CS Online Test 3

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A4 IGCSE School

0478 Computer Science

Test (October)
1. The LCD on the clock face is back-lit using blue LEDs. The brightness of the clock face
is determined by the level of light in the room. The amount of light given out by the LEDs
is controlled by a control circuit.
(a) Describe how the sensor, microprocessor and LEDs are used to maintain the correct
brightness of the clock face. [4]
(b) Give two advantages of using LCD with LED back-lit technology compared to the
older CCFL method. [2]

2. Write down the most suitable computer application that would need the following
hardware items.


3. Give one feature for each of the following printers.

(a) 3D printer
(b) Dot matrix printer
(c) Colour inkjet printer
(d) Colour laser printer [4]

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A4 IGCSE School

4. Link each printer to the most appropriate application by using arrows.


5. For each following application, suggest one possible output device and give a reason for
your choice.
(a) A visually impaired person using a word processor
(b) Using CAD to design a new engine
(c) Monitoring a house for burglars [6]

6. Redraw the following circuit by using only NAND gates and compared the truth table for
each circuit. [12]

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7. Draw a logic circuit and complete truth table for the following statement.
X = 1 if
( ( A is NOT 1 OR B is 1 ) AND C is 1 ) OR (B is NOT 1 AND C is 1 ) [10]

8. For each following application, suggest one possible input device and give a reason for
your choice.
(a) Virtual reality application
(b) Disabled person communicating with a computer system
(c) Automatic stock control system at a super market
(d) Information kiosk at an airport using a GUI interface [8]

9. A student wants to construct an automatic counting system and install at the classroom
main door. In this system, the door will be closed when the class is started and the attended
number of students will be sent to principal office. Describe what sensors should be used
for this application. Explain how the sensors and microprocessor are used to control for
this application. [8]

10. Draw a line to connect each input device to its correct description and then to its correct


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A4 IGCSE School

11. Give a logic statement and complete truth table for the following circuit.


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