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DC Network Theorems Unit 4 – Kirchhoff’s Loop Equations


Use loop equations by applying Kirchhoff's laws to a series/parallel circuit.


Location: Unit Fundamentals page: sf2, Question ID: f2a

What is the loop equation for this loop?
a. VR1 + VRS = VS
b. VR2 + VRS = VS

Location: Unit Fundamentals page: sf3, Question ID: f3a

For Kirchhoff's current law, which basic node equation is correct?
a. Inode in = Inode out
b. Inode out – Inode in = 0
c. Both of the above.





F.A.C.E.T. base unit

DC Network Theorems Unit 4 – Kirchhoff’s Loop Equations

Exercise 1 – Loop Equations

Use loop equations for a series/parallel circuit. Verify results by measuring voltage drops and
calculating equations.


Location: Exercise Discussion page: se1d6, Question ID: e1d6a

Do the values show that Kirchhoff's voltage law for each loop equation is satisfied?
a. yes
b. no

Location: Exercise Discussion page: se1d7, Question ID: e1d7a

Do the voltage values applied to the loop equations still result in zero?
a. no
b. yes


Location: Exercise Procedure page: se1p1, Question ID: e1p1a

VS = Vdc
Recall Label for this Question: V1
Nominal Answer: 15.0
Min/Max Value: (14.25) to (15.75)
Value Calculation: 15.000
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 5
Correct Plus Tolerance = 5

Location: Exercise Procedure page: se1p2, Question ID: e1p2a

The first loop includes
a. R3, R2, and R1.
b. R6, R5, and R4.
c. R3, R2, R1, and VS.

DC Network Theorems Unit 4 – Kirchhoff’s Loop Equations

Location: Exercise Procedure page: se1p3, Question ID: e1p3a

5. The second loop includes
a. R3, R2, and R1.
b. R6, R5, R4, and VS.
c. R6, R5, R4, and R2.

Location: Exercise Procedure page: se1p4, Question ID: e1p4a

7. The third loop includes
a. R3, R6, R5, R4, R1, and VS.
b. R3, R6, R5, R4, R2, and VS.
c. R3, R2, R5, and R1.

Location: Exercise Procedure page: se1p5, Question ID: e1p5a

9. All current from the voltage source goes out through R3 and returns through
a. R2.
b. R5.
c. R1.

Location: Exercise Procedure page: se1p5, Question ID: e1p5c

IT = mA
Recall Label for this Question: I1
Nominal Answer: 9.091

Min/Max Value: (6.477) to (11.93)
Value Calculation: #V1#/1650*1000
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 25
Correct Plus Tolerance = 25

NOTE: Min/Max Values shown are based upon a calculation using the absolute
lowest and highest recall value. By using the actual input in your calculations, you
will determine the correct value.

DC Network Theorems Unit 4 – Kirchhoff’s Loop Equations

Location: Exercise Procedure page: se1p6, Question ID: e1p6a

VR1 = Vdc
Recall Label for this Question: V2
Nominal Answer: 2.455

Min/Max Value: (1.574) to (3.543)
Value Calculation: #I1#*270/1000
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 10
Correct Plus Tolerance = 10

Location: Exercise Procedure page: se1p6, Question ID: e1p6c

VR3 = Vdc
Recall Label for this Question: V3
Nominal Answer: 6.182
Min/Max Value: (3.964) to (8.924)
Value Calculation: #I1#*680/1000
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 10
Correct Plus Tolerance = 10

Location: Exercise Procedure page: se1p6, Question ID: e1p6e

13. Which loop equation can be used to determine VR2, based on Kirchhoff's law and the known
loop values?
a. VR2 = VS + VR1 + VR3
b. VR2 = VS – (VR1 + VR3)
c. VR2 = VS – (VR6 + VR4)

NOTE: Min/Max Values shown are based upon a calculation using the absolute
lowest and highest recall value. By using the actual input in your calculations, you
will determine the correct value.

