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F e a t u r e s R e g u l a r s C y b e r p l a y
10 L o o k i n g at video camcorders ... 6 Letters 44 C y b e r b r i e f s
16 U s i n g video for self-promotion 8 N e w Products 46 G e n e r a l s gets into politics
18 G e t t i n g video from drive to disc 21 L i n f i e l d ' s Line by Kevin Linfield 47 P C gaming: What's coming ...
19 S t r u g g l e of the boards 22 T h e World is My Cubicle by Alan Thwaits 48 G a m e On! by Marc Saltzman
23 Te l e c o m m e n t s by Lynn Greiner 49 M a c r o m a n a g i n g the universe
R e v i e w s 24 M a c Chronicles by Dwayne R. Brown 49 A t Play by Sharlene Myers
25 M c A f e e gives Internet Security
43 K i d s : Net guide to just what you're 50 E A ' s baseball is an MVP
30 I n e x p e n s i v e recording with a Walkman looking for :51 R o b i n Hood on the PC
31 F a m i l i a r tool helps video editors go digital 43 K i d s : Withstanding time
32 W h a t ' s new in Adobe Premiere? 54 P r o f i l e : Nick Kopachkov
38 B a c k i n g up with ABSplus T E S T S
42 C o n f r o n t the backdoor: Trashing spyware C r e a t i v e Te c h Enter our Digital Design
42 A word about AbiWord 33 D i g i t a l Shots: Taking a fieldtrip Contest. See page 41
36 D i g i t a l Word: Get extra work out of for details.
layout software
See page 45 f o r details on the-
39 A d v e n t u r e s in digital video:
Cool Tunes Contest.,
DV, by any other name ...
40 M u s i c a l Odyssey: Check o u t page 54 f o r i n f o on a
Instruments galore new Photo Spree Assignment.

4 TORONTO C O M P U T E S ! M A Y 2003


• 0


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To r o n t o
I was walking along a street one evening when a sight
caught my eye. It was a cardboard box containing some
refuse, and it had somehow broken open, spilling its con-
tents into the stacet. Not intending to stop, I sauntered by
the mess, but some shiny things caught my eye, There were
ted all the disks without prying, realizing that I had no busi-
ness having this information, whatever it was.
With sensitive information being hijacked, whether from
databases being hacked or hard disks walking out of the
offices of financial institutions, it is a wonder that people
CCPEditorial Director
floppy disks, CDs, and a smattering of Zip disks. This really are still so cavalier with data they accumulate. I would like David Tanaka
drew my attention. I found myself draWn down and I started to think that the Zip disks I found contained nothing more Editor
to examine these disks. Nestor Gula,
sensitive than sales orders from 1998, but who knows? And Managing Editor
The Zip disks interested me, as I use these for backup and what was on those CDs that I left on the pile? We are all Chris Talbot,
to transfer large files between my home and office. I responsible, whether in our personal or professional lives, Assistant Editor
grabbed them. The CDs were a motley collection of used CDs Andrew Moore-Crispin, andrew inoore-crispin@tqlca
for the information we accumulate and just like we should Contributing Editors
that were burned with God knows what. I ignored these. The recycle and not litter with garbage we should also dispose of LynnGreiner, Kevin Linfield, Marc Saltzman,
only other gem from this pile — I really did not go far, for information in a proper way — rendering the information on Alan Thwarts
Copy Editor
hygiene reasons — was a still shrink-wrapped copy of IBM's the disks inaccessible before disposing of them in an envi- Sharlene Myers
PC DOS 4.00. Nostalgia. ronmentally friendly way. Art Director
I looked around to see what Helga Stitt
Online Editor
business would have discarded Toronto Computes! is going through a metamorphosis. TO Jessica Malone
this stuff. There were several started as a computer publication nearly 20 years ago, and
diverse businesses in the facing Publisher/General Manager
we have tracked the way computers literally changed the Dick Peters
office block — a medical centre, way we live. Just as the computer has grown beyond its Associate Publisher
lawyers, accountants among plain beige box, so too TC! will shed some of its identity. RobCrawford,
Production/Distribution Director
others. For some time now we have been writing not just z bout the MaxineLewis, maxine lewisgtcp.ra
When I got home and looked computer itself but how our lives are being intertwined with Production
closely at the Zip disks I realized emerging technology. The changes to our publication will bi Chris Brockley, Steve Stoner, Lara Bazant,
RoxanneBennett, Carlos Castro
that they were the backup disks huge — for one thing the new name will be Hub: Digital IT Department
for the company. Each disk con- Living. The great content that you have come to rely on wit SteveQuinney, Dan Wojtkiewicz
tained a single file. Were these Marketing Manager
be maintained and enhanced. I encourage readers to write to NataliaNossovskaia, natalia
medical files, financial. records, me with their comments and suggestions. National Sales Manager
legal files or something else Ian Harting, ion
Corporate Account Manager
equally sensitive? I just format- Nestor Gula can be reached by e-mailing • JohnChiasson,
Advertising Sales
Scott Piccolo, Ralph Ventriglia
Advertising Coordinators
Classified Saks
Superior option to scanning? I believe this is a far superior option Well aged response Sabrina Garofalo,
Re: How To: Scan Prints to Archive - to any sort of scanning. Re: A question of options TC! April — Circulation
TC! April — I find it amazing that when- Alf Bristow Ye, verily Mara Gulens, thou art an Distribution
ever an article o f this sort is written, ageist; forsooth and for shame. Gabriella Dan
that the least expensive and, IMHO, the S30 million dollar backlog "Grandma can't d o much w i t h a
best solution is never mentioned. Use Re: Media levy: Hearings end, saga About the cover
photo CD," you say? Y o u obviously Our May cover wasdesigned by Steve Stoner.
your digital camera. continues, To April — Frank Lenk says haven't met some o f the grandmas I
To make life simpler, I use an old in his article that companies can regis- have. TorontoComputes! is published monthly by
•Canada Computer Paper Inc. under licence from
copy stand that has the arms out to the ter with the CPCC for a rebate of the Grandma i n t h i s house regularly -Canada Computer Paper Inc.
side to hold four photo blue bulbs. The media levy. Is it possible for individuals edges me away from the computer to go
to register and request a yearly rebate? online, to do a variety of other comput- Canada Computer Paper Inc. Corporate Office
bulbs have a relatively short life, 25 625 Church St., Suite 600, Toronto, ON M4Y 2G1
hours or so, but they only cost about I wouldn't mind filing an annual report er-based tasks, or to play games with Tel: (416) 923-4200 Fax: (416) 923.5394
$6, so it's not a big expense when they for the CDs I've purchased for storing her grandson. In fact, grandma bought Copyright 2003
unless otherwise specified.
need replacing. The camera is attached my scanned photos in order to justify a the first PC in this house.
to the stand via the threaded hole in rebate. I also wouldn't mind, a month Prior to retirement — the only grand- Subscriptions
after filing a rebate request and not 1-800465.3517 x 1273
the camera, body. I output a video sig- ma in her department — she was the Subscriptions: 319.99 ($21.39 with taxes) a year
nal from my CoolPix 995 and view the receiving it, taking the issue to small most computer literate of the bunch. U.S.subscriptions: US375,Overseas subscriptions: Can$135
image on a separate monitor. By mov- claims court. If a few hundred (or a few Grandmas everywhere deserve a well Mail cheques or money orders
(payable to TorontoComputes to:
ing the camera u p o r down, o r b y thousand) users d i d this, t h e CPCC phrased, deeply felt apology and better Yaionlo Computed
zooming in or out, I can easily get the might find that their $30 million dollar treatment in the future. 625 Church St., Suite 600, Toronto, ON M4Y 2G1
Tel: (416) 923-4200 Fax: (416) 923-5394
image I want. Once I'm happy, I press backlog was evaporating. "Grandpa Bill"
the shutter and go to the next image. David Brown Bill Bryson Canadian Publication Mail SalesProduct Agreement
Printed in Canada I S S N 297433
TorontoComputed is distributed free through hundreds
TheEditorToronto Computes! of stores, restaurants & boxes around Metro Toronto.
625 Church St., Suite 600, Toronto, ON M4Y 261 For his letter this month, Bill Bryson wins a
copy o f Age o f Mythology, from Ensemble G E M
Letters on issues raised in the paper or general Studios and Microsoft Game Studios.
Thepublisherreserves the right to refusesexist, racist, or other-
computer topics are welcome. Please be brief. We Age of Mythology has players to taking control wiseoffensive advertising. The publisher alsoreserves the right
regret that we are unable to look up stories from to be the final judge of what is appropriate. Information in
of nine legendary civilizations such as Greek, both editorial and advertising is believed to be toe, however,
past issues, suggest products, or solve all your
Norse and Egyptian, and allows them to do bat- the publisherassumesno responsibility for errors or omissions.
computer problems. All correspondence must Announcements:
includeyour full-namein addition to your e-mail tle against other civilizations using troops and Ad deadline June: Tuesday, May, 21
orsnail-mailaddress.Lettersmaybeedited for ancient creatures--from each c i v i l i T t i o n ' s Distribution: Wednesday, May, 29
- The funtext of Iris available online at:
- space or content. mythology.
2 1 A s u s P 4 S D X M o t h e r b o a r d for Intel P e n t i u m 4 C P U s A s u s P 4 C 8 0 0 M o t h e r b o a r d for Intel P e n t i u m 4 C P U s
E C S P4VMM2-3.2a for Socket 478 CPUs Ablt K 0 7 Motherboard for A I M Socket A
o r A s u s A 7 V 8 X M o t h e r b o a r d for A M D C P U s o r Asus A 7 N 8 X - D X M c d i e r b o a r d for A M D C P U s
o r A b i t B H 7 M o t h e r b o a r d f o r Intel P e n t i u m 4 C P U s
or E C S K 7 V M M + for Socket A C P U s
T h e r m a t t a k e Vo l c a n o 7 Heat Sink /Fan f o r A M D C P U s T h e r m a l t a k e Vo l c a n o 7+ H e a t Sink / F a n
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Panasortic 3.5" - 1 . 4 4 M B H O Floppy Disk Drive
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8 0 G b Fast ATA - 1 0 0 Hard Disk Drive 4i2720ORPM 8 0 G b ATA - 1 0 0 Hard Disk Drive 7 2 0 0 R P M w/ 8Mb
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E c o n o m y M i d - To w e r 6 B a y F I X C a s e 0 N e s t M i d - T o w e r A T X C a s e sv/ W i n d o w a n d N e o n L i g h t s
0 P r e m i u m 6 B a y M i d - T o w e r A T X C a s e sv/ H E C 3 0 0 W P. S . M E n l i g h t M i d - T o w e r A T X C a s e WI 7 B a y s & 2 F r o n t U S B
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0 2- U S B Ports, 1 - 1 6 5 5 0 Serial Ports, 1 P S / 2 M o u s e M On-Board S ATA Controller & Uttra/133 Support 2 1 0 n -Board S ATA Raid ControPer & Uttra/133 Support
Port & 1- BI-Dlrectional Parallel Port
P o r t & 1 - Eli- D i r e c t i o n a l P a r a l l e l P o r t 0 4 - U S B 1.1 P o r t s , 2- U S B 2.0 Ports. 1 - 1 3 9 4 F i r e w i r e 6- U S B Ports a n d 4 - 1 3 9 4 F i r e w i r e P o r t s
0 AT I R a d e o n 9 1 0 0 A G P V i d e o w / 6 4 M b & T V - O u t
Ed O n - B o a r d A G P 3 D V i d e o w / 6 4 M b B u f f e r P o r t , 2 - S e l l a P o r t s & 1 - 81- D i r e c t i o n a l P a r a l l e l P o r t 0 S a p p h i r e R a d e o n 9 7 0 0 v d 1 2 8 M b & DV1
2 1 $ a m s u n g D V D / C D - R W C o m b o N y e (48/24/48/16)
M On-Board PCI Stereo Sound w/ Surround Sound 121Aeue v 9 4 8 0 / 1 V 1 3 G e F o r c e 4 T I 4 8 0 0 w r 1 2 8 M b 0 S o n y 48x12x48 Black C D - R W Drive w/ Burn Software
M On- b o a r d P C I Stereo Sound wI Surround Sound
63 5 8 k F a x / M o d e m W / W i c e m a i l , v . 9 0 , C N R M Sony 52424x52 C D - R W Drive id Burn Software 12ISony 16X Black D V D - R O M D r i v e w/ 40X C D R O M
A l t e c L a n s i n g A V S 5 0 0 WI 4 S p e a k e r s & S u b w o o f e r
M O n - B o a r d 10/100 PCI Full D u p l e x N e t w o r k A d a p t e r 0 Sony 16X D V D - R O M Drive wl 40X C D R O M support R e a t t e k A L C 6 5 0 A u d i o W/ 8 C h a n n e l S u p p o r t
g R o c k w e l l 561( Int. V o i c e / F a x / M o d e m v. 9 0 ( P C I )
0 Fifty- Tw o S p e e d ( 5 2 X ) M a x E I D E C D - R O M Drive S o u n d B l a s t e r U v e 5.1 P C I S t e r e o S o u n d c a r d 0 Creative Inspire 6 . 1 6 6 0 0 w/ 6 Speakers & Subwoofer
0 O n - B o a r d 10/100 PCI Full D u p l e x N e t w o r k A d a p t e r
0 S a m s u n g 7 5 0 S Digital . 2 4 h d p S V G A Colour Monitor 0 C r e a t i v e I n s p i r e 4 . 1 - 4 4 0 0 S p e a k e r S y s t e m iv/ S u b 0 U S R o b o t i c s 5 6 K i n t e r n a l F a x / M o d e m v. 9 0
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Drums, phones,
(Not Rutty as Illustratcd)
(Not Eaactly 24 Illustrated)
assistants and whatnot
FROM $ 4 . 9 9 FROM $ 0 . 9 9
By ANDREW MOORE-CRISPIN phones for some time now, and while Another product w e won't see i n
HARDWARE HARDWARE they have yet t o catch o n i n North North America for some time.
Drum kit goes digital America, J-Phone Co. (,
One o f the biggest problems home a unit of Vodafone, is set to release the RIM adds voice, e-mail organization
audio studio users face i s recording first ever megapixel camera phones. Research in Motion (RIM,
drums — not only the problem of accu- The megapixel camera phone handsets unveiled its new 6210 model BlackBerry
rately capturing the sounds a drum kit represent a quadrupling o f the resolu- in North America a t CTIA (Cellular
makes, but avoiding the wrath o f the tion of current camera phones, and ana- Telecommunications f t I n t e r n e t
MOTHERBOARDS rest of the family for making so much lysts say they could compete with low- Association) 2003, held in New Orleans.
(Not Exactly as Ithutrateti) (Not Exactly as Dlostratta) noise. end digital cameras, though there are The 6210 is Java-based and promises
FROM $ 0 . 9 9 FROM $ 0 . 9 9 With this i n mind, Pacific Digital still doubts about whether consumers greater storage space with 16 MB flash
HARDWARE HARDWARE ( r e c e n t l y will be buying. memory for data and applications.
released what it is calling the first USB As with most cool technology, Japan The new communicator adheres to the
digital drum kit. will see the megapixel camera phones familiar BlackBerry form a n d offers
The DrumXtreme includes 1 4 com- well before North American consumers. phone capabilities, SMS messaging, e -
plete sound banks and better than 130 DoCoMo, the biggest Japanese cellular mail and Web access over the 1,900
different samples, the company says. service provider, will be bundling serv- MHz GSMIGPRS wireless standard.
Such a technology could also ease the ice packages with the megapixel phones RIM says the new model also sup-
SPEAKERS M O N I T O R S aural pain o f a parent whose child when they are released in May. ports cradle-free e-mail synchroniza-
(NotE:uNyax Illostraled) ( N o t Exactly as Mounted)
wants to learn to play the drums; the One megapixel is about the minimum tion with a desktop PC, with support
FROM$4.99 FRoll $0.99 DrumXtreme c a n b e played muted, resolution required t o make a decent for filing, deletion and read/unread
(while quantities last) through headphones plugged into the quality standard sized print. status as well as integrated attachment
computer or, likely the least desirable viewing f o r some popular files l i k e
REGISTERTO WIN option in this particular case, played full
blast through the PCs speakers.
Nokia sticking with new form factor Office suite programs, ASCII text and

Nokia (, already gearing PDF files.
The drum set is rack mounted, unlike up to launch the N-Gage mobile game
The Virtual Keyboard
A YEAR! most similar consumer-level electronic
drum kits, where each pad is housed in
deck (see New Products, TC! February -
archived o n Siemens ( released
ONOUR WEBS1TE the same unit. Pacific Digital says the has launched a phone in a similar form photos o f its Virtual Keyboard over a
PCMANIAK.COM rack mounting makes the electronic dig-
ital drum set more like a traditional kit,
factor aimed at mobile music enthusi-
year ago, but the product moved a big
step closer t o t h e m a r k e t w h e n
Downtown with drum pads at different levels and a The Nokia 3300 looks suspiciously like Matsushita Electric Industrial C o .
(College & Spadina) foot pedal f o r the bass drum on the the N-Gage, but rather than have a D- announced it has licensed the technolo-
259 College St c floor. pad to the left o f the relatively large gy and will release the product this year
5 Doors East of The DrumXtreme is powered by the colour LCD screen and numerical keys for use with cell phones and PDAs.
Spadina Toronto USB connection, and assuming the PC it to the right, the handset features a full The Virtual Keyboard projects a red
(416) 593-4845 plugs into is equipped with speakers, QWERTY keyboard split between the image o f a QWERTY keyboard onto a
nothing else but the drivers is required two sides. flat surface and detects user interac-
to get up and drumming. The 3300 plays MP3 and AAC files tion with the infrared and visible light
Mississauga The DrumXtreme kit comes with five and allows users to set their music files projection t o i n p u t t e x t i n mobile
(Tomken & Matheson) pads, a foot pedal, drumsticks, cable and as ring tones, which means that now, devices.
1020 Brevik Place a DX-Box audio host, and costs about instead of having a bad MIDI version of The device weighs a scant 160 g, and
$435 (from US$299). The company will Knight Rider play when the phone rings, USB or battery-powered models will be
Unit 1B Mississauga
also be selling an accessory kit that users can have the real thing. available.
(905) 602-9901 The company s a y s t h e V i r t u a l
includes a sixth drum pad and another Nokia says the 3300 will weigh less
Ext 301 than 125 g and will last for up to 11 Keyboard will cost about 10,000 yen,
pedal for US$49.
hours o f digital music playback, nine approximately $123, and there are plans
Megapixel camera phones hours of radio listening, three hours talk for the product to h i t North America
We've been hearing about camera time or 270 hours of standby. within the year. •
TORONTO C O M P U T E S ! M A Y 2 0 0 3 e a n a d a c e m p u t e s . c o m
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a n a d a c o m p u t e s . c o m M AY 2 0 0 3 T O R O N T O C O M P U T E S ! 9
Looking at video camcorders ...
Ask the right questions before you buy
By LEE RICKWOOD use out of it," says Royce Merkle, gener- expensive cameras typically use a single and digital image stabilizers. And, like
al manager, Merkle Camera and Video. chip t o sample the three basic image the zoom, most experts caution against
Buying the, right video camcorder is a "Some videographers like the stability of components — red, green and blue. More the latter, even though it may cost less.
tough decision. There are hundreds o f a larger camcorder, but smaller is con- expensive cameras use a separate CCD With optical, a special element inside
choices and a ton o f information t o sidered an advantage in the consumer for each, resulting in a more realistic the lens actually moves to compensate
guide you. But the best questions can be market," he adds. "Arguably, a downside and detailed picture. for the shaking image, giving a nice
obscured im a blizzard o f facts, figures of smaller cameras is access to controls, But as Konkin says, "The number o f image without jitter. Digital or electron-
and technical specifications. smaller buttons and so on ... so be sure chips is not as important as it used to be. ic stabilizers often use extra pixels to
A handful o f camera features and and try the camera out first." Chips come in different sizes. Now there compensate. The "slower" ones m a y
functions really determine, video quali- All those buttons control a wide range are smaller chips with high pixel counts. actually "fall behind" when you move
ty; most others are superfluous gim- of features, functions and special capa- Megapixel chips — a million o r more the camera, leaving ghostly o r jumpy
micks. What's important and what's an bilities. Too wide? pixels — are common on the market." images behind.
expensive extra? "The average buyer might use half the The minimum pixel count f o r good
The first decision is easy There are different ways to view the
Knowledgeable users a n d vendors Digital video looks better i n terms of line camera i m a g e . B l a c k -and-white
agree — it's no hype that digital offers viewfinders are generally sharper, which
significant advantages over analogue.
Digital video looks better — in terms of
resolution, measurably so. Unlike analogue, it is better for focusing. Popular flip-out
LCD displays reflect colour reasonably
line resolution, measurably so. Unlike well, but they do cost a bit more and
analogue, i t can be copied and edited can be copied and edited with no signal loss or deliver an image that's n o t quite as
with no signal loss or image degradation sharp.
and it's a shorter step to streaming on image degradation and it's a shorter step to LCDs may blank out i n bright sun-
the Web, video mail and DVD. shine, but they make playback of record-
You could save a few bucks buying ed footage much more comfortable.
analogue, like Hi-8 o r VHS, but you'll streaming on the Web, video mail and DVD. "Viewfinders draw less battery power,
regret it. Perfectly capable digital cam- but LCDs help with creative shooting
corders are now $800 to $1,000, and the features and functions on a digital cam- resolution DV images is around 680,000; angles a n d P O V [ p o i n t -of-view]
price continues to drop. corder," says Alex Hine, senior sales it gets better going up from there, but it changes," says Konkin. In other words,
So choose digital over analogue. (All associate for Henry's Photo Video. also gets more expensive. it's important to have both and use them
the features and functions discussed here So is all that information giving us an appropriately.
relate to digital video camcorders, partic- education or causing us confusion? Lens and zoom features
ularly those using the DV tape format.) "There is a lot of highly technical cam- As well as the CCD, the optical quality Connections
era information, and a majority of peo- of the camera's lens influences a l l Connectivity to and from other devices
Videographer, know thyself! ple want a simple 'memory machine; but aspects of the image, from sharpness to is an important camcorder feature. The
The most important question to pose businesses, pro shooters and independ- colour saturation to brightness. basics are usually standard, including
when choosing a camcorder is to your- ent filmmakers are using digital video, Hille says today's lenses, whether glass A/V output to a TV (composite or RCA
self — why do I want it and how will I too," Hille explains. "There are cameras or plastic, deliver a good image, often plugs are good, S-Video is better) and
use it? for each of them, but again, you've got better than the chip can handle. What digital output to a computer, particular-
If you don't ask the question, a good to know how and why you're going to he's concerned about is the zoom lens, ly IEEE 1394 (also sold under brand
dealer will. A l l we spoke t o agree — use the camera and its features." and how it's often pitched as "the bigger names FireWire and iLink) capability.
knowing the application behind a video the better" by some marketers. A true "A video in connection is also a nice
purchase is critical. Image sensors optical zoom changes image magnifica- feature i f you want to dub older ana-
"We give 'em the third degree," laughs One of the most important camcorder tion before it hits the CCD. 'The digital logue footage onto DV for editing," Hille
Fred Konkin, video sales manager f o r features is the type of imaging device it zoom is an effect, not a feature," he says adds.
Vistek, Ltd. "Really — it's important to employs. scornfully.
ask the customer a lot of questions to get Called a CCD ( f o r charge-coupled Merkle agrees; the bigger the digital Still image capability
the proper match; find out about their device) o r chip, the sensor is covered zoom, the worse the picture. "At 300x, it's A video camera's ability to take still
needs n o w and their aspirations f o r with tiny pixels (for picture elements) an atrocious picture. Typical cameras pictures is important to about half of all
future use." that turns light coming through the lens have a 10x or 12x optical zoom, which is buyers — and why not? "At the basic
Having that feel for how you will use into electronic signals, stored as digital fine — equate it to a strong telephoto on a level, digital still capability is a $100
the camera means finding out how the data. still camera. There are some good optical option," says Merkle. "It's not that much
camera itself feels. Chips are a significant contributor to zooms that go as high as 20x," he adds. more, but i f you want to make good
Shooting video is a very tactile expe- image quality; they dramatically affect A word of caution — even the smallest prints from your stills, make sure the
rience, so the camera should feel good in colour balance and low-light shooting cameras can have a zoom mechanism, CCD is 1.5-megapixel or better."
your hands. I t should be comfortable capability. but be careful i t can't be heard by the
and convenient to use. Generally, the more chips the better. on-board camera microphone. Built-in light/low-light capability
"Generally, the big plus with smaller One of the main dividing lines in cam- Adding light can dramatically improve
size is more convenience. Users tend to corder price and quality comes between Image stabilization the overall quality of your video, creating
carry it with them more and get more the one-chip and three-chip variety. Less Like the zoom, there are both optical continued on page 14

