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Consultancy Services for the Detail Engineering Design of

LOT 1 Projects Pavement Design Report (Draft)

Table of Content

1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................................................3
2. DETERMINATION OF THE DESIGN TRAFFIC (DT) OF THE PROJECT...........................................................5
2.1 TRAFFIC COUNT AND AXLE LOAD DATA ANALYSIS..........................................................................................5
2.1.1 Traffic Survey..............................................................................................................................................5
2.1.2 Vehicle Classification................................................................................................................................6
2.1.3 Classified Initial traffic estimate along the routes...............................................................................7
2.1.4 Lane Distribution.......................................................................................................................................8
2.1.5 Truck factors of vehicles............................................................................................................................8
2.1.6 Traffic growth rate.....................................................................................................................................9
2.1.7 Determination of Design Traffic..............................................................................................................9
4. CLIMATE.......................................................................................................................................................................14
5. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF PAVEMENT................................................................................................................15
5.1 STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF PAVEMENT................................................................................................................15
5.2 DESIGN OF PEDESTRIAN WALKWAYS................................................................................................................17
5.3 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS..........................................................................................................................18
6. PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL SPECIFICATION..........................................................................19
6.1. GENERAL..........................................................................................................................................................19
6.2. CAPPING LAYER (IMPROVED SUBGRADE)....................................................................................................19
6.3. NATURAL GRAVEL FOR SUB-BASE................................................................................................................19
6.4. CRUSHED AGGREGATES FOR BASE COURSE CONSTRUCTION....................................................................21
6.5. AGGREGATES FOR CONCRETE.......................................................................................................................22
6.6. MASONARY STONE.........................................................................................................................................23
6.7. BITUMINOUS PRIME COAT AND TACK COAT..............................................................................................23
6.8. BITUMEN FOR ASPHALT CONCRETE.............................................................................................................23
6.9. Water................................................................................................................................................................25

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LOT 1 Projects Pavement Design Report (Draft)


This report discusses about the pavement design of lot 1 asphalt road projects. There
are three separate routes which are investigated and designed separately.

Route-1:-Ayar Dega Toga – Karamara Asphalt – Wajale Asphalt Road
Route-2:-Kilil Gusest house – Nursing School
Route-3:-Karamara Asphalt – Wajele Road

The main function of a pavement is to provide a structural and economical

combination of materials to carry traffic in a given climate over the existing soil
conditions for a specified time interval (design period). In light of this, analysis of the
traffic characteristics of the project area was carried out so as to determine the design
traffic. And relevant data regarding the soil foundation was collected to determine
the design CBR. This helps to develop the most economical combination of pavement
layers (in relation to both thickness and type of materials) that suit the underlying
subgrade materials and the cumulative traffic to be carried during the design life of
the road.

The report contains six chapters. The first chapter is this part of the report which
discusses the content of the pavement design report. The second, the third chapters
and the fourth chapters discuss about parameters used in the pavement design that is
about the design traffic, the subgrade design CBR, and Climate based on the data
collected during the traffic study and field investigation time. The fifth chapter
discusses about the pavement thickness required to accommodate the design traffic
and subgrade strength referring different pavement design manuals like AACRA,
ERA's pavement design manual and Tanzanian Road design manuals. The report also

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discusses the recommended pavement thickness for the subject road. The last portion
provides the construction material specification.

In preparing the pavement design report the data collected during field investigation
has been taken in to account. These data are the collected data while test pit
excavation and sampling of existing wearing course material, laboratory test results
and forcast traffic for the design period of the project. In designing the pavement, it is
tried to make the pavement making materials locally available materials.

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Determination of the Design Traffic

(DT) of the project

2.1 Traffic count and Axle load data Analysis.

2.1.1 Traffic Survey

In order to determine the total traffic over the design life of the road, the first step is to
estimate initial traffic volumes. Base-line traffic of the three routes is adopted from the
traffic report found from the same projects i.e from lot-1. To identify the design traffic
of the project roads, estimation of base-line traffic was made from three traffic data
obtained from one station of Dulaale – Ring Road and two traffic count station of
Natural River – Karamara Asphalt road, which are best representing the entire traffic
information needed for all the routes. The summary of counted traffic data is
presented on the next table.

