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By Jose F. Figueroa, Rishi K. Wadhera, Dennis Lee, Robert W. Yeh, and Benjamin D. Sommers
doi: 10.1377/hlthaff.2020.01040

Community-Level Factors
NO. 11 (2020): –
©2020 Project HOPE—
The People-to-People Health

Associated With Racial And Ethnic Foundation, Inc.

Disparities In COVID-19 Rates In

Jose F. Figueroa (jfigueroa@
ABSTRACT Massachusetts has one of the highest cumulative incidence is an
assistant professor of health
rates of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases in the US. policy and management,
Understanding which specific demographic, economic, and occupational Department of Health Policy
and Management, Harvard
factors have contributed to disparities of COVID-19 is critical to inform T. H. Chan School of Public
public health strategies. We performed a cross-sectional study of 351 Health, in Boston,
Massachusetts towns/cities (01/01/2020–05/06/2020) and found that a
10 percentage point increase in the Black population was associated with Rishi K. Wadhera is an
instructor in medicine,
a 312.3 increase in COVID-19 cases per 100,000, while a 10 percentage Division of Cardiology,
point increase in the Latino population was associated with an increase Department of Medicine, Beth
Israel Deaconess Medical
of 258.2 cases per 100,000. Independent predictors of higher COVID-19 Center, in Boston,
rates included the proportion of foreign-born non-citizens living in a Massachusetts.

community, mean household size, and share of food service workers. Dennis Lee is a research
After adjustment for these variables, the association between the Latino assistant, Department of
Health Policy and
population and COVID-19 rates was attenuated. In contrast, the Management, Harvard T. H.
association between the Black population and COVID-19 rates persisted, Chan School of Public Health.

and may be explained by other systemic inequities. Public health and Robert W. Yeh is an associate
policy efforts that improve care for foreign born non-citizens, address professor of medicine,
Division of Cardiology,
crowded housing, and protect food-service workers may help mitigate the Department of Medicine, Beth
spread of COVID-19 among minority communities. [Editor’s Note: This Israel Deaconess Medical
Fast Track Ahead Of Print article is the accepted version of the peer-reviewed
manuscript. The final edited version will appear in an upcoming issue of Benjamin D. Sommers is a
professor of health policy and
Health Affairs.] economics, Department of
Health Policy and
Management, Harvard T. H.
Chan School of Public Health.

he United States is now the epicen- Massachusetts have shouldered a larger burden
ter of the global coronavirus disease of COVID-19,2,4 evidence regarding the commu-
2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Massa- nity-level factors that may be contributing to
chusetts had one of the highest case these disparities remains sparse. Furthermore,
and death rates in the country for because most data collected by Departments of
much of the spring,1 and early reports suggest that Health focus on only a few demographic factors
Black and Latino persons are being dispropor- such as age, sex, and race/ethnicity, there has
tionately affected, similar to patterns observed in been a paucity of objective data on whether
other states.2–4 In response to the unequal bur- COVID-19 cases are characterized by disparities
den of the disease, Massachusetts lawmakers along other important dimensions. There is
recently passed Bill H.4672,5 which aims to un- growing concern, for example, that lower-in-
derstand the racial and ethnic health inequities come and Black and Latino persons may be at
that have emerged amid the pandemic. greater risk of exposure to COVID-19 because
Although Black and Latino communities in they are more likely to be essential workers,

