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Assignment #: 2
Subject: Productivity Enhancement
Student Name:
Student ID:
Class : Spring 2020 Quarter: 2 Group:
Assignment Due Date: 25-06-2020

A ) Last year productivity
Output = 9500 Units
Inputs = (450*25) + (0.9*150000) + (3000*2.6) + (2000) = 156050 L.E
The multifactor productivities = 9500/156050 = 0.061 Units / L.E

B ) This year productivity

Output = 11500 Units
Inputs = (370*25) + (0.9*280000) + (2700*2.6) + (3500) = 271770 L.E
The multifactor productivities = 11500/271770 = 0.042 Units / L.E
C )The % change in productivity = ( 0.042 - 0.061) / 0.061 * 100% = -31%
Decrease in productivity by 31%

The difference between A and
B is that A factors the labor
hours and the ending output.
just shows how much they can
produce in an hour. B in the
other hand factors in everything
from how much they spend for
energy, how much they pay the
workers, and their own capital
investments. The ending result
show much each unit is worth
per dollar


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