Muhammad Usman Zafar (2317) - Lab Activity 2

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OS Lab Class Activity

Name: Muhammad Usman Zafar

SAP ID: 2317

Exercises Screenshots:

There’s a file atomic-notes in current directory. Copy this file to sub-directory
with new name at-notes in sub folder nuclear under the directory physics.
Task: copy a file from working directory to into home directory
it’s time to look how files are moved to new locations.

Task: Change the name of directory to another directory

Step mv examples/rename_example
Task: Move the directory from one to other.

Rename file at-notes with my-notes in the any subdirectory directory

Exercise 3:
Create a directory called lab5 and create four files say quiz, report and cprogram
inside the directory. Now try to set the following rights;
-rw-r- - r- - quiz
-rw-rw - r- - report
-rwxrwx r- x cprogram
Try to change access permission of lab5 directory as well and see how it affects files
inside directory.

Note: Changing the permissions of lab5 directory does not effects any of the permission
for files in the lab5 directory .

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