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4G Technology

The (1) .of the arrival of 4G phones meant great news for technology fans. Also known as Fourth-(2) . ..
Communications System, 4G is a term used to describe the latest step in wireless (3). . The (4) .of the 4G
system made voice, data and streaming multimedia available to users anytime, anywhere. Suddenly
phones could compete with laptops as a convenient means of getting (5) .. . and (6)... The 4G system
provides top quality and high security. It is definitely an (7) on 3G models. (8) . . to the Internet is also
much faster. In fact, it's as much as 10 time faster than with 3G phones. This is an important (9)
enthusiasts all want their own 4G phone. However, with technological (10) and gadget . taking place so
incredibly fast, people are already waiting for the nex gadget to take over the market!

B. Complete the dialogue with the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets.

Marion : Hi, Amanda. Wow! I (1) .(not know) you (2). Amanda :1 (3) . (buy) it last Friday. Marion : It looks
pretty cool. (have) a new laptop. Amanda : Thanks. Marion : What's wrong? You don't look very excited
about it. Amanda : Well yesterday, (4) (decide) to download the latest software updates for it. So, I (5). .
(search) the Internet and (6) . (find) all the software I (7) . (need). Marion :(8) (you/install) it? Amanda :
Yes, and that's when my nightmare (9) . (start). Now my laptop is full of viruses. Marion : No way! (10) .
(you/call) the Customer Service Department? Amanda Well, unfortunately they (11) . (not be) very
helpful so now I don't know what to do. Marion : Oh no.

C. Use the sentences / phrases to complete the email. There are two extra which you do not need to
a. Give my regards to everyone

b. Take care

c. Well, that's all for now

d. I couldn't believe it when I read that

e. How could I say no

f. I know it's taken me ages to reply, but

g. I'm writing to let you know

h. Let me fill you in

i. Thanks for inviting me to the wedding

Dear Akmal, Hi! Thanks for your email. (1). . school. (2) . . your brother is getting married! That's
fantastic news! Your whole family must be really excited. I've been so busy with exams at I'm definitely
coming. (4). .? I love big family get- (3). togethers. They are wonderful opportunities for everyone to see
each other and enjoy themselves. So, what else are you up to? Are you very busy helping out with the
preparations? Now that we are talking about family news, have some of my own. (5) .... . My sister Fay's
been accepted into Oxford University! She did really well in her exams and will start studying there next
September. My parents are so proud. So, I guess we've both got good news at the moment! Anyway, I
have to get back to studying now. (6) .. . you are very busy now, but try to keep in touch (7) . . 'll see you
all at the wedding. I know .......... Chris


In 1973. Martin Cooper invented a portable mobile phone. It was the DynaTAC and in 1983, it
was available in shops. DynaTAC phones were large and weighed about a kilogram. They were also very
expensive, but people used to buy them like crazy. However, people complained that you could only talk
for an hour before needing to charge them again, so soon heavy shoulder packs with batteries in them
were introduced. These gadgets became very trendy in the 80s and actors appeared in many films of the
time, chatting to friends on their new, hi-tech device.

Because of their size and shape, these early mobiles became known as 'bricks'. They seem like
dinosaurs compared to the devices we are used to seeing today. The first generation (1G) of mobile
phone systems had weak signals and many problems. As technology improved, mobiles became smaller
and offered more features
In the 90s, the introduction of 2G mobile systems meant improved reception over wider areas.
They also included the ability to send small amounts of data such as Short Message Śervice (SMS)
messages. The first SMS was sent in the UK on 3 December 1992 Today, over 2 trillion text messages are
sent every year. Mobiles continued to improve, with coloured screens and a wide variety of ringtones.
Another important development was the introduction of cameras on mobile phones. Camera phones
became hugely popular and changed the world of journalism. In 2004, the Indian Ocean earthquake was
the first event in which most of the videos on the news were provided by camera phones, instead of
professional camera crew.

In the early 2000s, 3G mobile Internet was introduced which made it possible for people to
use a new generation of 'smartphones'. These devices have large touchscreens and act as Internet
browsers, media players and game consoles all in one. They have also made video calling and mobile TV
a reality. With the introduction of 4G mobile Internet the speed with which phones can both download
and upload information to the Internet is far greater than ever before. Of course, companies are always
coming up with new ideas and exciting concept' mobiles. Some of these ideas include solar panels on
the back of the phone for charging, a flexible phone that can bend around your wrist, and even a phone
that uses cola to charge its battery. Everyone is trying to find the next big step in the evolution of mobile
phones. But what will it be? Only time will tell.

1. When was a portable mobile phone invented?

2. Who invented it?

3. How much did the DynaTAC weigh?

4. How could you charge a DynaTAC phone?

5. What was one of the problems of the first generation of mobile phone systems?

6. What happened to mobile phones as technology improved?

7. What improved with the introduction of 2G mobile systems?

8. How many text messages are sent every year?

9. What changed the world of journalism?

10. When did 3G technology appear?

11. What do 3G mobile phones act as?

12. What have 3G mobile phones made a reality?

13. What are mobile phone companies coming up with?

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