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Exercise 1

Read the sentence. Draw a if the statement tells about fact and a if it is opinion.

________1. The earth is made up of gases like oxygen carbon and others.

________2. The Sun is actually a star.

________3. ET is the friendly alien from the Outer Space.

________4. Conserving our forests greatly helps in preventing floods.

________5. The pen is mightier than the sword.

Exercise 2

Read the following paragraphs. Answer the questions.

A. Jose works with animals. In fact he spends every spare moment in a neighborhood pet store. After school
he helps feed the animals and clean their cages. He spends a lot of time training the animals so that they get
along with people.

B. Jose believes that being a veterinarian and working with animals would be a wonderful thing for him to do
when he grows up. He thinks that he will become an excellent veterinary doctor in the future.

Which paragraph expresses truth of facts?

Which paragraphs expresses a view or a belief?

How do you identify that the paragraph is true or just an opinion?

Exercise 3

Check ( / ) if the sentence states a fact and for the sentence that states an opinion cross it.

1. A forest is the best place to relax.

2. Christmas is the best time of the year.

3. Forest protects our wildlife; gives homes; food and water to animals and birds.

4. it is easier to wrap a big gift that a small one.

5. Malunggay leaves is good for the health


Group the class into three. Give them a checklist of statement of fact and opinion. Let them answer it and
compare their works with the other group.

Fact Opinion
1. I love water.
2.Ilocanos are thrifty
3. Animals need food in order to survive.
4. Kidney transplant always saves lives.
5. Clean water is pure water.
6. Drink about 6-8 glasses each day to be healthy and strong.
7. The earth revolves around the sun once in every 365 ¼ days or one year
8. Forest fire can be prevented.
9. We celebrate New Year every first day of January.
10. Trees prevent flood that can kill people and crops.


Exercises 1

Directions: Give as many adjectives as you can describe the following nouns.

1. girl
2. doll
3. father
4. school
5. baby

Exercise 2

Directions: Use the following phrases in the sentences.

1. the three big girls

2. whose bag?
3. your cousin
4. these men
5. many foreigner

Types of Adjectives

Descriptive Adjective – tell us about the kind or quality of a noun or pronoun.

Example: good girl, hard work, long stick

Demonstrative Adjective - point out nouns.

Example: this car , that road , these men , such things
Interrogative Adjective - ask questions
Example : which book ? , what answer ?, whose pen ?

Possessive Adjective - show possession. They are always followed by a noun.

Example: my friend, her mother , your brother

Adjective of Number/ Quantity - tell how many or how much.

Example : six balls, many people, more water, each person

Exercise 3
Give what type of adjective is given below: Descriptive Adjective, Demonstrative Adjective, Possessive Adjective or
Adjective of Number/Quality.
_______________________________________1. ten boys
_______________________________________2. handsome
_______________________________________3. slow
_______________________________________4. his father
_______________________________________5. my book
_______________________________________6. long ruler
_______________________________________7. black bag
_______________________________________8. green car
_______________________________________9. small boy
_______________________________________10. five fish

Exercise 1: Find Out and Learn
Read the selection below.
Trees Help Prevent Flooding
When plants grow in an area, the roots of plants dig deep in to the soil and create space between soil particles. When it rains in
highlands, water that flows downhill gets drained into the space created by the root system of plants. Due to this, chance of flooding
is greatly reduced. When plants are absent, especially in rocky areas, rocks prevent water from seeping into the ground. This
phenomenon is also observed in paved roads. Since there is no room for water to seep, flooding occurs in nearby water bodies. When
a layer of water runs off a rocky surface, it reduces friction and the following layers of water will run more freely as there is less
friction. If more water is dumped into rivers and lakes than they can handle, these water bodies tend to overflow and the banks burst
and cause flooding. If there are more trees in an area that is prone to water runoffs, the root system of trees can create space between
these rocks and hence reduce the amount of water being dumped into lakes and rivers.


