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Beant College of Engineering & Technology, Gurdaspur

Physics (Poly Wing)

Time Allowed: 02 Hrs Max. Marks : 120

Note: Each correct answer carries one (1) marks and 0.5 marks will be deducted for
each wrong answer.

1. A job is done slowlyhe same job is done quickly. Both jobs require same amount of work, but
different amount of
(a) Power (b) energy (c) both of these (d) none of these

2. Work done to bring a positive charge from infinity to some point in a electric field is dependent
of the path.
(a) True (b) False (c) Uncertain (d) None of these

3. Electric field lines and equipotential lines are

(a) Always orthogonal (b) orthogonal only when electric field is uniform
(c) orthogonal only when potential does not change (d) none of these

4. The effect of the dielectric is to

(a) increase the capacitance (b) decrease the capacitance
(c ) reduce the working voltage (d) increase the distance between the plates
5. Suppose that a neutron at rest in free space decays into a proton and an electron. This process
would violate
(a) conservation of charge (b) conservation of energy
(c) conservation of linear momentum (d) conservation of angular momentum
6. The direction of motion of a conductor in a magnetic field is given by
(a) Fleming’s rule (b) Maxwell’s right hand rule
(c ) Lenz’s law (d) Kirchhoff’s law
7. Current through an inductor follows (when circuit is closed)
(a) a linear growth (b) a linear decay
(c) an exponential growth (d) an exponential decay
8. Which is of following is correct ?
(a) (b) (c ) (d) All of these are correct.

9. For a magnetic substance, the hysteresis loss per unit volume is equal to
(a) area enclosed by B-H curve (b) H.π times area enclosed by B-H curve
(c ) 1/H.π times area enclosed by B-H curve (d) none of these

10. Circular motion is a

(a) accelerated uniform motion (b) uniform circular motion
(c) both a and b (d) none of these

11. As a result of reflections from a plane conducting wall, electromagnetic waves acquire an
apparent velocity greater than the velocity of light in space. This is called the
(a) velocity of propagation (b) normal velocity
(c ) group velocity (d) phase velocity

12. The depth of penetration of wave in a lossy dielectric increases with increasing
(a) conductivity (b) permeability (c ) wavelength (d) permittivity

13. The energy stored in the magnetic field of a solenoid 30 cm long and 3 cm diameter wound with
100 turns of wire carrying a current of 10 A is
(a) 0.015 J (b) 0.15 J (c) 0.5 J (d) 1.15 J
14. A point charge Q is located on the surface of a sphere of radius, R. The average electric filed on
the surface of the sphere will be

(a) infinite (b)

(c) (d) zero

15. The velocity of the plane wave is

(a) (b) (c) (d)

16. When electromagnetic waves are reflected at an angle from a wall, their wave length along the
wall is
(a) the same as in free space
(b) the same as the wavelength perpendicular to the wall
(c) shortened because of the Doppler effect
(d) greater than in the actual direction of propagation.
17. The ratio of the intensity of magnetic field at the centre of a very long solenoid to that at the
extreme ends is
(a) 2 (b) ½ (c) 4 (d) ¼
18. Poisson’s equation states that
(a) (b) (c) (d)
19. In a charged bubble, the mechanical force due to the charge is counter balanced by
(a) force of gravitation (b) viscosity
(c) surface tension (d) none of these

20. An electron and proton with the same energy, E approaches a potential barrier V > E. do they
have the same probability of getting through ?

(a) Yes (b) No, electron has greater probability

(c) No, proton has greater probability (d) Both can not get through

21. is based on
(a) Ampere’s law (b) Faraday’s law (c ) Ohm’s law (d) Gauss’s law

22. The units of is

(a) V/m2 (b) coul / m2 (c) V / m (d) Q / m

23. Physical meaning of is that

(a) an isolated monopole exist (b) an isolated monopole does not exist
( c) both (a) and (b) (d) none of these
24. Magnetic flux density emerging out of a closed surface is
(a) infinite (b) zero (c) depends upon the magnetic
movement inside the closed boundary (d) both (b) and (c) above
25. The energy density in static magnetic field is

(a) (b) (c) (d)

26. According to Curie-Weiss law, the susceptibility of a substance varies as

(a) T (b) I / T -  (c) T2 (d) T - 2

27. The source of H is

(a) Q (b) M (c) I (d) B

28. Which of the following is correct ?

(a) (b) (c ) (d) All of these are correct.

