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the SEALING and RISE of the 144,000









Chapter 3 Understanding: . . . WHY THE CHRISTIAN AGE? 35






Chapter 9 THE CURSE OF ALAH! . . . OH, YES. . . 133


Chapter 11 AND NOW, “JACOB’S TROUBLE” 158

Chapter 12 DANIEL Chapter Twelve—“THE LAST DAYS” 171

Chapter 13 TWO CLUES---THEN, “THE END” 185

Chapter 14 ha Dor ha Acharon, “THE LAST GENERATION” 205



Chapter 17 A WORD ABOUT THE “WORD” 261



From the beginning the BIBLICAL Question of the Ages has been: WHO
will RULE heaven and WHO will RULE the earth? That question of
RULER-SHIP has been the real issue that has begged to be settled down
thru the Ages.

The very idea of a “kingdom of the heavens” (spoken of by John the Baptist
and Yahshua Ha Mashiach) carries with it a meaning of having a Ruler-ship
over a realm, or dominion by a king or government. Hence the words King
and dominion are connected into the word kingdom. A government, if you
will. That phrase DOES NOT presuppose that everyone would be in it or be
a part of the government. Or that everyone would go to the heavens when
they die in support of the superstitious “immortal soul” doctrine so promoted
by the world’s religions.

However, a government has to have a certain amount of personnel in it for

smooth operation to accomplish ITS PURPOSE, for the purpose of any
government has to do with primarily ONE THING, and that is RULER-SHIP.

There is convincing evidence from historical data that the quality of

personnel is of the utmost of importance for good, fair and equitable
governance of other humans.
Ruler-ship must also be called a ‘power structure.’ All governments, good
and bad, have that one element in their make-up; that is Ruler-ship. Like it
or not, Ruler-ship is elementary to all governments. All else comes under
that main element.

Therefore, righteous Ruler-ship is the problem that ALL governments face

with imperfect men at their helm. This is also the problem that ALL
organizations have in dealing equitably with individuals. Mankind has
proven very ill-equipped to handle ‘power structures, in any form. The
misuse of power is common; “You know that the RULERS of the nations
lord it over them and the great men wield authority over them.” So said, Ha
Yahushua Ha Mashiach (Jesus The Christ) in Matt. 20:25.

To permanently alleviate that state of affairs, namely “man’s inhumanity to

man,” the Father God Yahweh has purposed a “heavenly kingdom” to have
dominion or Ruler-ship over the earth, for a thousand years, with His son

named Yahshua Ha Mashiach (Jesus The Christ) as King. Father Yahweh
has also purposed that His son would have a wife, a “bride,” as a helper in
His dispensation of that Ruler-ship on and over the earth. Those humans
that are part of that “bride,” would be “changed” into a “new creation” and
brought to heaven from the earth, for that purpose of Ruler-ship.

The Son and his “bride” make up the “kingdom of the heavens” for the
Purpose of Ruler-ship over the earth. Only a very few of earth’s population
would be “called” and “chosen” for that “new administration” of earth’s
affairs. So, it follows that not everyone will go to heaven! BUT WHO
chooses them? And HOW?

There would also have to be an EARTHLY REPRESENTATIVE form of

governmental ruler-ship to carry out the edicts from the heavenly kingdom
ruler-ship above. Not everyone would be a part of that ruler-ship on earth.
Having an adequate number would certainly be required.

But WHO would decide how many there would be? And who would choose
the individuals to make up the earthly ruler-ship? This essay discusses how
the Father does so by sending His immutable “Word” to establish a perfect
and righteous government by means of His Kingdom ruler-ship, “in heaven
and on the earth.”

How will He do so? What happens to the present political ‘power structure’
made up of all earth’s governments? What happens to the present religious
‘power structure’ in control of most of earth’s population? What will happen
to the present commercial, economic and monetary banking power
structure? All of those questions are discussed and answered herein.

So, RULER-SHIP that is, who will rule the heavens and who will rule the
earth are the Mysteries of the Ages. Those, heretofore unanswered
questions, have been the two primary issues causing earth’s conflicts and
mankind’s suffering thru-out human history.

Those questions and a host of others will be examined in this study. The
surprising answers, concerning God’s kingdom government of the heavens
and its representative ruler-ship on the earth, will be revealed. WE rely

solely on the authority of the divinely inspire (God Breathed = Ruach
Kodesh) Word of Father Yahweh. WE find the ultimate answer is only in
God’s New Kingdom Government. That Government, WE propose, is
mankind’s ONLY HOPE.

The Author.

"Religion is viewed as true the by the ignorant, as false by the wise

and as useful by the RULERS." So said, Seneca the Younger.


Father Yahweh and His Son Yahshua Ha Mashiach, “as the waters are
covering the very seas.” Isaiah 11:9. For “this means eternal life, their
taking in knowledge of you the only true God and of the one that you sent
forth, Jesus Christ [Yahshua Ha Mashiach].” John 17:3.
To promote any religion, or their doctrines, creeds or agendas.
To promote nationalism, of any kind, or any political viewpoint.
To promote any commercial enterprise or business venture.
WE are NEUTRAL to All of the above and this world. Why? We cling to
scriptures. OUR answer is in 1John 2:17, “. . ..the world is passing away
and so is its desire, but he that does the will of God remains forever.”
The purpose of this book is to provide a scripturally truthful and
understandable message of the consistent out-workings of Father
Yahweh’s purposes for the earth and mankind. That those Divine purposes,
will be accomplished by Divine ruler-ship. Ruler-ship directed by Yahshua
and His “Bride” in heaven thru men, on earth, selected in advance, sealed
by angels, to rule as kings on this earth, by means of God’s Kingdom,
during Yahshua’s Thousand year reign of earth.
Also, that the reader may be able to finally see his part in the Divine
Purpose and as an individual, be able to experience true spirituality and by
means of it have a close personal relationship with Father Yahweh, thru His
wonderful Son, Yahshua Ha Mashiach; And that the reader may clearly
“see” spiritually and have a personal part in the final out-workings of that
Divine purpose of ruler-ship, himself; And that the reader may at long last,
be able to personally realize and understand the way in which Yahweh’s
Divine purpose, for earth’s governance, has been developed down thru the
various Ages of history until the present day.
Further, we endeavor to show, that the Divine Purpose is the ultimate
Ruler-ship by God’s Kingdom over mankind and this earth for their benefit
and the dissemination of the knowledge of Yahweh, “as the waters cover
the very seas.” And that both the Divine Heavenly and Earthly Ruler-ship

has been wrapped in a Divine MYSTERY that has here-to-for only been
partially revealed.
This FINISHED MYSTERY, of God’s Kingdom, has been long searched for
and has been a source of wonderment and earnest prayer among Godly
men since its introduction to Abraham and the faithful prophets of old and
those that came after them. Those men of ancient times were trying to peer
into the future, so as to see more clearly just when, how and by what
means that DIVINE MYSTERY might be finished. See 1Peter 1:10-12.
The solution to that DIVINE MYSTERY, so long sought after, is now solved.
being FINISHED by Yahshua and His holy angels. That solution and its
fulfillment are contained within the pages of this book. So, that NOW, the
“time is at hand” to REVEAL just what PURPOSE that DIVINE MYSTERY
A bold statement? Yes. For the scripture says, “There shall be no further
delay; but in the days when the seventh angel blows his trumpet; when he
BEGINS to do so---then the SECRET PURPOSES of God are realized, in
accordance with the good news He gave to His servants the Prophets.”
Rev. 10:7 WNT. [Bold & caps mine]
Put another way, WE are, “in the days of the voice [sound] of the seventh
angel, when he shall BEGIN to sound, the MYSTERY of God should be
finished, as He hath declared to His servants the prophets.” Rev.10:7 KJV.
[Brackets, caps, bold, italics, mine].
Put yet another way, “.in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when
according to the good tidings which He declared to His servants the
prophets.” Rev. 10:7. ASV. [Bold, caps, mine]. THAT TIME IS NOW!
Shortly thereafter, “… the seventh angel blew his trumpet. And loud
voices occurred in heaven, saying, “’The kingdom of the world did become
the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will RULE as KING
forever and ever.’” Rev. 11:15. NW.
This will prove to be the greatest blessing for mankind and the earth. IT will
also prove to be the FINAL and GREATEST WOE for the misleading
religions, Satan backed earthly governments and their political rulers, along

with the greedy, money loving, power hungry, earth ruining, commercialists
and those that back them.
Additionally, the purpose set forth here-in, is to give the individual an
identity and personal relationship with the King, Yahshua, by which he/she
may be enabled to have a part, working with the Holy Angels in the never-
to-be repeated work now going on. By sharing in this work, one will be
cooperating with Yahshua Ha Mashiach (Jesus the Christ) during this “time
of the end” of the present Christian Age and this present wicked World.
We pray that the reader will studiously consult his copy of the Holy
Scriptures, to verify what is written. For only the individual himself, can
determine its verity and employ the resulting FAITH obtained from a deep
study of God’s Word. There is much controversy in these pages. We think
this information is of such importance, that we urge and encourage
everyone to resolve these issues personally.
We believe that each individual will eventually be politically forced to make
a personal decision regarding these most important matters of Ruler-ship,
discussed herein. If you need assistance in understanding the material
here-with presented, WE are available to answer ALL queries you may
have. (
We understand that most people have pet doctrines and beliefs and
religions ideas that they hold dear and think, they can never “give them up.”
That is for each one to decide individually. We have found that most
individuals have been “convicted” by some religious “ideology” to believe a
certain way. They have also been “convicted” to believe in certain doctrines
due to their indoctrination and/or induction into some religious group, sect
or organization. As a result of such religious propaganda, it will be ever so
difficult for them to individually extract themselves from those belief
systems. Only by, believing in, and accepting the “truth” from the “Yahweh
breathed” scriptures can one be set free.
We have found that all religions, without exception, have promoted some
idea, dogma, doctrine or conviction that they staunchly accept and
stubbornly hold to and believe is “proof” that they alone have “the truth”
because of IT. Be IT, snake handling, having a vice regent with god,
preaching the gospel, having a “holy mother”, speaking in tongues, no
musical instruments in church, Sunday Sabbath, washing of the feet,
“peddling” their religion from door to door, “peddling” their religion on the
radio, “peddling” their religion on television, being the “channel” of god,
God’s “organization” or Church of god, the use of images in worship,
having a “mother” goddess, believing a doctrine, and/or not believing in
certain doctrine(s), believing in TRADITIONS of men, and/or religious
superstitions, along with a multitude of other mostly nonsensical, ridiculous
ideas. All of which make the “word of God invalid,” because of them. None
of which really matter so much as acquiring SPIRITUALITY from the Son,
Yahshua, and the resultant relationship with Him and His Father Yahweh.
LEARN FROM HIM. No man or man-made religion does. Not even those
called “holy ones” that are anointed with the Holy Spirit. Not even the Son!
Why? Because, everyone is on a different level of knowledge and at
different times in life view things much differently than at other times. The
apostle Paul said, “When I was a babe, I thought as a babe, but now that I
am a full grown man, I think as a man.” (1Cor. 13:11) But, the religious
organizations want to keep YOU on the same level as they are. Once you
get to their level they do not want you to progress beyond them. For they
will no longer have any control over YOU.
Only OUR individual SPIRITUALITY is important. Religious organizations
have no spirituality, only individuals do. What some religious organization
says or promotes is only important to THEM and is for their own benefit
because they are materialistic and are, in “business for themselves.” They
cannot help US, SPIRITUALLY; Because “God is a SPIRIT” and the only
way that WE may have a relationship with Him is thru His Son and by
means of SPIRITUALITY, not any materialistic religion. John 4:24.
OUR heavenly Father, Yahweh, and His son love each one of US
SPIRITUALLY as INDIVIDUALS! He loves YOU. He wants only the very
best for YOU individually. He wants the very best for YOU on a spiritual
and material basis also. The Father greatly desires for YOU to have a close
personal relationship with Him, thru His Son as high priest and mediator.
But WE are physically limited to this third dimension and are prisoners in
time and space. Yet He has created a SPIRITUAL dimension with-in US, in
OUR hearts, so WE can have a relationship with Him. WE can only have a
relationship with the Father by means of SPIRITUALITY, which produces
TRUE FAITH within OUR hearts. This means that WE must have some
knowledge of Him and His Son to have SPIRITUALITY and FAITH.

Now, because of the religions that take away OUR individual standing with
God, and make US think that WE do not really count and that God is only
dealing with THEM, WE fail to see the need for only individual
SPIRITUALITY and FAITH. But that is their function now. They ALL have
been infiltrated by the “wicked one” to disguise and pervert spiritual things.
Consequently, WE sometimes fail to see that even a mere rudimentary
knowledge and belief in Him and His Son is acceptable to Him, for a start,
on OUR eternal “walk” with Him SPIRITUALLY.
The apostle Peter said, “that God is not partial, but in every nation the man
that fears [reveres] Him and works righteousness is acceptable to him.”
Act. 10:34, 35. NW. [Bold, brackets mine] See also, Romans 3:22-26. Did
YOU notice any creed, religion, or religious doctrine in that statement?
Only when WE have such Godly fear and reverence, faith and spirituality
can WE have a relationship with Him thru His Son. Only then do WE obtain
full blessings for OURSELVES. That means OUR SPIRITUAL LIFE and
GROWTH is of the utmost of importance for us. For only by means of faith
thru spirituality, can WE really KNOW and HAVE A RELATIONSHIP with
the FATHER thru HIS SON by means of the HOLY SPIRIT.
OUR SPIRITUALITY and the resulting FAITH then, is the real touchstone in
OUR lives, NOT OUR stubbornly clinging to some religion or their mostly
felonious doctrines and propaganda that they are the “only true religion.”
Therefore, the only thing that really matters is your OWN PERSONAL
and HIS SON. “God is a spirit, and those worshipping Him, must worship in
SPIRIT and in TRUTH.” John 4:24. NW. That means that ALL of OUR
current and former fleshly third dimensional earthly demonic beliefs, and
practices, must eventually give way to PERSONAL SPIRITUAL FREEDOM
and be discarded. What might some of those erroneous ideas be?
Some of those that WILL be removed by God’s Kingdom ruler-ship are:
The religious superstitions and propaganda falsely promoted as “truth” that
OUR salvation is dependent on any religious organization, doctrine, or
works, being the ONLY “true religion”, their beautiful Church buildings, only
ordained priesthood, their church governments, their hierarchies, their
chants, liturgies, traditions or any of their other insidious MAN-MADE
RELIGIOUS inventions, vehicles, or compositions that enslave YOU for
their control and ruler-ship over YOU. Why? Because, ALL are material,

fleshly, earthly, demonic; They DO NOT PROMOTE true FAITH in Yahweh
and His Son. They actually PREVENT OUR obtaining true FAITH and
SPIRITUALITY. OUR obtaining eternal life depends on OUR individual and
with Father Yahweh, thru His Son Yahshua Ha Mashiach. IT is dependent
from deep study of the Holy Scriptures, along with deep prayer and
meditation on those SPIRITUAL things. That is how spirituality is obtained.
Spirituality and DIVINE Ruler-ship is what this book is about. So,
SPECIALIZED KNOWLEDGE is necessary. Yahshua made that clear in
prayer to His Father saying, “This means everlasting life, THEIR TAKING
sent forth, JESUS CHRIST [YAHSHUA MASHIACH].” John 17:3. NW.
[Caps, bold mine].
Perhaps you missed, in that simple prayer, ALL the extra requirements that
the preachers, ministers, Rabbis, priests, mullahs, popes, etc., and their
religions, Priesthoods, hierarchies, church governments and organizations
have placed on you and your families, to support them in their need for
financial maintenance and power over you as an individual? Why?
superfluous material additions made by unscrupulous men for their own
material benefit and control over YOU and me.
The only good that can be found in any religion is the spiritual value that
they may give you, if you can find any in them today. Thankfully, those
TWO REQUIREMENTS. They are given to US by the SON, YAHSHUA HA
MASHIACH, in Matthew 22:37-40. He said:
“You must love Jehovah [Yahweh] your God with your whole heart and with
your whole soul and with your whole mind….You must love your neighbor
as yourself.” That presupposes that YOU believe and have faith in them.
Those also include Paul’s doctrine mentioned in 1 Cor. 15:1-4.
Any more requirements tacked on to those above are only for furthering the
religious organizations money and power base and the agendas of the
degenerate men running them.
We heartily invite ALL dissenting views and arguments. However, if you do
not have Biblical backing for your thinking, please reserve your personal

Philosophies for your private use. Also, Apocryphal (hidden) and other
long held religious traditions (The Catechisms, Koran, book of Mormon,
Talmud, Alice in Wonderland, etc.) are invalid as they have NEVER had the
“stamp” of Yahweh’s Holy Spirit on them and so have NEVER, EVER
GENERATED any true SPIRITUALITY and FAITH that is necessary to
“please God [Yahweh] well.”
In fact, most of the traditions held dear by the various religions actually
oppose the very idea of developing faith in Yahweh, His Son Yahshua, and
even the Bible itself. They insist on ranking their manmade traditions and
human thinking over the inspired Holy “God breathed” (Ruach Kodesh),
scriptures. See Matt. 15:3; Mark7:3, 13; Gal. 1:14.
Thank you, read well, The Publisher.

We beg your forbearance of our grammatically incorrect paragraph
separation and grammar. We have tried to keep them as small as possible
for easier reading and understanding. We have failed, but still think it better
than having many pages-long paragraphs comprised of compound-
complex-compound-complex-confounding words and sentences that are
annoying and very often leaves the reader lost and with no understanding
of the vital information in the paragraphs.
Also, it has been recognized in the past, that our punctuation leaves much
to be desired, as we write according to how we speak. And WE beg your
pardon for OUR phonetic contractions that eliminate some vestigial
remnants of Old English words. Thank you for your understanding and
tolerance of these imperfections in style and text.
And finally, WE must also ask your indulgence of the numerous [Brackets]
in the scriptural texts. We have attempted to restore the Divine Name,
YHWH, YAHWEH, where it appears in the Hebrew and Greek scripture
quotations, to enhance the readers understanding. In addition, WE have
taken the liberty to insert the original word used with the most correct
meanings, from Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance, for some of the most
obviously mistranslated words, along with what WE feel is a better
understanding of the scripture.
Scripture quotations with [brackets], bold, underlining, emphasis, italics and
CAPS are the author’s and must not to be construed as being part of the
quoted text, unless otherwise noted.


The end of the Christian age or world is upon us! The Messianic Age is
now at hand. Why? How can that be? What will happen now? When?
How? How will this affect the world? The balance of power? The middle-
east conflict? The state of Israel and the Jews? Will Islam take over the
world? Will the Western world let them? Will there be another “World War?”
Who will ultimately rule the world? Has world domination and ruler-ship
been the REAL issue and controversy thru-out the history of mankind? If
ruler-ship is the great question, WHY is it not easily discernible to all? Why
has it been covered up and obscured? These and many other questions
will be answered in the following advanced study of these subjects.
We have now entered into a ‘transition period’ marking the demise of the
Christian Age. By examining the history in the Bible, we find there have
been many literal, biblical "ends" and many transition periods. Down thru
the millennia, the TRUE GOD has always used individual men to sound
warnings of the calamities that were to mark the end of their World or Age.
This was done during the many transition periods that ended one Age or
World and started a new Age or World order.
THE END OF ONE AGE (a type) AND ONE WORLD (a type)
One such end of an Age and World happened when a great Flood of water
poured down from the heavens, gushed up from the earth and “swept them
all away.” Matt. 24:9. This would prove to be a “type” or ancient example,
for US to see WHY the end of OUR present Age or World would come to its
own end.
There was also a transition period before that end arrived. It started, when
Yahweh/Jehovah said in, Gen. 6:3, "My spirit shall not act toward man
indefinitely, . . . his [mankind’s] days shall amount to a hundred and twenty
years." NWT.
That statement did not mean that God had limited man’s life-span to a
mere 120 years. Then what did it mean? It meant the following:
(1) That a transition period had begun and would last 120 years
(2) That human life was doomed and that they had only 120 years left to
prepare for the end or their world, but “they took no note” until the “flood
came and swept them all away.” Matt. 24:39 NWT.

(3) That the Age, epoch and/or world that they were living in would end
then, “but they took no note” of it
(4) That the literal World that they lived in would end, “but they took no
note” of it
(5) That the great flood would then come and destroy everything connected
with their World and that Age, together with the wicked people and society.
(6) That God would raise up an individual, named Noah, to preach a
warning to that World, build and Ark and save a “remnant” of mankind, a
seed, to start a new world.
(7) That a “New World” of mankind would ensue. That world is the one in
which WE now live.
(8) That, that end would terminate the Age and World ruler-ship by the
Angels, which would leave the question begging: Who would then rule
(9) That a New World Ruler-ship would then be required. Who would be
(10) That a new type of ruler-ship would then be required. What kind would
it be?
WE have seen that both Satan’s and man’s ruler-ship, from the flood until
now, has proven disastrous. That model has made it obvious that another,
NEW and better model of ruler-ship is needed for the earth and mankind.
John 12:31; 14:30; 16:11; 2Cor. 4:4; and, 1John 5:19, which says, “that the
whole world is under the control of the evil one [Satan].” NIV.
YES, who would create it? Who could create it and Who would have ruler-
ship over this New World of mankind? The following pages of this Book will
give the surprising answer; with A GUARANTEE that earth’s ruler-ship will
be the very best ever produced for this beautiful planet and for humanity. It
will prove to be the only one possible to provide equity, freedom, and liberty
with justice for ALL.
God’s stated length of 120 years, MARKED the “transition period”, or "last
days" of that pre-flood Age and World. During that time period. God chose
an individual, named Noah, to sound the warning to that wicked world. One

hundred and twenty years after Yahweh stated those fateful words, the end
of that Age and World came, by means of the aforementioned, Noachian
There have been many Biblical ends and “transition periods” since then.
Some of those were:
The end of the Patriarchal ruler-ship and age.
The end of the Egyptian ruler-ship and enslavement of Israel.
The end of the rule-ship by judges.
The end of the ten tribe kingdom of northern Israel and it rule.
The end of the kingdom ruler-ship of Judah and the destruction of
Jerusalem by Babylon.
The end of the Jewish Age and the ruler-ship of their World in 70 CE at the
hands of the Romans.
And NOW, the end of the Christian Age is AT HAND.
The end of the Jewish Age and World began when the TRUE GOD raised
up an individual called, John the Baptizer. He started His ministry by
preaching to the Jews in their wilderness area. This MARKED the
beginning of their “transition period” of about 40 years, which signaled the
"last days" of that Jewish world/age. They had been NOTIFIED of this
hundreds of years in advance, by means of a pronouncement from
Jehovah/Yahweh thru His prophet Malachi, concerning Israel. (Mal. 1:1). It
was the very last prophecy and the very last words in the Tanakh/OT/
Hebrew scriptures. Therein Malachi said:
"Look I am sending to you people Elijah the prophet BEFORE the great and
fear inspiring day of Jehovah [Yahweh]. And he must turn the heart of
fathers back toward sons, and the heart of sons back toward fathers; in
order that I may not come and actually strike the earth with a devoting of it
to destruction." Mal. 4:5, 6 NWT.
Jesus/Yahshua stated that there were TWO ELIJAH’S that would fulfill that
scripture. The first would be “John the Baptist”, who appeared in the first
century to warn the Jewish RELIGIOUS WORLD that it was nearing its
end. Another Elijah would appear in the future as the “Elijah to come” (Matt.
17:10-13), to warn the current WORLD RELIGIONS IN CHRISTENDOM of
their impending DOOM. We will briefly review these two “Elijahs” in the
material below.
The end of the Jewish Age was guaranteed by the death of another man,
an individual named Ha Yahshua Ha Mashiach. Yahshua ha Mashiach is
the Jewish Messiah better known to the world of mankind, as Jesus Christ.
That Jewish RELIGIOUS WORLD did not realize that their WORLD, or
"system of things", was CREATED by YAHWEH GOD for ONE PURPOSE
PROMISED MESSIAH and the ultimate development of their God
Yahweh's kingdom, foretold in Daniel chapter 2 verse 44. The same one
that Jesus/Yahshua taught the Jews to pray for in Matt. 6:9, 10.
The Apostle Matthew and the disciple Doctor Luke provided the lineage
charts in their Biblical accounts, that prove Jesus/Yahshua was in the
lineage of the promised Jewish Messiah, and was indeed, “the lamb of God
that takes away the sin of the world.” The Jewish thinking of the day was
that their Messiah came for an entirely different reason than He did at that
time, and they expected something entirely different would happen to them
and their World.
As events turned out, they were only thinking in material, infantile fleshly
terms and on a purely material and nationalistic basis. They were only
thinking materially, about themselves, their people, their religion, their
world, their Jewish-ness and certainly not on a higher plane spiritually.
Being in spiritual slumber, they were least of all concerned with God’s
spiritual purposes for them, much less that of the Goy world of mankind.
Their thinking at that time was that the Messiah would be just like Moses
and that under His leadership, they would immediately OVERTHROW the
Roman yoke or ruler-ship and set up the literal earthly kingdom of David
and they (the Jews), would then RULE THE WORLD, at that time. They felt
that it was PROMISED to them by God, as their INHERITANCE thru their
fore-father Abraham. But, unlike faithful Abraham, they demonstrated very
little of that family trait of faith. See Psalm 47.

Yahshua understood their faithless selfish ideas regarding ruler-ship at that
time. While discussing their little faith, and their inheritance of ruler-ship, he
said to them,
“I tell you, that many from eastern parts and western parts will come and
recline at the table of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the Kingdom [G932, =
basileia, from G-935, not a place, properly = royalty, ruler-ship, realm,
kingdom, reign (government)] whereas, the sons of the kingdom [those of
Judah and Jacob, the rightful heirs] will be thrown into the darkness
outside. There is where [their] weeping and the gnashing of [their] teeth
will be.” Matt. 8:11, 12. NWT.
Outside of what? They would be thrown outside of TWO THINGS:
(1) Outside of a spiritual relationship with the Father, Yahweh, and
(2) Obviously, outside of heavenly kingdom ruler-ship and being part of the
“bride of Christ” commonly called the “body of Christ.”
Only a “remnant” of the natural vine, Jacob/Israel, would turn up at that
time to partially fill the full number. See Rom. 11:5.
That meant they forfeited what their hearts had been longing for all along
and for what had been promised to them thru their forefather Abraham,
YES, RULER-SHIP of both the heavens and the earth had been promised
to Abraham and by means of his seed to “bless ALL the families of the
earth”! Abraham’s literal seed was promised exclusive ruler-ship of both the
Heavenly government and that of representative RULERS-SHIP on earth.
By their refusing to accept the spiritual invitation to rule with Yahshua in the
heavens they forfeited heavenly ruler-ship and when they will FINALLY
REALIZE that, then is when their “GNASHING OF THEIR TEETH WILL
However, contrary to Christendom’s REPLACEMENT THEOLOGY, they
were not permanently cast off and destroyed physically or condemned to
burn in “hell fire” forever, as Catholic and Protestant doctrine claims. It was
because of their lack of faith and arrogant self-righteousness that they lost
the most significant part of their promised rightful inheritance; altho, they
still could/would be given the promise of temporal earthly ruler-ship during
the millennial reign. The apostle Paul confirms this in Romans 11:7, 8,

“The very thing Israel is earnestly pursuing [supreme ruler-ship of heaven
and earth], he did not obtain, but the ones chosen [the elect, those Jews
anointed by Holy Spirit] obtained it. The rest had their sensibilities blunted,
just as it is written,” ’God has given them a spirit of deep sleep, eyes so as
to not see and ears so as to not hear, down to this very day.’” NW. See
also, Deut. 29:4; Jer. 5:21. NWT.
That was nearly 2000 years ago. Except for a few Jews, “a remnant” as
Paul said, they are still in that condition today. They are still lying there
where they stumbled and fell down over the “stone that” they, “the builders
rejected,” Jesus/Yahshua their Messiah. They are still laying there in the
same condition of religious, self-centered, self-righteous, faith-less-ness
that they had locked themselves into, way back in the first century. Why?
They had rejected the “written word,” which inspires real faith and true
righteousness. They stopped “calling” on “God’s Name” and are still
clutching to their Rabbinical traditions in a “death grip.” For this and more,
they have and will experience a very real loss. But, not so with those
Messianic Jews and others of “Jacob” that have accepted Yahshua as their
The Jews still have blind eyes and deaf ears so that they still have not
realized their Spiritual heavenly loss. They continue to revel in their
“Jewish-ness,” and are still sleeping in it down to THIS VERY DAY!!
Nonetheless, they will shortly be rudely awakened, when Messiah returns
“and all His holy angels with Him,” in Kingdom Power. Then He will
annihilate His enemies, separate the “sheep from the goats” and distribute
earthly human RULERSHIP to His humble sheep amongst the Messianic
Jewish community in a NEW WORLD ORDER under the King Yahshua, “in
which [true] righteousness is to dwell.” (Matt. 25:31-46), Then is when the
“gnashing of their teeth” amongst those of the orthodox and traditional
Jews will occur. Just who will be “gnashing their teeth”?
The “gnashing of their teeth,” will happen to ALL of those who display the
same prideful, haughty, arrogant, high-minded, “holier than thou”, better
than, introverted, neurotic, self studying, faithless, self-righteous attitude
displayed by the Jewish religious leaders in first century Judaism. That
attitude is as “dirty rags” (KJV) or a “polluted garment” (JPS) to
Yahweh, in Isa. 64:6, 7; Quite literally filthy menstrual rags in the Hebrew.
The Jewish religious leaders and Rabbis have proven to be especially
faithless. How? They have stopped “calling on” the DIVINE NAME OF
THEIR GOD=YAHWEH! More than that, they have even lead His people
and everyone else into STOP calling on God by HIS DIVINE NAME
WHY? Because of superstitiously claiming, that it is A SIN, TO DO SO.
How sad for them. . . .Those that do that still arrogantly think they are in the
seat of Moses. The prophet Isaiah tells us about this in Isaiah chapter 64,
verses 6 and 7, saying what Yahweh’s reaction would be,
“Look! You yourself became indignant while we kept sinning—in them a
long time, and should we be saved? And we become like someone
unclean, all of us, and all our acts of righteousness are like a garment for
periods of menstruation; [filthy, polluted rags] and we shall fade away like
leafage, all of us and our errors them-selves will carry us away just like a
wind.” Verse 6. NWT.
So much for the self-righteousness, arrogant self important, conceited, self-
styled religious teachers, Rabbi’s (false teachers) of yesterday’s religions
and also those of today; Especially those who deny the use of Ha Shem,
The Name of God, which is “Yahweh.” Their “self” “righteousness” and their
teachings are just as good as menstrual rags are, to Him.
Isaiah goes on in verse 7, saying,
“And there is no one [In Jacob] calling upon your name, no one rousing
himself to lay hold on you; for you have concealed your face from us
[Jacob], and you cause us to melt by the power of our error.” NW.
Indeed, the religious leaders, of both Jewry and Christendom, have created
this huge problem by means of their false religious teachings and of hiding
the DIVINE NAME, (Ha Shem), from YOU. They have refused to call on the
God of Heaven by His name, Yahweh, and prevented YOU from doing so
as well. And what is the result?
The result is, His concealing Himself from US, with the ultimate end being
of “OUR causing OURSELVES” to “MELT by the POWER OF OUR
ERROR.” What error? The error of our not rousing ourselves to call on HIS
NAME!! The religious leaders are not to be trusted when they do such
things as hiding the DIVINE NAME and making it a superstitious sin even
to use it.
No matter, for they will be forced to admit their faithless unrighteousness.
They will be forced to “CALL” on the DIVINE NAME. They will be forced to
beg for HIS forgiveness. They will be totally humiliated and be forced to
give up their faithless superstition, self-righteousness, pride, arrogance and
egotism. They will be forced to “call” on the DIVINE NAME, HA SHEM,
Why? They will be forced to do that for their own survival, and that of their
families. They will be forced to do this for their own forgiveness and
reinstatement back into HIS favor. Then they will be forced to re-awaken
out of their slumber, because the “full number of the gentiles will have
come in.” See Isa. 64:6-11. JPS, (7-12 in other Bibles). Rom. 11:25, 26.
ONLY THEN, AFTER having been awakened spiritually, is when they will
weep and gnash and grind their teeth over what they have lost.
ONLY THEN, will they realize what GLORY and HONOR could have been
ONLY THEN, will they realize why Yahweh, THEIR GOD said, “Although
the whole earth is MINE, YOU will be for ME a kingdom of priests and a
holy nation.” Ex. 19:6. NIV. . . . . They will. . . .
ONLY THEN realize the GREAT significance of THAT PART of their
inheritance that they have lost.
ONLY THEN will they realize the loss of the wonderful personal relationship
with the MOST HIGH GOD, YAHWEH, they could have had.
ONLY THEN will they realize WHO their Messiah is and what a special
blessing it was, for their lineage, that Yahweh God chose them out of ALL
the peoples of the earth, to give them a kingdom, and be “a kingdom and
priests and a holy nation”, for EARTH. But they lost it.
What did they lose? As a nation they lost the heavenly ruler-ship and
priesthood to officiate a NEW COVENANT.
Did they lose everything? No……But, they did lose their promised
inheritance to RULE both HEAVEN and EARTH. When they finally realize
just what they have lost, they will think that they lost everything! They will
be reminded of Moses prophesies concerning them in Deut. 4:25-40. More
will be covered on this subject, below.
To better understand the Jewish thinking, at that time, and by some very
religious Jews today, see: Matt. 5:5; Ps. 37:11; Isa. 34:16, 17; Isa. 57:13;

Isa. 60:21; Dan. 2:44, 45; Matt. 25:31-46. These will also be discussed
Just as is the case today within faithless Christendom, the faithless Jews of
the first century, MIXED UP Jehovah/Yahweh’s promises with their material
national inheritance and that EVERYTHING IN THE TANAKH (OT)
WAY. Their faithless eyes could not see and ears could not hear the
needed SPIRITUAL "heavenly kingdom" government that Yahshua spoke
of as Yahweh had promised. They only saw the material LAND promises,
not the SPIRITUAL ONES that were included, not just the “land of Israel,”
but for the whole earth and its inhabitants.
That same unseeing and unhearing SPIRITUAL condition is being repeated
today, within the Churches of Christendom. THEY think, like the Jews did,
that ALL of the scriptures in the WHOLE BIBLE APPLIES ONLY TO THEM.
Without spiritual eyes and ears, they cannot see or hear spiritually to
Yahweh which will be fulfilled thru His SON, YAHSHUA HA MASHIACH,
concerning the Kingdom RULER-SHIP of heaven and earth.
BUT, ONE JEW KNEW! (of course, there were more)
However, during that, first century “transition period”, ONE JEW KNEW. He
was an impetuous, forceful, disciple and apostle of Yahshua Mashaich,
named Simon Peter, who wrote about 63 AD,
". . .the END of ALL THINGS has drawn close. Be sound in mind, and
vigilant with a view to prayers. . . For it is the APPOINTED TIME for the
judgment to start with the house of God." 1Pet. 4:7, 17 NWT.
The Father, Yahweh, does not bring judgment and destruction without first
sending a warning of its coming. For that reason, Yahweh sent an
individual to warn the apostate Jewish nation and religion of Judaism of
their coming disaster. But, before Peter came on the scene, Yahweh had
already sent a man named John the Baptist to do that work. His
appearance signaled the “beginning of the End”, of that Jewish Age and
Later on Jesus/Yahshua, himself, made it clear to his disciples by saying,
“Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the killer of the prophets, how often I wanted to
gather your children together, like a hen gathers her chicks under her wing.
But, you people did not want it. Look! Your house is abandoned to you.”
Matt. 23:37. NWT.
He went farther saying,
“Truly I say to you, By no means will a stone be left here upon a stone and
not be thrown down.” Matt. 24:2 NWt.
The Jewish people and their false religious leaders and teachers
(Rabbi’s) did not want it! They selfishly, did not want what God wanted.
They wanted to dictate to God! So, Yahshua gave them their spiritual
judgment right there and then, which was followed by the physical
destruction of their “house”, their religious “system of things” and the
Temple in 70 AD,. Matt. 23:37, 38; Matt. 24:2. He said their “house would
be abandoned to them,” to do with as they wanted, for it was no longer of
any use SPIRITUALLY to Yahweh. It had outlived its usefulness and was to
be destroyed.
After that, the promised physical "judgment" did come from the Great God
Jehovah/Yahweh, under 40 years later, in 70 AD. Indeed, “judgment” did
start “with the house of God”, as Peter had said, when the Roman Legions
came and destroyed the temple, Jerusalem and the entire Jewish world
system of things. That was the “END of ALL THINGS” that Peter was
speaking about in the above quoted text (1Pet. 4:7, 17).
The end of the Jewish World and Age had overtaken them. What an
ignominious end to what was given such a wonderful start, 2000 years
earlier by Yahweh’s promise to their fore-father, Abraham. Or was it?. . .
NOTE: You may notice that none of the “transition” periods or ends of
those aforementioned Worlds or Ages was marked by any religions doing
the warning work. Jehovah/Yahweh has always used individual men to
sound these warnings. He has NEVER!, NEVER!, EVER!, USED
RELIGIONS TO DO SO!! Why, you might ask?
ANSWER: They were ALL Apostate during those transition periods.
Consequently, they needed someone to warn THEM!! This has always
been the case, NOT the reverse, as the false organized religions would
have you believe.
In fact, if you examine the Holy Scriptures closely, you will assure yourself
of that fact and you will find that in every case, Yahweh has always sent
INDIVIDUALS to warn the APOSTATE RELIGIONS of their impending
doom and coming destruction. YAHWEH HAS NEVER SENT RELIGIONS
to WARN FAITHFUL INDIVIDUALS of their imminent demise. Why?
As stated above, by the time the transition periods arrive, ALL
as FALSE RELIGIONS. This is one of the ways WE KNOW that WE are
living in a “transition” period. For only small groups and individuals have
remained “faithful and true” to Yahweh and His Son Yahushua. These only,
are then used by Yahweh to sound the warnings.
In recognition of that fact, WE must examine those religions claiming to be
doing a warning work, and understand that they are being misled by the
“wicked one,” WHO is still so very successfully operating in that human
field of organized religion. Paul calls them the, “sons of disobedience.” Eph.
THEY and their RELIGIONS are the ones that need to be warned of their
coming destruction. So, if YOU are still in organized religion and are led by
God’s Holy Spirit, it is YOUR responsibility to WARN those religions of
Christendom and Jewry of their imminent fate. . . . What?
Yes, WE, individually, must WARN THEM BEFORE ITS TO LATE! Just as
John the Baptist warned the ill-fated Jewish religion, before it was too late.
He was unable to finish his ministry to them; it was cut short, by a wicked
woman and political state ruler-ship.
Likewise, WE cannot rest on OUR laurels. We have to speak out to the
religions and their religious leaders. But WE must also realize that the
religions themselves will not listen, for religions are deaf, dumb and blind;
and that only a few individuals within them will listen; and most probably
NOT those in the hierarchy of those organized religions. Why?
Because, they will have the same corporate attitude as the first century
Jews did, to further their “organization”. They will say, WE have been
representing God for more than a thousand years, “Who do YOU think
YOU are”, they will say, “to tell US.” “YOU are just an individual.” Or they
will point to their great “organizations” with its material growth and many
followers and say, “SEE how god has blessed US?” “Go away.” They will
not listen to YOU. However, WE must try. That is why their end will come
upon them, “like a thief in the night.” They love their materialism and

That end of the Jewish Age and destruction of the Jewish world or system
of things, became a “type” of what was to later come upon her anti-type:
Namely, the organized cult-religions of Christendom today, who claim to
represent the TRUE GOD, YAHWEH, as the Jewish world religious system
of things, claimed in the first century. OF COURSE, NEITHER USED HIS
6:9 and Yahshua’s prayer in John chapter seventeen.
Those same organized cult-religions of Christendom also claim to have
completely replaced physical Jacob and Israel in every way. That is their
REPLACEMENT THEOLOGY theory. The question is: Have they? WE
shall see. One thing is certain tho, they will suffer the same fate as the
Jews did for their modern-day faith-less-ness and apostasy.
As it was just before the great flood, WE are living in the “transition” period
just preceding the destruction of ALL false religions including Christendom
and Islam. There is more to say about those events in the following pages.

[All scripture brackets, bold, underlining, emphasis, Caps mine].


As before the flood, a similar time and situation exists in the world’s
Churches and religions including Christendom of today. As the Jewish
system ended violently, so the END of Christendom and Its Churches will
be a parallel event. Because of HER condition of corruption, unbridled
greed, adulterating themselves and their religious organizations with
politics, their lustful sexual exploitation perpetrated on their flocks, the
sacrificing of their young men and women in the national wars to the false
gods of nationalism and globalism, their willful support and promotion of
those wars, their hypocritical love of this world and support of it, the
fleecing of their flocks and love of dishonest gain, their engaging in political
plots and overthrow of governments, their international intrigues and their
murders within their hierarchies, their thievery and swearing falsely in the
name of God; ALL of these abominable conditions and more is the state of
affairs that the organized religions of Christendom (and ALL of the others)
have created within themselves. ALL are GUILTY of totally misrepresenting
God to the poor trusting people. Thus, their end is both assured and near.
They are clearly pictured by the abominable Jewish World/Age that was
destroyed in 70 AD. Their time of inspection and judgment has arrived. As
the Jewish religious organization failed, so the religious organizations of
Christendom have also failed. They have failed God and they have failed
the people in their care/control.
Like the Jews of yesteryear, the many religions of Christendom are
awaiting the return of the Messiah to set up a visible kingdom ruler-ship on
earth and rule from earthly Jerusalem, as the Jews thot their messiah
would do in the first century. Like the Jews, they fail to see that there are
TWO distinct forms of ruler-ship foretold in the Holy Scriptures. One part is
in heaven and one part upon the earth making up the ONE KINGDOM
GOVERNMENT of the Messiah, Yahshua (Christ, Jesus).
One type of ruler-ship provided for the earth, is spoken of by Yahshua in
Mathew 25:34-40, thus fulfilling ALL of the earthly promises, of Yahweh,
respecting both the Abrahamic and Davidic ruler-ships. The other type
being a heavenly ruler-ship spoken of, by Yahshua in Mathew 7:21-23
and Luke 22:28, to oversee human rulers appointed to rule the earthly one.
Both of these, the human part and the heavenly part, compose God’s

kingdom ruler-ship for the earth, that Jesus/Yahshua taught us to pray for
in Mathew 6:9,10, where he said,
“After this manner pray ye, …… thy kingdom come, thy will be done, ON
earth as IN heaven.” ASV
We are therefore, praying for BOTH PARTS of the kingdom to come, with a
connection on earth and with heaven. We will examine BOTH PARTS more
thoroly, below.
But isn't Elijah supposed to publish these things to the world before the
end? The Jews still await Elijah at their pass-over supper (Pesach) with an
empty chair, place, plate and wine for him. Yahshua Messiah (Jesus Christ)
spoke of John the Baptist as being the Elijah of His day in Matt. 11:7-
15. In verse 14 he said,
"And if you want to accept it, He himself is Elijah who is destined to come.
Let him that has ears listen."
At another time Jesus/Yahshua spoke again of John the Baptist in Matt.
17:10-13, saying,
"Elijah indeed IS COMING and will RESTORE ALL THINGS. [In the
future] However, I say to you that Elijah has already come ...Then the
disciples perceived that he spoke to them about John the Baptist."
But doesn’t that seem like a contradiction? That Elijah was coming and that
Elijah had already come? What did Jesus mean? What was Jesus saying?
Simply, that John the Baptist fulfilled one part of the prophecy for that time
and that another Elijah was to come to fulfill that same prophesy at a later
time. These two Elijah’s have the same commission, which was and is to
restore a SPIRITUAL HEART condition to the Jewish people. How? By
completely fulfilling Malachi’s prophecy, that is:
“To turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to
their fathers.” Mal. 4:6 Darby
By turning the peoples heart back toward their Heavenly Father would
precipitate a SPIRITUAL HEALING within the hearts of those people to
enable them to return to their God and thus have a SPIRITUAL
RELATIONSHIP with Him once again.

One Elijah was to appear for the Jews back then, and another Elijah is to
appear for the same reasons for the Jews and Christendom today. That is
why Jesus/Yahshua gave us the prophecy that the Elijah work was NOT
finished by John the Baptist. He said so in Matt. 17:11, by saying:
"Elijah indeed IS COMING and will RESTORE ALL THINGS." NWT.
Indeed, there would be another Elijah along with another transition period
that Elijah would be involved in. When? The answer is, Now! But, Why? To
do A WARNING WORK, just as the first Elijah John the Baptist did and to
This Age will culminate with THE KILLING of the “two witnesses,” who are
the last of the Elijah class, just as the killing of the two human witnesses
against the Jewish religious system culminated in the end of the Jewish
Age. Those two human witnesses of Yahweh, at that time, were John the
Baptist and Jesus/ Yahshua, who is called the “faithful and true witness.”
See Rev. 3:14.
now living in that transition period, as the Jews were in the first century,
when John the Baptist preached to the Jewish nation. We have now
passed the "point of no return" for this Age/World, system of things.
Everyone must NOW be made aware that this world system of things is
DOOMED and that a NEW WORLD ORDER, of Yahweh’s making, will
take its place. NOT that man made “new world order” that the globalist elite
of this old world are trying to foist on the human race in opposition
Yahweh’s Kingdom government. NO, the Godly NEW WORLD ORDER of
the NEW MESSIANIC KINGDOM AGE will replace this wicked, destructive
“old world order” now ruining the earth and enslaving mankind. The
Messianic Kingdom by Yahshua will bring about a NEW HEAVENS and a
NEW EARTH ORDER, in which “righteousness is to dwell.” Who will do it?
How will it be done? The answer to those questions follow below.
But, first a few words on the transition period we are now in. During the
present transition period, greater and yet greater earthquakes, unusual
weather patterns and anomalies, pestilence with new diseases, greater
more destructive wars, disruptions in food supplies resulting in famines and
unrest, the threat from outer space posed by the governments, fearful

phenomena in the sun moon and stars are now beginning to occur,
recessions, depressions, the theft of your wealth and retirement resources
by greedy politicians, fiat money inflation and then the human condition will
get worse. Later, very near the completed end, there will be tremendous
enmity, strife, and great persecutions of everyone claiming to be a Jew,
Christian or Messiah-ist. The persecutions to come will be of every sort,
even to their death, just as that visited upon the first century Jews.
According to “The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him and He
gave to the Apostle John, “to show his servants what must shortly take
place,” (Rev. 1:1), TWO WITNESSES (Rev. 11:3) were foretold to appear
to do a specific work. During this time period, which is NOW, the “two
witnesses” will appear on the earthly scene. Their work, is to warn the
people, condemn this world, its religions, its governments and its visible
and invisible rulers and herald forth their doom and foretell the legitimate
NEW WORLD ORDER to be governed by the “King of Kings and Lord of
Lords”, YAHSHUA the Messiah. These Two Witnesses are the ones that
will give the FINAL witness to fulfill Jesus/ Yahshua’s prophecy in Mathew
24:14. Namely that,
“This good news (gospel) of the kingdom will be preached in all the
inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.”
Rev. 1:1; 11:3. NW.
Because of the great notoriety they will receive from the international
media, they will have center stage on earth. Because, for the first time in
human history, by means of the radio, television and inter-net, it is possible
for the whole world of mankind to see the image and hear the voice of an
individual human speaking, singing, acting, and a multitude of other events
instantly everywhere on earth at the same time.
NOW STAGE CENTER: Enter the TWO WITNESSES. They will present
dual messages that will be hated by those on the earth at that time. What
will their messages consist of?
(1) They will condemn to death this present wicked world that is under the
evil ruler-ship of Satan the Devil and his invisible demons that are

misleading the entire earth by means of their religio-political-commercial
organizations and the elite human dupes that run them.
(2) At the same time they will also tell of the present evil world governments
being replaced by, A “NEW HEAVENS AND A NEW EARTH” that we are
awaiting according to God’s “promise”, in which RIGHTEOUSNESS WILL
DWELL. A NEW WORLD ORDER and Ruler-ship by Yahshua’s Kingdom.
Additionally, their message will also contain the following: Behold a Jew!!
a new world Ruler now appears, Yahshua Ha Mashiach being His name.
They will tell of a NEW KIND OF GOVERNMENT that will rule from heaven
and will have His relatives, the Jews, as His selected representatives of
that kingdom government on earth. See Isa. 65:17; 66:22; 2Pet. 3:13,
They will tell out this disgusting message (to the world) that the Jews and
sons of Abraham thru Isaac and Jacob have the privilege of the earthly
ruler-ship over all the nations and the world’s population. The governments,
the world religions, including Christendom, Islam and Satan’s human
henchmen will be infuriated and retaliate.
They will tell ALL the nations, about “this good news/gospel of the
kingdom”. By these means ALL the inhabited earth will be witnessed to
about this FINAL, “good news” (gospel) of the Kingdom.
They will give Divine Warning of the coming end. First, they will tell of the
end of ALL religious organizations and then they will tell of the destruction
of this entire world system of things including the United Nations and all of
the world’s governments. But, most of the people them-selves and their
Satan inspired man-made, religious organizations and governments will not
receive it as “good news.”
These FINAL messages will be hated by the religions and political nations
and their rulers. Why? That should be obvious; Because, it will foretell their
downfall and bespeak of their removal from the wealth, lavish life style,
luxury, power structure and ruler-ship of this earth and mankind. In other
Another reason these messages will also be so very repugnant to them is
that, it will not only tell of their ignominious downfall, but will advertise their
replacements, for all of the world to see and hear. By whom will they be
replaced? By those most maligned and hated people of all the
world, . . . . . . . . THE JEWS! and others of Abraham’s physical line of DNA
thru Jacob. Most of those “others” lineage are untraceable down till OUR
days. But Yahshua and the Holy Angels know who they are and they are
being “sealed” even at this time. Rev.7:1-4.
This, of course will not set well with Satan and the human organizations of
politics, religion and commerce, under his direction, control and ruler-ship.
So, what then? So, the culmination of the Christian Age ends with a very
notable event. What? Why, the KILLING of those "two witnesses.” They are
on the world stage, at that time, and were foretold to be so in Rev. 11:3-11.
In this way the Kingdom of God will have a FINAL witness to the nations
culminating in their end. These “two witnesses” are to prophesy 1260 days
against the world, and its visible and invisible rulers. These “two witnesses”
will represent Christ Jesus (Yahshua Mashiach) and the Heavenly Father
on this earth. As part of the “bride of Christ” they are setting the stage for
the final act before the FINAL curtain for this world comes down. Then,
God will raise them up, strengthen them and anoint them by His Holy Spirit
to do this special work. (If, He has not already done so). When they have
finished their witnessing, they will be killed and their bodies will not be
given a burial. They will be left to rot in the street of the “broad way.”
“And those dwelling on the earth, rejoice over them [dying]…. and send
gifts to one another, because these two prophets tormented [with their
message] those dwelling on the earth.” Rev. 11:10 NWT.
Their enemies will leave their dead bodies out in the “broad way” for all to
see. It will be an international event reported on by the International radio,
television, and inter-net media. Then something simply amazing happens.
What? This!
“. . . after the three and a half days, spirit of life from God entered into them,
and they stood upon their feet and great fear fell upon those beholding
them.” Rev. 11:11 NWT.
To the utter astonishment and dismay of their enemies they come back to
life!! Then, something more fantastic happens. What? This!
“. . . they heard a loud VOICE out of heaven say to them,” “’Come on up
here.’” And they went up into heaven in the cloud and their enemies beheld

them.” Rev. 11:12 NWT.
They went to the heavens, and are “caught up in a cloud,” just as it
happened with their King and Master before them. That event is recorded
in Acts 1:9-11,
“And when he had said these things, as they were looking on, he was lifted
up, and a cloud took him out of their sight. And while they were gazing
into heaven as he went, behold, two men stood by them in white robes, and
"’Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into heaven? This Jesus, who
was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw
him go into heaven.’” English Standard Version. ESV.

Whose VOICE did the two witnesses hear that said, “Come on up here”?
The Apostle Paul explains below. This event will be what some may refer
to, as the “rapture”, although that word is from the Latin Vulgate and is not
used in the Greek scriptures. That event will signal the time when all the
rest of Christ’s brothers, both those dead and alive, will be gathered by
Him, to meet Him in the air! He will then take them with Him to His home in
heaven. They will leave the earth at that time.

Those that were in the grave, “dead in Christ”, were expecting to be

resurrected by Him sometime during the three and a half days that the
“Two Witnesses” were lying dead for all to see. The “Two Witnesses” being
the last to be raised from the dead. THEN, those of US still living will follow
the “two witnesses” and be “taken.” WE shall “meet Him in the air,” be
raised “into heaven, in the cloud, to be with OUR Lord. WITH THAT


In his first letter to the Thessalonian congregation, the Apostle Paul wrote
about these events saying,
“. . . we the living who survive to the presence of the Lord shall in no way
precede those who have fallen asleep [in death]; because the Lord
HIMSELF will descend from heaven with a commanding call, with an
archangels VOICE and with God’s trumpet, and those who are dead in
union with Christ will rise first. Afterward we the living who are surviving will
together with them, will be caught away in clouds to meet the Lord in the air
and thus we shall always be with the Lord.” 1Thess. 4:14-18, NWT.

Again, that event will mark the complete end of the Christian Age. Why?
BECAUSE the Christian Age had produced its purpose.
BECAUSE ALL of those anointed, by God’s Holy Spirit to be part of “body”,
the “bride of Christ” will be completed.
BECAUSE they have ALL been taken from this earthly scene.
BECAUSE they will ALL have gone to their home in heaven to be with their
Bridegroom, Jesus/Yahshua Christ/Mashiach for their marriage to the
Lamb. See Rev. 19:6-8.
BECAUSE there will be no more anointed ones on earth that could be
called “Christian”.
BECAUSE there are, No More Christians, there is NO More Christian Age.
It is over-with!. . . . .Why?
BECAUSE they are gone! . . kaput! . . Nada! . . No mas!
BECAUSE they have ALL, . . . LEFT THE PLANET!! . . . Gone to heaven.
The apostle John enlightens us saying,
“And I heard….the voice of a great multitude,,,[as] the voice of many
waters,…the voice of mighty thunders, saying, Hallelujah!, for the Lord, our
God, the Almighty [Jehovah/Yahweh] reigneth. Let us rejoice and be
exceeding glad, and let us give the glory unto Him: For the marriage of the
Lamb is come and His wife has made her-self ready.” Rev. 19:6,7. ASV.
Then the FINAL END of this cult-ridden, mind controlling, demonized,
organized corsporate religious world along with Christendom will occur.
This Age/World is almost over with and "is near to passing away" as the
Jewish system did. See 1John 2:17; Heb. 8:13.
After that Jesus/Yahshua will bring about the destruction of Satan’s entire
world system of things that is controlled by the demons who are USING:
the world’s elite military industrial complex, commercial brokers, politicians,
international bankers, financiers, international pharma-drug pushers, petro-
chemical robber barons, deceptive religious leaders, captains of industry,
drugging pill pushing doctors and their hospital “killing fields” of the pseudo-
medical industry, all the world’s armies, military leaders, commercial

extortionists, political and religious terrorists, war mongers and ALL others
that take a stand against Him and His righteous ruler-ship.
This will happen when Jesus Christ/Yahshua Mashiach appears in all of his
glory and his holy angels with him. It’s true, because WE have an eye
witness account of it. What? Yes, YOU see the apostle John saw it!
What? Read below what John saw.
SAW IT! Let’s read what he said he saw,
“And I saw the heaven opened; and I saw a white horse, and he that sat
thereon called Faithful and True; and in righteousness he doth judge and
make war. And his eyes are a flame of fire, and upon his head are many
diadems [crowns] and he has a name written which no one knows but he
himself…. And his name is called The WORD of God….. And the armies
which are in heaven followed him upon the white horse…..And out of his
mouth proceeded a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations,
and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treads the wine-press of
the….. wrath of God the Almighty. And he hath on his thigh a name written
Do you want to go on? There is much more. For an eye-opener read Rev.
19:17-21, to see what will happen to ALL of those that will resist the coming
Kingdom Ruler-ship of Yahshua. But wait! . . . .
While there is much more, WE must not get ahead of ourselves. First,
before we continue to the final END OF THIS WORLD, we must
understand, . . . .

[All scripture brackets, bold, underlining, emphasis, Caps mine].

The religions of Christendom, like the first century Jewish religion, have not
understood why they have been in existence for so long. Neither do most of
their adherents that belong to them. They selfishly think it is for building
their religious organizations, church buildings, spreading the “gospel” and
for "winning souls" for Jesus.
Not so! Rather, they have been in existence for only one reason. That is,
for the calling, choosing, sealing and finally the glorifying of the "church"
class, the "BODY members", the "BRIDE of Christ,” who are “bought from
the earth” to be RULERS in heaven with Him. See Rev. 14:1-5.
Similarly, the Nation of Israel was selected, “out of all the peoples of the
earth”, for the purpose of producing the BRIDEGROOM, Jewish Messiah
and Savior of the human race. By examining the lineage from Abraham,
WE are helped to better understand why there would be TWO AGES; ONE
AGE for producing the Messiah and ONE AGE for producing His “Bride”.
The Nation of Israel was liberated from Egypt and given a set of LAWS and
sacrifices thru their first Messiah, Moses, for the Divine purpose of
producing the Jewish Messiah for ALL of Mankind and a nation for world
ruler-ship!. . What!? . . .YES!, A NATION FOR WORLD RULER-SHIP. Not
the current political Zionist power controlling the promised land right now.
That purpose for the MOSAIC LAW was two-fold:
One purpose of the LAW was to preserve a clean lineage and blood line
un-tampered with by Satan, leading to the Messiah, who would be the King
and supreme Ruler of earth. Messiah would thus, replace Satan and his
current wicked rulership. (See Mathew chapter one and Luke chapter three
for Messiah’s lineage charts). Therein, you see Abraham the “father of all
those that have faith,” who was blessed by Yahweh AND so was his
“seed.” For thru that “seed,” all the families of the earth would be blessed,

as Messiah would come thru that “seed.” Faith is an essential ingredient of
the DNA, or “seed,” that Yahweh wanted preserved.
The second purpose of the LAW was to lead and/or point the Nation of
Israel to their Messiah or Christ who was to be Moses successor and
replacement, with His New laws and a New Covenant. (See Jer. 31:31-34).
The MOSAIC LAW was given, to lead them to Yahshua as their Messiah or
Christ. The Law was given to enable them to accept him as their King for
world ruler-ship and so that THEY COULD RULE WITH HIM. It was also to
show them that they could NOT fulfill the laws perfect requirements,
because it condemned them to death due to their imperfections and their
inadequacy; revealing their need for an outside source to “save” them. That
LAW became their curse condemning them to death. That’s why Paul
“Who will rescue me from the body undergoing this death? Thanks to God
through Jesus Christ our Lord!” Rom. 7:24, 25. NW.
That is why some tried to make Yahshua King at that time. They had no
idea that He was never supposed to be an earthly King. The reason being
was that He had come down from His Father in heaven and was expected
to return to that realm. The account of it is related in John 6:15, which says,
“Therefore Jesus, knowing they were about to come and seize him to make
him king, withdrew again into the mountain all alone.”
On another occasion, many of the people even laid out their outer
garments and palm branches on road leading into Jerusalem, shouting,
“Save we pray the son of David. Blessed is he that comes in Jehovah’s
[Yahweh] name.” Matt. 21:9. NWT.
YOU may want to read the whole account about it in Matt. 21:1-17. The
people are throwing their garments, branches and palm fronds on the road
shouting hosannas about Yahshua riding into Jerusalem on an ass, in
fulfilling Isaiah 62:11 and Zechariah 9:9 where it says,
“Look! Your King is coming to you! He comes triumphant and victorious,
but humble and riding on a donkey. . .,” Matt. 21:5. GNB.
So, Why the Law? The apostle Paul answers,

“So that the Law has acted the part of a tutor--slave [G3897,
paidagogos; a boy leader, a servant or slave to take the children to school,
tutor, instructor, school master] to lead us to Christ in order, that through
faith we may be declared free from guilt [justified KJV].” Gal. 3:24. WNT.
Another rendering says,
“. . . so the law became our child-conductor to Christ, that by faith we
may be declared righteous.” Gal. 3:24. YLT.
The whole is summed up by Paul thusly,
“So that the law is become our tutor to bring us unto Christ, that we
might be justified by faith. But now that faith is come, we are no longer
under a tutor.” Gal. 3:24, 25. ASV.
Why is that? Because Christ or Mashiach is the end of the Law! Because
So, the Nation of Israel ITSELF, by means of the Law, was set up as a
NATIONAL “gene pool.” The Law of Moses was given to preserve and
protect a CLEAN DNA LINEAGE, or “seed” that would lead them to their
Messiah. They did not recognize it, because they thot that THEY
THEMSELVES were the END RESULT and NOT MESSIAH. Many still do.
Remember how, before the Flood, the angelic “sons of God” came down
and corrupted the human GENOME? See Gen. 6:1-8. Their corruption of
the human race, by Satan and the “sons of God” that turned themselves
into demons, led to the near extermination of humanity itself. They did it
then and have been attempting to do it ever since the flood. Do YOU think
that they would not have tried to corrupt the lineage of Messiah, who would
seal their doom? The LAW played a major part in preventing them from
doing so.
Those wicked spirit forces will continue trying to corrupt humanity until their
FULL CONTAINMENT by Yahshua! Satan was developing his “seed”
before the flood and has continued to do so since then. That is the reason
why Yahweh said to Satan, “I will put enmity between your seed and her
seed, you will bruise him in the heel and he will bruise you in the head.”
Gen. 3:15 Paraphrased.
They even try to use dead bodies of men and animals to mislead and
corrupt the human race and its genome. Why do YOU think there was a

dispute between the Arch-angel Michael and the Devil over Moses body?
See Jude vs. 9.
Obviously, the Devil wanted to misuse it in some way. Now YOU may see
why the body of the Lord Yahshua was removed so quickly. Think of what
the demons and Satan could have done with His body. They will continue
to try to corrupt humankind, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically,
until their total RESTRAINT and CONTAINMENT by Yahshua.
That “gene pool” also needed a FENCE or HEDGE and GUIDE to protect
them when THE ANGEL no longer literally led them, after they entered the
“land” promised to them. That protective hedge (THE LAW) fenced them off
from the other worldly pagan nations to protect them physically and
spiritually. That is why they were not to associate with or form no marriage
alliances with the nations around them. That is why many were put to death
for their immorality with the pagan nations. ALL 613 LAWS were meant to
be a protection for Israel’s National gene pool, leading to Messiah.
THE Nation of Israel had to prove their faithfulness to that AGREEMENT
with Yahweh down thru their history until Messiah’s appearance. THEY DID
NOT DO SO! Still, that is why Abraham is so important. HE had in his
bloodline that essential ingredient of FAITH in his Genome, or DNA. Even
so, “Jacob” and much of his offspring still proved mostly faithless.
Nevertheless, the “Law of Moses,” called the Torah or their NATIONAL
AGREEMENT WITH YAHWEH, was established as the way to protect the
Nation of Israel itself, as a “gene pool.” This was for the purpose of
birthing the Messiah. Israel had all of the essential HUMAN GENOME, in
their bloodline, necessary for producing the Messiah thru that BLOOD
LINE fathered by Abraham. They finally produced him but because of NOT
KNOWING WHY He had come to them, . . . . they rejected Him!!
Hence, it may now be easier to see and now understand why there were so
ARE WHAT YOU THINK. THE LAW was designed to preserve the integrity
of their APPROVED HUMAN GENOME that Yahweh wanted His Son to
come thru, both physically and spiritually. Those dietary laws are still valid
today for good health and long life. THAT DNA in their HUMAN GENOME
is WHY, Yahweh chose the seed or off-spring of Abraham, out of all the
people of the earth.

With that genome (That is the DNA by the bloodline of Abraham} the
NATION of ISRAEL WAS a SPECIAL PEOPLE. They were destined to be
a “kingdom of priests and a holy nation, a people for special possession.”
See Ex.19:3-8. They nearly lost that wonderful earthly opportunity,
altogether. But, more important than that, they had the privilege of being
the ancestors of the Savior and FATHER of the entire human race; That
too, made them special. That nation certainly had displayed little belief and
faith in their GOD Yahweh along with very few valuable character assets.
They certainly DID NOT do so, on a national level. Only a few notable
individuals displayed the characteristics of faith that their forefather
Abraham had.
This information may also help US understand why the scriptures seem to
support the notion of pre-destination, which they do not. You cannot help
what genes and DNA you were born with can you? No! That is the reason
why Jesus/Yahshua Christ/Mashiach came, to help US with OUR physical
imperfections and OUR mental, emotional and spiritual deficiencies created
by ever weakening and imperfect DNA. Those deficiencies continue to
create an ever-widening gulf of imperfection and separation from the
perfect standards that God has established for humanity. WE need ALL the
help WE can get. “Thank you Father Yahweh”, for sending US your
wonderful Son, Yahshua!
In his letter to the Romans, Paul was discussing the Law, in chapter seven,
verses four thru twenty-five; in verse twenty-four he said,
“Miserable man that I am! Who will rescue me from the body undergoing
this death? Thanks to God through Jesus Christ our Lord.” NWT. Yes,
thank you Father Yahweh.
That was the sole purpose OF THE JEWISH AGE and WORLD. WHAT?
Why? What are some of the reasons? Here listed, are a few major ones,
but there are many more:
He came as the sole representative of the Father Yahweh to humans and
the earth and to redeem mankind and buy the race for himself.
He came as the sacrificial “lamb of God” to “save” the human race from
certain extinction, by means of HIS DNA= body and blood.

