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General Writing Task 1

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

You arranged to visit a friend in Canada but an important event at home now
means that you must change the dates of the visit.

Write a letter to your friend. In your letter

 explain the important event

 apologise for the situation
 suggest a new arrangement

Dear, Aurora,
I hope I find you safe and sound, how are you dear? I’m writing to let you know that
there’s been a change in the plans regarding my up-coming visit.
It seems that we have to put off our time together, as recently I have been assigned a
new project, which dead line coincides with the dates that I planned to visit you. I’ll do
my best to finish it in time, however, I think we’d rather reschedule than make some
plans, which we may not be able to stick to.
However, I’d suggest that I see you two weeks later that what we had initially planned,
which would be on October 28th. Please write me back if you have any plans for that
particular time.
I am really sorry for making you reorganise your schedule, and I promise to make it up to
you. Are you still a fan of French cuisine, I hear that there’s a new restaurant opening in
the city, and I happen to be a close friend with the chef. We used to be buddies in
college and he owns me a favour. I’ll have a table reserved there for just the two of us,
so that we could catch up on the time we have been away from each other.
I’m looking forward to your response.

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