your PDA? I recently bought
Although you can input data manual- Although just about any modem can SiPix's Pocket Printer (,
ly with your stylus, in reality -the most be connected to a PDA with the proper which supports printing via the Palm's
important addition to a PDA for enter- adapter, I bought Palm's own 33.3Kbps infrared port (or the serial port o f any
ing large amounts of data is a keyboard. modem ( notebook computer).
There are many different types of key- Securely attaching to the bottom o f Although i t only prints on A6 paper
Linfield's boards available and I discovered that my PDA, I feel it offers the best and eas- (approximately 1/4 the size of a regular
Line none offer me everything I want. S o I iest method to send and receive e-mail sheet) it allows me to print my address-
ended up purchasing both Landware's _ and for general Web browsing. I t uses es, ToDo lists, notes and articles wher-
My Palm PDA-based office is almost GoType! P r o ( a n d its own batteries and I have had no dif- ever I go.
complete! W i t h the addition o f some Palm's own folding Portable Keyboard. ficulties connecting t o m y Internet Note that not all Palm applications
carefully chosen accessories, I have ( Each has their advan- Service Provider (ISP) throughout support t h i s p r i n t e r b y d e f a u l t ,
taken m y personal digital assistant tages and disadvantages. Canada. U s i n g the freeware Eudora although there are commercial device
(PDA) to the next level. N o t only do I The GoType Pro! is better for situa- Internet Suite, I am able to text-mode drivers f o r many common business
write most of my articles on my Palm, I tions where I need to HotSync (as it has browse t h e Internet a n d send a n d applications: Having the printer is also
also research information o n t h e a built-in cradle) or if I want to type on receive e-mail. AvantGo keeps me u p - great f o r sharing information w i t h
Internet, print a large variety o f data, a soft surface such as my lap. The Palm to-date with information customized for coworkers when you are on business
take meeting notes, keep my company's Keyboard is better in situations where I viewing on my PDA, and Yan off lets-me trips, although be warned that it is not
client database up-to-date and even will be working at a desk or another flat access Usenet newsgroups. A n d note something t h a t can produce quality
play a wide assortment of games. Just surface for a while. that although I utilize e-mail, commer- output for clients.
a PDA? Ha! I n many cases, these tiny Both allow me to easily enter data into • cial fax software is available should my
handheld devices can replace a note- my word processor, spreadsheet, or the needs change. Dual mode pens
book computer. A l t h o u g h I've joined multitude o f other applications I have When going back and forth between
the Palm bandwagon, note that equiva- installed. Printer Palm and paper, it can be a pain switch-
lent devices for Windows PocketPCs are Note that even with the keyboard you Since every, office needs a printer, ing pen and stylus.
also available. still often have to use the stylus. wouldn't i t be great to print directly There are many dual mode pens and

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Apple's new digital lifestyle -I