He came to fulfill His Father’s promises to His fore-fathers, Abraham, Isaac,
and Jacob and others.
He came to be the King of God’s Kingdom as David’s eternal heir.
He came to “break up the works of the Devil” and the Satanic “sons of God”
in their efforts to corrupt the human race and its DNA.
He came to save the earth and mankind from the apostate religions and
corrupt governments that are now ruining the earth, environment and the
people on it.
He came, “for destroying those who destroy the earth.” Rev. 11:18. NIV.
Please read Rev. 11:15-18 in the NIV. It’s good stuff.
He came TO SAVE YOU INDIVIDUALLY and, ALL of the myriad of
reasons that YOU are personally concerned with and many others that
YOU worry about and/or can think of.
He came to restore OUR HUMAN RIGHTS that were stolen from US long
ago in the Garden of Eden by Satan and used by the religions and
governments as a mechanism of abuse and control.
He came to bring total peace on earth and to rid, the earth and WE
individually of our fear, worry and concern by means of His Kingdom Ruler-
He came to secure a wife for himself; His “Bride”. . . . . . And, of course,
He came for many more Universal and Quantum Spiritual reasons than
OUR finite three dimensional human minds cannot comprehend, at this
stage of OUR development. Yahshua had the “heavens opened up” to HIM
for Him to understand it all. During His Kingdom ruler-ship, SO WILL YOU!
Please see Isa. 61:1-4; 42:1; Matt. 3:16; Luke 4:16-21.


That subheading begs the answer to the question, WHY were the
As the Jewish system was used to produce the Messiah, similarly, the
Churches of Christendom have been used over the centuries for the

Christendom was and is ONLY A FIELD that was used for producing the
heavenly SEED that was later to flower and bear fruit. 1Cor.15:35-49.
Being like “Jacob,” Christendom has proven to be especially FAITHLESS. If
Because, not all of those special chosen ones (WITH THE SPECIFIC DNA
REQUIRED) could be found on the earth at one time to represent ALL of
humanity in the heavenly realms. If they could have ALL been found at the
end of the harvest of the Jewish Age in the first century, it would have been
completed at that time. But, it wasn’t. Only a small remnant of the Jews
responded to God’s calling during that harvest period.
The apostle Paul said, of his Jewish relatives,
“In this way therefore, at the present season also a remnant has turned
up according to His [Yahweh’s] choosing due to undeserved kindness.”
[Grace, KJV]. Rom. 11:5 NWT.
So, at that time, only a remnant of the Jews qualified and responded to
Yahweh’s call to heavenly life and ruler-ship. Only a small number of Jews
were thus “anointed” with Holy Spirit to be a part of the “bride of Christ.”
That remnant could have been as small as only some seven thousand. See
Romans 11:4.
NOTE: In an effort to disguise what Paul and others are saying about the
“seed of Abraham” and prove their “REPLACEMENT” doctrine, which we
will discuss below, various Bible translators interject their preconceived
ideas into their translations to prove their contention that the Church has
completely replaced the physical seed of Abraham, namely the Jews, and
the other remaining tribes of Jacob. This makes it very difficult, for the
average reader, to fully understand and grasp the meaning of some of the
scriptural texts that we are discussing concerning the PROMISE to the
“seed” [DNA] of Abraham. They may not “discern” why Paul is arguing this
way. For almost ALL of his preceding words in Romans chapter eight is
dealing with spiritual things of which the PROMISE to Abraham is a PART.
Paul is NOT REPUDIATING the fleshly line of Abraham. Paul is only saying
that God simply separated it. One-part SPIRITUAL and one-part FLESHLY.
On the contrary he is CONFIRMING IT, by saying,

“What will be called your seed [DNA] will be through Isaac.”
Going farther, Paul said that not everyone descending from Abraham is
really Abraham’s seed, having the right DNA AND/OR SPIRITUAL
QUALITIES of FAITH for heavenly life. He maintains that Yahweh’s
promise was thru Isaac, not Esau. At this point is where the DNA and
bloodline physically separates. Please read Romans 9:6-12. Paul says,
“For not all who spring from Israel are really Israel. Neither because they
are Abraham’s seed are they all children, but “’What will be called ‘your
seed’ [DNA] will be through Isaac.”
Paul is thus verifying the fleshly blood/DNA line of RULERS being thru
Isaac. Now here is the separation, giving the SPIRITUAL aspect so
necessary for the heavenly heirs.
“That is, the children of the flesh are not really the children of God, but the
children of the [spiritual] promise are counted as the seed.”
The “seed” he is referring to, is the one that will rule from heaven. That is
because they, not only have the specific DNA required, but they also have
that family trait of Abraham, which is FAITH.
And the promise was, that Sarah would have a son, thru whom the “seed”
[DNA] would be carried and also Rebecca would conceive PHYSICAL
twins and Yahweh said that the older would serve the younger. By what
criteria would Yahweh do this? Answer = DNA, which would PRODUCE the
qualities that Yahweh required. Esau simply did not have the required
genetic make-up for the Messiah’s blood line to come thru. Esau was totally
destitute of faith. The Apostle Shaul (Paul) says about faith,
“Without FAITH it is impossible to please God.” Hebrews 11:6.
Concerning those twins, the Apostle Paul goes on,
“For when they had not yet been born [Yahweh already knew their DNA],
nor had practiced anything good or vile, . . . that the purpose of God
respecting the choosing might continue dependent, not upon their works
but UPON THE ONE WHO CALLS [Yahweh]. And it was said to her, the
older will be the slave of the younger.” Rom. 9:11, 12. NWT.
Only by means of God’s requirement for a specific type of DNA was this
possible. Why? Because of whom, Yahweh is. HE is impartial toward All
men. All are imperfect, have differing abilities and “fall short of the glory of
God.” That is why their words and works alone would not qualify them for
“citizenship in the heavens.” Yahweh merely established His heavenly
standards for the qualifications that one needed to become a kingdom heir
and be brought to heaven as part of the “bride” for His Son by faith alone.
God is impartial so anyone born with that heavenly genetic standard is
acceptable to Him. Why? If they have the right DNA they will, by nature,
automatically demonstrate the spiritual qualities He desires in the “bride”,
that is the “body” for His Son. This is also the reason that the fore-fathers
are of such importance. The first century Jewish religious leaders were
always boasting,
“As a father, WE have Abraham.”
But, their words accorded them little avail in the “calling and election” of the
individual members of the “bride” class that makes up the “body” of Christ.
Regarding this matter the Apostle Paul said,
“So then, it does not depend upon the one wishing nor upon the one
running, but upon God, who has mercy.” Rom. 9:18. NW.
The apostle Peter adds that,
“The Father Judges impartially.” 1Pet. 1:17; Acts 10:34.
Yahweh is not partial. He does not judge anyone, He simply does His
selecting by letting the DNA be the qualifying factor for His purposes. This
includes both classes that will have rule-ship; both those that will rule from
heaven and those that will rule on earth. Besides that, hasn’t He has given
ALL other judging to His Son, as John 5:22 says,
“For the Father judges no one at all, but he has committed ALL JUDGING
to the Son. . . .”
With the foregoing in mind, Jesus/Yahshua explains why it would take so
long to fill the number that would comprise the heavenly ruler-ship. In His
parable of the various types of heart conditions [produced by their
hereditary DNA and environment], in Mathew 13:3-17 Yahshua says,
“Look! A sower went out to sow and as he was sowing, some [seeds] fell
along-side the road and the birds came and ate them up. Others fell upon
the rocky places where they did not have much soil and at once they
sprang up because of not having depth of soil. But when the sun rose they
were scorched and because of not having root they withered. Others too,
fell among the thorns and the thorns came up and choked them. Still others
fell upon the fine soil and they began to yield fruit; this one a hundredfold,
that sixty, the other thirty.” NWT.
Neither the disciples nor the crowd understood what He said. Here is
Jesus/Yahshua’s explanation in Mathew 13:18-23,
“YOU, then, listen to the illustration of the man that sowed. Where anyone
hears the word of the kingdom but does not get the sense of it, the wicked
one comes and snatches away what has been sown in his heart; this is the
one sown alongside the road.”
“As for the one sown upon the rocky places, this is the one hearing the
word and at once accepting it with joy. Yet he has no root in himself but
continues for a time, and after tribulation or persecution on account of the
word, he is at once stumbled. As for the one sown among the thorns, this is
the one hearing the word, but the anxiety of this system of things and the
deceptive power of riches choke the word and he becomes unfruitful.”
“As for the one sown upon fine soil [good heart], this is the one hearing the
word and getting the sense of it, who really does bear fruit and produces,
this one a hundred-fold, that one sixty, the other thirty.” NWT.
Few people understand the condition of their figurative heart (subconscious
mind). Only a few Savants and highly enlightened men really do
understand some of the workings of the heart. That is, what really makes
us humans TICK inside, is within our hearts. But, Yahshua did! The
heavenly Father also knows US. He is the one that has done the calling,
choosing and anointing of His sons, of the “bride,” down thru all of these
centuries. When ALL of these anointed ones have been taken to the
heavens, to be with their bridegroom, then THE END of the Christian Age
will occur.
Apparently, very few can meet His spiritual standards coupled with His
physical DNA standards, at any one time. Or some simply refuse to accept
the call from the Father. He does not hold it against them; they simply
would rather stay on the earth with their loved ones. They also, possibly,
have not completely understood the calling. Yahshua will bring them back
in an earthly resurrection along with their families and loved ones and they
will all then be together again. He will do the same for YOU and YOUR
loved ones! See John 5:25-30.

YOU might ask YOURSELF that question: Do I really want to go to some
strange unknown place called heaven and leave my home, my family,
friends, children, everything that I know and hold dear? Few people would.
They would much rather be restored to a life on this beautiful green earth,
under Yahshua’s kindly ruler-ship, and be with their families than go
somewhere else, unknown to them. You probably would too. You can stay
right here with your loved ones forever. That is what Yahshua taught and
that is His promise to YOU and YOUR loved ones. He taught, What? HE
TAUGHT that He would bring ALL people back to life in a
RESSURRECTION to life HERE, on planet Earth, under HIS kind and
loving ruler-ship. Read His promises about it for yourself, in John 5:21-39.
Therefore, it is evident why it has taken so long to produce the “bride of
Christ;” Not only because of the DNA requirements, but also due to each
person’s own individual desires. It should now be obvious why the religious,
self-righteous, arrogant and insolent Jews, of the first century, would be
“thrown out-side.” They had bad hearts. Some were so bad in the first
century that they even sinned against the Holy Spirit! The only unforgivable
sin!! See Matt. 12:31. Their hearts were so bad, they killed their Messiah!
As a review please see Matt. 8:11,12, regarding the “sons of the kingdom”
being thrown outside. YOU may also want to look at Rom. 8:15-18 to see
how those special “chosen ones” were called individually by the FATHER
and NOT by means of any man, angel, organization, or religion.
The Lord Yahshua made this very clear when He gave the parable in Matt.
22:2-14, about the King, (Yahweh) who gave a marriage feast for His son
and sent out His slaves to invite those close by to come to the feast. But,
they were unwilling; they didn’t have time because of business and fields,
some even killing His slaves bringing them the invitation. So, He sent them
to invite “anyone you find” which would include non-Jews or Gentiles. Why?
Because “those invited were not worthy.” Each was given a marriage
garment to wear out of respect. One with no respect was there, who was
not wearing a wedding garment. So, the King then said to His servants,
“…throw him out into the darkness outside. There is where his weeping and
the gnashing of his teeth will be.” Matt.22:13. NWT.
Yes, they would be thrown outside of the kingdom arrangement. Why?
They had NO RESPECT FOR IT! They had exhibited “parar” in Hebrew.
They “trampled it under their feet.” So, when ruler-ship was awarded,

during the marriage feast, they would then be, thrown “outside in the
darkness, weeping and gnashing their teeth.”
Yahshua concluded the parable saying,
“For many are called, but few are chosen.” Matt. 22:14. KJV
Yahshua also stated the following on this subject,
“Not everyone saying to me, ’Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the kingdom of the
heavens [as a part of the bride] but the one [the individual] doing the will of
my Father who is in the heavens will.” Matt. 7:21. NWT……. Why?
Because the Father Jehovah/Yahweh does the calling and choosing of the
bride, according to His spiritual and DNA REQUIREMENTS, to MAKE a
PERFECT “body” for His Son Yahshua. It will take 144,000 of them, each
with different qualities to make up that PERFECT “bride” from imperfect
humans. The Son does not select His own bride as they are given to Him
by His Father. See John 6:44, 65.
WHEN THE BRIDE IS COMPLETE, then the Son brings HER HOME to His
Father’s HOUSE, IN HEAVEN. John 14:2.
YOU may ask, what is the composition of the bride and where do they
come from? Rev. 5:9 and10 gives the answer while speaking of Yahshua
opening the first of seven seals:
“You [Yahshua[ are worthy to take the scroll and open the seals, because
you were slain and with your blood you purchased men for God, from
every tribe and language and people and nation.” Rev. 5:9 NIV. “…and
made them to our God kings and priests; and they shall reign over [Greek=
epi] the earth.” Rev. 5:10. Darby.
Did YOU notice the change in translations? WE used different ones
because of the Greek word “epi,” concerning which WE will give further
exposure to below.
This scripture also explains how and why the “gospel” or “good news” of
the kingdom would be preached “in all the inhabited earth.” Matt. 24:14.
That preaching work was obviously to make the message known to all, for
the selection of the “bride” from those of “every tribe and language and
people and nation.” That is to purchase “men for God from every tribe
and language and people and nation,” to represent earth in the heavenly
realms. That process would take a long time.
Those very same ones making up the “bride” who had already died also
wanted to know “how long” it was going to take. They were symbolically
crying out from under the altar. The apostle John explains that for US when
Yahshua opens the fifth seal:
“’When he [Yahshua] opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls
of those who had been slain because of the word of God and the testimony
that they maintained. They called out in a loud voice, ‘How long Sovereign
Lord, Holy and True, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and
avenge our blood?’. . . they were told to wait a little longer, until THE
NUMBER of their fellow servants and brothers, who were to be killed as
they had been, WAS COMPLETED.” Rev. 6:9-11. NIV.
Did YOU notice they were told to wait until THE NUMBER WAS
COMPLETED? Indeed, it was taking a long time, as even the “blood” of
those that had literally died for Christ were becoming impatient. Then the
sixth seal is opened. See Gen. 9:4; Lev. 17:14.
But, how does one get to be one of that number? Answer: Only by being
called and chosen by the Father. The Lord Yahshua verified this Himself
“No man can come to me, unless the Father, who sent me, draws him. And
I will resurrect him in the last day. It is written [Isa. 54:13] ‘And they will
all be taught by Jehovah [Yahweh].’ Everyone that has heard from the
Father and has LEARNED, comes to me. Not that any man has seen the
Father, except he [Yahshua] who is from God; this one has seen the
Father.” John 6:44-46. NWT.
Yahshua, continued,:
“’This is why I have said to you, No one can come to ME [as part of the
“bride”] unless it is granted him by the FATHER.” John 6:65. NWT. Only the
Father chooses, grants, grooms, disciplines, scourges and assigns to their
places, in the “bride” class and brings them to His Son Yahshua.
Jehovah/Yahweh has been individually selecting these heirs of the
heavenly kingdom, by means of His Holy Spirit, for nearly two thousand
years now.
This Christian age began with the special out-pouring of the Holy Spirit at
Pentecost on the first of these “sons” of God when “they had all gathered
together in one place.” Acts 2:1-4. Only those thus anointed by the Holy

Spirit will be “bought” from the earth “as first fruits to God and to the lamb.”
See Rev. 5:8-10 and Rev. 14:1-5.
NOTE: About the word Christian: It was NOT A Hebrew/Aramaic WORD
that the early Messianic Jews spoke in the first century of the Messianic
(Christian) Age. They were NOT known as Christians, but rather as
Messiah-ists in the Jewish community. They were known as and were
considered another “sect” of the Jewish religion. See Acts 24:5 and 28:22.
The word Messiah (Mashiach in Hebrew) means one anointed with oil
denoting their appointment to an office or position of power and/or
oversight. (i.e., the Priest-hood or Kingship). Those early messiah-ists were
anointed with Holy Spirit from the Father as, their Lord, Jesus/ Yahshua
ALL of Jesus/Yahshua’s brothers have likewise been anointed by Holy
Spirit from the Father down thru the centuries. That anointing made them
messiah-ists or “anointed ones.” They were only later known as “Christians”
outside of the Holy Land and only then when the congregation was no
longer mostly Jewish and became known as a Greek ekklesia or
congregation [church in old English of the King James Version and other
outdated Bibles]. This is a study in itself. The word “Christian” [G5546=
kristianos] appears twice in the Greek Textus Receptus, at Acts 26:28 and
1Pet. 4:16. It is taken from the Greek word Khristos, meaning “oil; to rub
with oil”.
Yahshua’s “bride” is composed of all messiah-ists or anointed ones like
their Lord was. This makes them messiahs, christs, or anointed ones. This
class of Messiah-ists, or Anointed ones compose the Christ class or the
Christians you have heard so much about. When they are all gone the
Christ Age, Age of the Christs or Christian Age will THEN, be OVER WITH,
With the foregoing understanding, WE can easily see what the various
Ages have been for:
The JEWISH AGE, for producing the Messiah and
The CHRISTIAN AGE, for producing the Messiah’s “bride.”
When each Age had produced its purpose, IT ENDED. That is the process
WE see going on NOW with the Christian Age. It is near to passing away
and will give way to: THE MESSIANIC AGE.
[All scripture brackets, bold, underlining, emphasis, Caps mine].
After the year 70 CE, the Holy Spirit was no longer operating on the early
ekklesias or Jewish congregations, in the same way that it had been before
the end of the Jewish world. The Holy Spirit had operated in a “miracle”
producing way, as a sign, to help the Jews see that God, the Father, had
approved this “sect” of the Nazarenes, called Messiah-ists that was then
operating within their world.
This was NOT A NEW RELIGION. It was Jewish. Everyone in the “sect”
still practiced the Torah or “law of Moses”. At first, it was totally Jewish and
only later were non-Jews, “people of the nations [ethnos]” or “gentiles”,
“called” in by the Father. This happened, because the first century Jews
proved themselves to be faithless without spiritual “eyes” and spiritual
“ears” to see and hear spiritually with, to enable them to walk by faith.
The Son, Jesus/Yahshua, did not come to start a new religion. But He did
come for a variety of other reasons, some of which are:
He came to save the human race by His ransom sacrifice. See Matt. 20:28.
He came to obtain a “spiritual” bride for him-self to take to heaven for ruling
and oversight of the earth.
He came to fulfill the scriptures concerning His being the Messiah.
He came to fulfill His Father’s words, covenants and promises to
Abraham’s physical seed, the nation of Israel and later the Jews.
He came to be King of the Kingdom. As King, He would “break up” the
works of Satan and “sanctify” or “hallow”, His Father’s “NAME.” Matt. 6:9.
He came that YOU might have a personal spiritual relationship with both
He and His Father, Yahweh.
He came to insure a “righteous” ruler-ship for the earth and mankind.
He came for many more reasons. . . . . . . . .
YOU can probably think of many more reasons why He came, that are
important to YOU and your loved ones.

He came to provide for YOU and give YOU All good things that YOU can
think of or conceive.
After the end of the Jewish world/age, the evil one invaded the Lord’s field,
with a vengeance, and subsequently over-sowed that field with bad seed.
The bad seed turned the early congregations into the churches and
organized religions as we know them today. In time they developed their
own rigid religious doctrines, rites, hierarchies, images and apostate
oppressive religious organizations. A condition, that was far different from
that of the early simple SPIRITUAL FAITH in the ekklesias/congregations
of the first and second century. Today we know them as the churches and
religions of Christendom. The Old English word church originally meant a
congregation of people, not a building or religion, as most perceive today.
Jesus/Yahshua knew that the ‘wicked one’ would use unscrupulous men to
mislead the flock, for He said,
“Be on the watch for the false prophets that come to you in sheep’s
covering, but inside they are ravenous wolves. By their fruits you will
recognize them. Never do people gather grapes from thorns or figs from
thistles do they? Like-wise, every good tree produces fine fruit, but every
rotten tree produces worthless fruit; a good tree cannot bear worthless fruit,
neither can a rotten tree produce fine fruit. Every tree not producing fine
fruit gets cut down and thrown into the fire. Really then, by their fruits you
will recognize those **[men].**(see below).” Matt. 7:15-20 NW This, RULE,
is also true for measuring religious organizations.
**[men]** [G846=autos (ow tos), =Strong’s meaning: a baffling wind;
backwards, including a whole range of personal and impersonal pronouns,
i.e., they, them, men, selves, together, group, etc.]
In any event, Jesus was describing those men, individuals, groups, sects,
peoples, organizations, as rebellious types of humans. He described them
as a baffling backward wind that would deliberately go contrary to His
words and teachings. They, just by their very nature, would get things
backwards! They would promote their rebellion and contrary windy-ness
thru-out the world of mankind. They would take it, along with their windy
preaching to “all the inhabited earth.” If you have ever had to listen to a
windy clergyman or rabbi, you will understand exactly, what a babbling,
baffling backward windy, blowhard, really is.

Christendom is renowned for such, “baffling backward winds” that have
deflected from the Lord Yahshua’s teachings. They have set up baffling
backward windy churches and religions all over the world. They created the
Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant Churches along with many other
organized religious sects and cults, including Islam.
From those windy religions the TRUE GOD Jehovah/Yahweh has been
calling and choosing HIS SONS INDIVIDUALLY. He has done this by
means of HIS HOLY SPIRIT; even calling them from deep within the
hierarchies of those baffling backward winds of organized religions. Even
some priests, bishops, other ministers, and Lo! and Behold!, even a rabbi
or two have accepted the Call. This may help US to understand how
difficult a process this has turned out to be.
Just as Jesus/Yahshua did within the Jewish religious system, God’s Spirit
Anointed Sons ARE THE ONES WHO have, both privately and publicly,
resisted those baffling backward winds and promulgated the light of
TRUTH amongst the great darkness in those very same organized religions
of Christendom down thru the centuries. Many in their ardor and zeal have
even started ‘new religions’ with their own following. Not understanding the
evils of organizational power structures, they also slipped into the same
contrariness and themselves became baffling backward windy religious
Yahshua’s brothers have continued to promote the truth even in the face of
death, dismemberment, torture, torn by wild animals, being burned at the
stake, hunted down like wild animals, suffering inquisitions, beatings,
beheadings and every other form of torture and persecution possible. They
have suffered all such inhuman mistreatment from those very same
religious organizations claiming to represent Jesus Christ.
Those very same worldly baffling backward winds of religions have done to
His “brothers” exactly what their first century counterpart (the Jewish
religious system) did to their Lord, Jesus/Yahshua. So, suffering for His
sake would be no surprise to them. It is just as He said it would be,
“If the world hates you, you know that it has hated me before it hated you. If
you were part of the world, the world would be fond of its own. Now,
because you are no part of the world, but, I have chosen you out of the
world, on this account the world hates you . . . .If they have persecuted me,
they will persecute you also. . . ” John 15:18-20. NW.

But, Why would there be such persecution? Jesus/Yahshua answers in
verse twenty-one, saying,
“But, they will do all these things against you on account of my name,
because they do not know HIM that sent me.” John 18:21. NW.
And, who sent the Messiah and Savior of mankind? None other than his
Father Jehovah/Yahweh, as He verified for us in John 5:43 when speaking
to the religious Jews saying,
“I have come in the name of my Father and you do not receive me.”
(For more on the usage of God’s Name, see the “OUR FATHER” prayer in
Matt.6:9, 10 and Jesus/Yahshua’s personal prayer to his Father in John
chapter 17; or request “Divine Name” book from
That windy work, that Jesus/Yahshua’s brothers have had to endure, is
"near to passing away." Then the "judgment" of their persecutors will
happen quickly. Also, those apostate baffling backward winds, in the
"house of God", will be destroyed by their Political paramours they have
loved so much. Then those baffling backward winds will be permanently
quelled, be-calmed and silenced forever.
religious apostasy and politics from the Pulpits. Just in time, Christendom
and ALL organized religions claiming to represent the Father Jehovah/
Yahweh and His Son Jesus/Yahshua will be stabbed in the heart, to die a
permanent ever-lasting death.
WHAT? . . . WHY?
Because, those religions have willfully promoted their baffling backward
winds. They have promoted of confusion, rebellion, materialism, error and
apostasy. Because, those religions have willfully, MISLED the people and
kept them in spiritual darkness.
Because, those religions have not repented and have not discerned the
time of their "inspection.” This is happening in Christendom right now, just
as it happened in the Jewish world and religious system in the first century.
See Luke 19:44; 1Pet. 2:12.

They cannot claim ignorance of the truth. Because they CLAIM to have
the truth, but deny they have it by intensely persecuting those trying to
correct them, even “the Elijah to come.” Christ Jesus said that,
"Elijah indeed is coming, and he will restore All Things." Matt. 17:10,11.
The Elijah "to come" is here and there have been many of them here for a
good long time. As a class they have worked as the “Elijah to come” down
thru the centuries, in the many religions, to restore true spirituality that
Yahshua brought to mankind in the first century.
That “Elijah to come” has continued the "preaching of this good news
(gospel) of the kingdom" (Matt. 24:14) to the nations of the world that have
those religions within them. Just at John the Baptist did singly, within the
nation in which the Jewish religion was found. So, down thru the centuries,
Yahshua’s brothers as a class have been doing a similar work. This is the
evidence that God has been working therein.
But, those baffling backward winds of organized religions continue to miss
the point. This essay is part of that, “Elijah class” work. When the FINAL
5056 telos= end, the utter-most limit has arrived] WILL COME. Matt. 24:14.
The Kingdom preaching WORK in Christendom’s religions and the nations
that they are in has been done, under the direction and assistance of Jesus
Christ, by his INDIVIDUAL BROTHERS. It has been done in ALL the
Churches, "congregations", assemblies, sects, denominations, cults and
Bible Societies, within Christendom and those scattered thru-out ALL the
“Goy/Gentile nations” of the world.
for Christendom’s tentacles has reached into every crevice, crack and
cranny of the entire inhabited earth. NO ANGELS have done this work,
altho, they have assisted the “Bride” in every way they can.
This “Elijah” work has been a specific warning to CHRISTENDOM’S
RELIGIONS that are IN ALL THE NATIONS. It is a “witness” TO THEM,
that is, the giving of evidence, [G3142 Gr=marturion, evidence given,
testimony, witness] to them that they, have been and are in imminent
danger, just as John the Baptist did in his Elijah work, within the Jewish
nation long ago, in the first century. John the Baptist had a dual work of
preaching “repentance” from sin, before God castigated them, and also,

announcing that the Messiah was to appear in his time, at the END of THE
JEWISH AGE. After that, the END of their WORLD or AGE would occur.
Similarly, today, the Elijah work has a two-fold message that has been
continued down thru the centuries within Christendom. To wit:
First, the “good news of the kingdom” has been sounded to ALL who will
listen about the Heavenly Kingdom Ruler-ship.
Second that the END of the Christian AGE would come after that and warn
them to be alert and spiritually awake as to when it would happen. Because
Yahshua said He would come like a “thief in the night.” That time is now
upon US, for Yahshua Ha Mashiach’s return is imminent. That event is now
close at hand and will be-token the END of THIS EVIL OLD WORLD!
But, just as before the flood of Noah’s day, they were consumed with their
personal affairs of life, “nor did they realize any danger till the Deluge came
and swept them all away; so will it be at the Coming of the Son of Man.”
Matt. 24:39. WNT
This has been primarily a work of making known the HOPE for the
Heavenly Kingdom heirs or royalty from the Goy/Gentile nations, to
respond to. It has NOT BEEN A WARNING WORK to those NATIONS that
God’s HEAVENLY KINGDOM is coming to destroy them. Note that God,
did not send anyone to warn the Roman empire of its end. Nor did God
warn any of the other GOY/Gentile NATIONS.
But, it has been a WARNING WORK to the RELIGIONS OF
CHRISTENDOM, in those Goy/Gentile NATIONS, to keep awake spiritually
and that their end could come at any time. Today Once again, Yahweh God
is sending individuals to warn of an END of an AGE, the Christian Age, as
He has done in the past; and then He will send individuals to warn the END
of the PRESENT WORLD ORDER is coming. This includes all political
movements along with the present socialist Zionist government in the land
of Israel today. This essay is part of that work.
Please notice that Jesus words in Matt. 24:14 is speaking about a non-
Jewish “world” made up of the Goy/Gentile nations. So the GOSPEL of the
kingdom has been going on for nearly two thousand years in those Goy
nations that have the churches of Christendom in them. The purpose being,
to make the kingdom message known to harvest the sons of the kingdom
of the heavens out of the earth, to represent mankind in those heavens.

This is a sacred secret (divine mystery). It is only One of several, about the
kingdom Musterion or sacred secret/mysteries. [G3466 musterion=to shut
the mouth; a secret, or “mystery”, (the idea of silence imposed by initiation
into religious rites)-mystery].
JESUS/Yahshua DID NOT SAY, that the preaching of “this good news
(gospel) of the kingdom” would be the identifying hallmark for ALL to know
that THE END OF THE WORLD had come. He only said that AFTER IT
was DONE, then the END WOULD COME. But, . . .What END? And
Remember back in verse three, the question that His disciples asked him?
They asked Him when the END OF THE AGE would come and Yahshua
answered their question about that by saying, when the gospel of the
kingdom was preached in all of the Gentile world, THEN the END of the
AGE [G165 Aion] WOULD COME. NOT the END of the WORLD or [G2889
That “good news” has been preached for nearly two thousand years now!
IT HAS NOT BEEN A WARNING WORK, as some claim and many believe.
IT NEVER WAS. That “gospel” preaching work has always been about the
calling, choosing, and identifying the BRIDE of CHRIST by preaching it and
making it known within those nations and their religions, in ALL of the
inhabited earth, so the “sons of the kingdom” could be harvested.
After that work would be completed, then, THE END of the AGE WOULD
come! This work has been a searching work, signified by public preaching
and teaching to find the “brothers” of the Lord.
This gospel would therefore be mostly confined to the GOY WORLD, until a
later time. Why? Because the “house of Jacob” [ten tribes and Jews, Judah
and Benjamin] had their spiritual “sensibilities dulled” and have been in a
state of spiritual blindness and faith-less-ness, UNTIL the FULL NUMBER
manner ALL ISRAEL will be saved. This is another sacred secret or
mystery of the kingdom. How so?
That is, after the full number of those from the Goy/Gentile nations come in
[as replacements for heavenly life and ruler-ship from all nations and tribes
and peoples and tongues; replacements for those faithless Jews of the first
century], then the physical Jews and those other physical descendants of

Abraham of the other ten tribes, could once again be restored and “grafted”
back into the natural vine, Jesus Christ (Ha Yahshua Ha Mashiach). See
Rom. 11: 25, 26.
NOTE: There are TWO PARTS denoted WITH-IN the all encompassing
term “Israel.” In the Tanakh [OT], they are denoted as the “house of Israel”
and the “house of Jacob” and sometimes, “house of Judah”. As examples:
See Isaiah, thru-out and chapter 43 in particular. See Jeremiah thru-out
and chapter 31 in particular.
Of the two parts, one is a spiritual part, composed of Yahshua Mashiach’s
“bride” who is also called, a “new creation”, “body of Christ” and the “Israel
of God”, by Shaul (the apostle Paul) in Gal. 6:16. The other part is the
earthy, fleshly, physical part, that Paul calls “Jacob,” in Rom. 11:26. To
save Jacob, Paul says,
“The deliverer will come out of Zion and turn away ungodly practices from
Jacob is that part of Israel that Yahshua said would lose their heavenly
inheritance and have their “weeping and gnashing of teeth” episode.
However, THEY will be “grafted” back into the vine; (Rom. 11:19-28) But,
NOT UNTIL, “the fullness [full number] of the Gentiles be come in.” v. 25.
bride, in fulfillment of Matt. 24:14. This is important. For, Paul says,
“And in this way ALL ISRAEL WILL BE SAVED.” Rom. 11:26
This is the sacred secret (mystery) that is being fulfilled right now, in OUR
time, right NOW, TODAY. Understanding this secret is of great importance
to everyone, especially if YOU KNOW YOU ARE OF ABRAHAM’S
PHYSICAL SEED or lineage. This lineage is unimportant to Christendom
sons of the kingdom.” But, it wasn’t so to the apostle Paul and IS NOT SO,
to Jesus/Yahshua!
This re-constitution, of ISRAEL’S two parts make up the “ruling body” OF
GOD’S KINGDOM for the benefit of the earth and those teeming billions so
destined to inhabit it by means of a resurrection back to life on this earth.
Israel’s re-constitution is, therefore, composed of a primary “spiritual” part,

to rule from heaven (which is spiritual Israel) and a secondary “physical,”
fleshly part, to rule on earth (which is fleshly Jacob).
The apostle Paul says that understanding this, sacred secret or mystery, is
of great importance and that he did not want US to be ignorant of it. Now, it
may be easier for US to understand why Yahshua said,
“I have only been sent to the lost sheep of the House of Israel.” Matt. 15:24.

[All scripture brackets, bold, underlining, emphasis, Caps mine].



With the foregoing in mind, it is incumbent upon US to deliver the FINAL
MESSIANIC KINGDOM MESSAGE to those individuals of the twelve tribes
of “Jacob” that believe in Jesus/Yahshua as being the Christ/Messiah
ALSO known as Ha Yahushua Ha Mashiach.
days” during this “last generation” (ha dor ha acharon), if it is not to SERVE
HIM? Or do YOU even believe that He has started to raise YOU up? Well
HE HAS! So, just what would that purpose be for? What do YOU
individually think about it? What pattern do YOU use? What is the purpose
for having a Messianic congregation or group?
priestly robes of the temple to try to be counterfeit priests? Or to create
your own “strange fire” with burning incense, walking around looking very
priestly and self-righteous like the Sadducees? To act like the “Scribes and
Pharisees” in YOUR new “legalism” that some have created. Or To banter
between YOURSELVES, to prove YOUR Jewish-ness, over issues and
words, times and seasons that have little or no bearing on YOUR eternal
Destiny or promised Ruler-ship?
YOU are so concerned about the details, like the Pharisees and the
is what this BOOK is all about. And WE KNOW that YOU don’t want to be
told anything nor do YOU want to listen to anyone’s instructions. If YOU are
still in those conditions of heart; YOU have not FULLY accepted Yahshua
in YOUR hearts!!
That is NOT YOUR HERITAGE. YOUR HERITAGE comes from Abraham,
NOT the Jewish religions that started after the Jewish world and the
Temple was destroyed permanently in 70 AD. NO-WHERE in the TANAKH
WAS THAT RELIGION FORETOLD. Is it YOUR aim to copy the same
ones that tell you to offer a pathetic chicken (givier’ in Aramaic) to God in
place of a man (givier’ in Hebrew)? Are YOU still enamored with those that

have drawn away from the “Living God” and filled ALL of Jewry with their
apostate propaganda and their personal Talmudic interpretations?
Are YOU still in love with the same ones that have promoted their
rabbinical demonic Kabalistic superstitions? Does your heart still throb for
the same ones that have prevented YOU from having a close relationship
with YOUR heavenly Father, Yahweh, by banning the very use of His
Divine Name? The same ones, that want to “fight” over every little “jot and
tittle” to take YOU away from the Yahweh “breathed” scriptures? The same
ones that still lead the people onto the path of “Balaam” who came from the
land of Babylon as they did, bringing their Babylonian Talmud that they
developed there, to lead Israel AWAY from the TRUE GOD?
YOU should hardly want to be like them in any sense or in any way what-
so-ever. It would look like YOU would want to divorce YOURSELVES
completely and permanently from them! It would look like, YOU would want
JEW, whose name is Yahshua, YOUR REAL MESSIAH!! If YOU love Him
and what He stands for, it would look like YOU would want to look like Him,
act like Him, think like Him and emulate Him! Do YOU not think so?
Well He did a preaching and teaching work among His relatives the Jewish
people in the first century. To follow and copy Him, YOU should want to do
the same today. But, DO YOU? Some say ‘WE have nothing new to preach
and teach.’. . . . WELL, NOW YOU DO!!
The message contained here-in is the FINAL MESSAGE, of God’s
Kingdom to the world, and to those who will RULE IT. The time has come
for YOU, as Jews, to tell out to the world and especially to ALL other Jews
DO NOT KNOW WHAT IT IS!! Apparently, many YOU do not either. By
reading and studying the Bible with the contents of this book, and
disseminating its information, YOU will be a co-worker with the Holy Angels
and with Yahshua himself.
WHOLE WORLD OF JEWRY. It must be published in “all the inhabited
earth” where there are Jews! This will be the FINAL WITNESS! This is THE
FINAL FULFILLMENT OF MATHEW 24:14 and other prophecies about
Yahweh’s promised Kingdom. This is the ending of the mysteries
concerning the Kingdom of God. This is the FINISHED MYSTERY!

What is IT?..........IT IS YOU!! ……YOU, are the final part of the mystery of
As Abraham’s physical seed, YOU, comprise the secondary earthly ruler-
ship of God’s kingdom, here-to-fore unknown to YOU, to Christendom, or to
anyone else.
BACK INTO THE TRUE VINE, by YOUR LOVER, relative, friend, Lord and
master and Father, HA YAHSHUA HA MASHIACH. When?.....Answer……
When the last one of you is sealed by the Angels, that is,…… When the
seventh angel blows his trumpet there will be loud voices in heaven which
“The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of His
Christ and He will reign forever and ever.” Rev. 11:15. NIV.
“Then is finished the mystery of God.” Rev. 10:7 ASV.
YOU are now charged with distributing it to every Synagogue, Messianic
Congregation, Jewish Group and individual Jew, everywhere, on God’s
That means you must stop playing the ignorant Rabbi’s superstitious Ha-
Shem name game. So superstitious that YOU cannot even say or write
GOD, using the absolutely ridiculous form g-d. How utterly ignorant and
foolish that is and they are.
Furthermore, YOU must quit fighting amongst YOURSELVES over pet
doctrines. Each one can believe what he/she wants and Yahshua will
correct YOU ALL in His Kingdom. YOU are not authorized to do so, now.
YOU are Abraham’s children, tell it out about Abraham’s God, YOUR GOD,
YAHWEH, and His wonderful Son, YAHSHUA the Messiah! Quit letting the
misguided so-called, “rabbis” restrict your WORSHIP OF YOUR GOD,
As foretold, Yahshua has sent his Holy Angels into His Field. YOU, ARE
HIS PLANTING IN HIS FIELD, and HE is creating a wonderful, world-wide,
spiritual revival in YOUR HEARTS and within the congregations of YOUR

Messianic Jewish brethren, with many Gentile believers also joining in
(Altho, they may unknowingly be of the Ten Tribes. See Matt. 13:24-43).
He is thus, preparing YOU for His coming and His Angel(s) are beginning
to seal some of YOU in YOUR “foreheads” NOW, for assignment to future
earthly Kingdom ruler-ship. Eventually, ALL 144,000 will be “sealed”, before
the END of this wicked world comes. See, Rev. 7:1-8 and Matt. 25:31-46.
Most, if not ALL of those being thus sealed probably DO NOT YET
REALIZE THIS. This essay is part of that work for their re-awakening and
individual identification and notification.
Most, in the Messianic Jewish community do not yet understand or realize
the tremendous significance of what is happening “among them,” during
this transition period. Those within the synagogues are still totally asleep.
They must be awakened. Many are still hung up on the supposed problem
between Judah and Ephraim, for control of Jacob. They feel that the “two
sticks” must be melded together, as the Mormon religious organization
claim they have done. Others are consumed with the “Sabbath,” apparently
not knowing or realizing its true significance, which is pointing to the “day”
of Yahshua’s thousand year reign, that YOU ARE TO SHARE IN. These
and other disparities are merely a “distraction”, and “planting” by the
“wicked one.”
DO NOT LET THEM DO SO! Please Realize what YOUR being “called out”
and “set aside” by Yahshua is really for.
Mathew chapter 25:31-46 shows how Yahshua Himself as King of Kings
and Lords of Lords will handle the distribution of ruler-ship, at the beginning
HIS “REST” or SABBATH. Note, that He gives all twelve tribes
assignments of ruler-ship not just Judah and Ephraim, while He retains the
Supreme Ruler-ship and rules as “King of Kings and Lord of Lords” and as
the “Lion of the tribe of Judah,” on the “throne of David.”
YOUR fighting over the weekly Sabbath day must stop, along with the other
minutia YOU tend to quibble about. That is, IF YOU want to get into “HIS
REST” and represent Him in Ruler-ship on earth, for that is what the
Sabbath pictures. See Hebrews 3:7-4:13. Each one must do as he has
resolved in his own heart,
“for each of us will render an account of himself to God.” See Col. 2:16-19;
Rom. 14:1-12

Some of you, by YOUR intense study of, interest in, and constant viewing
of the MOON, YOU are giving relative cult-worship to the moon-god of UR,
whose ancient names were Alahlu (Allah today), Nannar and Sin whom
YOUR fore-father Terah served and a was a priest of, before Yahweh
removed his family with Abraham to Haran, (the little UR) from the danger
zone that the city of UR was in.
That SAME MOON-GOD, symbolized by the CRESENT MOON, is whom
Islam worships today; Only they, call him by the name of, Allah. Be Careful
to not be guilty of Moon worship as Islam is!!
In His kingdom, Yahshua will instruct YOU in HIS LAWS and His ways and
the “New Covenant” which YOU know little about. By His words recorded in
Matt. 28:18-20, WE find His authority to do so. WE do not find YOURS
there, NOR any rabbis there, NOR Moses there. The Messianic
congregations have no authority to do much of what they are now doing,
nor have the Anti-Christ synagogues ever had. So Be Careful of
YOURSELVES, so as not to “go beyond [or above] what is written!!” 1Cor.
All of YOUR problems were settled, and ALL others on ALL of these
matters when Messiah came, died, was buried and the Father raised Him
to life again. It is HIS business NOW. The Messianic groups should make it
their business to try and cooperate with the Angels NOW to reach ALL of
the Jews, the world over, with this “MESSAGE of KINGDOM RULER-
TODAY!! That is the “gospel” message, the “good news” for the JEWS, at
the end of this, the Christian Age, and eventually the end of this old Satanic
news” now to be “preached” in “all the Goy/Gentile world,” where the Jews
are. “THIS GOOD NEWS” FOR JEWS is the FINAL testimony to the
nations of YOUR RULERSHIP over them and “then the end will [literally,
have] come.” Matt. 24:14. NIV.
If YOU, in the Messianic Congregations DO NOT DO THIS WORK,
Yahshua will have the “STONES CRY OUT” THE MESSAGE and YOU will
MISS OUT AGAIN, as the Jews in the first century did. This wonderful
privilege, He has reserved for YOU in this last generation! Luke 19:40.

What a privilege and blessing for YOU to “TELL IT OUT” to YOUR
relatives. In doing so, YOU will be working in cooperation with the Angels
and their sealing work! YOU will be working in cooperation with Yahshua
Ha Mashiach Himself!
Nor do YOU need to be concerned about finding anyone, or restoring any
so-called “lost tribe;” For “the lost sheep of the house of Israel,” are no
longer lost! They never were. The Lord Yahshua and His Holy Angels
knows exactly where they ALL are. He always has. YOU just don’t know
where and who they are. All YOU need to be concerned with is notifying
everyone YOU can; TO GIVE THEM A CHANCE for earthly RULER-SHIP.
YOU and ALL of YOUR Jewish brethren and RELATIVES everywhere on
earth deserve that chance.
This is YOUR privilege to tell ALL of your Jewish brethren in ALL of the
Messianic Congregations and Synagogues on earth, of the wonderful
blessings of RULER-SHIP coming to them, from Him. He will take care of
them. He has found His sheep and not one of them is MISSING. He has
found YOU! Hasn’t He? But, they still need to HEAR the WORD for them to
be able to respond to it. It is NOW YOUR privilege to tell it to them.
Please believe His words:
“I have come to none but the lost sheep of the House of Israel.”
This WORLD WIDE work IN “JACOB” and during “Jacobs time of Trouble,”
will be the FINAL WITNESS for kingdom RULERSHIP and will fulfill
Mathew 24:14 completely. IT is YOUR message to the twelve tribes that
have been scattered into “all the inhabited earth.” Therefore, spreading this
kingdom gospel to ALL of the Messianic Congregations, Synagogues and
Jewish gatherings “in all the nations” will be the FINAL fulfillment of the
promises to the forefathers. And YOU can have a part in it.
Furthermore, as sheep following the Lord Yahshua, YOU must be careful to
not become self-righteous and legalistic as the “Scribes and Pharisees”
were, in the first century, fighting over words, even as they do today.
WHAT THEY HAVE LOST. Matt. 23:23-36.
Remember, Yahshua KNOWS YOU. He knows YOUR tendencies toward
legalism and for making rules and regulations. After all He was half Jew,
you know. John tells US about HIS knowing US,
“Because of the miracles he did in Jerusalem at the Passover celebration,
many people were convinced that he was indeed the Messiah. But Jesus
didn’t trust them, for he knew mankind to the core. No one needed to tell
him how changeable human nature is!” John 2:23. TLB.
WE must be careful to walk circumspectly and humbly in His name, dealing
OVER THE OTHERS, taking on titles, like those in Judaism and
Christendom that YOU are NOT entitled to, as YET. What titles YOU say?
YOU know what titles: Rabbi, apostle, bishop, father, Cohen or priest. . .
etc. . . YOU are not authorized to use such titles. YOU are only
AUTHORIZED to be HUMBLE! humble See Matt. 23:1-12 for instructions
from Yahshua.
Notice how He replied to the Scribes and Pharisees who were complaining
about His disciples, (Much like the Orthodox, Hasidic, and others, etc.
revile YOU, who believe that Yahshua is the Messiah), who were loudly
‘”Blessed is the one coming as King In the Name of Jehovah!” [Yahweh]
So, the Pharisees said, “Teacher, rebuke your disciples,” in reply he said: “I
tell YOU, If these remained silent, the stones would cry out.” Luke 19:36-49
Even then they were trying to stop YOUR use of the Divine Name!
Let NO ONE stop YOU or deter YOU from following YOUR Messiah, Ha
Mashiach Ha Yahshua, even tho persecutions will come on YOU for it.
Yahshua has great love for YOU. YOU are the sheep of His pasturage.
Concerning His sheep, He said,
“Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Does he
not leave the ninety nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep
until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts in on his shoulder
and goes home.” Luke 15: 4-6.
Yahshua has found you of the Messianic community!! YOU are HIS
SHEEP. So preach His Kingdom message, of WORLD RULERSHIP, to
Yahshua has done this for YOU, in this “last generation.” He is shepherding
YOU right now. If YOU cannot see that spiritually right now, humble
YOURSELVES and pray to be enlightened, and He will give it to YOU.
Humbly, rejoice over being found by Him. YOU elders be careful not to
“lord it over the flock”, as YOU have a temptation to do. DO NOT set
YOURSELVES apart as the self-righteous “religious” people do. Those who
piously look down on YOU and those in their flocks, while taking on titles
and collecting their monies from YOU for a life or ease and study that they
have concocted for themselves and pushed off on YOU for their selfish
benefit and support.
NO, YOU MUST NOT BE LIKE THEM. They are no better than the
Clergymen of Christendom, whose Churches have created an Anti-Christ,
Anti-Christian, Anti-Bible separation of themselves for their present day
ruler-ship. Like the Jewish Rabbinicals, THEY ARE GETTING THEIR
REWARD IN FULL, RIGHT NOW! In doing so, and unless they have a
change of mind and heart, they have relinquished their reward for any
future ruler-ship. But not so with YOU, if YOU are willing to study and
continually read and re-read Yahshua’s words in the four gospels and
particularly Matt. 23:1-12 on His commands pertaining to how YOUR
attitude and conduct should be.
Be humble as a lowly servant and brother, not setting yourselves apart
and/or above the others of Yahshua’s children, as the clergy and false
rabbi’s in organized Judaism do. Some men are even claiming the
priesthood for themselves, even using unauthorized ceremonial robes,
incense, pomp and ceremony. Others are claiming Apostleship and
arrogantly assuming upon themselves, the authority to approve or
disapprove scripture; things that not even the most self-righteous of the
Scribes and Pharisees, Jewish sages and rabbis would dare do!!
HIM TO DO SO! There is no evidence for it in the Tanakh, EXCEPT for the
self assuming arrogance of the sons of Korah, recorded in Numbers 16:1-
40. Read it for yourselves.
If, YOU are already doing so, REPENT. Turn around, do as the Lord
Yahshua himself did, and be a servant and a minister to all. If YOU want to
be the greatest, wash your Brothers feet! YOU must make YOURSELF
THE LEAST to be the greatest. Humbly Rejoice, that Yahshua has sent His
angels to gather YOU into His store house and given YOU the privilege of
SERVING the flock as He did. See Matt. 13:36-43, 49; 25:31-46.
YAHSHUA IS YOUR shepherd. He is the shepherd of the Messianic flock.
scripture, not from personal pride, self-righteous egotism, self proclaimed
genius, self-proclaimed authority, understanding, brilliance, creative
inspiration or native ability.
It is the responsibility of the Messianic Jewish congregations NOW, to
begin preparing themselves for the coming persecutions that will be visited
upon everyone associated with the name Jesus/Yahshua Christ/Mashiach
in any way. For it will come, without fail, upon the entire inhabited earth.
Yahweh, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The end of the Christian
Age has guaranteed the coming persecutions ALONG WITH YOUR
GET BACK TO YOUR PURE LANGUAGE. Speak the “truth,” not just the
Rabbinically adulterated and Hi-jacked Hebrew spoken today, or the
mongrel Yiddish speech, taken from within the “ghettos” and the “Pale.”
BROTHER. THAT is the true and pure spiritual language of the heart from
the Father Yahweh and His Son Ha Yahshua Ha Mashiach. THAT true,
clean and pure spiritual language comes only from HIM. IT IS HIS TRUTH.
IT does NOT originate from any man’s inspiration, rabbinical genius,
“TRADITION”, Talmud/Mishna/Gemara, ancient Sage, modern day priest,
apostle, Sanhedrin, so-called Church Father, or any other source.
HOLY WORDS IN THE HOLY SCRIPTURES. They, along with the “Holy
Breathings”, Holy Spirit of TRUTH, from Father Yahweh given thru Ha
Yahshua Ha Mashiach, ARE: THE TRUTH!
WITH THAT TRUTH THEN, DO AS ELISHA DID, make yourselves ready
to take up Elijah’s mantel! . . . .


[All scripture brackets, bold, underlining, emphasis, Caps mine].

NOTE ON MYSTERIES: At the outset, WE must say that the entire gamut
of Mysteries and Secrets in the Scriptures cannot be covered in this brief
chapter. An entire book of greater proportions than this and of keener
minds than ours would be needed to accomplish such a project. WE can
only cover that which pertains to our subject matter regarding the:
The apostle Paul spoke about Divine Mysteries or Sacred Secrets in many
of his letters. In fact, he used the word, mystery, seventeen times in writing
to the congregations. One such occurrence was in the letter to the
congregation in Rome he said,
“I do not want YOU, brothers, to be ignorant of this sacred secret,
**[Mystery KJV] in order for YOU not to be discreet in YOUR own eyes…”
Rom.11:25 NWT.
**Strongs Exhaustive Concordance gives the following definition for
the word MYSTERY: [The moos-tay’-ree-on ~sacred secret= mystery,
G3466, musterion=(to shut the mouth); a secret or mystery through the
idea of silence imposed by initiation into religious rites:-a mystery].
Much of this information has already been presented in other chapters.
However, WE feel that this MYSTERY is of such importance that IT should
be emphasized by a review of Romans chapter eleven.
WE do this for, as to our knowledge, these kingdom mysteries and secrets
have never been fully addressed in the past. Of course, they could not
have, because it was not yet the time for them to be completely
understood. Just as the angel Gabriel said to Daniel about one such secret
pertaining to this one,
“Go, Daniel, because the words are made secret and sealed up until the
time of the end. Many will cleanse themselves and whiten themselves and
will be refined. And the wicked ones will certainly act wickedly and no
wicked ones at all will understand; but the ones having insight will
understand.” Dan. 12:9,10. NWT.
At “the time of the end,” of the Jewish Age, a beginning was made, by
Yahshua to start giving understanding of the Sacred Secrets and Mysteries
of His kingdom. Jesus/Yahshua’s disciples did not understand them even
as they listened to the Lord’s speaking of them.
No, the Jewish disciples of Yahshua did not understand the reasons behind
the parables that He spoke to the people. They did know that what He
spoke contained Divine Mysteries and Sacred Secrets. They did not
understand, because they had NOT RECEIVED THE HOLY SPIRIT as
YET. So, they had to ask Him questions about it. One such occasion is
recorded in Mathew chapter seventeen, verse ten. They asked,
“Why do you speak to the people in parables [Illustrations]?”
He replied,
“The knowledge of the secrets [mysteries] of the kingdom of the
heavens has been given to you, but not to them. Whoever, has will be
given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even
what he has will be taken from him. This is why I speak to them in
parables.” NIV. Vs. 11,12.
That didn’t compute with them either. Another translation reads,
“To YOU the sacred secrets [**mysteries, see above] of the kingdom of
the heavens is revealed, but to those people it is not granted.” Matt. 17:10
Starting with Yahshua’s disciples, in the first century, the mysteries and
secrets of the Kingdom of the Heavens have been carefully revealed down
thru the last two millennia. But, ONLY TO THE CALLED AND CHOSEN
brought into a closely held covenant of death with Yahweh and Yahshua
have been blessed with such understanding of the Divine Mysteries and
Sacred Secrets.
BUT WHY, wouldn’t Yahshua want to give this vital information to
everyone? He gives that answer to His disciples; He said that this is to fulfill
Yahweh’s words toward the earthly part of Israel, called Jacob. Quoting
from the prophesy in Isaiah chapter six, verses nine and ten, He said,
“Though seeing, they do not see; though hearing they do not hear or
understand. In them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah: “’YOU will be ever
hearing but never understanding; you will be seeing but never perceiving.
For this people’s heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their

ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their
eyes and hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn, and I
would heal them.’” Matt. 11:13-15. NIV.
That is why the Apostle Paul said that they had to have their “heart
circumcised” by Holy Spirit, to remove the thick veil over their hearts,
produced by the “letter” of the MOSAIC LAW. He said,
“A man is not a Jew if he is only one outwardly, nor is circumcision merely
outward and physical. No, a man is a Jew if he is one inwardly; and
circumcision is circumcision of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the written
code [The Law, Torah]. Such a man’s praise is not from men, but from
God.” Rom. 2:28, 29. NIV.
Paul understood the need for spirituality. Having little understanding and
devoid of spirituality was the condition of “Jacob” in the first century and by
and large, that is the condition of “Jacob” today. But, NOT ALL of the Jews
or “Jacob” was like that back then, nor are they today. Notice what
Yahshua says to His disciples because of their good hearts,
“But blessed are your eyes, because they see and your ears because they
hear. For I tell you the truth, many prophets and righteous men longed to
see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not
hear it.” Matt.13:16,17. NIV.
But, how long would “Jacob” be in this condition of spiritual blindness,
deafness and hard heartedness? Unfortunately, it would be for a long time.
The prophet Isaiah, from whom Yahshua just quoted, gives US the sad
answer by asking that very question of the Seraph (angel), he was
conversing with. In Isaiah chapter six, verses eleven thru thirteen he asks,
“Until, when, Lord?” He [the Seraph] replied, “Until towns are in ruins and
deserted, houses untenanted and a great desolation reigns in the land, and
Yahweh has driven the people away and the country is totally abandoned.
And suppose one tenth of them are left in it, that will be stripped again, like
the terebinth [tree], like the oak, cut back to the stock; their stock is holy
seed.” NJB.
So, declares Yahweh’s Seraph (angel); Enough seed of their stock was
always left to sow a new crop. But, how many crops would it take? And
how long would it take?

That prophesy has had several fulfillments; and thru ALL of those
desolations, hardships, persecutions and abandonment by Yahweh, Jacob
continues to remain stubborn, stiff-necked and hardhearted. Concerning
this matter, the apostle Paul said, as ministers of a “New Covenant”, by
means of Yahshua and the Holy Spirit that enlivens one to see the truth
and produces a heavenly hope of life; that He (Yahshua) was not like
Moses and his covenant that produced death and a veil over Jacob’s
eyes, ears, heart and mind.
Paul was quite outspoken about it, saying,
“Therefore, since we have such a hope, we are very bold. WE are not like
Moses, who would put a veil over his face to keep the Israelites from
gazing at it. . . .But their minds were made dull, for to this day the same
veil remains when the old covenant is read. It has not been removed,
because only in Christ is it taken away. Even to this day when Moses is
read, a veil covers their hearts. But when-ever anyone turns to the
Lord, the veil is taken away. Now the Lord is the Spirit and where the
Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” 2Cor. 3:14-18. NWT.
That is one of Paul’s arguments, as to why Jacob’s heart is still hard and
calloused toward Yahweh and His Son Yahshua. Even so, Yahweh did not
destroy Jacob completely or reject them completely. Altho, many religions
of Christendom claim that He has done so. Now, WE ask the questions
again, UNTIL WHEN? And, IS it still a mystery? Well, IS IT?. . . NO!, IT is a
mystery no longer!
The answer to that mystery is a sacred secret. Who can answer it? The
apostle Paul can. And he gives US the answer to that mystery in Romans
chapter eleven. WE would do well to review it, to understand Paul’s
explanation of it. Starting in verse one he refutes the doctrine of
“Supersessionism”, otherwise known as “Replacement Theology.” That
doctrine teaches that the “Church” and/or Christendom has been placed
where Israel and Jacob were and has become the “New Israel.” Paul is
very specific. He gets right to the point, saying,
“I ask then, God did not reject his people, did he? Never may that happen! .
. . . .God did not reject his people whom he first recognized.” Rom.
1:1,2. NWT. Yet many religions say He did. Who is right?
Of course the apostle Paul is right. God did not forsake JACOB; For He
keeps saving some of their stock with holy seed, to accomplish His purpose

for the earth and fulfill His promises to their forefathers. See Isa. 6:11-13
above. One example, Paul used is what happened in Elijah’s day. He then
applied it to his own time, just as when Yahweh said to Elijah,
“I have left seven thousand men over for myself, who have not bent the
knee to Ba-al.” Paul goes on saying, “In this way, therefore, at the present
season also a remnant has turned up according to his choosing due to
underserved kindness [grace].” Rom.11:4, 5. NWT.
“Now if it is by undeserved kindness [grace], it is no longer due to works
[that is, of the Law (Torah)]; otherwise, the undeserved kindness [grace],
NW. Good reasoning.
Still Yahweh exercises restraint toward Jacob, so as not to destroy Jacob
completely and continues to give him undeserved kindness. Even tho
Jacob still refuses the NEW COVENANT and vaingloriously tries to obtain
the fulfillment of the PROMISES on his own, regarding the “land” and those
of ruler-ship in it, THRU WORKS OF THE LAW OF MOSES. They refuse to
realize that it is impossible for imperfect men to keep the Mosaic Law
perfectly. Still, Yahweh continues to have mercy on them because of their
forefathers. Paul continues,
“What then? The very thing ISRAEL is earnestly seeking he did not obtain,
but the chosen ones [the remnant of ISRAEL that turned up, that is the
“BRIDE”] obtained it.” Rom. 11:7. NWT.
Yes, the “chosen ones”, those disciples that were asking Yahshua about
his parables and other Jews after them, that remained faithful, did “obtain”
those promises. Notice what happened to the rest, as Paul goes on,
“The rest [of Jacob] had their sensibilities blunted, just as it is written [in
Deut. 29:4; Jer. 5:21; Isa. 29:10-13]: “’God has given them a spirit of deep
sleep, eyes so as not to see and ears so as not to hear, down to this very
day.” Rom. 11:7b, 8. NWT.
Paul makes it clear that the eyes, ears and hearts of the vast majority of
Jacob was still closed and veiled, at that time. But, he did disclose part of
the mystery that it was God that has shut them up all together so that they
could not obtain the promises, as a result of their faith-less-ness and hard
heartedness. Concerning that Paul says,

“Therefore, I ask, Did they stumble so that they fell completely? Never may
that happen! But by their false step there is salvation to people of the
nations, TO INCITE THEM TO JEALOUSY.” Rom. 11:11. NWT.
No, Yahweh has not rejected Jacob so that he fell completely out of God’s
purpose. God could not let that happen, in view of His promises to their
fore-fathers. But their condition meant those not in favor with Yahweh, may
now be granted favor and mercy, but only by means of their faith in Him
and His Son, Yahshua. Paul says,
“Now if their false step means riches to the world and their decrease means
riches to people of the nations, how much more will the full number [See
Rev. 7:1-8 for the full number] of them mean it!” Rom. 11:12. NW.
Riches to people of the nations indeed, and what wonderful and
unexpected riches! Riches from Yahweh to fill up the “full number” by
“people of the nations” of the “bride” of Messiah, to be Rulers with Him,
over, not on the earth, but OVER THE EARTH, in the Kingdom of the
But, even some of those called to such glory go bad. Lacking humility and
becoming “puffed up with pride,” some get greedy and want more than their
share. This is the case of those who endorse the anti-Jew, “Replacement
Doctrine.” It was first conceived and promoted by the Catholic Church to
support their claim of temporal earthly RULER-SHIP. The Church got
greedy and wanted to rule on the earth, from its ghastly inception, to fully
replace Jacob completely.
Apparently, some gentile replacements in Rome were getting prideful and
“high minded” about their relevance and “holiness” in the “body of Christ,”
or “bride.” So, Paul had to remind them that they also could be replaced,
just as Jacob had been. But Jacob had priority. He said,
“Now I speak to YOU who are people of the nations [gentiles]. For as much
as I am in reality, an apostle to the nations, I glorify my ministry, if I may by
any means incite [those who are] my own flesh to jealousy and save some
among them. For if the casting of them away means reconciliation for the
world, what will the receiving of them [back] mean but life from the dead?
Further, if the [part taken as] first fruits are holy, the lump is also; and if the
root is holy, the branches are also.” Rom. 11:13-16. NWT.

