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Professional Dispositions Assessment

Professional Dispositions Criteria 1 2 3 4 5

I believe a teacher must use a variety of instructional

strategies to optimize student learning.
I understand that students learn in many different ways. X

I demonstrate qualities of humor, empathy, and warmth. X

I am a thoughtful and responsive listener. X

I assume responsibility when working with others. X

I believe that all students can learn. X

I believe it is important to involve all students in


I believe the classroom environment a teacher creates

greatly affects students' learning and development.

I view teaching as an important profession. X

I understand that teachers’ expectations affect student


I view teaching as a collaborative effort among educators. X

I understand that students have certain needs that must be

met before learning can take place.

I am sensitive to student differences. X

I communicate caring, concern, and a willingness to

become involved with others.

I am punctual and reliable in my attendance. X

I maintain a professional appearance. X

I believe it is my job to create a learning environment X

conducive to the development of students’ self-confidence
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and competence.

I respect the cultures of all students and am sensitive to

cultural norms.

I honor my commitments. X

I treat students with dignity and respect at all times. X

I am willing to receive feedback and assessment of my


I am patient when working with students. X

I am open to adjusting and revising my plans to meet

student needs.

I communicate in ways that demonstrate respect for the

feelings, ideas, and contributions of others.

I believe it is important to learn about students and their


Professional Disposition Statement

Teaching requires a special combination of professionalism and caring. This makes it

important to understand the requirements and expectations of the field. Having documents like

the Professional Disposition of Learners and Model Code of Ethics for Educators can help to

show future teachers these expectations (NASDTEC, 2015 & GCU, n.d.). These documents and

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coursework have helped me to see how important it is to include all learners, respect diversity,

present information in multiple ways, maintain professional boundaries, and help build up the

importance of the education field. In doing this self-assessment I realized that there are some

areas that I need to work on mastering.

I have realized that I need to make sure that I need to get to know my students and their

families better. This way I can make sure that I can communicate with the families in a respectful

way and to include them in their students education. Creating a team atmosphere will help to add

to the class culture and make the student’s educational experience a positive one. This will

hopefully help to create life long learners and contributing citizens. Which is one of the main

goals of education.

One of the best ways to do this is to continuously assess myself and my teaching

strategies. This way I can make sure that my students are achieving their learning goals and

mastering the skills they need to be successful. Assessing myself will help me to improve my

craft and sharpen my skills. Overall, it is important to make sure that as a future teacher I do

everything possible to further the field of education.


GCU. (n.d.). Professional Disposition of Learners. Retrieved from

NASDTEC. (2015). Model Code of Ethics for Educators. Retrieved from

© 2020 Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

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