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lilealmewpcbundlendosympalico.caSympaticoisalade-mattolBellCanada.3Communication dm* rrofappty. •Fre37-74 lamaColeur Seiner/Wet e1010541400•14194DVD/CORWbumerupgradeincludes4101(24CDRWilixDVDcantodrive.S75shippingMaleCaula Ws.
Looking at video camcorders ... phone, serious shooters want to connect be added to stunning visual effect. Some
continued from page to an external microphone; a camera with lenses have the ability to add fish-eye or
more contrast in your shots. A built-in mike input as well as a headphone jack wide-angle adapters a n d telephoto
light is a really good feature. Camcorder for monitoring audio during recording extensions.
pictures always benefit from extra light- is important. Digital camcorders can Small o n -board lights were men-
ing, even with digital resolution. record sounds as 16-bit audio, which is tioned; so too, accessory hot-shoes that
Cameras with a low-light mode allow equivalent to home audio CDs, or as 12- make powering the light, or a micro-
you t o record i n conditions that are bit, which allows for an extra track to be phone, easy and convenient.
close t o complete darkness, b u t the added later. Tripods for mono-pods) add stability
image will be noisy and grainy. to your shots and are considered must-
Accessories make the videographer haves. They screw into the bottom of the
Audio connections and accessories Accessories are just the kind of thing camcorder — o r better still, a handy
Although cameras come with a micro- that can determine the purchase o f a quick-release tripod plate.
camera, says Konkin. With the right Most cameras come loaded with all
audio jacks, a world o f creative audio sorts o f special digital visual effects —
opportunities opens up. ignore them. Shoot the best video you Canon Optura 2000 MC
Most cameras have threaded lenses, so can and muck it up in pos.:-production
diffusion filters and coloured gels may if you really have to. •

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By TOM VENETIS on his home PC and mixes the sound on an Apple-

Using video for Toronto-based children's performer

and musician Mark Kersey loves jazz
based system before moving it over to the video.
Using the CD format has proven to have other
advantages for self-promotion. Along with the

and swing music from the '30s and videos, Kersey adds other promotional materials to
'40s. When he got together with his his CDs, including high-quality publicity photos,
singing partner Zoey, they decided M images shot at various gigs and media information.
record a video o f themselves perform- Kersey has also added some of the videos to the Web
ing along with Blossom Dearie's sites promoting his various acts, such as www.loungevi-
recording of Give Him the Doh La La, and he offers MP3 music from his group The
at the studio of a friend. Stylamanders at He plans to
"So we went to his studio and set up a camera and include video clips of The Stylamanders when he
we began goofing around," Kersey says, "and I later redesigns the site.
took the footage, cut and pasted it together, made
some of it black and white and put together a video." Hook, punch tine and hotlink
That video becaMe a promotional tool for their Kersey is not the only performer to find digital
act Loungevity, and when they sent the video, now video ideal for promotion. Winnipeg, Manitoba-
burned onto a. standard CD, around to various clubs based comedian and performer Al Simmons
and potential festivals, it helped Loungevity land ( — who models his act and rather
some pretty decent gigs. One was the Celebrate outrageous props on the works of such comedian
Toronto festival, which was unfortunately cancelled greats as Danny Kaye, Spike Jones and Jimmy
because of Iasi summer's garbage strike. Durante — has found digital video to be a great way
"But we got booked by Toronto City Hall on the of getting people interested in booking him and
strength of that video," Kersey says. "I now send points out that the digital video on CD format was
video CDs to anyplace I think I can get a job." an improvement from using standard video tapes
Kersey sends out digital videos of his various other that went out with press packages.
acts as well. These include his children's group, The "I was surprised at how convenient it was to go
Stylamanders and the Duelling Pianos, in which he with video and it proved to be a very good move
performs with Randy Vancourt. Vancourt is well for me," Simmons says. "This is what really surpris-
known for his work with the Second City touring es me. A press package arrives at someone's office
company and on the YTV show Don't Lick the Pig. and usually beside them is a computer and almost
The advantages of using digital video as a self- right away they take the CD with the video and put
promotion tool are obvious for someone like it into the computer and there I am as they watch
Kersey. When he sends a professional looking video the video. It even has a hotlink directly to my Web
on CD along with a press package to a club man- site. More often than not, a video tape would end
ager or festival organizer, it lets them get a better up in the trunk of a car and get kicked around for
look at his act immediately and make hiring deci- months without getting watched."
sions more quickly. As well, a solid video can Currently, Simmons has some 20,000 CDs circulat-
sometimes replace live auditions. ing with digital videos of his performance and tele-
"Usually, I would go to a place and perform live vision appearances. He is planning a new version
"... right away they take the and that was time consuming and a bit frustrating that will include a wide range of press and supple-
as sometimes you are not 100 per cent on your mentary promotional materials along with the
CDwith the video and put it game," Kersey continues. "Whereas with a video, i f
you have shot a live performance, that really sells.
videos. Video clips of Simmons' act are also avail-
able for download at www.livetourartists.comial_simmons/.
People say that a picture is worth 1,000 words. Well, While it is too early for Simmons to say whether
into the computer ..." video is worth much more than that." the videos are having a substantial impact on his
Kersey says that digital video technology has bookings, he does know that he got one gig on the
Al Simmons become simple to use, and it has become much easi- strength of the videos and has heard from others
er today to use digital video as a self-promotion who have expressed interest in hiring him based on
tool. He shoots almost all of his videos himself on a the videos they have seen.
Canon digital video camera, then edits the footage continued on page 26

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Getting video from drive to disc I '

By LEE RICKWOOD addition, t h e r e a r e excellent C D corder. ing bottlenecks, s o always use the
recorders, DVD burners and multi-drive Capture cards, which are usually plat- cleanest possible footage. It is harder to
One of the best ways to deliver video desktop replicators available at a frac- form-specific, get the video into a com- compress interlaced video, so encoding
is not on cassette, but on optical disc. tion of the price they were just a year or puter. They go into an available PC slot, tools should also allow for deinterlacing
DVDs are the most recent — and most two ago. and connect to a camera or other exter- the video.
popular — example, but CDs and other That being said, there are still some nal video device.
media can also be used to store, deliver tricks and challenges when ''rolling your The capture device will have what's Author
and even capture digital video. own." , called a codec on-board. Hardware- or Authoring creates a navigation struc-
The basic process o f getting video software-based, i t COmpresses a n d ture to find and play back the encoded
onto disc involves four main steps — Capture DECompresses video according to tech- video, and prepares it for recording to a
capture, encode, author and burn. There Capturing source material and getting nical requirements and user preferences. disc.
are shareware programs and o f f -the- it into a computer is the first step. Video Authoring is not editing — in most
shelf packages available to help at each may come from pre-existing material, Encode cases, the video must be edited with a
stage.. Some programs do it all from a such as a VHS videocassette, may be Once the material is captured, it needs dedicated package first. But authoring
single application, or users can opt for taken from TV or satellite (without vio- to be encoded — converted from its does involve creating text, graphics,
dedicated tools that offer greater control lating copyright, of course), or it can be native format into one compatible with chapter buttons and menus for naviga-
over the quality of the final product. In original material recorded with a cam- VCDs and DVDs. Some tools on the tion, as well as building the appropriate
market combine capturing and encoding file structure for playback.
with little or no operator input Some authoring packages use wizards
VCD, SVCD, and DVD specifications Whether the process is manual o r or pre-set templates to speed up basic
automatic, encoding turns source video authoring activities. The more compre-
VCD S V C D / C V D D V D D V *
Video size 3521240 S V C D 720x480 into MPEG video. It's the big squeeze, hensive and professional'packages allow
NTSC/PAL 352x288 4 8 0 x 4 8 0 720x576 720x576 and the better the tools you use, the bet- for a great deal of menu creativity and
480x576 ter your video looks. Of course, the bet- customization. Some also allow you to
CVD ter the tool, the more expensive it is. add interactive elements, auto-play pro;
352x480 Uncompressed video takes up a huge grams or other special features.
352x576 amount of space — each second uses continued on page 25
Video MPEG-1 M P E G - 2 MPEG-2 DV about 30 MB. CDs hold about 650 MB of
compression data, so you see just how much squeei-
Video bitrate 1.15Mbit/s ,1.5-2.5 Mbit/s 3.0-8.0 Mbit/s 25 Mbit/s ing is needed to get video to fit. There
(average) are ways t o optimize the encoding
Audio MPEG-1 ' MPEG-1 MPEG-1, MPEG-2, DV process, such as using a lower frame 11111 7 1111 7 3 I N F O
compression AG DTS PCM
Audio bitrate 224kbps 1 2 8 - 3 8 4 kbps 192-448 kbps 1,000-1,500 kbps rate (normal TV is 30 frames per second; Several online information resources for VCDs
or DVDs are available, Including individual
average) . fewer frames can be visually acceptable and corporate sites such as:
File size 10MB/min 1 0 - 2 0 MB/min 30-70 MB/min 216 MB/min and involve less work t o process).
Andy McFadden's comprehensive CD site
(per minute) Reducing the video window size (such
Video capacity 74min 3 5 - 6 0 min 120+ min 63-min as from full screen to a quarter-screen lim Taylor's comprehensive DVD site
(typical) window) also helps — and may be
DVD-player VeryGood G o o d Excellent None required in certain formats. European digital media information company
cormatibility Source material with minimal action
Quality G o o d - V e r y Good Excellent Excellent or motion encodes more easily. Noise or U.S. digital media information company
*DV tape format for comparison only grainy source material can cause encod- www.emedialjvexom

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Struggle of the boards
to find outside of cyberspace. the ones where I'm a 'regular,' and 'a ple a day reading, but it's the people
While the guy at your computer shop random sampling? She says she doesn't coming back that you want."
down the street is still scratching his get to everything every day, but does get Since January 2001, she's had 2,180
head as to why your computer shuts a good idea o f what's going on with people register, and received countless
down spontaneously on its own, some- Table Talk from what she reads. postings a day, of which she tries to read
one named Compuwhiz o r Cowboy72 Many message boards are free to, jOin, each one. R e -posting advertisements-
or Green88 a t's but to register for Table Talk, users are after being asked not to is Lassaline's
computer discussion folder will be able required to pay a fee o f US$6.50 per most common reason for banning peo-
to add in their two cents about a time month for the basic user option. Table ple from her message board. "I had one
it • happened t o t h e i r computer, o r Talk has been around since woman fight with me that she had a
maybe about the time they fixed that first began in November 1995, and has right to post whatever-she wanted." The
problem for a friend, o r maybe just a strong community that Williams says woman kept repeating her offense, so
wish you good luck. In any case, there is pretty much self-regulating, so she Lassaline banned her While she says the
will be people considering your dilem- doesn't intervene too often. "Users often board is fortunate to have many good
ma. Message boards are the ultimate mediate their own disputes, which is users, she has had to ban people for
forum for asking and debating any- better for everyone," she says.. "But if I harassment. "People with a lot o f free
thing, and anyone has the opportunity need to step in and remind someone of time on their hands seem to enjoy corn-
to speak. the rules, I will." ing in and posting messages about how
By MIRYANA GOLUBOVICH single moms are just money grubbing
Jill Lassaline, founder, site operator,
Wanted: Online peacekeepers and moderator o f, a "itches," she says, and sarcastically adds
Jeeves is a fraud. Yeah, Jeeves, your that i t " m u s t b e t h e extravagant
Although most message boards allow Calgary-based Web site for single par-
super-human Internet butler and smug lifestyles we live."
considerable freedom o f speech, many ents, says "Board moderation is a fine
poster boy for Sure, he line sometimes and one that I struggle Lassaline h a s h a d m a n y heated
boards do have moderators to make sure
invites Web users to ask him anything - debates over several hot topics on her,
users don't fall too f a r o u t o f line. with when issues do come up.". Her rules
like a techno wise man with answers to message board that she watches closely.
Message boards can be designated pub- are simple and outlined i n the agree-
all - and gives the tip to "enter a ques- ment a user must click through to regis- Child support has been an issue that has
lic or private, and many have rules to
tion, word o r phrase and then click come u p time and time again, and
govern their users. .Most require regis- ter: Don't post ads, links to a business or
'ask:" But hes not real and he won't money making schemes; don't post any- although the message board is primarily
tration to post, and some even to view
answer the question. thing offensive; don't post a URL t o for parent-based issues, she has had
Whether the question or comment be Mary Elizabeth Williams, moderator of another site and don't post personal ads. other controversial issues break out, like-
technical, theoretical, hypothetical o r's Table Talk boards, posts "Just behave, use common sense, and be gun control. "Usually I ' l l l e t people
opinion-based, please turn your- atten- every day that she's working, using her nice or I'll ban you and Sue-'will beat speak. I f they're way out o f line, the
tion to, one of hundreds of thousands of real name. "I believe it's important for you up." It's not too clear who Sue is, whole thread j u s t disappears." She
friendly neighbourhood message boards. but the sentence ends with a colon-plus- rarely edits a post, and doesn't even
the community that our members know
They're community gathering spaces for bracket stniley face. have a bad word filter. "I figure we're all
that they're conversing with'a real per-
the futuremand have come a long way Lassaline began her site's message grown up, we've seen them;" she says.
son," she explains. "If the conversation
from the BBSes we all used to know and is lively, I want to be a part of it." She board five years ago - five years after There was one incident though where
love. Today the Internet is host to thou- estimates that she reads hundreds o f giving birth to her Web site - as a tool she had a guy posting who she believes
sands of messages a day, posted by peo- posts each day. " I usually l o o k a t to draw people to her site in an interest- was drunk, because his language got
ple with questions, concerns, comments. threads that have had a surge o f new ing new manner. "I heard that it'll draw worse and worse as he posted. "We did
or by anyone looking fora good discus- activity, ones in which I know users ask people in and make people come back," go in at the time and edit out a few o f
sion that they may not have been able questions or request assistance o f me, she explains. "You can get 20,000 peo-

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Struggle of the boards Libel liabilities posters." you are a provider of an online service,
continued from page 19 Although Lassaline and Harris have There have been Canadian cases where and it's someone else's content, you are
his words," she explains. "But then i t both had to deal with messy situations message board users ran into some legal not treated as the speaker or publisher
got to be a joke, because you could see on their message boards, neither has trouble regarding their postings. I n of that speech," explained Lee Tien, an
what we were editing out." ever had any legal issues arise. Harris 1998, Philip Services Corp. won a court attorney with the Electronic Frontier
Rob Harris, editor of CMG (Canadian says it's a grey area where the responsi- order forcing some ISPs to give up the Foundation, a non-profit US organiza-
Motorcycle Guide) Online, and modera- bility lies when something libelous is anonymity o f users posting messages tion that focuses on protecting digital
tor of the site's Soapbox, has only ever said. Does the onus fall on the host of that defamed the Canadian waste man- rights. "That's why AOL can have all
banned three people i n the five-year the message board i f there are a n y agement company. Some ISPs revealed these chat rooms, and if someone in the
history o f the message board. I t was defamatory comments posted? "I would the identities of some of the users; oth- chat room says something defamatory,
only during a recent incident regarding think not, because if the host is respon- ers deleted the messages in question. AOL is off the hook. It's not their prob-
a user he had to ban that he realized it's sible, then essentially what you're say- In the US, there have been a couple of lem."
not as easy as picking someone up and ing i s the whole culture o f bulletin big cases w h e r e companies h a v e With the constant increase of message
throwing them Qut of your house. boards is illegal, 'cause there's no way involved message board providers i n board use and the increasing number of
Harris banned a former user of CMG's you can avoid it," says Harris. "If you're suits regarding defamatory statements message board users, i t i s 'safe t o
Soapbox after an issue between the user doing that, then the freedom o f speech by users. I n 2001, Mediu-, Systems, assume that there will continue to be
and Harris's other moderator got per- issue becomes a bit paramount." Inc., tried to sue several m e s s a g e users banned from boards, and that
sonal. The user didn't want t o leave However, Canadian message board board users after critical defamatory more legal issues will arise. The main
without a fight, so even though Harris hosts may find that defense to be less remarks showed u p online. Medinex question concerns the definition o f the
banned him by blocking his IP address, solid than they would like. According to eventually dropped t h e suit, which content found on message boards: is it
the user launched an attack on the mes- Michael Geist, a law professor at the attempted to force Yahoo! to provide the simply coffee table talk between friends
sage board by sending a whole slew of University of Ottawa who specializes in identities o f 14 users, some o f whom that shouldn't be regulated, or is it pub-
messages from several different public Internet law, there is something in US were claimed t o be shareholders and lished material that should go through
computers. law that exempts intermediaries such as employees o f Medinex. There was also an editor?
"Banning someone can be tricky for message board providers, b u t n o t i n the case, i n which US The one thing that's for certain is that
two reasons," says Harris. "One, they Canadian law. "We don't have equiva- District Judge Thomas Zi1ly dismissed a moderating message boards is trying to
can work around i t really easily b y lent legislation in Canada, though most subpoena on the hunt for the identity of control s o m e t h i n g uncontrollable.
going somewhere else or by changing people would probably argue that mes- people posting their opinions o n a n Harris says it's like a living thing. "The
their IP address and two, someone else sage board providers would similarly InfoSpace message board. Soapbox is a baby to me," he says. "I
might get their IP address and then not be held responsible for the postings In both cases, the plaintiffs took direct know when it'll bite you and when i t
they're banned as well." The issue was of their users," says Geist. "The opera- action against the message board users. won't. I see people go on and they'll say
eventually sorted out after the mess was tors certainly seek to ensure that is the The message board providers weren't at something, and know they're gonna be
openly discussed on the Soapbox, with case through legal language on their risk, due to a rule in US law. "There's a in so much trouble. It's interesting as
the user agreeing to leave. sites a n d i n t h e i r contracts w i t h statute that specifically says that when you watch it unravel." •


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GPS add-on keeps PDA users on-track
PocketPC and even a unit f o r USB- needed to make my decision with my Of course, I need to be careful, as my
equipped notebook computer& M y wallet The software is US$40 but is well Palm is not as rugged as a standalone
package included t h e GPS receiver worth i t . B e warned, that i t i s a n GPS and i t is definitely not weather-
(which attaches to the back and bottom Internet-based ptogram, requiring a proof. There is not much chance I'm
of m y PDA), a n i n -vehicle suction connection to the company's Web site taking this with me on my kayak. I've
Adding to my seemingly never-ending mounting bracket a n d t w o p o w e r for downloading maps and trip itiner- read that GPS accuracy is affected by
list o f PDA accessories, I received a adapters (an AC and a car DC). aries. It works with a PDA modem or via the Earth's ionosphere and I've noticed
Navman GPS f o r m y birthday a few It includes Rand McNally StreetFinder Windows using t h i r d -party software that the position o f the receiver with
months ago. Not knowing many details Deluxe software (on four CD-ROMs) for such as Mocha-W32 PPP (www.mocha- respect to obstructions such as build-
about what a GPS (Global Positioning tracking, finding waypoints and navi- softdk) and -I have used both methods ings or the car roof is very important.
System) is or does, I used the Internet to gating right down to house numbers, with perfect success. Although I have not experienced this,
quickly get up, to speed. Did you know but I was very disappointed to learn that I've learned that accuracy depends on
that the US government operates a fleet it contains maps o f the US only. This Using the Navman US Department o f Defense clearance.
of 24 ,orbiting satellites called NAVS- means that the software is of very limit- I've been fooling around w i t h m y There are two signals being sent from
TAR, or Navigation Satellite Timing and ed use for the average Canadian unless Navman for the past few months. The the .NAVSTAR satellites: One for mili-
Ranging?: These satellites broadcast the they take frequent trips across the bor- GPS works f o r about sthree hours tary use and one for civilians. I t has
exact time and their exact position over der. To use the Rand McNally software, between charging and since it can con- been only recently that civilian users
Earth. A GPS receiver analyzes the sig- you must install i t on a Windows PC, nect with up to 12 satellites (ie. 12 chan- have been allowed to get an accurate
nals front the closest satellites and cal- plan your route, then upload your trip to nels) I have not had any problems using (within less than 100 m) reading, and
culates exactly where it is. Best o f all, your PDA for use on the road. Taking up it in my car. the US government could change this at
there are, no,subscription fees or charges hundreds 'of megabytes o f storage, you Of course the hardware pis only as good any time.
besides the cost of the hardware and/or must have access to your PC in order to as the software, since I'm using it on my More information can be found a t
software. install routes on your PDA. FDA. There are numerous commercial f o r the Navman GPS
and freeware, applications available that units. .I learned quite a bit from Dale
The Navman Package Other software - take advantage o f - using a GPS/PDA De.Priest's GPS Web site at.www.gpsinfor-
My birthday present was a Navman p What good is a GPS without relevant conibination. I like having the reason- Highly recommended for
Series GPS (, w h i c h software? With a bit of searching on the ably large PDA screen, the availability of great info on GPS receivers and naviga-
works with the older Palm III, V and VII Internet, I found GPSPilot's =TripPilot third-party applications (like software tion in general.
units. Rest assured that Navman also software. This package includes detailed that supports Canada), t h e i virtually
makes GPS hardware that works with all street maps of over 13 countries (includ- unlimited memory: (especially w i t h Personal e-mail to Kevin Linfield can he sent to
m-series Palms, t h e Compaq iPAQ ing Canada) and a quick trial was all I newer PDAs) and additional capabilities. •

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Alan T h w a i t s
Something to believe in
them ill, and why. these troubling times. (Hint: Wilson, ing (though Wilson has a pretty obvious
We live in the Age of Information, and who's an American, refers to the Bush anarchist agenda). But there's a darker
so have — thanks largely to the good old administration a s " T h e Ts a r i s t side to the weird world o f conspiracy
Internet — access to every wacko idea Occupation Government.") theories. Have a look a t the William
that's going down about the way the My favourite conspiracy theory these Cooper/Veritas. News Service/Hour o f
It's said that conspiracy theories are world works. There's a veritable cornu- days belongs t o a guy named David the Time Web site (
most popular when times are stressful. copia o f Web sites w i t h hypotheses Icke. O n h i s Web site (wwwdavidicke. Cooper (who died i n November 2001)
Your humble correspondent respectfully about who's really i n control, h o w com/icke), you'll find him touting his lec- represented a group o f people w h o
disagrees. From my reading o f •history they've stiffed the rest of us or a select- ture appearances and t h e books h e believe, among other things, that the
(as, I must note, an enthusiastic ama- ed few o f us (see m y second theory churns out. His best theory, I think, is CIA and Israel trained the folks who
teur, not a professional), i t seems that about why people ascribe to such theo- that the planet is actually ruled by a attacked the World Trade Centre o n
conspiracy theories abound at all times. ries) and what we should be doing to race of intergalactic reptiles whose chief September 11, 2001. (Yes, you read the
We're lucky to live in an age when com- correct the situation. representative i s Queen Elizabeth o f last sentence correctly.) Like all conspir-
munication is everything — so we have You may know a fellow named Robert England. acy theorists, he has woven a wliole lot
access to more such theories than our Anton Wilson from his hilarious book Not one to leave anyone out, Icke also of disparate "facts" to prove his point.
forefathers and foremothers might have. The Illuminatus! Trilogy. In it, Wilson maintains that George Bush, Donald This is truly weird stuff — but gospel to
Not only that, I have theories about and h i s co-author Robert Shea r o l l Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney are also part those who believe.
conspiracy theories. I believe that peo- together almost every conspiracy theory of the lizard spawn who rule us. I t My position on conspiracy theories? I
ple take up beliefs that they're being lied you've ever heard o f (the Masons, the sounds nutty, I know, but there are a lot think their fundamental flaw i s that
to by the powers that be (whether those Bavarian Illuminati, Kennedy's assassi- of people who believe what this man they presume levels o f intelligence,
powers be political, military, legislative, nation and the origins of Atlantis being says. Icke also tells us (without, it seems, resourcefulness and everyday compe-
clerical o r — best o f all — all o f the only a few) into One Big Theory, add contradicting the lizard theory) that the tence on the part of the authorities that
above) for one o f two reasons. Either healthy dollops of sex, drugs and outra- world is ruled by a group called The simply aren't there. You and I know that
their lives are so dull that they're pre- geous puns, and make a darn good story Round Table, which includes the UN, the the world is screwed up because those in
pared to stretch their individual and col- of it all. The trilogy was first published Club o f Rome, the Bilderberg Network power are just dangerously muddled
lective belief systems just to brighten up in 1975, but Wilson, being a hip kind of and t h e Trilateral Commission. This ordinary folks, blundering along from
an otherwise dreary existence or they guy, now has his own Web site (www.raw- secret society, says Icke, manipulates all one crisis to the next.
feel so angry about being left out o f ' ilson.corn/main.shtml). On it, you'll find all the world's banking, politics, business Here's a better idea. Rather than accept
life's good stuff that they make up some kinds o f subversive good stuff to get and military affairs. someone else's conspiracy theory, why
outlandish theory to explain who's done you thinking about who's jiving who in Wilson and Icke are pretty entertain- continued on page 25


