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DEC. 2020 | VOL.


Ministry in the Advent Season

Merry Christmas! I am sending this newsletter out a few weeks
early as we are wrapping up our programming for the year, and I
am about to fly home to spend Christmas with my family back in

December has been filled with lots of baking, decorating, and planning for the
new year. I have also been able to further my connection with one of the high
school students, Margaret. Margaret does not have the simplest history and is
currently living a tough narrative of caring for her father and 3 sisters in a tiny
apartment as they live paycheck to paycheck. I have been giving her rides to and
from youth group since her dad works a graveyard shift. I always tell her and her
sisters that I am here for them always and am willing to help whenever and
however I can. About a week ago, I received a text from Margaret asking what
version of the Bible we use at church. I did not think much of it at first, but as we
kept talking it was revealed that she has never had a Bible of her own. Her family
shares a King James Bible, however Margaret, expressed not being able to
understand it as well as the ones at church and wanting to be able to annotate
her own. Yesterday, I was able to take her to buy her very own study Bible! She
was so excited and started reading it immediately! I have always taken having my
own Bible for granted as I have never not had one, but watching Margaret with
her new Bible brought me so much joy. I cannot wait to see how she continues to
grow closer to Jesus and mature in her faith! Praise the Lord!

I am praying that this season is filled with hope for you
and your family as you prepare your hearts for the
coming of Christ. Christmas time is such a joyous time
for many, but can also be one of the loneliest times of
each year for others especially amidst the pandemic
culture that we live in today. As Christians, we are called
to love our neighbor more than ourselves and as Paul
tells the Corinthians in 1 Corinthians 10:31, "Therefore,
where you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the
glory of God." It can be so easy to get wrapped up in the
hustle of the holiday season and finding our happiness
in presents that we did or did not receive. I challenge
you to take a minute to stop and intentionally pray for
someone else today. Do everything for the glory of God
wherever you are.
My 2020 in Review

January February March

Connected with my grandpa
Rang in the new year with my Gained a sister and racked
Jerry, turned 23, and COVID flipped the
cousins and a broken nose up a lot of clinical hours world upside down

April May June

Quarantined, raised support, Graduated in my parents' living Packed up and moved to
and started missing pole vaulting room and put my college house Colorful Colorado
on the market

JUly August September

Lead summer elective activities Took and passed the NCLEX Met a boy (his name is
and made connections with to become an RN Jordan) and watched the
students and their familes leaves change

October November December

Spent some quality time with
Picked up momentum with youth Learned how to snowboard and had our
my roommates, even spent Thanksgiving
group despite many changes last youth group but Christmas themed
with one of their families

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