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Food processing and preservation

Prepared by Muhammed Adem

Dec. 2018

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 Content
 Introduction
 Post-harvest handling
 Perishability and produce loss
 Post-harvest and storage considerations

“Vary your veggies” and “focus on fruits”

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 Vegetables are the edible portion of plants eaten with (or as) the
main course
o Includes roots, stems, tubers, leaves, etc
 Fruits are
 Botanically, fruits are the mature ovaries of plants with their seeds
 culinary role, fruit is the fleshy part of a plant, usually eaten alone or
served as a dessert
o Includes: mangoes, citrus, bananas, grapes, etc
 Fruits are high in organic acids and sugar—higher than vegetables
 The nutritive value of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and other compounds
contained in fruits and vegetables is extremely important to the diet.
Additional dietary and medicinal benefits of fruits and vegetables are
being discovered
 Phytochemicals act as antioxidants, anticarcinogens, and immunomodulators
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Perishability and produce loss
 Foods are frequently classified based on the basis of their stability as:
 Non-perishable
 Semi-perishable
 Perishable
 Fresh fruits and vegetables are perishable and highly prone to post
harvest losses because they are composed of living tissue.
o Their post-harvest life depends on the rate at which they use up their
stored food reserves and their rate of water loss
 Increased in production as a means of increasing food availability is
provided by improved storage and conservation, leading to reduced post
harvest loss.
 Good conservation of fresh produce is especially important in the

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TABLE 1.1 Characteristics of Durable and Perishable Crops

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Postharvest Quality
 “Postharvest” relates to the phase of a food supply system that
connects the moment of harvest with the moment of
 Quality as “a combination of characteristics, attributes, or
properties that give the commodity value as a human food”

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Fig1.1. Schematic representation of factors affecting postharvest quality of fruits and vegetables.

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 The various causes of postharvest spoilage can be grouped based on
the nature of biological and environmental factors
 The biological factors include:
 Respiration:
 Is a process by which all living cells break down organic matter into simple end-
products with release of energy and CO2.
 The result is loss of organic matter, loss of food value and addition of heat load
which must be taken into account in refrigeration considerations.
 The higher the respiration rate of produce, the shorter is its shelf-life
 Ethylene production:
C2H4 has a profound effect on physiological activities. Used in ripening
chambers, it can trigger physiological activity even in trace amounts.
Most living commodities produce ethylene as a natural product of
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 Compositional changes:
 Many changes occur during storage, some desirable and some undesirable. For
example, loss of green color, CHO, & all other
 Growth and development:
 In most produce there is continued growth and development even after harvest.
Eg. sprouting of potatoes,
 Transpiration:
 refers to water loss resulting in shriveling and wilting due to
dehydration and is undesirable due to loss of appearance, salable weight,
texture and quality
 Physiological breakdown:
 freezing injury
 Chilling injury
 Heat injury

 Other factors: physical/mechanical & pathological damage

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 The environmental factors include: temperature, relative
humidity, atmospheric composition, light and other factors
 Many of these factors have synergistic effects
 Basically, one should try to minimize losses due to each and every factor
in order to extend the duration of postharvest storage
 The best technique would certainly involve
 harvesting the produce at the optimum stage of maturity,
 followed by quick cooling, packaging and
 transfer to a controlled atmosphere storage, where the T°, RH, air velocity and
atmospheric composition are set at the most appropriate level for the produce in

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(A) Different harvesting methods, (B) hand
harvesting, and (C) machine harvesting

Harvesting Methods

 Postharvest technology is concerned with handling,
preservation, and storage of harvested foods, and maintaining
its original integrity, freshness, and quality
 PHT stimulates agricultural production by:
Typical post harvest operations.

 Prevent post harvest loss

 Improves nutrition
 Add value to agricultural produce

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Postharvest and Storage Considerations
 Precooling
 Precooling (prompt cooling after harvest) is important for
most of the fruits and vegetables because they may
deteriorate in as much as 1 h
 In addition to removal of field heat from commodities,
precooling also reduces bruise damage from vibration during
 Advantages of Cooling and Precooling
 The primary function of precooling is the rapid lowering of the
produce temperature. Hence, it will retard all temperature-
dependent reactions: respiration, transpiration, microbiological
activity, enzymatic activity and chemical activity

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Methods of Precooling
 The most commonly used methods:
 Room cooling
 using cold air as a medium to extract heat from the produce
 Air is cooled by a refrigeration system
 rate of heat removal by still air is slow, it takes longer to cool a produce to a safe
transit or storage temperature
 Forced air or pressure cooling
 where cold air is forced through the produce containers and around the
produce to speed up cooling
 Package icing
 keeping a finely crushed, flaked ice, and ice–water mixture in direct
contact with the produce for cooling and maintaining low
temperatures during short-time storage, transit, and display in
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 Hydrocooling
 the cooling of produce with cold water
 very effective for a wide range of products
 Advantages - commodity does not lose moisture during the process and can
serve as a means of cleaning at the same time
 two methods of hydrocooling: (a) immersion in a cold water bath and (b) shower
 Vacuum cooling:
 Produce is enclosed in a chamber in which a vacuum is created.
 As the vacuum pressure increases, water within the plant evaporates and
removes heat from the tissues. This system works best for leafy crops, such
as lettuce, which have a high surface-to-volume ratio.
 To reduce water loss, water is sometimes sprayed on the produce prior to
placing it in the chamber. This process is called hydrovac cooling

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 Ethylene is sometimes called the ‘‘ripening gas’’, because its most
important postharvest effect is the acceleration of ripening and
 However, there are other postharvest effects of ethylene,
o induction or suppression of potato sprout growth,
o loss of chlorophyll (degreening),
o and induction or suppression of disease resistance
 The biochemical pathway leading to the synthesis of ethylene
 Methionine→s-adenosylmethionine (SAM)→1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic
acid (ACC)→ethylene
 The three enzymes involved in this conversion are
a) AdoMet synthetase which catalyzes the conversion of L -methionine and ATP into
b) ACC synthase which catalyses the conversion of AdoMet to ACC. &
c) ACC oxidase (formally known as ethylene-forming enzyme or EFE) which catalyzes
18 the conversion of ACC to ethylene in the presence of CO2 and Fe2+ 12/19/2020
Ethylene production

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 Ethylene is arguably the most important molecule in the
postharvest handling of fruits and vegetables, having a wide
range of effects that lead to quality loss
 It is clear that this molecule has a huge impact in
conventional handling and distribution systems, and
increased understanding of its biology and mechanisms of
effect on quality loss is essential to reducing loss during
postharvest handling

