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B.Sc. (Hons) Civil Engineering - Level IV


DECEMBER 2009 Engin. CE 407

Answer any Four Questions Time allowed: 3 hours

All questions carry equal marks
Start each question on a new page

This examination paper consists of 4 pages.


Discuss the following aspects of traffic signal-controlled intersections:

a) Explain the role of the amber interval. How is the minimum amber duration determined? Give an
example with assumed appropriate values for a cross urban intersection of two streets, each with
two lanes per direction and no shoulders.
[7 marks]

b) Explain the term “A Saturation Flow” and what is the importance and use of saturation flows.
List the factors that affect the values of saturation flows?
[7 marks]

c) Explain what will determine the ultimate practical capacity of a traffic signal-controlled
[4 marks]

d) Discuss briefly the optional solutions for right turning vehicles at signal-controlled intersections
and the respective conditions for their applications.
[7 marks]


a) Explain the formula for the Gravity Model of Trip Distribution and discuss its advantages in
[5 marks]

b) A small town was divided into 3 zones of mixed development for the purpose of trip distribution.
Zones Z1 and Z2 are mainly residential with local centres, services and light industries. Zone Z3
includes the town center, some scientific institutes and residential communities. The individual
trip productions, the attractiveness, the socio-economic factors and trip impedances of all zones
are given in Tables 1 and 2.

Compute the trip attraction balance. Use a calibration constant c = 2 and an accuracy of 1/100.

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Table 1. Production and attractiveness

Zone Production, Pi Attractiveness Socio-economic

No of trips factor, Aj factor, kj
Z1 4 000 1 0,5
Z2 3 000 2 0,8
Z3 2 000 3 1,0

Table 2. Impedances

J Z1 Z2 Z3
Z1 2 3 3
Z2 3 2 4
Z3 3 4 2
[12 marks]

c) Create the Trip summary table and comment on the results.

[3 marks]

d) Determine the fleet size needed to transport people from the zone of the largest number of person-
trips attracted to the town centre. Assume that 60% of the trips will be made by public transport
with single size buses with a capacity of 30 seats each at 100% utilization. The peak period is 75
minutes and the duration of a round trip is 36 minutes. How many round trips will take each bus
of the fleet?
[5 marks]

a) A new runway at an airport has to be designed for a specified traffic forecast. The CBR of the site
is given. List and explain briefly the steps in determining the pavement layers. Begin with the
required input. What does the expression Log R1 = log R2 x (W2/W1)1/2 serve for?
[10 marks]

b) In airport design, appropriate sets of design curves are used to determine the thickness of
pavements of aircraft movement areas, thus including structural and surface layers. Which
movement areas are critical and which are non-critical areas, and what are the general
considerations for their thicknesses?
[3 marks]

c) Discuss the following issues of runway bituminous pavement overlays:

- The reasons for using overlays
- Types of overlays, their major characteristics and possible applications.
[6 marks]

d) Explain the steps in determining the length of an airport runway. Assume that all required input
data were available.
[6 marks]

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a) In railway design there are various straight-planned and curved crossings/junctions according to
particular situations. Draw simple sketches to illustrate the following cases:

- Single turnout
- Double turnout
- Diamond crossing
- Symmetrical split
- Cross over
- Gathering lines
[6 marks]
b) Explain the following terms related to the design of turnouts:

- Number of crossing (N) and give an example.

- Gauge (G) and give an example.
- Curve lead distance (CL). Write three expressions for possible computations of this distance
in design, assuming that the needed input data were given.
[7 marks]

c) Define the term “Ruling Gradient” and give typical values for a level and a hilly terrain. Is there
any advantage of using the so called “momentum gradient”? Explain the term and the conditions
where an advantage may occur.
[7 marks]

d) Sketch a typical cross-section of a railway track. Show the major structural elements and explain
their functions.
[5 marks]


a) What surface characteristics of an existing highway do normally require resealing as a

maintenance measure?
[5 marks]

b) Explain briefly five (5) types of reseals, which are commonly used under particular conditions.
[10 marks]

c) Discuss the most important direct factors of influence in choosing a suitable type of reseal in
particular conditions.
[6 marks]

d) The inspection of an existing highway has shown the following surface conditions:
- The binder is dry
- The texture is rough and varying
- The loss of aggregate is high
- There is no cracks and surface irregularities are not observed

There are two proposals for suitable reseal, which are:

- Diluted emulsion treatment and
- Use of slurry seal.
Comment on the proposals and suggest a solution, which you would justify as the most

[4 marks]

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a) What are the four groups of factors that affect the pavement design in general?
[6 marks]

b) Explain the DCP methodology, its advantages and its limitations in application for evaluating the
pavements of existing roads for the purpose of their rehabilitations.
[11 marks]

c) Discuss two routine maintenance activities and two periodic (special) maintenance activities on
highways of asphalt pavements, thus including reasons and possible implementation

[8 marks]


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