Table 2.1 Summary of Counted traffic data as obtained from the traffic report.
Dulaale – Ring Road Natural River – Karamara Asphalt road
Vehicle Type traffic count station
dulale karamara hospital karmara asphalt
Car 6 202 299
L/Rover 296 834 273
S/Bus 241 443 441
L/Bus 74 73 21
S/Truck 50 139 69
M/Truck 30 44 44
H/Truck 9 25 17
Tr. & Tr. 0 1 1
Total= 706 1763 1164

Assuming construction of the roads will be executed in one year of time and opened
for traffic in year of 2016, the counted data has been projected in order to have base-

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line traffic. The following table presents the summary of the forecasted base line
traffic using traffic growth rate provided by AACRA manual. Besides, it has to be
clear that, these traffic surveys which are conducted at three different locations is, to
investigate and see the traffic volume differences and deciding a representing design
AADT of the six road projects. Accordingly as it is clearly depicted in the table 2.1, the
traffic survey data conducted at karamara hospital station has been taken for all roads.

Table 2.2 Summary of base-line traffic.

Vehicle Type AADT
Car 245
L/Rover 1009
S/Bus 536
L/Bus 89
S/Truck 168
M/Truck 53
H/Truck 30
Tr. & Tr. 2
Total= 2133

2.1.2 Vehicle Classification

The vehicle classification of the above traffic count data need to be categorized as per
the classification of AACRA manual which comprises Cars, Light truck, Medium
truck, heavy truck and articulated vehicles. Generally, the following AACRA
classification of the vehicles was adopted in order to reach to the final categorized
Table 2.3 vehicle classification used in the traffic count, as adopted from AACRA manual

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Accordingly the vehicle classification used for traffic estimate of the routes is re-
categorized using the AACRA’s vehicle classification as per the following mode.
Table 2.4 Mode of Vehicle category to fit AACRA’s

Classification by which Estimation was done

Cars Car, Utility Pickup, Minibus

Light truck L/Bus, Single Rear
Medium truck Dual Rear
heavy truck 4-Axle
Articulated vehicles Articulated

2.1.3 Classified Initial traffic estimate along the routes

The results of traffic estimates are categorized as per the AACRA’s mode of vehicle
classification and initial ADTs for all the six routes have been developed. These ADTs
are summarized and presented in the following table.
Table 2.5. ADT for vehicle groups as per AACRA’s manual.

Vehicle Groups
S.NO Car Light Medium Heavy Articulated Total
Two directional
AADT IN 2016 1663 82 206 28 2 1980
Two directional
AADT IN 2016 831 41 103 14 1 990
2.1.4 Lane Distribution

When the pavement design is for carriageways with more than one traffic lane in each
direction, a reduction may be used in the cumulative ESA to take in to account for the
design. The lane distribution depends on traffic regulations, traffic composition, speed
and volume, the number of and location of access points, the Origin-destination
patterns of drivers, development environment, and local driver habits.

Because of these factors, there is no typical lane distributions factor. AACRA and TRL
manual do not give lane distribution factor. Therefore for this project ERA Pavement
Manual was used to determine lane distribution factor as shown on the table bellow

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Table 2.6 Lane Distribution Factor

Number of Lanes in Each Percent of ESAs in Value used for this

Direction design Lane project

1 100 100
2 80-100 88
3 60-80 76

2.1.5 Truck factors of vehicles

The damaging effect of an axle passing over the pavement is expressed by the
equivalency factor related to an equivalent standard axle (ESA) of 8160 kg load. In
order to determine the cumulative axel load damage that the pavement will sustain
during its design life, it is necessary to express the total number of the vehicle that will
use the road over this period in terms of the cumulative number of equivalent
standard axels (ESA). To determine the Cumulative ESA, equivalency factor(EF) or
vehicles damaging power can be expressed as the number of equivalent standard
axels in units of 80kn. In the absence of Axel load surveys, ERA and AACRA design
manual has proposed typical values of equivalency factor for all class of vehicles.
Therefore, it is recommended to adopt typical Truck factor/Equivalency factors given
on AACRA manual. The final decision is made by taking the actual trends in
equivalency factors in the country in to account and consultant's recommendations
based on past experiences.

