Values of Anceint Science - STS Activities

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Activity 02: Historical antecedents in which social considerations changed the

course of science and technology (world)

Point in history Belief/idea that did not Belief/idea that persisted to present-time
persist to present-time

Ancient Ancient Mesopotamians have Pythagorean Theorem – one of the

Times to 600 “doctors” which use folk foundations of Trigonometry was already
B.C. remedies and magical used by the ancient Babylonians and
incantations to heal illness Egyptians in 1900 B.C. Pythagoras merely
and wounds. proved it and introduced it to the Greeks.

Greek Science Aristotle claimed that all By Around 500 B.C. Pythagoras proposed
(600 B.C. to 500 A.D.) matter has a continuous that the Earth is round / spherical.
substance and that it is Aristotle found evidence [Disappearing
indivisible. Ship hulls, Constellations in different
latitudes, etc.]. Eratosthenes calculated
the Earth’s circumference around 240 B.C.
“Dark Ages” Alchemy is considered a valid Agriculture techniques, tools, and
(500 A.D. to 1000 A.D.) science and profession during inventions [Heavy ploughs, horseshoes
the Dark Ages. Its primary etc.] revolutionized farming. Such
objective is creating discoveries that are still used in the
substances until gold can be present.
“Golden Age” of Science Tide Theory – Galileo Galilei Humanism became the philosophical life
(1500 A.D. to 1660 A.D.) believed that tides were stance of many renaissance astronomers,
caused by the rotation of the scientists, inventors, and artists. The idea
Earth and its revolution that humans should embrace human
around the sun. progression, scientific discovery,
achievements, and human value. A belief
and philosophical practice that persists in
the modern world.
Era of Newton Vis viva [Living force] – Newton’s study on gravity, now
(1660 A.D. to 1735 A.D.) proposed by Gottfried Leibniz commonly known as “Newtonian Gravity”
around 1676 – 1689 which are formulas and theories that inspired
tried to describe Kinetic numerous future physicists, like Einstein,
Energy. It became a to come up the General Theory of
foundation of the modern Relativity. Accelerating mankind’s
conversion of energy. understanding of Gravity and Space time.
Industrial Revolution The Caloric Theory – claimed An earlier version of the modern scientific
(1735 A.D. to 1820 A.D.) that heat consists of a self- method was used by many scientists
repellent fluid called caloric during the Industrial Revolution. One
that flows from hotter bodies notable example would be Joseph Priestly,
to colder bodies. who used the method to discover
numerous gases [Ammonia, Oxygen etc.].
The scientific method had been revised
over time and is now the basic method
used in Modern Science.
Modern Science It’s was a widespread belief General Theory of Relativity – One of
(1900 A.D. to the Present) that cockroaches can survive Einstein’s famous theories that deals with
nuclear winter. A study in special interaction of gravity and space
2004 however, debunked this time. A theory that is still currently used
belief. Although cockroaches and a primary foundation to many fields in
can handle radiation better modern Physics.
than humans, it is still not
enough to survive a
hypothetical nuclear winter.

Activity 03 - Intellectual revolutions that defined society: Copernicus

A. Complete a table like the one below by writing five ancient beliefs/practices in Astronomy,
and their modern-day theory or explanation.

Ancient beliefs and practices in Modern-day theory or explanation


E.g. Planets revolve around the Earth. All planets, including Earth, revolves
around the sun.
1. In ancient China, people believe that Heavenly bodies like comets orbit around
heavenly bodies [A comet passing by, the the sun that can sometimes pass through
constellations, Moon, and the Sun] and be visible on Earth. They can
represent the events happening on Earth sometimes have a direct effect on Earth.
[prophecies etc.] Like the moon influencing the tides, lunar,
and solar eclipses.
2. Aristotle believed that the heavenly The planets and other heavenly bodies
bodies such as the moon, planets, and the within the solar system revolve around the
sun rotate and revolve on fixed circles sun because of their orbits that is
called Epicycles. maintained by the Sun’s gravity. These
orbits are not exactly circular but elliptical
with variable size differences.
3. Constellations are religiously significant Constellations are a group of stars visible at
for the ancient Egyptians. The Orion the night sky that form perceived outlines
constellation represented Osiris, their god and shapes that can represent an animal,
for death. object, or figure.
4. Ancient civilizations used the phases of The passage of time can be determined by
the moon, movements of the planets, and the movement of the moon and its phase
other celestial objects in the sky to cycles, the planets’ positions can determine
determine their calendars. the nearing of seasons and etc.
5. Ancient Egyptian pyramids were built as Celestial objects like stars change positions
dedicated tombs for their Pharaohs. over the course of months because of the
Specifically aligning them towards specific perpetual rotation of the Earth and its
celestial objects like the midwinter season revolutions around the sun. The Egyptians
sun and the pole star. They put emphasis however, ingeniously aligned their glorified
on the cultural and religious significance of tombs toward the stars despite of this.
their astronomy.