29. Permeability is magnetic phenomenon and is analogous to which one of the following in electric
phenomenon ?
(a) Inductance (b) Current Density (c ) Conductivity (d) Resistance

30. The magnetic flux density at the end of a one meter long solenoid carrying current of I amp and
having N turns will be

(a) (b) (c) (d)

31. The mutual inductance of two coils is maximum, when the coils are
(a)inclined at an angle of 45o (b) at right angle to each other
(c ) facing each other (d) touching each other
32. For a constant inductance of L henry, the energy stored in a magnetic field is
(a) ½ mv2 (b) ½ Lv2 (c) ½ LI2 (d) ½ LV2

33. The wavelength of a wave with propogation constant is

(a) (b) 10 m (c) 20 m (d) 30 m

34. The vector H in the far field of an antenna satisfies

(a) (b)
(c ) (d)

35. If the vector and are conservative, then

(a) (b)
(c) (d)

36. The value of along a circle of radius of 2 units is

(a) zero (b) 2 π (c) 4π (d) 8π
37. If the electric field and , then the displacement current crossing an area
of 0.1 m2 at t=0 will be
(a) zero (b) 0.04 o (c) 0.4 o (d) 4 o

38. The potential difference between the forces A and B of a uniformly polarized infinite slabs at a
distance, d is

(a) (b) (c) (d)

39. The electric field strength at a distance point, P due to a point charge, +q, located at the origin,
is 100 µ V / m. If the point charge is now enclosed by a perfectly conducting metal sheet
sphere whose centre is at the origin, then the electric field strength at the point P, outside
the sphere becomes
(a) zero (b) 100 µV/m (c) – 100 µV/m (d) 50 µV/m

40. Magnetic flux density at a point distant, R due to an infinitely long linear conductor carrying a
current, I is given by

(a) (b) (c) (d)

41. The de-Broglie wavelength of an electron accelerated to a potential difference of V volts is

(a) Ao (b) (c) (d) Ao

42. If  and ’ are the wavelength of soft and hard x-rays, then
(a)  <’ (b)  = ’ (c) >’ (d) 

43. If  and ’ are the wavelength of x-rays and -rays, then

(a)  =’ (b)  > ’ (c) <’ (d) ’=1

44. If sin(zx) is the eigan function then the eigan values of the operator would be
(a)2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d)8

45. Two wavefunctions 1 and 2 are orthogonal if

(a) (b) (c)

46. A particle in box in the lowest energy state (n=1) is most likely to be in the /at
(a)middle of the box (b)the walls (c)nowhere in the box (d)all of these

47. The lowest energy that a neutron (mass = 1.67 x 10-27 kg) can have, if confined to move along
the edge of an impenetrable box of length 10-14 meter is
(a)3.29 x 10-13 J (b) 2.05 x 10-8 J (c) 1.16 x 10-13 J (d) 7.09 x 10-10 J

48. The acceptable wave function,  must fulfill the requirements that
(a)it must be finite, single valued and continous (b)it must be normalizable
(c)the integral of over the whole space must be unity (d)all of these
49. The schrodinger’s equation for an Harmonic oscillator has finite and continous solution at value
of energy, E given by
(a) (n+1)h (b) (n/2 + 1)h (c) (n+1/2)h (d) (n+1)/2 .h

50. A particle is confined to cubical rigid box, the eigan values of the particle would be given by
(a) (b)
(c) (d) En = 0, for every value of nx, ny and nz

51. The ratio of magnetic dipole moment, 1 to the orbital angular momentum, L is given by (of
electron) (1/L)
(a)eh /4m (b) Ze/2m (c) e/ 2m (d)e/4m

52. Zeeman effect is an example of

(a)Magnetic-optical phenomenon (b) Electro-mechanical phenomenon
(c)Thermo-electrical phenomenon (d)Electro-magnetic phenomenon

