Class 12 Maths Activity

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ae. @ 5 @ Oviectve : saiaty tt 23348] =2xa exh 2. Geometrical instruments 3. White chart paper 4. Cutter site Knowledgs '5. Coloured sketch pens ast be familiar with addition and cross product of vectors. ¥ 6, Adhesive tape. l= Method of Construction : 1. Take aplywood of suitable dimensions and fix a chart paper on * it (fis. Oh | toverify ee Pre-requ ‘Students m Fig. 5 cm, say) and let it represent 2 [fig. (i). 2. Now, draw a line segment OP Fig.) 44cm, say) at an angle of 60° (S8Y 3, Draw another line segment OQ (= ) with OP. Let OQ represent vector a (fig. @]. say) at an angle 30° (say) with Gp Lett epresent 8 (fig I: (fig. @)- QTSR (fig. ()]- 4. Next, draw QR (= 3 em, 5. Draw perpendiculars QN, RM and QL 6. Complete the parallelogram OPSR, OPTQ. Intustration : 1. Oheon+Qh=a+8 (Triangle law of vectors) VINESH | Kact Lab Manual scanned wi amscanner (NE) *ctivity-21 Objective : toe c ao practically that angle in a semi-circle isa right angle, using vector method. Pre-requisite Knowledge : a ‘Students must be familiar with pythagoras theorem, chord of circle. Method of Construction : 1. Take a wooden board of suitable dimensions (50 cm x 40 cm) and paste a white chart paper on it using glue. 2. The chart paper should be of the same size as that of the board (fig. O). Fig. 3: With centre O and a suitable radius (= 15 cm), draw a circle on the paper (fg. ()). 4+ Tet AB be the diameter ofthe circle. Fix paper arow heads at points A and B [fg (i), 6. Join OC, OA, OB, AC, AD, BD, OD and BC using the thin wires as shown in fig. (ii). Iustration : 5 1. Measure the angle between the vectors AC and BC i ~ > 2. Similarly, the angle between the vectors AD and BD ie. ¢ = yt ae — above steps by taking some more points on the semi-cirele and ind measure th angles. peat the emi-circle is a right angle. 3. Re 44, The angle 1 measurement > it) - eo - eS ae ae eee ar -_ formed between two vectors i Opservation : We observe that ‘on actual Application -yectors of equal magnitude, perpendicular vectors, dot This activity demo! oduct of two ‘vectors. strates the concept of opposite Vectors: ‘ Ajva-voce Q. 1. Define dot product of vectors Zand B- Ans. @-6 = ab cos 8, 0 <0 <2, where 0 is angle between vectors gand b Q. 2. What is the c¢ ondition for perpendicular vectors ? Ans. 2.5 =0 Q. 3. Can we write 4 ~ ‘Ans. Yes. 2-B=B-a always ? a Q. 4. Is Ans. Yes. Q. 5. Write down Lagrange’s identity. 2 \ 42,92 a Bi 2 2 ee ees — Scanned with CamScanner Onjective * the points (0 Jolocate és in spac’ ‘vo points in SPA veneer ul Pre-requisi srudents must given coordinates in space, measure the distance ‘e and then to verify the distance using distance 2. Squared paper or graph paper 3. Geometry box 4. Nails of different lengths ite Knowledge = 5, Paper arrow heads te familiar with distance formula of two points in 3 2 ane. Metod of Construs 1. Take cardboard 3). Draw the coordinate axes and Refer fig @] Represent the Z-axis by ction : of suitable dimensions and paste a squared graph paper on it (fig ()- name them as X'OX and Y’OY. Take 1 unit = 1 em 3. fixing a wire in the vertical direction [fig. (O]. Name it as OZ. Fig. 4, Plot different points on the squared sheet and name them as P, Q, R, S etc. Let Pe>(2, 3) Qe(l, 2) RE, 1) So, -3) ete. 5. Fix mals of different lengths 1 cm, 2 em, 3 em and 4 em at points P,QR, Sete. [fig. (i). Fig. cm,, 3.0m, 4m ete. at p 6. The upper tips of these nails of lengths 1 B,C, D etc. in the space [Refer fig (ii)] Scanned wi +h wires fror Refer fig (ii). ires from points A, B, C, D to the origin [Refer 8 ‘Attach wires Ey Iustration : 1. Coordinates of point A <> (2, 3, 1) Coordinates of point B <> (1, 2,2) Coordinates of point Ce (-2, 1, 3) Coordinates of point D <> (6, -3, 4) 2+ On measuring the distance with a scale, itis found that distance AB = 1-8 om 3 By dstane formula, AB|= (17 +32 +(1=3) = V3 cm=1-732 cm Hence, the distance AB obtained by actual measurement is approximately same as the distance obit With the help of distance formula, Similarly, we can verify the distances between other points i.e., AC, BC, AD, CD, BD. Observation : On Actual Measurement (in em) Using the Distance Formula (in cm) Scanned with CamScanner Oniect’” : Hl qoeniain tity a poe of roll neventA, etn by an ex of Fr ing a dice. Preeaviel Kno" students must DE familia with sample spac of rolling of dice. method construe" ni 4. Take# of con jent size and yaste a whit ng ve (eter fig. ite paper on it 2. Draw a square on the paper and divi Fi ivide it into 3 gen ‘ squares of size leme: ach (re Inustration = 4. The sample space of rolling two dice together is given in fig. (ii). Let A be an event of occurrence of a multiple of 4 on both the dice and B be an event of : multiple of 4 on atleast one of the dice. ‘occurrence of the 3, Letus find the conditional probability of A and B i.e. P (A/B) 14, Number of favourable outcomes of event A= Number of favourable outcomes of event B = 11 Number of | favourable outcomes of event ANB =1 P(AOB) _ Bl pail u 5. PB) = 36 s activity is helpful in learning the concept of conditional probability w! @Pane)=% (it) PAB) =a vation : We observe that : ynich is further applicable in Baye’s Theorem. Ava-voce What are mutually exclusive events ? Asset of events is said to be mutually exclusive if the happening of one exelt What are exhaustive events ? A set of events is said to be exhaustive if the performance of the ex} of atleast one of them. Scanned with CamScanner Aryabhata - Brahmgupta . Varahamihir Sridhara . Bhaskaracharya Ramanujan © FOREIGNMATHEMATIGANS ). Fibonac Cantor Pythagoras Thales Euclid Appollonius . Descartes Fermat Leibnitz Euler Scanned with CamScanner

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