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Table of Contents
Market Analysis...............................................................................................................................2
Industry Overview:......................................................................................................................2
Target Market:..............................................................................................................................2
Company Description......................................................................................................................3
Business Idea:..............................................................................................................................3
Management and Organization........................................................................................................7
Service Line:................................................................................................................................8
Results of Each Question:..........................................................................................................13

Market Analysis
Industry Overview:
Today almost every person has access to smart phone and cheap internet. According to
statistics on average people, spend 5 hours per day on their mobile devices. Where 92% of these
five hours were spent on mobile apps and only 8% is on web. This means that it will take more
than just a mobile-friendly website for your company to have an effective mobile strategy.
Businesses are realizing this, and acting accordingly. In fact, 42% of small businesses already
have a mobile app. An additional 30% of small business owners plan to build an app in the
future. There are more than 1.9 billion websites compared to 3.4 million unique mobile apps. By
successfully launching an app for a business, anyone can still have an advantage over his
competitors as an early adapter.
Besides these statistics, we also asked university students about their opinion. They were agreed,
that if we will launch an app then it would be easy for them to complete their tasks on time.
Target Market:
Market size: At initial stage, our target market size will be students of FAST NUCES Islamabad,
but with growth, we are going to target students from all universities of Islamabad and
afterwards all universities of Pakistan.
Demographics: Demographics of our target market include an age group of people older than 18
and enrolled in universities, as this app is specifically for them. Almost all the students have
smart phones and we are making an app for them.
Psychographics: Z-generation has the thinking that they should have an easy access to
everything. In addition, we are making sure that we are going to launch something they like, and
which suits their fast-paced life style.
Behaviors: We are specifically targeting people who have positive behavior towards mobile
apps. Students answer for this particular point also backup the statement.

Direct competitors: We don’t have a direct competition right now. App store do not provide any
app which gives all these facilities that we are offering.
Indirect competitors: We have indirect competitors, which includes university websites like
Slate and Flex in case of FAST NUCES.
Competitive edge: These sites are providing just a part of those facilities that we are offering but
not all of them. None of the sites provide with a real time bus tracking system, Daily schedule
notifications, and suggestions.
Barriers to entry: Other sites are not charging any fee for their services, but as we are charging
fee, so it will be a barrier for us to tap our targeted market.

Company Description
Business Idea:
In this fast-paced life style of z-generation, they want everything within no time, and they
actually go for anything with easy access. Our business idea of developing an app for university
students actually fulfills this point. In this hectic routine of students, where he/she has to
complete all the jobs, which includes 18-21 hours’ classes a week. Lots of assignments and
quizzes, projects and their coming deadlines, they need something, which actually bare the stress
of keeping tracks of things. So that students can focus on what they actually what they have to do
and prepare for their tasks, quizzes, assignments and projects.
The idea of Student Application was generated in order to address several issues faced by
the students (of FAST University Islamabad, more significantly), due to the communication gaps
between current system. For instances, the students availing the bus services face several
hardships in their routine. Sometimes the time of bus arrival is not communicated right, and
sometimes the student is late, there have been changes in route due to political issues, a certain
road may be under construction and many more reasons; all these conditions eventually result in
students not getting on the bus. Now a considerable number of students resides in Rawalpindi
and have to travel to Islamabad on daily routine. Reaching the campus, that also on time without
the bus, has proven a quiet challenging.
Our application targets these issues, and therefore provides Bus Tracking services. The
Application will be tracking the buses registered with the university, the information of which
will be displayed on a map in student’s phones. They will be able to see the buses closest to their
stops and what points on the route that particular bus is going to stop at. It will also provide the
time of arrival to the nearest stops, Bus number, Drivers name and contact number. On the
selecting of Bus and route by the student, the driver will also receive a notification regarding
student’s details: name, roll number, contact number, department, which point he is going to be
at. The driver will be authorized to wait at the point for 2 to 3 minutes only.
Another Feature our will have is Scheduling. Through the semesters students are so exhausted
with bundle of projects, assignments and quizzes pending that; numerous time they forget the
deadline dates, submission time, submission method (that is submission through email or Slate
etc.). All because they fail to plan. In the Scheduling service the app will generate a complete
schedule for weeks and months as directed the student. Plus, the app will be connected to Slate
and important deadlines, submission details, pending assignments, expected quiz etc. will be
communicated to the student through daily notifications and will be automatically added in their
daily schedules.
Our app will also be connected to flex, and will based on the marks of quizzes, assignments,
Midterms etc. The app will generate a Study Plan, effectively dividing the time between course
depending on the till date results and will continue to modify with each update on Flex. For
instance, it will allot more study time to in the planner to subject in which student is not doing

