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1 Pengenalan kepada Kimia Modul

Introduction to Chemistry PBD

1.1 Perkembangan Bidang Kimia dan Kepentingannya dalam Kehidupan

Development of Chemistry and Its Importance in Daily Life
1 Padankan setiap kerjaya yang memerlukan ilmu kimia dengan tanggunjawabnya.
Pair up each career that requires chemistry knowledge with its responsibilities. SP 1.1.4

Kerjaya Tanggungjawab
Career Responsibilities
Ahli kimia Mengkaji sifat-sifat polimer dan menghasilkan polimer baharu untuk
analitik memenuhi kehendak industri dan kehidupan zaman moden.
Analytical chemist Studies the properties of polymers and produce new polymers to fulfil the
needs of the industry and modern life.
Ahli kimia Mengkaji proses-proses kehidupan dalam tumbuhan dan haiwan
polimer yang melibatkan bahan-bahan kimia seperti proses respirasi.
Polymer chemist Studies the life processes in plants and animals that involve chemicals
such as the respiration process.
Jurutera kimia Menganalisa sampel-sampel air, udara dan pepejal untuk
Chemical engineer menentukan identiti bahan-bahan kimia.
Analyses water, air and solid samples to identify chemicals.
Ahli biokimia Terlibat dalam perancangan, pengawasan dan pelaksanaan proses-
Biochemist proses industri dan kejuruteraan yang melibatkan penggunaan
bahan-bahan kimia.
Involved in the planning, monitoring and implementation of industrial
and engineering processes that involve the usage of chemicals.

1.2 Penyiasatan Saintifik dalam Kimia/Scientific Investigation in Chemistry

2 Kenal pasti istilah bagi setiap kaedah saintifik berikut.

Identify the terms of each of the following scientific method. SP 1.2.1

Peta Pemikiran Peta Titi

Teori Hipotesis Kaedah saintifik

Theory Hypothesis Scientific method

Maklumat yang Prinsip-prinsip am Pernyataan pada Pendekatan

dikumpulkan yang menerangkan awal eksperimen sistematik dalam
dalam eksperimen suatu fakta berdasarkan penyelidikan
Information General principles andaian Systematic approach
gathered in an that explain a fact A statement made at in research
experiment the beginning of an
experiment based on
an assumption

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Praktis Pentaksiran 1

Soalan Aneka Pilihan

Arahan: Pilih jawapan terbaik daripada pilihan A, B, C dan D.
Instructions: Choose the best answer from options A, B, C and D.
1 Antara berikut, apakah nilai-nilai murni dan haba terbebas (kJ mol )
sikap saintifik yang perlu diamalkan semasa energy released

menjalankan suatu penyiasatan saintifik?

Which of the following values and scientific 3000

attitudes are necessary when carrying out a 2500

scientific investigation? 2000

I Berfikiran kritikal dan analitis 1500
Critical and analytical thinking 1000
II Sistematik dan bekerjasama 500
Systematic and cooperative bilangan atom karbon
0 1 2 3 4 5 number of carbon atoms
III Jujur dan tepat semasa merekod dan
mengesahkan data Rajah 1/Diagram 1
Honest and accurate when recording and A Ketumpatan alkohol tidak berubah
validating data walaupun saiz molekul bertambah
IV Bertanggungjawab ke atas keselamatan The density of alcohols does not change even
diri dan rakan serta terhadap alam sekitar though the molecules increase in size
Responsible for safety of oneself, others and B Haba pembakaran alkohol bertambah
the environment apabila bilangan atom karbon dalam
A I dan II sahaja C II, III dan IV sahaja molekul meningkat
I and II only II, III and IV only The heat of combustion of alcohols increases
B I dan IV sahaja D I, II, III, IV when the number of carbon atoms in the
I and IV only molecule increases
C Ketumpatan alkohol meningkat apabila
2 Antara berikut, yang manakah diperlukan saiz molekul alkohol betambah
TP 1
dalam penulisan laporan eksperimen? The density of alcohols increases when the
Which of the followings are required when size of the alcohol molecule increases
writing an experiment report? D Haba pembakaran berkadar songsang
I Tujuan eksperimen III Tarikh dengan bilangan atom karbon dalam
Aim of the experiment Date alkohol
II Kesimpulan IV Masa The heat of combustion is inversely
Conclusion Time proportional to the number of carbon atoms
A I dan III sahaja C I, II dan III sahaja in the alcohol
I and III only I, II and III only
B II dan IV sahaja D I, II, III, IV 4 Apakah haba pembakaran alkohol yang
TP 4
II and IV only mempunyai formula molekul C3H7OH?
What is the heat of combustion of an alcohol with
Soalan 3 dan 4 adalah berdasarkan Rajah 1 molecular formula C3H7OH? TP 4
Questions 3 and 4 are based on Diagram 1 A 1800 kJ mol–1 C 2200 kJ mol–1
B 2000 kJ mol –1
D 2500 kJ mol–1
3 Rajah 1 menunjukkan ukuran haba
TP 3
pembakaran beberapa jenis alkohol. Apakah
kesimpulan yang boleh dibuat berdasarkan
graf ini?