Table 2.7 Equivalency factors(EF) for AA traffic, source: AACRA manual, 2004

Vehicle Class Typical Lower Upper

Car 0.03 0.00 0.10
Light 0.73 0.39 1.07
Medium 1.31 0.73 1.89
Heavy 1.61 1.05 2.18
Articulated 3.15 2.15 4.14

2.1.6 Traffic growth rate

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According to ERA manual, the growth rate can be related linearly to the anticipated
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the country. The same method is employed in
AACRA manual to determine the traffic growth rate by which it considers economic
zone in the city. Hence having those information in to consideration and comparing
the growth rate data of same ERA projects carried out around Jigjiga town and the
traffic growth rate has been taken to be 6.0%.
2.1.7 Determination of Design Traffic

The design traffic is determined using the base line traffic, track factor, growth rate
and design period. A design period of 20 years and recommended traffic growth rates
presented above. The EF values from the previous works in different projects were
consulted and the EF value provided by AACRA manual was found reasonable and
hence was selected. Using those input data, the following equation is used for
calculation of the cumulative ESA throughout the design period.

ESA= n
(LF*TF*) *365*ADTb{(1+i) – 1}
ESA = Equivalent Standard Axle
TF = Truck Factor
LF = Lane Factor
ADTb = ADT of baseline traffic
i = Growth Rate (%)
n = Design Period in years

Design traffic for classified vehicle types is presented in the table below.

Table 2.8 Design traffic for LOT -1roads;

ESA Total x106
Vehicle type ADT TF i n GF LF
20 years
ROUTE-1: Ayar Dega Toga – Karamara Asphalt – Wajale Asphalt Road
Car 831 0.1 0.06 20 - 0.76 0.848
Light 41 1.07 0.06 20 - 0.76 0.450
Medium 103 1.89 0.06 20 - 0.76 1.983
Heavy 14 2.18 0.06 20 - 0.76 0.312
Articulated 1 4.14 0.06 20 - 0.76 0.033

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Total ESA on the Route 3.627

ROUTE-2: Kilil Gusest house – Nursing School
Car 831 0.1 0.06 20 - 0.88 0.982
Light 41 1.07 0.06 20 - 0.88 0.521
Medium 103 1.89 0.06 20 - 0.88 2.296
Heavy 14 2.18 0.06 20 - 0.88 0.362
Articulated 1 4.14 0.06 20 - 0.88 0.038
Total ESA on the Route 4.200
ROUTE-3: Karamara Asphalt – Wajele Road
Car 831 0.1 0.06 20 - 0.76 0.848
Light 41 1.07 0.06 20 - 0.76 0.450
Medium 103 1.89 0.06 20 - 0.76 1.983
Heavy 14 2.18 0.06 20 - 0.76 0.312
Articulated 1 4.14 0.06 20 - 0.76 0.033
Total ESA on the Route 3.627

Determination of the Design CBR
(CBRd) for the sub grade materials

3.1. General

As the pavements of the captioned project are flexible pavements, the strength of the
road subgrade is assessed in terms of the California Bearing Ratio (CBR) and this is
dependent on the type of soil, its density, and its moisture content.

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During Field investigation, the native subgrade material was excavated, logged and
sampled at a minimum of 500m interval. All the samples were tested in laboratory to
check the degree of appropriateness to be used as road bed material. And finally, detail
desk top study of field investigation and laboratory investigation results was made, to
come up with best engineering solution as foundation of the road structure is
concerned. As it is discussed in the soil and materials report, According to the soil
survey the predominant soil types along the project road are the red silty clay and red
clay soils. Other soil types like light to light brown clay have also been observed. The
laboratory results has also strengthen the visual findings that the subgrade samples
exhibit except for route-1, other have less percentage swell, less plasticity index and
liquid limit value and the CBR value also tell that, almost all roads have a less bearing
soil and together with the AASHTO soil class confirming the soil to be categorized as
clay. The Subgrade material extension of the routes is as indicated below.

Table 3.1: Sub-grade Soil Extension for LOT-1

ROUTE 1:- Ayar Dega Toga – Karamara Asphalt – Wajale Asphalt Road
From To Description
0+000 0+900 Black CLAY soil
Red silty CLAY soil with decomposing gravel and rock
0+900 1+500
1+500 2+100 rock
ROUTE 2:- Kilil Gusest house – Nursing School
From To Description
0+000 1+500 Light Reddish silty CLAY soil
ROUTE 3:- Karamara Asphalt – Wajele Road
From To Description
0+000 1+000 Brownish silty CLAY soil
1+000 2+500 Grayish gravely silty clay soil