53. The magnitude of spin angular momentum is given by

(a) (b) (c) (d)

54. The energy levels of diatomic molecules are

(a)continous (b)discrete and equispaced
(c) discrete and non-equispaced (d)discrete but the zero point energy is not zero

55. The expectation of potential energy of hydrogen atom is

(a)zero (b)13.6 eV (c) -13.6 eV (d)-27.2 eV

56. The correct identity is

(a) (b)
(c) (d)

57. The energy eigan values of

(a)free particle are discrete (b)a particle in a box are continous
(c)a simple harmonic oscillator are discrete and equispaced
(d)a particle in a box are discrete and equispaced

58. For a particle executing simple harmonic motion along x-axis, classical amplitude is “a” and
regular frequency, . Acoording to quantum mechanics, the minimum energy in ground
stateof a particle is
(a)zero (b)1/2 h (c) h (d) ½.m2a2

59. The wavefunction associated with a material particle is

(a)only finite (b)only continous
(c)only single valued (d)finite, continous and single valued

60. If is a normalized wave function, the values of “a” will be

(a) 1 (b) 0 (c) (/a)-1/4 (d)a/2
61. A network contains linear resistors and ideal voltage sources. If the value of all resistors are
doubled, then the voltage across each resistor is
(a) Halved (b)Doubled (c) Increased by 4 times (d)No Change

62. If an intrinsic semiconductor is doped with a very small amount of boron, then in the intrinsic
semiconductor so formed, the number of electrons and hole will
(a) Decrease (b) Increase and decrase respectively
(c) Increase (d) Decrease and increase respectively

63. Entropy of the Universe tends to be

(a)a minimum (b)zero
(c) no particular value as it remains constant (d)a maximum

64. In any single irreversible process ……………. Of the whole system increases.
(a)Gibb’s potential (b) Helmholtz potential (c)entropy (d)enthalpy

65. If molar Cp = 4.97 cal/mole, then

(a)Cv = 2.97 (b)Cv = 1.97 (c) Cv = 5.97 (d) Cv = 0.97

66. There are two lead spheres, ratio of the radii being 1 : 2, both at the same temperature. The
ratio of the heat contents are
(a) 1 : 1 (b) 1 : 2 (c) 1 : 4 (d) 1 : 8

67. The internal energy of a system is the

(a)potential energy of the particles of system
(b)kinetic energy of the particles of system
(c)sum of kinetic and mutual potential energies of the particles of system
(d) difference between the kinetic and mutual potential energies of the particles of system

68. Steam of 100g is mixed with 1500 grams of water at 15 g, so that the final temperature of the
mixture is 80oC. Mass of the steam is
(a)1250 grams (b) 625 grams (c) 175 grams (d) 350 grams

69. Let K be the thermal conductivity for a certain metal, whose electrical conductivity is  and T be
the absolute temperature, then these are related as
(a)K / = constant (b) K /.T = constant
(c) K /T = constant (d) K /T = constant

70. The slopes of isothermal and adiabatic curves are related as

(a)Isothermal curve slope = Adiabatic curve slope
(b) Isothermal curve slope =  x Adiabatic curve slope
(c) Adiabatic curve slope =  x Isothermal curve slope
(d) Adiabatic curve slope = /2 x Isothermal curve slope

71. In the distribution of energy radiated by a black body, we find Planck’s formula reduces to a
Rayleigh Jeans formula in a black body radiation for
(a)higher wavelength region (b)small wavelength
(c)both (a) and (b) above (d)no relation between the two.

72. A vessel contains an ideal monatomic gas, which expands at constant pressure when heat, Q is
supplied to it. Then work done in the expansion is
(a) Q (b) 3/5 Q (c) 2/5 Q (d) 2/3 Q

73. Two stars A and B emit maximum radiation at 3500 A and 4500 A respectively. The temperature
for the two stars A and B are in the ratio
(a) 1 : 7 (b) 7 : 9 (c) 9 : 7 (d) 63 : 1

74. The mean free path is

(a)inversely proportional to Pressure (P) (b) directly proportional to Pressure (P)
(c)proportional to P2 (d) proportional to P4

75. A kg of water at 4oC occupies a certain volume, V. Which of the following statements is correct
(a)It will weigh less than the one kg of water at 0oC
(b) It will weigh more than the one kg of water at 0oC
(c)Its volume will decrease when its temperature is lowered
(d) Its volume will increase when its temperature is lowered or raised.