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30GB 4 2 0 0 r p m $149
15 TFT, 512MB DDR, 40G HDD, DVD/CDRW, LAN 40GB 42130rpm $175
GF4 048005E-4D 128•1 821V/0 $ 2 5 9 1 7 AlbotrpA. O M $ 5 3 9

56K Modem, TV-out, VGA, 1 PCMCIA, 4USB 2.p IEEE] 394 60GB 4200rpro
GI4 118600 V12080 128M VIVO 5 4 2 9 1 7 Albatr011 V W 5 6 7 9
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17 LG 7 0 0 5
20GB 5 4 0 0 r p m $155 GF4 1142004208x 128M VIVO $ 2 3 5 1 7 NEC 1700o9 ° " ' (1280x1024)
ATI 30100 84.M Video, Internal Li- i o n Battery 40GB 5 4 0 0 r p m $225 GF4 04200408x 64M/1280 6 4 . 6 . 6 , d nano Fp652 $ 8 4 9
GF4 NIX4ALAMINVIPIST 64N1 $ 9 5 / 1 7 9 1 9Acer 41922 $ 9 4 9 $85
All b r i m are already 4% ca•M1 discounted. Other form el Payment will be cash discounted dace ohm 4%. Price subject to champ without notice. 20% re-stocking It.. All Wes are final. All Parts and system are brand new!
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2 2 TORONTO C O M P U T E S ! M A Y 2003
Fuel cells might add life to batteries
Anyone who wanders around with an electronic device in their pocket has
the same concern in the back of their mind:
gobble up the savings (those 15-inch the fuel cells aren't good at accommo- be as readily available as batteries are
Will the blasted thing run out o f juice laptop displays may be sexy, but they're dating t h e varying pbWer needs o f today, and at least as cheap. It would, in
when I'm in the middle of something crit- not energy efficient), or shrink the bat- portable devices (the high draw when a fact, be better i f the systems could
ical? Will the battery survive this business teries to save space and weight. hard drive spins up„ for example, fol- charge either as they do now or from .a
trip, this meeting or even this afternoon? The solution, say some, is fuel cells. lowed b y a lower operating load). fuel cell. That would cost a bit more in
Battery life has been a bugbear for equip- Fuel cells convert cheap, common Batteries can cope with this variation, so circuitry, but it would let us charge the
ment manufacturers since the first toy substances — hydrogen and oxygen - - fuel cells will charge the batteries, wbich machine when it's plugged in to save on
robot whirred to life. Some industries seem into electrical energy, heat and water. will power the devices. methanol costs. -
to be able to cope with it — cell phones, for There are several complex processes for In theory, methanol has 40 to 60 times Another big issue is safety, both real
example, have delightfully long battery accomplishing this, but the one used by the energy efficiency of the lithium ion and perceived. I have a feeling it will be
lives — while with other devices, like some manufacturers l i k e Casio, w h o h i s in our best batteries: However, experts an uphill battle persuading airlines that
handhelds, you can watch the power indi- developed a fuel cell to power its mobile suggest that the first fuel cell power a bunch o f devices run b y -a volatile
cator graph' move steadily downward to products, relies on methanol. Hydrogen sources will offer a five to one advan- substance like methanol are good things
zero in a few short hours. is extracted from the methanol and then tage over similar sized batteries; this to have on a plane. We're not allowed to
One o f the things That first attracted the reaction proceeds, splitting the elec- could increase to 10 to 1 as the technol- carry lighter fluid, now — what makes
me to Palm, and later to RIM, was, the troni from the 'hydrogen atoms and ogy improves. vendors think that methanol cartridges
fact that I only needed to charge the using them to generate a current. That's appealing. Imagine a laptop will be permitted?
units once a week. That means no bulky Instead o f recharging a fuel cell b y that would last a full day or a handheld •These are n o t questions t o b e
chargers need accompany me on most plugging it in, you just add more hydro- that needed refueling once a month. answered. tomorrow - - t h e most opti-
business trips. It's a pity we can't do the gen (the oxygen comes from the sur- There are, to be sure, a few obstacles mistic estimates o f availability place
same for laptop computers. rounding air). For portable devices, this to overcome along the way. introduction o f fuel cells f o r mobile
Sadly, battery technology isn't keep- will come in the form of a methanol car- One is a basic question of fuel supply. devices sometime next year — but they
ing up with the rest o f the industry. tridge about the size of a fountain pen's Instead of simply plugging into an out- do need t o be answered. A n d i f the
Although individual computer compo- ink cartridge. let to recharge a device, we'll need to answers are good ones; in a year or two
nents use less and less electricity, man- Reportedly, the fuel cell will have to carry some of those little methanol car- the worry,that a device's battery will die
ufacturers keep piling on features that be accompanied by a battery, because tridges. To be practical, they'll have to unexpectedly could be history •

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All P r i c e s are already 3% C A S H d i s c o u n t e d a n d are subject to

I N , AN c h a n g e without notice.No refund. E x c h a n g e on defeCtive O E M
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- - - 11 5 1 m a t " . . . m " . ' 11 ]
•• Mote e l l CD Media prices are p . 3800+ .1.53ggig
high-speed connection. It claims that it
Ouareitres are Guided on aldet A l m s
$ 800
' 1.8 GHz
$ 598
wayne R. B r o w n could double your speed. Under what
Vti„„,;$"7.07'" B r • " i - - 7 m A P 1 , M o t h e r b o a r d , 2-USB2•0
256MB PC-2100MHz DDR M a m m y
I N S circumstances I'm not sure. I found that
Sellek P a t 80mln
7006413, 1 x - 1 6 x
0,..s,,,,,, Bug,,
4 0 G B SA0Orprel H a r d D r i v e
SONY 1 . 4 4 M B F l o p p y D r i v e I S Welter Motherboard, 2-11582.0 , 1 - 2 0 P 6 . 0 5 3 3 ,
I gained an extra 200kbps on the down-
■ 8., $ 2.50 I n t e g r a t e d 3D Graphics Video Card .
(2AxISW/52x12 r i m e
2 5 6 1 4 8 P C - 2 1 0 0 M H z SDRAN1 M e m o r y
40GB 5 4 0 0 r p m 2 M B U D M A Hard D r i v e
load and around an extra 20kbps on the
$°°$1$1e.$ $°"$^
7001AB. I x - ' 6 '
I n t e g r a t e d S o u n d C a r d , 1 0 11 0 0 N e t w o r k C a r d
E n h a n c e d A I X To w e r Case. H a r m o n K a r d o n S p e a k e r s 1 A M " Floppy Drive Mac upload. Not staggering, but still a n
Orechum. eamln I n t e g r a t e d 3 D Graphics Vi d e o Card
Each $ 8.00
Enhanced PS/2 Keyboard & Compaq Scroll Wheel & N e m
MS w i n d o w s se c o / N u m u l . N o r t o n System Works
52x M a r -Speed CD-ROM Drive
Chronicles improvement.
I n t e g r a t e d S o u n d Card. 1 W 1 0 0 M h e s LAN

3 0 d i s k e C a k e Box
1 vxe r-b4u8nxn. 8I l1OEr 3
n6I n. 6 7
1 7 ' SVGA Moniter, 1 2 8 0 0 1 0 2 4 0 6 S M , 3 W a n W . n . M 1 '
A M D P I A S I K M V - L AT X M o t h e r b o a r d , 2 - U S B 2 . 0
E n h a n c e d AT X To w e r Case w i t h 3 0 0 W P. S. Another contributor to machine slow-
Harmon Kenton Amplified Stereo SpMkers
TOMB $ 11.00
2 5 6 M B PC.27001.11M 13121033 S D R A M M e m o r y
4 0 G B 7 2 0 0 r p m 2 M B ATA 1 0 0 H a r d D r i v e
Enhanced K e y b o a r d / C o m p a q W M t I M I N N
1 y e w p . n . & 5 r 3 3 , 3 1 3 1 . , groseemegt wombat,
down is the way programs and applica-
5 0 d i s k s C a k e Boo
10-49x, Bomln
S O N Y 1 . 4 4 M B Fl . • D r i v e Last month, we looked at some gener- tions are installed and uninstalled. Even
NI SI 6 4 1 4 0 GO 0 4 0 M X A G P 8 X V i d e o Cra d
I I I Coradocum
MOM $ 8 12303 8
. 0. 607
E M M E E D M E D 2 2 1 D r I v e , 2541sk, 3 C D - R
1.8 GHz
$ 898
i p al maintenance tools for your Mac. In the best made operating system can
I n t e g r a t e d S o u n d Card, LAN 1 0 / 1 0 0 NIC “
the free category, we have Apple's Disk become inundated with leftover bits of

1 00disks C a k e Box E n h a n c e d AT X To w e r Case, S p e a k e r s
0,,..b...12-40n3,4:080.173.1no7 2 0 0 0 w o w & p i a " . . . . . & ,,,,,,,, " 0 , , , n o . . .
System Pick-up: 2-10ays
1 1 MIMI $ 32.00 . . . . I Tear Parts A S o a r s Labour Roolaconem Warranty a w l wart 3 . 3 w $ 0 , Utility and MacJanitor f or general code, artifacts and just plain old junk.
1 . 6 r u H S Wi n e e m XP % W e a r s Norton And-Wrus 2003
100dlake Spindle $ 1 0 0 0 t i e ' 0-.13•0•1 V I A Reakter, ' W a n Warranty 81055.1 M o t h e r b o a r d , 2 . U S B 2 . 0
256MB PC-2100MHz DDR SDRAM M e m o r y
upkeep. Not so free, but affordable and For starters, keep track of your own fil-
1x- 4 8 x , 0 0 m I n
overtone: 01:36.07 AMD71 2 4 0 0 + , ''•- I 6 0 6 8 7 2 0 O r p m 2 M B U D M A H a r d Drhee worth the $200, is Symantec's Norton ing system. Don't leave your files scat-
M E $ 35.00 2.00 GH2
CD4SW 4-12% $ 1400 2 3 : . 1 1 1 1 $
SONY 1 . 4 4 M B F l o p p y D r i v e
3 2 M B S3 S a v a . V i d e o C a r d System Works for major drive protection tered across the hard drive. OS- X tries to
10Pak, 80mln
Overburre 01:34.27 4 / $ 1 4 11 / D O R Oft
C D - R W 52xW124xRW152,eR O n v e
1 Pak el ladisits 1 CD-Red - 1 2 2 , 3 CO-RW-41 and correction. A bit cheaper, at US$70, help by setting up your files in the
C M C Me91"3800
M S I K 7 N 2 G . L AT X M o t h e r b o a r d . 643513 2 . 0 „
I n t e g r a t e d S o u n d Card. 1 0 / 1 0 0 M b / s LAN
To w e r Case, w i t h 3 0 0 W P o w e r S u p p l y
is Alsoft's DiskWarrior, but it's still not Home directory.. Use this structure and
M B A s 70011560 Ws
256MEIDDB400 SDRAM M e m o r y
, 4 2 2
H a r m o n Kardon A m p l i f i e d S t e r e o Speakers
native to OS X. And finally, a steal at you'll never lose sight of your impor-
80GB 7200rpm 8MB H a r d Drive n y ' . , K e y b o a r d & C o m p a q Scroll W h e e l M o u s e

13-40. $ 18.00 S O N Y 1.4.461B F l o p p y D r i v e US$50, is Aladdin's Spring ('leaning. It tant files and folders. When removing
' S e e N O M We e r CO Jewel, U M W N V i d i a n To r c e 2 AGPME i n t e g r a t e d V i d e o C a r d
1 7 ' B o n g 0 . 2 3 m m M o n i t o r . 1280(43661D.
3 Nem Pettey Warrares W W 1 o a r Werrarep should also be noted that DukWarrior, old programs, try using MacUninstaller,
M i t e U r n 1 Sadists
0 0 - IOx „ s 0 . , . . n .
CD- R 5 0 d l s k s 4 8 0 8 0 M i n , 1 C D - R W - 1 2 X , 3 C D - R W - 4 1
i n t e g r a t e d S o u n d Card, 1 0 / 1 0 0 MB/s LAN
Spring Cleaning and MacJanitor are all which comes with Spring Cleaning. Just
Fret I l i N W Colour
''''' SkyHavelt A l u m i n u m To w e r Case, 3 0 0 W PS.. l e F a n
Logitech 5.340 Ainpariarl Speakers w / 8 " S u b w o o f e r
available as downloads, so there's no dragging a program icon to the trash
CO J I M A W O R M ' L o g h e c h W i n d o w s K e y s PS/2 K e y b o a r d
C o m p a q P S / 2 Scroll W h e e l M o u s e
excuse n o t t o start a maintenance may leave remnants of the application
0 0 d I s k 700.413.
1 Y e a r P a r t s & 5 Ye a r s L a b o u r Re • l a c e m e n t W a r r a
' schedule today. . in o t h e r places o n ' your drive.

M S W i n d o w s XP & N o r t o n Antivirus 2 0 0 3 ,
O v e r b u r r n 012611n 6- O u t l e t S u r e P o w e r B a r
e l l " ,; - 1
' If you look closer at System Works MacUninstaller will find all links to the
¶8-480 $ 1 8 . 0 0
17" S a m s u n g 763148 0 . 2 0 m m M a g i a r i g h t M o n i t o r,
Years F a c t o r y W a r r a n t y O n l y, you'll find that among the titles includ- application and safely remove them. A
tOOdlake 480 M a x Inter R45PE
I I u o l n C a k e Box
1.8 G H z S 1 3 5 0
-* . 1 1 , 1 4 * ed is the powerhouse Norton Antillints. clean drive is a happy drive.
130m1n, To o m i s
E . , Tarednorowlee Yes, it's true Mac users tend to suffer far Have you reached the limits of your
IVIESKTor 1845PE M o t h e r b o a r d , 2 - U S B 2 . 0 , @ 5 3 3
2 5 6 M B PC-21001A Hz D O R 2 6 6 M e m o r y
. C N D
less viral attacks than our PC counter- hard drive? Thinking o f upgrading?
Weiell M a H $ Te m a ~ m u f t i
40 OR 54110w. W e i 3 100.00
6 0 6 0 7200rpm 2 M B Hard Drive I S M O P E c h i s e t M o t h e r b o a r d . 4-1.1511 2 . 0 . .
1 611411 U D R P C - 2 7 0 0 M H z S D R A M Peleaterly
parts, but that doesn't mean i t can't Before you toss or sell your old drive be
y2,,,,rpm. 2 M B , $,...,...
1.44MB Floppy Drive
Rama 0 4 M O 4 0 AGP Gra ' h i m Video Card
60GB 7 2 0 0 m A T A 1 0 0 2 M B H a r d D r i v e
happen. Use antivirus software. I f not Sure to "zero the data." Not familiar
SONY 1 . 4 4 M B F l o p p y D r i v e
ATA 1 3 3 , 4001040101ter
1 Ye a r s F a c t o r y Wa r r a n t y
C D . R W 5 . 1 x W 1 2 4 e RW: 5 1 , : k 2 M B B u t l e r
1 Ya k s o f 2 5 d i s k e , 1 C D - R W 4 0 - 1 2 1 . , 3 0 3 - A W -43.. 6 4 M B G 4 M 0 4 4 0 AGP Graphics V i d e o Card Norton then McAfee or Virex..which, by with that term? Think of it this way -
4o o n
6 0 CM .
1 0 0 . 0 0 I n t e g r a t e d 3 D W a v e Ta b l e S o u n d C a r d
.12,,,$...,,P° 1 0 / 1 0 0 B a s e r N e t w o r k C a r d
DVD-ROM libt Drive
the way, is available as a free download information is stored on a hard drive as
1 2 3 2 = 1 : = E M E I 5100 Drive
• ' - " ' " " E h a d AT X To w e r Case. 3 0 0 W P.5
Harmon Kardon Amplified S t e r e o Speakers
C D R SODisks 4 8 4 2 C o - O W 4 0 - 1 2 0
when you have a .Mac account. This ones and zeros. Binary data. Okay, you
I n t e g r a t e d Sound Card, 1 0 / 1 0 0 M B A LAN

.17,....$P,Pm........_, a'em,..„8
HP M u l t i m e d i a W i n d o w s K e y s P 5 / 2 K e y b o a r d
HP USB S c r o l l W h e e l M o u s e
S t r o n g AT ) ( To w e r Case, f r o n t 241511 could be the single most important way knew that already. Your stored informa-
L e g i t « 2-340 Speakers w i t h 8" S u b w o o f e r
Az 3 veers - 4 , 1 ; W, w ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ,
40 C l BB 26M 1 1 0
1 Y e a r P a r t s & 5 Ye a r s l a b o u r R e p l a c e m e n t W a r r a n t y
6 . 0 0 M S W i n d o w s X P N o r t o n A n t i - Vi r u s 2 0 0 3 ,
HP M u l t i m e d i a I n t e r n e t K e y b o a r d to keep your computer healthy. One tion is found by using a table of con-
46 GB
ea GB
tons S
BIM 1 2 1
0 . 0 0 M S Wo r k s Suite 2 0 0 3 . 6 . 0 u t l e t S u r g e P o w e r Bar
t o . leech 0 . t i c a S c r o l l W h e e l
MS Windows OF & MS Works Salle B M software
virus can undo all the maintenance in tents that the drive builds each time
120 GB
Ono Go
ems 1 2 1
mu] 1 4 0
0 . 0 0
0 . 0 0
= 0 . 2 0 m m
numb... $2803$024003$3,
M a g i d h i g h t DynaFlat
a,,,,,,,,, ",,,,,,,,,, war,.„,,,,
Norton Ang-Virus 2003. 6-Outlet Surge Power Bar
1 S " LCD-TFT 0 . 2 9 7 m m M o n i t o r ,
the world. new or updated data is written. When
you erase a file, you're not actually
I n t e l 0 4 8 V e t Rao P C I
m e e t PCI S o u n d C a r d
5 5 ' M e e k » PM, Warmest*
AMON i s 2 1 0 200 0 +0 + $$ 9 80 700
02007630Ma0, 3 Te e n F M Fader glansety

V U l t i m a t e Came System
In the Spring Cleaning package from
Aladdin, there are a series of cleaning erasing the data, you are simply erasing
SR D o e 2 5 6 Vo i c e P C I a
5 8 U v e 2 5 0 Vo i c e PC1, R a t a n B. S 0 5 . 0 0
$$$1 k $ 4 4 R Mc41141116aT% applications. One o f the more useful the information in the table of contents.
1/0 U . S M a n g y 24131t, PC1 S s 0600 2 5 6 M B P C - 3 2 0 0 M H z DDR SDRAM neakay
R e n a 6 2 3 0 / 2 4 x . R W, 5 2 3 R , R.B. S 0 0 . 0 0 80GB 7200r • 2 M 8 Hard Drive, 1 . 4 4 M B FD ones is iClean. This utility looks at your The data is still there until the drive
1 n EME CO-ROY ! 30.00
0 1 0 - B O Yl b M N
l b OEM
! 0 0 . 0 0
U M M I Z 7 3 1 0 1 7 $ 2 0 W , V . 3 D / 2 0 Video Card
fEE15332321/X/SEEM Drive. Internet cookies, cache and history writes over i t with something else.

050/COMIN0153/43/24/45 3 1 0 0 . 0 0
52zW/241311/521R,SCON,Catiles 3 0 0 . 0 0
I n t e g r a t e d Sound Card. 10/100MB/s LAN
S t r o n g PAM T o w e r C e s a r, w i t h 3 0 0 W
folders. Items here not only take up continued on page 25
52x11//24011//1238, R. KLH 5 6 0 0 W A m p l i f i e d S p e a k e r s. w / S b w o o f e r •
I t z EIDE C041011, l e e . $
$ . P °
26'$$ Logitech Keyboard & C o m p a q w h e e l M o u s e slit
E t = valuable space on your hard drive, but
W M 2.66Gliz S 3400
W I A M I l l e f l e b i l Be
5/211/2401812111, R. B.
6 5 00
05,00 ,„•,s, m a 2.4GlIz 5 2150 2.800,Hz 5 3 6 0 0
they can be a security risk while you
M t B M CLOMM I I 35.00 •. .
L a m e 1 7 . Y r / 2 9 2 3 r Meeker I S 1443.00
2.530Hz S 2190
I n t e r E ,OC:,
3.06GH. 5 3750 surf and contribute to slower speeds N F 0
2.66GMz S 2 2 6 0
D e n a 11- W M 11.22se Writer
• 220.00
w a n P a d s & L a t o u r M e n e • 11 01: SD. "
over time.
Speaking o f speed - how is your Maclanitor can be found all over the Web with
s r , 71301110.13owe 12110•1014/g4511. S 11 6 0 . i m . . . . e r nea. 1 .
. 7 . • 7 s l o o r c l e . . . . Prunes t o m l l ' ' ' r - - L P k Wo.3 ' I t ) . DOR +0e $ 0 1 1 1 a Coogle search. Its author, Brian Hill, also
nabio3401383, w e n a t a l a 150.0/ p a ,.....r. , , , , „ , , , ..,,,,....,,...
ISO " + " " ' ' ' ' N I rVil C Z 2 D f i g r e n M I 1484585 BNB Mar-FISR, Serial M A R A M W P M
Internet speed? Want to find out? Surf answers many questions about Matlanitor In
1 ' W M . W o k e & 0.10ma S VIM
s e w p g . m e s s isseAssopouar, $ n o m 8151 6 7 3 0 M o t h e r b o a r d , 6 - 0 5 8 2 . 0 , l e A G P E l s a i r s u l A i , Theatre 1394, 44011 2 . 0 , 11 0 - 5 . 1 on over to to find several online forums.
s e w s e c t o r 0.10mr. D w a n e Sumo $ s e e m a n = P C - 3 2 0 0 M H z DDR4011 M e m o r y PC- 3 2 0 0 D D R 4 0 0 S D R A N I M e m o r y
W013 6 / 3 7 2 0 0 r m 8MB HDD, 1.44148 F D WD 200GB 7 2 0 0 r p m 8 M B Hard Drive out. This site will do a little test and let Norton SystemWorks For Macintosh 2.0 info can
AMDZI i M a 1 8 0 0 + m I 1 4 Tit • V I V O Card 1.44548 F l o p p y Drive
you know how your connection fares. be found at
M M DVD-16X Drive, 2 DVD Movies MSI 1 2 8 M B G 4 T i 4 8 0 0 - V T D 8 X Video, C a r d
111' 1 . 5 3 G I -12
I N V $ 4 5 = 1 2 M B Buffer SI D V D - R O M D r i v e 163E. F r e e 2 D V D M o v i e s
Try it a couple of times to get a better Alsoft DiskWarrior info can be found at
ATX M o t h e r b o a r d 24/S132.0
C D R 5 0 d i s k s 480, 20 CD-RW 4 0 - 1 2 1 = Writer
156111B P C - 2 1 0 0 M H z D D R SISRAM
4 0 0 8 StWorpm
I n t e g r a t e d S o u n d Card, 1 0 / 1 0 0 MB/5 LAN
s k y t t a w k A l u m i n u m Case, E n e m i e s 3 0 0 W
2 P a l s o f 100disks Spindles, 3 CD-RW 4-123, idea. Internet traffic at different times
2 M B Hard Drive,
Intel 1 0 / 1 0 0 / 1 0 0 0 MB/s LAN
Aladdin Spring Cleaning Info can be found at
1.4413113 H a p p y Dried, P o w e r S u p p l y, 2 x Fans, Alum/nuns Tower Ease, e/TruelSOW O w l -Fast P.O. of the day will affect your speed. Next,
I n t e g r a t e d 3 D Graphics Video card Logitech 2-640 4XSpeakers w / 8 " S u b w o o f e r = 1 : 1 4 8 0 W Spk. w / 8 " S u b w o o t e r
5 2 0 C D - R O M Drive, Santee • M u l t i m e d i a W i n d o w s Keyboard Samsung MultimediaAnternet Keyboard head on over to and
S a m s u n g O p t i c a l P S / 2 Scroll W h e e l M o u s e S e m s o n • 0 • t i c a l P 5 / 2 Scroll W h e e l M o u s e
Be sure to fully read the information for each
I n t e g r a t e d S o u n d , 10/100M13/1 L A N
AT X M i d To w e r C m , w i t h 3 0 0 W MS Windows XP 5 MS Works Sego 2003 software MS Windows XP 8 MS Works Suite Otils software run the Broadband Optimizer. This little piece of software, because when you start to
Harmon Kardon Amplified Speakers
Enhanced Windows Keyboard
Berle!: Antl-Virus 2003, 6-Ourfet Surge POWer ear
19" Sent) V991 0 . 2 2 m m SVGA M o n i t o r
Norton Anti-Virus 2003, 6 . 0 u l l e t Surge POWel BM
1 9 " S a m s u n g 95513F 0 . 2 0 m m D y n a F l a t ,
utility will do a few tweaks to optimize work with disk utilities, unexpected results
can occur If you're not careful,
C o m p a q PS/2 S c r o l l W h e e l M o u s e 1 6 0 0 3 . 1 2 0 0 0 7 7 H 2 3 Ye a r s F a c t o r y W a r r a n t y 1 6 0 0 3 1 2 0 0 e 6 6 H z . 3 Yearn F a c t o r y W a r r a n t y OS X and the underlying UNIX for a
2 4 T O R O N T O C O M P U T E S ! M A Y 2 0 0 3 c a n a d a c o m p u t e s . c o r n
McAfee Ives Interne Onlinesecurityfrom gluhal
expertsinPC prote,ctor,


