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Peshitta Aramaic/English Interlinear New Testament

The Preaching of Mattai

Chapter: 5
Ytmd Fwzwrk
h :0xxc
and when the mountain he went up the crowd Yeshua and saw when

dkw 0rw=l Qls 04nkl (w4y Nyd 0zx dk .1

and teaching his mouth and he opened his disciples to him drew near he sat

Plmw hmwp Xtpw .2 Yhwdymlt htwl wbrq Bty

because theirs in spirit who are poor blessed are they and said them was

Jwhlydd Xwrb 0nksml Jwhybw= .3 rm0w Jwhl 0wh

because they who are mourning blessed are they of heaven the kingdom is

Jwnhd fyb0l Jwhybw= .4 0ym4d Fwklm Yh

will inherit because they who are meek blessed are they will be comforted

Jwtr0n Jwnhd 0kykml Jwhybw= .5 Jw0ybtn

for righteousness and thirst who hunger <those> blessed are they the earth

Fwn0kl Nyhcw Nynpkd Nyly0l Jwhybw= .6 09r0l

because upon them who are merciful blessed are they will be satisfied because they

Jwhyl9d 0nmxrml Jwhybw= .7 Jw9bsn Jwnhd

in their hearts who are pure <those> blessed are they mercies will be

Jwhblb Nykdd Nyly0l Jwhybw= .8 0mxr Jwwhn

peace who make blessed are they God will see because they

0ml4 Ydb9l Jwhybw= .9 0hl0l Jwzxn Jwnhd

<those> blessed are they they will be called of God because the sons

Nyly0l Jwhybw= .10 Jwrqtn 0hl0d Yhwnbd

the kingdom is because theirs righteousness because of who are persecuted

Fwklm Yh Jwhlydd Fwn0k L=m wpdrt0d


and they persecute you they curse whenever blessed are you of heaven

Nypdrw Jwkl Nydsxmd Ytm0 Jwkybw= .11 0ym4d

falsely because of me evil word every about you and they say you

Fwlgdb Ytl=m 04yb fm Lk Jwkyl9 Nyrm0w Jwkl

in heaven is great because your reward and be glad rejoice then

0ym4b Ygs Jwkrg0d wzwrw wdx Nydyh .12

before you who were the prophets they persecuted for likewise
Jwkymdq Nmd 0ybnl wpdr ryg 0nkh

1. Or, ‘expelled.’

Peshitta Aramaic/English Interlinear New Testament
The Preaching of Mattai
Chapter: 5
Ytmd Fwzwrk
h :0xxc
that the salt but if of the earth the salt are you

0xlmd Nyd whn0 09r0d hxlm Jwn0 Jwtn0 .13

but is fit not for anything would it be seasoned with what should become bland

f0 fz0 f Mdml Xlmtt 0nmb hkpt

the light are you man by and be trodden outside to be thrown

hrhwn Jwn0 Jwtn0 .14 04n0 Nm $ydttw rbl 0dt4td

built a mountain that is on a city to hide it is possible not of the world

0ynb 0rw= L9d Fnydm 04=td 0xk4m f 0ml9d

but a bushel under it and place a lamp do they light and not
f0 F0s tyxt hl Nymysw 0gr4 Nyrhnm fw .15
are that in the house those upon all and it lights a lamp-stand upon

Jwn0 Fybbd Nyly0 Lkl rhnmw Frnm L9

the sons of man in front of your light let shine like this

04nynb Mdq Jwkrhwn rhnn 0nkh .16

who is in heaven your father and they glorify good your works that they should see

0ym4bd Jwkwb0l Jwxb4nw 0b= Jwkydb9 Jwzxnd

the prophets or the law to loosen that I have come do think not
0ybn w0 0swmn 0r40d tyt0d Jwrbst f .17
say for truly to fulfill but to loosen I have come not

rm0 ryg Nym0 .18 fm0d f0 0r40d tyt0 f

one or one Yodh and earth heaven pass away that until to you I

dx w0 0dx dwy 09r0w 0ym4 Jwrb9nd 0md9d Jwkl 0n0

happens everything until the law from will pass not stroke

0whn Lkd 0md9 0swmn Nm rb9n f 0=rs

small these commandments from one therefore loosen all who

0rw9z Nylh 0ndqwp Nm dx Lykh 0r4nd Nmlk .19

in the kingdom will be called little to the sons of man thus and teach
Fwklmb 0rqtn 0rycb 04nynbl 0nkh Plnw
in the kingdom will be called great this and teach who do but all of heaven

