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Unit 1

How do we distinguish substances?

The central goal of this unit is to help you understand
and apply basic ideas that can be used to distinguish
the different substances present in a system.

Identifying differences that allow

M1. Searching for Differences us to separate components.
Chemical Thinking

Using the particulate model of

M2. Modeling Matter matter to explain differences.

Analyzing differences in
M3. Analyzing Particles particle’s composition and mass

Unit 1
How do we distinguish
Module 3: Analyzing Particles
Central goal:
Extend the particulate model of
Chemical Thinking

matter to describe the

composition and relative mass
of different particles, as well as
quantify their number in a
sample of a substance.

The Challenge
If, according to our model, the identity, properties,
and behavior of a substance are determined by
the nature of its “particles”….

Then, we should
focus our efforts
on characterizing
the properties of
Chemical Thinking

these particles Butane

and figuring out
what makes them
unique. What is their composition?
What is their mass?
What is its their structure?

Atomic Model of Substances
We explain the different properties of substances
by assuming that they are made of particles with
different compositions and structures.

A “particle”
In particular, we assume of water
that they are made up of
smaller units called
Chemical Thinking

atoms which are held

together by strong
attractive forces called
chemical bonds.

Let′s think!
This is a typical
chemical representation
at the particulate level of
the main components of
“pure” air.

How many different

substances are included
Chemical Thinking

in this representation?
What similarities and
differences do you
observe between the 5 types of particles 
different types of particles 5 different substances
present in the system?

Modeling Substances Free atom

of argon
The representation
conveys the idea that we
model air as a “mixture”:
a system composed of
two or more types of
independent particles Atom or molecule?
present in proportions
that may vary from
sample to sample.
Chemical Thinking

Individual particles of Bonded

different substances are Molecule of Molecule of atom of
carbon dioxide oxygen nitrogen
modeled as made of
free or bonded atoms of
Molecules are made of two
different types. or more bonded atoms

Classifying Substances
As we have seen, the different components of a mixture
can be separated by physical means (filtration, distillation):

Nitrogen (liquid) Water Argon (gas)


Chemists classify substances as

Chemical Thinking

“elementary substances” or “compounds”

based on particle composition.

Which of these are elementary

Carbon dioxide
(Solid, Dry ice) Let′s think! What makes the difference?

Elementary Substances
Elementary substances are the most simple substances
in Nature. They are composed of identical particles
made of free or bonded atoms of the same type.

Macroscopic Particulate Symbolic


Chemical Thinking



Chemical Elements
The analysis of elementary substances has led to the
identification of all of the different types of atoms
present in them. Up to this day, over a hundred of
different types of atoms have been identified.
Each of these species of atoms is recognized
as a different chemical element.
Chemical Thinking

Chemical Compounds
Most substances in nature are chemical compounds.
They are composed of identical particles made of
bonded atoms of two or more different types.
Macroscopic Particulate Symbolic Code
Carbon dioxide
Chemical Thinking

Water N

H2O Molecular

Molecular Compounds
H2O and CO2 belong to a group of compounds
called “molecular compounds”:
They are made of molecules.

There is a wide variety CH4
of molecular
compounds in Nature. Caffeine
This diversity is due to
Chemical Thinking

the possibility of
having molecules with
different compositions,
sizes, and structures.

Models and Formulas

Keep in mind that molecules are represented in
a variety of ways:


Formaldehyde Space-filling Ball-and-stick

Chemical Thinking

(Air Pollutant)

Formulas CH2O
Molecular Formula Structural formula

Ionic Compounds
There are chemical compounds made up of ions
arranged in lattice networks (no molecules):
Chemical Thinking

In this case, the formula represents the proportion

in which ions are combined (formula unit).

Let’s Think
Decide whether these particulate models correspond
to an elementary substance, a compound or a mixture.
Chemical Thinking

Let’s Think
T = 280 K What does this system
P = 2 atm represent?
How many phases are
present in this system?
How many substances
are in each phase?
How many elementary
Chemical Thinking

How many compounds?
How would you separate
the different components
in the system?

Let’s Think
T = 280 K In which of the phases:
P = 2 atm
Are the intermolecular forces
Is the average potential
energy per particle the
highest (least negative)?
Is the average particle speed
the highest?
Chemical Thinking

Is the average kinetic energy

per particle the lowest?

