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Name Muhammad Ali

. Roll# F17-2103
Program M.B.A
Assiment# 2
Q. 4 Following table gives the birth rates and death rates per thousand countries. Draw a multiple bar chart

Country Birth Rate Death Rate

India 33 24
Japan 32 19
Germany 16 10
Egypt 44 24
Australia 20 9
New Zealand 18 8
France 21 16
Russia 38 16

in this vartical chart the orange colour show death rate per thousand and blue colour show birth rate as per thousand of different countries

Q. 5 We have sale data (in millions) of Xbox from 2005 to 2019. Draw Historigram on it
and also mark the maximum and smallest values in this series.

Year Unit Sale (M) Historigram

2006 6.8
2007 7.88
2008 10.91
2009 10.16
2010 13.25
2011 13.81
2012 10.68
2013 6.24
2014 2.6
2015 0.93
Q. 6 We have measured height of hundred students and made a frequency distribution.
Height(inches) class C.B No if Student (f) R.F Class mark C.F C.R.F%
60-62 59.5-62.5 5 0.05 61 5 5%
63-65 62.5-65.5 18 0.18 64 23 23%
66-68 65.5-68.5 42 0.42 67 65 65%
69-71 68.5-71.5 27 0.27 70 92 92%
72-74 71.5-74.5 8 0.08 73 100 100%
100 2

Draw below charts

▪ Histogram
▪ Frequency Chart
▪ Relative Frequency Polygon
▪ Ogive Chart

▪ Frequency Chart

▪ Histogram
▪ Ogive Chart

▪ Relative Frequency Polygon

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