Diagram 1 shows the measurement of the heat

of combustion of several types of alcohols. What
conclusion can be drawn from the graph?

© Oxford Fajar Sdn. Bhd. (008974-T) 2019

Soalan Struktur
Arahan: Jawab semua soalan dalam bahagian ini.
Instructions: Answer all questions in this section.
1 Jadual 1 menunjukkan ukuran isi padu gas hidrogen yang terbebas apabila serbuk zink dicampurkan
kepada 100 cm3 asid hidroklorik yang berlebihan. Gas hidrogen dikumpulkan secara penyesaran air
dalam buret. Bacaan awal buret adalah 50.0 cm3.
Table 1 shows the volume of hydrogen gas produced when zinc powder is added to 100 cm3 excess hydrochloric
acid. The hydrogen gas is collected through water displacement in a burette. The initial burette reading is
50.0 cm3.

Jisim serbuk zink Bacaan buret (cm3) Isi padu gas hidrogen (cm3)
Mass of powdered zinc Burette reading (cm3) Volume of hydrogen gas (cm3)
0.20 42 8
0.40 34 16
0.60 25 25
0.80 18 32
1.00 10 40
Jadual 1/Table 1
(a) Apakah unit yang mungkin bagi jisim serbuk zink yang digunakan?
What is the possible unit for the mass of powdered zinc used?
[1 markah/mark]
(b) Dalam eksperimen ini, apakah pemboleh ubah yang
In this experiment, what is the
i bergerak balas?
responding variable?
Isi padu gas hidrogen/Volume of hydrogen gas

ii dimanipulasikan?
manipulated variable?
Jisim serbuk zink/Mass of powdered zinc

iii dimalarkan?
fixed variable?
Suhu, kepekatan dan isi padu asid/Temperature, concentration and volume of acid

[3 markah/marks]

© Oxford Fajar Sdn. Bhd. (008974-T) 2019

(c) Plotkan graf isi padu gas hidrogen yang terbebas melawan jisim serbuk zink pada kertas graf yang
disediakan di bawah.
Plot a graph of the volume of hydrogen gas produced against the mass of powdered zinc on the graph paper
provided below. TP 3 Menganalisis

[3 markah/marks]
(d) Apakah kesimpulan yang boleh anda buat mengenai keputusan eksperimen ini?
What conclusion can you make based on the results of this experiment? TP 4
Semakin banyak jisim zink yang digunakan, semakin banyak isi padu gas hidrogen yang terkumpul
The larger the mass of zinc used, the larger the volume of hydrogen gas collected
[1 markah/mark]

Soalan Esei
Arahan: Jawab semua soalan dalam bahagian ini.
Instructions: Answer all questions in this section.
1 Eksperimen dijalankan ke atas garam W dalam situasi berlainan. Pertimbangkan eksperimen dan
pemerhatian yang ditunjukkan dalam Jadual 1 berikut.
An experiment was carried out on salt W under different situations. Consider the experiments and observations
shown in the following Table 1. TP 3

Eksperimen Pemerhatian
Experiment Observation
50 g ketulan garam W + 50 cm3 air pada suhu 30°C Terdapat garam di dasar bikar
50 g salt W granules + 50 cm3 water at temperature 30°C Some salt at the bottom of the beaker
50 g serbuk garam W + 50 cm3 air pada suhu 30°C Tiada garam di dasar bikar
50 g W salt powder + 50 cm3 water at temperature 30°C No salt at the bottom of the beaker
Jadual 1/Table 1

© Oxford Fajar Sdn. Bhd. (008974-T) 2019

(a) (i) Terangkan maksud ‘hipotesis’.
Explain the meaning of ‘hypothesis’.
[1 markah/mark]
(ii) Cadangkan hipotesis untuk kedua-dua eksperimen di atas.

Suggest a hypothesis for both of the above experiments.
[1 markah/mark]
(b) Dalam kedua-dau eksperimen di atas, apakah pemboleh ubah yang
In both of the above experiments, what are the variables that are
(i) bergerak balas?
(ii) dimanipulasikan?
(iii) dimalarkan?
[3 markah/marks]
(c) Nyatakan dua nilai murni dan dua sikap saintifik yang mesti diamalkan semasa menjalankan
State two values and two scientific attitudes that must be practised when carrying out the experiment.
[4 markah/marks]

Aktiviti Tambahan Praktis Tambahan

© Oxford Fajar Sdn. Bhd. (008974-T) 2019


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