well, comparatively (based on flex results). The study plan will also be sensitive to students
preferred study time, days, their daily routine etc.
Our applications aim is to make a student’s life and studies for him as easier and as stress free as
possible. Therefore, we will make sure the app is easy to use and interpret.

Service Bus Tracking Scheduling (via Study Plan (via Bus Tracking
Services For Slate) Flex) Services For Bus
Students management

How much High Average Average Average

are customers
willing to

My Price Rs. 1000 Rs. 500 Rs. 500 Rs. 3000

Competitors’ - - - -

Reasons for Bus Tracking

setting my Service is our
price Application’s USP.
It requires extensive
chain of information
generation and
Plus, it is in high
demand among our
target costumers as
per the brief survey

Margin for First 3 weeks Free First 3 weeks Free First 3 weeks Free No discount
Discount trail trail trail

Student App is available online, on both play store and app store. It will be easily accessible and
downloadable by android and iPhone users respectively. The places that are specifically targeted

by this app are the universities of Pakistan. However, initially, start-up would be for the student
of FAST University Islamabad Campus.
Our office would be located on second floor, Razia Sharif Plaza, Blue Area, Jinnah Avenue,
Islamabad (44000) which is the commercial and business hub of Islamabad.

The start-up promotion methods proposed are as follows:
Online Marketing: Increase the visibility on social media groups & communities, especially
LinkedIn, Google+, Facebook and Instagram to become better known among the consumers.
Social media users seek authenticity and value above all. So we will try to highlight the benefits
of our app, which would in return develop a niche community around our app and help us drive
downloads. We would also run paid advertisement videos on social media sites, which would
highlight the useful features and advantages of our app. We will also collaborate with Education
Blogs, News Websites & Newsletters such as The Academia, Educationist etc. Since
these blogs and websites, are trusted and authentic and have already developed reader
Print Media: Since this form of promotion and marketing is a bit outdated now days, still
many people consider this as authentic source of information. Print media can be essential
to our company’s marketing strategy. Advertisements would be given in newspapers,
magazines, journals, and especially in the university magazines. Readers of print
information can read longer articles and are less likely to be distracted. They are more likely to
retain the information they have read.
79% of consumers report that they deal with direct mail immediately. (Results from our
Awareness Campaign: Success of every company begins with people knowing about its
existence. We will also run awareness campaigns for our target audience to get awareness about
our app, its features and how it would be helpful and useful for them. We will conduct certain
workshops and also participate in educational expos for the promotion of this app.
Packages: University students would be given a certain discount packages initially. They will be
given rebate in subscription fee for the first subscription. Other than that, students would be
given free trial of the app for a period of two months.
Banners and Posters: Universities would be given banners and posters and they would be placed
at different places around the campus so that students can have a look at them on and off. Main
purpose is to create awareness regarding the app and its usefulness to the university students.

Selling our Services to Customers:

We will be selling our services, which are that of a student app to our customers and clients by
communicating with them. It is a series of steps which we would follow.

1. First of all we will approach are customers i.e. our target market, which is the students of
universities of Islamabad initially. We are starting off with the students of FAST NUCES
Islamabad Campus. So we will visit the campus and arrange a seminar in which we will be
introducing ourselves i.e. who are we and what are we intended to do. Secondly we will
introduce our app “Appricot” to the students and also mention that how it is their need now a
days and how can be benefitted by using it. The features that it has, etc.

