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“If we have faith and trust in the Lord, he will give us strength and persist whatever

happens in our life” When all else fails in life, we have to trust God's plan. But even before
anything goes nothing, putting our faith in the Lord is a great way to get the assurance we need
to press onward. I am a kind of person who believes that God guide us forward on our journeys
if we have faith in Him.

In my life I’ve faced different types of tribulations that makes me stronger as a person. I
feel in love with someone who show me what the real world is and she make me feel that I am
special. This is good indicator of what kind of relationships we tend to get into, and how we tend
to behave within our relationships. Before I am a kind of person who loves different types of
clothes and shoes to get some of the of my peer’s arounds me, just to ask for their approval.
We're all materialists, to one extent or another. We all use and enjoy material goods in our daily
lives, and most of us simply couldn't get by without them. And there's nothing wrong with that,
as long as the desire for material goods doesn't control us and our actions. I was born as a
roman catholic, but my family change a religion also known as Mormon’s. In this life, I feel that
the kind of religion that we’ve entered is a sacred place, wherein I can be spiritually motivated.
As an individual in this world I’ve change a lot, I learn how to have a strong faith and trust in
God that he’s there to guide and give us strength whatever happens in our life.

I am proud that I am a Filipino! These past months we have witnessed a series of

negative events that rocked our country. It was news not only here but abroad as well. But
Typhoon Yolanda came probably to remind us not to lose hope and to show the world that we
Filipinos are a great, loving and strong people. Seeing every Filipino ready to help each other is
inspiring and enough to feel proud to be a Filipino. Beyond resilience, adaptability and having
courage to face very difficult times, us Filipinos have shown that we are also most
compassionate, selflessly eager and always ready to help anybody in need. This makes me
proud to be Filipino.I am person who love social life, all of this technology has come at us
furiously that we haven’t had time to think about how my relationship with it shapes my very
identity as a person.

I may be different in numerous ways: however, there are also things that are the same in
me. For example, I maintained my way of competition. It seems to me that it is very important to
achieve anything. I remain as motivated now as I was before, to put it another way, if I started
anything, I tried to finish it anyway. That helped to become what I am now and aim for more
wonderful achievements. Also, I liked to play tricks on people, of course there were not severe,
because after each trick we laughed together. That was amusing and I did not drop that hobby,
because this is the most wonderful thing, I like to do in leisure time. Thus, I can say that I have
also kept some characteristics in my life as an individual.

I understand that in some ways I remained the same, but I feel that in many other ways I
changed to the good.

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