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Mission: (none)

Title: Accreditation of Private Security Agencies

Date Approved/Issued: 01/11/89

Date Effective: 01/01/89


This revised SOP aims to improve NFA Security Services nationwide with the updated
system on accredation of private security agencies.

This covers policies on accreditation of private security agencies to include application,

evaluation and approval.
SOP on Hiring of Private Security Agencies issued January 15, 1987.

1. Accredatation of Private security agencies shall be conducted at the Regional Office on a

continuous basis by the Regional Accreditation Committee composed of the following:

Regional Director - Chairman

Asst. Regional Director - Vice-Chairman
Regional Lawyer - member
Regional Administrative Officer - member
Regional Accountant - member
Regional Investigator - member

2. Security agencies shall be accredited on a regional basis. Only those agencies having existing
office in the region shall be considered for accreditation.

3. Security agencies shall be invited for accreditation thru publication notice in a newspaper of
general circultation.

4. Security agencies shall file their application (Exh.1) together required documents (Annex A)
directly with the Office of the Regional Director.

5. As requisite for accreditation, the security agency must have been in continuous operation for
not less than two years immediately preceeding the date of application and must have a
license to operate. Paid up capitalization shall be dependent on the total No. of guards
required by the region. (Per criteria set under Exh. 2).

6. The Regional Committee shall evaluate all data submitted based on set criteria (Exh. 2). Actual
verification may be conducted by the Regional Committee to determine the existence of
facilities, firearms, amunications and other as stated.

7. The security agencies recommended for accreditation by the Regional Committee shall be
endorsed thru DEI to the Administrator for approval.

8. Security Agencies shall be issued Certificate of Accreditation which shall be valid for two years
from the date of its issuance. The accreditation of the agencies may be revoked upon notice by
the Administrator for reason such as misrepresentation, falsification of documents or other
grounds as may be determined by NFA upon recommendation of t he Regional Director.
9. List of accredited security agencies in the region shall be furnished by DEI to the Central
Office Security Bidding Committe.

10. The Central Office SEcurity Bidding Committee may request for an updated infdormation on
the accredited Security Agency before the bidding.

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