Paul is saying that their being cast away also means their being received
back again and that the lump, as in bread, and root was still holy. All of
which meant that the gentiles/goy could not boast as being superior but
rather should be grateful, and of humble mind, for the natural branches
could be re-grafted back into God’s purpose for the heavens and the earth,
if Yahweh so decided.
Paul explains,
“If some of the branches have been broken off, and you, though a wild olive
shoot, have been grafted in among the others and now share in the
nourishing sap from the olive root, do not boast over the branches. [Those
Jews that were broken off] If you do, consider this: YOU do not support the
root, but the root supports YOU. YOU will say then, “’Branches were
broken off so that I could be grafted in.’” Granted. But, they were broken off
because of unbelief and YOU stand by faith. Do not be arrogant, but be
afraid. For if God did not spare the natural branches, he will not spare YOU
either…And if they do not persist in unbelief, they will be grafted in, for God
is able to graft them in again. . . How much more readily will these, the
natural branches, be grafted into their own olive tree!” Rom.11:17-24. NIV.
Yes, Yahweh is able to graft Jacob back into His favor again. That has
always been his purpose, because of His promises to their fore-fathers.
But, NOT to rule from the heavens. As a class they have forfeited that
wonderful privilege and only a “remnant” received it. (See Matt. 13:36-43
for another occasion when Yahshua’s disciples asked Him to explain this
very secret.)
Nevertheless Jacob’s, being grafted back into the Vine to be the
144,000 kings and rulers ON THIS EARTH is the final missing part,
that has here-to-fore been kept a DIVINE SECRET. This is the answer to
the Divine Mystery of the earthly part of God’s Kingdom and RULER-SHIP
that has been a sacred secret (Mystery) for so long. This gives US the
finale’ to, or the finished mystery of, WHO, WILL RULE THE EARTH?!!
See Rev. 7:1-8; Eph 1:10.
Regarding that governance of heaven and the earth, Paul sheds more light
on the subject in Ephesians chapter one stating,
“This he caused to abound toward us in all wisdom and good sense, in that
he made known to us the sacred secret (mystery) of his will. It is
according to his good pleasure which he purposed in himself for an

administration at the full limit of the appointed times, namely, to gather all
things together again in the Christ, the THINGS IN THE HEAVENS and the
THINGS ON THE EARTH.” Eph. 1:8-10. NW.
That administration [Strong’s G3623; oikonomia=administration (of a
household or estate); specifically a (religious) “economy”:-dispensation,
stewardship], is what constitutes the “KINDGOM.” A NEW FORM OF
THE HEAVENS and THINGS ON THE EARTH He is gathering together,
That sacred secret that he purposed IN HIMSLEF for an administration of
this entire book is about. That administration is a government, a ruler-
ship of both the heavens and the earth. That administration or ruler-ship
is composed of 144,000 heavenly heirs administering Yahshua’s new laws
and New Covenant, and 144,000 earthly inheritors, as representative rulers
on the earth, dispensing those Laws and arranging for that New Covenant,
endorsed by Father Yahweh on this earth.
Concerning this information, Paul says,
“In him, in union with whom we were also assigned as heirs, in that we
were foreordained according to the purpose of him who operates all things
according to the way his will counsels that we should serve for the praise of
his glory. . .” Eph. 1:11, 12. NWT.
Being foreordained according to his purpose, we were chosen before-hand,
not predestined individually, but by means of that DNA quality spoken of
above. So, therefore, let us serve for his praise and his glory and NOT our
We can now better understand His purpose for a Kingdom administration to
administer earth’s affairs according to his will and serving for his praise and
glory. But how? And when? WE shall have all of the answers explained by
Paul, as he continues to speak to US of this Sacred Secret or mystery:
“For I do not want YOU, brothers, to be ignorant of this sacred secret, in
order for YOU not to be discreet in your own eyes: that a dulling of
sensibilities has happened, in part to Israel [the Jacob fleshly part], until

the full number of people of the nations has come in, and In this
manner ALL ISRAEL WILL BE SAVED.” Rom. 11:25, 26a. NW.
So, that those gentile Messiah-ists would not be “high minded,” Paul, tells
them that their being called by Yahweh has nothing to do with THEM, being
so wonderful. They were called because of a failure on another’s part. That
fleshly part of Israel, called Jacob, had let himself become dull in his
spiritual sensibilities.
Paul better explains this in Romans 9:6, where he says,
“I am not saying that the promise of God has failed; for not all the people of
Israel are the people of God. Nor are all of Abraham’s descendants
[Ishmaelites] the children of God.” Rom. 9:6. GNB.
As a result not all of Israel were really the SPIRITUAL ISRAEL, the people
of God. Paul had already made it clear that only a “remnant” of Israel
turned up to fill a part of the “full number” and accept the ruler-ship of
heaven that they were the rightful heirs to. The rest of the places in the
“bride” class were opened to the “people of the nations” or gentiles, “until
the full number has come in.” Of course, individual Jews would still be
accepted by Yahweh, if He called them.
The national entity, Israel, could have filled ALL of the places of ruler-ship
in both heaven and earth, but did not do so. Because of being without faith,
that fleshly “part” called “Jacob” was left “outside” of ruler-ship, temporarily.
But, that, condition was to last, only until the “full number” of gentiles
came into the fold, to fill up the remaining unfilled slots, in the “bride” class
left open by Jacob’s failure to do so.
After the spiritual part of Israel was filled to rule OVER the earth from the
heavens, then the fleshly “part” of Israel called, “Jacob”, would be re-
installed back into Israel to his secondary rightful place to rule ON the
earth. THIS IS THE WAY, Yahweh purposed to SAVE ALL ISRAEL
including unfaithful Jacob. As Paul said,
“In this way, ALL Israel will be saved.” Rom. 11:26.
That is, BOTH the spiritual part that Paul calls the “Israel of God” or
“spiritual Israel” and the fleshly part that Paul called “Jacob”. See Gal. 6:16
and Eph. 2:12.

However, something more was needed to save Jacob from himself and
from Satan’s system of things. Greater mercy was needed because of
Jacob’s modern day mindset and leanings toward atheism, agnosticism,
communism, materialism, socialism, Zionism, self-will and self reliance.
But, WHY would Yahweh extend such mercy as this to those that insult
Him to His very face in their rejection of Him?
Paul, as their apologist, answers in Rom. 11:28, 29,
“In relation to the Good News, the Jews [Jacob] are God’s enemies for your
sakes; but in relation to God’s choice they are dearly loved for the sake of
their forefathers. For God does not repent of His free gifts nor of His
call.” WNT.
The Good News Bible renders the latter part of the verse 29,
“For God does not change his mind about whom he chooses and
blesses.” GNB.
In other words. . . Yahweh KEEPS HIS WORD. He has integrity. He is a
God of integrity. Because of His “promises” to the forefathers Abraham,
Isaac and Jacob He will continue to extend mercy and love to them thru
their seed. But, that only means that Jacob will eventually have a reward of
earthly ruler-ship. In the meantime “Jacob’s troubles” will have to appear.
Fleshly Jacob will finally have to be crushed, by those “TROUBLES” and
have a “near death experience” before he finally and unconditionally
surrenders to his heavenly Father. When Jacob is finally at his wits end and
has no one to “save him”, Paul says,
“Then the deliverer [Yahshua] will come out of Zion and turn away un-
godly practices from Jacob.” Rom. 11:26b. NW.
When that occurs, Jacob will accept Yahshua as their Mashiach, their
deliverer, and their redeemer. At that time is when the New Covenant will
be made with and applied to physical Jacob/Israel. Paul says,
“And this is the covenant on my part with them, when I take their sins
away.” Rom. 11:27. NWT.
Because of finally accepting Yahshua as their Messiah and his ransom
sacrifice, their sins will be “taken away.” See Jer. 31:31-34; Heb 8:8, 13;

12:24. Yahweh says in Jer. 31:34, that by accepting that sacrifice and
“I shall forgive their error, and their sin I shall remember no more.” Jer.
31:34. NW.
Paul continues exhorting the Romans, saying,
“As for YOU Gentiles, YOU disobeyed God in the past; but now YOU have
received God’s mercy because the Jews [Jacob] were disobedient. In the
same way, because of the mercy that YOU have received, the Jews now
disobey God, in order that they also may now receive God’s mercy.” Rom.
11:30, 31. GNB.
“For God has shut them all up together in disobedience, that he might show
all of them mercy.” Rom. 11:32. NW.
Do YOU remember the reason for this extraordinary mercy hidden within
the Sacred Secret? Answer: The sacred secret is that ALL ISRAEL MIGHT
extreme mercy on Yahweh’s part to both the Gentiles and the Jews. But,
especially toward the Jews (Jacob) as they were already in a national
“agreement” (covenant) with Him and the Gentiles were not.
But, those Gentiles, and all others accepting the “high calling” to rule from
heaven, had to enter into a covenant with Him also; a “covenant of death,”
to be heirs of the heavenly “promise” and thereby had righteousness
imputed to them by reason of their faith. Fleshly Jacob is not in that
“covenant.” Only Spiritual Israel is.
Therefore, it is incumbent upon “Jacob” to enter into a “new” covenant also
to be able to “enter into his rest.” See Hebrews chapter three, verses 11,
18; and chapter four, verses 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 11.
This extreme mercy, toward the “last generation” on the part of Yahweh is
not new, as He had Moses foretell that very thing to the “first generation”, of
Israel, that came out of Egypt. Moses said,
“If YOU do look for Jehovah [Yahweh] your God ….. YOU will also certainly
find him, because YOU will inquire for him with all your heart and with all
your soul. When YOU are in sore straits and all these words have found
you out at the close of the days [at the time of “Jacob’s troubles”], then
YOU will have to return to Jehovah [Yahweh] your God and to listen to his

voice. For Jehovah [Yahweh] your God is a merciful God. He will not
desert YOU or bring YOU to ruin or forget the covenant of your fore-
fathers that he swore to them.” Deut. 4:29-31. NW.
That text alone should prove to YOU that the “Replacement Doctrine” of the
Churches is false. How merciful and filled with loving-kindness OUR Father
Yahweh is. He has been that way from the very start, saying:
“Jehovah [Yahweh], Jehovah [Yahweh], a God merciful and gracious, slow
to anger and abundant in loving-kindness and truth. . . ” Ex. 34:6. NW.
The Apostle Paul concurs saying,
“O the depth of God’s riches and wisdom and knowledge! How
unsearchable his judgments [are] and past tracing out his ways [are]! . .
from him and by him and for him are all things. To him be the glory forever,
Amen.” Rom. 11:33, 36. NW. [Brackets NW.].
Yes, Jacob will be given mercy but not before “all the gentiles” come in to
finish the “high calling” and not before he goes thru his terrible “troubles”
which are to start very soon.
A sorely mis-translated and mis-understood scripture concerning kingdom
ruler-ship is that found in the gospel of John, chapter ten and verse sixteen.
The Lord, Yahshua, made mention of two groups in that scripture, saying,
"And I have OTHER SHEEP [Gentiles, the “body of Christ” that make up
144,000 heavenly rulers who will rule OVER (Greek “epi”) the EARTH],
which are not of THIS FOLD [The 144,000 “sons of Israel” that will rule
ON (Greek “epi”) the EARTH] those also I must bring, and THEY WILL
[together] become ONE flock, ONE SHEPHERD.” John 10:16. NW, WNT,
Darby, ASV, Wescott & Hort, Kingdom Interlinear, Revised Standard
Version, Diaglot and others.
Examining Yahshua’s words here closely, indicate that the TWO PART
become one flock of RULERS TO BE ONE SHEPHERD, for the whole of
mankind and of the whole earth. They will not HAVE a shepherd, THEY
WILL BE THE SHEPHERD! They will be the “administration” that will
govern earth. But, TO SHEPHERD WHOM?

ANSWER: To shepherd ALL OF MANKIND. As Kings and rulers THEY
WILL SHEPHERD the whole earth. Thus, WE are now better able to
understand the Lord’s teaching, that “the KINGDOM of the HEAVENS has
drawn near.” This is a literal government to be ruled by Israel. So, who is
Israel? Israel has two parts. The anti-typical Israel is composed of the “little
flock”, who rule from heaven and those of “Jacob”, who shall rule on the
earth. They will compose the SHEPHERD FOR ALL OF MANKIND, whom
Yahshua called “Israel.” This is another part of the mystery or “sacred
secret” that is being revealed. As Paul said, “In this manner All Israel will be
The King James Version and other versions erroneously add the word
“and” between the words “one flock, one shepherd” making it appear that
there is a separate shepherd which they assume is Yahshua and/or that
the two flocks have a shepherd. They fail to realize that Yahshua is making
a kingdom assignment of “A” shepherd, or governmental body, for heaven
and the earth.
Joh 10:16 And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I
must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold,
and one shepherd.

Notice the word “and” added in the text quoted above? The word and is
NOT in the original Greek text.
But the SUPREME SHEPHERD of earth, Yahshua Himself, is saying these
words, thus assigning these shepherding positions to both the heavenly,
“little flock” of non-Jewish OTHER SHEEP, and to “this FOLD” the Jews to
whom his ministry was directed at that time. “This FOLD” is the earthly
Jacob part of “Israel”. Yahshua gave this information far in advance, for this
ruler-ship arrangement of earth to benefit ALL of human-kind, including
those coming back from the graves.
That mistranslation clearly misleads those reading it, leading to another
conclusion and indicates the religious bias toward Replacement Theology
and/or the gross lack of understanding of this matter of ruler-ship. This is
the case with the KJV and with other translations and versions as well.
Nevertheless, one flock of rulers, consisting of two parts from among
mankind, is to shepherd the earth. One from heaven and one on the earth.

This ONE SHEPHERD will govern the earth and all of mankind during the
Lord’s 1000 year Sabbath day, to “let [God’s] will be done on earth as in
The key to understanding the verse IS that they will be "One FLOCK, ONE
SHEPHERD". That is, “ONE SHEPHERD", one part heavenly and one part
earthly; TO SHEPHERD, as the “new administration” of earths affairs, the
billions then living and the billions coming back in the “resurrection” during
that millennial kingdom Sabbath, of God’s “rest”. See Hebrews 3:11,18;
4:1, 3, 4, 8-11.
Again we may better understand just why Yahshua said, “I come to NONE
but the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” Yahshua came, that “ALL
ISRAEL,” including the fleshly JACOB earthly ruling part, and the spiritual
Israel heavenly ruling part also called “the body of Christ”, would be saved
for that purpose. THEY are the ones “SET APART” by the GREAT
SHEPHERD Yahshua, for that purpose. They are destined to rule and
fulfill OUR prayer of “thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in
heaven.” Matt. 6:9,10. KJV.
It must now be clear why Yahshua came here from heaven to die. He came
to rescue earth and its be-leagued inhabitants held in bondage and
hostage by Satan and his human henchmen.
Yahshua came to claim his “bride” and make arrangements for a select few
of His “relatives” to be rulers in His Kingdom. THAT KINGDOM is the
VEHICLE that the Father Yahweh has purposed to CORRECT ALL of
earth’s problems for both the earth and the people themselves. THAT IS
RULERSHIP!! THAT is what Satan has been after all along namely:
Permanent ruler-ship of this earth.
Jesus/Yahshua KNEW that HE would be the latter-day, “deliverer" that
would come out of Zion (heaven) and turn away the ungodly practices from
Jacob." Rom 11;26. This is also in harmony with Jer. 3:14b, 15 where
Jehovah/Yahweh says,
"I . . will take you . . . and bring you to Zion. And I will give you shepherds
in agreement with my heart, and they will certainly feed you with knowledge
and insight."

These shepherds would give them “food at the proper time.” See Matt.
Then Isa. 11:9 will be applied.
“They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain; for the knowledge
of Jehovah [Yahweh], will cover the earth as the waters cover the very
sea.” NW.
The basic qualifications for each, is to believe in and have faith in Jehovah/
Yahweh’s wonderful son, Yahshua ha Mashiach (Jesus the Christ) and his
ransom sacrifice. (Matt. 20:28) Other spiritual qualifications will also be
necessary for them to be kindly rulers. And of course, there will be "princes
in all the earth", (Isa. 32:1) composed of individuals resurrected on the
earth due to their faith, mentioned in Hebrews chapter eleven. Those men
and women of faith from olden times will have a "better resurrection" than
the vast majority of those who come back from the grave/sheol/ hades/hell,
the sea, in the general resurrection. Heb. 11: 35.
Those men and women, in the resurrection, will also HAVE TO BE
TAUGHT about Jesus/Yahshua being the Messiah and mankind’s King.
Some will be given PRINCELY positions of ruler-ship in the earthly
kingdom. As Isaiah 32:1, 2 says about that time,
“Look! A king [Yahshua} will reign for righteousness itself; and as respects
princes, they will rule as princes for justice itself. And each one must prove
to be like a hiding place of concealment from the rainstorm, like streams of
water in a waterless country, like the shadow of a heavy crag in an
exhausted land.” NW.
Those princes will not have Kingly positions, but be subject to those
144,000 rulers of Rev. 7:1-8 who are kings on earth, and those 144,000 of
Rev. 14:1-5 who are kings and priests in heaven.

[All scripture brackets, bold, underlining, emphasis, Caps mine].



144,000 “Sons” for Heavenly Rule and 144,000 “Sons” for Earthly Rule

In this booklet our intent is to solve the Mystery of the composition of the
Kingdom of God’s government, both in heaven and on the earth. In so-
doing it is a departure from what some have honestly taught and believed
in the past concerning Revelation chapters seven and fourteen. There has
been much confusion about whether the seat of kingdom government will
be located on earth or in the heavens and who will govern it. So, WE must
determine both its composition and where that seat of government will be
located, on earth or in heaven. WE also must determine just what the word
“kingdom” actually means in Scripture. To that end we hereby give Strong’s
definition from the Greek:

G932==βασιλεία==basileia=-bas-il-i'-ah==From G935; properly

royalty, that is, (abstractly) rule, or (concretely) a realm (literally or
figuratively): - kingdom, + reign.
So, what does that definition imply? It looks like two things. (1) A rulership
by royalty and (2) and a rulership over a literal or figurative realm. Both
make up the word “kingdom”. So, the word “kingdom” is a somewhat
enigmatic one. Nevertheless, WE will be dealing with WHO WILL RULE
and also WHERE that rulership will be located. Concerning location Isaiah
“Thus says Yahweh: "Heaven is my throne, and the earth is the footstool
for my feet. Where is this house that you would build for me? And where is
this resting place for me?” Isa. 66:1. Lexham English Bible. LEB.
With that in mind we also pray the Lord’s prayer concerning two locations.
For God to let, “Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is
in Heaven.” Mat. 6:10. MKJV.

Let US now get right into the matter. Below we will establish that the
kingdom government will be composed of TWO CLASSES of ROYAL
RULERS of 144,000 each, pictured by ELIJAH and ELISHA: One heavenly,
spoken of in Rev. 14:1-5 and one earthly referred to in Rev. 7:1-8. Both
having different origins, different hopes and different inheritances as
discussed below. The Jews were looking for and expecting David’s

kingdom when their Messiah appeared. The Gentiles had no such hope or
At the outset WE must realize that WE are living at the end of the “age of
grace” (The Christian Age) and the “end of the world” as WE know it. And
We must realize the Jesus/Yahshua is taking an active part in that process.
And that whether one believes that these numbers are literal or symbolic is
of no consequence. Because the scene of this world is changing. Why?
WE are living in the “Last Days” of this World and Age. WE are witnessing
the change and transition into God’s literal “kingdom to come” (Matt. 6:9,
10), which will prove whether those are literal or symbolic numbers; And
also, give proof of just where the kingdom power-base will be. In the
heavens or on the earth.

This is a critical time period for the earth and humankind. For it is now
almost time for Elijah's successor, the Elisha class, (also known as the
“faithful and wise servant” of Matt. 24:45-47), to take over representing
Yahshua and His Father on earth. That happens after all His “brothers”,
“the body of Christ” obtain their heavenly reward and departure from this

That event was pictorially displayed, when Elijah was taken up into the
heavens by a whirlwind and Elisha remained behind on earth. Elisha then
took over Elijah’s earthly duties when he picked up Elijah’s “official
garment” and continued his masters’ work. (See 2 Kings 2:1-14).

Elijah pictured the 144,000 (Rev. 14:1-5) members of the “body of Christ”
who are “bought from the earth” as a first-fruits to the Father and His Son
and are taken to heaven. These are they who have served as the “Elijah to
come” that will “restore all things” after their “change” to heavenly life and
rulership in heaven. (Matt. 17:11). Soon that Elijah class will be replaced by
the Elisha class of 144,000 “sons of Israel” who will rule ON the earth. They
symbolically put on Elijah’s “official garment” to continue the Lord’s work
here on earth in these last days after the Lord takes His “bride” home to

The search for those 144,000 earthly “Sons of Israel” (Rev. 7:1-8), is just
beginning. At this time those of the earthly 144,000, also called “Jacob” by
Paul (Rom. 11:26), are starting to be gathered and sealed by the Lord’s
ANGELS, before the "four winds" of God’s “battle of Armageddon” are
let loose, at the end of this transition period. Rev. 9:14, 15; 16:14-16.
The Elisha class, (That Paul calls the Jacob part of Israel), consists of
those 144,000 individuals, twelve thousand from each tribe of the “sons of
Israel”, spoken of in the book of Revelation. (See Rev. 7:4-8). They are ALL
alive now, and will ALL still be alive on the earth to see the end of this
wicked Age and World. They will be witnesses of God’s judgments during
these last days on this world, Satan’s system of things. (Rev. 9:4).

It is of great importance to understand that the angels are sealing

sons from ALL walks of life. That they are selecting those of the Elisha
class, from Evangelicals, Jews, recovering alcoholics and drug addicts,
Adventists, Jehovah’s witnesses, Messianic groups, younger Bible
Students, even Islam and other religions around the world.

All must take note of the fact that a sprinkling of the sealing work by the
Angels have already started. That is the reason why so many are leaving
the false organized religions world-wide, especially among certain
Evangelical groups, and Jehovah’s witnesses. It is also the reason why so
many Jews are leaving Judaism to join the Messianic movements. It is also
why many secret covert gatherings in China, Iran and other Islamic nations
are quietly assembling to worship Yahweh and Christ.

The Lord Yahshua Ha Mashiach (Jesus the Christ) is using His holy angels
to do this separating and sealing work in these “last days! These are the
ones that will survive “Jacob’s trouble” in the coming “great tribulation” (Jer.
30:7; Matt. 24:21, 22) and later God’s War of Armageddon. They are the
ones that will comprise the coming kingdom government ON earth. They
will represent the Kingdom of Heaven and the Messiah, as earthly kings,
for a thousand years. (See Rev. 21:24). They are also the ones referred to
in Psalm 83:3 as God’s “hidden ones” (ASV, KJV) or “treasured ones”
(JPS). These privileged ones are being selected and sealed by the angels,
even now. In the book of Revelation 7:1-4 the Apostle John tells of those
WHO are being sealed by the angels:

“After this I saw four angels standing upon the four corners of the earth,
holding tight the four winds [of Armageddon] of the earth, that no wind
might blow upon the earth or upon the sea or upon any tree. And I saw
another angel ascending from the sunrising having a seal of [the] living
God; And he cried out with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was
granted to harm the earth and the sea, saying: “Do not harm the earth or
the sea or the trees, UNTIL AFTER WE [the angels] HAVE SEALED THE
of those who were sealed, a hundred and forty-four thousand, sealed
out of every tribe of the SONS OF ISRAEL.” NWT.
These are earthly sons NOT the “body of Christ” composing spiritual Israel.
This work by the angels is just now beginning before the releasing of the
four winds of Armageddon. That event will happen sometime after the
destruction of Christendom and the great harlot, that old whore "Babylon
the Great”, the world empire of “organized” corporate false religions.

Who are these 144,000 of the Elisha class? YOU may read of them in Rev.
7:1-8 which identifies them as 12,000 from each APROVED TRIBE of the
“sons of Israel”; Each one having a simple “stamp” on their foreheads.
They are SEALED [G4973, sfag-id-zo, by a stamp as with a signet or
private mark] to be "rulers" of this earthly realm. YOU MAY BE ONE OF

Notice that this "sealing" by the angels in Rev. 7:3 (sfag-id-zo), is a simple
"stamp" on their foreheads. It would serve as a spiritual identification
mark of ownership by the great King Yahshua Ha Mashiach for their
preservation and protection. Their sealing is far, far, different from those of
the other group of 144,000 spoken of in Rev.14:1-5, who are Yahshua's
BROTHERS and “bride”. These are members of the “body of Christ who
SPECIALLY ENGRAVED, NOT STAMPED, [grapho G1125, to grave or
write] on their foreheads." This indicates that there are two very different
kinds of sealing work that have been done and is now starting to be done
for these two very different classes of 144,000 individuals.

There is also another specific difference. Those in Rev. 14:1-5 are the
"ones who sing the new song" and are "a first fruits" to God and to the
Lamb who have been [ag-or-ad'-zo G59] bought, purchased, redeemed
from the earth. (See 1Cor. 6:20; Rom. 8:28-30). They are glorified, by a
resurrection to life in the heavens for ruler-ship OVER the earth.

While those just mentioned go to rule in heaven, those of Rev. 7:1-8 remain
alive ON the earth, to rule ON the earth. As can be seen in Rev. 9:4, they
are still ALIVE on earth, after the four winds of Armageddon are released
and are preserved as a class thru that time of distress.
By that time, those of Rev. 14:1-5 that compose “the bride” are no longer
on earth. They have all died and been resurrected, or have been
“changed,” and “bought from the earth” as a “first fruits” to Yahweh. Just as
Elijah was taken up in the whirlwind. They are in heaven with their
bridegroom, Yahshua Mashiach (Jesus Christ). (See 1 Cor. 15:50-56;
1Thess. 4:15-17). In further differentiation of these two groups of 144,000
individuals, John tells of an ANGEL saying, "Do not harm the earth or the
sea or the trees, until WE HAVE SEALED the slaves of our God in their
foreheads." Rev. 7:2, 3.

Notice that the ANGELS ARE DOING THIS SEALING WORK of the Elisha
class. This is appropriate, for NOW is “the time of the harvest”, “at the END
of the AGE,” that Yahshua spoke of when the angels would do the
harvesting of the “good seed” the “sons of Israel”, in Matt. 13:24-43 below.
BUT, WHICH HARVEST? Well it certainly was not the one at the end of the
Jewish Age and the Jewish World that ended in 70 AD. So, the question
arises: Is there another harvest at the end of OUR age, the Christian Age
and how can WE know? Yahshua gives US the answer in his parable of:


Yes, Jesus/Yahshua did speak about more than one harvest. How do we
know? Simply by checking out who was doing the harvesting and WHEN it
was to occur. Look at the parable of the Wheat and the Tares in Mathew
chapter thirteen, verses twenty-four thru thirty. Later in verse thirty-six His
disciples specifically singled out this parable and asked Him,
“Explain unto us the parable of the tares of the field.” KJV.
Why would that parable be so important to them? Because they assumed
that it applied to their generation at the end of their Age at that time. They
did not foresee that their nation would be scattered in a great Diaspora
(Deut. 32:26) thru-out the world and lie dormant for nearly 2000 years. That
event had been prophesied in the SONG of Moses in Deuteronomy 32
when he predicted Jacob’s disobedience to God’s laws. Both Ephraim and
Judah had already suffered exile and captivity long before the Roman
destruction in 70 AD. So, Jesus/Yahshua explained the parable to them
“The sower of the good seed is the Son of man; the field is the world;
[G2889 kosmos = system of things, the world of mankind, NOT JUST
ISRAEL] the good seed [G4690==sperma==sper'-mah=From G4687;
somethng sown, that is seed (including the male sperm); by implication
offspring; specifically a remnant (figuratively as if kept over for
planting): - issue, seed.] these are the sons of the Kingdom [the Sons
of Israel]; the darnel [tares], these are the sons of the Evil one. The enemy
who sows the darnel [tares] is the “Devil”. The Harvest is the close of the
Age [G165 Aion= properly age, world, period, in this case the Christian
Age]; The reapers are the angels; and then the darnel is collected
together and burnt up with fire, so it will be at the Close of the Age.”
Matt.13:36-40. WNT.

That earthly Jewish harvest in the first century was NOT world-wide. Also, it
was worked in only by Jesus and His Disciples who were human, NOT
ANGELS. This is indicated by what Jesus said in Matt 9:37, 38 AT THAT
TIME, “the harvest is great, but the workers are few. Therefore, beg the
Master of the harvest to send out workers into the harvest.”

That work was at the End of the Jewish harvest or Age in the first
century. The foretold harvest going on now, at the End of the Christian Age,
is NOT by men but by the ANGELS! How fitting it is that Father Yahweh,
thru His Son would once again turn His merciful attention toward His
covenant people, “the sons of Israel”. Why? To keep His INTEGRITY! and
to fulfill all of His prophetic WORDS regarding ALL of His earthly promises
given to them in the Hebrew Scriptures from Abraham on.

That Jewish harvest was put on “hold” in 70 AD. IT has NOT been
stretched over some two thousand years, as the Christian harvest of
144,000 heavenly kingdom heirs has been. IT has been reserved until the
END of the CHRISTIAN AGE. That harvest work of sealing by the Angels
has just started and IS GOING ON RIGHT NOW. Who are they sealing?
They are sealing 144,000 SONS of Israel, who have the DNA “seed” of
Abraham that are to rule ON EARTH. They will physically represent God’s
invisible heavenly kingdom government. Twelve thousand from each
faithful tribe of Israel will be sealed by the Angels to rule this earth. (Rev.

NOTE: We have used the Weymouth New Testament (WNT) here to help
us understand the difference between the two Greek words that the King

James Version has wrongly MIXED and mis-translated as “world.” When
only one word is world, kosmos=world and the other is aion=Age.

We must remember that an Age is a period of time, history or epoch, while

a World is a “system of things” composed of a human civilization. OUR
present “world” system of things, is composed of three basic elements of
human society, or civilization, as we know it today:

Politics: (1) Political and governmental rule of state or states in their

various forms: Fascism, Communism, Capitalism, Democracies,
Totalitarianism, Dictatorships, Theocracies, Kingdoms and others. (2)
Commercialism: National and Inter-national manufacturing, food
distribution, marketing, logistics, production, banking, promotion of trade
within those states and internationally between nations (3) Religions: Non-
Governmental Organizations (called NGO’s) and religious corporations
operating nationally or internationally with the permission of the Political
state or states they’re in.

Getting back to Jesus/Yahshua’s words, in the parable: Notice, once

again, who is doing the harvesting at the end/close of the Age? Jesus
said,“The reapers are the angels.” Notice also, when it is. “The harvest
is at the end of the Age.” Notice again who is being discussed here: The
“good seed” who are the sons of the Kingdom the “sons of Israel.”
(Rev. 7:4-8). These are also the SONS of the “Israel of God” (Gal. 6:16),
the Body of Christ.
THIS WORK is being done by the ANGELS NOW, DURING the end of this,
the Christian Age. Why Angels? Because ONLY THE ANGELS KNOW
their DNA who those of the twelve tribes are, even if they claim to be able
to. That DNA has become so entangled in so much of humankind’s DNA
thru-out the earth, no one really knows who they truly are.
Only with the DNA of Abraham can they have the “faith” needed to be
sealed. They are not forced to be sealed. But will accept it because
Abraham is their forefather and the “father of all those that believe [have
faith G4100].” (Rom. 4:11. KJV). So, they may or may not be so-called
“Jews” by birth and/or live in Israel. That opens up the “way” for the many
“lost sheep” of “SONS OF ISRAEL” to be sealed.

This harvest work is the last part of the “gospel (good news) of the
kingdom” and should be proclaimed far and wide the world over by Jews,
Evangelicals, Jehovah’s witnesses, Adventists, Bible Students and
Messianic Jews. This is the FINAL PART of the fulfillment of Matt. 24:14,
concerning the preaching of “this good news of the kingdom to the entire
inhabited earth.” IT is NOT a warning work as some religions falsely claim.
EARTHLY SONS in fulfillment of His Father Yahweh’s promises to the
forefathers. (Gen. 22:15-18).
This great secondary work of the Angels is one that just precedes the end
of the world (kosmos). Most people will not, do not, know it is even going
on. It is spiritually thrilling to know that the holy angels are fulfilling the
above parable, in connection with Rev. 7:1-8, at this very moment. It is also
of interest to note, that NO RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATION is doing this
work! However, even tho THEY, as yet, DO NOT KNOW IT IS GOING ON,
they would have YOU believe that they are doing it. They are not, THE
ANGELS ARE!!, under the direction of the Lord Jesus/Yahshua himself!!
The Angels are sealing the 144,000 sons of the Kingdom, of Revelation
chapter seven, who will rule ON this earth during the Millennial Kingdom
reign. They will rule under the greater heavenly rulership of the 144,000
members of the “body of Christ” in heaven who have been “bought from the
earth”. (Rev. 14:1-5) That angelic work has just commenced and is
signaling that WE are in a transition period at or near the end of this
Christian Age of grace!!, which transitions into the 1000 year kingdom reign
of the Messiah.
Now, it is of great importance for US to consider the differences between
the sealing work by the angels and the sealing work by the Holy Spirit
of which the angels have no part. These two methods of sealing for
earthly RULER-SHIP and heavenly RULER-SHIP are completely different
in every aspect; Even tho some have mistakenly, tho honestly tried to MIX
the two, and which have created great confusion among God’s children.
WE shall attempt to separate and examine them in greater detail below.


The parable of the wheat and the tares is NOT a prophecy about those in
Rev. 14:1-5, who will rule from heaven as some have claimed in the past.
They are redeemed or purchased from the earth as a “first fruits” dedicated

as a sacrifice by earth to the Father and to the Lamb. They are NOT
SPIRIT that comes directly from their Heavenly Father. NO ANGELS ARE
They are thus anointed, that is, spirit begotten, for a special “spiritual”
purpose for a “spiritual” work. That anointing makes them direct spiritual
representatives of the Father, His Son and the Kingdom of Heaven, while
here on earth. As such Paul describes them as being “ambassadors” of the
heavenly kingdom government, “substituting for Christ,” and are begging
mankind to become “reconciled” with God. 2Cor. 5:20.
Being spirit begotten by Holy Spirit they have become just like their Master,
Jesus/Yahshua. They have become Messiah’s (Christs) due to the Holy
Spirits anointing them as such. They have been otherwise known down
thru the centuries as CHRISTIANS. (Christs, Anointed, Messiahs all have
the same meaning). Thus, being anointed by the Holy Spirit directly from
the Father (See Rom. 8:14-17), the angels are completely by-passed and
have no part in the selection of this group known as the “body of Christ”.
Therefore, angels have nothing to do with the operation of the Holy Spirit.
The angels are charged only with giving their assistance to them, as they
Consequently, the angels have no part in “begetting” any of the heirs to the
heavenly part of God's kingdom. This operation of “begetting” by the Holy
Spirit or "spirit anointing" is directly from their Father Yahweh. That is
why, Yahshua (Jesus) said to James and John’s mother, in Mark 10:40:
“ . . . to sit at my right hand and my left hand is NOT MINE TO GIVE.”
Even He could not appoint who would sit at His right hand or His left, IN
HEAVEN. That is why the Revelation account about Jerusalem descending
from heaven does NOT list the names of the “twelve apostles of the Lamb”.
(See Rev. 21:10-27). Consequently, if the Son had no authority in selecting
those anointed who go to the Heavens, nor could make appointments to
positions of ruler-ship in that realm, certainly no angel could either!
That Divine work of spirit begetting, by Jehovah/Yahweh (not the angels),
has been going on for nearly 2000 years now. The preaching of that
“gospel” of GRACE for heavenly Kingdom ruler-ship has been done all of
these years by Yahshua’s brothers, who were summoning still others that

MIGHT qualify, and would eventually compose His “body” and “bride” of
144,000, who are “bought from the earth.” (Rev. 14:1-5).
The preaching and teaching of that “gospel of GRACE” or “good news of
God’s underserved kindness” to the “GENTILES” would expose to those
individuals Yahweh’s spirit and purposes. That message of GRACE to the
gentiles would bring out their “heart condition” regarding being “called” to
son-ship and receiving the Holy Spirit, thus anointing them with the “hope”
for future glory and ruler-ship in the heavens, if they remained faithful.
Later, that gospel message of “GRACE” to the gentiles by the apostle Paul,
was compromised and corrupted. Due to Pharisee/Judaizers opposition
(Acts 15:5), a “falling away” (2Thes. 2:3) from that anointing occurred. A
MIXING of the gentile “gospel of grace” and forcing them to MIX the “Law”
together with the Jewish “gospel of the kingdom” created an APOSTATE
DOCTRINE in the ekklesias (congregations/synagogues). Why is that
important? Because they have different promises, different blessings
different hopes and different destinies. One earthly and one heavenly.
Paul recognized that “falling away” from the anointing had already begun in
the first century. He called it the mystery of lawlessness,
“For the mystery of lawlessness doth already work: only there is one
that restraineth now, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall be
revealed the lawless one, whom the Lord Jesus shall slay with the breath of
his mouth,” 2Thes. 2:7 8. ASV.

It had become so rampant that not only had “Demas forsaken” Paul’s
“gospel of grace” and the anointing, but it had spread and infected
everyone in Asia.
Just before his death Paul wrote to Timothy saying,

“This thou knowest, that all that are in Asia [have] turned away
from me.” These are the same ones that compose the synagogues in
Asia that the apostle John wrote about in the Revelation account!, some 30
years after Paul’s warning that anti-anointing doctrine was progressing and
getting worse. The apostle John spoke of those falling away from the true
“anointing”, calling them “antichrists (anti-anointed).
(G500==antichristos==an-tee'-khris-tos=From G473 and G5547; an
opponent of the Messiah: - antichrist). John said,

“Little children, it is the last hour. Just as you heard that an antichrist is
coming, so now many antichrists have appeared. This is how we
know it is the last hour. They left us, but they were not part of us, for if they
had been part of us, they would have stayed with us. Their leaving made it
clear that none of them was really part of us.” 1 John 2:18, 19. International
Standard Version. ISV.

To further corrupt the healthful doctrine of anointing further, Satan threw in

the pagan Trinity and Hell Fire doctrines and created the “Universal
(Catholic) Church”. That MIXING of false doctrines was so powerful and
potent that ALL PEOPLE would go either to HEAVEN or HELL, it spread
thru-out the earth. These NON-Biblical teachings are Demonic, inspired
Satanic CONJETURE and FEAR mongering promoted by false religious
leaders to control the Biblically ignorant masses.

The Kingdom gospel was introduced exclusively to the Jews and for the
Jews by John the Baptist. No gentiles were included, at that time. It was
and is strictly an EARTHLY HOPE. That teaching was amplified by the Lord
who went exclusively to the nation of Israel with it. (Matt.10:6; 15:24).

That admixture of gospels and doctrines, promoted by the apostate

churches and religions of Christendom has confused and confounded
scholars and the sheep alike for nearly 2000 years. Being doctrines from
Satan the Devil it would naturally be confusing, as he is the author of Lies
and Confusion. (John 8:44) Those confusing mixtures that “everyone is
going to heaven” or “hell” has been spread around the entire inhabited
earth by those same religious structures. THAT MIXING of the heavenly
gospel of “Grace” and the earthly gospel of the “kingdom” along with the
Trinity and Hell Fire doctrines became their primary TEACHINGS until
today. Those mixtures of doctrines and gospels has literally MIXED up the
minds and hearts of people so badly they have become completely
confused. They have been thoroly confused to the point of rejecting God’s
word entirely as a result there of.

Under Satan and his demon’s direction those same false religions have
also succeeded in MIXING IN many of the other “gospels” with that of the
kingdom “gospel” or “good news” so that NONE can be easily understood.
While there is one only “one gospel” of “Salvation” (1Cor. 15:1-4), there are
many more spoken of. The word “gospel” is mentioned 104 times in the

King James Version concerning several “gospels”. The gospels of: “the
kingdom”, “Grace”, “circumcision” and Salvation, and others are recorded.

Consequently, for a complete and proper understanding and insight into the
Scriptures, it is essential to separate the various “gospels” that have been
deliberately MIXED together. This is especially true for understanding the
differences between the earthly “kingdom gospel” from the heavenly
“gospel of grace”. That is primarily the purpose of this paper.

Heavenly Rulership~
The 144,000 heavenly rulers of Rev. 14:1-5, have been selected over a
long period of time, most of whom have died and are in sheol (the grave),
awaiting the Lord Yahshua’s actual Parousia, presence and return. He will
then raise them from their tombs and graves in the earth to “meet Him in
the air” and be taken with Him to His heavenly home. At that same time
those remaining, that are still alive, will also be “changed and meet Him in
the air”. (1Cor. 15:51, 52) Some believe this has already happened, but
have only assumed proofs. Nevertheless, the few still living today are now
close to receiving their heavenly reward and passing from this earthly orb
when the Lord calls.

Regarding those chosen ones of Rev.14:1-5, let’s consider another chapter

in the book of Revelation concerning the one who bought them Jesus/
Yahshua Ha Mashiach. In Revelation chapter five verses eight thru ten, tell
of “four living creatures and twenty-four elders singing a “new song” about
Him; That He is “worthy” to open the “seven seals” that describes the
events foretold to happen, at the end of this world. John discloses that it is,
“in the Lord’s day.” (Rev. 1:10). The lyrics of the “new song” they sing are:

“You [Jesus/Yahshua] are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals,
because you were slain and with your blood YOU purchased [bought] men
for God from every tribe and language and people and nation [ethnos-
gentiles]. You have made them to be a kingdom of priests to serve our
God, and they will reign EPI [Greek=epee] the earth.” Rev. 5:9,10. NIV.
But, WHERE WILL THEY REIGN? That is the question.
Because of that mixing described above and NOT UNDERSTANDING
TRANSLATORS have been CONFUSED by the little GREEK WORD epi,

which has a host of meanings including over and upon, beside and on, etc.
To show how confusing it has been to Bible translators, WE herewith list
some of the many and varied renderings of that verse in Rev. 5:10:
(ASV) and madest them to be unto our God a kingdom and priest; and
they reign upon [epi] earth.
(Darby) and made them to our God kings and priest; and they shall reign
over [epi] the earth.
(GNB) You have made them a kingdom of priests to serve our God and
they shall rule on [epi] earth.
(KJV) And hast made us unto our God unto our God kings and priests and
we shall reign on [epi] the earth.
(WNT) And hast formed them into a kingdom to be priests to our God, And
they reign over [epi] the earth
(YLT) and didst make us to our God kings and priest, and we shall reign
upon [epi] the earth.
(NASB) And Thou hast made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God
and they will reign upon [epi] the earth.
(The Complete Jewish Bible) You made them into a kingdom for God to
rule, Cohanim [priests] to serve him and they will rule over [epi] the earth.
YOU may see how confused the translators are. Because, ALL of the
above renderings are from the same little word epi [G1909, epi, A simple
primary preposition]. In different cases (genitive, dative, accusative and
others) can be used as Over, upon, at, On, towards, above, about, against,
among, as long as, at, be-side, fore, to, etc. . . . A very confounding little
Biblical translation is extremely important and the translators carry a heavy
responsibility for textual clarity and accuracy. However, if the translators
have the wrong understanding and/or wrong doctrinal view, because of
their religious bias or background, they will mistake which of the word’s
meanings to use. They then enter their wrong understanding into the text.
Such is the case with the Greek word, ‘epi’ [epee].
This, of course, is just one example of hundreds of mistranslations made
down thru the centuries by honest men doing their best to translate the

scriptures under the duress and handicap of the rigidly organized religious
structures they were operating epi [about, above, on, over, under or in].
Some of the various translations use the following:
ON= ASV, KJV, Diaglott, NIV, RV
OVER= WNT, Darby, NWT, Watchtower Kingdom Interlinear, AMPLIFIED,
CJB, Greek-English Interlinear by J. P. Green
THE NEW JERUSALEM BIBLE (NJB) translators skillfully and adroitly skirt
the issue altogether by translating the text this way: “and made them a line
of kings and priests for God to rule the world.”
They artfully made an “end run” around the translation, of the simple Greek
word epi, ignoring it completely. In doing so, they avoided any controversy
and/or criticism, by other scholars, that might be attached to their own
translations of it.
Epi [epee] = YOU CAN TAKE YOUR PICK. But, how do WE know what the
meaning should really be? ONLY BY EXAMINING THE CONTEXT, can
WE understand which word should be applied. The context always
However, sometimes it is very difficult to understand just what the context
is implying.
Let US get back to Revelation chapter five and verse nine and see if WE
can determine the correct meaning of epi there, as to whether it should
read on, over, upon, under, around or what? The four living creatures and
the twenty-four elders are shown in heaven before the throne and they
prostrated themselves before the Lamb, singing a “new song” to the Lamb,
which bespeaks of a new ruling arrangement in heaven. THEIR “new song”
“You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were
slain, and with your blood you purchased men for God from every tribe and
language and people and nation. You have made them to be a kingdom
and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on [epi] the earth.” NIV.
Looking at the context, of the “new song,” WE understand that the Lamb
purchased humans (ethnos=gentiles) from every tribe and language and
people and nation for God, with His blood. Now why would the Lamb, who

is Yahshua, do that? Do YOU think that the ones He purchased for God,
with His blood, were somehow special? Of course. BUT HE DID NOT
purchase ALL people for God. What?. . . NO, HE DID NOT!.
ALL the rest of humankind He purchased FOR HIMSELF, as the “last
Adam,” (1Cor. 15:43) so they could be His earthly children. He therefore,
replaces earthly Adam as mankind’s father. This is in fulfillment of the
prophecy in Isa. 9:6, 7 that calls Him Eternal Father,
“For there has been a child born to us, there has been a son given to us;
and the princely rule will come to be upon his shoulder. And his name will
be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of
Peace. To the abundance of the princely rule and to peace there will be no
end, upon the throne of David and upon his kingdom in order to establish it
firmly and to sustain it. . .” NWT.
He also came as a RANSOM SACRIFICE for humanity. (Matt. 20:28). In so
doing He accomplished two things. He said that he came, “…not to be
ministered to, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.” ASV.
By His sacrifice, (1) He redeemed mankind, and purchased the human
race for himself. He thus becomes the FATHER OF ALL HUMANITY!! He
has become “the last Adam. . .a life-giving spirit,” and mankind’s
“ETERNAL FATHER.” (Isa. 9:6, 7; 1Cor. 15:45; John 5:26-29).
By His sacrifice, (2) He paid the “bride price”, (purchasing His “bride” was
a Jewish custom in ancient times), who are his body members, from
amongst men on earth, for His Father in heaven.
One of the reasons that Jesus/Yahshua purchased them from the earth
was as a gift to present to Yahweh God, His Father. Yes, and more than
that. It was, also for the Father to give them TO HIM as His “BRIDE.” The
“bride” would then become Yahweh’s heavenly daughter! They would also
serve as heavenly RULERS, representing humankind and the earth in
heaven, with His Son. What a perfectly wonderful marriage arrangement.
They would also bare fruit in the form of 144,000 earthly “sons”. (See Rev.
Those Yahshua purchased for God, are the same ones mentioned in
Revelation chapter fourteen verses one thru five, who are identified as
having been “bought from the earth,” as “first fruits to God and to the
Lamb.” They are purchased with the Lamb’s blood and brought to heaven

in the “first resurrection” to be the Lamb’s “bride.” AT THE WEDDING (Rev.
FAMILY NAME. As yet, Yahshua’s new name is not known to the ‘bride or
the rest of mankind. Because, he alone presently knows it. Rev. 19:12.
Also, because the “marriage” has not happened yet.
John tells US the ‘bride’ are also, singing a New Song that only they
know. Their song is NOT THE SAME SONG that the four living creatures
and the twenty-four elders sung. Why not? Simply because the lyrics of the
four living creatures and elders “new song” are recorded in Rev. 5:8, 9. So?
Well we know what their song is. Quite different from the “new song” the
144,000 sing. Why? Because they sing a secret “NEW SONG THAT
ONLY THEY KNOW.” Continuing, John tells US that he sees where they
are in heaven, where he hears them sing and where they are then:
“And I saw, and behold, the Lamb standing on mount Zion [in heaven], and
with him a hundred and forty-four thousand, having his name and the
name of his Father written upon their foreheads.” Rev. 14:1. NWT.
“And I heard a voice out of heaven as a voice of many waters, and as a
voice of great thunder. And the voice which I heard was as a harp, singers
harping with their harps;” Rev. 14:2. Darby
“And they are singing a new song before the throne, and before the
four living creatures and the elders. And no one could learn that song
save the hundred and forty-four thousand who were bought
[PURCHASED] from the earth.” Rev. 14:3. Darby. An exclusive group
Notice they are singing their “new song” before the throne and before
the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders who had already
sung their “new song”. Where are they doing their singing? They, are in
heaven. They are no longer on the earth. John continues saying:
“These are they who have not been defiled with women [false religions,
verse eight identifies that woman], for they are virgins: these are they who
follow the Lamb where-so-ever he goes. These have been bought from
men as a first-fruits to God and to the Lamb” (Rev. 14:4 Darby), “and no
falsehoods was found in their mouths, they are without blemish. Rev. 14:5.
They are in heaven and are no longer imperfect humans on earth. They
have been PURCHASED FROM THE EARTH. Being members of the

“body of Christ”, they have been buried in Christ and at their faithful death
they receive their heavenly reward. They are raised from their graves and
being BOUGHT FROM among MANKIND are taken to heaven to be with
their husband and “bridegroom”, Yahshua. They are now no longer human.
What are they?
THEY ARE A “NEW CREATION.” That “NEW CREATION” constitutes and
makes up “THE ISRAEL OF GOD.” The apostle Paul said this, about that,
“…if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new
has come!” 2Cor. 5:17. NIV. . . . . AND,
“…what counts is a new creation. Peace and mercy to all who follow this
rule, even to THE ISRAEL OF GOD.” Gal. 6:16. NIV.
In that scripture, Paul identifies who the Israel of God is: those of the “New
Creation.” Now WE know who it is. . . Being made “new creatures,” they
are no longer a part of the human race. They have been re-made (created
completely anew as their Lord was) to live in heaven and have heavenly
spiritual life, so that is where they are in this verse. These are the same
ones that the “four living creatures” and the “twenty-four elders” sang a
“new song” about in Rev. 5:9, 10. The same ones that are “purchased,”
(bought) “…for God from every tribe and language and people and nation.”
So, in answer to the above question: WHERE are THEY? IN, HEAVEN? Or
LOCATION with Yahshua as KING. ALL of the information that WE have
just discussed gives US concrete evidence of what the context indicates
the meaning of the word epi is in Rev. 5:9 and 10. It should be
translated OVER the earth.
With the above in mind, WE can now determine what the meaning of the
word epi is in this verse. That meaning, according to the above research,
would then be “OVER” in this case, and not “on” or “upon.” Why? Because
it is referring to that group spoken of in Rev. 14:1-5. The 144,000
HEAVENLY RULERS purchased for God from the earth, who will rule from
heaven, NOT ON EARTH, as the heavens are over and/or above the earth.
By means of the foregoing, WE can better understand what “sealing by the
Holy Spirit” means. What IT engenders within a person. Where IT will take
an individual. The work of finding those heavenly heirs will be finished

when the last “spirit begotten”, anointed, brother of Christ [ANOINTED one]
is glorified at his death or “changed” to meet their Lord in the air. (See Phil.
Not the END of the whole World =kosmos. . . YET. . . BUT FIRST, another
work, the earthly work of sealing by the angels has to be accomplished.


Before the End of this World (kosmos) at Armageddon, another sealing
work must be completed. That is the "sealing" of the 144,000 EARTHLY
RULERS that John describes in Rev. 7:1-8. This sealing work by the
angels occurs just prior to the loosing of the four winds of Armageddon
when they are ALL STILL LIVING, at the “end of the Age.”
Those of Rev. 7:1-8, ALL 144,000 of them, that is12,000 from each of the
twelve approved tribes (Dan and Ephraim are omitted) of Israel, must be
sealed by the angels. They are ALL physical descendants from the twelve
tribes of Jacob that have the DNA (Seed) of Abraham. This will be in
fulfillment of the many prophecies regarding the physical Seed (H2233
=zera‛=zeh'-rah =From H2232; seed; figuratively fruit, plant, sowing
time, posterity==carnally, child, fruitful, seed (-time), sowing-time.)
of Abraham.

At this time most of them do not know they are descendants of Abraham,
Isaac and Jacob. Their forebears were scattered around the ancient world
by means of the various diaspora perpetuated by the ancient Political
Nations. WE cannot assume that the apostate Jews and faithless religious
leaders in the first century have carried the DNA and faith of Abraham until
today. Why? Mal. 2:3 says, “Behold, I will corrupt your seed, and
spread dung upon your faces, even the dung of your solemn feasts; and
one shall take you away with it.” The Romans did that very thing in 70

In the first century hundreds of thousands were killed and enslaved by the
Romans. Later thousands were forced to convert into the Catholic Church
in 1492 AD by pain of death and/or were expelled from Europe. Untold
thousands more were forced into Islam under the same circumstances.
Thousands more were assimilated thru-out the world into various branches
of humanity. NO ONE can prove they are really a descendent of Abraham

except by recent bogus family tradition of the last 500 years. Therefore, NO
ONE REALLY KNOWS what their true DNA holds therein. Nevertheless,
these Elect (chosen) men of Jacob/Israel, will see the end of the whole,
kosmos=world. YOU may be one of them!! Paul spoke of the Jewish
condition existing in his day. In the book to the Romans he said,

“I don't mean that God failed to keep his promise to the Jewish people. But
only some of the people of Israel are really God's people. And only some
of Abraham's descendants are true children of Abraham.” (Rom. 9:6,
7) Easy to Read Version. ERV.


WE know that they will be sealed, according to Yahshua’s parable, “at the
end of the Age.” So, they will be living contemporaneously with the LAST of
the Lord Yahshua’s “brothers” of the “new creation.” By looking at
Revelation Chapter Six we can see when the beginning of this sealing work
by the angels will take place. Chapter six tells of the Lamb, Jesus/Yahshua,
opening the first four of Seven Seals. In doing so the, FOUR HORSEMEN
OF THE APOCALYPSE RIDE! They bring Bad times and troublesome
events with them. This is just the beginning “of the pangs of distress”
among the nations.

Opening the Fifth Seal reveals those who were slaughtered down thru the
centuries for bearing witness to the word of truth and Jesus/Yahshua. In
verse eleven, they are told to rest until “the full number is filled.” So,
this COULD NOT be referring to the ones whom the angels are sealing,
because the angels are only sealing those that are ALL alive at the “end of
the age.”

Opening the Sixth Seal “a great earthquake” occurs. Great events, both
physical and spiritual, are beginning to happen. A time of great tribulation
for the earth is starting with a great global shaking. At the same time
“fearful sights” are seen in the heavens that make those on earth agitated
and fearful. The “great tribulation” is beginning!! Even the great and
powerful ones among the people are affected and in fear. Rev. 16:15 says,
“And the kings of the earth, and the top-ranking ones, and the military
commanders and the rich and the strong ones and slave and free person
themselves in the caves and the rock masses of the mountains.” NWT.
They are ALL, trying to hide themselves. Earlier, for their survival, they
have built great underground facilities for themselves and their
governments. But now, they are using their underground bunkers and
shelters they had built, because they are in great fear from what they see

“And they keep saying to the mountains and to the rock-masses, “Fall over
US and hide US from the face of the One seated on the throne and from
the wrath of the Lamb, because the great day of their wrath has come and
who is able to stand?” Rev. 6:16. NWT.

This takes US deep into the “last days” of this old World (kosmos). They try
to run away and hide themselves in the dark caves of their religions and
giant corporations and into the rock-masses of their international
organizations and the mountains of their political governments. They do
this even tho, these manmade organizational structures cannot save them.
They have always assumed that their religions and governments can
protect them and HAVE A RIGHT TO EXIST. THEY DO NOT! They ALL
are of Satanic origin and are destined to be destroyed, but they still try to
run into them for safety. They are fearful and afraid of the future and try to,

“hide from the face of the One seated on the throne and from the wrath of
the Lamb, because the GREAT DAY of wrath has come, and who is able to
stand?” Rev.6:17 NWT.

Conditions will become so bad on earth that they will try to hide in their
man-made underground shelters and deep in the caverns they have cut out
of the earth and into the literal mountains; All to no avail. The “great
tribulation” is upon them. They cannot get away even by going up in space,
for Amo 9:2 says,

“Though they dig into hell [Sheol, the earth], thence shall mine hand take
them; though they climb up to heaven, thence will I bring them down.” Yes,
even if they go to the moon or Mars, they will be brought down for

Now, (still during the “Great Tribulation of the sixth seal), WE come to the
parenthetical chapter seven. Chapter seven is an insertion into the sixth
seal commentary, where John sees another vision of what happens during
this time period BEFORE THE FOUR WINDS of Armageddon are let loose.
He says in Revelation 7:1-4,

“After this [the afore-mentioned vision of the “great tribulation”] I saw four
angels standing upon the four corners of the earth holding tight the four
winds of the earth, that no wind might blow upon the earth or upon the sea,
or upon any tree. And I saw another angel coming from the sunrise
having a seal of the living God; and he cried out with a loud voice to the
four angels to whom it was granted to harm the earth and the sea, saying,
“Do not harm the earth or the sea or the trees until after WE HAVE
SEALED the slaves [Greek=doulos] of our God in their foreheads.”

“And I heard the number of those who were sealed, a hundred and
forty-four thousand, sealed out of every tribe of the sons of Israel.” NWT.
These are the RULERS of the Earthly part of the Kingdom “Administration
at the fullness of the times” (Eph. 1:10) that Messiah is instituting.

The Sixth Seal continues on until chapter eight and verse one. At that point,
the Seventh Seal is opened and outcome seven angels with seven
trumpets. Those 144,000 “sons of Israel”, of Rev. 7:1-8, are still alive. They
are last reported yet alive, when the fifth angel blows his trumpet. It
appears that they are still alive when the END OF THIS WORLD COMES
AT ARMAGEDDON. Reading on into chapter nine WE notice that they will
be protected from the locusts, with the power to sting like scorpions in
verse three, because of the seal the angels have placed on them. Rev.9:4,

“They [the locusts with the power to sting like scorpions] were told not to
harm the grass of the earth or any plant or tree, but only those people who
did not have the seal of God on the foreheads.” NWT.

Those sealed by the angels are protected by the angelic instructions to the
locusts. Those earthly “chosen ones” or “the elect,” sealed by the angels
will continue to live and see the End of the World (kosmos). (See Matt.
Chapters 24 and 25 where Yahshua talks about those of this royal earthly
ELECT class when He returns to this earth in “all of His glory”.) Matt. 25:31-


Yahshua said much about what would happen during the “time of the end,”
during this transition period, and His “second coming”. In His discourse to
His disciples on the Mount of Olives, He talks about the “great tribulation”
and the End of the World (kosmos). He also talked about those same
ones, sealed by the angels, that WE are discussing. He called them the
“elect” or “chosen ones”, saying,

“For then there will be great [G3173, megas= big, exceedingly great, high,
large, loud, mighty, sore, strong] distress [G2347, thlip-sis (=pressure),
anguish, burdened, persecution, tribulation, trouble], unequaled from the
beginning of the world until now---and never to be equaled again. If those
days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the
elect [chosen ones] those days will be shortened.” Matt. 24:21, 22. NIV.

From that statement WE can see how important the chosen ones are.
Other translations of Matt. 24:21 use much the same language we list

(ASV) for then shall be great tribulation such as hath not been from the
beginning of the world until now no, nor ever shall be. And except those
days had been shortened, no flesh would have been saved; but for the
elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.

(Darby) For there shall be then great tribulation, such as hath not been
from the beginning of the world until now, neither shall be. And unless
those days had been shortened, no flesh should be saved; but for the sake
of the elect those days shall be shortened.

(GNB) For the trouble at that time will be far more terrible than any there
has ever been, from the beginning of the world to this very day. Nor will
there ever be anything like it again. But God has already reduced the
number of days; had he not done so, nobody would survive. For the sake
of his chosen people, however, God will reduce the days.

(KJV) For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the
beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those
days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved; but for the
elect’s sake those days shall be shortened

(YLT) For there will be great affliction, such as has not happened from the
beginning of the world until now, no, nor ever will be. And except those
days were shortened, not any flesh would be saved. But on account of the
elect, those days will be shortened.

(DOUAY-REIMS) “For there will be great affliction, such as has not

happened from the beginning of the world until now, no, nor ever will be.
And except those days were shortened, not any flesh would be saved. But
account of the elect, those days will be shortened.”

Jesus/Yahshua is speaking of a time of trouble or great tribulation of epic

proportions during which these men are going to be protected and live thru.
Much of humanity, if not most, will not survive that time of great sorrow and
trouble. That is how important these ELECTED ONES ARE. These are the
earthly “seed” of Abraham to RE-SEED the earth (If need be) with humanity
after that ‘tribulation’ event and Armageddon. They are a guarantee, by the
Lord, that humanity will survive. YES, those “sons of Israel”, (Rev. 7:1-8)
are THE ELECT or “chosen ones,” who the angels are starting to seal at
this time. Yahshua goes on about that ELECT class saying,

“Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened,
and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven,
and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: And then shall appear the
sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the
earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of
heaven with power and great glory. And he shall send his angels with a
great sound [This is NOT Jesus/Yahshua coming for His brothers, but
rather His SONS] of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect
[His SONS] from the four winds [ON EARTH], from one end of heaven to
the other.” Matt. 24:29-31. KJV. A sprinkling of that sealing work has
already begun by the angels.

Notice in that verse that those in that “elect” class is NOT gathered to
heaven but are on earth. Yahshua’s earthly narrative continues thru the
end of chapter 24 and on into chapter 25 until He arrives back to the earth
in “all of His glory”. From Verses 31 thru 46 it describes what He does then
in using His Kingly authority.

“. . .when the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the holy angels with
Him, then He shall sit on the throne of His glory. And all nations shall be

gathered before Him. And He shall separate them from one another, as a
shepherd divides the sheep from the goats.” Matt. 25:31, 32. MJKV.
He separates His sheep (the ‘elect’ of those humans that survive) for
earthly rulership. Because of the importance of that RULING CLASS of
those ‘Elect’ or “chosen ones” to RULE THE EARTH, the days (time) of
great distress and tribulation destined to happen in OUR day, will be cut
short. Otherwise “no flesh would be saved.”

This is why Adventists, Jews, Messianic Groups, Synagogues, Jehovah’s

witnesses, Congregationalists, Assemblies, X-J.w’s, Evangelicals, Islam, all
Bible Students and even recovering addicts and alcoholics and the rest of
mankind should be rejoicing. Why? Because, Yahshua has been raising
YOU up to leave false religions for this very purpose; That is why He wants
to collect YOU ALL together. Why? To save YOU, because YOU may be
one of those the angels are looking to seal. That is,


When the angels complete their sealing work, at that very time is when
the End of this World comes. There is no more need for it. At that same
time, “the Deliverer will come out of Zion,” to save those “elect” of Jacob
who have the DNA and faith of Abraham, of whom YOU may be a part.
Paul discusses the Elisha/Jacob class in Romans, chapter eleven, saying,

“And so all Israel shall be saved: [The heavenly, “Israel of God” has already
been glorified] as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer,
and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob. (Rom. 11:26. KJV.)

That physical prophetic Jacob, that Paul spoke of have the DNA and faith
of Abraham. They comprise the 144,000 “sons of Israel”. (Rev. 7:1-8). But
WHY, are they saved and protected? For at least two reasons:
(1) Because of Father Yahweh’s promises to their forefathers about giving
them the earthly kingdom (See Dan. 2:44), and
(2) Because, at Yahshua’s direction they have been selected and sealed,
by the angels, to RULE THE EARTH under Yahshua’s heavenly kingdom.
Sometime before that occurrence, the Lord’s "brothers" described in Rev.
14:1-5, that are “buried in Christ” and asleep in death will have been raised
from their graves. Those still alive when He returns, will then experience
their “change” [erroneously called rapture, a word taken from the Catholic

Latin Vulgate] and they ALL will meet Him in the air and be as He is, with a
new heavenly immortal body. (See Phil. 3:20, 21).
In contrast, if we further examine those 144,000 of Rev. 7:1-8, we find the
Greek word "doulos" is applied to them. The word doulos means [G1401
slave, from G1210] and is quite literally a "slave, bondsman, or servant".
This is primarily an earthly word meaning a human slave or house
The Apostle Paul says in Phil. 2:7, that Jesus, "emptied him-self and took a
slave's [doulos] form and came to be in the likeness of men." He became a
human. This word, doulos [slave], has to do literally with men and the earth.
That word is NOT APPLIED to his "brothers" who rule with Him in heaven.
Those, of the “bride-class” spoken of in Rev. 14:1-5, are OVER His house-
hold and certainly not slaves [doulos] therein. They are those He calls His
"brothers" [adelphos G80]. To His “bride” and "brothers" he promised,
"...I am going my way to prepare a place for you. Also, if I go my way and
prepare a place for you, I am coming again and I will receive you HOME to
MYSELF that where I am you also may be." John14:3, 4. NWT.
HIS HOME is in HEAVEN. Therefore, HIS WIFE (bride) would certainly be
NO SLAVE [doulos], in HIS, the LORD’S HOUSE. His “bride” would be
OVER the servants/slaves in Yahshua’s household.
After His death, burial and resurrection, He said to Mary, "Be on your way
to MY BROTHERS and say to them, 'I am ascending to my Father and
your Father and to my God and your God." John 20:17. NWT.
Just what was Jesus saying here? He had already elevated them to be HIS
BROTHERS the day before He died. They were no longer “doulos”, slaves.
(John 15:13-16). Now He was saying, that He was going to His HOME IN
HEAVEN where His Father and their Father was. At His Father’s home in
heaven, is where He promised to TAKE His “bride”, His "BROTHERS", of
"the little flock”. His “body” members. They are those that are “bought from
the earth, as a first-fruits unto God and to the Lamb.” (Rev. 14:4).
Yes, He had already planned to prepare a place for His “brothers”, His
“bride,” in His Father’s house in heaven. Being Yahweh’s Sons, they are
“bought from the earth” (Rev, 14:1-5) to rule with Him in heaven. From their
position in the Jerusalem above”, (Gal, 4:26) that is heavenly Jerusalem,
they will rule OVER the Earth. Meanwhile, Yahshua’s earthly royal sons

of Rev. 7:1-8, will be ruling under His Kingship ON this Earth during His
millennial reign with its earthly capitol in earthly Jerusalem.
Of course, this information does not apply to everyone. It applies only to
those willing to accept that THEY MAY be one of the Lord Jesus/Yahshua’s
earthly sons being sealed by the angels.
The above analysis of Revelation 7:1-8, (That it is strictly earthly
SEALINGS going on) also portends that the rest of the chapter is ALSO
EARTHLY. This subject will be considered in later booklets, if the Lord so
Please make this information available to everyone. In doing so, YOU will
be working in harmony WITH the LORD YAHSHUA and HIS Holy Angels.


“After this” or “After these things”, that is after the vision of the 144,000
sons of Israel (Rev. 7:1-8) John said in verse nine:
“After these things I saw, and behold, a great multitude, which no
man could number, out of every nation and of all tribes and peoples and
tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, arrayed in
white robes, and palms in their hands;” Rev.7:9 American Standard
Version. ASV.
“Who are these who are arrayed in white robes, and from where
do they come?” Rev 7:13. Modern King James Version. MKJV.

