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My College Experience and Transformation

Jane M. Leofanti

Pre-Health Sciences, Durham College

PREP 1300: Preparing for Academic Success

Professor Jesse Parsons

November 22, 2020

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My topic, “My College Experience and Transformation”, is a reflection on my college career,

thus far. I discuss who I was entering my program, and how I have grown in the weeks since.

My reflection reveals that my success depends on the resources I utilize such as; the Access and

Support Centre, my biology Professor, and peer support. Finally, I tell my audience how these

resources have strengthened my abilities as a student, and how I will continue to take

advantage of them in my journey to becoming a nurse.

Keywords: reflection, success, resources, journey, nursing, education

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Nursing as a career choice, first came to me when I was in high school. My desire to help

others and make a difference in the world, was undermined by my lack of confidence and

ability to see my potential. Instead, I chose a career path in the travel industry. This experience

provided me with some satisfaction, but it did not nurture my passion for service to others. My

life experiences have brought me full circle. My fight through a myriad of health crises, coupled

with my work with the elderly and disabled has greatly impacted me, and has decidedly

propelled me towards my intended destination; nursing.

Taking the first step through education toward this endeavor was intimidating for me,

but I realize it is exactly where I need to be. My experience thus far, has become my guiding

light in my journey to my end goal. I entered this commitment, fearful, uncertain and full of

self-doubt. Through the weeks, I have witnessed positive growth in my awareness of self. I have

discovered that I am not only capable, but self-driven to constantly improve. I have

encountered roadblocks that have hindered my ability to perform to my standard. This

introduces added pressures that I did not foresee. I have sustained multiple brain injuries over

the course of my life; as a result, I struggle enormously with cognition and processing. There are

many excellent resources provided at Durham College; consequently, I have registered with the

Access and Support Centre. I am waiting to hear back about an appointment with a coach, to

develop a plan to support me and help me maneuver around this obstacle.

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Another example of a valuable resource I have attained, is my biology professor. I am

taking biology for the first time, and have been overwhelmed by the copious amount of

content, and complex language used. At first, I was shy to reach out for help, but reminded

myself that I needed to be strategic in utilizing any available resources. In this case, it has

proven to be incredibly helpful. When I am struggling with an assignment or need guidance, I

book a private meeting with her, and she is able to offer helpful memory tricks and study tools.

Unexpectedly, an additional resource that I have encountered, is the group chat I am

part of for our Team Project. There are four of us in the group, and we share our concerns,

discuss various assignments, and help each other when we are stuck on a question or problem.

Because I am at a different stage in life than these girls, and taking on college not fresh out of

high school, I expected that they would have an advantage. What I have found, is that even

though they have not had an interruption to their education, they also feel the same crushing

pressure that I sometimes do. It has felt reassuring that I am not alone with my concerns, and

have a support system with others in the same situation.

In closing, my commitment to education is fueled by my aspirations to be the best

version of myself. This journey I am on is not just about my destination, but how I reach it. I see

the value in making use of available resources, reaching out to my professors, and relating to

my peers. These are essential assets, and will be my walking stick as I navigate through the

valleys and mountains ahead.

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