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and also tend to live in densely-populated areas or older, male, were employed as essential work-
and multigenerational households.6–8 Among ers, were foreign-born non-citizens, and com-
immigrant communities, there are reports of pleted less than a high school degree. Most
foreign born non-citizens avoiding care (includ- foreign-born non-citizens in Massachusetts are
ing testing and advice regarding COVID-19-like from Latin America (44.9%), Asia (30.7%),
symptoms) for fear of deportation or risking Europe (13.9%), and Africa (7.5%).15
their future legal resident status based on new We classified employed residents into essential
federal “public charge” regulations.9,10 workers and non-essential workers based on the
Finally, long-standing historical inequities state’s classification in the governor’s March
and structural racism, which have led to adverse 2020 emergency order.16 The following occupa-
outcomes including residential segregation and tions were defined as essential: health care prac-
differences in access to health care, may also titioners, technical occupations, and support
contribute to these disparities.11–13 Therefore, services; construction and extraction; installa-
an understanding of the factors leading to in- tion, maintenance, and repair; material moving
creased case rates among minority communities occupation; production services; transporta-
is urgently needed to inform strategies to miti- tion; building and grounds cleaning and main-
gate the ongoing spread of the disease. tenance; food preparation and serving-related
This study has two key objectives. First, we occupation; personal care and service occupa-
sought to characterize the association between tion; and protective services.
the proportion of Black or Latino persons and Statistical Analysis We categorized cities
COVID-19 cases in cities and towns across Mas- and towns in our sample into quartiles based
sachusetts. Second, we evaluated what other de- on the proportion of Black residents, and then
mographic, occupational, and economic factors analyzed population-weighted descriptive statis-
are associated with elevated community risk for tics.We repeated this based on the proportion of
COVID-19, and which of these factors—if any— Latino residents.
are contributing to potential racial and ethnic Next, we estimated linear regression models to
disparities. assess the association between the proportions
of each racial/ethnic group with the number of
COVID-19 cases per 100,000 people in each city
Study Data And Methods or town. Models were weighted by the popula-
Data Sources The Massachusetts Department tion size of each town.We first performed a series
of Public Health database, which is publicly avail- of univariate analyses using each demographic,
able on the website, was used to obtain economic, and occupational variable as a predic-
the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases per tor with COVID-19 case rates as the dependent
100,000 residents by city or town between Janu- variable. Analyses that focused on a specific
ary 1, 2020 to May 6, 2020.14 The state has re- race/ethnicity (e.g. proportion Black residents)
leased exact counts of confirmed cases for most as a predictor adjusted for the proportion of oth-
towns, including those with 0 cases, but it cen- er racial/ethnic minority residents in a town
sors values for towns with between 1 and 4 total (e.g. proportion Latino, proportion other non-
cases and simply reports “<5 cases”; for these Latino). Then, we performed multivariable line-
towns (representing 0.8% of our weighted sam- ar regression to assess what factors were inde-
ple), we imputed the absolute rate at the median pendently associated with differences in
of this range at 2.5, and divided by the popula- COVID19 case rates, and which of those factors—
tion total to convert to a rate per 100,000. if any—attenuated the observed racial/ethnic
The 2013–2018 American Community Survey disparities after adjustment.We present two ver-
was used to obtain demographic, economic, and sions of the multivariable model—first, using
occupational variables at the city and town lev- natural units for each covariate (e.g. proportion
el.15 The primary variables of interest were the of people by race/ethnicity, foreign-born non-
proportions of people in one of four mutually- citizens, essential workers, over age 60 years old,
exclusive racial/ethnic groups (based on self- and those with less than a high school education;
report): Hispanic or Latino ethnicity (referred number of people for household size; dollars for
to as Latino for brevity); Black non-Latino; White median income; total number of people in city or
non-Latino; and Other non-Latino (approxi- town); and second using normalized z-scores,
mately 70% of whom are Asian-American or Pa- which enable an apples-to-apples comparison
cific Islander). Other demographic, economic, of the strength of the associations for a one-stan-
and occupational variables at the community- dard deviation increase in each covariate.
level were total population; average age; average Several sensitivity analyses were performed.
household size; median household income; and Since the “essential occupations” designation
the proportions of people who were age 60 years aggregates a heterogeneous set of jobs that likely

