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Fifth Grade Name: _________________

A journey to adventure

1. journey: an act of travelling from one place to another.

2. inventor: a person who makes new things.
3. beginning: the start.
4. history: events that happened in the past.
5. escape: get away from something.
6. cousin: son or daughter of your aunt or uncle.
7. travel: to make a journey.
8. know: to have information about something.
9. adventure: an exciting experience.
10.chapter: a part of a book.

Q. Fill in the blanks.

history cousin beginning travel chapter

1. My ____________ is older than me.

2. Grandpa has a lot of ____________ books.
3. The ____________ of the story is interesting.
4. We will ___________ to Jordan next month.
5. The story I am reading has ten _____________.

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