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As we developed our cognitive skills, we are able to educate ourself on behaving and acting
towards the people around us. At a very young age, children are being introduced to different
roles in the society that are connected to their biological sex. Gender roles can be defined as the
behaviors, values, and attitudes that a society considers appropriate for both male and female.
Traditionally, men and women had completely opposing roles, men were seen as the provider for
the family and women were seen as the caretakers of both the home and the family. These roles
are based on norms, or standards, created by society.

Numerous people today are being judged on the basis of how they act in the community in which
they live. people are more accustomed to how the routine works, than to how they accept each
individual personality. People find it more difficult to accept themselves out of fear. Fear that
their family will not accept them, fear that people close to them will shun them and most of all
they are afraid of what the community will say to them.

Beginning at birth, most parents treat their children according to the child's gender as determined
by the appearance of their genitals. Children quickly develop a clear understanding that they are
either female or male, as well as a strong desire to adopt gender‐appropriate mannerisms and
behaviors. On the other hand, the environment plays a great role in shaping a person, they are
able to adapt to the trends in the society more than how they were treated on their household.
Despite the different genders that we have, we must be responsible in our actions around every

People must be respected and treated equally. Let us not use our gender differences as a reason
for violating the rights and policies followed in a certain community. A child should be taught
more to accept and respect each other than to show their differences.

Mercado, Michaela M.
Grade 12 ABM-2

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