Allas, Jen Final Exam in Rizal

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Jennera P.




1st Semester 2020-2021

Paragraph 1 – Introduction.

Dr. Jose Rizal, the national hero of the Philippines, is not only admired for possessing
intellectual brilliance but also for taking a stand and resisting the Spanish colonial government. While his
death sparked a revolution to overthrow the tyranny, Rizal will always be remembered for his
compassion towards the Filipino people and the country.Jose Protasio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda
or more popularly known as Jose Rizal was born in Calamba, Laguna on June 19, 1861. His parents
Francisco Engracio Rizal Mercado y Alejandro and Teodora Alonso Realonda Alejandro de Quintos had
11 chidren Jose was the 7th. He and his mother were very close they had a very special bond. Jose was
first schooled by his mother. He learned the alphabet at the age of 3. At the age of 8 he was sent to
Binan to have his formal education. His teacher was Maestro Justinaiano Aquino Cruz. Rizal was known
to be a very good student and continued his excellence in school until his college days. He is known as
the national hero of the Philippines and was popularly known for his two novel, "Noli Me Tangere" and
"El Filibusterismo" which tackled social issues of the Philippines during the Spanish occupancy era. He
was executed on December 30, 1896 at Bagumbayan which is now called Rizal Park. His excution was
ordered by Spanish government due to his rebellious acts

Paragraph 2 – Explain 2-3 events in Jose Rizal’s past that influenced him and explain why.

A man with multiple professions

While he originally obtained a land surveyor and assessor’s degree in Ateneo, Rizal also took
up a preparatory course on law at the University of Santo Tomas.But when he learned that his mother
was going blind, he decided to switch to medicine school in UST and later on specialized in
ophthalmology. In May 1882, he decided to travel to Madrid in Spain, and earned his Licentiate in
Medicine at the Universidad Central de Madrid.

His novels awakened Philippine nationalism

Rizal had been very vocal against the Spanish government, but in a peaceful and
progressive manner. For him, “the pen was mightier than the sword.” And through his writings, he
exposed the corruption and wrongdoings of government officials as well as the Spanish friars.While in
Barcelona, Rizal contributed essays, poems, allegories, and editorials to the Spanish newspaper, La
Solidaridad. Most of his writings, both in his essays and editorials, centered on individual rights and
freedom, specifically for the Filipino people. As part of his reforms, he even called for the inclusion of
the Philippines to become a province of Spain.

His legacy lives on

Today, Dr. Rizal’s brilliance, compassion, courage, and patriotism are greatly remembered
and recognized by the Filipino people. His two novels are continuously being analyzed by students and
professionals.Colleges and universities in the Philippines even require their students to take a subject
which centers around the life and works of Rizal. Every year, the Filipinos celebrate Rizal Day –
December 30 each year to commemorate his life and works. Filipinos look back at how his founding of
La Liga Filipina and his two novels had an effect on the early beginnings of the Philippine Revolution. The
people also recognize his advocacy to achieve liberty through peaceful means rather than violent

Paragraph 3 – Choose 2-3 family, friends, acquaintances, or lovers that had great influence on him and
explain why.

The person who has greatly influenced to Dr. Jose Rizal is her beloved mother.His mother
was his first teacher, and from her he learned to read, and consequently to value reading as a means for
learning and spending one’s time meaningfully. It did not take long before he learnt to value time as
life’s most precious gift, for she taught him never to waste a single second of it. Thus as a student in
Spain he became the most assiduous of students, never missing a class despite his activities as
Propaganda leader, or an examination, despite having to take it on an empty stomach. By his example,
he inspired his compatriots those who had sunk into a life of dissipation, wasting time and allowances
on gambling and promiscuity to return to their studies and deserve their parents sacrifices back home.

Blumentritt is the one who influenced Jose Rizal he i the one of his friend was an Austrian
teacher, secondary school principal in Leitmeritz, lecturer, and author of articles and books in the
Philippines and its ethnography. He is well known in the Philippines for his close friendship with the
writer and Propagandist Jose Rizal, and the numerous correspondence between the two provide a vital
reference for Rizal historians and scholars,including his last letter from prison before the execution.

Leonor Rivera was a first love of Jose Rizal first met in Manila when Rivera was only 14
years old.When Rizal left for Europe on May 3, 1882, Rivera was 15 years of age.Their ensuing
correspondence began when Rizal left a poem for Rivera saying farewell, and their letters to each other
slowly became romantic in nature. The correspondence between Rivera and Rizal kept Rizal focused on
his studies in Europe.They employed codes in their letters because Rivera's mother did not favour Rizal
as a suitor for her daughter. A letter from Mariano Catigbac dated June 27, 1884 referred to Rivera as
Rizal's “betrothed”. Catigbac described Rivera as having been greatly affected by Rizal's departure,
frequently sick because of insomnia.
Paragraph 4 - What values does Jose Rizal’s novels promote?

His Legacy Lives On

In honor of Rizal, memorials and statues of the national hero can be found not only
within the Philippines, but in selected cities around the world.A road in the Chanakyapuri area of New
Delhi (India) and in Medan, Indonesia is named after him.The Jose Rizal Bridge and Rizal Park in the city
of Seattle are also dedicated to the late hero.Within the Philippines, there are streets, towns/cities, a
university (Rizal University), and a province named after him.Three species have also been named after
Rizal the Draco rizali (a small lizard, known as a flying dragon), Apogania rizali (a very rare kind of beetle
with five horns) and the Rhacophorus rizal peculiar frog species.To commemorate what he did for the
country, the Philippines built a memorial park for him now referred to as Rizal Park, found in Manila.
There lies a monument which contains a standing bronze sculpture of Rizal, an obelisk, and a stone base
said to contain his remains. The monument stands near the place where he fell during his execution in

Paragraph 5 – Conclusion, do we deserve to idolize Jose Rizal?

Yes, we deserve to idolize Jose Rizal was a smart person. He was a good writer, poet and
doctor.He might be handsome, sweet and gentleman. History says he had a lot of girlfriends who loved
him.He traveled to different places and every place he went, he talked about different women, beautiful
women.He wrote novels about abusive priests and suffering of women and children.He wrote about
friendships, love, goodbyes, exiles and excommunication. He maybe from a rich family, since he was
able to study abroad and travel. I think his greatest contribution were his books which until today, are
used by schools to learn good values and love of country. But his books are very thick, students get
bored and fall asleep in the class, which resulted to kids not learning the values taught by Rizal and no
love of country. He was famous about the use of pen instead of arms in fighting for freedom.

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