With the writing of a famous American Pastor in the late 1800’s and early
1900’s that was read by hundreds of thousands of people in hundreds of
newspapers across America and internationally, there was much
speculation as to just who that “Great Company”/“Great Multitude”/”Great
Crowd” actually were. Having fallen victim to the false religious idea in
vogue in those days and even today that everyone was going to go to
heaven or hell he had assumed that they were a secondary spiritual class
that would go to heaven. To his credit, he later turned the fire hose on the
hell-fire part and extinguished it as a false religious doctrine.

However, there have never been any clear Biblical texts proving that there
is a secondary or lesser heavenly class. Only much hopeful speculation

and assumptions. Many other Bible Expositors before and after followed
this thinking due to those false doctrines of false religion maintaining
everyone was going to go to heaven or hell. They ALL forgot the Lord’s
promise that “the meek shall inherit the earth.” Matt. 5:5. (See Isa. 11:1-10).

To answer that question above, about the “Great Multitude”, let US now
examine chapter seven verses nine thru seventeen analytically without any
preconceived religious notions and/or emotionalism about their meaning.
Of course, the following information may disappoint some who for many
years have held that view close to their hearts. Those verses read:

Rev 7:9 After these things I saw, and behold, a great multitude, which
no man could number, out of every nation and of all tribes and
peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the
Lamb, arrayed in white robes, and palms in their hands;
Rev 7:10 and they cry with a great voice, saying, Salvation unto
our God who sitteth on the throne, and unto the Lamb.
Rev 7:11 And all the angels were standing round about the throne, and
about the elders and the four living creatures; and they fell
before the throne on their faces, and worshipped God,
Rev 7:12 saying, Amen: Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and
thanksgiving, and honor, and power, and might, be unto our God for
ever and ever. Amen.
Rev 7:13 And one of the elders answered, saying unto me, These that are
arrayed in white robes, who are they, and whence came they?
Rev 7:14 And I say unto him, My lord, thou knowest. And he said to me,
These are they that come out of the great tribulation, and they
washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the
Rev 7:15 Therefore are they before the throne of God; and they serve
him day and night in his temple [G3485 ναός=naos=nah-os']: and he
that sitteth on the throne shall spread his tabernacle over them.
Rev 7:16 They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more;
neither shall the sun strike upon them, nor any heat:
Rev 7:17 for the Lamb that is in the midst of the
throne shall be their shepherd, and shall guide
them unto fountains of waters of life: and God

shall wipe away every tear from their eyes.
American Standard Version. ASV.


nine thru seventeen WE cannot help but notice all of the earthly
identification points that the angel makes concerning their earthly condition.

Here is one cogent question about that: If those of that “great multitude” or
“great crowd” are already raised to heavenly life and are IN HEAVEN, as
many commentators and scholar’s past and present allege, WHY DO
LAMB? Shouldn’t they already have it? They should but do not because
that promise is in the future.

Notice the future tense in that verse: the lamb “shall be their shepherd
and shall guide them” and God shall wipe away every tear from their
eyes.” Those are earthly human needs, emotions, physical feelings, and
events that would happen in the future AFTER the great tribulation. So, to
answer the question just posed: THEY MUST NOT BE IN HEAVEN. So
where else must they be? THEY MUST BE ON EARTH!!

Other cogent questions are: Would those of the great multitude have to go
to heaven in order to stand “approved” before the Lord? Would they have
go to heaven to stand before the throne? While standing before the throne,
why are they shown to be hungry and thirsty if they are in heaven? If they
were of the new creation in heaven would they have these human needs
and feelings that only slaves in human form have? WE look for those
answers in the following analysis.

Verse nine:
“no man could number them”. If men could try to number them, they must
be with men!! So, they could not be part of those bought from the earth in
chapter fourteen verses one thru five as that is a fixed number. Chapter
seven verse four also reveals a fixed number concerning the angels sealing
the 144,000 “sons of Israel”. So, the “great multitude” go un-numbered as
they “come out of all nations and peoples and tongues” and are standing
before the Lord of the earth.

WHITE ROBES: John tells of the ‘great multitude’ are clothed in “white
robes”. In verse fourteen it shows how their robes are made white. “They
have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the lamb”.
They have accepted, believe and have faith in the death, burial and
resurrection of their Lord. (1Cor. 15:1-5). Their ‘white robes’ reveal that
they are in a clean and approved state before the Lord. Being in that state
of mind and heart can only mean that they are in an approved spiritual
state in the Lord’s sight. This dispels the notion that they are a secondary
heavenly group because they lacked the zeal to work for the Lord. They
have put their faith in the shed blood of Jesus/Yahshua “who loved us and
washed us from our sins in his own blood.” (Rev. 1:5)

PALMS in their hands: This may have reminded John of his words some 60
years earlier when a multitude of Jews heard that, a famous man Jesus,
who had brought a dead man (Lazarus) back to life, was coming to
Jerusalem. John reported that they took branches of palm trees laying
them before him and singing Hosannas. (Songs of praise) In John 12:12,
13 he explains,

“On the next day the large crowd that had come to the Passover festival
that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem. [Because he had resurrected Lazarus]
. . .they took palm branches and went to meet him. They were shouting,
"Hosanna! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord, the king
of Israel!" Good News Bible. GNB.

The apostle John seems to connect the palm branches with the “great
multitude” in the same way. However, those Jews that spread their
waved and laid down palm branches were then only potential disciples of
Jesus Christ. But, those of the ‘great multitude say they know Him as,
Christ the Messiah, as is seen by their “rendering him service and
worship day and night” in His earthly temple. Is there DAY AND NIGHT
IN HEAVEN? These “come out of the great earthly tribulation”, NOT a
heavenly one.

Verse ten: Says they are “crying out with a loud voice saying, "Salvation
belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!"
saying, Amen: Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and

honor, and power, and might, be unto our God for ever and ever. Amen.”
English Standard Version. ESV.

Verse eleven: Notice what was happening in heaven at the same time.
There was apparently a General Assembly concerning this matter for “all
the angels were standing round about the throne, and about the elders
and the four living creatures; and they [ALL] fell before the throne on
their faces, and worshipped God.” Did John see the “great multitude”
among them in heaven?—NO.

This vision of the heavenly assembly shows ALL of the angels, ALL of the
elders and ALL four of the living creatures giving praise and worship to
Yahweh God in heaven at the same time the “great multitude” are doing so
on earth. Because “they [ALL those in heaven] fell before the
throne on their faces, and worshipped God,

Verse twelve: saying, Amen.”: Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and
thanksgiving, and honor, and power, and might, be unto our God for ever
and ever. Amen.

Just what were the angels, elders and four living creatures saying AMEN
to? They were all saying AMEN to what the “great multitude” had said in
verse ten, “they cry with a great voice, saying, Salvation unto our
God who sitteth on the throne, and unto the Lamb.”
Rev 7:13 And one of the elders [spoke], saying unto me, These that are
arrayed in white robes, who are they, and where did they come
John answers,

Verse fourteen: And I said unto him, My lord, thou knowest. And he said
to me, These are they that come out of the great tribulation, and
they washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of
the Lamb.

For many years sincere believers had mistakenly thot that those of the
multitude” were spirit begotten people who were members in
denominational churches and religion organizations. Believing that they
were ‘prisoners’ and who had to eventually come out false religion and take
their personal stand on the Lord’s side to go to heaven. Yet that mistaken

belief did not happen. Why? Because it was not time for them to appear.

That “great multitude” comes out of the “great tribulation” that is discussed
in Revelation chapter six and in Mathew chapter 24:21 and 29. That great
tribulation occurs ON EARTH which is at the end of OUR AGE that John
says is in the “Lords day”. (Rev. 1:10) That is TODAY. The “great
tribulation” must happen AFTER THE RESURRECTION OF ALL OF THE
FIRSTBORN who are “bought from the earth”, mentioned in chapter
fourteen verses 1-5. This information must mean that this “great multitude”
have NOT been developed over the many centuries alongside the “little
flock” that some have kindly but erroneously called the “tribulation saints”

Now this question remains: Is there any scriptural proofs that the great
multitude is a separate “spirit begotten” group sealed by the Father with the
“one hope” of heavenly life? (Eph. 4:4).
John said that they come out of the “great tribulation” from every “nation,
tribe, people, and tongue.” Obviously, that is on earth. But does he or the
angel say that their destiny or calling was a heavenly one? NO! So, where
are they?

Verse fifteen: “they are before the throne of God.” Note that they are NOT
ON THRONES. Isaiah 66:1 says, “Thus saith Jehovah, Heaven is my
throne, and the earth is my footstool: what manner of house will ye build
unto me? and what place shall be my rest?” ASV. A footstool is usually
situated before the throne, that is on earth, not in heaven.

Additionally, the position taken heretofore has been that the “great
multitude” was a “spirit begotten” class which had been negligent of their
spiritual privileges declining to participate fully in the Lord’s service and was
not worthy to be of the “high calling”. (Rev. 14:1-5). However, the above
scripture (vs. 15) says, “they are before the throne of God, and publicly
serve Him”. (Diaglott) “and [they] are rendering divine service unto Him.”
(Rotherham). They are serving “day and night in His temple. Which dispels
the afore-mentioned position taken more than one hundred years ago.

So, those of the great multitude being “ethnos” (gentile people of the
nations, goyim in Hebrew) out of all nations and tribes and peoples and
tongues are NOT Jews of Jacob nor the “Israel of God”. As such they were
not allowed in the Temple area except the court of the gentiles, Therefore,
they could NOT be kings and priests in ancient Israel nor could they be
such today.

Also, by coming “out of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues” they
cannot be serving in the symbolic “inner court” which is reserved
exclusively for Gods priestly heavenly class. They would not qualify to be
priests and would have to be separated into the “outer court” or “lower
pavement” of the gentiles which would consequently depict them on earth.

Rev. 7:15 says: “Therefore are they before the throne of God; and they
serve him day and night in his temple: and he that sitteth on the
throne shall spread his tabernacle [tent] over them. ASV.

In this verse WE have three parts to consider: (a) they are before the
throne (b) they are serving day and night in his temple (c) he spreads his
tabernacle or tent over them.

The (a) part is covered in the preceding paragraphs above. The (b) part
begs the question of WHERE the temple is? In heaven or on earth. The
apostle Paul gives US some insight on this matter when writing in his
various epistles that the TEMPLE is where the HOLY SPIRIT is located. To
1Co_3:16 Know ye not that ye are a temple [G3485=nah-os’] of God,
and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?
1Co_3:17 If any man destroyeth the temple [G3485=nah-os’]of God, him
shall God destroy; for the temple [G3485=nah-os’] of God is holy, and
such are ye.
1Co_6:19 Or know ye not that your body is a temple [G3485=nah-os’]
of the Holy Spirit which is in you, which ye have from God? and ye
are not your own;
2Co_6:16 And what agreement hath a temple [G3485=nah-os’] of God
with idols? for we are a temple [G3485=nah-os’] of the living God;
even as God said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I
will be their God, and they shall be my people. . . in whom each,
fitly framed together, groweth into a holy temple [G3485=nah-os’]
in the Lord;

Consequently, even tho the “great multitude” do not have the “high calling”,
because of their belief and faith in their Lord they still have the Holy Spirit
dwelling in them to be God’s Holy Temple on earth.

(c) “He spreads His tabernacle [tent]over them.” In this verse WE have
a problem with translation by the KJV based on the Received text, by
Erasmus. Translations by more modern scholars taken from older
manuscripts render that verse more accurately as shown above in the ASV.

Yet the KJV reads, “Therefore are they before the throne of God, and serve
him day and night in his temple: and he that sitteth on the throne
shall dwell among them.” KJV.

Most other modern translations agree with the ASV. Only the Modern King
James Version (MKJV) agrees with the old KJV that the Lord is going to
literally come down from heaven and seemingly dwell with these earthly
ones of the “great multitude.” Of course, He certainly can if he wants to!
What, do YOU think? Do you think He will? Could He not rather spread His
tent of protection and blessings over them spiritually to ensure that they get
thru that “great tribulation” physically? Both scenarios are possible.

Verse sixteen describes earthly human needs, “They shall hunger no

more, neither thirst anymore; neither shall the sun strike upon
them, nor any heat:”

Those words of being hungry and thirsty are strictly human needs.
Would anyone with immortality in heaven suffer with hunger and thirst? The
sun shall not strike them indicates that they are not in heaven but rather are
on the earth where they would receive light and heat from the material sun.
If they had been in heaven, they would have none of those needs.

Rev 7:17 the Lamb that is in the midst of the

throne shall be their shepherd, and shall guide
them unto fountains of waters of life: and God shall
wipe away every tear from their eyes. American
Standard Version. ASV.

Further: If they were in heaven, they would not have those weak human

needs of hunger and thirst. Notice WHERE THE LAMB IS. He is not on
earth but in the midst of the throne which is in heaven. They are NOT with
him there. They DO NOT have the immortality promised to the heavenly
inheritors of His body members. Being, His earthly children, He guides
them to fountains of waters of life. Then all of their human tears are wiped
away and their human needs are provided for. What a wonderful future is
promised for those of the “great multitude.”


Let’s revisit verse nine where John saw: “a great multitude, which no
man could number, out of every nation and of all tribes and peoples
and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb,
arrayed in white robes, and palms in their hands;”
Where were they? They were also “standing before the throne”, on


earthly human subjects of His coming Earthly Kingdom!! The Lord made
His New Covenant with the “sons of Israel”, NOT HIS HEAVENLY
HEIRS. (See Rev. 7:1-8; Joel 2:28, 29; Jer. 31:31-34). Notice what He said
to them:

“And he said to them,

"I have earnestly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer. For I
tell you I will not eat it until it is fulfilled in the kingdom of God."
And he took a cup, and when he had given thanks he said, "Take this, and
divide it among yourselves. For I tell you that from now on I will not drink
of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God comes."
And he took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to
them, saying,
"This is my body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me."
And likewise the cup after they had eaten, saying, "This cup that is poured
out for you is the new covenant in my blood. Luke 22:15-20. English
Standard Version. ESV.
Another translation reads:
“Also, he took a loaf gave thanks, broke it, and gave it to them, saying:
means my body which is to be given in YOUR behalf. Keep doing this is

remembrance of me.” Also, the cup in the same way after they had the
evening meal, he saying: “This cup means the new covenant by virtue of
my blood which is to be poured out in YOUR behalf.” Luke 22:19, 20. NWT.

Did YOU notice any distinction made by Him concerning WHO should
partake and WHO shouldn’t? NO? But the false religions do. Most notably
the now infamous Watch Tower religious corporation. He only commanded
them to “Keep doing this in remembrance of me.” He made NO
distinctions. All for the purpose of remembering Him and His sacrificial
death for ALL OF MANKIND. Therefore, ALL should partake of the
emblems for that purpose of remembering Him continually in His HONOR!

The apostle Paul discusses this matter in 1Cor. 11:19-31. They are mostly
all gentiles there. He shows how immature and materialistic they were. But
he doesn’t make any distinctions as to who could or could not partake. He
only stressed that after they examined themselves spiritually, were they to
partake of the emblems.

Now WE look for the ‘calling out’ and sealing of the 144,000 “sons of Israel”
by the angels. (Rev. 7:1-8) By some accounts this work of sealing by the
angels has already started. During the coming time of tribulation, a “great
multitude” comes out of all nations, tribes, peoples and tongues that have
“made their robes white in the blood of the Lamb.” (Compare Rev.
22:14, Douay-Rheims). They have palm branches in their hands,
“rendering him service and worship day and night” as His earthly
Temple. They are “crying out with a loud voice saying, "Salvation
belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!
saying, Amen.”

This is the work that must now commence, if it hasn’t already by the Lord.
This work is the preaching of the final message of the “good news of the
kingdom” to all the inhabited earth “for a witness to all the nations”. (Matt.
24:14) It is starting now in OUR day, just before the great tribulation begins.
It must continue thru that time of distress unto the end. Why? So that a
“great multitude” of people from all walks of life can accept Jesus/Yahshua
Ha Mashiach as their Lord and make their robes white in His blood. They
are the ones that come out of that great tribulation. They will be given the
opportunity to live forever on a paradise earth under God’s new earthly
kingdom “administration”. (Eph. 1:9, 10). “And then the end will come.”

Jesus/Yahshua changed His disciples’ status the day before his death,
from doulos, [slave, servant] to his friends, saying:
“No longer do I call you servants [doulos, slaves], because a servant
[doulos, slave] does not know what his master is doing; but I have called
you friends [philos], because all the things I have heard from the Father I
have made known to you.” John 15:15. WNT
They were not only His “friends” but He made them His “brothers” as
well. The Apostle Paul wrote in Heb. 2:11, that Jesus/Yahshua "is not
ashamed to call them "brothers.” In verse 17 he says,
". . . he was obliged to become like his "brothers" [G80 adelphos =
brother] in all respects, that he might become a merciful and faithful high
priest." NW. See Matt. 25:40.
Paul then proceeds to identify who these "brothers" are, along with their
status and hope in Heb 3:1,
“Consequently, holy brothers [G80, adelphos] partakers of the heavenly
calling, consider the apostle and high priest we confess, Jesus [Yahshua].
He was faithful to the One that called him [His Father Yahweh]..….” NW.
Those of the “high calling” or those “partakers of the heavenly calling” were
certainly NOT KNOWN AS SLAVES [doulos], but rather as the Lord’s
BROTHERS [adelphos] and were called Saints or Holy Ones, and “the
body of Christ” even in the first century.
In comparison, let’s examine Mathew chapters 24 and 25 and see how
Yahshua uses the same word for “slaves” (doulos) while describing the
EARTHLY INHERITANCE of THE JEWS, who were His audience at that
time. Look at the parable in Matt. 24:45. There we find described a faithful
and wise or discreet (doulos) slave, bondsman, or servant. THAT SLAVE
or doulos, Jesus speaks of, IS NOT those of HIS BROTHERS referred to
above that make up the “little flock”, his “bride.” THAT SLAVE, or doulos, is
strictly earthly and does not have a heavenly inheritance. But, rather refers
to the house servant or slave ministering under the Master of the house
and His wife or “bride.”
When reading these chapters with the earthly promises given to the twelve
tribes of Israel, in the Tanakh or OT (Hebrew Scriptures), they make perfect
sense; otherwise they become disconnected, confusing, and even
They make no sense if one tries to apply them to the heavenly rewards,
because these verses are NOT promises of the HEAVENLY HOPE. These
verses are promises of EARTHLY RULER-SHIP and THE EARTHLY
KINGDOM that was promised to the Jews. See Dan 2:44.
How So?
The hope of going to the heavens was not opened up at that time. It was
not even thot of, yet alone given to men until Jesus/Yahshua opened the
way by His death, burial and resurrection to heaven. That idea would have
been what WE would call ‘science fiction’ today. They certainly could not
have understood the spiritual plane of the fourth dimension and above
without the Holy Spirit that Yahshua promised to send to them.
It was not until 50 days after his death, at Pentecost, that Yahshua sent the
Holy Spirit down from heaven to inspire and activate those whom the
Father had foreknown and chosen to receive it. That event marked the
beginning of Yahweh’s anointing people on earth with the hope of heavenly
life and heavenly ruler-ship. That hope was first exclusively opened up to
the Jews and later to the [ethnos] “people of the nations” [gentiles, KJV].
No, not until after Yahshua’s resurrection and the outpouring of the Holy
Spirit, did they understand a resurrection to heaven. Peter gave US that
information in Acts 2:14-36. Therein, he explained their new understanding
of Psalm 110 given by the Holy Spirit (Ruach Kodesh). He said that
Yahshua had been raised to heavenly life to sit at God’s right hand and
David was still in sheol (the grave=hades) and awaiting a resurrection.
Peter said,
“Brothers, I can tell you confidently that the patriarch David died and was
buried, and his tomb is here to this day. . . Seeing what was ahead, he
spoke of the resurrection of the Christ, that he was not abandoned to the
grave [sheol/hades]. . . God has raised this Jesus [Yahshua] to life. For
David did not ascend to heaven, yet he said, “The LORD [Yahweh] said
to my Lord; sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for
your feet.’” Acts 2:29-35; Psalm 110:1. NIV.

Those Messiah-ists, with the ‘heavenly hope’ had a change of mind and
heart because of receiving the Holy Spirit. The rest of the Jews did not.
However, those other Jews still had a right to believe in their earthly destiny
and inheritance promised to them and their forefathers by Yahweh.
Read for yourself Mathew chapters 24 and 25. Realize how they tell of
Yahshua’s description of earth’s destiny in the future, and who will get
earthly rewards of "Ruler-ship.” Particularly, from Matt. 24:36 onward He
describes the REWARDS for being ready, awake and faithful: What
KINGDOM. There in Matt. 24:45-51Jesus/Yahshua asks a question:
"Who really is the faithful and wise/discreet slave [doulos]?”
The KJV says,
“Who then is a faithful and wise servant [doulos], whom his lord hath MADE
RULER over his household, to give them meat in due season?”
Do YOU see how the KJV mistranslated and confuses the tense of that
verse? It indicates that the lord “hath [already] MADE [him] RULER over his
household.” The KJV translators answered the question for the Lord. But,
that appointment is still in the future, as Yahshua will assign that function to
the NEW RULERS of earth.
The KJV notwithstanding, in verse 46, the Lord Yahshua answers his
own question. Having in mind that the slave or doulos is an earthly one
not going to heaven, but remaining on this earth, He says,
“Blessed is that servant [doulos, slave], whom his lord when he cometh
shall find so doing.” KJV. That means that slave in NOT with the Lord
when He comes back, but His brothers of the “bride” are with him.
Another translation reads,
“Blessed is that bondman whom his lord, on coming shall find [him,
doulos] doing thus.” Darby. Another translation says,
“Happy is that slave if his master on arriving finds him doing so.” NW.
So, what does that mean? It means that THE QUESTION (Who really is
the faithful and wise doulos, slave), WOULD NOT BE ANSWERED UNTIL

YAHSHUA’S HAVING COME or ARRIVED!! [Greek, G2064=elthon, and
er-khomahee, having come or arrived]. NOT "PAROUSIA" or PRESENCE!
faithful and wise/discreet slave or doulos HAS NOT BEEN GIVEN
And what would the master do when he did arrive? In verse 47
Jesus/Yahshua says what would happen when He did arrive,
“Verily I say unto you, That [then] he shall make him RULER over all his
goods.” Matt. 24:47. KJV. Another translation reads,
“Truly I say to YOU, He will appoint him [at that time, in the future] over all
his belongings.” NW.
WHERE? Obviously ON EARTH. For that is where the slave or doulos has
been all of this time and that is where Yahshua is returning to. So who is it?
These are the ones that are sealed by the angels in Rev. 7:1-8. They are
and why? Because, they will be rulers ON this earth, taking care of ALL of
the Lord’s household matters here. Therefore, they will have become the
“faithful and discreet slave”, sealed by the angels, whom Yahshua makes
RULER over ALL His earthly belongings,
Matt. 25:31-46.
The human, [doulos] servant/slave is EARTHLY AND ALWAYS HAVE
BEEN. When Jesus/Yahshua arrives in "kingdom power" (Matt. 25:31) is
when He will give that earthly "faithful and discreet” [doulos, slave/ servant]
authority and ruler-ship "over all of His belongings" on earth. Not before.
That slave [doulos] is the same slave or doulos we have been discussing in
Rev. 7:1-8; the same slave [doulos] now being sealed by Angels.
So if you have pinned your hopes on a "faithful and discreet slave,” (faithful
and wise servant) or some "organization” as being "Jehovah/Yahweh’s
channel" of communication to mankind, you have misplaced your faith. You
have been Snake-Bit by the original Serpent, the one called Satan the
Devil. YOU see HE LIES, as do they. See John 8:44. For only Jesus Christ
(Yahshua Messiah) is the Father’s direct CHANNEL to and MEDIATOR for
mankind and always has been . . . ALL others are impostors! See1Tim.
2:5; Heb. 9:15.

ALL others claiming to be a "channel" of JEHOVAH/YAHWEH to mankind
or some earthly “organization” is a PHONY and a CHARLATAN. Just as
those saying that they are a “channel” because they are “Christ’s”, anointed
ones and part of the “faithful and discreet slave” [doulos]; they are ALL
impostors. They ARE NOT CHRIST’S, for they are ONLY doulos [slaves],
AS THEY CLAIM. They are certainly NOT “brothers” of the Lord Yahshua
and part of His “bride.” NO…They ARE NOT CHRIST JESUS’
"BROTHERS" AT ALL!! ALL those claiming to be God’s “channel” are
dupes of Satan. The Witch of Endor was a channel; But, of whom? Satan!
Nothing has changed. Those making such a claim today are in her class.
Jesus/Yahshua warned US about those very imposters, saying,
“Look out that nobody misleads you. For MANY will come on the basis of
my name saying, ‘I am the Christ’ [I am anointed, I am Messiah, I am the
channel], and will mislead many.” Matt. 24:4,5. NW.
That ,APOSTATE MISLEADING, by that EVIL SLAVE is happening at this
moment thru-out the earth by ALL of those Baffling Backward Winds inside
the ORGANIZED RELIGIONS. Going on in Mathew chapter twenty-four,
the Lord says,
“And, if that evil servant may say in his heart, My Lord doth delay to come,
and may begin to beat the fellow-servants, and to eat and to drink with
the drunken, the lord of that servant will arrive in a day when he doth not
expect, and in an hour of which he doth not know, and will cut him off,
and his portion with the hypocrites will appoint; there shall be the weeping
and the gnashing of the teeth.” Matt. 24:48-51. YLT.
WE have read that phrase before and Yahshua applied it to earthly Jacob,
NOT to his “Brothers.” See His words in Matt. 13:36-42 and 13:47-50.
In these verses Yahshua is talking about the duly appointed doulos or
slaves within the JEWISH SYSTEM at that time, which claimed to be
representing Yahweh. His audience, the Jews, understood why He was
asking which one of those doulos/slaves would qualify and be giving the
domestics, the Jews, their food at the proper time?
Would it be The Pharisees, the Sadducees, the Essenes, which? THAT
has been the religious question concerning the JEWS, since the first
century. It never had anything to do with the ETHNOS= Gentiles.

So the answer to Yahshua’s question (Who really is the faithful and wise
servant/doulos/slave?) is, NONE OF THE ABOVE. NONE of those from
that Age and NONE of those from this Age have qualified.
During that Jewish transition period, they ALL proved to be apostate and
“evil servants,” that beat their fellow doulos” so they would ALL be guilty.
Similarly today, during this Christian transition period, they are ALL
apostate. The same type of apostasy exists among the impostors in ALL
“organized religions” today. They are ALL “evil slaves.”
Consequently, another from WITHIN THEIR RANKS, the lowly doulos
that Yahshua is now raising up in the Messianic movements would be
appointed and given RULER-SHIP. This is shown by His appointing the
evil self-righteous, orthodox, etc, doulos to be “with the hypocrites,” which
they were then and are today. Their destiny is being on the “outside” of
TEETH WILL BE.” NO, none of those religious sects would be given
RULER-SHIP when the Lord returned with His Kingdom Power. For
verification, see Matt. 8:12; 13:42, 50; 22:13, 24:51; 25:30.
The same earthly destiny of ruler-ship applies to those wise/foolish virgins
in the parable of Matt. 25:1-13. They do not picture the heavenly rulers
either. Why? BECAUSE THEY ARE ON EARTH when the Bride and
Bridegroom return! They have been on earth, waiting for the bridegroom to
return. Why? They were waiting for their reward and they would not be able
to obtain it until they could enter into the marriage feast. And that would not
happen until after the marriage had already had been consummated. After
that is when the ancient Jewish marriage feasts or celebrations occur;
because in ancient Israel, when the bride was taken to the home of the
bridegroom, before the feast, they were then considered "married.” After
that is when the “marriage feast” occurred; when the “bridegroom” came
out of the wedding chamber, in this case when he came out of ‘heaven.’
Those wise virgins DO NOT picture A HEAVENLY CLASS either; altho that
has been taught in the various religions of Christendom, thinking that the
Jews had forfeited all of their rights and promises and so everything should
by applied in a spiritual sense to the Church.

The Lord was talking to JEWS, telling THEM of their rewards to come, that
they were expecting AT THAT TIME. Disappointingly for them, He was
telling them that their rewards would be in the future. He was saying the
wise virgins would be invited to the “marriage feast” which would be their
appointment to RULER-SHIP on this earth. He was talking about the same
ones WE have been discussing: the 144,000 RULERS of the earth.
So, when the last of the Bride Class dies faithful, or rather when the “two
witnesses” are raised to life again from death, the last ones still alive will be
“changed,” then, the entire heavenly class is taken to the Bridegroom's
THE LAMB will have been consummated. See Rev.19:7.
TIME is when the Bridegroom returns to earth. At that time is when those
afore-mentioned wise virgins, who are still alive on earth awaiting their
reward will be taken into the feast and given their reward of ruler-ship.
In Rev. 19:1 and 11, the apostle John tells US what he saw happening in
heaven, where the twenty-four elders, the four living creatures and “God
seated upon the throne” are; which establishes that the Marriage of the
Lamb is in heaven, not on earth. Verses 7, 8 says,
"Let us rejoice and be overjoyed, because the marriage of the Lamb has
arrived and his WIFE has prepared herself." She is arrayed in "fine linen
that stands for the acts of the holy ones (saints KJV), [G40 Hag'ee'os
morally or religiously blameless]."
AFTER that, that is after the marriage, verse 9 states,
"Write, Happy are those invited to the evening meal of the Lamb’s
Then in verse eleven is when Yahshua “rides” His white “war horse” out of
heaven to the earth, to strike the nations and shepherd them with a “rod of
iron.” Rev.19:11-15.
AFTER that, is when He assigns earthly RULER-SHIP to those wise
virgins, of Jacob, that make up the faithful and wise/discreet slave/doulos.

The MARRIAGE had already occurred. It began WHEN HE TOOK HIS
BRIDE to His home in Heaven; which occurs when He comes for her and
they meet him “in the air. . . [to] ever be with the Lord.” 1Thess. 4:17.
After that is when the celebration and marriage feast would begin on earth
and Yahshua has returned to this earth and would begin to assign rewards
of ruler-ship to those sealed by the Angels. Then is when it is said,
“Blessed are they that are called to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.” Rev.
19:9. Where? Here on earth.
They are the ones called and sealed by angels for ruler-ship. Their being
given a part in the earthly “marriage supper of the Lamb” satisfies ALL of
the physical promises given to Abraham concerning the “seed.”
But, before assigning ruler-ship, the apostle John describes the Bridegroom
coming back to earth “in all of His glory” for war against the nations of earth
that have opposed him. He has been patiently waiting at the right hand of
the Father, Yahweh, for a long time. See Ps. 110:1. He has been awaiting
this event since His death, burial and resurrection. At that time, the rest of
Psalm 110 describes how He comes “in Kingdom power.”
David recorded what Yahweh had said to His Son, in Ps.110:1-7,
“Sit at my right hand until I place your enemies as a stool for your feet. The
rod of your strength Jehovah [Yahweh] will send out of Zion, [saying] ‘Go
subduing in the midst of your enemies.’ Your people [Jacob] will offer
themselves willingly on the day of your military force. Jehovah [Yahweh]
himself at your right hand will certainly break Kings to pieces in the day of
his anger. He will execute judgment among the nations.” NW.
Then Yahshua, the deliverer, comes out of heavenly Zion to save Jacob
out of “his troubles.” With His authorization to execute justice and with His
Kingdom power to “go subduing in the midst of his enemies,” He will “smite
the nations and He shall rule them with a rod of iron.” Rev. 19:15.
Viewing the corresponding information in Revelation chapter 19 verses 11
thru 17, John sees in heaven a figure on a white horse. He is called “faithful
and true” and He judges and makes war with the earthly nations. His eyes
are a flame of fire and He wears many crowns. His name is called “The
Word of God.”

It is YAHSHUA, coming out of heavenly Zion on His “war horse.” He is not
alone. The “armies of heaven” follow Him riding His white horse with a
sharp sword that proceeds out of His mouth to “smite the nations and He
shall rule them with a rod of iron.” He also treads the winepress of the
wrath of God Almighty.
This EVENT begins the time for WAR with the Nations, and the END of this
old world “system of things,” or kosmos; that is, the Satan inspired human
civilization as we know it today. This EVENT is God’s WAR of
ARMAGEDDON. But, how could it get to that point of TOTAL WAR WITH
Since ruler-ship of the whole earth is involved, the elite men in power within
the nations under Satan the Devil do not want to give up their power
structure without a fight. Neither does the Devil and His renegade demons.
So they conspire together and think that they can fight against the King of
Kings and the Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ (Yahshua Messiah).
In Rev. 17:12-14, there are ten kings and the wild beast mentioned that are
representative of the entire political structure on the earth, who get their
power from the old dragon, “the original serpent,” Satan the Devil. Verse
fourteen says,
“These will battle with The Lamb, but because He is King of Kings and
Lord of Lords, the Lamb will conquer them. Also, those called and
chosen and faithful with Him [His brothers, his “bride”] will do so.” NW.
But, WHY, would the world’s nations think that they could win a war against
God? Answer:
THEY ARE LIED TO! By whom? By the father of the lie; the God of this
world, Satan the Devil. John 8:44; 2 Cor. 4:4. Besides, the governments
are godless and do not recognize Yahweh as God or Yahshua’s kingdom.
In Rev. 16:13-16 the source of the lies is identified.
“And I saw three unclean inspired expressions, that looked like frogs,
come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the wild
beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. They are in fact,
expressions inspired by demons and perform signs and they go forth to
the kings of the entire inhabited earth, to gather them together to the

war of the great day of God Almighty…….. And they gathered them
together to the place that is called in Hebrew Har Ma-gedon
[Armageddon].” NW.
In English it is Armageddon!! The nations and their governments ARE LIED
to by Satan and His demons here on earth. John 8:44. The Nations are led,
by the lying propaganda of “unclean” frog-like expressions to believe
that they can actually win a war against the KING Yahshua Ha Mashiach,
but they cannot. They overestimate their capabilities and underestimate the
GREAT KING and CONQUEROR coming against them.
A HISTORY of the war was WRITTEN IN ADVANCE about twenty-five
hundred years ago by the prophet Zechariah. His advanced history is
recorded in chapter fourteen of the book bearing his name.
The following narrative is how he foresaw the War:
“Look! There is a day coming belonging to Jehovah [Yahweh] . . .And I
shall certainly gather ALL the nations against Jerusalem for the War; and
the city will actually be captured and the houses pillaged and the women
raped…..half the city will go..…into exile; but the remaining ones of the
people will not be cut off from the city.” NW.
Their coming against Jerusalem is what precipitates the war.
“And Jehovah [Yahweh] will certainly go forth and War against those
nations in the day of His Warring, in the day of [the] fight.” NW
Zechariah sees The LORD standing on the Mount of Olives when a great
earthquake occurs that splits the Mount of Olives in half so that a long
valley is created. And the people will have to flee, because it will be just like
. . .”earthquake in the days of Uzziah the king of Judah. And Jehovah
[Yahweh], my God, will certainly come, ALL the holy ones being with Him.“
Remember Psalm 110, where Yahweh sends His son representing Him to
conquer the nations? Remember Matt. 25:31-46, when Yahshua comes
with His Kingdom power and conquers the nations and rules them with an
“iron rod?” Also, remember Rev. Chapter 19, above?
Well, this is when He does it. . . THIS IS THE DAY OF YAHWEH!

There will be some very unusual things happening on that DAY!
“And it must occur in that DAY, there will prove to be no precious light---
things will be congealed. And it must become the ONE DAY that is known
as belonging to Jehovah [Yahweh]. It will not be day, neither will it be
night….in evening time it will become light.” NW
Zechariah seems to be describing the earth stop turning on its axis or it has
been shifted by some outside force to slow down its rotation substantially.
There’s more.
“Jehovah [Yahweh] must become King over all the earth.” And, “the whole
land [H1961, eh rets=earth] will be changed.” Verses 9,10. NW.
Thus creating a “new earth,” as it were. See Isa. 65:17,18a: 2Pet. 3:13
Verse 12 reveals the terrible results that the nations have brought upon
themselves. Read what Yahweh will do by means of His son Yahshua.
“This is the plague with which the LORD [Yahweh] will strike ALL the
nations that fought against Jerusalem; Their flesh will rot while they are
still standing on their feet, their eyes will rot in their sockets, and their
tongues will rot in their mouths. On that DAY men will be stricken by the
LORD [Yahweh] with great pain.” NIV.
What kind of WMD does He use? Unknown! Then ANARCHY will reign as
every man’s hand will be against his brother [neighbor]. That is, until
Yahshua restores order in HIS New World Order.
After the war has ended, verse sixteen says,
“. . . the survivors from ALL the nations that have attacked Jerusalem will
ALL go up year after year to worship the King, the LORD [Yahweh]
ALMIGHTY and celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles.” NIV.
They will be punished if they do not do this. How? By then Yahshua even
has control of the weather. So, if the nations disobey, Yahshua will
“withhold the rain from those people,” so that their crops will not grow and
their lands will become parched like a desert. By that time those appointed
to ruler-ship will be in their assigned positions. But only, if they had “stayed
awake” and been faithful before the war began.

When the Bridegroom comes back to earth, with "kingdom power,” (See
Matt. 25:31) He is already married. After that is when the ten virgins and
the faithful and wise doulos (slaves), come into the picture as they are on
the EARTH. But why would it be important for them to stay awake and keep
oil in their receptacles? Simply for a position and a reward; but, not just any
This reward has great value, especially to the Jews that Jesus/Yahshua
was talking to. By staying awake, they showed their faith and loyalty to
receive a reward of ruler-ship.
That reward is to have a blessed part in the marriage feast and celebration
of it on the earth! Because then is when HE awards kingly ruler-ship; after
THE END of this Christian Age; and, therefore after the END of this present
Evil Old World. At that time is when He issues rewards of ruler-ship, to
those FAITHFUL, DOULOS, SLAVES or SERVANTS!! The same ones
mentioned in Rev. Chapter 7 verses 1 thru 8 described above!! THEY ARE
goods.” Matt. 24:47. KJV.


Look at Matt.25:14-30, where Yahshua gives the parable of the Talents. In
verse 19 He says,
"After A LONG TIME the Master of those slaves [doulos] came to settle
accounts with them."
What was their reward for stewardship over those Talents? IT IS
We can read of the same or a similar parable of the Talents in Luke 19:11-
27. Therein, the account says that AFTER receiving "kingly power" He
called His slaves [doulos] to account for the money He gave them. Only it
was ten slaves [doulos] in this account. One faithful slave [doulos] was
given RULERSHIP over ten cities, another faithful slave [doulos] was given
RULERSHIP over five cities, etc. This shows that their reward was NOT
heaven. How So?

Take a look at Matt. 25:31-33.
"When the Son of man arrives, [er-khom-ahee G2064, comes, arrives,
appears, enters, NOT presence or parousia], IN ALL HIS GLORY;”
(meaning, when the Bridegroom comes out of the Marriage chamber of the
Bride in heaven and comes to settle accounts with His slaves, [doulos]
HERE ON EARTH; after He has taken His Kingly power to Rule, then)
"with all His angels with Him, He will sit down on his glorious throne."
Where? OVER and ON the earth, as the Greek word used is “epi” [G1909
epee’], which means BOTH over and on. Because that is just what His
Kingdom Ruler-Ship is, both OVER the earth and ON the earth.
He has just come from Heaven and brought his “BRIDE” and Army of
Angels with Him. They have defeated the combined armies of the earth, the
demons and any other aliens under Satan the Devil. Satan himself has
been put into the “abyss” to contain him during the thousand years of
Yahshua’s Ruler-Ship. See Rev. 20:1. And then,
". . . all the nations were gathered before him." Matt. 25:32. (Compare
Ezek. 20:34-38).
Why? To separate peoples of "all the nations" one from another; To
"separate the sheep from the goats. And He puts the sheep on his right and
the goats on his left." To those on his right He says,
". . . inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the founding of the
world." Matt. 25:34.
Inheriting the kingdom IS RULERSHIP. BUT WHAT KINGDOM is He
referring to? Why would those on His right get a kingdom and what
kingdom was it? He had just taken the power of His own Kingdom of the
Heavens. He has just married His “bride.” Now He comes back to Earth
with HIS HEAVENLY KINGDOM and its POWER. He has just killed off of
the wild beast, the kings of the earth, the false prophet, and Satan the Devil
has been thrown into the abyss for a thousand years.
He has brought to nothing all earthly governmental powers that never had a
right to exist in the first place. Why? They were allowed by God but never
AUTHORIZED by Him to be His representatives. Only David’s earthly
kingdom government was authorized by Yahweh to represent Him on earth
and Yahshua took that ruler-ship back to the heavens with Him, after His
resurrection. See Rev. 19:9-20:3.
So, what kingdom was it? It certainly was not the Heavenly kingdom
Yahshua was talking about. Well then, what kingdom was the Lord talking
The Davidic kingdom on the earth, to be ruled by His earthly relatives. His
half brothers!! Yahshua comes back to the earth to share that earthly
kingdom ruler-ship with those earthly physical descendants of Abraham to
whom the promise was made, for whom it was prepared, “from the
founding of the Hebrew world.” Talk about nepotism!
What world? The “world” that started with Abraham’s accepting the
blessing of his “seed,” from Yahweh. That blessing included himself and his
descendants, the nation of Israel and later ALL those that would exercise
“faith” in Abraham’s God, Jehovah/Yahweh.
This dispensation of ruler-ship satisfies ALL the promises to the physical
part of the “seed of Abraham.” And now, Jesus/Yahshua has turned His
attention to the earth and is assigning RULERSHIP in the earthly part of
His kingdom, based on what they did to help "HIS BROTHERS". That is the
basis for His assigning positions of ruler-ship. What? His answer, when
asked ‘when did we see you in need’, is, “I tell YOU the truth, whatever you
did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, YOU did for me.” Matt.
25:40. NIV.
Just what WILL His slaves [human doulos] have done IN THESE LAST
DAYS, during His absence, to use their talents to help "HIS BROTHERS"?
In particular, they WILL have helped proclaim the final Mystery of “This
good news (gospel) of the kingdom, in all the inhabited [Jewish] earth”
where the Jews are. They will have proclaimed this FINAL MESSIANIC
MESSAGE to the deserving Jews everywhere, there are Jews. And in
general they WILL have shown love, mercy, generosity, kindness,
goodness, helpful services and a host of other good things to their fellow
man. They will have “faith” that they have been selected and sealed, by the
Angels, to serve Yahshua their Mashiach, in these “last days.”
On that basis is how ruler-ship on earth is distributed. Matt. 25:32-46 is
explained in Rev. 7:1-8 as the 144,000 "sealed" slaves [doulos] of
EARTHLY RULERS over the earthly "great crowd" or multitude that come
out of the “great tribulation” described in Rev. 7:9-17.

Additionally, examine the GENDER of those 144,000, earthly rulers, in
Revelation chapter 7:1-8. They are exclusively MALE. There are no
FEMALE RULERS among them.
The King James Version in error translated the Greek word hwee-os’
[G5207=sons] as “children of Israel,” when the text specifically refers to
sons. Darby and many other translations correctly translated verse 4:
“And I heard the number of those sealed, a hundred and forty-four
thousand, sealed out of every tribe of the sons of Israel.”
How could this be that there are NO FEMALES MENTIONED in that verse?
These Rulers are from the literal House of Jacob. See Rev. 7:4-8, where it
states there are twelve thousand males from each tribe of Israel, making a
total of 144,000 EARTHLY MALE RULERS.
Those are the ones that will be judged by the 144,000 heavenly rulers
mentioned in Rev. 14:1-5, of which the Lord Yahshua/Jesus said to those
of His faithful eleven Apostles,
"You are the ones that have stuck with me in my trials; and I make a
covenant with you. . . for a kingdom that you may. . . sit on thrones and
They execute their judgments from heaven. Yahshua was telling His faithful
Jewish disciples that they are to judge those literal twelve tribes mentioned
in Rev. 7:4-8, as to their conduct of righteous ruler-ship for a thousand
years on this planet, earth!
That Kingdom covenant or “agreement” that Yahshua made with His
“brothers,” represented by the eleven faithful apostles, was NOT connected
with any other covenant found anywhere else in the Bible! He was sharing
His Heavenly Kingdom ruler-ship that was promised Him in Psalm 110. He
did not make a Bi-LATERAL COVENANT. He willingly made it UNI-
LATERALLY, of His own accord, for His bride to be a part of His Kingdom
ruler-ship with Him in heaven. As a good husband would, in His generosity,
He simply wanted to share it with His “bride.”
Yahshua’s kingdom, in the heavens, is no part of the promised earthly
Davidic kingdom promised to David by Yahweh. That was strictly an
EARTHLY promise and an earthly arrangement; which king-ship, Yahshua
took back to heaven with him. In so doing, Yahweh has fulfilled the
promise, He made to David that his posterity would sit on his “throne”
forever. Since Yahshua will never again die, He will sit on the “throne of
David” forever. That is the kingdom and ruler-ship, that He will distribute
and which he will share with his earthly relatives of Rev. 7:1-8 and Matt.
Yahshua himself was promised a Heavenly Kingdom by His Father,
Yahweh. That heavenly kingdom was His alone, and was in no way
connected with the earthly promised “kingdom of David.” So He had the
right to SHARE the heavenly part of HIS KINGDOM, WITH HIS BRIDE.
Being King on David’s throne, Yahshua would also be able to share earth’s
ruler-ship with both David’s and His relatives, as was promised to
In RECAP: At the same time, He would fulfill the promise by His Father
Yahweh to David. By being born in David’s lineage, He could also assume
that earthly kingship. Being raised to immortality in the heavens, He TOOK
THAT KINGSHIP WITH HIM and could forever rule the earth from heaven,
on the “throne of David” IN HEAVENLY ZION. And David would forever
have one of his posterity on his throne, as Yahweh promised him. Pretty
neat huh?
What a wonderful future for mankind and the earth from Father Yahweh, by
means of His Kingdom arrangement and His Son’s sacrifice in OUR behalf.
Soon OUR prayer, “thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth,” will be
What wonderful blessings are in store for the earth under the righteous
governmental, ruler-ship and reign of Messiah!!! Yes…. uh. . . . oh!. . . . . .
But first. . . . . . .


THE CURSE OF, ALAH?. . . . . . . . . . . OH,YES !

[All scripture brackets, bold, underlining, emphasis, caps mine].

Have you ever heard of a flying carpet? Yes? Well, flying carpets are
usually associated with Arabian nights and the Islamic world. An ancient
man of God named Zechariah sees what looks like a flying carpet, but it is
not. What he sees is a flying scroll or roll. It is quite large, thirty feet long
and fifteen feet wide, and unique in what it represents. Please turn in you
bibles to Zechariah chapter five. You will notice some interesting
information there, where Zechariah says,
“….I raised my eyes….and saw; and, look! A flying scroll. So he [the angel]
said to me: “’What are you seeing?’” In turn I said, “I am seeing a flying
scroll, the length of which is twenty cubits and the breadth of which is ten
cubits.” Zec. 5:1, 2. NW.
“Then he said to me, “’This is the CURSE [Strong’s Hebrew 423 alah
=curse] that is going forth over the surface of ALL the earth, because
every-one that is stealing, according to it on this side, has gone free of
punishment, and everyone making a sworn oath [in God’s Name],
according to it on that side, has gone free from punishment. ‘I have
caused it to go forth,’ is the utterance of Jehovah [Yahweh] of Armies,
‘and it must enter into the house of the thief’ and into the ‘house of the
one making a sworn oath in my name falsely;’ and it must lodge in the
midst of the house and exterminate it and its timbers and its stones.”
Zec. 5:3,4. NW.
That flying scroll is going around the earth at this very moment, spiritually
ringing out that curse [ALAH], from Yahweh, upon ALL of the THIEVES
and ALL of the LIARS, especially those who religiously swear falsely in the
name of God, condemning them and their houses to destruction.
Unbeknownst to them it is sinking down deep into their houses, going down
deep into their foundations and deep into their RELIGIOUS timbers and
stones so as to completely demolish, destroy and annihilate ALL of those
lying, thieving houses of “organized religions.”
This curse [ALAH] from Yahweh is especially going forth into the houses
of false worship! Lies and stealing go hand IN hand IN with ORGANIZED
RELIGION, like lovers walking down their checkered paths of history.
Those individuals and those religions that have practiced those two most

dishonorable things will have their houses completely “exterminated,” right
down into the very deepest foundations of stones and timbers. ALL of their
underlying foundations, supporters, helpers, backers, suppliers, and lovers
will be removed. Thus, “In one hour” their judgment will come. Rev. 18;19.
That was the case with the first century Jews. Their “house was abandoned
to them;” That Jewish house was brought down and totally and completely
destroyed, right down to the stones and timbers that supported it. That
same End will befall the “houses” of ALL the false, lying, thieving religions
existing today. Those houses, by the way, are FEMALE HOUSES in
Hebrew and women in the Scriptures signify whoring unfaithful religions.
You may notice that there are only two things that Yahweh is cursing by
HIS ALAH, HIS CURSE that He has sent out: Those two things are
thievery and lying, that is swearing falsely in God’s name. These are the
two most notorious and despicable things that RELIGIONS DO, and have
been NOTED FOR, down thru history.
The religions adroitly steal from both the rich and the poor while swearing
falsely in God’s name, saying, that it is God’s will. They do these things
consistently and constantly. They never stop. They have perpetrated them
for thousands of years. They have gotten away with their lying and thievery
for such a long time they think it is THEIR RIGHT to do so. They have even
convinced the people in them to think it THEIR RIGHT, for them to engage
in such CRIMINAL activity. NO OTHER ORGANIZATIONS can get away
with these things with the regularity and deliberation that the RELIGIOUS
ORGANIZATIONS DO. Not even Politics, as notorious as it is for lying,
cheating and stealing from the people.
reprehensible as they swear falsely in God’s name and that YOU will go to
heaven if YOU teach YOUR children their LIES and TERRORIST
TACTICS. They swear that if YOU send YOUR child off to die for some
cause or nationalism and/or to die for their religion, that they will go to
heaven. These are abject lies and thievery.
Thievery? Yes Thievery!! After stealing YOUR child’s life, by sending him
on a suicide mission to kill others and having already robbed YOU of
YOURS, they THEN swear it is YOUR fault that things did not work out OR
swear to YOU the LIE, that it is GOD’S WILL, and then CHARGE YOU
FOR IT. They have already taken everything from YOU, swearing it is
God’s will and then CHARGE YOU TEN PER CENT MORE on top of their
CRIME AGAINST YOU!! It is high time for everyone to AWAKE! From their
religious stupor!!
Zechariah chapter 5 verses 1-4 clearly apply to Islam AND Christendom;
ASK YOURSELF: What religion(s) say it is alright to steal from others if he
is not of the same religion? Then cuts your hand off for stealing from the
wrong person within it? What religion(s) would kill YOU as a infidel or burn
YOU at the stake as a heretic for not believing in IT? What religion(s) tells
its adherents it is alright to swear falsely in God’s name to an infidel? And
then will cut YOUR tongue out for doing so within its ranks? What
religion(s) would hunt YOU down like an animal and then torture YOU on
the rack, or saw YOUR head off in the name of God, for being a heretic or
an infidel? What religion(s) believes in killings, murders, and assassinations
to further their causes for world ruler-ship? What religion is based on a
three headed god from ancient Babylon? What religion worships the moon
god from ancient UR in the land of Babylon?
These are only some of the lies and false hoods these two religions jointly
believe and teach to the gullible people under their control. They do not
know that they have Yahweh’s ALAH, His curse from THE BOOK, within
their RELIGIOUS organizations at this very moment!!!
This information aptly applies to Christendom as SHE presumptuously
claims to represent Jehovah/Yahweh and has sworn falsely in His name as
the Jewish religions did. Christendom has been routinely lying to, stealing
from, killing and robbing its adherents for nearly two thousand years now.
She keeps swearing falsely, claiming that YOU must worship a mysterious
pagan three-in-one god of her own imagination. Islam is no less guilty, but
at least she is lying about a mono-theistic MOON god.
Both of these world religions are equally reprehensible and guilty in God’s
sight, regardless of what their hypocritical leaders say. Both of these world
religions are worthy of receiving ALL OF THE “ALAH” from Yahweh! His
word is immutable, therefore, ALL of their houses (their religious structures
and organizations) will be completely “exterminated,” destroyed, right down
to the timbers and the stones in the earth that hold them.
Remember, when it happens, IT IS YAHWEH’S “ALAH” UPON THEM. . .
Yahweh’s “ALAH” especially applies to Christendom, as SHE claims to
represent Jehovah/Yahweh as HIS WIFE!! Yet she whores after other

Gods and has immoral relations with the Political nations like an unfaithful
woman would with her immoral lovers. By claiming to represent God,
Christendom is swearing falsely in His Name. All the while, she continues
to collect tithes and monies from the poor with her lies, thievery and
This is much like the Jewish religion claiming to be the wife of Yahweh.
That harlot was completely destroyed for it. Islam is doing much the same,
swearing in the “name of god” while shouting “Allah Akbar” as they rape,
pillage, terrorize and kill other human beings. Therefore, both, of their
houses will be destroyed right down to the timbers and stones in their very
The unrighteousness and wickedness of those two religions is continued on
into chapter five of Zechariah’s prophesy. Therein, WE SEE the FULL
MEASURE OF WICKEDNESS carried off by two other wicked women into
the “land of Shinar, which is ancient Sumer. This area is better known
today, as Iraq.
These two wicked women carry the FULL EPHAH MEASURE of the
wickedness of THEIR MOTHER, back to where SHE had her beginning, in
the “land of Shinar”, (the land of Babylon, Iraq today), to build a memorial
city for the unification of Islam and ultimately to bring the whole world of
mankind into “submission” to them, to satisfy their LUST for power, world
control, world conquest and thus WORLD RULER-SHIP; ALL of course, “in
God’s name.” What is the name of that memorial city they went to
build?....The cities name is,…Baghdad…..
There were already two wicked women on the world scene that had
preceded them. They also had their “Holy Cities”, and they also were
coveting world control, conquest, and ruler-ship. They were doing this by
bedding down with the political nations and exercising control and ruler-
ship in their whoring hypocritical ways. They were located to the west and
their cities were named Rome and Constantinople, which was later
conquered by the Mongols and then Islam and renamed Istanbul,
The religious wars for power and world control between the four wicked
religious women continue with us down to this very day. Their Political
whoring and warring are still very real and are felt the world over by billions
of people, at this very moment. Their terrorism, local and national conflicts
are now world-wide, and are involving many other religious organizations,

including Hinduism, Taoism, Shinto-ism, Judaism, and not excluding many
of the political elements.
We will see in Zechariah’s book that these two wicked women take the
COMPLETE EPHAH MEASURE of wickedness BACK to the “land of
Shinar.” Why there? Because, that is where SHE is originally from; ALL
religious wickedness, originated in BABYLON. That is, in the “land of
Shinar.” That is where ALL FALSE RELIGION began. Its formation started
there, when mankind had only one language. It is fitting, that ALL religious
wickedness and religions began there and that ALL religious wickedness
and religions WILL END THERE!
At length, when God confused man-kinds languages, at the “tower of
Babel”, “wickedness” and false worship abounded and was already in FULL
MEASURE. It was then that the people separated into their own language
groups and each took their FULL MEASURE of wicked false religion with
them to where they would eventually settle. In that way, these wicked
religions were spread thru-out the earth.
But, now Zechariah is seeing something special, new and different. A NEW
RELIGION is being born! But it has still been birthed from the original
Revisiting the conversation between Zechariah and the Angel, let US read
chapter five, verses five thru eleven. Starting with verse five:
“’Then the angel who was speaking with me went forth and said to me:
“Raise your eyes, please, and see what this is that is going forth.” So, I
said, “what is it?” In turn he said, “It is the ephah measure that is going
forth.” Zec. 5:5. NW.
The angel is saying that a full ephah measure is going forth into the earth
for a special reason. What does the ephah measure consist of?
“And he went on to say,” ‘This, is their aspect [H5869 ayin= Textus
Receptus= eye, resemblance; appearance; LXX= unrighteousness,
motive], in all the earth.’” Zec. 5:6. NW. YLT.
Here, in Hebrew, the angel is giving US an understanding that there is
more than one entity involved and what their “motive” or “resemblance” or
“eye” would be. In the Greek language of the Septuagint Version (LXX),

“their aspect” or “resemblance” is translated as “unrighteousness” or
“wickedness.” Another version of the Hebrew, translates the Angel saying,
“It is a measuring basket….This is the iniquity [wickedness] of the people
throughout the land [H776, eh rets=earth].” Zec. 5:6. NIV.
The account goes on,
“And, look! The circular lid of lead was lifted up; and there is a certain
woman sitting in the midst of the ephah.” Zec. 5:7. NW.
That “certain woman” is none other than the “woman” mentioned in the
Revelation, by the apostle John, as,
disgusting things of the earth.” See Rev.17:5
She is a “mystery” and the mother of the “secret occult societies” and the
“mystery religions” of “wickedness” that the Angel is speaking of.
Continuing the Angel tells Zechariah,
“This is Wickedness.” And he proceeded to throw her back into the midst
of the ephah, after which he threw the lead weight upon its mouth.” Zec.
5:8. NW.
That woman of wickedness started her operations from the great city of
Babylon. But, Yahweh had cursed the city of Babylon. His curse continued
active on that city until the curse had made her completely desolate, empty
of false worshippers and all of her disgusting practices, images and
promotions of sexual licentiousness that she had used and fostered among
men and nations. See Jer. 50:13. That same curse continues upon the
wicked woman named after her, called “Babylon the Great, the mother of
the Harlots.” Rev. 17:5. She will suffer the same fate, complete desolation.
Long before that she had already spread out her full measure of
“wickedness” thru-out all the earth. She had been so wickedly infectious,
strong and dangerous, like radio-active uranium and plutonium, that she
had to be contained in a LEAD CONTAINER WITH A LEAD LID; this was
to contain and prevent her from corrupting mankind before the time for it.
That is before she could corrupt mankind so completely that there would be
NO HOPE for his redemption. Now, it appears that she was safely
contained. But, not for long, for Zechariah says,

“Then I raised my eyes and saw, and here there were two women coming
forth and wind was in their wings. And they had wings like the wings of the
stork [unclean birds in the Torah]. And they gradually raised the ephah up
between the earth and the heavens.” Zec. 5:9. NW.
Yes, they were destined to raise “wickedness” up to a new level on the
international world scene.
Suddenly, WE have two more wicked women appearing on the scene of
world affairs. We know that they are unclean as they are specifically flying
with the “wings of the stork”, which is considered a “loathsome” and
“unclean” bird by, Yahweh. See Lev. 11:19 and Deut. 14:18. But, where did
they come from? “Wind was in their wings”. They were coming from the
south of Jerusalem; they were coming from Mecca and Medina.
Where, were they going?
“So, I said to the angel who was speaking with me, “’Where are they taking
the ephah?’” In turn he said to me, “’In order to build her a house in the
land of Shinar, and it must be firmly established, and she must be
deposited there upon her proper place [H4369, me koo nah= spot,
BASE; Arabic,= al Qaeda (THE BASE)].’” Zech. 5:10, 11. NW.
In the KJV the angel says in verse11,
“To build it an house in the land of Shinar and it shall be established, and
set there upon her own base [Arabic=Qaeda= base].” See Zech. 5:5-11,
She would have her, al Qaeda or base, set right there in Iraq.
These two wicked women were taking “wickedness” back to the “land of
Shinar” where she started, where ancient Babylon was, to again copy the
“wickedness” of that ancient city and build a “base” of operations; and give
her a “place” for her to multiply and flourish. That “base” would be made a
“place” of splendor and meant for the unification for the two wicked women
and their religions, just as the wicked city of ancient Babylon had been.
They would grow powerful and spread their influence from the land
between the two rivers across the entire then known world. They built a
“base” or “place” for her some 85 kilometers north of the ancient and now
desolated city of Babylon that had already been made desolate by
Yahweh’s Alah or Curse on her, since the second century BC. That
“base” was named “the round city”. But, others would call her “Baghdad.”
The city is also called “god given” and/or “god’s gift”. That understanding is
taken from the middle Persian word, “bag”, meaning, “god” and “dad”,
meaning “given”. The name was later changed to “Madinat al-Salam” in
Arabic, meaning “City of Peace” copy-kating the name from “Jerusalem,”
the “City of Peace,” in the Tanakh, the Bible or “THE BOOK”, as the Koran
calls it.
The construction of the city itself dates from 715 A.D. to 764 A.D. when the
Abbasid Caliph Abu Ja far Al-Mansur officially founded the city. It had three
concentric rings of walls with a Mosque and head-quarters for soldiers in
the very center.
About 800 A.D. the city came into its own. It became the largest city in the
world for some time and was the center of learning and teaching of religion
and the Islamic worlds wisdom for nearly 500 years until the Turks captured
the city and ruled for about a 400 years.
While Europe was languishing in the “dark ages” precipitated by another
religion, the Catholic Church, Baghdad with over a million inhabitants was
in the glory of “enlightenment”, tolerance, and nurturing ‘civilization.’
Baghdad remained one of the world’s largest cities until it was over-taken
by Cordoba, in Spain, hundreds of years later.
All the while, THE WOMAN (wickedness), continued to prosper adding
millions of converts, concealed under her bloody skirts. Today she has
become a religio-political world power to be reckoned with. The
international ruler-ship by the Political nations feel threatened by these
religious women and rightly so, for they are very dangerous indeed. They
also desire to become literally radio-active, by seeking to develop into
NUCLEAR POWERS, to subdue the earth with nuclear weapons.
In 1258 the Mongols sacked the city and massacred most of the men and
boys leaving their “seed” in the raped women and girls. The supposed
offspring of Mohammad, it turns out, is mostly the whelps of Genghis Khan.
It wasn’t until 1517-1534 that the city came under the permanent ruler-ship
of the Turkish Ottoman Empire.
The British Empire took over the area during World War I (1914-1918), and
mandated it to the “house of Faisal,” whose heir was assassinated. The
area was eventually violently taken over by the mad-man Saddam Hussein.
Today the full “ephah” measure of religious “wickedness” is still operating
unchecked, in that land.

The two “wicked women” continue their rivalry for “wicked” religious ruler-
ship in every form of their tribal violence. Their wicked savagery, violence
and blood-shed, between the two “wicked women,” to rule the area, have
become legend in the civilized world. It cannot be other-wise as they have
deliberately staged their killings, beheadings, terrorist suicide bombings
and bloody violence on international television, radio, newsprint and the
At length, during the sixteenth century, the “base” (Baghdad) was
overtaken by Constantinople as the largest city in the Middle East. All
during this time the WOMAN of WICKEDNESS and her two “wicked
daughters” continued to flourish and grow. She was able to successfully
convert most of her cities conquerors to her religion of Islam.
Her “base” or “al Qaeda,” has been thoroly established along with her
wicked influence and violent disposition until this very day. Her al Qaeda,
was to be “the base” or city to “unify” the two religions of the two daughters.
The “base” however, was a total failure, for no such “unity” exists, or ever
did exist, except for one thing. What? Their hatred of the Jews. . .
But, what became of her two daughters that carried her on the unclean,
loathsome “wings of a stork” to her al Qaeda, “BASE”? They are both still
with US and are very much alive. WHO are the women? What are their
names? Oh, yes…One is named Sunni and the other is named Shi’a. Their
religion is called “SUBMISSION”, better known as ISLAM. Their aim is to
bring the entire world into “submission” to them! They disguise this by
saying they want everyone to become a worshipper of Allah. But, that is
NOTE: To the erstwhile followers of Jesus and Mohammed: Just as it is
with the followers of Jesus of Nazareth, so with the followers of the prophet,
Mohammed; Jesus had nothing what-so-ever to do with the development of
the two wicked religions of Christendom and the prophet Mohammed had
nothing what-so-ever to do with the development of the two off-shoots of
the religion that he founded.
Wicked opportunistic men found power, wealth and ruler-ship in the early
foundations of these religions. In their selfishness, greed and hunger for
power, they used deceit, trickery and every form of “wicked” thievery,
murder and lies to grab control of the various religious enterprises. They
realized, that ‘religion means power’ and made every effort to make use
of it and developed power structures over the more gullible, and ignorant
“faithful” ones. They used that religious power to further their selfish ends
and get the most that they could for themselves and promote their families
continued ruler-ship. They set the foundation or “base” for “wickedness.” In
doing so they established political and religious dynasties for themselves
and their posterity. These religious ruler-ships, still operating “wickedly”
today were not authorized by their founders. They deserve Yahweh’s
WE have already identified who the “woman” called “wickedness” IS. Who?
She is the great whore of Revelation, called “Babylon the Great, the
mother of the Harlots.” See Rev. 14:8; 16:19; 17:5; 18:2, 10 & 21. She
has used All four of her daughters to “BASE” herself more concretely into
the world’s international affairs. She is now completely immersed in the
geo-political affairs of the world. She has gotten herself so deep into her
religio-political position of power; she can now never get out! She is stuck
so deeply, she has doomed herself to destruction by the POLITICAL
POWERS she is in bed with. And so are her daughters.
Consequently, WE do not want to be a part of them and go down into
destruction with them. Therefore WE must identify who they are: ALL of her
daughters are easily identifiable. How?
They are ALL Anti-Christ. How so? They ALL in some way disown the “son
of God” Yahshua, as having “come in the flesh” as the Jewish Messiah and
savior of the entire human race. They either say, ‘He is NOT the Son of
God,’ or that ‘He is GOD, or that He has not come at all.’ Either way, they
deny WHO HE REALLY was. Who? A man named Yahshua, the human
Son of Yahweh. Those religions have ALL copied their whoring mother, by
deliberately engaging them-selves in Satan’s World of Political wars,
Religious Terrorism and international power struggles.
They ALL have set themselves and their lust for power and ruler-ship up,
along with the Political National governments, against the Lord of Lord’s
and King of Kings, Yahshua and HIS Kingdom ruler-ship.
They ALL think that they can win a war against Him, as do the Political
governments. and ultimately RULE THE WORLD.
Whom do YOU think will win?

