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The Surprise Party

Kendall Hibdon

Wirt, Greg, Oscar, Mia, Angelica and I had all been sitting in our shed trying to think of an idea, we
wanted to do something fun for our friend Beatrice’s birthday, but we didn’t know what. ​Beatrice is a dear
friend to all of us and was always so kind, we wanted to make sure it was a memorable birthday for her,
she really deserved it​. Occasionally someone would go to say something but then they’d stopped and close
their mouth again without saying anything. I even did it once, I had no idea what we were supposed to do.

Suddenly, Greg said something, “How about a surprise party?” The group and I sighed, “That’s too broad
and far too simple, it has to be special,” Oscar responded. “Who says a surprise party can’t be special?”
Greg inquired. Mia started, “I agree with both of you, surprise parties are very simple, but it still can be
special.” Mia looked towards the group. “Er, maybe we can make it sound like it’s something boring at
first and then surprise her with a party,” said Wirt. Everyone nodded in agreement. “Maybe we can make it
sound like a… study session?” I asked. Greg looked towards me and replied, “Ooo, that’s a good idea
Scooter.” Wirt held up his hands as if trying to pause, he began, “Well, a study session does seem boring
but I actually got another idea,” he lowered his hands back into his lap, “what if I sent her a text or
something telling her that,” ​he put his fingers up making air quotes, “we need to talk.”​ he lowered his
hands again and waited for a response. “That sounds awful.” Greg protested, “that would simply upset
her!” I mean, I thought it was a good idea, so I decided to speak up,”Well, I think it could make it better,
she would anticipate a scary relationship talk all day, but it would really be a party and make the party even
better.” Angelica looked at me and then back at the group, “I agree with Scooter.” The rest nodded except
for Greg, he took a moment to pause and he nodded then finally said, “Y’know what, that’s actually not
bad.” I smiled at him and stood up, “We should get started asap! So we know it’s gonna have to be at
Wirt’s house, but I feel like someone should be with Beatrice all day, so she doesn’t suspect why none of
us wanted to hang out with her on her birthday.” “Angelica, you and me.” Mia replied. Angelica nodded
and looked to me, “Sounds good.” I said. “Oscar, Greg and I can get food for the party.” Wirt offered.

“Alright! So me, Mia, and Scooter will hang out with her, Wirt, Oscar and Greg will get the food, but what
about decorations? I wanna be able to help with those.” Angelica said when she looked up from her phone
as if typing a list. “I think we should all decorate, we can do it on Friday since her birthday is Saturday,
which gives us 2 days.” I said, I wanted to help decorate too plus I think it would be fun for all of us to
hang out. We’d work on getting snacks and decorations on Thursday, put up the decorations on Friday,
then Mia, Angelica and I would hang out with her all day while Oscar, Greg and Wirt got the cake, I hoped
they all would like my plan as much as I did. In the end everyone agreed, but everyone needed to go, some
of us had siblings to babysit or soccer practice or homework to do.
I walked into the lunchroom and looked for familiar faces, and I saw Beatrice, I waved her over and she
joined me in the lunchline. I needed to ask her about hanging out tomorrow. “Hey! How’re you doing
today?” I asked as I moved my tray along the counter. “Stressed.” Was all that Beatrice said, I frowned and
continued to walk with Beatrice out of the lunch line, and on our way outside to the tables I asked, “Why's
that?” Beatrice sighed and said, “I had a big test today and even though I studied I don’t think I did very
well on it.” “I’m sure you did fine!” I tried to encourage her. We both sat at the table with the group, I
looked to Mia and Angelica and then to Beatrice, “Beatrice, Angelica, Mia and I were wondering if you
wanted to hang out tomorrow, for your birthday?” Beatrice smiled and replied, “I would love too! What

At about 4:30PM I drove over to Wirt’s house with Angelica and Mia. We brought some decorations with
us in the trunk. When we got there Wirt’s front door was unlocked and it was normal for us to just come in,
so we did, we sat in the kitchen and talked for a while. Finally Wirt came to the kitchen and he just waved
as he walked towards the front door because Oscar and Greg were here. The next time he came through the
door he had 3 WalMart bags and Oscar and Greg followed after him with more bags. Wirt led us all
upstairs to the living room, I assumed this is where we would be decorating, I brought some bags of the
stuff we bought to decorate with and set them on the couch. Everyone started to just chat and tape stringers
and other things to the walls and roof. We set up one of those fold up tables to put the snacks on and once
we got it, the cake too. It was about 7:40 when we decided we were done, it took us a while because we
kept getting distracted with conversations and random videos online someone would decide to show the

I had been up since 6, I was so excited for the surprise party today and to hang out with Beatrice. I had a
birthday card with a gift card inside to give to her when we met up and I also had a bag with some gifts to
give her at the party, it would stay hidden for now.

We decided to all meet up at a local diner at 8am. I came there a little early and so did Mia, we chatted for
a while until the other two showed up. When Beatrice got to the table I stood up and gave her a hug and
passed the envelope to her. We all had breakfast together.

After that we ended up at Beatrice’s house and we baked some cookies and watched some of our favorite
movies, when around 1pm Beatrice grew upset. I assumed it was the text from Wirt. Mia, Angelica and I
exchanged looks. Someone finally said something, it was Mia, “What’s wrong Beatrice? You look upset.”
Beatrice told us and we tried to be sympathetic and cheer her up, we tried to assure her it would be fine.
About 4pm we decided it was time for us to go and that we’d see her on Monday, little did she know we
would see her later today.

We headed straight for Wirt’s house when we left Beatrice’s. We had all hung out for a while until Wirt
finally thought it would be a good time to tell her to come over so they could “talk”. I was getting nervous,
we were still waiting for Greg with the birthday cake, we had ordered an ice cream cake at the local ice
cream shop. Greg did finally show up and I was much more relieved but still very nervous. We had been
laughing at some stupid joke when at about 6 we heard the doorbell ring downstairs. I quickly turned the
lights off and sat behind the couch with Mia while Angelica went behind a curtain and the other two hid
behind the door of the nearby bathroom. We heard Wirt open the door and some talking, then heard steps
on the staircase, I was so excited. Finally Wirt turned on the light and that was our signal, we all came out
from our places and shouted “Happy birthday!”, it was a little out of sync, but it’s the thought that counts.
It’s like you could almost see a wave of relief go over Beatrice. I gave her a big hug. We started to dig into
snacks and gave Beatrice her presents, we played some party games like Twister and Apples to Apples, as
well as some board games, it was much funner than I was expecting. We eventually got to the cake and
decided to watch a movie until everyone fell asleep, I was the last one awake, of course. I was so glad this
all worked out, Beatrice really deserved it. Plus, I think this made Beatrice and Wirt’s relationship even
better compared to what Beatrice probably thought it was going to be at the start of this.

Oh, and, Beatrice ended up getting a 100% on that test she was worried about. :)

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