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Weekly Home Learning Plan in Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction

Grade 12 STEM 1

Date & Time Learning Areas Learning Competencies Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

Disaster Readiness and Main Competency: Lesson 1, Module 7 (Vulnerabilities of Different

Risk Reduction Recognize vulnerabilities of Elements Exposed to Hazards)
different elements exposed to
specific hazards Read, analyze and answer the following activities in
the following:
Created/ Added Competencies: 1. What I Know
Week 3 1. comprehend the different  Choose the letter of the best answer.
elements that may be exposed Write the chosen letter on a separate
October 26-31, 2020 to hazards; sheet of paper.
Tuesday 2. differentiate vulnerabilities 2. What’s In
1:00-3:00 PM of different elements exposed  Classify the following words/phrase
to specific hazards; according to the given category below. Modular
Write your answer on a separate sheet of Module will be distributed
3. explain how different
paper. and retrieved every Friday of
elements can become exposed
3. What’s New the week
to hazard making it more
vulnerable; and  Concept map is a visual representation
that shows relationships between
4. integrate the different
concepts. Arrange the following words
vulnerabilities to understand
or phrase into a concept map. Under the
the its interconnection with
diagram, explain how did you come up
one another.
with your output and cite your basis. (see
the sample concept map given)
4. What’s More
 Classify the following phrases and
sentences whether it is PHYSICAL,
5. What I have Learned
 Identify 3 elements that are vulnerable in
each situation given in your module.
6. What I Can Do
 Read the situation given in your module.
Then complete the task that follows.
7. Assessment
 Choose the letter of the best answer.
Write the chosen letter on a separate
sheet of paper.
8. Additional Activities
Hand-Made or Do-It-Yourself Information flyers
 Observe a community (you can choose
your own community or barangay).
 Determine all the elements exposed to
hazard in that particular locality.
 Make an information flyer and include
all the elements exposed to hazard. Also
include hotlines in case of emergency.
Be creative.
 You will be graded based on the rubrics
Main Competency: Lesson 1, Module 8 (Effects of Hazard, Exposure
Disaster Readiness and Differentiate among hazards, and Vulnerability to Disaster Risks)
Risk Reduction exposure and vulnerabilities Read, analyze and answer the following activities in
and explain the relationship of the following:
the three to disaster risk 1. What I Know
 Choose the letter of the best answer.
Write the chosen letter on a separate
Created/ Added Competencies: sheet of paper.
1. define hazards, exposure, 2. What’s In
and vulnerabilities;  You can see a picture in your module of
2. explain the difference an incident in a mining community in
among hazards, exposure, and Itogon, Benguet after the onslaught of
vulnerabilities; the Typhoon Ompong in 2018. Look at
3. appreciate the importance of the picture then answer the questions
understanding the concepts after the image.
about hazard, exposure and 3. What’s New
vulnerabilities so that it will be  Analyze and answer the following
applied in everyday situations. questions after the given scenario.
4. What’s More
 Analyze the picture given and answer the
questions that follow.
5. What I have Learned
 Complete the following sentences by
giving the appropriate answer needed in
the blank.
6. What I Can Do
 Create an information brochure about the
elements of hazard exposure. Visit a
community using google map (you can
choose your own community or
barangay. Determine all the elements
exposed to hazard in that locality. Use
your resources to create a creative
brochure. Be creative and include
emergency hotlines as much as possible.
You will be graded based on the rubrics
7. Assessment
 Choose the letter of the best answer.
Write the chosen letter on a separate
sheet of paper.
8. Additional Activities
 You were just a Grade 12 student but
elected as batang kagawad in your small
community. You thought of a first
project you want to impose; what ways
or actions are you going to implement in
your community to help and make it less
vulnerable to hazard? Write your answer
on a separate sheet.

Prepared by:
SHS Teacher I

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