Generally as it could be observed from the laboratory test results, the classification
tests, atterberg limit and grain size analysis, the soil parts of subgrade material of all
the routes is except for route-1, more of non-expansive but less bearing soil(Clay A-7-
5, A-7-6, A-6 with lesser LL and PI values). The percent swell test result is also
strengthening this. Based on these facts, it is recommended to improve the native
subgrade soil of the entire route length by a capping layer material with plastic and
granular capping materials having a CBR of not less than 15%. The recommendation
is subjected to comparison of different alleviation measures, as it is discussed on soil
and materials report in detail. Some section of route-1, such as through 0+000 to
0+700, the laboratory result and site identification reveals that, subgrade soil exhibits

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an expansiveness nature, hence in this section we need to remove the top 60cm of the
subgrade and fill with plastic and granular capping materials having a CBR of not
less than 15%.

3.2. Homogenous Sections And Design CBR

The final pavement structure along the road length is based on the traffic loading and
in-situ sub-grade quality. For practical constructability reasons; the pavement
structure cannot be changed for each variance in the sub-grade strength as this could
lead to confusion during construction. Various sub-grade quality parameters are
therefore used to define significant sections of similar sub-grade strength, so that an
approximate CBR is defined for each in-situ sub-grade unit. Uniform pavement
structures are allocated to each of these sections. Localized poor soils will be treated
separately from the rest of the pavement design.

The following data sources have been combined to define these uniform
(homogenous) sections:
 Results of the visual evaluations of sub-grade along the route.
 Results of laboratory tests on sub-grade samples
Based on the above data’s, the project road is divided in to the following uniform
sections as shown in the following tables;

Table 3.3; Uniform Subgrade sections for Lot-I

ROUTE 1:- Ayar Dega Toga – Karamara Asphalt – Wajale Asphalt Road
From To Design CBR Subgrade class
0+000 2+100 2 S1
ROUTE 2:- Kilil Gusest house – Nursing School
From To Design CBR Subgrade class
0+000 1+500 3.5 S2
ROUTE 3:- Karamara Asphalt – Wajele Road
From To Design CBR Subgrade class
0+000 2+500 4 S2

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The project area is located on the lower elevation of the country, having altitude of
1775M above the mean sea level, which is considered as KOLA. The effective
temperature is lower than 300c, which is good and comfortable most of the time.

i. Rain fall
Since the project area is located in jigjiga area, the rainfall of the city is considered for
the project area. Accordingly the mean annual rainfall of the project area varies in the
range of 16.9mm – 103.1mm.

Table 4.1: Mean Monthly rainfall of the project area

Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Rainfall 103. 65.
(mm) 16.9 50.5 96.05 1 66.7 47.15 58.05 97.2 91.25 4 38.5 76.2

ii. Temperature
For the project area, the monthly temperature is maximum during the months of
March through May, about 31.20C, and it is minimum in the months of November
through February, 3.70C.

Table 4.2 Monthly maximum and minimum temperatures for the project area
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
(0C) 3.7 4.6 7.4 9.8 11.1 14.7 14.1 13.9 13.9 8.5 6.4 4.4
(0C) 28.5 30.4 30.8 31.2 30.1 29.7 28.3 29 29.5 29.7 28.8 28.2

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Structural Design of Pavement
5.1 Structural Design of Pavement
In order to make comparison and select the most suitable pavement structures four
manuals have been referred:

 AACRA Manual
 ERA's Pavement Design Manual.
 TRL road note 31.
 Kenya Pavement Design Manual
 Tanzanian Road Design Manual.

The traffic forecast for the design period, sub grade material strength, together with
climate, are the main inputs of the pavement design in all the manuals. However the
possibility of obtaining the Designed construction materials is not underestimated
while recommending the final pavement design. The objective of this structural
pavement design is to provide a road surface which can withstand the expected traffic
loading over the design period without deteriorating below a predetermined level of

Having the input data for designing the pavement structure such as design CBR,
design ESA, and climate, all the manuals has been thoroughly seen in order to come
up with structurally fit and economical pavement structure. Based on the economic
advantage of the manuals and the merits and demerits in the ease of implementation,
the final pavement thickness is recommended. In addition to these the following
factors have been considered in selecting the manuals.

 the likely level and timing of maintenance

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 the probable behavior of the structure

 the experience and skill of the contractors and the availability of suitable
 use of locally available material
 the cost of the different materials that might be used

In consideration of the above reasons, semi structural for a design period of 20 years
resulted from ERA Pavement Design Manual, 2002, is recommended as the best
option for the upgrading of the project roads.