Which of the substances,

has a greater vapor

A Mass Challenge
To figure out the actual composition of the particles
that make up different types of substances it has been
useful to first determine the mass of such particles.

How could you

determine the mass
and number of
molecules of ozone,
Chemical Thinking

O3, that we breath

every day?

Why would that be

important to know?

Indirect Measurements
Atoms and molecules have masses and sizes so
small that can not be measured directly.

The problem has been solved by comparing the

masses of samples of different substances with the
same number (very large) of particles.

M(O2/H2) = 32.0 g/ 2.0 g = 16.

Chemical Thinking

What does this mean?

H2 O2
The mass of one atom of O
should be 16 times larger than
2.0 g 32.0 g the mass of one atom of H.

Let’s Think
However, determining N for every sample is
difficult and time consuming.
What can we do?

We can take advantage of our particulate model.

Go to:
(Choose Ideal Gas- Mass)

Observe what happens to P as we change the mass

Chemical Thinking

of the particles at constant T.

How could we use this result to prepare

samples of different gases with the same N?

Let’s Think
Chemical Thinking

P = kBNT/V  N = (PV)/(kBT)

Avogadro’s Law
Our results indicate that, at high temperatures and
low pressures (where this model is valid):

Equal volumes of
different gases, at the
same temperature
and pressure, should
contain the same
Chemical Thinking

number of particles. H2 O2

Then, by comparing equal volumes of different

gases at the same T and P, we should be able to
calculate the relative masses of their particles.

Let’s Think
Based on the following information:

T = 273.15 K H2 A B2
P = 1 atm (g) (g) (g)

2.0 g 4.00 g 28.0 g

Determine how more massive the unknown atoms

Chemical Thinking

A and B are than the H atom.

m(A/H2) = 2.0
m(A/H) = 4.0
m(B2/H2) =14.  m(B/H) = 14.

Relative Atomic Mass

Chemists have been able to determine the relative
atomic mass of different types of atoms, by choosing
one arbitrary atom as reference and determining how
heavier or lighter other atoms are with respect to it.
Chemical Thinking

Relative Atomic Mass

The average relative atomic masses of all
known atoms are listed in the periodic table:

Let′s think!

If you could go to the lab and take

6.94 g of Li, 9.01 g of Be, and 22.99 g
of Na, which of the samples will have
Chemical Thinking

more or less atoms?

They contain the same number

of particles.
But exactly how many?

Avogadro’s Number
One mole
A sample of any substance
with a mass in grams equal to
26.98 g Al

its relative mass has the

following number of particles:

NA = 6.022 x 1023 particles

Avogadro’s Number 24.31 g Mg
32.07 g S
Chemical Thinking

We call a “mole” the amount of any substance that

contains this number of particles.

We call the “molar mass” of a substance the mass of

one mole of its particles (differentiating characteristic).

n and N

In chemistry, amount
of substance is
commonly expressed
in moles (n). If we
know the value of n,
we can calculate the
number of particles N
Chemical Thinking

in a sample:

N = n X NA

Molar Mass
The molar mass of an atomic element is always equal
to its relative atomic mass expressed in grams:
Carbon Sodium

M(C) =
12.01 g/mol M(Na) =
22.99 g/mol
Chemical Thinking

Chlorine Phosphorus
Let′s think!
Cl2 P4
How would you
calculate the molar
mass of molecular
M(Cl2) = 2 x 35.45 = 70.9 g/mol

Molar Mass
The molar mass of a molecular compound is also
equal to its relative mass expressed in grams:

M(H2O) =
2 x 1.008 + 1 x 16.00
= 18.02 g/mol

Carbon dioxide
Chemical Thinking

M(CO2) =
1 x 12.01 + 2 x 16.00
= 44.01 g/mol

In both cases, this is the mass of 6.022 x 1023 molecules

m, M, and n
The molar mass M of a substance is a useful
quantity as it can be used to calculate the amount
of substance (number of moles) n present in any
sample; once n is calculated we can determine the
number of particles N in the system.