Fwklmb 0rqtn 0br 0nh Plnw db9nd Nyd Lk 0ym4d

your righteousness exceeds that unless for to you I say of heaven

Jwktwn0k rt0t f J0d ryg Jwkl 0n0 rm0 .20 0ym4d

Peshitta Aramaic/English Interlinear New Testament
The Preaching of Mattai
Chapter: 5
Ytmd Fwzwrk
h :0xxc
you will enter not and the Pharisees of the scribes than [that] more [so]

Jwl9t f 04yrpw 0rpsd Nm ryty

not to those before that is was said you have heard of heaven the kingdom

f 0ymdql rm0t0d Jwt9m4 .21 0ym4d Fwklml

to judgement are condemned that kill and all you should kill

0nydl wh Byxm Lw=qnd Lkw Lw=qt

who provokes to anger that anyone to you I say but <I>

L9 zgrnd Nm Lkd Jwkl 0n0 rm0 Nyd 0n0 .22

who should say and anyone to judgement is condemned without cause his brother
rm0nd Nmlkw 0nydl wh Byxm 0qy0 Yhwx0
and anyone to the assembly is condemned [I] spit [on you] to his brother

Nmlkw F4wnkl wh Byxm 0qr Yhwx0l

of fire to the Gehenna is condemned [you are] a coward who should say

0rwnd 0nhgl wh Byxm fl rm0nd

unto your offering you that offer therefore [it] is if

L9 Knbrwq tn0 Brqmd Lykh wh J0 .23

a grudge your brother against you that holds you should remember and there the altar
Fk0 <wx0 Kyl9 dyx0d rkdtt Nmtw 0xbdm
first and go the altar upon your offering there leave certain

Mdqwl Lzw 0xbdm L9 Knbrwq Nmt Qwb4 .24 Mdm

your offering offer come and then your brother with reconcile

Knbrwq Brq F Nydyhw <wx0 M9 09rt0

while quickly your adversary at law with in agreement be

d9 Lg9 Knyd L9b M9 0w0tm tywh .25

deliver you your adversary at law lest on the way you [are] with him

Kml4n Knyd L9b 0mld 0xrw0b tn0 hm9

and you be thrown [into] to the officer deliver you and the judge to the judge

Lptw 0ybgl Kml4n 0nydw 0nydl

that not to you I say and truly captives the house [of]

fd Kl 0n0 rm0 Nym0w .26 0rys0 tyb

the last coin you pay until there from you will come out

0yrx0 0nwm4 Lttd 0md9 Nmt Nm Qwpt

Peshitta Aramaic/English Interlinear New Testament
The Preaching of Mattai
Chapter: 5
Ytmd Fwzwrk
h :0xxc
you should commit adultery that not that it has been said you have heard

rwgt fd rm0t0d Jwt9m4 .27

a woman that looks at who that all to you I say but <I>

Ftn0 0zxd Nm Lkd Jwkl 0n0 rm0 Nyd 0n0 .28

if in his heart has committed adultery at once lustfully as

J0 .29 hblb hrg 0dxm hygrnd Ky0

from you and cast it pluck it out you stumbles right your eye and

Knm hyd4w hycx Kl f4km 0nymyd Kny9 Nyd

and not of your members one that should perish for [for] you it is better

fw Kmdh dx db0nd ryg Kl Xqp

right your hand and if into Gehenna be thrown your body all of

0nymyd <dy0 J0w .30 0nhgb Lpn <rgp hlk

for you it is better [for] from you [and] cast it cut it off you stumbles

ryg Kl Xqp Knm hyd4 Qwsp Kl f4km

your body all of and not your members from one that should perish

<rgp hlk fw Kymdh Nm dx db0nd

his wife that puts away that he it has been said into Gehenna be thrown

httn0 0r4d Nmd rm0t0 .31 0nhgb Lpn

to you I say but <I> of divorce a writing to her shall give
Jwkl 0n0 rm0 Nyd 0n0 .32 flwdd 0btk hl Ltn
her makes of fornication a case aside from his wife puts away who that any