76. At the triple point

(a)a substance exists in equilibrium in all the three states of matter
(b)a substance can be easily solidified
(c) a substance can be easily liquified
(d)sublimation takes place

77. If pressure is increased on piece of wax, the melting point of wax

(a)decreases (b)does not change (c)increases (d)decreases first then increases

78. Viscosity in a gas at temperature, T

(a)increases in proportional to (b) increases as T increases
(c) is independent of T (d) decreases as T increases

79. The ground state energy of a Bose-Einstein gas is zero. The number of molecules in the ground
state level at finite temperature will be
(a)zero (b)half the total number (c)maximum, nearly equal to total number
(d)nothing can be said since the number of molecules will depend upon its temperature

80. Two bodies are said to be in thermal equilibrium, when they are equal in
(a)temperature (b)heat content (c)heat capacity (d)specific heat

81. Moseley’s law relates

(a)wavelength and intensity of X-rays (b)frequency and voltage applied
(c) frequency and atomic number (d)wavelength and angle of scattering

82. When electron annihilates with positron there is emission of

(a)two -photons of varying energy (b)two -photons of same energy
(c)any number of -photons of varying energy (d)one -photon

83. The minimum energy required for the pair production is

(a)2.024 MeV (b)1.012 MeV (c)0.511 MeV (d)4.048 MeV

84. The interaction phenomena of photon with matter validate

(a)particle nature of radiation (b) wave nature of radiation
(c) wave as well as particle nature of radiation (d)none of these

85. The energy band gap of semiconductor

(a)increases with increase in T (b) decreases with increase in T
(c)does not vary with change in T (d)changes as a function of T & H

86. A laser operates at a frequency of 3 x 104 Hz and has slit width of 10-2 m. The angular spread
will be
(a)10-2 radian (b) 10-3 radian (c) 10-4 radian (d) 10-5 radian

87. The wavelength of microwaves is of the order of

(a)meter (b)millimeter (c)micrometer (d)angstrom

88. Zener diode is used for

(a)Regulating current (b)Regulating Voltage
(c) Amplifying Voltage (d)Amplifying Current

89. Which of the following is not radioactive ray ?

(a)X-rays (b)Alpha Rays (c)Gamma Rays (d)Beta Rays

90. The energy of X-rays increases with

(i)increase in filament current (ii) increase in filament temperature
(iii) decrease in filament temperature (iv)increase in accelerating voltage
(v)Intensity of electrons impinging on target
(a) (i) and (iii) (b) (i) and (v)
(c) (i), (ii) and (iv) (d) (i), (iii), (iv) and (v)

91. If a radioactive material has a half-life of 1 year, then its mass reduces to 6.25% in
(a)1/2 years (b) 2 years (c) 3 years (d) 4 years

92. The characteristics of Isomers are

(a)same A, same Z (b) same A, different Z
(c) same N, different Z (d) same A, different N

93. Which of the following elementary particle is a lepton ?

(a)Photon (b)-meson (c)-meson (d)Proton

94. One Bequerel is equal to

(a)1 disintegration per sec (b) 106 disintegration per sec
(c) 3.7 x 1010 disintegration per sec (d) 103 disintegration per sec
95. He-Ne laser is a
(a)atomic gas laser with pulsed output (b)atomic gas laser with continuous output
(c)molecular gas laser with pulsed output (d) molecular gas laser with continuous output

96. The more penetration depth of a radiation means

(a)small wavelength (b) large wavelength (c) high intensity (d) low intensity

97. The charged particle (-q) accelerated through an potential difference of V Million volts (MV) and
then changed to charged particle (+q) and then again accelerated through an potential
difference of Million volts (MV) will acquire energy (MeV) equal to
(a)(q+1).V (b)q. V (c)(q-1).V (d)q. (V+1)/2