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Methods for reducing the effects of ethylene
 There are two approaches to reduce the effects of ethylene
on product quality:
1) (1) remove ethylene from the atmosphere, and
 Avoidance of ethylene accumulation
 provide good ventilation
 use a chemical scrubber
 KMnO4 - which oxidizes C2H4 to CO2 and H2O;
 Ozone—ozone oxidizers C2H4 to CO2 and H2O
2) (2) inhibit ethylene synthesis/action
 1-Methylcyclopropene(1-MCP)
 MCP inhibits the action of ethylene by blocking ethylene
receptor sites in the plant cell

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 Temperature is the single most important factor determining the
maintenance of postharvest quality in fruit and vegetables
 Temperature responses of harvested horticultural produce can be
generally classed as:
o beneficial low temperature effects
o adverse low temperature effects
o adverse high temperature effects
 Harvested produce is ideally stored and transported under
reduced temperatures likely to maximise quality and longevity
 Only a small improvement in storage life is achieved by small
reductions in temperature at the upper end of the temperature
range. In contrast, much larger improvements are obtained by
similarly small reductions at lower temperatures
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 Metabolism (e.g. respiration) in fruit and vegetables involves many
enzymatic reactions, and the rate of these reactions, within the
physiological temperature range, generally increases exponentially
with increase in temperature
 R|ship = Q10. Jacobus Van’t Hoff (a
Dutch chemist
 rate of a chemical reaction
approximately doubles for each 10°C
rise in temperature
 Lowering the temperature of both
climacteric and non-climacteric produce
lowers their rate of deterioration
 The best quality in fruit generally develops at a ripening temperature
of 20–23°C.
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 Adverse low temperature effects
 Horticultural produce may be exposed to undesirably low temperatures
due to unprotected transport in cold climatic regions, incorrect
thermostat setting in storage rooms, and inappropriate location within a
cool room
 Freezing injury occurs at T°s of 0°C or below and involves inter- and/or
intracellular ice formation
 Chilling injury of susceptible commodities occurs at low T°s, which are above
the freezing point of the produce
 Adverse high temperature effects
 unusual high temperatures are associated with ‘assaults’ such as exposure
of harvested produce to direct sunlight, hot ambient air and heat
treatments for pest eradication (e.g. hot water dips)
 This condition in banana and tomato is often referred to as ‘boiled’

 There is no one ideal temperature for the storage of all horticultural

commodities, as their responses to temperature vary widely
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Chilling Injury
 Physiological disorders involve the breakdown of plant
tissue that is not directly caused either by pests and diseases
or by mechanical damage
 Chilling injury is characterised by well-defined symptoms
that are readily and reproducibly expressed in damaged
tissues as a consequence of exposure to low temperature
 Chilling injury typically results from exposure of susceptible
produce, to temperatures below 10–15°C
 critical temperature at which chilling injury occurs varies
greatly among commodities

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Symptoms of chilling injury

 Skin pitting is a common chilling injury symptom that occurs due to

the collapse of cells beneath the skin surface
 Browning or blackening of flesh tissue is another common feature of
chilling injury (e.g. avocado)
 Chilling-induced browning in fruit typically appears first around the
vascular (transport) strands
 Water-soaking of leafy vegetables and some fruits (e.g. papaya)
 Rots- leakage of metabolites and ions, together with the degradation of
cell membranes, provide substrates for growth of pathogenic organisms,
especially fungi
 The development of off-flavours or odours is another consequence of
chilling injury

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Management of chilling injury

 The safest method for management of chilling injury is to not

expose the commodity to temperatures below the threshold

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 The primary objective of packaging of fruits and vegetables is
to protect the contents during storage, transportation and
distribution against deterioration, which may be physical,
chemical, or biological
 packaging as ‘‘the enclosure of products, items or packages in
a wrapped pouch, bag, box, cup, tray, can, tube, bottle or
other container to perform the following functions:
containment; protection; and/or preservation;
communication; and utility or performance.’’

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 The two main functions of packaging are (a) to assemble the produce into
convenient units for handling and (b) to protect the produce during
distribution, storage, and marketing
 Modern packages for fresh f/v are expected to meet a wide range of
a) The packages must have sufficient mechanical strength to protect the contents during
handling and transport and while stacked
b) The construction material must not contain chemicals that can transfer to the produce and
cause it to become toxic to humans
c) The package must meet handling and marketing requirements in terms of weight, size, and
d) The packages should allow rapid cooling of the contents
e) The security of the package or its ease of opening & closing may be important in
some marketing situations
f) The package may be required either to exclude light or to be transparent
g) The package may be required to aid retail presentation.
29 h) The package may need to be designed for ease of disposal, reuse, or recycling
Classification of packaging:
 Flexible sacks; made of plastic jute, such as bags (small sacks) and nets
(made of open mesh)
 only suitable for hard produce such as coconuts and root crops (potatoes, onions,
 Wooden crates
 typically wire bound crates used for citrus fruits and potatoes, or wooden field
crates used for softer produce like tomatoes
 Cartons (fibreboard boxes)
 are easy to handle, light weight, come in different sizes, and come in a variety of
colours that can make produce more attractive to consumers
 Plastic crates
 are expensive but last longer than wooden or carton crates

 Pallet boxes and shipping containers

 very efficient for transporting produce from the field to the packinghouse or for
handling produce in the packinghouse
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 Baskets made of woven strips of leaves, bamboo, plastic, etc.

 Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) can be defined as “the

enclosure of food products in a barrier film in which the gaseous
environment has been changed or modified to slow respiration
rates, reduce microbiological growth and retard enzymatic
spoilage with the intent of extending shelf life”
 MAP can be defined as an alteration in the composition of gases
in and around fresh produce by respiration and transpiration
when such commodities are sealed in plastic films
 Edible Films
 good gas and moisture barriers
 suitable for coating with additives such as antimicrobials, antioxidants

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Moisture loss prevention
 Fruits and vegetables lose water after harvest through transpiration
 In the absence of water supply from the mother plant they may wilt,
shrivel, become tough, and lack flavor
 Excessive water loss directly affects the appearance and marketable
weight of the produce
 Transpiration is a function of the produce’s moisture content and the
ambient relative humidity.
 The transpiration rate is also affected by certain properties of the fruits
and vegetables (i.e., morphological and anatomical characteristics,
surface-to-volume ratio, surface injuries, and maturity stage) and other
environmental conditions (i.e., temperature, air movement, and
atmospheric pressure)
 Reduce water loss that can result in loss of marketable weight,
shriveling, softening, loss of crispness and nutritional status
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Management of water loss
 There are two approaches to minimise water loss from
horticultural produce:
1) (1) management of the storage environment, and
 Harvesting and handling of produce can also damage and remove surface
waxes. Therefore, careful handling is a key measure to reduce water loss
2) (2) minimising water loss capability of the produce by
modifying the produce
 achieved with the use of edible coatings such as waxes and films
 Eg. carnauba and shellac-based waxes

