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7 Practice Questions

1. Which of the following is the appropriate description of hold relax PNF Stretching?
a. Athlete holds 30 second prestretch, 6 second Isometric contraction, 30 second
b. Athlete holds 10 second prestretch, 10 second concentric contraction, 60 second
c. Athlete holds 10 second prestetch, 6 second Isometric contraction, 30 second

2. A high school football team with 65 athletes requires how many coaches?
a. 3 coaches
b. 4 coaches
c. 5 coaches

3. Which of the following is in the correct order for testing?

a. Vertical Jump, 1RM Squat, Pro Agility, push-up test, 300 yard shuttle run
b. Flexibility, T test, 40 yard dash, sit-up test, 1RM Bench, 1.5 mile run
c. Vertical jump, pro agility, 1RM power clean, 40 yard dash, 1.5 mile run

4. Which of the following should be prioritized to allow a soccer player to maintain speed
and agility at the end of a match?
a. Hip Strengthening Exercises
b. Interval Training
c. Plyometric Training

5. Which of the following is an example of positive punishment?

a. A Coach adds hill sprints to get athletes to get athletes to focus more during
b. A coach takes away the athlete’s favorite practice drill to decrease players
arriving late to practice.
c. A coach adds a mile run test to decrease texting during practice.

6. Which of the following is or are a major catabolic effect of cortisol in muscles?

a. Converts amino acids to carbohydrates
b. Decreases levels of proteolytic enzymes
c. Inhibits protein synthesis
d. A and C
7. ___________ is the assessment by experts that the testing covers all relevant subtopics
or component abilities in appropriate portions.
a. Face Validity
b. Content Validity
c. Construct Validity
d. Concurrent Validity

1. Which of the following is the appropriate description of hold relax PNF Stretching?
a. Athlete holds 30 second prestretch, 6 second Isometric contraction, 30 second
b. Athlete holds 10 second prestretch, 10 second concentric contraction, 60 second
c. Athlete holds 10 second prestetch, 6 second Isometric contraction, 30 second

A 10 second prestretch should always be performed for PNF stretching. In the

case of hold-relax, the athlete should hold an isometric contraction for 6 seconds
then allow a 30 second passive stretch to a greater range of motion than the

2. A high school football team with 65 athletes requires how many coaches?
a. 3 coaches
b. 4 coaches
c. 5 coaches

The recommended coach to athlete ratio at the high school level is 1:15.
Therefore 4 coaches could supervise a maximum of 60 athletes. In order to
supervise 65 athletes, 5 coaches would be required.

3. Which of the following is in the correct order for testing?

a. Vertical Jump, 1RM Squat, Pro Agility, push-up test, 300 yard shuttle run
b. Flexibility, T test, 40 yard dash, sit-up test, 1RM Bench, 1.5 mile run
c. Vertical jump, pro agility, 1RM power clean, 40 yard dash, 1.5 mile run

The correct order for testing is: Non fatiguing test (ex: height, weight, vertical
jump), agility test, max power and strength, sprint test, local muscle endurance,
fatiguing anaerobic capacity, aerobic capacity.

4. Which of the following should be prioritized to allow a soccer player to maintain speed
and agility at the end of a match?
a. Hip Strengthening Exercises
b. Interval Training
c. Plyometric Training
The key to answer this one is to see that the question asks about “At the end of a
match”. This means that the athlete needs to train an adaptation that will result
in improvements in a fatigued state. Hip strengthening exercises is not the best
answer, because this does not specify that it is muscular endurance or will help
in a fatigued state. Plyometric training should not be performed in a fatigued
state. Plyometrics will improve maximal power output, rate coding, impulse, etc.
but none of those adaptations will directly improve the end of the match
performance. Interval training will improve work capacity, lactate threshold, and
allow the athlete to work harder and maintain sprint speed and agility at the end
of the match.

5. Which of the following is an example of positive punishment?

a. A Coach adds hill sprints to get athletes to get athletes to focus more during
b. A coach takes away the athlete’s favorite practice drill to decrease players
arriving late to practice.
c. A coach adds a mile run test to decrease texting during practice.

Positive means adding something. Punishment means decreasing behavior. So a

coach must add something in order to decrease a behavior. In this case, the
coach adding a mile run causes athletes to decrease the behavior of texting
(positive punishment). A coach adding hill sprints to increase focus would be an
example of positive reinforcement (adding something to increase behavior). Yes,
even if she or he is adding something the athletes don’t like. The coach taking
away a drill to decrease late arrival to practice is negative punishment. Taking
something away to decrease a behavior.

6. Which of the following is or are a major catabolic effect of cortisol in muscles?

a. Converts amino acids to carbohydrates
b. Decreases levels of proteolytic enzymes
c. Inhibits protein synthesis
d. A and C

Cortisol is a catabolic hormone (breaks things down). It contributes to breaking

down amino acids into carbohydrates (glucose) for energy. It also contributes to
inhibiting muscle protein synthesis. These go hand in hand. If you have less
amino acid available, you cannot do muscle protein synthesis as well.
7. ___________ is the assessment by experts that the testing covers all relevant subtopics
or component abilities in appropriate portions.
a. Face Validity
b. Content Validity
c. Construct Validity
d. Concurrent Validity

Content Validity is how well the experts believe the test covers the relevant
subtopics and component abilities. Face Validity is how good the test looks or if
the athlete thinks the test is good. Construct validity is how well the test
measures what it should measure. Concurrent validity is how well the test
correlates with the gold standard test.

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