Mac has finally come into its own as a comes bundled with a slew of software full-screen, cross-dissolved slide shows
hub of a new digital lifestyle. As we say applications such as iMovie 2 (for entry accompanied by your favourite music;
in marketing, this is a significant para- level m o v i e production), i D V D 2 quickly create custom Web pages o f
digm shift. (Apple's DVD-R creation application), your photos; e-mail y o u r photos t o
Now, I ' m n o t knocking traditional iTunes 2 (MP3 music playback) and friends and family; order professional-
computer applications such as word iPhoto (digital photography storage and ly-processed Kodak prints and enlarge-
processing, e-mail o r spreadsheets. In organization). ments online; or — and this is what real-
fact, I spend about 10 hours a day work- Without much fanfare, Apple is mov- ly impressed me — easily create and
ing w i t h these three very comput- ing from a traditional computer compa- order a custom-printed, linen-covered
It's no coincidence that Apple's most eresque applications. But Apple's new ny into something much more. I t is hard bound book of your photos online!
recent computers are built around pow- positioning has really got me thinking moving into the future. This may sound You simply choose one of the six sup-
erful graphics machines, futuristic flat about how we use computers — and a trifle corny, but I think Apple is real- plied book designs and iPhoto will auto-
screens and space-age industrial design. how we will use them in the future. ly onto the fact that Canadians are a matically create a custom book of pho-
After a l l , A p p l e introduced t h e Rather than typing numbers or words nation of electronic gadget lovers. tos. Each page can b e further cus-
Macintosh, the world's first multimedia into a keyboard so we can later print tomized to present one, two, three or
computer, over 18 years ago. Perhaps them out on pulped, bleached pieces of Digital lifestyle epiphany four photos. You can then order the
we didn't know enough t o call i t a trees, we'll be relying a l o t more on But my digital lifestyle epiphany came snazzy, hard bound book o f photos
"multimedia" machine at the time, but speech recognition to capture informa- a few weeks ago when I was chatting online, for just US$29.99 for the first 10
we all knew the Mac's graphical user tion and flat screens to display it — and with two folks from Apple about iPhoto. pages and US$3 f o r each additional
interface was very different from the reserve printing f o r important keep- With its simple but elegant interface, page (prices will likely drop once Kodak
command l i n e codes t h a t propelled sakes. iPhoto makes it easy to import, edit and Canada gets involved in the project).
other computers in the market. Thus, the new iMac really grabbed my print digital photos, as well as organize Will more than just early adopters
Only recently, however, has Apple attention. Not only is its outward design and manage an entire photo collection embrace this new digital lifestyle? I'm
truly realized what it has on its hands. very cool, and thus, likely to capture the containing thousands o f pictures. guessing they will.
Rather than a powerful computer that imagination o f millions o f people, i t Perhaps the best news o f all i s that 'In fact, I think we're at the dawn o f
can write your memos, access your e - also has been built from the ground up iPhoto is available as a free download the new adventure for us and Apple. A
mail, crunch your budgets and perform to be the centerpiece o f Apple's new from Apple's Web site. digital adventure built around the new
other, well, computer-related tasks, the digital lifestyle metaphor. The iMac iPhoto lets you view your photos in Mac, of course! •

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KIDS Be your own expert
By MARA GULENS mation o n k i d s ' CD-ROMs.
They'll tell you the truth, espe-
Somehow evaluating children's books cially i f they think they sunk
seems so much easier. Aphorisms aside: money, and even more so i f
If the cover's off, that's often reason they know they scored.
Picture -
enough to forgo the contents. Flip open oftheweek ;;;,t'":'•"-=
the book, check out the graphics, scan Go to the source
the text. Then either buy, borrow, even Companies are realizing it's
return i f necessary. worth giving players a chance where you can read what other
If it were only so easy with children's to see what their product i s kids and parents have to say.
software! Not only are we forbidden to about and I suspect this will An excellent Canadian source is
crack open the package, we can't even become more popular w i t h
try it out, not to mention return it. Since time. Go to to see
a CD-ROM doesn't stand a chance in what you can do with Kid Pix Have the kids try it
heaven without a great cover, judging Deluxe. B e t t e r y e t , g o t o I f someone owns a great
according to looks isn't a good idea, a n d try out an game you're considering buy-
either. online version. ing, try it out!
So how does one choose children's Penney imagines an even more excit- demos show you the best (fortunately, My sister-in-law was con-
software? Here are my tips, along with ing scenario, where producers would they can't show anything better!). If you vinced a game I was reviewing would be
some additional insight from Jennifer allow kids t o t r y o u t titles f o r free don't like what you see, move on. perfect for her six-year-old son. After
Penney, manager of The CD-ROM Store. online. I n this way, "parents would ten minutes, it was clear the game was
know whether the title actually engages Read reviews waaaaay too scary for this individual.
Talk to friends their kids to, f o r example, save the Besides t h e reviews i n Toronto
People who know I review kids' soft- world by solving -math problems. This Computes!, there are gazillions o f oth- Things to look out for:
ware will often ask what I recommend. would also h e l p parents determine ers. Just beware who sponsors them, 1. Age and skill appropriate.
My first question to them is: For whom? ahead o f time whether the title will in remember opinions d i ff e r a n d take Most kids' software ratings span a
Your three-year-old daughter? Yo u r fact run on their home computer," she everything with a grain o f salt. With four-year age group, such as two to six
ten-year-old son? It makes a difference. says. time you'll learn whom to trust. or eight to 12, and most often they're on
Friends are the best source o f infor- Like movie trailers, computer game There are even forums (for example, continued on page 67