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have different levels of risk, we tested a model rates. In addition, Massachusetts has the fourth
that separately identified the three most com- highest median income of any state and the high-
mon categories of essential work in our sample— est level of health coverage in the nation,20,21
healthcare-related, food services, and construc- though it is unclear whether insurance coverage
tion/extraction jobs. has any mitigating effect on rates of COVID-19
To examine whether our results were being transmission and disparities.
driven by a small number of large population Third, we focused on confirmed COVID-19
areas (particularly Boston), we performed sensi- cases, since town and city COVID-19 death rates
tivity analyses with multivariable regression are not publicly available. Our county level anal-
models limited to the top 50 largest towns and ysis indicates that COVID-19 case rates and
cities, and separately, limited to the smaller deaths rates were highly correlated, suggesting
towns (all other towns not in the top 50). All the pattern seen here for cases is likely similar for
analyses were repeated using the logarithm of death rates. Unlike death rates, however, varia-
the COVID-19 rate as the outcome, and we also tion in cases could potentially be affected by dif-
tested using the log of average household income ferences in testing patterns across localities or
as a covariate. We also tested whether excluding other sociodemographic factors. Given known
towns with censored COVID rates between 1 and disparities in health care access and COVID-19
4 affected our results. testing availability, the communities that we
In addition, because data on deaths at the city/ identified as being at higher risk for COVID-19
town level are not publicly available, we per- may—if anything—be less likely to receive ade-
formed county-level analyses to assess the asso- quate testing,19,22 which suggests that our results
ciation between proportion of Black or Latino likely underestimate disparities in case rates.
population and the number of confirmed Finally, underlying differences in comorbidities
COVID-19 cases and deaths per 100,000 popula- across minority groups were not captured in
tion within a county. We also assessed the corre- our study; however, this would be more likely
lation between COVID-19 case rates and COVID- to affect disparities in death rates rather than
19 death rates within counties.14 case rates.
The Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public
Health Institutional Review Board deemed this
study non-human-subjects research given the Study Results
use of aggregated publicly available data. Analy- Characteristics Of Towns And Cities All 351
sis was performed using STATA Version 14.0. towns and cities in Massachusetts were included
Limitations There are important limitations in the analysis. Towns with a higher proportion
to this study. First, in Massachusetts—as in most of Black residents and Latino residents had larg-
states and localities to our knowledge—individ- er populations on average, fewer high school
ual-level data by race/ethnicity and other demo- graduates, lower median incomes, younger res-
graphic, economic, and occupational variables idents, and more foreign-born non-citizens than
are not currently publicly available. Since our towns with fewer minorities (online supplemen-
analysis focused on community-level variables, tal exhibit 1).23 Average household size was
these population-level findings may be subject to slightly smaller among high-Latino and high-
ecological fallacy. However, the broad pattern of Black communities compared to other commu-
our findings on race/ethnicity match closely the nities (2.5 vs. 2.6). The proportion of people
individual-level disparities evident in other pa- working in essential service occupations was
tient-level data sources.17,18 Moreover, in the ab- higher among high-Black and high-Latino com-
sence of individual-level demographic, econom- munities, including food and service prepara-
ic, and occupational data, our evaluation of these tion and building, grounds cleaning and main-
factors at the level of the city of town provides the tenance services.
most granular level of analysis currently possi- Race/Ethnicity Towns with a higher propor-
ble, and improves considerably over county or tion of Black residents or Latino residents gen-
state-based analyses. erally had a higher number of COVID-19 cases
Second, although Massachusetts is a COVID- per 100,000 population (supplemental exhib-
19 “hot-spot,” these findings may not be gener- its 2 and 3).23 Notably, the state’s 5 towns with
alizable to other U.S. states. While our single- the highest COVID-19 rates are all majority-
state study may limit its generalizability, there minority, including Chelsea, which has a popu-
is wide variation across states in testing availabil- lation that is two-thirds Latino and has the high-
ity and guidelines, which may bias rates of con- est confirmed infection rate in the state—nearly
firmed COVID-19.19 Therefore, this analysis’s fo- 6 times higher than the state average.24
cus on a single state likely improved its internal In the unadjusted analyses of race/ethnicity
validity to assess the predictors of COVID-19 case (with White non-Latino the omitted group), a