There's Hertz and Avis, Pepsi and Coke,

Security newsgroups f o r s o m e
users w h i l e a l l o w i n g
them f o r others, givirig
removing d e l e t e d
Outlook Express e-mail
messages, temporary
Mac OS and Windows. To these classic you control o v e r h o w files and other unwant-
rivalries, add Symantec and Network Symantec's suite, b u t also sometimes your.children use the Net ed but persistent data
Associate& Each wants you to think of harder to use. As with Norton's suite, and files. Its Uninstaller
their respective Norton a n d McAfee Setup does a good job of installing the you can list data-strings feature can clean rem-
brands for all your computer's antivirus various components and getting a user such as portions o f your nants left behind with
and security needs. up and running, with one curious omis- hank account o r credit Windows' o w n
Symantec's Norton. Internet Security sion: The firewall i s turned o f f b y card numbers so that the Add/Remove Programs ,
2003 ( N I S ) . suite bundles N o r t o n default Unless a user knoWs to, manual- program c a n w a r n you, i f control paneL As well, OuickClean can
Antivirus with a firewall, throwing i n ly turn it on, much of the potential pro- something attempts to send -these num- search and remove spyware and adware
parental control features and spam fil- tection from this suite will be lost. bers across the Net without your-knowl- programs.
ter& L i k e Syniantec's NIS, Network Once turned on, a wizard does a good edge. However, the interface makes i t By downloading a bunch o f applica-
Associates' McAfee Internet Security 5.0 job of helping to configure the firewall, difficult to remove or edit these numbers tions (Zone Alarm firewall, AdAware, an
(MIS) suite bundles a variety of McAfee identifying installed .programs t h a t if needed. Data files can be encrypted for antivirus program and more), you could
applications otherwise available sepa- might want t o access the Internet o r added protection. duplicate most o f its features, but the
rately. local area network. As with many other An Internet Security Check scans your convenience of a single install and a sin-
No home PC should be without virus, software firewalLs, be prepared for a cou- system for potential security problems: gle interface make this worthwhile. Just
protection. M I S i n c l u d e s M c A f e e ple of days o f having the software fre- Out-of-date Internet software, installed don't forget to turn on the firewall. •
VirusScan Home Edition 7, which does a quently asking you whether you're pre- spywire or secretly-installed monitoring
good job of scanning e-mail both com- pared to allow various programs permis- software As with other Web, ad blockers, I N F O
ing and going. This new version supports sion to use the Net - and be prepared for, users can sometimes find that linked
all standard POP3 e-mail programs, not some surprises regarding which pro- pages fail to open; in that case, click the McAfee Internet Security 5.0
just Outlook (as in earlier McAfee ver- grams want to go online. Like a firm but link'Again, this time holding down the Network Associates
sions). Also i n t h e package: McAfee loving parent, you should be prepared to Ctrl key. A window informs you of the
Firewall 4 . 0 and a toolbox o f useful say "No" to your software now and then. number of cookies, ads, Web bugs and
tools, including a Web ad blocker, cook- Besides letting you be firm with your pop-ups that have been blocked. Windows 98 or later; 32 MB RAM, 71 MB drive
ie filter, browser history cleaner and software, the program's parental control A l i m i t e d e d i t i o n ' • o f McAfee's space.
parental controls. More features and features let you block applications, chat, QuickCiean application cleans out your Downloadable trial version available.
more advanced controls, i n fact, than instant messaging o r even individual browser cache and history, along with

Getting video from drive to disc whether they're computer drives or set- larger video window at a quality similar Mac Chronicles
continued from page 18 top device& It's best to know your own to SVHS. Two stereo audio tracks and continued from page 24
Burn requirements and playback environment four subtitles can`be added. Menus and Anybody with a bit of knowledge about
Burning - the act o f recording the before burning a disc, or you'll find it's Chapters stops are supported. SVCD han- hard drive recovery can read that infor-
authored program to a blank disc - is only usefUl as a coaster. dles-about 40 minutes o f video. mation still on your hard drive. Scary
the final step. Audio and video must be Just, before burning (or at: the author- An SVCD can be played on many eh? Apple has built a neat utility that
in the appropriate MPEG format, with- ing stage), you can add CD playback and standalone DVD players and on all com- will turn all the binary data on your
file sizes and bitrates suitable for the auto-play programs, as well as adding or puters with >a DVD-ROM o r CD-ROM hard drive into zeros. Your hard drive
target media and playback device. If the, removing region codes and zone locks drive, with the help of a software-based will basically be digitally blank. This is
capturing, encoding and authoring have on DVDs. decoder/player. not some cool parlour trick to hide data
gone smoothly, burning can be as sim- Digital Versatile Discs (DVDs) can be from your friends. This will really, real-
ple as pressing "Record." Choosing a disc single- o r double-sided, and have a ly erase your hard drive completely and
The biggest problem to be concerned Now that we've covered the basics, it's much greater storage capacity. Upwards irretrievably. If you want more informa-
about here is compatibility. There are a time to choose the disc that's best for of two hours o f high-quality video, at tion o n h o w t o d o this, check o u t
handfut of DVD formats out there, and your needs If you are familiar with an full screen size, and several tracks o f AppleCare D o c u m e n t 1 0 7 4 3 7 a t
even a few different CD specifications. audio CD, you already know what VCDs either Dolby Digital o r 5.1 Surround
Not a l l discs w o r k o n a l l players, and DVDs look like. Sound• fit on a DVD - depending on the Finally, one of the best ways to main-
Video CDs (VCDs) play on computers encoding used. tain your computer is through your own
The Woad Id My Cebide with VCD playback software and o n DVDs support hot button navigation knowledge. Read up on hard drive and
continued from page 22 most DVD machine& The video quality and motion menus, chapters, multiple operating system maintenance. T h e
not make up one? Go to the Turn Left site is limited - at best equivalent to VHS - languages, subtitles and video tracks as AppleCare documents can be an invalu-
(www.0networks.corni-cubsfan/conspiracy.html), and usually delivered in a small window. well as slide shows, Web links and more. ble source. Just type "OS X mainte-
fill in the online form, press the "Tell me It is possible to use menus and chapters There are several competing DVD for- ance" into the search bar and start
more" button and you'll have a conspir- on a VCD. - mats, and more on the way. They have rowsing. Also, there are several good
acy theory all your own. And, i f the real VCDs hold about a n hour o f video similar capacities and features, but are ooks available from O'Reilly Books
world isn't doing enough for you, you material; some programs w i l l encode best suited for different storage purpos- i n easy t o under-t
can base the rest of your life on it. MPEG-2, a higher quality image, to CD, es and delivery environments. Check out stand English. Most of them are pocket
but only about 15 minutes of full-screen DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD+R, DVD+RW, ooks and do not require reading from
material will fit. DVD-RAM and now DVD-VR to deter- ont to back.
Alan Thwaits, a TC! Contributing Editor can be reached at • SuperVideo CDs (SVCDs) deliver a mine the best format for you. ♦ Happy computing! • M A Y 2003 TORONTO C O M P U T E S ! 25

Using video for self-promotion
ALL I T E M S I N S T O C K @ B N C (WHILE QTY'S L ST) continued from page 16
IINC "I think I'll be reaping the benefits
DURON 1300 i n g INTEL P4 1.7 A M D XP 1800 pai INTEL PI11933 for some years as they get passed
128mb-40gb • o w 1 2 8 mb-40gb M 1 2 8 mb-40gb 128MB-30GB around," Simmons says.
56k-10/100-CD t e l e 56k-10/100-CD 5 6 k -10/100-CD a d a CD-10/100 A aa
Standing out from the resume pile
Kybd/Mouse/Spk"a7 Kybd/Mouse/Spk$519 Kybd/Mouse/Spk Pal 17 SOUND/VIDEO olga Because digital video has the advan-
M P11400 C O M M PI1350 P111450Tower_ CEL400 P11400 P11450 EgiaO T h a i tage of giving people an instant
64mb-4gb 1 2 8 m b - 64gb 128mb-6.4gba-1.44 64mb/4gb 64mb/3gb 64mb/6gb128mb/10gb 128mb/8gb glimpse of a person, companies that
help people find work are looking at
C D -1 . 4 4 C D -Sound-10/100 101100-SOUNDIVIDEO 4 CD/10/100CD/10/100CD/10/100CD/10i100 CD/10/100 video as a way of making potential
$129- DOLL $ 2 2 9 - $ 1 0 9 - 6 1 2 9 - 6 1 4 9 - $ 2 9 - $1t79- employers take notice of their client's
skills and abilities. Since 2001,
La btec Ottawa-based HireTopTalent Inc. has
r e e d o n USB Navigator O p t i c a l C o r d l e s s P s i Mouse been creating VideoHandshakes, one-
K e y b o a r d & E x p r e s s USB E x p r e s s USB
w / S N A P S H O T Cordless Optical Internet USB S c r o l l U S B U S B Mouse 2 Button and-a-half minute self promotion
Mouse(Retail)M21 $ 2 9 - $ 3 3 - $ 9 9 - $29- $ 1 3 - $ 2 2 - $ 3 - QuickTime videos that can be sent to
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IIIxe T h i n k p a d S A T 4300 N e w , R e t a i l loaded from www.hiretoptalentcom.
1. 3 C o m 10/100 PCMCIA $25- U S B External
8mb w/cradle $ 9 4 9 $ 9 9 9 9 0 d a y W a r r 2. Xircom 10/100 PCMCIA $20- •24:1:12-
N s Ind AM Batt PIII700-196mb-20gb P111650-128mb-12gb IBM 8.1gb PCMCIA 3. Xircom 10/100 & 5 6 k $39- B R A N D NW
90day $ 8 9 - C D -10/100-13.3" DVD-56k-W1N98-14.1" External Hard Drive 4. Xircom REALPORT Combo $45- R E TA I L Impressions matter,
Factory Rot
1. 1 7 " . 2 7 1 2 8 0 x 1 0 2 4 $ 1 1 9 - 1 0 / 1 0 0 P C I N O R M w k i t 1 0 / 1 0 0
2. 1 7 " . 2 4 T R U E F L A T $ 1 3 5 -
NETWORK 802.11bWirelessumairm USB
3. 1 9 " . 2 6 1 6 0 0 x 1 2 0 0 $ 1 9 9 -
and a strong first
remseton 1 4 " 4. 1 9 " . 2 4 T R U E F L A T $ 2 2 5 -
LCD Flatpanel Dlink 10/100 L a n PCCard 111104i19.
I n c 11 6 m b v i d e o
5. 2 1 " . 2 5 1 9 2 0 x 1 2 0 0 $ 2 9 9 -
530TXS...$13. $ 4 9
1 1 1 0 5 Fact R e f u r b i s h e d 9 0 D a y Wa r r
RETAIL impression could very
moder7DOS OFF Lease 3Com 10/100 --k4npowered
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KlifM 4 11 k $ 1 5 9
none New
qi,,trx• 6 7 7 1 90Day Warr 3C905TX...$19- 4 Port USB 1 1 1 1 P P O W E R E D well help someone
Incl.Duron1300 CPU L a 17" 17"" . 2 7 9-1 7" 3Com 10/100. : 1 4 1 H u b Ay i l l o o r t
56k&10/100* I. • 2 7 . 4 . . s M o n i t o r
Box- 9 0 D a y
ViewSoM Grade A 3C905BTX.$22- NEW-Retail USB H u b get that first inter-
USB C D j a m amp 411114 BTICe view.
OMs 4 0 x 1 2 x 4 0 OL°
F l y M

1 1 9 1 . 32XCDROM $19- 52x24x52 D V D R W 32x1 0x40 16X DVD

/software w/so$ftware 32x8x12x2x 16X DVD
2.40xCDROM$22- w $ 6 9
Brand New "Right now the biggest problem for
1 6 x 1 0 x 4 0 P U L L S 90 Day 79 $299 combo$119 $5.5 people who are seeking employment
is that this is very much a buyer's
®CardSound Video Cards Illka $ 2 6 - s y $ 1 8 - RIM $ 7 - $ 2 2 - r z
$ market," says Toby Shannan, presi-
10pack 50oack Dock u m 10 pack 100PACK OP dent and CEO of HireTopTalent.
6Channel PCI SmartBuy 48X 80min 4 8 X 8 0 m i n 48X 80min SLIMLINE"There are lots of candidates out there
$16- 2.Asus/9 PifOuf $49- 4.7gb DVD-R SMART BUY C M C JewelCase JEWELCASE
vying for the same job. I've heard of
corporations posting a job and getting.
ah Crimper CAT6 $89- 600 responses, and almost all are
Hard Drives Hard Drives
Tester-Make Make y o u r
Cat5e resumes. We were looking for a way
6.4gb 5400 8.6gb 5400 Vyour own 7L-Arr $ 9 9 - Own Cables
1 0 010ft
to help candidates differentiate them-
LIVE 3.5" I D E A ' 3.5" I D E . Cable 1 108-Oft C AT 6 100011Cat5ew1100 corm selves and we thought video was a
NEW $ 4 9 555- $65- w/30 Connectors Ind/Crimper & Tester Roll $59-
natural f i t "
6IN 1 $ 3 9 . G i g a b y t e C a / t : o l o . a b e r n o . r . k C a b l e : O s The cost to do a VideoHandshake is
PCI 56k l b $ 2 9 Memory Card 5Port Switch 1111.0$59- 311..$0119611...$1.29 10131.69 14L$1.89 $299, and it is shot by HireTopTalent
$19 56k External Reade
USB M o d e m Writer
Brand N e w (Retail)
1 0 / 1 0 0 NetExcell 4L$0.997L$1.3912ft,.$L79 15L$1,9
4Port 10/100
in order to make it as professional
looking as possible. In many ways,
I I I I $ 3 9 - Router (new) 20L$2492501$2.99 50ft.$5.99 100ft..111.99 the VideoHandshake is like the pres-
entation a candidate would give dur-
t i 1G Set NETSet 128m SPIN50(2watt) slo- Labtec AWESOME &olio% ing an interview.
S O U N D q / A 7
It highlights their skills and
W PC Mic&INNPCMic & USB $ 7 9 $15-
t . as Ai SPIN60 (5watt) owAIT (SUB) strengths and lets a potential employ-
4 6 -Headset
54°rleadsetPen Drive snOso060
jr,,SPIN 70 (12watt)S19-
Cdr '1a Box2X6WATT (SAT) er see right away what kind of person
is behind the name on a resume.
W r A W r Loa Impressions matter, and a strong first
U 7 s It o u r s t s c a v w - c s o m f o r I n s t o r e S p e c i a l s !
impression could very well help some-
one get that first interview.
B N C S y s t e m s I n c 7 2 0 5 -1-rsanrrlesrA3 D r . U n i t # 6
Slgao4p• A v a • As well, because the video can be
`V%Tvv-vv-11-_, xx 41C r i m x - x x 11011, r a w Ft."
downloaded, Shannan says it is not
0 : M o r t - F A -1 S a t u r d a y • , 1r:rem-ware
/9/VC ,uncommon for people who receive a
aamorra-413:30rArn : 0 0 0 . e r s - S : 1,4 1 4 " 0 Brarnaleta Rd.
resume by e-mail to click on the
a s T e l _ ( 9 0 5 ) 6 7 8 - 1 2 4 2 F a x ( 9 0 5 ) 6 7 8 - 1 2 5 2 C . 4 r r y Pte.. -rorcunecrimt, A i r p o r t hotlink to the video right away. •
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Inexpensive recording with a 'Walkman
By 'DAVE CHAPPELLE used XLR to 1/4 inch- cables. We insert- the 707 records digitally, i t transfers
ed the 1/4 inch mike cable plugs into an only in analogue. The transfer cannot be
The latest Walkman incarnation is the adapter that converts t w o 1 / 4 inch "dumped" like a digital file. You must
MiniDisc recorder. Capable o f digital inputs to one 1/8-inch stereo output. We "play" each track while connected to the
recording and playback, it's for record- plugged the adapter into the MZ-N707's computer.
ing and transferring audio files to and 1/8-inch input, and voila! - two-input We hadn't expected to encounter diffi-
from your computer. We looked at the live-off-the-ftoor recording: culty l o c a t i n g b l a n k recordable
top-of-the-line MZ-N707. At 8.1x7.1x3 cm and 133 g, portabili- MiniDiscs. The local electronics stores
Recording MP3s for personal use on ty has to be the number one advantage were sold out and surprisingly, despite
your computer and your Walkman is of- the MZ-N707. The number t w o selling a l l kinds o f other media, the
easy. Using the OpenMG Jukebox soft- advantage is -that the sound quality is business supply stores don't stock them.
ware, you can assemble groups of tunes extremely good. N o noticeable hiss, We eventually borrowed one. minority o f listeners (a few musicians
from your audio CDs and hard drive, hum o r background noise emanates So how did the results sound? Pretty and audiophiles) will be able to tell the
and record them for listening on the from this unit, but low quality cables good. After listening through the head- difference.
portable Walkman. will introduce noise. phones, w e tried t h e cassette tape The experience of the test crew aside,
Even i f you've never used one before, Recorded tunes are transferred via a adapter to play the unequalized tracks we proved that i f you are on a budget,
it won't take you long to master this stereo 1/8-inch to 1/8-inch cable, simi- through a typical stereo system. Once and are willing to spend time instead of
recorder. Controls are similar to those lar t o those used w i t h sound cards transferred to the iMac and manipulated money, you too could record a live band
on any cassette tape, MP3 o r video everywhere. B u t one wasn't included by someone who knows how, the tracks in y o u r basement o n a portable
player. The f i v e -way switch handles with our sample, although optical and sounded great. MiniDisc recorder. •
most of the functions, and the inputs are USB cables were. Also included in our I f your ear is trained and you are a
well marked. The headphones have a sample were t w o carrying cases, a n slave t o tone, hearing the results o f
remote control unit built into the cord. adapter for using the 707 with a cassette recording live into two mikes will make
We wanted to see if a three-piece (gui- tape player, a rechargeable AA battery, a you want to spend money on a mixer, I N F
tar, bass, drums) basement band could 12-volt DC car charger and a 110-volt more microphones, recording software MZ-N707 Walkman
use this device to successfully record a AC charging dock. and a Mac or expensive PC with high- 1399
CD with listenable sound quality. Disadvantages of the 707 arose when end sound card. N o question, y o u r Sony
We started w i t h t w o professional- we finished recording and were ready to sound will be superior. But you'll be
quality low-impedance mikes, each with transfer the recorded music to a com- lugging around lots of gear, your bank OpenMG Jukebox Requirements:
XLR three-conductor connectors. We Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
puter, in this case a newer.iMac. While account will be decimated and only a

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52X CD-ROM / 1.44 POD 52X CNIOM 1.44 FDD 52X CD-ROM / 1.44 EDI) 483716X48 CD-RW/1.441513D 48XI6X48 CD-RW 1,44 FDD GEFORCE 4 MX-440 64151TVOUT
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256 MB DDR RAM PC-2100 256 MB DDR RAM PC-2100 ECS K7S5A PRO M A I M S 2.0)
30 GB HOD ATAI33 30 GB IIDD ATAI33 3008111)0 ATA133 A S U S D1 40 GB HDD ATA133 40 GB HOD ATA133 5120113 DDR PC- 2 1 0 0 ,
GEFORCE 2 MX-400 64 MB 4X 60 GB HDD 7200RPM 4 3 3 - 0 : 0 )
12X CD-ROM /.1.44 POD 52X-CD-ROM 11.44 FDD 52X CD-ROM 11-94 FDD I5- TFT /INTEL 94 2.4 GHZ 483716X48 CD-RW / 1A4 PAD 48)06X48 CD-RW / 1.44 FDD GEFORCE 4 MX-44064M TVOUT
t, Al
1 1
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DEW) 4300U SCANNER $ 6 9
NEC MITSIJMI 52X24X52 CD-RW $ 6 9 $ 3 4 9 MS1 GF4 11-4200 12894 tv 5 2 3 9 1 1 - V I T 1 1 2 1 1 . 1 1 • 1 0 ) , 1 U F O F r I . 1 O U T ( 40 0 1 3 1 I D D 4 4 6 9 )
L0 52X243752 CD-RW $ 7 5
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15" LCD 1560V / BK $439 4 1 1 M E M M I I I ° AMD ATHLON XP /800+ CPU SISI 1 7 - 4 2 0 0 128N1 vise $ 2 5 9
I T LCD 1760V / BK $699 LO 482124X48X16 CDRW+DVD510910111 BASE LAN CARD $ 1 0 ECS KISSA PRO MAINBOARD MSI 0E4 1141800SE I2SM tv SX $329
m o r m n x srPRCIA LG DVD-RW $ 2 9 9 13-Llak 07-604 4 Pan Router $ 6 9 SOUND & LAN ONBOARD MS1 GM 71-4800SE 12864 vivo $329 144
I T MONITOR 5149 TOSHIBA DVD-RW $28915329 D-Link DI-704P 4 Port Router $ 8 9 256 MB DDR RAM PC-2100 501 1 1 - 4 6 0 0 128M vivo 5 4 4 9 14.1" TFT / CELERON 1.2 Ghz 256M DDR / 20G/DVD+CDRW
15" LCD $379 PLEXTOR DVD+RW $ 3 9 9 SMC 7004VB11 4 Pon Router $ 6 9 AIX 350W TOWER CASE MSITYMoyobere TV TUNIM $79 2 5 6 M / 100 H D D D V D 4 R O M modemdan/USB2.0/TV/firewite
17" LCD $549 Hower A05 DVD-RW $ 3 8 9 NETWORK CABLE 50.30 / FOOT $ 2 6 9 Leadtek TV-2000XP TV TUNER. $93 MODEM/LAN/4 U S I V I T OUT ( AMD XP 2 0 0 0 + . - - . - + $19 )
3 0 TORONTO C O M P U T E S I M A Y 2003 ea n o d a c o r n O u t e s . c o m
Familiar tool helps video editors go digit*
By A N D R E W M O O R E - C R I S P I N by bringing the tactile feeling of a unit and...14 point.s of sensitivity (seven application i s startedo which makes
jog/shuttle wheel and-one-touch mark reverse and seven forward} on the shut- using the peripheral more seamless.
Anyone who has been editing video in/out buttons to PC video editing. tle wheel. To t r u l y customize, the Anyone that has edited video • on an
for a while is likely familiar with ana- ShuttlePRO, users w i l l have t o o p m analogue setup will find it easy to jump
logue tape editing,using a source and their favourite video editing'application i n and start making simple-edits using
destination VTR, connected through an to determine the keyboard functions the controller.
editing console. they want the unit to perform, then,pro- While all the controls for simple video
In fact, the process of searching gram and label all the buttons accord- editing are included on the ShuttkPRO,
source material and cueing up in and ingly. T h e buttons come w i t h clear i t can't be counted as a replacement for
out marks using a jog/shuttle wheel removabk caps, and a sheet:of cutouts the keyboard and mouse. Only the most
becomes something of an ingrained -for. the most common video editing basic functions are,covered on the face
process, making the switch from ana- functions is included in the box, or can of the unit; no, transition effects or other
• logue to digital a difficult one. Going be downloaded from the Contour A / V tools could realistically be worked onto
from the two VTR editing suite setup to Solutions Web site ( the face of the unit without creating a
an all-in-one interface, using mouse Ten common, video and audio editing jumbled mess. Also, even the conven-
and keyboard commands, forces video applications are pre-configured, which i e n c e of having a jog/shuttle wheel can't
aficionados to re-learn much of what means that users need only place the r i v a l the speed of tising the mouse to
they already:know. appropriate b u t t o n labels o n t h e c o n t r o l a slider for fast video searching.
Contour A/V Solutions has a product ShuttlePRO to get started. Most of the A s a n added bonus, the peripheral
that successfully bridges the digital_ pre-configured settings are f o r Sonic c o u l d a l s o theoretically be set, up as a
divide in video editing, making the Foundry (Acid, Vegas), Adobe (Premiere, p a d d l e wheel controller f o r, playing
switch a less daunting process, blend- After" Effects) a n d MediaStudio A r k a n o i d , Pang o r any their freeware
ing the traditional analogue video edit- (MediaStudio Pro) programs. c l o n e s . •
ing feel with the superior power and The. ShuttlePRO is fully customizable Once a custom profile has been creat-
relative inexpensiveness of.PC video and •will •work w i t h a n y application ed or one of the pre-configured ones is
editing. (whether a video application o r not) chosen, the ShutdePRO software associ- more I N F
The Contour A/V ShuttlePRO is a where users m i g h t deem i t useful. ates itself with the editing application should's°
USB controller that blurs the lines Customizing the peripheral is a tedious executable, then loads up and selects the 190 (from USS125)
tour A/V Solutions
between analogue and digital editing process, as there are nine buttons on the appropriate profile whenever the video

