Lab 3 Instructions

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Comp 1703 - Lab 3 /16

Instructions: In DC Connect, open the “Lab 3 Starter” file and save as YourFirstName YourLastName
Lab 3, i.e. “Ron Simcoe Lab 3”. Complete the following questions. All questions are worth 1 mark unless
noted otherwise.
1. Change the font of the entire document to Times New Roman 12.
2. Remove any paragraph spacing from the entire document (0 before and 0 after) and change line
spacing to double.
3. Use a page break to create a blank page at the beginning of the document. As per APA 6 th edition, the
title page must contain the following elements in the correct order and be centered horizontally (using
alignment) and vertically using exactly 10 hard returns, AKA hitting enter) in the middle of the page.
{2 Marks}
i. Title of Paper: Use “Confidentiality and Privacy Information” for this title.
ii. Your Name (First and Last only)
iii. Course Abbreviation (i.e. Comp 1703)
iv. Due Date (month, day and year, i.e. January 27, 2020)
v. Instructors name (i.e. Professor Ron Simcoe)
All of the information on the title page (including the blank paragraphs) should Times New Roman 12,
double spaced with NO Paragraph spacing. (Yes, you will need to make some changes to this page!).
4. Select the paragraph that contains the title and update the “title” style (in the styles group) to match
the changes you made to the title.
5. On the second page, select the paragraph “Ethical and Legal Responsibilities” and from the styles
group, create a new style called APA H1 YOURINITIALS. i.e. “Mine would be named
“APA H1 RS”. IMPORTANT: Style type should be paragraph and Style based on should be
Heading 1.The following must be adhered to {3 Marks}
i. The font is Times New Roman 12, bold, colour is automatic black, centered and all important
words are capitalized.
ii. Paragraph spacing is 0 before and 0 after
NOTE: This is APA 6th edition heading format for a level 1 Heading.
6. There are three paragraphs in this paper that are standard colour red with a single underline. Change
them all to the new paragraph style you created in the step above.
7. Select the blue paragraph on the second page “A Personal Health Information Protection Act”. And
make the same changes as per Question 5 with the only difference being you will name it APA H2
YOURINITIALS, it is based on Heading 2 and it is left aligned (NOT centered). Everything else is
the same. {3 Marks}
8. Apply the new Heading 2 style you created in the step above to the three paragraphs that are standard
colour blue with double underlines.
9. Select all seven paragraphs that are highlighted in Yellow and change them to standard square bullets.
Remove the yellow highlight and use “Sentence CASE” for each bullet paragraph (NOTE: Sentence
case means the first word of every sentence is capitalized).
10. Add a Table of Contents to the second page (right after the title page). Use “automatic table 2” (MAC
users can use “Classic”) and make sure the table of contents is the ONLY thing on the second page.
(Do not use hard returns to do this). Change the Table of contents heading paragraph “Table of
Contents” to the style you created this in step 5 above (i.e. I used APA H1 RS). Finally, update your
entire table so that it now shows its heading in the contents and change the font of all table
information (NOT the Heading) to Times New Roman size 12, double spaced with NO paragraph
spacing. {2 Marks}
Check for spelling errors and then save, attach and submit via DC Connect.

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