My/his/their Etc: y y R I o R S Er e H y Ts

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my/his/their etc.

-- my I like my house.
-- our

he his He likes his house.
she her She likes her house.
they their They like their house.

- its I Oxford (:= it) is farnous for its university.1
We use my /your/his erc.+ noun:
my bands his new car her parents
our clothes your best friend their room

his/her /their


!" ~

her car ~
(== Donna's car) ~
his bicycle their son

her husband bis sister their daughter

u a
(= Donna's

her children
(= Donna's
children) ti his parents their children

its and it's

its Oxford is famous for its universiry
it's (== it is) I like Oxford. It's a nice place. (= It is a nice place.)

130 mine/yours etc. ._ Unit 61 1/me/my/mine ._ Unit 62

Exercises Unit 60
60.1 Complete the sentences in the same way.
1 I'm going to wash m!;l !'.!.~.4.?... ... . 4 He's going to wash his hands
her their hands
2 She's going to wash . hands. 5 They're going to wash .
3 We're going to wash our hands . 6 Are you going to wash your hands ?
60.2 Complete the sentences in the same way.
1 He li.Y~S.. ~@ !'.!~ P.r&t~r.)t,2 . 5 1 . live with my . parents.
2 They live with their parents. 6 John .lives with his parents
3 We live with our parents. 7 Do you live with . your ········parents
······························ ········ ?
4 Jane lives with her parents. 8 Most children live . with
. . their parents .

60.3 Look at the family tree, and complete the sentences with his/her/their.

1 1 saw Sarah with her husband, Philip.

SARAH = PHILIP 2 I saw Laura and Steve with their children.
3 I saw Sreve with his wife, Laura.
4 l saw Gary with his brother, Tim.
5 I saw Laura with her brother, Tim.
6 1 saw Sarah and Philip with their . son, Tim.
7 1 saw Laura with her parents.
CARY TlM LAURA = STEVE 8 1 saw Emma and Robert with their parents .


60.4 Write my/our/your/his/her/their/its.

1 Do you like .... .!:!9.~L .. job?
2 I know Mr Watson, but I don't know his .... wife.
3 Alice and Tom live in London. Their son lives in Australia.
4 We're going to have a party. We're going to invite ali our friends.
5 Anna is going out with .. her . friends this evening.
6 1 like tennis. It's my favourite sport.
7 'Is that your car?' 'No, 1 haven't got a car.'
8 1 want to phone Maria. Do you know her phone number?
9 Do you think most people are happy in their jobs?
10 l'm going to wash my hair before I go out.
11 This is a beautiful cree. . its leaves are a beautiful colour.
12 John has a brother and a sister. .. his brother is 25, and his sister is 21.

60.5 Complete the sentences. Use my/his/their etc. with these words:
coat homework house husband key name
1 . d ' ·
J 1m .oesn t enJoy h~s J·ob It' · t.
. s not very 1nteres mg.
2 l can't gec in. l haven't got my key .
3 Sally is rnarried. her husband . works in a bank.
4 Please take off.................. ............... .
your coat . ... . . . . and sit clown.
S 'What are the children doing?' 'They're doing their homework
6 'Do you know that man?' 'Yes, but l don't know his name . .
7 We live in Barton Street. our house . is at the end on che left.


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