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 Sanitation is of great concern to produce handlers, not only to
protect produce against postharvest diseases, but also to protect
consumers from foodborne illnesses. E. coli 0157:H7, Salmonella,
Chryptosporidium, Hepatitis, and Cyclospera are among the disease-
causing organisms that have been transferred via fresh fruits and
 Use of a disinfectant in wash water can help to prevent both
postharvest diseases and foodborne illnesses.
 Chlorine in the form of a sodium hypochlorite solution (for
example, Clorox™) or as a dry, powdered calcium hypochlorite
can be used in hydro-cooling or wash water as a disinfectant
 Some pathogens such as Chryptosporidium,-very resistantto chlorine,
 Salmonella and E. coli may be located in inaccessible sites
 chlorine in wash water should be maintained in the range of 75–150 ppm
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 Ozonation is another technology that can be used to sanitize
produce. A naturally occurring molecule, ozone is a powerful
 Ozone has long been used to sanitize drinking water, swimming
pools, and industrial wastewater
 Fruit and vegetable growers have begun using it in dump tanks as
well, where it can be thousands of times more effective than
chlorine. Ozone not only kills whatever foodborne pathogens
might be present, it also destroys microbes responsible for spoilage
 Hydrogen peroxide can also be used as a disinfectant.
Concentrations of 0.5% or less are effective for inhibiting
development of postharvest decay caused by a number of fungi.
 Hydrogen peroxide has a low toxicity rating and is generally
recognized as having little potential for environmental damage
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Mixed loads
 When different commodities are stored or transported together, it is
important to combine only those products that are compatible with
respect to their requirements for temperature, relative humidity,
atmosphere (oxygen and carbon dioxide), protection from odors, and
protection from ethylene
 Another example is the presence of mixed loading in a storage
chamber. The emanations, especially trace gases like ethylene, from
one product, may trigger deteriorative or ripening reactions in
 Again, the presence of ethylene is a factor that may have an advantage
in controlled ripening chambers, but must be prevented in other
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Storage and Distribution
 Most horticultural produce have short harvesting season, and
short- or long-term storage is necessary not only to extend
the marketing period for fresh produce but also to regulate
the product flow and extend the processing season
 The main objectives of storage are
i. to extend the availability of fresh produce in the market,
ii. to ensure continuous supply of quality raw material to the processors,
iii. to extend the length of the processing season,
iv. to hold raw material obtained during favorable price situations,
v. to condition certain commodities such as potatoes, onions, and garlic,
vi. to ripen certain fruits such as mangoes and bananas

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Factors affecting storage life
 The natural limits to the post-harvest life of all types of fresh produce are
severely affected by other biological and environmental conditions:
 Temperature. An increase in temperature causes an increase in the rate
of natural breakdown of all produce as food reserves and water content
become depleted. The cooling of produce will extend its life by slowing
the rate of breakdown
 Water loss. High temperature and injuries to produce can greatly
increase the loss of water from stored produce beyond that unavoidably
lost from natural causes. Maximum storage life can be achieved by storing
only undamaged produce at the lowest temperature tolerable by the crop
 Mechanical damage. Damage caused during harvesting and
subsequent handling increases the rate of deterioration of produce and
renders it liable to attacks by decay organisms. Mechanical damage to
root crops will cause heavy losses owing to bacterial decay and must be
remedied by curing the roots or tubers before storage
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 Decay in storage - mechanical injuries and decay organisms
 Postharvest handling is the final stage in the process of producing
high quality fresh produce.
 Postharvest technology is concerned with handling, preservation,
and storage of harvested foods, and maintaining its original
integrity, freshness, and quality
 Being able to maintain a level of freshness from the field to the
dinner table presents many challenges.
 Postharvest handling of foods of plant origin includes
 efficient control of environmental atmosphere, such as humidity, gas
composition, and temperature, and
 implementing an adequate packing, storage, and transport system.
 Physical treatments usually used are curing, precooling, temperature
treatments, cleaning, and waxing, whereas chemical treatments are
disinfection, fumigation, and dipping.
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Review Questions
1. So, obviously there is a lot of wastage in the postharvest chain. What can
one do about it? Shouldn’t we try to reduce this wastage? Or should we
concentrate on growing more food and/or intensify the agricultural
production to compensate the losses?
2. When we pluck the bunch of grapes, chop the head of cabbage, cut the
hands of bananas, slash the trunk of sugar cane, pull the ears of corn, lift
the roots of carrots, snap the vines of beans, how can that be beneficial?
3. List the Factors influencing quality of
4. What are the different causes of postharvest food losses?
5. Compare and contrast
a) Fruit vs Vegetable
b) Chilling injury vs freezing injury
c) Climacteric vs Non Climacteric
d) Hand vs Mechanical harvesting
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 Content
1) Introduction
2) What are Foods?
3) Food Preservation
1) Why Preservation?
2) How Long to Preserve?
3) For Whom to Preserve?
4) Causes of Deterioration
5) Food Preservation Methods
6) Other Preservation Factors
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What Are Foods?
 Foods
 are materials, raw, processed, or formulated, that are consumed
orally by humans or animals for growth, health, satisfaction,
pleasure, and satisfying social needs
 Chemically, foods are mainly composed of water, lipids, fat, and
carbohydrate with small proportions of minerals and organic
 different classes of foods are perishable, nonperishable, harvested,
fresh, minimally processed, preserved, manufactured,
formulated, primary, secondary derivatives, synthetic, functional,
and medical foods
 The preservation method is mainly based on the types of food that
need to be prepared or formulated
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 Food preservation can be defined as a process through
which food is prevented from getting spoilt for a long time.
 The nutritive value, taste and color of the food are preserved
during this process
 The objective of food preservation is to slow down or stop
(kill) bacterial spoilage activity that would otherwise exhibit
loss of taste, textural quality, or nutritive value of food
 Food processing and preservation are two techniques that are
used to maintain the quality and freshness of foods.
 In terms of how they are performed, food processing and
preservation are different;
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Food Preservation
 It lies at the heart of food science and technology, and it is the main
purpose of food processing
 Why Preservation?
 The main reasons-objectives:
 to preserve quality
 to eliminate pathogens
 to eliminate or reduce spoilage-causing microorganisms
 to extend the shelf-life of the food
 The outcomes of effective food preservation are:
 to overcome inappropriate planning in agriculture, produce value-added
products, and provide variation in diet
 In food preservation, the important points that need to be considered are
 The desired level of quality
 The preservation length
 The group for whom the products are preserved
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How Long to Preserve?
 After storage for a certain period, one or more quality attributes
of a food may reach an undesirable state
 At that time, the food is considered unsuitable for consumption
and is said to have reached the end of its shelf life
 This level is defined by the manufacturer according to criteria
when the product is saleable. Best before date is set shorter than
the shelf life with a good margin.
 In studying the shelf life of foods, it is important to measure the
rate of change of a given quality attribute
 The required length of preservation depends on the purpose. In
many cases, very prolonged storage or shelf life is not needed,
which simplifies both the transport and marketing of the foodstuff
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 Fig.1: Factor affecting food quality, safety, and choice