hl db9 Fwynzd Flm Nm rbl httn0 0r4d Nm Lkd

commits adultery a divorced woman takes and [he] who commit adultery

r0g Fqyb4 Lq4d Nmw rwgtd

that not to those before that it has been said you have heard again

fd 0ymdql rm0t0d Jwt9m4 Bwt .33

your oath to the LORD but complete in your oath you should lie
<tmwm 0yrml Nyd Ml4t <tmwmb Lgdt
not I swear you should say not to you I say but <I>

f Ks Jwm0t f Jwkl 0n0 rm0 Nyd 0n0 .34

by the earth and not of God [that] is because the throne by heaven

09r0b fw .35 0hl0d wh 0ysrwkd 0ym4b

Peshitta Aramaic/English Interlinear New Testament
The Preaching of Mattai
Chapter: 5
Ytmd Fwzwrk
h :0xxc
by Urishlim and not his feet that is beneath {it} is because the footstool

Ml4rw0b fp0 Yhwlgr tyxtd Yh 04bwkd

you should swear by your head and not great of the king [it] is because the city

0m0t K4rb fp0 .36 0br 0klmd Yh htnydmd

of the hair one part in it to make you are able because not

0r9sd 0dx Fnm hb db9ml tn0 Xk4m fd

yes yes your word should be but white or black

Ny0 Ny0 Jwktlm 0wht f0 .37 Frwx w0 Fmkw0

is evil from more than these <which is> anything no and no

wh 04yb Nm ryty Nylh Nmd Mdm f fw

and a tooth an eye for that an eye that it has been said you have heard

0n4w 0ny9 Plx 0ny9d rm0t0d Jwt9m4 .38

you should stand that not to you I say but <I> a tooth for

Jwmwqt fd Jwkl 0n0 rm0 Nyd 0n0 .39 0n4 Plx

turn right your cheek upon you hits who but evil against

0np0 0nymyd Kkp L9 Kl 0xmd Nm f0 04yb Lbqwl

with you to go to court that desires and he the other also to him

Km9 Jwdnd 0bcd Nmw .40 0nrx0 P0 hl

he your cloak also to him leave your coat and take
Nm .41 K=w=rm P0 hl Qwb4 Knytwk Lwq4nw
that asks he two with him go one to go mile you that compels

L04d Nm .42 Nyrt hm9 Lz dx fym Kl rx4md

you should deny him not from you to borrow that desires and he to him give you
Yhwylkt f Knm Pz0nd 0bcd Nmw hl Bh Kl
and hate your neighbor to love that it has been said you have heard

Ynsw Kbyrql Mxrd rm0t0d Jwt9m4 .43

your enemies love to you I say but <I> your enemy

Jwkybbdl9bl wbx0 Jwkl 0n0 rm0 Nyd 0n0 .44 Kbbdl9bl

who hate to those that which is pleasing and do you that curse those and bless

0nsd Nml ryp4d wdb9w Jwkl +0ld Nml wkrbw

you and persecute by force you that take those for and pray you

Jwkl Nypdrw 0ry=qb Jwkl Nyrbdd Nyly0 L9 wlcw Jwkl

Peshitta Aramaic/English Interlinear New Testament
The Preaching of Mattai
Chapter: 5
Ytmd Fwzwrk
h :0xxc
He who is in heaven of your Father the sons you may be so that

wh 0ym4bd Jwkwb0d Yhwnb Jwwhtd 0nky0 .45

His rain and causes to descend the evil and upon the good upon His sun that raises

hr=m txmw 04yb L9w 0b= L9 h4m4 Xndmd

to those you love for if the unjust and upon the just upon

Nyly0l Jwtybxm ryg J0 .46 fw9 L9w 0n0k L9

the publicans do not even you have reward what you that love

0skm P0 0h f Jwkl ty0 0rg0 0nm Jwkl Nybxmd

only your brothers in peace you greet and if do this <they>
dwxlb Jwkyx0d 0ml4b Jwtyl04 J0w .47 Nydb9 0dh Yh
this <they> the publicans do not even you are doing more what

0dh Yh 0skm P0 0h f Jwtn0 Nydb9 ryty 0nm

your Father as perfect you therefore be do

Jwkwb0d 0nky0 0rymg Jwtn0 Lykh wwh .48 Nydb9

is perfect who is in heaven

wh rymg 0ym4bd

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