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Exam: Green Infrastructure 5: Best Practices - Utilities

1. Private utilities perform the majority of construction and maintenance work that occurs in the public right-of-way.
A. True
B. False

2. To encourage contractors to complete work in a timely fashion, reduce costs, and minimize overall disruption to the
A. Give financial incentives for completion of work ahead of the contract schedule.
B. Impose payment deductions for each day or hour that the contractor goes over the schedule.
C. Use lane rentals.
D. All of the above

3. Utility cut moratoriums preserve pavement lifecycle, minimize disruption, and reduce long-term costs.
A. True
B. False

4. Which is not a benefit of using flowable fill:

A. It can be used in narrow trenches where adequate compaction is hard to achieve.
B. It can be used in trenches that are close to other utilities, as compaction can be achieved without damaging the
adjacent utilities.
C. It can be used in cold weather.
D. It can be used in trenches to replace contaminated soil.

5. Common trenching and utility ducts minimize the environmental impact of installation and maintenance. Which of the
following is not correct:
A. Identifying a liable and responsible party for maintenance of common structure is easier.
B. Ideal for urban areas where space in the right-of-way is at a premium and maintenance is frequently performed.
C. Enables different entities to synchronize work and share expenses.
D. Enables easy location and identification of utilities.

6. To save space, common trenching of water and sewer lines or other "wet" services is allowed.
A. True
B. False

7. Typically, trenchless repairs are limited to gravity sewers and storm drains.
A. True
B. False

8. Which of the following is not part of trenchless technology:

A. Preserves pavement integrity and minimizes damage.
B. Minimizes environmental disturbance; useful in sensitive areas.
C. Accelerates project schedules.
D. Is suitable for pipes that have extensive lateral connections.

9. Recently developed trenchless technologies are particularly useful in cities where automobile traffic is high, underground
utility congestion is growing, and soil contamination and erosion are a problem.
A. True
B. False

10. The recommended method to install utilities within tree protection zone is:
A. Piperamming
B. Air-spading
C. Micro-tunneling
D. Pipejacking

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