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For Whom to Preserve?
 It is important to know for whom the preserved food is being
 Nutritional requirements and food restrictions apply
differently to different population groups. Food poisoning
can be fatal, especially in infants, pregnant women, the
elderly, and those with depressed immune systems.
 The legal aspects of food preservation are different in case of
foods produced for human and for animal consumption.
 Thus, it is necessary to consider the group for whom the
products are being manufactured

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Causes of Deterioration
 Food spoilage – any change that renders food unfit for consumption
 Mechanical, physical, chemical, and microbial effects are the leading
causes of food deterioration and spoilage
 Damage can start at the initial point by mishandling of foods
during harvesting, processing, and distribution; this may lead to
ultimate reduction of shelf life.
 Other examples of deterioration can be listed as follows:
a) bruising of fruits and vegetables during harvesting and postharvest handing,
leading to the development of rot,
b) tuberous and leafy vegetables lose water when kept in atmospheres with low
humidity and, subsequently, wilt, &
c) dried foods kept in high humidity may pick up moisture and become soggy.
 The four sources of microbial contaminants are soil, water, air, and
animals (insects, rodents, and humans).
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TABLE 1.1 Major Quality-Loss Mechanisms

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 Mechanical damage (e.g., bruises and wounds) is conducive to
spoilage, and it frequently causes further chemical and microbial
 Microbial growth in foods results in food spoilage with the
development of undesirable sensory characteristics, and in certain
cases the food may become unsafe for consumption
 Several chemical changes occur during the processing and storage
of foods. These changes may cause food to deteriorate by reducing
its sensory and nutritional quality
 Many enzymatic reactions change the quality of foods. For
example, fruits when cut tend to brown rapidly at room
temperature due to the reaction of phenolase with cell constituents
released in the presence of oxygen

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Food Preservation Methods
 Based on the mode of action, the major food preservation
techniques can be categorized as;
 Inhibition of microbial growth
 Slowing down of chemical deterioration
 Direct inactivation of bacteria, yeasts, or enzymes
 Avoiding recontamination before and after processing

 A number of techniques or methods from the above categories

are shown in Figure on next slide. (see next slide)
 Preservation starts when the harvested foods are separated
from the medium of immediate growth (plant, soil, or water)
or meat from the animal after slaughter, or milk from normal
secretion of mammalian glands

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Food Preservation Methods
 Based on the mode of action,

53 MAWARD-BiT-FCFE Fig1: Major food preservation techniques 12/19/2020

 The methods based on inhibition include those that
 rely on control of the environment (e.g., temperature control),
 those that result from particular methods of processing (e.g.,
microstructural control), and
 those that depend on the intrinsic properties built into
particular foods (e.g., control by the adjustment of water
activity or pH value)
 The danger zone for microbial growth is considered to be
between 5°C and 60°C; thus chilling and storing at a
temperature below 5°C is one of the most popular methods
of food preservation

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A. Chemicals
 Many chemicals will kill or inhibit the growth of microorganisms,
but most of these are not permitted in foods
 The use of chemicals in foods is a well-known method of food
 Wide varieties of chemicals or additives are used in food
preservations to control pH, as antimicrobes and antioxidants, and
to provide food functionality as well as preservation action
 Synthetic – phenolic antioxidant- TBHQ
 Natural sources- vitamin E
 Many legally permitted preservatives in foods are organic acids
and esters, including sulfites, nitrites, acetic acid, citric acid, lactic
acid, sorbic acid, benzoic acid, sodium diacetate, sodium benzoate,
methyl paraben, ethyl paraben, propyl paraben, and sodium
55 MAWARD-BiT-FCFE 12/19/2020
 Many plants contain compounds that have some antimicrobial
activity, collectively referred to as “green chemicals” or

 When a chemical is used in preservation, the main question is

how safe is it?
 Postharvest technology is concerned with handling,
preservation, and storage of harvested foods, and maintaining
its original integrity, freshness, and quality

56 MAWARD-BiT-FCFE 12/19/2020
Sugar and Salt
 Bacteria, yeasts, and molds are contained by cell membranes
 These membranes allow water to pass in and out of the cells
 Active microorganisms may contain in excess of 80% water
 When bacteria, yeasts, or molds are placed in a heavy sugar syrup
or salt brine, water in the cells moves out through the membrane
and into the concentrated syrup or brine
 This is the process of osmosis; in this case water moves from the
cell containing 80% water into the syrup or brine, which may
contain only 30% or 40% water
 The tendency to equalize water concentration inside and outside
the cell in this case causes a partial dehydration of the cell,
referred to as plasmolysis
 Yeasts and molds are more tolerant than most bacteria
57 MAWARD-BiT-FCFE 12/19/2020
 As with most preservative methods, smoke was used long before
the reasons for its effectiveness were understood.
 In preserving foods such as meats and fish with smoke, the
preservative action generally comes from a combination of factors.
Smoke contains preservative chemicals such as small amounts of
formaldehyde and other materials from the burning of wood.
 In addition, smoke generally is associated with heat which helps
kill microorganisms & also tends to dry out the food.
 Smoking over a fire may be quite effective in preserving certain
foods; on the other hand, today smoke may be added merely to
flavor food, that is, without heat from burning. In this case the
smoke may be a very poor preservative.

58 MAWARD-BiT-FCFE 12/19/2020
B. Controls of Water and Structure
 The activity of water as a medium is clearly correlated with the
deterioration of food stability due to the growth of microorganisms and
for stability this is more important than the total amount of water.
 The minimum water activity is the limit below which a microorganism
or group of microorganisms can no longer reproduce. For most foods,
this is in the water activity range of 0.6–0.7
 Pathogenic bacteria- can’t grow wa >0.85–0.86
 yeast and molds- can’t grow wa >0.62
 The critical limits of water activity may also be shifted to higher or
lower levels by other factors, such as pH, salt, antimicrobial agents, heat
treatment, and temperature to some extent.
 Removing water, adding solutes, or change of solute–water interactions can
reduce the water activity of a food.
 Drying – solids vs concentration (retaining the liquid condition)
59 MAWARD-BiT-FCFE 12/19/2020
C. Control of Atmosphere
 MAP is a preservation technique that may further minimize the
physiological and microbial decay of perishable produce by
keeping them in an atmosphere that is different from the normal
composition of air.
 In MAP, the gas composition within the package is not monitored or
adjusted. In “CAP” the altered gas composition inside the packaging is
monitored and maintained at a preset level by means of scrubbers and
the inlet of gases
 Active packaging can provide a solution by adding materials
that absorb or release a specific compound in the gas phase.
 Compounds that can be absorbed are CO2, oxygen, water vapor,
ethylene, or volatiles that influence taste and aroma
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 1. Use of Heat Energy
 The advantages of using heat for food preservation are:
 Heat is safe and chemical-free
 It provides tender cooked flavors and taste
 The majority of spoilage microorganisms are heat labile
 Thermally processed foods, when packed in sterile containers, have a very
long shelf life
 The main disadvantages of using heat are:
 overcooking may lead to textural disintegration and an undesirable
cooked flavor,
 nutritional deterioration results from high temperature processing