They ALL should review Isaiah chapter forty-seven. For ALL fifteen verses
apply to them. “There will be no one to save you.” Verse 15.
They ALL should review the Revelation account. For ALL the information
about the “Great Harlot” applies to them; they are part of her.
They ALL are guilty of stealing, thievery and lies, in God’s name.
They ALL should be in fear and shudder, for Yahweh’s ALAH! Is circling
the earth and will shortly descend on them.
They ALL should realize that their “houses” (religious organizations and
ruler-ship) are destined to be completely destroyed, down to their very
earthly foundations of rocks and timbers.
They ALL should know that they will be remembered, “no more.” But, their
egotism and hypocrisy knows no bounds.
They ALL, in their egotism, will continue to lie to themselves and say, “I will
remain and not suffer loss, or become a widow!”
They ALL, in their selfish lies, continue to say to themselves that their
lovers, the nations and governments will be gone before they are. But, the
Scripture says,
“Too bad, To bad, You great city,….because in one hour she [ALL
ORGANIZED RELIGION] has been devastated!” Rev.18:19. NW.
And what should OUR reaction be? We should,
“Be glad over her, O heaven, also YOU holy ones and YOU Apostles and
YOU prophets, because God has judicially exacted punishment for
YOU from her!” Rev. 18:20 NW.
And yet, there STILL . . . . . . IS: GOOD NEWS FOR JEWS!! . . . . Jews? .
. . . YES, JEWS . . . .


[All scripture brackets, bold, underlining, emphasis, caps mine].

As part of the “last generation” of this World (Kosmos), or “system of
things,” WE are witnesses of the GREATEST SIGN from God of that fact.
What? What would that be? That GREAT SIGN is the MIRACULOUS
RETURN of natural Israel (physical Jacob), the Jews, to the land of Israel
(Palestine) and the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948!!
Of course we must not confuse Zionism, or any other manmade earthly
political system, religion, or worldly ideology of men, as being in any way a
part of God’s kingdom. Yahweh, because of His own self-respect and For
His own name’s sake, simply had it happen in fulfillment of His irresistible
Word. HIS mere saying of it insured that it would automatically manifest
itself at the proper time for it to happen, in whatever venue was available at
the time. There are many examples in scripture of Him doing so. But, why
would He bother after all of the faithlessness and infidelity of the Jews?
In Isaiah chapter forty-eight, Yahweh explains the reason why He would
bring the offspring of Abraham back to the Land that He promised to them.
Speaking to the “house of Jacob,” He said:
“For the sake of MY NAME I shall check my anger, and for MY PRAISE I
shall restrain myself toward you that there may be no CUTTING YOU OFF.
For MY OWN SAKE, FOR MY OWN SAKE, I shall act, for how could one
let one-self be profaned? And TO NO ONE ELSE shall I give MY OWN
GLORY.” Isa. 48:9, 11. NW.
Thus, Yahweh restored HIS NAME people to the land. See Isa. 43:1-12.
Did YOU notice WHY, He has done this? Not for them. NO. . . He did it for
HIMSELF; to, uphold His OWN integrity and honor. To keep His word, that
is why HE HAD TO ACT. That is why HE WILL ACT again soon thru His
Son Yahshua. The world at large is not privy to this knowledge. Why?
Because, it is SECRET information that He does these things for HIS OWN
NAMES SAKE and for His own integrity.
Look into Isa. 45:1-7 and YOU will see an example, of how
Jehovah/Yahweh accomplished His Will of bringing the captive Jews in
Babylon back to the same land that He has brought them back into today.
By using the Persian pagan King Cyrus to accomplish His purpose,
Yahweh demonstrated how He uses the world’s political elements to fulfill

His promises. His WORD is irresistible and cannot be changed or thwarted.
He says, this, about that,
“So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth, it shall not return
unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please and it shall prosper
in the thing whereto I sent it.” Isa. 55:11. KJV.
The prophet Daniel was given this same SECRET information by the Angel
Gabriel. He reported it this way:
“Then the SECRET was revealed unto Daniel……Then Daniel blessed the
God of Heaven……. and said: Blessed be the name of God from
everlasting even unto everlasting; for wisdom and might are His.” Dan.
2:19, 20. JPS.
“And He is changing times and seasons, removing kings and setting
up kings.” Dan. 2:21. NW.
Another translation of Dan 2:21 reads,
“And He is changing times and seasons, He is causing kings to pass
away, and He is raising up kings; He is giving, wisdom to the wise, and
knowledge to those possessing understanding.” Dan. 2:21. YLT.
Daniel then revealed this SECRET information to the King of Babylon,
Nebuchadnezzar, concerning a dream that he had. Most commentators
think the secret was the image that Daniel spoke of. It was not the dream
“image itself,” that was the SECRET. If not the image then what was it?
The SECRET was that Yahweh would, at will, “remove kings” and “set
up kings” down thru the centuries. That arbitrary action on Yahweh’s
part is what the “image” represented. Yahweh is still doing so thru His
Son, THE WORD of God, Yahshua ha Mashiach even today! The secret
way He does it is, THRU HIS SON, HIS WORD. The FINAL PART of the
SECRET is revealed in Daniel 2:44 and 45, which says,
“And in the days of those kings, the God of heaven will set up A KINGDOM
that will never be brought to ruin. And the KINGDOM ITSELF will not be
passed on to ANY OTHER PEOPLE. IT [the heavenly part] WILL CRUSH
AND PUT AN END TO ALL THESE KINGDOMS and it itself will stand to
times indefinite.” Dan. 2:44. NW.

Did YOU notice what the secret contained in that verse is? That the
kingdom, promised to Abraham’s physical seed and offspring, “will not
be passed on to ANY OTHER PEOPLE.”
It would certainly not be passed on to Islam or Christendom or any of the
other religions or political nations of this world! Not even to the political
Zionist Israel of today. That is the Eternal God’s WORD ON IT. Period. But,
what people are being spoken about? Why, they are Daniel’s people!,
that’s who! Who? They are none other than the literal Jews and the rest of
the twelve tribes from “Jacob” that will make up Yahshua’s earthly kingdom
That is, the physical seed of Abraham! This is also the final part of the
Divine Mystery of God’s Kingdom; this then is THE FINISHED MYSTERY!
This is the fulfillment of one of the promises to Abraham that his earthly
seed would bless all the nations of the earth. THIS IS HOW THEY WILL
DO IT! How? By a righteous ruler-ship of earth, under Messiah and His
“Bride” in Heaven.
This is what the first century Jews were counting on to realize their
promised desire for world dominion or ruler-ship. This is GOD’S KINGDOM,
The government that WE pray for, when we say,
“Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as in heaven.” Matt. 6:9,10.
That Kingdom will bring God’s WILL to pass here on earth, “as it is in
heaven.” Under King Yahshua, the Kingdom from the heavens will destroy
and put an end to ALL of these worldly governments existing today, in
opposition to it. This will happen shortly when Yahshua takes His Kingdom
Power and comes back to this earth, to “rule the nations with an iron rod.”
NO, The earthly Kingdom, “will not be passed on to any other people.” This
earth will be ruled by “Daniels people” as it is the secondary earthly part of
the Kingdom of Heaven and Earth.
Since Yahweh has done ALL of that, regarding re-arranging the nations
down thru history, it would be a very small thing for Him to return the
physical seed of Abraham to the “land” that HE PROMISED TO His friend,
ABRAHAM. Still it is a very important event. Why? It proves that HE is still
in control of world events. And, , , ,
That EVENT (Yahweh’s returning fleshly “Jacob” to their land) MARKED
THE BEGINNING of this TRANSITIION PERIOD. It marked the beginning
of the END of the CHRISTIAN AGE and the LAST GENERATION of the
Jewish religion. It also marked the BEGINNING of the END of Judah
and Jacob’s ignorance about THEIR MESSIAH.
This is the time period that will transition into the NEW AGE of GOD’S
KINGDOM GOVERNMENT! Watch carefully when the state of Israel turns
seventy years old, “three score and ten” in 2018 CE, because then is when
JACOB’S TROUBLES really begin in earnest and will become ever-more
dangerous to the extreme.
But ultimately, after JACOB’S TROUBLES, will bring GOOD NEWS FOR
JEWS everywhere on the planet, as they and the rest of their brothers of
the twelve tribes of Israel, still UNKNOWN and scattered around the world,
will triumphantly become earth’s rulers. Unfortunately for them IN THE
INTERIM, this is also the “day” and “time” for the finale’ of “Jacob’s
troubles,” as Jeremiah says,
“Alas, that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of
Jacob’s troubles; but he shall be saved out of it.” Jer. 30:7. ASV.
Did YOU notice that the text says, “Jacob’s troubles” and not “Israel’s
troubles”? From the beginning there has been a distinction between the
spiritual Israel, “my called ones” and the fleshly Jacob called, “my servant.”
Did YOU notice too that Jacob would be “saved out of it”? Well Jacob will
be “saved out of it,” but before that, there is even greater trouble to come!
After that, THEN, comes the fulfillment of the promises of Jacob’s earthly
INHERITANCES! Before we consider “Jacob’s trouble,” let’s look at some
of the blessings of HIS inheritance first.
One such inheritance given, to Jacob, is re-stated in Mathew chapter five,
verse five, by the foremost Son of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Jesus/Yahshua Christ/Mashiach, quoted from Psalm 37: 11 in the Tanakh
(OT), where it says,
“But the humble [meek ones] shall inherit the land [H776, eh rets’=earth],
and delight themselves in the abundance of peace.” JPS.
Yahshua, also said in Matt. 5:5,
“Blessed [are] the meek, for they shall inherit the earth [G2093 Geghay, by
extension, the earth].” KJV.

Psalm 37:29 goes further saying,
“The righteous shall inherit the land [H776 eh rets=earth] and dwell therein
forever.” KJV.
By comparing many Bibles WE noticed, that most of the translators of
Christendom’s Bibles use the word “land” instead of the CORRECT word
“earth.” (It appears that they do so, having fallen victim to Replacement
They cannot imagine that the Jews will INHERIT THE EARTH, much less
RULE over it and them. Even the Jewish Publication Society rendition used
the Hebrew word eh rets, “earth,” incorrectly translating it “land.”
ISRAEL IN EVERY WAY. How abhorrent a thing it must be for them to
think that the JEWS were going to RULE OVER THEM; And, that for a
1000 years! So the Bible translators could consign them only to the word
land, not the whole earth.
Consequently they reason, that IF God is going to give Natural Israel
anything, IT COULD ONLY BE THE LAND. What land? Only, the land they
think God promised them, the “land of Israel.” They do not want to think
that THOSE PEOPLE would be rulers over them, much less the WHOLE
EARTH? They cannot stand the idea that God has promised to give the
whole earth and its ruler-ship to the offspring of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob!
Part of which is those accursed Jews.
Shhhh! That is a Secret!
The world’s political, religious and commercial rulers have a very rude
awakening coming to them. They have proven to be even more asleep than
“Jacob” is! But, how would the whole earth and its ruler-ship be
apportioned out and/or distributed?
When the Israelites took possession of the “land” originally, it was
distributed by “lots”, similar to the ‘rolling of dice’, that is by chance. Their
“casting of lots,” was supposedly directed by Yahweh. The twelve tribes
were given a temporal land grant by Yahweh, with temporal authority or
ruler-ship over it. This pictured their temporal authority and ruler-ship over
earth during Yahshua’s millennial reign. That way of land distribution will
NOT be used when Jacob receives his inheritance of the earth. How so?

No one but Yahweh owns the earth. But, He gives temporal authority over
parts of it when He wants to. So the inheritance of the land simply means
“authority” over it. That earthly authority or ruler-ship will be distributed by
means of DNA “heart” condition. Not arbitrarily. But, this is still a matter of
chance. That is, by being alive and in the right place, at the right time; just,
as the apostles were in the first century; just, as the twelve tribes were alive
at the time of the land’s first apportionment by Yahweh’s Angel.
Still it would be only to those, who, at that time, have the right DNA heart
condition.” In so great a “gene pool” how would their “right heart condition”
be manifested? Listen to the King Yahshua’s reply,
“I tell you the truth, what-ever you did for one of the least of these my
brothers, you did it for me.” Matt. 25:40. NIV.
One never knows when one may be helping one of Yahshua’s brothers.
They wear NO SIGNS saying, “Here I Am,” And, you do not have to be in
personal contact with one, to help him. Simply by telling out this message:
GOOD NEWS FOR MESSIANIC JEWS! You will be doing so.
Therefore, each tribe will have twelve thousand kings/rulers that have, in
some way and usually without even knowing it, beneficially helped
Jesus/Yahshua’s “bride” of spiritual “brothers”, still on earth today. In that
way, as if by lot, is how the Angels would recognize who to seal, because
the Angels cannot read hearts. The unknowing service of these “good men”
significantly bespeaks the qualities evident within their hearts.
They have the love and humility to serve their fellow man rather than to
selfishly serve themselves and be served. They will unknowingly perform
acts of unselfish love and service to everyone. In doing so, they FULFILL
THE LAW OF MOSES. See Matt. 22:37-40. The apostle Paul said,
“….for he who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law.” Rom. 13:8,10. NIV.
In thus demonstrating their LOVE of their neighbor and exhibiting their
fellow feeling for others, they reveal their good hearted inner qualities,
which would qualify them for good ruler-ship.
Another requirement is Faith in the Father, Yahweh. Just as Isaiah 57:13c
“But the man who makes ME his refuge will inherit the land [H776 eh
rets’=the earth] and will possess my Holy Mountain [kingdom].” NIV.

The term, Holy Mountain, in the OT or Tanakh usually refers to God’s
kingdom and/or government, when not speaking about the literal mountains
themselves. See Dan. 2:30-45.
Because of their heart-felt loving kindness, they would be sealed by the
Angels and surprised with ruler-ship in the earthly kingdom, “prepared for
them from the founding of the world,” when Yahshua returns with “kingdom
power,” in “all his glory.” Matt. 25:34-36.
Being surprised they will honestly say,
“Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty and give you something to
drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in to eat, or needing
clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go visit
you?” Matt. 25:37-39. NIV.
He will tell them,
“Because you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to
What a wonderful gift and inheritance is given because of having a loving
attitude of humility and service to your fellow humans, which signifies a
good and loving heart to the Angels, who see that and seal YOU.
Isaiah 59:20 thru all of chapter 60 is a further description of the “gifts” from
Yahweh to those earthly kings and their relatives. The narrative starts, at
the time of “Jacob’s trouble” during which, as the Apostle Paul said,
“The deliverer [G-4506, rhuomai, to rescue, to deliver] will come out of Zion
and turn away ungodly practices from ‘Jacob’” Rom. 11:26. NW.
Isaiah 59:20 reiterates, saying,
“The Redeemer [Yahshua] will come to Zion, to those in Jacob, who
repent of their sins,” declared the LORD [Yahweh].” [H3068, Jehovah,
(Yahweh)] NIV.
These texts show that “Jacob” is saved by Yahshua, sometime during
the terrible time of “Jacob’s trouble”.

But, WAIT A MINUTE!? One text says the deliverer is coming OUT of Zion
and the other text says the Redeemer is coming TO Zion. How can you
reconcile these two scriptures?
Answer: There are TWO Zion’s! There is a heavenly spiritual Zion,
signifying heavenly ruler-ship and an literal earthly Zion, a hill in
Jerusalem. That hill has great spiritual significance because it has to do
of ruler-ship and Government!!
After His marriage to His “bride” in the RULING PART OF HEAVEN (Called
Heavenly Zion), Yahshua comes back to earth, from HEAVENLY ZION, to
EARTHLY ZION. There is where He will begin His earthly ruler-ship.
Meanwhile, as the Deliverer, He saves “Jacob” out of his great “trouble”
just as the scripture reads,
“And this is how all Israel will be saved. As the scripture says, ‘The savior
will come from Zion and remove all wickedness from the descendants
of Jacob.’” Rom. 11:26. GNB.
This will happen with the precipitation of the war of Armageddon. After that
great war, when ALL of the worldly nations are subdued and the “god of
this world”, Satan the Devil, is “cast into the abyss” for a thousand years, is
“When the Son of Man arrives in his glory, and all the angels with him, then
he will sit down on his glorious throne. And all the nations will be gathered
before him and he will separate people one from another, just as a
shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.” Matt. 25:31,32. NW.
HAPPENS. Some religions imperiously proclaim that THEY are doing that
separating work NOW. . . .NOT !! But notice WHO IS DOING IT:
“He will separate people one from another.”
The He, that is doing it, is Yahshua Mashiach HIMSELF! As the fine
Shepherd, He separates HIS SHEEP from the goats, AFTER He starts
RULING. Yet those same religions continue to usurp the Lord’s position,
saying that THEY ARE DOING IT NOW. Absurd, you say? AGREED. . .
At THAT TIME is when He awards earthly ruler-ship to those that the
Angels have already sealed. AT THAT TIME the earthly remnant of Jacob

are awarded their ruler-ship and are set up as kings. Thereafter, great and
wonderful things happen to them and their relatives. The “golden age” of
world ruler-ship that the Jews expected in the first century will finally come
to the offspring of Abraham and their “sons”. Rev. 7:1-8. Some, of their
fore-fathers, will have a resurrection back to life, on earth just after that,
and be awarded Princely Ruler-ship, to enjoy it with their children for nearly
a thousand years. See Dan. 12:1-3; Ps. 45:16.
A description of all the glory, material things, gold and silver that will come
to them is given in Isaiah chapter sixty. In verse 9 it says why they will bring
their valuable things to the sons of Abraham. Why?
“to honor the LORD [H3068, Jehovah/Yahweh] YOUR GOD the Holy One
of Israel, for He has endowed you with splendor.” NIV.
Yes, He has endowed the splendor of KINGSHIP on those of “Jacob” that
have proven worthy. From the above WE see that “Jacob” is saved by
Yahshua, during the war and will rule until the 1000 year kingdom reign is
ended. Jacob will, also RECEIVE ALL OF THE WONDERFUL GIFTS “ he
is entitled to during that time period.
But, the Churches and other religions say these GIFTS belong to them.
That God is doing these things, FOR THEM, in material and spiritual ways
NOW. They reject the notion that these are physical, earthly third
dimensional promises from Father Yahweh, to the fore-fathers of Jacob
alone. But, they will prove to be very real to “Jacob.” Isaiah chapter sixty
verse ten, provides that wonderful account:
“Foreigners will rebuild your walls and their kings will serve you… Your
gates will always stand open ….[there will be no fear of robbery or attack]
they will never be shut, day or night, so that men may bring you the wealth
of the nations…. For the nation or kingdom that will not serve you will
perish. It will be utterly ruined…..The sons of your oppressors will come
bowing before you…….Although you have been forsaken and hated…..I
will make you the everlasting pride and the joy of all generations. You will
drink the milk of nations and be nursed at royal breasts. THEN you will
know that I, the LORD [H3068, Jehovah/YAHWEH], am your Savior, your

Verse 19b continues, “…for the LORD [H3068, Jehovah/Yahweh] will be

your everlasting light and your God will be your glory…….Then will all your
people be righteous and they will possess the land [H776, eh rets= earth]
forever. They are the shoot I have planted…I AM THE LORD [H3068,
At that time Psalm 111:6 will once again apply,
“He [Yahweh] has shown His people the power of His works, giving them
the lands of other nations.” NIV. See also: Isa. 34: 16,17; Isa. 57:13;
There are many more scriptures that can be cited in connection with the
inheritance of “Jacob” and Israel. The Great God Yahweh accomplishes
this in a variety of ways, primarily by using, His Son and the holy Angels to
make these things happen. An example of this is in Exodus chapter 22:20-
23a, which says,
“Here I am sending an angel ahead of you to keep you on the road and to
bring you into the place that I have prepared. Watch yourself because of
him and obey his voice. Do not behave rebelliously against him, for he will
not pardon your transgression; because my name is within him.”
Even after the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 CE, He still sent His Angels to
help His people. So today, He sends His Angels to “seal” His slaves in their
foreheads for their “new” form of governmental service to Him.
NOTE: About the Divine Name, YHWH [YAHWEH]: As above you will
notice that the various Bible translators have almost invariably substituted
the words LORD [adonai] and/or GOD [elohim], in the Tanakh/ OT for the
ancient Hebrew characters Yod Hay Waw Hay or YHWH which letters
The King James Version used the letters JHVH, that stands for Jehovah (in
place of Yahweh) only four times. Ex. 6:3; Ps. 83:18; Isa. 12:2; 26:4,
although the Divine Name (TETRAGRAMMATON) appears 6,823 times in
the Hebrew text.
Most other translations produced by organized religions omit it entirely.
With few exceptions, only those translations produced by individuals,
translate the divine name as Yahweh, all 6,823 times.
Why would they choose not to translate the DIVINE NAME
(tetragrammaton), the most important name in the Bible? Answer: Would
you believe, SUPERSTITION? Yes, it is true. Even the superstitious Jewish
Rabbi’s substitute the words “ha Shem”, or the ridiculous G-d when the

DIVINE NAME appears. Oh Yes, they give various lame excuses for not
using Yahweh. But, it is all a show. For the DIVINE NAME is the most
common NAME IN THE HOLY SCRIPTURES! YHWH appears thousands
of times more than any other name! Could it be that they ALL have a
similar agenda and are promoting a particular doctrine that the NAME does
not support? What would that be? This will be discussed below in
It appears that most of the Bible translators in Christendom and Judaism
want to HIDE the most important name in the universe from the eyes and
ears of the people at large.
They have even gone so far as to deliberately introduce error and promote
the superstition of not using the name for fear of mispronouncing it. What
utterly ridiculous reasoning. OUR heavenly Father wants US to know Him
and to talk to Him and to use His glorious name in doing so. Every father
wants his children to know his name and proudly use it in talking about him
to others. So, WHY would they want to HIDE THE FATHER from US, His
creatures? These religions of similar attitude are STILL EXHIBITING THE
more alike as WE get nearer the END of this “wicked and adulterous
The BEST GOOD NEWS FOR MESSIANIC JEWS is, knowing and using
God’s wonderful NAME and honoring Him by using IT. WHY?
Did YOU not know that it is a command to use it? If YOU are a Jew
reading this information, one of YOUR requirements is to obey the sixth
chapter of Deuteronomy. YOU have no doubt never read it using the Divine
Name, of Yahweh. If YOU do not have a Bible, take it off of YOUR door
post and read it in Hebrew.
NOTE: For YOU other readers, unfamiliar with Jewish superstitions about
the usage of God’s Name, some Jews will not even say GOD. They even
avoid writing it, childishly writing the letters g-d, so as to legalistically not
violate the rabbi’s moronic rules. (If they had just put half of that effort into
obeying Yahweh’s Law, The Torah, they would already be ruling the earth.)
HOW very SAD!! To follow men’s folly and silly rules and stay ignorant,
while refusing to follow God’s HOLY WORD and be enlightened and
blessed is ludicrous.

By including the Divine Name in reading Deuteronomy chapter six, YOU
will be surprised at what it says. Below WE quote, in part, those verses in
Deuteronomy that use the Divine Name YAHWEH in them. Therein are
commands to the Jews to:
To obey, “the commandment, the statutes, and ordinances, which Jehovah
[Yahweh] YOUR GOD commanded YOU,” Verse 1, NW.
To “fear Jehovah [Yahweh] YOUR GOD” Verse 2, NW.
To “Hear, O Israel observe and do it; as Jehovah [Yahweh], the GOD of
YOUR fathers has promised YOU…in the land flowing with milk and
honey.” Verse 3, ASV.
To “Hear, O Israel: Jehovah [Yahweh] OUR GOD IS ONE Jehovah
[Yahweh].” Verse 4,YLT.
To “love Jehovah [Yahweh] YOUR GOD, with all YOUR heart and with all
YOUR soul, and with all YOUR might.” Verse 5, YLT.
To be grateful “when Jehovah [Yahweh} YOUR GOD” fulfills His promises
“to thy fathers.” Verse 10, YLT.
To “beware lest YOU forget Jehovah [Yahweh] who brought YOU out of the
land of Egypt.” Verse 12, ASV.
HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!!! Notice this next verse; THE JEWS ARE
To fear “Thou shalt fear Jehovah [Yahweh] THY GOD; and HIM shalt
thou SERVE, and SHALL SWEAR BY HIS NAME.” Verse 13. ASV. Yes,
To not have any other gods, “for Jehovah [Yahweh] YOUR GOD is in your
midst” and is jealous. Verses 14,15,YLT.
To not raise the “anger of Jehovah [Yahweh] YOUR GOD” Verse 15
To not “tempt Jehovah [Yahweh] YOUR GOD” Verse 16,ASV.
To “keep the commands, testimonies and statutes of Jehovah [Yahweh]
YOUR GOD.” [not the rabbi’s commands, testimonies, statuted] Verse 17,

To “do what is right and good in the sight of Jehovah [Yahweh]” to possess
the “good land which Jehovah [Yahweh] swore unto thy fathers.” Verse 18,
To “thrust out all thine enemies” as Jehovah [Yahweh] said. Verse19, ASV.
To tell your sons what is the meaning of the laws that “Jehovah [Yahweh]
OUR GOD has commanded” Verse 20,YLT.
To tell that “Jehovah [Yahweh, NOT the NAME, ha shem] brought us out of
Egypt with a mighty hand.” Verse 21, YLT.
To tell of “Jehovah [Yahweh]’s signs and wonders.” Verse22, YLT.
To tell “of Jehovah [Yahweh]’s statutes…and to fear Jehovah [Yahweh] that
he preserves us alive.” Verse 24, YLT.
To observe “all the commandments before Jehovah [Yahweh] OUR GOD.”
Verse 25, YLT.
See how much more personalized those verses become by using the
Father’s Name Yahweh? By reading chapter six of Deuteronomy YOU
will note that ha Shem, the name, YAHWEH, is mentioned twenty-two
times in twenty-five verses. That shows how important the Divine Name
is and that the Divine Name is supposed to be USED BY YOU to tell YOUR
sons and children about. YOU are commanded tell your sons about YOUR
wonderful GOD, YAHWEH. And isn’t it amazing WE could not locate one
single reference to any rabbi or any manmade rabbinical rule or regulation
prohibiting the use of THE NAME, HA SHEM YAHWEH?.
the rabbi’s mistaken manmade spiritually dead Talmud.
The apostle Paul speaks of this matter in Romans chapter ten and verse
thirteen. He is quoting Joel 2:32, where it says,
“And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of
Jehovah [Yahweh] shall be delivered; for in mount Zion and in
Jerusalem shall be those that escape…” ASV.
Paul may have also had Zephaniah 3:9, in mind, where it says,

“For then will I turn to the peoples a pure language that, they may ALL
CALL UPON THE NAME of Jehovah [YAHWEH], to serve Him with one
consent [heart].” Darby. ASV.
By using His Divine Name, YAHWEH, YOU will be blessed with a glorious
future as YOU await SALVATION BY HIM. YOU must use it to glorify your
heavenly Father. HALLELU-YAH! Do YOU know what that means? THAT
IS, What it literally means?. . . . . YOU SHOULD. . . . . It means:


[All scripture brackets, bold, underlining, emphasis, caps mine].



From the outset WE have noted that “Jacob” will be rescued by the
“Deliverer” that comes out of heavenly “Zion.” That “Deliverer” is Yahshua,
“Jacobs” Mashiach. But, before He makes good His deliverance, many
tests and much suffering will take place. For, “Jacob” is a “stiff necked
[H7186, kaw sheh’; H6202, o-ref’] people that talk back.” See, Ex. 32:9;
33:3, 5; 34:9; Deut. 9:6, 13.
They have never accepted Father Yahweh’s disciplines. THEY WILL HAVE
TO. . . . in due time! But, they will have to get thru:
“Jacob’s troubles” first.
Until Jacob stops “talking back” and cries out for a savior, in their
desperation for help from the Father, Yahweh, their suffering will continue.
When that time comes, Jacob will have finally realized that Yahshua is their
deliverer and Messiah and He always has been. They will finally realize
that their only hope for salvation and chance for survival will be by means
of Ha Yahshua Ha Mashiach! Those left in Jacob and the “land” will return
to Yahweh with ALL their heart.
In the book of Jeremiah, chapter thirty, it tells of Yahweh bringing back the
captives of Israel and Judah to take possession of the “land” He gave to
their forefathers. In verses four thru seven it says,
“Yahweh spoke about Israel and Judah: We have heard a cry of panic, of
terror, not of peace….Why has every face grown pale? DISASTER! This is
the great day, no other like it: a time of distress for Jacob, though he will
be saved from it.” Jer. 30:5-7. NJB. The KJV says,
“Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of
Jacob’s trouble; but he shall be saved out of it.” Jer. 30:7. KJV.
Many bible expositors have mistakenly surmised that this scripture was
fulfilled when the Jews returned from their seventy-year captivity by
Babylon in 537 BCE. It does not. Why? Because, that event was not “the
great day,” with “no other [being] like it.” Nor was it in the year 70 AD of our
common era when the Jewish world ended; yet, both were still a time of
great distress and “trouble” for Jacob. Yahweh continues saying in verse
ten separating Jacob and Israel saying,
“So do not be afraid, my servant Jacob, Yahweh declares, Israel, do not
be alarmed: For look, I shall rescue you from distant countries and your
descendants from the country where they are captive. Jacob will return
and be at peace, secure with no one to trouble him. For I am with you to
save you Yahweh declares.” Jer. 30:10. NJB.
What a wonderful promise to Jacob. How will Yahweh do this? In verse
eleven Yahweh says,
“I shall make an end of all the nations where I have driven you, but I shall
not make an end of you, only discipline you in moderation, not to let you go
unpunished.” Jer. 30:11. NJB.
Therein, lays the rub. What does that mean? It means that the “Jacob’s
troubles” are not over yet. Not until Jacob “gives up” his revolt, against
Yahweh. Revolt? Yes. Revolt! From the beginning, Jacob has been in
revolt. Jacob has never wanted anyone to tell him what to do or give him
instructions. Now, how far will it continue until Jacob “returns to Yahweh”
with all of his heart? We shall see.
The nation-state of Israel is right now in jeopardy and they know it. The
nations surrounding them are still taking council with each other to
eliminate the Jewish state altogether. This is nothing new. Satan has
wanted to eradicate the “seed” of Abraham thru Isaac, since he had
Ishmael start the persecution of Jacob when the boy was only some five
years old.
The state of Israel was created in1948 AD and is still in existence today,
because of Yahweh’s “grace” toward them. With-out His help they would
have been effaced from off the earth, even before they became a nation.
That is the main reason that they still have such big “troubles.” Why?
Because, they fail to give Him the credit for their existence, maintaining that
is was because of their own human genius, power and military force.
Armed with such arrogance, their “troubles” will not diminish, but will
continue to grow and worsen. Yes, it will get worse until they have the heart
condition described in the Eighty-third Psalm.
At last, when Jacob is in the sorest of straights and finally turns and
beseeches Yahweh (his last resort), to NOT stand quietly by while his

enemies are plotting his total destruction; while still not acknowledging the
DIVINE NAME YAHWEH, using the title God he will plead,
“God do not remain silent, do not stay quiet or unmoved, God! See how
your enemies are in uproar, how those who hate you are rearing their
heads.” verses.1, 2, NJB.
“They are laying plans against your people, conspiring against those you
cherish; they say, ‘. . .let us annihilate them as a nation, the name of
Israel shall be remembered no more!” verses.3, 4, NJB.
Does that sound familiar? It should, the nations of Islam, surrounding Israel
have been calling for that solution since 1948. Especially today the
religious leaders and president of Iran is echoing that sentiment. Going on
the scripture says,
“They conspire with a single mind, they conclude an alliance against
you, the tents of Edom, the Ishmaelites, Moab, Hagrites, Bebal, Ammon,
Amalek, Philistia, the Tyrians; even Assyria has joined them to reinforce the
children of Lot.” verses 5, 6, NJB..
With the exception of Amalek (whom Yahweh had exterminated); Who and
where are all of these “trouble makers” today?
In the aforementioned Psalm WE find Edom, Ishmael, Moab, the Hagrites,
Gebal, Ammom, Amalek, Philistia, the Tyrians and Assyria had formed a
ten nation alliance; an Axis of powers, conspiring to annihilate the nation of
Israel so that it will “be remembered no more!” This is quite a crowd of
nations coming up against Israel. By looking into the past, WE can
determine who those same nations are today.
Edom represents the region of Idumaea, or southern Jordan. Ishmael, of
course, started the persecution of Isaac and represents all of the rest of
Abraham’s offspring that has been persecuting Isaac and then Jacob down
thru the centuries until today, especially those in Islam.
Moab, the son of Lot by his older daughter, occupied an area east of the
Dead Sea and into Arabia.
The Hagrites were a nomadic Arabian tribe east of Gilead. Some scholars
think they were “of Hagar,” altho unproven.

Gebal: two Gebals are mentioned in scripture. One was a Phoenician city
located about twenty miles north of Beirut, Lebanon. The other was south
east of the Dead Sea.
Ammon, the son of Lot by his younger daughter, also located east of
Gilead, with its capital at ancient Rabbah, which is modern day Amman,
taken from Ammon, in Jordan.
Amalek, the grandson of Esau, had territory in the Negev, in southern
Palestine, the Sinai Peninsula and into Saudi Arabia. They were the first
nation to make an attack on Israel after the Exodus.
Phillistines, an ancient enemy of Israel, occupied the coastal area on the
Mediterranean Sea from Joppa down to Gaza of today and bordered
Amalek in the Negev.
Tyre, the great ancient sea port located about thirty miles north of present
day Haifa, produced Jezebel who hated Yahweh.
Assyria completes the picture, occupying all of the area of present day
Syria, Lebanon, the lower half of Turkey, Kurdistan, Iraq and western Iran.
Those ten enemies of Jacob, (ten meaning literally and pictorially complete,
or earthly perfection) ALL their earthly enemies, inhabited the land area
that completely surrounded ancient Israel.
Today Israel/Jacob is still surrounded and those same land areas are still
held by their enemies, with the exception of the lower Negev that stretches
to the Red Sea that Amalek once held. Aside from that, the only thing that
has changed from ancient times until today is the religion of the people
inhabiting these areas.
However, their same mind-set of hatred for and animosity toward Jacob, by
mostly the descendants of those same ancient peoples, are still in
existence and are still working to destroy what’s left of Jacob, out of that
same land given them by Yahweh.
Ancient Israel, realizing it was surrounded, with no apparent help and with
no one else to turn to, began to plead with Yahweh to destroy their
enemies as they intended to destroy Israel. Their pleading is in verses nine
thu seventeen; then, in verse eighteen they give a good reason for Him to

“Let them know that you alone bear the name Yahweh, and are Most
High over all the earth.” Ps. 83:18. NJB.
That Psalm and verse is one of only four places that the King James
Version that translates the Divine Name as Jehovah, saying,
“That men may know that thou, whose name alone is Jehovah, [Yahweh]
art the most high over all the earth.” Ps.83:18. KJV.
The nation of Israel/Jacob was surrounded with no help back then and they
are in a similar situation today. What will they do? They should plead with
Yahweh for His help!
Psalm 83 has given US the modern day setting, that Israel/Jacob is again
completely surrounded by enemies, many of whom are descendants of
Isaac’s half brother, Ishmael. What will now take place?
To find out let US now examine some of the events written in advance that
must shortly take place in fulfillment of prophecy and that are now
undergoing fulfillment in that area of the Middle East. One of these has to
do with the ancient city of Damascus, in Syria, which is now under the
control of Islam and is dominated by her daughter called Shia, who claims
to worship the moon-god, Allah.
DAMASCUS I -- ISAIAH Chapter Seventeen
In Isaiah chapter seventeen WE find one of the few prophecies in the
Hebrew Scriptures [Tanakh/OT], that have not been fulfilled at least once. It
has apparently been reserved for this “last generation,” to serve a useful
purpose [verses 7 and 8]. The prophesy depicts a very destructive and
desolating event. It is a pronouncement against the city of Damascus and
in part against Israel, by Yahweh.
Quoting from THE BOOK, (THE LIVING BIBLE), verse one says,
“This is God’s message to Damascus, capital of Syria: Look, Damascus is
gone! It is no longer a city-- it has become a heap of ruins! The cities of
Aroer are deserted. Sheep pasture there, lying quiet and unafraid, with no
one to chase them away.” Isa. 17:1, 2. TLB.
There are no humans around there anymore! What has happened?
Damascus is now only a ruin, a pile of rocks, dirt and dust. No more
people, no children, no more threats, no more terrorists? No more divisive
What gives? WE can only imagine. A city in ruins, possibly bombed out and
now abandoned and empty, with not even animals there. At least the cities
to the south still have some sheep left, but not Damascus. Too bad, Too
bad, Damascus, it had to come to this. Let’s read on in verse three,
“The strength of Israel and the power of Damascus will end, and the
remnant of Syria shall be destroyed. For as Israel’s glory departed, so
their’s too, will disappear, declares the LORD Almighty [Yahweh Sabaoth,
It appears, at that time, Damascus is not only completely destroyed but has
initiated something to take down the nation-state of Israel with it. Many
commentators mistakenly interpret this information as being when Israel
was taken into captivity by Babylon and that was why the “land” was
emptied of its inhabitants. Not so, this is connected with “Jacob’s Trouble”
as verse four continues,
“’In that day the glory of Jacob will fade; the fat of his body will waste
away…..yet some gleanings will remain, as when an olive tree is beaten,
leaving two or three olives on the topmost branches, four or five on the
fruitful boughs,’ declares the LORD [Yahweh] the God of Israel.” Isa. 17:4-
What has happened? A disaster has happened? A great disaster that
includes not only Syria, Damascus and Israel, but, ALL of ASSYRIA!!
What? Yes, Assyria. WE will find that information in Micah chapter five. For
therein we find an unfulfilled prophecy of the “last days”, also. But why
Assyria? Because that land area of ancient Assyria includes almost ALL of
those nations of today, which are the most antagonistic toward the state of
Israel/Jacob. Being Islamic they are religious in nature, and have long
wanted to destroy the nation of Israel along with the Jews, and ALL the rest
of “sons” of Jacob.
By looking at an ancient map of Assyria, we see that it was partly
composed of Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Turkey, Kurdistan, all of
Iraq and western Iran; The entire “fertile crescent” of ancient times. Today,
except for Israel that area is controlled by Islam and ruled chiefly by the
Shiites of Iran, Iraq, and Syria.
In their insane desire for world domination and ruler-ship they will first try to
destroy Israel completely. Will they? They will NOT succeed entirely.

For a comprehensive answer, WE must see who really is in control of
matters and so WE must examine ancient history. Micah chapter five gives
US that information concerning who has been given ruler-ship and control,
even NOW. In Micah 5:2 he talks about a future RULER, the deliverer
coming from the little village of Bethlehem, saying,
“. . .from you [Bethlehem] will come for me a future RULER of Israel whose
origins go back to the distant past, to the days of old. Hence, Yahweh, will
abandon them only until she who is in labour gives birth, and then those
who survive of his race [Jacob] will be reunited to the Israelites.” NJB.
Remember, what the apostle Paul said about Jacob being “grafted” back
into the vine? This is one of several fulfillments of the sacred secrets or
“mysteries” of Jacob’s restoration to kingdom ruler-ship. Shaul/Paul says so
in Rom. 11:23-26:
“They also, if they do not remain in their lack of faith, will be re-grafted
in, for God is able to graft them in again,” and “that a dulling of sensibilities
has happened in part to Israel [the part called Jacob] until the full number of
people of the nations has come in, and in this manner all Israel will be
saved.” NW.
Sadly, only those of Micah 5:2 will be re-grafted back in. At that time Micah
5:3 and Romans 11:26 will be fulfilled. Romans 11:26 says,
“The deliverer [Yahshua] will come out of Zion and turn away ungodly
practices from Jacob….when I take their sins away.” NW.
Yes, Yahshua will also fulfill Micah 5:3 which says,
“He will take his stand and he will shepherd them with the power of
Yahweh, with the majesty of the NAME of his God, and they will be
secure, for his greatness will extend henceforth to the most distant parts of
the country [earth= eh-rets]. He himself will be peace!” Yes peace! for He is
the “Prince of Peace.” Mic. 5:1-3 NJB.
Of course here WE are seeing the Majesty and the Ruler-ship of the
Messiah, Yahshua, ruling in the NAME OF HIS GOD. That is the back
ground WE were speaking of above. NOW back to OUR time. Micah

“And when the Assyrian invades our land and marches across our hills, he
[Yahshua] will appoint seven shepherds [more correctly Rulers] to watch
over us, eight princes [no royalty involved, more correctly Dukes] to lead
us.” Mic. 5:5. TLB.
But, before the “deliverance” of Jacob by Messiah, other important events
must come to pass. One of these is the FINAL ATTACK by the Axis of
Assyrian nations. All along, since 1948, there has been support and aid
provided by seven Rulers [H7462] and even eight Dukes [H5457] indicating
Secular help provided from other nations to help Israel, defend against the
Assyrian Axis of Islam.
Just who would these seven Rulers even eight Dukes are, seem to have
manifested themselves as the Western powers from within Christendom,
including the Anglo-American world powers of Great Britain and the United
States, along with some others in the United Nations organization. This
Mystery is explained in Rev. 17:7-11.
But first off, even tho modern Israel has many enemies, they still enjoy a
political climate of support, albeit, in the back rooms of power. However,
Jacob cannot rely on that support indefinitely. Those MEN of influence in
positions of great power in the political nations including the United States,
United Nations and the world banking system are still in business for
themselves and will support Israel as long as it is advantageous to them.
See Rev. 17:10, 11.
But, these seven and eight supporters are also concerned with their own
interests and their own survival. They also see that area of earth (Assyria,
the Middle East), with those radical religious nations of Islam, especially
Iran, as a threat to their own plans for world ruler-ship. They also see the
riches in the ground that they are determined to capture. They have used
Israel as a scapegoat many times before and will continue to do so to
further their own agendas. Only at the end of that time will Messiah step in
with His deliverance. So what will happen next?
To protect themselves and their own world ruler-ship plans, they will make
war against the “land of Assyria,” the “land of Nimrod”. This appears to
have already begun with its two “wars on Iraq” by the United States and its
coalition of forces; And their invasion of Afghanistan. But, they will have to
go even farther. At some point they will also have to abandon Israel.

“They will rule the land of Assyria with the sword, the land of Nimrod with
drawn sword.” verse 6, NIV.
When the Assyrian Axis powers begin their attack, the Israeli’s will have to
take some unprecedented action to protect, the people of “Jacob” that are
in the land. They will be forced to respond with their own terrible weapons
against that Axis of Islamic religio-political nations located in that land area
of the ancient realm of Assyria.
The worldly political nations, (pictured by the “wild beast” in the Revelation
account) will then step in and make war against that world-wide threat
posed, by that part of religious Islam symbolized by the land area of
Assyria. Another translation of Micah 5:6 says,
“And they shall waste the land of Assyria with the sword, and the land of
Nimrod in the entrances thereof.” Micah 5:6. ASV.
During that time those left over of Jacob will be saved and delivered by
“HE will deliver us from the Assyrian when he invades our land and
marches into our borders.” Micah 5:6. NIV.
Now, let us go back to Isaiah chapter seventeen, verse seven. The
WHOLE WORLD IS STUNNED!! Much of mankind in the Middle East has
been obliterated. There are only gleanings left in the land of Israel. What
will mankind now be obliged to do. And NOW, what will those gleanings left
of Jacob do? In what condition does Jacob find himself now? What will he
do? What can he do? What can anyone do? JACOB IS NOW. . . . . . .
Those gleanings left-over of Jacob will then do as verses seven and eight
“Then at last they will think of God their Creator and have respect for
the Holy One of Israel. [Yahweh] They will no longer ask their idols [i.e.,
Zionism, Judaism, the world bankers] for help in that day, neither will they
worship what their hands have made! [Their Jewish-ness, Money,Talmudic
traditions, Zionism, The State of Israel itself] They will no longer have
respect for the images of Ashtoreth and the sun-idols.” Micah 5:7, 8. TLB.
Verses nine, ten and eleven tell US,

“Their largest cities will be deserted as the distant wooded hills and
mountain tops and become like the abandoned cities of the Amorites,
deserted when the Israelites approached (so long ago). Why? Because you
have turned from the God who can save you… who can hide you;
therefore, even though you plant a wonderful, rare crop of greatest value,
and though it grows so well that it will blossom on the very morning that you
plant it, yet you will never harvest it---your only harvest will be a pile of grief
and incurable pain.” Micah 5:9-11. TLB.
Such is JACOB’S TROUBLES! Verses twelve, thirteen, and fourteen
indicate it is now time for God’s Messiah to intervene. How? When you
see the armies coming to finish off defenseless Jacob, permanently,
“Look! See the armies thundering toward God’s land. But, though they roar
like breakers rolling upon a beach, God will silence them. They will flee,
scattered like chaff by the wind, like whirling dust before a storm. In the
evening Israel waits in terror, but by dawn her enemies are dead. This
is the just reward of those who plunder and destroy the people of God.”
Micah 5:12-14. TLB.
Friends of Damascus have already heard the bad news. They can see
what is happening to her. She is doomed! She is being completely
Again some commentators view these texts as being the time of ancient
Babylon’s threat against the ancient land of Syria. However, that view is
untenable, as Damascus has not been desolated. Her walls, palaces and
fortresses have not been consumed (V. 27 NIV, KJV, DARBY), devoured
(v. 27 NJB, NW, ASV, JPS), and/or destroyed or deserted. Those events
were still in the future. Those terrible things are still destined to shortly
happen to her.
Damascus still stands defiant until today. But, her sister cities to the north
will see her demise. In their religious pride of Islam they will feel great pain
and be ashamed of the ignominious end of their long lived great and
famous city, Damascus. Reading Jeremiah 49:23-27, from the NJB, gives
US that information saying,
“To Damascus: Hamath and Arpad are shamed, for they have heard bad
news. They are convulsed with anxiety like the sea that cannot be calmed.

Damascus is aghast, she is prepared for flight, she is seized with trembling
(anguish and sorrow have laid hold on her as on a woman in labour. What
Now! [For] that famous town deserted, that city of gaiety?”
“And so in her squares her young men will fall, and all her fighting men
will perish, that day, Yahweh Sabaoth declares. I shall light a fire
inside the walls of Damascus, to devour the palaces of Ben-Hadad.”
Jer. 49:23-27 NJB.
Fire inside the stone walls? Atomic fire? Could be!
Uh Oh!, More bad news for Damascus. The prophet Amos underscores
that bad news in chapter one verses three thru five with these words,
“Yahweh says this: For the three crimes [H6588 pe-shah= a revolt
(national, or religious, moral):-rebellion, sin, transgression], and four
crimes of Damascus, I have made my decree and will not relent: Because
they have threshed Gilead with iron threshing-sledges, I shall send fire
down on the palaces of Ben-Hadad; I shall break the gate-bar of
Damascus, I shall destroy the inhabitants of Bikath-Aven [Valley of
idolatry or wickedness, el-Biqaa’], the holder of the scepter in Beth-Eden,
Yahweh says.” Amos 1:1-3. NJB.
Atomic fire again? Could be!
Yahweh is unyielding in His anger against Damascus, because she has
been in religious and national transgression from ancient times even down
‘till today. He will carry out ALL of His words against this ancient enemy
Did YOU notice Bikath-Aven, the valley of the most sinful idolatry? It has a
long history of idolatry and Baal worship. It is still entrapped by Islamic false
religious worship of the moon-god. Its inhabitants will be destroyed? Where
is it exactly?
This is the Be-kaah’ valley where the firepower of Shia’s “Party of God”
(Hizbollah) has stored and secreted missiles to launch into the “Land of
God”, the land of Israel/Jacob today. That entire valley will be completely
destroyed, along with the people in it.

Down thru the centuries, Yahweh has not forgotten His words against
Damascus. Zechariah, 9:1 reiterates how He feels. He knows where
Damascus gets it wealth and power and He claims that it is His, for the
whole earth belongs to Him. They have stolen His wealth and terribly
misused it and continue to do so.
“The word of Yahweh is against [the land of] Hadrach, it has come to rest
on Damascus, for the source of Aram [by implication kasef (money), gold,
silver, oil today] belongs to Yahweh no less than all the tribes of Israel; on
Hamath too, which borders on it, Tyre and Sidon. . . Tyre [Lebanon] has
built herself a fortress, .now the Lord is going to dispossess her. . Ashkelon
will be terrified, Gaza too, and writhe with grief.” Zech. 9:1-5. NJB.
Yahweh knows all of those Islamic cities of today and what they have done
in times past and what they are continuing to do. They will have to suffer
greatly for their attitude and actions. He is incensed at them because they
stubbornly continue without good cause, to attack “Jacob.” They are
continually misusing HIS RESOURCES from that area that belong to Him,
for that wicked purpose. They are sourced from Aram, with monies,
supplies, weapons and the like. Where is Aram?
Looking at the ancient maps WE see that Aram, depending on the suffix,
stretches from Aram-Maacah, a few miles southwest of Damascus, north
and east into Turkey, Aram-Zobah, to the Euphrates River, then turning
southeast, becoming Aram-Naharaim (Mesopotamia), going into Iran and
stretching all the way down the length of the present day Iraq to the Gulf of
This is the path of Assyria and the source of Damascus. From this source
of Aram (Iran), Damascus has received her supplies, along with ALL of her
other terrorist partners in that area. Along that source of Aram, IRAN has
provided much wealth, monies, military supplies and materiel, equipment,
and “training” to her Shia religious henchmen.
However, Zechariah does not so state here, that there will then be THE
WAR that WE were dealing with in Isaiah chapter seventeen above. Never-
theless, After that Zechariah, again, talks about Yahweh’s defense of His
people and the rulers selected from among them saying,

“Those who are left will belong to our God and become leaders in
Judah…..I will defend my house against marauding forces. Never again will
an oppressor overrun my people, for now I AM keeping watch.” Zech. 9:7,8.
These leaders are the same ones referred to in Revelation chapter seven,
verses one thru eight as, the 144,000 “sons of Israel” sealed by the
Verses nine thru thirteen tell of the coming of Zion’s King, Yahshua. Then
an amazing thing will happen. What? Let’s read verses fourteen thru
“Then the LORD [Yahweh] will appear over them; His arrow will flash
like lightning. The Sovereign Lord will sound the trumpet; he will march in
the storms of the south, and the LORD [Yahweh] almighty will shield
“The LORD their GOD [Yahweh} will save them on that day as the flock
of his people. They will sparkle in his land like jewels in a crown. How
attractive and beautiful they will be.” Zech. 9:14-17. NIV.
Yes, Yahweh will send His ARROW and His SHIELD to save them on that
day. That arrow and shield has a name. His name is Yahshua Ha
Mashiach. BE ON THE WATCH FOR HIM. Have faith, for HE will come at
the last instant, out of heavenly Zion he will appear, as a “flash like
lightning” with His arrow and shield to “deliver” of His people “Jacob,” from
their final time of “TROUBLE.”

[All scripture brackets, bold, underlining, emphasis, Caps mine].


DANIEL CHAPTER TWELVE: --- “the last days”

Interestingly, the churches of Christendom want to take this chapter of the
Bible, referring to Daniel’s “people,” away from the ones that are actually
referred to and apply it to themselves and their churches and religions. But,
this chapter obviously has nothing to do with them. Why? Well, read Daniel
chapter twelve verse one which says,
“And during that time Michael will stand up, the great prince who is
standing in behalf of the sons of YOUR PEOPLE.” NW.
Notice that the scripture says that, the great prince Michael stands up in
behalf of Daniels people. And who are Daniel’s people? Answer: The
Jews and their relatives and brethren that were with him there during their
captivity in Babylonian.
Michael does NOT “stand up” for any other people, organization, church,
religion, or nation. NOT even for the Zionist State of Israel existing today.
Michael “stands up” ONLY for, “the sons of YOUR [Daniels’] people.” That
is literal. Everything else in the preceding chapters has been literal events
and prophesies, with certain other symbolism.
As part of our understanding of Daniel chapter twelve we must look at
some of the information relating to it in the previous chapters of the book of
Daniel and other prophets preceding him.
By examining Jeremiah chapters 25:11, 12, we find information concerning
a “seventy year” period of desolation for the land in Israel, to “pay back” its
Sabbath’s. That is, to lay “fallow.” In Jer. 29:10 we find a similar period of
service in Babylonian captivity for the apostasy of the nation, as a whole.
After that, that is, after the “land has paid back its Sabbaths” and the
people have been properly disciplined for their “apostasy,” Yahweh said,
the ‘captives’ would be released to return to the land and rebuild Jerusalem
and the temple.
While studying that information given by Jeremiah, the prophet Daniel,
realized that the time was near for “his peoples” release from Babylon. He
stated the following about that,

“I Daniel, discerned by the books the number of the years concerning which
the word of Jehovah [Yahweh] had occurred to Jeremiah, the prophet, for
fulfilling the devastations of Jerusalem for the accomplishing of the
desolations of Jerusalem, even seventy years.” Dan 9:2. NW.
eye witness of the events that WE are discussing here, he was also given
“in person” counsel by God’s personal representative, the Angel Gabriel.
Because of that and because of his great wisdom, understanding and
discernment, given him by Father Yahweh, WE are using his account of the
information instead of any secular version that has been created, “after the
As a result reached from Daniel’s account above, WE are using his inspired
words for WHEN Yahweh SAID was the time period of seventy years, to
use “for fulfilling the devastations of Jerusalem, for the accomplishing of the
desolations of Jerusalem.”
Counting back, seventy years from when the Jew’s were released from
Babylonian captivity in 537 BCE would bring US to 606-607 BCE. So,
according to Daniel’s inspired account, from Yahweh, these would be the
pivotal year(s) of the physical destruction and/or the spiritual devastation of
Jerusalem and the first temple.
This is somewhat contrary to what many understand regarding the
Jerusalem’s COMPLETE DESTRUCTION occurring in 586 BCE. WE are
still siding with Daniel, because of his veracity, his being an eye witness on
the scene, his having lived thru that time period, his inter-view of and
association with, one of Yahweh’s direct representative Messengers and
his personal qualifications. If WE are wrong, then one would have to simply
add twenty years to the following information. WE hope WE are not. But
still, by siding with Yahweh’s prophet, WE feel secure in his testimony of
the facts, to fulfill Yahweh’s words.
After, Daniel had concluded his time study, he uttered a beautiful heart-felt
prayer to Yahweh, his God, for the people, the land, Jerusalem, the holy
mount; praying, and confessing personal and national sins; beseeching
mercy, forgiveness, favor and restoration. Please read it in Daniel chapter
nine, verses three thru nineteen.

After that, the Angel Gabriel appeared to him and gave him the prophecy of
the seventy weeks, concerning when the Messiah would appear and be cut
off; and the “abomination that causes desolation” that was scheduled to
destroy Jerusalem again. That second destruction happened in the year 70
AD, by the Roman legions. See Matt. 24:15.
The Jews of the first century had all of this information, and were in
expectation of Messiah’s appearance, at that time. But, He did not appear
in the way THAT THEY WANTED HIM TO.. They had no faith to see
physical events spiritually. So, they rejected Him. They did not look at
things spiritually at all. They could not. They simply wanted the prophecies
about Messiah to WORK OUT THEIR WAY for themselves right there and
then. They were not interested in God having it His way. A similar attitude
exists among MANY of them today.
Part of OUR "spiritual" problem is seeing the sequence and timing of the
events that must occur before the "end" comes. Daniel chapter twelve will
help us with that. These include the "deliverance" by the Lord Yahshua of
His Father’s name peoples, when he does go "subduing in the midst of his
enemies.” But, He does not do this for any man-made or Satan inspired,
NGO, Religion or political government. He does those things in chapter
twelve for HIS (Daniel’s) people.
Those events will happen after the “two witnesses” will be “cut off.” We will
attempt a general calculation, or give one possible way to show when the
end of the Christian Age may arrive; what may happen in the interim
periods of time, and when Yahshua may start to appear for the second
Of course, this will be speculative, as all such adventures into third
dimensional time and space have been in the past and are today; Even as
those speculations, out-side OUR “third dimension” generated by another
Jew, Sir Isaac Newton have been. (Newton speculated the end to come in
the year 2060 AD).
WE know that Yahshua’s first advent or appearance was for presenting
himself as Messiah and as the “lamb of God” that takes away the sin of the
world; this was for the purpose of redemption; giving "his soul as a
ransom,” for the nation of Israel and all of mankind. Matt. 20:28. He also
disavowed the "generation" of his day that espoused the human religious
and political "organization" that purportedly represented Jehovah/Yahweh,
the Jewish “world”, which was later destroyed in 70 CE.
In a short while, at His second advent, he will manifest his great authority
and power for several significant reasons. To wit:
(1) As the deliverer of His people, during the war, from almost certain death
and extinction. Rom. 11:26. This deliverance includes both the “house of
Israel” and the “house of Jacob.”
(2) To “go subduing in the midst of His enemies”, to destroy ALL the
nations opposing Him. Ps.110:1-5; Rev. 19:11-16.
(3) To then separate peoples, one from another; separating the sheep from
the goats. Matt. 25:31-46.
(4) Installing His government over [epi] earth and on [epi] the earth.
(5) Assigning Ruler-ship on the earth to the sheep. Matt. 25:31-46
(6) “Ruling the nations with an iron rod.” Rev. 19:15.
(7) Vindicating His Father’s NAME. Matt. 6:9,10.
(8) Resurrecting Daniel’s people in an earlier human re-standing to life from
sheol, the graves or Memorial Tombs. Dan. 12:2; John 5:28, 29.
(9) Teaching earth’s inhabitants of His Father’s will for humankind and the
earth, by making Yahweh’s NAME and WORDS so abundant, that it will be
“as the waters are covering the very seas.” Isa. 11:9; Hab.2:14.
(10) Thus, firmly establishing His RULER-SHIP, so that His Father’s WILL,
“will be done on earth, as it is in heaven;” for the benefit of the earth and all
of mankind. Matt. 6:9,10. YOU may have many more good reasons.
But prior to that event, ALL religious "organizations" will have been
destroyed by the political "wild beast" with "ten horns.” Rev. 17:15-18. By
taking note of history and the physical events of this "time of the end,” WE
can therefore, understand what spiritual events will also shortly take place.
We also know that nothing happens in the political affairs of the
governments and nations on this earth by chance. We can see ample
evidence that Yahweh is still in control because,
"He is changing times and seasons, removing kings and setting up kings,
giving wisdom to the wise ones and knowledge to those knowing
discernment." Dan. 2:21. NW.

Father Yahweh, by means of His Wonderful Son Yahshua, is the One that
is drawing the nations toward Armageddon. And as for the religious
element, He is the One that is putting it into the hearts of the political "ten
horns" and of the political "wild beast" to "hate the [religious] harlot" and
"make her devastated and naked" and "eat up her fleshy parts" and
"completely burn her with fire". Rev.17:15-18.
Why would the political “wild beast” do that? Because,
“. . . God put [it] into their hearts to carry out His thought, even to carry out
[their] one thought. . . . until the words of God have been completed." Rev.
17:16,17. NW. [Brackets NW].
Would WE want to look like any part of that Harlot to Yahweh? Without
doubt, WE would not!! With the above information in mind, WE can see
that Jehovah/Yahweh is still an active God today and that He is in control of
the affairs of the nations and of the men therein. He is even using “mind
control” of the political nations to accomplish His purposes. Watch closely,
for how these events will turn out in the near future.
But before, Michael "stands up for his people", and before Yahshua goes
"subduing his enemies", the political "wild beast" MUST DESTROY ALL
ORGANIZED RELIGION, signified by the "harlot,” "Babylon the great.” Rev.
17:7; 18:2-10,16.
That WOE-FULL-EVENT will include ALL "organized religions" that keep
presumptuously "pushing ahead”, "their agenda,” by claiming that their
religious organizations are, "divinely appointed,” that they are "spirit
anointed,” God’s woman, "Jehovah's organization,” "God ordained,” "God’s
minister,” the “mother church,” etc., etc.. However, knowing that these
things are inherently wrong, some try to get away with their religious
structure by calling IT by a different name, such as church, congregation,
ekklesia, assemblies, house of, etc.
They MUST KNOW full well that an "organization" is not mentioned in
scriptures nor foretold. 1Sam.15:23. The VERY WORD organization is not
found anywhere in any, of the earliest manuscripts, nor in any of those
used today!!
YET THEY KEEP "pushing" their corporate organizational agendas on their
congregations, churches and parishioners and in doing so are wrongfully
usurping the place of the Lord Jesus/Yahshua. Their organizations are

standing in the way, hindering HIS dealing with His sheep individually. They
must know that their claims of divine religious organizations are unproven
and improvable within the pages of God’s Word. But, THEY keep "twisting"
the scriptures to promote their LIE of a “divine organization” and their
replacement theology.
They keep doing so to maintain personal POWER over YAHSHUA’S
SHEEP as all despots do and have done and will yet do. 2Pet. 3:16, 17. To
keep "pushing" such a 'device' is utter folly and apostasy. God does not
need an “organization” as He is both capable of, and does deal with each
one of US on an individual basis, spiritually. That is why it is so important to
have a spiritual relationship with Him and His Son, Yahshua.
Only men and Satan need organizations to maintain a power structure to
control others with. In using their organizations they trample the lowly ones
down and destroy their spirituality. WOE unto THOSE who keep "pushing"
these idolatrous deceptions. They will be destroyed, along with all who put
their hope and trust in them, rather than in Yahweh and His Son. WE have
been warned, by Paul about such idolatry and to,
"Be careful, quit touching the unclean thing." 2Cor. 6:17. NW.
Just before the coming destruction of organized religion, the "two
witnesses" will have "finished their witnessing" and the "wild beast that
ascends out of the abyss," will commence to kill the “two witnesses.” Rev.
11:7. Dan. 12:7. That will also be the signal to destroy the “great Harlot,”
“mystery Babylon.” That is the same political "wild beast" as that of
Revelation 17:8, which, "ascends out of the abyss."
This event is what everyone in “Jacob” should be watching for. It is very
important because it is shortly after that time that the deliverance of the
individuals that compose the "house of Jacob" of which no organization is a
part, will occur.
This is what Daniel says about it in verse two of chapter twelve,
"And during that time your people [Daniel’s people] will escape, everyone
who is found written down in the book. [Sealed by the Angels] And there
will be many of those asleep in the ground of dust who will wake up, these
to indefinitely lasting life and those to reproaches [and] to indefinitely lasting
abhorrence." Dan. 12:2. NW.