2. The reason for approaching the students of FAST NUCES Islamabad is to introduce our app to
them and also the distinguishing features that it offers which would help them in the tedious
university routine.

3. Describing our app to the students is the most important step. “Appricot” provides Bus
Tracking services. The Application will be tracking the buses registered with the university, the
information of which will be displayed on a map in student’s phones. They will be able to see the
buses closest to their stops and what points on the route that particular bus is going to stop at. It
will also provide the time of arrival to the nearest stops, Bus number, Drivers name and contact
number. On the selecting of Bus and route by the student, the driver will also receive a
notification regarding student’s details: name, roll number, contact number, department, which
point he is going to be at. The driver will be authorized to wait at the point for 2 to 3 minutes
Another Feature our will have is Scheduling. Through the semesters students are so exhausted
with bundle of projects, assignments and quizzes pending that; numerous time they forget the
deadline dates, submission time, submission method (that is submission through email or Slate
etc.). All because they fail to plan. In the Scheduling service the app will generate a complete
schedule for weeks and months as directed the student. Plus, the app will be connected to Slate
and important deadlines, submission details, pending assignments, expected quiz etc. will be
communicated to the student through daily notifications and will be automatically added in their
daily schedules.
Our app will also be connected to flex and the students will receive notifications whenever the
marks or attendance is updated. Furthermore, it will warn the student if; there attendance is lower
than 90 to 95 percent, and if there marks are lower than average in a particular subject or in
several of them.
The app will provide the students with a platform to develop a detailed Study Plan for
themselves. Suggestions will appear while the making of the planner; for instance, app might
suggest to allot more study time to in the planner to a subject in which student marks are below
average (as per the warnings received). Plus students will again receive notifications when a
certain task that is mentioned in the study plan is to be carried out.
Our application’s aim is to make a student’s life and studies for him as easier and as stress free as
possible. Therefore we made sure the app is user friendly.

4. We would also describe how this app is going to be beneficial for them. The benefits are also
mentioned above while describing the app along with the benefits.

5. We would link ourselves with administration of FAST University. We would also be linked with
the transport department so that give and take of information can take place and negotiations can
be done with them with respect to division of shares etc.

6. We would motivate and persuade our potential customers to use/purchase our services as they
are providing them benefits and solving the problems associated with their daily routine and
making their lives easier.

7. We would make new changes and upgradations in our app with time so that we can retain the
existing customers and most importantly attracting the new customers.

We would love to listens the perspective of or customers as well. As it is important for us and it
would help us to know their point of view and make changes accordingly which would be like
and appreciated by our potential customers. When we would listen to them and register to what
they say, it would help building their trust and confidence on us.

Management and Organization

The administration or association of any business details on its proprietorship and arrangement
after which each other offer of duty is dispensed. Accordingly, the accompanying possession
subtleties should be taken into account
Legal Form: Partnership.
Reason: The main reason for going towards a business co-owned by five partners because this
idea was formed by all the partners and their input lead us to make this service app. By having
partnership of five people the most advantage we get is low starting cost because cost will be
split between five members so financial load will be split equally rather than all cost burden on
one sole. Secondly, by looking forward towards partnership government will give tax benefit
which will help us in our business. Furthermore, having five partners leads towards their own
specific responsibilities which is a major advantage of shared management means management
decisions are shared among partners and work load is also split among the partners will help our
app towards our target market.