 Heat treatment processes include mainly pasteurization,

sterilization, cooking, extrusion, and frying
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2. Use of High Pressure and Ultrasound
 High Pressure is Nonthermal preservation technique used to
inactivate vegetative microorganisms in foods by isostatic
pressure pasteurization (1000-9000atmospheres).
 The basis of high hydrostatic pressure is according to which any
reaction, conformational change, or phase transition that is
accompanied by a decrease in volume will be favored at high
pressures, while reactions involving an increase in volume will be
 Ultrasound is sound energy with a frequency range that covers the
region from the upper limit of human hearing, which is generally
considered to be 20 kHz.
 The two applications of ultrasound in foods are:
i. characterizing a food material or process, and
ii. direct use in food preservation or processing
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3. Use of Electricity
 Many different forms of electrical energy are used in food
preservation, e.g., ohmic heating, microwave heating, low
electric field stimulation, high-voltage arc discharge, and high-
intensity pulsed electric field.
4. Use of Radiation
 Ionization radiation interacts with an irradiated material by
transferring energy to electrons and ionizing molecules by
creating positive and negative ions.
 The irradiation process involves exposing the foods, either
prepackaged or in bulk, to a predetermined level of ionization
radiation which destroys cell structures including DNA in
bacteria, parasites, insects, moulds

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 Irradiation is one of the most extensively investigated non-thermal
technologies. Ionizing radiation includes γ-ray and electron beam.
 During irradiation of foods, ionizing radiation penetrates a food
and energy is absorbed.
 Absorbed dose of radiation is expressed in grays (Gy), where 1 Gy
=1 J/kg.
 “Radurization”- milder doses (0.1–3 kGy), are used for shelf
life extension, control of ripening, and inhibition of sprouting
 Radicidation is carried out to reduce viable non-spore forming
pathogenic bacteria, using a dose between 3 and 10 kGy.
o Radappertization- from 10 kGy -50 kGy enables the
sterilization of bacterial spores
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 The radiation effects on biological materials:
 In direct action, the chemical events occur as a result of energy deposition by the
radiation in the target molecule,
 indirect effects occur as a consequence of reactive diffusible free radicals formed
from the radiolysis of water, such as the hydroxyl radical (OH), a hydrated electron
(eaq-), a hydrogen atom, hydrogen peroxide, and hydrogen
 Ultraviolet (UV) radiation-known to be the major factor in the
antibacterial action of sunlight. It is mainly used in sterilizing air and
thin liquid films due to its low penetration depth
 The white light pulse is generated by electrically ionizing a xenon
gas-filled lamp for a few hundred millionths of a second with a high-
power, high-voltage pulse

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3.Avoid Recontamination (Indirect Approach)
 In addition to the direct approach, other measures such as packaging
and quality management tools need to be implemented in the
preservation process to avoid contamination or recontamination
 Packaging performs three main functions:
 to control the local environmental conditions to enhance storage life
 is the display,
 to protect the product during transit to the consumer

 The new concept of

 active or life packaging materials
 edible or biodegradable packaging

 Food safety is now the highest priority

 Recently, the concept of HACCP, ISO 9000, GMP, SOP, HAZOP &TQM have
gained attention

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Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP)
 HACCP- is a state-of-the-art prevention approach to safe food production
based on prevention and documentation, and is thus cost-effective
 It is a proactive approach based on science. This concept is
based on the application of prevention and documentation.
 HACCP prevents food safety hazards rather than reacts to
food safety hazards. To develop a HACCP plan, one follows
the seven principles:
1. Assessing the hazards
2. Identifying critical control points (CCPs)
3. Establish 'critical limits' for each critical control point.
4. Monitoring critical control points
5. Taking corrective action
6. Develop a record-keeping system to document HACCP
7. Verify that the system is working
67 MAWARD-BiT-FCFE 12/19/2020
ISO 9000 and ISO 22000
 ISO 9000 is the generic standard that specifies minimum requirements
to be fulfilled by organizations to meet a customer’s needs
 is related to quality management systems and designed to help
organizations ensure that they meet the needs of customers and other
stakeholders while meeting statutory and regulatory requirements
related to the product
 ISO 9000 standard and HACCP techniques are complementary
 ISO 22000 is a standard dealing with food safety (is linked to the
presence of food-borne hazards in food at the point of consumption).
 The ISO 22000 international standard specifies the requirements for a
food safety management system that involves the following elements:
 Interactive communication, system management , prerequisite programs,
HACCP principles

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Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)
 It is procedures developed to ensure production of safe, wholesome
foods and to provide safe working environment
 GMPs include facilities/grounds, equipment, pest control,
receiving and storage, process control, product recall and personnel
 GMP could be considered as the building blocks and cornerstones of
 TQM - Total Quality Management
 management philosophy that seeks continuous improvement in the quality of
performance of all processes, products, and services of an organization
 Supervision concept coined by W. Edwards Deming
 Aims to decrease the errors produced during the mechanized or service process, amplify
customer satisfaction, modernization of equipment, streamline supply chain management
and highest rank of training for workers
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Hazard and Operability Studies (HAZOP)
 HAZOP is a systematic structured approach to questioning
the sequential stages of a proposed operation to optimize the
efficiency and the management of risk.
 Food regulatory authorities around the world are now very
active in implementing these tools in the food industry.
 A quality management system does not guarantee food safety
unless the hazards are identified and controlled
 Standard Operating Procedures (SOP): Standard
Operating Procedures (SOPs) are written practices and
procedures that are critical to producing safe food

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Hurdle technology
 The microbial stability and safety of most traditional and novel foods is
based on a combination of several preservative factors (called hurdles),
which microorganisms present in the food are unable to overcome
 Other names such as “multi-target preservation,” “combined
 First introduced by Leistner and his coworkers and illustrates that
complex interactions of temperature, water activity, pH, and redox
potential are significant for the microbial stability of foods
 Hurdle technology involves a suitable combination of different lethal
agents to ensure microbial safety, quality, and stability of the processed
 Heat, pressure, acidity, water activity, chemical/natural preservatives, and
packaging are examples of hurdles that can be combined

71 MAWARD-BiT-FCFE 12/19/2020
 Because food is so important to survival, food preservation is one of
the oldest technologies used by human beings . . .
 Modern food processors can choose from several preservation approaches
(heat addition or removal, acidity, water activity, pressure, electric field,
among others) to transform raw food materials to produce microbiologically
safe, extended shelf life, consumer-desired, convenient, value-added foods.
 In terms of how they are performed, food processing and preservation are
different; food preservation is just part of the entire procedure of processing
foods. Food processing mostly involves both packaging and preservation,
while food preservation is concerned with the control and elimination of the
agents of food spoilage. Additionally, food processing is performed to turn
food into something that is more palatable and convenient to eat.