The recommended pavement layers are presented in the table below;

Table: 5.1. Ayar Dega Toga – Karamara Asphalt – Wajale Asphalt Road (2.1Km) (ROUTE-1)

Station Recommended Pavement layers

Subgrade Traffic Capping Granular
Class class Sub- Asphalt
From To Layer Base
base Concrete
material Course

0+000 2+100 S1 T5 300mm 300mm 175mm 50mm

From station 0+000 to 0+700, the laboratory result and site identification reveals
that, subgrade soil exhibits an expansiveness nature, hence in this section it has to
be remove the top 60cm of the subgrade and fill with plastic and granular capping
materials having a CBR of not less than 4%.

Table: 5.2. Kilil Gusest house – Nursing School (1.37Km) (ROUTE-2)

Station Recommended Pavement layers

Subgrade Traffic Capping Granular
Class class Sub- Asphalt
From To Layer Base
base Concrete
material Course

0+000 1+370 S2 T5 300mm 200mm 175mm 50mm

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Table: 5.3. Karamara Asphalt – Wajele Road (1.85Km) (ROUTE-3)

Station Recommended Pavement layers

Subgrade ESA Capping Granular
CBR,% *106 Sub- Asphalt
From To Layer Base
base Concrete
material Course

0+000 1+850 S2 T5 300mm 200mm 175mm 50mm

5.2 Design of Pedestrian Walkways

For a paved road it is usually economically justifiable to provide paved rather than
unpaved shoulders. This is because it greatly improves pavement performance by
ensuring that the zone of seasonal moisture variation does not penetrate to the outer
wheel track and it;
 Reduces erosion of the shoulders (especially on steep gradients).
 Reduces maintenance costs by avoiding the need for re-gravelling at regular
 Reduces the risk of road accidents, especially where the edge drop between the
shoulder and the pavement is significant or the shoulders are relatively soft.

The following table gives the design thickness of walk way using AACRA design
manual, Design of Small Element section.

Table 5.7. Design Walkway thickness

Station Recommended Pavement layers

Leveling Sand
From To Sub-base Paving Block

Walkway for the routes 200mm 40mm 50mm

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5.3 Summary and Conclusions

The Consultant has done detailed soils and material investigation work. Traffic
estimation were undertaken to have pertinent traffic data and the traffic data is
analyzed. Traffic projections were also been determined. Based on the outcome of the
detailed investigations, laboratory test results, climate and the traffic analysis the
required pavement layer components and thicknesses are determined for the project.
The concept of design period should not be confused with that of pavement life. Each
of the pavement structures proposed has been designed to carry a certain cumulative
traffic. When the pavement has carried the expected traffic, it will need to be
strengthened so that it can continue to carry traffic for a further period. In order to
achieve the anticipated service life it will be essential that the project road is
monitored and regularly inspected so that localized, recurrent or periodic
maintenance measures are taken timely. Early intervention is required to sustain the
overall pavement structure. The following selected activities are recommended for
particular attention on the project road:

 Inspection and timely restoration of surface distresses (corrugation, erosion

gullies, rutting, etc.) wherever necessary in order to maintain the pavement

 Identification and repair of any isolated potholes that may occur in order to
prevent enlargement and further deterioration.

 Inspection, cleaning and relevant repairs to roadside drainage in order to

maintain drainage protection to the subgrade foundation supporting the
pavement structure.

In addition to road maintenance it is also desirable to monitor excess axle loading,

traffic volume and traffic growth so that if traffic levels in excess of the design traffic,
appropriate pavement strengthening works are planned to match and accommodate
the changes in traffic loadings.

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Pavement Construction Material

6.1. General

The selection of construction material specification is basically done by thoroughly

studying the design document together with different design manuals mainly
AACRA and ERA manual. However, it is also noted that, the consultant shall use the
recommendations given in those widely used international practices including
AASHTO, TRL, Tanzanian, etc design manuals, wherever appropriate on approval by
AACRA. The characteristics of the construction materials available in the project area
determine the type and quality of the pavement materials to use.