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Built-in Floppy Drive ( ECS Model: 0732 ) Accessories M81 Geforce 4
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What's new in Adobe Premiere?
By LEE RICKWOOD tion. Graphics cards should be limited to Adobe, Premiere supports all its effects
16-bit colour display, lest they steal and transitions for real-time previews,
The latest version o f Adobe's nonlin- resources from the CPU, resulting i n but it's dependent on system resources.
ear video editing software, Premiere 6.5, dropped frames or other hiccups. As the manual says, images "degrade
is powerful and comprehensive. It's also important that presets from gracefully" without the needed horse-
That's both good news and bad. the capture card you're using be loaded power (slower frame rates, skipping
It's good Adobe has added a powerful as the editing mode presets. Without a audio, etc).
titling tool. Good an MPEG encoder has proper match (compression settings, bit
been added. New audio capabilities and rate, frame rate and size, etc.) the card Latest word in titling
real-time previews are now supported in may not output t o tape. Fortunately, One o f Premiere's best enhancements
an already loaded package. Premiere 6.5 has a View Settings option is the titling capability. Gone is the old menus, Premiere now does i t all — as
So what's bad about that? Well, some to match presets correctly. titter (from back in version 4). New is long as you have a disc burner (it out-
of Premiere's best features are depen- Premiere, li ke other programs, has Title Designer, and lots of customizable puts video for VCD and SVCD, as well).
dant on computer power and may not specific requirements f o r capturing templates and designer fonts. Premiere also has enhanced music
function w e l l w i t h o u t changes o r video. Compatibility among operating It's a little intimidating i f you're not mixing and soundttack creation capa-
upgrades t o y o u r current system. system, a p p l i c a t i o n s o f t w a r e , familiar with other Adobe programs, but bilities. Also handy for sound manipula-
Premiere is still somewhat particular FireWire/1394 hardware, and camcorder if you know Photoshop or Illustrator, tion are new audio filters, such as the
about installs; pre-existing hardware or is important. DV interfaces should com- Title Designer itself is worth the upgrade three-band parametric-equalizer.
software drivers can cause problems. ply w i t h t h e Open Host Controller in the eye of many editors.
If you're f a m i l i a r w i t h previous Interface (OHCI) standard. Font colour, shadows, outlines and Choose the best tool
Premiere versions (back t o 5.0) this Premiere 6.5 handles this with its DV spacing are easily adjusted and saved Adobe Premiere is an established and
package is worth your consideration. I f Device Control Options menu, to specify for future use. Users can add texture and robust package, with lots of useful edi-
you are brand new to nonlinear editing camcorder manufacturers and models. A sheen, or create text on a path. Rolls torial features and new enhancements
it may offer too much for your needs. click on the Check Status button verifies and crawls can be used as well. Other for experienced video editors. There are
the connection. title motion effects are made using other, less demanding ways to get start-
Get started cleanly Premiere's other editing functions and ed. But i f you're comfortable with 6.0,
Premiere 6.5 wants to go into a clean Timely features added effects. you should have this upgrade, i f only
system, ahead o f any other associated Real-time previews are a great time- for the titling and encoding tools. •
hardware (real-time cards such a s saver for busy editors. It's a handy way Sounds like disc-o dancing
Canopus DVStorm2 o r Matrox RTX to check transitions and special effects For many, the most important upgrade
boards) and without graphics accelera- before committing to them.
in Premiere 6.5 is the MPEG encoder,
supplied by Main Concept. Together with Premiere 6.5
$979 (full version), $259 (upgrade)
bundled DVD creation software (Sonic's Adobe
Premiere help online DVDit! LE), Premiere is a solid disc mak-
ing, as well as video editing, tool.

Including Adobe's own training and The encoding functions are straight- Pentium III 500 MHz processor (Pentium 4 or
support network, there are hundreds forward, b u t more importantly, give multiprocessor recommended), Windows
985E/ME/2000 (Service Pack 2)1311, 128 MB of
of Web sites with information about good results. The encoded image can be RAM (256 MB recommended), 600 MB of avail-
Premiere, among them: quite good, and the time needed t o able hard-disk space, 256-colour video display
encode not that lengthy (depending on adapter, CD-ROM drive, Quicklime 5.0 recom-
www.dvshopta/dvrafe/adobeprem.html mended
the complexity. of your program, antici- For DV: Microsoft DirectX certified IEEE 1394
www.ledetcomgoolstuff/software/premiere/ pate about 1.5:1 encoding times). For interface, dedicated large-capacity 7200 RPM
truly professional authoring, the tools in UDMA 66 IDE or SCSI hard disk or disk array,
www.wrigleyvideacom/videotutoriaVindekhtm and DirectX compatible video display adapter
The new real-time preview requires Premiere may not be enough — chapter For third-party capture cards: Adobe Premiere
specific hardware to work fully — for points, embedded Web links and other certified capture card
For Real-lime Preview: Pentium III 800 MHz PCs, Pentium 4 processors and at least elaborate DVD features are not always processor (Pentium 4 dual processors recom-
256 MB RAM do best. According t o accessible. But f o r simple DVDs and mended)

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32 TORON10 C O M P U T E S ! M A Y 2 0 0 3 c a n a d a c o m p u t e s . c o m
Digital Shots:
Taking a fieldtrip
ByANDREW MOORE-CRISPIN scene the way you want it to go, draw-
ing attention to the elements you want
Spring is, in the air and summer will noticed, and i t can make for powerful
soon be upon us. Unless you're the type and appealing photographs.
that particularly enjoys going out in the There is a rule in manual film photog-
freezing cold of winter to capture some iaphy called the Sunny 16 rule, which
wintertime scenes, you probably haven't essentially states that on a sunny day,
taken too many outdoor pictures since whether shooting with or without a flash,
- g o i n g into hibernation mode. photographers can set their aperture size
Photography is a great hobby, as it can to f16 and shutter speed to the approxi-
work itself into other interests; anything mate speed of the film. (ie. 1/125 sec for
you find enjoyable is, worthy of being
captured as a digital photo.
film o f 100 ISO) to turn their manual
camera into a point-and-shoot, more or LO-6-421-109*T1r16-
In the spring, we start coming out of less. Rather than fiddling with settings to
houses, bleary eyed and blinking at the get the perfect shot, the Sunny 16 rule
sun, t o start pursuing warm weather gets rid of all of the f-stop and shutter
hobbies. Whatever your hobbies — hik- speed worries and allows photographers
ing, camping, rock climbing, weekend to pay attention to the actual scene.
sports or just walking around the city — Digital cameras without access t o
take a digital camera with you and shutter speed and aperture settings usu-
shoot away. Once you've purchased a ally give users few options in the,form
digital camera and storage media, tak- of different shooting modes. Rather
ing pictures is cheap, unlike film where than confuse matters with shutter speed mam e i o n
every exposure has a cost associated and f-stop numbers, some manufactur- nlimited Email Accounts
with it. ers go with four or five shooting modes,
Photography in its most basic sense is represented by familiar icons like the
Unlimited Hits, Transfers
very simple indeed. The shutter opens running man for action, a sun partially World Class Support Desk
for a set amount of time, depending on covered with a cloud for shooting on an Same Day Set-up
the brightness o f a scene and on how overcast day, a sun for bright scenes, a Fiber Optic OC-3 Connections
open the aperture is. Where it gets a bit person f o r portrait mode and others. 24X7 Toll Free Tech Support
more complicated is in trying to figure These settings, as inflexible as they are,
out the best way to capture the available do lend some flexibility to your digital
Microsoft FrontPage 2002
light Should we go with a smaller aper- camera, and the iconic representation of SQL7 & OBDC Support
ture and resulting slower shutter speed • the type of.shot each mode is meant for eal Audio / Video
and get`into stability issues — requiring, gives hints as to the shutter speed and hockwave, Flash, Quicktime
at best, steady hands and at worst, a tri- aperture the setting uses. This means eb Statistics by Webtre4
pod? Or, do we go with a larger aperture that even using a point-and-shoot cam- Money Back Guarante
and corresponding, faster shutter speed era with little flexibility, users can alter
at a sacrifice to depth of field? the way the picture is taken.
Depth o f field is the amount- of the
scene behind and in front of the central
The running man icon represents fast
action; to catch and freeze fast action,
subject that is in focus. The wider the the camera needs to use a fast shutter
aperture, the smaller the depth of field, speed, which means a wider aperture to
hence, less of the scene will be in focus. allow as much light in as possible. This
This information can be used to get results in a smaller depth, of field.
the results you're looking for in your Portrait mode would be for a still sub-
pictures. If you want to frame and cap- ject and would, as a result, use a slow-
ture an entire scene, making your pic- er shutter speed and a wider aperature
ture as accurate a representation of the in favour of more depth of field. QEQ MNITH
actual scene as possible, keeping every- Even using these two options and the
thihg in focus is important. A smaller degrees in between represented by the
aperture and slower shutter speed will other icons, budding shutterbugs can
accomplish this. experiment with depth of field to give
On the other hand, i f you want to their pictures more, well, depth.
draw attention to one particular object More important, perhaps, i s t h e
of interest in the whole scene, using a thought that since those knowjedgeable
larger aperture and adjusting the shut- in film photography invented a rule to
'ter speed accordingly, then focusing on turn an advanced SLR into a point-and-
the central object will throw everything shoot camera; we shouldn't think" about
else out of focus to varying degrees. It's these things so much as just go out
a good way to steer the eye through the there and shoot pictures. • M A Y 2003 T O R O N T O COMPUTES' 3 3
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ASUS P48533-WA1 4 9 ATHLONXP2400•TBi2.000Hi)1 8 9 200.0 GB 2000JB, M B ) 3 7 9 Pg5F+/P95F+BK3 8 9 / 399 HP 4200TN /420001N (35ppm/1200dp02569/2899
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24X10 D D 9 D AT 2 4 G B INT (STD224000N-RYT) 1 1 3 9 C D RW- D V D / X P H ) 3 2 9 9
P L E X T O R W4824V (48x24x48) 148 M U LT I - F U N C T I O N D AT 40GB EXT. (STD6401LW-RY)1 5 4 9 2410W9X(P4-1.9G/256DDR/40G/15T
P L E X T O R W 4 8 2 4 TA B K HP 2110PSC2 8 9 FINEPIX 26503 1 9 D AT 40GB INT. (STD2401LW-RY)1 3 0 9 CDRW-DVD/XPH)2 1 9 9
(413,x24x48) 1 4 9 FINEPIX38005 8 9 6100NGYSPP(P4.1.7G/256DDR/30G/15T
S A M S U N G S W -252 ( 5 2 x 2 4 x 5 2 ) 7 9 H P 2 2 1 0 P S C 4 6 9
S A M S U N G COMBO C D RW / D V D HP 3300MFP7 2 9 FINEPIX A2033 3 9 TAPESTORE20GB(STT6201U2-R)4 9 9 6100 NGYSQP (P4-1.8C42580CR/30G/14T
( 4 8 x 2 4 x 4 8 , 1 6 x D V D ) 1 2 9 HP 3320MFP9 1 9 FINEPIX A3034 4 9 TAPESTORE4OGEI(STT6401U2-R)7 2 9
EXTERNAL HP 3320N-MFP1 3 3 9 FINEPIXF6016 5 9 CDRW.I3V13/XPPRO)2 6 6 9
PLEXTOR (48x24x48, USB 2.0) . . . 2 4 9 HP 3330MFP1 FINEPIX F4025 2 9 TA P E S / C A R T R I D G E S 6100 NGYSHP (P4-2.0G125131213R/30G/15T
0 0 9 FINEPIXS6029 4 9 DGD125P (DDS-34MM/125)2 2 . 9 9
GREY- T E C H #USB52 (52x24x52) CDRW.DVD)XPPRO)2 9 5 9
USB 2.0 HP D155X18 0 9 FINEPIXS802S9 9 9 DGD150P(DDS-34MM/150)4 9 . 9 9
FINEPIXM6038 6 9 6100 NGYSNP (P4-1.8G/2.93DDR/20G/14T
G R E Y-TECH #F1RE52 (52x24x52)199 HP D1354 9 9 DGID15CL(DDS4MM/CLEANING) 1 9 . 9 9
FIREVV1RE (1394) 1 8 9 HP4100MFP3 0 9 9 DVD/XPPRO)2 0 8 9
SONY DGD120P(DDS-24MM/120) 1 2 . 9 9
DSC-P31 2 . 1 M P 3 4 9 CDRAN-DVDOLPH)3 2 5 9
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EIDE B R O T H E R MFC4800" 4 5 9 DSC-P51 2 . 1 M P Q T R -4 / N S -203 9 . 9 9 / 59.99 6100 9ZD (P4-1.7G/256DDROOG/15T
L G D V D 16X 5 9 B R O T H E R MFC68006 DSC-S85 4.1MP8 0 3 7 9 9 DVD/XPPRO)2 2 9 9
4 9 T R AVA N 2 0 / 4 0 G B (STTM40)7 9
DSC-P9 1 1 5 9 6100 KKE (P4-1.8G1256DDR/300/14T
P I O N E E R DVD416X(TRAwsiion . 6 9 B R O T H E R MFC85006 4 9 DSC-P97 1 9
B R O T H E R MFC97008 6 9 DSC-UU220OB
D S22.0MP.0MP4C 2 - 9 429 N E T W O R K P R O D U C T S
S O N Y 1 6 X D D U 1 6 2 ( T R AY ) 6 9 BROTHER3100C2 3 9
L G GMA4020612 9 9 DSC-U2OL 4 2 9 HUBS & SWITCHES P R O T E G E S E R I E S
B R O T H E R 5100C3 6 9 DSC.P8 3 2 M P 2.0MP6 3 9 3 9 3 5 0 0 2 6 1 (P3-1.33G/256/40G/12"/DVD/XPP) ... 3499
PA N S O N I C L FO-521 3 8 9 BROTHERMFC7150C2 8 9 DSC-P72 3 . 2 M P 4 9 9 D U N K 4 Port USB Hub (DSB-H4)
40104FM(P3.93303/258(3013/121DVDPARP).... 3129
OSC-P52 3 . 2 M P 4 2 9 DLINK 4 Port 10/100/1000 Switch (DGS-1004T) 319
JEWEL CASES nncl-P32 3 2MP3 6 9 D U N K 8 Port 10/100/1000 Switch (DOS-1008T) 589
SINGLE0 . 2 5 D U N K Switch 5-poit (DSS-5+) 9100 (P4-1.7012581DOR/30G/14T
S T Y L U S 15206 7 9 MAVICA
DOUBLE0 . 4 5 MVC.-FID100 1.3MP 4 6 9 D L I N K 7 P o r t USB Hub (DSB-H7) 6 9 C D F t N V- D V D / X P P R O )
STYLUS 3000 1 3 5 9 D L I N K 8 P o r t Switch 10/100 (DSS-8+)
QUAD0 . 7 5 MVC-CI3200 2 3 9
. 5 9 S T Y L U S P H O TO 8201
0.69 S T Y L U S P H O TO 8252
MVC-CD400 4.1 M P 1
MVC-F12200 2 . 1 M P 6
9 DLINK 18 Port Swttch 10/100 (DSS-18+)
D U N K 24 PortSwitch 10/100(DES-10240)
169 CDR B L A N K S
S T Y L U S P H O TO 9605 1 9 MVC-FD754 2 9 ROUTERS
CD L A B E L L I N G S T Y L U S P H O TO 9253 8 9 D L I N K Router / Switch 4-port (DI-604) 7 9 700mb, 80min, 32x
BRIGHT WHITE (100) 8 . 9 9
S T Y L U S P H O TO 12806 8 9 DLINK Router 4 Pod w/ PRN PORT (DI-704P) 9 9 L i m i t e d Quantities
S T Y L U S P H O TO 22009 8 9 DCR-TRV140 D CR
0 7 7 9 6 9 9 D
9 DLINK Router / Switch 8 Port (DI-707P) 1 1 9
GLOSSY (501 1 8 . 9 9 LINKSYS Voice Router (BEFN2PS4) 1 9 9 100 Pack Spindle

M O D E M S / PA L M T O P
LINKSYS Router 3 Port (BEFSRU31) 1 6 9

Router 4 Port (BEFSR41)9
LINKSYS Router 8 Port (BEFSR81) . . . . . 1 2 9
INSPIRE 4.1 4 4 0 0
INSPIRE 5.1 5 2 0 0
3 C O M 3C905-TX (PCI)
DLINK 10/100 DFE-538-TX (PCI) 2
DLINK 10/100 DGE-550-T (PCI)
5 9

1 0 9
INSPIRE 6.1 6 8 0 0 L E X A R
741.424- L I N K S Y S PCI 10/100 (LNE10oTx)3 9 Princo B r a n d s i 8 9
4394393COM H I - P e r f o r m a n c e Compact Flash PCMCIA
ALTEC LANSING AVS200 (3 SPKS) 29 U S R 56K INT V.90 (PCI-HM) 1 1 9 memory for Digital Camera's DLINK 10/100 DEE-650-TX 79 DVD-R 4.7GB
ALTEC LANSING 2100 2.1(2+SUB)1 5 9 128MB $ 8 9 ' 2 5 8 M B $ 1 1 9 * WIRELESS NETWORKING MICE
ALTEC LANSING 221CN (2+SUB) 69 PA L M T O P S 512MB $ 2 2 9 1 0 8 $ 4 4 9 DUNK LOGITECH
ALTEC LANSING 4100CN (4+SUB) 1 79 PA L M M 1 3 0 2 6 9 2 4 X - PROWESSIGVAL D L I N K Wireless PCI Card (OWL-500) 1 0 9 CORDLESSMOUSEMANOPTICAL9 9
ALTEC 'LANSING 4100 (4+SUB) 69 PA L M M 5 1 5 4 0 9
PALM TUNGSTEN T 4 9 9 2 5 6 M B ... $ 1 3 9 5 1 2 M B $ 2 5 9 D U N K Wireless PCI Card (OWL-520*)8 9 CORDLESSMOUSEMANWHEEL7 9
ALTEC LANSING 841CN (4+SUB) 2 , , PA L M ZIRE1 5 9
2 5 6 M B ... $ 1 5 9 5 1 2 M B $ 2 8 9 ' D L I N K VVireless PriCara (DWL-850.) • 8 9 HIGHPERFORMANCEMX5007 9
ALTEC LANSING 251CN (4+SUB)1 2 9 D L I N K Wireless Access Point (DIM:900AP+) 1 3 9 HIGH PERFORMANCECORDLESSMX700 .. 109
ALTEC LANSING 220CN (4+SUB) 4 9 (*Get $ 3 0 beck by mad. Call for detals)
D U N K Wireless Access Point (CAM.-5000AP) 3 0 9 MOUSEMANVVHELLOPTICAL6 9
ALTEC LANSINGXA3021 1 0 9 ElimaAriwaa:tirsiAINI D L I N K Wireless USB Port (DWL-120) 8 9 CORDLESSWFIEEFLMOUSE5 9
D L I N K Wireless Notebook Kit (DINL-905-1-) 3 0 9 TRACKBALL MARBLE MOUSE4 9
64MB (detrobackbyrnsii• f o r d e h t i l s ) 6 9 DLINK Wireless Router (D1-814+,24CHz) 1 3 9 FIRSTMOUSEVVHEEL2 9
SCSI C O N T R O L L E R S H E W L E T T PA C K A R D 128MB (Gel $30 book byrnall Gehtedetats): 99 DLINK Wireless Router 3 Port (DI-713P) 2 4 9 MICROSOFT
HP SCANJET 23000 (8'x11') 9 9
ADAPTEC HP SCANJET 35000 (8"x11") 1 2 9 256MB (Gel $30beek bymaa Callfordatails) 1 5 9 D L I N K Onni-DiredionalAnt. (ANT24-0500) ... 1 4 9 INTELUMOUSE3.02 9
S E RV E R S & W O R K S TAT I O N S Memory Stir& U S B Reader 4 9 DLINK 8.6dBI PICO Cell Patch Ant. INTELLIMOUSETRACKBALL1.03 9
HP SCANJET 3570C (8"x11") 1 8 9 INTEWMOUSEOPTICAL1.1 5 9
AVA - 2 9 0 6 ( R E TA I L ) 8 9 (ANT24-0801) 1 8 9
A H A - 2 9 3 0 U ( P C l / R E TA I L ) 1 3 9 HP SCANJET 4570C(85(11") ' 2 7 9 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 k i M E I A E I Algid M E M 1NTEUJMOUSEIXPLORER7 9
USB 2.0/1394 CARD1 8 9 32MB 39 LINKSYS
HP SCANJET 7400C (8"x14")6 4 9 64MB
19160 KIT(RETAIL) 3 3 9 HP SCANJET 7450C (85d4")8 9 9 128MB 89 L I N K S Y S WIRELESS CARDBUS (wpc11)9 9
2 9 1 6 0 r E TA I L 4 4 9 LOGITECH
HP SCANJET 74900 (8"x14'') 1 1 8 9 Smart Media U S B Reader4 9 L I N K S Y S WIRELESS ACCESS PT (wApit) 1 2 9 C O R D L E S S F R E E D O M P R O 1 2 9
29160 O E M / L E ) 3 7 9 •
29160 _(RET L 4 1 9 MULTIMEDIA CARD L I N K S Y S WIRELESS PCI CARD (weiPi 1) 1 0 9 C O R D L E S S F R E E D O M N AV I G ATO R 1 0 9
2 9 3 2 0 R E TA I L ) 4 3 9 EPSON L I N K S Y S WIRELESS USB ADP. (W0981 t) 8 9 C O R D L E S S M&K N AV I G ATO R DUO1 0 9
39160 R E TA I L ) 4 9 9 P E R F E C T I O N 1 2 6 0 U P H O TO .... 1 1 9 ' Z i g 4 9 LINKSYS WIRELESS 4 Port (BEFW1194) 1 3 9 C O R D L E S S M & K C O M F O R T DUO1 2 9
NOTEBOOK PERFECTION 1660U PHOTO.... 2 1 9 • 64mig 69 C O R D L E S S M&KELITEDUO 1 2 9
AHA-1350 KIT9 9 P R I N T S E RV E R S C O R D L E S S M & K A C C E S S DUO8 9
A H A - 1 4 6 0 P C M C I A SCSI C RT L 1 6 9 P E R F E C T I O N 3200 PHOTO5 4 9 1 9 9 C O R D L E S S F R E E D O M (WITH MOUSE)3 9 9
A H A - 1 4 8 0 P C M C I A SCSI C T R L 2 3 9 P E R F E C T I O N 3200 PRO w e y r I g a l L I N K S Y S 2-PORT SWITCHED (EFSP42)
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1 3 9 I N T E R N E T N AV I G AT O R •3 9
4 9 L I N K S Y S 1-PORT10/100(PPSX1)
PROMISE 64MB8 9 L I N K S Y S Wireless USB ready (PPS1UW) 129 M I C R O S O F T
6 9 M I C R O T E K M S N AT U R A L P R O ( P S 2 / U S B ) 89
U LT R A 133 3 9
ULTRATX2-100 5 9 3 8 0 0 ( 8 . 5 " x 11 256MB MSINTERNET
1 2 9 S'IltAIR 4 9 9 MS NATURAL 49
FA S T R A C TX2000 - 1 6 9 4 9 0 0 ( 8 . 5 " x 11 " ) 2 1 9 VIEVVSONIC_ )
FA S T R A C TX2000 PRO3 5 9 5 9 0 0 (8.5"x11" / 4" x 6 " ) 2 2 9 59
SUPERTRAC_ ssieopoino)7 1 9 499 - 6 8 0 0' ( 8 5"x11") , - 5 5 9 i - i i • 11 ( - - - t i r r e i t e c h c o r n WitINV . a r . e v t e c h , c o r l i VIEWMATEOFFICE - 2 0 2 , B L K ) 59 i
SUPERSVVAP 10001 2 9 8700 (8.6"x14 / 8"x10") 1 2 5 9 V I E V Y M AT E B L I M (KU-201)
' Grey-Tech reserves the tight to withdraw pricing, products, o r services without notice. G r e y -Tech assumes no responsibility for errors in content or p"icing. -Limited time otters 5 9 I M AY 2 0 0 3 T O R O N T O COMPUTES! 3 5
Digital Words: Get extra work out of layout software
By JEFF CHAPMAN ing, back when QuarkXPress's rivals users draw and edit complex polygons line drawing principles as the Adobe
were C o r e l Ve n t u r a a n d A l d u s and freeform shapes, including both software, i t doesn't have a pen tool.
Sometimes people force software to do PageMaker (and the cruel joke that is straight lines and Bezier curves, in addi- Whereas InDesign lets the user create a
things it really has no interest in doing. Microsoft Publisher had not yet been tion to the much-beloved ovals and rec- shape with a single tool and then decide
Having plastered one program's interface, unleashed upon the world), page layout tangles of old. While these shapes can be what to do with it, )(Press features four
people are reluctant to teach themselves was primitive a t best. Ventura lacked filled with images or text as always, they separate Bezier drawing tools, one for
another, so they do their best to persuade even a rudimentary text editor: I f you can also be painted with a wide variety each possible use: Text box, picture box,
Microsoft Works to format a newsletter, spotted a typo o n a page layout i n of fills and complex gradients. Text can line and text path. It's possible (though
CorelDraw to word process a document or Ventura, you loaded the original text also b e commanded t o r u n around awkward) to convert a text box into a
Adobe Photoshop to create line art. file into your word processing program, shapes or follow twisty paths. picture box or a line into a text path,
While it's usually humanly possible to made the correction and then reimport- Users familiar with traditional illustra- but trying to connect two endpoints in a
force programs to obey even one's most ed the text, into Ventura. Similarly, pro- tion programs such as CorelDraw and line o r text path only bewilders poor
diabolical commands, software works best grams c o u l d d i s p l a y illustrations Adobe Illustrator will find the technique XPress. XPress can rotate and resize
when you let it be itself and do what it was designed in other programs, but could- for drawing i n Adobe InDesign t o be lines and shapes, but it isn't built for the
designed to do. Word processors should n't draw anything more complex than a familiar and straightforward. A pen tool job, and handles it nowhere nearly as
primarily be used for processing words. basic. oval, rectangle or straight line. A - one of the main tools on the toolbar comfortably as the Adobe software.
Page layout software should be used for triangle ... well, a triangle was just an - lets users lay down a series of anchor While users can probably get away
laying out pages. Illustration programs impossible dream. points to fashion a path of straight lines with using XPress f o r most o f their
should be used for making illustrations. Fortunately, a f e w brave graphic and smooth curves. The user clicks and drawing needs, it's not what the program
That said, however, there will always designers clung to that dream, and today releases the mouse button t o connect was built to do, and you'll often have to
be those odd times when you just want the situation is much improved. The lat- two points with a straight line segment, know about an obscure submenu or an
to make a few simple tweaks to a docu- est versions o f Adobe InDesign and or clicks and drags to create a curved arcane shortcut key in order to bend it to
ment after you've already pulled in text QuarkXPress both feature respectable line segment. I f a shape's endpoints are your will. InDesign is friendlier in this
and graphics created with other soft- word processing functions, and their connected, InDesign will treat i t as a regard, but it's still not designed to be an
ware, . and page layout packages have capabilities t o create vector graphics solid shape; i f not, the program w i l l illustration program. Using Illustrator
become increasingly accommodating in have improved b y leaps and bounds. assume it to be a line. and InDesign together is probably the
this department. While neither program offers anywhere Quark's approach to creating illustra- best match o f all for illustration-heavy
near the type of control one can get in tions is less intuitive, o r at least less desktop publishing: users can simply cut
Have your words and illustrations too CorelDraw or Adobe Illustrator, they do familiar. While XPress relies on many of and paste drawings made in Illustrator
In the early days o f desktop publish- get the job done. Either program lets the same anchor-point-and-direction- directly into InDesign and vice versa. •