B. Although we now know that Earth is the center of the universe / solar system
(Geocentricm), what were the factors that made people believe this for 1500 years?

The reason why many people still believed that the Earth was the center of the universe was
the societal context at the time. Scientific discoveries and knowledge were limited to only a
few people, mostly from well-to-do families or religious scholars. Most of the public were
illiterate and relied on “educated people” for information. Religion and its presence in the
daily lives of the commoners also proved to be a factor seeing that they believed what their
priests and pastors said. It was only when education became widespread that people started
to become more curious to find the truth. People also placed psychological value in believing
the Geo-centric model. Believing in the idea that they are living in the universe made them
feel special and appreciate their lives more.

Activity 04 - Intellectual revolutions that defined society: Darwin

A. Complete a table like the one below by writing five arguments that anti-evolutionists say
about evolution, and what does evidence/science say about evolution.

What Anti-evolutionists Say What does science/evidence say

E.g. Evolution is just a theory. Theory and hypothesis are not the same.
Theory is a corroborated explanation of an
aspect of the natural world. It has been
repeatedly confirmed and accepted as

1. The age of the earth is only around 6,000 Fossil and rock samples / evidences, along
years old according to the Bible. with the use of carbon and radioactive
dating, scientist found out that the age of
the Earth is around 4.3 – 4.5 billion years
2. Evolution undermines human morality Strength and competition play only a small
and relies on “Might makes right” mentality. part in the evolution process. Altruism to the
fellow species, adaptation to surroundings,
appearance, and ingenuity are also factors
in the process.
3. Evolution is entirely random. Evolution by natural selection is only
random when mutations come about.
However, the survival of these mutations
relies in their interaction with the world.
Natural selection favors mutations that can
help the organism live, reproduce, and not
succumb to the environment. The result is
that the organism will evolve in a particular
direction that is not entirely random.
4. Mutations can only remove traits; not There are numerous instances where
make new ones. Mutations created new traits. One
prominent example would be a bacteria’s
increasing resistance to antibiotics.
5. If we all evolved from monkeys, why are Evolution does not mean the outright
there still monkeys around in this world? extinction of a predecessor species when a
new species evolves. Monkeys and apes
however, are only our species cousins and
not direct ancestors.

B. How does the notion that evolution is a continuous process, happening all around us all
the time, rather than some remote process that happened long ago, influence the way you
think about life on Earth?
The concept of evolution makes me feel excited and fearful. I am excited to know that
mankind has the potential to become more than what it is today, to become better. A future
with the capacity to progress even further. Evolution is a wonderful representation of change.
However, I find it a little disheartening to see that the world I see, live, and interact with is not
permanent. That I’m just a small link in an unbearably long chain that is called the
evolutionary process. It slightly makes me feel insignificant and afraid that I will fade away in
time. But I am grateful for it all the same that I can study this “change” and experience all the

Activity 05 - Intellectual revolutions that defined society: Freud

A. Complete a table like the one below by choosing 5 out of several defense mechanisms
and their respective examples.

Defense Mechanisms Modern-day theory or explanation

E.g. Projection Momo dislikes Dodo. Momo accuses Dodo

of snubbing her even when Dodo is not
really doing anything.
1. Sublimation Joey misses his girlfriend that is having a
vacation abroad. Joey attended Church
service twice in a row to relax.
2. Undoing Rachel slapped Ross in the face during one
of their fights. Rachel then offers to pay
dinner for later.
3. Reaction Formation Phoebe doesn’t want to have kids of her
own but excessively dotes on her baby
niece to force herself to want kids.
4. Repression Chandler is actively sarcastic to get
attention because he spent most of his
childhood neglected by his parents.
5. Regression Monica fanatically cleans her entire
apartment whenever something bad

B. Freud has a lot of controversial ideas, a lot of those have been debunked; why do you
think Freud's works should still be looked into?

Sigmund Freud’s works are still significant for anyone that wants to study psychology
because his research and theories laid the groundwork. For every disproven idea, he
showed another way to approach the human mind and its experiences. Influencing future
psychologists in understanding the mind, its underlying factors, and the things that cannot be
observed. Freud showed us that there is more to be seen in regards to Psychology and
human experience in general. Freud also paved the foundations of mental health awareness
where it is improved as time progresses. The studies of Freud may lack scientific substance,
but it does not lack in academic value. To use the ideas of Sigmund Freud as a basis, and
improve upon it led to the rise in the relevancy of modern Psychology.

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