6.2. Capping Layer (Improved Subgrade)

Material for improved subgrade (Capping layer) shall comply with the following

 CBR………………….. It shall have a CBR value of at least 15% determined

according to AASHTO T-193. The CBR value shall be
obtained at a density corresponding to 95% of the
maximum dry density determined according to
 Plasticity Index……….. Max 25% (AASHTO T-90)
 Grading Modulus…….. Min 0.75
 Percentage Swell……... Max 1.5% (AASHTO T-193)
6.3. Natural Gravel for Sub-base

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The sub-base is an important load spreading layer in a completed pavement. It

enables traffic stresses to be reduced to an acceptable level in the subgrade, it acts as a
working platform for construction of upper pavement layers and it acts as a
separation layer between subgrade and base course. Natural gravel material should
fulfill the following requirements to serve as wearing course:
 Possess fines of sufficient cohesion to bind the gravel particles and keep the
stability of the pavement layers.
 Possess sufficient bearing strength.
The plasticity and amount of fines should be limited to a certain maximum value,
based on the prevailing climatic conditions.
Table 6.1: Requirements for natural sub-base Material
Property Specification Requirements
Description of The selected material shall consist of hard durable angular particles of
Material fragments of stone or natural gravel and boulders which may require
crushing or crushing & screening.
Grading, after Sieve size (mm): 50.0 25.0 9.5 4.75 2.0 0.425 0.075
% Passing : 100 - 30-65 25-55 15-40 8-20 2-8
Grading-B % Passing : 100 75-95 40-75 30-60 20-45 15-30 5-20
Grading-C % Passing : 100 - 50-85 35-65 25-50 15-30 5-15
Los Angeles
Abrasion < 50%
Atterberg - Liquid Limit < 45
limits - Plasticity Index shall not exceed 12
(-0.425mm - Linear Shrinkage shall be in a range of 3 - 10%
Min 1.5

Strength (CBR) CBR at 95% of modified ASTM D 1557 density shall not be less than 30%

Shall not exceed 1.0%
Compaction 95% or 97% of MDD, AASHTO T180 Method D
Requirements Moisture content prior to compaction shall be within -1% to +2% of OMC

6.4. Crushed Aggregates for Base course construction

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Base course is produced by crushing fresh quarried rock. The laboratory test results
obtained were compared with the available common specification. The material shall
be clean and free from organic matter, lumps of clay or other deleterious substances.
The material shall be of such nature that it can be readily transported, spread and
compacted without segregation.
The specifications for use in pavement base courses are the following:

 CBR………………….. The CBR after 4 days soaking shall be not less than 80%
at 98% modified AASHTO density for crushed stone
 Plasticity Index……….. Max 6% (AASHTO T-90)
 LAA…………………. Max 35
 ACV ……....................... Max 25
 SSS…………………... Max 15
 The 10%FACT (wet)… Min 110KN (BS 812: part 3)
 Flakiness Index………. Max 30

Table 6.2 Grading limits for graded crushed stone base course material

Sieve Size Alternate Grading (% passing)

(mm) Grading-A Grading-B
50 100 -
37.5 97 - 100 100
25 - 97-100
19 67 - 81 -
9.5 - 56-70
4.75 33 - 47 39-53
2.0 - -
0.425 10 - 19 12-21
0.075 4-8 4-8

6.5. Aggregates for Concrete

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Construction and Industry Bureau
Consultancy Services for the Detail Engineering Design of
LOT 1 Projects Pavement Design Report (Draft)

A. Coarse aggregates

Crusher-run aggregate should be used as course aggregate. It should be Class-A

standard. The material shall satisfy the following quality requirements:

Los Angeles Abrasion Test (LAA) = Max. 40%

ACV (Aggregate Crushing Value) = Max. 30%
Flakiness Index = Max. 35%
Sodium Sulfate Soundness (MSS) = Max. 10%
Plasticity Index (PI) = Max. 6%

The aggregate grading shall comply with the next table (ERA Standard Technical
Specification, Table 8402-3).