DC Network Theorems Unit 4 – Kirchhoff’s Loop Equations

Location: Exercise Procedure page: se1p6, Question ID: e1p6g

VR2 = VS – (VR1 + VR3)
= Vdc
Recall Label for this Question: V4
Nominal Answer: 6.363

Min/Max Value: (1.605) to (11.23)
Value Calculation: # V1 – ( V2 + V3 ) #
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 10
Correct Plus Tolerance = 10

Location: Exercise Procedure page: se1p7, Question ID: e1p7a

VR2 = Vdc
Recall Label for this Question: V5
Nominal Answer: 6.363
Min/Max Value: (1.445) to (12.35)
Value Calculation: #V4#
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 10
Correct Plus Tolerance = 10

Location: Exercise Procedure page: se1p7, Question ID: e1p7c

16. Are the calculated and measured values of VR2 the same within tolerance?
a. no
b. yes

NOTE: Min/Max Values shown are based upon a calculation using the absolute
lowest and highest recall value. By using the actual input in your calculations, you
will determine the correct value.

DC Network Theorems Unit 4 – Kirchhoff’s Loop Equations


Location: Review Questions page: se1r1, Question ID: e1r1a

VS = Vdc
Recall Label for this Question: VR1
Nominal Answer: 15.0
Min/Max Value: (14.25) to (15.75)
Value Calculation: 15.000
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 5
Correct Plus Tolerance = 5

Location: Review Questions page: se1r1, Question ID: e1r1c

VR1 = Vdc
Recall Label for this Question: VR2
Nominal Answer: 1.9378

Min/Max Value: (1.6568) to (2.2382)
Value Calculation: (#VR1#/2090)*270
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 10
Correct Plus Tolerance = 10

Location: Review Questions page: se1r1, Question ID: e1r1e

VR2 = Vdc
Recall Label for this Question: VR3
Nominal Answer: 5.3
Min/Max Value: (4.77) to (5.83)
Value Calculation: 5.3
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 10
Correct Plus Tolerance = 10

NOTE: Min/Max Values shown are based upon a calculation using the absolute
lowest and highest recall value. By using the actual input in your calculations, you
will determine the correct value.

DC Network Theorems Unit 4 – Kirchhoff’s Loop Equations

Location: Review Questions page: se1r1, Question ID: e1r1

1. What is the new value of VR3 based on your measurements and the loop equation?
a. # VR1 – ( VR2 + VR3 )#V
b. #VR3#V
c. #VR2#V
d. cannot be determined

Location: Review Questions page: se1r2, Question ID: e1r2

What is the voltage across R5?
a. 2.5V
b. 3V
c. 7V
d. 8V

Location: Review Questions page: se1r3, Question ID: e1r3

Therefore, the voltage drops of R1 and R2
a. are not affected by the change in R3.
b. remain the same.
c. cannot be determined.
d. must change.

Location: Review Questions page: se1r4, Question ID: e1r4

4. What law(s) may you use to analyze the voltages within the loop composed of VS, R1, R2,
and R3?
a. Ohm's law
b. Kirchhoff's law
c. Both of the above.
d. None of the above.

Location: Review Questions page: se1r5, Question ID: e1r5

What is the polarity of R2?
a. negative at point A and positive at point B
b. positive at point A and negative at point B
c. negative at point A and at point B
d. positive at point A and at point B

DC Network Theorems Unit 4 – Kirchhoff’s Loop Equations



DC Network Theorems Unit 4 – Kirchhoff’s Loop Equations

Exercise 2 – Node Equations

Generate node equations for a series/parallel circuit. Verify results by measuring voltage drops
and ensuring that the loop equations equal zero.