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orrforwrybe. Canaria C o r y w a r r fly yfflbare byyrrbanles. or a d o r e u n g a n d promotional ayancibe M e l A n n e a r . . . b e yorreelfry b y R o w e M e w . , on M y i e . W M M o n w r o n g a • A . * . r o b s l y v e l l e . or i m i e n r a n t a a l e l e . dais. * M e n b e [ e f t . .1 by 1 . 1 . e . • t n i • event MAI bury 4 0 b r e r fa. bebfaolod
waibry arm l b * weafrIorforwir, rya conlost onoltwy * M o n t Wit Os yelycloy e n r r b u r ! m a n y thy p r o f . , of r o , . . • n a nwo m F * 1 . . . m a n n . ler the cordon. A l e n v . r n . wpdrepop by t r w . . n w t b . know


Send y o u r e n t r i e s to: To r o n t o C o m p u t e s ! , D i g i t a l D e s i g n Contest, 6 2 5 C h u r c h S t r e e t , S u i t e 6 0 0 To r o n t o , ON, 11/14Y 2G1 A t t n : E d i t o r

64 TORONTO C O M P U T E S ! A P R I L 2002

Clicking's where this game's at
By MARA GULENS but falls short in others. Here's why. Clicking on certain items also leads to (you can see a demo version at
Rohe gets bonus points for a quick mini-movies and games, b u t without w h e r e
Sometimes game developers forget introduction that pulls players right into specific markers or icons, it's initially objects are dragged onto an out-
what their target group i s a l l about. the game — sans sign-in. About time! hard t o tell where that w i l l be. For line in order to create a goofy
Take pre-schoolers. No, they're not mas- This definitely makes life easier for the example, in the living room you click vehicle. K i d s have t o
ter readers and writers. Yes, they like two- and three-year-olds I know. On the on an object, Telly, to play a game; in imagine what a table
their actions to yield quick results. other hand, this means the game can't the kitchen you click on Olie's sister. looks l i k e tipped
Disney's Rolie Polie Olie: The Search be saved, so that each time kids play, While the movies are short and fun, sideways
for Spot gets high marks for catering to they have to start from scratch. This they interrupt clicking because y o u
the two-to-five crowd in some respects, may lead t o questions like, "Didn't I Or
can't click while in movie-mode.
clean u p that room This i s h a r d because w h o
last time?" o r "How wants to stop and wait while
come t h e fridge i s you're having so much fun?
tipped over again?" Unlike other popular kids'
Once i n O l i e ' s games, this house has a layout
house, a brief intro- that makes sense — so kids should
duction lays out the be able to make their way around
goal o f t h e game: without getting lost. I n each
Find Spot. Now kids room they have to right a piece of
can start clicking, and furniture that Spot has lcnocked
Rolfe Polie Olie is a over and then play a game.
clicker's p a r a d i s e . Ah, the games. Somehow they
Click on a lamp and it bring to mind a group of develop-
turns off; click on the ers in a corporate cafeteria setting,
toaster and bread flies scribbling ideas on napkins. Next
out; c l i c k o n t h e time maybe they should look to
fridge, the door opens elementary school playgrounds
—more clicks and you for inspiration.
can remove the food. Telly Builder is a strange game

NI i l l IIII
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ACTNOW 4 1 6 593 2777 A P R I L 2002 T O R O N T O COMPUTES! 6 5
Clicking's where this game's at
continued from page 65
or what a shower curtain looks like as
it blows in the wind. All that just to
create a spaceship from a sofa, lamp
and, garbage can! You may also tire of
Olie's "waytago," a n d "you're t h e
bestest" — but there's no way to mute
the sound.
I-- Canister Can-Can is a fairly complex
music-making program, found (but
not so easily) in the kitchen. The can-
0 0isters neatly represent musical notes,
and you can click on the tap and ket-
@Humber College tle for extra sounds — but i t won't
keep kids occupied for long.
Crayon Crisscross i s perhaps t h e
most fun, basically because it's based
SUN JAVA on something kids know from the real
world - colouring. Kids have to grab
crayons that move over the screen —
and then click on the circle they want
LINUX coloured. As the levels o f difficulty
increase, kids can even start mixing
colours — a great thing to experience
ORACLE DBA and learn at this age.
Only after kids have made their way
through all the rooms can they go to
the bathroom to play Scuba Splash —
I T ) MCSE the weirdest game of all. With bouncy
music and a weird theme, it somehow
seems, like it's here just because there

CISCO was no room for it in Monsters, Inc.

