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#G eograpicel Thought https://surendrastudysolution in/geo-net/thought- e6e Surendra Study Solution This website is best for students and teachers, oO Home (/) Geography (/geography) Economics ¥ (/economics) Haryana Geography (/haryana-geography) — Geo NET ~(/geo-net) — NCERT NOTES = (/ncert-notes) Haryana Budget (/haryana-budget) Unacademy~(/unacademy) — Polity (/polity)__B.ed ¥ (/bed) Art & Culture ¥ (/art-culture) Classical Dances of India (/classical-dances-of-india) Greek Homer Thales of Miletus Anaxinander Hecataeus Herodotus (485-425 B.C) Alexander the Great Eratosthenes (276-194 B.C) Hipparchus Posidonius SE Ge aR EA HOME THE AND HERO AL ERA HIPO vi Surendrs 3 Click Here for Video © ( HOMER, * Homer was a very well-known Greek (Poet). * His work was published in the form of illiad and Odyssey. * These long epic poems describe the episodes of Trojan war (1280 and1180 B.C.) and Contain valuable information about historicalgeography of the then known world, ‘+ Homer believed the earth to be a place of circular form surrounded by Ocean river. * Europe setting sun # Asia Rising sun Four winds of 11 12147020, 5:59 AM HG eograpical Thought ‘hitps://surendrastudysolution in/geo-net/thought- of- geography 1. Bores (north) 2. Notus (south) 3. Eurus (east) 4, Zephyrus (west) THALES * Thales was a Thales of Miletus. © Thales was the first Greek thinker, philosopher and traveller who originated several basic theorems of geometry. © Contribution in arithmetic geography + He was also the first person to initiate measurement of the earth and to try to locate thingPace of the earth, * Ona trip of Egypt he observed hat some priests at work were measuring angles, baselines and computing areas. * Thales was inspired by the Egyptian monks and he solved many problems of geometry and trigonometry. * He visualized the earth as a disc Floating in water. * Thales is remembered for his cosmology based on water as the essence of all matter and for his prediction of an eclipse of the sun. ANAXIMANDER * Anaximander was a disciple of Thales in Miletus. * He is credited with the introduction into the Greek world of a Babylonian instrument known as 'gnomon’. For example, if a gnomon is 1m in length and it casts a shadow of 200 cm in length, then: solar elevation angle = arctan (100 cm / 200 cm) solar elevation angle = arctan (0.5) solar elevation angle = 26.57" solar elevation angle 4 2 solar elevation angle = arctan | lenath of gnomon_ Surendra Study Solution [ length of shadow ] # Thales and Anaximander are generally recognised as the founders of mathematical geography. HEGATAEUS * Hecataeus was a resident of Miletus. * His book Ges-periodos (description of the earth ) (first book regional geography) later it is known periplus. * He gives a general survey of the world that could be called as periplus( coastal survey) * The father of geography ‘+ Hecataeus’ map is divided into three thirds (Europe,Asia, Africa), which are divided by the Mediterranean, the Red and the Black Seas. © Istri / Po river in Itly * His work was divided into two books 1.Geogrphical information of Europe 2. Geographical information of Libya. HERODOTUS ¢ Herodotus of Halicarnassus : Greek researcher, often called the world's first historian. » of LL 12147020, 5:59 AM HG eograpical Thought ‘hitps://surendrastudysolution in/geo-net/thought- of- geography ‘© Caspian as inland sea * Formationof Nile river delta by silt and black mud brought down by river. © Beginning of Environmentalism ALEXANDER © Aristotle taught his pupils to go and see. * Oneof his outstanding and adventurous pupil was Alexander * Theory by direct observation. * He became king of Macedonia at the age of twenty. * Who marched towards east * Alexander the Great was so impressed by the Indian use of elephants in battle. © 327 B.C he cross the Hindu-kush_ FRATOSTHENES * Scientific geographer * Length of equator * He develop the system of coordinates (Latitude & longitude) Eratosthenes (276 BC-194 BC) Li gy! Surendra Study Solution evsusrs's FF patosthenes measured it, \ HIPPARGHYUS * A Greek mathematician and astronomer, he measured the earth-moon distance accurately, the division of a circle into 360 degrees. * Hipparchus invented an instrument known as astrolabe. « this apparatus was easier into handle and more accurate than gnomon. 