Service Line:
 Bus Tracking System:
Our application focuses on these issues, and in this manner gives Bus Tracking administrations.
The Application will follow the transports enlisted with the college, the data of which will be
shown on a guide in understudy's telephones. They will almost certainly observe the transports
nearest to their stops and what focuses on the course that specific transport is going to stop at. It
will likewise give the season of landing to the closest stops, Bus number, Drivers name and
contact number. On the choosing of Bus and course by the understudy, the driver will likewise

get a warning with respect to understudy's subtleties: name, move number, contact number,
division, which point he will be at.
 Scheduling:
scheduling as the semesters understudies are so depleted with heap of ventures, assignments and
tests pending that; various time they overlook the due date dates, accommodation time. All since,
they neglect to design. Application creates a total timetable for quite a long time and months as
coordinated the understudy. Additionally, the application will be associated with Slate and
critical due dates, accommodation subtleties, pending assignments, expected test and so on will
be conveyed to the understudy through day by day regularly warnings will be naturally included
their every daily day plans.
 Connectivity with slate and flex
The application is continuously connected with the updates of slate and flex of the individuals of
the students of FAST NUCES. This includes that the classes schedule updates cancellation of
any class or events. Similarly, the flex in which marks and attendance of each student is shown
in our app.
Organization and Staff:
Staff Required:
There will be total of five staff members which includes:
 One receptionist which will be dealing the customers from front desk and guiding them to any
available of five partners of business.
 One app developers which will make website, updating and handling the changes and correcting
the discrepancies will be done by them
 One office boy which will be serving the food and tea/snacks to the staff and the customers
 One Peon who will be responsible for cleaning and maintain of the office
 One technician, which will repair, fit the equipment of the system.
Hiring of Employees:
Firstly, see the letter/ CV of the applicants and if the CV is relevant to the job required and
focused upon the company goals then they will be called for the interview and while conducting
interview knowledge of the job applied by the applicant and the attitude of his/her towards job
will be acknowledge.
When the employees are hired then it will be head of the business holders duty to train them,
address them and treat them so that they work well and good enough to take our company
towards high goals achievements. In addition, if anything gets wrong then rather than directly
firing or acting rude with the staff address them their mistake and train them the right way of
doing the task.

Sources of Start-up Capital:
As we are five partners, which will be, running the business and each of us individual have a
certain amount of money saved which will be invested for our start up business. Basically, to
start up a business you need certain amount of capital to start the business so having some of our
own money we will take loans from our close family members (father or relative) and friends by
showing them our business plan. Which includes the forecasting which will tell the cost and how
the profit will be generated and business will be stable from the start, by explaining this to our
lenders this way it will clarify their mind that yes there is a need of this business idea (service).
In addition, there is highly low risk and most importantly by assuring them that, they will get
their money back at the earliest time. Secondly, we will be going towards banks and by
explaining them our business plan including the business analysis, forecasting of how the
business will run and gain profit and how possibly early the coat will be recovered and profit will
be gained which results to highly low risk. We will also be providing marketing plan of how to
market and positioned our app in our target market minds by fulfilling the need of the customers,
with our this app. Firstly, before taking loan from any cooperation or any government private or
microfinance bank. We will register our company which will be a advantage point for us to get
loan from banks or corporations.
Questions can arise that can your all loan could be borrowed? Well the answer to this question is
tough but our business plan is effective and efficient enough which includes correct forecasting,
successful business analysis, marketing analysis then chances of getting loans from any
cooperation will be higher.
Secondly, question arises how capital will be used? Therefore, capital will be used in start-up
capital, which includes fixtures and equipment, rents, business license and permits, initial
inventory. Operation expenses, which will be to run the business.

Start-Up Capital
Investment Capital
Appricote’s main Head office will be established in Blue area. A fully furnished office including
lighting, desks, chairs and sofas, coffee table, mini fridge, central Air conditioning etc. Rented at
a cost of Rs. 70,000 per month, although we will be paying advance rent for 2 months with
security fee that is 20% of the monthly rent that is Rs. 14,000. Overall, the initial investment in
office acquisition will be Rs. 154,000. Backend Server for the app will cost around Rs. 200,000
on the contract made initially. Moreover, the server provider will allow us to use their server in
case our server is down as per the contract; if not other, alternatives will be provided by them on
the same monthly cost.
Further, we plan to invest in three ASUS LED monitors OF resolution 1366x768 along with
CPU and a pair of Mouse and keyboard costing Rs. 30,000 each. In total, the cost will be Rs.
90,000. Further equipment’s includes office electric appliances such as coffee maker, mini

