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Asking for and Giving Information adalah kegiatan menanyakan atau

memberikan informasi kepada lawan bicara. Kita menggunakan asking for
information saat kita ingin menanyakan sebuah informasi kepada orang lain.
Sedangkan lawan bicara kita meresponnya menggunakan ungkapan giving
information yang sesuai.

Contoh Asking for and giving Information :


● What does your father do ? ● My father is an architect

● Where is Monas located ? ● It is located in Jakarta
● Why do you feel sad ? ● Because I have lost my bag
● When is the museum open ● The museum is open at 08.00 a.m.
● How can I go to the bank ? ● You can take the bus in the left side
● Do they walk to school ? ● Yes, they do
● Is it the right way ? ● Yes, it is
Untuk Mengungkapkan Meminta dan Memberi informasi biasanya menggunakan
5W 1 H, yaitu :
- What = Apa
- Where = Dimana
- When = Kapan
- Who = Siapa
- Why = Mengapa dan
- How = Bagaimana
In the bus station
Melani : Excuse me, may I take the seat near of you?
Jehan  : Of course, here you are.
Melani  : Hai, introduce my self, my name is Melani Nahampun.
Jehan  : Hai, I am Jehan. Mela,,,? Is that correct?
Melani  : You may call me , Melan. Where will you go?
Jehan  : To the post office, and where will you go?
Melani  : Supermarket .
Jehan  : If you want to go the supermarket, you do not have to wait this bus,
you have to wait over there. It is a wrong for you
Melani  : Oh, are you sure? I am a new comer here. Thank for your
information, Jehan
Jehan  : Be careful Melan. Nice to meet you

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