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ATX 3110W Csse&E/B&Muulle&Pad Keyboard&MOUSE&Pad I change DDR so PG.2700(333)... ..... - O l e 300w Case&16Bit Sound(onboard) 1 6 b i t SC(onboord)&K/B&Mouse V S S O W speaker & Mouse Pad
rierve maindeard to RCS P.W.Y.95'1,2...+SII , . . , , , , 3purs fi, s az3,0 ......... . . . . . , . . p . change MB to Ana•P4etsmE. 4 -sea K I D & Mouse & Pad & 56K modem Change RAM to 512.mb ... . . . . . 4 4 0 M i c r o s o f t Cordless Optical Desktop: .
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I 6 X & 4 1 1 : 1 6 : 4 6 CD-Writer
1Bbit Sound&Network eardnal Mu& 16Bit Soundum &aro& 56k la odes. ! I 6 B 1 1 Sound & Network Card 1413it Semedton seem & MK Medea 1 6 : DVD & LC 52624652 CDRW
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Keyboard&Mouse &Pad AT X Mideast 3110W & Speaker Keyboard & Mouse 41 Pad B o o e d Cerd&NIC Card (on board)
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thangr 128PCI 37 to 256PCI33 4 3 0 have 256 m6 fa 3121ab. ...... ......+so_j ge2SAMB.10-41s h o t t u w a l m b o a r d re Anis.17,116e.. 4 4 3 0
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* V I D E O CARD* ' * M A I N BOARD* *SOUND CARD* * M o n t h l y Special* .
ATI tv wondm•mb , 9 9 1 S e r k e t 3704PECeleengi PINE 3214it PCli SB 128 PCI 13/23 M R 1394 PCI Card aimbAnmneare 525
I t NBC 1860NX/19' 1920NX 869/999140GB 5400tpm/7200rpm 83/91 SiS 32MB i Rive TNT2 32MB 2 6 ' 3 8 1 H o u s t o n 753(vga,audiotnodens.lan) 7 SI3Live5.1/Andigy
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9 110 L G 5 2 , 2 4 2 CDRW wisortwore 5 6 4
1117' Sentsung1713 white/silver 610/630180GB 7200rpm , 123 a per o n . . 0 Retail 1 8 2 1 0 e e k e t 478 (P41 SB Audigy 2/Platinum/EX 17S/267/319 Seagate BATA 600B/12008 3219/4249
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ATIa.i4wItstkon9700 Pro (retail) 4, A s % P4B(adr)/P4B266C(ddr) 1 4 1 / 1 3 " F A X - M O D E M " 1 7 Samsung 753OF 6 1 7 7
5' Vitro/some V13500/VX500 429/79918EAGATE (72000111) _ ! " lAsusP48533/P4B533E(ddr) 1 3 9 7 2 5 Pine 56K V92/IN77PCI 1 4 Pioneer DVD-RW ASS OEM s u e
15 1.0 15116 LCD 4 2 5 1 4 0 0 0 / 4 0 0 8 /80011 93/1171135
I X Sony SOMX52/SOMX7^ 589/9301Setral AtA SOGB/1120G8 219/249 ATI ' A m u P4T333C(rilyP4713312(td) 245/26^ AOPEN 36E PC1 SVViPX 1 9 / 3 8
$12DDR3331DDR4091wsw mew 831312.0
17' Bent) V772 1 3 9 M e n e r a Digital ATI Rodeon9000(oem)64/128 9 5 / 1 1 5 1 iA5115 P43333111/P43/33VM0011 1161122, 1J88 56I SollmwreMardwere 2 8 / 6 8 P4 2.411/2.53/7.8/3.1% 5235/2311/499/609
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I 7'
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k sViewsonieD010/0220FB - 739/76We/dor 484424348
i w z m a r . 2 0 E i r „ , , E in9,10_29jipi:7"... DvDRw ,(oRetail)
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c a n a d a c o m p u t e s . c o m M A Y 2 0 0 3 T O R O N T O C O M P U T E S ! 37
• B y NESTOR GULA tested the USB 2.0 version; a FireWire, or IEEE or newly created, This obviously takes less
REVIEWS Backing up data regularly is a good habit
that is easy to let lapse. It is left off for the
1394, version is also available), the unit auto- time than backing up the whole hard drive.
matically makes a complete backup o f all
your files, applications, operating system and
I use the ABSplus for other things as well -
I transfer large files from one computer to

up with next day or for when we have some extra

time - which never seems to happen. So the
easier and quicker the process can be made,
settings. You can use this backup for disaster another. The USB 2.0 connection makes this
recovery because the ABSplus becomes a
bootable external hard disk.
procedure rather quick.
The ABSplus is a nice unit for those that

ABSplus the more likely it is to be checked off the "to

do" list. With this in mind, CMS Peripherals,
Inc. has introduced a line o f external hard
After y o u r first
session w i t h t h i s
unit, all you need mo DINFO
need to back up their data.
Thankfully, I have not had to
test the disaster recovery
disks that are designed for the backup o f to do to back up is ABSplus features of this device. It just
computers. to plug the unit in. 2 0 GB - $ 4 7 5 . 0 0 , 3 0 G B - 3 5 5 5 . 0 0 goes t o show that i f you
4 0 GB - 3 6 3 4 . 0 0 , 6 0 GB . $ 7 9 3 . 0 0
Called the Automatic Backup System, or The A B S p l u s GMS P e r l p h e i a l s , I n c .
have t h i n g s backed u p ,
ABSplus, the units are a sleek silver colour searches your hard w w w, c m s p r o d u c t s . c o m nothing horrible happens -
and come in sizes of 20, 30, 40 and 60 GB. drive and backs up Requirementi,:
it is only when you don't
Once you have installed the software and only those files that Windows 98/ ME/2000/XP have a backup that your sys-
connected the ABSplus to your computer (I have been modified M a c i n t o s h 8 . 0 x / 9 . 11 / 0 3 X tem fails. •


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3 8 TORONTO C O M P U T E S ! M A Y 2 0 0 3 c a n a d a c o m p u t e s . c o m
Adventures in Digital Video:
DV, by any other name ...
By LEE R I C K W O O D movement suffered under i t s o w n mat - functional, economical, easily than one o f these different formats. In
dogma, and is now for all intents and watchable but highly compressed. DV the market today are progressive scan-
purposes disenfranchised. Even von takes raw imagery and squeezes it down ning cameras, interlaced cameras, selec-
"The problem with video is that i t Triers admitted "breaking the rules." by a factor, of five t o one; Digital table frame rate cameras, 480, 720 and
gives you a thousand possibilities not But digital video has another set of Betacam compresses at three to one. DV 1,080 line cameras.
covered by the rules." rules - not creative, but technical. They drops about h a l f i t s chrominance Without a doubt, these are great tools
-Lars von Triers, November 1999 help differentiate between "digital (colour) information when compared to for the creative, adventurous videogra-
video" as a generic term of reference in himinance (brightness) and is known as pher. •But understanding what the rules
It is both the problem, and the oppor- the consumer marketplace and "Digital 4:1:1. Other formats are 4:2:2. are, what the formats are and more'to
tunity, as von Triers would find out. Video" as a specific and approved media There are some 18 different video pic- the point, how they can be best pro-
Video-makers know von Triers as the format. Otherwise, people assume digital ture formats, each suited to a specific duced, distributed and viewed, is critical
Cannes award-winning founder of the video is responsible for things it may purpose. Twelve formats use 480 lines of to successful production of any kind.
Dogme movement. Conceived in the mid not be possible to do. resolution, with different picture widths And that's no dogma. •
1990's as a 'new wave" in filmmaking, As o n e example, t h e marvelous and different scanning, techniques; these
Dogme embraced the freedom and pos- Canadian film, Atanarjuat (The Fast are standard TV (SDTV) formats. The 1 N F
sibility created b y emerging digital Runner). This groundbreaking Inuit film remaining use 720 or 1,080 lines of res-
video production equipment. was praised for its remarkable imagery, olution, either progressive or interlaced. Agood FAQ on High Definition Television
Yet it had its own set of rules - Rules shot on digital video. This is true high definition TV (HDTV) -
of Chastity - that forbade tried-and- Actually, cinematographer Norman digital video at its finest. A Canadian Industry site on digital television
true filmmalting techniques and tech- Cohn shot using Digital Betacam, a Only four of the 18 formats are com- developments
nologies. No sound added after the fact. high-end digital camcorder made b y monly used, by broadcasters: 480i, 480p,
No extra lighting beyond available Sony. His video was then transferred' to 720p and 1080i (and.ottly one in Canada A Dogme site, with rules, resources and film
ambient. N o filters o r other • camera film for theatrical presentation. with a 1080i signal - Citytv). w‘
accessories. No credit for the director. Digital Betacam, while both "digital" But more and more digital video cam- AU.S. commercial site on DV technologies and
Yes, digital video has created some and "video" is not Digital Video, or DV. corders - readily available to consumer techniques
fascinating possibilities. But the Dogine DV is a highly compressed video for- and prosumer users - can deliver more

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Musical Odyssey:

Instruments galore
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Musical Odyssey, I. have outlined basic
sound out of an instrument. Quite often
you will discover new sounds by acci-
dent, stemming from different micro-
techniques f or recording bass, guitar, phone placement, using multiple micro-
drums, keyboard and vocals. Although phones and a myriad of other factors.
COMPAQ, LExm", these instruments form the basis o f a
rock/pop sound, they are by no means
The one drawback you will encounter
is the noise from your computer's fan.
Invent DOLL rElf-I TOSHIBA the only instruments
you s h o u l d b e
The i n s t r u m e n t s
will all be acoustic,
recording. Y o u r It is very easy to so a quiet recording
Why B u y O u r New/Excess o r R e f u r b i s h e d P r o d u c t s ? music w i l l usually environment i s
You d o n ' t n e e d t h e l a t e s t PC o r l a p t o p t o s u r f t h e web,
take on a more com- overdo it by adding essential. Investing
plete quality i f you in a couple of long
send a n d r e c i e v e e - m a i l s , u s e y o u r f i n a n c i a l s o f t w a r e , c r add i n t e r e s t i n g cables t o p u t t h e
b u r n CDs. T h a t ' s w h y we d o n ' t s e l l t h e l a t e s t ( a n d m o s t too many sounds and
sounds t o i t . I t , is microphones i n a
expensive) s y s t e m s - w e s e l l l o w p r i c e d , . New/Excess a n d very easy to overdo room a w a y f r o m
Refurbished systems t h a t always have t h e r i g h t power t o it b y adding t o o effects to a song, but the computer w i l l
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effects t o a song,
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done just right, the Because y o u a r e
recording this on a
the effect w i l l b e computer, you have
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NEIN!SATELLITE 2400 P4 1.6 NEWI EVO D510 P4 1.8 music producers are —y o u c a n h i t
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This musical colour can be added in
one o f two ways. The electronic solu-
the next room at a leisurely pace, pick
up the instrument of choice, record as
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Confront the backdoor: Trashing spyware
By HAROLD LASS also trash cookies easily and quickly Finding and trashing unwanted spy-
from within your browser at any time. SpywareBlaster got . . . 1 0 2 ware on your hard drive is one thing, but
Do a n y o f these programs sound So, how do you get rid of spyware? . P. . . . . i , . . . . . . .
it would be easier to shield your system
familiar — Bulla, Gratisware, High First you have to determine if you've • * aNdis......12o....-P1 ......2.-i05oo4orl, 2
1 : W a d 04.- , P. a . 4 " r a n C I a l t r t a - d t K A d e / l a d . : o r e • N I I I I I
from downloading these freeloaders i n
Traffic, Enliven, Hitbox? I operate been spied on. PepiMIC Software's SpyBot ..,, • • • • • 1 6 . . . . . . 4 • • • 9 , ( 1 0 0 1 , 4 , I N W ( ' o:M2:34[4:11. 9 0 1 M I V, 1 0 0 1 0 11 4 4 1 . 1 3 1 E C I I M I 6 11

the f i r s t p l a c e . T h a t ' s w h a t
+ Spekabt• 1 , 0 1 0 , E R . 1 9 : 0 1 0 5 . 2 0 = 0 . 0 • 1 9 0 0
behind a firewall and a virus shield and Search f t Destroy (spyboteon.netau) will Is, PolriArd K n e w 10•11•730.141•",41111:1131.M.414.51
rf F o t d e g a l i f l r a f i r . C l n a I d O r t 1 . 1 { { t w o , K 0 SpywareBlaster (wwwwilderssecurity.coin/
believed that ought to do it for security tell you that This free utility is simple to
I t o m , x x i 1 1 V 1 7 1 1 4 L 1 1 1 : 0 • 0 7 , 91,31,01DIA/
v Coolow.wrieemo 111 [ 1 . 1 4 : 3 0 ) 7 I O X I M I N I M I S 1 5 1 1 1
• • • , ‘ • • • M s C I A 1 0 11 , 1 0 4 . 0 , 11 2 . 1 0 11 F a r t R I S I I
spywareblaster.html) is all about. Simply tell
on the Net. But after installing and run- use and, what's even more important, • t 1 . 0 . 1 , . . . , r e w l , • • • • • , t e n bap tra 7 n s o . . . i 1 1 ) . . ( 3 e , ,
5 ( a y • I S I TAT I W I r b - . t : • 1 • W 11 3 1 0 , / f k l I it what you don't want, and you won't
• I f i t a l • S C P S I S 9 I L N I I D S 9 D 0 : I•I',X-6.11171
ning anti-spyware software, .up came remains up to date. Like a virus shield, get it: It's simple to use and effective. The
these and 23 other positives. I wasn't so the efficacy of this program is only as 7 11 0 r 1 4 9 4 I n 1 9 C h t t a d Amine
software is free but a donation is request-
positive about my security any longer. good as the accuracy of its database, and
.m.,0.06ale• Fre,. m u m u m a t t
ed. And its database, like SpyBot, is cur-
Spyware is everywhere. Your hard drive SpyBot's database is easily updated from request a description of any item chosen rent. That's the problem with Lavasoft's
is most likely harbouring some of it, but within the program. This ensures that for deletion i n case you're not sure Ad-Aware (lavasoft3.element5.rom), a popular
you can trash these unwanted intruders your hard drive will be scanned for the about removing it. anti-spyware program that's been around
safely and for five. latest intruders. But even if you do trash an item you for some time now. It's good, but the free-
Spyware (also called adware) is pro- may need, one comforting SpyBot fea- ware version database hasn't been updat-
gramming clandestinely placed on your ture is its "fail safe restore function. ed for months. Dangerous.
computer, usually, when you download After SpyBot removed all the spyware One last word. Spyware is not the only
and install software — often for free. It on my hard drive, all sorts of error mes- way spammers can hunt you down. By
gathers information about you based on sages greeted me during the next boot. using robots and spiders — software that
Web sites you visit, for instance, and One of my utilities apparently required a probes Web sites for information —
then relays that information to advertis- program that had been removed b y spammers can harvest your e-mail
ers, or other interested parties. The SpyBot. Not all spyware, despite its address from any Web site on which it
result? Spam. stealth, is necessarily evil. This one was appears. If you have access to the site's
cookies are different. They aren't spy- not. Clicking on Restore corrected the HTML code, travel t o NetMechanic
ware. For one thing, you can disallow Once a scan is complete and all the problem. Then I configured SpyBot's (www.netmechanic.cominews/vol4/desig
them, and for another, they can be use- spyware has been detected on your hard Exclude feature to ignore this particular htm) to learn how to code e-mail HTML so
ful, remembering login information and drive, a click on "Fix selected problems" spyware during its search, removing the as to render it indecipherable to spiders.
the appearance o f your customized brings relief. Before you trash the possibility of accidental deletion on sub- By the way, SpyBot, SpywareBlaster
browser pages, for example. You can unwanted intruders though, you can sequent scans. and Ad-Aware do arrive spyware-free. •

By HAROLD LASS anything you'd expect a Tee E d Ye e r l i a l 1 7 1 ? " 1 2 , 1 0 ;greet

good word processor to do,
Imagine a word processor that's compatible with and looks, feels and performs a AbiWord does: cut, copy, 'normal m e s New Roo, B

lot like Microsoft Word. Imagine that this word processor is also available cross- paste, headers, t o o t e r > , b f f . x " = " - '

platform (Windows, Linux, Unix, even Mac — eventually), comes with-a panorama undo, redo, insert hyperlinks 2 I 3 r 4 . . 5 t . 6 I 7 7 . . 1 6111 . 1 2 , , 13., 14 , 27.1
of plug-ins and supports many languages. Then imagine this processor is free. Now, and p i c t u r e s , b u l l e t s , ptoph will oonlimo to phi-by
nits, and Microsoft trig tontoos
you can stop imagining. It's called AbiWord ( columns, bold, underline, Look at the too Ouse 00k, sultes on 0.
.13 t a s l i t t n o i r e giber-p..0y Ole sane, drive %ammo moons frost
So why is it free when you have to pay for Word or WordPerfect? For one thing, italics, superscript, subscript, WI:p.o.ivibead owo6.,u,,,a
cositiow to demo ow /mows Ikon
saowt.molostry, market In the tarty gaga, wort
vow conscious chokes to tept,
AbiWord is a child of open source software. Users are invited to suggest changes spell check, w o r d count, mooched
Om:roister, tothoolopois loO0P1h.
r o c k e t at the males of Frople
not eloodo oatiorood milk lb. he
they feel will improve the s i f t . d J J highlighting, save page as ttel ditThentoloil The b i g y W O —
obwypop f o r t . wrong a i m V e n 6 W 4
topeetatysoluliare from Mire
lets. l etlml seem tike mm
program. And because the XHTML plus a . whole l o t ono sap dot Theyase chavag
ignore AI
Yeti* to fie. To bonovetene--'
man Ooofhay Moon, dOpert
source code is freely avail- D t ' 8 "
.2P°" more. If you're like me, these Striag fon a troteabgy
Rod mete 'con the them% en 11
o target ow pooches at de 'pa
able, as many as 200 pro- are just about the only func- ago) k o f web:Niue axe I s o r r y. .
a Save .5s they've twee both% for ram
grammers have contributed tions you'd ever need. Why Rem le Income eaterodities foltrotreen Dale: Next Inkallearibe Itrwht
e j PoPoO PC Mahn)* shoed? Wait thlf you Wok that g a m m a
to t h e code since 1998. pay hundreds for word pro- ead .,w Oostontekes cameo 00 tare armed "five oeftrate.- ifox•izj

Currently, about 20 people

3 €-.9 oft
Eevart cessing features you rarely,
modify and update the pro- a Page Setlp if ever, use?
gram. And there are plans P11,11 Preview..
AbiWord i s n ' t t h e o n l y
afoot t o expand AbiWord ib00e0avicoatowoof/ab1eon0.do1s/C9angolog/0.99 4-1_cologeloo ass
freebie word processor out there. You might also want to check out OpenOffice
into a full office suite. D 2 illomeilDavicabovortraOrworzi-Oocs/Choogoologr0.99 a_chango7107.Obo, ( OpenOffice, though, lacks the look and feel of Word.
For another, AbiWord isn't dole Just a word of caution here; If you download and install AbiWord or OpenOffice,
as robust as Word. Although EL'd watch the install screens carefully. A t one point, you'll be asked i f you want to
it's capable o f performing associate .doc or .rtf tiles with AbiWord or OpenOffice. If you opt for these associ-
all o f the essential word ations, these programs will always open those documents when you click on them.
processing functions, including creating tables, it has difficulty assembling tables To "unassociate" these file types, you'd have to edit the file associations manually,
from files created by other word processors. Columns fair much better. And i f which can be a bit of a pain because there may be many file types involved.
you're a WordPerfect user, AbiWord can handle those documents as well. At around t MB, AbiWord takes very little space, loads in a flash, and consider-
But t h i n k of AbiWord as just another stripped down text editor. Just about ing the price, it's worth a download. •

