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Self Assessment


The last project I worked on was the Mobile Website project for EDIT 5600. I learned a

lot about HTML coding, using Adobe Dreamweaver, but most importantly where to find support

online. After many iterations of the website, it did not look much like the template I started with

from W3Schools. I think I am more comfortable creating off of templates and formatting a

webpace than I am in creating graphics. The biggest highlight from this project is seeing my

vision come to life. I enjoyed changing a piece of code and quickly toggling over to the preview

website to see it actually work and look how I wanted it to was exciting. It was satisfying when

the code worked and the website looked how I intended. Areas for improvement are in learning

more about dreamweaver, formatting codes and playing with more layout ideas. I would also like

to expand my skills so that my next website project looks more web 2.0 than 1.0. For example, I

would like to include a discussion section to my website to encourage families to chat.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths that I gained this semester are in the knowledge of the history of instructional

design and engaging in projects that helped my creating and designing skills. I may not be a

hirable content and graphic designer yet, but I now know so much more about the tools and

background of the field of educational technology. My weaknesses this semester is being

strapped for time and juggling my teacher duties, my homework for this program and making

time to connect with loved ones. I am a workaholic, it is my nature to want to be busy. But these

past couple months were chaotic in all areas of my life. The global pandemic being the main

reason, it seemed to tease out already existing problems in all areas of my life. Work had surprise
deadlines or policy changes weekly. Being a special education teacher is already filled with long

hours but now its virtually impossible to keep up with district demands. At home, being in lock

down has affected the health of those close to me like my grandmother who has diabetes and

nearing kidney failure, and my sister who is struggling with addiction and a mental disorder.

Homework for this program was sometimes a welcome distraction, but other times a hindrance.

This time really highlighted for me the importance to prioritize my time. Like walking away

from work at a reasonable hour because there will always be something and it can be handled the

next day. I need to make a conscious effort to reach out to my family, make time for my studies

and also to self-care.


First and foremost, I need to gain some time management and re-prioritize tasks. Like I

said above, I need to make more time for my personal matters which includes my studies.

Looking to next semester, I hope to increase my skills in Adobe, coding and other digital tools.

I’d like to become more familiar with institutions, companies and the politics of the field of

educational technology. I came into this program as a grade school teacher wanting to increase

my instructional skills and knowledge of strategies. But, now with the turbulent times, I want to

see if there is another career that I can supplement my teaching career with or if I need to change

careers entirely. I love what I do, truly. I am like any teacher, I go above and beyond what they

pay us. But this time has been trying, exhausting and unsustainable. I’d love to continue to work

within education but maybe in an environment that lets me step away and focus on my life as

well. I’d be interested in creating content for publishing companies or maybe my own Teachers

Pay Teachers type platform. I am optimistic for the future, whether I stay in my classroom or not.

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