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Grade 8

1. It is a country in southeast Asia known as Kampuchea and the center of the

Khmer Kingdom of Angkor with a music that is meant for the good and

a. Cambodia b. Thailand c. Laos d. Vietnam

2. It is a basic kind of Indonesian musical scale with 5 equidistant tones in octave.

a. Peloq b. Slendro c. Slendra d. Oneat

3. The musical quality of this Southeast Asian country has similarities with other
musical traditions in the region including Chinese music and Thai music.

a. Cambodia b. Indonesia c. Myanmar d. Malaysia

4. The following are the multi-racial groups that influenced Malaysia’s music genre

a. Indonesia b. Malay c. Chinese d. Indian

5. It is the term for a female soloist singer who sings with a Gamelan.

a. Kendang b. Gerong c. Pesindhen d. Irama

6. Cambodian musical ensemble or an orchestra that usually accompanies

ceremonial music of the royal courts and temples.

a. Kendang b. Pinpeat c. Karawitan d. Oneat

7. It is the term for every kind of gamelan music in Java.

a. Wayang Kulit b. Orchestra c. Karawitan d. Kendang

8. What musical instrument in Cambodia is a double-headed drum played with


a. Skorthom b. Chhing c. Kongvong d. Samphor

9. This is the Myanmar’s traditional folk music ensemble.

a. Hsaing Waing b. Waing c. H’ne d. Pat Waing

10. It is the music made specifically for voices.

a. Instrumental Music b. Art Music c.Sacred Music d. Vocal Music

Give at least 5 Southeast Asian Countries.

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