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No-1 Write Lesson

Verse 307
The Story of Those Who Suffered for Their Evil Deeds
In the story, the Venerable Moggallana saw some peta who was just a skeleton all on fire. Then,
the buddha uttered it to his corrupt life as a monk have an evil disposition and are unrestrained in
thought, word and deed are reborn in niraya.

Verse 308
The Bhikkhus Who Lived on the Bank of the Vaggumuda River
In the story, some bhikkhus who had any difficulty in getting alms-food on account of the
famine. The Buddha to his, it is better for one to eat a red-hot lump of iron burning like a flame
than to eat alms-food offered by the people, if one is without morality and unrestrained in
though, word and deed.

No-2 The List of new vocabularies

Verse 309 and 310
The Story of Khemaka, the Son of a Rich Man
1. Residing (v)=နေထို င်သည်။တည်ရှိသည်။
2. Nehew (n) =တူ ။
3. Renowned (adj) =ထင်ရှ ားကျော်ကြားသော။
4. Attaracted (v) =စိတ်၀င်စားစေခဲ့ သည်။
5. Hardly (adv) =နည်းနည်းမျှ။အနည်းငယ်မျှ။
6. Resist (v) =ခု ခံ သည်။
7. Prey (n) =သားကောင်။
8. Committed (v) =ကျုးလွန်ခဲ့ သည်။
9. Compunction (n) =စိတ်မသန့်ခြင်း။နောင်တရခြင်း။
10. Adult (adj) =အရွယ်ရောက်သော။
11. Caught (v) =လို က်ဖမ်းသည်။

12. Misconduct (n) =မလု ပ်သင့်တာကို လု ပ်ခြင်း။

13. Seriousness (n) =ဣ‌ေန္ဒြကြီးခြင်း။
14. Consequences (n) =အကျ ိုးဆက်များ။

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