1. What particular part of the tree helps prevent flooding?

2. Where does the water in highlands flow when it rains?
3. How do trees in an area that is prone to water runoffs help in flooding?
4. Explain what is the purpose of the selection?

* Explanation is the kind of text- type that shows how things work and why things happen.

Exercise 2: Draw a happy face if it is an explanation and sad face if it is not an explanation.

1. Press and hold to select a word, and then drag the selection handle.
2. In the nineteenth century, which was dark and inflationary age in typography and text designs may compositors
were encouraged to stuff extra space between sentences.
3. A rock crystal is formed by volcano. The lava from volcano comes down through the valleys tumbling rocks and
minerals to a flat land……
4. The reason why crystal has different colors is because of its mineral content.
5. Crystals grow in different shape because of their atoms.

 A fact is a statement that can be verified or proven true by objective means. We use records, experimentations or observation
to verify the statement.
 An opinion is a statement that cannot be verified by objective means. It can express a person’s feelings about an idea or
situation. It can also express a judgment or a prediction based on facts. However, an opinion is valid only if facts are stated to
support it.

Denotation refers to the literal meaning of a word, the "dictionary definition."¨ For example, if you look up the word snake in a dictionary,
you will discover that one of its denotative meanings is "any of numerous scaly, legless, sometimes venomous reptiles having a long,
tapering, cylindrical body and found in most tropical and temperate regions."
Connotation, on the other hand, refers to the associations that are connected to a certain word or the emotional suggestions related to
that word. The connotative meanings of a word exist together with the denotative meanings. The connotations for the word snake could
include evil or danger.
Other Examples:
The words home, house, residence and dwelling all have the same denotation, but the connotation of each word is very different.
Denotation :  Where a person lives at any given time.
Home : cozy, loving, comfortable Mother
House : the actual building or structure Denotation : female parent
Residence : cold, no feeling Connotation : love and respect security and warmth
Dwelling : primitive or basic surroundings
Denotation : scaly, legless reptile
Connotation : dangerous, evil, disloyal person
The connotation of a word is often either positive or negative
What does it mean for a word to have a positive connotation?
To be associated with something good.
What does it mean for a word to have a negative connotation?
To be associated with something bad.
What does it mean for a word to have a neutral connotation?
To be indifferent, not to have a strong feeling of the word being associated with something good or bad.
Positive Neutral Negative
home house dump
exotic foreign strange
chat talk babble
feast dinner chow
fragrance smell stench
venerable old decrepit
tune sound noise
pet animal beast
Exercise 1:
Which connotation is more positive? Choose the letter of the correct answer
1. Our trip to the amusement park was _________. ( a. fine b. wonderful )
2. _________ people rode on the roller coaster. ( a. Brave b. Foolhardy )
3. We saw _________ animals in the animal house. ( a. fascinating b. weird )
4. Some of the monkeys made _________ faces. (a. hilarious b. amusing )
5. Everyone had a ________ on his or her face on the way home. ( a. smile b. smirk )
Which connotation is more negative?
6. We bought _________ souvenirs at the amusement park. ( b. inexpensive)
7. I ate a _________ sandwich. ( a. soggy b. moist )
8. Mike _________ us to go to the funny house. ( a. nagged b. reminded )
9. I didn't like the _________ on the jester's face.( a. smirk b. grin )
10. It made me feel _________. ( a. uneasy b. frightened )
A generalization is a broad statement about a group of people or things. It states something they have in common. All and some are
words signal or give us a clue to recognize generalizations. Other clue words are the ff
– Sometimes – Always – Never – Most
– Generally – Many – None – Seldom
– All birds have wings.
– Many children eat cereal for breakfast.
– Everyone in Tennessee goes to the beach for the summer.
Some generalizations are valid or true, but some are faulty or invalid
Valid means true
– Supported by facts
– Agrees with what you know about the topic
– Uses logic and reasoning
– Proven with several examples
Example: All birds have wings.

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