Those spoken of, to Daniel, as "your people" compose the "house of
Jacob,” who are destined to be the earthly rulers and their families with
them. These will include ALL of those who are related to Abraham. That
information in Daniel 12:2 corresponds with Rev. 11:18, which says,
“And it became the appointed time for the dead to be judged and to give
[their] reward to your slaves the prophets and to the holy ones.’" Rev. 11:
Just before, that “appointed time”, those who will rule from heaven will have
risen from their graves first and then after Yahshua returns with them in His
kingdom power the other ancient prophets will be raised “out of the dust” of
the earth.
That will be denoted by a trumpet blast from the seventh angel. During the
seventh trumpet blast, is when it becomes time for Michael to "go subduing
in the midst of his enemies." It appears that Jehovah/ Yahweh officially
empowers him during that time. It is during that same time that the angel
Gabriel said,
“ . . . during that time Michael will stand up, the great prince who is standing
in behalf of the sons of your people. And there will certainly occur a time of
distress [Jacob’s Trouble] such as has not been made to occur since there
came to be a nation until that time. And during that time your people will
escape, everyone who is found written down in the book.” Dan. 12:1. NW
During that time,
"The rod of your strength [Yahshua] Jehovah [Yahweh] will send out of
Zion." Psalm 110:2 NW.
During that time is when,
"The deliverer [Yahshua] will come out of Zion and turn away ungodly
practices from Jacob." Rom. 11:26.
Then, the prayer of the Psalmist will be FULLY answered,
"O that out of Zion there were the grand salvation of Israel! When Jehovah
[Yahweh] gathers back the captive ones of His people, Let Jacob be joyful,
let Israel rejoice." Ps. 53:6.
During that time is how:

". . . . in this manner ALL Israel will be saved." Rom. 11:26.
There will be a deliverance provided for both His "spiritual" house and His
physical house, as represented by the two "houses" of Israel; one part
spiritual, and one part fleshly, “the house of Jacob.”
Prior to their deliverance and still during this "time of the end,”
"insight will shine forth" and "the [true] knowledge will become abundant".
Dan.12:3, 4.
Greater and greater spiritual information will be given to the "chosen ones"
of the "house of Israel", for the benefit of the “house of Jacob” and for all of
humankind. During that time verse five of chapter twelve will apply as,
Daniel said,
". . . and look! there were TWO OTHERS standing on the bank, [that is, on
the earth, not in heaven or above the earth, as the man in linen was; not
dead but standing as Michael was, meaning they are active, alive during
this time of the end and with some authority on the earth, but separated]
one on the bank here of the stream and the other on the bank there of the
stream. Then one [the one with the chutzpah] said to the man clothed with
the linen, who was up above the waters of the stream: ""How long will it be
to the end of the wonderful things?"" Dan. 12:5. NW.
Just who are these two others? They are none other than the
aforementioned; one of the Messianic "house of Jacob" and one of the
Gentile Spiritual "house of Israel.”
They are both beside the stream of truth, but on opposite banks with
different view-points. Both are trying to serve Yahweh, and receive His
waters of truth in accordance with His purposes for themselves and
But, one is more “conscious of his spiritual need" and takes the lead in
spiritual truths and asks for more truth, saying “when will the end of these
things come?” The other remains a sealed but silent servant. The anointed
"chosen ones" of the "house of Israel" asks the question, "How long will it
be to the end?"
But, which end?
That same question was asked by disciples of Yahshua, when he was in
human form. These "askers" were the apostles who would later make up
Yahshua’s “bride” of anointed "chosen ones" of the "house of Israel.” They
were "askers" again, asking the Lord when on the Mount of Olives the very
same question,
“What events will signal your return and the end of the world [G165
aion=Age]?" Matt. 24:3. TLB.
Being Jews, they were asking about the END OF THE JEWISH AGE, their
JEWISH WORLD, thinking that He would return then. That idea created
much confusion and speculation in the early Messiah-ist congregations of
the first and second centuries. See 2 Thess. 2:1, 2 and 2 Tim. 2:16-18.
Similarly, in Acts chapter 1:6-8, Mark 13:4, Luke 21:7 those yet to be
anointed ones who were chosen to be a part of the “bride,” asked again
and again about "the time of the end" and just when Michael would "stand
up" to go "subduing in the midst of his enemies" and “deliver” His people.
Not having been anointed by Holy Spirit yet, they were still thinking in
fleshly Jewish terms, only about the END OF THE JEWISH AGE. That
event would not happen for another thirty-seven years or so. They had no
understanding of the much longer period of time needed to develop the
“bride” for the King, Yahshua.
WE have long desired to witness the answer to that question: "How long
before Michael would "stand up" and “how long to the end?"
The man clothed with the linen gave the answer:
"It will be for an appointed time, appointed times, and a half." Dan. 12:7.
Some say three and one half times, IF you count “times” as only two. Some
want to fix this time period as 42 months. And others want it to be three and
a half times of years or 42 months of years equaling 1260 years.
But those calculations leave you in a dilemma. How? Well, nothing
happened 1260 years after that discussion. It also appears that nothing
happened three and a half years after that conversation. So, there are two
failures to interpret the words: “time, a times and a half.”
Another time period given was one of “7 times.” Some students of the Bible
want to attach a meaning of 360 days each equaling a period of 2520 days
or twice that of the 3 and one half times. They want to use or attach a “year
for a day” to each. They then give us two periods; 1260 years and 2520
years respectively. That is a serious breach of the Scriptures. Why?
Because the angel does not give US any key for understanding them and
interpretation belongs only to Yahweh and not to US mortals. Gen. 40:8.
Yet these religious groups want to use their time lines as proofs that they
apply to only their religious organizations to prove that they have the “truth.”
They try to FIT them into their ideas and into the history of their
organizations, in an effort to “prove” that their interpretation of the Bible is
the only correct one.
Let’s examine these two periods a little closer.
First, how long is a time? Or two times? Or a half a time? The value is
totally unknown. Only by stretching the imagination can one come to any
conclusions and then come-up with the interpretations to fit. No. These
times and their periods were NOT MEANT to be interpreted.
That is why the term time or times was used and not a specific number. In
many other places the angels give specific numbers so WE DO NOT have
to MAKE-UP any interpretations. WE merely have to see how it has worked
out in history. Three and one half is one half of seven times, which is also
not to be interpreted as days or years or months UNLESS it says so in the
text. Being clear, a time is simply an unknown period, with an unknown
value. That is all. If the angel had wanted US to know the exact period of
time, he would have said so.
The seven times, or 2520, is a number that pictures a totally complete and
perfect time period. The number 2520 is also a perfect number as is the
number seven. A perfect number? Yes. Why? By examining it, we see that
it can be multiplied by any number of 1 thru 10 without leaving a fraction.
But it is also one of the very few numbers that can be divided by any
numeral, one thru ten, and not have any fractions left over. So it is a perfect
number. It is also about one tenth (9.722%) of the great year of precession
(25,920 years) that it takes the earth to perfectly complete, spinning on it
axis, as it spins around the sun. That is also a “TIME”. But, seven of those
“times” would be 181,440 years, a number far out of the question for OUR
research; but perhaps not for Yahweh’s, purpose. This also may have
some sophisticated relationship to the number 2520.
THE MAYAN TIME LINE: The Mayan calendar was based on that “Great
Year” of precession and ended on December 21 of 2012, having begun in
23,908 BCE…Begging the question: How did they know about precession?

The number, 1260, is one half of 2520 and it too can be divided by nine
numbers, but not all ten, only the 8 ending up with a fraction. So, it is not
only a lesser number, but also inferior to the larger number of 2520. What
would this mean? Nothing, except it makes these numbers appear to mean
organizations try to make them mean; and of course, for their own benefit.
Well, what does the text say? Let’s read it again. Dan. 12:7, says,
“’And I began to hear the man clothed with the linen, who was up above the
water of the stream……”It will be for the appointed time, appointed times
and a half.’” NW.
That time period would cover a considerable period. How long? He gives
US the answer, saying,
“When the power of the holy people has been finally broken, all these
things will be completed.” NIV.
That statement gives us something concrete to look for, but would still be
an indeterminate period of time. Just as the three and a half times would be
indefinite. So, we cannot calculate just how long that time period would
take. WE would have to wait IN FAITH, being watchful of the events
happening on the earth.
But, Daniel still wanted to know more, just as WE do. He said,
“I heard but I did not understand [That is OUR dilemma]. So I asked, ‘My
lord, what will be the outcome of all of this?’ He replied, ‘Go your way
Daniel, because the words are closed up and sealed until the time of
the end.’”
Notice that the angel said the words are closed up and sealed, NOT THE
TIME PERIODS. Why? Because, during the “end times,” those events
would happen for US to be able to understand; but, AT THAT TIME, not
before, so All that WE CAN DO IS WAIT and watch for the events to unfold
before US.
What event? The event the angel spoke of; the event of, “breaking of the
power of the holy people.” He said, “When the power of the holy people will
be broken!” When will that be? Answer: When the power of the two
witnesses, are finally broken and they are killed. That is when. THAT IS

to see it!
During that time, the 'spiritual' temple would be cleansed and "Judgment”
would start at the 'house of God.' The religions of Christendom having been
found wanting will then be destroyed by the political “wild beast.” Sometime
after that [some say a period of three and one half to seven years or others
say seven years will elapse] is when the end of this world comes. We give
some more interesting TIME LINES in the following chapter. Stay tuned.
That would be the same time when, Yahshua would go subduing “in the
midst of his enemies.” But When? Evidently there would be an interim
period for the “wild beast” political power to enslave the entire lot of human-
kind and be a test on the "house of Jacob" and ALL those on the earth.
Then the end would come! But When?
Only mentioning the "holy people" of the "house of Israel", in contrast with
"the sons of your people", that is Daniel's people, "the house of Jacob",
(Dan. 12:1) the angel gave the TIME ANSWER:
". . . as soon as there will have been a finishing of the dashing of the
power of the holy people to pieces, all these things will come to their
finish." Dan. 12:7. NW.
This is the same time line event as that in Revelation 11:7 which says,
"And when they [My two witnesses] have finished their witnessing, the
wild beast that ascends out of the abyss will make war with them and
conquer them and kill them.” Rev. 11:7. NW.
Additionally, it appears that just after the “two witnesses” have finished their
witnessing and taken “up in the clouds”, the “marriage of the lamb,” will
occur in heaven. Rev. 19:7. It appears that when the “two witnesses” are
raised back to life and go to heaven in the clouds the remaining "chosen
ones" of the "bride of Christ" will also “be caught away in clouds to meet the
Lord in the air, for their reward and be at that heavenly event. How?
"Because the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a commanding
call, with an archangel's voice AND WITH GOD'S TRUMPET, [He himself
sounds the trumpet call] and those who are dead in union with Christ will
rise first. Afterward WE the living who are surviving will, together with them,
be caught away in clouds to meet the Lord in the air; and thus WE shall
always be with [the] Lord." Rev.11:15; 1Thess. 4:15-18. NW.
That is similar language to Rev. 11:11, 12 where it speaks of the two
witnesses being dead for “three and a half days” (There seems to be a
lot of three and a half time periods, suggesting that the number itself is a
symbolic one), and the “breath of life from God entered them”. . . .and they
heard a voice from heaven say, “Come up here. And they went up to
heaven in a cloud. . “ NIV.
WE the living, are very comforted by those words. WE long to “meet the
Lord in the air” and be with the Lord in that marriage ceremony. So,
"Let US rejoice and be overjoyed, and let US give him the glory, because
the marriage of the lamb has arrived and his wife has prepared herself."
Rev. 19:7. NW.
Directly after the marriage ceremony, along with His “bride,” the Lord
Yahshua will go "subduing in the midst of his enemies.” Ps. 110:2b. How
so? It will be marked by a great event. Because during that time,
". . . the nations became wrathful and your own wrath came, and the
appointed time for the dead to be judged, and to give [their] reward to your
slaves the prophets and to the holy ones and to those fearing your name,
the small and the great and to bring to ruin those ruining the earth." Rev.
11:18. NW. See Dan. 12:1-3
Just before that time, those worldly nations,
". . . have one thought, and so they give their power and authority to the
WILD BEAST [Symbolic for all of the political powers on earth]. These will
battle with the lamb, but because he is Lord of Lord and King of Kings, the
lamb will conquer them. Also, those called and chosen and faithful with him
[His “bride”] will do so." Rev. 17:13, 14.
This means that the resurrection of the "bride" and marriage with the lamb
will occur before he goes "subduing… his enemies." Because, His Bride,
are "THOSE called and chosen and faithful" that will do so with him! The
heavenly kingdom will thus be complete. There will be no "called and
chosen ones" left on the earth, as the "marriage of the lamb" had already
occurred by that time and they are ALL with him in the heavens.
As a strong and supportive wife, by his side, they will play an instrumental
part in his going and "subduing in the midst of his enemies,” "when the
nations became wrathful." But, just when would that be? Or as Daniel
asked the angel in verse eight,
"O my lord, what will be the final part of these things?" Dan 12:8. NW.
The clues to answering that question is given in the continuing answer by
the man clothed in the linen,
"And from the time that the constant feature, [the continual daily sacrifice in
Yahweh’s temple in Jerusalem] has been removed" (first clue) "and there
has been a placing of the disgusting thing that causes desolation" (second
clue), there will be,”
The angel then gives two time lines:
(1) "one thousand two hundred and ninety days." And,
(2) "one thousand three hundred and thirty-five days." Dan. 12:11-13. NW.
For us to understand the time periods WE must first understand what the
two clues mean. This is not difficult, for WE have already been given the
understanding by those among God's holy people "having insight and
understanding" in this "time of the end.”
Interestingly, if we examine what the Man Clothed in Linen says we find the
ingredients of the two clues: One is a religious clue and the Second is a
political clue. So, there are two clues, one religious and one of a political
kind. These are connected with the two time periods, one of 1290 days and
of 1335 days respectively. These are not indeterminate “times.” WE know
that these are definite periods of time. How? Because, the Man Clothed in
Linen gives us the exact number for each clue.
The questions now remains, just what do they mean? And how can WE
calculate them? Why would WE want to? What benefit would their answers
give to US. When could WE expect them to end? How would this be cogent
to the end of the Christian Age and any good news for Messianic Jews?.

[All scripture brackets, bold, underlining, emphasis, Caps mine].



The angel Gabriel gave US two clues for calculating the words, “made
secret and sealed until the time of the end.” Dan.12:9 NW. These than
constitute two time lines.
ONE: The “constant, continual, perpetual daily sacrifice” to Yahweh and
TWO: The placing of the political “disgusting thing that causes desolation”
or the “abomination that causes desolation”, seems to indicate a linear (one
after the other) fulfillment of the prophecy. Dan. 12:11
(1) THE “CONSTANT FEATURE” –NW, “daily sacrifice”--KJV, “continual
sacrifice”--Darby, “continual-burnt offering”--ASV, “perpetual sacrifice”-YLT,
“daily sacrifice”--NIV, “continual burnt-offering”--JPS.
The religious clue had to do with the “constant feature.” The constant
feature consisted of two daily sacrifices or burnt offerings that were made
to Jehovah/Yahweh, at His Holy temple in obedience to the law covenant
between Himself and the sons of Jacob also called Israel. These
constituted a continual sin offering for the people and pointed to the
sacrifice that Jesus/ Yahshua (Christ/Messiah) would make by presenting
his whole body in behalf the “house of Jacob”, the "house of Israel" and all
of mankind.
Those were daily religious rituals held at the temple in Jerusalem. That
daily "feature" of temple worship was stopped in 606-607 BCE, or as some
say 586 BCE, when both the temple and Jerusalem was destroyed by,
Babylon a beastly political world power representing the "wild beast" of that
time period. The “wild beast,” is the symbol of the composite of all the
political powers on earth, under the direction and ruler-ship of the great
dragon, Satan the Devil.
Jehovah/Yahweh's true worship at His literal Holy MATERIAL temple in
Jerusalem, was destroyed and the impure, loathsome, worship of Satan the
Devil was instituted in its place,
"And they worshiped the dragon because it gave the authority to the wild
beast, and they worshiped the wild beast with the words: ""Who is like the
wild beast and who can do battle with it."" Rev. 13:4.

Both, true worship of Jehovah/Yahweh and representative ruler-ship by
Him had been temporarily replaced by the expansion of the "unclean"
political wild beast and part of the unfinished great religious harlot that still
had to fully mature. They would both have their completion in the course of
time; By means of political and religious expansion. Satan's organization
continues its expansion to full development into these “last days”.
Thru-out the scriptures political powers are denoted as “beasts” and
political governments are denoted as “mountains.” The scriptures also use
“unfaithful women”, “harlots” (whores) to denote false and/or unfaithful
religions and religious organizations.
Revelation 17:7-13, 18, gives US the understanding and the development
of these two parts of Satan's organization. One of God's angels explains
this point, saying,
"I will tell you the mystery of the woman and of the wild beast that is
carrying her and that has the seven heads and the ten horns:”
(WE must remember that this development is seen at the end of the first
century by the Apostle John and into the future from there.)
“The wild beast that you saw was, but is not, and yet is about to ascend out
of the abyss, and it is to go off into destruction. And when they see how the
wild beast was, but is not, and yet will be present, those who dwell on the
earth will wonder admiringly”. Rev. 17:7, 8.
People down thu the years have seen the development of these two
"organizations,” one political and the other religious and have wondered in
astonishment at their influence, power and prestige that they have attained.
The angel continued,
"Here is where the intelligence that has wisdom comes in: The seven
heads mean seven mountains,” [Mountains, representing the original
political governments/nations/kings; the number seven representing the
earthly completeness of them all] “where the woman sits on top. And there
are seven kings: five have fallen, one is, [the Roman Empire] the other has
not yet arrived, but when he does arrive he must remain a short while. And

the wild beast that was but is not, it is also itself an eighth [king], but
springs from the seven, and it goes off into destruction." Rev.17:9-11. NW.
This description of the “wild beast,” constitutes the development of the
world-wide political structure that developed the eighth king, which would
spring from the seven, which pictured earthly political completeness of
those already in existence.
The eighth King, which sprang out of the seven, began as the League of
Nations in 1919. It had its death stroke in 1939 when World War II broke
out. Six years later in 1945, its death stroke was healed when it was raised
up out of the abyss and reborn, as the “United Nations Organization” as an
“image” mirroring ALL of this earth’s “beastly” nations.
Today, it is easy to see how the United Nations has sprung up from the
other nations of the world, represented by the original “seven,” and that it
itself is an “eighth King” made up of the original seven and joined by many
more. It will soon be a power to be reckoned with, even now removing
YOUR personal liberties and freedoms world-wide, while promoting a New
World Order.
Those political organizations of the United Nations, ALL of which compose
the “eighth King” along with those now developing, will eventually take over
the whole earth and have total ruler-ship over all of mankind. The full and
complete development of these “beastly" political “abominations that cause
desolation" will shortly desolate the world religious element and will assume
absolute ruler-ship over all the nations and tribes and peoples and tongues.
This was pictorially foretold by the beastly “abomination that causes
desolation” destroying Jerusalem twice with its religious worship of
A SIDE NOTE: The very last place on earth to yet be completely politicized
is where the Taliban and local tribal groups are resisting parts of the United
Nations in north eastern Afghanistan/ Pakistan, and the small area just
west of the conflicted state of Cashmere. That small area will also be
dominated and will be brought under total political ruler-ship and control
Continuing these political and religious organizational developments, the
angel gives the interpretation saying,

"And the ten horns that you saw mean ten kings, who have not yet received
a kingdom, but they do receive authority as kings for one hour with the wild
beast. These have one thought, and so they give their power and authority
to the wild beast. . . . And the woman [who represents the religious
element] whom you saw means the great city that has a kingdom over the
kings of the earth." Rev.17:12,13,18. NW.
Like the great power of water, that religious harlot has a religious and
political control over the peoples within those nations on earth. She has her
own governmental, city-like control over them, (the Vatican for one and
Mecca is another threat) even tho they are within the borders of other
nation’s themselves. The national governments do not like this situation.
They want to have full CONTROL over the people within their borders. The
people are like water under her control, a very valuable commodity and a
necessary resource for their survival. The angel explains saying,
“The waters that you saw, where the harlot is sitting, mean peoples and
crowds and nations and tongues.” Rev. 17:15. NW.
Yes, she has great influence over the nations peoples and that is one
reason why the ten kings will hate her. Verse sixteen continues,
“And the ten horns that you saw and the wild beast, these will hate the
harlot and make her devastated and naked and will eat up her fleshly parts
and will completely burn her with fire.” Rev.17:16. NW.
These developments are on a fast track and are occurring right now before
OUR very eyes. We have seen the establishment of the Euro-Zone for
economic cooperation, the European Union to unify Europe and NATO
before that, for European protection. These developments toward “unity”
have never been seen before in Europe. So, it appears that the “ten horns
or kings that will hate the harlot,” may be those currently under
development in Europe, with Germany as their leader (fuehrer).
Today WE see a "coalition" of national governments coming together there,
preparing themselves for the threat of religious terrorism from the
"religious organizations" of Islam, Catholicism, Greek Orthodoxy, Hinduism,
Judaism and the rest or "organized religion.” WE also see that religion in
Europe has all, but dried up, except for Islam. The religions of Christendom
have lost the support of the people. But, still we see that Europe is very
wary of Islam and Christendom’s Churches. Why?

Because, the world’s organized religions, have become a threat to the
modern political power structure and are creating great disturbances and
unrest among the people. They are impatient for attaining world domination
and ruler-ship for themselves. They continue their 1000 year wars that they
started during the “Crusades” and are still continuing to fight each other
over them and are accelerating them to this very day.
Because the false religious "harlot", the "woman," has attained such great
influence over the "waters under her", of "peoples and crowds and nations
and tongues;” She now actually threatens the position of the political "ten
horns" and the "wild beast.” That is why they,
"will hate the harlot and will make her devastated and . . . . completely burn
her with fire." Rev. 17:15,16.
That political "wild beast" will have no mercy and will include ALL religions
in its destructive fury. The political “abomination that causes desolation” will
“completely desolate her” as it did to Jerusalem and “burn her with fire.”
Until then, the development of the religious Harlot and the political "wild
beast" will continue until they are brought to their individual ends. We will
tie all of the above information in with the following:
Jerusalem and the temple were desolated, according to Daniel, seventy
years before the Jews were released from Babylon in 537 BCE. After the
appointed time period, of seventy years from its desolation, the temple
services with the constant feature would again be set up in the re-built
temple of Jehovah/Yahweh in Jerusalem. However, that constant burnt
offering would be interrupted again, before the arrival of Messiah. At His
arrival, what do you think Messiah would do?
"And he will cause sacrifice and gift offering to cease." Dan. 9:27.
Ha Yahshua Ha Mashiach (Jesus Christ) did this by sacrificing his own
perfect body on the "altar of Jehovah/Yahweh.” There-after the “constant
feature” was no longer needed. Since it was no longer needed, neither was
the material “altar” or the Temple. Since the Temple was no longer needed,
neither was the literal priesthood or the religious structure/organization.

Consequently, about thirty-seven years after Messiah’s death, the temple
was permanently destroyed along with the religious and political
organizations that were supporting it. Never again, would the constant
feature of burning animal sacrifices, be made on the “altar of Yahweh”
By the year 136 CE, the city of Jerusalem and the temple had been
completely razed to the ground and a temple to Zeus was built and
dedicated on the very spot where the Temple of Yahweh had once stood.
Their new religion was offering “pigs” as a sacrifice. Most of the Jews there
had been either killed or captured and sold into slavery. They were ALL
banned from Jerusalem and the land was renamed “Palestine”, with
reference to the people known as Philistines, by the Romans.
The same thing that had occurred in 607-586 BCE happened once again.
The constant feature was again stopped, by "the abomination that causes
desolation”, this time the Roman legions which was another representative
of the political “wild beast”, Rome, had put a stop to the sacrifices. Only this
time the physical offering of animals on the "altar of Jehovah" would be
permanently ended. Jerusalem would again be destroyed and the temple
would be permanently desolated. Matt. 24:15, 16.
There being two sacrifices each day pictured that the sacrifices would have
to be stopped twice, for it to be totally and permanently ended. The first
time was 607-586 BCE and the second was in 70 CE.
Being very familiar with the book of Daniel the Lord Yahshua gave the
prophecy of what was going to befall Jerusalem that last time saying,
"Therefore, when YOU catch sight of the disgusting thing that causes
desolation, as spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in a holy
place, (let the reader use discernment), then let those in Judea begin
fleeing to the mountains." Matt. 24:15, 16. NW.
His words foretold the absolute destruction of the Jewish “system of
things,” consisting of the whole "organization;” the temple with its religious
ceremonies and the city of Jerusalem.
This time, the "disgusting thing that causes desolation" came in the form of
a very “fearsome beast,” which was the Roman Empire, that represented
the political “wild beast.” Thus, culminating and bringing to an end, the
'adulterating' of pure worship, by the Jewish religious "organization.”

That part in the Torah or Law covenant, of sacrificing animals for
forgiveness of sins was NOW OVER WITH. Messiah had seen to that by
sacrificing himself in place of the animals. After His sacrifice there was no
longer any “constant feature” or twice daily sacrifice needed. Yahweh had
provided, Yahshua His “only begotten son” as the “lamb of God,” who gave
himself as the permanent sacrifice that they represented and took away,
not only the sins of the Jews, but “the sins of the world.” His sacrifice had
been offered and accepted by Yahweh nearly forty years earlier. This was
prefigured by Abraham’s symbolically sacrificing his “only son, Isaac” by
Sarah, on the “altar of Yahweh” located on Mount Moriah where to Temple
once stood.
Getting back to Daniel, the counting of the time periods had already
begun about six hundred years earlier, in the year 606-586 BCE, when the
'constant feature' had first been removed and when there was the first
"placing of the disgusting thing that causes desolation" in the holy
place, and the "gentile times" had began. Some say the “gentile times” was
a period of 2520 years of uninterrupted rule by the "wild beast,” the political
nations on earth backed by the "dragon,” Satan. See Dan. 4:23-26.
That time period would last from 606-607BCE until 1914 CE. However, WE
still see Satan’s uninterrupted rule by the “wild beastly” governments
continuing since that time as Yahshua has NOT started His Kingdom ruler-
ship on and over OUR earth as yet.
If He had done so, EVERYONE ON EARTH would certainly be aware of it.
Why? Because ALL of the “beastly” nations would BE GONE!! The whole
earth would NOW be under the kingdom ruler-ship of the “Bride” in heaven
and of “Jacob” on the earth.
There will be another essay on that subject, soon, if the Lord so wills. In the
mean-time, YOU can be the judge of that. Soon it will be time for the lamb,
Ha Yahushua Ha Mashiach, to go "subduing in the midst of his enemies.”
As described above the "abomination that causes desolation" was first "set
up" or "placed," the first time in the year 606-07-536 BCE. That was when
the political "wild beast" represented by the Babylonian world power, under
King Nebuchadnezzar, destroyed Jerusalem and the temple of Yahweh,
thus putting a stop to the "constant feature", or continual "burnt offering" for
seventy years.

Later in history, there were other similar occasions when the political
“beastly”, "abomination of desolation" was brought about by other
representatives of the political "wild beast.” The final “beastly”
“abomination” will be the complete “desolation” of the “mother of the
harlots” and “of the disgusting things of the earth” by that same worldly
political “wild beast.” . . . . WATCH for it.
In 336 BCE, the fifth world power, or political "beast" of bible history came
into existence. In that year the first European world conqueror "stood up" in
the person of the Macedonian, Alexander the great. Upon his death, his
empire was divided between his four generals. Dan. 11:4. In 281 BCE, the
house of Seleucid kings began to rule from the newly built city of Syrian
The Seleucid dynasty ruled from the Mediterranean to the Euphrates and
beyond and continued in power until 64 BCE. During the rule of Antiochus
IV, from 175-163 BCE, the "constant feature" was again "removed.” On
Chislev 25, 168 BCE, Antiochus made a pagan sacrifice to the false god
Zeus, on the altar that had been built on top of the "altar of Jehovah.”
This resulted in the Jewish revolt by the Maccabees, in 165 BCE. The city
of Jerusalem was re-taken by the Jews and the temple was "re-dedicated"
to Jehovah/Yahweh and the "constant feature” or continual burnt offering
was resumed once again. Thereafter, the celebration of “Chanukah” was
Later and most notably, the "constant feature" would again be removed
when the sixth "beastly" Roman world power exercised dominance over the
then known world including Jerusalem. This is the one Jesus Christ
referred to when he said,
"When YOU catch sight of the disgusting thing that causes desolation, as
spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in a holy place, (let the
reader use discernment) then let those in Judea begin fleeing to the
mountains." Matt.24:15, 16. NW.
The Jewish sect of Messiah-ists recognized that prophecy, when in 66 CE
the Romans had Jerusalem surrounded and then with-drew. ALL of those
Messianic Jews began fleeing to the mountains to get away from what they
knew was going to happen again, from their knowledge of Daniel and from
what Yahshua had made it plain for them when He said,

“. . . when YOU see Jerusalem surrounded by encamped armies, then
know that the desolating of her had drawn near.” Luke 21:20. NW.
In those days, the Roman government and world power was the "disgusting
thing that causes desolation.” It “desolated” the city of Jerusalem in 70 CE
and destroyed the temple of Jehovah/Yahweh, thus permanently putting an
end to the "constant feature,” the continual burnt offering that was
sacrificed on the altar of Jehovah/Yahweh. Now that the physical worship
at the literal temple was out of the way and representative ruler-ship of
Yahweh had been removed since 586-607 BCE, the "wild beast" and the
great "harlot" could now complete both of their parts of Satan's earthly
religious and political "organization" without any hindrance from Divine
ruler-ship or formal true worship. Rev.17:7-11.
Both, the religious empires and political governments would continue to
grow and fill the earth with their filth of propaganda and false doctrines,
false religions, unmitigated thievery, false hopes of salvation and lies by
both political and religious organizations. As these two thieving promoters
of lies progress toward the end, mankind is hopelessly mired in false
religious organizations, false worship, false doctrines, and false dogma,
mixed with a multitude of political ideologies, confusion, nonsense,
superstitions, false religious and political messiahs, priests, popes, dashed
hopes, terrorism and death.
Having been lied to, misled, and having forgotten the "ONE THAT
BOUGHT THEM,” most people believe the lies, and think that their political
or religious "organization" will save them. Mistakenly, many have given
their allegiance to such idolatry. Only God's kingdom "truth" can set them
But, they reject the King and the Kingdom in favor of their political and
religious "organizations.” This thinking (of organizational-ism) is a Catholic
religious doctrine, designed to replace the Jews in God’s arrangement,
which has been adopted by most of the world religions and political
antagonists alike.
That doctrine was subsequently adopted by and became the central theme
of organizational state-ism. That doctrine, lead to the demise of ruler-ship
by the “divine right” of kings. Using that religious doctrine became the basis
for all of the shameful national governments on earth today. That doctrine
also gave rise to the modern democracies, dictatorships, communism and

fascism, political socialism, economic and corporate dogmas extant today;
The world’s political establishment, or “wild beast,” will continue to USE the
religious element of the world, until they no longer have any USE for it.
Then, they will turn on her like a “rabid dog.” The political ruler’s attitude
toward religion has long been viewed that way, as “USEFUL.” When it
becomes UN-useful, then it will be eliminated!
“Religion is viewed as TRUE by the ignorant, as FALSE by the wise
and as USEFUL, by the rulers.” Seneca the Younger.
This brings us back to Daniel chapter twelve, verse eleven which says:
"And from the time that (1) the constant [feature] has been removed and
(2) there has been a placing of the disgusting thing that is causing
desolation" (both of these events occurring in 586-607 BCE); Then a count
of time could be determined.
That is, when the,
(1) continual burnt offering ceased, only to be resumed over seventy years
later; And,
(2) the “disgusting thing that causes desolation” was placed in the “holy
Then a start could be made in determining “how long” a period it would be,
to answer the questions of Daniel and the other “Askers.”
During that long time period both the religious "harlot" and the political "wild
beast" would have the time and freedom to develop. They would develop
into the earth-wide political and religious organizations. Both, of which,
Satan the Devil uses to mislead and completely dominate human society
on earth. Only then, when they were both completely developed to their
fullness, could the entire earth be tested as to RULER-SHIP. That is, WHO
take sides with? But, how long would that be? Let’s look for the answer in
Daniel chapter twelve again. The angel gives Daniel two specific time
periods. Let’s read Daniel 12:11, 12:

“And from the time that the constant [feature] has been removed and
there has been a placing of the “disgusting thing” that causes desolation,
there will be one thousand two hundred and ninety days.” NW.
“Happy is the one who is keeping in expectation and who arrives at the one
thousand three hundred and thirty-five days.” NW.
“And as for you yourself, go toward the end; and you will rest, but you will
stand up for your lot at the end of the days.” NW.
First let’s notice the last verse regarding Daniel. These things would NOT
happen during his lifetime. He would have to “rest” and await for a
resurrection from the dead at the “end of the days” to find out what would or
had happened.
Now in verse eleven (concerning the religious time period), it says from
the time of the removal of the “constant feature” and the placing of the wild
beastly political "disgusting thing” there would be a period of "one
thousand two hundred and ninety days." Since nothing of any
significance happened 1290 days or about three and one half years after
the removal of the “constant feature,” we must assume that the 1290 meant
something else. What?
By applying the rule of "a day for a year", that would come out to 1290
years for the first time period. Num. 14:34.
The second (political) time period given was, "one thousand three
hundred and thirty-five days”, or about another three and one half years.
Because nothing significant happened at the end of that period either, so
we must also assume that it meant something different. What? 1335 years.
Why two time periods? The answer is:
One to match the development of each "organization" spoken of above;
One religious and One political. One time period that would match the
development of each of those organizations
The religious One, that would replace the "constant feature" which
represented true worship on the world scene, would be the world
"organization" of false religion, represented by the religious "harlot"
mentioned in the Revelation account.
The other would be the political development that replaced righteous ruler-
ship, which is the political "disgusting thing that causes desolation", which

is representative of the political "wild beast.” This world-wide political
organization has been developed down thru the centuries into this "time of
the end,” and will shortly be totally complete. Then the final despotic
"organization" of the "wild beast" will appear along with its image. All
backed by Satan, the mastermind, who is the master of "organization.”
In recap, two time periods are given. One for each thing represented. A
time period is allotted to work out each one’s development and final
"organization.” That is, one for the development of ALL the religious
element and organizations; the other for the development of ALL of the
political element and its governmental organizations.
However, the ONE was dependent on the OTHER before it could complete
its final development and "organization.” That is, the political element was
dependent on the development of the religious organization before it could
be totally completed. This will be accomplished shortly. Therefore, the two
'time periods' could NOT run concurrently, but in a linear fashion. How so?
All of the basic major religions had to manifest themselves and come to
fruition before the political "wild beast" could spread its “abomination of
desolation” to the ends of the earth. That is, the religious world would have
to be complete, first, before the political “wild beast” could “desolate” her.
Also, the aid of the religious "harlot" would be needed to influence the
“waters” of peoples to go along with the political and colonial expansion of
the “wild beast.” That political expansion has nearly been completed thru-
out all of the earth.
The religious organizations is depicted as riding on the back of the "wild
beast", which indicates that she has had greater and less great control of
the political nations dependent on the "harlot" for her support.
The “wild beastly” governments needed her to USE and sway the people in
their national favor, denoted by “waters” under her for their conquests, land
expansion and eventual world domination and earthly ruler-ship. By means
of her they are bringing to completion their earth-wide development. That
is, until the time comes when the “abominable” political “wild beast” has no
more USE for her; Then “IT,” WILL TURN ON HER and desolate her.
With the backing of the "harlot", and under the cloak of religion, imperialism
and colonialism were promoted earth wide. Now, by means of these former
imperialists and colonialists, socialist democratic self rule, is being

promoted as “freedom” and foisted on peoples the world over. Both the
"wild beast" with the "harlot", of "organized religion" on its back, is using
their influence on the "sea" of peoples and all the "earth" to "worship" the
"image of the wild beast", by obeying it’s every word.
WE cannot force these time periods of years to fit into history as some
have tried in the past to make it seem to appear that these prophesies were
fulfilled by one religious organization or one gifted man doing something or
another. No, those kinds of interpretations and time lines have had to be,
and have been, contrived to make them fit certain religious circumstances
and organizations time frames. Such minor events have never been used
to mark great events. These two time periods MARK GREAT EVENTS.
Besides that, the many religions have been taking it for granted that there
is no more fulfillment of prophecy, or that there is but one or two left and
that the active God Jehovah/Yahweh is dead to the activity of the nations in
this "time of the end". Not so!! For His Champion, Yahshua ha Mashiach, is
soon to return and go "subduing in the midst of his enemies."
That fact is being marked by the activities of the "house of Israel" and the
"house of Jacob" at this time. Not by any imagined activity being performed
in some religious "organization" using felonious information and religious
trickery to “fit” such information into their supposed fulfillment of prophecy
by their religious leaders or religion.
Therefore, all that WE must do is BE HONEST and look back into history
and find the REAL fulfillments that have occurred in the past and look for
those that will occur in the future. WE do not have to look very far back, in
most cases.
Knowing what questions were asked, "How long will it be to the end of
these wonderful things?" (by one of the "others" on the bank of the stream
of the river of truth) and "what will be the final part of these things? (by
Daniel the prophet) and that the answer would be sealed up until the "time
of the end;” WE can be assured that the answer must come just before the
"end.” Not one hundred years ago, or even eighty, or fifty or forty. They
must come, just before the angel blows the seventh trumpet. Rev. 11:15.
The answer was promised in OUR DAY. But, great WOES are also at
hand, for the 'world' and for the religious "organizations."
The "end" comes when the "power of the holy people" is dashed "to
pieces.” That event corresponds with "when" the "two witnesses" "have

finished their witnessing" and are killed by the "wild beast that ascends out
of the abyss.”
"The second WOE is past. Look! The third WOE is coming quickly." Rev.
This is just before the blowing of the seventh trumpet, that is the signal for
Michael to go "subduing in the midst of his enemies," and then the "end" of
the political "wild beast" and the "system of things” will come at Yahweh’s
war of Armageddon. The key point is "when the dashing of the power of the
holy people to pieces" occurs and they "have finished their witnessing,”
then, "the seventh angel blew his trumpet.”
This did not occur in the past, in 1844, 1874, 1878, 1914, 1918, 1925,
1948, 1967 or 1975. If it had, the "end" would surely have come by this
late date. It has not. Therefore, the "end" and the "dashing of the power of
the holy people to pieces,” will occur in the future. But when? Answer:
WHEN, "they have finished their witnessing.” This must be in the, not too
distant future. Because, the remaining "holy ones" have not given UP their
"god given" power and 'appointment' by Holy Spirit or given it AWAY to any
"religious organizations,” nor to the “wild beast” or to anyone else. Well
when will they finish their witnessing?
The answer is when the "wild beast" that ascends out of the abyss
conquers and kills US, that is when. This will occur sometime after the
time line speculation of 2017—2018 CE.
WE may ascertain this from the two time periods of 1290 days and 1335
days given by the angel in Daniel 12:11 and 12. They give us the answer to
when the "dashing of the power of the holy people to pieces", MAY BE,
and when the "two witnesses" MAY HAVE, finished their witnessing.”
Counting from when the "time that the constant feature has been removed
and there has been a placing of the disgusting thing that causes
desolation,” in 607 BCE, (this date is arrived at counting backwards70
years from 537 BCE, when the Jews were released from their captivity in
Babylon) there would be 1290 years that would allow for the foundation (or
“base”) and formation of all of the major religions to build their
"organizations" on. The culmination of All of those foundations for the major
religious "organizations" occurred by 683--684 CE, the last of which was
Islam. See Chapter Ten, “The Curse of Alah.”

The political "wild beast,” needed the "harlots" religious "organizations" to
be completed before IT could come to completion. IT needed help in
spreading ITS political control over all the earth. WE must then count, from
the above mentioned time onward, and see the continued development of
the "disgusting thing that causes desolation,” THAT IS, the political "wild
beast" for another 1335 years.
The completion of the "wild beast" and its image has not quite yet been
completed. Unlike the religious arena which has completely dominated
earth’s population, there are still small rebellious areas that have still not
been completely politicized. This is expected to happen prior to 2017-2018.
It is interesting to note just where the last vestiges of rebellion against the
“wild beasts” international political authority is still rampant; As mentioned
above, the last major area on earth that has not been completely politicized
is the areas around northern Pakistan and northeastern Afghanistan, which
are still without national sovereignty and are still supporting the Islamic
Taliban movement, at the time of this writing.
Perhaps, YOU can now see why the great powers are making such great
expenditures to bring that area under their POLITICAL CONTROL. But,
some say it is just to build an oil pipeline thru Afghanistan. Even the nations
themselves do not know why they are doing it. But, Yahshua does and now
so do WE. Why? Because Yahweh is making it happen by His Son
It is directly after that, that WE can expect the "dashing of the power of the
holy people to pieces" and finishing of their "witnessing". Rev.17:7-11. After
"three and a half days the spirit of life from God" will enter into them and
they will "stand on their feet.” Rev. 11:11.
They are then taken up into heavenly clouds but still seen by their enemies,
indicating that their "witnessing" is over but what they did is forever
recorded and symbolically taken to the heavens by these words:
“Come on up here." And, their "enemies beheld them." Rev.11:12, 14.
“They take their works with them.”
Then the seventh trumpet is sounded. That “sound” notes the "end" of the
old world. Why? Because at that time,
"The kingdom of the world did become the kingdom of our Lord and of his
Christ, and he will rule as king forever and ever." Rev.11: 15. NW.
At that time the twenty-four elders in heaven say,
"We thank you, Jehovah [Yahweh] God, the Almighty, the One who is and
who was, because you have taken your great power and begun ruling as
king." Rev. 11:16. NW.
Yes, Jehovah/Yahweh will have begun ruling thru His Son, Yahshua the
Messiah over the earth. Now Yahshua is about to go "subduing in the midst
of his enemies." Why? Because NOW, the “wild beastly,”
". . . nations became wrathful, and God’s own wrath came; and it was time
for the dead to be judged and to give the rewards to your prophets and to
the Holy ones." Rev. 12:18; Dan. 12:1. NW.
Yahweh will then send Michael, with his bride, to go "subduing" those
nations. When would this happen? No one knows for certain. But we
present the following time line as an alternative to those already proposed
and speculated by others.
By applying the rule "a day for a year" to the "three and a half days" WE
have three and a half years. If we apply the same rule to the 1290 days and
the 1335 days we have 1290 years and 1335 years respectively. Adding
them together to run in tandem we arrive with the sum total of 2625 years.
Starting from when the constant feature was first removed, near the new
year of 607 BCE, and then subtracting 607 from 2625 years, WE arrive at
the year 2018 CE around the Jewish New Year. Adding three and a half
years to 1290 and 1335 years we arrive at a total of 2625, plus 31/2 which
equals 26281/2. That total, subtracting 607 BCE would bring us to the
Passover celebration in 2021 CE.
We do not rely on these time lines as ‘inspired’. They are simply proffered
as an alternative to those presented by the various religions whose
antiquated dates have proven to be wrong. But, ours seem to be as good
as any. The whole point is: WE SHOULD BE WATCHFUL FOR THE LORD
In just a SHORT TIME from now, Michael will blow the seventh trumpet and
then, go "subduing in the midst of his enemies". This will mark the
beginning of the third WOE to come on mankind and the earth. Just how
long after the trumpet blows that, the Lord, goes "subduing in the midst of
his enemies", remains to be seen. In the meantime WE must "observe His

commands in a spotless and irreprehensible way until the manifestation of
OUR Lord Yahshua Ha Mashiach.
“This [manifestation] the happy and only potentate will show in its own
appointed times." 1Tim. 6:14,15. NW. [Brackets NW].
OUR continuing faithfulness and endurance is going to be tested until HE
Rabbi Judah Ben Samuel came to a similar date of 2017 AD, by closely
examining the Jubilee cycles of fifty years each. This was some 800 years
ago in Germany. He predicted that Turkey and Islam would conquer the
holy land and Jerusalem. He said that they would then rule over Jerusalem
and the land for 400 years. He died in 1217. Eighty-two years after his
death, the Turkish Ottoman Empire began, circa 1299 AD. In 1517, some
300 years after his death, the Turks captured Jerusalem and ruled 400
years, until British General Edmund Allenby liberated the holy land and the
city of Jerusalem, in 1917 AD.
Rabbi Samuel also said that Jerusalem would be a “no man’s land” for the
next jubilee period of fifty years. This was the period of British and
Jordanian rule of the city. The Six Day War erupted suddenly in1967 and
the city was captured by the Israelis. That was exactly fifty years after
General Allenby had taken it from the Turks in1917. A coincidence? --YOU
be the judge.
Jerusalem was, once again, returned to the Jewish people. Nearly nineteen
hundred years (less 3) had elapsed since being destroyed by the Roman
legions in 70 AD. Rabbi Samuel also said the next fifty year Jubilee cycle
would be a period of insecurity and upheaval for the people until 2017-18,
and then MESSIAH would begin to make His appearance. That is OUR
sincere hope, that the Lord will make His appearance at the earliest time
As humans WE are prisoners of time and space. Consequently, we can
only understand time as a disintegration of matter and dissipation of
energy, because as we deplete ourselves and die our perception is that
time is continuing on beyond us. This perception is reinforced by our

incompetent understanding of history and our grieving of those that have
died before us.
Concerning his return and his parousia (presence) Yahushua ha Mashiach
(Jesus the Christ) said in Matt. 24:37-39, “Just as in the days of Noah were,
so the parousia (presence) of the Son of man will be.”
In comparing the wicked period just prior to the great flood to the evils of
our day we find the creator lamenting his regrets and hurt heart that He had
made man on earth. See Gen. 6:5-7,
Gen 6:5 And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth,
and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil
Gen 6:6 And it repented [sorrowed] the LORD [Yahwah] that he had made
man on the earth, and it grieved [hurt] him at his heart.
Gen 6:7 And the LORD [Yahweh] said, I will destroy man whom I have
created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping
thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth [sorrowed] me that I have
made them.

Prior to those verses a time element was given in verse three. To mark the
transition period between the destruction of wicked mankind and the actual
flood, God said that mankind’s years remaining before He brought the great
flood would be 120 years in Gen. 6:3.

Gen 6:3 And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for
that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty
years. KJV.
Using that same model for our day, Man’s time left would be 120 years –
Then the END would come – BUT FROM WHEN? If we used the same
time frame until Yahshua would return: Counting from 1874 120 years
comes to 1994 AD. THAT DIDN’T HAPPEN! If WE count from1914, 120
years comes to 2034 AD. Of course all of this is speculation as is all of the
nonsense in trying to second guess the Lord. But, it gives us pause to

There is an interesting time line written by the prophet Hosea that covers
parts of two chapters. Of course there were no chapters and verses in
Hosea’s original writings. However, their addition of chapters and verses
sometimes confuses the reader to make a separation in the text where
there isn’t any. Let US examine his prophecy covering Hosea 5:15 thru
chapter 6:3 that seems to be totally out of context with the previous verses
and the verses following. We quote from the King James Version:
Hos 5:15 I will go and return to my place, till they acknowledge
their offence, and seek my face: in their affliction [Jacob’s
trouble] they will seek me early.
Hos 6:1 Come, and let us return unto the LORD: for he hath torn, and he
will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up.
Hos 6:2 After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will
raise us up, and we shall live in his sight.
Hos 6:3 Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the LORD: his going
forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain,
as the latter and former rain unto the earth.

The American Standard Version reads:

Hos 5:15 I will go and return to my place, till they acknowledge
their offence, and seek my face: in their affliction they will
seek me earnestly.
Hos 6:1 Come, and let us return unto Jehovah; for he hath torn, and he will
heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up.
Hos 6:2 After two days will he revive us: on the third day he will
raise us up, and we shall live before him.
Hos 6:3 And let us know, let us follow on to know Jehovah: his going forth
is sure as the morning; and he will come unto us as the rain, as the latter
rain that watereth the earth.

These verses fit in very well with the book of Daniel, Yahshua’s resurrect-
tion, and the Deliverer saving Jacob, quite nicely. How so?

Let’s examine each verse. In chapter 5 verse 15 it says, “I will go and

return to my place, till they acknowledge their offence, and seek my face: in
their affliction they will seek me earnestly. “

This statement sounds like the risen Lord Yahshua speaking of returning to
His place in heaven. After Daniels’ people repent of their offense and seek

His face during their affliction of “Jacob’s troubles” and seek Him, only then
would He heal them. Chapter 6, verse 1. Verse 2 goes on,
“After two days will he revive us: on the third day he will raise us
up, and we shall live before him.”

After the Lord is gone for two days, He would revive them and on the
third day He would raise them up. This seems to correspond to Daniel
12:1, 2.

Dan 12:1 And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince
who standeth for the children of thy people; and there shall be a time
of trouble, [Jacob’s trouble and the great tribulation] such as never
was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time
thy people shall be delivered, [when the fullness of the gentiles has
come in and the deliverer comes out of Zion, fulfilling Rom. 11:25, 26]
every one that shall be found written in the book.
Dan 12:2 And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall
awake, [By a resurrection into the earthly kingdom- John 5:28, 29]
some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.

THE TIME LINE OF Hosea 5:15-6:4:

It appears that this is the Lord Yahshua/Jesus speaking when He says,
“I shall go and return to my place [in heaven] After two days [2000
years] he will make us alive [spiritually] In the third day [in His kingdom]
he shall make us get up.” [by means of a resurrection from the dead]
If the text is talking about “a day to Jehovah is as a 1000 years”, used in
Psalm 90:4 and 2Peter 3:8; And If this is talking about Yahshua’s return
after his death and resurrection, 2000 lunar years or, 720,000 days would
come to 1971.13 solar years. So, adding that number to AD 33 would come
to 2004.3 AD. In counting solar years, by adding AD 33 to 2000 we get AD
2033-34. It did not seem that anything momentous happened in 2003. But
we still have a good number of years to go before we come to 2033-2034.
So, WE must KEEP ON THE WATCH and BE READY for His coming!!!

[All scripture brackets, bold, underlining, emphasis, Caps mine]

NOW, ha dor ha acharon, “THE LAST GENERATION”
Greater and greater FAITHLESSNESS is being exhibited and “the love of
the greater number is cooling off” as WE progress toward the end of the
Christian Age and the end of this wicked world, ruled by Satan the Devil.
Matt. 24:12.
The FALSE organized religions do not WANT THE END TO COME. They
are content. They want to maintain and even increase their POSITION OF
WORLDLY WEALTH AND POWER. They are deathly afraid of their end.
And, they rightly should be. They should not want to be inspected by the
Lord of Lords and King of Kings, Yahshua, the Jewish Messiah.
This emotion comes out in their doctrines, dogmas and translations of the
Bible. They think they can PRESERVE their POSITION and their POWER
over the masses by doing so. This gives them a false sense of security and
self-righteousness. Drunk with their wealth and power, addicted to their lies
and thievery, they continue their dishonesty, lying to themselves, just as
they lie to the people. Like an old harlot that believes her own lies, set in
her ways, she greedily craves to keep what she has. She promotes greater
lying and thieving to increase her power and wealth. For, that is ALL she
has. For she “knows” down deep inside that she has NO FUTURE. We will
make a further study concerning the “last generation”, but NOT ONE of the
RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS, really want it to come. One can clearly
discern that, by the way they translate the Holy Scriptures.
That is one reason why the religious organizations have consistently
mistranslated the Hebrew words for the “last generation”; namely, ha
dor ha achron (the generation the last), in the Hebrew Text. Those
words for the “the generation the last,” mark the transition period that
hearkens the end of the Christian Age and the end of this terrifying
old world and Christendom.
Those words occur in the Tanakh/OT, or Hebrew text, altogether some
seven times. There are other occurrences, but they do not appear
together. That is side by side. We will consider these separately. They
mostly apply to the “house of Jacob.”
The religious Rabbi’s, have with-held much information from those they
consider “un-worthy, “un-washed,” and “un-clean”. They give little attention

to those they classify as the “eh rets class,” “those of the earth,” or poor
class of people. Why? Because they have little money and no religious or
political power!
The Rabbi’s claim to be enlightened, yet still continue to push their
programmed propaganda of suppression of “truth” by their TRADITIONS,
superstition, error and political agenda. THEY DO NOT want the common
people to have the “truth” and KNOW WHAT THEY KNOW. They know
they would lose power. Oh, yes, they publish the Talmud and read thru it
every seven and a half years and make a big celebration out of completing
it in that time. Unfortunately, they do not teach what is in GOD’S WORD
THE BIBLE exclusively. Studying their own creation of words guarantees
their continued CONTROL of the poor people of “Jacob”. By the use of
THEIR OWN WORDS (traditions) they make God’s word invalid. Yes,
invalid because they teach “commands of men,” that of the religious
leaders. Yahshua ha Mashiach told the rabbi’s and Scribes and Pharisees
of his day those very words. Quoting from Isaiah Yahshua said to them,
“Isaiah aptly prophesied about YOU hypocrites, as it is written, ‘This people
honors me with [their] lips, but their hearts are far removed from me. It is in
vain that they keep worshiping me, because they teach as doctrines.’
commands of men Letting go the commandment of God, YOU hold
fast the tradition of men.” NW.
“Further, he went on to say to them: ‘Adroitly YOU set aside the
commandment of God in order to retain YOUR tradition. Mark 7:6-9.
Again, the Scribes and Pharisees complained against Yahshua’s disciples
because they did not ceremonially wash their hands, according to their
traditions, before eating. Yahshua answered them in Mathew 15 verse 3,
“In reply he said to them: ‘Why is it YOU also overstep the command-
ment of God because of YOUR tradition,” Matt. 15:3. NW.
They use their traditions to camouflage their real intent. They do not want
the common people to know the TRUTH or to KNOW YAHWEH! The most
important name in the universe. Yet the name, “ha shem,” occurs nearly
7000 time in the Tanakh or Old Testament. Why do they do this?

The rabbi’s do that for the same reason the Churches, hierarchies of
Ministers, Popes, priests and Cosmopolitans of Christendom do; They do
not want their flocks to know the truth about the DIVINE NAME. Why?
Because they want to be “set apart” so they can be a “special” class
and feel and act superior. Because they know that YOU really do not need
them. They know that YOU can obtain a personal SPIRITUAL
RELATIONSHIP WITH THE FATHER, thru His Son. They know that YOU
can do this WITHOUT THEM. They don’t want that to happen. It frightens
them. Why?
Simply because, YOU WOULD FIND OUT THAT YOU would no longer
need them. For they KNOW that the Father Yahweh NOW deals with every
man and woman individually, thru His Son that He sent to RANSOM
mankind, Ha Yahshua Ha Mashiach being His name.
To keep their position of power over the people, as ALL DESPOTS DO,
they use misinformation, propaganda, and out-right LIES to accomplish
their goals. And what better way to do that than to keep the people in
ignorance, by withholding that vital knowledge of true freedom and keep it
“hidden”from the people by making a “show” that they are sharing and
freely teaching their hidden knowledge. Then their position will be secure,
they think. Well, it has for a couple of thousand years now. But Yahshua
said, if YOU know Him,
“YOU will know THE TRUTH, and THE TRUTH will SET YOU FREE.” John
8:32. NW.
And also, we must remember that the angel Gabriel said to Daniel that
during the “last days”, “the true knowledge will become abundant.”
Dan.12:4b. NW. Now we must learn the true knowledge about the “LAST
We have yet to find a Bible translation that translates those words above as
the “last generation.” We have found that almost every Bible has those
words translated as: the generation, the generation to come, the following
generation , the future generation, the later generation, the next generation,

the latter generation, etc., but NEVER THE LAST GENERATION! Yet that
is exactly what those words mean, THE LAST GENERATION!
The first occurrence of these two words together is in Deuteronomy chapter
twenty-nine and verse twenty-two (verse twenty-one in some Bibles). Verse
twenty-two is continuing Yahweh’s prophesy, when speaking thru Moses,
about what would happen to the Israelites if they kept Yahweh’s laws and
their contract with Him. The preceding verses also spelled out what would
happen if they did not obey Him.
The verses after these two words, tell us what would occur during and after
the “last generation” when the Jewish Age ended. They also tell US
what will happen NOW, AT THIS TIME of the very “last generation”; That is
TODAY at the end of the Christian Age, just preceding Messiah’s
This verse is pivotal. When, WE examine the tenses, WE can see that it is
a prophecy of what they would say and how they would feel after the first
Jewish Age ended, what would be said during that time period in between
that First LAST Generation which ended in 70 AD and the Second LAST
Generation that is about to come to an end in our day.
In other words, the verses are talking about the in-between time, that the
First LAST Generation ending in 70 AD and the very LAST Generation that
we are in right now and which will soon end, with Messiah’s appearance.
Yahweh tells US what the Gentile/Goy nations would say during that time
period, between those two LAST generations; Or during that generation
gap. The first application occurred in 70 AD and the last application is in
OUR own time period, right NOW. You may notice WHO Yahweh is talking
to. You will not hear Him talking to any religion, priests, hierarchy, ministers
or Rabbi’s.
No. YOU see He is talking to Jacob as individuals and collectively. He
is talking to YOU, if you are a descendent of Jacob. Verse 22 from the New
Jerusalem Bible (NJB) says,
“The future generation [literally THE GENERATION LAST, dor H1755=
generation, acharon H314= last], that of your children coming after you
and the foreigners arriving from faraway lands, on seeing the plagues and
disease inflicted on the country by Yahweh, will exclaim,….“’Why has
Yahweh treated this country like this? Why his great blaze of anger?”