3 of LL 12147020, 5:59 AM #G eograpicel Thought https://surendrastudysolution in/geo-net/thought-of- geography 50s 8 Surendra Study Solution POSIPONIUS © Posidoniuswas an important Greek historian and geographer ‘© who lived shortly before the time of Christ. He wrote the book naming The ocean He was first who told about new moon He refused to follow Aristotle in believing that the equatorial part of the torrid zone was uninhabitable because of heat. Greeks in the field of Phy I Geography © The Greeks divided the world into five climatic zones- * Torrid, # Two temperate ‘© Two frigid zones. They were familiar with the fact that Libya is the land which experiences hightemperature, * They believed that Libyans are black due to the high temperature. Greeks in the Field of Mathematical Geography + Anaximander introducedan instrument called ‘gnomon’. With the help of gnomon he measured the latitudes of important places and prepared the first map of world to scales. « Thales and Anaximander are considered as the founders of mathematical geography. * Thales and Aristotle established the spherical shape of the earth. * Eratosthenes calculated the circumference of the earth as 250,000 stadia (25,000 miles). Roman 4 of 11 12142020, 5:59 AM #G eograpicel Thought https://surendrastudysolution in/geo-net/thought-of- geography eeks, The Romans’ major contribution was mainly in the field of Historical geography. Regional geography. ® Strabo (64BC -20AD) = Ptolemy (AD 90-168) 20s. Surendra Study Solution oy dures , Click here for Video ®© (http://www. 4s) STRABO * Strabo's main contribution was in the field of historical geography. * He said that there is an intimate relationship between history and geography. Strabo accepts Aristotle's zones of ekumene, as defined by Eratosthenes, and then goes on to assert that the limit of possible human life towards the equator is at latitude 12°-30' N. Strabo wrote a work of 17 volumes called Geographia. He was the first to declare geography as a chorological science. Strabo considered as the Father of regional geography. He also assumes the division of the earth into five zones and the circles upon the sphere He saw the earth as an oblong. # Strabo's work mainly historical. * Strabo wrote as many as 43 volumes under the title Historical memoir. PTOLEMY * ClaudiusPtolemy was a native of Egypt * He developed sound principle of mathematical geography. * Plotted the Gangentic Gulf (Bay of Bengal) ‘* His best work known is the syntax is popularly known as the Almagast. Mathematical theory of the motion of the sun, the moon and planets. Second most important work the geography also know as the Guide to geography. His description of Caspian Sea was very accurate one. He said that the Caspian Sea is an inland sea. He also studied about the various tribes of Central Asia. THE DARK AGE * The Dark Age is a term often used synonymously with the Middle refers to the period of time between the fall of the Roman Empire and the beginning of the Italian Renaissance and the Age of Discovery. * The period of about five hundred years, (200 A.D. to 700 A.D. * During this period, religion had dominated the mind of people and they were not allowed by the church to raise scientific questions. * Itisalso known as the ‘Dark Period’ in the development of science in Europe. Tin 0 Map # The T-in-O(Orbis Terrarum), or the ‘wheel’ map. « In this schematization, Asia was usually shown occupying the upper half of the with Europe and Africa 5 of LL 12147020, 5:59 AM HG eograpical Thought ‘hitps://surendrastudysolution in/geo-net/thought- of- geography more or lesse qually dividing the lower half. * Jerusalem was generally placed in the centre. © The inhabited world was represented by a circular figure, surrounded by the ocean. The figure was oriented towards the east. In the middle of the land area was a T-shaped arrangement of water bodies. * The stem of the T’ represented the Mediterranean. The top of the ‘T’ represented the Aegean and Black Seas on the one hand, and the Nile river and Red Sea on the other. f 5 Dark Ages tre rin-0 mop (Orbis Terrarum) 6 onmiens Surendra Study Solution nS rh Be petit IBN Hawqal AL-VIASUDI — AL BIRUNI AL-ADRISI IBN BATUTTA IBN KHALDUN ——978AD (896AD - 956 AD) (973-1050) 1099 -1165 (1304-1369) (1332-1406) Arab Geographers 48 LU = . IBN>HBK Surendra Study Solution AL> MBD Click Here for Video © (http://www. The followers of Prophet Mohammad made signifiAcant contributions in the field of geography from 8th to 13th century.Arabs also made some valuable observations about the climate, Al-Balakhi prepared the first climatic atlas of the world Kitab-ul-Ashkal. Al-Masudi described Indian monsoons. Al-Maqdisi divided the world into 14 climatic regions. IBN HAWQAL 6 of LL 12147020, 5:59 AM HG eograpical Thought ‘hitps://surendrastudysolution in/geo-net/thought- of- geography © Ibn Hawqalwas a resident of Baghdad. * His real name was Muhammad Abdul-Qasim. * He started his travels in May 943+ * His famous work, written in 977, is called Sdratal-Ard ("The face of the Earth"). * His treatise is A Book of Routes and Realms. * Ibn Hawqal based his great work of geography on a revision and augmentation of the text called Masalik ul-Mamélik by Istakhri (951AD). * He described the Major crops and agricultural techniques. © He sketched a vivid picture of production. AL MASUD] * Al Masudiwas born in late 9 th century and died in 956 in Egypt. * He travelled to Persia, Syria, Armenia, Central Asia, Oman, India, Ceylon, Madagaskar. * He is sometimes referred to as the "Herodotus of the Arabs”. * He also contributed in to field of cosmology, astronomy, Islamic law, meteorology, history and Arabic folklore. ‘* He classified the inhabited world in to seven regions : 1.Persians 2.Chaldians(Arab) 3.Greeks 4.Egyptiansand Libyans 5.Turkish 6.Hindus 7.chinese He provided a good account of the Monsoon of the Bay of Bengal He pointed out that the Indian ocean was connected with Atlantic ocean He said that the Salt in the seas and oceans comes from land area. He tried to describe the relation ship between man and environment. ‘+ He was a real contributor of Applied Geography. * Climate affect human Behaviour Humid climate -> HumorousDry climate -> Dry BehaviourBOOKS KITAB - AL - AUSAT KITAB ~ AL - TANBHWAL- ISHRAF KITAB - MURA| - AL - DHAHAB (Golden Meadows) KITAB - AKHBAR - AL ZAMAN (30volumes) AL BIRUNI * Full name : Abu Ryhan Muhammed * Born in Khawarizm of Republic of Uzbekistan in 973 * He passed his youth on the bank of Oxus River He was buried in Ghazni in Afghanistan BOOKS * KITAB-AL-HIND (Reference Book for Historians) * AL-QANUM-AL- MASUDI (based on Almagast of Ptolemy) * ATHAR-AL-BAGIVA TARIKHUL-HIND « KITAB-ALJAMAKIR KITAB-AL-SAYDNA Al-Tahdid (Geocentric and Heliocentric controversy geocentric theory accepted by Al-Biruni He wrote 27 books on various fields of geography His book qanumal Masudideals about solar eclipse and lunar eclipse. ‘* He was the first Muslim scholar to study India and the Brahminical traditionand has been described as the founder of Indology. The fatherof geodesy. The firstanthropologist He found that twilight occurs when the sun is 18 degree below the horizon He measured he longest and shortest distance of the moon and the earth ‘ He translated from Sanskrit in Arabic the original title of Patanjali. ‘He was an adept in Indian arithmetic. He pointed out that the Indo-Gangetic plain was formed by the deposition of silt brought by rivers. He described the reasons of occurrence of flood and springs. He wrote in details about the geography of India. He also said that the Himalaya is the source of most of the perennial rivers of Asia AL IDRIS 7 of LL Lanne #G eograpicel Thought https://surendrastudysolution in/geo-net/thought-of- geography 8 of LL * Full name :Abu-Abd-Allah-muhammed *Born in 1099 «Al idrisi wrote the book ‘Amusement For Him Who Deserve To Travel Around The World’ This book was based on the information collected by Arab explorers. ‘* He corrected the courses of many rivers including those of Danube and Niger. He pointed out that due to intense heat,the torrid zone was not habitable His most important contribution was his word map. His mapwas based on rough , rectangular projection resembling cylindrical projection Family. IBN BATTUTA * Real Name : Abdullah Muhammed * He was from a family that produced a number of Muslim judges (Qazis) * Born in 1304 in Tangier town of North Africa, ‘Ibn Battuta wrote the book 'Rihlah' which throws light on soil,agriculture,economy and political history of the Muslim world of his own time. * He had great desire to visit new countries « Ibn Battuta travelled for about 28 years and covered more than 120 thousand kilometers . * He reached in India (Muhammad Tughlaq) after crossing the mountains through Afghanistan and travelled the country widely. ‘* His description of house types and building materials in deserts is very interesting and informative IBN KHALDUN # Born in 1342 at Tunisia * His main work was Mugaddimah (the introduction of history) which also deals with human society and natural environment ‘© He pointed out that the northern hemisphere is more densely populated than the southern hemisphere * According to him , the population along the equator was thin ,but away from the equator there was greater concentration of population up to the latitude of 64 degree. * To him intense heat of equatorial belt and the excessive cold of polar areas both were strong deterrent to human growth and habitation. * According to him the Nomads represented the earlier (primitive) stage of social organization . © He was the first great scholar to direct attention specifically to the study of the man-environment relationship. * Ibn Khaldun may be considered as the first environmental determinist of the world. AL -BALAKHI ‘* Full name: Abu Zayd Ahmed ibn Sahl Balkhi Born in 850 CE in Shamistiyan (in modern-day Afghanistan) He founded the "Balkhi school” of terrestrial mapping in Baghdad Al-Balakhi gathered climatic data and