10 | P a g e
microwave, wires and extensions, stationary, office cutlery, cleaning supplies etc., costing a total
of Rs. 50,000
Moreover High-speed internet 8 Mbps and 160 GB volume will be installed at an installation
cost of Rs. 15,000. Along with Computer installation cost of Rs. 2000 will be paid as well. For
the purpose of Application development the hired developer will be paid Rs. 60, 000 initially and
then will be paid the decided amount monthly. In addition, Business Registration fee of Rs.
5,000 also needed to be paid as per the rules and regulations of SECP. Rs. 30,000 will be spent
on flyers, poster and social media for the advertisements before the incorporation of business in
order to create hype among the targeted customers. Lastly, Rs. 50, 000 will be kept for
unforeseen item

Building Rs. 154,000

Equipment Rs. 140,000

Miscellaneous Rs. 362,000

Total Investment Rs. 656,000

Working Capital
Our staff members includes:
 A receptionist: With a salary of Rs. 15,000 per month
 A technician: at a monthly salary of Rs. 15,000
 App Developer: receives a salary of Rs. 30,000 per month
 Office Boy: monthly salary of Rs. 10,000
 Peon: Rs. 5000 given per month
We will be keep the estimated 2 month salaries of all of our employ, available after the
commencement of the business. The total Cost will be Rs. 150,000. We will also keep 2 months
estimated amount for payment of electricity, Sui gas, water which Internet approximately total
up to Rs. 75,000. Around Rs. 15,000 to Rs. 20,000 will be spent on advertisements with in the 2
months approximately. Maintain the backend server will cost Rs. 10,000 for coming 2 months.
Lastly Rs. 50, 000 will be kept for unforeseen Expenses.

Working Capital
2 Months Of Staff Cost Rs. 150,000

2 Months Of Operational Cost Rs. 155,000

11 | P a g e
Total Working Capital Rs. 305,000

Total Start-Up Capital

Rs. 961,000

Profit Margin:
Profit margin is the percentage of profit left for the organization after deducting the expenses of
the organization. It explains how efficiently the organization is using its income. To calculate it
the formula is
Profit margin ratio= Net Income/Sales
As the Profit margin ratio is 3.12% of the first year, which means 3.12% of sales are left after all
the expenses, are paid which is the amount of net income earned with each rupee of sales
generated. It is a little low in the first year as the business is only at its development stage, which
is expected to increase in the future years.

12 | P a g e

1. Having a mobile app for daily schedule will be of great help.

a. Strongly Disagree
b. Disagree
c. Neutral
d. Agree
e. Strongly Agree
2. If there will be an app which will help in tracking busses, it will help a lot.
a. Strongly Disagree
b. Disagree
c. Neutral
d. Agree
e. Strongly Agree
3. Paying for daily notifications of university routine instead of using university sites will be
a. Strongly Disagree
b. Disagree
c. Neutral
d. Agree
e. Strongly Agree
4. What is the most effective method of promotion in your opinion?
a. Online Marketing
b. Print Media Promotion
c. Awareness Campaigns
d. Posters
5. Do you take time to see paid advertisements on YouTube or other social media forums?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Sometimes
6. Do you take time to see and read the posters and banners placed in your university
a. Yes
b. No
c. Sometimes

13 | P a g e
Results of Each Question:

Having a mobile app for daily schedule will be of great help

2% 1% 3%



Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

1.      If there will be an app which will help in tracking busses, it will help a


58% 27%

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

14 | P a g e
Paying for daily notifications of university routine instead of using
university sites will be easy.

13% 15%




Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

What is the most effective method of promotion in your opinion?

7% 10%


Online Marketing Print Media Promotion Awareness Campaigns Posters

15 | P a g e
Do you take time to see paid advertisements on YouTube or other social
media forums?




Yes No Sometimes

Do you take time to see and read the posters and banners placed in your
university campus?




Yes No Sometimes

16 | P a g e

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