“’And people [Gentile/Goy nations] will say, “Because they deserted the
covenant of Yahweh, the God of their ancestors, the covenant which he
made with them when he brought them out of Egypt; because they went
and served other gods and worshipped them, gods hitherto unknown to
them, gods that were no part of their heritage from him……Yahweh has
torn them from their own country and flung them into another country where
they are today.”
This information about the “last generation” continues on in chapter thirty.
Starting with verse one, it says,
“And when all these words have come true [that is not until our day] for you
—the blessing and the curse, which I have offered you—if you meditate
on them in your heart wherever among the nations Yahweh your God has
driven you. If you return to Yahweh your God, with all your heart and
with all your soul and you obey his voice, you and your children in
everything that I am laying down for you today, then Yahweh your God will
bring back your captives, he will have pity on you and gather you back from
all the peoples among whom Yahweh your God has scattered you. Should
you have been banished to the very sky’s end, Yahweh your God will
gather you again even from there, he will come there to reclaim and bring
you back to the country which belonged to your ancestors, so that you may
possess it in your turn and you will be more numerous than your
Did you notice what “Jacob” must do? Meditate in your heart on the
promises of Yahweh. Why? Meditation and prayer increases YOUR
SPIRITUALITY, to know Yahweh and acquire the faith necessary to please
Him. Prayer and meditation are what gives YOU a relationship with the
unseen God, Yahweh. Then, ALL of the promises will come true for YOU.
There is more. And, here is the good part that is going to shortly happen to
the literal physical offspring of Abraham. Yahweh is going to take away
Jacob’s hard heartedness. This act of loving kindness makes it possible for
Jacob to RETURN to Yahweh his God! And no longer be godless atheists
and agnostics, or Buddhists, which is the current mind-set of most Jews
today. Continuing on verse six says,
“Yahweh your God will circumcise your heart (See Jer. 31: 31, 34; Rom.
2: 25-29; Phil. 3:3; Col. 2:11) and the heart of your descendants, so that
you will love Yahweh your God with all your heart and soul (See
Matt.22:37-40) and so you will live.”
And what blessings will come to them as a result? THEY WILL LIVE. But
more than that Yahweh will strike down their enemies. How? Verse seven
“Yahweh your God will make all these curses recoil on your foes and
enemies and on your enemies who have persecuted you. And once again
you will obey the voice of Yahweh your God and you will put all his
commandments into practice.”
Yes, Loving Yahweh your God will be necessary for your survival! And you
Will LIVE and prosper. Verse nine says so,
“Yahweh your God will make you prosper in all your labours, in the
offspring of your body, in the yield of your cattle and in the yield of your soil.
For once again Yahweh will delight in your prosperity as he used to take
delight in the prosperity of your ancestors. If you obey the voice of Yahweh,
your God……and if you return to Yahweh your God with all your heart
and soul.”
Yahweh is giving Jacob two choices and two ways to go, both back then, in
ancient times and also today. IF YOU TAKE HIS OFFER, He says,
“Look, today I am offering you life and prosperity, death and disaster…If
you love Yahweh your God and follow his ways,…you will live and grow
numerous and Yahweh your God will bless you in the [land]. ….But if your
heart turns away, if you refuse to listen, if you let yourself be drawn into
worshipping other gods and serving them, I tell you today, you will certainly
perish....I am offering you life or death, blessing or curse. Choose life,
so that you and your off-spring may live in the love of Yahweh your God,
obeying his voice, holding fast to him, for in this your life consists and on
this depends the length of time that you stay in the country [LAND] which
Yahweh swore to your ancestors Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, that he would
give them.” Deut. 30:1-20 NJB.
A second occurrence of the “last generation” appears in,
PSALM 48:13.
A second occurrence of the “last generation” (ha dor ha acharon)
appears in Psalm 48:13. This Psalm is a song of appreciation for Yahweh’s
rule from Zion and Jerusalem, making them wonderfully beauteous in a
spiritual way. It is directed toward the “last generation” to help them

appreciate both the spiritual ruler-ship and their once in an OLAM
opportunity for earthly, human ruler-ship.
Also, it is the “last generation” for them to start preparing themselves
SPIRITUALLY to love their God Yahweh and to conform their lives to His
Rules and Ruler-ship now, to be in harmony with and consistent with such
glorious Godly servitude to Him.
Addressing ALL OF EARTH’S PEOPLES to [ach shee’ vu], LISTEN, so as
to hear what Yahweh says about where ruler-ship emanates and giving a
spiritual moving picture of what is happening during the “last generation”
and beyond that; WE read Psalm 48:1-14, from the NJB, where is says,
“Great is Yahweh and most worthy of praise in the city of OUR God, the
holy mountain [His Kingdom], towering in beauty, the joy of the whole world
. . . .the settlement of the great king, God himself among its palaces has
proved himself its bulwark.” Ps. 48:1-3. NJB.
Satan’s world and their governments have already “banded together
against God’s righteous one”, Yahshua the Messiah. They intend to fight
against him. But to no avail. He will break the nations in pieces and will
“rule with an iron rod.”
“For look, kings made alliance, together they advanced; without a second
glance, when they saw, they panicked and fled away. Trembling seized
them on the spot, pains like those of a woman in labour; like the east wind
that wrecked the ships from Tarshish.” Ps. 48:4-7. NJB.
What the “last generation” had heard about God’s Kingdom and the
promised ruler-ship they would now see with their very own eyes. That is
why they were to be told about it, for the “last generation” is of great
importance for earth’s ruler-ship. They will say,
“What we had heard we saw for ourselves in the city of our God, in the city
of Yahweh Sabaoth, which God has established forever. We reflect
[meditate] on your faithful love, God, in your temple! Both your name and
your praise, God, are over the whole wide world.” Ps. 48:8-10. NJB.
At that time these earthly rulers from the “last generation” will realize and
recognize just who Yahweh’s Right Hand is (Yahshua) and what His traits
for Divine Ruler-ship are which are signified by the beauties of Mount Zion.
They will praise His ruler-ship saying,

“Your right hand [Yahshua] is full of saving justice, Mount Zion rejoices, the
daughters of Judah delight because of your saving justice. Go around Zion,
walk through her, count her bastions, admire her walls examine her
palaces TO TELL future generations [literally THE LAST GENERATION]
about our God; forever and ever, He is our guide.” Ps. 48:10-14. NJB
But that isn’t the half of it. Read what Paul says about that time,
“Eye has not seen and ear has not heard, neither have there been
conceived in the heart of man the things that God as prepared for those
who love him.” 1Cor. 2:9. NW.
What a wonderful opportunity this “last generation” of Jacob has to prepare
himself for ruler-ship of earth. (Before Yahshua’s Kingdom reign begins).
Those would-be Rulers must prove themselves worthy of ruler-ship NOW
during this “last generation”. They must not wait, so they can be appointed
by the King Yahshua, when He returns. But how? It is not hard. Yahweh
has made it easy. The self-appointed religious Rabbi’s make it hard. It isn’t.
fulfilling the torah, or law? WHAT? That’s impossible!! HOW?
YOU cannot do it by YOUR own merit; that is why Yahshua sacrificed His
life for YOU. By personally accepting His sacrifice for YOURSELF it is
NOW possible for YOU to FULFILL THE LAW!! WHAT? YES, by doing
only two things, as best YOU can and in a selfless way, putting others first
in all humility. . . . They are:
That is all very true. However, due to Yahshua’s ransom sacrifice, the
Father Yahweh;s mercy, Grace and love for YOU individually, the parts that
YOU cannot perfectly fulfill, HIS SACRIFICE WILL fill in for YOU. That is, IT
That is called “grace” or “undeserved kindness” which allows for mercy.
YOUR part is to do the following two things the very best YOU can in faith
and it will be counted to YOU as righteousness. That also is called “grace”
or “undeserved kindness”. Isn’t that wonderful? Yes, IT IS!!. . . . Of course

this is something totally unknown to your high and mighty, self-righteous
rabbi’s who want to keep YOU under their control.
What two things? YOU might ask. Those two things are:
(1) “You must love Yahweh your God with your whole SOUL” (whole mind,
whole heart, whole strength, whole power, the very fiber of your being) and,
(2) “You must love your neighbor as yourself.” Love and the practice of
love, is what the law consists of.
Love is what binds US together. It is a unifying force, the “perfect bond of
union.” Col. 3:14. “Love never fails.” Sha-ul (Paul) expressed it this way,
“Do not you people be owing anybody a single thing, except to love one
another; for he that loves his fellow man fulfills the law. For the [law
code] you must not commit adultery, you must not murder, you must not
steal, you must not covet, and whatever other commandment there is, is
summed up in this word, namely YOU must love your neighbor as
yourself. Love does not work out evil to ones neighbor; therefore love is
the law’s fulfillment.” Rom. 13:8-10. NW. [Brackets NW]
Therefore, learning these two types of love is essential for righteous ruler-
ship and loving care of the Yahshua’s sheep. Ponder over His Love and
His ruler-ship. Meditate on His loving kindness that He has exhibited to
YOU and to humankind. Resolve, to excel in imitating what both the Father
and His loving Son has done in times past for ALL of the human race, not
just the Jews. This is the way to TRUE SPIRITUALITY and goodness of
A third and fourth occurrence of ha dor ha acharon= the generation the
last occur in Psalm seventy-eight.
Psalm 78: verses 4 and 6
Psalm 78:1-8 is directed to the “last generation”, ha dor ha acharon, so
that they would not be like their obstinate forefathers. It is an
encouragement to the “last generation” to remember and appreciate their
God, Yahweh’s commandments to Jacob and His statutes to Israel.
These verses are directed to those of Jacob and Israel living today during
the “end times” of this “last generation” to get their “act together” and
change their ways. It is directed to them to get their lives and their
children’s lives together in order to serve the One and Only TRUE GOD,
YAHWEH, thru His only begotten Son, Yahshua. Psalm 78:1-8, from the
NIV, says,
“Oh my people, hear my teaching, listen to the words of my mouth. I will
open my mouth in parables, I will utter hidden things, things from of old—
what we have heard and known, what our fathers have told us,” Ps.78:1-3.
During the first LAST generation, in the first century, Yahshua the Messiah
used parables when talking to the people. But that first LAST generation
was not given the privilege to understand them. See Matt. 13:3, 10, 13, 34,
35, 53. Those of that generation, should have known what the Messiah was
talking about, but did not because of their hard-heartedness. They
therefore, had to suffer the consequences. They went so far as rejecting
their Messiah as a result of their egotistical self-will and suffered great loss
of life and eternal blessings. But, what about THIS ONE, the very LAST
GENERATION, the generation of today; What would they do?
Psalm 78:4, continues,
“We will not hide them from their children, we will tell them to the next
generation [literally LAST GENERATION, last = acharon, H-314]
generation=dor] the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD [YAHWEH], His
power and the wonders He has done. He decreed statutes for Jacob and
established the laws in Israel, which He commanded our forefathers to
teach their children, so the next [literally LAST GENERATION, last =
acharon H-314] generation =dor] would know them, even the children yet to
be born and they in turn would tell their children.” Ps. 78:4-6. NIV.
All of this information was to be stored up in generation after generation for
the benefit of the very last generation. Why? Because it was foreordained
THE RULERSHIP YOU ARE ENTITLED TO; and to enable YOU to return
to Yahweh YOUR God and put YOUR trust and faith and hope in Him; so
that YOU WOULD NOT be like YOUR forefathers, who were faithless and
obstinate of heart. So that YOU would be able to prepare YOURSELVES
FOR RULER-SHIP of the earth, that will soon be distributed by the Great
King Yahshua himself to YOU. But, the big question IS: WILL YOU DO
SO? Let’s see…… Continuing in Psalm 78,
“THEN they would put their trust in God and would not forget His deeds,
but would keep His commands. They would not be like their
forefathers---a stubborn and rebellious generation, whose hearts were

not loyal to God, whose spirit were not faithful to Him.” Ps. 78:7, 8.
This is a wonderful prophecy concerning YOU, and directed to YOU, THE
JEWS and the physical “seed” of Abraham of THIS LAST GENERATON. It
is pdreserved for YOU and directed to YOU, NOW. The great God,
YAHWEH, spoke these words and had them recorded specifically FOR
YOU, of this “last generation” thousands of years ago. YES, they are
DIRECTED to YOU OF THE, ha dor ha acharon, the “last generation”.
Now what will YOU do about them? YOUR FUTURE IS in YOUR HANDS.
YOUR FUTURE IS ASSURED IF, YOU follow the above instructions from
PSALM 102:18
The information regarding the “last generation” in these texts are filled with
the re-establishment of the ruling places that symbolize and picture the
Kingdom ruler-ship that the “last generation” is so privileged to be a part of.
This “last generation” will be praising Jehovah/Yahweh in all the earth
including Jerusalem.
This information regarding the last generation is in Psalm 102 beginning
with stanza 12, from the Literal Translation of the Holy Bible (LITV) says,
“But you O Jehovah [Yahweh], shall dwell forever, and Your memory to
generation after generation. You shall arise and have mercy on Zion, for
the time to pity her, yea, the appointed time has come.” Ps.102:12, 13.
Yes, “that time has come,” in the ha dor ha acharon, for Yahweh to turn His
attention to the earth and re-establish Divine Ruler-Ship (the throne of
David) here, on earth, by means of His Son Yahshua which rulership is
symbolized by Zion and Jerusalem. The offspring of Abraham have been
longing for the rebuilding of Zion and Jerusalem for centuries and to re-
establish the throne of Yahweh and that of Davidic kingship.
That great event will now occur at the of this “last generation” by means of
Yahshua’s Messianic kingdom. Father Yahweh’s promises of ruler-ship are
immutable and will shortly come to pass, for this “last generation.” This will
result in great glory for both the Son and His Father and the nations will be
brought into a godly fear. The Father Yahweh appreciates that YOU still
feel as the following stanzas of the song say:

“For Your servants take pleasure in its stones, and pity its dust. So nations
shall fear the name of Jehovah [Yahweh], and all the kings of the earth,
Your glory. When Jehovah [Yahweh] shall build up Zion, He shall be seen
in His glory.” Ps. 102:14. 15. LITV.
But, how can man see Yahweh? “No man can see ME and live.” “God is a
spirit.” “No man has seen God at any time.” Those quotations aptly
describe OUR finite inability to SEE GOD. But, Moses saw the glory of
God. What did he see? Moses saw Yahweh’s “hind-parts,” which was the
Angel that transmitted the Law to him. See Acts 7:53. The apostle Paul
also saw God’s glory in the form of Yahshua’s flash of light that blinded
him. Acts 9:3, 8, 9.
Similarly those on this earth will see Yahweh’s glory in the form of His great
Son and King ha Yahshua ha Mashaich when He comes in ALL His glory
and ALL His angels with Him. Exactly what will be seen is unknown at this
time. What WE do know is only that of Paul’s experience. But WE do know
that everyone will some-how see and believe and be heard and taken care
of. For Psalm 102:17 say,
“He will turn to the prayer of the destitute, and will not despise their prayer.”
So, to whom was this written? It is written to the “last generation” of the
“sons of Abraham” and TO THE PEOPLE TO BE CREATED. WHO?
Those people who come back from the dust of the ground in the recreation
or resurrection from Sheol, the grave, that is mentioned in Daniel chapter
Stanza’s 18 and 19 of Psalm 78 says,
“This shall be written for the generation to come [last generation = ha
dor ha acharon]; and people to be created [in the re-creation or
resurrection from the dead in Sheol] shall praise Jehovah [Yahweh]. For
He has looked down from the height of His sanctuary; Jehovah [Yahweh]
looked from Heaven to the earth to hear the groaning of the prisoners, to
set free the sons of death, to declare the name of Jehovah [Yahweh] in
Zion, and His praise in Jerusalem,” LITV. Compare Daniel 12:2.
This releasing of the groaning prisoners from Satan’s system of ruler-ship
and the setting free of those entombed by the chains of death in Sheol, will
happen just after Yahshua returns in “all of His glory” with His Kingdom
power to rule the world’s nations “with an iron rod.” And at that time is when
He will assign ruler-ship to those worthy ones of this “last generation.” And
notice when this will happen, as WE read portions of stanza 22 and 28,
“. . . when the peoples and the kingdoms are gathered together to serve
Jehovah. The sons of your servants shall dwell and their seed shall be
established before You.” NIV.
Yahshua verifies this in Matt. 25:31, 32, from the NW translation saying,
“’When the Son of man arrives in all his glory and all the angels with him,
then he will sit down on his glorious throne, And ALL the nations will be
gathered before him, and he will separate people one from another like a
shepherd separates the sheep from the goats….Then the King will say to
those on His right, ‘Come you who have been blessed by my Father,
inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the founding of the world.’”
This will also be the time for the fulfillment of Isaiah chapter two. Speaking
of Judah and Jerusalem, the prophet says,
“And it must occur in the latter part of the days, the mountain [God’s
Kingdom Government] of the House of Jehovah [Yahweh] will become
firmly established above the top of the mountains, [Above all other
governments and ruler-ship] and it will certainly be lifted up above the hills,
and to it all the nations must stream.” Isa. 2:2. NW.
That mountain, “above the top” of all others is the same one that the
prophet Daniel envisioned. He calls IT a stone that fills the earth,
“. . . a stone was cut out, not by hands, and it struck the image on the feet
of iron and of molded clay [the nations existing today], and crushed
them...... And as for the stone that struck the image, IT became a large
mountain and filled the whole earth.” Dan. 2:34, 35. NW
Further on in chapter two, Daniel identified that mountain as God’s
Kingdom saying,
“And in the days of those kings [existing today] the God of Heaven will set
up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself will
not be passed on to any other people. IT will crush and put an end to all
these kingdom, and it itself will stand to times indefinite.” Dan. 2:44. NW.
Yes, that mountain, Yahshua’s kingdom will “fill the whole earth” with
righteous ruler-ship taken from among modern day Messianic “Jacob”.
Isaiah says, that after the “last generation,” word will spread thru-out the
earth that “Jacob” is now ruling the earthly part of Yahweh’s, kingdom.
Since “Jacob” has returned to “his God,” Yahweh, and are the visible
earthly rulers, the people around the world will acknowledge it by saying.
“Come”, you people, and let us go up to the mountain of Jehovah
[Yahweh], to the house of the God of Jacob, and He will instruct us
about His ways and walk in His paths. For out of Zion law will go forth, and
the word of Jehovah, [Yahweh] out of Jerusalem.”
“And He will certainly render judgment among the nations and set matters
straight respecting many peoples. And they will have to beat their swords
into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not lift up
sword against nation; neither will they learn war anymore.” Isa. 2:2-4. NW.
What a wonderful time of peace and tranquility that will be. How wonderful
the rule of earth’s teaming billions will be under the heavenly ruler-ship of
the Messiah-King Yahshua and the “house of Jacob” on this earth. But, the
above quoted scriptures are not the most important. There is one more
verse that holds the KEY REQUIREMENT to JACOB’S RULERSHIP.
Verse five says,
LIGHT of Jehovah [YAHWEH].” Isa. 2:5. NW.
That will require a complete turnaround of thinking by the “house of Jacob.”
That turn around, or about-face of 180 degrees, is called=REPENTANCE.
That means to STOP the way YOU are going. Turn around and go the
other way, Yahshua’s way. That means to STOP serving self and begin
serving Yahweh, thru His Son. Only then will one be assured of receiving
the promised protection and the ruler-ship in the earthly kingdom.
In this ha dor ha acharon, many will refuse this Divine offer of earthly ruler-
ship in Yahshua’s earthly kingdom, just as those in the first century refused
His offer to them at that time, to be heavenly rulers. Nevertheless, for those
who will do so and qualify by letting Yahshua, “set them free” from their
Jewish egotistical mind-set of agnosticism, atheism, communism,
socialism, Zionism, and all the other worldly -isms, in order to follow Him;
what a marvelous time it is for YOU of the “house of Jacob” to be alive
during this “last generation,” ha dor ha acharon, and ultimately receive
ruler-ship from Yahshua ha Mashiach himself!!
“O men of the house of Jacob, come and let us walk in the light of
[Yahweh],” by means of His wonderful Son who is “the light of the
world,” ha Yahshua ha Mashiach, during this ha dor ha acharon (The
last generation).

[Scripture brackets, bold, underlining, emphasis, italics, Caps mine].



This “last generation” is A PERIOD OF “TRANSITION and a time of
distress and are, a transition period “As the days of Noah were…”
During this “last generation” and 'transition' period, into Yahshua’s Kingdom
Ruler-ship, we are seeing many awful and wondrous events happening and
prophecies being fulfilled. But the end is yet to come. THIS is just the
BEGINNING OF THE END of All religious organizations and then the End
of All earthly governments, of this world. Why you ask?...... . . . . . . .Why?
THIS IS THE LAST GENERATION!! of Satan’s savage civilization.
During this 'transition period’ we are in now, WE will witness a time of
trouble and tribulation that has never been seen before on earth. This will
include “Jacob’s trouble”. WE will witness the fulfillment of Yahshua's
prophecies of the "last days" in Matt 24, Mark 13, Luke 21, and the book of
Revelation. Concerning this period of time, Yahshua said,
“For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and
there will be food shortages and earthquakes in one place after another. All
these things are a beginning of the pangs of distress.” Matt. 24:7, 8.
Those things are just the beginning. NOT the END. There is more to come.
YES, MUCH MORE. The dilemma of survival for humanity is now at hand.
We are seeing great earthquakes in one place after another, with more of
magnitude 7 or greater than ever before in history. They are increasing in
magnitude with some of magnitude 9 and greater that have created tidal
waves, or tsunamis, in the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. One of
magnitude 9.5 set the ocean back 70 feet along the whole coast of Chile;
thus adding 70 more feet to the beach. They are of such great power that
they have even stopped the earth's rotation for an instant. These will
inevitably get worse.
WE URGE YOU to PREPARE for them. At the very least have a week or
two of drinking water, food stuffs, emergency medical supplies and other
essentials on hand, especially if YOU live along known fault zones.

Earthquakes are on the increase in both number and magnitude. A
magnitude 6 earthquake can be a devastating and fearful event. Magnitude
6 earthquakes have been recorded down thru history as devastating to
man-made structures. But, modern building engineering and development
of building codes has helped ameliorate their destruction somewhat.
Using information WE can obtain from the United States Geological Survey
(USGS) statistics, that they provide using their new MMS seismic
measuring equipment, has shown, an increase of magnitude 6 or greater,
in the last two decades, than ever before. In the decade of the 1990’s there
were 1492 earthquakes of magnitude 6 or greater and in the years 2000
thru 2009 there were 1589 of magnitude 6 or greater, an increase of 97;
which is a 6.5 percent increase in that ten year period. Put another way, it
was an increase of about ten major earthquakes per year, just under one
each month. But it also works out to 13.24 earthquakes of magnitude 6 or
greater per month, during that 10 year period! Magnitude 6 earthquakes
have become so common that WE rarely hear of them on the news, unless
they are in our locality.
There is some disparity between the new MMS earthquake measuring
system and the older Richter Scale. Nonetheless, they both record
earthquakes of greater magnitude increasing, in both their number and
their intensity, as recorded by both of their measuring systems.
Within this “last generation” starting in 1948, the older Richter Scale gives
US statistics for the decades since then. A definite rise in the number of
magnitude 6 earthquakes, or greater have been reported world-wide.
Notice how they have been rising: 1950’s 9; 1960’s 13; 1970’s 51; 1980’s
86; 1990’s, well over 100!
If you have ever been in a “big one” YOU already know that there is nothing
more frightening, nor anything that makes one feel more fearful and
insecure than when the very earth YOU are standing on starts to violently
tremble and shake, heaving up and down, giving way under your feet, while
continuing to throw everything down around YOU, as the earth is opening
up swallowing buildings and people. Everything is crumbling and falling
apart and there is no place to run for safety. These will inevitably get worse,
before the end. Again, WE URGE YOU TO PREPARE FOR THEM. Make
sure that YOU have adequate food and especially water safely stored.

We are seeing famines and pestilences growing; along with various
organizations, religions and governments creating evermore destructive
nuclear, radiological and bio-logical weapons of mass destruction and
deliberately using them on population centers, exposing innocent men,
women and children to horrific death. Their end is coming.
We have seen Great Mushroom clouds of destruction being grown in the
deserts of America by the "false prophet" that has made this fire come
down out of heaven on its enemy that impresses and threatens all of
mankind. See, Rev. 13:11-18. This destructive ability is spreading into the
hands of many fanatical communist and radical Islamic religious terrorist
elements, whose public political and religious figures, are almost certainly
(by how they threaten to use them), certifiably insane.
We are being CONTINUALLY bombarded with the "three FROGS" of
SATANIC PROPAGANDA by all of the media which includes the three
basic elements of this world, which are: politics, commercialism and
religion. This prophecy is found in Rev.16:13-16 where it says,
Rev 16:13 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the
mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the
mouth of the false prophet.
Rev 16:14 For they are spirits of demons doing signs, which go forth
to the kings of the earth, even of the whole habitable world to
assemble them to the war of that day, the great day of God
Rev 16:15 Behold, I am coming as a thief. Blessed is the one watching and
keeping his garments, that he does not walk naked, and they may see his
Rev 16:16 And He assembled them in the place having been called in
Hebrew, [to] Armageddon.

Those frogs of SATANIC PROPAGANDA come in the form of the inter-net,

radio, television, films, newsprint, politics, commercialism, and the pulpits.
Those “three ugly FROGS” USE religion, politics and commercialism to
spew out propaganda and lies of every description and of every sort around
the world, twenty-four hours a day, affecting and infecting all of mankind,
leading ALL to their destruction in Yahweh’s war of Armageddon.
When YOU see and hear that satanic propaganda, you would do well to
TURN THEM OFF!! Practically everything on television, radio and the inter-

net is SATANIC PROPAGANDA in one form or another regardless of their
supposed benign source.
We are seeing growing PHYSICAL terrorism promoted by both politics
and religions running rampant in the streets killing innocent men, women
and children by suicide bombers, all over the world. We are seeing the
world’s governments making war of a still greater scale on non-combatant
peoples and even on their own populations. These are the beginning of the
anarchy and fulfillment of the scripture that says,
“every mans sword shall be against his brother.” Ezek. 38:21. ASV.
These conditions will and must get worse. Be prepared.
We are seeing COMMERCIAL terrorism, by the use of commodities such
as oil, drugs, food, the manipulation of the fiat money supply, creation of
inflation and with it robbing the people of their buying power; The
governments levying greater taxes to pay for their national wars and social
programs, international monetary schemes to make paper money
worthless, only to replace it with another piece of paper or credit that
desolate the common people’s lives, which most certainly will eventually
bring depression and poverty upon the vast majority of earth’s population.
Sovereign national debt is rising so quickly that it is catching most of earth’s
population unaware that their money and their governments are in
imminent danger of bankruptcy and collapse. Thus, terrible hard-ships are
being created and imposed on the world’s innocents and those least able to
afford it. The common people are woefully unprepared for what is coming.
Many third world governments and Western nations are teetering on the
edge of total chaos, rebellion and revolution due to food shortages, and
money matters mentioned above. These conditions are hardly mentioned
by the media in the United States. Be prepared.
We are seeing RELIGIOUS terrorism, born of terrible conflicts from prior
centuries, continue to wax worse and worse. Christendom has for
centuries, terrorized the whole world with her hypocritical colonization and
endeavors to “force feed” democracy on the entire world of mankind. The
political and religious goal is to make every square foot of land a political
democracy for religious despotism now and socialistic fascist/communist
dictatorship later. They are well on their way to achieving their New World
Order. Prepare for a way of escape, ONLY thru Yahshua’s protection.

However, other religious forces along with political communistic and Fascist
anti-religious antagonists are now starting to raise their ugly heads against
the western nations of Christendom, insuring a new and greater threat to
mankind, than ever before.
Great issues surrounding the Holy Land are reaching a terrible climax on
the world scene that will culminate in a genocidal action in the middle-east.
One of the many OT/Tanakh prophecies yet to be fulfilled is in Isaiah
chapter seventeen, covered above. Read it again for YOURSELF and see
what you think. See Isaiah Chapter Seventeen.
We are seeing the "good news” (gospel) of the kingdom preached in ALL
the inhabited earth, and then the end will come." Matt 24:14. That work is
NOT BEING DONE by men or any one religion or any religious
“organization.” That work is being done by Yahshua and His holy angels
WITHOUT the help of any religious organizations, and in most cases IN
SPITE of religious and political organizations. He is pouring the Holy Spirit
out on "all flesh,” for their accepting or rejecting of him and his kingdom by
means of it. Please read the prophecy in Joel 2:28-32.
Even CHINA has been penetrated by the Lord, by means of the Holy Spirit
and His holy angels. How so? There are reports that over 80 million people
have already left the state-run religions and are secretly meeting in “home
churches”, parks, caves, in the woods and anywhere else that can be thot
of to freely speak of, pray to and worship Jesus/Yahshua and His Father.
In fact the “home church” movement has started to spread around the
globe taking many people OUT of the organized religions. This is certainly
not being done by any religious “organization.” It is being done, inspired
and overseen by Yahshua and His holy angels.
During this transition period there have been some great events happen
that prove WE are in the “last days” of this wicked world. There are three
important dates to keep in mind:
(1) 1916-17, When, the British General Edmund Allenby liberated
Jerusalem and Palestine from the Ottoman Empire, and its god, Allah.
(2) 1948, When, the phony Balfour declaration and British mandate expired
and the State of Israel, “a nation,” was created “in one day.”
(3) 1967, When, Jerusalem was once again taken from Islam and their
false god Allah. Unfortunately, one Jewish commander with a faithless and
un-intelligent heart, returned the temple mount to the Arabs of Islam that
the young Jewish men, under his command, had fought and died so
valiantly for. WE cogitate that the last generation began in 1948. It will last
three score and ten, culminating in 2018. Altho, it is quite possible that it
started in 1967 with the retaking of Jerusalem from the Islamists and their
false god Allah, by the Jewish Zionists.
In that event, look for conditions to get much worse for OUR beautiful
planet and mankind, as the followers of the moon god Allah and other
Fascist/communist Powers of both the East and the West are bent on
World Ruler-ship and world population reduction by 90 percent and more.
So, this “wickedness” could continue until 2037 and beyond. Pray for the
Lord’s soonest return.
If WE count this ‘transition period’ the same, “as the days of Noah were,” of
120 years from 1916-17, when Jerusalem was taken from the Ottoman
Empire, that would also bring US to about the same time period, of 2036-37
of the Common Era. WE must now wait and see what happens. But, in the
meantime great physical destruction will commence; co-mingled with
political and religious and commercial upheavals now occurring thru-out the
world. That will include the monetary disaster that is now threatening the
world’s fiat monetary and banking system which is usually followed by a
world-wide depression spawned by it. WE must prepare for this too.
It appears that the world’s Elite Class, directed by Satan, has chosen
Socialist Fascism/communism as their instrument of choice to use in
obtaining world domination. With IT, they are bent on TAKING AWAY ALL
OF YOUR FREEDOMS and LIBERTIES with their creation of a SOCIALIST
NEW WORLD ORDER. They have NOT discarded Communism, but are in
the process of dismantling the fiat money system that drives Capitalism.
That system in conjunction with Democracy allows too much individual
freedom of movement and economic power held by individuals and making
for a “middle class” that has too much time to learn and educate them-
selves, leading to upsetting Satan and the Elite’s vision of world ruler-ship.
Under the guise of world “free trade,” global warming, climate change
“World day,” “Earth Day,” “World Women’s Day,” “Green Earth Day,”
“global world days” and any other global disaster they can create, are using
their world propaganda media to create “internationalism,” in order to break
down tribal and national barriers and “nationalism” to make the world’s
population ready for their version of an International “New World Order.”

During this 'transition' period we are yet to see the destruction of "Babylon
the great, the mother of the harlots" which is the world empire of false
"organized religion.” She holds the people in an “illicit” bondage to her
religious whoring, doctrines, creeds, cults, sects and alliances. ALL of the
"organized religions” of “Christendom" are part of her.
In fact, ALL of the organized religions on earth are part of Her, having been
born in BABYLON; that ancient city of confusion and false religion. Being
originally established by Satan, using NIMROD, “a mighty hunter in
opposition to God,” to “organize” and established cities using government
and religious priesthoods for “organizational” control over mankind.
Nimrod Hunted men down to force them into “organized” cities under his
ruler-ship in “opposition” to God’s command for them to be “fruitful and
multiply and fill the earth.” This meant that mankind was to spread out to
“fill the earth” in an agrarian society, not gather into cities that required
organizational “power structures.” Under the Devil’s direction, Nimrod
opposed that decree in “opposition” to Yahweh, by gathering humans into
cities. In doing so He is also responsible for the beginnings of modern
politics and religion. Both of Satan’s creations of religion and politics are
soon to be destroyed.
Soon that world-wide false Babylon-ish religion will be destroyed by the
CURSE of YAHWEH, which is even NOW circling the earth, like a satellite
spying it out, locating the “houses of Lies and Thievery.” That CURSE is
destined to devour her. (See Zech. 5:3; also Chapter Ten, THE CURSE of
During this transition it is incumbent upon us to start ADVERTISING the
warning of Yahshua's FINAL MESSAGE, to wit:
"Get out of her [the whore of organized religion] my people, if you do not
want to share in her sins, and if you do not want to receive part of her
plagues." Rev. 18:4. NW,
But, the end is not yet, for: WE are yet to see the final fulfillments of Dan.
11:40-45 and all of chapter twelve. WE are yet to see the fulfillment of
Isaiah chapter 17 specifically verses 1-6 and other prophecies perhaps
including Ezekiel chapters 37, 38, 39.
WE will see the complete fulfillment of Psalm 83.
WE must serve Yahweh, as WE can and await the "salvation by him" with
an open mind.
WE await the certain identification and killing of "my two witnesses" and the
imminent blowing of the seventh trumpet Rev.11:15.
WE must prepare for many more frightening and fear inspiring events to
happen during this transition period than WE expect. These are awe-filled
times; what an awful and yet wonderful time to be living.
In which there will be NO MORE:
This transition will bring in the MILLENNIAL AGE OF GOD'S KINGDOM--
This transition will bring in the MILLENNIAL AGE OF GOD’S KINGDOM—
The Kingdom government ruler-ship during the Millennial Age will consist of
two parts:
(1) REPRESENTATIVE RULERSHIP on EARTH by 12,000 men from
each tribe of Israel described in Rev. 7:1-8, totaling 144.000 men of
Abraham’s physical seed. This will fulfill ALL of the Hebrew Scriptures

prophecies concerning earthly ruler-ship. This is GOOD NEWS for Jews
and the so-called Ten lost tribes!! WHY?—BECAUSE YOU WILL RULE
THE WORLD; THAT IS WHY! You are destined for WORLD ruler-ship,
UNDER the RULER-SHIP of the Messiah, Yahshua and the DIRECTION of
His heavenly “bride.”
The appearance of that earthly ruler-ship will fulfill and satisfy ALL of the
prophecies and promises, for “land” and ruler-ship that Yahweh made to
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, David and ALL the rest of Abrahams
physical seed thru Isaac and Jacob.
(2) DIVINE RULERSHIP FROM HEAVEN will guarantee a righteous and
just rule by imperfect men on earth. The “way” to heaven was opened up
by Yahshua to obtain a “bride” to take her “home” for Him-self, specifically
for this higher heavenly governmental oversight of earth. Those of the
“bride” are singing and playing their harps. They,
“. . . sing a new song before the throne. . . .And no one could learn that
song save the hundred and forty-four thousand who were bought from
the earth. . . “these are they who follow [like an obedient wife] the Lamb
wherever He goes.” Rev.14:1-5. Darby.
They have followed Him even into death, to be part of the “sacrifice” to the
Father. These have been bought from men as first fruits [sacrifice] to God
and to the Lamb.” Rev.14:5
That heavenly Kingdom ruler-ship is separate and distinct from the earthly
promises given to Abraham and his seed. In Luke 22:28-30 Jesus/
Yahshua said to HIS APOSTLES, who are the foundation stones and
represent the rest of Yahshua’s “bride,”
“. . . you are the ones that have stuck with me in my trials and I make a
covenant with you, as my Father has made a covenant with me, FOR A
KINGDOM, that you may . . . sit on thrones and judge [G2919 krino= To
distinguish, decide (mentally or judicially), to try, condemn, punish, avenge,
decree, determines, esteem, judge, sue question, sentence] the twelve
tribes of Israel.” Luke 22:28-30 NW.
Earlier in His Ministry,
“Jesus said to them, “‘Truly I say to YOU, In the re-creation, when the Son
of man sits down upon his glorious throne, YOU who have followed me will

also YOURSELVES sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes
of Israel.’” Matt. 19:28. NW.
WHY, and For what purpose? And what would qualify them to judge the
twelve tribes of Israel?
Because, those 144,000 earthly kings or rulers of Rev. 7:1-8, are
descendants of Abraham and are ALL HUMAN and as yet imperfect; they
are inexperienced and as humans are easily corrupted by power. They
would still have the same tendencies of the present rulers that have been
given power and authority over other humans; which is to MIS-USE that
Knowing that failing, British Lord Acton the historian said in part; that
‘Power corrupts and ‘Absolute Power Corrupts, Absolutely.’ So, to
prevent their MIS-USE of power and the corruption by it, they need to have
DIVINE GUIDANCE from heaven.
Guidance and authority that they cannot question!
Being imperfect humans, they NEED such guidance and heavenly help
from above to be humble, compassionate, loving and just rulers; to grow
into the perfect men that they were meant to be and rule perfectly, for
“justice itself.” Therefore, they need the perfect, immortal, incorruptible,
guidance from the heavenly part of God’s kingdom to help them be good
and just earthly rulers, while at the same time that guidance from above
comes from those that had already experienced those same common
human frailties and can therefore insure loving, kindly and humane
treatment for ALL of humankind.
They will put a STOP to the RUINING of THE EARTH. That heavenly ruler-
ship from above is Yahweh’s guarantee of perfect peace, justice, harmony,
righteousness, peace and security, along with love of neighbor. Heavens
ruler-ship will guarantee the Greening and care of OUR BEAUTIFUL
EARTH and bring to perfection ALL of its human inhabitants. Only a KIND,
LOVING and CARING GOD would produce such a beautiful NEW
governmental arrangement for HIS CREATURES and HIS CREATION.
Hallelu-Yah!! “Praise Yahweh, you people.”
The Apostle Paul (Sha-ul), quoting from multiple OT/Tenakh texts wrote
concerning this:

“O, the depth of Gods riches and wisdom and knowledge! How
unsearchable His judgments and past tracing out His ways! For “’who has
come to know Jehovah’s [Yahweh’s] mind, or who has become His
counselor?’”. . . “Because from Him and to Him and for Him are all things.
‘To Him be the glory forever.’” Amen.” Rom. 11:33-35. NW
Concerning those that Yahshua made HIS covenant, “for a kingdom” with
and who would be “bought from the earth” to be with Him in heaven as
rulers, that are to judge the twelve tribes of Israel, (Rev. 15:1-5; Luke
22:28-30) the Apostle Paul wrote,
“. . . that flesh and blood cannot inherit God’s [heavenly] kingdom, neither
does corruption inherit incorruption.” 1Cor.15:50. NW.
That being true, Paul gives their qualifications to be JUDGES after their
resurrection from the dead to heavenly life. He wrote concerning their
“It is sown in corruption, it raised up in incorruption. It is sown in dishonor; it
is raised up in glory. It is sown in weakness and is raised up in power, It is
sown a physical body, it is raised up a spiritual body.” “For this which is
corruptible must put on incorruption and this which is mortal must put on
immortality.” 1Cor. 15:50, 42-44, 53, 54. NW.
So, their, having been “bought from the earth” and resurrected with new
perfect spiritual minds and bodies that are immortal and incorruptible, they
are qualified to GUIDE and JUDGE those rulers of Jacob on earth to be
good, kind, righteous, just and loving rulers of humankind. Nothing will
change on earth regarding man’s nature, kings and nations, yet. That
change in man’s nature and consciousness will take upwards of a
millennium to develop. Father Yahweh, by means of His Son Yahshua ha
Mashiach will still be in charge, “removing kings and setting up kings,” if
necessary. Dan. 2:21. Only then it will be by direct ruler-ship from the
heavens, by Yahshua directing His Bride in dealing with humanity, by
means of the kings of “Jacob.”.
For a thousand years this will be the way earth is governed to bring both
the earth and mankind to a state of perfection, before Yahshua delivers
ALL power, ruler-ship and authority back to His Father. Paul stresses this
when he said,

“Next, the end [yes, another end, the finale’], when he hands over the
kingdom to his God and Father, when he has BROUGHT TO NOTHING all
government and all authority and power. For he must rule as king until
[God] has put all enemies under his feet…..But when all things have been
subjected to him, then the Son himself will also subject himself to the One
who subjected all things to him, that God may be all things to everyone.”
1Cor. 15:23-28. NW. [Brackets NW].
How wonderful, merciful and perfect God’s wisdom is. Having perfected,
former humans that know how we feel and think and can sympathize with
our weaknesses, they are used to direct the earth’s rulers and earth’s
affairs from above. This is the perfect governmental solution to the world’s
eternal social, political and commercial problems, along with the personal
problems of greed and the rebellion of self rule!! For that same reason,
Jesus /Yahshua became the perfect high priest and Supreme King of Kings
for this earth.
The Apostle Paul states,
“For we have as high priest, not one who cannot sympathize with our
weaknesses, but one who has been tested in all respects like ourselves,
but without sin.” Heb. 4:15. NW.
RIGHT NOW, OUR sympathetic high priest, Yahshua Ha Mashiach
himself, is directing events in this transition period so that the,
". . . kingdom of the world [does] become the kingdom of our Lord and of
his Christ, and he will rule as king forever and ever." Rev. 11:15. NW.
[Brackets NW].
He, said of himself,
"I am the way and the truth and the life, No one comes to the Father except
through me.” John 14:6.
NO political, commercial or idolatrous religious "organization" is being used
as His "channel" as HE ALONE is the CHANNEL from JEHOVAH/
YAHWEH to US, personally and individually. As he said,
“. . . my father has kept working until now and I keep working.” John 5:17
Yahshua continues to work, directing His Angels in this latter-day field
under His cultivation and direction.
RIGHT NOW, HE IS AT WORK, helping tens of thousands of small
Messianic groups that are springing up all over the world, in his name!
This Messianic activity is WITHOUT any of man’s help or that of any
"organized" religions. What does that tell us? If we listen we hear THIS:
That it can only be, the work of Yahshua, His holy angels and the Holy
Spirit, as it was in the first century.
Amazingly, all around the world, we are seeing these Messianic
movements within the Jewish world. More and more Jews are taking up the
banner of liberty under the name of Yahshua Mashiach (Jesus Christ),
accepting HIM as their liberator, savior and deliverer. This is astounding
that the “gospel of the Mashiach” is being sounded with such enthusiasm,
force and effectiveness in the Jewish community. It obviously is the work of
the Lord Yahshua and His holy angels. We expect it to increase until ALL of
“Jacob” realizes that their SURVIVAL depends on YAHSHUA’S
RIGHT NOW the Christian age is ending. The end will be completed when
the last of the “bride of Christ” is taken up into the clouds to be with their
bridegroom Yahshua Mashaich. That event will be the evidence that the
"full number of the people of the nations [gentiles] has come in,” (Rom.
11:25) and gone to their reward in Heaven. See Rev.14:1-5; 19:6-9.
THEN IS THE TIME FOR “JACOB,” the fleshly descendants of their
forefather Abraham, to be grafted back into the true vine. This is the END
of Judaism! Just as it is the END of Christendom! All WHO remain living
will acknowledge Yahshua as their Messiah.
Adios Christendom, Adieu Judaism, bye, bye Islam and the rest of false
Remember Romans 11:26?, which says,
"And in this manner ALL ISRAEL WILL BE SAVED."
After this transition period is when that scripture will be completely fulfilled.
That is, both parts of Israel will have then been saved. The Physical part
that is Jacob, who will represent mankind and rule on earth and also the
spiritual part, the bride called Spiritual Israel, those who go to heaven to be
with Yahshua there to represent the earth and humanity in heaven.

This is all occurring after, the marriage of the Lamb will commence (Rev.
19:6-9) and Satan has been cast into the abyss (Rev. 20:1-3). Messiah's
kingdom rule will then begin and OUR prayer, "Thy kingdom come, Thy will
be done, On earth, as it is in Heaven,” will start to be fulfilled. Matt. 6:9,10
Now you may better understand why the Tanakh [OT] uses the names of
Jacob and Israel together, but as separate entities, thru-out its pages. They
BOTH have an inheritance in fulfilling the promises given by Yahweh, to the
forefathers for RULER-SHIP; Jacob being the physical part and Israel
being spiritual part; Both parts being hinged upon Yahweh’s Son, Ha
Yahshua Ha Mashiach. Jacob will rejoice:
"In that time they shall call Jerusalem the throne of Jehovah [Yahweh]; and
to her all the nations must be brought together to the name of Jehovah
[Yahweh] at Jerusalem, and they will no more walk after the stubbornness
of their bad heart." Jer. 3:17. NW.
And Jacob will shout,
“My Farther!” YOU people will call out to me, and from following me YOU
people will not turn back.” Jer. 3;19b NW.
At first glance it appears that just the literal Jews of Judah and the ten lost
tribes will come together (which they will), but, the spiritual application has
a far greater meaning and application. It is all about earth’s RULER-SHIP
first, then about the physical earthly fulfillment and development of
humankind’s spirituality and higher consciousness.
The “House of Jacob” will have accepted Yahshua as their Messiah and be
re-grafted in as the earthly part of the “House of Israel.” All of the Jews and
the other ten tribes have that opportunity to be re-grafted back into God's
favor. Just as it is written in Romans 11:26:
"The deliverer [Yahshua Mashiach] will come out of Zion and turn away
ungodly practices from Jacob."
With that he will take their sins away, saying,
"And this is the covenant on my part with them, when I take their sins
away", verse 27. NW. Compare Matt. 25:31-46 and Jer. 3:14-19; Jer.
That brings us AGAIN to the idea of so-called "Replacement Theology".
This is a doctrine from "Babylon the great,” created by Satan for the
Catholic Church, which other apostate churches and religions have
adopted. This doctrine would have the “church” replace the literal, physical
seed of Abraham, as God's people, in every way.
Satan has the Churches, themselves NOW saying that THEY ARE God's
kingdom and that THEY ARE His sole representatives on earth. The
Catholic Church saying that it’s Pope is a ruling vice-regent with God on
earth and have already completed the millennial rule of a thousand years,
from 800 AD to 1799 AD, calling it the First Holy Roman Empire. Many
smaller ‘sects’ and cults are also saying that they are the sole
representatives of Yahshua and Jehovah/Yahweh, with their 12 apostles,
group of 70, latter day Elijah, Mohammed Elijah, ‘faithful and discreet
slaves’, governing bodies, board of directors etc..
Satan has also instigated the churches, by infiltration, to put their religious
organizations in the place of THE SON, saying that they alone are
Jehovah/Yahweh's "channel" for mankind. In doing so they are usurping
the place of Jesus Christ/Yahshua Mashiach as man-kind’s rightful
mediator and ruler. Didn’t the apostle Paul say something about that?..... . .
.. . Yes he did. Look up 2 Thess. 2:3, 4. There, it says concerning the
Lord’s return,
“Let no man seduce you… because it will not come unless the apostasy
comes first and the man of lawlessness [man of sin KJV] gets revealed, the
son of destruction [son of perdition KJV]. He is set in opposition and lifts
himself up over everyone who is called “god” or an object of reverence, so
that he sits down in the temple of ‘The God’, publicly showing himself to be
‘a god.’” NW.
That apostate man of lawlessness is the “organized religions” of
Christendom, spear headed by Catholicism, that have replaced “The God”
and His Son with their religions and ANTI-CHRIST doctrines. The
Protestant churches have also adopted that "apostate" doctrine along with
many evangelicals, the Watchtower witnesses and many other cults and
sects of their ilk. They ALL have gleefully espoused this Devilish Catholic
doctrine and replaced Jesus Christ and His Father with their corporate
religious "organizations.”
This Substitution Theology, as taught by most sects, also say that the seed
of Abraham is composed of only the "little flock" of 144,000 and Jesus
Christ. Is this true? By ONLY PARTIALLY understanding RULER-SHIP
they have missed the boat again. They think as the first century Jews thot;
What? THAT IT IS ONLY ABOUT THEM and their SECT and/ or CULT!
While the "little flock" or "bride of Christ" will inherit the heavens, Rev. 14:1-
5, it is composed of both Jews and gentiles [goyim] alike. Jesus, speaking
to Jews, said at Luke 12:32,
"Have no fear little flock, for your father has approved of giving you the
The first century Jews did not grab that opportunity and keep it for
themselves. Having NO understanding they actually rejected the heavenly
kingdom ruler-ship. So, they only filled up a small part of the “bride” class at
that time. The rest was/is filled by the “people of the nations,” [ETHNOS]
the Goyim or Gentiles.
That is as far as Christendom’s religions have gotten. They do not know
anything else, and by the looks of things, they like the Jews and do not
want to learn anymore. They, like the Jews, continue to study only
themselves and their own writings and continue to build upon their own
error. The Holy Spirit has been withdrawn from them, because of it, and
they can no longer progress in the light of “truth.”
Some say the seed of the woman of Gen. 3:15 and the seed of Abraham
are the same? Are they both composed only of the Bride and Jesus Christ?
Is there another answer? Does the kingdom only have a heavenly
We must be careful to not "go beyond the things that are written." 1Cor.
4:6. WE must listen to the “voice of God” in scriptures and what the "spirit
says to the congregations.” See Rev. Chapters 1, 2 and 3.
Reading those chapters, what do YOU hear those congregation saying
about this matter of Replacement Theology? Do they accept that doctrine?
Yea or nay? WE hear them saying,…..A resounding, NO!!
NOTE: There will be another special essay on this matter of the "seed of
Abraham" which will show that eventually "ALL" who demonstrate "faith"
will be considered Abraham's seed. This is a family "trait" of Abraham, He
being the "father of all those who have “faith." See Rom. 4:16, 17. And, as
the Apostle Paul says, "faith is not the possession of all people." 2Thess.
Faith comes from the heart and is possessed only by those who are the
real “seed” [have the DNA] of Abraham regardless of whether they reside in
heaven or upon the earth.
For the scriptures to be completely fulfilled there has to be two parts to
God’s kingdom; A heavenly kingdom ruler-ship and an earthly kingdom
ruler-ship subordinate to the heavenly one, for God’s will to be done in both
places and to insure against the frailties, failures and faults of imperfect
human flesh. Therefore, the need for heavenly oversight by those that can
and do understand, but are no longer hampered by the flesh and will
provide a guarantee that Yahshua’s ways and law are carried out to the full
in His “new administration” of heaven and earth.
That is what Yahshua taught US to pray for when He said, in part, “let thy
kingdom come, as in heaven, so on earth.” Matt. 6:9. WNT. Thus, to insure
that His will is done in heaven and on earth, two classes of Rulers have
been ordained and are being selected, from among mankind. That means
there must be kings or rulers in both the heavens and on the earth.
(1) Those Heavenly Kings are composed of those described in Rev. 14:1-5.
(2) Those Earthly Kings are composed of those in Rev. 7:1-8.
This poses no threat to those with the "heavenly hope,” for it greatly
expands on Jehovah/Yahweh's love and mercy toward mankind and is
apparently the original intent for the fulfillment of ALL of the scriptures.
Those, Earthly Kings of Rev. 7:1-8 are the same kings that are ruling on
earth, spoken of in Rev. 21:10, 24, when the earth beholds "the holy city
New Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God" (v.10),
"And the nations will walk by means of its light, and the KINGS OF THE
EARTH will bring THEIR glory into it." (v.24).
Those KINGS OF THE EARTH are NOT the same as the KINGS in the
HEAVEN who compose the holy city, New Jerusalem.
Those, KINGS OF THE EARTH are the same kings that Ezekiel 28:17
speaks of concerning Satan, saying,
"Onto the earth I will throw you, BEFORE KINGS I will set you, [for them] to
look upon you."

Those KINGS will be there at the end of the Millennial Reign to see that
happen to Satan. Those, KINGS will be there to experience the rest of the
fulfillment of the prophecy in Rev. 20:7-10 which says,
“Now as soon as the thousand years have been ended, Satan will be let
loose out of his prison, and he will go out to mislead those nations in the
four corners of the earth, God and Ma’gog, to gather them together for the
war. [A final war, in fulfillment of Ezekiel chapters thirty-eight and thirty-
nine] The number of these is as the sand of the sea. And they advanced
over the breadth of the earth and encircled the camp of the holy ones and
the beloved city. But fire came down out of heaven and devoured them.
And the Devil who was misleading them was hurled into the lake of fire and
sulfur, where both the wild beast and the false prophet [already were]; and
they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.” [Brackets NW].
Those EARTHLY KINGS are the SAME ONES to whom Jesus/Yahshua
"Come, you who have been blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom
prepared for you from the founding of the world." Matt. 25:34. NW.
Those KINGS are that part of Israel called “Jacob” who will have been
grafted back into the true vine Yahshua their Messiah; which will also
qualify them to be both RULERS and KINGS. This Kingdom arrangement
also fulfills ALL of Yahweh’s promises to their forefathers.
Those KINGS will finally shout out, HALLELU-YAH! Which means:
“Praise Yahweh YOU people!”

[All scripture brackets, bold, underlining, emphasis, italics, bold mine].



Concerning the activity of The Anti-Christ, in his day, Paul wrote,

“. . .the mystery of this lawlessness is already at work. . .” 2Thess.

2:7. NW.

What? Yes, the Anti-Christ was already in operation and “at work,” by the
middle of the first century promoting false doctrine! Paul wrote those
words to warn of a wrong idea that was being promoted as “the truth”, at
that time. That idea being promoted at the end of the Jewish Age/World
was that Yahshua would return in His PAROUSIA (presence) and be
invisibly present and would gather, his bride, at that time. Sound familiar?
This idea was a mistaken view of the Lord’s words spoken in Matt 24:3:

Mat 24:3 And when he is sitting on the mount of the Olives, the disciples
came near to him by himself, saying, `Tell us, when shall these be? and
what is the sign of thy presence**, and of the full end of the age?' YLT.
**[Strong’s G3952= παρουσία – parousia -- par-oo-see'-ah From the present
participle of G3918; a being near, that is, advent (often, return;
specifically of Christ to punish Jerusalem, or finally the wicked); (by
implication) physical aspect: - coming, presence].

That was an Anti-Christ doctrine. That same doctrine has been promoted
by a notorious “organized religious sect” in our present day saying that the
Kingdom of Heaven was set up in 1914 AD and the Lord began ruling as
King, invisibly at that time and that He would be resurrecting His bride
shortly thereafter. Notice what Paul says about it,

“And we ask you brethren, in regard to the presence [G3952, PAROUSIA=

being near, advent , return, coming, presence] of our Lord Jesus Christ,
and of our gathering together unto him, that ye be not quickly shaken
in mind, nor be troubled, neither through word, neither through letters as
through us, as that the day of Christ hath arrived;” 2Thes. 2:1, 2. YLT.

That false Anti-Christ doctrine was being promoted back then, by the “false
Christ’s” or false Messiah-ists as, “the truth.” That falsehood being
promoted was that Jesus/Yahshua was PRESENT and ready to collect His
Bride from the earth. Jesus/Yahshua had already forewarned his disciples
about “false Christ’s,” actually Anti-Christ’s that would appear after His
going away, and would mislead many. While on the Mount of Olives, his
disciples ask Him about his return, saying,

“Tell us, When will these things be and what will be the sign of your
presence [parousia] and the conclusion of the system of things?......Jesus
said to them: ‘Look out that nobody misleads you [about His parousia] for
many will come on the basis of my name saying, “I am the Christ” [saying I
am a Messiah, Anti-Christ’s saying, I am anointed, I am the channel, I have
“the truth”] and will mislead many.’” Matt. 24:3-5. NW.

Many Anti-Christ religious “organizations” are presently doing the same

thing, advertising that they are the “channel” and are “Christ’s,” “anointed
ones;” their organizers saying, “I am anointed, follow me.” But, are they?

Those “false Christ’s,” Anti-Christ’s, were already “at work”, doing their dirty
deed directly after the Lord’s death. This is how the Anti-Christ operates by
the USE OF FALSE DOCTRINES that THEY introduce in the name of
“Jesus Christ,” to lead His sheep away from Him, to follow them.

Was that doctrine introduced into the first century congregations that
Yahshua was already invisibly present, spoken of above. No, that doctrine
that the Lord’s day had come, and that He was invisibly present was NOT
“the truth” THEN. Also, since no human can see anything that is invisible to
him, that doctrine is not yet, “the truth,” today. Note Paul’s words about it,

“Let no man seduce you in any manner, because it [the end] will not come
unless the apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness [sin, iniquity]
gets revealed, the son of destruction [G684, apoleia= ruin or loss,
damnable, destruction, die, perdition].” 2Thes. 2:3a. NW.

Well, that apostasy has come by means of the Churches of Christenom

since the Apostle John’s death; but it has not run to its fullest extent yet.

When the apostasy is totally complete, then WE can expect the Lord’s
“parousia.” Not after some alleged, bogus, or arbitrary date. Then is when,

“. . . that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and
exalteth himself above all that is called God or that is worshipped; so that
he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.”
2Thes. 2:3b, 4. KJV.

We must not allow ourselves to get hardened in our doctrinal ideas as

some of the Messianic Jews did in the first century. Some quickly fell back
into traditional Judaism and were destroyed in 70 CE, because of their
reliance on the blind Jewish Religious leaders and rabbi’s who were
faithless and had NO SPIRITUALITY. By rejecting the Messiah they also,
fell back into a spiritual desert, without either faith or spirituality and thereby
lost the prospect of heavenly ruler-ship. They were once again, dead in
their trespasses against the Law of Moses.

As a result of their desolated spiritual condition, the Apostle Peter said, it

was time "for judgment to start at the house of God.” As we have seen, IT
DID! See 1Pet. 4:17.



At this time in history, IT is the “last hoorah” for Christendom and her
apostate organized religions within her. You might be surprised, where that
expression came from: The “last hoorah”.

The apostle John was the last survivor of Yahshua’s twelve apostles.
Nearly a centenarian, he wrote his last three letters in or near Ephesus
and the Revelation visions while imprisoned on the penal isle of Patmos.
That was near the end of the first century, but his thinking ability was still
very keen and his spirituality enlarged and still intact. In his letters, he
spoke of yet another end; the END of SPIRITUALITY and the END of
SPIRITUAL TRUTHS that were taught by Yahshua Messiah. John wrote,

“Little children, it is the last [horah] [G5610 horah= day, hour, instant,
season, tide, time].” 1John 2:18.

It was quite literally the “last hoorah”, “horah” or hour for the faithful
spiritual followers of Yahshua. After John, only a thin thread of those faithful
brothers of Yahshua, could be traced down thru history. Appearing,
disappearing and then reappearing in the churches of Christendom, like a
buoy in a stormy sea.

The apostle John spoke those words, the “last hoorah” or last hour,
regarding the “falling away” from spirituality and spiritual “truths” that
Yahshua had taught His disciples. He was also warning them of the
imminent menace and rise of the Anti-Christ’s or Anti-Messiah’s. John said,

“Little children, it is the last hour [horah]: and as ye heard that anti-christ
cometh, even now there have arisen many anti-Christ’s, whereby we
know that it is the last hour [horah].” 1John 2:18. ASV.

Another translation reads,

“Young children, it is the last hour [horah], and just as YOU have heard
that anti-christ is coming, even now, there have come to be many
antichrist’s; from which fact we gain the knowledge that it is the last hour.
They went out from us, but they were not of our sort; for if they had been of
our sort, they would have remained with us. But [they went out] that it might
be shown up that not all are of our sort.” 1John 2:18,19. NW. [Brackets

Did YOU notice John said, “just as you have heard that Anti-Christ is
coming, even now, there have come to be MANY ANTI-CHRIST’S [ANTI-
MESSIAH’S]; from which fact we gain the knowledge that it is the last
hour.” Now, notice who the Anti-Christ’s were and are: John says,

“They went out FROM US”.

They had been part of the early Messiah-ists gatherings which became
ecclesia’s, assemblies, congregations, then later churches! Now they were

gone to start new Churches, new Religions, with their own teachings with
strange New and different doctrines.

They had lost their SPIRITUALITY, if they ever had any to begin with. Their
teachings were much different from those SPIRITUAL ideas and principles
taught by Yahshua and practiced by his early disciples and brothers like the
apostle John. Thus before the end of the first century. . . . . . . . . The
Anti-Christ had already arrived!

Over forty years earlier the apostle Paul, noting Yahshua’s warning,
recognized that the Anti-Christ was already at work. “The mystery of this
lawlessness is already at work”, he said, within some of the early mostly
Jewish Messiah-ist congregations. This was even before the destruction of
the Jewish world or system of things, in 70 CE. 2Thes. 2:7. NW.

John tells US that those promoting those new doctrines and forming new
“churches,” or congregations, were not like him and his brothers that had
personally known the Christ or Messiah. Many had already left, but had
also left their apostate seeds to grow within the congregations. John said,

“. . . but [they] were not of our sort; for if they had been of our sort they
would have remained with us. But, [they went out] that it might be shown up
that they were not of our sort.” 1John 2:18,19. NW. [Brackets NW].

One of the most prominent characteristics of the Anti-Christ is the tendency

to LIE. They created LIES to support their nefarious schemes to draw the
believers away from the SPIRITUAL truths of Yahshua for personal gain
and self aggrandizement. See Zec. 5:1-4 concerning religious lie-ing.
Speaking of their lie-ing John says in verse 22,

“Who is the liar if it is not the one that denies that Jesus is the Christ

At that time both the Romans and particularly the Jews that survived the
end of their world denied Jesus/ Yahshua as being the Son of God. Both
can be classified as Anti-Christ’s!

About two hundred and twenty-five years later another fully matured Anti-
Christ would appear by Roman political decree of Constantine the Great.
That happened at the first ecumenical council of Nicaea, held in 323-325
AD. There, those “not of our sort”, adopted a conglomeration of doctrines,
pagan beliefs, dogma, image worship, superstitions, cross worship,
Platonic immortality, a vengeful god that burns his children, even adopting
a pagan triune God-head, Sun worship along with other Roman pagan
ideas and patriotism, most of which originated in ancient Babylon. They
were all incorporated into one, Anti-Christ religion and called IT the:
“Universal Church.”

In the Latin language the word for universal is known as, “CATHOLIC.” It
would be four hundred years before Islam would be unified enough to join
the Anti-Christ (Anti-Messiah) pack and parrot the same lies. It would take
another eight hundred years after that before the Protestant reformation
would start to split off from its Anti-Christ root and then belligerently herald
the same doctrine of Anti-Christ. How, so?

The Protest-ants stopped protesting. They stopped being pro-testants

against the Catholic Church and adopted the very same doctrines that they
had been protesting against. Then, those new Protestant religions began
vigorously promoting the very same Anti-Christ; the very same Anti-
Messiah doctrines.

Getting back to first John chapter two, WE see he answers his own
question, “who is the liar?” quoted above by stating in verse twenty-three,

“Everyone that denies the Son does not have the Father either. He that
confesses the Son has the Father also.” 1John 2:23. NW.

You see, John is speaking of those former “BROTHERS” that “went out
from us. But, ”NOT being of our sort” they had already “twisted” the
teachings of the Son of God for their own benefit, enrichment and
grandiosity. They wanted THEIR OWN FOLLOWING! That was separate
and apart from YAHSHUA. They were “wolves in sheep’s clothing.” Matt.

The apostle Paul had warned that this would happen when leaving the
congregation in Ephesus, saying,

“I know that after my going away oppressive wolves will enter in among
YOU and will not threat the flock with tenderness, and from among YOU,
YOURSELVES MEN will rise and speak twisted things to draw away
the disciples after themselves.” Acts. 20:29, 30. NW.

They arose and “went out”, teaching their own doctrines and establishing
their own churches/religions. This apostasy increased for about 200 years,
until 323-325 AD. At that time is when the pagan Roman Emperor
Constantine called the first ecumenical council. He did that in an effort to
save his empire, saying he had a psychic experience in a dream of the
cross which told him, “By this sign [the cross] you will conquer.”

One of the twisted ideas they taught was that the Father and the Son were
one in/and the same person, same substance, and same eternity. Later the
Holy Ghost was added to it and it became the Trinity doctrine, which states
that the “Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost” are THREE, but NOT
THREE, but they are ONE and the SAME PERSON and that they are CO-
EQUAL in power, substance and eternity. This is an Anti-Christ, Anti-
Messiah doctrine. How?

Well, if you say that the Father and the Son are the same person you
deny one or the others existence. IN doing so YOU deny both the Father
and the Son, by saying that they are one in/and the same PERSON.

Only Satan, the arch-enemy of both the Father and His Son, could come up
with such a twisted, convoluted and confounded idea. The apostle John
said that those that believed that sort of twisted nonsense “went out from
us because they were not of our sort.”

As a great many of the early brothers were Jews, some reverted back to
their roots saying Jesus never came in the flesh at all and another Messiah
was still to come. The apostate Jewish rabbi’s, still wanting ruler-ship
THEN, found one in the person of Simon Bar-Kockba and made him their

Messiah. They foisted him upon the Jews of the day and he led them in
another revolt against the Roman Empire.

By listening to the superstitious rabbi’s the Jews again suffered terrible

destruction. By136 AD the Romans brought terrible and bloody reprisals on
the Jews, with nearly 600,000 killed, untold numbers dying of hunger,
disease and privation. Tens of thousands captured and sold into slavery.
The land of Israel was renamed Palestine, and Jerusalem renamed, Aelia
Capitolina. ALL of the Jews were barred from the land and Jerusalem. All
because of listening to and believing the spiritually deaf, dumb and blind
rabbis who led them into the pit of destruction. They still lead the Jews

By this time the gentiles were calling themselves kristianos or

“Christians” which separated them from the Jews. Amongst them were
many false prophets saying that they were inspired by the Holy Spirit to
speak their twisted ideas and doctrines. They were asserting the same
things that they say today. What? “I am the Messiah, I am the Christ, I am
anointed, so follow me.” Jesus/Yahshua had already forewarned His
disciples about what would happen after His death.

To counter these imposters and their Anti-Christ (Anti-Messiah) words and

works, John wrote in 1John 4:2 and 3,

“The test by which you may recognize the spirit of God is that every spirit
which acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come as a man is from
God.” 1John 4:2. WNT.

The promoters of the pagan freak three-headed god say that Jesus was
more than a man. They say He was “god incarnate,” that is God in the
flesh. That means that they are denying that Jesus came as a man, in the
flesh. For if He was God that means He was NOT a man as John says. By
their contradiction and assertion that Jesus/Yahshua was God “incarnate”
they ARE NOT FROM GOD. That is an Anti-Christ and Anti-Messiah
doctrine. John continues,

“And every spirit that does not confess Jesus Christ as come in the flesh
is not of God.” 1John 4:3. Darby.

“Furthermore, THIS is the Anti-Christ, which you heard was coming and
NOW it is already in the world.” 1John 4:3. NW. . . . . . . . . What?

Yes, the ANTI-CHRIST was already there, then, in John’s day at the end of
the first century around 100 AD. WE do not have to look far to see who was
in back of it. Backed by the slanderer, Satan, IT (not he) was already being
used by opposers of the truth, attacking Yahshua’s person, his origins, his
stature, and his coming in the flesh as only a man.

By denying that He came as a man in the flesh and elevating Him to the
status of God, they could increase their power over the people. Because,
after all, they were the ones who came up with their doctrine and they said

Satan later inspired Constantine to do the same by introducing the pagan

Roman “trinity” into the apostate Churches, he gained power over the
people with religion, and thus unified his empire. Alas, HUMAN RULERS

IT, the ANTI-CHRIST, is a way of lawless diabolical thinking that is

diametrically opposed to Yahweh, Yahshua, and the Holy Spirit’s message.
opposed to ALL REASON and SPIRITUALITY, especially to Yahweh and
the person of Yahshua Messiah. IT is a carnal, demonic, and Satanic
doctrine to be sure. IT is inspired, promoted, backed and supported by
Satan and the demons. IT is promoted today by most ALL of the organized
religions of Christendom because they are “in business for themselves”
promoting their own doctrines, desires and destiny, but trying to control
YOU and your relationship with God along the way.

John continued to defend the truth he had learned from Yahshua in the
beginning. In his second letter he re-states what he established in his first
one saying:

“For many deceivers have gone forth into the world, persons not
confessing Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh. [as a man, they deny
this by saying he was actually God, incarnate, and is His Father also]. This
is the deceiver and the ANTI-CHRIST.” 2John verse. 7. NW.

By re-reading the foregoing you can easily see where the Anti-Christ
comes from. That IT comes from within the ranks of apostate church-men
that once represented the “truth” of Yahshua the Messiah. They begin their
treachery with their LIES and on leaving they vigorously and openly
promoted their own carnal, demonic doctrines. They are empowered by the
“father of the lie;” the power and inspiration behind them is from Satan, the
greatest Anti-Messiah, Anti-Christ and LIAR of all. See John 8:44.

Those who were once carrying the truth about Yahshua, had left and
turned around to become opposite, or ANTI-, to what they once were, that
being Messiah-ists and later Christians. These Anti-Christ’s or Anti-
Messiah’s were already sowing Satan’s “bad seed” in the “field,” Just as
Jesus/Yahshua said would happen. See Matt. 13:24-30; 36-43.

As stated above, one of those early doctrines of Anti-Christ evolved into the
trinity doctrine of the early church by about 325 AD. It was introduced into
the early Churches and promoted by Emperor Constantine at the Council of
Nicaea and ratified, not by the Holy Spirit, but by the democratic vote of
hundreds of apostate bishops that had been imported from all over the
empire, by Constantine, for the purpose of confirming Constantine’s plans
and doctrines for saving his empire by a unifying religion.

Many bishops refused to come to the council, including the bishop of

Rome. This made Constantine hopping mad. Never-the-less, the pagan
Roman doctrine of the trinity fit in nicely with his plans for the
REUNIFICATION of the Roman Empire by means of A NEW ORGANIZED
RELIGION, with a “trinity of gods” being ITS central doctrine. Thus he
would gain new powers, for the rulers all knew that religion was useful for
producing powerful control over the masses.

The bulk of the world’s pagan Romans already had their own trinity and
Sun worship that they staunchly believed in, but the Christians did not. That

problem had to be solved. It was solved by Constantine. He simply added
Sun worship and the trinity doctrine to the apostate Christian Churches of
his day. Hence, Sunday was set aside to worship the Sun and replaced the
Jewish Sabbath as the day set aside to worship Yahweh thru His Son
Yahshua. In doing so, Constantine quite brilliantly accomplished his
unification process. That was in 323-325 AD. Yes, the rulers like religion
because it is “useful” to accomplish their goals of conquest and ruler-ship
over the people. Because, “religion is a controlling power.”

A little over 300 years later another religion surfaced, that would complete
the world’s religious make-up by Satan and would be a major force in
denying Yahshua as Yahweh’s son and Christ or Messiah. By terrorist
force it would try to bring the entire world into “submission” to it. That
religion, called Islam, is destined to be used by the political powers to
actually help destroy Christendom and then be destroyed by the very
political powers that are “using” it.

Another Anti-Christ idea was also developed by the Roman Emperor

Constantine that the Romans had long been using. It was the idea to use
the cross as the symbol of the new religious empire created by the Roman
state. The pagan Romans had been using the cross as a religious symbol
for millennia. It also, would fit in nicely into his REUNIFICATION purposes
and would help to promote image worship that would remove any vestiges
of SPIRITUALITY and/or REAL CHRISTIANITY from the Churches that
was produced by that Roman state political system.

The Romans had been using the cross as their ensign, signal and banner
bearer for hundreds of years. Importantly, Constantine said that he had a
vision in a dream that showed a cross and a voice that said, “BY THIS
SIGN [in Latin, X=CHI, P=RHO THE CRISS-CROSS with the P over the
top], YOU WILL CONQUER.” YOU may imagine WHO gave him that
dream? + + + + + For it certainly was NOT THE TRUE GOD YAHWEH or
His Son Yahshua ha Mashiach. The use of idols and images of any sort
had been condemned about eighteen hundred years earlier when the
Angel gave Moses the Ten Commandments and the Torah to the Israelites.

You can easily see the remnants of the Roman Empire today, by those
nations that still employ the cross + on their flags and/or the use of the
“eagle” there-on. This is important to know, because those very nations
have retained the same FASCIST mind-set that the Roman Empire had. It
has been promoted in Europe and even in Islam. It was promoted in
Germany by both the SECOND and THE THIRD REICHS OR RULE.

Watch for Germany to once again take on the mantle of Europe’s leader
(fuehrer). They will promote it more and more in this “time of the END!”
That same ideology is also prevalent in Islam today. In fact, the best selling
book in the Islamic World, is Hitler’s MEIN KAMPF, meaning, “My Struggle”
or in Arabic= “My JIHAD”.

In the Roman world ALL of these ideas were unifying doctrines for the
empire as most Roman citizens already believed in a pagan trinity, the
cross, Sun worship and use of images in their worship. So by including a
so-called Christian trinity in the new Roman “Universal” State Religion
many more people would be unified into the New Roman/Byzantine
Empires fold. In doing so, it has given US all the evidence that WE need to
identify the physical parts and remnants of the ancient Anti-Christ which are
still used by the modern Anti-Christ’s in existence today.

Also, by adding image worship Constantine was wonderfully successful in

making the last remnants of Yahshua’s SPIRITUAL teachings
unrecognizable. For if you can see what you believe, there is no need of
seeking spirituality to develop faith to believe in a God that YOU cannot
see. Those kinds of materialistic thinking has spawned other Anti-Christ
philosophies such as Communism, Fascism, Capitalism, etc., which are
completely opposite to Yahshua’s spiritual teachings. Primarily that,

“God is a spirit, and you must worship him in spirit and in truth.” John
4:24. NW.

Image worship and their use is the perfect destroyer of SPIRITUALITY

because one can then SEE what he believes and does not need faith.
Obviously, Constantine was planted in the God’s field by Satan the Devil,
the father of the lie, the wicked one, the great deceiver; to POISON “the
field” with the empty headed “tares” until the “End of the Age.” Yes, by the
use of LIES and DECEPTION Satan was able to successfully over sow the
field with HIS WEEDS of DARNEL (a poisonous weed that looks like wheat
but is empty headed, that is without a kernel in its head). ALL OF THIS is
accomplished by means of His new Anti-Christ religion, thus fulfilling the
Lord’s prophecies about them in Mathew chapter thirteen.