information from Arab travellers on the basis of that information he prepared the first climatic atlas of the world entitled Kitabul-Ashkal. Age of Exploration Lanne #G eograpicel Thought https://surendrastudysolution in/geo-net/thought-of- geography Click Here for Video © ( The impact of Explorations and Discoveries * Orthodoxy which prevailed during dark Age. # Renaissance (1200 AD - 1500 AD) occurrence of Exploration of new areas and Voyages. * 1390 The silk road started in this time. * The silk road was many dirt roads that connected Asia to Europe. Map makers and traders used this road to navigate the continents and to bring foreign goods to Europe. The traders wanted things like silk, spices and tobacco. PRINGE HENRY (1394 - 1460) * Prince henry also known as “Henry the Navigator” defeated the Arabian at Centa and Captured the “Strait of Gibraltar”. He established the first Institute of Geography at Sarges nearCape st-Vincent. Prince Henry's captains successfully sailed to the three groups of islands of the Atlantic of North Africa and Europe that included 1.The Canary Islands (Ptolemy's Fortunate Islands), 2.The Madetralslands, and * 3.the Azores « First Latin translation of Ptolemy's Geographia in 1409. MARG9 POLO (1254 -1324) * One of the most well-known Europeans to travel the silk road in Medieval times was Marco Polo (1245-1324), * Amerchant, explorer and writer who recorded his travels in the book “Livres des merveilles du monde” (Book of the world’s marvels), published around the year 1300. * In English, this book is also known as The Travels of Marco Polo, COLUMBYS (1492-1504) # The voyages of Christopher Columbus during 1492-1504, ‘He was the first explorer to discover and make use of the wind system of the Atlantic. * Columbus had known about the presence of easterly winds in the low latitudes and of westerlies in the higher latitudes. ‘Amerigo Vespucci + Amerigo Vespucci had reached the new continent ( America) + Amsterdam became a major center for the publication of atlases and wall maps of Ll 121470020, 5:59 AM HG eograpical Thought ‘hitps://surendrastudysolution in/geo-net/thought- of- geography * 17th century "dynasty of cartographers” VASCO DA GAMA (1469 - 1524) * Vascoda Gama rounded the Cape of Good Hope and sailed north to the Zambegi river Here they spent a month. it was at this place that for the first time in the history of discovery the disease of scurvy broke out ‘* From mozambique with the help of arab trader reached Calicut (IndiajonMay 28, 1498 NIGOLAUS COPERNICUS (1473 -1543) ‘© Nicolaus Copernicus was a Renaissance-era polymath whose theory of the universe placed the Sun rather than Earth at the center of the universe, * After the Great Age of Discovery, the heliocentric idea got strengthened. MAGELLAN (1489 - 1521) ‘* Magellan, was the first European explorer to have reached eastern Asia by sailing west. ‘ His expedition began in 1518 and he sailed along the Brazilian coast, * He was the first to circumnavigate the world in 1520 ‘ He found the entrance to the strait that bears Magellan's name. It took him 30 days to pass through the 360 miles strait. JOHANNES KEPLER(I571 -1630) Johannes Kepler was a German astronomer, mathematician, and astrologer. * He is akey figure in the 17th-century scientific revolution, best known for his lawsof planetary motion, * His books Astronomia nova, Harmonices Mundi, and Epitome Astronomiae Copernicanae. * These works also provided one of the foundations for Newton's theory of universal gravitation. VARENIUS (1G22 - 1659) * Varenius was a German geographer. * Varenius published his book Geographia Generalis in1650. ‘ He was the first geographer to divide geography into 1.General or universal geography 2.Special geography/or ‘chorography’ * Varenius was the first scholar who laid the foundation of the dichotomy of systematic vs. regional geography. ‘* He was also the first scholar who advocated that the highest temperatures are not recorded in the equatorial belt but along the tropics in the hot deserts of the world. CAPTAIN JAMES G99K (1728 - 1779) ‘* James Cook was a British explorer, navigator, cartographer, and captain in the British Royal Navy. « First voyage (1768-1771) south eastern coast of Australia on 19April 1770 # Second voyage (1772-1775) New Georgia * Third voyage (1776-1779) rediscovered the Sandwichor Hawaiian Islands About Us We are a team of expert teachers Faculty of Geography in vidyul IAS Academy Educator on Unacadey UPSC Contact B ( & 9015915700 (tel:9015915700) 10 of 11. Lanne #G eograpicel Thought https://surendrastudysolution in/geo-net/thought-of- geography é Mb AOVO forsee DEV AV FY Ssut fF Sang (Hb AONE OA TY WHOL ae item FO. WEBER IV AE PDVEX YT A OS 0) 11 of 11 12142020, 5:59 AM

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