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Beautiful Words Redolent: aromatic, evocative

Resonant: echoing, evocative

Amorphous: indefinite, shapeless Resplendent: shining
Beguile: deceive Rhapsodic: intensely emotional
Caprice: impulse Sapphire: rich, deep bluish purple
Cascade: steep waterfall Scintilla: trace
Cashmere: fine, delicate wool Serendipitous: chance
Chrysalis: protective covering Serene: peaceful
Cinnamon: an aromatic spice; its soft brown color Somnolent: drowsy, sleep inducing
Coalesce: unite, or fuse Sonorous: loud, impressive, imposing
Crepuscular: dim, or twilit Spherical: ball-like, globular
Crystalline: clear, or sparkling Sublime: exalted, transcendent
Desultory: half-hearted, meandering Succulent: juicy, tasty, rich
Diaphanous: gauzy Suffuse: flushed, full
Dulcet: sweet Susurration: whispering
Ebullient: enthusiastic Symphony: harmonious assemblage
Effervescent: bubbly Talisman: charm, magical device
Elision: omission Tessellated: checkered in pattern
Enchanted: charmed Tranquility: peacefulness
Encompass: surround Vestige: trace
Enrapture: delighted Zenith: highest point
Ephemeral: fleeting
Epiphany: revelation Ugly Words
Epitome: embodiment of the ideal
Ethereal: celestial, unworldly, immaterial Cacophony: confused noise
Etiquette: proper conduct Cataclysm: flood, catastrophe, upheaval
Evanescent: fleeting Chafe: irritate, abrade
Evocative: suggestive Coarse: common, crude, rough, harsh
Exuberant: abundant, unrestrained, outsize Cynical: distrustful, self-interested
Felicity: happiness, pleasantness Decrepit: worn-out, run-down
Filament: thread, strand Disgust: aversion, distaste
Halcyon: care-free Grimace: expression of disgust or pain
Idyllic: contentedly pleasing Grotesque: distorted, bizarre
Incorporeal: without form Harangue: rant
Incandescent: glowing, radiant, brilliant, zealous Hirsute: hairy
Ineffable: indescribable, unspeakable Hoarse: harsh, grating
Inexorable: relentless Leech: parasite,
Insouciance: nonchalance Maladroit: clumsy
Iridescent: luster Mediocre: ordinary, of low quality
Languid: slow, listless Obstreperous: noisy, unruly
Lassitude: fatigue Rancid: offensive, smelly
Lilt: cheerful or buoyant song or movement Repugnant: distasteful
Lithe: flexible, graceful Repulsive: disgusting
Lullaby: soothing song Shriek: sharp, screeching sound
Luminescence: dim chemical or organic light Shrill: high-pitched sound
Mellifluous: smooth, sweet Shun: avoid, ostracize
Mist: cloudy moisture, or similar literal or virtual Slaughter: butcher, carnage
obstacle Unctuous: smug, ingratiating
Murmur: soothing sound Visceral: crude, anatomically graphic
Myriad: great number
Nebulous: indistinct
Opulent: ostentatious
Penumbra: shade, shroud, fringe
Plethora: abundance
Quiescent: peaceful
Quintessential: most purely representative or typical
Radiant: glowing

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