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Section 154. Investigation and Prosecution of Offenses.

a. Does SEC have power to investigate alleged violations of the Revised Corporation
Code and the rules and regulations it implements?
b. Does SEC have the power to publish its investigation’s findings or orders, opinions,
or advisories, or information concerning violations of the Revised Corporation Code
c. If in the preceding question your answer is in the affirmative, what are the
limitations in its power to inform the public?
d. Does SEC need to coordinate with other regulatory agencies before it publishes its
investigative findings, orders, opinions or decisions?

Section 155. Administration of Oaths, Subpoena of Witnesses and Documents.

a. Does SEC have power to administer oaths and affirmations?

b. Does SEC have power to issue subpoena and subpoena duces tecum.
c. What is subpoena?
d. What is subpoena duces tecum?
e. Does SEC have the power to take testimony in any of its inquiry or investigation?

Section 156. Cease and Desist Order.

a. What is cease and desist order or CDO?

b. When will the SEC may issue CDO?
c. What is Cease and Desist Order Ex Parte?
d. What is the validity period of Cease and Desist Order Ex Parte?
e. Does SEC have the power to make the CDO permanent?
f. What SEC must observe to make the CDO permanent?
Does SEC prosecute offenses under RCC or does SEC work with the Department of Justice
(DOJ) in the prosecution of offenses?

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