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10 percentage point increase in the Black popu- smaller towns, a larger mean household size was
lation was associated with an increase of 312.3 significantly associated with higher case rates.
[95% CI 241.9 to 383.0, p < 0:001] cases per Results were generally similar using the loga-
100,000 (supplemental exhibit 4).23 A 10 per- rithm of the COVID-19 case rate as an outcome,
centage point increase in the Latino population when excluding towns with censored values for
was associated with an increase of 258.2 [95% CI cases between 1 and 4 individuals, when exclud-
217.0 to 300.3, p < 0:001] cases per 100,000, ing Boston from the sample, and when measur-
while a 10 percentage point increase in the ing income using the logarithm of average
Other non-Latino population was associated household income (data not reported).
with an increase of 86.5 [95% CI 7.2 to 169.9, We also performed additional county-level an-
p ¼ 0:03] cases per 100,000. alyses and found that a higher proportion of
After multivariable adjustment, the associa- Black or Latino residents within a county was
tion between the Black population and case rates associated with a significant increase in coun-
persisted with a 10 percentage point higher pop- ty-level cases and deaths (appendix exhibits 3
ulation associated with an additional 307.2 cases and 4).23 There was also a strong positive corre-
[95% CI 219.6 to 394.7, p < 0:001] per 100,000. lation between the number of county-level cases
In contrast, the association between the Latino and county-level deaths (Pearson’s coefficient,
population and case rates was substantially at- 0.82, p < 0:001) (appendix exhibit 5).23
tenuated and no longer statistically significant
(50.4, [95% CI -19.0 to 119.8], p ¼ 0:15). Mean-
while, after adjustment, the association between Discussion
the proportion of Other non-Latino race and Across Massachusetts’ cities and towns, Latino
case rates became significantly negative (-216.4, and Black communities are experiencing much
[95% CI -321.4 to -111.3], p < 0:001). higher rates of COVID-19 cases. Several factors
Demographic, Economic, And Other Fac- measured in our data (foreign-born non-citizen
tors Several factors were significantly associat- status, household size, and job type) appear to
ed with higher COVID-19 case rates across towns explain the higher COVID-19 case rates among
and cities in unadjusted models: higher average Latino communities in Massachusetts. It ap-
household size; and larger shares of essential pears that these factors may not be the primary
workers, foreign-born non-citizens, and non- reason for higher case rates in Black commu-
high school graduates. After multivariable ad- nities.
justment, mean household size and proportion While the extent of racial and ethnic dispar-
of foreign-born non-citizens were still indepen- ities has already been documented,25–27 our study
dently associated with higher COVID-19 rates. identifies important factors that are indepen-
The model using normalized values for these dently associated with higher COVID-19 case
covariates showed that the largest absolute risk rates in the state. The proportion of foreign-born
factor was the share of foreign-born non-citizens non-citizens was the strongest predictor of the
(310.4 per standard deviation, 95% CI 253.5 to burden of COVID-19 cases within a community,
367.2) and then mean household size (236.4 per and in Massachusetts, this population includes
SD, 95% CI 131.9 to 340.9). Older age was also sizable numbers of both Latin American
associated with additional cases while larger (44.9%) and Asian individuals (30.7%).15 Fur-
population size was associated with slightly few- thermore, under the Trump Administration’s
er cases but both were weaker predictors. revised “Public Charge” Rule, which took effect
Although the overall proportion of essential in early 2020, lawfully present immigrants who
service workers was no longer associated with use public benefits from local, state, or federal
case rates in our multivariable analysis, an ex- governments may be at risk of being denied per-
ploratory analysis of the three most common manent residency status. Although the U.S. Citi-
occupations found that employment in food ser- zenship and Immigration Services website now
vice was significantly associated with higher case encourages immigrants to seek care for COVID-
rates (71.4 per standard deviation, 95% CI 7.2 to 19-like symptoms, enrollment in Medicaid at the
135.7) (appendix exhibit 1).23 time of COVID-19-related care may still be used in
Sensitivity Analyses We observed a similar the Public Charge analysis.28 Recent studies sug-
association between race/ethnicity and COVID- gest that immigrant families have strong incen-
19 case rates in the multivariable analysis when tives not to enroll in public health insurance like
we stratified the sample into the largest 50 towns Medicaid and may avoid seeking medical care if
and cities and all other (smaller) towns (appen- they develop COVID-19-like symptoms and re-
dix exhibit 2).23 The proportion of foreign-born quire testing.10 In the absence of a positive test,
non-citizens remained the strongest predictor of these individuals are less likely to isolate and
case rates in the largest towns and cities, while in quarantine, which may impede public health ef-