4 2 TORONTO C O M P U T E S ! M A Y 2 0 03 e a n a d a c o m p u t e s . c o m
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review process takes a n

you're looking for )0,

unexpected t u r n .
Although the reviewer has
a stack o f software and
By MARA GULENS through t h e b a c k
good intentions, nothing
door. 11/4 seems t o f i t t h e bill, as
I like Web site reviews — and not just One issue I've always ..tAterme 02' was the case when I sat
because I'm a reviewer myself. Have a look had w i t h Internet sites down to review a title for
at the Google search engine. Current num- books is that they grow old so quickly. But this issue.
ber of searchable pages: 3,083,324,652, and with kids' sites this may not be as big an Surveying the stack o f
climbing steadily. Think you can find what issue, and besides, while hundreds o f new titles I wasn't ready t o
you need just by inputting the right search Web pages are launched each day, new start conquering t h a t particular mainly, I think, it's because the
string? You might, but maybe not quickly quality sites don't pop up like bubbles any- morning made me, ponder the fate game treats kids like humans, not
enough for a child tugging at your shirt more. of the many CD-ROMs that have couch potatoes who are satisfied
sleeve demanding a fun, educational and Nonetheless, we have to assume that if the made their way into our house by with absent-mindedly clicking a
safe dot-com — now! book sells, the authors will be back with way o f the review process. Many key and watching shapes float by.
So it was with glee that I came upon a new version two, which should address this have initially been snapped up by Little People Discovery Airport
book on the market, Awesome Internet Sites point. They've also left 21 drop-down spots eager, little computer player hands, Fisher Price
for Kids...The 155-page booklet is affiliated for each category, so there's still loads o f and then have either been played Ages 2 to 4
with t h e same people responsible f o r space. (That said, don't be surprised i f you again and again, or have been rele- Little People Discovery Airport is — and is a catalogue of children's click o n a number and there's nothing gated to the "out-of-favour" stack. a winner because there's no confu-
sites with a complementary Web version. there.) Suffice to say the "played again sion. Sounds elementary, but not if
The contents page lists 38 categories — As I looked through the book, I found and again" stack is very small. you look at the many wacky ways
from Animals, to E-zines, to Languages, to many sites I've reviewed over the past three I could go on about all the rea- games are designed these days. Kids
Zoos. Each category is colour-coded and years, and many others I'm keen to visit. sons the games failed, but it's prob- can easily navigate between the
discusses three or more sites, for a total of Best of all, Awesome Internet Sites for Kids ably more beneficial t o mention mini games, change levels m i d -
nearly 3 0 0 . Homework, f o r example, puts kids' Web sites at my fingertips, which why the top three games i n our game and return to sections they
reviews,wordcentralcom, is much easier than looking through even a house have withstood the test o f enjoyed. Little kids love animals,, as well as a site with a well-organized list of favourites. time. Since some of these titles are and t h i s game gives them t h e !
rather long URL. Half the pages of the book sample content fairly ancient, you may even find chance to complete tasks and feed
Which is where the unique, aspect o f the from the sites reviewed so that you get a them in the bargain bins. very real-looking cats and dogs.
book comes in. Rather than have readers read taste for the Web without going online. The
about a neat site and then clumsily attempt print version also includes ideas f o r safe JumpStart Baby JumpStart Artist
to type the name o n the computer, the surfing, suggestions on how to bookmark Knowledge Adventure Knowledge Adventure
authors have given each site their own URL, and too many reminders that the book is Ages 9 months to 24 months Ages 5 to 8
which you can link to from the printed on recycled paper. This title has a n original and This title rewards kids with part ofi
Web site. That long homework URL, f o r I do have one question though: What's the deluxe version, and although it's a different amusement park ride for
example, becomes vvww.HM8.smoriccom. Ta-da: story with Smork? He's on the cover, he intended for kids 9 to 24 months, successful completion o f an a r t
Wonder Korner. appears through- there's something about the pro- project — and kids like that. Not
There's also another way to out the book and gram that even senior-kindergarten only that, successful completion of
do i t . G o t o,
N F 0 he heads u p the kids can relate to. It could partially the entire park is a goal that keeps
choose the category you want Awesome Internet Sites for Kids site, b u t n e v e r be because both versions pack so them playing. There's also a lot of
By Sandra Antonlani and friends much into the content that kids variety and the chance to relate to a
(like Homework), a n d then $19.99 once h a v e w e
number eight. Presto: Yo u been f o r m a l l y don't get bored — games, colouring group o f characters f r o m t h e
arrived a t Wonder Korner Ages: 5 to 13 introduced. • and the chance to dress teddy. But JumpStart world. •

a a
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Madonna H o w not to
treat your fans
actually subjecting themselves to her music. new record. But until then, you can just get lots of
"This sucks," wrote one frustrated poster at the stuff with us bugging you."
message board section of "I just Readers who are interested in hearing the Madonna
downloaded American Life and I got the real song." rant should really save themselves the potential emo-
Other fans looking to download the new tracks tional damage that can arise from stumbling upon the
simply received loops from American Life's self- aforementioned loops (or the real songs) on a file-
titled first single, proving conclusively that there's sharing network, and instead download a WAV file of
nothing like hearing a bad verse repeated 50 times the admonition here http//
over to make you realize how truly insipid the winoc/files/madonnafake.wav
lyrics are. As if being sworn at wasn't enough, In other news, the author wishes to advise readers
Madonna thought she'd stick it to her fans by forc- victimized by the looped files that running your
By GEOFF MARTIN - ing them to listen to her rapping the following beautiful speakers through the dishwasher will not wash the
prose over and over "I'm drinkin' a soy latte/I get a dou- ickiness from them, and is generally not advisable.
It's understandable that musicians become upset ble shottay/It goes right through my
when their new albums are posted on file-sharing net- bottay/And you know I'm satisfied." Itionours of their deaths were greatly
works in the form of MP3s shortly after they're Oh, the humanity.
released, or, in some cases, before their release dates. Instead of either berating her fans or
But it's not very cool to cuss out your fans when subjecting them to a cruel form of musi-
they're looking to download a preview track from cal Chinese water torture, perhaps
your unreleased album, perhaps to see if they wish to Madonna should have taken a page from
pay for the whole enchilada. the book of the always affable
That's the route Madonna has taken with potential Barenalced Ladies. Back in 2000, fans of D i c k C h e n e y 1941-2001
music pirates of her latest album, American Life. On our hometown band looking to down-
file-sharing networks such as Kazaa, fans who think load a pirated copy of their new single
they're downloading a version of her new songs are instead received a message from two of
instead downloading a spoofed file that begins with a its members saying, "Although you
very menacing-sounding Madonna asking, "What the thought you were downloading our new
f"" do you think you're doing?" followed by several single, what you're actually download-
minutes of silence. ing is an advertisement for our new
The tactic has had a curious effect, however, as there album, Maroon. It comes out September
seems to be more interest from downloaders in finding 12, and, uh, after that point, I'm sure
the spoofed file containing her rant than there is in you can download lots of stuff from the
It's one thing to be prepared, but it's quite another to be caught
Queens lab creates computers with "manners" with your virtual pants down.
The Web site was embarrassed recently when pages con-
Researcher; at Queen's ttnivemitv in doing. this new conixpt in computing could taining the obituaries of several still-living public figures who have
Kingston. Ont_ are further perpetuating he a godsend for some busy people. as it seen better days were left in a publicly accessible area of the site for
Canada's reputation as a -polite- country by senses whether you are at your desk, and all to see.
creating a fascinating set of computer devices whether or not vou'rc embroiled in a The pages were also accessible by people searching Google for
and software that together employ a sort of demanding task before interrupting you with information on the not-quite deceased parties, who included for-
manners," by sensing their user's needs and a notice of new mail. for example. or popping mer US President Ronald Reagan, current US Vice-President Dick
availability, and responding to them appropri- up instant messages and other distractions on Cheney, Pope John Paul II and comedian Bob Hope.
ately. your screen. The pages were pulled down within 20 minutes by
The concept v,as created by the Human -We now need computers that sense when staff, but not before Web site grabbed copies
Media Tab (11).:11.) at Queen's. and is known as we arc busy, when we arc available for inter- for archival purposes, after being tipped off by alert readers of the
the AttiTiti\k- User Interface (AUL Last uption, and know e,hcn to wait their turn off-beat news site
month. se\cial members lino,❑s we CIO in human- This is actually the second time around with this sort of screw-
of the nine 'Mall HMI to-human interactions... up for Bob Hope, who will turn 100 on May 29. In 1998, the Web
team. inclmihm, its says Dr. Wiregaal at the site of the Associated Press mistakenly posted a pre-fab story with
director. Dr. Roei HiVIL Web site a headline announcing the comedian's death, prompting a US con-
Veriegaal, travelled to twww.hml.queensmeaL gressman to relay the sad but erroneous news on the floor of the
Fort Lauderdale. Florida "Were moving computers House of Representatives. The story was launched when someone
to present their Mil sys- from the realm of being at pushed the wrong button after the death of Frank
tems at a presligious merely tools, to being Sinatra, exposing a canned obituary for Hope with X's in the
conference ihat discusses 'sociable' appliances that place of the still-undetermined date of his death.
as !hey can recognize and For the sake of timely and well-researched news, it's a common
respond to some of the practice for newspapers and other news outfits to have obituaries
With si; mail) A. non-verbal cues humans ready for public figures who have fallen on ill health, but in the
CO:liptaLa use in group conversa- Age of the Internet, it's important to keep a tight lid on such
tract us from wino we're tion." preparations. •
4 4 TORONTO C O M P U T E S ! M A Y 2003
c o n T e s T

MEDIAPARTNER : l i r A g e


PRIZE POOL ].Tau may submit up to three 131 original compositions. Each composition •
submitted must be your own original work. Compositions may not exceed
five (5) minutes in length. A completed and signed application must
accompanyeach entry. Contestants must submit all entries in MP3 format
andburned on a CO.CDs will not he returned. Compositions previously
recorded and released will be disqualified. Compositions using samples of
previously recorded material will be disqualified unless accompanied by a
release waiver from the original artist.
2. This contest is open to amateur unsigned acts. All genres of music will
heconsidered. Employees and families of Toronto Computes!, its parent
company, subsidiaries and affiliates are not eligible. Contestants must be
Canadian citizens or have landed immigrant status.
3. Winners will be chosen by a select panel of judges and will be judged
basedon melody, composition and lyrics (when applicable). The quality of
performance and production will also be considered.
1 4 0 0 M 571_1010 a m 1 i i a l l L [ 11 = - 1 — ' 1 r 1 . 1 c 1 a t o m .
4. The first place winner will have first choice from the prize pool. The
Ahome-studio recording Acomplete set of high-quality An outdoing package for DA, second place winner will have the second choice. The third place winner
porderlum < for the guitarist sounds sad sequencing for the remixers and notebook computer will have the remaining prize.
Cakewalk's Guitar Tracks is the composer end songwriter based musicians!
ultimate musical scratchpad for Cakewalk'sHome Studio provides This prize package features 5. By submitting compositions and the signed entry form to this contest the
guitarists and singer/songwritersyou with everything you need to Arturia Storm 2.0, a comprehen- entrant claims that their composition is original work and he/she holds all
andfeatures recording, punch-in, tore your PC into a powerful sive and easy to use virtual stu- rights to the composition. The contestant also agrees to give Toronto
looping, drum tracks, simultane- multitrack recording studio dio that combines a powerful Computes!, its parent companies and subsidiaries the non-exclusive right
ouseffects and more. To record including: Sequencing, audio sequencer with 13 instruments to use the compositions for future advertising and publicity purposes
your guitar sound and vocals into recording, real-time effects and for sound synthesis and sample without additional compensation for a period of two (21 years from the
Guitar Tracks, Edirol's UA-700 software synths. Edirol's Super manipulation. Also included is date of the contest's closing date.
USBAudio Interface is also quartet Plug-In Software Edirol's PCR-30USB Keyboard 7. All entries must be postmarked by 5 PM ESTJune 30, 2003. Winners
included. The UA-700 combines a Synthesizer is included to provide Controller, complete with 34 indi- will be chosen by July 15, 2003. Winners will be contacted for their choice
high resolution audio interface you with the hest possible piano, vidual controllers—25 fully of prize. Results will be announced in the August issue of
with guitar input, a COSM effects bass, guitar and drum sounds assignable—and Edirol's UA-20 Toronto Computes!
processor, MIDI interface and along with Edirol's PCR-30 USG 24-Bit Audio and MIDI USB bus
software editor. Keyboard Controller to help you powered interface. 8. All decisions of the judges are final.
express your inspiration.

Title of entry: N a m e . Age:

Equipment used to record composition: A d d r e s s : Occupation/School.
Postal Code' Signature:
E-mail: P h o n e : Date.

u v w w. c a n a d a c a m p u t e s . c i i i . i c a r ! t u r i a b
Send your entries to: Mounts Computes!, Cool Imes Gelded, 826 Church Sheet, , reilY2G1 Attn: Editor M A Y 2 00 3 T O R O N T O COMPUTES! 4 5
battle it out in a series of skirmishes for
world supremacy. (Where's t h e UN,
Canadian peacekeepers?—Ed.) T h i s
would be great i f the sides were really
equal. In atC:G, the US is the top dog
militarily a n d technologically. T h e
Chinese run a distant second, and the
GLA barely shows. There are a few skir-
mishes where the Americans' techno-
logical superiority is not a great bene-
fit — a real life example would be that
foot soldiers still have to slog i t out
once in a while — but for the most part,
VVVVW.CANADACOMPUTES.COM/VVORKii it is easier to win a skirmish playing
the US side than it is using the other
two combatants. Although the GLA has
a u n i t called Terrorist, y o u cannot
exploit i t as a. real terrorist — as a
strategic weapon that has an unlimited
field of operation and is not limited to
the field of battle.
The biggest improvement in atC:G is
in the graphics. The ones i n previous
versions were no slouches, but these
ones have great 3D views and effects.
Zooming in, scrolling through the bat-
tlefield and jumping from unit to unit
presented no problems, and the graph-
ics were seamless. The computer I used
for testing was a Dell Dimension 1.4
GHz machine with settings that were
just slightly advanced o f the require-
ments. I had no problems running the
game — not bad for a machine that is
nearly two years old. The game has
higher requirements and is moving into
By NESTOR GULA the realm o f first-person shooters and
other graphically intensive games. The

Looking for tecimology I was actually looking forward to the

new Command Et Conquer game. a t C
pace of this real-time strategy game is a
little quicker than in previous titles —

or computer related
has always had a good combination of you really need to be on top o f your
storyline and gameplay. In Command a troop management here.
Conquer: Generals, this has been pre- Aside from my misgivings about the

products? serired — the gameplay is very cool and

much improved ( n o t that there was
much wrong with previous versions),
politics o f this game, i t is fun, and I
guess that is the point. Were the politics
better in CEtC: Red Alert, with the US
and t h e storyline i s interesting, pitted against the Soviets? I'm not sure,
although given the current global polit- but the timing was not as raw, I guess.
ical climate, rather disquieting. With t h e upgrade i n graphics and
There are three forces in this game — gameplay engine, this edition o f CEtC
the US, the Chinese, and the GLA. It is will no doubt be a success. I will be
the last group that is unsettling. The waiting to see who the baddies will be
GLA (Global Liberation Army) is by all in the next version of this series. •
accounts patterned a f t e r liberation
Within minutes, the groups t h a t existed i n t h e 1970s.
Cana However, given that the geographical
situation of most of the action here is in
Merchant 1:11r2ctory the "Stan" (Afghanistan, Kazakhstan,
Command Is Ctinquer.
etc.) the GLA can easily become syn- $64.99
onymous with a terrorist organization Electronic Arts I
that is being' hunted right now. This

kind of thing can lead to a lot of misin- I, Requirements:

terpretations — especially with a scene TT W i n d o w s 98/985E/ME/2000/XP (NT/95 not
supported); 800 MHz Intel Pentium III or ARID
of a minaret being blown up i n the
AE-JPCHANT D I R E C T O R ' Y lead-up to the first training mission.
Athlon processor; 128 MB RAM; 8x CD-
HOWDVD ROM drive; 1.8 GB free hard drive
Of course the storyline is not that space; 32 MB video card using the Nvidia
GeForce2, ATI Radeon 7500 AGP video card, or
simple — there is a triumvirate-of power more recent chipset with VirectX 8.1 compati
in this world that is represented by the sliaCrfver,SsirectX 8.1 compatible 16-bit
W1/111111.CANADACOMPUTES.COIWIVIERCHANT DIRECTORY three combatants. The three have t o Milk' T. . - i d s n

4 6 TORONTO C O M P U T E S ! M A Y 2003

PCgaming: What's coming ...
By CHRIS TALBOT er real-time strategy, Halo was trans- LucasArts i s working On the latest on PC and Xbox.
formed i n t o a f i r s t -person shooter instalment of its . line Of Star Wars fitst-
The annual Electronic Entertainment adventure game f o r X b o x a n d has person shooters. J e d i Knight: J e d i Reality TV on PC
Expo (generally referred to as E3) is only remained- on the top o f the Xbox sales Academy, the fifth Star Wars FPS in the Reality TV hasn't exactly translated
a matter of weeks away, but even before and rental charts since its debut with the series that started way back when
all the madness o f the conference and big, green box. Microsoft and Bungie with Dark Forces, will put players- HARE THE NEXT AMERICAN IDOL? -
show floor begins, we've already been have been talking- about the computer in the role o f a Jedi apprentice at
hearing about a number o f prominent version of the game fora long time, and Luke Skywalker's academy (for t h e
releases for later this year. it's finally expected to hit store shelves non-Star Wars fanatic who hasn't
One series is getting another addition in September. PC garners shouldn't read the sequel novels, after _Rehm::
to its line, a popular console title is expect just a straight:port of the Xbox of the S k y w a l k e r founded a.
coming to the PC and Mac realm, and a version of the game, but the story will JediAatemy and started re-build-
certain T V show will soon be turned , remain intact. i n c "the order destroyed b y t h e
into a home computer game (fans will However, there will be a few changes Emperor and Darth Vader).
rejoice and the rest will scoff). that computer garners should take note Up until now, the FPS series has
on First off, the game will be based on followed the adventutes o f Kyle
Join up with Master Chief the typical mouse-and-keyboard combi- Katarn, a mercenary-kirrned-Jedi-
nation found in most compOter- turned-mercenary-agarn, and even
based first-person shooter games. though Katarn will be apart of the sto- well to the computer:lame:0 zoke).1V
More importantly, though, will be ryline as one o f the new character's Just look at the survivor
the addition of online multiplayer instructors at the academy, be will not considered by some'reviewers to be' one:
support, something Xbox owners be the focal point of the plot this time. of the worst games made i n recent
won't have until Halo 2. Educated Jedi Academy sounds like it will be a years. Hopefully. Codemasters will have
guesses suggest up to 32 players Star Wars fan's heaven, with the ability better luck with its recently-acquired
will bri'ahle to, engage in multi- to create and customize a Jedi student licence for American Idol.
player death matches over a LAN charatter and work toward becoming a Based on the TV show o f the same
or the Internet. powerial Jedi (Katarn was a -bit o f a name, American Idol will be a music-
reluctant Force-wielder). Players will be based rhythm game i n which players
Use the Force, young Jedi able to select a species, a gender, cloth- compete as singers on the popular televi-
• ing, facial features and sion program Players will create a char-
physical attributes f o r acter, choose their musical style, train said
their characters. They'll character and then compete. According to
Xbox owners were more than a little also have the ability t o the announcement w e received from
miffed i n March when the bad news choose a lightsaber, with Codemasters, over 40 music tracks will be
came o u t o f developer Bungie: The more styles opening u p available to choose from.
much-anticipated Halo 2 is being post- throughout t h e g a m e Of course, what's a. contest without
poned until sometime in 2004 so that (including t h e double- judges? Simon Cowell, Randy Jackson
the developers can focus their energies ,-,bladed lightsaber). and Paula Abdul will all appear in the
on bringing Halo: Combat Evolved to PC Force powers, a variety game as computer-generated characters.
and Macintosh platforms. While that's of weapons and enemies Each will record commentary and dia-
terrible news for the console world, as following the Dark Side of logue to be used in the,game.
Xbox owners still won't be able to, take the Force a r e _likely t o Codemasters promiges a first look at
Master Chief online for some fragging appear in this latest addi- the game at E3 i n May. It's unknown
fun, it's excellent news for PC and Mac tion t o the Jedi Knight when Ametican IdolY willobe released,
garners. series. LucasArts is gearing but we do know it's being planned for
Originally to be released as a comput- up for an autumn release both PC and PlayStation 2. •

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Samsung17"753D11S 1 9 5 . 0 0 to find out, Undrentide.
with t h e s i x t h expansion This expansion will include a new 30-
PRINTERS pack f o r t h e best-selling hour single-player campaign a n d a
C i p s o n C625 9 9 . 0 0
Canon 5330$ 7 9 . 0 0 computer game o f all time, handful of new game features such as
The Sims. additional Dungeons Ft Dragons skills,
USED SYSTEMS Electronic Arts' The Sims: feats, classes, monsters, weapons and
Plit 733,128tng,10gb,CD,SC,NIC$ 295.00
Superstar will allow players spells.
ACCESSORIES to turn their humble sims The story opens in the town of Hilltop,
6:USB AD cable ' S 2.99 into glamorous celebrities by with the player uncovering a mystery
Power bar6 outleL. ......... .......... ........ - $ 5.50 having them pursue careers surrounding stolen artifacts.
56k Lucent PCI modem5 1 4 . 0 0
580watt PMPO speakersS 14.99 as Hollywood actors, r o c k Shadows o f Undrentide also houses
80 min 50paked spmdle$ 15.99 stars o r supermodels. The three new tile sets and other assets for
5 port Aopen 10/100 switch$ 29.00
Optical Mouse PS/2...-. S 9.99 use in the Aurora Toolset, the free editor
Janicam digitalCamera.. 5 4 4 . 9 9 that enables players to create their own
MimbattonUSB webeamS 3 3 . 0 0
\ USB PS2 silver Mouse.$ 2.99)p
75.00 game modules and swap them online.
This Neverwinter 'Nights expansion is
I SYSTEM ** VALUE SERIES **I Computer game fanatics being co-developed by Edmonton-based
Duran I. IMhz,MB 810 skt-A W/Sound, whose mouse-clicking fin- BioWare and Floodgate Entertainment,
56K Modem,Video,10/100,128 SDRAM, 1.44
floppy,40gb 7200RPM HDD, Mid tower Case, ger i s n u m b f r o m .last a young company made up of develop-
PS/2 Keyboard + Mouse,I60 wan Speaker. year's s t r a t e g y e p i c , ers from Looking Glass Studios (Thief
* * * O N LY $ 349.00 *** Warcraft I I I : R e i g n o f System Shock).
I SYSTEM ** PLATINUM SERIES **I Chaos, can get ready f o r The add-on is due out sometime this
ASUS P4SE skt 478 MB w/audio,P4 2.4gbz CPU, round two. spring. •
256DDR PC266 RAM, 1.44 floppy, 56k modem,
600 7200RPM HDD,GForce2 MX400 64mb Video Blizzard Entertainment's
Mink 10/100 NIC,LG 52x24x52,580watt subwoofei Warcraft I I I : The =Frozen
Mid Tower case,Win Xp.Home,MS Internet KB/MS.
***ONLY$ 899.00 *** Throne will be the first offi-
cial expansion pack to the
Dlink 4 port router 01-604 $ 69.00
fastest selling PC game in
Mound 10/100 PCINIC $ 9.99 history. It will introduce a
25' RJ45 cat 5E cable 3.99 new story, three new "hero" characters new hub i n the game i s
Linksys USB 10/100 adaptor S 19.99
and a handful o f never-before-seen known as Studio Town,
CDROM/DVD/CDRW fighting units like mountain giants and which is home to record-
LG528Black. S 33.00
LO168DVD S 49.99 faerie dragons. ing studios, TV networks,
LO 52124x52 S 69.99 The Frozen Throne campaign, adds a movie lots and o f course,
LG DVD-R/RW(4020b)ide RB...$ 299.99
new single-player tale to the original a spa.
MON.F111 9 a.m. •6 p.m
SAT. I 1 - 4 p,m game, where players must return to the Just l i k e i n real l i f e ,
der war-torn world of Azeroth to face a new fame and fortune means a
meat, o d u c a t I o s t corporatePO'sWelcome.. threat: An imprisoned Orc King looking more comfy lifestyle with
*Lie* i per customer. While Twenties last.
to break out of his icy tomb. New mul- extra b u c k s t o t h r o w ATARI0.
tiplayer features are also included. around for expensive art,
TORONTO C O M P U T E S ! M A Y 2 0 0 3 c a n a d a c o m p u t e s . c o m
Macromanagmg the universe
By WILLIAM A. WOOD but the macro connectivity (that is, how hardest levels. But now, gamers
players make big decisions and get use- (even those that like it) complain
Master of Orion 3, the "ultimate space ful feedback) is often hard to compre- Mo03 can be beaten with lithe
strategy," has ultimately become a hend. Mo03 -came very poorly docu- effort.
source of some controversy. mented, in both the manual and the in-
The latest i n a , popular turn-based game help — even the developers admit For and against
"conquer the galaxy" strategy series, that. Finding out how to play properly The online community has split change t h e pace o f play,
Mo03 is really a sequel in name only. It requires garners to scour the official dis- into those that were severely dis- improve the documentation
became clear early on that the develop- cussion boards for help, which may be appointed by the game and are and even redo the art.
er (Quicksilver Software) was going to more effort than many are prepared to giving up on it (noisily) versus those But this begs the question: How is it
diverge from the series' previous style of make. who like the concept and enjoy playing that the gaming community can do
play. Some o f these changes worried Luckily, the game's"Al is a pushover; it, but just want it to be patched/pol- more to improve the play balance (and
waiting fans, but the company was apparently, it was nerfed (made easier) ished a bit more. Mo03 is fairly easy to therefore the fun) i n weeks than the
enthusiastic. _ shortly before release because the beta= modify ( i n some ways), and many developers and testers could d o i n
Quicksilver released planning details testers couldn't beat the game on the gamer-created mods have appeared to continued on page 50
for an ambitious, grand-scale game that,
involved running a galactic empire