In chapter two of his second letter to the Thessalonian congregation, the

apostle Paul said that the “mystery of this lawlessness,” wicked and
unlawful thinking “was already at work” within the congregations of his day.
This was before the destruction of Jerusalem and the end of the Jewish
system of things in 70 AD. But, he said that it would not happen until the
apostasy came first and that would not happen until Holy Spirit and those
who were restraining the process of apostasy were taken out of the way so
it could continue unabated. Jesus/Yahshua’s words in Mathew chapter
thirteen assures US that it would continue to complete fruition.

So it is today with the “organized” religions of Christendom. They are in a

condition similar to the Jewish nation in the first century. They are like white
washed graves, being “SPIRITUALLY” dead on the inside. They are
beautiful on the outside, but inside they are full of dead men’s bones.

Just as Peter said about the religious world/age of his time, it is now time
for “judgment” to befall Christendom. She has become the great apostate
“harlot” representing herself to be Jehovah/Yahweh’s “woman.” She is
NOT. She has adulterated her-self with the nations, drinking the “cup” of
the demons. She has been an awful sign and a wonder to the whole world
for about seventeen hundred years now. Her fruits of blood thirsty
conquest, enslavement, horrific wars, perversion, and human rights
violations, all tell the tale of what she is really like inside.

It is time for the "judgment of the great apostate harlot" representing herself
to be a "great city" like Jerusalem and Babylon were. She will be
completely “burned with fire” as apostate Jerusalem once was and be
completely desolated as ancient Babylon was. See Rev. 18:8

Just as the political Roman Empire meted out God’s punishment on the
Jewish world so will the political governments of today (made up of the
remnants of the Roman Empire), will do the same to the “Great Harlot”
called “Babylon the Great” who claims to represent God on earth as His
“woman.” That Great Old Whore is composed of ALL the organized
religions claiming to represent God. Her end will happen quickly,

“And thus with a swift pitch will Babylon the great city be hurled down and
she will never be found again.” Rev. 18:21 NW.


Next to Satan and his invisible demons, “Babylon the Great” is the greatest
ANTI-CHRIST on earth. The apostle John saw HER in the vision of the
apocalypse and said,

“Well, on catching sight of HER I wondered.” ‘And so the angel said to me,’
“Why is it you wondered? I will tell you the mystery of the woman and the
wild beast that is carrying her.” Rev. 17:6,7. NW

The rest of Revelation chapter 17 explains:

“And the ten horns that you saw mean ten kings, who have not yet
received a kingdom, but they do receive authority as kings one hour with
the wild beast. These have one thought, and so they give their power and
authority to the wild beast.” Rev. 17:12,13. NW.

By that statement, WE see that the ten kings and the wild beast are
political entities, that is, World Political Powers on the earthly scene. They
have finally tired of CARRYING HER on their backs. She is in the way. She
has become a burden. She is no longer an asset. She is no longer useful.
She has become a liability. It is time for new and different thinking
regarding her. Then they suddenly come up with ONE THOUGHT!!

But, where does that thought come from? We will keep reading to find out:

“And the ten horns [signifying power and ruler-ship] that you saw and the
wild beast, these will hate the harlot and make her devastated and naked,

and will eat up her fleshy parts and will completely burn her with fire.” Rev.
17:16. NW.


WHORE and LOVER? Verse 17 answers: even to carry

“For God put it into their hearts to carry out His thought, even to carry
out their one thought by giving their kingdom to the wild beast until
the words of God will have been accomplished.” Rev. 17:17. NW



See Rev.18:5-8 for all of the sins that she committed on earth and all her
immorality and acts of injustice. Yes, those political entities will put an end
to the Great Whore, composed of four daughters that make up two religions
who also want world domination; Namely, Catholicism and Islam.

Both of these religions have been bent on world domination and control of
mankind since their inception. Both are unknowingly running headlong into
the mouth of the political “wild beast.” And that “wild beast” of the political
nations DOES NOT WANT ANY COMPETITION for world ruler-ship,
especially from a couple of harlots!

These two religious “women” mistakenly think that the issue of world
domination is strictly between them alone. They think that they have their
political “lovers” under control. THEY DO NOT. They will soon find out the
dire consequences of their fatal mistake. And, of course, they do not even
consider that Yahshua’s Kingdom government would ever have a part in
the issue of world Ruler-ship.

These two “women” have been fighting each other for more than a
thousand years now. But, they are now, SUDDENLY IN THE WAY, of total
world domination by the Political elements. Consequently, they will be
destroyed and put out of the way so that the political “wild beast” can
accomplish its goal of total socialist control of the earth and its population.

But make no mistake, the totalitarian Socialist world ruler-ship being
developed by Satan and his human elite dupes behind the political “wild
beast” for the unification of mankind under their “New World Order”, will
only be temporary. Why?

Because, shortly their conqueror is to appear! Yahshua Ha Mashiach will

appear in the heavens, in great glory and all his holy angels with him. (See
Matt. 25:31-34). He comes with His Kingdom authority and will break them
with an “iron rod.” Even so, their god Satan makes them think that they can
fight against the ”King of Kings” and the “Lord of Lords.” They do not have
a chance, as Yahshua will utterly destroy them, just as they did to the
“great whore,” “Babylon the great.”

ALL of earth’s organized religious structures will be dismantled timber by

timber and stone by stone in fulfillment of Zechariah prophecy. The two
harlots and ALL the rest of organized religion will be a thing of the past. A
fitting end indeed, at the hands of her political lovers. Why? Because they
simply do not need her anymore! She is of NO USE TO THEM anymore.
So, She is done for, doomed! . . Finished! . . Kaput! THEY ARE DONE
WITH HER! . . . . . . . .


And, what are the rest of the political rulers, international corporations and
commercial capitalists doing about it? Rev. 18:9-19 gives a good
description of their cowardice. In verse nine it says,

“And the kings of the earth who committed fornication with her and lived in
shameless luxury with her, will weep and beat themselves with grief over
her, when they look at the smoke from the burning of her, while they stand
at a distance because of their fear of her torment.”

Also the merchants, the shipping, international trade and the commercial
interests will lament over her passing from the world scene,

“because in one hour she has been devastated.” Verse,19.

But why? You say again; WHY, would those political powers want to
destroy the Great Whore when she was the lover and prostitute of all the
other political powers and Kings on earth?

Verse 17 gives the answer.

“For God put it into their to hearts to carry out HIS THOUGHT , even to
carry out [their] one thought by giving their kingdom to the wild beast until
the words of God will have been accomplished. And the woman whom you
saw means the great city that has a kingdom over the kings of the earth.”
Rev. 17:17, 18. [Brackets NW].

That Great city signified by Babylon, is the original place from which ALL
false religion, religious hierarchies, priesthoods and their subsequent false
religious organizations sprang from. They took it with them to all parts of
the earth to develop into religious ruler-ship, after Yahweh confused and
confounded their languages at the “tower of Babel”. That religious empire is

“Babylon the Great, the mother of the harlots and of the disgusting things of
the earth.” Rev. 17:5 NW,

Sometime after they destroy ALL organized religion, signified by the old
Whore, “Babylon the Great” riding the scarlet colored beast, these same
kings and the wild beast (the whole world political system of things) will
actually try to do battle with “the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords,” the
lamb of God, Yahshua Ha Mashiach! But He will conquer them!! (See
Revelation chapter 19:11-31).. That is why the Lord Jesus/Yahshua pleads
with US to take action NOW, before the devastation of the Great Whore
happens, saying,

"Get out of her my people, if you do not want to share with her in her sins
and if you do not want to receive part of her plagues.” Rev. 18:4. NW

Yahshua enjoins US to “get out of her my people,” and "Come to me," in

John 6:37.

Great and awe inspiring events are to shortly transpire on our earth and in
the heavens around the earth. We must prepare ourselves to be ready for
those earth shaking, faith shattering events for some; else we may be
overpowered by them. It is imperative that we stay in great expectation of
His coming in whatever way it is, keeping an open mind and heart.

The Jews of the first century DID NOT. They had become even more stiff-
necked, legalistic "organizational religionists," with hardened doctrines, and
rigid legalistic practices which encrusted their minds and calloused their
hearts. Little has changed. Today, their minds and hearts are filled with
their RELIGIONS and their TRADITIONS and WORLDLY –ISMS; they
have little place in left in their hearts for Love of God and Love of their
neighbor. (Matt, 22:37-40). Their practices are all fake, all for show, not
genuine and are only temporary substitutes until their “Deliverer” arrives.

The same attitude is also practiced in Christendom today. Try to defend her
if you must, but you will be overwhelmed by the historical and current
evidence against her. Yes, some individual churches and congregations
are doing good things, by the merit of those good hearted individuals within
them. But, the organizations that are controlling them are reprehensible
and DO NOT REPRESENT the Lord in any form or fashion.

WE MUST NOT BE LIKE THEY ARE. In fact the Lord Yahshua tells US
to “get out” of them. We cannot be like the hypocrites of Christendom
who are doing the same thing, promoting their religious organizations as
having the only “true religion.” We must be willing to give up our petty
differences and what-ever else it takes to develop and then maintain OUR
SPIRITUALITY and keep in expectation of him with an open mind and

WE MUST continue to "listen” to the scriptures with our hearts. WE MUST

also “listen” to the Holy Spirit in our hearts. Why? To increase and improve
OUR SPIRITUALITY, by having continual conscious contact with HIM thru
constant prayer and meditation. By constant meditation and prayer we
come to receive understanding of what Jesus/Yahshua is doing and how
we can work in harmony with Him, his holy angels and the Holy Spirit.

Remember, He has always dealt with US, in that way as INDIVIDUALS, not
as organizations. He does not deal with organizations. He only has
relationships with individuals like you and I.

WE MUST divorce ourselves from ALL the organized religious sects,

hierarchies, cults, doctrines, superstitions, and their dogmatic positions. By
doing so, we can then ascertain what Jesus/Yahshua is doing for us now
on the world scene.

WE MUST fully surrender and concede that:

HE ALONE is the CHANNEL of communication with the Father


HE is DIRECTING HIS sheep individually


HE alone is the way, the truth and the life

Those that claim “there is another way” or CHANNEL, are apostate. For,
there is NO OTHER WAY. Only Yahshua, IS the “way and the truth and the

WE MUST REALIZE that there is NOT ONE “organization,” group or

religion, corporation, or hierarchy, or sect, or denomination, which has not
been infiltrated by the "Wicked One.” They have ALL become apostate and
are IMPOSTORS, having ALL been “blinded” by the Wicked One, who is
the “god of this world.” (See 2Cor. 4:4). And when the blind lead the blind,
they both will fall in the ditch.

By recognizing the truths IN the above information namely, "That Yahshua

ALONE, is the way the truth and the life", . . . That only by BEING FREE
from the entanglements of the present world’s politics, religions and
commerce can WE STAY AWAKE!, so WE are not confused but can
ACCEPT HIM when He does arrive.

And BY NOT, involving ourselves with the use-less doctrines and religions
of "Babylon the Great",
And BY NOT, involving ourselves in the divisive spirit, created by those
same "organized religions",

And BYNOT, involving ourselves with this world and its desires politically,
religiously or commercially,

And BY NOT, becoming involved with the nationalism, armies and wars of
the Nations,

And BY NOT, getting involved in the political activism supporting one

political view against another, or one nation against another,


It is ONLY BY putting OUR complete faith, hope and trust in the Lord

WE CAN STAY AWAKE by preaching and teaching ONLY Jesus/ Yahshua

Messiah's WORDS and HIS kingdom as mankinds only hope. NO ONE
ELSES; Not organized religious propaganda or political “mumbo jumbo.”
This is also how we stay both spiritually ALIVE and READY FOR HIS
RULERSHIP; In whatever way or ways it manifests itself.




This great issue has been be-clouded by dark and powerful, blood guilty
hands cloaked in politics and hidden under the violent bloody skirts of
organized religion. They do not want YOU to know about their criminal
activity down thru the ages. Some do not want to face the issue by lying to
themselves and to the public by saying that their political governments
are your benefactors. They swear in the “name of God,” that their
organized religions are your “channel” to God. They continue to cover it
over in their politico-religious organizations; They veil it in their political

ideologies and their religious doctrines that they are continually warring
over and squabbling about. They are continually hiding the fact that THEY
NOW OUT IN THE OPEN. There is now no question as to WHO is
ultimately going to rule the earth!

That has been the question since the dawn of civilization. Well, WE NOW
KNOW; The KING whom Yahweh has put on the throne, His own Son
whom HE ANOINTED TO BE KING, Yahushua Ha Mashiach!


Once again WE, that is, civilization and humanity are at a crisis point in
history. A turning point; A cross roads, that will have a Huge impact on
OUR earth, OUR lives and the lives of OUR children. Joshua [Yahshua]
gave the Israelites a choice to determine the way that they could go; as to
whom they would serve; whether to serve Yahweh or the gods of “Babylon”
in the land of Shinar, that were on the other side of the River, [Euphrates in
Iraq, where Abraham had come from], or the gods of the people that they
had just displaced.

Joshua [Yahshua] said, in the book of his name, chapter 24:14, 15:

“So now, fear Yahweh and serve him truly and sincerely; banish the gods
whom your ancestors served [Abraham’s father Terah being one] beyond
the River and in Egypt, and serve Yahweh.” NJB

“But, if serving Yahweh seems a bad thing to you, today you must make up
your minds whom you do mean to serve, whether the gods whom your
ancestors served beyond the River [ i.e. the moon-god Sin in Iraq], or the
gods of the Amorites in whose country you are now living. As regards my
family and me, WE SHALL SERVE YAHWEH.” Josh. 24:14, 15. NJB.

That same choice is now put before ALL of mankind. That choice is
specially set before the Messianic Jewish congregations, ALL of the
synagogues, Jewish religious gatherings and ALL the rest of those that
make up the twelve tribes of Israel scattered thru-out the whole world.

This BOOK is meant not just to inform YOU, but to ENCOURAGE YOU to
TAKE SIDES with YAHWEH and His Son, that He has designated to RULE
THIS EARTH. His full name is Yahushua and is the Jewish (of Judah)
Messiah/Mashiach. Remember, HIS is not a religious issue; But, a

(We must remember not to confuse religion with spirituality. Religion does
not produce “faith,” SPIRITUALITY DOES).

If that is a “bad thing” to YOU and YOU cannot accept IT, then YOU must
suffer the consequences with all the rest of the Goy/Gentile nations that are
opposing Him. HE DOES NOT WANT THAT FOR YOU. He does not want
that for them.

But, if in fact, YOU DO want to take sides with Yahshua and Father
Yahweh, it is not hard to do. This is important. It is particularly important, IF
YOU WANT TO RULE AS A KING ON THIS EARTH! It is not hard to take
His side of the issue at all. All that is required is a simple act of faith. IT has
nothing to do with religion. If YOU have read this essay and seen in YOUR
mind’s eye what has been said, voila’, you have faith in it. All YOU have to
do is acknowledge it to Him. This is for ALL people, including Jew and
Gentile alike. But, especially if you are of the physical seed of Abraham,
whether you know it or not.

How To Take His side: Just make yourself comfortable, close your eyes
and raise them behind your eye-lids as if looking toward heaven and
FROMYOUR HEART say out loud with a strong voice:

“Lord Yahushua, I accept myself as a sinner and accept your sacrifice for
my sins. I want YOU to come into my heart as my Messiah, as my King and
my personal savior. I hereby accept you as such and I take sides with YOU
and pledge my allegiance to YOU and to Father Yahweh, now and
forevermore. In YOUR NAME, Lord Yahushua ha Mashiach, I say this
prayer. AMEN.”

YOU may add any other meaningful words to that prayer that YOU wish. As
a finality, YOU might add more than one “amen”, or “so be it”, to indicate

that you really do mean it. Hereafter, when YOU pray to Father Yahweh,
YOU must also say that YOU pray in Yahshua Ha Mashiach’s name. If
YOU do so, He will assist YOU in every way. (See John 14:6, 13-17). That
is ALL that YOU have to do to takes sides with Yahshua and Father
Yahweh. Is that it? THAT’S IT. Nothing more is required.

Don’t worry, HE WILL HEAR YOU. And don’t worry; HE will remember
what you have said, even if you do not. What YOU have said will stand,
unless YOU take an active stand against Him and become one of His
enemies. That is, Unless YOU actively side with His enemies and shame
His name and words. These are Yahshua’s words about that,

“. . . for whoever may be ashamed of me, and of my words, in this

adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man also shall be ashamed of
him, when he may come in the glory of his Father, with the holy
messengers [angels].” Mark 8:38. YLT.

However, there are many things that one can do to demonstrate that you
are in heart harmony with Yahshua. You can proceed to WARN everyone
that YOU know of the impending disaster coming upon the churches,
synagogues and ALL of organized religion. But be forewarned, YOU will
probably be “thrown out” of your religion if YOU do so! That is exactly what
Yahshua warned of when he said,

“You will be expelled from the synagogue, and the time will come when
those who kill you will think that by doing this they are serving God.” John
16:2. GNB.

“And take ye heed to yourselves, for they shall deliver you up to

Sanhedrims, and to synagogues, ye shall be beaten, and before governors
and kings ye shall be set for my sake, for a testimony to them.” Mark 13:9.
YLT. Still, What a wonderful privilege and a blessing to work with
Yahshua and the Angels telling out:


[All scripture brackets, bold, underline, emphasis, italics, caps mine].



John chapter one verses one and two reveal:

Joh 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God.
Joh 1:2 The same was in the beginning with God. KJV.

To dispel any problems regarding the Greek word Logos, and who He is,
which is translated into the English language as “Word”, WE have quoted
first from the King James Version. We also quote (below) using the King
James Version Bible, with Strong’s numbers for each Greek word used.
The reason being is that when many people read this text they assume
“automatically” that it proves the Anti-Christ “trinity” or “Trinity Doctrine.” IT
DOES NOT. But, of course, YOU are free to believe anything that YOU
wish, regardless of however outlandish it may be.

Joh 1:1 InG1722 the beginningG746 wasG2258 theG3588 Word,G3056 andG2532

theG3588 WordG3056 wasG2258 withG4314 God,G2316 andG2532 theG3588 WordG3056
wasG2258 God.G2316
Joh 1:2 The sameG3778 wasG2258 inG1722 the beginningG746 withG4314 God.G2316

We note here Strong’s Greek definition for the word LOGOS:

Strong’s G3056—λόγος = logos == log'-os
From G3004; something said (including the thought); by implication a
topic (subject of discourse), also reasoning (the mental faculty) or
motive; by extension a computation; specifically (with the article
[the] in John) the Divine Expression (that is, Christ): - account, cause,
communication, X concerning, doctrine, fame, X have to do, intent,
matter, mouth, preaching, question, reason, + reckon, remove,
say (-ing), shew, X speaker, speech, talk, thing, + none of these
things move me, tidings, treatise, utterance, word, work.
At best the text (John 1:1 & 2 above) would only prove a duality of Gods
and certainly would NOT prove that THEY were a trinity, or a triune God-
head, being ONE in the SAME PERSON, “in power, substance and
eternity,” as the Trinity Doctrine so states.

It does indicate the Logos (Word) to be a sharer in and a part of the god-
ship, which is also logical when WE understand that the word “god” only
means a “higher power,” or “powerful one.” That being, someone that can
FORCE US to do what he/ she/it wants by the use of greater POWER or
greater authority. Thus, WE have many, on earth, that would so qualify, as
gods be they Judges, Military leaders, Presidents, dictators, religious
leaders, etc..

So the “Word” being part of the god-ship, would be a sharer of that

“power,” exercised with others of the god-ship. Furthermore, a great many
egotistical assumptions would have to be made about OUR understanding
of the Personal make-up of God and HIS NATURE since the Greek word
for God, G2316, theos, is “of uncertain affinity; a deity.” Reading into
the scripture anything more than that would be a great “assumption”,
requiring great egotism on OUR part, of what the Person of God is. As
mere humans WE cannot even understand His mind in back of His
commands for US.

“For who has known the mind of the Lord [Yahweh] that he may instruct
him?”. But we have the mind of Christ. NIV. 1Cor. 2:16; Isa.40:13.

NO! We as FINITE creatures cannot know and/or understand the MIND of

the Father. But, We can understand a lesser MIND, the MIND of Christ.
That being TRUE, that WE humans cannot know the mind of GOD, just
where do YOU think those Churchmen that adopted the Trinity Doctrine get
their preposterous presumptuous ideas from; arrogantly thinking that THEY
INFINITE!!! Yet that is exactly what the Clergy and those that support this
doctrine, claim they can do. Where did they get that arrogant reasoning

ANSWER: From the same place that Emperor Constantine got his vision!
The apostle Paul elaborates,

“For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, masquerading as
apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an
angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerades as
servants of righteousness.” NIV. 2Cor.11:13-15.

Satan is wonderful at planting false ideas and assumptions in men’s minds

and then using them to promote his lies in Yahshua’s field. But, of course
that is ALL the Trinity Doctrine is: A LIE and an assumption! As the saying
goes, “when one assumes something, it makes an ass out of u and me.” In
that case them and him.

WE have also quoted John 2:2 which seems self explanatory. However,
some are still not able to understand because of their preconceived idea
and their belief in a three headed freak for their god. Verse two says and
quite explicitly repeats that the LOGOS (WORD) was WITH God and NOT
the Greek word for WITH (See below), it is very plain that the “WORD”
was “forward to,” “toward,” “the side of,” “near to,” etc., never the same as.
Compare 1John 1:1-3

Strong’s G4314 – πρός – pros = pros == A strengthened form of G4253; a

preposition of direction; forward to, that is, toward (with the
genitive case the side of, that is, pertaining to; with the dative case by
the side of, that is, near to; usually with the accusative case the place,
time, occasion, or respect, which is the destination of the relation, that is,
whither or for which it is predicated): - about, according to, against,
among, at, because of, before, between, ([where-]) by, for, X at thy house,
in, for intent, nigh unto, of, which pertain to, that, to (the end that), +
together, to ([you]) -ward, unto, with (-in). In compounds it denotes
essentially the same applications, namely, motion towards,
accession to, or nearness at.

The Lord Yahshua himself said that He was WITH His Father when He
was taught by the Father, saying:

“I do nothing of myself; but as my Father hath taught me, I speak these

things.” John 8:28. KJV.

Thus indicating He was NOT the same as the Father, because He had to
LEARN from His Father. He said that He was taught by His Father while He
was WITH Him. He spoke about this matter to the Jews saying,

“I speak that which I have seen WITH my Father and ye do that which ye
have seen with your father.” John 8:38. KJV.

Again, Yahshua tells US that He was with His Father and He was reporting
to US what He had learned and seen with His Father. In fact His father,
Yahweh, had taught Him so well, and imbued Him-self in the Son so well
that Yahshua could say,

“. . . he that has seen me has seen the Father.” John 14:9. KJV.

Yahshua was, as the saying goes, the “spitting image” of His Father. He
was speaking and teaching world changing spiritual Words and ideas
because His Father was in Him, just as He has promised to be in US. But,
that does not mean that WE ARE HIM. He is just within US, in OUR hearts.
Please read that account in John 14:9-12, 16, 17 and note how Yahshua
explains that the Father would be in them TOO. He also said, “I am going
my way to the Father.” He was not the Father, because He was separated
from HIM in time and space and would therefore have to go to Him.

More importantly, this whole question is settled by Yahshua himself saying

that He was NOT GOD, BUT, “God’s son.” John 8:36. He never said that
He was the Father or GOD incarnate. Yahshua is stated as being the “Son
of God” over three hundred times in the NT. This is harmony with what
John said in verse eighteen, of chapter one,

“No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in
the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.” John 1:18. KJV.

Men saw Jesus Christ, so He could not have been THE ALLMIGHTY GOD,
could He? For John said, “No man has seen God at any time.” John 1:18.
But He could be a lesser, albeit ‘MIGHTY GOD.” See Isa. 9:6, 7.

Another scripture, that shows the Father and the Son are separate and
distinct personalities, separate and distinct entities, separated by time and

space, is in John 20:17b, where just after His resurrection; the Lord said to

“I am ascending to my Father and your Father and to my God and your

God.” NW.

Young’s Literal Translation says,

“I ascend unto my Father, and your Father, and to my God, and to your
God.” John 20:17. YLT.

His words clearly indicate that: He was separate from the Father; That He
had a father and therefore was not His own father; That He, in fact was not
THE GOD, but that He Had a GOD from whom He was separated; and that
He was ascending to heaven to once again be WITH His Father and His

If the “Trinity” Doctrine is in fact, “the central doctrine” of the Christian

Religion, as they claim, there should be thousands of references to it in the
Holy Scriptures TO PROVE IT. Yet, there are NONE! There should also be
thousands of usages of the word “Trinity.” The word, “Trinity” cannot be
found even one time in the Tanakh (OT). Nor can the word, “Trinity” be
found in the Christian Greek Scriptures commonly called the New

Their “central doctrine” has turned up missing from the Bible altogether.
The same reasoning holds true with the Replacement Theory of the
“organization” pushers of religion. The word, “organization,” is not found
anywhere in the scriptures either.

There are, however, thousands of references to DISPROVE both of those

pagan doctrines; additionally there are thousands of references proving the
existence of a Father and His Son as separate entities. The Son claims that
He came in His Father’s Name, not His own. His name Yahushua, means
“Yahweh is salvation” or “Yahweh is the savior.” He always gave the honor
and glory to His Father, maintaining that His Father had “sent him.” Since
His Father had sent Him, He was a separate and distinct individual from
His Father, having His own name.

His name, Yahshua (transliterated into Jesus) is found 983 times in the NT
and the term Yahshua Messiah (Jesus Christ) occurs 550 times.

The Lord Jesus/Yahshua has always told US the “truth.” He does not lie
like the Devil does. WE can rely on His truthfulness; when He says that He
was GOD’S SON, WE can be certain of His candor and veracity. Yes, He is
who He says He is, God’s Son, the Jewish Messiah and mankind’s
redeemer. Because of HIS TRUTH that He received from His Father is why
it is important for US to read, study and understand His words He left for

Yes, it is something of great importance for US to read and study the words
of Yahshua Mashiach. There are many important reasons. First, He is the
“Son of God.” He is the WORD of God. See John 1:1-18, above. He is the
“bread from heaven,” having the sayings of “eternal life,” being the “way
and the truth and the Life” along with scores of other wonderful statements
about Him. It should be quite obvious to ALL that what Yahshua Mashiach
says is of the utmost of importance to this earth and all of mankind. The
words He spoke after His resurrection are of special importance to His
“Body” members. None of the other men guided by Holy Spirit could reveal
the things that He did.

Therefore, it is apparent that HIS WORDS are the most truthful and the
most important WORDS ever spoken by any man ever upon the earth, for
He is the “WORD” of GOD. ALL other men were, either speaking about
what He would do, when He would do it, or what He had done, and what
WORDS He had said.

After His being raised from the dead by His Father (Acts13:30-37) and just
before ascending to His Father in heaven, Yahshua gave His disciples their
last instructions for them to obey when He was gone to heaven. During His
absence He obtained His Father’s blessing and is setting at His Father’s
right hand until He is given Kingdom power to “go subduing in the midst of
His enemies,” when He would return again. See Ps. 110:1, 2. Those
instructions are clearly given in Mathew 28:18-20, when He said,

Mat 28:18 And Jesus came to them and spake unto them, saying, All
authority hath been given unto me in heaven and on earth.
Mat 28:19 Go ye therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing
them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit:
Mat 28:20 teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I commanded
you: and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world [G104,
Aion, age].” ASV

There is little, if any evidence of any group, organization or religion that

have ever fully obeyed the Lord’s commands in the above quoted text. How
so? THEY only emphasize what THEY WANT the Lord’s sheep to do. That
is to further their own religious agendas, doctrines, bias, dogmas,
organization, tithes, membership, building programs, pay-days, pocket-
books, and YOU could name many more.

They have never understood verse 18 where Jesus said that ALL authority
“in heaven and on the earth” had been given to HIM, alone. HIS authority
was not divided with any intermediary man, woman, organization, church,
group of twelve, seventy, faithful and discreet servant, pope, cosmopolitan,
mufti, bishop, vice-regent, CEO, share holders, president, chairman, party,
Ayatollah, senator, bishop, General, world ruler or anyone or anything else.

invested in HE, HIMSELF ALONE. If He were GOD THE FATHER, He
would not have had to be GIVEN IT! Now would he? He would have had it
all along.

The Church Leaders say to THEIR MEMBERS, ‘GO and MAKE DICIPLES
FOR OUR CHURCH!’ They say, “WE have the ‘truth’ and IT is the only
blessed and pure “organization.” They do not make disciples for Yahshua
Mashaich. They are crossing rivers, deserts and oceans and suffer other
perils to make disciples for their organization and to ‘baptize’ new people
INTO THEIR RELIGION. They are like the Pharisees that Yahshua
described in Matt. 23:15,

“Woe to YOU, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!, because you traverse

the sea and dry land to make one proselyte, and when he becomes one

YOU make him a subject for Gehenna twice as much so as yourselves.”

They are NOT teaching YAHSHUA’S WORDS, but rather their own rigid
doctrines, creeds, religious propaganda, etc., and then baptizing the people
into their religious group and their organizational NAME. They think they
are disguising their tactics by SAYING, they are baptizing in the “name of
the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.” But they are telling lies to disguise
their nefarious schemes.

They have either never understood Mathew chapter 28, verse 18, or don’t
care to. Why? Because surrendering power to Yahshua, renders them
powerless. Yahshua said that “all authority” in heaven and on earth was
given to Him. He alone has that AUTHORITY and will soon wield it when
He returns “In His Kingdom Power. But, those Clergymen have stolen it,
and use it for the own selfish purposes. They have either forgotten or never
considered verse 20. There Yahshua says,

“and teach them and obey every command which I HAVE GIVEN

That statement leaves ALL others out, including All clergymen, ministers
rabbi’s, Mullah’s, Mohammed and Moses. The only ones that He said He
would eventually share His power with are the rulers that are His “body
member” (bride) aforementioned in this essay. He certainly wouldn’t share
it with any temporal power such as a religion or political movement of this
world ruled by Satan.

The only ones that HE would eventually share His authority, power and
ruler-ship with were His INDIVIDUAL footstep followers who make up, His
“bride.” And that would be only by means of HOLY SPIRIT, poured out from
His Father. Certainly NOT any temporal earthly power, at anytime,
anywhere, be it political, religious or commercial.

If one does not read His words, how can one know what he has
commanded? Therefore, WE need to keep on reading HIS WORDS OF
TRUTH to one another. For, HIS WORDS are the "sayings of eternal life."

By knowing HIS WORDS, we can then compare OUR ideas with HIS, to
correct ourselves of wrong ideas, wrong thinking and thus wrong doing.

Therefore, WE need to keep on comparing OUR pet doctrines and OUR

beliefs with HIS WORDS. Only HIS WORDS have the TRUTH as they are
SPIRITUAL WORDS that come from the Father. To fully understand HIS
WORDS WE must study them and meditate on them and pray for the FULL
and COMPLETE TRUTH, by means of the Holy Spirit, for ourselves and for
OUR loved ones. By doing so we will easily “see” what things WE need to
correct in OUR lives and things WE must LET GO OF to be one of HIS

By knowing HIS WORDS WE can compare OUR goals, aspirations and life
style with His. This will give US His perspective on all important matters
and then WE can correct ourselves. By doing so, WE will be enabled to see
what things WE must LET GO OF to qualify for RULER-SHIP!

The religious organizations DO NOT TEACH YOU THIS MOST

IMPORTANT INFORMATION. They make many “claims” about being
“followers” of “JESUS” but do not “obey” His commands. Why? Because,
they teach “commands of men”; such as, traditions, building programs,
going from door to door, church attendance, making converts, tithing to
and promote THEIR PROGRAMS, NOT HIS; and scores of other things not
even remotely connected with Yahshua’s words at all.


RABBINICAL TEACHINGS etc.. Oh! . . .They will tell YOU that He has and
twist a few scriptures around to make it appear that He has given THEM
His authority to do so. This is TYPICAL, for ALL Anti-Christ’s say that.

Yet the very religions claiming to represent Him give NO attention to

TEACHING ONLY YAHSHUA’S WORDS. This is also true of the Messianic
Jewish congregations as they try to MIX MOSES WITH YAHSHUA’S

The Churches are all looking to each other and feed off of each other’s
ideas and church doctrines and programs and church politics and money
raising techniques, and book sales. These religious organizations in
Christendom along with the Messianic congregations are still “hung up” on
the “law of Moses” thinking that it applies to them. BUT, IF YOU FOLLOW

The Torah and covenant was made ONLY with MOSES as the MEDIATOR
and the Israelites at Mount Sinai, NOT any church organization. They
continue to quote Moses anyway, as if HE were their Messiah, as the Jews
do. They also lavishly quote the other ancient prophets to try to “prove”
those prophecies are about them; All for naught.

They NEVER exclusively quote the MESSIAH for ALL of mankind,

YAHSHUA, being His name. They NEVER say a word ABOUT HIS LAWS!
They talk about the Jewish YAHSHUA MASHIACH, but give little attention
to what the Messiah for Mankind really said.

There are scores of differences where Yahshua has either expanded on or

contradicted Moses, the Torah and the others before him. How could He do

Neither Moses, nor any of the other ancient prophets could say that.
Yahshua has been given “ALL authority in heaven and on earth.” Moses
was never given that kind of power and authority over the WHOLE EARTH,
nor did he ever claim it. His Messiah-ship was only with the Israelites.
Yahshua’s is with the whole world of humankind!

See how easy it is to be misled; they hold Moses above the SON OF

Why don’t YOU see if YOU can locate some of His changes yourself, rather
than letting someone else tell YOU what YOU believe? Get a study bible or
red letter edition and under-line the differences you see. Aren’t YOU sick
and tired of being “force fed” the same TIRED OLD, 1700 year old Catholic

catechism and tawdry doctrines, which were also adopted and then taught
by the Protestants over the last 400 years? YOU deserve better than that.

And what about the Messianic Jews? Amazingly, some modern Jews have
fallen for the “Harlots” teachings of Christendom and worship its three
headed god. One would think that YOU would have had enuff superstitious
“rot-gut” of the rabbi’s and ministers. Are YOU not tired of the strangle hold
that the morass of their man-made TRADITIONS, which are nothing more
than dictatorial laws, have on YOU. TRADITION made up by those bored
with life, who do not work, faithless, spiritually dead, and have nothing else
to do but make up mental bindings to hold you fast in their death grip? Yes,
a spiritual death grip.

By being caught up in their TRADITIONS YOU are being completely

drained of any SPIRITUALITY and prevented from ever obtaining it or
having a true and loving RELATIONSHIP with the Father Yahweh and His
Son Yahshua. No wonder the Jewish people have taken hold of every “will-
o-the-wisp” human idea and movement that has come along, trying to find
something, anything to hold on to. No wonder there is so much “god-less-
ness” in the Jewish community. It is a direct result of the rabbi’s substituting

WE urge YOU to seek true SPIRITUALITY by reading and studying God’s

word the Holy Scriptures. Learn Yahshua’s words of truth and hope and
life; Do this by praying and meditating on the Father’s inspired words thru
His Son, YOUR Messiah, Yahshua.

Yahshua does not want YOU to feel bad, or be down-hearted and be

depressed by all of the aforementioned things added by the religious
leaders and their organizations. He wants to “set you free” from all of that.
He wants YOU to know HIS TRUTH.

He wants to have a SPIRITUAL RELATIONSHIP with YOU personally. He

loves YOU and wants to deal directly with YOU, not some organization or
religion. He deals with YOUR heart and YOUR mind; with YOU
INDIVIDUALLY as a person. YOU can have him with YOU at all times,
simply by praying and inviting Him into YOUR HEART.

Yahshua loves YOU for who YOU are, not for what building you walk into
once a week or month or two or what scroll you may pick up or what day
YOU hold holy, or what YOU eat. None of that is of any spiritual benefit, for
it is all material, fleshly. He wants YOU to have a meaningful SPIRITUAL
RELATIONSHIP with Him, in YOUR own mind and heart.

He also wants YOU to know and obey HIS COMMANDS and HIS LAWS,
given directly to Him by His Father when He was WITH Him, before He
came to the earth to be a human and sacrifice His life for YOU individually
and for ALL of mankind.

Very few people have really READ HIS WORDS for what they are= HIS
LAWS AND COMMANDS. Whom will you OBEY? YOU have a choice, the
LORD Yahshua, or your religion, church, minister, rabbi, common beliefs,
what you were taught as a child, traditions, creed, SUPERSTITION etc.?
WE suggest that YOU choose JESUS the MESSIAH/YAHSHUA Ha
MASHIACH and His words of truth and life. Please review Matt. 28:18-20.

Read HIS WORDS for YOURSELF, in the gospel accounts of Mathew,

Mark, Luke, John, and the Revelation. These are, HIS WORDS SPOKEN
WORDS FOR YOURSELF TODAY…You will never regret it. They are life
giving. By reading YOU spiritually drink His Words of “life’s water free.”

You may NEVER have heard about Yahshua’s laws. You could look for
them and find them for YOURSELF, as they are plain to see, but, it’s rather
easier to let someone else tell you what to believe? No effort is needed. No
work is involved. It is easier to follow the “blind guides” in the Churches and
Synagogues. Concerning the Scribes and Pharisees, Yahshua said,

”Let them alone; they are blind guides. And if the blind guide the blind, both
shall fall into the ditch.” Matt. 15:14. ASV.

Another translation reads,

“Let them be. Blind guides are what they are. If then, a blind man leads a
blind man, both will fall into a pit.” Matt. 15:14. NW.

YOU are better than that. Simply buy any bible and see for yourself the
many differences in what Yahshua said and what Moses said. Why, you
say? YOUR future life depends on it; that is why.

Just a cursory reading of His “laws” given in the "sermon on the mount"
gives many instances where Jesus said, "you have heard it said, SO & SO
—but, “I SAY TO YOU," SUCH & SUCH. By using the term "I SAY TO
YOU", Jesus/Yahshua established his own authority as God's Son and
Spokesman, thus supplanting Moses negative commands and establishing
positive preventative commands based on love from the heart, thus fulfilling
the old law covenant. For some quick examples, see Matt. 5:20, 22, 28, 32,
34, 39, 44. These are all NEW SPIRITUAL teachings, from Jesus, that had
never been taught before!!

The entire OT law and the Prophets are summed up in Matt. 22:37-40. How
do we know? Read it for yourselves and you will find out! Jesus /Yahshua
himself says so. In fact, Yahshua said, “The whole of the Law and the
Prophets is summed up in these two Commandments.” Matt. 22:40. WNT.

Now look up the Jewish Apostle Paul’s information about Yahshua’s words
in Rom. 13:8-10. Referring to the “law of love,” he wrote these words in
verse eight:

(ASV) Owe no man anything, save to love one another: for he that loveth
his neighbor hath fulfilled the law.

(Darby) Owe no one anything, unless to love one another: for he that
loves another has fulfilled the law.

(GNB) Be under obligation to no one---the only obligation you have is to

love one another. Whoever does this has obeyed the Law.

(KJV) Owe no man anything, but to love one another: for he that loveth
another hath fulfilled the law.

(WNT) Owe nothing to anyone except mutual love; for he who loves his
fellow man has satisfied the demands of Law.

(YLT) To no one owe anything, except to love one another; for he who is
loving the other--law he hath fulfilled,

Paul/Shaul goes on,

“Do not you people be owing anybody a single thing, except to love one
another; for he that loves his fellowman has fulfilled [the] law. For the
[Law code], ‘You must not commit adultery, You must not murder, You
must not steal, You must not covet,’ and whatever other commandment
there is, is summed up in this word, namely, ‘You must love your neighbor
as yourself.’ Love does not work evil to one’s neighbor; therefore love
is the law’s fulfillment.” Rom. 13:8-10. NW. [Brackets NW].

Does that mean that Yahshua destroyed the Law of Moses? Absolutely,
Not. But, He did FULFILL IT. That is why He said,

“Do not think I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets, I came, not to
destroy, but to fulfill.” Matt. 5:17. NW.

Then in verses eighteen thru twenty, Yahshua tells His Jewish listeners just
HEAVENS. If YOU keep reading YOU will see that He then uses His OWN
AUTHORITY and SUPERCEDES what MOSES SAID. See verses 22, 27,
31, 34, 39, 44 and more in chapter six.

How could Yahshua do this? HE IS YAHWEH’S SON. Consequently, HIS


Moses Law condemned the Jews to death, Yahshua’s Laws give eternal
life. Moses had the word of Yahweh given to him by an angel. Yahshua IS
the WORD of Yahweh. The whole law, the prophets and the Psalms were
written about Him and how He would fulfill them. That is why He said to His
disciples, after His resurrection,

“These are the words which I spoke to you, while I was yet with you, that
ALL the things written in the law of Moses and in the Prophets and the
Psalms about me must be fulfilled.” Luke 24:44. NW.

That is, He fulfilled the Law. He paid the price of the Law. Therefore, by
paying for it, He then owned the Law, to do with as He would. What did He
so with it? Nothing. He put it in a safe place as one would when fulfilling a
DEED OF PROMISE, or Promissory Note that had been fulfilled by being
“PAID OFF.” He therefore has substituted HIMSELF FOR THE LAW and
gave US His NEW LAWS of LOVE and LIFE. He said,

“Most truly I say to YOU, He that hears my word and believes him that
sent me has everlasting life and he does not come into judgment but has
passed over from death to life.” John 4:24. NW.

That statement supersedes the Old Law of Moses that condemned to

death. Yahshua’s words let’s US pass-over the death dealing Law of
Moses, and go “from death to life.” He has therefore, become a shield for
is also why Paul said,

“For Christ [Messiah] is the end of the Law, so that everyone exercising

YOU cannot get righteousness from the Law of Moses, because YOU
cannot fulfill it perfectly. But YOU CAN GET RIGHTEOUSNESS from
believing in, having faith in and obeying the Word and Law of the
MESSIAH, Yahshua.

“For the scripture says: ‘None that rest his faith on him [Messiah] will be
disappointed.” Rom. 10:11. NW.

ALL of this means that YOU must put away YOUR striving to demonstrate
YOUR personal righteousness, as the rabbi’s do by trying to fulfill the Law
of Moses in YOUR own life. YOU CANNOT DO IT. But, Yahshua has
already done it for you, and has freed YOU from the necessity of doing it.
ALL that he asks of YOU in His “new contract,” is to “follow Him in “the way
and the truth and the life.”

“OLD LAW COVENANT.” That Law did not, could not, give eternal life, but
Yahshua can. Just as he said,

“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father
except through me.” John 14:6. NW.

Of course YOU will want to study more about this matter. As you read and
look up more of what Yahshua said about Himself. Look up what the
apostles wrote about Yahshua’s words. PLEASE DO NOT RELY ON
out for YOURSELF.

You will be happy and astounded, for YOU will finally be getting the TRUTH
about what Yahshua really said. At the same time YOU will be developing
SPIRITUALITY and a RELATIONSHIP with Him. YOU will finally be able to
OBEY Him and understand Him, like never before!! Why? Because it is
NOT, second hand or biased propaganda received, from a church religion
or some other person or another man. It is YOURS ALONE. As YOU
STUDY WITH HIM, He will guide YOU by means of Holy Spirit.

As YOU read about HIM, He gives greater even startling new ideas and
commands in John chapter thirteen. Therein HE shows the value of heart
traits that were, and still are looked down on, by the world in general and
religions in particular. They are sometimes referred to, but rarely taught and
almost never lived.

By reading, memorizing and using Jesus/Yahshua’s words in our minds,

hearts, homes, meetings and services we can get "the mind of the Christ
[Messiah]". See1Cor. 2:16. In doing so, we will also be obeying the "LAW
OF THE CHRIST” that He gave US, in his "new commandment" to "love
one another” just as He loved us. HE said,

“. . . this is how “all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love
among yourselves." John 13:34, 35.

Keep reading, Read the whole chapter, it is wonderful. None of this takes
very long. Enjoy His words for 15 or 20 minutes a day. YOU will be very

pleased at how YOUR thinking will change. YOU will be very pleased at
how YOUR life will improve.

This is how we show that we love the SON OF GOD, by obeying his
commands and yet His commandments are not burdensome. Therefore, it
is imperative to KNOW what HIS commands are, for US to obey them; that
is why, WE MUST READ Jesus/Yahshua’s words to be able obey them.

The many religious organizations do not want people to fully understand

Yahshua’s WORDS, because such understanding would diminish their
AUTHORITY over the people. They have “adulterated” and “watered
down,” His words; they do this SO YOU will OBEY them and whatever
RELIGIOUS SYSTEM they are promoting.

Do YOU have the courage to be really FREE? You can be. Do YOU want
to know How? Jesus Messiah/Yahshua Mashiach answers:

“If you continue in my word, [then] YOU are my disciples indeed; And,
YOU shall know the truth and the truth shall make YOU FREE.” John
10:31, 32. NW.

ONLY by READING HIS WORDS and picturing them in our minds can WE,
“know the truth” and be truly “FREE.” By being His disciples we can
achieve real “freedom”, along with “eternal life”. ALL of these wonderful
things will come to YOU ONLY FROM HIM and they are free!!!

You really owe it to yourself and your family to get to know just who
Yahshua really is. Knowing what He really said; the things that He really
did. What He has planned for you and your children’s future. You will find
Him far, far different from the “Jesus” you hear peddled on television or in
the Churches of Christendom. He is the real Jewish Messiah that was
foretold to come.

Yahshua wants you to know Him. He wants you to know His tender love
and kindness He has for you and your family and loved ones. Learn what
He would have you believe by reading His OWN WORDS and feel His love
and affection for you as an individual. By a consistent reading of His words,
He will come alive in your life and you will be amazed at how it will make

you feel; both toward Him, and toward, your fellow man. He will be alive to
you and you will love Him even tho you never saw him. You will see how
really different His commands and laws are from what you presently think.

His thinking is far different from Moses and any other of the wise men,
seers, sages, shamans or any other man in history. Very few people have
really read HIS WORDS and taken them for what they are. And what is
that? HIS WORDS ARE ALL OF MANKIND’S LAWS and the basis for a,
NEW WORLD, a brand new civilization, in which righteousness and love
and justice and mercy will prevail.

Some think that those conditions will be produced by the continuance of the
Mosaic Law Covenant. IT WILL NOT, as only a few portions of the Old Law
will be applicable and are foretold in the Tanakh/OT. That is why it is
important to start learning and practicing Yahshua’s commands now,

LAW in His New Messianic reign of a 1000 years. You can get a great head
start right now, by scheduling some time, each day, to read what He has to
say to YOU and what will be learned under His Kingdom Rule. HIS
WORDS are the greatest words ever spoken by any man who ever lived
and are specifically found in the four gospels of Mathew, Mark, Luke, and
John. You will never regret it.


That new Ruler-ship has been in development for thousands of years now.
It has been foretold by hundreds of prophecies. It is finally near its
completion. It started off with a Mystery of who the foretold head or chief or
king was going to be. It started in the very beginning of man’s appearance
on the earth, when the serpent (Satan the Devil) lied to the deceivable
woman. It started with that first prophecy uttered in the Garden of Eden,
when Eve said,

“The snake tempted me and I ate.”

“Then Yahweh God said to the snake, ‘Because you have done this,
Accursed be you……. I shall put enmity between you and the woman, and
between your offspring [seed] and hers [seed]; it will bruise your head and
you will strike its heel.” Gen. 3:15. NJB.

Another version says,

“ . . . I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed
and her seed; he shall bruise thy head, and thou shall bruise his heel.”
Gen. 3:15. ASV.

Down thru history there was quite a mystery of just who that “seed” of the
woman would be? WE have had the answer to that mystery for some time
now. It is none other than Ha Yahshua Ha Mashiach, better known as
Jesus the Christ. How do we know? It has been traced out for US down
thru the centuries in the Holy Scriptures by men anointed with Holy Spirit.
Some have called them Christians. There are many such texts. Let US
examine just a few, regarding Yahshua Ha Mashiach being the seed of the

“And there shall come forth a shoot out of the stock of Jesse, and a twig
shall grow forth out of his roots.” Isa. 11:1. JPS.

“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given; and the government
shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful,
Counselor, Might God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase
of his government and of peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of
David, and upon his kingdom, to establish it, and to uphold it with justice
and righteousness from hence forth even forever. The zeal of Jehovah
[Yahweh] of hosts will perform this.” Isa. 9:6, 7. ASV.

Concerning what that “seed” would accomplish during his Kingdom Ruler-
ship, Isa. 11:2-10 gives US a wonderful preview. Reading from various

“And the Spirit of Jehovah [Yahweh] shall rest upon him, the spirit of
wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of
knowledge and the fear of Jehovah [Yahweh].”

“And his delight shall be in the fear of Jehovah [Yahweh]; and he shall not
judge after the sight of his eyes, neither decide after the hearing of his ears;
but with righteousness shall he judge the poor, and decide with equity for
the meek of the earth; and he shall smite the earth with the rod of his
mouth; and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked. And
righteousness shall be the girdle of his waist, and faithfulness the girdle of
his loins.” Isa. 11:2-5. ASV.

There will be miraculous, spiritual, physical and earthly blessings, unheard

of in this Satanic inspired world.

“And the wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with
the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little
child shall lead them. And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young
ones shall lie down together; and the lion shall eat straw like the ox.” Isa.
11:6,7. JPS. (Jewish Publication Society).

“And the sucking child shall play on the hole of the adder, and the weaned
child shall put forth its hand to the viper’s den. They shall not hurt nor
destroy in all my holy mountain; for the earth shall be full of the knowledge
of Jehovah [Yahweh], as the wasters cover the sea.” Isa.11:8, 9. Darby.

What a wonderful new world to look forward to, when Yahshua takes up
His Kingdom Ruler-ship of earth, which is DEAD AHEAD. That is when
Isaiah chapter two, verses two thru four, will have their complete fulfillment.
Isaiah says,

“And it must occur in the final part of the days, [that] the mountain of the
house of Jehovah [Yahweh] will become firmly established above the top of
the mountains, and it will certainly be lifted up above the hills; and to it all
the nations must stream. And many peoples will certainly go and say:
‘Come, YOU people, and let us go up to the mountain of Jehovah
[Yahweh], to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will instruct about his
ways and we will walk in his paths.’”

“For out of Zion law will go forth [The law of Yahshua], and the word of
Jehovah [Yahweh] out of Jerusalem. And he will certainly render judgment

among the nations and set matters straight respecting many peoples. And
they will have to beat their swords into plow-shares and their spears into
pruning shears. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, neither will they
learn war anymore.” Isa. 2:2-4. NW.

Those words WE read above will be the wonderful conditions in the

Messianic Kingdom of Yahshua, ruling with his “bride” from heaven, as she
oversees the 144,000 Kings of Jacob, ruling on the earth. At that time
Jacob will say what is written in Isaiah 12:1, 2:

“And in that day you will be sure to say: ‘I shall thank you, O Jehovah
[Yahweh], for [although] you got incensed at me, your anger gradually
turned back, and you proceeded to comfort me.” [Brackets NW].

Jacob will also say,

“Look! God is my salvation. I shall trust and be in no dread; for Jah [Yah]
Jehovah [Yahweh] is my strength and [my] might, and he came to be
the salvation of me.” Isa.12:1, 2. NW.

The End of the Christian Age is upon us, God’s Messianic Kingdom is at
the door.

“So let us PUT OFF EVERY WEIGHT [of organized religions and the
politics of this doomed old world] and the sin that easily entangles us [lack
of faith] and run with endurance the race that is set before us, as we look
intently at the Chief Agent and Perfecter of our faith, [Jesus Christ,= Ha
Yahshua Ha Mashiach].” Heb.12:1, 2. NW

Please feel free to pass this on, whole or in part, to anyone and everyone;
FREE of course. . . . Whole or in part as a premium to another offer you
may have.

See Matt. 10:8b.

[All scripture brackets, bold, underlining, emphasis, italics, caps mine]


THE LAST WORD AND TESTAMENT = (Suggestions for organizing your

own Messianic Congregation) THE MESSIANIC MISSION: PREPARING

WE understand that OUR MISSION is to help humanity take the next step,
as a precursor for our development as living entities within the universality
of the omniscient, omnipresent, all powerful, immortal Heavenly Father's
domain, including all of "things seen and those not seen."

WE believe it is OUR Eternal Father's purpose for mankind to have a life of

wonderful happiness, peace, truth, and perfect health, in a perfect
civilization on a perfect paradise earth.

WE understand that this cannot be done in the three dimensional five

sense, physical world of mankind, outside of ourselves, altho we declare
that the Almighty Father of us all and His wonderful Son Jesus Christ
(Yahshua Messiah) can, but we cannot.

WE understand that the next step must come from "within" OUR OWN
hearts and mentality by means of developing OUR latent spiritual qualities
within ourselves. John 3:27

WE realize that this is the only way any real, meaningful and permanent
change can be produced in mankind. By spiritually, that of changing both
the mind and heart, then the physical and material changes will follow.

WE know that we cannot change things by fighting the existing world

system of things. (The existing old model, created by Satan the Devil).

WE propose to make the needed changes by promoting the NEW MODEL,

introduced by Yahshua Ha Mashiach that renders the old one obsolete.
This means that we must be completely neutral to the affairs of the existing
OLD MODEL or Satan’s system of things.

WE are Neutral to all commercial corporations, all religious organizations,

and all political regimes, parties, ideologies, with their goals and schemes

of any and every kind. These include ALL man-made ‘power structures’
called organizations for controlling mankind and those emanating from the
spirit worlds or of other dimensions, except those coming from OUR
heavenly Father thru His Son Yahshua.

WE therefore, dedicate ourselves to the higher spiritual goals of our

Heavenly Fathers kingdom with Yahshua Messiah (Jesus Christ) as OUR
SPIRITUAL King and Leader.

WE have made it our sole desire to follow His spiritual model and physical
example that he set for us to establish His NEW MODEL, or system of
things, for an entirely new civilization under his guidance and ruler-ship.

WE have no intent or desire to fight against or try to change the existing

world model or system. OUR goal is to help individuals change themselves
as men and women into spiritual, loving, faithful, peaceful, happy, joyful,
free and ultimately perfect humans.

WE believe this can only be accomplished by following the perfect example

set by Yahshua Ha Messiah and by directing people to His glorious
Kingdom, "in which righteousness is to dwell."

WE believe that only by studying His words and actions as a human can
we become more like him, for OUR eternal good

WE have an earnest desire for ALL men and women to have a deep and
loving spiritual relationship with both the Father Yahweh and His Son
Yahshua the Messiah.

WE have an earnest desire to help everyone have a "personal" ministry by

which they can help other humans and thus serve for the universal good.
(Not a ministry of promoting some organization, person, or religion, or by
proselytizing, but having their own individual ministry that they may be
comfortable with to serve God and help OUR neighbors do the same).

Concerning the suggestions in the declaration below, if there are any that
you want to add to your life, please do so. If there are any suggestions that
YOU do not agree with or do not want in your life, please strike there-from.

If you have any that you would like to add please do so. You might like to
share those with us as well. Send to


(1) Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, WE as YAHSHUA'S "witnesses"

will live in accordance with His teachings and teach other people of his
example. . . "to the ends of the earth." Acts1:8.

(2) By direction of the Holy Spirit, We will, "Go therefore, and make
disciples [OF HIM] in all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the
father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit ... teaching them ALL THE

(3) NOW is the time to preach "this good news of the [earthly] kingdom ...
as a witness to all the nations." Matt. 24:14. And then the "end will come" to
the old obsolete model and the new model of civilization will spread to all
mankind unimpeded.

(4) We are truly "his disciples" if we live as he told us to. And we will "know
the truth and the Truth will set us free."

(5) He has committed to us the work of reconciling a world of mankind to

himself. John 8:31, 32; 2Cor. 5:19. WE resolve to carry this message to the
physical “seed” of Abraham, especially in the Messianic congregations, and
the Jewish Jehovah’s witnesses, endeavoring to work with the Angels in
their great “sealing” work of 144,000, would-be “rulers” of earth. Rev. 7:4-8.

(6) Yahshua Messiah (Jesus Christ) has been given "All power in heaven
and on earth." Matt. 28:18. And, He is the Messianic King that represents
the Eternal Father, Jehovah/Yahweh, to mankind. Isa. 9:6, 7; John 14:6.

(7) "All scripture is breathed [inspired] of the Father", (2Tim.3:16) but, only
Yahshua's words are the direct "sayings of the Father", that give eternal life
(John 3:31-36) and are NOW applicable for the new model of civilization
and that all else in the Holy Bible is subsidiary, to His sayings, but are for
our use and reference.

(8) Yahshua's words supersede all other information and/or teaching by
anyone, anywhere, at anytime, including all other so-called "inspired" words
or books, creeds, traditions of men, religious or political ideologies, isms,
etc., because Yahshua’s words are the only ones that give eternallife. John
5:22-30; 6:35-40; 14:6.

(9) Yahshua's words are "the truth that sets us free" and that the Hebrew
Scriptures (OT/Tanakh) were for an appointed period and work, which
Yahshua has primarily fulfilled. Matt. 5:17; Col.2:14.

(10) The Greek scriptures pastoral letters, (NT) were mostly written for an
appointed work during the "harvest age" of the Jews, (that of preaching the
evangel or gospel of "Jesus Christ impaled") for the sake of the Jews,
which ended with the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD; thereafter the
work of selecting the “bride” of Christ commenced almost exclusively to the
Gentiles and that work will soon be concluded.

(11) NOW is the time for humanity to take the next step into another "age,”
or period, into the world of SPIRITUALITY that produces the qualities of
Love demonstrated by Yahshua and required by” the new covenant” and as
a model for civilization.

(12) NOW is the time for humanity to accept the RANSOM sacrifice of
Yahshua Messiah as the basis for their redemption, and as a guarantee for
a new civilization. Matt. 20:28.

(13) NOW is the time for the final evangel (gospel) of the “kingdom age" to
be proclaimed, with Yahshua as King and that His Ruler-ship is mankind's
only hope for the future and that ALL humans, now have the opportunity to
become "earthly citizens" of the heavenly kingdom, and children of the
King. John 1:12.

(14) ALL "organized religions" will be destroyed by the political "wild beast"
and the "ten Kings" that have received "authority" to do so. Rev.

(15) Because, "her sins have massed together clear up to heaven and
Jehovah/Yahweh has judged her and recalled her acts of injustice... [so]
she will be completely burned with fire." Rev.18:4-8.

(16) The political entities will do this because Jehovah/Yahweh puts it into
their minds to "carry out His thought, even to carry out their one thought", to
destroy "organized" religion, symbolized by the "Great Harlot, Babylon the
Great." Rev. 17:17.

(17) NOW is the time for US to declare the urgent message from Yahshua
to: "Get out of her my people, if you do not want to share with her in her
sins, and if you do not want to receive part of her plagues."

(18) WE hereby abandon ALL of the doctrines of ALL "organized religions,”

not in harmony with Yahshua’s teachings, because WE do not want to
receive any part of the plagues that are coming upon "her".

(19) WE will hold only the pure spiritual doctrines and commands of
Yahshua Messiah, as the Fathers direct representative, and none else;
Namely, that WE love OUR Heavenly Father, Yahweh, with our whole
mind, soul and strength; and love our neighbor as ourselves. Matt. 22:37-

(20) WE accept All of Yahshua's words, and 'new' commands. See John
13:31 thru John 15:27.

(21) WE do not condemn anyone for their religious and/or organizational

beliefs, but know that ultimately Yahshua will bring all of mankind into unity
of thought and harmony of actions by means of the Holy Spirit and His
Kingdom rule, and only then will they "become full-grown in powers of
understanding." 1Cor. 14:20.

(22) WE know that Yahshua works with humanity, as individuals, until all
are brought into perfection spiritually and mentally and then the body of
flesh will be perfected. Our work is but a precursor to the Kingdom age.

(23) WE believe in the FATHERHOOD of Jehovah/Yahweh and therefore,
the brotherhood of man; there being “no partiality by the Father." Rom.

(24) WE accept that, "in every nation the man that fears [the Father] and
works righteousness is acceptable to him." Acts10:34. But, that ALL need
Yahshua Messiah to educate themselves on what is good, and right, and
loving to benefit others and to obtain eternal life.

(25) WE must teach who Yahshua is: The mediator and SPIRITUAL
connection between the Heavenly Father and mankind

(26) WE must gather in study groups to learn Yahshua's words and apply
the principles He taught US, that WE may that use that power to help
ourselves and others.

(27) WE must gather together in harmony and unity to study and pray for
the Lord’s blessings, help and forgiveness; that WE may improve OUR
character traits and bring OUR hearts more into harmony with the fruitage
of the Holy Spirit. Gal. 5:28, 29; 1Tim. 5:8; 1Cor. 6:9, 10; 1John 2:9-11.

(28) WE can use the first century meetings as our examples for meeting
together in study groups and prayer groups, but not for over-sight or control
of others, as He deals with each one on an individual basis. See 1Tim.2:1-
7; 1Cor. 14:26-40; Heb. 10:24, 25.

(29) WE will pray together in groups, for individuals, families, relatives,

friends, neighbors, the poor, our children, the rulers, for sins, for lack of
faith, or for any other thing of personal concern.

(30) WE must pray for the work of helping all to, "get out of her my people".
(That is all organized religions. Rev. 18:4.)

(31) WE must proclaim who Jesus Christ really is, namely, Yahshua
Mashiach the Jewish Mediator and the Connection with Yahweh, the
"Father of us all." WE do this so that individual men and women can truly
'understand' how to use this connection that God has provided.

(32) WE must establish "prayer" groups to aid us, by adding power to our

concerted efforts to reach into the reality of heaven to obtain the fulfillment
of our prayers here, for earth and humanity, in harmony with 1Tim. 2:1-7.

(NOTE: 33 and 34 apply only to the remaining ones of the “bride.”)

(33) WE, as a group, compose the "Elijah to come" that "will restore all
things", that Yahshua spoke of in Matt. 17:11.

(34) WE are the messenger of the second appearance of Yahshua

Messiah, as John the Baptist was of the first appearance of Messiah.

(35) WE preach as our message, Yahshua's words at Rev. 18:4, "Get out
of her my people if you do not want to share with her in her sins," so that
they can make progress toward living in a new civilization without the
obstruction of "Babylon the Great".

(36) WE hold that NOW is the preliminary work of "the times of restoration
of all things" foretold in Acts 3:19-21.

(37) WE maintain that, "he caused to abound in US in all wisdom and good
sense, at the full limit of the appointed times, namely, to gather all things
together again in the Messiah, the things in the heavens and the things on
the earth,” in him. Eph. 1:8-10.

(38) WE maintain that baptism is necessary for people to become images

of the Messiah, being "baptized in the name of the Father and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit." Matt. 28:19.

(39) WE know that there must be no restrictions placed on the "children of

the King" so that they can fully receive the Holy Spirit and Yahshua's
direction of them.

(40) WE, therefore, absolutely reject, ALL divisive religious doctrines,

organizations, religions, hierarchies, affiliations and false beliefs that were
invented by Satan in ancient Babylon, to control mankind, and that are still
used and promoted in "Babylon the Great, the mother of the harlots" today.

(41) WE believe that only by Love of the Father, His Son, and our
neighbors can we, by means of the Holy Spirit, grow into the "full grown

man" of the future, NOW, and be part of the new model of civilization
promised to all of mankind. John 3:16, Eph. 4:13.

(42) WE know that all want and need a MINISTRY in the Lord's work and
that we can cooperate with the Holy Spirit to help everyone find what their
individual MINISTRY may be.

(43) WE must NEVER “organize” this Ministry so as to constrict it in any


(44) WE must NEVER make any rigid doctrines, dogmas, or hard and fast
rules, that imperfect men are wont to do, but let Yahshua and the Holy
Spirit direct US individually.

(45) WE must NEVER ASSUME OURSELVES AS leaders, rabbi’s, elders,

and the like, but remember Yahshua’s words in Matt. 23, that WE are all
“brothers.” For everyone will be able to easily see who has the HOLY
SPIRIT, for that individual will be producing the “fruitage of the Spirit” in his
life, and all will gladly take “suggestions” from him.

(46) WE must reject organization and hierarchies, as they invariably

impede OUR spiritual progress toward spiritual perfection

(47) WE must always speak of Yahshua’s words and use them in ALL OUR
affairs and as OUR final authority.

(48) WE must relinquish OUR want for control of others and to NOT push
OUR own ego driven wills onto others but, “Let His will be done.”

(49) WE must pray always for knowledge of His will for US individually and
for His power to carry it out.

(50) This jubilee is reserved for all of YOUR thots. Please write them down
on paper and they will happen for YOU in Yahshua’s Kingdom.

THE END . . . . . . . . of the Age is near. . . . . . . .

Please, pass this book on freely to everyone that YOU care about or as the
Holy Spirit may direct. Please e-mail any inquiries to:


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