The value of n results

from determining how
Chemical Thinking

many times larger or

smaller the mass of the n = m/M
sample m is compared
to the molar mass of the
substance M:

Quantitative Analysis
The quantities introduced in this modules are of
central importance in answering the question:
How much of a substance do we have?
Chemical Thinking

Measurable Submicroscopic
quantity in
the lab

Let’s Think
The density of O2(g) in the atmosphere decreases
as shown in the following table. This reduces the
likelihood of oxygen molecules entering in our
blood causing hypoxia, or oxygen deprivation.

h (km) r (g/L) n(mole/L) N(particle/L)

0 (Sea level) 0.283

0.7 (Tucson) 0.260

Chemical Thinking

8.8 (Everest) 0.111

Calculate n and N per liter of air. How many times

fewer molecules are there at different altitudes
compared with the number at sea level?

Conversion Factors
To convert from mass to moles, we always need
the molar mass of the substances of interest:

M(O2) = 32.0 g/mol

g O 2 1 mol O 2 mol O 2
0.283 x  8.84 x10 3
L 32.0 g O 2 L
Conversion Factor

To convert from moles to number of particles, we

Chemical Thinking

always need the Avogadro’s number:

mol O 2 6.022x10 23 molecules O 2
8.84x10 -3 x
L 1 mol O 2
 5 .32 x10 21 molecules O 2

Different States of Matter

In the laboratory, we works with substances in
different states of matter.

We can easily measure the mass

of solids (m) and quantify how
many moles (n) and number of
particles (N) we have.
Chemical Thinking

With liquids, we can measure

volume and use density r = m/V
to figure out the mass (m).

What do we do when dealing with gases?

Quantifying Gases
If we assume that the substances of interest behave
as ideal gases:

P = kBNT/V

with N = n x NA  P = (kBNA) nT/V

P = R nT/V
Chemical Thinking

R = kB x NA = 8.314 J K-1 mol-1 = 0.0821 atm L K-1 mol-1

n = PV/RT V = nRT/(P)
Thus, we can use P, V, T measurements to estimate
n and N = n x NA for gaseous substances.

Let’s Think
The EPA has set National Ambient Air Quality
Standards for various pollutants. These standards
set the maximum concentrations not to be exceeded
in certain average time (25 oC and 1 atm):

Pollutant Level Average mol/L # molec

Time /mL
CO(g) 10.3 8- hour
Chemical Thinking

 Express the concentration of CO in mol/L and N/mL:

1 m3 = 1000 L, 1 g = 1000 mg
 How would these concentrations change if T = 0 oC?
(PV = nRT)

Let’s Think
? mol CO
10.3 mg/m3 of CO(g) 
L air

When T decreases from 25 oC to 0 oC at 1 atm,

volume of air changes by:
Chemical Thinking

Let′s apply!

Assess what you know

Chemical Thinking

Let′s apply! Monitoring Ozone

Ozone (O3), a
highly reactive
form of oxygen, is
a major component
of photochemical
Its concentration is
Chemical Thinking

monitored regularly
in major cities.

Concentration of O3 above 0.17 mg/m3 are considered

harmful. What is this limit in moles of O3 per mole of air at
25 oC (Hint: Use the volume of 1 L of air at 25 oC?

Let′s apply! Ozone Concentrations

Concentrations of O3 above 0.17 mg/m3 are harmful.

1. Express this concentration in g/L

2. Transform into mol/L

Chemical Thinking

3. Transform into mol/mol

Chemical Thinking

Describe one important application

of what you have learned in this

Analyzing Particles
The nature and strength of (Elementary

interactions between the


particles of matter depend on

their atomic composition and
Chemical Thinking

Based on the composition of

their particles, substances
are classified as elementary
CO2 (Compound)
substances or compounds.

Analyzing Particles
The mass of an atom or molecule is so small that
cannot be measured directly. However, we can use
the particulate model of matter to determine the
relative masses of different particles.

H2 Cl2 For gases at same

Chemical Thinking

T and P:
Equal V  Equal N

m(Cl/H) = 7.09/0.200
0.200 g 7.09 g = 35.5

Analyzing Particles
We can use relative atomic masses to determine the
number o particles in certain mass or vice versa.

Relative Molar Mass Avogadro’s

Atomic Mass (M) Number (NA)

Chemical Thinking

12.01 amu 12.01 g 6.022 x 1023 units

mass (m)   Mol (n)   Number of Particles (N)


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