Scream Team Training.
Pappy is preparing the bath for Spot,
but all sorts of items have fallen into
Limited seats available - the tub. Your mission: Put on scuba
CALL N O W gear, enter the tub and retrieve the

Subscribe Now.
missing items — including Pappy's
Exclusive to Humber in teeth. And that one just rubs me the
Toronto: Developed by wrong way. How do you explain den-
tures to a four year-old? But you have
the Software Human
Resource Council (Canada), Andwe'll deliver to your doorstep! to because if kids don't retrieve them,
Spot doesn't get a bath.
the Information Technol 111111111111111 After a bubbling finale, kids can

❑ Yes
Professional (ITP) program resume playing games o r keep o n
Send me 12 issues of The Computer Paper clicking. They can also quit and come
provides nationally
for only $17.77 (Tax and Shipping Included) back later. But then they'll have to
recognized certification,
plus industry recognized
Name start all over again. •

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CCNA and A+. Attend our
Info Session on April 23. Address
Call to register. City P r o v i n c e P o s t a l Code Rolle Polie Olie: The Search for Spot
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66 TORONTO C O M P U T E S ! A P R I L 2 0 0 2 c a n a d a c o m p u t e s . c o m
Certification Expr
Be your own expert "It is really important that kids be
continued from page 64 included in the software purchase deci-
target. Read online notes t o check sion in terms of theme and characters,
whether the required skills are in line as what may seem really cool with par-
with your child's. For example, i f your ents won't always jive with their kids,
child excels in art, but is still grasping resulting in an unrealized investment," ApprovedPvtVocationalSchoolbyMM. of Education
the ABCs, he or she might leap ahead in adds Penney.
Solution Provider
Official (A+)&"Mkrosoft Certified Farther
creativity programs, b u t have t o g o
down a level for reading. 3. System compatibility.
Like clothing, make sure programs can When you head off to the store, make
grow with your child. "Often we recom- sure you know your system require- MCSE2000/CCNA/*CCNP/ UNIX/ A+/Webmaster
mend something [the kids) can grow into ments.
rather than something that might be too "A lot of people don't check the sys-
easy and hence a less-valued invest- tem requirements before they buy the
ment," says Penney. But it really depends latest and greatest kids' titles, resulting
ActualCases:Karen W: Zerobackground+MCSEw/Us=100k lob in US,
on the situation, i.e. number of children in big disappointments for both parents RitP(IBM), Jerry E(Rogers),MauriceR.(HP),AlexB.(Edge),Boris P. (ING Bank>
in the household, etc. and kids alike," says Penney. 65k),TonyT.(100 k -US),SakM(MCSE+CIW-York Univ. Lecturer),
They find themselves i n a position
2. Suitable subject matter. where they either have to upgrade their *****SPL, LOWPRICEFORSTUDENTSFOOLEDELSEWHERE ""**
Even if the title you're thinking about computer (often the video card), or give
(Findon our sitethe training institutes,whosegradswe... RESCUED)
scored high marks in every review, i f the software to someone else (schools,
the cast o f characters is not to your libraries, friends), because most stores "ONLY"
child's liking, you're wasting y o u r won't take back opened merchandise.
money. On the other hand, new titles
with interesting new characters can be 4. You're the expert!
OneOnOne*Topic by Topic* 4th Year of100% Success
worth exploring. Most importantly, don't expect some-
There a r e programs t h a t t e a c h one else to answer your questions for ***The OnlyRealChoice.All elseis just LECTURES.***
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detective-like adventures a n d r o l e - By the time you're dishing out dollars ExamProviderPartners: Microsoft /Cisco/Certified Internet Webmaster/A+/IBMNUE
playing. Some require short attention for children's software, you should be Helping underprivileged "FREE Training for Needy"- (
spans, o t h e r s r e q u i r e h o u r s o f the expert. 7171E116

sleuthing. Match your child's interests

and abilities. Talk to your kids about How do YOU choose children's software? Let
5400Yonge St., #501, N.York (Finch Sul-v1 T e l : 416-223 2220
what they like. me know at: •

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2000 Computers 22 Hitech Institute 6 3

ABC 41 Humber College - School of IT 6 6
Absolute PC Solutions 69 ICCT Computers 1 9 We
Advanced Computer 48 Infonec 5 7 Prodirced 3 CCIEs IN THREE M O N T H S
AG Computers 59 Keit Computers 4 4
Angel 3 Less Tech4 2 CSE 2000
APO International 61 Logic Computer2 3
AT & T Canada 5 15 Look Residential 1 1 UNIX S O L A P N , 32 CCNP
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Blue Genesis 34 Micropoint4 3 CHECK POINT C D
BNC Compuware 39 Monitor Plus 6 9
Canadian Domain Names 49 Monitor Repair Centre 6 9 CISCO YTN tit.-cririty USE 2000. PROFESSIONAL
Conserve Toner 69 Music Contest 1 6
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Classifieds 68,70 OZ Computers 2 4 , 38 SOL ADMINISTRATION
Communication Technology Credit 28 Pathway2 7
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Coeilbq r m *
B.111.1.Zro W O W [ W C • O b i I N C 1 . C 4 4 1 1 0 . : 4 4 .
C. 4 4 4 . 0 1 SINIOWNI.