Location: Exercise Discussion page: se2d5, Question ID: e2d5a

In this circuit, if you know IT and I1, can you calculate I2?
a. yes
b. no


Location: Exercise Procedure page: se2p1, Question ID: e2p1a

VS = Vdc
Recall Label for this Question: V21
Nominal Answer: 15.0
Min/Max Value: (14.25) to (15.75)
Value Calculation: 15.000
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 5
Correct Plus Tolerance = 5

DC Network Theorems Unit 4 – Kirchhoff’s Loop Equations

Location: Exercise Procedure page: se2p1, Question ID: e2p1c

VR3 = Vdc
Recall Label for this Question: V22
Nominal Answer: 5.993

Min/Max Value: (5.124) to (6.922)
Value Calculation: (#V21#/1702)*680
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 10
Correct Plus Tolerance = 10

Location: Exercise Procedure page: se2p1, Question ID: e2p1e

IT = mA
Recall Label for this Question: I21
Nominal Answer: 8.813
Min/Max Value: (6.782) to (11.2 )
Value Calculation: (#V22#/680)*1000
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 10
Correct Plus Tolerance = 10

Location: Exercise Procedure page: se2p2, Question ID: e2p2a

VR1 = Vdc
Recall Label for this Question: V23
Nominal Answer: 2.38
Min/Max Value: (1.648) to (3.326)
Value Calculation: (#I21#*270)/1000
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 10
Correct Plus Tolerance = 10

NOTE: Min/Max Values shown are based upon a calculation using the absolute
lowest and highest recall value. By using the actual input in your calculations, you
will determine the correct value.

DC Network Theorems Unit 4 – Kirchhoff’s Loop Equations

Location: Exercise Procedure page: se2p2, Question ID: e2p2c

VR2 = Vdc
Recall Label for this Question: V24
Nominal Answer: 6.627

Min/Max Value: (3.802) to (9.427)
Value Calculation: # V21 – ( V22 + V23 ) #
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 5
Correct Plus Tolerance = 5

Location: Exercise Procedure page: se2p3, Question ID: e2p3a

5. Does the current flowing through R2 move into or out of NODE 2?
a. into NODE 2
b. out of NODE 2

Location: Exercise Procedure page: se2p4, Question ID: e2p4a

IR2 = mA
Recall Label for this Question: I22
Nominal Answer: 4.418
Min/Max Value: (2.281) to (6.913)
Value Calculation: (#V24#/1500)*1000
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 10
Correct Plus Tolerance = 10

Location: Exercise Procedure page: se2p4, Question ID: e2p4c

IR6 = mA
Recall Label for this Question: I23
Nominal Answer: 4.395
Min/Max Value: ( –.14) to (9.365)
Value Calculation: #I21#–#I22#
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 5
Correct Plus Tolerance = 5

NOTE: Min/Max Values shown are based upon a calculation using the absolute
lowest and highest recall value. By using the actual input in your calculations, you
will determine the correct value.

DC Network Theorems Unit 4 – Kirchhoff’s Loop Equations

Location: Exercise Procedure page: se2p5, Question ID: e2p5a

8. Knowing IR6, can you use Ohm's law to determine the voltage drops of R6, R5, and R4?
a. no
b. yes

Location: Exercise Procedure page: se2p6, Question ID: e2p6a

VR6 = Vdc
Recall Label for this Question: V25
Nominal Answer: 3.604

Min/Max Value: ( –.13) to (8.447)
Value Calculation: (#I23#*820)/1000
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 10
Correct Plus Tolerance = 10

Location: Exercise Procedure page: se2p6, Question ID: e2p6c

VR5 = Vdc
Recall Label for this Question: V26
Nominal Answer: 2.066
Min/Max Value: ( –.07) to (4.842)
Value Calculation: (#I23#*470)/1000
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 10
Correct Plus Tolerance = 10

Location: Exercise Procedure page: se2p6, Question ID: e2p6e

VR4 = Vdc
Recall Label for this Question: V27
Nominal Answer: 0.967
Min/Max Value: ( –.03) to (2.266)
Value Calculation: (#I23#*220)/1000
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 10
Correct Plus Tolerance = 10

NOTE: Min/Max Values shown are based upon a calculation using the absolute
lowest and highest recall value. By using the actual input in your calculations, you
will determine the correct value.

