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The severity of speech impairment and language disorder vary a great deal to a student’s education, and each student

should be examined on a
case-by-case basis, there are several general strategies that can be used in the learning environment. The teacher needs to be an active listener
when the student is speaking to best interpret what is being said. If it is difficult for the instructor to understand what the student is saying, he or she
should repeat back to the student what was said and look for verbal or non-verbal cues in order to make sure the student was heard correctly. The
teacher should not ignore the student or pretend that the student was heard. The teacher should be extremely patient with the student and should
not rush the student during speaking. While it may be tempting for the instructor to “finish” the student’s thoughts, the student should completely
finish his or her speech before the listener responds.

Narrative Report on Skills of the Students:

The severity of speech impairment and language disorder vary a great deal to a student’s education that is why as a teacher it is important
to keep track of my students’ condition and well-being. Armando is one of my students; he is experiencing speech impairment, which falls under the
Fluency Disorder. He has difficulties with the rhythm and timing of his speech, he often stutters while speaking in front of the class or when he is
asked to read a context. His stuttering is marked by rapid-fire repetitions of consonant or vowel sounds especially at the beginning of words,
prolongations, hesitations, interjections, and complete verbal blocks. On the other hand, Maria who is on the same class, is experiencing a
language difficulty which falls under the Expressive Language Difficulty. She has a very limited vocabulary, incorrect grammar or syntax, expressive
repetition of information was also practiced by her, as well as, difficulty in formulating questions and in constructing sentences.

Accommodations and Modifications to be provided:

As a teacher, each student should be examined on a case-by-case basis, which means that I should take in to consideration their own
situations and difficulties. Moreover, I will provide accommodations to those students with speech impairment by talking slower, students with
stuttering speech may benefit from hearing slower speech in the classroom, Also, I well avoid a hurried and rushed classroom speech works. On
the other hand, I will provide accommodations to my students with language disorder by providing online dictionary in class, as well as, writing cue
cards to improve her vocabulary. It is also best to list of sight words and writing templates, outlines, and graphics organizers. As a teacher it is a
general to modify the class by being an active listener of these two students and being extremely patient in providing their needs inside the
classroom. J

when the student is speaking to best interpret what is being said. If it is difficult for the instructor to understand what the student is saying, he or she
should repeat back to the student what was said and look for verbal or non-verbal cues in order to make sure the student was heard correctly. The
teacher should not ignore the student or pretend that the student was heard. The teacher should be extremely patient with the student and should
not rush the student during speaking. While it may be tempting for the instructor to “finish” the student’s thoughts, the student should completely
finish his or her speech before the listener responds.

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