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74 MAWARD-BiT-FCFE 12/19/2020
Review Questions
1. What are the main reason for food preservation and the
important point to be considered in food preservation?
2. Why it is important to consider “for whom food is preserved”?
3. Explain the courses of food deterioration in detail?
4. Based on the mode of actions, the major food preservation
techniques can be categorized as?
5. State advantage and disadvantages of using heat treatment as
preservation method?
6. Explain in detail food preservation by food safety
concept/systems? (GMP, SOP, HACCP, TQM, ISO 9000 &
22000 and hurdle technology).

75 MAWARD-BiT-FCFE 12/19/2020
6. Food Quality and Safety Issues
 Content
 Food quality control
 Shelf life and dating
 Food hygiene
 Food deterioration/spoilage
“Food is our common ground, a universal experience,” says
James Beard. However, we must keep it safe!

76 MAWARD-BiT-FCFE 12/19/2020
 While the terms food quality and food safety are often used
interchangeably, it is important for the food industry professional to
distinguish between them.
 Food quality is the extent to which the all the established
requirements relating to the characteristics of a food are met.
 Food safety is the extent to which those requirements relating
specifically to characteristics or properties that have the potential to
be harmful to health or to cause illness or injury are met
 In the food industry, food safety principles and practices have always
been integrated into activities identified within quality assurance or
quality control programs, or within quality management systems;
therefore, these programs and systems can address both food quality
food safety simultaneously
77 12/19/2020
Food control
 Food control is the regulation of the food supply industry and
enforcement of food laws by national or local authorities.
 Its purpose is to provide consumer protection and ensure that all
foods during production, handling, storage, processing and
distribution are safe, wholesome and fit for human consumption.
 A food control system ensures that foods conform to safety and
quality requirements and are honestly and accurately labelled, as
required by law
 The scope of food control includes:
 Food safety, which refers to all those hazards that may make food unhealthy for the
 Food quality standards, which includes all other attributes that influence a
product’s value to the consumer, e.g. composition, labelling, etc.
78 MAWARD-BiT-FCFE 12/19/2020
Food quality
 is the extent to which all the established requirements relating to
the characteristics of a food are met
 Eg.,

 The CAC defines the term food suitability (distinct from food safety)
as the assurance that food is acceptable for human consumption
according to its intended use; food suitability criteria include
fitness for human use, wholesomeness, and extraneous matter
 Systems and programs for food quality- ISO 9000 QMS, HACCP
79 MAWARD-BiT-FCFE 12/19/2020
Food safety
 According to the CAC, “food safety is the assurance that food will
not cause harm to the consumer when it is prepared and/or eaten
according to its intended use.”
 The assurance that a food will not cause harm, injury, or illness is
determined by:
1) whether all harmful substances present in the food have been eliminated,
reduced to an established acceptable level, or prevented from exceeding the
acceptable level; and
2) the food has been prepared, handled, and stored under controlled and
sanitary conditions in conformance with practices prescribed by government
 Systems and programs for food safety- HACCP & GMPs

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Food safety and hazards in foods
 Any substance that is reasonably likely to cause harm, injury
or illness, when present above an established acceptable level,
is a food safety hazard
 An unacceptable level of a food safety hazard in a food
presents a health risk to the consumer
 There are three recognized categories of food safety hazards:
biological hazards, chemical hazards, and physical hazards

81 MAWARD-BiT-FCFE 12/19/2020
Biological Hazards
 Biological agents of concern to public health include
pathogenic strains of bacteria, viruses, helminthes, protozoa
and algae, and certain toxic products they may produce
 Foodborne infections are caused when microorganisms are
ingested, and these can multiply in the human body
 Intoxications result when microbial or naturally occurring
toxins are consumed in contaminated foods
 Poisonous substances may also be produced by the growth of
bacteria and molds in food

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Chemical Hazards
 Foodborne toxicants can be categorized according to their
chemical nature.
 Some foodborne toxicants are inorganic, e.g., lead and arsenic,
whereas others are organic, e.g., saxitoxin and polychlorinated
biphenols (PCBs).
 Chemical hazards may result
 from pollution arising from industrial and other human activities (e.g., lead,
mercury, cadmium, and PCBs),
 from agricultural practice (e.g., pesticides, fertilizers, and residues resulting
from improper use of veterinary drugs in food-producing animals) or
 from food processing and packaging (e.g., nitrosamines and certain
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons).

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Physical Hazards
 Physical hazards are foreign matter, including dirt and glass,
that accidentally get into food
 They can be the result of environmental contamination
during production, processing, storage, packaging, and
transport, or from fraudulent practices

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Slide 85

U2 USER, 1/27/2019
Foodborne Illness
 Foodborne illness is typically due to ingestion of contaminated
animal products, yet plant foods may be implicated as a result of
airborne, water, soil, insect, or even human contamination when
they are grown or raised
 Wise actions are needed in combating foodborne illness. The
government must regulate the food supply, and both the
manufacturer and consumer play vital roles in food safety
 Food manufacturers are significantly involved in food safety

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Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point System (HACCP)

 Food quality and safety can only be insured through the application of
quality-control systems throughout the entire food chain
 HACCP as defined by the CAC is a system that identifies, evaluates and
controls hazards which are significant for food safety
 HACCP system is comprised of seven principles:
 Principle 1: Conducting a hazard analysis.
 Principle 2: Determining the critical control points (CCPs).
 Principle 3: Establishing critical limits.
 Principle 4: Establishing a system to monitor control of the CCP
 Principle 5: Establishing the corrective action to be taken when
monitoring indicates that a particular CCP is not under control.
 Principle 6: Establishing procedures for verification to confirm that the
HACCP system is working effectively.
 Principle 7: Establishing documentation concerning all procedures and
87 records appropriate to these principles and their application 12/19/2020
Food hygiene
 “Hygiene” has been associated with cleanliness: cleanliness of the
environment, hands or other body parts, clothing, etc
 Also, it is often associated with the presence or absence of
microbial contamination, in particular fecal organisms
 The CAC, the international body which sets standards for foods,
defines food hygiene as “all conditions and measures necessary to
ensure the safety and suitability of food at all stages of the food
 Thus, the term food hygiene covers two concepts, (1) food safety
and (2) food suitability
88 MAWARD-BiT-FCFE 12/19/2020
 Implicitly, it refers to aspects of quality such as:
 absence of spoilage (be it chemical or microbiological degradation);
 absence of foreign bodies (eg, flies, hair);
 food authenticity (including proper information on the product and
ensuring that it is not adulterated); and
 cultural and religious acceptability.