98. The MOSFET switch in its on-state may be considered equivalent to

(a) resistor (b) inductor (c) capacitor (d) battery

99. The mobility of an electron in a conductor is expressed in terms of

(a) cm2 / V-s (b) cm / V-s (c) cm2 / V (d) cm2 / s

100. The bandwidth of an RF tuned amplifier is dependent on

(a) Q-factor of the tuned output circuit (b) Q-factor of the tuned input circuit
(c) Quiescent operating point (d) depends on (a), (b) and (c)

101. The minimum number of NAND gates required to implement is equal to

(a) zero (b) 1 (c) 4 (d) 7

102. An X-Y flip-flop, whose characteristic Table is given below is to be implemented using a J-K flip-
X Y Qn+1
0 0 1
0 1 Qn
1 0 Qn
1 1 0
This can be done by making
(a) (b)
(c) (d)

103. The digital multiplexer is basically a combinational logic circuit to perform the operation
(a) AND – AND (b) OR – OR (c) AND – OR (d) OR – AND

104. The homogeneity of time leads to the law of conservation of

(a) linear momentum (b) angular momentum (c) energy (d) parity
105. The isotropy of space leads to the law of conservation of
(a) linear momentum (b) angular momentum (c) energy (d) parity

106. The least count of screw gauge (micrometer) is

(a) 0.1 mm (b) 0.01 mm (c) 0.001 mm (d) 1mm
107. In a classical micro-canonical emsemble for a system of N non-interacting particles, the
fundamental volume in phase space which is regarded as “equivalent to one micro-state” is
(a) h3N (b) h2N (c) hN (d) h
Where h is the Planck’s constant.
108. The baryon number of proton, the lepton number of proton, the baryon number of electron
and the lepton number of electron are respectively
(a) zero, zero, one and zero (b) one, one, zero and one
(c ) one, zero, zero and one (d) zero, one, one and zero

109. The nuclear spins of 6C14 and 12Mg25 nuclei are respectively
(a) zero and half-integer (b) half-integer and zero
(c ) an integer and half-integer (d) both half-integers

110. Nuclear forces are

(a) spin dependent and have no non-central part
(b) spin dependent and have a non-central part
(c ) spin independent and have no non-central part
(d) spin independent and have a non-central part

111. An electron is accelerated from rest by 10.2 million volts. The percent increase in its mass is
(a) 20,000 (b) 2,000 (c) 200 (d) 20

112. The unit vector normal to the surface at the point (1,1,7) is

(a) (b)

(c ) (d)

113. For an NaCl crystal, the cell edge , a = 0.563 nm. The smallest angle at which Bragg reflection
can occur corresponds to a set of planes whose indices are
(a) (100) (b) (110) (c) (111) (d) (200)

114. Silicon has diamond structure with unit-cell edge, a = 0.542 nm. The interatomic separation is
(a) 0.122 nm (b) 0.234 nm (c) 0.383 nm (d) 0.542 nm

115. The spin and parity of 4Be9 nucleus, as predicted by Shell model, are respectively
(a) 3/2 and odd (b) ½ and odd (c) 3/2 and even (d) ½ and even

116. The built-in potential (diffusion potential) in a p-n junction

(a) Is equal to the difference in the fermi level of two sides
(b) Increases with increase in doping level of two sides
(c ) Increases with increase in temperature (d) All of these

117. A zener diode works on the principle of

(a) Tunneling of charge carriers across junction (b) Thermionic emmissin
(c ) Diffusion of charge carriers across junction (d) Hopping of charge carriers across junction

118. Avalanche diode has breakdown voltage

(a) With +ve temperature coefficient (b) With -ve temperature coefficient
(c) Independent of temperature (d) None of these

119. In a He-Ne laser, the laser transitions takes place in

(a) He only (b) Ne only (c) Ne first, then in He (d) He first, then in Ne

120. It is necessary to apply quantum statistics to a system of particles if

(a) there is substantial overlap between the wavefunctions of the particles
(b) the mean free path of the particles is comparable to the inter-particle separations.
(c) the particles have identical mass and charge
(d)the particles are interacting

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