Things to do during su liner vacation

using the same basic Mo0 formula
(research technology, colonize plan-
ets, develop fleets, conquer your
neighbours), but from a different
perspective. As the exalted leader, you tening is inevitable. I assembled what I thought was a
would be removed from the nitty-gritty If you remember that feeling, that pretty strong army o f creatures and
of running your empire; instead of hav- flattening, deflating feeling, then you started a game — just a simple game
ing to micromanage your civilization, might be able to imagine my distress against the computer. And that's when
you would rely on underlings to do while playing Impossible Creatures. cold, hard, virtual reality set in.
much of the dirty work, concentrating I'm not the best juggles — the world is First of all, having henchmen is great
instead on macromanaging such things much better off if I, and those like me, —they're big, strong guys who do all
as overall development plans and diplo- stick to doing one thing .t a time (actu- the heavy work at your command with
macy. As well, space combat would no ally, I'm not great at doing that either, no argument, just "You're the boss." But
longer require (or allow) you to'control Now that summer's on its way back, but that's another column). Having they're not very bright. When I tell
individual ships, but rather have you I've started dreaming about lazy days at played real time strategy games before, them to build something, they build it,
direct task forces (small fleets), which the beach again, building sandcastles with more or less calamitous results, I but i f I don't notice right away when
would fight more or less on their own. like I did as a Idd. Well, maybe not sand- stepped into this one gingerly, starting they're finished, they'll just stand there.
Although many of the more ambitious castles so much as sand trailer parks, with the tutorial. You'd think they could look around and
plans were ultimately scaled back, the consisting of a row of single sand piles Tutorials are great for building up see that there was still coal to shovel,
bake design arrived as promised—sort of. forged from the same mold and with no your confidence. Having mastered the but n0000 — they're not paid to, think.
architectural detail to distinguish them art of rotating the camera angles by Well, they're not, paid at all, but if they
Learn to love me from the ant colony down the road. moving the mouse around the screen, were, it wouldn't be to think.
The game itself takes some getting Anyway, I'm guessing that many peo- moving on to commanding a henchman As soon as I had gathered enough
used to. While the capacity for micro- ple had this experience, spending hours to shovel coal with nary a complaint, I resources, I built a creature chamber and
management still exists to some degree, —well at least kid-brain hours, which figured I was on my way to conquering started cranking out an army, one crea-
Mo03 is clearly designed to discourage are more like, say, 10 minutes long the island. ture at a time. The trouble was, every
that, so' playing with the old mindset working on • this beachfront property One o f the most engaging compo- time I managed to build up a pack of
leads to frustration. Taking the game on development, dreaming Of the people nents i n I C i s the Army Builder. creatures, I'd hear the panicked alert from
its own merits, trying to see the "bigger who were going to live there, and all Basically, players create hybrids of ani- one of the henchmen: "The critters are
picture," is definitely the way to go. the profits to be made from waterfront mals, combining two different creatures under attack! Our base is under attack!"
Unfortunately, I'm not sure just how redevelopment, and whether to add a to make one "Impossible Creature" that The valiant henchmen would keep on,
much fun that is. I n many respects, boardwalk of Popsicle sticks, and where merges the strengths and abilities o f shoveling coal while the creature pack
being divorced from the "local" deci- to get all the Popsicles (probably would them both. The idea is to put together a fought to defend the base. And I'll give
sions (particularly the ones that were so need 30 or so), and how to eat all of collection o f these creatures that will, them credit, they fought off the enemy
crucial to Mo02, like space combat and them fast enough that they wouldn't then fight someone else's collection of creatures several times. But in the end,
specific researching) takes a change of melt. But during the Popsicle financing creatures, either an AI player or anoth- the enemy attacks were relentless and
philosophy. negotiations, along comes a bunch of er human player over a network. we didn't have enough time to replen-
the game's learning curve is almost bigger kids playing football, straight It's remarkable how agonizing this ish our ranks.
vertical. There is a lot of data to digest, through the new development like a can be, pouring over the special abili- There I was, heartless, distant leader,
tornado, flattening the hours (read: 20 ties of each animal, and once they're cranking out clones' of these hybrids as
minutes) o f work in five seconds, as combined, deciding which o f each fast as I could, while one creature after
1 N F O tornados are apt to do with trailer species' features to incorporate in order the other fell and faded away, like they
Master of Orion 3 T E E N parks. So it's back to square one, wet- to produce the strongesccombination. were just expendable assets rather than
$70 ting and packing sand, turning it over Is it better to combine a Komodo drag- the carefully considered experiments of
Infogrames and removing ,the mold ever, so gently, on and elephant with the dragon's head a mad scientist. So we were flattened,
until it all happens again. It might be or the elephant's head? The dragon's over and over and over. It wasn't pretty.
Minimum requirements: the incoming tide this time, or an over- tail has obvious battle uses, but what Like I said, I've started dreaming
Windows 98/ME/28/XP, 300 MHz CPU, 128
MB RAM, 800 MB hard-drive soace tired sibling out for a fight, but the flat- about the legs and torso? about lazy days at the beach again. •
can ada c o m p u t e s. corn MAY 2 0 0 3 T O R O N T O C O M P U T E S I 49
EA's Baseball is an MVP
By TED KRITSONIS The graphics, otherwise, are excellent. made a lot easier with this fea-
Watching an outfielder run and dive for ture.
The boys of summer return• for anoth- a flyball i s captivating, because the Going even further, EA includ-
er season on EA Sports' latest instal- sound o f the crowd's anticipation and ed a franchise mode t o give
ment of its baseball franchise, previous- reaction, coupled with the sounds on the garners the chance to see how
ly called Triple Play. Released j u s t field, add a strong dimension of realism good they can be as a general
before the Major League Baseball (MLB) to the gameplay. But, as always, there manager. By managing the pay-
season was set to begin, this game is as are those gameplay issues that can drive roll, scouting up-and-coming
realistic as it gets when it comes to the you crazy a t crucial moments o f the talent and drafting players, you
sights and sounds of the game. game. Case in point: The first baseman can be immersed i n the front
Given the plethora o f options that dives to field a sharp groundball, but the office just as much as you are on
sports games have nowadays, the sim- pitcher takes too long to run to first and the field. A n d with the online
plicity around this game is a little sur- catch the ball from said first baseman to elements, y o u can update the
prising. You can easily play this game back him up and run over the basepad current rosters during the course
and b e competitive using either a for an out. of the actual MLB season.
gamepad or the keyboard. A more effi- For the most part, players do make the Online play is a PC exclusive; none of sights and sounds of the game so well,
cient engine, new player models and a right decisions at the right times, but the console versions have it. Network while remaining fairly consistent in its
new player interface make it easier and when the game is tied in the late innings play via LAN and Direct IP connections gameplay. W i t h t h e added features,
faster to get used to the keyboard con- a glitch like that can be a crucial turn- gamers should notice a greater amount
should get you up and running to chal-
trols, which is a definitive difference ing point. Thankfully, t h e gameplay lenge ball players everywhere. of control, and that makes for a great
from previous years. gaffes don't seem to happen too often, The home run derby, which is popular experience in any sports game. •
All t h e ballparks l o o k gorgeous, so they shouldn't impede garners from among many, is a great one to play on
regardless o f whether you're playing a enjoying this one. your o w n o r against another player
day o r night game. Of course, seeing Picture-in-picture base running is an online. There are certain distances that I N F O
consistent sell-outs at the Skydome and added feature that greatly strengthens a you have to try and reach for points, so MVP Baseball 2003
Olympic Stadium in Montreal is laugh- gamer's control over the baserunners. it isn't just about who can h i t more SS9.95
EA Sports
able, but it's not surprising that EA did Now, when you desperately need to try homers. But it's not as easy as it sounds,
that, considering the league's well-pub- and manufacture a run late in the game because the timing of the batter's swing
Minimum requirements:
licized attendance problems i n many to win or tie, assessing the right time to plays a huge role, just like in a normal SOOMhz or faster Intel Pentium II or AMD
ballparks. steal a base or bunt for a sacrifice is game situation. Athlon processor; 64 MB or more RAM; 700
At the end of the day, EA has put out MB free hard disk space; 16 MB or greater
video card; DIrectX 8.1
a great baseball title that captures the
AD INDEX Musical Odyssey: Instruments galore recording. However, used in conjunction
24/7 Tech Corp 53 Eden Production 53 continued from page 40 with one o r two regular microphones
Aaronic Technology 47 Elosoft 33 Violin and mixed well, you can get a very nice
AGComputers 19 GoGo Computers 18 The standard way to get a half decent tone.
Angel Computers 14 Grey Tech 34 violin sound i s t o point a dynamic Lately, I ' v e been using a Yamaha
Apple 16 Ilitech Institute 51 microphone at the centre o ' the violin, Silent Violin borrowed from a friend.
ASITechnologies 32 around t h e bridge. The microphone This is a great instrument because the
ICCTComputers 5
should be a bit higher than the violin sound is passed directly to the mixer, or
AT&T 11 Infonec 38 and towards the front of the instrument. soundcard, without the need for micro- 39 Keit 36 It is best to keep the microphone and its phones, and the sound is excellent.
Bell Sympatico 55 LGElectronics' 3 stand away from the bow hand, as plac-
BNCCompuware 26 27 ing the mike too close will lead to con- Hand drum
Logic Computer
CanadaSys 31 tact between the two. Just like with a drum set, miking a
Look 17
CBLData Recovery 53 You can b u y inexpensive, stick-on, hand drum can be a bit of a challenge.
MDGCanada 12
Classifieds 52 contact microphones f o r the violin, Depending on where you position the
Micropoint 30 which can also be used for mandolin, microphone, the sound changes.
ComNet Services 53
Monitor Plus Inc • 53 guitar and a host o f other stringed This can be used to your advantage —
Compu Canada 21
Monitor Repair Centre 53 instruments. These produce a relatively if you move the drum while playing the
Computer Square Inc 23
Notebook Universe 47 tinny sound with a propensity for feed- passage, a n interesting effect can be
Computer Warehouse Outlet 37 back if you are monitoring what you are made. •
Computers & Peripherals 24 Overseas Video Lab 53
CRSComputer Rentals 48 PAGEBYTES 40
Macromanaging the universe marketplace, t h a t seems increasingly
Custom PC Solutions 53 Pathway 15 continued from page 49 rare, I'm sorry to say.
Cybernet Communications 20 PCManiak 8 months? I was a huge fan of Mo02, and some
Cybraian Computer 22 PCOutlet 40 -To their credit, t h e developers are aspects o f Mo03 intrigue me, but ulti-
Dell Canada 56 PCVillage 9 working on an official patch to fix many mately, I did not enjoy the macroman-
Premier Computer Canada 7 of the issues (the too-easy A l , bugs, agement experience (at least, not as i t
DSGComputer Systems 43
interface difficulties, etc.), but there is, exists now). I f you want to give this a
DVDMansion 53 Summit Direct 28
at the time of writing, no release date — by, be sure to read the discussion boards
Echo Online 2 Winnet Systems 51 and it's hard to feel grateful when we first — and wait until the patch comes
.• should expect a game t o be finished out. Perhaps y o u r patience w i l l b e
Toronlo Computes! is not responsible for errors or omissions:
The Ad Index is printed as a courtesy to our readers and advertisers. when i t is released for sale. In today's rewarded. •
50 T O B O N T O COMPUTES! M A Y 2 0 0 3 c a n a d a c o m p u t e s . c o m
Robin Hood on the PC CISCO SYSTEMS

By CHRIS TALBOT exist to help Robin add to his treasury

so he can later pay the ransom, while
ISCOTraiiiill P I M

Rob from the rich, give to the poor.

Repeat. In a sense, that is the life of his-
others further the plot itself.
Graphically, Robin Hood: The Legend
tory's most notorious legendary charac- of Sherwood is good, but not great. The
WinNETProduced27 CCIEs
ter, and Montreal's Strategy First has g r a p h i c s are decent and the i n -game
brought Robin Hood to life on PC in c h a r a c t e r animations are smooth, but
what has been billed as a tactical strat- t h e game does look like it's about two
egy game. y e a r s old at times. The sound is actual
In truth, Robin Hood: The Legend of l y fairly good, though. A light score
Sherwood is part tactical strategy game p l a y s in the background and the sound
mid part role-playing adventure game• e f f e c t s are well-timed. Voice acting is
From there, the game becomes more m e d i o c r e however, and the characters DI186711.115 ME I RV, Woes
1M h o m e t a *
strategy-oriented, with Robin (the play- u s u a l l y come off as melodramatic when olgOriNgegasIrliest p o w N E Amembkx
e a s a a e k i l l b a Ya Onlgorini psorgol
er) deciding which missions to take on. t h e y ' r e conversing. I t doesn't detract Oladiale

The goal is to gather enough money to f r o m the gameplay, though.

pay' the ransom to free King Richard, Overall, Robin. Hood: The Legend o f
who has been imprisoned b y Duke Sherwood is a good interpretation of the
Leopold. As in the legends, paying the legends and a decent game..
ransom will bring back King Richard,
who will fix all of the problems in jolly
o f England his brother Prince John has
created. WE MD*
g a y b o n a AI%
iE1T73.601 kw
9,4 %I W o n
To do that, players will have to guide rategy First 111zetWErandisket BIGoSinti ' A l e a t e l l 0 : 0 1 1 6 1 T r I l l o t i e l e s t a c o m i e w . ,
ob(Sliailiglietioeshr I l e t s i l i g 0 0 1 as a l l u d i s t o M p i l l i l i l R O I collabto KM wc.4
Robin and the Merry Men through mis- rzalroftsar r f i l o o l a t R t S O M a k a l e t t g o r t l t i o t t l 5.8848steettalocurtes
istabiirmmplaa t i n i t O o t A l p e e t a i l l i l d a t e e p a a r i r e a k t
sions involving simple robbeiy, infil- U M = os M a l : w i l e l l i e e t W o l i e f l : g i l r o p t i a t l i t o w n l i t t e
eguirements: spkatipipmew .
trating Nottingham, attacking castles indows 98/ME/2000/XP, Pentium II
and ambushing wealthy oppressors MHz processor or better, 64 MB of RAM,
along the king's roads. Some missions MB hard disk spat v i d e o ca
compatible sou C D - R O M

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Y1E1111116 Ciiirg
Profile: Nick Kopachkov
At a small, dark, Queen Street lounge Through i s success a s a D J , you want t o know research. It's n o t like I
DJ Twitch, a.k.a. Nick Kopachkov,-is the Kopachkov was able to get another ven- about m y E p s o n can't go on, it just means
only o n e n o t moving t o t h e hard ture started. Digital Love, his favourite scanner or Epson 820 I would then have to trek
baseline that is pounding out o f the type of adoration, as well as, the name of borderless printer. Do downtown to deliver files
speakers and ybeingbeingal)sorbed b y ' the his graphic design/event promotion ya?" by hand o r pay for). is
patrons. He's; focused over the pair o f company, began when he started mak- courier." t
Technics 1200 turntables — one hand ing flyers for rave production compa- Do y o u u s e y o u r
adjusting the pitch, the other pushing nies. " I h a d a l l these connections computer f o r play? Is there anything y o u
vinyl — and looks up only to smile and through DJing and all these great ideas," "As t h e K o o l - A i d think y o u n e e d ?
mouth a couple o f words to a friend he says. "It just made sense to put them mascot would say: "Definitely need that dig-
who's watching him mix. His lips spell together." He's since designed most o f Oh yeah! B u t n o t ital camera, and a laptop
out "watch this," and the previous song the flyers for many of Toronto's biggest actual gaming, just would make my life much
is replaced with a new one to excite the rave production companies. recreational stuff like easier. Also on the list of
AudioWerks Lounge crowd. music and Internet." things I will get i n the
DJ Twitch has been playing alongside Who: Nick Kopachkov, El Presidente of near future is a minimum (it's a design
some o f digital music's biggest names, a.k.a. Nick Kopa, a.k.a. Best thing about the technology you thing) 21-inch monitor for the home."
since 1995. His big break came in 1997, Twitch. have: "It allows me to get paid while
when he was booked by Hatiras to p l a y doing what I love." What frustrates you the most ab
at an event for over 10,000 people. Computer now used: iMac G3, with 40 technology? "I don't get frustrated
"Hatiras was one of the top promoters GB, 384 MB RANI (256+128), with OS Worst thing: "Having to rely on com- my Mac, but when I use a PC, pr
in Toronto's e r u p t i n g scene," h e 9.1 as my operating system. puters isn't always the best, especially much everything is frustrating. I g
explains. "It was a great opportunity to Computer f i r s t used: M a c PowerPC when things go wrong, as in when the the only thing with Macs is their p
expose my sound to the masses." Since 6400, 1.5 GB, 96 MB RAM (64+32) Internet goes down, my business almost It would be nice if they joined the w
then, Kopachkov has been one o f the comes to a halt." of PCs in that aspect."
biggest names in Toronto's trance music Favourite computer: Mac PowerBook
scene at large scale events, as well as with 17-inch screen. What can't you live without? "It's a Personal take on issues dealing
many o f the city's regular club nights. given that I couldn't live without Adobe technology: "Just leave it be and it IT
He's also played several times in the US, Other technical gadgetry in use at this Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator. The all work itself out." •
and had his own radio show on Global time: "Nokia cell, and I'm gonna get a Internet has become such a useful tool,
Groove 89.5. Canon S45 digital camera. I don't think mainly f o r f i l e transferring a n d -interview by Miryana Golubo

ESENTS ITS fir" Bi-Manthlv

Spring is in the air

LI Y e t eau me a digital genera to

czature the subject. Melt can he submitted era e-mail
-0.,at5.tcp.eal.liccompamiloo few !bete whoold be the
ind model ot the camera you used, the moms Many
17: you used to modify the Image end, syuesible.
psal at otter speed 1,, used to ta/te O t t o .

oho:op./Os , t b t i t a
a b e 6Y Oaf 12th 2 ,163.1ao
ati al woes*
Wm- Cornea e .
7: or : r e ; : 4 / r 555 ga. tee efxun

5.:41 Pnros most Gs. :tante to Jose l i t h

.•, o r r o t d o soh* itlect:Iteat;en sow. ciaimmg
omen needed ant net troostoratdo rod [ W M
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All promotional offers ere subject to cancellation of change at any time without notice Remember to back-up your data. Dell is not responsible for lost or corrupt data or software. Dell reserves the rightro limit quamities to five (5) systems per customer. Dell cannot be responsible for errors in typography or
BRANDEDPROJECTOR, $25 FORTHE DELLBRANDED PRINTERS AND THE DELL MOM X5. AND $15 FORALLOTHERSOFTWAREAND PERIPHERALS. Prices and specifications are subject to error and change without notice. Promotional pricing is not combinable with other offers or volume based or other
discounts to which you may be entitled. To receive the advertised price you must mention or input (on-line) the e-value code advertised beside the price point. Availability maybe limited. Pre-loaded software does not irciude documentation and may differ from retail version 2 SHIPPINGANDAPPLICABLETAXES NOT
INCLUDED. 48-Month Purchase flan offered through Dell Fnancial Services Canada, an independent entity, to qualified customers. subject to credit approval and availabifity. Minimum transaction site of $899 is required (before shipping and applicable taxes). No down payment required. Monthly payments are based on
advertised prices depicted for a 48 month ten, cakulated using an interest rate of 9.99% per annum. Your monthly payments may he higher depending on your aedftwonhiness as determined by the Lender in its sole discretion. Available interest rates per annum are 9.99%, 13.99%, 16.99%, 17.99%, 18.99%, 21.99%,
26.99% and 28.99%.Fmanceexample: $1199.00 el9.99%l (13.99%1,116.99%L117.99%1118.99%1.121.99%L126.999UL128.99%1Perannum equals($30.401.1$32.761. ($34.5911$35.21). ($35.84107.771. ($41.10],1$47.471 per month for 48 months. Total payable: 1$1.459.2011$1.572.48LM1.660.321 1$1,690.0811$1,720.32L
($1.612.96L161,972.801 32.938.561 Full cost of borrowing:19260201 1$373.48L1$461.321.1$491081.1$521.3211$613.96L 5773.21, 1239.561. Terms subject to error and change without Notice. Please contact Dell for full details 3. Download speeds are limited to 53 Kbps. Upload speeds are less (about 30Kbps). Speeds
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service provider before 5:00 pm localettS10111INtime; otherwise it may take an additional business day. Complaterere coverage only covers internal hardware components and does not cover peripheral devices, damage et loss caused by fire, theft, intentional acts, or by normal wear if the normal wear does not affect
performance 5.90 Day Deferred 48-Month Purchase Plan offered through Dell Financial Servirxis Canada, an independent entity to top tier onvdit qualified customers subject to approval and availability as determined by lender in its sole dime-lion. Minimum transectoosize of 6699 is required (before shipping and applicable
taxes). Maximum total transaction size per easterner of $5,C09(after shipping and applicable taxes). Not available on past orders or past financing. Additional restrictions and conditions apply. Cell Dell for full details B. All Promotiortal Internet Access Offerm Limited time offers available to Canadian residents with the
-purchase of a Dimension or Inspiran computer for home use. To be eligible, you must be within the service area of the Internet service provider you choose; final eligibility for service will be determined by the Internet service provider. You must be a new subscriber and register at time of computer purchase (forAOL must
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for dial-up access. Offers not combinable with any other Internet access offers from Dell nor other offers km the respective Internet service providers. Fro AOL you must be111vand have a major credit card. During six month included membership period. members outsideAOLCanada Inc.'s local calling areas may incur
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AOLis a registered trademark and the triangular logo,AOL Instant Messenger, Buddy List. Parental Controls and theAOLtriangle logo are trademarks, of America Online, Inc. For Bell Sympatico High Speed, Servile only available to residential customers in Ontario andOuebec where technology permits. Must register
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variable with eligible purchase made between now and May 27, 2033. 10pmEST for phone orders, 5pmEST for online orders. To receive the advertised price you must mention or input ion-line) the *value code advert sad beside the price point. Not combinable with other offers or volume based or other discounts to whith
youmay be entitled. Limit one (1) offer per eligible system. limit five(51systemsper customer I Mail-in rebates valid on qualifying purchasesmade between now and May 7, 2003. Canadian residents only. Rebate ea mot be combined with volume or other discounts ( including corporate employee purchase plan programs)
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