 The aspects of food which make it unfit for human

consumption, even though it is safe, are referred to by the
CAC as food suitability
 The conditions for ensuring both safety and suitability are
referred by the CAC as “food hygiene.”

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90 MAWARD-BiT-FCFE 12/19/2020
 The shelf life of a food is sometimes defined as the time it takes a
product to decline to an unacceptable level
 In many cases, shelf life is taken as the time a product remains salable
 The actual length of the shelf life of any given product will depend on a
number of factors such as processing method, packaging, and storage
 Several types of code dates have emerged including the
 date of manufacture ("pack date"),
 the date the product was displayed ("display date"),
 the date by which the product should be sold ("sell by date"),
 the last date of maximal quality (''best used by date"), and
 the date beyond which the product is no longer acceptable ("expiration date").

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Food deterioration/spoilage
 Changes in the characteristics of food inevitably occur during its
storage. With very few exceptions such as cheeses and wines, these
changes result in deterioration and spoilage of the food to the point
when it is no longer acceptable to the target consumer and are
usually classified as:
a) microbiological
b) nonmicrobiological
 biochemical
 chemical
 physical
 temperature related.

92 MAWARD-BiT-FCFE 12/19/2020
Microbiological Changes
 Microbial growth depends on a number of well-known factors:
 intrinsic properties of the food (eg, nutrients, pH, total acidity, water activity,
structure, presence of preservatives and/or natural antimicrobials, redox
 extrinsic factors (eg, environmental temperature, relative humidity, gaseous
 processing factors (eg, heat destruction, freezing, packaging);
 implicit factors (eg, physiological attributes such as specific growth rate of the
microorganisms and microbial interactions).
 Biochemical and Chemical Changes
 These changes can occur arising from reactions within the food or
from reactions between food components and external species or
factors such as oxygen or light, respectively
 Most biochemical and chemical changes in food are undesirable, deteriorative,
and effectively shelf life limiting
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94 MAWARD-BiT-FCFE 12/19/2020
Physical Changes
 Significant transfer of moisture (or water vapor) and/or other
substances in or out of food can often cause deteriorative changes
in food
 These changes are very common and can affect short-, medium-,
and long-life products
 Most of these changes are important from a product quality point
of view while a few can have food safety implications
Temperature-Related Changes
 Temperature, arguably the most important environmental factor,
affects all of the above changes and not always in the same way
 Microorganisms, pathogens and spoilage organisms, exhibit a
range of minimum growth temperatures below which they cannot
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96 MAWARD-BiT-FCFE 12/19/2020
 Content
 Introduction
 Problems of Food storage
 Nutritional changes during storage
 Post harvest Losses and control measures
 Food grain storage methods
 Traditional
 Modern

97 MAWARD-BiT-FCFE 12/19/2020
 Primary aim of storage is simply to prevent deterioration of
the quality of grain
 Necessity for Grain Storage
 Food security—‘‘access by all people at all times to enough
food for an active, healthy life’’—is an important
commitment for every nation
 Food preservation, storage, and transport, including timely
delivery to consumers, are important to food security
 The overall objective of grain storage is to preserve the
quality, including nutritive value, and to keep the grains in
good condition for marketing and processing, thereby
reducing product and financial losses
98 12/19/2020
 Storing of food has several main purposes:
 Storage of harvested and processed plant and animal food products
for distribution to consumers
 Enabling a better-balanced diet throughout the year
 Reducing kitchen waste by preserving unused or uneaten food for later use
 Preserving pantry food, such as spices or dry ingredients like rice and flour, for
eventual use in cooking
 Preparedness for catastrophes, emergencies and periods of food scarcity or
 Protection from animals or theft
 Storage of food grains, a component of postharvest operation, is
an ongoing challenge for both industrialized and developing
99 MAWARD-BiT-FCFE 12/19/2020
 Cereal grains are alive, generally in a resting state, and subject to
change from abiotic and biotic environmental factors
 Abiotic influences include climate; moisture; temperature;
storage period; atmospheric composition; grain engineering
properties; the methods and frequency of handling, and the type
of storage structure.
 Biotic influences include the grains themselves; associated
debris; moulds; insects and mites, and rodents and birds
 Loss of stored grain quality occurs through interactions among
abiotic and biotic variables
 The moisture and temperature of the grains are generally the
factors which control the organisms, and ultimately grain quality
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 The interaction of all the pests in the grain ecosystem has a
cumulative effect on the grain quality and thus leads to qualitative,
quantitative, and nutritive losses
 Insects
 They consume, contaminate, and disseminate microflora
 cause quantitative & qualitative losses

 Mites
 They eat the germ part of the grains and disseminate storage fungi and bacteria

 Storage Fungi
 Field and storage fungi, yeast, and bacteria have been implicated in the
deterioration of grains during storage
 Mycotoxins are one of the secondary metabolites by fungi at certain stages
101 MAWARD-BiT-FCFE 12/19/2020
 Rodents
 Rats and mice are the predominant and notorious vertebrate pests causing
direct and indirect losses in grain storage
 Quantitative loss of grains by direct consumption, and major
sanitary problem contributing to public health hazard
 Birds
 Losses result from direct feeding and from contamination by their
droppings and feathers

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Impacts of Storage on Food Quality
 It is very rare for food to improve in quality with storage
(maybe with the exception of wine and cheeses).
 Texture, flavor, color, and nutritional composition can all
change, and their rates of change are often regulated by the
conditions they are stored in
 There can be many aspects to food spoilage. Spoilage is the
process in which food deteriorates to the point in which it is
not edible to humans
 Such changes can be detected by smell, taste, touch, or sight.
These changes are can be due to a number of reasons: air and
oxygen, moisture, light, microbial growth, and temperature