DC Network Theorems Unit 4 – Kirchhoff’s Loop Equations

Location: Exercise Procedure page: se2p7, Question ID: e2p7a

10. Does the sum of the voltages and VR2 result in 0V for the loop?
a. yes
b. no

Location: Exercise Procedure page: se2p8, Question ID: e2p8a

11. Based on your observation, can Kirchhoff's laws be combined with Ohm's law to solve for
unknowns in a series/parallel circuit?
a. no
b. yes


Location: Review Questions page: se2r1, Question ID: e2r1

1. In this circuit, I1
a. moves into NODE 1.
b. moves out of NODE 1.
c. must be zero.
d. equals IT + I1.

Location: Review Questions page: se2r2, Question ID: e2r2

2. The current into NODE 2 equals
a. IT – I2.
b. IT + I1.
c. I1 + I2.
d. I2 + IT.

Location: Review Questions page: se2r3, Question ID: e2r3a

VR5 = Vdc
Recall Label for this Question: VR21
Nominal Answer: 2.07
Min/Max Value: (1.863) to (2.277)
Value Calculation: 2.070
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 10
Correct Plus Tolerance = 10

DC Network Theorems Unit 4 – Kirchhoff’s Loop Equations

Location: Review Questions page: se2r3, Question ID: e2r3

3. The I2 current out of NODE 1
a. increases.
b. decreases.
c. remains the same.
d. None of the above.

Location: Review Questions page: se2r4, Question ID: e2r4

4. Since activating CM 9 increases I2, the I1 current out of NODE 1
a. increases.
b. does not change.
c. decreases.
d. None of the above.

Location: Review Questions page: se2r5, Question ID: e2r5

5. If the current flowing into a node is 180 mA, all of the current flowing out of the node, based
on Kirchhoff's law, is
a. less than 180 mA.
b. greater than 180 mA.
c. less or greater than 180 mA.
d. equal to 180 mA.



DC Network Theorems Unit 4 – Kirchhoff’s Loop Equations

Depending on configurator settings, these questions may be randomized onscreen.
Location: Unit Test Question page: sut1, Question ID: ut1
Which diagram correctly shows node current?
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D

Location: Unit Test Question page: sut2, Question ID: ut2

A loop can be defined as
a. any circuit path, closed or opened.
b. a closed circuit path.
c. an open circuit path.
d. a voltage source.

Location: Unit Test Question page: sut3, Question ID: ut3

A node represents a circuit point where
a. voltages are combined.
b. resistances are combined.
c. currents are combined.
d. charge must accumulate.

Location: Unit Test Question page: sut4, Question ID: ut4

When you use Kirchhoff's laws, algebraic signs are
a. required.
b. not required.
c. required for voltage only.
d. required for current only.

Location: Unit Test Question page: sut5, Question ID: ut5

In this circuit, the
a. voltage drops are greater than the voltage source.
b. voltage drops are less than the voltage source.
c. given equation does not specify the circuit.
d. given equation specifies the circuit.

DC Network Theorems Unit 4 – Kirchhoff’s Loop Equations

Location: Unit Test Question page: sut6, Question ID: ut6

In this circuit, IB
a. flows out of NODE 1.
b. flows into NODE 1.
c. equals IT.
d. does not flow into NODE 2.

Location: Unit Test Question page: sut7, Question ID: ut7

In this circuit, IC
a. equals IB.
b. equals IA.
c. equals IT.
d. flows into NODE 2.

Location: Unit Test Question page: sut8, Question ID: ut8

The value of IB equals
a. IT + IA.
b. IT – IA.
c. IT.
d. IB + IA.

Location: Unit Test Question page: sut9, Question ID: ut9

The missing voltage is
a. 10V.
b. 5V.
c. 1V.
d. None of the above.

Location: Unit Test Question page: sut10, Question ID: ut10

The current through R3
a. can flow in either direction.
b. can flow in only one direction.
c. is zero because the circuit loops cancel.
d. is zero because the circuit loops combine.


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