Factory Union Computer6 0

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Fazcom Training 63 TORONTO 4 3 1 = = >

GoGo Computers 26 United Computer 6 1 11 0 " " 1 7 - 1 " 1 " . 2 1 .
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The Computer Paper is not responsible for errors or omissions. , a n t w w w . w i n n e t s y s t e m s . c o m entil:leaclune , i m e ts-islem&com
The Ad Index is printed as a courtesy to our readers and advertisers.
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Much profile: Namugenyi Kiwanuka
Who: Namugenyi Kiwanuka, MuchMusic VJ and video- Is there anything you think you need: "Something
grapher. She hosts t h e recently launched DownLo like a cross between a pager, a cell phone and a Palm
(Wednesdays, 9 p.m.) and Much Vibe (Saturdays, 2 p.m.) Pilot — so at 1 o'clock i t would tell me, 'Now, it's 1
o'clock, you have to do this' and i t would beep and
Computer n o w used: IBM Thinkpad P3, Windows then I'd have to read it or it would tell me verbally. Just
2000, 192 MB RAM. When she tries to check the specs, to keep me organized because I'm very disorganized.
the computer promptly freezes and she laughs. " A t And I tried using a Palm Pilot but, hmm, there went
MuchMusic we spare no expense.; that idea."

Computer first used: Brother word processor; "That What frustrates you the most about technology: The
was, like, grade 13." difference i n quality between competing search
engines. She says Google is currently the best. "Another
Favorite computer: Apple iBook. thing that really bothers me is how slow the computer
is sometimes. Because sometimes time is of the essence
Other technical gadgetry i n use at this time (cells, and i f I'm going on air and I'm trying to find some-
PDA, etc.): Cell phone. thing quickly and the computer freezes, it's like, arrghh
... that's 70 seconds of valuable time!"
Do you use your computer for play: Checking NBA
scores and stats. Personal take on issues dealing with technology: "I
couldn't live without my cell phone, 'cos I'm hardly
Best t h i n g a b o u t t h e technology y o u h a v e : home. And sometimes it's bad to have a cell phone
Accessibility (e-mail). because i f you're trying to dodge somebody — 'Well, I
called you on your cell phone ...' -
Worst thing: Some sites are too elaborate and too slow. The only negative thing about cell phones are the
Also privacy or lack of privacy. I don't like the fact that roamer fees. It's just ridiculous. I just got a phone bill
someone can get access to my personal e-mails even for, like, $700 because I was in the States using it. I'm
after they've been deleted. like — What?" •

What can't you live without: Cell phone. —interview by Sam Okalow

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tote activation fee of $29.55 iscurrennewaned. WITIllatico HighSpeedEdition is a bat-markof tel Canada.ForTELLS Seises,* post some swim rueinstanaltnprovidedInstallation land tans can say dependingon nalabaly Duistforthear" kit ;WNW required for ne self-inste0 cabal. Rio3 may tea deuativ on the
fOOdOrilselected veriocityVard Oubrforinaufware We-narks owned try'JEWS ].Offered threugh Dell Faux& Services Ceratlean exlegerdert every to qualified businats =Wert, subjec110 vedrt approvaland avarlabliN 48 more tarn No pracencent odder unlesswhererequiredby law. "Dell, theDe4 lgo, laspiron, Dimension,
forrpleteCane aretrademarks of Dal Computer Corporation." Intel. %Miff() andColeren an trademarks or registered oedemata of he' formation or in subsdrades in to UnitedSterna aid other cartes rD2002 Mcrosoft Corporation Ai rips reserved. Mica:soft to Office logo. Onto* PewarPcint.Windews,andtheWindows loge
are eitherregisteredtrademarksOffrodernerks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or ether countries" 3Comis aregistered trademark of3Com Corp:rain A l l odor trademarksand registered Oedema& are the property id their registered holders. V 2002DellComputer Cormotior. All rights reserved.

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