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Changes in Nutritional Composition
 Chemicals are the building blocks of foods and hence are responsible
for the physical, nutritional, and sensory properties of foods.
 During low-temperature storage, chemical reactions occur. While
they are generally slower than those occurring at ambient
temperatures, they often have undesirable consequences
 A number of studies have examined the changes in nutritional quality
of frozen products as they relate to vitamins, proteins, lipids, and
 Degradation of ascorbic acid is commonly used as an index of the relative
stability of that product.
 Food processors will commonly measure this attribute when selecting varieties
for processing and freezing stability
 Lipid degradation can occur through oxidation or hydrolysis, while protein
degradation in food can also occur.
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 Measurement of food quality is essential; quality indicators are not
constant and the quality of a food changes over time.
 The most important quality-related changes are (Van Boekel,
 Chemical reactions, mainly due to either oxidation or Maillard reactions.
 Microbial reactions: microorganisms can grow in foods; in the case of
fermentation this is desired, otherwise microbial growth will lead to spoilage
and, in the case of pathogens, to unsafe food.
 Biochemical reactions: many foods contain endogenous enzymes that can
potentially catalyze reactions leading to quality loss (enzymatic browning,
lipolysis, proteolysis, and more).
 Physical reactions: many foods are heterogeneous and contain particles. These
particles are unstable, in principle at least, and phenomena such as coalescence,
aggregation, and sedimentation lead usually to quality loss. Also, changes in
texture can be considered as physical reactions, though the underlying
mechanism may be of a chemical nature
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Changes in Proteins during storage
 The biological value of proteins is usually little affected by
proper storage of food products.
 High storage temperature will cause certain amino acids (e.g.
lysine) to chemically bind with simple sugars to form brown
pigments through maillard reaction.
 The reaction affects the nutritional value of the food because
it causes the essential amino acid to become physiologically
unavailable (for example improperly stored dried milk and
egg white powder are particularly susceptible to this
browning reaction) the reaction will also occur if poor
packaging of dried foods allow as increase in moisture level

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Changes in Lipids during Storage
 The nutritional value of fat lies in the energy it supplied to the body
during digestion.
 Fats are fairly stable to processing (except frying) but may undergo
quality deterioration during prolonged storage.
 Oxidation and hydrolytic rancidity occurs in stored foods leading to off
flavor development. These reactions can be caused by enzymes or by
moisture and air.
 They occur more rapidly under adverse conditions but can also develop
in properly stored fatty acids.
 Lipids oxidation produces off flavor components called hydroperoxides
and peroxides which react chemically with fat soluble vitamins
rendering them nutritionally useless.
 Loss of these nutrients can be minimized by wrapping foods in moisture
proof and oxygen impermeable packaging materials
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Changes in Vitamins and Minerals during storage
 Milk may lose substantial amounts of vitamins B2 and C within few
hours if stored in a clear bottle in sunlight whereas vitamins A and D
are not affected
 The vitamin content of cereals (rice and wheat) remains relatively
stable provided the moisture content does not increase above 10%
 Vitamins A and C are regarded as the most important nutrients in
fruits and vegetables but substantial quantities of both vitamins are
lost if kept at room temperature.
 The vitamin can be preserved by vacuum packaging or freezing
the product in oxygen impermeable film.
 Drying does not cause major losses in vitamins provided the
finished food are adequately protected from oxygen either by
proper packaging or use of anti-oxidants.
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Changes in Carbohydrates during Storage
 Carbohydrates can be said to be relatively stable to
processing and storage compared to sensitive nutrients such
as vitamins.
 There is no significant loss in the nutritional value of
carbohydrates in frozen, canned or dried foods.
 Infact, some carbohydrates are made more digestible through
processing and thus nutritionally available and complex
carbohydrates are converted to simple sugars.
 Adverse brown pigments occur in frozen and dried foods
when carbohydrates react with proteins

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Color Change
 The optical appearance of food is important for the consumer
 The color of food surface is the first quality parameter evaluated by
consumers, and it is critical to product acceptance (to either accept or
 E.g. F/V The primary pigments imparting color quality are the fat-
soluble chlorophylls (green), carotenoids (yellow, orange, and red),
water-soluble anthocyanins (red, blue), flavonoids (yellow), and
betalains (red)
 There are many examples of color changes that occur during storage
 With meat, myoglobin is readily oxidized to the brownish red metmyoglobin

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Flavor Changes
 Flavor is comprised of taste (perceived on the tongue) and
odor (perceived in the olfactory center in the nose) and is the
response of the receptors in the oral cavity to chemical
 The flavor and aroma characteristics of food products change
during storage primarily due to continuing chemical
reactions such as lipid oxidation and enzymatic reactions
 In chilled storage, these reactions are (generally) progressing
more slowly than at ambient conditions, but faster than they
would be under frozen cold storage

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Texture Changes
 Texture is the response of the tactile senses to physical stimuli that
result from contact between some part of the body and the food
 The importance of texture in the overall acceptability of foods
varies widely, depending on the type of food
 Storage can have a significant impact on this quality characteristic, with
improvements in texture after any length of storage considered rare
 Failures in setting up storage conditions appropriately can have
significant detrimental effects on the texture of those foods that
have this as a dominant characteristic:
 Meat: rapid chilling can result in cold-shortening of muscle fibers in meat and
create toughness
 Apples: temperatures above the optimal for storage can hasten softening
of the flesh, resulting in spongy tissues that are not crisp to the bite
 Potato chips stored in relative humidity conditions above optimum will soften
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and lose their characteristic crisp texture
Food grain storage methods
 Grain storage is carried out basically to maintain the quality
of grain after harvest for
 (i) retaining the viability of the grain for planting in the
following season,
 (ii) maintaining the supply of grain and
 (iii) taking advantages of higher prices by farmers,
government and industry

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Traditional Storage Structures
 In this types of storage structures the grain is generally stored in
bulk. This types of storage structures having generally capacities
between 1 to 50 tonnes
 Modern Storage Structures
 May be classified into the following based on the type of storage
structures or container, facilities for loading and unloading and
methods of controlling the storage atmosphere:
1) Bagged storage system
2) Silo storage system
3) Airtight storage system
4) Aerated storage system
5) Low-temperature storage system
6) Controlled atmosphere storage systems
7) Damp grain storage system with chemicals
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Modern Storage Structures
 Modern storage systems may be classified into the following
based on the type of storage structures or container, facilities
for loading and unloading and methods of controlling the
storage atmosphere:
1) Bagged storage system
2) Silo storage system
3) Airtight storage system
4) Aerated storage system
5) Low-temperature storage system
6) Controlled atmosphere storage systems
7) Damp grain storage system with chemicals

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 McCabe WL, Smith JC, Harriott P (2001) Unit Operations of Chemical
Engineering, 6th edn. New York: McGraw-Hill.
 Earle RL, Earle MD (2012) Unit Operations in Food Processing.
 Saravacos GD, Kostaropoulos AE (2002) Handbook of Food Processing
Equipment. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
 Smith PG (2003) Introduction to Food Process Engineering. New York: Kluwer
Academic/Plenum Publishers, p. 318.
 Toledo RT (2007) Fundamentals of Food Process Engineering, 3rd edn. New
York: Springer, pp. 302, 323.
 Heldman DR, Hartel RW (1998) Principles of Food Processing. New York:
 Gould WA (1997) Fundamentals of Food Processing and Technology.
Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing.

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