4 Health Affairs N ov e m b e r 2 0 20 39:11

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forts to control the spread of COVID-19.29,30 er exposure to environmental hazards, may con-
These issues are likely only magnified by the tribute to the spread of COVID-19 in these com-
fact that immigrants tend to live in larger house- munities. Transportation use may also increase
holds,31 which we also found to be an indepen- the risk of exposure to COVID-19, as Black work-
dent predictor of COVID-19 case rates. Policy ers are more likely to use public transit to com-
approaches that reduce barriers to accessing mute to work.36
medical care for immigrant populations and that Evidence emerging from other U.S. cities and
address crowded housing—particularly when in- states has similarly described that Black and
dividuals have tested positive and need to be Latino populations are being disproportionately
isolated—could be important avenues for reduc- affected by COVID-19.3,25,26 In addition, prelimi-
ing disparities and slowing the spread of in- nary work from Massachusetts suggests that
fection. these populations also have substantially higher
Our work also sheds important insights into death rates.37 Our study expands upon these find-
the factors that may be contributing to the higher ings in several ways. We identify important fac-
rates of COVID-19 cases among Latino commu- tors (proportion of foreign-born non-citizens in
nities. As noted above, many immigrants in the a community, household size, food service occu-
Latino community may be deferring necessary pation) that are strongly associated with the risk
care for fear of risking citizenship under the of developing COVID-19. In addition, we charac-
Public Charge rule or possible deportation. In terize the extent to which these factors, among
addition, Latino persons tend to be dispropor- others, may be contributing to the higher num-
tionately employed in essential services that are ber of COVID-19 cases in Black and Latino com-
public facing, particularly in the food service munities. Because we evaluate each of these
industry, which we found to be associated with unique populations separately, we find that
higher COVID-19 rates. As the state moves to some factors, such as occupation in an essential
cautiously re-open more businesses, greater service field, may not affect Black and Latino
worker protections to reduce potential expo- communities in a similar manner. Our findings
sures may be needed in these jobs. Many low- provide important insights that may inform and
income minority workers also do not have the help tailor public health and policy strategies to
luxury of working from home,25 and less than address the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
half of Latino workers in the U.S. have jobs with
paid sick leave.32 While Congress recently ex-
panded the availability of paid sick leave under Conclusion
the CARES Act in March 2020, the law exempted Across Massachusetts cities and towns, signifi-
workers in large firms and health care organiza- cant COVID-19 disparities are evident along mul-
tions, which may leave many essential workers tiple dimensions—particularly race/ethnicity,
unprotected if they contract COVID-19.33 foreign-born non-citizen status, household size,
Meanwhile, our results show large disparities and job type. Higher proportions of Black or
in infection rates associated with Black commu- Latino residents within a community was signif-
nities, but these disparities do not appear to be icantly associated with higher rates of COVID-19
primarily explained by the factors that we exam- cases. The factors examined in our study ex-
ined. Other factors not examined in this study plained this relationship for Latino communities
may explain the disparate impact of COVID-19 in but did not appear to explain the higher rates
Black communities.12,13 Structural inequities, among black communities. Further research in-
such as disproportionately high incarceration to the social and economic factors underlying
rates,34 residence in areas with a higher concen- COVID-19-related disparities and new policies
tration of multiunit residential buildings,35 and to address risk factors and institutional racism
de facto neighborhood segregation, which may will be critical to controlling the epidemic and
lead to disparities in health care access and great- improving health equity. ▪

This work was partially funded by the Blood Institute (grant K23HL148525-1) AstraZeneca, Boston Scientific, and
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and previously serving as a consultant Medtronic. Benjamin Sommers reported
Policies for Action. Jose Figueroa for Regeneron. Robert Yeh reported receiving funding from the
reports receiving grants from the receiving research support from the Commonwealth Fund, the Robert Wood
Commonwealth Fund and Robert Wood National Heart, Lung, and Blood Johnson Foundation, the National
Johnson Foundation for other work Institute (grant R01HL136708); serving Institutes of Health (R01MD014970).
unrelated to this project. Rishi Wadhera as a consultant to Biosense Webster; [Published online August 27, 2020.]
reported receiving research support and serving as a consultant to and
from the National Heart, Lung, and receiving grants from Abbott Vascular,

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