Table 6.3 Nominal Size and Grading of Coarse Aggregates

Nominal Percentage of total mass passing sieve

Size Sieve size (mm)
(mm) 31.25 25 19 12.5 10 4.75 0.075
25 90 - 100 - 0 – 20 - 0-2 - 0 - 0.5
20 - 100 80 - 100 - 10-40 0-4 0 - 0.5
10 - - 100 90 - 100 40 - 70 0 - 15 0 - 0.5

B. Fine Aggregate, Sand

The material specifications for fine aggregate for Portland Cement Concrete, river
sand or manufactured sand shall meet the requirements specified in AACRA
Standard Technical Specifications and /or ASTM specifications.
The material shall satisfy the following requirements:

 SSS (Sodium Sulfate Soundness loss) = Maximum 10%, or

 Silt and Clay Content (Material Passing 0.075mm sieve = Max 3%
 Mortar Making Property, relative strength at 7 days is not less than 95%.
 Organic Impurities should not be darker than the reference colour; i.e. (ASTM
Fig. 3)
 Sand equivalent value (AASHTO T176) shall not be lesse than 75.

When tested, the material shall meet the following grading requirement:

Table 6.4 Grading Requirements of Fine Aggregate for Concrete

Sieve size

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Construction and Industry Bureau
Consultancy Services for the Detail Engineering Design of
LOT 1 Projects Pavement Design Report (Draft)

percentage of total mass passing

10 100
4.76 95-100
2.38 68-86
1.19 47-65
0.59 27-42
0.30 9-20
0.15 0-7
0.075 0-2.5

6.6. Masonary Stone

Rocks which satisfy quality requirements specified for coarse aggregates can be used
as Masonry stone. Tests for ACV, UCS and water absorption are usually conducted
for estimating the quality of the rocks for use as masonry stone. The rocks for masonry
are required to be sound and durable, free from segregation, seams, cracks and other
structural defects or imperfections tending to reduce the resistance of the rock to
weathering. The rocks are required to be large, well proportioned and free from
rounded or weathered surfaces.

6.7. Bituminous Prime Coat and Tack coat

The priming material shall be MC-30 cutback bitumen complying with AASHTO M 81
or M 82 as applicable. The primed surface aggregate shall be clean, hard and free from
excessive dust. It shall contain no clay, loam or other deleterious matter. Diluted
bitumen emulsion tack coat is preferable to be used in between two successive hot mix
asphalt layers.

6.8. Bitumen for Asphalt Concrete

The selection of bitumen for asphalt concrete is highly dependent on many factors
including the road surface temperature and the available bitumen type. For Addis
Ababa where the ambient temperature rarely exceeds 280c, penetration grade 80/100
shall be used for hot mix asphalt concrete mixes. The asphalt concrete shall provide a
surface with good resistance against deformation and ageing. And should have
acceptable fatigue properties and skid resistance.

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Consultancy Services for the Detail Engineering Design of
LOT 1 Projects Pavement Design Report (Draft)

Mix properties are given in the following table. But, exact mix proportions for asphalt
concrete shall be determined during construction phase, based on marshal mix design
Table 6.5 Asphalt Concrete mix properties
Nominal size of mix
Sieve size (mm)
6 mm 10 mm 14 mm 20 mm
25 - - - 100
19 - - 100 90-100
13.5 - 100 85-100 70-90
9.5 - 90-100 - -
6.7 100 70-90 55-75 40-70
4.75 80 - 100 - - -
2.36 45 - 70 40-60 35-52 25-50
0.600 20 - 43 20-38 15-30 10-27
0.075 4.5 - 11 4.5-10 3-7 3-7
Bitumen Content 5.6 – 6.8 5.1 – 6.4 4.8– 6.8 5.6 – 6.8
Marshal Stability 5.5 min 5.5 min 6.5 min 6.5 min
Air voids 4-6 4-6 4-6 4-6
VFB 65 - 80 65 - 80 65 - 80 65 - 80

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Consultancy Services for the Detail Engineering Design of
LOT 1 Projects Pavement Design Report (Draft)

6.9. Water
As a general rule, water shall be clean and free from detrimental concentration of
acids, alkalis, salts and other chemicals. Water acceptable for drinking, whether
treated for distribution through the public supply or untreated, is suitable for making
concrete. Where public supplies are not available, water for concreting may have to be
drawn from natural sources, and may contain undesirable organic constituents or
unacceptably high contents of inorganic salts.

Water for concrete preparation and road construction shall satisfy the following
requirements (ERA Standard Technical Specifications, Clause 8402 (d)):

 Chloride Content …………... Maximum 400mg/l

 Sulfate Content …………….. Maximum 500mg/l
 PH …………………..……… 7 to 9 (Minimum 6)
 Total Dissolved Salts................. Maximum 2000 mg/l

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