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$.S.Ctr) A.p. rr.l-t^:itb Lttr I.10V.


Q'P, Gode : 258OG

(2/, hours)
Total Marksl T5
N. B.: (l) !5!! questions are gqmrrulsorY.
iZi Vtati suitable assumptions wherever necessary and E!4lglEg-ggqEEfgg!
{3) Answers to the ggmeggestign must be gi@.!ggg!@'
(4) Numbcrs to the g[[! indicate p4g$-
(5) Draw qgat lebeled diaerams w[ercver necessary,
(6) Use ofNoa-prograr,nqlable calculators is allowed- +
L Atswer q\ytwg.of the fotlowing: ro
a. Define cach of the foll,cwing terms:
i. Dirived class
ii. Abstract class
iii. Statio class N
iv. Sealed class \
v. Pdrtial class
-fil-Fxplainreferencc parameter with example- .+
f€ Wnxis a jagged xray? Explain with exarnple.
d. E:cplain method hiding with example. ft.
IL Answerrinv lpa of the fotlowing: $- l0
--a--txplain ffitn-toop with proper-syntax and example. ^ fy
b. What are thi various stages in ASP.NET page lifecycle? Arrange page
lifecycle evcnts in correct sequence in.which they are raised. q'{eYollowing
i. ' Unload
ii. PreRender (}
iii. Init if
iv. Load oP
v. SavestateComplete S' .

vi. InitComplete {O*

y1{hat is delegate?
'/ examptc. - Explain delegate dgclffition and delegate instantiation with
d. Explain about external style sheet an;$Uadvantages. How would you link an HTML
page to an external stVle sheet?
. qf
. III. Auswqr anvtwo of thefoilo@: 10
a. Explain ffirties ofwcb server controls.
&a-fitat is the scopc of proterftl\datamgnbers of a class? Explain method overloadingtiith

,r, ffil'it, crrecrceac$a "nrn of u check Box fired? Describe the foltowing
ProPerties: 6}' l'
i. Group\t$ib property of a Radio Button
ii. Text (g-pqrty of a Label | .

lll: ffi"HffiI#"illltffil" List Box and Drop-Down List.

d. E*pl{&ie similarities and diffe$ces between


I Contd...

""t- GW-Gon. 5854-{5,

Q.P. Gode;258OG

IV. Answer qrp,/rya of the followirg:

a. Write short descriptions for the f6llowing: 10 o
Sdssion state variables
What are the advantages of a master page? Explain qv
about ContentplaceHolder,s in
master pages. a\
G [hat
4d. ulrl is.RangeValidator?
r\arge y altoator? Lrescribe
yv rD. Describe any four properties of it. ,,5u
what are the advantagesand drawbaclr oiu*ini cootiesr nxprain uv,
: cookie and rehievbs iL -'rr'*r'r how serversetsft,e
.y. fryvSrgey.lrra of the fottowirg: Y' .r^
--*- Et<plain about sqlConnection and-sqtCommand
-jr What is a Gridview control? Explain how to enable
row selection. ^3
c' Briefly exprain Formview contror. How isdifferent- from Details[#,
d. {rite shOrt notes on Data Reader *O nutu itAdapte;.
1{._ fiyers4Jlwoofthefollowing:
n nf thafnllm-i^*. {
'I0 ;

6what areEffi;;ifiiffi4jJ?'B*pruin auout

upaffir^q>' and scriptManaser.
b. rffritejeuery pro.gram that-changes tt" uu"tgrou";'tqftV;i; paragraph
fT] cotoylto ve[ow when mor[e .rtro to red and
ouE li. etL{*i.*teround cotour to
white and fontcolourto black when rnour" frarmWp"***rfr.
--- rE 'Er*r
, ? ypl"ir I,INe to objects wirh an example. ,*\*
d' Bxplain the query operators sELEcT, rng[r)noERBy
and WHERE inLINe.
VIt ltnswer snv thregof the foilowine: a?,
Lu:ir:ti{i'r#dr,ll1ff "Ni*#*1'H:T;:;"$ffi *Tffi1;ffi [:
what is code-behind n,oa"r'in io* is
* URL encoding in
it?inJ."ni*o--singte file model?
6' what is a Data source? Explaiparious typ", of data
f. Explain LrNQ to sQr, yigihe h;rp
sources ia ASp.NET.
;i&;;ilffi ##;Ti;;in.

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. ^q\*
GW;Gon. s8s+{5,

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